view libass/ass_render.h @ 32972:fbaae7fe1a13

Fix several issues with Translate(). 1. The "Unsafe!" comment has been removed, because the strings passed to the function are strcpy'd. 2. The needless memsets (one of which with wrong size) have been removed in favor of a sufficiently simple initialization of trbuf. 3. The array indices are unsigned now, and the manual optimization of having strlen() outside the for loop has been removed in favor of optimization performed by the compiler. 4. There is a check now to prevent an out-of-bounds array access.
author ib
date Tue, 08 Mar 2011 20:56:51 +0000
parents e64df5862cea
children 88eebbbbd6a0
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2006 Evgeniy Stepanov <>
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Grigori Goronzy <>
 * This file is part of libass.
 * libass is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * libass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with libass; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_STROKER_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H

#include "ass.h"
#include "ass_font.h"
#include "ass_bitmap.h"
#include "ass_cache.h"
#include "ass_utils.h"
#include "ass_fontconfig.h"
#include "ass_library.h"
#include "ass_drawing.h"

#define GLYPH_CACHE_MAX 1000
#define BITMAP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE 30 * 1048576

typedef struct {
    double xMin;
    double xMax;
    double yMin;
    double yMax;
} DBBox;

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
} DVector;

typedef struct free_list {
    void *object;
    struct free_list *next;
} FreeList;

typedef struct {
    int frame_width;
    int frame_height;
    double font_size_coeff;     // font size multiplier
    double line_spacing;        // additional line spacing (in frame pixels)
    int top_margin;             // height of top margin. Everything except toptitles is shifted down by top_margin.
    int bottom_margin;          // height of bottom margin. (frame_height - top_margin - bottom_margin) is original video height.
    int left_margin;
    int right_margin;
    int use_margins;            // 0 - place all subtitles inside original frame
    // 1 - use margins for placing toptitles and subtitles
    double aspect;              // frame aspect ratio, d_width / d_height.
    double storage_aspect;      // pixel ratio of the source image
    ASS_Hinting hinting;

    char *default_font;
    char *default_family;
} ASS_Settings;

// a rendered event
typedef struct {
    ASS_Image *imgs;
    int top, height, left, width;
    int detect_collisions;
    int shift_direction;
    ASS_Event *event;
} EventImages;

typedef enum {
    EF_NONE = 0,
} Effect;

// describes a glyph
// GlyphInfo and TextInfo are used for text centering and word-wrapping operations
typedef struct {
    unsigned symbol;
    unsigned skip;              // skip glyph when layouting text
    FT_Glyph glyph;
    FT_Glyph outline_glyph;
    Bitmap *bm;                 // glyph bitmap
    Bitmap *bm_o;               // outline bitmap
    Bitmap *bm_s;               // shadow bitmap
    FT_BBox bbox;
    FT_Vector pos;
    char linebreak;             // the first (leading) glyph of some line ?
    uint32_t c[4];              // colors
    FT_Vector advance;          // 26.6
    Effect effect_type;
    int effect_timing;          // time duration of current karaoke word
    // after process_karaoke_effects: distance in pixels from the glyph origin.
    // part of the glyph to the left of it is displayed in a different color.
    int effect_skip_timing;     // delay after the end of last karaoke word
    int asc, desc;              // font max ascender and descender
    int be;                     // blur edges
    double blur;                // gaussian blur
    double shadow_x;
    double shadow_y;
    double frx, fry, frz;       // rotation
    double fax, fay;            // text shearing

    BitmapHashKey hash_key;
} GlyphInfo;

typedef struct {
    double asc, desc;
} LineInfo;

typedef struct {
    GlyphInfo *glyphs;
    int length;
    LineInfo *lines;
    int n_lines;
    double height;
    int max_glyphs;
    int max_lines;
} TextInfo;

// Renderer state.
// Values like current font face, color, screen position, clipping and so on are stored here.
typedef struct {
    ASS_Event *event;
    ASS_Style *style;

    ASS_Font *font;
    char *font_path;
    double font_size;
    int flags;                  // decoration flags (underline/strike-through)

    FT_Stroker stroker;
    int alignment;              // alignment overrides go here; if zero, style value will be used
    double frx, fry, frz;
    double fax, fay;            // text shearing
    enum {
        EVENT_NORMAL,           // "normal" top-, sub- or mid- title
        EVENT_POSITIONED,       // happens after pos(,), margins are ignored
        EVENT_HSCROLL,          // "Banner" transition effect, text_width is unlimited
        EVENT_VSCROLL           // "Scroll up", "Scroll down" transition effects
    } evt_type;
    double pos_x, pos_y;        // position
    double org_x, org_y;        // origin
    char have_origin;           // origin is explicitly defined; if 0, get_base_point() is used
    double scale_x, scale_y;
    double hspacing;            // distance between letters, in pixels
    double border_x;            // outline width
    double border_y;
    uint32_t c[4];              // colors(Primary, Secondary, so on) in RGBA
    int clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1;
    char clip_mode;             // 1 = iclip
    char detect_collisions;
    uint32_t fade;              // alpha from \fad
    char be;                    // blur edges
    double blur;                // gaussian blur
    double shadow_x;
    double shadow_y;
    int drawing_mode;           // not implemented; when != 0 text is discarded, except for style override tags
    ASS_Drawing *drawing;       // current drawing
    ASS_Drawing *clip_drawing;  // clip vector
    int clip_drawing_mode;      // 0 = regular clip, 1 = inverse clip

    Effect effect_type;
    int effect_timing;
    int effect_skip_timing;

    enum {
        SCROLL_LR,              // left-to-right
        SCROLL_TB,              // top-to-bottom
    } scroll_direction;         // for EVENT_HSCROLL, EVENT_VSCROLL
    int scroll_shift;

    // face properties
    char *family;
    unsigned bold;
    unsigned italic;
    int treat_family_as_pattern;
    int wrap_style;
} RenderContext;

typedef struct {
    Hashmap *font_cache;
    Hashmap *glyph_cache;
    Hashmap *bitmap_cache;
    Hashmap *composite_cache;
    size_t glyph_max;
    size_t bitmap_max_size;
} CacheStore;

struct ass_renderer {
    ASS_Library *library;
    FT_Library ftlibrary;
    FCInstance *fontconfig_priv;
    ASS_Settings settings;
    int render_id;
    ASS_SynthPriv *synth_priv;

    ASS_Image *images_root;     // rendering result is stored here
    ASS_Image *prev_images_root;

    EventImages *eimg;          // temporary buffer for sorting rendered events
    int eimg_size;              // allocated buffer size

    // frame-global data
    int width, height;          // screen dimensions
    int orig_height;            // frame height ( = screen height - margins )
    int orig_width;             // frame width ( = screen width - margins )
    int orig_height_nocrop;     // frame height ( = screen height - margins + cropheight)
    int orig_width_nocrop;      // frame width ( = screen width - margins + cropwidth)
    ASS_Track *track;
    long long time;             // frame's timestamp, ms
    double font_scale;
    double font_scale_x;        // x scale applied to all glyphs to preserve text aspect ratio
    double border_scale;

    RenderContext state;
    TextInfo text_info;
    CacheStore cache;

    FreeList *free_head;
    FreeList *free_tail;

typedef struct render_priv {
    int top, height, left, width;
    int render_id;
} RenderPriv;

typedef struct {
    int x0;
    int y0;
    int x1;
    int y1;
} Rect;

typedef struct {
    int a, b;                   // top and height
    int ha, hb;                 // left and width
} Segment;

void reset_render_context(ASS_Renderer *render_priv);
void ass_free_images(ASS_Image *img);

#endif /* LIBASS_RENDER_H */