view mp3lib/tabinit_MMX.c @ 22997:fd0fda0c6555

skip MMX code in rgb24tobgr24 if the size of the input is smaller than the size of the units the MMX code processes
author ivo
date Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:27:59 +0000
parents d6e342ac2363
line wrap: on
line source

 * This code was taken from
 * See ChangeLog of mpg123-0.59s-pre.1 for detail
 * Applied to mplayer by Nick Kurshev <>
#include "config.h"
#include "mangle.h"

long __attribute__((aligned(8))) mp3lib_decwins [544];

#define real float
extern real mp3lib_decwin[(512+32)];
// static long decwin [544];

static short attribute_used intwinbase_MMX[] = 
	      0,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -2,
	     -2,    -2,    -2,    -3,    -3,    -4,    -4,    -5,
	     -5,    -6,    -7,    -7,    -8,    -9,   -10,   -11,
	    -13,   -14,   -16,   -17,   -19,   -21,   -24,   -26,
	    -29,   -31,   -35,   -38,   -41,   -45,   -49,   -53,
	    -58,   -63,   -68,   -73,   -79,   -85,   -91,   -97,
	   -104,  -111,  -117,  -125,  -132,  -139,  -147,  -154,
	   -161,  -169,  -176,  -183,  -190,  -196,  -202,  -208,
	   -213,  -218,  -222,  -225,  -227,  -228,  -228,  -227,
	   -224,  -221,  -215,  -208,  -200,  -189,  -177,  -163,
	   -146,  -127,  -106,   -83,   -57,   -29,     2,    36,
	     72,   111,   153,   197,   244,   294,   347,   401,
	    459,   519,   581,   645,   711,   779,   848,   919,
	    991,  1064,  1137,  1210,  1283,  1356,  1428,  1498,
	   1567,  1634,  1698,  1759,  1817,  1870,  1919,  1962,
	   2001,  2032,  2057,  2075,  2085,  2087,  2080,  2063,
	   2037,  2000,  1952,  1893,  1822,  1739,  1644,  1535,
	   1414,  1280,  1131,   970,   794,   605,   402,   185,
	    -45,  -288,  -545,  -814, -1095, -1388, -1692, -2006,
	  -2330, -2663, -3004, -3351, -3705, -4063, -4425, -4788,
	  -5153, -5517, -5879, -6237, -6589, -6935, -7271, -7597,
	  -7910, -8209, -8491, -8755, -8998, -9219, -9416, -9585,
	  -9727, -9838, -9916, -9959, -9966, -9935, -9863, -9750,
	  -9592, -9389, -9139, -8840, -8492, -8092, -7640, -7134,
	  -6574, -5959, -5288, -4561, -3776, -2935, -2037, -1082,
	    -70,   998,  2122,  3300,  4533,  5818,  7154,  8540,
	   9975, 11455, 12980, 14548, 16155, 17799, 19478, 21189,
	  22929, 24694, 26482, 28289, 30112, 31947,-26209,-24360,
	 -22511,-20664,-18824,-16994,-15179,-13383,-11610, -9863,
	  -8147, -6466, -4822, -3222, -1667,  -162,  1289,  2684,
	   4019,  5290,  6494,  7629,  8692,  9679, 10590, 11420,
	  12169, 12835, 13415, 13908, 14313, 14630, 14856, 14992,

static long attribute_used intwindiv = 0x47800000;

void make_decode_tables_MMX(long scaleval)
  long intwinbase_step;
  scaleval =- scaleval;
    __asm __volatile(
	"xorl %%ecx,%%ecx\n\t"
	"xorl %%ebx,%%ebx\n\t"
	"movl $32,%%esi\n\t"
	"movl %0,%%edi\n\t"
	"cmpl $528,%%ecx\n\t"
	"jnc .L02\n\t"
	"movswl (%%edi),%%eax\n\t"
	"cmpl %0+444,%%edi\n\t"
	"jc .L01\n\t"
	"addl $60000,%%eax\n\t"
	"pushl %%eax\n\t"
	"fildl (%%esp)\n\t"
	"fdivs "MANGLE(intwindiv)"\n\t"
	"popl %%eax\n\t"
	"fimull %1\n\t"
	"fsts  "MANGLE(mp3lib_decwin)"(,%%ecx,4)\n\t"
	"fstps "MANGLE(mp3lib_decwin)"+64(,%%ecx,4)\n\t"
	"leal -1(%%esi),%%edx\n\t"
	"and %%ebx,%%edx\n\t"
	"cmp $31,%%edx\n\t"
	"jnz .L03\n\t"
	"addl $-1023,%%ecx\n\t"
	"test %%esi,%%ebx\n\t"
	"jz  .L03\n\t"
	"negl %1\n\t"
	"addl %%esi,%%ecx\n\t"
	"addl %2,%%edi\n\t"
	"incl %%ebx\n\t"
	"cmpl %0,%%edi\n\t"
	"jz .L04\n\t"
	"cmp $256,%%ebx\n\t"
	"jnz .L00\n\t"
	"negl %2\n\t"
	"jmp .L00\n\t"
  __asm __volatile(
	"xorl %%ecx,%%ecx\n\t"
	"xorl %%ebx,%%ebx\n\t"
	"cmpl $528,%%ecx\n\t"
	"jnc .L11\n\t"
	"movswl (%%edi),%%eax\n\t"
	"cmpl %0+444,%%edi\n\t"
	"jc .L06\n\t"
	"addl $60000,%%eax\n\t"
	"imull %1\n\t"
	"shrdl $17,%%edx,%%eax\n\t"
	"cmpl $32767,%%eax\n\t"
	"movl $1055,%%edx\n\t"
	"jle .L07\n\t"
	"movl $32767,%%eax\n\t"
	"jmp .L08\n\t"
	"cmpl $-32767,%%eax\n\t"
	"jge .L08\n\t"
	"movl $-32767,%%eax\n\t"
	"cmpl $512,%%ecx\n\t"
	"jnc .L09\n\t"
	"subl %%ecx,%%edx\n\t"
	"movw %%ax,"MANGLE(mp3lib_decwins)"(,%%edx,2)\n\t"
	"movw %%ax,"MANGLE(mp3lib_decwins)"-32(,%%edx,2)\n\t"
	"testl $1,%%ecx\n\t"
	"jnz .L10\n\t"
	"negl %%eax\n\t"
	"movw %%ax,"MANGLE(mp3lib_decwins)"(,%%ecx,2)\n\t"
	"movw %%ax,"MANGLE(mp3lib_decwins)"+32(,%%ecx,2)\n\t"
	"leal -1(%%esi),%%edx\n\t"
	"and %%ebx,%%edx\n\t"
	"cmp $31,%%edx\n\t"
	"jnz .L12\n\t"
	"addl $-1023,%%ecx\n\t"
	"test %%esi,%%ebx\n\t"
	"jz  .L12\n\t"
	"negl %1\n\t"
	"addl %%esi,%%ecx\n\t"
	"addl %2,%%edi\n\t"
	"incl %%ebx\n\t"
	"cmpl %0,%%edi\n\t"
	"jz .L13\n\t"
	"cmp $256,%%ebx\n\t"
	"jnz .L05\n\t"
	"negl %2\n\t"
	"jmp .L05\n\t"