Mercurial > mplayer.hg
-adapter is not directx specific anymore.Sat, 01 May 2004 21:19:20 +0000, by diego
vo_directx now supports keepaspect.Sat, 01 May 2004 21:02:06 +0000, by diego
more stupid crapSat, 01 May 2004 20:16:54 +0000, by rfelker
this isn't actually stupid, but it's not valid C and gcc 3.5 rejects it as suchSat, 01 May 2004 20:15:21 +0000, by rfelker
10lSat, 01 May 2004 20:00:04 +0000, by rfelker
ok this one is beyond stupid. the code didn't even do what was intendedSat, 01 May 2004 19:43:59 +0000, by rfelker
GUI supportSat, 01 May 2004 19:37:09 +0000, by reimar
Sync, update my email.Sat, 01 May 2004 19:25:12 +0000, by lumag
10000000000l twisted typecastingSat, 01 May 2004 19:17:44 +0000, by henry
limits too small, my CBR mp3 samples have 2x overhead after removial of size predictionSat, 01 May 2004 18:48:42 +0000, by michael
more lvalue casts, ugly this timeSat, 01 May 2004 18:42:50 +0000, by rfelker
more lvalue castsSat, 01 May 2004 18:36:50 +0000, by rfelker
more nonsense lvalue casts, at least these aren't quite as stupidSat, 01 May 2004 18:34:23 +0000, by rfelker
and more and more stupiditySat, 01 May 2004 18:30:38 +0000, by rfelker
more stupiditySat, 01 May 2004 18:25:24 +0000, by rfelker
1000000000000lSat, 01 May 2004 18:15:29 +0000, by rfelker
sync + wordingSat, 01 May 2004 16:33:57 +0000, by wight
keepaspect and nokeepaspect are now useable by all vosSat, 01 May 2004 14:52:15 +0000, by faust3
syncSat, 01 May 2004 12:09:26 +0000, by wight
S/PDIF spelling correctedSat, 01 May 2004 12:03:03 +0000, by wight
cosmeticSat, 01 May 2004 11:28:34 +0000, by michael
100l for me. Header seek is not needed to fix 28_8 and can cause sig11Sat, 01 May 2004 01:28:31 +0000, by rtognimp
standard notationFri, 30 Apr 2004 23:01:23 +0000, by diego
additional start_code rule (implemenattion does this since a long time already)Fri, 30 Apr 2004 22:53:59 +0000, by michael
wordingFri, 30 Apr 2004 22:33:37 +0000, by diego
Allow user to disable writing of ODML indexFri, 30 Apr 2004 21:33:53 +0000, by ranma
Only use odml index for files that need itFri, 30 Apr 2004 20:36:48 +0000, by ranma
support for a few more radeons patch by Reza Jelveh <reza.jelveh at>Fri, 30 Apr 2004 20:20:37 +0000, by faust3
10l on cygwin WIN32 gets defined in config.hFri, 30 Apr 2004 20:05:54 +0000, by faust3
add X11 headers to OPTFLAGS patch by Steven M. Schultz <sms at 2BSD.COM>Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:07:49 +0000, by faust3
Make it compile on mingw again. Now it is finally possible to include windows.h in mplayer.cFri, 30 Apr 2004 16:56:00 +0000, by faust3
more cola, not mine thoFri, 30 Apr 2004 10:40:30 +0000, by rfelker
minimal fix for alex's 1000000000000l compile errors. imo the fix inFri, 30 Apr 2004 10:26:26 +0000, by rfelker
oops, forgot this with the softskip patchFri, 30 Apr 2004 10:07:52 +0000, by rfelker
100l to me!Fri, 30 Apr 2004 09:46:54 +0000, by rfelker
Remove MSZH/ZLIB, FLI and QTRLE, they are now in ffmpegThu, 29 Apr 2004 22:23:34 +0000, by rtognimp
Should be Connection: close, and not closed.Thu, 29 Apr 2004 21:34:50 +0000, by bertrand
syncThu, 29 Apr 2004 16:48:56 +0000, by wight
spellingThu, 29 Apr 2004 13:54:36 +0000, by diego
typos, wordingThu, 29 Apr 2004 13:02:44 +0000, by diego
XML translation completeThu, 29 Apr 2004 11:24:03 +0000, by wight
sync by Andoni Zubimendi <andoni at>Thu, 29 Apr 2004 08:59:56 +0000, by nauj27
dewinifyThu, 29 Apr 2004 07:36:19 +0000, by alex
sync by paszcziThu, 29 Apr 2004 06:52:25 +0000, by alex
don't even mention avifile, 14 subtitlesThu, 29 Apr 2004 06:48:04 +0000, by alex
forgot to commitThu, 29 Apr 2004 06:27:30 +0000, by alex
removed loader/ dependancy, imported some files from g2, also used patches from Dominik MierzejewskiWed, 28 Apr 2004 10:18:33 +0000, by alex
syncWed, 28 Apr 2004 05:58:46 +0000, by paszczi
updated documentation for detc,ivtc,pullupWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:55:04 +0000, by rfelker
document harddup and softskipWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:40:37 +0000, by rfelker
soft skipping for mencoder. rather than skipping decoding/filteringWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:29:17 +0000, by rfelker
1l debug junkWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:19:47 +0000, by rfelker
forgot this, needed for vf_harddupWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:07:07 +0000, by rfelker
"hard" frame duplication for mencoder. this finally makes it possibleWed, 28 Apr 2004 04:02:46 +0000, by rfelker
remove frame typesWed, 28 Apr 2004 03:19:35 +0000, by michael
play the audio buffer in case of normal eof (i know the change is rude, but mplayer.c is hopelessly obfuscated)Tue, 27 Apr 2004 23:38:52 +0000, by alex
Spelling, mention that one vulnerability was fixed in 1.0pre3try2.Tue, 27 Apr 2004 23:20:00 +0000, by diego
Mark all options that work only in combination with XXX as (XXX only).Tue, 27 Apr 2004 23:17:22 +0000, by diego