Mercurial > mplayer.hg
updated2001-10-01, by arpi
small fixes2001-10-01, by arpi
some bug fix, and sub window render speed up.. 10l kola ? :)2001-10-01, by pontscho
Typo in help2001-09-30, by atmos4
gcc3 compile fix2001-09-30, by atmos4
*** empty log message ***2001-09-29, by gabucino
wine headers changed2001-09-29, by arpi
mpeg2-interlaced patch by Ivan Kalvatchev <>2001-09-29, by arpi
Norwegian trans. by Andreas Berntsen <>2001-09-29, by arpi
translator name added2001-09-29, by arpi
by Jiri Svoboda, jiri.svoboda@seznam.cz2001-09-29, by jaf
similar to 1.162001-09-28, by jaf
similar to 1.142001-09-28, by jaf
similar to 1.602001-09-28, by jaf
similar to 1.162001-09-28, by jaf
similar to 1.122001-09-28, by jaf
similar to help_mp-en.h 1.92001-09-28, by jaf
similar to help_mp-en.h 1.92001-09-28, by jaf
similar to help_mp-en.h 1.92001-09-28, by jaf
translations and their status2001-09-28, by arpi
MSGTR_NoWfvSupport fixed2001-09-28, by arpi
*** empty log message ***2001-09-28, by gabucino
cleanup2001-09-28, by nick
root->0 (bsd compatible) [lez]2001-09-28, by arpi
...2001-09-27, by gabucino
more fixes2001-09-27, by gabucino
-delay fixed2001-09-27, by arpi
fixed seek to EOF pos2001-09-27, by arpi
disabled packet limit2001-09-27, by arpi
similar to 1.572001-09-27, by jaf
patch applied by Bohdan Horst2001-09-27, by arpi
similar to 1.142001-09-27, by jaf
mittomen2001-09-27, by gabucino
similar to 1.112001-09-27, by jaf
tdfxfb added2001-09-27, by gabucino
add gui support to config scripts, and fixed some warning.2001-09-27, by pontscho
fixed (thx,. Dirk Vornheder)2001-09-27, by arpi
G550 support2001-09-27, by arpi
reviewed for release : round 22001-09-27, by gabucino
reviewed for release2001-09-27, by gabucino
Y clipping fixed2001-09-27, by arpi
status updated2001-09-27, by arpi
-av/-vc help display status2001-09-27, by arpi
-ac help / -vc help2001-09-27, by arpi
init version2001-09-27, by pontscho
init version2001-09-27, by pontscho
tdfxfb yuv driver by Zeljko Stevanovic <zsteva@ptt.yu>2001-09-27, by arpi
tdfxfb yuv driver by Zeljko Stevanovic <zsteva@ptt.yu>2001-09-27, by arpi
fixed to compile2001-09-27, by arpi
faszom. typo.2001-09-27, by arpi
2 typos fixed2001-09-26, by gabucino
ready2001-09-26, by gabucino
*** empty log message ***2001-09-26, by gabucino
all error/warn/info messages moved to help_mp-en.h for translation2001-09-26, by arpi
help updated2001-09-26, by arpi
cleanup2001-09-26, by arpi
similar to 1.532001-09-26, by jaf
Typo fix2001-09-26, by nick
Driver location notes2001-09-26, by nick
Radeon2 support2001-09-26, by nick
malloc.h -> slab.h2001-09-26, by nick
similar to 1.13, small fix2001-09-26, by jaf
similar to 1.53, but not finished2001-09-25, by jaf
fix2001-09-25, by arpi
fixed VO time usage (now including page-flip)2001-09-25, by arpi
similar to 1.112001-09-25, by jaf
extended...2001-09-25, by arpi
similar to 1.92001-09-25, by jaf
similar to 1.142001-09-25, by jaf
similar to 1.132001-09-25, by jaf
similar to 1.102001-09-25, by jaf
some changes :)2001-09-25, by gabucino
similar to 1.82001-09-25, by jaf
stop bug fix.2001-09-25, by pontscho
compile bug fixed.2001-09-25, by pontscho
MTRR autoconfigure2001-09-25, by nick
ms-rle8 support2001-09-24, by arpi
rle 15,16bpp support (palette conversion)2001-09-24, by arpi
native codec 'rle' added2001-09-24, by arpi
tranlated by me, but not checked2001-09-24, by jaf
*** empty log message ***2001-09-24, by gabucino
More known registers and their bit-constants2001-09-24, by nick
software OSD support2001-09-23, by arpi
Fix for mp3 decoding on alpha/64bit platforms wupposed by Bob McElrath.2001-09-23, by atmos4
mplayer-dvb added2001-09-22, by gabucino
10l cola Arpi =)2001-09-22, by atmos4
Added vp3 codec.2001-09-22, by atmos4
small fixes2001-09-22, by arpi
initial version. Gabu: don't delete2001-09-22, by arpi
YV12 support (using libavcodec for mpeg1-I encoding)2001-09-22, by arpi
increased max msg size2001-09-22, by arpi
gui fix2001-09-22, by arpi
added ffmp3 #22001-09-21, by gabucino
added ffmp32001-09-21, by gabucino
range increased to 11 (ffmp3)2001-09-21, by gabucino
added ffmpeg audio driver2001-09-21, by arpi
added ffmp3, fixed mp3 comments2001-09-21, by arpi
FFmpeg audio codecs support2001-09-21, by arpi
very useful advices on how-to-compile-mplayer-with-gcc32001-09-21, by gabucino
add gui error handling jol.2001-09-20, by pontscho
XDestroyWindow fix baze.2001-09-20, by pontscho
do_cpuid stored the results of the cpuid instruction in the wrong place2001-09-20, by jkeil
NeoMagic stuff added (legyen egyszer gyereknap...)2001-09-19, by gabucino
building improvements2001-09-19, by nick
Note about Radeon VE2001-09-19, by gabucino
initial howto2001-09-19, by nick
-q flag for grep does not exist for all versions of grep. Just redirect output2001-09-18, by jkeil
minor additions/fixes2001-09-18, by gabucino
Comments cleanup2001-09-18, by nick
A lot of VE related improvements and code cleanup2001-09-18, by nick
Merge with Ani Joshi's radeonfb-0.1.02001-09-18, by nick
Radeon VE QZ support2001-09-18, by nick
Radeon VE support2001-09-18, by nick
Initial import of Ani Joshi's radeonfb-0.0.92001-09-18, by nick
Fixed typo.2001-09-18, by atmos4
Fix multiple window bug in multifile mode.2001-09-18, by atmos4
Enable Alpha Code.2001-09-18, by atmos4
add new features. and fix skin error loop.2001-09-17, by pontscho
mer kell2001-09-17, by pontscho
*** empty log message ***2001-09-17, by gabucino
Fix broken memalign detect.2001-09-17, by atmos4
Removed my fuckin' debug stuff2001-09-17, by laaz
Added X 4.0 DPMS support for configure script2001-09-17, by laaz
ffodivx: opendivx->mpeg4 (Ivan Kalvatchev)2001-09-17, by arpi
dev-eng address changed2001-09-16, by gabucino
pointer fix2001-09-16, by arpi
*** empty log message ***2001-09-16, by gabucino
fixed2001-09-16, by jaf
Translated by me, but not checked2001-09-16, by jaf
*** empty log message ***2001-09-16, by jaf
Applied cpu detection fix by Kjetil Torgrim Homme <kjetilho at linpro dot no>.2001-09-15, by atmos4
fixes, czech font author added2001-09-14, by gabucino
jo sok ilyen ize.2001-09-14, by gabucino
some temporary debug printfs2001-09-13, by arpi
ffmpeg compatible MEMALIGN definition2001-09-13, by nick
fix, bug2001-09-12, by pontscho
add new sumbols2001-09-12, by pontscho
fix tab bug2001-09-12, by pontscho
*** empty log message ***2001-09-12, by pontscho
add to multi lang support2001-09-12, by pontscho
add to multi lang support2001-09-12, by pontscho
fix about box2001-09-12, by pontscho
new2001-09-12, by pontscho
Applied fix for mixercontrol w/alsa ossemu by Christian Ohm.2001-09-11, by atmos4
Are/will be moved to html docu.2001-09-10, by atmos4
*** empty log message ***2001-09-10, by gabucino
corrections to OSD mark position2001-09-10, by atlka
added DVB2001-09-09, by arpi
PS multiplexing fixed2001-09-09, by arpi
Add support for libdvdread-0.9.02001-09-09, by jkeil
use dvdread 0.82001-09-09, by gabucino
IMGFMT_MPEGPES support2001-09-08, by arpi
file writer implemented2001-09-08, by arpi
Mpeg PES added2001-09-08, by arpi
updated with Arpi's english fixes2001-09-08, by gabucino
small fixes2001-09-08, by arpi
small fixes2001-09-08, by arpi
some words about VCD2001-09-08, by arpi
some bug fix, and add decoration item to skin conffile. faszom(C)2001-09-07, by pontscho
-skin option2001-09-07, by gabucino
*** empty log message ***2001-09-07, by gabucino
reset module status after uninit2001-09-06, by arpi
upsz ... timer disabling fix, sorry2001-09-06, by pontscho
fix mwm bug's. faszom (C), and remove mixer.*2001-09-06, by pontscho
GPL fittyfene2001-09-05, by gabucino
fix skin changing, xv fullscreen redraw bug, etc.2001-09-05, by pontscho
fixed lirc uninit2001-09-05, by arpi
uninit fixed2001-09-05, by arpi
*** empty log message ***2001-09-04, by gabucino
fixx fullscreen kattingatas.2001-09-04, by pontscho
remove ofocused ...2001-09-04, by pontscho
fix xshape, mixer, fullscreen, etc2001-09-04, by pontscho
*** empty log message ***2001-09-03, by gabucino
Some changes to compile the GUI on solaris2001-09-03, by jkeil
fix osd volume bar handling in gui2001-09-02, by pontscho
add voluechanged2001-09-02, by pontscho
should have done this earlier2001-09-02, by gabucino
key hand fix2001-09-02, by pontscho
fix volume2001-09-02, by pontscho
removed unused buggy shit2001-09-02, by arpi
newline fixed2001-09-02, by arpi
hm. clean up2001-09-02, by pontscho
gcc 3 error fix2001-09-02, by pontscho
iconize support2001-09-02, by pontscho
add lgb's localhost detect2001-09-02, by pontscho
ogg/vorbis stuff cleanup, buffering fixes, printf->mp_msg2001-09-02, by arpi
GUID fix2001-09-02, by arpi
added WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE and new WAVE FORMAT TAGS2001-09-02, by arpi
Now oggvorbis decoding properly works, but a/v sync is bad.2001-09-02, by atmos4
Added translated files by Johannes Feigl, not checked by me!2001-09-02, by atmos4
Correct status of vorbis stuff.2001-09-01, by atmos4
Ehh colaCounter++2001-09-01, by atmos4
OOOPS, miaaing ifdef.2001-09-01, by atmos4
add font free func.2001-09-01, by pontscho
OggVorbis support, ALPHA state!2001-09-01, by atmos4
time zero after stop fix2001-09-01, by pontscho
OggVorbis lib detection, manual language selection and some minor stuff.2001-09-01, by atmos4
fix sizeof :))))2001-09-01, by pontscho
small fixes, and Y check put back to avoid sig112001-09-01, by arpi
fix some bug.2001-09-01, by pontscho
fixed signal 8 bug2001-09-01, by arpi
fix keyh2001-09-01, by pontscho
fix mixer2001-09-01, by pontscho
fix key handling ?2001-09-01, by pontscho
fullscreen bug fixed2001-09-01, by pontscho
fixed interaction between commandlien and fileselector2001-08-31, by arpi
fixed 'n' key bug :)2001-08-31, by arpi
fix resize2001-08-31, by pontscho
add wsSetForegroundRGB2001-08-31, by pontscho
add filenamechanged2001-08-31, by pontscho
majd fix play&stop&pause&redraw2001-08-31, by pontscho
fix size ?2001-08-31, by pontscho
fix move&resize2001-08-31, by pontscho
GUI_MSG bug fixed - thanx Attila Kinali2001-08-31, by arpi
endless loop (bad/missing file) fixed2001-08-31, by arpi
Sun audiocs HW does not support AFMT_U8, try to use AFMT_S8 instead. If AFMT_S82001-08-31, by jkeil
yuv2rgb_fun typedef uses int parameters, not uint32_t (fixes some compiler2001-08-31, by jkeil
Fix two memory accesses to unallocated memory (detected by electric fence)2001-08-31, by jkeil
play->pause fix ?2001-08-31, by pontscho