Mercurial > mplayer.hg
Allow to disable crasj sighandler to enable creation of coredump files.2002-03-27, by atmos4
eeh 10l removed too much lines :(2002-03-27, by atmos4
Issue a warning in VDec if disp_w and disp_h weren't set by codec and try workaround.2002-03-27, by atmos4
draft v0.12002-03-27, by arpi
vplayer sub fix by Arkadiusz Podgorski <>2002-03-27, by arpi
applied Diego's cosmetics patch :) with some small fixes2002-03-27, by arpi
XorA added the option of switching between fame/avcodec without2002-03-26, by mswitch
Updated neomagic info.2002-03-26, by atmos4
fixed green lines caused by missing rounding to 22002-03-26, by iive
Check for proper Vorbis version.2002-03-26, by atmos4
ooops :)2002-03-26, by atmos4
fixed up this audio decoder too2002-03-26, by melanson
Fileslist support for mf demuxer, delemited by ',' and change mf fps to float.2002-03-26, by atmos4
added YUY2 output to the widely used (heh) CYUV decoder because it seemed2002-03-26, by melanson
fixed so the decoder cooperates better with the rest of the system2002-03-26, by melanson
fixed to work nicely with the new system (and yes, I did originate the RoQ2002-03-26, by melanson
I wonder noone noticed this, wrong output of extra[inc|lib]2002-03-26, by atmos4
Suggest --enable-debug=32002-03-26, by atmos4
Fix aac decoded size.2002-03-26, by atmos4
ad_msgsm added2002-03-25, by arpi
ok, use ad_* stuff2002-03-25, by arpi
argh... Nick messed up driver names too2002-03-25, by arpi
imporetd from MPlayerXP, with small modification2002-03-25, by arpi
do not export the World2002-03-25, by arpi
changed to be more-or-less compatible with Nick's stuff2002-03-25, by arpi
10l2002-03-25, by michael
byte interleaving for mga2002-03-25, by michael
no native support for I420 in G2002002-03-25, by arpi
disabel DR and UV swapping for g200 planar modes2002-03-25, by arpi
dump stuff2002-03-25, by arpi
eeh 10l, removed one line too much :(2002-03-25, by atmos4
Fix aspect info for square pixel.2002-03-25, by atmos4
Bugfix by XorA2002-03-25, by mswitch
reset selection2002-03-25, by arpi
check and set codec selection - impossible to do it at find_codec2002-03-25, by arpi
100l :(2002-03-25, by arpi
use codec selection2002-03-25, by arpi
tagging selected codec to avoid trying the same codec several times2002-03-25, by arpi
proposal for audio decoders2002-03-25, by arpi
common stuff moved to mpc_info.h2002-03-25, by arpi
typo...2002-03-25, by arpi
I420 support2002-03-25, by arpi
-fs aspect fix by KotH2002-03-24, by arpi
fallback to server's control() - patch by KotH2002-03-24, by arpi
U,V plane odrer fixed2002-03-24, by arpi
U,V plane odrer fixed2002-03-24, by arpi
I420 UV swapping fixed2002-03-24, by arpi
UV vs VU fix2002-03-24, by arpi
fixes, extended by mplayer's planes[]2002-03-24, by arpi
Two fixes:2002-03-24, by ksorim
soem explanation2002-03-24, by arpi
Fixed bug in Athlon detection code ;)2002-03-24, by mswitch
XorA found a bug in the avcodec code2002-03-24, by mswitch
allow negative mul values2002-03-24, by pl
- Add parsing of Sync Layer Descriptor2002-03-24, by atmos4
Support for decoder specific config from mp4 header for AAC decoder.2002-03-24, by atmos4
10l fix memory allocation2002-03-24, by atmos4
eeh 10l, forgot malloc of esds struct.2002-03-24, by atmos4
Improved MP4 parsing (finally)2002-03-24, by atmos4
OS2 support2002-03-24, by arpi
timer.c not used - why to compile2002-03-24, by arpi
check for mman.h2002-03-24, by arpi
include stdlib.h2002-03-24, by arpi
we don't need mman.h2002-03-24, by arpi
moved font_laod.h2002-03-24, by arpi
moved font_laod.h2002-03-24, by arpi
include font_load.h directly, instead of via video_out.h2002-03-23, by arpi
sys/types.h required for off_t2002-03-23, by arpi
MANGLE() the 3dnow code2002-03-23, by arpi
use .balign instead of .align2002-03-23, by arpi
more ugly hack2002-03-23, by arpi
we don't use mmap() in mplayer.c, so why should we include mman.h...2002-03-23, by arpi
OS/2 workaround2002-03-23, by arpi
10l - va_start needs teh pointer to stack - not the translated message2002-03-23, by arpi
we don't need dl nor stat functions - why to include tehir headers...2002-03-23, by arpi
added missing #include config.h, removed LIBVO2 ifdef.2002-03-23, by arpi
OS2 support2002-03-23, by arpi
dlfcn.h shouldn't be included if XANIM support disabled2002-03-23, by arpi
Aspect code reenabled, apparently users didn't like running movies2002-03-23, by mswitch
added aspect ratio support and local ctx2002-03-23, by alex
10l, hopefully fixed query format2002-03-23, by alex
fixed query format2002-03-23, by alex
moved get_image into decoder (Arpi's request)2002-03-23, by alex
Disable prebuffering on athlons (3DNowEx) as the ones running at 266MHz2002-03-23, by mswitch
As jittering is corrected we might as well play the movie in full res2002-03-23, by mswitch
Jitter-bug fixed by Marcel Hild <>, many many thanks goes2002-03-23, by mswitch
added xanim url2002-03-23, by alex
adding support for 12 bit planar YUV formats (for YUV4MPEG(2))2002-03-23, by rik
Support for cropping in mencoder. New options:2002-03-23, by ksorim
applied Melanson's patch2002-03-23, by gabucino
Fix swapped uv planes when playing yv12 data with direct rendering2002-03-23, by ksorim
Fixes crash which occured when it wasn't possible to connect to the display2002-03-23, by ksorim
try to uncomment this line - very funny effect (skipping I frames)2002-03-23, by arpi
sync2002-03-23, by jonas
added zlib2002-03-22, by alex
added zlib support2002-03-22, by alex
added, supporting only BGR24 (avizlib.dll does the same)2002-03-22, by alex
committed Roberto Togni's patch for control() function in HuffYUV decoder2002-03-22, by melanson
Fix for OSD when width != pitch2002-03-22, by ksorim
increasing libavcodec -vme range2002-03-22, by michael
ixes bug in draw_slice and also fixes compilance to2002-03-22, by atmos4
Add Parsing off ftyp box and some more docs ref2002-03-22, by atmos4
I knew I had a typo just as I commited :(2002-03-21, by atmos4
update my stuff2002-03-21, by atmos4
Add a usefull url, btw. audio esds needs some fixing with some files, I'll investigate.2002-03-21, by atmos4
some more...2002-03-21, by arpi
insert mpeg4 video header into the first chunk2002-03-21, by arpi
0.1l2002-03-21, by arpi
support multiple video header extension chunks2002-03-21, by arpi
query flag added2002-03-21, by arpi
print meaningfull error message instead of "hmm, arpi said that isnt used...2002-03-21, by michael
Im proved Build Version selection for DivX 5.2002-03-21, by atmos4
fixing bgr15&16 on big_endian2002-03-21, by michael
some updates2002-03-21, by alex
a bit update to libvo1.5, i think we should make a seperate documentation2002-03-21, by alex
argh 0.5l2002-03-21, by atmos4
Recognize and skip ftype chunk used by some .mp4 files and2002-03-21, by atmos4
temporary disabled len=0 code due to reported loop errors2002-03-21, by alex
This will hopefully fix2002-03-21, by ksorim
Fix crash when playing multiple files. The bug was triggered when the first file2002-03-21, by ksorim
Fix crash when SDL had to do rgb -> rgb conversion. Removed some code2002-03-21, by ksorim
wording patch by Diego & Egger2002-03-21, by gabucino
added HuffYUV support, courtesy of Roberto Togni <>2002-03-21, by melanson
some new funcs and fixes for quicktime2002-03-20, by arpi
allow LPSTR typedef2002-03-20, by arpi
not vbt, but vratetol2002-03-20, by gabucino
added input options2002-03-20, by gabucino
-oldpp info fixed2002-03-20, by gabucino
-dr2002-03-20, by gabucino
new lavc opts2002-03-20, by gabucino
some small updates2002-03-20, by gabucino
extended FAAD detection2002-03-20, by alex
Fame support enabled, awaiting bugreports =D2002-03-20, by mswitch
using -dr instead -vaa_dr2002-03-20, by alex
splitted mp_msg_init and mp_msg_set_level2002-03-20, by alex
Bugfix for --disable-runtime-cpudetection2002-03-20, by ksorim
splitted mp_msg_init and mp_msg_set_level2002-03-20, by alex
splitted mp_msg_init and mp_msg_set_level and added i18n support to init2002-03-20, by alex
10l ;)2002-03-20, by alex
Added options -input keylist and -input cmdlist to list all know2002-03-20, by albeu
Set the params given to a playlist url to the playlist2002-03-20, by albeu
Fix endless loop at end of an audio only file. It occured when the last chunk2002-03-20, by albeu
New string list option type2002-03-20, by albeu
added a BMP file demuxer...yeah, that's right, a static image BMP file2002-03-20, by melanson
oh yeah, this is it...MPlayer now has 4-bit MS RLE support...I think2002-03-20, by melanson
add alternative samplerate calculation for files with timescale\!=samplerate2002-03-20, by atmos4
InitializeQTML(0) added2002-03-20, by arpi
comments on compiling2002-03-20, by arpi
simple sample proggy, using qtmlClient.dll to access QT components2002-03-20, by arpi
fixing runtime cpudetect with pre SSE cpus2002-03-19, by michael
non-blocking open - patch by Fredrik Kuivinen <>2002-03-19, by arpi
runtime msg changed2002-03-19, by arpi
a bit modified runtime fix patch by Fredrik Kuivinen <>2002-03-19, by arpi
10L bug fix. Thx to Fredrik Kuivinen <>.2002-03-19, by albeu
Automatically use avcodec if it exists, otherwise fall back to fame (due2002-03-19, by mswitch
A bug fix in the auto-repeat stuff + moved all printf to mp_msg2002-03-19, by albeu
Commentting session2002-03-19, by albeu
A bug fix + moved error msg from verbose to error2002-03-19, by albeu
Fix a typo error with JOY_BTN2 and JOY_BTN32002-03-19, by albeu
small update to english version.2002-03-19, by jonas
MPlayer now has a Microsoft RLE decoder to call its own...only supports2002-03-19, by melanson
10l. -ao mpegpes shouldn't be disabled if no DVB2002-03-19, by arpi
update hall of fame :)2002-03-18, by atmos4
updates by Jiri.Svoboda@seznam.cz2002-03-18, by arpi
-nosound option added2002-03-18, by gabucino
applied Melanson's patch2002-03-18, by gabucino
sync2002-03-18, by jaf
updated to english version.2002-03-18, by jonas
usr/lib/mplayer not /usr/lib, as reminded by Amy Fong.2002-03-18, by eyck
sync2002-03-18, by nexus
the RoQ video decoder is so very close to working, I can almost taste it2002-03-18, by melanson
added PTS for audio, but seeking still doesn't work2002-03-18, by melanson
supports query_format in codecs2002-03-18, by arpi
changed status of 'null' codec to avoid prefering it over buggy codecs2002-03-18, by arpi
video codec selection failed message changed - it depends on -vo too2002-03-18, by arpi
status numbers changed to fit our detection order2002-03-18, by arpi
migrate to new init_video()2002-03-18, by arpi
init_video() changed, make all extern2002-03-18, by arpi
decore version check for divx3 and divx52002-03-18, by arpi
don't call video->get_info if it's NULL2002-03-18, by arpi
init_video() changed - now it handles codec selection2002-03-18, by arpi
libavcodec bitrate is in kbit now ...2002-03-18, by michael
added vo_config2002-03-18, by arpi
decore version check for divx3 and divx52002-03-18, by arpi
lirc fix by Keller Attila <>2002-03-17, by arpi
supporting ffmpegs "hopefully better bitrate control"2002-03-17, by michael
rage mobility m3 is rage128 based and not mach64 ...2002-03-17, by michael
correct LIBDIR2002-03-17, by eyck
Add a (more or less dummy) reference to vo_format_name(), to pull the2002-03-17, by jkeil
xp added2002-03-17, by jaf
Mp4S fixed2002-03-17, by arpi
fix2002-03-17, by gabucino
sync the f* manual (with arpi's english changes)2002-03-17, by gabucino
uninit bugs fixed2002-03-17, by arpi
FILM demuxer is leaner, meaner, and cleaner, also with proper bailout on2002-03-17, by melanson
init_video_vaa() removed2002-03-17, by arpi
init/uninit libvo/ao/getch2/cache2 order fixed2002-03-17, by arpi
fixed colorspace detection2002-03-17, by arpi
don't free our_out_buffer - it's obsoleted2002-03-17, by arpi
- cleanup pass 1. more to come soon...2002-03-17, by arpi
useless 'max benchmar' removed2002-03-17, by arpi
removed pitches[] mess2002-03-16, by arpi
using LIBDIR instead prefix/lib/mplayer2002-03-16, by alex
libvo flags2002-03-16, by alex
mpegpes support2002-03-16, by arpi
accept IMGFMT_MPEGPES2002-03-16, by arpi
added proper PTS support for FILM demuxer2002-03-16, by melanson
BSD compatibility fix by Steven M. Schultz2002-03-16, by alex
fame enabeld2002-03-16, by arpi
libfame added2002-03-16, by arpi
workaround lack of -fomit-frame-pointer2002-03-16, by michael
Fixed the bug that make mplayer crash with no sound and an invalid2002-03-16, by albeu
1L : removed redondant enter key binding2002-03-16, by albeu
ENTER now quits after last file2002-03-16, by gabucino
Now enter key quit if no next file is avaible2002-03-16, by albeu
Fixed some bugs with fame, had to disable prebuffering with fame though2002-03-16, by mswitch
Initial ogg demuxer. No seeking, a/v sync is broken. Support avi2002-03-16, by albeu
Fixed problem with seeking/sync when using libfame2002-03-16, by mswitch
prefer outfmt with no conversion (see vo's query flags)2002-03-16, by arpi
added directrendering support and better query_format2002-03-16, by alex
rtfm hint msg depends on runtime detection2002-03-16, by arpi
let's make users testing runtime stuff... he-he2002-03-16, by arpi
hints on RTFM2002-03-16, by arpi
updates2002-03-16, by arpi
obsolete... will be deleted SOON2002-03-16, by arpi
handle error from mpcodecs_config_vo()2002-03-16, by arpi
"obladi-oblada" -- Gabucino, Feb 11 20:03:21 20022002-03-15, by arpi
"sok ize, mutyur, bizbasz." --Gabucino, Feb 12 23:39:36 20022002-03-15, by arpi
added a message :)2002-03-15, by alex
workaround to compile without new-input support2002-03-15, by alex
szrii, tuu, van, fajor2002-03-15, by gabucino
printf to mp_msg by Anders Rune Jensen2002-03-15, by alex
"ez+az" -- Gabucino, 20012002-03-15, by arpi
"nememlex" --Gabucino, 20022002-03-15, by arpi
changed printf's to mp_msg2002-03-15, by alex
faszom.2002-03-15, by arpi
sync2002-03-15, by gabucino
changed printf's to mp_msg2002-03-15, by alex
xanim search path fixed2002-03-15, by gabucino
runtime cpudetection2002-03-15, by alex
volume normalizer plugin added2002-03-15, by gabucino
fixes...2002-03-15, by arpi
spelling type fix by Anders Rune Jensen2002-03-15, by alex
using mp_gettext2002-03-15, by alex
a "few" "small" "fixes" ...2002-03-15, by arpi
changed to mp_msg2002-03-15, by alex
-audiofile added2002-03-15, by gabucino
added i18n support2002-03-15, by alex
added mp_gettext macro for i18n2002-03-15, by alex
added i18n support (also disabled, later auto detection will be enabled)2002-03-15, by alex
softclipping (ammegmi?)2002-03-15, by gabucino
0.1l ;)2002-03-15, by alex
No longer force the device into not using fame2002-03-15, by mswitch
noaudio ... try#22002-03-15, by gabucino
[REVERSE] aszitted mi?2002-03-15, by gabucino
RM seeking works (?)2002-03-15, by gabucino
-noaudiobaszas2002-03-15, by gabucino
10l2002-03-15, by arpi
TVI BSD BT848 support2002-03-15, by alex
tv -noaudio support by Charles Henrich2002-03-15, by alex
update by Charles Henrich2002-03-15, by alex
audio support and pts based packet handling by Charles Henrich2002-03-15, by alex
mp_msg'ized (for i18n ;)2002-03-15, by alex
added get_sh_video/audio and realmedia seeking2002-03-15, by alex
added PRE-ALPHA seeking ability and index table generator (like avi's one)2002-03-15, by alex
added TVI BSD BT8482002-03-15, by alex
initial2002-03-15, by alex
place subtitles under the image2002-03-15, by arpi
RoQ video decoder is much closer to being categorized as "working" (there2002-03-15, by melanson
10l? frames_per_sequence==GOPsize... so it should be few seconds2002-03-15, by arpi
temp workaround for mencoder2002-03-14, by arpi
pitches mess removed2002-03-14, by arpi
libvo init moved to libmpcodecs2002-03-14, by arpi
vo_flags unused2002-03-14, by arpi
missing config_vo2002-03-14, by arpi
libvo2 #ifs removed2002-03-14, by arpi
updated to english version.2002-03-14, by jonas
corrections by "Bena, Daniel" <>2002-03-14, by jaf
10l2002-03-14, by gabucino
mp3 detection fixed...2002-03-14, by arpi
ijpg for jpegs2002-03-13, by gabucino
This will slow down wobbling (just a bit)2002-03-13, by mswitch
Added preliminary fame support2002-03-13, by mswitch
Added soft clipping for software volume control2002-03-13, by anders
upsz ... 10l :)2002-03-13, by pontscho
small changes in event handling2002-03-13, by pontscho
10l - config.h should be included...2002-03-13, by arpi
using libFAME...2002-03-13, by arpi
sdl dr support2002-03-12, by atmos4
10l forgot to remove debug printfs2002-03-12, by atmos4
fix dga key handling2002-03-12, by atmos4
nortc patch by Attila Kinali2002-03-12, by atmos4
corrections by Diego Biurrun <>2002-03-12, by jaf
Using yv12_to_yuy2 sw convertor for cards which have no native yv12 support2002-03-12, by nick
users should know what he lose2002-03-12, by nick
Bugfix for sig11 when playing multiple files2002-03-12, by anders
fixed long-standing issue with stereo IMA4 decoder2002-03-12, by melanson
libjpeg and loader conflict workaround2002-03-11, by pontscho
Compute aspect ratio only once2002-03-11, by nick
remove obsoleted function (mplResize)2002-03-11, by pontscho
Fixed fullscreen mode2002-03-11, by nick
Fixed color key definitions. Waiting for new bugreports ;)2002-03-11, by nick
Fixed default background color for proper color key usage2002-03-11, by nick
kill few warning2002-03-11, by pontscho
Fixed swapping of UV planes in single buffered mode2002-03-11, by nick
framedrop fix2002-03-11, by arpi
very obsoleted...2002-03-11, by arpi
ijpg handles AVID and Photo JPEG too2002-03-11, by arpi
hopefully fixed divx5 header + xvid conflict2002-03-11, by arpi
JPEG_LIB moved to common libs, requires by mencoder too2002-03-11, by arpi
libjpeg detection cleanup2002-03-11, by arpi
1000l. directfb 0.9.9 detection fixed?2002-03-10, by arpi
removed unneeded includes2002-03-10, by arpi
fix fs handling2002-03-10, by pontscho
rewrite MWM hint handling2002-03-10, by pontscho
keeps it clean2002-03-10, by jaf
Add IJPG decoder.2002-03-10, by pontscho
fixed strides for packed fourccs2002-03-10, by nick
32bpp support not implemented - do not lie2002-03-10, by arpi
DirectFB 0.9.9 support - patch by Aubin Paul <>2002-03-10, by arpi
new smoothing method ('#define AVG 2' to enable'n'test it)2002-03-10, by pl
updated to english version2002-03-10, by jonas
xvid in mencoder2002-03-10, by gabucino
10lityi2002-03-10, by gabucino
XViD section added2002-03-10, by gabucino
fullscreen with 'f' key2002-03-10, by gabucino
VM fixes by Nilmoni Deb.2002-03-10, by atmos4
DivX5 support2002-03-10, by gabucino
bindings for subpos2002-03-10, by gabucino
applied patch from KotH2002-03-10, by gabucino
video_eq support - applied brightness/contrast patch by Brian J. Murrell2002-03-10, by arpi
min() moved out of #if, applied brightness/contrast patch by Brian J. Murrell2002-03-10, by arpi
DX50 worx with ffodivx2002-03-10, by arpi
postprocess.h requires for GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX - patch by Fredrik Kuivinen2002-03-10, by arpi
Add DIvX5 FourCC2002-03-10, by atmos4
using libmpcodecs by default2002-03-10, by arpi
x1!=mpi->width bug fixed... always trust in x12002-03-09, by arpi
round up width/height if mod 2 != 02002-03-09, by arpi
DR fixed for BGR242002-03-09, by arpi
vo_config request printf2002-03-09, by arpi
divx_quality and equalizer support done2002-03-09, by arpi
voctls for decoding ahead2002-03-09, by nick
3.0.x sux + some other stuff2002-03-09, by gabucino
PNG decoding using libpng2002-03-09, by gabucino
Optimization and get_image fixes (still untested)2002-03-09, by nick
mpng, libmpeg2 added, none of them finished :(2002-03-09, by arpi
divx5 support into libmpcodecs (untested)2002-03-09, by atmos4
updated to english version2002-03-09, by jonas
dr + libmpcodecs2002-03-08, by arpi
small changes in libvo's X11 support2002-03-08, by pontscho
-audiofile2002-03-08, by gabucino
VOCTRL_GET_IMAGE (untested but should work)2002-03-08, by nick
TODO list2002-03-08, by arpi
cyuv, nuv, qtrle, qtsmc, roq added2002-03-08, by arpi
comments fixed2002-03-07, by arpi
fli and msvideo1 added2002-03-07, by arpi
common includes moved to private vd_internal.h2002-03-07, by arpi
+10l to .so2002-03-07, by arpi
'f' and -/+ fixed (noticed by XYZ user)2002-03-07, by gabucino