Mercurial > mplayer.hg
some typos corrected2001-04-13, by gabucino
-bpp changes2001-04-13, by arpi_esp
Requested resolution (d_width) added.2001-04-13, by se7encode
- added keymapping to toggle OSD ('o' key)2001-04-13, by atmosfear
- added -bpp switch (only takes effect if IMGFMT_BGR) to select the desired depth2001-04-13, by acki2
Autohide X11 cursor2001-04-13, by lgb
some fixes2001-04-12, by szabii
moved printf out of switch()2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
Date bugfix :)2001-04-12, by se7encode
1 printf added2001-04-12, by szabii
cleanup2001-04-12, by szabii
variables related to fbdev moved to cfg-mplayer.h2001-04-12, by szabii
Bugfixes in draw_slice.2001-04-12, by se7encode
P3 fixes...2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
some cleanup of init_video2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
Makefile.No-DS fixes2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
added osd key and fullscreen opts2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
progress bar width increased2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
OSD fixes, patch by Kebert Martin2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
__memcpy fix2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
pass keys a-z && A-Z2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
small typo2001-04-12, by arpi_esp
obsoloted2001-04-11, by arpi_esp
png->raw image converter2001-04-11, by arpi_esp
-fbdepth fix22001-04-11, by szabii
-fbdepth fix2001-04-11, by szabii
-fbdepth added2001-04-11, by szabii
static removed from verbose definition2001-04-11, by szabii