# HG changeset patch
# User diego
# Date 1175350651 0
# Node ID 9ca2cd57161886ba847c5b5b491184772a3c7571
# Parent  4d49e4ae19bb66bdd0031341464fa3848a4b9290
Remove unused/nonworking wallpaper setting utility.

diff -r 4d49e4ae19bb -r 9ca2cd571618 TOOLS/mwallp/README
--- a/TOOLS/mwallp/README	Sat Mar 31 14:15:20 2007 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-mwallp - mplayer's wallpaper setting utility
-Usage: mwallp file1.jpg [file2.jpg file3.jpg ...]
-MWallp is a simple tool to set .jpg images as background/wallpaper on the
-desktop. It scales (bicubic) and convert the given jpg image to desktop
-size/bpp and set as background of Root window.
-If more than 1 filenames given, it randomly selects one, so running something
-like 'mwallp ~/.wallpapers/*.jpg' from cron will randomly changes wallpaper.
-I've tried several programs, and as most of them used Imlib, their quality
-sucks (Imlib uses neares-neighbour scaling...).
-So I've decided to put together something very simple but efficient built
-using the MPlayer codebase.
diff -r 4d49e4ae19bb -r 9ca2cd571618 TOOLS/mwallp/compile.sh
--- a/TOOLS/mwallp/compile.sh	Sat Mar 31 14:15:20 2007 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-gcc -g mwallp.c jpeg.c ../../libvo/aclib.o ../../libmpcodecs/img_format.o \
-    ../../cpudetect.o ../../mp_msg-mencoder.o ../../libavcodec/libavcodec.a \
-    ../../libswscale/libswscale.a ../../osdep/libosdep.a \
-    -I../../libmpcodecs -I../.. -I../../libswscale \
-    -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm -ljpeg -o mwallp
diff -r 4d49e4ae19bb -r 9ca2cd571618 TOOLS/mwallp/jpeg.c
--- a/TOOLS/mwallp/jpeg.c	Sat Mar 31 14:15:20 2007 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// based on vd_ijpg.c by Pontscho
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <jpeglib.h>
-#define UINT16 IJPG_UINT16
-#define INT16 IJPG_INT16
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "img_format.h"
-#include "swscale.h"
-#include "rgb2rgb.h"
-static struct SwsContext *swsContext=NULL;
-typedef struct
- struct          jpeg_source_mgr pub;
- unsigned char * inbuf;
- int             bufsize;
-} my_source_mgr;
-typedef my_source_mgr * my_src_ptr;
-METHODDEF(void) init_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
-METHODDEF(boolean) fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
- my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;                                                         
- size_t nbytes;                                                                                    
- src->pub.next_input_byte = src->inbuf;
- src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = src->bufsize;
- return TRUE;
-METHODDEF(void) skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes)                           
- my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;                                                        
- if (num_bytes > 0)
-  {
-   while (num_bytes > (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer)
-    {
-     num_bytes -= (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer;
-     (void) fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
-    }
-   src->pub.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes;
-   src->pub.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes;
-  }
-METHODDEF(void) term_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { }                                           
-GLOBAL(void) jpeg_buf_src ( j_decompress_ptr cinfo, char * inbuf,int bufsize )
- my_src_ptr src;
- if (cinfo->src == NULL) cinfo->src=malloc( sizeof( my_source_mgr ) );
- src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;
- src->pub.init_source = init_source;
- src->pub.fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer;
- src->pub.skip_input_data = skip_input_data;
- src->pub.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart;
- src->pub.term_source = term_source;
- src->inbuf = inbuf;
- src->bufsize=bufsize;
- src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 0;
- src->pub.next_input_byte = NULL;
-struct my_error_mgr
- struct jpeg_error_mgr pub;
- jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
-typedef struct my_error_mgr * my_error_ptr;
-METHODDEF(void) my_error_exit (j_common_ptr cinfo)
- my_error_ptr myerr=(my_error_ptr) cinfo->err;
- (*cinfo->err->output_message) (cinfo);
- longjmp(myerr->setjmp_buffer, 1);
-static struct     jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
-static struct     my_error_mgr jerr;
-// decode a frame
-int decode_jpeg(void* data,int len,char* dbuffer,int dwidth,int dheight, int dstride,int dbpp){
- int	      width,height,depth,i;
- int        row_stride;
- unsigned char*	img=NULL;
- int in_fmt=0;
- if ( len <= 0 ) return 0; // skipped frame
- cinfo.err=jpeg_std_error( &jerr.pub );
- jerr.pub.error_exit=my_error_exit;
- if( setjmp( jerr.setjmp_buffer ) )
-  {
-   return 0;
-  }
- jpeg_create_decompress( &cinfo );
- jpeg_buf_src( &cinfo,data,len );
- jpeg_read_header( &cinfo,TRUE );
- width=cinfo.image_width;
- height=cinfo.image_height;
- jpeg_start_decompress( &cinfo );
- depth=cinfo.output_components * 8;
- switch( depth ) {
-   case 8: in_fmt=IMGFMT_Y8;break;
-   case 24: in_fmt=IMGFMT_RGB|24;break;
-   default: return 0;
- }
- row_stride=cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
- img=malloc(row_stride * (height+1));
- for ( i=0;i < height;i++ ){
-//    char* row=dbuffer+i*dstride;
-    char* row=img+row_stride*i;
-    jpeg_read_scanlines( &cinfo,(JSAMPLE**)&row,1 );
- }
- jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
- jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
- swsContext= sws_getContext(width,height, in_fmt, 
-		            dwidth,dheight, IMGFMT_BGR|dbpp, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- sws_scale(swsContext,&img,&row_stride,0,height,&dbuffer, &dstride);
- sws_freeContext(swsContext);
- free(img);
- return 1;
diff -r 4d49e4ae19bb -r 9ca2cd571618 TOOLS/mwallp/mwallp.c
--- a/TOOLS/mwallp/mwallp.c	Sat Mar 31 14:15:20 2007 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// based on x11_common.c/vo_x11.c from libvo
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <X11/Xmd.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include "cpudetect.h"
-char* mDisplayName=NULL;
-Display* mDisplay=NULL;
-Window   mRootWin=None;
-int mScreen=0;
-XImage  * mXImage = NULL;
-GC         vo_gc = NULL;
-Pixmap mPixmap=0;
-int vo_depthonscreen=0;
-int vo_screenwidth=0;
-int vo_screenheight=0;
-int verbose=0;
-int namecnt=0;
-int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
- unsigned int mask;
- int bpp,depth;
- mp_msg_init();
- mp_msg_set_level(5);
- GetCpuCaps(&gCpuCaps);
- mDisplayName = XDisplayName(mDisplayName);
- mDisplay=XOpenDisplay(mDisplayName);
- if ( !mDisplay )
-  {
-   printf("vo: couldn't open the X11 display (%s)!\n",mDisplayName );
-   return 0;
-  }
- mScreen=DefaultScreen( mDisplay );     // Screen ID.
- mRootWin=RootWindow( mDisplay,mScreen );// Root window ID.
- vo_screenwidth=DisplayWidth( mDisplay,mScreen );
- vo_screenheight=DisplayHeight( mDisplay,mScreen );
- // get color depth (from root window, or the best visual):
- {  XWindowAttributes attribs;
-    XGetWindowAttributes(mDisplay, mRootWin, &attribs);
-    depth=vo_depthonscreen=attribs.depth;
- }
- mXImage=XGetImage( mDisplay,mRootWin,0,0,vo_screenwidth,vo_screenheight,AllPlanes,ZPixmap );
- bpp=mXImage->bits_per_pixel;
- if((vo_depthonscreen+7)/8 != (bpp+7)/8) vo_depthonscreen=bpp; // by A'rpi
- mask=mXImage->red_mask|mXImage->green_mask|mXImage->blue_mask;
- if(((vo_depthonscreen+7)/8)==2){
-   if(mask==0x7FFF) vo_depthonscreen=15; else
-   if(mask==0xFFFF) vo_depthonscreen=16;
- }
- printf("X11 running at %d x %d, %d bpp \n",vo_screenwidth,vo_screenheight,vo_depthonscreen);
- mPixmap=XCreatePixmap(mDisplay,mRootWin,vo_screenwidth,vo_screenheight,depth);
- {  XGCValues xgcv;
-    vo_gc=XCreateGC( mDisplay,mRootWin,0L,&xgcv );
- }
- if(argc<2){ printf("no filenames!\n");return;}
- srand(time(NULL));
- FILE *f;
- char* data;
- int len;
- int ret;
- namecnt=1+(long long)rand()*(argc-1)/RAND_MAX;
- //++namecnt; if(namecnt>=argc) namecnt=1;
- if(namecnt<1 || namecnt>=argc) continue; // ???
- f=fopen(argv[namecnt],"rb");if(!f) continue;
- fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); len=ftell(f); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
- data=malloc(len);
- len=fread(data,1,len,f);
- fclose(f);
- ret=decode_jpeg(data,len,mXImage->data,vo_screenwidth,vo_screenheight,
-   ((vo_depthonscreen+7)/8)*vo_screenwidth,vo_depthonscreen);
- free(data);
- if(!ret) continue; // failed to load
- XPutImage( mDisplay,mPixmap,vo_gc,mXImage,
-               0,0, 0,0, vo_screenwidth,vo_screenheight);
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(mDisplay,mRootWin,mPixmap);
- XClearWindow(mDisplay,mRootWin);
- XSync(mDisplay, True);
- break; // DONE!