changeset 2001:05189dbfb847

more fixes
author gabucino
date Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:13:38 +0000 (2001-09-27)
parents 5fd3f344fc89
children fde7a923e7cb
files DOCS/Hungarian/cd-dvd.html DOCS/Hungarian/codecs.html DOCS/Hungarian/documentation.html DOCS/Hungarian/faq.html DOCS/Hungarian/video.html DOCS/cd-dvd.html DOCS/codecs.html DOCS/documentation.html DOCS/faq.html
diffstat 9 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DOCS/Hungarian/cd-dvd.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/Hungarian/cd-dvd.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -72,18 +72,18 @@
 <P>Az <B>MPlayer</B> a libdvdread-et haszn�lja, ami tartalmaz be�p�tett
 t�mogat�st az IFO file-ok feldolgoz�s�hoz, navi blokkok olvas�s�hoz, �s
-autentik�ci�hoz. Ezut�bbihoz a r�gi j� libcss-t haszn�lja, �gy el�sz�r
+autentik�ci�hoz. Ezut�bbihoz a libdvdcss-t haszn�lja, �gy el�sz�r
 azt kell leford�tani �s install�lni, majd ./configure, �s az automatikusan
-<LI><P><B>T�ltsd le a libdvdread �s libcss forr�s�t.</B></P>
+<LI><P><B>T�ltsd le a libdvdread �s libdvdcss forr�s�t.</B></P>
 <P><I>Let�ltheted �ket a
-<A HREF="">
+<A HREF=""></A>
 c�mr�l (klikkelj a 'download'-ra a bal oldali men�ben).</I></P></LI>
-<LI><P><B>Ford�tsd le �s install�ld a libcss-t �s AZUT�N a libdvdread-et.</B></P>
+<LI><P><B>Ford�tsd le �s install�ld a libdvdcss-t �s AZUT�N a libdvdread-et.</B></P>
 <P><I>Olvasd el ezen csomagok dokument�ci�j�t, ha seg�ts�gre van sz�ks�ged.</I></P></LI>
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 Ezut�n a szokott m�don <CODE>make</CODE> �s <CODE>make install</CODE>.</I></P></LI>
-<P>Term�szetesen miut�n felinstall�ltad a libcss-t �s a libdvdread-et,
+<P>Term�szetesen miut�n felinstall�ltad a libdvdcss-t �s a libdvdread-et,
 nem kell �jraford�tanod �ket minden alkalommal mikor az <B>MPlayer</B>-t.</P>
 <P><B>MPlayer haszn�lata DVD lej�tsz�shoz:</B></P>
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
-Leford�thatom a libdvdread-et �s a libcss-t p�ld�ul az �n sz�p kis
+Leford�thatom a libdvdread-et �s a libdvdcss-t p�ld�ul az �n sz�p kis
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
 Ki tudja ... Pr�b�ld ki �s mondd el nek�nk is. De elvileg m�k�dik.
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
  Sz�val az MPlayer tud DVD lej�tsz�st? Akkor biztos DeCSS-t haszn�l!
      B�n�sek vagytok a k�vetkez� v�dpontokban : XYZ#$--
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
- Any�d. Nincs DeCSS k�d az MPlayer-ben. libcss-hez linkeli mag�t.
+ Any�d. Nincs DeCSS k�d az MPlayer-ben. libdvdcss-hez linkeli mag�t.
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
-Hol lehet let�lteni a libdvdread-et �s a libcss-et?
+Hol lehet let�lteni a libdvdread-et �s a libdvdcss-t?
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
-<A HREF="">
+<A HREF="">
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
--- a/DOCS/Hungarian/codecs.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/Hungarian/codecs.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <P><B>MPlayer</B> k�zvetlen�l tudja olvasni/lej�tszani a k�vetkez�ket:<BR>
 <LI> VCD (Video CD) k�zvetlen a CD-ROM-r�l, vagy image file-b�l
-<LI> DVD, k�zvetlen a lemezr�l, opcion�lisan libcss-t haszn�lva dek�dol�shoz
+<LI> DVD, k�zvetlen a lemezr�l, opcion�lisan libdvdcss-t haszn�lva dek�dol�shoz
 <LI> MPEG 1/2 System Stream (PS/PES/VOB) �s Elementary Stream (ES) form�tumok
 <LI> RIFF AVI form�tum
 <LI> ASF/WMV 1.0 form�tum
--- a/DOCS/Hungarian/documentation.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/Hungarian/documentation.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 Sz�ks�ged lesz erre a codecre ha nem-x86 g�pen akarsz lej�tszani, vagy
 nagyobb sebess�get akarsz mint amennyit a Win32-es codec tud.</LI>
-<LI>A DVD t�mogat�shoz le kell ford�tanod a libdvdread-et �s a libcss-t.
+<LI>A DVD t�mogat�shoz le kell ford�tanod a libdvdread-et �s a libdvdcss-t.
 L�sd <A HREF="cd-dvd.html#4.2">4.2-es fejezet</A>.</LI>
@@ -257,7 +257,16 @@
 <P><B><A NAME=1.4>1.4. �s a grafikus fel�let ?</A></B></P>
+<P>A grafikus fel�let GTK-ra �p�l, �gy a gtk-t (�s a hozz�val� fejleszt�i csomagokat)
+fel kell install�lni. A leford�t�shoz meg kell adni a <CODE>--enable-new-gui</CODE> opci�t
+a ./configure-nak. Ezut�n, a GUI m�d bekapcsol�s�hoz :
+  <LI>haszn�ld a <CODE>-gui</CODE> opci�t</LI>vagy
+  <LI>�rd be a <CODE>gui=yes</CODE> sort a konfigur�ci�s file-ba</LI>vagy
+  <LI><CODE>ln -s /usr/local/bin/mplayer /usr/local/bin/gmplayer</CODE> ,
+  �s a <CODE>gmplayer</CODE> file-t ind�tsd.
 <P><B><A NAME=1.5>1.5. Feliratok �s OSD</A></B></P>
@@ -427,13 +436,15 @@
 <P>Ha nem felel meg a lirc-config file eredeti helye (~/.lircrc), haszn�ld
   a -lircconf [file-n�v] kapcsol�t.</P>
-<P><B><A NAME=3.3>3.3.  Streaming from network or pipes</A></B></P>
+<P><B><A NAME=3.3>3.3.  Lej�tsz�s h�l�zatr�l, vagy pipe-n kereszt�l</A></B></P>
 <P>Az <B>MPlayer</B> a HTTP protokollal tud lej�tszani h�l�zaton kereszt�l.
   A konfigur�l�sa egyszer�, csak ford�tsd �jra az <B>MPlayer</B>-t �gy :</P>
+<P><CODE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;./configure --enable-streaming</CODE></P>
-<P><CODE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;./configure --enable-streaming</CODE></P>
+<P><B>Nem tud</B> viszont lej�tszani ASF file-okat h�l�zatr�l se HTTP-vel, se
 <P><B>MPlayer</B> tud a standard bemenetr�l (NEM named pipe-okr�l) beolvasni.
   Itt egy p�lda az FTP-n kereszt�li lej�tsz�sra ennek seg�ts�g�vel :</P>
--- a/DOCS/Hungarian/faq.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/Hungarian/faq.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
-libcss/libdivxdecore t�mogat�ssal ford�tottam az MPlayer-t, de amikor
+libdvdcss/libdivxdecore t�mogat�ssal ford�tottam az MPlayer-t, de amikor
 el akarom ind�tani, ezt �rja ki :
-<CODE>&gt; error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory</CODE><BR>
+<CODE>&gt; error while loading shared libraries: lib*.so.0: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory</CODE><BR>
 Megn�ztem a file-t, �s ott van az /usr/local/lib-ben.
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>A:</TD><TD><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
  Mit keresel te Linuxon? Nem tudsz feltenni egy k�nyvt�rat? Mi�rt
--- a/DOCS/Hungarian/video.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/Hungarian/video.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
   SUID root-k�nt kell install�lnod :</P>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer<BR>
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/mplayer<BR>
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chmod +s /usr/local/bin/mplayer</CODE></P>
--- a/DOCS/cd-dvd.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/cd-dvd.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -75,21 +75,21 @@
 This is the first version of some real DVD support inside <B>MPlayer</B> and
 we're busy with hunting bugs and implementing basic DVD player features.</P>
-<P><B>MPlayer</B> uses libdvdread which has got built in support for IFO parsing,
-reading navi blocks and doing authentication/descrambling. libdvdread
-use the good old libcss to the latter tasks. So you will need libcss and
-libdvdread downloaded, compiled and installed BEFORE you run ./configure
-script of <B>MPlayer</B> which will autodetect libdvdread for you in this way.</P>
+<P><B>MPlayer</B> uses libdvdread which has got built in support for IFO
+parsing, reading navi blocks and doing authentication/descrambling. libdvdread
+uses libdvdcss to the latter tasks. So you will need libdvdcss and libdvdread
+downloaded, compiled and installed BEFORE you run ./configure script of
+<B>MPlayer</B> which will autodetect libdvdread for you in this way.</P>
-<LI><P><B>Download source of libdvdread and libcss.</B></P>
+<LI><P><B>Download source of libdvdread and libdvdcss.</B></P>
 <P><I>You can download them from
 <A HREF=""></A>
-(click 'download' in the menu at the left, and you can find libcss and
+(click 'download' in the menu at the left, and you can find libdvdcss and
 libdvdread in a table).</I></P></LI>
-<LI><P><B>Compile and install libcss THEN libdvdread.</B></P>
+<LI><P><B>Compile and install libdvdcss THEN libdvdread.</B></P>
 <P><I>Read documentation of these packages to do this step easily.</I></P></LI>
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 line when you run ./configure). That's it! Say: <CODE>make</CODE>, then <CODE>make install</CODE>.</I></P></LI>
-<P>Of course after installing libcss and libdvdread you don't need recompile
+<P>Of course after installing libdvdcss and libdvdread you don't need recompile
 them at each time when you want to recompile <B>MPlayer</B> (from a new CVS version
 for example) since the needed packages have already been installed on your
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
-Can I compile libdvdread and libcss for example on my sweet Sparc/Solaris?
+Can I compile libdvdread and libdvdcss for example on my sweet Sparc/Solaris?
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
 Who knows ... Please test it and send feedback. But it's said that it
 should work. Please refer documentation of libdvdread and its homepage
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 under the XYZ#$ paragraph of the--
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
 Get back asshole, there is no DeCSS code in <B>MPlayer</B>. <B>MPlayer</B> uses libdvdread
-by linking against it, and libdvdread uses libcss by dynamic loading it.
+by linking against it, and libdvdread uses libdvdcss by dynamic loading it.
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
-Where can I get libdvdread and libcss packages from?
+Where can I get libdvdread and libdvdcss packages from?
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
 From the site of Ogle:
 <A HREF=""></A>.
--- a/DOCS/codecs.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/codecs.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <P><B>MPlayer</B> can read/play from the following devices/formats:<BR>
 <LI> VCD (Video CD) directly from CD-ROM or from CDRwin's .bin image file     
-<LI> DVD, directly from your DVD disk, using optional libcss for decryption
+<LI> DVD, directly from your DVD disk, using optional libdvdcss for decryption
 <LI> MPEG 1/2 System Stream (PS/PES/VOB) and Elementary Stream (ES) file
 <LI> RIFF AVI file format
--- a/DOCS/documentation.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/documentation.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 You'll need this to gain <B>DivX</B> playing on non-x86 machines, or want to
 gain bigger speed than the Win32 codec does.</LI>
-<LI>For DVD support, you'll have to compile libdvdread and libcss.
+<LI>For DVD support, you'll have to compile libdvdread and libdvdcss.
 See <A HREF="cd-dvd.html#4.2">section 4.2</A> for more information.</LI>
@@ -250,7 +250,16 @@
 <P><B><A NAME=1.4>1.4. What about the GUI?</A></B></P>
+<P>The GUI is built upon GTK, so gtk (and it's devel stuff) has to be installed.
+You can build it by specifying <CODE>--enable-new-gui</CODE> during ./configure .
+Then, to turn on GUI mode, you either
+  <LI>use the <CODE>-gui</CODE> option</LI>
+  <LI>specify <CODE>gui=yes</CODE> in your config file</LI>
+  <LI><CODE>ln -s /usr/local/bin/mplayer /usr/local/bin/gmplayer</CODE> ,
+  and call <CODE>gmplayer</CODE> instead.
 <P><B><A NAME=1.5>1.5. Subtitles and OSD</A></B></P>
@@ -352,7 +361,7 @@
 <P><B>GUI keyboard control</B></P>
-<TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>, and .</TD><TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>previous / next stream</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>, and .</TD><TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>previous / next file</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>gray - or +</TD><TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>decrease / increase volume</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>enter</TD><TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>start playing</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>space</TD><TD></TD><TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>pause</TD><TR>
@@ -420,11 +429,13 @@
 <P><B><A NAME=3.3>3.3. Streaming from network or pipes</A></B></P>
-<P><B>MPlayer</B> can play media from network, by using the HTTP protocol.
+<P><B>MPlayer</B> can play files from network, using the HTTP protocol.
 Configuring it is simple, just recompile <B>MPlayer</B> with</P>
 <P><CODE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;./configure --enable-streaming</CODE></P>
+<P>MPlayer <B>can NOT read ASF</B> files from network, neither with HTTP nor MMS.</P>
 <P><B>MPlayer</B> can read from stdin (NOT named pipes). This can be for example
 used to play from FTP:</P>
--- a/DOCS/faq.html	Thu Sep 27 21:29:40 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/faq.html	Thu Sep 27 22:13:38 2001 +0000
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
 </TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
 <TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
-I compiled MPlayer with libcss/libdivxdecore support, but when
+I compiled MPlayer with libdvdcss/libdivxdecore support, but when
 I try to start it, it says:<BR>
-<CODE>&gt; error while loading shared libraries: cannot load
+<CODE>&gt; error while loading shared libraries: lib*.so.0: cannot load
 shared object file: No such file or directory</CODE><BR>
 I checked up on the file and it IS there in /usr/local/lib.
 </B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>A:</TD><TD><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">