changeset 21748:5a9cea1eb591

Translation of menc-feat-vcd-dvd sect1 in encoding-guide.xml
author voroshil
date Sun, 24 Dec 2006 18:10:47 +0000 (2006-12-24)
parents e6b16ad464e8
children f26334cd77fd
files DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml
diffstat 1 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml	Sun Dec 24 11:21:08 2006 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml	Sun Dec 24 18:10:47 2006 +0000
@@ -4377,49 +4377,49 @@
 <sect1 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd">
-<title>Using <application>MEncoder</application> 
-  to create VCD/SVCD/DVD-compliant files.</title>
+<title>��仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亠 <application>MEncoder</application> 
+  亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� VCD/SVCD/DVD-�仂于仄亠��亳仄�� �舒亶仍仂于.</title>
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-constraints">
-<title>Format Constraints</title>
-<application>MEncoder</application> is capable of creating VCD, SCVD
-and DVD format MPEG files using the
-<systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem> library.
-These files can then be used in conjunction with
+<title>�亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳� �仂�仄舒�舒</title>
+<application>MEncoder</application> �仗仂�仂弍亠仆 �仂亰亟舒于舒�� MPEG �舒亶仍� VCD, SCVD
+亳 DVD �仂�仄舒�舒, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�� 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从� <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem>.
+亅�亳 �舒亶亟� 亰舒�亠仄 仄仂亞�� 弍��� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆� �仂于仄亠��仆仂 � 
 <ulink url="">vcdimager</ulink>
 <ulink url="">dvdauthor</ulink>
-to create discs that will play on a standard set-top player.
-The DVD, SVCD, and VCD formats are subject to heavy constraints.
-Only a small selection of encoded picture sizes and aspect ratios are
-If your movie does not already meet these requirements, you may have
-to scale,crop or add black borders to the picture to make it
+<!--FIXME unstranslated -->
+亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� 亟亳�从仂于, 从仂�仂��亠 弍�亟�� 于仂�仗�仂亳亰于仂亟亳���� 仆舒 ��舒仆亟舒��仆仂仄 set-top
+DVD, SVCD, 亳 VCD �仂�仄舒�� 亢亠��从仂 仂亞�舒仆亳�亠仆�. �仂���仗亠仆 �仂仍�从仂 仆亠弍仂仍��仂亶 于�弍仂�
+�舒亰仄亠�仂于 亳 仗�仂仗仂��亳亶 从仂亟亳��亠仄仂亞仂 亳亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆亳�.
+��仍亳 于舒� �亳仍�仄 仗仂从舒 仆亠 �亟仂于仍亠�于仂��亠� ��亳仄 仂亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳�仄, 仗�亳亟亠��� 亳亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆亳亠
+仄舒���舒弍亳�仂于舒��, 仂弍�亠亰舒�� 亳仍亳 亟仂弍舒于仍��� 从 仆亠仄� �亠�仆�亠 仗仂仍仂��, ��仂弍� 亟仂弍亳����
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-constraints-resolution">
-<title>Format Constraints</title>
+<title>�亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳� �仂�仄舒�仂于</title>
 <informaltable frame="all">
 <tgroup cols="9">
-  <entry>Format</entry>
-  <entry>Resolution</entry>
-  <entry>V. Codec</entry>
-  <entry>V. Bitrate</entry>
-  <entry>Sample Rate</entry>
-  <entry>A. Codec</entry>
-  <entry>A. Bitrate</entry>
+  <entry>个仂�仄舒�</entry>
+  <entry>�舒亰�亠�亠仆亳亠</entry>
+  <entry>�亳亟. �仂亟亠从</entry>
+  <entry>�亳亟. �亳�仗仂�仂从</entry>
+  <entry>�亳�从�亠�亳亰舒�亳�</entry>
+  <entry>��亟. �仂亟亠从</entry>
+  <entry>��亟. �亳�仗仂�仂从</entry>
-  <entry>Aspect</entry>
+  <entry>��仂仗仂��亳亳</entry>
@@ -4427,23 +4427,23 @@
   <entry>NTSC DVD</entry>
   <entry>720x480, 704x480, 352x480, 352x240</entry> 
-  <entry>9800 kbps</entry>
-  <entry>48000 Hz</entry>
+  <entry>9800 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+  <entry>48000 ��</entry>
-  <entry>1536 kbps (max)</entry>
+  <entry>1536 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
   <entry>30000/1001, 24000/1001</entry>
-  <entry>4:3, 16:9 (only for 720x480)</entry>
+  <entry>4:3, 16:9 (�仂仍�从仂 亟仍� 720x480)</entry>
   <entry>NTSC DVD</entry>
   <entry>352x240<footnote id='fn-rare-resolutions'><para>
-  These resolutions are rarely used for DVDs because
-  they are fairly low quality.</para></footnote></entry> 
+  亅�亳 �舒亰�亠�亠仆亳� �亠亟从仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰����� 亟仍� DVD, 仗仂�从仂仍�从� 亳仄亠�� 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 仆亳亰从仂亠
+  从舒�亠��于仂.</para></footnote></entry> 
-  <entry>1856 kbps</entry>
-  <entry>48000 Hz</entry>
+  <entry>1856 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+  <entry>48000 ��</entry>
-  <entry>1536 kbps (max)</entry>
+  <entry>1536 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
   <entry>30000/1001, 24000/1001</entry>
   <entry>4:3, 16:9</entry>
@@ -4451,10 +4451,10 @@
   <entry>NTSC SVCD</entry>
-  <entry>2600 kbps</entry>
-  <entry>44100 Hz</entry>
+  <entry>2600 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+  <entry>44100 ��</entry>
-  <entry>384 kbps (max)</entry>
+  <entry>384 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
@@ -4462,10 +4462,10 @@
   <entry>NTSC VCD</entry>
-  <entry>1150 kbps</entry>
-  <entry>44100 Hz</entry>
+  <entry>1150 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+  <entry>44100 ��</entry>
-  <entry>224 kbps</entry>
+  <entry>224 从弍亳�/�</entry>
   <entry>24000/1001, 30000/1001</entry>
@@ -4473,10 +4473,10 @@
   <entry>PAL DVD</entry>
   <entry>720x576, 704x576, 352x576, 352x288</entry>
-  <entry>9800 kbps</entry>
-  <entry>48000 Hz</entry>
+  <entry>9800 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+  <entry>48000 ��</entry>
-  <entry>1536 kbps (max)</entry>
+  <entry>1536 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
   <entry>4:3, 16:9 (only for 720x576)</entry>
@@ -4484,10 +4484,10 @@
    <entry>PAL DVD</entry>
    <entry>352x288<footnoteref linkend='fn-rare-resolutions'/></entry>
-   <entry>1856 kbps</entry>
-   <entry>48000 Hz</entry>
+   <entry>1856 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+   <entry>48000 ��</entry>
-   <entry>1536 kbps (max)</entry>
+   <entry>1536 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
    <entry>4:3, 16:9</entry>
@@ -4495,10 +4495,10 @@
    <entry>PAL SVCD</entry>
-   <entry>2600 kbps</entry>
-   <entry>44100 Hz</entry>
+   <entry>2600 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+   <entry>44100 ��</entry>
-   <entry>384 kbps (max)</entry>
+   <entry>384 从弍亳�/� (仄舒从�.)</entry>
@@ -4506,10 +4506,10 @@
    <entry>PAL VCD</entry>
-   <entry>1152 kbps</entry>
-   <entry>44100 Hz</entry>
+   <entry>1152 从弍亳�/�</entry>
+   <entry>44100 ��</entry>
-   <entry>224 kbps</entry>
+   <entry>224 从弍亳�/�</entry>
@@ -4518,42 +4518,42 @@
-If your movie has 2.35:1 aspect (most recent action movies), you will
-have to add black borders or crop the movie down to 16:9 to make a DVD
-or VCD.
-If you add black borders, try to align them at 16-pixel boundaries in
-order to minimize the impact on encoding performance.
-Thankfully DVD has sufficiently excessive bitrate that you do not have
-to worry too much about encoding efficiency, but SVCD and VCD are
-highly bitrate-starved and require effort to obtain acceptable quality.
+��仍亳 于舒� �亳仍�仄 亳仄亠亠� 仗�仂仗仂��亳亳 2.35:1 (弍仂仍��亳仆��于仂 �仂于�亠仄亠仆仆�� �亳仍�仄仂于),
+亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� DVD 亳仍亳 VCD 仗�亳亟亠��� 亟仂弍舒于亳�� �亠�仆�亠 仗仂仍仂�� 亳仍亳 仂弍�亠亰舒�� �亳仍�仄 亟仂
+16:9. �仂弍舒于仍�� �亠�仆�亠 仗仂仍仂��, 仗��舒亶�亠�� 于��仂于仆��� 亳� �舒亰仄亠�� 仆舒 亞�舒仆亳�� 于 16 仗亳从�亠仍仂于,
+��仂弍� 仄亳仆亳仄亳亰亳�仂于舒�� 于仍亳�仆亳亠 仆舒 仗�仂亳亰于仂亟亳�亠仍�仆仂��� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�.
+� ��舒����, DVD 亳仄亠亠� 亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂 亳亰弍��仂�仆�亶 弍亳�仗仂�仂从, ��仂弍� 仆亠 �亳仍�仆仂
+弍亠�仗仂从仂亳���� 仂弍 ���亠从�亳于仆仂��亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�, 仆仂 SVCD 亳 VCD 于亠��仄舒 仂亞�舒仆亳�亠仆� 于
+弍亳�仗仂�仂从亠 亳 ��亠弍��� 仂仗�亠亟亠仍亠仆仆�� ��亳仍亳亶 亟仍� 亟仂��亳亢亠仆亳� 仗�亳亠仄仍亠仄仂亞仂 从舒�亠��于舒.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-constraints-gop">
-<title>GOP Size Constraints</title>
-DVD, VCD, and SVCD also constrain you to relatively low 
-GOP (Group of Pictures) sizes.
-For 30 fps material the largest allowed GOP size is 18.
-For 25 or 24 fps, the maximum is 15.
-The GOP size is set using the <option>keyint</option> option.
+<title>�亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳� 仆舒 �舒亰仄亠� GOP</title>
+DVD, VCD, 亳 SVCD �舒从亢亠 仂亞�舒仆亳�亳于舒�� 于舒� 仂�仆仂�亳�亠仍�仆仂 仆亳亰从亳仄亳 �舒亰仄亠�舒仄亳  
+GOP (Group of Pictures, ���仗仗舒 �亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆亳亶).
+�仍� 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒 � 30 fps 仄舒从�亳仄舒仍�仆�亶 亟仂仗���亳仄�亶 �舒亰仄亠� GOP �舒于亠仆 18.
+�仍� 25 亳仍亳 24 fps, 仄舒从�亳仄�仄 �舒于亠仆 15.
+�舒亰仄亠� GOP ���舒仆舒于仍亳于舒亠��� 仂仗�亳亠亶 <option>keyint</option>.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-constraints-bitrate">
-<title>Bitrate Constraints</title>
-VCD video is required to be CBR at 1152 kbps.
-This highly limiting constraint also comes along with an extremly low vbv
-buffer size of 327 kilobits.
-SVCD allows varying video bitrates up to 2500 kbps, and a somewhat less 
-restrictive vbv buffer size of 917 kilobits is allowed.
-DVD video bitrates may range anywhere up to 9800 kbps (though typical
-bitrates are about half that), and the vbv buffer size is 1835 kilobits.
+<title>�亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳� 仆舒 弍亳�仗仂�仂从</title>
+VCD 于亳亟亠仂 亟仂仍亢仆仂 弍��� CBR � 1152 从弍亳�/�.
+亅�仂 �亳仍�仆仂亠 仂亞�舒仆亳�亠仆亳亠 ���亞�弍仍�亠���, 从 �仂仄� 亢亠, ��亠亰于��舒亶仆仂 仆亳亰从亳仄 �舒亰仄亠�仂仄 vbv
+弍��亠�舒, �舒于仆�仄 327 从亳仍仂弍亳�.
+SVCD 亟仂仗��从舒亠� �舒亰仍亳�仆�亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� 于亳亟亠仂 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 2500 从弍亳�/� 亳 仆亠
+�舒从 �亳仍�仆仂 ��亠�仆���亳亶 �舒亰仄亠� vbv 弍��亠�舒, �舒于仆�亶 917 从亳仍仂弍亳�.
+丕 DVD 于亳亟亠仂 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 仄仂亢亠� �于仂弍仂亟仆仂 仄亠仆����� 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 9800 kbps (�仂�� 仂弍��仆�亶
+仗仂�仂从 �舒于亠仆 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 仗仂仍仂于亳仆亠 ��仂亞仂 亰仆舒�亠仆亳�), 舒 �舒亰仄亠� vbv 弍��亠� �舒于亠仆 1835
@@ -4561,22 +4561,19 @@
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-output">
-<title>Output Options</title>
-<application>MEncoder</application> has options to control the output
-Using these options we can instruct it to create the correct type of
-The options for VCD and SVCD are called xvcd and xsvcd, because they
-are extended formats.
-They are not strictly compliant, mainly because the output does not
-contain scan offsets.
-If you need to generate an SVCD image, you  should pass the output file
+<title>�仗�亳亳 于�于仂亟舒</title>
+丕 <application>MEncoder</application> 亠��� 仂仗�亳亳, �仗�舒于仍���亳亠 于��仂亟仆�仄 �仂�仄舒�仂仄.
+��仗仂仍�亰�� 亳�, 仄仂亢仆仂 亟舒�� �从舒亰舒仆亳亠 �仂亰亟舒�� �舒亶仍 从仂��亠从�仆仂亞仂 �亳仗舒.
+�仍� VCD 亳 SVCD 仂仗�亳亳 仆舒亰�于舒���� xvcd 亳 xsvcd, 仗仂�仂仄� ��仂 仂仆亳 �于仍�����
+�舒��亳�亠仆仆�仄亳 �仂�仄舒�舒仄亳. �仆亳 仆亠 仗仂仍仆仂���� �仂于仄亠��亳仄�, 于 仂�仆仂于仆仂仄, 仗仂�仂仄� ��仂 仆亠
+<!-- is translation need for "scan offset" -->
+�仂亟亠�亢舒� scan offsets. ��仍亳 仆�亢仆仂 �仂亰亟舒�� 仂弍�舒亰 SVCD, �仍亠亟�亠� 仗亠�亠亟舒��
+于��仂亟仆仂亶 �舒亶仍 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄亠
 <ulink url="">vcdimager</ulink>.
@@ -4591,80 +4588,79 @@
-DVD (with timestamps on every frame, if possible):
+DVD (� 于�亠仄亠仆仆�仄亳 仄亠�从舒仄亳 仆舒 从舒亢亟仂仄 从舒亟�亠, 亠�仍亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂):
 <screen>-of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf</screen>
-DVD with NTSC Pullup:
+DVD � NTSC Pullup:
 <screen>-of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf:telecine -ofps 24000/1001</screen>
-This allows 24000/1001 fps progressive content to be encoded at 30000/1001 
-fps whilst maintaing DVD-compliance.
+<!-- is translation correct? -->
+亅�仂 亟亠仍舒亠� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆�仄 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 24000/1001 fps 仗�仂亞�亠��亳于仆仂亞仂 �仂亟亠�亢亳仄仂亞仂 �
+�舒��仂�仂亶 30000/1001 fps, 仗仂从舒 �仂��舒仆�亠��� DVD-�仂于仄亠��亳仄仂���.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-output-aspect">
-<title>Aspect Ratio</title>
-The aspect argument of <option>-lavcopts</option> is used to encode
-the aspect ratio of the file.
-During playback the aspect ratio is used to restore the video to the
-correct size.
-16:9 or "Widescreen"
+��亞�仄亠仆� aspect 于 <option>-lavcopts</option> 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 亟仍� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�
+从仂���亳�亳亠仆�舒 仗�仂仗仂��亳亶 �舒亶仍舒.
+�仂���亳�亳亠仆� 仗�仂仗仂��亳亶 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 于 仗�仂�亠��亠 于仂�仗�仂亳亰于亠亟亠仆亳� 亟仍� 于仂���舒仆仂于仍亠仆亳�
+仗�舒于亳仍�仆仂亞仂 �舒亰仄亠�舒 于亳亟亠仂.
+16:9 or "丿亳�仂从仂�从�舒仆仆�亶"
 <screen>-lavcopts aspect=16/9</screen>
-4:3 or "Fullscreen"
+4:3 or "�仂仍仆仂�从�舒仆仆�亶"
 <screen>-lavcopts aspect=4/3</screen>
-2.35:1 or "Cinemascope" NTSC
+2.35:1 or "�亳仆亠仄舒�仂亞�舒�亳�亠�从亳亶" NTSC
 <screen>-vf scale=720:368,expand=720:480 -lavcopts aspect=16/9</screen>
-To calculate the correct scaling size, use the expanded NTSC width of
-854/2.35 = 368
-2.35:1 or "Cinemascope" PAL
+�仍� 于��亳�仍亠仆亳� 仗�舒于亳仍�仆仂亞仂 �舒亰仄亠�舒 仄舒���舒弍亳�仂于舒仆亳� 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 �舒��亳�亠仆仆��
+�亳�亳仆� NTSC 854/2.35 = 368
+2.35:1 or "从亳仆亠仄舒�仂亞�舒�亳�亠�从亳亶" PAL
 <screen>-vf scale="720:432,expand=720:576 -lavcopts aspect=16/9</screen>
-To calculate the correct scaling size, use the expanded PAL width of
-1024/2.35 = 432
+�仍� 于��亳�仍亠仆亳� 仗�舒于亳仍�仆仂亞仂 �舒亰仄亠�舒 仄舒���舒弍亳�仂于舒仆亳� 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 �舒��亳�亳仆仆��
+�亳�亳仆� PAL 1024/2.35 = 432
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-a-v-sync">
-<title>Maintaining A/V sync</title>
-In order to maintain audio/video synchronization throughout the encode,
-<application>MEncoder</application> has to drop or duplicate frames.
-This works rather well when muxing into an AVI file, but is almost
-guaranteed to fail to maintain A/V sync with other muxers such as MPEG.
-This is why it is necessary to append the
-<option>harddup</option> video filter at the end of the filter chain
-to avoid this kind of problem.
-You can find more technical information about <option>harddup</option>
-in the section
-<link linkend="menc-feat-dvd-mpeg4-muxing-filter-issues">Improving muxing and A/V sync reliability</link>
-or in the manual page.
+<title>弌仂��舒仆亠仆亳亠 A/V �亳仆��仂仆亳亰舒�亳亳</title>
+�仍� �仂亞仂, ��仂弍� �仂��舒仆��� 舒�亟亳仂/于亳亟亠仂 �亳仆��仂仆亳亰舒�亳� 于 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亳 仆舒 于�亠仄 亠亞仂
+仗�仂��亢亠仆亳亳, <application>MEncoder</application> 亟仂仍亢亠仆 于�弍�舒��于舒�� 亳仍亳
+亟�弍仍亳�仂于舒�� 从舒亟��. 亅�仂 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 仆亠仗仍仂�仂 �舒弍仂�舒亠� 仗�亳 仄�仍��亳仗仍亠从�亳�仂于舒仆亳亳 于 AVI
+�舒亶仍, 仆仂 � 亟��亞亳仄亳 仄�仍��亳仗仍亠从�仂�舒仄亳, �舒从亳仄亳 从舒从 MPEG, 仗仂��亳 亞舒�舒仆�亳�仂于舒仆仂
+仗�亳于亠亟亠� 从 仆舒���亠仆亳� A/V �亳仆��仂仆亳亰舒�亳亳. �仍� 亳亰弍亠亢舒仆亳� 仗仂亟仂弍仆�� 仗�仂弍仍亠仄, 
+仆亠仂弍�仂亟亳仄仂 亟仂弍舒于亳�� 于亳亟亠仂 �亳仍��� <option>harddup</option> 于 从仂仆亠� �亠仗仂�从亳
+�亳仍���仂于. �仂仗仂仍仆亳�亠仍�仆�� �亠�仆亳�亠�从�� 亳仆�仂�仄舒�亳� 仂 <option>harddup</option> 仄仂亢仆仂
+仆舒亶�亳 于 �舒亰亟亠仍亠 
+<link linkend="menc-feat-dvd-mpeg4-muxing-filter-issues">丕仍���亠仆亳亠
+仄�仍��亳仗仍亠从�亳�仂于舒仆亳� 亳 仆舒亟亠亢仆仂��亳 A/V �亳仆��仂仆亳亰舒�亳亳</link> 亳仍亳 于 man ��从仂于仂亟��于亠.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-output-srate">
-<title>Sample Rate Conversion</title>
-If the audio sample rate in the original file is not the same as
-required by the target format, sample rate conversion is required.
-This is achieved using the <option>-srate</option> option and 
-the <option>-af lavcresample</option> audio filter together.
+<title>��亠仂弍�舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 �舒��仂�� 亟亳�从�亠�亳亰舒�亳亳</title>
+��仍亳 �舒��仂�舒 亟亳�从�亠�亳亰舒�亳亳 于 仂�亳亞亳仆舒仍�仆仂仄 �舒亶仍亠 仆亠 �仂于仗舒亟舒亠� � ��亠弍�亠仄仂亶 于
+�亠仍亠于仂仄 �仂�仄舒�亠, ��亠弍�亠��� 仗�亠仂弍�舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠. �亞仂 仄仂亢仆仂 仂���亠��于亳��, �仂于仄亠��仆仂
+亳�仗仂仍�亰�� 仂仗�亳� <option>-srate</option> 亳 舒�亟亳仂 �亳仍���<option>-af lavcresample</option>.
@@ -4673,7 +4669,7 @@
-VCD and SVCD:
 <screen>-srate 44100 -af lavcresample=44100</screen>
@@ -4682,14 +4678,15 @@
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-lavc">
-<title>Using libavcodec for VCD/SVCD/DVD Encoding</title>
+<title>��仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亠 libavcodec 亟仍� VCD/SVCD/DVD 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�</title>
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-lavc-intro">
-  <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem> can be used to
-  create VCD/SVCD/DVD compliant video by using the appropriate options.
+  ��仗仂仍�亰�� �仂仂�于亠���于���亳亠 仂仗�亳亳, 仄仂亢仆仂 仗�亳仄亠仆��� 
+  <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem> 亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� VCD/SVCD/DVD 
+  �仂于仄亠��亳仄仂亞仂 于亳亟亠仂.
@@ -4698,88 +4695,86 @@
-This is a list of fields in <option>-lavcopts</option> that you may
-be required to change in order to make a complaint movie for VCD, SVCD,
-or DVD:
+亅�仂 �仗亳�仂从 仗仂仍亠亶 于 <option>-lavcopts</option>, 从仂�仂��亠 仄仂亢亠� 仗仂��亠弍仂于舒����
+亳亰仄亠仆亳��, ��仂弍� �仂亰亟舒�� �仂于仄亠��亳仄�亶 �亳仍�仄 亟仍� VCD, SVCD 亳仍亳 DVD:
   <emphasis role="bold">acodec</emphasis>:
-  <option>mp2</option> for VCD, SVCD, or PAL DVD;
-  <option>ac3</option> is most commonly used for DVD.
-  PCM audio may also be used for DVD, but this is mostly a big waste of
-  space.
-  Note that MP3 audio is not compliant for any of these formats, but
-  players often have no problem playing it anyway.
+  <option>mp2</option> 亟仍� VCD, SVCD, 亳仍亳 PAL DVD;
+  <option>ac3</option> 仆舒亳弍仂仍亠亠 �舒��仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 亟仍� DVD.
+  �仍� DVD �舒从亢亠 仄仂亢亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒���� PCM, 仆仂 ��仂, 仗仂 弍仂仍��亠亶 �舒��亳, 弍亠�仗仂仍亠亰仆舒�
+  ��舒�舒 �于仂弍仂亟仆仂亞仂 仄亠��舒. �仄亠亶�亠 于 于亳亟�, ��仂 MP3 舒�亟亳仂 仆亠 �仂于仄亠��亳仄仂 仆亳 � 仂亟仆亳仄
+  亳亰 ��亳� �仂�仄舒�仂于, 仆仂, 从舒从 弍� �仂 仆亳 弍�仍仂, �舒��仂 仗�仂亳亞��于舒�亠仍亳 仆亠 亳�仗���于舒��
+  仆亳从舒从亳� 仗�仂弍仍亠仄 � 亠亞仂 于仂�仗�仂亳亰于亠亟亠仆亳亠仄.
   <emphasis role="bold">abitrate</emphasis>:
-  224 for VCD; up to 384 for SVCD; up to 1536 for  DVD, but commonly
-  used values range from 192 kbps for stereo to 384 kbps for 5.1 channel
-  sound.
+  224 亟仍� VCD; 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 384 亟仍� SVCD; 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 1536 亟仍� DVD, 仆仂
+  �舒�仗�仂���舒仆亠仆仆�仄 �于仍�亠��� 亟亳舒仗舒亰仂仆 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亶 仂� 192 从弍亳�/� 亟仍� ��亠�亠仂 亟仂 384
+  从弍亳�/� 亟仍� 5.1 亰于�从舒.
   <emphasis role="bold">vcodec</emphasis>:
-  <option>mpeg1video</option> for VCD;
-  <option>mpeg2video</option> for SVCD;
-  <option>mpeg2video</option> is usually used for DVD but you may also use
-  <option>mpeg1video</option> for CIF resolutions.
+  <option>mpeg1video</option> 亟仍� VCD;
+  <option>mpeg2video</option> 亟仍� SVCD;
+  <option>mpeg2video</option> 仂弍��仆仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 亟仍� DVD, 仆仂 于� �舒从亢亠 仄仂亢亠�亠
+  亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 
+  <option>mpeg1video</option> 亟仍� CIF �舒亰�亠�亠仆亳亶.
   <emphasis role="bold">keyint</emphasis>:
-  Used to set the GOP size.
-  18 for 30fps material, or 15 for 25/24 fps material.
-  Commercial producers seem to prefer keyframe intervals of 12.
-  It is possible to make this much larger and still retain compatibility 
-  with most players.
-  A <option>keyint</option> of 25 should never cause any problems.
+  ��仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 亟仍� ���舒仆仂于从亳 �舒亰仄亠�舒 GOP.
+  18 亟仍� 30fps 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒 亳仍亳 15 亟仍� 25/24 fps 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒.
+  �仂仄仄亠��亠�从亳亠 亳亰亞仂�仂于亳�亠仍亳 仗仂�仂亢亠 仗�亠亟仗仂�亳�舒�� 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 亳仆�亠�于舒仍舒 从仍��亠于��
+  从舒亟�仂于, �舒于仆仂亠 12. �仂亢仆仂 亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂 �于亠仍亳�亳�� ��仂 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 亳 于�亠 亠�亠
+  �仂��舒仆��� �仂于仄亠��亳仄仂��� � 弍仂仍��亳仆��于仂仄 仗�仂亳亞��于舒�亠仍亠亶.
+  <option>keyint</option> �舒于仆仂亠 25 仆亠 亟仂仍亢仆仂 于�亰�于舒�� 仆亳从舒从亳� 仗�仂弍仍亠仄.
   <emphasis role="bold">vrc_buf_size</emphasis>:
-  327 for VCD, 917 for SVCD, and 1835 for DVD.
+  327 亟仍� VCD, 917 亟仍� SVCD 亳 1835 亟亟�  DVD.
   <emphasis role="bold">vrc_minrate</emphasis>:
-  1152, for VCD. May be left alone for SVCD and DVD.
+  1152 亟仍� VCD. �仂亢亠� 仆亠 �从舒亰�于舒���� 亟仍� SVCD 亳 DVD.
   <emphasis role="bold">vrc_maxrate</emphasis>:
-  1152 for VCD; 2500 for SVCD; 9800 for DVD.
-  For SVCD and DVD, you might wish to use lower values depending on your
-  own personal preferences and requirements.
+  1152 亟仍� VCD; 2500 亟仍� SVCD; 9800 亟仍� DVD.
+  �仍� SVCD 亳 DVD 于�, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 仗仂亢亠仍舒亠�亠 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 仄亠仆��亳亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 于
+  亰舒于亳�亳仄仂��亳 仂� 于舒�亳� 仍亳�仆�� ��亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶 亳 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳亶.
   <emphasis role="bold">vbitrate</emphasis>:
-  1152 for VCD;
-  up to 2500 for SVCD;
-  up to 9800 for DVD.
-  For the latter two formats, vbitrate should be set based on personal
-  preference.
-  For instance, if you insist on fitting 20 or so hours on a DVD, you
-  could use vbitrate=400.
-  The resulting video quality would probably be quite bad.
-  If you are trying to squeeze out the maximum possible quality on a DVD,
-  use vbitrate=9800, but be warned that this could constrain you to less
-  than an hour of video on a single-layer DVD.
+  1152 亟仍� VCD;
+  于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 2500 亟仍� SVCD;
+  于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 9800 亟仍� DVD.
+  �仍� 亟于�� 仗仂�仍亠亟仆亳亶 �仂�仄舒�仂于, vbitrate �仍亠亟�亠� ���舒仆仂于亳�� 仆舒 仂�仆仂于舒仆亳亳 仍亳�仆��
+  仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳亶.
+  �舒仗�亳仄亠�, 亠�仍亳 于� 仆舒��舒亳于舒亠�亠 仆舒 �舒亰仄亠�亠仆亳亳 20 亳仍亳 仂从仂仍仂 �仂亞仂 �舒�仂于 于亳亟亠仂 仆舒
+  DVD, 仄仂亢亠�亠 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� vbitrate=400.
+  �舒�亠��于仂 仗仂仍��亳于�亠亞仂�� 于亳亟亠仂, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 弍�亟亠� 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 仗仍仂�亳仄.
+  ��仍亳 于� 仗��舒亠�亠�� 于�亢舒�� 仄舒从�亳仄舒仍�仆仂 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亠 从舒�亠��于仂 仆舒 DVD, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠
+  vbitrate=9800, 仆仂 亳仄亠亶�亠 于 于亳亟�, ��仂 ��仂 仂亞�舒仆亳�亳� 于舒� 仄亠仆亠亠 �亠仄 仂亟仆亳仄 �舒�仂仄
+  于亳亟亠仂 仆舒 仂亟仆仂�仍仂亶仆仂仄 DVD.
   <emphasis role="bold">vtrict</emphasis>:
-  <option>vstrict</option>=0 should be used to create DVDs.
-  Without this option, <application>MEncoder</application> creates a
-  stream that cannot be correctly decoded by some standalone DVD
-  players.
+  <option>vstrict</option>=0 �仍亠亟�亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� DVD.
+  �亠亰 ��仂亶 仂仗�亳亳 <application>MEncoder</application> �仂亰亟舒亠� 仗仂�仂从, 从仂�仂��亶 仆亠
+  仄仂亢亠� 弍��� 从仂��亠从�仆仂 亟亠从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆 仆亠从仂�仂��仄亳 舒仗仗舒�舒�仆�仄亳 DVD 仗�仂亳亞��于舒�亠仍�仄亳.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-lavc-examples">
-  This is a typical minimum set of <option>-lavcopts</option> for
-  encoding video:
+  亅�仂 仂弍��仆�亶 仄亳仆亳仄舒仍�仆�亶 仆舒弍仂� <option>-lavcopts</option> 亟仍� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� 于亳亟亠仂:
@@ -4808,7 +4803,7 @@
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-lavc-advanced">
-<title>Advanced Options</title>
+<title>�舒��亳�亠仆仆�亠 仂仗�亳亳</title>
 For higher quality encoding, you may also wish to add quality-enhancing
@@ -4836,24 +4831,23 @@
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-audio">
-<title>Encoding Audio</title>
-VCD and SVCD support MPEG-1 layer II audio, using one of
+<title>�仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 亰于�从舒</title>
+VCD 亳 SVCD 仗仂亟亟亠�亢亳于舒�� 亰于�从 MPEG-1 layer II, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�� 仂亟仆� 亳亰 
 <systemitem class="library">toolame</systemitem>,
 <systemitem class="library">twolame</systemitem>,
-or <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem>'s MP2 encoder.
-The libavcodec MP2 is far from being as good as the other two libraries,
-however it should always be available to use.
-VCD only supports constant bitrate audio (CBR) whereas SVCD supports
-variable bitrate (VBR), too.
-Be careful when using VBR because some bad standalone players might not
-support it too well.
-For DVD audio, <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem>'s
-AC3 codec is used.
+亳仍亳 MP2 <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem> 从仂亟亳�仂于�亳从.
+libavcodec MP2 仆亠 �舒从 �仂�仂�, 从舒从 仂��舒仍�仆�亠 亟于亠 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从亳, 仂亟仆舒从仂 仂仆 亟仂仍亢亠仆
+弍��� 于�亠亞亟舒 亟仂���仗亠仆 亟仍� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳�.
+VCD 仗仂亟亟亠�亢亳于舒亠� �仂仍�从仂 亰于�从 � 仗仂��仂�仆仆�仄 弍亳�仗仂�仂从仂仄 (CBR), 于 �仂 于�亠仄� 从舒从 SVCD
+�舒从亢亠 仗仂亟亟亠�亢亳于舒亠� 亳 仗亠�亠仄亠仆仆�亶 (VBR). ��亟��亠 仂��仂�仂亢仆�, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�� VBR,
+仗仂�从仂仍�从�  仆亠从仂�仂��亠 舒仗仗舒�舒�仆�亠 仗�仂亳亞��于舒�亠仍亳 仄仂亞�� 仆亠 仂�亠仆� �仂�仂�仂 亠亞仂
+�仍� DVD 亰于�从舒 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� AC3 从仂亟亠从 亳亰 <systemitem class="library">libavcodec</systemitem>.
@@ -4861,7 +4855,7 @@
-For VCD and SVCD:
+�仍� VCD 亳 SVCD:
 <screen>-oac toolame -toolameopts br=224</screen>
@@ -4871,7 +4865,7 @@
-For VCD and SVCD:
+�仍� VCD 亳 SVCD:
 <screen>-oac twolame -twolameopts br=224</screen>
@@ -4881,17 +4875,17 @@
-For DVD with 2 channel sound:
+�仍� 2 从舒仆舒仍�仆仂亞仂 DVD 亰于�从舒:
 <screen>-oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=192</screen>
-For DVD with 5.1 channel sound:
+�仍� DVD � 5.1 亰于�从仂仄:
 <screen>-channels 6 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=384</screen>
-For VCD and SVCD:
+�仍� VCD 亳 SVCD:
 <screen>-oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=224</screen>
@@ -4900,11 +4894,11 @@
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-all">
-<title>Putting it all Together</title>
-This section shows some complete commands for creating VCD/SVCD/DVD
-compliant videos.
+<title>弌仂弍亳�舒� 于�亠 于仄亠��亠</title>
+亅�仂� �舒亰亟亠仍 亟亠仄仂仆���亳��亠� 仆亠从仂�仂��亠 仗仂仍仆�亠 从仂仄舒仆亟� 亟仍� �仂亰亟舒仆亳� VCD/SVCD/DVD
+�仂于仄亠��亳仄仂亞仂 于亳亟亠仂.
@@ -4939,10 +4933,11 @@
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-all-pal-ac3-copy">
-<title>PAL AVI Containing AC3 Audio to DVD</title>
-If the source already has AC3 audio, use -oac copy instead of re-encoding it.
+<title>PAL AVI, �仂亟亠�亢舒�亳亶 AC3 亰于�从, 于 DVD</title>
+��仍亳 亳��仂亟仆�亶 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍 �亢亠 �仂亟亠�亢亳� AC3 亰于�从, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 -oac copy 于仄亠��仂
 mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf \
   -vf scale=720:576,harddup -ofps 25 \
@@ -4954,10 +4949,10 @@
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-vcd-dvd-all-ntsc-ac3-copy">
-<title>NTSC AVI Containing AC3 Audio to DVD</title>
-If the source already has AC3 audio, and is NTSC @ 24000/1001 fps:
+<title>NTSC AVI, �仂亟亠�亢舒�亳亶 AC3 亰于�从, 于 DVD</title>
+��仍亳 亳��仂亟仆�亶 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍 �亢亠 �仂亟亠�亢亳� AC3 亰于�从 亳 �于仍�亠��� NTSC @ 24000/1001 fps:
 mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf:telecine \
   -vf scale=720:480,harddup -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:\