changeset 21747:e6b16ad464e8

Translation of menc-feat-x264 sect1 in encoding-guide.xml
author voroshil
date Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:21:08 +0000 (2006-12-24)
parents 7b88cb528d2b
children 5a9cea1eb591
files DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml
diffstat 1 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml	Sun Dec 24 05:47:51 2006 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/xml/ru/encoding-guide.xml	Sun Dec 24 11:21:08 2006 +0000
@@ -3671,295 +3671,292 @@
 <sect1 id="menc-feat-x264">
-<title>Encoding with the <systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem> codec</title>
-<systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem> is a free library for
-encoding H.264/AVC video streams.
-Before starting to encode, you need to <link linkend="codec-x264-encode">
-set up <application>MEncoder</application> to support it</link>.
+<title>�仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 从仂亟亠从仂仄 <systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem></title>
+<systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem> ��仂 �于仂弍仂亟仆舒� 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从舒 亟仍�
+从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 H.264/AVC 于亳亟亠仂 仗仂�仂从仂于.
+�亠�亠亟 仆舒�舒仍仂仄 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 于� 亟仂仍亢仆� <link linkend="codec-x264-encode">
+仆舒���仂亳�� <application>MEncoder</application> 亟仍� 亠亞仂 仗仂亟亟亠�亢从亳</link>.
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-x264-encoding-options">
-<title>Encoding options of x264</title>
-Please begin by reviewing the
-<systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem> section of
-<application>MPlayer</application>'s man page.
-This section is intended to be a supplement to the man page.
-Here you will find quick hints about which options are most
-likely to interest most people. The man page is more terse,
-but also more exhaustive, and it sometimes offers much better
-technical detail.
+<title>�仗�亳亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� x264</title>
+�舒�仆亳�亠, 仗仂亢舒仍�亶��舒 � 仗�仂�仄仂��舒 �舒亰亟亠仍舒 
+<systemitem class="library">x264</systemitem> 
+man ���舒仆亳�� <application>MPlayer</application>'舒.
+亅�仂� �舒亰亟亠仍 仗�亠亟仗仂仍舒亞舒亠��� 弍��� 亟仂仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亠仄 从 ���舒仆亳�亠 man.
+�亟亠�� 于� 仆舒亶亟亠�亠 弍�����亠 仗仂亟�从舒亰从亳 仂 �仂仄, 从舒从亳亠 仂仗�亳亳 �舒�亠 于�亠亞仂 亳仆�亠�亠����
+弍仂仍��亳仆��于仂 仍�亟亠亶. 弌��舒仆亳�舒 man 弍仂仍亠亠 仍舒从仂仆亳�仆舒, 仆仂 �舒从亢亠 弍仂仍亠亠 仗仂仍仆舒 亳 仗仂�仂亶
+仆舒仄仆仂亞仂 仍���亠 仗�亠仗仂亟仆仂�亳� �亠�仆亳�亠�从亳亠 亟亠�舒仍亳.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-x264-encoding-options-intro">
-This guide considers two major categories of encoding options:
+亅�仂 ��从仂于仂亟��于仂 �舒��仄舒��亳于舒亠� 亟于亠 亞仍舒于仆�亠 从舒�亠亞仂�亳亳 仂仗�亳亶 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�:
-  Options which mainly trade off encoding time vs. quality
+  �仗�亳亳, 于 仂�仆仂于仆仂仄 于仍亳���亳亠 仆舒 �仂仂�仆仂�亠仆亳亠 �从仂�仂���-从舒�亠��于仂.
-  Options which may be useful for fulfilling various personal
-  preferences and special requirements
+  �仗�亳亳, 从仂�仂��亠 仄仂亞�� 弍��� 仗仂仍亠亰仆� 亟仍� �亟仂于仍亠�于仂�亠仆亳� �舒亰仍亳�仆�亶
+  仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�亠仍��从亳亶 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳亶 亳 �仗亠�亳舒仍�仆�� ��亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶.
-Ultimately, only you can decide which options are best for your
-purposes. The decision for the first class of options is the simplest:
-you only have to decide whether you think the quality differences
-justify the speed differences. For the second class of options,
-preferences may be far more subjective, and more factors may be
-involved. Note that some of the "personal preferences and special
-requirements" options can still have large impacts on speed or quality,
-but that is not what they are primarily useful for. A couple of the
-"personal preference" options may even cause changes that look better
-to some people, but look worse to others.
-Before continuing, you need to understand that this guide uses only one
-quality metric: global PSNR.
-For a brief explanation of what PSNR is, see
-<ulink url="">the Wikipedia article on PSNR</ulink>.
-Global PSNR is the last PSNR number reported when you include
-the <option>psnr</option> option in <option>x264encopts</option>.
-Any time you read a claim about PSNR, one of the assumptions
-behind the claim is that equal bitrates are used.
-Nearly all of this guide's comments assume you are using
-two pass.
-When comparing options, there are two major reasons for using
-two pass encoding.
-First, using two pass often gains around 1dB PSNR, which is a
-very big difference.
-Secondly, testing options by doing direct quality comparisons
-with one pass encodes introduces a major confounding
-factor: bitrate often varies significantly with each encode.
-It is not always easy to tell whether quality changes are due
-mainly to changed options, or if they mostly reflect essentially
-random differences in the achieved bitrate.
+� 从仂仆�亠 从仂仆�仂于, �仂仍�从仂 于� 仄仂亢亠�亠 �亠�舒�� 从舒从亳亠 仂仗�亳亳 �于仍����� 仍���亳仄亳 亟仍� 于舒�亳�
+�亠仍亠亶. �亠�亠仆亳亠 亟仍� 仗亠�于仂亞仂 从仍舒��舒 仂仗�亳亶 仂�亠仆� 仗�仂��仂亠:
+仆舒亟仂 �仂仍�从仂 仂仗�亠亟亠仍亳��, ��亳�舒亠�亠 仍亳 于�, ��仂 �舒亰仆亳�舒 于 从舒�亠��于亠 仂仗�舒于亟�于舒亠� �舒亰仆亳�� 于
+�从仂�仂��亳.  �仍� 于�仂�仂亞仂 从仍舒��舒 仂仗�亳亶 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳� 仄仂亞�� 弍��� 亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂 弍仂仍亠亠
+��弍�亠从�亳于仆�仄亳 亳 亰舒于亳�亠�� 仂� 弍仂仍��亠亞仂 �亳�仍舒 �舒从�仂�仂于. 
+�仄亠亶�亠 于 于亳亟�, ��仂 仆亠从仂�仂��亠 亳亰 仂仗�亳亶 从舒�亠亞仂�亳亳 "仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�亠仍��从亳� 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳亶 亳 �仗亠�亳舒仍�仆��
+��亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶" 仄仂亞�� 于�亠 亢亠 亳仄亠�� 弍仂仍��仂亠 于仍亳�仆亳亠 仆舒 �从仂�仂��� 亳仍亳 从舒�亠��于仂,
+仆仂 ��仂 仆亠 仂�仆仂于仆仂亠 亳� 仗�亠亟仆舒亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠.
+丼舒��� 仂仗�亳亶 亳亰 "仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�亠仍��从亳� 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳亶" 仄仂亞�� 亟舒亢亠 仗�亳于亠��亳 从 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳�仄,
+从仂�仂��亠 于�亞仍�亟�� 仍���亠 亟仍� 仂亟仆亳� 仍�亟亠亶 亳 ��亢亠 - 亟仍� 亟��亞亳�.
+�亠�亠亟 �亠仄 从舒从 仗�仂亟仂仍亢亳��, 于舒仄 仗�亳亟亠��� 仗仂仆���, ��仂 ��仂 ��从仂于仂亟��于仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠�
+�仂仍�从仂 仂亟仆� 仄亠��亳从� 从舒�亠��于舒: 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆�亶 PSNR.
+��舒�从仂亠 仂仗亳�舒仆亳亠 �仂亞仂, ��仂 �舒从仂亠 PSNR, �仄仂��亳�亠 于
+<ulink url="">��舒��亠 �亳从亳仗亠亟亳亳 仂 PSNR</ulink>.
+�仍仂弍舒仍�仆�亶 PSNR - ��仂 仗仂�仍亠亟仆亠亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 PSNR, 于�于仂亟亳仄仂亠 仆舒 从仂仆�仂仍�, 从仂亞亟舒 于
+<option>x264encopts</option> 于从仍��亠仆舒 仂仗�亳� <option>psnr</option>.
+�舒亢亟�亶 �舒亰, 从仂亞亟舒 于� �亳�舒亠�亠 ��于亠�亢亟亠仆亳� 仂 PSNR, 亰舒 仆亳仄亳 �从��于舒亠���
+仗�亠亟仗仂仍仂亢亠仆亳亠, ��仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰����� 仂亟亳仆舒从仂于�亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒.
+�仂��亳 于�亠 从仂仄仄亠仆�舒�亳亳 ��仂亞仂 ��从仂于仂亟��于舒 仗�亠亟仗仂仍舒亞舒��, ��仂 于� 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠�亠 亟于舒
+���� 亟于亠 仂�仆仂于仆�亠 仗�亳�亳仆� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 亟于��仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亠 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 仗�亳 ��舒于仆亠仆亳亳
+�仂-仗亠�于��, 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亠 亟于�� 仗�仂�仂亟仂于 �于亠仍亳�亳于舒亠� PSNR 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 仆舒 1亟�,
+��仂 �于仍�亠��� 仂�亠仆� �仂�仂�亳仄 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠仄.
+�仂-于�仂���, �亠��亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 仂仗�亳亶 仗��仄�仄 ��舒于仆亠仆亳亠仄 从舒�亠��于舒 仗�亳 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂仄
+从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亳 于于仂亟亳� 仂�仆仂于仆仂亶 �弍亳于舒��亳亶 �舒从�仂�: 亰舒�舒���� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂
+仄亠仆�亠��� 仗�亳 从舒亢亟仂仄 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亳.
+�亠 于�亠亞亟舒 仄仂亢仆仂 � 仍亠亞从仂���� �从舒亰舒��, 亳亰仄亠仆亳仍仂�� 仍亳 从舒�亠��于仂 于 仂�仆仂于仆仂仄 亰舒 ��亠�
+亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳� 仂仗�亳亶, 亳仍亳 仂仆仂 仗仂 弍仂仍��亠亶 �舒��亳 仂��舒亢舒亠� �仍��舒亶仆�亠 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳�
+于 仗仂仍��亠仆仆仂仄 弍亳�仗仂�仂从亠.
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-x264-encoding-options-speedvquality">
-<title>Options which primarily affect speed and quality</title>
+<title>�仗�亳亳, 亰舒��舒亞亳于舒��亳亠, 于 仂�仆仂于仆仂仄, �从仂�仂��� 亳 从舒�亠��于仂</title> 
   <emphasis role="bold">subq</emphasis>:
-  Of the options which allow you to trade off speed for quality,
-  <option>subq</option> and <option>frameref</option> (see below) are usually
-  by far the most important.
-  If you are interested in tweaking either speed or quality, these
-  are the first options you should consider.
-  On the speed dimension, the <option>frameref</option> and
-  <option>subq</option> options interact with each other fairly
-  strongly.
-  Experience shows that, with one reference frame,
-  <option>subq=5</option> (the default setting) takes about 35% more time than
-  <option>subq=1</option>.
-  With 6 reference frames, the penalty grows to over 60%.
-  <option>subq</option>'s effect on PSNR seems fairly constant
-  regardless of the number of reference frames.
-  Typically, <option>subq=5</option> achieves 0.2-0.5 dB higher global
-  PSNR in comparison <option>subq=1</option>.
-  This is usually enough to be visible.
+  �亰 于�亠� 仂仗�亳亶, 仗仂亰于仂仍���亳� 于�弍亳�舒�� 仄亠亢亟� �从仂�仂���� 亳 从舒�亠��于仂仄, 
+  <option>subq</option> 亳 <option>frameref</option> (�仄仂��亳�亠 仆亳亢亠), 仗仂亢舒仍�亶,
+  �舒仄�亠 于舒亢仆�亠.
+  ��仍亳 于� 亰舒亳仆�亠�亠�仂于舒仆� 于 �仂仆从仂亶 仆舒���仂亶从亠 仍亳弍仂 �从仂�仂��亳, 仍亳仂 从舒�亠��于舒, 
+  ��亳 亟于亠  - 仗亠�于仂亠, � �亠亞仂 于舒仄 ��仂亳� 仆舒�舒��.
+  弌 �仂�从亳 亰�亠仆亳� �从仂�仂��亳, 仂仗�亳亳 <option>frameref</option> 亳
+  <option>subq</option> 仂�亠仆� 亢亠��从仂 于亰舒亳仄仂亟亠亶��于��� 亟��亞 � 亟��亞仂仄.
+  �仗�� 仗仂从舒亰�于舒亠�, ��仂 � 仂亟仆亳仄 ���仍舒��亳仄�� 从舒亟�仂仄
+  <option>subq=5</option> (仆舒���仂亶从舒 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�) �舒��仂亟�亠� 仆舒 35% 弍仂仍��亠
+  于�亠仄亠仆亳, �亠仄  <option>ubq=1</option>.
+  弌 6 ���仍舒��亳仄亳�� 从舒亟�舒仄亳 ��舒 于亠仍亳�亳仆舒 亟仂��亳亞舒亠� 60%.
+  亅��亠从� <option>subq</option> 仆舒 PSNR 于�亞仍�亟亳� 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 仗仂��仂�仆仆�仄, 于 仂�仍亳�亳亠
+  仂� 从仂仍亳�亠��于舒 ���仍舒��亳亶�� 从舒亟�仂于.
+  �舒从 仗�舒于亳仍仂, <option>subq=5</option> 亟仂��亳亞舒亠� 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆仂亞仂 PSNR 
+  仆舒 0.2-0.5 亟� 弍仂仍��亠亞仂, �亠仄  仗�亳 <option>subq=1</option>.
+  �弍��仆仂 ��仂亞仂 亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂, ��仂弍� 亰舒仄亠�亳��.
-  <option>subq=6</option> is the slowest, highest quality mode.
-  In comparison to <option>subq=5</option>, it usually gains 0.1-0.4 dB
-  global PSNR with speed costs varying from 25%-100%.
-  Unlike other levels of <option>subq</option>, the behavior of
-  <option>subq=6</option> does not depend much on <option>frameref</option>
-  and <option>me</option>.  Instead, the effectiveness of <option>subq=6
-  </option> depends mostly upon the number of B-frames used. In normal
-  usage, this means <option>subq=6</option> has a large impact on both speed
-  and quality in complex, high motion scenes, but it may not have much effect
-  in low-motion scenes. Note that it is still recommended to always set
-  <option>bframes</option> to something other than zero (see below).
+  <option>subq=6</option> - ��仂 �舒仄�亶 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆�亶 �亠亢亳仄 � 仍���亳仄 从舒�亠��于仂仄.
+  ��仍亳 ��舒于仆亳于舒�� � <option>subq=5</option>, 仂仆 仂弍��仆仂 亟舒亠� 仆舒 0.1-0.4 亟�
+  弍仂仍��亳亶 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆�亶 PSNR �亠仆仂亶 仗仂�亠�亳 25%-100% �从仂�仂��亳.
+  � 仂�仍亳�亳亠 仂� 仂��舒仍�仆�� ��仂于仆亠亶 <option>subq</option>, 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亠 
+  <option>subq=6</option> 仆亠 �舒从 �亳仍�仆仂 亰舒于亳�亳� 仂� <option>frameref</option>
+  亳 <option>me</option>.  �仄亠��仂 ��仂亞仂, ���亠从�亳于仆仂��� <option>subq=6
+  </option> 仗仂 弍仂仍��亠亶 �舒��亳 亰舒于亳�亳� 仂� 从仂仍亳�亠��于舒 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠仄�� B-从舒亟�仂于. ��亳
+  仂弍��仆仂仄 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亳 ��仂 仂亰仆舒�舒亠�, ��仂 <option>subq=6</option> 于 �仍仂亢仆��,
+  于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�� ��亠仆舒� 亳仄亠亠� 弍仂仍��仂亠 于仍亳�仆亳亠 从舒从 仆舒 �从仂�仂���, �舒从 亳 仆舒
+  从舒�亠��于仂, 仆仂 于 ��亠仆舒� � 仄舒仍�仄 从仂仍亳�亠��于舒� 亟于亳亢亠仆亳� 仂仆舒 仆亠 亳仄亠亠� �舒从仂亞仂
+  ���亠从�舒. �仄亠亶�亠 于 于亳亟�, ��仂 仗仂-仗�亠亢仆亠仄� �亠从仂仄亠仆亟�亠��� 于�亠亞亟舒 ���舒仆舒于仍亳于舒�� 
+  <option>bframes</option> 于 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠, 仂�仍亳�仆仂亠 仂� 仆�仍� (�仄仂��亳�亠 亟舒仍亠亠).
   <emphasis role="bold">frameref</emphasis>:
-  <option>frameref</option> is set to 1 by default, but this
-  should not be taken to imply that it is reasonable to set it to 1.
-  Merely raising <option>frameref</option> to 2 gains around
-  0.15dB PSNR with a 5-10% speed penalty; this seems like a good tradeoff.
-  <option>frameref=3</option> gains around 0.25dB PSNR over
-  <option>frameref=1</option>, which should be a visible  difference.
-  <option>frameref=3</option> is around 15% slower than
+  <option>frameref</option> 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� ���舒仆仂于仍亠仆舒 于 1, 仆仂 ��仂 仆亠 亰仆舒�亳�, ��仂
+  亠亠 ��仂亳� ���舒仆舒于仍亳于舒�� 于 1.
+  丐仂仍�从仂 �于亠仍亳�亠仆亳亠 <option>frameref</option> 亟仂 2 亟舒亠� 仗�亳�仂�� PSNR 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂
+  仆舒 0.15亟� 亰舒 ��亠� �仄亠仆��亠仆亳� �从仂�仂��亳 仆舒 5-10%; 仗仂�仂亢亠, ��仂 ��仂 仆亠仗仍仂�舒� �亠仆舒.
+  <option>frameref=3</option> 亟舒亠� 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 0.25dB PSNR �于亠��
+  <option>frameref=1</option>, ��仂 亟仂仍亢仆仂 弍��� 于亳亟亳仄仂亶 �舒亰仆亳�亠亶.
+  <option>frameref=3</option> 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆亠亠 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 仆舒 15%, �亠仄
-  Unfortunately, diminishing returns set in rapidly.
-  <option>frameref=6</option> can be expected to gain only
-  0.05-0.1 dB over <option>frameref=3</option> at an additional
-  15% speed penalty.
-  Above <option>frameref=6</option>, the quality gains are
-  usually very small (although you should keep in mind throughout
-  this whole discussion that it can vary quite a lot depending on your source).
-  In a fairly typical case, <option>frameref=12</option>
-  will improve global PSNR by a tiny 0.02dB over
-  <option>frameref=6</option>, at a speed cost of 15%-20%.
-  At such high <option>frameref</option> values, the only really
-  good thing that can be said is that increasing it even further will
-  almost certainly never <emphasis role="bold">harm</emphasis>
-  PSNR, but the additional quality benefits are barely even
-  measurable, let alone perceptible.
+  � �仂亢舒仍亠仆亳�, �仍���亠仆亳亠 仂�亠仆� 弍����仂 ��仂亟亳� 仆舒 仆亠�.
+  �� <option>frameref=6</option> 仄仂亢仆仂 仂亢亳亟舒�� 仗�亳�仂��舒 PSNR 仍亳�� 仆舒 
+  0.05-0.1 亟� 仗仂 ��舒于仆亠仆亳� � <option>frameref=3</option> � 亟仂仗仂仍仆亳�亠仍�仆仂亶
+  仗仂�亠�亠亶 15% �从仂�仂��亳.
+  ���亠 <option>frameref=6</option> 从舒�亠��于仂 仂弍��仆仂 �于亠仍亳�亳于舒亠��� 仂�亠仆� 仆亠亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂 
+  (�仂�� 仆舒 于�亠仄 仗�仂��亢亠仆亳亳 ��仂亶 亟亳�从���亳亳 于舒仄 �仍亠亟�亠� 亳仄亠�� 于 于亳亟�, 仂仆仂 仄仂亢亠�
+  亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂 亳亰仄亠仆����� 于 亰舒于亳�亳仄仂��亳 仂� 亳��仂亟仆仂亞仂 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒).
+  � 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 �亳仗亳�仆仂仄 �仍��舒亠 <option>frameref=12</option> �仍���亳� 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆�亶 
+  PSNR 于�亠亞仂 仆舒 0.02亟� 仗仂 ��舒于仆亠仆亳� � <option>frameref=6</option>, 
+  �亠仆仂亶 15%-20% �从仂�仂��亳.
+  ��亳 �舒从亳� 于��仂从亳� 亰仆舒�亠仆亳�� <option>frameref</option>, 亠亟亳仆��于亠仆仆舒�
+  亟亠亶��于亳�亠仍�仆仂 �仂�仂�舒� 于亠��, 仂 从仂�仂�仂亶 仄仂亢亠� 弍��� �从舒亰舒仆仂, �仂��仂亳� 于 �仂仄, ��仂
+  亟舒仍�仆亠亶�亠亠 亠亠 �于亠仍亳�亠仆亳亠 仗仂��亳 仆亳从仂亞亟舒 仆亠 弍�亟亠� <emphasis
+  role="bold">于�亠亟亳��</emphasis> PSNR, 仆仂 �于亠仍亳�亠仆亳亠 从舒�亠��于舒 弍�亟亠� ���亟仆仂 亟舒亢亠
+  亳亰仄亠�亳��, 仆亠 亞仂于仂�� �亢亠 仂 亠亞仂 亰舒仄亠�仆仂��亳.
-  <note><title>Note:</title>
+  <note><title>�舒仄亠�舒仆亳亠:</title>
-  Raising <option>frameref</option> to unnecessarily high values
-  <emphasis role="bold">can</emphasis> and
-  <emphasis role="bold">usually does</emphasis>
-  hurt coding efficiency if you turn CABAC off.
-  With CABAC on (the default behavior), the possibility of setting
-  <option>frameref</option> "too high" currently seems too remote
-  to even worry about, and in the future, optimizations may remove
-  the possibility altogether.
+  丕于亠仍亳�亠仆亳亠 <option>frameref</option> 亟仂 ��亠亰仄亠�仆仂 于��仂从亳� 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亶 
+  <emphasis role="bold">仄仂亢亠�</emphasis> 亳
+  <emphasis role="bold">仂弍��仆仂 仆舒仆仂�亳�</emphasis>
+  于�亠亟 ���亠从�亳于仆仂��亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�, 亠�仍亳 CABAC 仂�从仍��亠仆.
+  弌 亰舒亟亠亶��于仂于舒仆仆�仄 CABAC (仆舒���仂亶从舒 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�), 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂��� ���舒仆仂于从亳 
+  <option>frameref</option> "�仍亳�从仂仄 于��仂从亳仄" 仆舒 亟舒仆仆�亶 仄仂仄亠仆� 于�亞仍�亟亳� �仍亳�从仂仄
+  亟舒仍亠从仂亶, ��仂弍� 仂弍 ��仂仄 弍亠�仗仂从仂亳����, 舒 于 弍�亟��亠仄 仂仗�亳仄亳亰舒�亳亳 仄仂亞�� 于仂仂弍�亠
+  �弍�舒�� �舒从�� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂���.
-  If you care about speed, a reasonable compromise is to use low
-  <option>subq</option> and <option>frameref</option> values on
-  the first pass, and then raise them on the second pass.
-  Typically, this has a negligible negative effect on the final
-  quality: You will probably lose well under 0.1dB PSNR, which
-  should be much too small of a difference to see.
-  However, different values of <option>frameref</option> can
-  occasionally affect frametype decision.
-  Most likely, these are rare outlying cases, but if you want to
-  be pretty sure, consider whether your video has either
-  fullscreen repetitive flashing patterns or very large temporary
-  occlusions which might force an I-frame.
-  Adjust the first-pass <option>frameref</option> so it is large
-  enough to contain the duration of the flashing cycle (or occlusion).
-  For example, if the scene flashes back and forth between two images
-  over a duration of three frames, set the first pass
-  <option>frameref</option> to 3 or higher.
-  This issue is probably extremely rare in live action video material,
-  but it does sometimes come up in video game captures.
-  </para>
+  ��仍亳 于舒� 亰舒弍仂�亳� �从仂�仂���, �舒亰�仄仆�仄 从仂仄仗�仂仄亳��仂仄 弍�亟亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 仆亳亰从亳亠
+  亰仆舒�亠仆亳� <option>subq</option> 亳 <option>frameref</option> 于 仗亠�于仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠, 舒
+  <!-- FIXME  is translation correct ? -->
+  亰舒�亠仄 �于亠仍亳�亳�� 亳亰 于仂 于�仂�仂仄: ��, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 仗仂�亠��亠�亠 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 0.1亟� PSNR,
+  ��仂 仄仂亢亠� 弍��� 亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂 仄舒仍�仄 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠仄, ��仂弍� 亠亞仂 亰舒仄亠�亳��.
+  �亟仆舒从仂, �舒亰仍亳�仆�亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� <option>frameref</option> 仄仂亞�� 
+  亳仆仂亞亟舒 仗仂于仍亳��� 仆舒 �亠�亠仆亳亠 仂 于�弍仂�亠 �亳仗舒 从舒亟�舒.
+  弌从仂�亠亠 于�亠亞仂, ��仂 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 �亠亟从亳亠 从�舒亶仆亳亠 �仍��舒亳, 仆仂 亠�仍亳 于� �仂�亳�亠 �仂�仆仂
+  �于亠�亠仆�, 仗仂亟�仄舒亶�亠, �仂亟亠�亢亳� 仍亳 于舒�亠 于亳亟亠仂 仗仂仍仆仂�从�舒仆仆�亠
+  <!-- FIXME is translation correct? -->
+  仗亠�亳仂亟亳�亠�从亳 于�仗��亳于舒��亳亠 亳亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆亳� 亳仍亳 仂�亠仆� 弍仂仍��亳亠 仗舒�亰�, 从仂�仂��亠 仄仂亞�� ��舒��
+  仗�亳�亳仆仂亶 仗�亳仆�亟亳�亠仍�仆仂亶 于��舒于从亳 I-从舒亟�舒.
+  �舒���仂亶�亠 <option>frameref</option> 于 仗亠�于仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠 �舒从, ��仂弍� 
+  仂仆舒 弍�仍舒 亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂 弍仂仍��仂亶, ��仂弍� �仂亟亠�亢舒�� 亟仍亳�亠仍�仆仂��� �亳从仍舒 于�仗��亳于舒仆亳�
+  (亳仍亳 仗舒�亰�).
+  �舒仗�亳仄亠�, 亠�仍亳 ��亠仆� 于�仗��亳于舒亠� 亳 亞舒�仆亠� 于 �亠�亠仆亳亳 亟于�� 从舒亟�仂于 亳亰 ��亠�,
+  ���舒仆仂于亳�亠 <option>frameref</option> �舒于仆�仄 3 亳仍亳 于��亠.
+  亅�舒 仗�仂弍仍亠仄舒, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 仂�亠仆� �亠亟从仂 仗仂�于仍�亠��� 亟仍� 亢亳于仂亶 ��亠仄从亳, 仆仂 仂仆舒 亳仆仂亞亟舒
+  仗仂�于仍�亠��� 仗�亳 亰舒仗亳�亳 于亳亟亠仂 亳亞�.
+ </para>
   <emphasis role="bold">me</emphasis>:
-  This option is for choosing the motion estimation search method.
-  Altering this option provides a straightforward quality-vs-speed
-  tradeoff. <option>me=dia</option> is only a few percent faster than
-  the default search, at a cost of under 0.1dB global PSNR. The 
-  default setting (<option>me=hex</option>) is a reasonable tradeoff
-  between speed and quality. <option>me=umh</option> gains a little under
-  0.1dB global PSNR, with a speed penalty that varies depending on
-  <option>frameref</option>.  At high values of
-  <option>frameref</option> (e.g. 12 or so), <option>me=umh</option>
-  is about 40% slower than the default <option> me=hex</option>. With
-  <option>frameref=3</option>, the speed penalty incurred drops to
-  25%-30%.
+  亅�舒 仂仗�亳� 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 亟仍� 于�弍仂�舒 仄亠�仂亟舒 仂�亠仆从亳 亟于亳亢亠仆亳�.
+  �亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 ��仂亶 仂仗�亳亳 仂从舒亰�于舒亠� 仗��仄仂亠 于仍亳�仆亳亠 仆舒 �仂仂�仆仂�亠仆亳亠
+  �从仂�仂���-从舒�亠��于仂. <option>me=dia</option> 仍亳�� 仆舒 仆亠�从仂仍�从仂 仗�仂�亠仆�仂于
+  弍����亠亠, �亠仄 仗仂亳�从 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� �亠仆仂亶 仆亠 弍仂仍��亠 0.1亟� 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆仂亞仂 PSNR. 
+  �仆舒�亠仆亳亠 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� (<option>me=hex</option>) �舒亰�仄仆�亶 于�弍仂� 仄亠亢亟� �从仂�仂����
+  亳 从舒�亠��于仂仄. <option>me=umh</option> 仆亠仄仆仂亞仂, 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 0.1亟�, �仍���舒亠�
+  亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆�亶 PSNR, �仂仂�于亠���于���亠亠 仗舒亟亠仆亳亠 �从仂�仂��亳 亰舒于亳�亳� 仄亠仆�亠��� 亳 
+  亰舒于亳�亳� 仂� <option>frameref</option>.  弌 于��仂从亳仄亳 亰仆舒�亠仆亳�仄亳 
+  <option>frameref</option> (仆舒仗�亳仄亠�, 12 亳仍亳 仂从仂仍仂 �仂亞仂), <option>me=umh</option>
+  仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 仆舒 40% 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆亠亠, �亠仄 仆舒���仂亶从舒 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� <option> me=hex</option>.
+  弌 <option>frameref=3</option>, 仗舒亟亠仆亳亠 �从仂�仂��亳 �仄亠仆��舒亠��� 亟仂 25%-30%.
-  <option>me=esa</option> uses an exhaustive search that is too slow for
-  practical use.
+  <option>me=esa</option> 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠� 亳��亠�仗�于舒��亳亶 仗仂亳�从, 从仂�仂��亶 �舒弍仂�舒亠�
+  �仍亳�从仂仄 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆仂 亟仍� 仗�舒从�亳�亠�从仂亞仂 仗�亳仄亠仆亠仆亳�.
   <emphasis role="bold">partitions=all</emphasis>:
-  This option enables the use of 8x4, 4x8 and 4x4 subpartitions in
-  predicted macroblocks (in addition to the default partitions).
-  Enabling it results in a fairly consistent
-  10%-15% loss of speed. This option is rather useless in source
-  containing only low motion, however in some high-motion source,
-  particularly source with lots of small moving objects, gains of
-  about 0.1dB can be expected.
+  亅�舒 仂仗�亳� 亰舒亟亠亶��于�亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亠 �亠亞仄亠仆�仂于 8x4, 4x8 亳 4x4 于 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆仆��
+  仄舒从�仂弍仍仂从舒� (于 亟仂仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亠 从 ��舒仆亟舒��仆�仄).
+  �亠 于从仍��亠仆亳亠 仗�亳于亠亟亠� 从 亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 仗仂��仂�仆仆仂亶 10%-15% 仗仂�亠�亠 于 �从仂�仂��亳.
+  亅�舒 仂仗�亳� 仗�舒从�亳�亠�从亳 弍亠�仗仂仍亠亰仆舒 亟仍� 亳��仂亟仆仂亞仂 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒, �仂亟亠�亢舒�亠亞仂 �仂仍�从仂
+  仆亠弍仂仍��仂亠 亟于亳亢亠仆亳亠, �亠仄 仆亠 仄亠仆亠亠, 亟仍� 仆亠从仂�仂�仂亞仂 于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆仂亞仂,
+  仂�仂弍亠仆仆仂 � 弍仂仍��亳仄 从仂仍亳�亠��于仂仄 仄亠仍从亳� 亟于亳亢��亳��� 仂弍�亠从�仂于, �仍亠亟�亠� 仂亢亳亟舒��
+  仗�亳�仂��舒 于 0.1亟�.
   <emphasis role="bold">bframes</emphasis>:
-  If you are used to encoding with other codecs, you may have found
-  that B-frames are not always useful.
-  In H.264, this has changed: there are new techniques and block
-  types that are possible in B-frames.
-  Usually, even a naive B-frame choice algorithm can have a
-  significant PSNR benefit.
-  It is interesting to note that using B-frames usually speeds up
-  the second pass somewhat, and may also speed up a single
-  pass encode if adaptive B-frame decision is turned off.
+  ��仍亳 于� 亰舒仆亳仄舒仍亳�� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠仄 � 亟��亞亳仄亳 从仂亟亠从舒仄亳, �仂 仄仂亞仍亳 亰舒仄亠�亳��, ��仂
+  B-从舒亟�� 仆亠 于�亠亞亟舒 仗仂仍亠亰仆�.
+  � H.264 ��仂 亳亰仄亠仆亳仍仂��: 亠��� 仆仂于�亠 �亠�仆亳从亳 亳 �亳仗� 弍仍仂从仂于, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆�亠 于 B-从舒亟�舒�.
+  �弍��仆仂, 亟舒亢亠 仗�亳仄亳�亳于仆�亶 舒仍亞仂�亳�仄 于�弍仂�舒 B-从舒亟�仂于 仄仂亢亠� 亟舒�� 亰仆舒�亳仄��
+  于�亞仂亟� 亟仍� PSNR.
+  �仆�亠�亠�仆仂 亰舒仄亠�亳��, ��仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亠 B-从舒亟�仂于 仂弍��仆仂 仂��舒��亳 ��从仂��亠� 于�仂�仂亶
+  仗�仂�仂亟, 舒 �舒从亢亠 仄仂亢亠� ��从仂�亳�� 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亠 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠, 亠�仍亳 仂�从仍��亠仆仂
+  舒亟舒仗�亳于仆仂亠 仗�亳仆��亳亠 �亠�亠仆亳� 仂 B-从舒亟�舒�.
-  With adaptive B-frame decision turned off
-  (<option>x264encopts</option>'s <option>nob_adapt</option>),
-  the optimal value for this setting is usually no more than
-  <option>bframes=1</option>, or else high-motion scenes can suffer.
-  With adaptive B-frame decision on (the default behavior), it is
-  safe to use higher values; the encoder will reduce the use of
-  B-frames in scenes where they would hurt compression.
-  The encoder rarely chooses to use more than 3 or 4 B-frames;
-  setting this option any higher will have little effect.
+  弌 仂�从仍��亠仆仆�仄 舒亟舒仗�亳于仆�仄 仗�亳仆��亳亠仄 �亠�亠仆亳� 仂 B-从舒亟�舒�
+  (<option>x264encopts</option>'仂亶 <option>nob_adapt</option>),
+  仂仗�亳仄舒仍�仆仂亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 ��仂亶 仂仗�亳亳 仂弍��仆仂 仆亠 仗�亠于��舒亠� 
+  <option>bframes=1</option>, 亳仆舒�亠 仗仂���舒亟舒�� 于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�亠 ��亠仆�.
+  弌 于从仍��亠仆仆�仄 舒亟舒仗�亳于仆�仄 仗�亳仆��亳亠仄 �亠�亠仆亳� 仂 B-从舒亟�舒� (仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亠 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�),
+  仄仂亢仆仂 弍亠亰仂仗舒�仆仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 弍仂仍亠亠 于��仂从亳亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳�; 从仂亟亳�仂于�亳从 �仄亠仆��亳�
+  从仂仍亳�亠��于仂 B-从舒亟�仂于 于 ��亠仆舒�, 亞亟亠 仂仆亳 仗仂于�亠亟�� �亢舒�亳�.
+  �仂亟亳�仂于�亳从 �亠亟从仂 �亠�舒亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 弍仂仍��亠, �亠仄 3 亳仍亳 4 B-从舒亟�舒;
+  ���舒仆仂于从舒 ��仂亶 仂仗�亳亳 于 仍�弍仂亠 弍仂仍亠亠 于��仂从仂亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 仆亠 弍�亟亠� 亳仄亠�� 弍仂仍��仂亞仂
+  ���亠从�舒.
   <emphasis role="bold">b_adapt</emphasis>:
-  Note: This is on by default.
+  �舒仄亠���亠: 仂仆舒 于从仍��亠仆舒 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�.
-  With this option enabled, the encoder will use a reasonably fast
-  decision process to reduce the number of B-frames used in scenes that
-  might not benefit from them as much.
-  You can use <option>b_bias</option> to tweak how B-frame-happy
-  the encoder is.
-  The speed penalty of adaptive B-frames is currently rather modest,
-  but so is the potential quality gain.
-  It usually does not hurt, however.
-  Note that this only affects speed and frametype decision on the
-  first pass.
-  <option>b_adapt</option> and <option>b_bias</option> have no
-  effect on subsequent passes.
+  �仂亞亟舒 ��舒 仂仗�亳� 于从仍��亠仆舒, 从仂亟亳�仂于�亳从 弍�亟亠� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� �舒亰�仄仆仂 
+  弍�����亶 仗�仂�亠�� 仗�亳仆��亳� �亠�亠仆亳� 亟仍� �仄亠仆��亠仆亳� 从仂仍亳�亠��于舒 B-从舒亟�仂于,
+  亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠仄�� 于 ��亠仆舒�, 从仂�仂��亠 仂� ��仂亞仂 仆亠 �亳仍�仆仂 于�亳亞�舒��.
+  �� 仄仂亢亠�亠 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� <option>b_bias</option> 亟仍� �仂仆从仂亶 仆舒���仂亶从亳 �仂亞仂,
+  仆舒�从仂仍�从仂 "��舒��仍亳于" 弍�亟亠� 从仂亟亳�仂于�亳从 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳� B-从舒亟�仂于.
+  �仂�亠�� 于 �从仂�仂��亳 仗�亳 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亳 舒亟舒仗�亳于仆�� B-从舒亟�仂于 仆舒 亟舒仆仆�亶 仄仂仄亠仆�,
+  仗仂亢舒仍�亶, �仄亠�亠仆仆亠亠, 仆仂 �舒从仂于仂 亢亠 亳 仗仂�亠仆�亳舒仍�仆仂亠 �仍���亠仆亳亠 从舒�亠��于舒.
+  丐亠仄 仆亠 仄亠仆亠亠, ��亢亠 仂� ��仂亞仂 仂弍��仆仂 仆亠 ��舒仆仂于亳���.
+  �舒仄亠���亠, ��仂 ��舒 仂仗�亳� 于仍亳�亠� 仆舒 �从仂�仂��� 亳 �亠�亠仆亳亠 仂 �亳仗亠 从舒亟�舒 �仂仍�从仂 于 仗亠�于仂仄
+  仗�仂�仂亟亠.
+  <option>b_adapt</option> 亳 <option>b_bias</option> 仆亠 亳仄亠�� ���亠从�舒 于
+  仗仂�仍亠亟���亳� 仗�仂�仂亟舒�.
   <emphasis role="bold">b_pyramid</emphasis>:
-  You might as well enable this option if you are using >=2 B-frames;
-  as the man page says, you get a little quality improvement at no
-  speed cost.
-  Note that these videos cannot be read by libavcodec-based decoders
-  older than about March 5, 2005.
+  弌 �亠仄 亢亠 ��仗亠�仂仄 于� 仄仂亢亠�亠 于从仍��亳�� ��� 仂仗�亳�, 亠�仍亳 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠�亠 >=2 B-从舒亟�仂于;
+  于� 仗仂仍��亳�亠 仆亠弍仂仍��仂亠 �仍���亠仆亳亠 从舒�亠��于舒 弍亠亰 仗仂�亠�亳 于 �从仂�仂��亳, 从舒从 亳 亞仂于仂�亳�
+  man ��从仂于仂亟��于仂.
+  �仄亠亶�亠 于 于亳亟�, ��仂 �舒从仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仆亠 仄仂亢亠� 弍��� 仗�仂�亳�舒仆仂 仂�仆仂于舒仆仆�仄亳 仆舒
+  libavcodec 亟亠从仂亟亠�舒仄亳, �仂亰亟舒仆仆�仄亳 �舒仆亠亠, �亠仄 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 5 �舒��舒 2005. 
   <emphasis role="bold">weight_b</emphasis>:
-  In typical cases, there is not much gain with this option.
-  However, in crossfades or fade-to-black scenes, weighted
-  prediction gives rather large bitrate savings.
-  In MPEG-4 ASP, a fade-to-black is usually best coded as a series
-  of expensive I-frames; using weighted prediction in B-frames
-  makes it possible to turn at least some of these into much smaller
-  B-frames.
-  Encoding time cost is minimal, as no extra decisions need to be made.
-  Also, contrary to what some people seem to guess, the decoder
-  CPU requirements are not much affected by weighted prediction,
-  all else being equal.
+  � 仂弍��仆�� �仍��舒�� ��舒 仂仗�亳� 仆亠 亟舒亠� 弍仂仍��仂亞仂 �仍���亠仆亳�.
+  �亟仆舒从仂, 于 仗�仂�于仍���亳��� 亳仍亳 亰舒���舒��亳� ��亠仆舒� 于亰于亠�亠仆仆仂亠 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亠 亟舒亠�
+  亟仂于仂仍�仆仂 弍仂仍���� �从仂仆仂仄亳� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒.
+  � MPEG-4 ASP 亰舒���舒仆亳亠 仂弍��仆仂 仍���亠 从仂亟亳��亠��� 仗仂�仍亠亟仂于舒�亠仍�仆仂���� 亟仂�仂亞亳�
+  I-从舒亟�仂于; 亳�仗仂仍�亰�� 于亰于亠�亠仆仆仂亠 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亠 于 B-从舒亟�舒� 亟亠仍舒亠� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆�仄
+  仗�亠仂弍�舒亰仂于舒�� �仂�� 弍� �舒��� 亳亰 仆亳� 于 亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂 弍仂仍亠亠 仄舒仍亠仆�从亳亠 B-�舒亟��.
+  �仂�亠�亳 于 �从仂�仂��亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� 仄亳仆亳仄舒仍�仆�, 仗仂�从仂仍�从� 仆亠 ��亠弍�亠��� 亟亠仍舒��
+  亟仂仗仂仍仆亳�亠仍�仆�亠 仗�亳仆��亳� �亠�亠仆亳亶.
+  <!-- FIXME is translation correct -->
+  �亟仂弍舒于仂从, 于仂仗�亠从亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆�仄 仗�亠亟仗仂仍仂亢亠仆亳�仄, 于亰于亠�亠仆仆仂亠 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亠 仆亠 �舒从
+  �亳仍�仆仂 于仍亳�亠� 仆舒 ��亠弍仂于舒仆亳� 亟亠从仂亟亠�舒 从 CPU, 于�亠 仂��舒仍�仆仂亠 亢亠 仗仂仍仆仂���� �仂于仗舒亟舒亠�.
-  Unfortunately, the current adaptive B-frame decision algorithm
-  has a strong tendency to avoid B-frames during fades.
-  Until this changes, it may be a good idea to add
-  <option>nob_adapt</option> to your x264encopts, if you expect
-  fades to have a large effect in your particular video
-  clip.
+  � �仂亢舒仍亠仆亳�, �亠从��亳亶 舒仍亞仂�亳�仄 舒亟舒仗�亳于仆仂亞仂 仗�亳仆��亳� �亠�亠仆亳亶 仂 B-�舒亟�舒� 亳仄亠亠�
+  �于亠�亟�� �从仍仂仆仆仂��� 从 亳亰弍亠亞舒仆亳� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳� B-从舒亟�仂于 仗�亳 亰舒���舒仆亳��.
+  �仂 �亠� 仗仂�, 仗仂从舒 ��仂 仆亠 亳亰仄亠仆亳���, �仂�仂�亠亶 亳亟亠亠亶, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 弍�亟亠� 亟仂弍舒于亳�� 
+  <option>nob_adapt</option> 从 x264encopts, 亠�仍亳 仗�亠亟仗仂仍舒亞舒亠�亠, ��仂 亰舒���舒仆亳�
+  弍�亟�� 亳仄亠�� �亳仍�仆�亶 ���亠从� 仆舒 于舒� 从仂仆从�亠�仆�亶 于亳亟亠仂从仍亳仗.
@@ -3967,177 +3964,176 @@
 <sect3 id="menc-feat-x264-encoding-options-misc-preferences">
-<title>Options pertaining to miscellaneous preferences</title>
+<title>�仗�亳亳, 仂�仆仂���亳亠�� 从 �舒亰仍亳�仆�仄 仗�亠亟仗仂��亠仆亳�仄</title>
-  <emphasis role="bold">Two pass encoding</emphasis>:
-  Above, it was suggested to always use two pass encoding, but there
-  are still reasons for not using it. For instance, if you are capturing
-  live TV and encoding in realtime, you are forced to use single-pass.
-  Also, one pass is obviously faster than two passes; if you use the
-  exact same set of options on both passes, two pass encoding is almost
-  twice as slow.
+  <emphasis role="bold">�于��仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亠 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠</emphasis>:
+  ���亠 �仂于亠�仂于舒仍仂�� 于�亠亞亟舒 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 从亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 于 亟于舒 仗�仂�仂亟舒, 仆仂 于�亠 亢亠
+  ���亠��于��� 仗�亳�亳仆� ��仂亞仂 仆亠 亟亠仍舒��. �舒仗�亳仄亠�, 亠�仍亳 于� 亰舒�于舒��于舒亠�亠 TV
+  ��舒仆�仍��亳� 亳 从仂亟亳��亠�亠 于 �亠舒仍�仆仂仄 于�亠仄亠仆亳, 仗�亳亟亠��� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆�亶
+  �亠亢亳仄. � �仂仄� 亢亠 仂亟亳仆 仗�仂�仂亟 仂�亠于亳亟仆仂 弍����亠亠, �亠仄 亟于舒; 亠�仍亳 于� 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠�亠
+  �仂�仆仂 �舒从仂亶 亢亠 仆舒弍仂� 仂仗�亳亶 于 仂弍仂亳� �仍��舒��, 亟于��仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亶 �亠亢亳仄 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆亠亠
+  于亟于仂亠.
-  Still, there are very good reasons for using two pass encoding. For
-  one thing, single pass ratecontrol is not psychic, and it often makes
-  unreasonable choices because it cannot see the big picture. For example,
-  suppose you have a two minute long video consisting of two distinct
-  halves.  The first half is a very high-motion scene lasting 60 seconds
-  which, in isolation, requires about 2500kbps in order to look decent.
-  Immediately following it is a much less demanding 60-second scene
-  that looks good at 300kbps. Suppose you ask for 1400kbps on the theory
-  that this is enough to accomodate both scenes. Single pass ratecontrol
-  will make a couple of "mistakes" in such a case. First of all, it
-  will target 1400kbps in both segments. The first segment may end up
-  heavily overquantized, causing it to look unacceptably and unreasonably
-  blocky. The second segment will be heavily underquantized; it may look
-  perfect, but the bitrate cost of that perfection will be completely
-  unreasonable. What is even harder to avoid is the problem at the
-  transition between the two scenes. The first seconds of the low motion
-  half will be hugely over-quantized, because the ratecontrol is still
-  expecting the kind of bitrate requirements it met in the first half
-  of the video. This "error period" of heavily over-quantized low motion
-  will look jarringly bad, and will actually use less than the 300kbps
-  it would have taken to make it look decent. There are ways to
-  mitigate the pitfalls of single-pass encoding, but they may tend to
-  increase bitrate misprediction.
+  ��亠 亢亠 ���亠��于�亠� 仂�亠仆� �仂�仂�亳亠 仗�亳�亳仆� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 于 亟于舒
+  仗�仂�仂亟舒. �仂-仗亠�于��, �仗�舒于仍亠仆亳亠 弍亳�仗仂�仂从仂仄 仗�亳 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亞仂 �亠亢亳仄舒 仆亠
+  �于仍�亠��� �亠仍亠仗舒�仂仄 亳 �舒��仂 亟亠仍舒亠� 仆亠仂弍仂�仆仂于舒仆仆�亶 于�弍仂�, 仗仂�仂仄� ��仂 仆亠 仄仂亢亠�
+  于亳亟亠�� 仂弍��� 从舒��亳仆�. �舒仗�亳仄亠�, 仗�亠亟仗仂仍仂亢亳仄, ��仂 于� 亳仄亠亠�亠 亟于��仄亳仆��仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂,
+  �仂��仂��亠亠 亳亰 亟于�� 仆亠亰舒于亳�亳仄�� �舒��亠亶. �亠�于舒� 仗仂仍仂于亳仆舒 - 仂�亠仆� 亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆舒�
+  ��亠仆舒, 仗�仂亟仂仍亢舒��舒��� 60 �亠从�仆亟 亳 ��亠弍���舒� �舒仄舒 仗仂 �亠弍亠 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂
+  2500 从弍亳�/�亠从, ��仂弍� 仗�亳仍亳�仆仂 于�亞仍�亟亠��. 弌�舒亰� 亰舒 仆亠亶 �仍亠亟�亠� 仄亠仆亠亠
+  ��亠弍仂于舒�亠仍�仆舒� 60-�亠从�仆亟仆舒� ��亠仆舒, 从仂�仂�舒� �仂�仂�仂 于�亞仍�亟亳� 仗�亳 300 从弍亳�/�亠从.
+  ��亠亟仗仂仍仂亢亳仄, 于� 亰舒仗�仂�亳仍亳 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 14000 从弍亳�/�亠从; 于 �亠仂�亳亳 ��仂亞仂 亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂
+  亟仍� �亟仂于仍亠�于仂�亠仆亳� 仗仂��亠弍仆仂��亠亶 仂弍亠亳� ��亠仆.
+  � ��仂仄 �仍��舒亠 �仗�舒于仍亠仆亳亠 弍亳�仗仂�仂从仂仄 于 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂仄 �亠亢亳仄亠 �亟亠仍舒亠� 仗舒�� "仂�亳弍仂从".
+  �仂-仗亠�于��, 仂仆仂 ���舒仆仂于亳� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 于 1400 从弍亳�/�亠从 亟仍� 仂弍亠亳� �舒��亠亶. �亠�于舒�
+  �舒��� 仄仂亢亠� 仂从舒亰舒���� ��亠亰仄亠�仆仂 从于舒仆�仂于舒仆仆仂亶, ��仂 仗�亳于亠亟亠� 从
+  仆亠亟仂仗���亳仄仂仄� 亳 仆亠仂仗�舒于亟舒仆仆仂 弍仍仂�仆仂仄� 亳亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆亳�. ��仂�舒� �舒��� 弍�亟亠�
+  仆亠亟仂��舒�仂�仆仂 从于舒仆�仂于舒仆仆仂亶; 仂仆舒 仄仂亢亠� 于�亞仍�亟亠�� 仂�仍亳�仆仂, 仆仂 �亠仆舒 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒 亟仍�
+  ��仂亞仂 从舒�亠��于舒 弍�亟亠� 仗仂仍仆仂���� 仆亠仂仗�舒于亟舒仆仆仂亶.
+  丼亠亞仂 仆舒仄仆仂亞仂 ���亟仆亠亠 亳亰弍亠亢舒��, �舒从 ��仂 仗�仂弍仍亠仄� 仗亠�亠�仂亟舒 仄亠亢亟� 亟于�仄�
+  ��亠仆舒仄亳. � 仗亠�于�� �亠从�仆亟舒� 仄舒仍仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆仂亶 �舒��亳 从于舒仆�仂于舒�亠仍� 弍�亟亠� ��亠亰于��舒亶仆仂
+  仗�亠于��亠仆, 仗仂�仂仄� ��仂 �仗�舒于仍亠仆亳亠 弍亳�仗仂�仂从仂仄 于�亠 亠�亠 仂亢亳亟舒亠� 于���亠�亳�� �舒从亳亠 亢亠 
+  ��亠弍仂于舒仆亳� 从 弍亳�仗仂�仂从� 从舒从 亳 于 仗亠�于仂亶 �舒��亳. 亅�仂� "仂�亳弍仂�仆�亶 仗亠�亳仂亟" �
+  ��亠亰于��舒亶仆仂 仗�亠于��亠仆仆�仄 从于舒仆�仂于舒仆亳亠仄 弍�亟亠� 于�亞仍�亟亠�� �舒亰亟�舒亢舒��亠 仆亠仗�亳��仆仂 亳
+  亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 仆舒 �舒仄仂仄 亟亠仍亠 仄亠仆��亠, �亠仄 300 从弍亳�/�亠从, ��亠弍�亠仄�� 亠仄� 亟仍� �仂亞仂,
+  ��仂弍� 仗�亳仍亳�仆仂 于�亞仍�亟亠��. 弌��亠��于��� �仗仂�仂弍� �仄�亞�亳�� ���亠从� 仂� 仗仂亟仂弍仆��
+  仗仂亟于仂亟仆�� 从舒仄仆亠亶 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亞仂 �亠亢亳仄舒, 仆仂 仂仆亳 仄仂亞�� 亳仄亠�� �从仍仂仆仆仂��� 从
+  ��亳仍亠仆亳� 仆亠于亠�仆仂亞仂 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒.
-  Multipass ratecontrol can offer huge advantages over a single pass.
-  Using the statistics gathered from the first pass encode, the encoder
-  can estimate, with reasonable accuracy, the "cost" (in bits) of
-  encoding any given frame, at any given quantizer. This allows for
-  a much more rational, better planned allocation of bits between the
-  expensive (high-motion) and cheap (low-motion) scenes. See
-  <option>qcomp</option> below for some ideas on how to tweak this
-  allocation to your liking.
+  �仆仂亞仂仗�仂�仂亟仆仂亠 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 仄仂亢亠� 仗�亠亟仍仂亢亳�� 仂亞�仂仄仆�亠 仗�亠亳仄��亠��于舒 仗仂 ��舒于仆亠仆亳�
+  � 仂亟仆仂仗�仂�仂亟仆�仄. ��仗仂仍�亰�� ��舒�亳��亳从�, �仂弍�舒仆仆�� 仗�亳 仗亠�于仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠, 
+  从仂亟亳�仂于�亳从 仄仂亢亠� 仂�亠仆亳��, � �舒亰�仄仆仂亶 �仂�仆仂����, "��仂亳仄仂���" (于 弍亳�舒�)
+  从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� 仍�弍仂亞仂 亰舒亟舒仆仆仂亞仂 从舒亟�舒 仗�亳 仍�弍仂仄 亰舒亟舒仆仆仂仄 从于舒仆�仂于舒�亠仍亠.
+  亅�仂 亟亠仍舒亠� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆�仄 仆舒仄仆仂亞仂 弍仂仍亠亠 �舒�亳仂仆舒仍�仆仂亠, 仍���亠 �仗仍舒仆亳�仂于舒仆仆仂亠
+  �舒�仗�亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 弍亳�仂于 仄亠亢亟� 亟仂�仂亞亳仄亳 (于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�仄亳) 亳 亟亠�亠于�仄亳
+  (仄舒仍仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�仄亳) ��亠仆舒仄亳. 弌仄仂��亳�亠 <option>qcomp</option> 仆亳亢亠, ��仂弍� �亰仆舒��
+  仆亠从仂�仂��亠 亳亟亠亳 仂 �仂仄, 从舒从 仄仂亢仆仂 ��仂 �舒�仗�亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 仆舒���仂亳�� 仗仂 于舒�亠仄� 于从���.
-  Moreover, two passes need not take twice as long as one pass. You can
-  tweak the options in the first pass for higher speed and lower quality.
-  If you choose your options well, you can get a very fast first pass.
-  The resulting quality in the second pass will be slightly lower because size
-  prediction is less accurate, but the quality difference is normally much
-  too small to be visible. Try, for example, adding
-  <option>subq=1:frameref=1</option> to the first pass
-  <option>x264encopts</option>. Then, on the second pass, use slower,
-  higher-quality options:
+  �仂仍亠亠 �仂亞仂, 亟于舒 仗�仂�仂亟舒 亰舒仆亳仄舒�� 仆亠 亟于仂亶仆仂亠 于�亠仄� 仗仂 ��舒于仆亠仆亳� � 仂亟仆亳仄.
+  �� 仄仂亢亠�亠 仆舒���仂亳�� 仂仗�亳亳 仗亠�于仂亞仂 仗�仂�仂亟舒 仆舒 弍仂仍亠亠 弍������ �从仂�仂��� 亳 仆亳亰从仂亠
+  从舒�亠��于仂. ��仍亳 �仂�仂�仂 于�弍亠�亠�亠 仂仗�亳亳, 于� 仗仂仍��亳�亠 仂�亠仆� 弍�����亶 仗亠�于�亶 仗�仂�仂亟.
+  �仂仍��亠仆仆仂亠 从舒�亠��于仂 于仂 于�仂�仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠 弍�亟亠� 仆亠�从仂仍�从仂 仆亳亢亠, 仗仂�仂仄� ��仂
+  仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亠 �舒亰仄亠�舒 仄亠仆亠亠 �仂�仆仂, 仆仂 �舒亰仆亳�舒 于 从舒�亠��于亠 仂弍��仆仂 �仍亳�从仂仄 仄舒仍舒,
+  ��仂弍� 弍��� 亰舒仄亠�仆仂亶. �仂仗�仂弍�亶�亠, 仆舒仗�亳仄亠�, 亟仂弍舒于亳��
+  <option>subq=1:frameref=1</option> 于 <option>x264encopts</option> 仗亠�于仂亞仂
+  仗�仂�仂亟舒. �舒�亠仄, 仗�亳 于�仂�仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠, 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 弍仂仍亠亠 仄亠亟仍亠仆仆�亠, � 仍���亳仄
+  从舒�亠��于仂仄 仂仗�亳亳:
-  <emphasis role="bold">Three pass encoding</emphasis>?
-  x264 offers the ability to make an arbitrary number of consecutive
-  passes. If you specify <option>pass=1</option> on the first pass,
-  then use <option>pass=3</option> on a subsequent pass, the subsequent
-  pass will both read the statistics from the previous pass, and write
-  its own statistics. An additional pass following this one will have
-  a very good base from which to make highly accurate predictions of
-  framesizes at a chosen quantizer. In practice, the overall quality
-  gain from this is usually close to zero, and quite possibly a third
-  pass will result in slightly worse global PSNR than the pass before
-  it. In typical usage, three passes help if you get either bad bitrate
-  prediction or bad looking scene transitions when using only two passes.
-  This is somewhat likely to happen on extremely short clips. There are
-  also a few special cases in which three (or more) passes are handy
-  for advanced users, but for brevity, this guide omits discussing those
-  special cases.
+  <emphasis role="bold">�仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亠 于 ��亳 仗�仂�仂亟舒</emphasis>?
+  x264 仗�亠亟仂��舒于仍�亠� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂��� 亟亠仍舒�� 亢亠仍舒亠仄仂亠 从仂仍亳�亠��于仂 仗仂�仍亠亟仂于舒�亠仍�仆��
+  仗�仂�仂亟仂于. ��仍亳 于� �从舒亰舒仍亳 <option>pass=1</option> 仗�亳 仗亠�于仂仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠,
+  亳�仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 亰舒�亠仄 <option>pass=3</option> 于 仗仂�仍亠亟���亠仄 仗�仂�仂亟亠, ��仂� 仗�仂�仂亟
+  弍�亟亠� 仂亟仆仂于�亠仄亠仆仆仂 �亳�舒�� ��舒�亳��亳从� 仗�亠亟�亟��亠亞仂 仗�仂�仂亟舒 亳 亰舒仗亳��于舒�� 亠亠
+  �仂弍��于亠仆仆��. �仂仗仂仍仆亳�亠仍�仆�亶 仗�仂�仂亟, �仍亠亟���亳亶 亰舒 ��亳仄, 弍�亟亠� 亳仄亠�� 仂�亠仆�
+  �仂�仂��� 仂�仆仂于� 亟仍� 仂���亠��于仍亠仆亳� 仂�亠仆� �仂�仆�� 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亶 �舒亰仄亠�仂于 从舒亟�仂于 仗�亳
+  于�弍�舒仆仆仂仄 从于舒仆�仂于舒�亠仍亠. �舒 仗�舒从�亳从亠, 仂弍�亠亠 �仍���亠仆亳亠 从舒�亠��于舒 仂� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳�
+  ��仂亞仂 �亠亢亳仄舒 弍仍亳亰从仂 从 仆�仍� 亳, 于仗仂仍仆亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, ��亠�亳亶 仗�仂�仂亟 仗�亳于亠亟亠� 从
+  仆亠仄仆仂亞仂 ��亟�亠仄� 亞仍仂弍舒仍�仆仂仄� PSNR, �亠仄 � 仗�亠亟�亟��亠亞仂 仗�仂�仂亟舒.
+  ��亳 仂弍��仆仂仄 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒仆亳亳 ��亳 仗�仂�仂亟舒 仗仂仄仂亞舒��, 亠�仍亳 于� 仗�亳 亟于�� 仗�仂�仂亟舒�
+  仗仂仍��舒亠�亠 仍亳弍仂 仗仍仂�仂亠 仗�亠亟�从舒亰舒仆亳亠 弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒, 仍亳弍仂 仗仍仂�仂 于�亞仍�亟��亳亠 仗亠�亠�仂亟�
+  仄亠亢亟� ��亠仆舒仄亳. 亅�仂 于 �仂�仆仂��亳 �仂, ��仂 仆舒于亠�仆�从舒 弍�亟亠� 仗�仂亳��仂亟亳�� 仆舒 仂�亠仆�
+  从仂�仂�从亳� 从仍亳仗舒�. 弌��亠��于��� �舒从亢亠 仂�仂弍�亠 �仍��舒亳, 从仂亞亟舒 ��亳 (亳仍亳 弍仂仍亠亠)
+  仗�仂�仂亟仂仄 �亟仂弍仆� 亟仍� 仗�仂亟于亳仆���� 仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�亠仍亠亶, 仆仂, 亟仍� 从�舒�从仂��亳, ��仂
+  ��从仂于仂亟��于仂 仆亠 于从仍��舒亠� 于 �亠弍� 仂仗亳�舒仆亳亠 ��亳� 仂�仂弍�� �仍��舒亠于.
   <emphasis role="bold">qcomp</emphasis>:
-  <option>qcomp</option> trades off the number of bits allocated
-  to "expensive" high-motion versus "cheap" low-motion frames. At
-  one extreme, <option>qcomp=0</option> aims for true constant
-  bitrate. Typically this would make high-motion scenes look completely
-  awful, while low-motion scenes would probably look absolutely
-  perfect, but would also use many times more bitrate than they
-  would need in order to look merely excellent. At the other extreme,
-  <option>qcomp=1</option> achieves nearly constant quantization parameter
-  (QP). Constant QP does not look bad, but most people think it is more
-  reasonable to shave some bitrate off of the extremely expensive scenes
-  (where the loss of quality is not as noticeable) and reallocate it to
-  the scenes that are easier to encode at excellent quality.
-  <option>qcomp</option> is set to 0.6 by default, which may be slightly
-  low for many peoples' taste (0.7-0.8 are also commonly used).
+  <option>qcomp</option> �仗�舒于仍�亠� �仂仂�仆仂�亠仆亳亠仄 从仂仍亳�亠��于舒 弍亳�, 仂�亟舒仆仆��
+  "亟仂�仂亞亳仄" 于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�仄 亳 "亟亠�亠于�仄" 仄舒仍仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�仄 从舒亟�舒仄. �亟亳仆 从�舒亶仆亳亶
+  �仍��舒亶, <option>qcomp=0</option>, 仗�亠亟仆舒亰仆舒�亠仆 亟仍� 亳��亳仆仆仂 仗仂��仂�仆仆仂亞仂
+  弍亳�仗仂�仂从舒. �弍��仆仂 ��仂 �亟亠仍舒亠� 于��仂从仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�亠 ��亠仆� 于�亞仍�亟��亳仄亳 仗�仂��仂
+  �亢舒�仆仂, 于 �仂 于�亠仄� 从舒从 仄舒仍仂亟亳仆舒仄亳�仆�亠 ��亠仆� 弍�亟��, 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂, 于�亞仍�亟亠��
+  仂�仍亳�仆仂, 仆仂 仗�亳 ��仂仄 弍�亟�� 亳�仗仂仍�亰仂于舒�� 于仂 仄仆仂亞仂 �舒亰 弍仂仍��亳亶 弍亳�仗仂�仂从, �亠仄 亳仄
+  仆亠仂弍�仂亟亳仄仂, ��仂弍� 于�亞仍�亟亠�� 仗�仂��仂 于亠仍亳从仂仍亠仗仆仂.
+  ���亞舒� 从�舒亶仆仂���, <option>qcomp=1</option>, 亟仂弍亳于舒亠��� 仗�亳仄亠�仆仂 仂亟亳仆舒从仂于仂亞仂
+  仗舒�舒仄亠��舒 从于舒仆�仂于舒仆亳� (QP). �仂��仂�仆仆�亶 QP 仆亠 于�亞仍�亟亳� �亢舒�仆仂, 仆仂 弍仂仍��亳仆��于仂
+  仍�亟亠亶 亟�仄舒��, ��仂 弍仂仍亠亠 �舒亰�仄仆仂 �舒��亳�仆仂 �仆亳亰亳�� 弍亳�仗仂�仂从 于 �亳仍�仆仂
+  亟仂�仂亞亳� ��亠仆舒� (亞亟亠 仗仂�亠�� 从舒�亠��于舒 仆亠 仂�亠仆� 亰舒仄亠�仆舒) 亳 仗亠�亠�舒�仗�亠亟亠仍亳�� 亳� 于
+  ��亠仆�, 从仂�仂��亠 仍亠亞�亠 亰舒从仂亟亳�仂于舒�� � 仂�仍亳�仆�仄 从舒�亠��于仂仄.
+  <option>qcomp</option> 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� ���舒仆仂于仍亠仆舒 于 0.6, ��仂 仗仂 仄仆亠仆亳� 仄仆仂亞亳�
+  仍�亟亠亶 仄仂亢亠� 弍��� 仆亠�从仂仍�从仂 仄舒仍仂 (�舒从亢亠 �舒��仂 亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠��� 0.7-0.8).
   <emphasis role="bold">keyint</emphasis>:
-  <option>keyint</option> is solely for trading off file seekability against
-  coding efficiency. By default, <option>keyint</option> is set to 250. In
-  25fps material, this guarantees the ability to seek to within 10 seconds
-  precision. If you think it would be important and useful to be able to
-  seek within 5 seconds of precision, set <option>keyint=125</option>;
-  this will hurt quality/bitrate slightly. If you care only about quality
-  and not about seekability, you can set it to much higher values
-  (understanding that there are diminishing returns which may become
-  vanishingly low, or even zero). The video stream will still have seekable
-  points as long as there are some scene changes.
+  <option>keyint</option> - 亠亟亳仆��于亠仆仆舒� 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂��� 于�弍仂�舒 仄亠亢亟� �亟仂弍��于仂仄
+  仗亠�亠仄亠�亠仆亳� 仗仂 �舒亶仍� 亳 ���亠从�亳于仆仂���� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�. �仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�
+  <option>keyint</option> ���舒仆仂于仍亠仆舒 于 250. � 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍亠 � 25fps ��仂 亞舒�舒仆�亳��亠�
+  于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂��� 仗亠�亠仄亠�亠仆亳� � �仂�仆仂���� 亟仂 10 �亠从�仆亟. ��仍亳 于� ��亳�舒亠�亠, ��仂 弍仂仍亠亠
+  于舒亢仆�仄 亳 仗仂仍亠亰仆�仄 弍�亟亠� 仗亠�亠仄亠�亠仆亳亠 � �仂�仆仂���� 亟仂 5 �亠从�仆亟, ���舒仆仂于亳�亠
+  <option>keyint=125</option>; ��仂 仆亠仄仆仂亞仂 ���亟�亳� 从舒�亠��于仂/弍亳�仗仂�仂从. ��仍亳 于�
+  亰舒弍仂�亳�亠�� �仂仍�从仂 仂 从舒�亠��于亠, 仆仂 仆亠 仂 仗亠�亠仄亠�舒亠仄仂��亳, 于� 仄仂亢亠�亠 ���舒仆仂于亳��
+  亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 ��仂亶 仂仗�亳亳 于 弍仂仍亠亠 于��仂从仂亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亠 (仗仂仆亳仄舒�, ��仂 �仍���亠仆亳亠 弍�亟亠�
+  �弍�于舒��亳仄, 于仗仍仂�� 亟仂 亳��亠亰舒��亠 仄舒仍仂亞仂 亳仍亳 亟舒亢亠 仆�仍亠于仂亞仂). �亳亟亠仂 仗仂�仂从
+  仗仂-仗�亠亢仆亠仄� 弍�亟亠� 亳仄亠�� �仂�从亳 仗亠�亠仄亠�亠仆亳�, 仗仂从舒 于 仆亠仄 亠��� 从舒从亳亠-�仂 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳�
+  ��亠仆.
   <emphasis role="bold">deblock</emphasis>:
-  This topic is going to be a bit controversial.
+  亅�仂� �舒亰亟亠仍 仄仂亢亠� 弍��� 仆亠�从仂仍�从仂 �仗仂�仆�仄.
-  H.264 defines a simple deblocking procedure on I-blocks that uses
-  pre-set strengths and thresholds depending on the QP of the block
-  in question.
-  By default, high QP blocks are filtered heavily, and low QP blocks
-  are not deblocked at all.
-  The pre-set strengths defined by the standard are well-chosen and
-  the odds are very good that they are PSNR-optimal for whatever
-  video you are trying to encode.
-  The <option>deblock</option> allow you to specify offsets to the preset deblocking
-  thresholds.
+  H.264 仂仗�亠亟亠仍�亠� 仗�仂���� 仗�仂�亠亟��� �亟舒仍亠仆亳� 弍仍仂�仆仂��亳 于 I-弍仍仂从舒�, 从仂�仂�舒�
+  亳�仗仂仍�亰�亠� 仗�亠亟���舒仆仂于仍亠仆仆�亠 ��亠仗亠仆亳 仂弍�舒弍仂�从亳 亳 仗仂�仂亞仂于�亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� 于
+  亰舒于亳�亳仄仂��亳 仂� QP 亳仆�亠�亠����亠亞仂 弍仍仂从舒.
+  �仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�, 弍仍仂从亳 � 于��仂从亳仄 QP 仂弍�舒弍舒��于舒���� �亳仍�仆亠亠, 舒 于 弍仍仂从舒� � 仆亳亰从亳仄
+  QP �亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 弍仍仂�仆仂��亳 于仂仂弍�亠 仆亠 仗�仂亳亰于仂亟亳���.
+  ��亠亟���舒仆仂于仍亠仆�亠 ��亠仗亠仆亳 仂弍�舒弍仂�从亳, 仂仗�亠亟亠仍亠仆仆�亠 ��舒仆亟舒��仂仄, ��舒�亠仍�仆仂 仗仂亟仂弍�舒仆�
+  亳 亳仄亠�� �仂�仂�亳亠 �舒仆�� 弍��� PSNR-仂仗�亳仄舒仍�仆�仄亳 亟仍� 仍�弍仂亞仂 于亳亟亠仂, 从仂�仂�仂亠 于�
+  仗��舒亠�亠�� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒��.
+  �仗�亳� <option>deblock</option> 仗仂亰于仂仍�亠� �从舒亰舒�� �仄亠�亠仆亳� 仗�亠亟���舒仆仂于仍亠仆仆��
+  仗仂�仂亞仂于�� 亰仆舒�亠仆亳亶 亟亠弍仍仂从亳仆亞舒.
-  Many people seem to think it is a good idea to lower the deblocking
-  filter strength by large amounts (say, -3).
-  This is however almost never a good idea, and in most cases,
-  people who are doing this do not understand very well how
-  deblocking works by default.
+  �仂�仂亢亠, 仄仆仂亞亳亠 亟�仄舒��, ��仂 �仂�仂�亠亶 亳亟亠亠亶 �于仍�亠��� 亰仆舒�亳�亠仍�仆仂亠 �仄亠仆��亠仆亳亠 �亳仍�
+  于仂亰亟亠亶��于亳� �亳仍���舒 亟亠弍仍仂从亳仆亞舒 (�亳�舒亶, -3).
+  亅�仂, 仂亟仆舒从仂, 仗仂��亳 仆亳从仂亞亟舒 仆亠 �于仍�亠��� �仂�仂�亠亶 亳亟亠亠亶, 亳, 仍�亟亳, ��仂 亟亠仍舒��亳亠, 于 弍仂仍��亳仆��于亠
+  �仍��舒亠于 仆亠 �仂于�亠仄 �仂�仂�仂 仗仂仆亳仄舒��, 从舒从 �舒弍仂�舒亠� �亟舒仍亠仆亳亠
+  弍仍仂�仆仂��亳 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳�.
-  The first and most important thing to know about the in-loop
-  deblocking filter is that the default thresholds are almost always
-  PSNR-optimal.
-  In the rare cases that they are not optimal, the ideal offset is
-  plus or minus 1.
-  Adjusting deblocking parameters by a larger amount is almost
-  guaranteed to hurt PSNR.
-  Strengthening the filter will smear more details; weakening the
-  filter will increase the appearance of blockiness.
+  �亠�于舒� 亳 �舒仄舒� 于舒亢仆舒� 于亠��, 从仂�仂��� 仆�亢仆仂 亰仆舒�� 仂 in-loop �亳仍���亠 �亟舒仍亠仆亳�
+  弍仍仂�仆仂��亳 �仂��仂亳� 于 �仂仄, ��仂 仗仂�仂亞仂于�亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� 仗仂-�仄仂仍�舒仆亳� 仗�舒从�亳�亠�从亳
+  于�亠亞亟舒 PSNR-仂仗�亳仄舒仍�仆�.
+  � �亠亟从亳� �仍��舒��, 亞亟亠 仂仆亳 仆亠仂仗�亳仄舒仍�仆�, 亳亟亠舒仍�仆仂亠 �仄亠�亠仆亳亠 弍�亟亠� 仗仍�� 仄亳仆�� 1.
+  �亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 仗舒�舒仄亠��仂于 亟亠弍仍仂从亳仆亞舒 仆舒 弍仂仍��亳亠 亰仆舒�亠仆亳� �舒从�亳�亠�从亳 亞舒�舒仆�亳��亠�
+  ���亟�亠仆亳亠 PSNR.
+  丕�亳仍亠仆亳亠 �亳仍���舒 �舒亰仄舒亢亠� 弍仂仍��亠 亟亠�舒仍亠亶; 仂�仍舒弍仍亠仆亳亠 - 仂��舒于亳� 弍仂仍��亠 从于舒亟�舒�亳从仂于.
-  It is definitely a bad idea to lower the deblocking thresholds if
-  your source is mainly low in spacial complexity (i.e., not a lot
-  of detail or noise).
-  The in-loop filter does a rather excellent job of concealing
-  the artifacts that occur.
-  If the source is high in spacial complexity, however, artifacts
-  are less noticeable.
-  This is because the ringing tends to look like detail or noise.
-  Human visual perception easily notices when detail is removed,
-  but it does not so easily notice when the noise is wrongly
-  represented.
-  When it comes to subjective quality, noise and detail are somewhat
-  interchangeable.
-  By lowering the deblocking filter strength, you are most likely
-  increasing error by adding ringing artifacts, but the eye does
-  not notice because it confuses the artifacts with detail.
+  �仂 仂仗�亠亟亠仍亠仆亳� 仗仍仂�舒� 亳亟亠� �仄亠仆��舒�� 仗仂�仂亞亳 亟亠弍仍仂从亳仆亞舒, 亠�仍亳 于舒� 亳��仂亟仆�亶
+  仄舒�亠�亳舒仍 于 仂�仆仂于仆仂仄 亳仄亠亠� 仆亠弍仂仍���� 仗�仂���舒仆��于亠仆仆�� �仍仂亢仆仂��� (�.亠. 仆亠 亳仄亠亠�
+  仄仆仂亢亠��于舒 亟亠�舒仍亠亶 亳仍亳 ��仄舒).
+  In-loop �亳仍��� 亟亠仍舒亠� 于亠��仄舒 仆亠仗仍仂��� �舒弍仂�� 仗仂 �仂从���亳� 仗仂�于仍���亳���
+  舒��亠�舒从�仂于. �亟仆舒从仂, 亠�仍亳 亳��仂亟仆�亶 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍 亳仄亠亠� 于��仂从�� 仗�仂���舒仆��于亠仆仆��
+  �仍仂亢仆仂���, 舒��亠�舒从�� 弍�亟�� 仗�舒从�亳�亠�从亳 仆亠亰舒仄亠�仆�.
+  亅�仂 仗�仂亳��仂亟亳� 仗仂�仂仄�, ��仂 仂�亠仂仍� 亳仄亠�� �从仍仂仆仆仂��� 于�亞仍�亟亠�� 从舒从 亟亠�舒仍亳 亳仍亳
+  ��仄. ��亳�亠仍�仆仂亠 于仂�仗�亳��亳亠 仍亠亞从仂 亰舒仄亠�舒亠� 仂������于亳亠 亟亠�舒仍亠亶, 仆仂 亠仄� 仆亠 �舒从
+  仍亠亞从仂 仂弍�舒�亳�� 于仆亳仄舒仆亳亠 仆舒 仆亠于亠�仆仂 亳亰仂弍�舒亢亠仆仆�亶 ��仄.
+  �仂亞亟舒 �亠�� 亳亟亠� 仂 ��弍�亠从�亳于仆仂仄 从舒�亠��于亠, ��仄 亳 亟亠�舒仍亳 于 仆亠从仂�仂�仂亶 ��亠仗亠仆亳
+  于亰舒亳仄仂亰舒仄亠仆�亠仄�.
+  丕仄亠仆��舒� �亳仍� �亳仍���舒 �亟舒仍亠仆亳� 弍仍仂�仆仂��亳, 于� �从仂�亠亠 于�亠亞仂 �于亠仍亳�亳于舒亠�亠 仂�亳弍从�,
+  亟仂弍舒于仍�� 仂�亠仂仍�, 仆仂 亞仍舒亰 ��仂亞仂 仆亠 亰舒仄亠�舒亠�, 仗仂�从仂仍�从� 仂仆 仗��舒亠� 舒��亠�舒从�� �
+  亟亠�舒仍�仄亳.
-  This <emphasis role="bold">still</emphasis> does not justify
-  lowering the deblocking filter strength, however.
-  You can generally get better quality noise from postprocessing.
-  If your H.264 encodes look too blurry or smeared, try playing with
-  <option>-vf noise</option> when you play your encoded movie.
-  <option>-vf noise=8a:4a</option> should conceal most mild
-  artifacting.
-  It will almost certainly look better than the results you
-  would have gotten just by fiddling with the deblocking filter.
+  �亟仆舒从仂, ��仂 <emphasis role="bold">仗仂-仗�亠亢仆亠仄�</emphasis> 仆亠 仂仗�舒于亟�于舒亠�
+  �仄亠仆��亠仆亳亠 �亳仍� �亳仍���舒. �� 于 弍仂仍��亳仆��于亠 �仍��舒亠于 仄仂亢亠�亠 仗仂仍��亳�� 弍仂仍亠亠
+  从舒�亠��于亠仆仆�亶 ��仄 仗�亳 仗仂仄仂�亳 仗仂��仂弍�舒弍仂�从亳.
+  ��仍亳 �亠亰�仍��舒� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� 仗�亳 仗仂仄仂�亳 H.264 于�亞仍�亟亳� �仍亳�从仂仄 �仄舒亰舒仆仆�仄 亳仍亳
+  �舒亰仄���仄, 仗仂仗�仂弍�亶�亠 仗仂亳亞�舒�� � <option>-vf noise</option>, 仗�亳
+  于仂�仗�仂亳亰于亠亟亠仆亳亳 亰舒从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆仆仂亞仂 �亳仍�仄舒.
+  <option>-vf noise=8a:4a</option> 亟仂仍亢仆舒 �从���� 弍仂仍��亳仆��于仂 仄亠仍从亳� 舒��亠�舒从�仂于.
+  �亠 �亠亰�仍��舒� 仗仂��亳 仆舒于亠�仆�从舒 弍�亟亠� 于�亞仍�亟亠�� 仍���亠, �亠仄 仗仂仍��亠仆仆�亶 仗�亳 仗仂仄仂�亳
+  仄舒�亳仆舒�亳亶 � �亳仍���仂仄 �亟舒仍亠仆亳� 弍仍仂�仆仂��亳.
@@ -4147,50 +4143,48 @@
 <!-- ********** -->
 <sect2 id="menc-feat-x264-example-settings">
-<title>Encoding setting examples</title>
-The following settings are examples of different encoding
-option combinations that affect the speed vs quality tradeoff
-at the same target bitrate.
-All the encoding settings were tested on a 720x448 @30000/1001 fps
-video sample, the target bitrate was 900kbps, and the machine was an
-AMD-64 3400+ at 2400 MHz in 64 bits mode.
-Each encoding setting features the measured encoding speed (in
-frames per second) and the PSNR loss (in dB) compared to the "very
-high quality" setting.
-Please understand that depending on your source, your machine type
-and development advancements, you may get very different results.
+<title>��亳仄亠�� 仆舒���仂亠从 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�</title>
+�仂�仍亠亟���亳亠 仆舒���仂亶从亳 - ��仂 仗�亳仄亠�� �舒亰仍亳�仆�� 从仂仄弍亳仆舒�亳亶 仂仗�亳亶 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�,
+从仂�仂��亠 于仍亳��� 仆舒 �仂仂�仆仂�亠仆亳� �从仂�仂���-从舒�亠��于仂 仗�亳 �仂亶 亢亠 于亠仍亳�亳仆亠 �亠仍亠于仂亞仂
+��亠 仆舒���仂亶从亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� 仗�仂于亠��仍亳�� 仆舒 �亠��仂于仂仄 于亳亟亠仂 720x448 @30000/1001 fps 
+� �亠仍亠于�仄 弍亳�仗仂�仂从仂仄 900从弍亳�/�亠从, 仆舒 仄舒�亳仆亠 AMD-64 3400+ � 2400 ��� 亳 64-� 弍亳�仆仂仄 �亠亢亳仄亠.
+�仍� 从舒亢亟仂亶 仆舒���仂亶从亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� �从舒亰舒仆� 亳亰仄亠�亠仆仆舒� �从仂�仂��� 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳� (于
+从舒亟�舒� 于 �亠从�仆亟�) 亳 仗仂�亠�� PSNR (于 亟�) 仗仂 ��舒于仆亠仆亳� � 仆舒���仂亶从仂亶 "仂�亠仆� 于��仂从仂亠
+从舒�亠��于仂". �仂亶仄亳�亠, 仗仂亢舒仍�亶��舒, ��仂 于 亰舒于亳�亳仄仂��亳 仂� 于舒�亠亞仂 仄舒�亠�亳舒仍舒, �亳仗舒
+仄舒�亳仆�, 仗�仂亞�亠��舒 �舒亰�舒弍仂�从亳 于� 仄仂亢亠�亠 仗仂仍��亳�� �亳仍�仆仂 仂�仍亳�舒��亳亠�� �亠亰�仍��舒��.
 <informaltable frame="all">
 <tgroup cols="4">
-  <entry>Description</entry>
-  <entry>Encoding options</entry>
-  <entry>speed (in fps)</entry>
-  <entry>Relative PSNR loss (in dB)</entry>
+  <entry>�仗亳�舒仆亳亠</entry>
+  <entry>�仗�亳亳 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳�</entry>
+  <entry>�从仂�仂��� (于 fps)</entry>
+  <entry>��仆仂�亳�亠仍�仆舒� 仗仂�亠�� PSNR (于 亟�)</entry>
-  <entry>Very high quality</entry>
+  <entry>��亠仆� 于��仂从仂亠 从舒�亠��于仂</entry>
-  <entry>High quality</entry>
+  <entry>���仂从仂亠 从舒�亠��于仂</entry>
-  <entry>Fast</entry>
+  <entry>�����仂</entry>