view README @ 335:34ecd09ce4f8

properly set msgid to the posted message.
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:07:55 +0900
parents 38a2ef743019
children 941f848b61c9
line wrap: on
line source


1. What is this?

pidgin-twitter is a Pidgin plugin to help posting and reading micro
blogs such as Twitter. Currently, pidgin-twitter supports Twitter,
Wassr,, jisko and friendfeed.

    * display user icon (size configurable)
    * translate sender's name or @<username> to a link to the user's
    * play sounds for specific senders/recipients
    * show letter counter on the format toolbar
    * filter messages from specified users

Twitter specific
    * get/post Twitter statuses via API
    * escape pseudo commands like "w"
    * suppress oops message
    # translate #<search tag> to link to the search query

Wassr specific
    * translate #<channel name> to link to the channel
    * eliminate annoying post completion messages specific
    * translate #<tag> to link to the tag
    * eliminate annoying echo backed messages
    * translate !<group name> to link to the group

2. Dependency

This plugin requires Pidgin 2.4.0 or newer, glib-2.16.0 or newer,
gtk+-2.12.0 or newer and libxml-2.6.27 or newer.

3. How to build

Building pidgin-twitter plugin is very simple. Please do;

sudo make install

If you intend to build pidgin-twitter on Windows, edit Makefile.mingw
as your build environment and do;

make -f Makefile.mingw

Put resultant pidgin-twitter.dll to pidgin's plug-ins directory.

4. Usage

To enable pidgin-twitter, please check it as "Enabled" in Pidgin's
plugins window. Almost all of features can be configured through
pidgin-twitter's paged preferences window. In this section, we explain
the features in page by page basis.

4.1 Account page

4.1.1 Screen Name

You can specify your account names for each service here. These names
will be used for showing your icon in conversations. In a Twitter
conversation, the screen name will be also used for authentication
when API based access is enabled.

4.1.2 Get/post statuses via API

Since Pidgin is an instant message client, it is natural that Pidgin
uses XMPP protocol to access to Twitter. However, Twitter has
suspended their IM gateway for long time, for scalability issues. So
we had decided to provide the other way to access to Twitter using
Twitter's public API.

If you enable this feature, pidgin-twitter gets your timeline and puts
your update via Twitter API.

4.1.3 Password

Please put your Twitter password here if you have enabled "Get/post
statuses via API" checkbox (see 4.1.2).  This password is used for
basic authentication which is required to access Twitter via API.
Note that the Twitter password is saved in configuration file,
e.g. ~/.purple/prefs.xml, as plain text and sent to Twitter API
without encryption.

4.1.4 Retrieve interval

You can specify the interval between each retrievals by ten seconds.

4.2 Translation page

4.2.1 Translate @username to link

This checkbox toggles translation from a recipient name to the link to
the recipient.

4.2.2 Translate sender name to link

This checkbox toggles translation from a sender name to the link to
the sender.

4.2.3 Translate #channel/tag to link

This checkbox toggles translation from channel/tag name which begins
with '#' to respective links. This feature is available for Wassr or

4.3 Filter page

4.3.1 Apply filter

This checkbox toggles filter functionality. If it is enabled, messages
from the users who reside in "to be filtered list" will be filtered
and be discarded silently.

4.3.2 Exclude reply to me

If it is enabled, messages which contain @<your screen name> will be
excluded from filtering.

4.3.3 Users to be filtered

These lists accommodate users to be filtered. A list is a enumeration
of usernames separated by a letter in ",:;" and spaces.  For example,
"foo bar" or "foo,bar" is a valid user list and a list like "foo, bar"
also works.

4.4 Icon page

4.4.1 Show icon in conversations

This checkbox toggles show/hide icons for users in conversations.

4.4.2 Icon size

Icon size in conversations can be specified by this spin button.

4.4.3 Enable icon update

This checkbox toggles update for icons by the specified period. See
below for the update interval.

4.4.4 Update interval

You can specify update interval here in two ways. The first is the
number of times showing one particular icon before update. The second
is days before update.

4.5 Sound page

4.5.1 Play sound on a reply to a specified recipient

This checkbox toggles play sound for a specified recipient.

pidgin-twitter can play a sound when an incoming message contains any
recipient name in the recipient list explained bellow.

It is convenient that add your screen name to the recipient list and
turn this feature on so that you can audibly notice each arrival or
message to you.

4.5.2 Recipient list

Recipient list accommodates names of watched recipients. This list is
a enumeration of usernames separated by a letter in ",:;" and spaces.
For example, "foo bar" or "foo,bar" is a valid user list and a list like
"foo, bar" also works.

4.5.3 Sound type

You can specify event type of sound to be played here. The "Pounce
Default" sound is the default sound type because it may not be
disabled by configuration in Pidgin's preferences. You can specify
other sounds, but be aware, you have to enable the event type of sound
which you specified for pidgin-twitter in Pidgin's preferences.

4.5.4 Play sound on a message from a specified sender

This is the same as 4.5.1 except that it is for senders.

4.5.5 Sender list

This is the same as 4.5.2 except that sender list accommodates names
of watched senders.

4.5.6 Sound type

This is the same as 4.5.3 except that it is for senders.

4.6 Utility page

4.6.1 Show text counter

This checkbox toggles letter counter. If it is enabled, a small letter
counter widget will appear on the format bar in a Pidgin conversation
window. This counter keeps track of length of composing string in
character. Each service has its own limit of length for posting
messages; 140 characters in Twitter, 255 characters in Wassr and 140
bytes in If the composing message exceeds the limit, the
displayed number will turn red to notify you the excess.

4.6.2 Escape pseudo command for twitter

This checkbox toggles escape pseudo command functionality.

A pseudo command is a message composed of leading non Latin string and
trailing an alphabet letter which can be interpreted as a command in
short form. Twitter wrongly interpreted it as an incomplete command
message so that Twitter gives you an error massage.

If this feature is enabled, pidgin-twitter automatically escapes any
pseudo command by prepending ". " at the beginning of a message.

4.6.3 Suppress oops message

This checkbox toggles suppress oops message feature for Twitter

This feature may require explanation. If we send a message which is
longer than 140 bytes, Twitter will send us back an oops message to
notify the excess of the limit. However, Twitter computes the actual
hard limit in internal representation of characters so that the
messages which does not exceed 140 letters can actually be
accepted. This feature will silently discard *false* oops message in
this situation.

4.6.4 Strip excessive newline characters

A message from feed bot may contain excessive number of newline
characters. It sometimes annoys messenger users by taking huge space
in the message window.

If this feature is enabled, pidgin-twitter automatically strips
consecutive newline characters and replaces them with single newline

4.6.5 Do not notify incoming message (Windows only)

This checkbox toggles suppression of blinking Pidgin's task bar button
for new incoming message when Pidgin window is not active.

4.6.6 Enable log output

This checkbox toggles log messages for debugging. If you have any
trouble, we suggest to enable this feature and report us your problem
with obtained information.

5. History

0.4.0 (May 01 2008)
First public release.

0.5.0 (May 05 2008)
Added escape pseudo command functionality.

0.5.1 (May 05 2008)
Fixed a crash bug that each unload and reload pidgin-twitter cycle
resulted in crash.

0.6.0 (May 16 2008)
- Letter counter has been added.
- Suppress "false positive oops message" when sending message which
  exceeds 140 bytes but within 140 characters.
- Pidgin-twitter now strips all markup elements from sending message.
  This feature prevents this plugin from posting unexpected
  excessively marked up message.
- Since pidgin-twitter no longer sends any marked up message, all
  markup widgets in conversation window have been disabled.

0.7.0 alpha1 (June 28 2008)
- Show icon feature has been added.
- API based posting has been added.
- Notification on message arrival can be disabled now.
- Annoying completion message which is returned from Wassr service
  will be automatically ignored.

0.7.0 (August 5 2008)
- Support for has been added.
- Icon support for Wassr and have been added.
- Icon size and icon visibility are now configurable.
- Automatic icon update has been implemented.
- Translation from channel name to the link to the channel in Wassr
  has been added.
- Disabling notification on message arrival now works for Wassr and too.

0.8.0 beta 1 (September 29 2008)
- Filter functionality has been added.
- Translation from tag name to the link to the tag in
  has been added.
- Many improvements and bug fixes.

0.8.0 (October 28 2008)
- jisko support has been added.
- Strip excessive newline feature has been added.
- Fixed a breakage of playing sound for the recipients.

0.8.1 (December 10 2008)
- Icon handling has been improved so that users' custom icons would
  not turn into default one.
- Fixed a glitch in the pattern for icon.
- Get/post twitter statuses via API has been turned on by default.
- prefs.ui file would be embedded into dll on windows environment so
  that separate installation by hand is no longer required.
- Reorganized source codes.

0.8.2 (December 13 2008)
- Adapted for laconica 0.6.4 in service.
- Fixed the recipient format for jisko.

0.8.3 (April 7 2009)
- Number of messages to retrieve in twitter API access is now
- Adapted to twitter's icon URL change.
- Changed the way of escaping outgoing message. More characters will
  be sent as raw.
- Added group support for

0.8.4 (June 13 2009)
- Fix for a bug that status id exceeds int32 limit.
- Now a search tag like #foo in twitter generates a search link.
- Added preliminary support for friendfeed.

0.8.5 (August 30 2009)
- Fixed icon retrieval in jisko and wassr.
- Robust image type detection for icons.
- Added workaround for earlier pidgin's hexadecimal numeric expression
  bug. (September 19 2009)
- Fixed icon retrieval in twitter and friendfeed. (September 20 2009)
- Improved icon retrieval in twitter service. Now icon file whose name
  contains UTF-8 multi-byte characters can be retrieved as well.

6. Acknowledgments

In the beginning of development, I (yazuuchi) got a number of valuable
feedbacks from nosuke (@konosuke) and mojin (@mojin).

The original letter counter has been developed by Dossy Shiobara in
convcharcount plugin.

In development for 0.6.0, mikanbako (@mikanbako) joined our team and
contributed numerous efforts. The original strip markup feature and
the disable markup widgets feature has been developed by him.

API based posting has been contributed by nosuke in development for

We got uncountable feedbacks from users in the #pidgin_twitter channel
at Wassr.

Yoshiki Yazawa (@yazuuchi) and the pidgin-twitter team