view src/ @ 12233:02833a0ae716

[gaim-migrate @ 14535] SF Patch #1367116 from Michael Carlson "In profiling gaim, I noticed that on simply starting CVS gaim, xmlnode_insert_child is using up by far the most CPU time. After some testing, I realized the reason why: xmlnode_insert_child is called some 18,000 times on startup, and it is inserting the child at the end of the list each time, simply by traversing through the entire linked list. Sometimes this list can have as many as 800 elements. This patch adds a variable to the _xmlnode struct, lastchild, which simply keeps track of the last node in the list of children. This is then used by xmlnode_insert_child to insert at the end of the list, instead of traversing through the whole list each time. The two relevant functions in xmlnode.c that need to be updated to keep track of this function appropriately have been updated. Running 3 times with and without the change, the results from oprofile say it all. Here are the measured number of clock cycles / % of total clock cycles / function used to simply start and close gaim before the change: 204 60.7143 xmlnode_insert_child 210 61.4035 xmlnode_insert_child 230 61.8280 xmlnode_insert_child And after (note that one time no clock cycles were caught at all) 3 2.5862 xmlnode_insert_child 3 2.5641 xmlnode_insert_child This affects other areas of the program than just starting up, but this seems to be the most noticeable place." Speed is good. As I was verifying this patch, I added some g_return_val_if_fail() checks. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Sun, 27 Nov 2005 03:42:39 +0000
parents 64fadbf3810f
children 2e4e02b72e43
line wrap: on
line source


import dbus
import re
import urllib
import sys

import xml.dom.minidom 

xml.dom.minidom.Element.all   = xml.dom.minidom.Element.getElementsByTagName

obj = dbus.SessionBus().get_object("org.gaim.GaimService", "/org/gaim/GaimObject")
gaim = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.gaim.GaimInterface")

class CheckedObject:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return CheckedAttribute(self, attr)

class CheckedAttribute:
    def __init__(self, cobj, attr):
        self.cobj = cobj
        self.attr = attr
    def __call__(self, *args):
        result = self.cobj.obj.__getattr__(self.attr)(*args)
        if result == 0:
            raise "Error: " + self.attr + " " + str(args) + " returned " + str(result)
        return result
cgaim = CheckedObject(gaim)

urlregexp = r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"

def extendlist(list, length, fill):
    if len(list) < length:
        return list + [fill] * (length - len(list))
        return list

def convert(value):
        return int(value)
        return value

def findaccount(accountname, protocolname):
        # prefer connected accounts
        account = cgaim.GaimAccountsFindConnected(accountname, protocolname)
        return account
        # try to get any account and connect it
        account = cgaim.GaimAccountsFindAny(accountname, protocolname)
        print gaim.GaimAccountGetUsername(account)
        gaim.GaimAccountSetStatusVargs(account, "online", 1)
        return account

def execute(uri):
    match = re.match(urlregexp, uri)
    protocol =
    if protocol is not None:
        protocol = "prpl-" + protocol
    command =
    paramstring = 
    params = {}
    if paramstring is not None:
        for param in paramstring.split("&"):
            key, value = extendlist(param.split("=",1), 2, "")
            params[key] = urllib.unquote(value)

    accountname = params.get("account", "")

    if command == "goim":
        print params
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        conversation = cgaim.GaimConversationNew(1, account, params["screenname"])
        if "message" in params:
            im = cgaim.GaimConversationGetImData(conversation)
            gaim.GaimConvImSend(im, params["message"])
        return None

    elif command == "gochat":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        connection = cgaim.GaimAccountGetConnection(account)
        return gaim.ServJoinChat(connection, params)

    elif command == "addbuddy":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        return cgaim.GaimBlistRequestAddBuddy(account, params["screenname"],
                                              params.get("group", ""), "")

    elif command == "setstatus":
        if "account" in params:
            accounts = [cgaim.GaimAccountsFindAny(accountname, protocol)]
            accounts = gaim.GaimAccountsGetAllActive()

        for account in accounts:
            status = cgaim.GaimAccountGetStatus(account, params["status"])
            for key, value in params.items():
                if key not in ["status", "account"]:
                    gaim.GaimStatusSetAttrString(status, key, value)
            gaim.GaimAccountSetStatusVargs(account, params["status"], 1)
        return None

    elif command == "getinfo":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        connection = cgaim.GaimAccountGetConnection(account)
        return gaim.ServGetInfo(connection, params["screenname"])

    elif command == "quit":
        return gaim.GaimCoreQuit()

    elif command == "uri":
        return None

        match = re.match(r"(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)", command)
        if match is not None:
            name =
            argstr =
            if argstr == "":
                args = []
                args = argstr.split(",")
            fargs = []
            for arg in args:
            return gaim.__getattr__(name)(*fargs)
            # introspect the object to get parameter names and types
            # this is slow because the entire introspection info must be downloaded
            data = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable").\
            introspect = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data).documentElement
            for method in introspect.all("method"):
                if command == method.getAttribute("name"):
                    methodparams = []
                    for arg in method.all("arg"):
                        if arg.getAttribute("direction") == "in":
                            value = params[arg.getAttribute("name")]
                            type = arg.getAttribute("type")
                            if type == "s":
                            elif type == "i":
                                raise "Don't know how to handle type \"%s\"" % type
                    return gaim.__getattr__(command)(*methodparams)
            raise "Unknown command: %s" % command

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print """This program uses DBus to communicate with gaim.


    %s "command1" "command2" ...

Each command is of one of the three types:


The second and third form are provided for completeness but their use
is not recommended; use gaim-send or gaim-send-async instead.  The
second form uses introspection to find out the parameter names and
their types, therefore it is rather slow.

Examples of commands:

    jabber:addbuddy?screenname=my friend

    setstatus?status=away&message=don't disturb

""" % sys.argv[0]

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    print execute(arg)