view src/protocols/oscar/msgcookie.c @ 3952:07283934dedd

[gaim-migrate @ 4133] Ok, big commit with little functionality change. Most of it is me shuffling crap around because I'm one of them neat freaks. Lots of general code cleanup too. I'm trying to move to that whole "one-family-per-file" thing. The details... I added libfaim support for aim's new search family, 0x000f. I only tested this briefly, so if anyone uses it for anything, be aware that it could be buggy. I'll add oscar support sometime. Advantages of this family are... when you search for someone, you get the directory info for that person. So like, first name, middle name, last name, maiden name, city, state, country, zip, address, interests, nickname, and maybe some other stuff. Basically all the info that they've set in their directory info thing. Info. Oh, and I'm calling it "new search" because seach was already taken, and cookie monster ate my right brain. The reason I didn't add support to oscar.c... the new search family requires making a connection to another server. While moving stuff around I realized that I didn't really like how new connections are made. It's kind of sloppy. I'm thinking it would be nice to have an outgoing queue for each type of connection, and then let the client queue messages as much as they want. Then, if libfaim sees that there is a message for a certain type of connection, and there is no open connection of that type, it will connect, and then flush the queue when the connection is made. This seems a lot cleaner, but it also seems like a pain in the ass. I should do ssi for icq first, anyway :-) Also, I think it would be neat if there was an ICBM file that handled channels 1 through 4. Then im.c and chat.c could pass the ICBM part to the icbm stuff and it could get parsed there. im.c is really huge right now. I applied a patch from Graham Booker that paves the way for unicode in direct IMs. Thanks Graham. Now we just need Paco-Paco to git a little free time and write a patch for this. I applied 2 patches from Will Mahan dealing with file transfer/oft/rendezous/whatever. Here's some info on them, from The Man himself: Patch 1 "Currently the Rendezvous code is rather messy; this patch attempts to bring it up to speed with the rest of the Oscar prpl. Its changes include: * Rewrite several ft.c functions to use bstreams. Apparently the code in question was written before bstreams were implemented. * Handle incoming Rendezvous packets through the rxqueue like FLAP packets, rather than handling them as a special case as soon as they are received. This takes advantage of the bstream cleanup to unify some code and simplify the aim_frame_t struct. * Change some names used to try to clarify the distinction between OFT, which refers specifically to file transfer, and Rendezvous, which encompasses OFT as well as other types of client-to-client connections." Patch 2 "* Add some comments I inadvertently left out of my last patch. * Fix a double-free that occurs when connections time out. * Correct a bug causing filenames to be truncated by 4 characters on some clients. * Preserve directory structure when sending multiple files. * Handle (throw away) resource forks sent by Mac clients." I also changed all indents to tabs in ft.c. And split all the bstream stuff from rxqueue.c and put it in bstream.c. It really is a separate thing. Especially since it can be used for outgoing connections. Also, I was going to look over the whole patch tonight to make sure it's all good, but it's like 6000 lines, so, uh, I'll do it later. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Mark Doliner <>
date Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:01:37 +0000
parents 933346315b9b
children 3f267c74e50a
line wrap: on
line source

 * Cookie Caching stuff. Adam wrote this, apparently just some
 * derivatives of n's SNAC work. I cleaned it up, added comments.

 * I'm assuming that cookies are type-specific. that is, we can have
 * "1234578" for type 1 and type 2 concurrently. if i'm wrong, then we
 * lose some error checking. if we assume cookies are not type-specific and are
 * wrong, we get quirky behavior when cookies step on each others' toes.

#include <aim.h>

 * aim_cachecookie - appends a cookie to the cookie list
 * @sess: session to add to
 * @cookie: pointer to struct to append
 * if cookie->cookie for type cookie->type is found, updates the
 * ->addtime of the found structure; otherwise adds the given cookie
 * to the cache
 * returns -1 on error, 0 on append, 1 on update.  the cookie you pass
 * in may be free'd, so don't count on its value after calling this!
faim_internal int aim_cachecookie(aim_session_t *sess, aim_msgcookie_t *cookie)
	aim_msgcookie_t *newcook;

	if (!sess || !cookie)
		return -EINVAL;

	newcook = aim_checkcookie(sess, cookie->cookie, cookie->type);
	if (newcook == cookie) {
		newcook->addtime = time(NULL);
		return 1;
	} else if (newcook)
		aim_cookie_free(sess, newcook);

	cookie->addtime = time(NULL);  

	cookie->next = sess->msgcookies;
	sess->msgcookies = cookie;

	return 0;

 * aim_uncachecookie - grabs a cookie from the cookie cache (removes it from the list)
 * @sess: session to grab cookie from
 * @cookie: cookie string to look for
 * @type: cookie type to look for
 * takes a cookie string and a cookie type and finds the cookie struct associated with that duple, removing it from the cookie list ikn the process.
 * if found, returns the struct; if none found (or on error), returns NULL:
faim_internal aim_msgcookie_t *aim_uncachecookie(aim_session_t *sess, fu8_t *cookie, int type)
	aim_msgcookie_t *cur, **prev;

	if (!cookie || !sess->msgcookies)
		return NULL;

	for (prev = &sess->msgcookies; (cur = *prev); ) {
		if ((cur->type == type) && 
				(memcmp(cur->cookie, cookie, 8) == 0)) {
			*prev = cur->next;
			return cur;
		prev = &cur->next;

	return NULL;

 * aim_mkcookie - generate an aim_msgcookie_t *struct from a cookie string, a type, and a data pointer.
 * @c: pointer to the cookie string array
 * @type: cookie type to use
 * @data: data to be cached with the cookie
 * returns NULL on error, a pointer to the newly-allocated cookie on
 * success.
faim_internal aim_msgcookie_t *aim_mkcookie(fu8_t *c, int type, void *data) 
	aim_msgcookie_t *cookie;

	if (!c)
		return NULL;

	if (!(cookie = calloc(1, sizeof(aim_msgcookie_t))))
		return NULL;

	cookie->data = data;
	cookie->type = type;
	memcpy(cookie->cookie, c, 8);

	return cookie;

 * aim_checkcookie - check to see if a cookietuple has been cached
 * @sess: session to check for the cookie in
 * @cookie: pointer to the cookie string array
 * @type: type of the cookie to look for
 * this returns a pointer to the cookie struct (still in the list) on
 * success; returns NULL on error/not found

faim_internal aim_msgcookie_t *aim_checkcookie(aim_session_t *sess, const fu8_t *cookie, int type)
	aim_msgcookie_t *cur;

	for (cur = sess->msgcookies; cur; cur = cur->next) {
		if ((cur->type == type) && 
				(memcmp(cur->cookie, cookie, 8) == 0))
			return cur;   

	return NULL;

#if 0 /* debugging feature */
faim_internal int aim_dumpcookie(aim_msgcookie_t *cookie) 

	if (!cookie)
		return -EINVAL;

	printf("\tCookie at %p: %d/%s with %p, next %p\n", 
			cookie, cookie->type, cookie->cookie, 
			cookie->data, cookie->next);

	return 0;

 * aim_cookie_free - free an aim_msgcookie_t struct
 * @sess: session to remove the cookie from
 * @cookiep: the address of a pointer to the cookie struct to remove
 * this function removes the cookie *cookie from teh list of cookies
 * in sess, and then frees all memory associated with it. including
 * its data! if you want to use the private data after calling this,
 * make sure you copy it first.
 * returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
faim_internal int aim_cookie_free(aim_session_t *sess, aim_msgcookie_t *cookie) 
	aim_msgcookie_t *cur, **prev;

	if (!sess || !cookie)
		return -EINVAL;

	for (prev = &sess->msgcookies; (cur = *prev); ) {
		if (cur == cookie)
			*prev = cur->next;
			prev = &cur->next;


	return 0;

/* XXX I hate switch */
faim_internal int aim_msgcookie_gettype(int reqclass) 
	/* XXX: hokey-assed. needs fixed. */
	switch(reqclass) {
	default: return AIM_COOKIETYPE_UNKNOWN;