view po/ @ 12798:09d4ea834370

[gaim-migrate @ 15145] SF Patch #1389870 from Bleeter, building on work in SF Patch #1114194 from Alex Badea "Following on from #1114194, where I thought that sending audibles is a little twitty because we can't see what's going on, I also noted that it would be nice if we could display the URL wheree the audible swf file lived. The example URL provided only supported US locales, which also needed addressing. I've tested this patch with the Taiwain audible, named within the patch, by confirming that the URL pattern match actually works. Whether it actually works when sent from a Taiwanese YIM native client, I have no idea. It looks like it should. Just to re-iterate: This patch displays the the received audible's URL and text only, not the audible swf file itself, nor does it send anything." committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Mon, 09 Jan 2006 22:28:17 +0000
parents 6173354a64dc
children 72f90ea7ae34
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  -  check po file translations for likely errors
# Written by David W. Pfitzner
# This script is hereby placed in the Public Domain.
# Various checks on po file translations:
# - printf-style format strings;
# - differences in trailing newlines;
# - empty (non-fuzzy) msgid;
# - likely whitespace errors on joining multi-line entries
# Ignores all fuzzy entries.
# Options:
#  -x  Don't do standard checks above (eg, just check one of below).
#  -n  Check newlines within strings; ie, that have equal numbers
#      of newlines in msgstr and msgid.  (Optional because this may
#      happen legitimately.)
#  -w  Check leading whitespace.  Sometimes whitespace is simply 
#      spacing (eg, for widget labels etc), or punctuation differences,
#      so this may be ok.
#  -W  Check trailing whitespace.  See -w above.
#  -p  Check trailing punctuation.
#  -c  Check capitalization of first non-whitespace character 
#      (only if [a-zA-Z]).
#  -e  Check on empty (c.q. new) msgstr
# Reads stdin (or filename args, via <>), writes any problems to stdout.
# Modified by Davide Pagnin to support plural forms
# Version: 0.41     (2002-06-06)

use strict;
use vars qw($opt_c $opt_n $opt_p $opt_w $opt_W $opt_x $opt_e);
use Getopt::Std;


# Globals, for current po entry:
# Note that msgid and msgstr have newlines represented by the 
# two characters '\' and 'n' (and similarly for other escapes).

my @amsgid;			# lines exactly as in input
my @amsgstr;
my $entryline;                  # lineno where entry starts
my $msgid;			# lines joined by ""
my $msgstr;
my $is_fuzzy;
my $is_cformat;
my $state;			# From constant values below.
my $did_print;                  # Whether we have printed this entry, to
				# print only once for multiple problems.

use constant S_LOOKING_START => 0;   # looking for start of entry
use constant S_DOING_MSGID   => 1;   # doing msgid part
use constant S_DOING_MSGSTR  => 2;   # doing msgstr part 

# Initialize or reinitalize globals to prepare for new entry:
sub new_entry {
    @amsgid = ();
    @amsgstr = ();
    $msgid = undef;
    $msgstr = undef;
    $entryline = 0;
    $is_fuzzy = 0;
    $is_cformat = 0;
    $did_print = 0;
    $state = S_LOOKING_START;

# Nicely print either a "msgid" or "msgstr" (name is one of these) 
# with given array of data.
sub print_one {
    my $name = shift;
    print "  $name \"", join("\"\n  \"", @_), "\"\n";

# Print a problem (args like print()), preceeded by entry unless
# we have already printed that: label, and msgid and msgstr.
sub print_problem {
    unless ($did_print) {
	print "ENTRY:", ($ARGV eq "-" ? "" : " ($ARGV, line $entryline)"), "\n";
	print_one("msgid", @amsgid);
	print_one("msgstr", @amsgstr);
	$did_print = 1;
    print "*** ", @_;

# Check final newline: probably, translations should end in a newline 
# if and only if the original string does. 
# (See also check_trailing_whitespace and check_num_newlines below.)
sub check_trailing_newlines {
    if ($opt_x) { return; }

    my ($ichar, $schar);
    $ichar = (length($msgid)>=2) ? substr($msgid, -2, 2) : "";
    $schar = (length($msgstr)>=2) ? substr($msgstr, -2, 2) : "";

    if ($ichar eq "\\n" && $schar ne "\\n") {
	print_problem "Missing trailing newline\n";
    if ($ichar ne "\\n" && $schar eq "\\n") {
	print_problem "Extra trailing newline\n";


# Check leading whitespace.  In general, any leading whitespace should 
# be the same in msgstr and msgid -- but not always.
sub check_leading_whitespace {
    unless ($opt_w) { return; }

    my ($id, $str);

    if ($msgid =~ m/^(\s+)/) {
	$id = $1;
    } else {
	$id = "";
    if ($msgstr =~ m/^(\s+)/) {
	$str = $1;
    } else {
	$str = "";
    if ($id ne $str) {
	print_problem "Different leading whitespace\n";

# Check trailing whitespace.  In general, any trailing whitespace should 
# be the same in msgstr and msgid -- but not always.
sub check_trailing_whitespace {
    unless ($opt_W) { return; }

    my ($id, $str);

    if ($msgid =~ m/((?:\s|\\n)+)$/) {
	$id = $1;
    } else {
	$id = "";
    if ($msgstr =~ m/((?:\s|\\n)+)$/) {
	$str = $1;
    } else {
	$str = "";
    if ($id ne $str) {
	print_problem "Different trailing whitespace\n";

# Check equal numbers of newlines.  In general ... etc.
sub check_num_newlines {
    unless ($opt_n) { return; }
    my $num_i = ($msgid =~ m(\\n)g);
    my $num_s = ($msgstr =~ m(\\n)g);

    if ($num_i != $num_s) {
	print_problem "Mismatch in newline count\n";

# Check capitalization of first non-whitespace character (for [a-zA-Z] 
# only).  In general ... etc.
sub check_leading_capitalization {
    unless ($opt_c) { return; }

    my ($id, $str);

    if ($msgid =~ m/^\s*([a-zA-Z])/) {
	$id = $1;
    if ($msgstr =~ m/^\s*([a-zA-Z])/) {
	$str = $1;
    if (defined($id) && defined($str)) {
	if (($id =~ /^[a-z]$/ && $str =~ /^[A-Z]$/) ||
	    ($id =~ /^[A-Z]$/ && $str =~ /^[a-z]$/)) {
	    print_problem "Different leading capitalization\n";

# Check trailing 'punctuation' characters (ignoring trailing whitespace).
# In general .. etc.
sub check_trailing_punctuation {
    unless ($opt_p) { return; }

    my ($id, $str);

    # Might want more characters: 
    if ($msgid =~ m/([\\\.\/\,\!\?\"\'\:\;])+(?:\s|\\n)*$/) {
	$id = $1;
    } else {
	$id = "";
    if ($msgstr =~ m/([\\\.\/\,\!\?\"\'\:\;])+(?:\s|\\n)*$/) {
	$str = $1;
    } else {
	$str = "";
    ##print "$id $str\n";
    if ($id ne $str) {
	print_problem "Different trailing punctuation\n";

# Check that multiline strings have whitespace separation, since
# otherwise, eg:
#   msgstr "this is a multiline"
#          "string"
# expands to:
#   "this is a multilinestring"
sub check_whitespace_joins {
    if ($opt_x) { return; }

    my $ok = 1;
    my $i = 0;

    foreach my $aref (\@amsgid, \@amsgstr) {
	my $prev = undef;
	foreach my $line (@$aref) {
	    if (defined($prev)
		&& length($prev)
		&& $prev !~ /\s$/ 
		&& $prev !~ /\\n$/
		&& $line !~ /^\s/
		&& $line !~ /^\\n/) 
		$ok = 0;
		last LINE;
	    $prev = $line;
	if (!$ok) {
	    print_problem("Possible non-whitespace line-join problem in ",
			  ($i==0 ? "msgid" : "msgstr"), " \n");

# Check printf-style format entries.
# Non-trivial, because translation strings may use format specifiers
# out of order, or skip some specifiers etc.  Also gettext marks
# anything with '%' as cformat, though not all are.
sub check_cformat {
    unless ($is_cformat) { return; }
    if ($opt_x)          { return; }

    my (@iform, @sform);
    @iform = ($msgid =~ m/\%[0-9\.\$]*[a-z]/g);
    @sform = ($msgstr =~ m/\%[0-9\.\$]*[a-z]/g);

    ##print join("::", @iform), "\n";
    ##print join("::", @sform), "\n";

    my $js;			# index in sform
    my $j;			# index into iform
    for ($js=0; $js < @sform; $js++) {
	my $sf = $sform[$js];
	my $sf_orig = $sf;
	if ($sf =~ s/^\%([0-9]+)\$(.*[a-z])$/\%$2/) {
	    $j = $1-1;
	} else {
	    $j = $js;
	if ($j > $#iform) {
	    print_problem("Format number mismatch for $sf_orig [msgstr:",
			  ($js+1), "]\n");
	    next SFORM;
	my $if = $iform[$j];
	if ($sf ne $if) {
	    print_problem("Format mismatch: $sf_orig [msgstr:", ($js+1), "]",
			  " vs $if [msgid:", ($j+1), "]\n");

# Run all individual checks on current entry, reporting any problems.
sub check_entry {
    if ($is_fuzzy) {
    $msgid = join("", @amsgid);
    $msgstr = join("", @amsgstr);

    unless ($opt_x) {
	if (length($msgid)==0) {
	    print_problem "Zero length msgid\n";
    if (length($msgstr)==0) {
        unless ($opt_e) { return; }
        print_problem "Untranslated msgid\n";


while(<>) {
    if ( m(^\s*$) ) {
	if ($state==S_DOING_MSGSTR) {
	next LINE;
    if ( m(^\#, fuzzy) ) {
        $is_fuzzy = 1;
    if ( m(^\#, .*c-format) ) {
        # .* is because can have fuzzy, c-format
        $is_cformat = 1;
    if ( m(^\#) ) {
        next LINE;
    if ( m(^msgid \"(.*)\"$) ) {
        $entryline = $.;
        @amsgid = ($1);
        $state = S_DOING_MSGID;
        next LINE;
    if ( m(^msgid_plural \"(.*)\"$) ) {
        $entryline = $.;
        @amsgid = ($1);
        $state = S_DOING_MSGID;
        next LINE;
    if ( m(^msgstr \"(.*)\"$) ) {
        @amsgstr = ($1);
        $state = S_DOING_MSGSTR;
        next LINE;
    if ( m(^msgstr\[[0-2]\] \"(.*)\"$) ) {
        @amsgstr = ($1);
        $state = S_DOING_MSGSTR;
        next LINE;
    if ( m(^\"(.*)\"$) ) {
        if ($state==S_DOING_MSGID) {
    	    push @amsgid, $1;
        } elsif($state==S_DOING_MSGSTR) {
    	    push @amsgstr, $1;
        } else {
	    die "Looking at string $_ in bad state $state,";
        next LINE;
    die "Unexpected at $.: ", $_;