Mercurial > pidgin.yaz
view finch/libgnt/gnttree.c @ 20953:111f4b8084b0
Track the unseen state on the PurpleConversation for dettached convs. This
allows us to only blink the tray icon when our nick was said instead of
for every message sent to a chat (when dettached).
author | Casey Harkins <> |
date | Mon, 15 Oct 2007 22:16:57 +0000 |
parents | fe77cc691f78 |
children | 9187d331aebe |
line wrap: on
line source
/** * GNT - The GLib Ncurses Toolkit * * GNT is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous * to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this * source distribution. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include "gntmarshal.h" #include "gntstyle.h" #include "gnttree.h" #include "gntutils.h" #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define SEARCH_TIMEOUT 4000 /* 4 secs */ #define SEARCHING(tree) (tree->priv->search && tree->priv->search->len > 0) #define COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, index) (tree->columns[index].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE) #define BINARY_DATA(tree, index) (tree->columns[index].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_BINARY_DATA) #define RIGHT_ALIGNED(tree, index) (tree->columns[index].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_RIGHT_ALIGNED) enum { PROP_0, PROP_COLUMNS, }; enum { SIG_SELECTION_CHANGED, SIG_SCROLLED, SIG_TOGGLED, SIG_COLLAPSED, SIGS, }; struct _GntTreePriv { GString *search; int search_timeout; int search_column; gboolean (*search_func)(GntTree *tree, gpointer key, const char *search, const char *current); GCompareFunc compare; int lastvisible; }; #define TAB_SIZE 3 /* XXX: Make this one into a GObject? * ... Probably not */ struct _GntTreeRow { void *key; void *data; /* XXX: unused */ gboolean collapsed; gboolean choice; /* Is this a choice-box? If choice is true, then child will be NULL */ gboolean isselected; GntTextFormatFlags flags; GntTreeRow *parent; GntTreeRow *child; GntTreeRow *next; GntTreeRow *prev; GList *columns; GntTree *tree; }; struct _GntTreeCol { char *text; gboolean isbinary; int span; /* How many columns does it span? */ }; static void tree_selection_changed(GntTree *, GntTreeRow *, GntTreeRow *); static void _gnt_tree_init_internals(GntTree *tree, int col); static GntWidgetClass *parent_class = NULL; static guint signals[SIGS] = { 0 }; static void readjust_columns(GntTree *tree) { int i, col, total; int width; #define WIDTH(i) (tree->columns[i].width_ratio ? tree->columns[i].width_ratio : tree->columns[i].width) gnt_widget_get_size(GNT_WIDGET(tree), &width, NULL); if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) width -= 2; for (i = 0, total = 0; i < tree->ncol ; i++) { if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE) continue; if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE) width -= WIDTH(i) + 1; else total += WIDTH(i) + 1; } if (total == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE) continue; if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE) col = WIDTH(i); else col = (WIDTH(i) * width) / total; gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(tree), i, col); } } /* Move the item at position old to position new */ static GList * g_list_reposition_child(GList *list, int old, int new) { gpointer item = g_list_nth_data(list, old); list = g_list_remove(list, item); if (old < new) new--; /* because the positions would have shifted after removing the item */ list = g_list_insert(list, item, new); return list; } static GntTreeRow * _get_next(GntTreeRow *row, gboolean godeep) { if (row == NULL) return NULL; if (godeep && row->child) return row->child; if (row->next) return row->next; return _get_next(row->parent, FALSE); } static gboolean row_matches_search(GntTreeRow *row) { GntTree *t = row->tree; if (t->priv->search && t->priv->search->len > 0) { GntTreeCol *col = (col = g_list_nth_data(row->columns, t->priv->search_column)) ? col : row->columns->data; char *one, *two, *z; if (t->priv->search_func) return t->priv->search_func(t, row->key, t->priv->search->str, col->text); one = g_utf8_casefold(col->text, -1); two = g_utf8_casefold(t->priv->search->str, -1); z = strstr(one, two); g_free(one); g_free(two); if (z == NULL) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static GntTreeRow * get_next(GntTreeRow *row) { if (row == NULL) return NULL; while ((row = _get_next(row, !row->collapsed)) != NULL) { if (row_matches_search(row)) break; } return row; } /* Returns the n-th next row. If it doesn't exist, returns NULL */ static GntTreeRow * get_next_n(GntTreeRow *row, int n) { while (row && n--) row = get_next(row); return row; } /* Returns the n-th next row. If it doesn't exist, then the last non-NULL node */ static GntTreeRow * get_next_n_opt(GntTreeRow *row, int n, int *pos) { GntTreeRow *next = row; int r = 0; if (row == NULL) return NULL; while (row && n--) { row = get_next(row); if (row) { next = row; r++; } } if (pos) *pos = r; return next; } static GntTreeRow * get_last_child(GntTreeRow *row) { if (row == NULL) return NULL; if (!row->collapsed && row->child) row = row->child; else return row; while(row->next) row = row->next; return get_last_child(row); } static GntTreeRow * get_prev(GntTreeRow *row) { if (row == NULL) return NULL; while (row) { if (row->prev) row = get_last_child(row->prev); else row = row->parent; if (!row || row_matches_search(row)) break; } return row; } static GntTreeRow * get_prev_n(GntTreeRow *row, int n) { while (row && n--) row = get_prev(row); return row; } /* Distance of row from the root */ /* XXX: This is uber-inefficient */ static int get_root_distance(GntTreeRow *row) { if (row == NULL) return -1; return get_root_distance(get_prev(row)) + 1; } /* Returns the distance between a and b. * If a is 'above' b, then the distance is positive */ static int get_distance(GntTreeRow *a, GntTreeRow *b) { /* First get the distance from a to the root. * Then the distance from b to the root. * Subtract. * It's not that good, but it works. */ int ha = get_root_distance(a); int hb = get_root_distance(b); return (hb - ha); } static int find_depth(GntTreeRow *row) { int dep = -1; while (row) { dep++; row = row->parent; } return dep; } static char * update_row_text(GntTree *tree, GntTreeRow *row) { GString *string = g_string_new(NULL); GList *iter; int i; gboolean notfirst = FALSE; for (i = 0, iter = row->columns; i < tree->ncol && iter; i++, iter = iter->next) { GntTreeCol *col = iter->data; const char *text; int len; int fl = 0; gboolean cut = FALSE; int width; const char *display; if (COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i)) continue; if (BINARY_DATA(tree, i)) display = ""; else display = col->text; len = gnt_util_onscreen_width(display, NULL); width = tree->columns[i].width; if (i == 0) { if (row->choice) { g_string_append_printf(string, "[%c] ", row->isselected ? 'X' : ' '); fl = 4; } else if (row->parent == NULL && row->child) { if (row->collapsed) { string = g_string_append(string, "+ "); } else { string = g_string_append(string, "- "); } fl = 2; } else { fl = TAB_SIZE * find_depth(row); g_string_append_printf(string, "%*s", fl, ""); } len += fl; } else if (notfirst && tree->show_separator) g_string_append_c(string, '|'); else g_string_append_c(string, ' '); notfirst = TRUE; if (len > width) { len = width - 1; cut = TRUE; } if (RIGHT_ALIGNED(tree, i) && len < tree->columns[i].width) { g_string_append_printf(string, "%*s", width - len, ""); } text = gnt_util_onscreen_width_to_pointer(display, len - fl, NULL); string = g_string_append_len(string, display, text - display); if (cut) { /* ellipsis */ if (gnt_ascii_only()) g_string_append_c(string, '~'); else string = g_string_append(string, "\342\200\246"); len++; } if (!RIGHT_ALIGNED(tree, i) && len < tree->columns[i].width && iter->next) g_string_append_printf(string, "%*s", width - len, ""); } return g_string_free(string, FALSE); } #define NEXT_X x += tree->columns[i].width + (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) static void tree_mark_columns(GntTree *tree, int pos, int y, chtype type) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(tree); int i; int x = pos; gboolean notfirst = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol - 1; i++) { if (!COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i)) { notfirst = TRUE; NEXT_X; } if (!COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i+1) && notfirst) mvwaddch(widget->window, y, x, type); } } static void redraw_tree(GntTree *tree) { int start, i; GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(tree); GntTreeRow *row; int pos, up, down = 0; int rows, scrcol; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) return; if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) pos = 0; else pos = 1; if (tree->top == NULL) tree->top = tree->root; if (tree->current == NULL) { tree->current = tree->root; tree_selection_changed(tree, NULL, tree->current); } wbkgd(widget->window, COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); start = 0; if (tree->show_title) { int i; int x = pos; mvwhline(widget->window, pos + 1, pos, ACS_HLINE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL), widget->priv.width - pos - 1); mvwhline(widget->window, pos, pos, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL), widget->priv.width - pos - 1); for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { if (COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i)) { continue; } mvwaddnstr(widget->window, pos, x + (x != pos), tree->columns[i].title, tree->columns[i].width); NEXT_X; } if (pos) { tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, 0, ACS_TTEE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, widget->priv.height - pos, ACS_BTEE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); } tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, pos + 1, (tree->show_separator ? ACS_PLUS : ACS_HLINE) | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, pos, (tree->show_separator ? ACS_VLINE : ' ') | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); start = 2; } rows = widget->priv.height - pos * 2 - start - 1; tree->bottom = get_next_n_opt(tree->top, rows, &down); if (down < rows) { tree->top = get_prev_n(tree->bottom, rows); if (tree->top == NULL) tree->top = tree->root; } up = get_distance(tree->top, tree->current); if (up < 0) tree->top = tree->current; else if (up >= widget->priv.height - pos) tree->top = get_prev_n(tree->current, rows); if (tree->top && !row_matches_search(tree->top)) tree->top = get_next(tree->top); row = tree->top; scrcol = widget->priv.width - 1 - 2 * pos; /* exclude the borders and the scrollbar */ for (i = start + pos; row && i < widget->priv.height - pos; i++, row = get_next(row)) { char *str; int wr; GntTextFormatFlags flags = row->flags; int attr = 0; if (!row_matches_search(row)) continue; str = update_row_text(tree, row); if ((wr = gnt_util_onscreen_width(str, NULL)) > scrcol) { char *s = (char*)gnt_util_onscreen_width_to_pointer(str, scrcol, &wr); *s = '\0'; } if (flags & GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD) attr |= A_BOLD; if (flags & GNT_TEXT_FLAG_UNDERLINE) attr |= A_UNDERLINE; if (flags & GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BLINK) attr |= A_BLINK; if (row == tree->current) { if (gnt_widget_has_focus(widget)) attr |= COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); else attr |= COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_D); } else { if (flags & GNT_TEXT_FLAG_DIM) attr |= (A_DIM | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_DISABLED)); else if (flags & GNT_TEXT_FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) attr |= (A_DIM | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); else attr |= COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL); } wbkgdset(widget->window, '\0' | attr); mvwaddstr(widget->window, i, pos, str); whline(widget->window, ' ', scrcol - wr); tree->bottom = row; g_free(str); tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, i, (tree->show_separator ? ACS_VLINE : ' ') | attr); } wbkgdset(widget->window, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); while (i < widget->priv.height - pos) { mvwhline(widget->window, i, pos, ' ', widget->priv.width - pos * 2 - 1); tree_mark_columns(tree, pos, i, (tree->show_separator ? ACS_VLINE : ' ')); i++; } scrcol = widget->priv.width - pos - 1; /* position of the scrollbar */ rows--; if (rows > 0) { int total = 0; int showing, position; get_next_n_opt(tree->root, g_list_length(tree->list), &total); showing = rows * rows / MAX(total, 1) + 1; showing = MIN(rows, showing); total -= rows; up = get_distance(tree->root, tree->top); down = total - up; position = (rows - showing) * up / MAX(1, up + down); position = MAX((tree->top != tree->root), position); if (showing + position > rows) position = rows - showing; if (showing + position == rows && row) position = MAX(0, rows - 1 - showing); else if (showing + position < rows && !row) position = rows - showing; position += pos + start + 1; mvwvline(widget->window, pos + start + 1, scrcol, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL), rows); mvwvline(widget->window, position, scrcol, ACS_CKBOARD | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_D), showing); } mvwaddch(widget->window, start + pos, scrcol, ((tree->top != tree->root) ? ACS_UARROW : ' ') | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_D)); mvwaddch(widget->window, widget->priv.height - pos - 1, scrcol, (row ? ACS_DARROW : ' ') | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_D)); /* If there's a search-text, show it in the bottom of the tree */ if (tree->priv->search && tree->priv->search->len > 0) { const char *str = gnt_util_onscreen_width_to_pointer(tree->priv->search->str, scrcol - 1, NULL); wbkgdset(widget->window, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_D)); mvwaddnstr(widget->window, widget->priv.height - pos - 1, pos, tree->priv->search->str, str - tree->priv->search->str); } gnt_widget_queue_update(widget); } static void gnt_tree_draw(GntWidget *widget) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); redraw_tree(tree); GNTDEBUG; } static void gnt_tree_size_request(GntWidget *widget) { if (widget->priv.height == 0) widget->priv.height = 10; /* XXX: Why?! */ if (widget->priv.width == 0) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); int i, width = 0; width = 1 + 2 * (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)); for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) if (!COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i)) { width = width + tree->columns[i].width; if (tree->priv->lastvisible != i) width++; } widget->priv.width = width; } } static void gnt_tree_map(GntWidget *widget) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); if (widget->priv.width == 0 || widget->priv.height == 0) { gnt_widget_size_request(widget); } tree->top = tree->root; tree->current = tree->root; GNTDEBUG; } static void tree_selection_changed(GntTree *tree, GntTreeRow *old, GntTreeRow *current) { g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_SELECTION_CHANGED], 0, old ? old->key : NULL, current ? current->key : NULL); } static gboolean action_down(GntBindable *bind, GList *null) { int dist; GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bind); GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; GntTreeRow *row = get_next(tree->current); if (row == NULL) return FALSE; tree->current = row; if ((dist = get_distance(tree->current, tree->bottom)) < 0) gnt_tree_scroll(tree, -dist); else redraw_tree(tree); if (old != tree->current) tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); return TRUE; } static gboolean action_move_parent(GntBindable *bind, GList *null) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bind); GntTreeRow *row = tree->current; int dist; if (!row->parent || SEARCHING(tree)) return FALSE; tree->current = row->parent; if ((dist = get_distance(tree->current, tree->top)) > 0) gnt_tree_scroll(tree, -dist); else redraw_tree(tree); tree_selection_changed(tree, row, tree->current); return TRUE; } static gboolean action_up(GntBindable *bind, GList *list) { int dist; GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bind); GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; GntTreeRow *row = get_prev(tree->current); if (!row) return FALSE; tree->current = row; if ((dist = get_distance(tree->current, tree->top)) > 0) gnt_tree_scroll(tree, -dist); else redraw_tree(tree); if (old != tree->current) tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); return TRUE; } static gboolean action_page_down(GntBindable *bind, GList *null) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bind); GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; GntTreeRow *row = get_next(tree->bottom); if (row) { int dist = get_distance(tree->top, tree->current); tree->top = tree->bottom; tree->current = get_next_n_opt(tree->top, dist, NULL); redraw_tree(tree); } else if (tree->current != tree->bottom) { tree->current = tree->bottom; redraw_tree(tree); } if (old != tree->current) tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); return TRUE; } static gboolean action_page_up(GntBindable *bind, GList *null) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(bind); GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bind); GntTreeRow *row; GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; if (tree->top != tree->root) { int dist = get_distance(tree->top, tree->current); row = get_prev_n(tree->top, widget->priv.height - 1 - tree->show_title * 2 - 2 * (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER) == 0)); if (row == NULL) row = tree->root; tree->top = row; tree->current = get_next_n_opt(tree->top, dist, NULL); redraw_tree(tree); } else if (tree->current != tree->top) { tree->current = tree->top; redraw_tree(tree); } if (old != tree->current) tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); return TRUE; } static void end_search(GntTree *tree) { if (tree->priv->search) { g_source_remove(tree->priv->search_timeout); g_string_free(tree->priv->search, TRUE); tree->priv->search = NULL; tree->priv->search_timeout = 0; GNT_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS); } } static gboolean search_timeout(gpointer data) { GntTree *tree = data; end_search(tree); redraw_tree(tree); return FALSE; } static gboolean gnt_tree_key_pressed(GntWidget *widget, const char *text) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; if (text[0] == '\r') { end_search(tree); gnt_widget_activate(widget); } else if (tree->priv->search) { gboolean changed = TRUE; if (isalnum(*text)) { tree->priv->search = g_string_append_c(tree->priv->search, *text); } else if (g_utf8_collate(text, GNT_KEY_BACKSPACE) == 0) { if (tree->priv->search->len) tree->priv->search->str[--tree->priv->search->len] = '\0'; } else changed = FALSE; if (changed) { redraw_tree(tree); g_source_remove(tree->priv->search_timeout); tree->priv->search_timeout = g_timeout_add(SEARCH_TIMEOUT, search_timeout, tree); } else { gnt_bindable_perform_action_key(GNT_BINDABLE(tree), text); } return TRUE; } else if (text[0] == ' ' && text[1] == 0) { /* Space pressed */ GntTreeRow *row = tree->current; if (row && row->child) { row->collapsed = !row->collapsed; redraw_tree(tree); g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_COLLAPSED], 0, row->key, row->collapsed); } else if (row && row->choice) { row->isselected = !row->isselected; g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_TOGGLED], 0, row->key); redraw_tree(tree); } } else { return FALSE; } if (old != tree->current) { tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); } return TRUE; } static void gnt_tree_free_columns(GntTree *tree) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { g_free(tree->columns[i].title); } g_free(tree->columns); } static void gnt_tree_destroy(GntWidget *widget) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); end_search(tree); if (tree->hash) g_hash_table_destroy(tree->hash); g_list_free(tree->list); gnt_tree_free_columns(tree); g_free(tree->priv); } static gboolean gnt_tree_clicked(GntWidget *widget, GntMouseEvent event, int x, int y) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; if (event == GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP) { action_up(GNT_BINDABLE(widget), NULL); } else if (event == GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN) { action_down(GNT_BINDABLE(widget), NULL); } else if (event == GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN) { GntTreeRow *row; GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); int pos = 1; if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) pos = 0; if (tree->show_title) pos += 2; pos = y - widget->priv.y - pos; row = get_next_n(tree->top, pos); if (row && tree->current != row) { GntTreeRow *old = tree->current; tree->current = row; redraw_tree(tree); tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); } else if (row && row == tree->current) { if (row->choice) { row->isselected = !row->isselected; g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_TOGGLED], 0, row->key); redraw_tree(tree); } else { gnt_widget_activate(widget); } } } else { return FALSE; } if (old != tree->current) { tree_selection_changed(tree, old, tree->current); } return TRUE; } static void gnt_tree_size_changed(GntWidget *widget, int w, int h) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); if (widget->priv.width <= 0) return; readjust_columns(tree); } static gboolean start_search(GntBindable *bindable, GList *list) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bindable); if (tree->priv->search) return FALSE; GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS); tree->priv->search = g_string_new(NULL); tree->priv->search_timeout = g_timeout_add(SEARCH_TIMEOUT, search_timeout, tree); return TRUE; } static gboolean end_search_action(GntBindable *bindable, GList *list) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(bindable); if (tree->priv->search == NULL) return FALSE; GNT_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS); end_search(tree); redraw_tree(tree); return TRUE; } static void gnt_tree_set_property(GObject *obj, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *spec) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(obj); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_COLUMNS: _gnt_tree_init_internals(tree, g_value_get_int(value)); break; default: break; } } static void gnt_tree_get_property(GObject *obj, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *spec) { GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(obj); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_COLUMNS: g_value_set_int(value, tree->ncol); break; default: break; } } static void gnt_tree_class_init(GntTreeClass *klass) { GntBindableClass *bindable = GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass); GObjectClass *gclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); parent_class = GNT_WIDGET_CLASS(klass); parent_class->destroy = gnt_tree_destroy; parent_class->draw = gnt_tree_draw; parent_class->map = gnt_tree_map; parent_class->size_request = gnt_tree_size_request; parent_class->key_pressed = gnt_tree_key_pressed; parent_class->clicked = gnt_tree_clicked; parent_class->size_changed = gnt_tree_size_changed; gclass->set_property = gnt_tree_set_property; gclass->get_property = gnt_tree_get_property; g_object_class_install_property(gclass, PROP_COLUMNS, g_param_spec_int("columns", "Columns", "Number of columns in the tree.", 1, G_MAXINT, 1, G_PARAM_READWRITE|G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME|G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK|G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB ) ); signals[SIG_SELECTION_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("selection-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntTreeClass, selection_changed), NULL, NULL, gnt_closure_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_SCROLLED] = g_signal_new("scrolled", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT); signals[SIG_TOGGLED] = g_signal_new("toggled", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntTreeClass, toggled), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_COLLAPSED] = g_signal_new("collapse-toggled", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, gnt_closure_marshal_VOID__POINTER_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "move-up", action_up, GNT_KEY_UP, NULL); gnt_bindable_register_binding(bindable, "move-up", GNT_KEY_CTRL_P, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "move-down", action_down, GNT_KEY_DOWN, NULL); gnt_bindable_register_binding(bindable, "move-down", GNT_KEY_CTRL_N, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "move-parent", action_move_parent, GNT_KEY_BACKSPACE, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "page-up", action_page_up, GNT_KEY_PGUP, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "page-down", action_page_down, GNT_KEY_PGDOWN, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "start-search", start_search, "/", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "end-search", end_search_action, "\033", NULL); gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), bindable); GNTDEBUG; } static void gnt_tree_init(GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer class) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(instance); GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(widget); tree->show_separator = TRUE; tree->priv = g_new0(GntTreePriv, 1); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(widget, GNT_WIDGET_GROW_X | GNT_WIDGET_GROW_Y | GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS | GNT_WIDGET_NO_SHADOW); gnt_widget_set_take_focus(widget, TRUE); widget->priv.minw = 4; widget->priv.minh = 1; GNTDEBUG; } /****************************************************************************** * GntTree API *****************************************************************************/ GType gnt_tree_get_gtype(void) { static GType type = 0; if(type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(GntTreeClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc)gnt_tree_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof(GntTree), 0, /* n_preallocs */ gnt_tree_init, /* instance_init */ NULL /* value_table */ }; type = g_type_register_static(GNT_TYPE_WIDGET, "GntTree", &info, 0); } return type; } static void free_tree_col(gpointer data) { GntTreeCol *col = data; if (!col->isbinary) g_free(col->text); g_free(col); } static void free_tree_row(gpointer data) { GntTreeRow *row = data; if (!row) return; g_list_foreach(row->columns, (GFunc)free_tree_col, NULL); g_list_free(row->columns); g_free(row); } GntWidget *gnt_tree_new() { return gnt_tree_new_with_columns(1); } void gnt_tree_set_visible_rows(GntTree *tree, int rows) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(tree); widget->priv.height = rows; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) widget->priv.height += 2; } int gnt_tree_get_visible_rows(GntTree *tree) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(tree); int ret = widget->priv.height; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) ret -= 2; return ret; } GList *gnt_tree_get_rows(GntTree *tree) { return tree->list; } void gnt_tree_scroll(GntTree *tree, int count) { GntTreeRow *row; if (count < 0) { if (get_root_distance(tree->top) == 0) return; row = get_prev_n(tree->top, -count); if (row == NULL) row = tree->root; tree->top = row; } else { get_next_n_opt(tree->bottom, count, &count); tree->top = get_next_n(tree->top, count); } redraw_tree(tree); g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_SCROLLED], 0, count); } static gpointer find_position(GntTree *tree, gpointer key, gpointer parent) { GntTreeRow *row; if (tree->priv->compare == NULL) return NULL; if (parent == NULL) row = tree->root; else row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, parent); if (!row) return NULL; if (parent) row = row->child; while (row) { if (tree->priv->compare(key, row->key) < 0) return (row->prev ? row->prev->key : NULL); if (row->next) row = row->next; else return row->key; } return NULL; } void gnt_tree_sort_row(GntTree *tree, gpointer key) { GntTreeRow *row, *q, *s; int current, newp; if (!tree->priv->compare) return; row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); g_return_if_fail(row != NULL); current = g_list_index(tree->list, key); if (row->parent) s = row->parent->child; else s = tree->root; q = NULL; while (s) { if (tree->priv->compare(row->key, s->key) < 0) break; q = s; s = s->next; } /* Move row between q and s */ if (row == q || row == s) return; if (q == NULL) { /* row becomes the first child of its parent */ row->prev->next = row->next; /* row->prev cannot be NULL at this point */ if (row->next) row->next->prev = row->prev; if (row->parent) row->parent->child = row; else tree->root = row; row->next = s; s->prev = row; /* s cannot be NULL */ row->prev = NULL; newp = g_list_index(tree->list, s) - 1; } else { if (row->prev) { row->prev->next = row->next; } else { /* row was the first child of its parent */ if (row->parent) row->parent->child = row->next; else tree->top = row->next; } if (row->next) row->next->prev = row->prev; q->next = row; row->prev = q; if (s) s->prev = row; row->next = s; newp = g_list_index(tree->list, q) + 1; } tree->list = g_list_reposition_child(tree->list, current, newp); redraw_tree(tree); } GntTreeRow *gnt_tree_add_row_after(GntTree *tree, void *key, GntTreeRow *row, void *parent, void *bigbro) { GntTreeRow *pr = NULL; row->tree = tree; row->key = key; row->data = NULL; g_hash_table_replace(tree->hash, key, row); if (bigbro == NULL && tree->priv->compare) { bigbro = find_position(tree, key, parent); } if (tree->root == NULL) { tree->root = row; tree->list = g_list_prepend(tree->list, key); } else { int position = 0; if (bigbro) { pr = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, bigbro); if (pr) { if (pr->next) pr->next->prev = row; row->next = pr->next; row->prev = pr; pr->next = row; row->parent = pr->parent; position = g_list_index(tree->list, bigbro); } } if (pr == NULL && parent) { pr = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, parent); if (pr) { if (pr->child) pr->child->prev = row; row->next = pr->child; pr->child = row; row->parent = pr; position = g_list_index(tree->list, parent); } } if (pr == NULL) { GntTreeRow *r = tree->root; row->next = r; if (r) r->prev = row; if (tree->current == tree->root) tree->current = row; tree->root = row; tree->list = g_list_prepend(tree->list, key); } else { tree->list = g_list_insert(tree->list, key, position + 1); } } redraw_tree(tree); return row; } GntTreeRow *gnt_tree_add_row_last(GntTree *tree, void *key, GntTreeRow *row, void *parent) { GntTreeRow *pr = NULL, *br = NULL; if (parent) pr = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, parent); if (pr) br = pr->child; else br = tree->root; if (br) { while (br->next) br = br->next; } return gnt_tree_add_row_after(tree, key, row, parent, br ? br->key : NULL); } gpointer gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GntTree *tree) { if (tree->current) return tree->current->key; /* XXX: perhaps we should just get rid of 'data' */ return NULL; } char *gnt_tree_get_selection_text(GntTree *tree) { if (tree->current) return update_row_text(tree, tree->current); return NULL; } GList *gnt_tree_get_row_text_list(GntTree *tree, gpointer key) { GList *list = NULL, *iter; GntTreeRow *row = key ? g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key) : tree->current; int i; if (!row) return NULL; for (i = 0, iter = row->columns; i < tree->ncol && iter; i++, iter = iter->next) { GntTreeCol *col = iter->data; list = g_list_append(list, BINARY_DATA(tree, i) ? col->text : g_strdup(col->text)); } return list; } GList *gnt_tree_get_selection_text_list(GntTree *tree) { return gnt_tree_get_row_text_list(tree, NULL); } void gnt_tree_remove(GntTree *tree, gpointer key) { GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); static int depth = 0; /* Only redraw after all child nodes are removed */ if (row) { gboolean redraw = FALSE; if (row->child) { depth++; while (row->child) { gnt_tree_remove(tree, row->child->key); } depth--; } if (get_distance(tree->top, row) >= 0 && get_distance(row, tree->bottom) >= 0) redraw = TRUE; /* Update root/top/current/bottom if necessary */ if (tree->root == row) tree->root = get_next(row); if (tree->top == row) { if (tree->top != tree->root) tree->top = get_prev(row); else tree->top = get_next(row); } if (tree->current == row) { if (tree->current != tree->root) tree->current = get_prev(row); else tree->current = get_next(row); tree_selection_changed(tree, row, tree->current); } if (tree->bottom == row) { tree->bottom = get_prev(row); } /* Fix the links */ if (row->next) row->next->prev = row->prev; if (row->parent && row->parent->child == row) row->parent->child = row->next; if (row->prev) row->prev->next = row->next; g_hash_table_remove(tree->hash, key); tree->list = g_list_remove(tree->list, key); if (redraw && depth == 0) { redraw_tree(tree); } } } static gboolean return_true(gpointer key, gpointer data, gpointer null) { return TRUE; } void gnt_tree_remove_all(GntTree *tree) { tree->root = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach_remove(tree->hash, (GHRFunc)return_true, tree); g_list_free(tree->list); tree->list = NULL; tree->current = tree->top = tree->bottom = NULL; } int gnt_tree_get_selection_visible_line(GntTree *tree) { return get_distance(tree->top, tree->current) + !!(GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)); } void gnt_tree_change_text(GntTree *tree, gpointer key, int colno, const char *text) { GntTreeRow *row; GntTreeCol *col; g_return_if_fail(colno < tree->ncol); row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (row) { col = g_list_nth_data(row->columns, colno); if (BINARY_DATA(tree, colno)) { col->text = (gpointer)text; } else { g_free(col->text); col->text = g_strdup(text ? text : ""); } if (get_distance(tree->top, row) >= 0 && get_distance(row, tree->bottom) >= 0) redraw_tree(tree); } } GntTreeRow *gnt_tree_add_choice(GntTree *tree, void *key, GntTreeRow *row, void *parent, void *bigbro) { GntTreeRow *r; r = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); g_return_val_if_fail(!r || !r->choice, NULL); if (bigbro == NULL) { if (tree->priv->compare) bigbro = find_position(tree, key, parent); else { r = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, parent); if (!r) r = tree->root; else r = r->child; if (r) { while (r->next) r = r->next; bigbro = r->key; } } } row = gnt_tree_add_row_after(tree, key, row, parent, bigbro); row->choice = TRUE; return row; } void gnt_tree_set_choice(GntTree *tree, void *key, gboolean set) { GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (!row) return; g_return_if_fail(row->choice); row->isselected = set; redraw_tree(tree); } gboolean gnt_tree_get_choice(GntTree *tree, void *key) { GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (!row) return FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail(row->choice, FALSE); return row->isselected; } void gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GntTree *tree, void *key, GntTextFormatFlags flags) { GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (!row || row->flags == flags) return; row->flags = flags; redraw_tree(tree); /* XXX: It shouldn't be necessary to redraw the whole darned tree */ } void gnt_tree_set_selected(GntTree *tree , void *key) { int dist; GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (!row || row == tree->current) return; if (tree->top == NULL) tree->top = row; if (tree->bottom == NULL) tree->bottom = row; tree->current = row; if ((dist = get_distance(tree->current, tree->bottom)) < 0) gnt_tree_scroll(tree, -dist); else if ((dist = get_distance(tree->current, tree->top)) > 0) gnt_tree_scroll(tree, -dist); else redraw_tree(tree); tree_selection_changed(tree, row, tree->current); } static void _gnt_tree_init_internals(GntTree *tree, int col) { gnt_tree_free_columns(tree); tree->ncol = col; tree->hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, free_tree_row); tree->columns = g_new0(struct _GntTreeColInfo, col); tree->priv->lastvisible = col - 1; while (col--) { tree->columns[col].width = 15; } tree->list = NULL; tree->show_title = FALSE; g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(tree), "columns"); } GntWidget *gnt_tree_new_with_columns(int col) { GntWidget *widget = g_object_new(GNT_TYPE_TREE, "columns", col, NULL); return widget; } GntTreeRow *gnt_tree_create_row_from_list(GntTree *tree, GList *list) { GList *iter; int i; GntTreeRow *row = g_new0(GntTreeRow, 1); for (i = 0, iter = list; i < tree->ncol && iter; iter = iter->next, i++) { GntTreeCol *col = g_new0(GntTreeCol, 1); col->span = 1; if (BINARY_DATA(tree, i)) { col->text = iter->data; col->isbinary = TRUE; } else { col->text = g_strdup(iter->data ? iter->data : ""); col->isbinary = FALSE; } row->columns = g_list_append(row->columns, col); } return row; } GntTreeRow *gnt_tree_create_row(GntTree *tree, ...) { int i; va_list args; GList *list = NULL; GntTreeRow *row; va_start(args, tree); for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { list = g_list_append(list, va_arg(args, char *)); } va_end(args); row = gnt_tree_create_row_from_list(tree, list); g_list_free(list); return row; } void gnt_tree_set_col_width(GntTree *tree, int col, int width) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); tree->columns[col].width = width; if (tree->columns[col].width_ratio == 0) tree->columns[col].width_ratio = width; } void gnt_tree_set_column_title(GntTree *tree, int index, const char *title) { g_free(tree->columns[index].title); tree->columns[index].title = g_strdup(title); } void gnt_tree_set_column_titles(GntTree *tree, ...) { int i; va_list args; va_start(args, tree); for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { const char *title = va_arg(args, const char *); tree->columns[i].title = g_strdup(title); } va_end(args); } void gnt_tree_set_show_title(GntTree *tree, gboolean set) { tree->show_title = set; GNT_WIDGET(tree)->priv.minh = (set ? 6 : 4); } void gnt_tree_set_compare_func(GntTree *tree, GCompareFunc func) { tree->priv->compare = func; } void gnt_tree_set_expanded(GntTree *tree, void *key, gboolean expanded) { GntTreeRow *row = g_hash_table_lookup(tree->hash, key); if (row) { row->collapsed = !expanded; if (GNT_WIDGET(tree)->window) gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(tree)); g_signal_emit(tree, signals[SIG_COLLAPSED], 0, key, row->collapsed); } } void gnt_tree_set_show_separator(GntTree *tree, gboolean set) { tree->show_separator = set; } void gnt_tree_adjust_columns(GntTree *tree) { GntTreeRow *row = tree->root; int *widths, i, twidth; widths = g_new0(int, tree->ncol); while (row) { GList *iter; for (i = 0, iter = row->columns; iter; iter = iter->next, i++) { GntTreeCol *col = iter->data; int w = gnt_util_onscreen_width(col->text, NULL); if (i == 0 && row->choice) w += 4; if (i == 0) { w += find_depth(row) * TAB_SIZE; } if (widths[i] < w) widths[i] = w; } row = get_next(row); } twidth = 1 + 2 * (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)); for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE) widths[i] = tree->columns[i].width; gnt_tree_set_col_width(tree, i, widths[i]); if (!COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, i)) { twidth = twidth + widths[i]; if (tree->priv->lastvisible != i) twidth += 1; } } g_free(widths); gnt_widget_set_size(GNT_WIDGET(tree), twidth, -1); } void gnt_tree_set_hash_fns(GntTree *tree, gpointer hash, gpointer eq, gpointer kd) { g_hash_table_foreach_remove(tree->hash, return_true, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy(tree->hash); tree->hash = g_hash_table_new_full(hash, eq, kd, free_tree_row); } static void set_column_flag(GntTree *tree, int col, GntTreeColumnFlag flag, gboolean set) { if (set) tree->columns[col].flags |= flag; else tree->columns[col].flags &= ~flag; } void gnt_tree_set_column_visible(GntTree *tree, int col, gboolean vis) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); set_column_flag(tree, col, GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE, !vis); if (vis) { /* the column is visible */ if (tree->priv->lastvisible < col) tree->priv->lastvisible = col; } else { if (tree->priv->lastvisible == col) while (tree->priv->lastvisible) { tree->priv->lastvisible--; if (!COLUMN_INVISIBLE(tree, tree->priv->lastvisible)) break; } } } void gnt_tree_set_column_resizable(GntTree *tree, int col, gboolean res) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); set_column_flag(tree, col, GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE, !res); } void gnt_tree_set_column_is_binary(GntTree *tree, int col, gboolean bin) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); set_column_flag(tree, col, GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE, bin); } void gnt_tree_set_column_is_right_aligned(GntTree *tree, int col, gboolean right) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); set_column_flag(tree, col, GNT_TREE_COLUMN_RIGHT_ALIGNED, right); } void gnt_tree_set_column_width_ratio(GntTree *tree, int cols[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol && cols[i]; i++) { tree->columns[i].width_ratio = cols[i]; } } void gnt_tree_set_search_column(GntTree *tree, int col) { g_return_if_fail(col < tree->ncol); g_return_if_fail(!BINARY_DATA(tree, col)); tree->priv->search_column = col; } gboolean gnt_tree_is_searching(GntTree *tree) { return (tree->priv->search != NULL); } void gnt_tree_set_search_function(GntTree *tree, gboolean (*func)(GntTree *tree, gpointer key, const char *search, const char *current)) { tree->priv->search_func = func; }