use Purple;%PLUGIN_INFO = ( perl_api_version => 2, name => 'Test Perl Plugin', version => '1.0', summary => 'Provides as a test base for the perl plugin.', description => 'Provides as a test base for the perl plugin.', author => 'Etan Reisner <deryni\>', url => '', load => "plugin_load");sub plugin_init { return %PLUGIN_INFO;}sub account_status_cb { my ($account, $old, $new, $data) = @_; Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "In account_status_cb\n"); Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "Account " . $account->get_username() . " changed status.\n"); Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", $data . "\n");}sub plugin_load { my $plugin = shift; Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "plugin_load\n"); Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "Listing accounts.\n"); foreach $account (Purple::Accounts::get_all()) { Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", $account->get_username() . "\n"); } Purple::Signal::connect(Purple::Accounts::get_handle(), "account-status-changed", $plugin, \&account_status_cb, "test");}