view plugins/statenotify.c @ 6847:7de1b559cbbb

[gaim-migrate @ 7392] Tim Ringenbach (marv_sf) writes: " This fixes a bug where SMS users who aren't anymore would still be. It also truncates status message for the yahoo server, because for some reason if it has to do it itself, it clears the away flag. Finally, it tries to do (our) statuses and idleness better. I think we're now sending the right thing in the regard now (as opposed to before, when we didn't bother letting the server know we were idle if we were also in a predefined status). For some reason we still don't show as idle on our own list while in those states, but i think that's a seperate bug in process status that i need to look into." committer: Tailor Script <>
author Luke Schierer <>
date Mon, 15 Sep 2003 13:29:22 +0000
parents 0c5637b5462e
children 083d1e4a9c78
line wrap: on
line source

#include "internal.h"

#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "signals.h"

static void
write_status(GaimBuddy *buddy, const char *message)
	GaimConversation *conv;
	const char *who;
	char buf[256];

	conv = gaim_find_conversation_with_account(buddy->name, buddy->account);

	if (conv == NULL)

	who = gaim_get_buddy_alias(buddy);

	g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), message, who);

	gaim_conversation_write(conv, NULL, buf, -1, GAIM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, time(NULL));

static void
buddy_away_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	write_status(buddy, _("%s has gone away."));

static void
buddy_unaway_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	write_status(buddy, _("%s is no longer away."));

static void
buddy_idle_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	write_status(buddy, _("%s has become idle."));

static void
buddy_unidle_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	write_status(buddy, _("%s is no longer idle."));

static gboolean
plugin_load(GaimPlugin *plugin)
	void *blist_handle = gaim_blist_get_handle();

	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-away",
						plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_away_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-back",
						plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_unaway_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-idle",
						plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_idle_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-unidle",
						plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_unidle_cb), NULL);

	return TRUE;

static GaimPluginInfo info =
	2,                                                /**< api_version    */
	GAIM_PLUGIN_STANDARD,                             /**< type           */
	NULL,                                             /**< ui_requirement */
	0,                                                /**< flags          */
	NULL,                                             /**< dependencies   */
	GAIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,                            /**< priority       */

	NULL,                                             /**< id             */
	N_("Buddy State Notification"),                   /**< name           */
	VERSION,                                          /**< version        */
	                                                  /**  summary        */
	N_("Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from "
	   "away or idle."),
	                                                  /**  description    */
	N_("Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from "
	   "away or idle."),
	"Christian Hammond <>",       /**< author         */
	GAIM_WEBSITE,                                     /**< homepage       */

	plugin_load,                                      /**< load           */
	NULL,                                             /**< unload         */
	NULL,                                             /**< destroy        */

	NULL,                                             /**< ui_info        */
	NULL                                              /**< extra_info     */

static void
init_plugin(GaimPlugin *plugin)

GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(statenotify, init_plugin, info)