view libfaim/aim_misc.c @ 570:93c65fbaa622

[gaim-migrate @ 580] switched the smiley button to a toggle button so that all the other toggle buttons on the playground would stop making fun of her... also added save and cancel buttons to the pref dialog, with pretty pixmaps to boot! committer: Tailor Script <>
author Todd Kulesza <fflewddur>
date Tue, 01 Aug 2000 22:32:21 +0000
parents e4c34ca88d9b
children 72e556f6b99d
line wrap: on
line source

 * aim_misc.c
 * TODO: Seperate a lot of this into an aim_bos.c.
 * Other things...
 *   - Idle setting 

#include <faim/aim.h> 

 * aim_bos_setidle()
 *  Should set your current idle time in seconds.  Idealy, OSCAR should
 *  do this for us.  But, it doesn't.  The client must call this to set idle
 *  time.  
u_long aim_bos_setidle(struct aim_session_t *sess,
		       struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
		       u_long idletime)
  return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0011, &idletime);

 * aim_bos_changevisibility(conn, changtype, namelist)
 * Changes your visibility depending on changetype:
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD: Lets provided list of names see you
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMIDREMOVE: Removes listed names from permit list
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD: Hides you from provided list of names
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYREMOVE: Lets list see you again
 * list should be a list of 
 * screen names in the form "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&" etc.
 * Equivelents to options in WinAIM:
 *   - Allow all users to contact me: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD
 *      with only your name on it.
 *   - Allow only users on my Buddy List: Send an 
 *      AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with the list the same as your
 *      buddy list
 *   - Allow only the uesrs below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD 
 *      with everyone listed that you want to see you.
 *   - Block all users: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with only 
 *      yourself in the list
 *   - Block the users below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD with
 *      the list of users to be blocked
u_long aim_bos_changevisibility(struct aim_session_t *sess,
				struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
				int changetype, char *denylist)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  int packlen = 0;
  u_short subtype;

  char *localcpy = NULL;
  char *tmpptr = NULL;
  int i,j;
  int listcount;

  if (!denylist)
    return 0;

  localcpy = (char *) malloc(strlen(denylist)+1);
  memcpy(localcpy, denylist, strlen(denylist)+1);
  listcount = aimutil_itemcnt(localcpy, '&');
  packlen = aimutil_tokslen(localcpy, 99, '&') + listcount + 9;

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, packlen)))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

    case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD:    subtype = 0x05; break;
    case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITREMOVE: subtype = 0x06; break;
    case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD:      subtype = 0x07; break;
    case AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYREMOVE:   subtype = 0x08; break;
      return 0;

  /* We actually DO NOT send a SNAC ID with this one! */
  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0009, subtype, 0x00, 0);
  j = 10;  /* the next byte */
  for (i=0; (i < (listcount - 1)) && (i < 99); i++)
      tmpptr = aimutil_itemidx(localcpy, i, '&');

      newpacket->data[j] = strlen(tmpptr);
      memcpy(&(newpacket->data[j+1]), tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));
      j += strlen(tmpptr)+1;

  newpacket->lock = 0;

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid); /* dont increment */


 * aim_bos_setbuddylist(buddylist)
 * This just builds the "set buddy list" command then queues it.
 * buddy_list = "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&";
 * TODO: Clean this up.  
 * XXX: I can't stress the TODO enough.
u_long aim_bos_setbuddylist(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			    struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			    char *buddy_list)
  int i, j;

  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;

  int packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len = 0;

  char *localcpy = NULL;
  char *tmpptr = NULL;

  packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len = 16; /* 16b for FLAP and SNAC headers */

  /* bail out if we can't make the packet */
  if (!buddy_list) {
    return -1;

  localcpy = (char *) malloc(strlen(buddy_list)+1);
  memcpy(localcpy, buddy_list, strlen(buddy_list)+1);

  i = 0;
  tmpptr = strtok(localcpy, "&");
  while ((tmpptr != NULL) && (i < 100))
#if debug > 0
      printf("---adding %s (%d)\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));
      packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len += strlen(tmpptr)+1;
      tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&");
#if debug > 0
  printf("*** send buddy list len: %d (%x)\n", packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len, packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len);

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, packet_login_phase3c_hi_b_len - 6)))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;
  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);

  j = 10;  /* the next byte */

  i = 0;
  tmpptr = strtok(buddy_list, "&");
  while ((tmpptr != NULL) & (i < 100))
#if debug > 0
      printf("---adding %s (%d)\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));
      newpacket->data[j] = strlen(tmpptr);
      memcpy(&(newpacket->data[j+1]), tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));
      j += strlen(tmpptr)+1;
      tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&");

  newpacket->lock = 0;

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 * aim_bos_setprofile(profile)
 * Gives BOS your profile.
u_long aim_bos_setprofile(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			  struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			  char *profile,
			  char *awaymsg,
			  unsigned int caps)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  int i = 0, tmp, caplen;

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 1152+strlen(profile)+1+(awaymsg?strlen(awaymsg):0))))
    return -1;

  i += aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0002, 0x004, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);
  i += aim_puttlv_str(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001, strlen("text/x-aolrtf; charset=\"us-ascii\""), "text/x-aolrtf; charset=\"us-ascii\"");
  i += aim_puttlv_str(newpacket->data+i, 0x0002, strlen(profile), profile);
  /* why do we send this twice?  */
  i += aim_puttlv_str(newpacket->data+i, 0x0003, strlen("text/x-aolrtf; charset=\"us-ascii\""), "text/x-aolrtf; charset=\"us-ascii\"");
  /* Away message -- we send this no matter what, even if its blank */
  if (awaymsg)
    i += aim_puttlv_str(newpacket->data+i, 0x0004, strlen(awaymsg), awaymsg);
    i += aim_puttlv_str(newpacket->data+i, 0x0004, 0x0000, NULL);

  /* Capability information. */
  tmp = (i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0005));
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0000); /* rewritten later */
  i += (caplen = aim_putcap(newpacket->data+i, 512, caps));
  aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+tmp, caplen); /* rewrite TLV size */

  newpacket->commandlen = i;
  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);
  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 * aim_bos_setgroupperm(mask)
 * Set group permisson mask.  Normally 0x1f.
u_long aim_bos_setgroupperm(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			    struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			    u_long mask)
  return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0009, 0x0004, &mask);

 * aim_bos_clientready()
 * Send Client Ready.  
 * TODO: Dynamisize.
u_long aim_bos_clientready(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			   struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  u_char command_2[] = {
     /* placeholders for dynamic data */
     0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
     0xff, 0xff, 
     /* real data */
     0x00, 0x01,   
     0x00, 0x03, 
     0x00, 0x04, 
     0x06, 0x86,  
     0x00, 0x02, 
     0x00, 0x01,  
     0x00, 0x04, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x03, 
     0x00, 0x01,  
     0x00, 0x04, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,
     0x00, 0x01,
     0x00, 0x06, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,  
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x08, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,
     0x00, 0x01,
     0x00, 0x09, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x0a, 
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,
     0x00, 0x01,
     0x00, 0x0b,
     0x00, 0x01, 
     0x00, 0x04,
     0x00, 0x01
  int command_2_len = 0x52;
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, command_2_len)))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  memcpy(newpacket->data, command_2, command_2_len);
  /* This write over the dynamic parts of the byte block */
  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 *  send_login_phase3(int socket)   
 *  Request Rate Information.
 *  TODO: Move to aim_conn.
 *  TODO: Move to SNAC interface.
u_long aim_bos_reqrate(struct aim_session_t *sess,
		       struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0006);

 *  send_login_phase3b(int socket)   
 *  Rate Information Response Acknowledge.
u_long aim_bos_ackrateresp(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			   struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  int packlen = 18, i=0;

  if (conn->type != AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS)
    packlen += 2;

  if(!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, packlen)));
  newpacket->lock = 1;

  i = aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0001, 0x0008, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001); 
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0002);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0003);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0004);
  if (conn->type != AIM_CONN_TYPE_BOS) {
    i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0005);

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 * aim_bos_setprivacyflags()
 * Sets privacy flags. Normally 0x03.
 *  Bit 1:  Allows other AIM users to see how long you've been idle.
u_long aim_bos_setprivacyflags(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			       struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			       u_long flags)
  return aim_genericreq_l(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0014, &flags);

 * aim_bos_reqpersonalinfo()
 * Requests the current user's information. Can't go generic on this one
 * because aparently it uses SNAC flags.
u_long aim_bos_reqpersonalinfo(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			       struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 12)))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x000a, 0x0001, 0x000e /* huh? */, sess->snac_nextid);
  newpacket->data[10] = 0x0d;
  newpacket->data[11] = 0xda;

  newpacket->lock = 0;
  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

u_long aim_setversions(struct aim_session_t *sess,
                               struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  int i;

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 10 + (4*11))))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  i = aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, 0x0001, 0x0017, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0003);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0002);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0003);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0004);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0006);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0008);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0009);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x000a);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x000b);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0002);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x000c);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0015);
  i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0001);

#if 0
  for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) {
    i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, j); /* family */
    i += aimutil_put16(newpacket->data+i, 0x0003); /* version */
  newpacket->lock = 0;
  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);

  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 * aim_bos_reqservice(serviceid)
 * Service request. 
u_long aim_bos_reqservice(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			  struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			  u_short serviceid)
  return aim_genericreq_s(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0004, &serviceid);

 * aim_bos_nop()
 * No-op.  WinAIM sends these every 4min or so to keep
 * the connection alive.  With the recent changes
 * in the OSCAR servers, it looks like we must do the
 * same or be disconnected with a mysterious 'you logged
 * on from another client' message.
u_long aim_bos_nop(struct aim_session_t *sess,
		   struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0001, 0x0016);

 * aim_bos_reqrights()
 * Request BOS rights.
u_long aim_bos_reqrights(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			 struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0009, 0x0002);

 * aim_bos_reqbuddyrights()
 * Request Buddy List rights.
u_long aim_bos_reqbuddyrights(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			      struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0003, 0x0002);

 * aim_debugconn_sendconnect()
 * For aimdebugd.  If you don't know what it is, you don't want to.
u_long aim_debugconn_sendconnect(struct aim_session_t *sess,
				 struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_DEBUGCONN_CONNECT);

 * Generic routine for sending commands.
 * I know I can do this in a smarter way...but I'm not thinking straight
 * right now...
 * I had one big function that handled all three cases, but then it broke
 * and I split it up into three.  But then I fixed it.  I just never went
 * back to the single.  I don't see any advantage to doing it either way.
u_long aim_genericreq_n(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			u_short family, u_short subtype)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 10)))
    return 0;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);
  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);
  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

u_long aim_genericreq_l(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			u_short family, u_short subtype, u_long *longdata)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  u_long newlong;

  /* If we don't have data, there's no reason to use this function */
  if (!longdata)
    return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, family, subtype);

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 10+sizeof(u_long))))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);

  /* copy in data */
  newlong = htonl(*longdata);
  memcpy(&(newpacket->data[10]), &newlong, sizeof(u_long));

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);
  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

u_long aim_genericreq_s(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			struct aim_conn_t *conn, 
			u_short family, u_short subtype, u_short *shortdata)
  struct command_tx_struct *newpacket;
  u_short newshort;

  /* If we don't have data, there's no reason to use this function */
  if (!shortdata)
    return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, family, subtype);

  if (!(newpacket = aim_tx_new(AIM_FRAMETYPE_OSCAR, 0x0002, conn, 10+sizeof(u_short))))
    return -1;

  newpacket->lock = 1;

  aim_putsnac(newpacket->data, family, subtype, 0x0000, sess->snac_nextid);

  /* copy in data */
  newshort = htons(*shortdata);
  memcpy(&(newpacket->data[10]), &newshort, sizeof(u_short));

  aim_tx_enqueue(sess, newpacket);
  return (sess->snac_nextid++);

 * aim_bos_reqlocaterights()
 * Request Location services rights.
u_long aim_bos_reqlocaterights(struct aim_session_t *sess,
			       struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0002, 0x0002);

* aim_bos_reqicbmparaminfo()
 * Request ICBM parameter information.
u_long aim_bos_reqicbmparaminfo(struct aim_session_t *sess,
				struct aim_conn_t *conn)
  return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, 0x0004, 0x0004);