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view pidgin/eggtrayicon.c @ 22337:a8c025929245
Add support for offline messages for AIM, thanks to some info from
Matthew Goldstein. The new protocol bits used for offline messaging
for AIM are very nice. It fits in with the rest of the oscar protocol
very well (the old, ICQ-style offline messages were a bit of a hack).
The offline messages arrive in the same way as every other message
(except that they have a timestamp), so we can use the same message
parsing that we use for all other IMs. This means that all our
encoding stuff works just as well with offline messages.
AND the new offline message stuff works for ICQ accounts, too. So I
switched ICQ over to use it, which fixes offline message timestamps
(if that was still a problem, I'm not sure) and offline message encoding
Fixes #1229 (feature request for AIM offline messages)
Fixes #1761 (ICQ offline message timestamp is wrong)
Fixes #4300 (crash when receiving offline messages)
Fixes #4464 (can't send IMs to invisible users)
author | Mark Doliner <> |
date | Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:18:06 +0000 |
parents | 9490cd23775e |
children | 584063555949 |
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line source
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* eggtrayicon.c * Copyright (C) 2002 Anders Carlsson <> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include "eggtrayicon.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #define _(x) x #define N_(x) x #define SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK 0 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE 1 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE 2 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION_HORZ 0 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION_VERT 1 enum { PROP_0, PROP_ORIENTATION }; static GtkPlugClass *parent_class = NULL; static void egg_tray_icon_init (EggTrayIcon *icon); static void egg_tray_icon_class_init (EggTrayIconClass *klass); static void egg_tray_icon_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void egg_tray_icon_realize (GtkWidget *widget); static void egg_tray_icon_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget); static void egg_tray_icon_add (GtkContainer *container, GtkWidget *widget); static void egg_tray_icon_update_manager_window (EggTrayIcon *icon, gboolean dock_if_realized); static void egg_tray_icon_manager_window_destroyed (EggTrayIcon *icon); GType egg_tray_icon_get_type (void) { static GType our_type = 0; if (our_type == 0) { our_type = g_type_from_name("EggTrayIcon"); if (our_type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo our_info = { sizeof (EggTrayIconClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) egg_tray_icon_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (EggTrayIcon), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) egg_tray_icon_init, NULL /* value_table */ }; our_type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_PLUG, "EggTrayIcon", &our_info, 0); } else if (parent_class == NULL) { /* we're reheating the old class from a previous instance - engage ugly hack =( */ egg_tray_icon_class_init((EggTrayIconClass *)g_type_class_peek(our_type)); } } return our_type; } static void egg_tray_icon_init (EggTrayIcon *icon) { icon->stamp = 1; icon->orientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; gtk_widget_add_events (GTK_WIDGET (icon), GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK); } static void egg_tray_icon_class_init (EggTrayIconClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *)klass; GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *)klass; GtkContainerClass *container_class = (GtkContainerClass *)klass; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); gobject_class->get_property = egg_tray_icon_get_property; widget_class->realize = egg_tray_icon_realize; widget_class->unrealize = egg_tray_icon_unrealize; container_class->add = egg_tray_icon_add; g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ORIENTATION, g_param_spec_enum ("orientation", _("Orientation"), _("The orientation of the tray."), GTK_TYPE_ORIENTATION, GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, G_PARAM_READABLE)); } static void egg_tray_icon_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EggTrayIcon *icon = EGG_TRAY_ICON (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ORIENTATION: g_value_set_enum (value, icon->orientation); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static Display * egg_tray_icon_get_x_display(EggTrayIcon *icon) { Display *xdisplay = NULL; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) { GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (icon)); if (!GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)) display = gdk_display_get_default (); xdisplay = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display); } #else xdisplay = gdk_display; #endif return xdisplay; } static void egg_tray_icon_get_orientation_property (EggTrayIcon *icon) { Display *xdisplay; Atom type; int format; union { gulong *prop; guchar *prop_ch; } prop = { NULL }; gulong nitems; gulong bytes_after; int error, result; g_return_if_fail(icon->manager_window != None); xdisplay = egg_tray_icon_get_x_display(icon); if (xdisplay == NULL) return; gdk_error_trap_push (); type = None; result = XGetWindowProperty (xdisplay, icon->manager_window, icon->orientation_atom, 0, G_MAXLONG, FALSE, XA_CARDINAL, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &(prop.prop_ch)); error = gdk_error_trap_pop (); if (error || result != Success) return; if (type == XA_CARDINAL) { GtkOrientation orientation; orientation = (prop.prop [0] == SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION_HORZ) ? GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL : GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; if (icon->orientation != orientation) { icon->orientation = orientation; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (icon), "orientation"); } } if (prop.prop) XFree (prop.prop); } static GdkFilterReturn egg_tray_icon_manager_filter (GdkXEvent *xevent, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { EggTrayIcon *icon = user_data; XEvent *xev = (XEvent *)xevent; if (xev->xany.type == ClientMessage && xev->xclient.message_type == icon->manager_atom && xev->[1] == icon->selection_atom) { egg_tray_icon_update_manager_window (icon, TRUE); } else if (xev->xany.window == icon->manager_window) { if (xev->xany.type == PropertyNotify && xev->xproperty.atom == icon->orientation_atom) { egg_tray_icon_get_orientation_property (icon); } if (xev->xany.type == DestroyNotify) { egg_tray_icon_manager_window_destroyed (icon); } } return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE; } static void egg_tray_icon_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) { EggTrayIcon *icon = EGG_TRAY_ICON (widget); GdkWindow *root_window; if (icon->manager_window != None) { GdkWindow *gdkwin; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget), icon->manager_window); #else gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup (icon->manager_window); #endif gdk_window_remove_filter (gdkwin, egg_tray_icon_manager_filter, icon); } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) root_window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (gtk_widget_get_screen (widget)); #else root_window = gdk_window_lookup (gdk_x11_get_default_root_xwindow ()); #endif gdk_window_remove_filter (root_window, egg_tray_icon_manager_filter, icon); if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (widget); } static void egg_tray_icon_send_manager_message (EggTrayIcon *icon, long message, Window window, long data1, long data2, long data3) { XClientMessageEvent ev; Display *display; ev.type = ClientMessage; ev.window = window; ev.message_type = icon->system_tray_opcode_atom; ev.format = 32;[0] = gdk_x11_get_server_time (GTK_WIDGET (icon)->window);[1] = message;[2] = data1;[3] = data2;[4] = data3; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) display = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (icon))); #else display = gdk_display; #endif gdk_error_trap_push (); XSendEvent (display, icon->manager_window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *)&ev); XSync (display, False); gdk_error_trap_pop (); } static void egg_tray_icon_send_dock_request (EggTrayIcon *icon) { egg_tray_icon_send_manager_message (icon, SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK, icon->manager_window, gtk_plug_get_id (GTK_PLUG (icon)), 0, 0); } static void egg_tray_icon_update_manager_window (EggTrayIcon *icon, gboolean dock_if_realized) { Display *xdisplay; if (icon->manager_window != None) return; xdisplay = egg_tray_icon_get_x_display(icon); if (xdisplay == NULL) return; XGrabServer (xdisplay); icon->manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner (xdisplay, icon->selection_atom); if (icon->manager_window != None) XSelectInput (xdisplay, icon->manager_window, StructureNotifyMask|PropertyChangeMask); XUngrabServer (xdisplay); XFlush (xdisplay); if (icon->manager_window != None) { GdkWindow *gdkwin; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (icon)), icon->manager_window); #else gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup (icon->manager_window); #endif gdk_window_add_filter (gdkwin, egg_tray_icon_manager_filter, icon); if (dock_if_realized && GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (icon)) egg_tray_icon_send_dock_request (icon); egg_tray_icon_get_orientation_property (icon); } } static void egg_tray_icon_manager_window_destroyed (EggTrayIcon *icon) { GdkWindow *gdkwin; g_return_if_fail (icon->manager_window != None); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (icon)), icon->manager_window); #else gdkwin = gdk_window_lookup (icon->manager_window); #endif gdk_window_remove_filter (gdkwin, egg_tray_icon_manager_filter, icon); icon->manager_window = None; egg_tray_icon_update_manager_window (icon, TRUE); } static gboolean transparent_expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data) { gdk_window_clear_area (widget->window, event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); return FALSE; } static void make_transparent_again (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyle *previous_style, gpointer user_data) { gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(widget->window, NULL, TRUE); } static void make_transparent (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data) { if (GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW (widget) || GTK_WIDGET_APP_PAINTABLE (widget)) return; gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (widget, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_double_buffered (widget, FALSE); gdk_window_set_back_pixmap (widget->window, NULL, TRUE); g_signal_connect (widget, "expose_event", G_CALLBACK (transparent_expose_event), NULL); g_signal_connect_after (widget, "style_set", G_CALLBACK (make_transparent_again), NULL); } static void egg_tray_icon_realize (GtkWidget *widget) { EggTrayIcon *icon = EGG_TRAY_ICON (widget); gint screen; Display *xdisplay; char buffer[256]; GdkWindow *root_window; if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->realize) GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->realize (widget); make_transparent (widget, NULL); xdisplay = egg_tray_icon_get_x_display(icon); if (xdisplay == NULL) return; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) screen = gdk_screen_get_number (gtk_widget_get_screen (widget)); #else screen = XScreenNumberOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (gdk_display)); #endif /* Now see if there's a manager window around */ g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%d", screen); icon->selection_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, buffer, False); icon->manager_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "MANAGER", False); icon->system_tray_opcode_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", False); icon->orientation_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION", False); egg_tray_icon_update_manager_window (icon, FALSE); egg_tray_icon_send_dock_request (icon); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) root_window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (gtk_widget_get_screen (widget)); #else root_window = gdk_window_lookup (gdk_x11_get_default_root_xwindow ()); #endif /* Add a root window filter so that we get changes on MANAGER */ gdk_window_add_filter (root_window, egg_tray_icon_manager_filter, icon); } static void egg_tray_icon_add (GtkContainer *container, GtkWidget *widget) { g_signal_connect (widget, "realize", G_CALLBACK (make_transparent), NULL); GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS (parent_class)->add (container, widget); } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,1,0) EggTrayIcon * egg_tray_icon_new_for_screen (GdkScreen *screen, const char *name) { g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen), NULL); return g_object_new (EGG_TYPE_TRAY_ICON, "screen", screen, "title", name, NULL); } #endif EggTrayIcon* egg_tray_icon_new (const gchar *name) { return g_object_new (EGG_TYPE_TRAY_ICON, "title", name, NULL); } guint egg_tray_icon_send_message (EggTrayIcon *icon, gint timeout, const gchar *message, gint len) { guint stamp; g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TRAY_ICON (icon), 0); g_return_val_if_fail (timeout >= 0, 0); g_return_val_if_fail (message != NULL, 0); if (icon->manager_window == None) return 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen (message); stamp = icon->stamp++; /* Get ready to send the message */ egg_tray_icon_send_manager_message (icon, SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE, (Window)gtk_plug_get_id (GTK_PLUG (icon)), timeout, len, stamp); /* Now to send the actual message */ gdk_error_trap_push (); while (len > 0) { XClientMessageEvent ev; Display *xdisplay; xdisplay = egg_tray_icon_get_x_display(icon); if (xdisplay == NULL) return 0; ev.type = ClientMessage; ev.window = (Window)gtk_plug_get_id (GTK_PLUG (icon)); ev.format = 8; ev.message_type = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE_DATA", False); if (len > 20) { memcpy (&, message, 20); len -= 20; message += 20; } else { memcpy (&, message, len); len = 0; } XSendEvent (xdisplay, icon->manager_window, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&ev); XSync (xdisplay, False); } gdk_error_trap_pop (); return stamp; } void egg_tray_icon_cancel_message (EggTrayIcon *icon, guint id) { g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TRAY_ICON (icon)); g_return_if_fail (id > 0); egg_tray_icon_send_manager_message (icon, SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE, (Window)gtk_plug_get_id (GTK_PLUG (icon)), id, 0, 0); } GtkOrientation egg_tray_icon_get_orientation (EggTrayIcon *icon) { g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TRAY_ICON (icon), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); return icon->orientation; }