view plugins/jabber/genhash.c @ 1401:bf041349b11e

[gaim-migrate @ 1411] abliity to set accounts away independent of each other. also allows for all the other states (like in yahoo and icq). probably breaks MSN, so don't use it until rob fixes it. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Eric Warmenhoven <>
date Wed, 10 Jan 2001 22:15:24 +0000
parents afa63ac2fd84
line wrap: on
line source

 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 *  Jabber
 *  Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Jabber Team
#include <libxode.h>

 * Internal type definitions

typedef struct tagHNODE
    struct tagHNODE *next;             /* next node in list */
    const void *key;                   /* key pointer */
    void *value;                       /* value pointer */

#define SLAB_NUM_NODES     64        /* allocate this many nodes per slab */

typedef struct tagHSLAB
    struct tagHSLAB *next;             /* next slab pointer */
    HNODE nodes[SLAB_NUM_NODES];       /* the actual nodes */

#define HASH_NUM_BUCKETS   509       /* should be a prime number; see Knuth */

typedef struct tagHASHTABLE_INTERNAL
    unsigned long sig1;                /* first signature word */
    KEYHASHFUNC hash;                  /* hash function */
    KEYCOMPAREFUNC cmp;                /* comparison function */
    int count;                         /* table entry count */
    int bcount;                        /* bucket count */
    HNODE **buckets;                   /* the hash buckets */
    unsigned long sig2;                /* second signature word */


#define HASH_SIG1      0x68736148UL  /* "Hash" */
#define HASH_SIG2      0x6F627245UL  /* "Erbo" */

#define do_hash(tb,key)     ((*((tb)->hash))(key) % ((tb)->bcount))

static HNODE *s_free_nodes = NULL;   /* free nodes list */
static HSLAB *s_slabs = NULL;        /* node slabs list */

 * Internal functions

static HNODE *allocate_node(
    const void *key,   /* key pointer for this node */
    void *value)       /* value pointer for this node */
    allocate_node allocates a new hash node and fills it.  Returns NULL if the
    node could not be allocated.
    HNODE *rc;   /* return from this function */

    if (!s_free_nodes)
    { /* allocate a new slabful of nodes and chain them to make a new free list */
        register int i;  /* loop counter */
        HSLAB *slab = (HSLAB *)malloc(sizeof(HSLAB));
        if (!slab)
            return NULL;
        slab->next = s_slabs;
        for (i=0; i<(SLAB_NUM_NODES-1); i++)
            slab->nodes[i].next = &(slab->nodes[i+1]);
        s_free_nodes = &(slab->nodes[0]);
        s_slabs = slab;

    } /* end if */

    /* grab a node off the fron of the free list and fill it */
    rc = s_free_nodes;
    s_free_nodes = rc->next;
    rc->next = NULL;
    rc->key = key;
    rc->value = value;
    return rc;

} /* end allocate_node */

static void free_node(
    HNODE *node)   /* node to be freed */
    free_node returns a hash node to the list.
    /* zap the node contents to avoid problems later */

    /* chain it onto the free list */
    node->next = s_free_nodes;
    s_free_nodes = node;

} /* end free_node */

static HNODE *find_node(
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab,  /* pointer to hash table */
    const void *key,          /* key value to look up */
    int bucket)               /* bucket number (-1 to have function compute it) */
    find_node walks a hash bucket to find a node whose key matches the named key value.
    Returns the node pointer, or NULL if it's not found.
    register HNODE *p;  /* search pointer/return from this function */

    if (bucket<0)  /* compute hash value if we don't know it already */
        bucket = do_hash(tab,key);

    /* search through the bucket contents */
    for (p=tab->buckets[bucket]; p; p=p->next)
        if ((*(tab->cmp))(key,p->key)==0)
            return p;  /* found! */

    return NULL;   /* not found */

} /* end find_node */

static HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *handle2ptr(
    HASHTABLE tbl)  /* hash table handle */
    handle2ptr converts a hash table handle into a pointer and checks its signatures
    to make sure someone's not trying to pull a whizzer on this module.
    if ((rc->sig1==HASH_SIG1) && (rc->sig2==HASH_SIG2))
        return rc;     /* signatures match */
        return NULL;   /* yIkes! */

 * External functions

HASHTABLE ghash_create(int buckets, KEYHASHFUNC hash, KEYCOMPAREFUNC cmp)
        Creates a new hash table.

        buckets - Number of buckets to allocate for the hash table; this value
                  should be a prime number for maximum efficiency.
        hash - Key hash code function to use.
        cmp - Key comparison function to use.

        NULL - Table could not be allocated.
        Other - Handle to the new hashtable.
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* new table structure */
    char *allocated;

    if (!hash || !cmp)
        return NULL;  /* bogus! */

    if (buckets<=0)
        buckets = HASH_NUM_BUCKETS;

    /* allocate a hash table structure */
    allocated = malloc(sizeof(HASHTABLE_INTERNAL) + (buckets * sizeof(HNODE *)));
    if (!allocated)
        return NULL;  /* memory error */

    /* fill the fields of the hash table */
    tab = (HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *)allocated;
    allocated += sizeof(HASHTABLE_INTERNAL);
    memset(allocated,0,buckets * sizeof(HNODE *));
    tab->sig1 = HASH_SIG1;
    tab->hash = hash;
    tab->cmp = cmp;
    tab->bcount = buckets;
    tab->buckets = (HNODE **)allocated;
    tab->sig2 = HASH_SIG2;

    return (HASHTABLE)tab;  /* Qa'pla! */

} /* end ghash_create */

void ghash_destroy(HASHTABLE tbl)
        Destroys a hash table.

        tbl - Table to be destroyed.

    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* new table structure */
    int i;                    /* loop counter */
    HNODE *p, *p2;            /* temporary pointers */

    if (!tbl)
        return;  /* bogus! */

    /* Convert the handle to a table pointer. */
    tab = handle2ptr(tbl);
    if (!tab)

    /* Nuke the nodes it contains. */
    for (i=0; i<tab->bcount; i++)
    { /* free the contents of each bucket */
        p = tab->buckets[i];
        while (p)
        { /* free each node in turn */
            p2 = p->next;
            p = p2;

        } /* end while */

    } /* end for */

    free(tab);  /* bye bye now! */

} /* end ghash_destroy */

void *ghash_get(HASHTABLE tbl, const void *key)
        Retrieves a value stored in the hash table.

        tbl - The hash table to look in.
        key - The key value to search on.

        NULL - Value not found.
        Other - Value corresponding to the specified key.
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* internal table pointer */
    HNODE *node;              /* hash node */
    void *rc = NULL;          /* return from this function */

    if (!tbl || !key)
        return NULL;  /* bogus! */

    /* Convert the handle to a table pointer. */
    tab = handle2ptr(tbl);
    if (!tab)
        return NULL;  /* error */

    /* Attempt to find the node. */
    node = find_node(tab,key,-1);
    if (node)
        rc = node->value;  /* found it! */

    return rc;

} /* end ghash_get */

int ghash_put(HASHTABLE tbl, const void *key, void *value)
        Associates a key with a value in this hash table.

        tbl - Hash table to add.
        key - Key to use for the value in the table.
        value - Value to add for this key.

        1 - Success.
        0 - Failure.

        If the specified key is already in the hashtable, its value will be replaced.
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* internal table pointer */
    int bucket;               /* bucket value goes into */
    HNODE *node;              /* hash node */
    int rc = 1;               /* return from this function */

    if (!tbl || !key || !value)
        return 0;  /* bogus! */

    /* Convert the handle to a table pointer. */
    tab = handle2ptr(tbl);
    if (!tab)
        return 0;  /* error */

    /* Compute the hash bucket and try to find an existing node. */
    bucket = do_hash(tab,key);
    node = find_node(tab,key,bucket);
    if (!node)
    { /* OK, try to allocate a new node. */
        node = allocate_node(key,value);
        if (node)
        { /* Chain the new node into the hash table. */
            node->next = tab->buckets[bucket];
            tab->buckets[bucket] = node;

        } /* end if */
        else  /* allocation error */
            rc = 0;

    } /* end if */
    else  /* already in table - just reassign value */
        node->value = value;

    return rc;

} /* end ghash_put */

int ghash_remove(HASHTABLE tbl, const void *key)
        Removes an entry from a hash table, given its key.
        tbl - Hash table to remove from.
        key - Key of value to remove.

        1 - Success.
        0 - Failure; key not present in hash table.
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* internal table pointer */
    int bucket;               /* bucket value goes into */
    HNODE *node;              /* hash node */
    register HNODE *p;        /* removal pointer */
    int rc = 1;               /* return from this function */

    if (!tbl || !key)
        return 0;  /* bogus! */

    /* Convert the handle to a table pointer. */
    tab = handle2ptr(tbl);
    if (!tab)
        return 0;  /* error */

    /* Compute the hash bucket and try to find an existing node. */
    bucket = do_hash(tab,key);
    node = find_node(tab,key,bucket);
    if (node)
    { /* look to unchain it from the bucket it's in */
        if (node==tab->buckets[bucket])
            tab->buckets[bucket] = node->next;  /* unchain at head */
        { /* unchain in middle of list */
            for (p=tab->buckets[bucket]; p->next!=node; p=p->next) ;
            p->next = node->next;

        } /* end else */

        free_node(node);  /* bye bye now! */

    } /* end if */
    else  /* node not found */
        rc = 0;

    return rc;

} /* end ghash_remove */

int ghash_walk(HASHTABLE tbl, TABLEWALKFUNC func, void *user_data)
        "Walks" through a hash table, calling a callback function for each element
    stored in it.

        tbl - Hash table to walk.
        func - Function to be called for each node.  It takes three parameters,
                   a user data pointer, a key value pointer, and a data value pointer.
           It returns 0 to stop the enumeration or 1 to keep it going.
        user_data - Value to use as the first parameter for the callback

        0 - Error occurred.
        Other - Number of nodes visited up to and including the one for which
                the callback function returned 0, if it did; ranges from 1
            to the number of nodes in the hashtable.
    HASHTABLE_INTERNAL *tab;  /* internal table pointer */
    int i;                    /* loop counter */
    int running = 1;          /* we're still running */
    int count = 0;            /* number of nodes visited before stop node */
    register HNODE *p, *p2;   /* loop pointer */

    if (!tbl || !func)
        return -1;  /* bogus values! */

    /* Convert the handle to a table pointer. */
    tab = handle2ptr(tbl);
    if (!tab)
        return -1;  /* error */

    for (i=0; running && (i<tab->bcount); i++)
    { /* visit the contents of each bucket */
        p = tab->buckets[i];
        while (running && p)
        { /* visit each node in turn */
            p2 = p->next;
            running = (*func)(user_data,p->key,p->value);
            p = p2;

        } /* end while */

    } /* end for */

    return count;

} /* end ghash_walk */

int str_hash_code(const char *s)
        Generates a hash code for a string.  This function uses the ELF hashing
        algorithm as reprinted in Andrew Binstock, "Hashing Rehashed," _Dr.
        Dobb's Journal_, April 1996.
            s - The string to be hashed.
            A hash code for the string.
    /* ELF hash uses unsigned chars and unsigned arithmetic for portability */
    const unsigned char *name = (const unsigned char *)s;
    unsigned long h = 0, g;

    if (!name)
        return 0;  /* anti-NULL guard not in the original */

    while (*name)
    { /* do some fancy bitwanking on the string */
        h = (h << 4) + (unsigned long)(*name++);
        if ((g = (h & 0xF0000000UL))!=0)
            h ^= (g >> 24);
        h &= ~g;

    } /* end while */

    return (int)h;
