view po/tr.po @ 26837:ca2c3d134eaf

Fix a bad merge in 511953ddd75ccd866325fa6cf1e72dbb4fca3e82
author Paul Aurich <>
date Thu, 30 Apr 2009 02:59:24 +0000 (2009-04-30)
parents da5c044a2437
children 4a592e898162
line wrap: on
line source
# translation of to
# translation of pidgin-new.po to
# translation of pidgin.po to
# translation of tr.po to
# Pidgin - Turkish Translation.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Pidgin package.
# Ahmet Alp Balkan, 2006.
# Onur K端巽端ktun巽, 2004.
# Serdar Soytetir <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-12-01 15:52-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-09 00:33+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Serdar Soytetir <>\n"
"Language-Team:  <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TURKEY\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"

#. Translators may want to transliterate the name.
#. It is not to be translated.
msgid "Finch"
msgstr "Finch"

#, c-format
msgid "%s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n"
msgstr "%s. Daha fazla bilgi i巽in `%s -h' deneyin.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    use DIR for config files\n"
"  -d, --debug         print debugging messages to stdout\n"
"  -h, --help          display this help and exit\n"
"  -n, --nologin       don't automatically login\n"
"  -v, --version       display the current version and exit\n"
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹m: %s [SE�ENEK]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    DIR yap脹land脹rma dosyalar脹脹n yerini g旦sterir\n"
"  -d, --debug         hata ay脹klama iletilerini g旦stermek i巽in kullan脹l脹r\n"
"  -h, --help          okudu�unuz bu yard脹m iletisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"
"  -n, --nologin       otomatik olarak ba�lanman脹z脹 engeller\n"
"  -v, --version       ge巽erli s端r端m端 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s encountered errors migrating your settings from %s to %s. Please "
"investigate and complete the migration by hand. Please report this error at "
msgstr ""
"%s ayarar脹n脹z脹 %s konumundan %s konumuna ta�脹rken hatalarla kar�脹la�t脹. "
"L端tfen ta�脹ma i�ini ara�t脹rarak kendiniz yap脹n. L端tfen bu hatay脹 http://"
" adresine bildirin."

msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

msgid "Account was not added"
msgstr "Hesap eklenmedi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Username of an account must be non-empty."
msgstr "Bir hesab脹n kay脹tl脹 isim k脹sm脹 bo� olmamal脹d脹r."

msgid "New mail notifications"
msgstr "Yeni e-posta bildirimleri"

msgid "Remember password"
msgstr "Parolay脹 hat脹rla"

#, fuzzy
msgid "There are no protocol plugins installed."
msgstr "Hi巽 y端klenmi� protokol eklentisi yok."

msgid "(You probably forgot to 'make install'.)"
msgstr "(Muhtemelen'make install' komutunu vermeyi unuttunuz.)"

msgid "Modify Account"
msgstr "Hesab脹 D端zenle"

msgid "New Account"
msgstr "Yeni Hesap"

msgid "Protocol:"
msgstr "Protokol:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "_Kullan脹c脹 ad脹:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

msgid "Alias:"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim:"

#. Register checkbox
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create this account on the server"
msgstr "Bu yeni hesab脹 sunucu 端zerinde olu�tur"

#. Cancel button
#. Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "聴ptal"

#. Save button
#. Save
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Kaydet"

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
msgstr "%s hesab脹n脹 silmek istedi�inize emin misiniz?"

msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "Hesab脹 Sil"

#. Delete button
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"

msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Hesaplar"

msgid "You can enable/disable accounts from the following list."
msgstr ""
"A�a�脹daki listede bulunan hesaplar脹 etkinle�tirebilir ya da "

#. Add button
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ekle"

#. Modify button
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "D端zenle"

#, c-format
msgid "%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s"
msgstr "%s%s%s%s kullan脹c脹s脹 %s ki�isini ki�i listesine eklemek istiyor%s%s"

msgid "Add buddy to your list?"
msgstr "Ki�iyi listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

#, c-format
msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list%s%s"
msgstr "%s%s%s%s kullan脹c脹s脹 %s ki�isini ki�i listesine eklemek istiyor %s%s"

msgid "Authorize buddy?"
msgstr "聴zin vermek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Authorize"
msgstr "聴zin Ver"

msgid "Deny"
msgstr "聴zin Verme"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Online: %d\n"
"Total: %d"
msgstr ""
"�evrimi巽i: %d\n"
"Toplam: %d"

#, c-format
msgid "Account: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Hesap: %s (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Last Seen: %s ago"
msgstr ""
"Son G旦r端lme Zaman脹: %s 旦nce"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "�ntan脹ml脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "You must provide a username for the buddy."
msgstr "Ki�i i巽in bir kay脹tl脹 isim belirtmelisiniz."

msgid "You must provide a group."
msgstr "Bir grup belirtmelisiniz."

msgid "You must select an account."
msgstr "Bir hesap se巽melisiniz."

msgid "The selected account is not online."
msgstr "Se巽ilen hesap 巽evrimi巽i de�il."

msgid "Error adding buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i ekleme hatas脹"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ad脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Alias (optional)"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add in group"
msgstr "Grup Ekle"

msgid "Account"
msgstr "Hesap"

msgid "Add Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

msgid "Please enter buddy information."
msgstr "L端tfen ki�i bilgilerini girin."

msgid "Chats"
msgstr "Sohbetler"

#. Extract their Name and put it in
msgid "Name"
msgstr "聴sim"

msgid "Alias"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grup"

msgid "Auto-join"
msgstr "Otomatik-kat脹l"

msgid "Add Chat"
msgstr "Sohbet Ekle"

msgid "You can edit more information from the context menu later."
msgstr "Daha sonra men端den ba�ka bilgiler ekleyebilirsiniz."

msgid "Error adding group"
msgstr "Grup ekleme hatas脹"

msgid "You must give a name for the group to add."
msgstr "L端tfen eklemek istedi�iniz grup i巽in bir isim girin."

msgid "Add Group"
msgstr "Grup Ekle"

msgid "Enter the name of the group"
msgstr "L端tfen grubun ismini girin"

msgid "Edit Chat"
msgstr "Sohbet D端zenle"

msgid "Please Update the necessary fields."
msgstr "L端tfen gerekli alanlar脹 G端ncelleyin."

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "D端zenle"

msgid "Edit Settings"
msgstr "Ayarlar脹 D端zenle"

msgid "Information"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgileri"

msgid "Retrieving..."
msgstr "Al脹n脹yor..."

msgid "Get Info"
msgstr "Ki�i Bilgilerini Al"

msgid "Add Buddy Pounce"
msgstr "Ki�i i巽in Uyar脹c脹 Ekle"

msgid "Send File"
msgstr "Ki�iye Dosya G旦nder"

msgid "Blocked"
msgstr "Engellenmi�"

msgid "Show when offline"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹yken g旦ster"

#, c-format
msgid "Please enter the new name for %s"
msgstr "L端tfen %s i巽in yeni ismi girin"

msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Yeniden Adland脹r"

msgid "Set Alias"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴smi Ayarla"

msgid "Enter empty string to reset the name."
msgstr "聴smi yeniden ayarlamak i巽in bo� b脹rak脹n."

msgid "Removing this contact will also remove all the buddies in the contact"
msgstr ""
"Bu ba�lant脹y脹 silmek ayn脹 zamanda bu ba�lant脹 i巽erisindeki t端m ki�ileri de "

msgid "Removing this group will also remove all the buddies in the group"
msgstr ""
"Bu grubu silmek ayn脹 zamanda bu grup i巽erisindeki t端m ki�ileri de silecektir"

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s?"
msgstr "%s 旦gesini kald脹rmak istedi�inizden emin misiniz ?"

#. XXX: anything to do with the returned ui-handle?
msgid "Confirm Remove"
msgstr "Kald脹rmay脹 Onayla"

msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Kald脹r"

#. Buddy List
msgid "Buddy List"
msgstr "Pidgin - Ki�i Listesi"

msgid "Place tagged"
msgstr "Etiketlenmi�lere yerle�tir"

msgid "Toggle Tag"
msgstr "Etiketi De�i�tir"

msgid "View Log"
msgstr "Kay脹tlar脹 G旦ster"

#. General
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Takma ad"

#. Never know what those translations might end up like...
#. Idle stuff
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Bo�ta"

msgid "On Mobile"
msgstr "Cep Telefonunda"

msgid "New..."
msgstr "Yeni..."

msgid "Saved..."
msgstr "Kaydedilmi�..."

msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Eklentiler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Block/Unblock"
msgstr "Engellemeyi Kald脹r"

msgid "Block"
msgstr "Engelle"

msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Engellemeyi Kald脹r"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to Block/"
msgstr ""
"L端tfen anl脹k ileti g旦ndermek istedi�iniz ki�inin g旦r端nen ad脹n脹 veya takma "
"ad脹n脹 giriniz."

#. Not multiline
#. Not masked?
#. No hints?
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Tamam"

msgid "New Instant Message"
msgstr "Yeni Anl脹k 聴leti"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to IM."
msgstr ""
"L端tfen anl脹k ileti g旦ndermek istedi�iniz ki�inin g旦r端nen ad脹n脹 veya takma "
"ad脹n脹 giriniz."

msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"

msgid "Join a Chat"
msgstr "Bir Sohbete Kat脹l"

msgid "Please enter the name of the chat you want to join."
msgstr "L端tfen kat脹lmak istedi�iniz sohbeti girin."

msgid "Join"
msgstr "Kat脹l"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please enter the username or alias of the person whose log you would like to "
msgstr ""
"L端tfen kay脹tlar脹n脹 g旦rmek istedi�iniz ki�inin g旦r端nt端 veya etiket ismini "

#. Create the "Options" frame.
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Se巽enekler"

msgid "Send IM..."
msgstr "Anl脹k 聴leti G旦nder..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Block/Unblock..."
msgstr "Engellemeyi Kald脹r"

msgid "Join Chat..."
msgstr "Sohbete Kat脹l..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "View Log..."
msgstr "Kay脹tlar脹 G旦ster"

#, fuzzy
msgid "View All Logs"
msgstr "Kay脹tlar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "Show"
msgstr "G旦ster"

msgid "Empty groups"
msgstr "Bo� gruplar"

msgid "Offline buddies"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 ki�iler"

msgid "Sort"
msgstr "S脹rala"

msgid "By Status"
msgstr "Duruma G旦re"

msgid "Alphabetically"
msgstr "Alfabetik"

msgid "By Log Size"
msgstr "G端nl端k Kayd脹 B端y端kl端�端ne G旦re"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Buddy"
msgstr "_Ki�i:"

msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Sohbet"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Grup"

msgid "Certificate Import"
msgstr "聴巽eriye Sertifika Aktar"

msgid "Specify a hostname"
msgstr "Bir makine ad脹 belirtin"

msgid "Type the host name this certificate is for."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"File %s could not be imported.\n"
"Make sure that the file is readable and in PEM format.\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "Certificate Import Error"
msgstr "聴巽eriye Sertifika Aktarma Hatas脹"

msgid "X.509 certificate import failed"
msgstr "X.509 Sertifikas脹 i巽eri aktarma hatas脹"

msgid "Select a PEM certificate"
msgstr "Bir PEM sertifikas脹 se巽in"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Export to file %s failed.\n"
"Check that you have write permission to the target path\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "Certificate Export Error"
msgstr "D脹�ar脹 Sertifika Aktarma Hatas脹"

msgid "X.509 certificate export failed"
msgstr "X.509 Sertifikas脹 D脹�ar脹 Aktarma Hatas脹"

msgid "PEM X.509 Certificate Export"
msgstr "PEM X.509 Sertifikas脹 D脹�ar脹 Aktar"

#, c-format
msgid "Certificate for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in Sertifika"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Common name: %s\n"
"SHA1 fingerprint:\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "SSL Host Certificate"
msgstr "SSL Makine Sertifikas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Really delete certificate for %s?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Confirm certificate delete"
msgstr ""

msgid "Certificate Manager"
msgstr "Sertifika Y旦neticisi"

#. Creating the user splits
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Bar脹nd脹r脹c脹 ad脹"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "Bilgi"

#. Close button
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Kapat"

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s disconnected."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹n脹n ba�lant脹s脹 kesildi."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Finch will not attempt to reconnect the account until you correct the error "
"and re-enable the account."
msgstr ""
"Finch, siz hatay脹 d端zeltip hesab脹n脹z脹 yeniden etkinle�tirene kadar yeniden "

msgid "Re-enable Account"
msgstr "Hesab脹 Yeniden Etkinle�tir"

msgid ""
"The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be "
"automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects."
msgstr ""

msgid "No such command."
msgstr "B旦yle bir komut yok."

msgid "Syntax Error:  You typed the wrong number of arguments to that command."
msgstr "S旦z Dizimi Hatas脹: Komut i巽in yanl脹� say脹da parametre verdiniz."

msgid "Your command failed for an unknown reason."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir sebepten dolay脹 verdi�iniz komut ba�ar脹s脹z oldu."

msgid "That command only works in chats, not IMs."
msgstr "Bu komut anl脹k iletiler i巽in de�ildir, sadece sohbetlerde 巽al脹�脹r."

msgid "That command only works in IMs, not chats."
msgstr "Bu komut sohbet i巽in de�ildir, sadece anl脹k iletilerde 巽al脹�脹r."

msgid "That command doesn't work on this protocol."
msgstr "Bu komut, bu protokol 端zerinde 巽al脹�maz."

msgid "Message was not sent, because you are not signed on."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmedi, 巽端nk端 oturum a巽mam脹�s脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s -- %s)"
msgstr "%s (%s -- %s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s [%s]"
msgstr "%s [%s]"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is typing..."
msgstr ""
"%s ileti yaz脹yor..."

msgid "You have left this chat."
msgstr "Sobetten ayr脹ld脹n脹z."

msgid "Logging started. Future messages in this conversation will be logged."
msgstr "Kay脹t tutma ba�lat脹ld脹. Bundan sonraki iletiler kaydedilecek."

msgid ""
"Logging stopped. Future messages in this conversation will not be logged."
msgstr "Kay脹t tutma durduruldu. Bundan sonraki iletiler kaydedilmeyecek."

msgid "Send To"
msgstr "G旦nder"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invite message"
msgstr "聴leti i巽ine ekle"

msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Davet Et"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite,\n"
"along with an optional invite message."
msgstr ""
"聴sterseniz bir davet mesaj脹yla beraber davet etmek istedi�iniz ki�inin "
"ismini girin."

msgid "Conversation"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma"

msgid "Clear Scrollback"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma/Temi_zle"

msgid "Show Timestamps"
msgstr "Zaman Etiketlerini G旦ster"

msgid "Add Buddy Pounce..."
msgstr "Ki�i i巽in Uyar脹c脹 Ekle..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invite..."
msgstr "Davet Et"

msgid "Enable Logging"
msgstr "Kay脹t Tutmay脹 Etkinle�tir"

msgid "Enable Sounds"
msgstr "Sesleri Etkinle�tir"

msgid "<AUTO-REPLY> "
msgstr "<OTOMAT聴K-YANIT> "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "List of %d user:\n"
msgid_plural "List of %d users:\n"
msgstr[0] "Kullan脹c脹 listesi:\n"

msgid "Supported debug options are:  version"
msgstr "Desteklenen hata ay脹klama se巽enekleri:  versiyon"

msgid "No such command (in this context)."
msgstr "B旦yle bir komut yok (burada)."

msgid ""
"Use \"/help &lt;command&gt;\" for help on a specific command.\n"
"The following commands are available in this context:\n"
msgstr ""
"\"/help &lt;komut&gt;\" yazarak belirtilen komutla ilgili yard脹m "
"A�a�脹dakiler burada ge巽erli olan komutlard脹r:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is not a valid message class. See '/help msgcolor' for valid message "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid color. See '/help msgcolor' for valid colors."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"say &lt;message&gt;:  Send a message normally as if you weren't using a "
msgstr ""
"say &lt;mesaj&gt;:  Komut kullanm脹yormu�unuz gibi ileti g旦ndermenizi sa�lar."

msgid "me &lt;action&gt;:  Send an IRC style action to a buddy or chat."
msgstr ""
"me &lt;action&gt;:  Ki�iye ya da sohbet odas脹na IRC stili hareket g旦nder."

msgid ""
"debug &lt;option&gt;:  Send various debug information to the current "
msgstr ""
"debug &lt;option&gt;:  Bu konu�maya 巽e�itli hata ay脹klama bilgileri yolla."

msgid "clear: Clears the conversation scrollback."
msgstr "clear: Konu�ma ekran脹n脹 temizler."

msgid "help &lt;command&gt;:  Help on a specific command."
msgstr "help &lt;komut&gt;:  Belirtilen komutla ilgili yard脹m alman脹z脹 sa�lar."

msgid "users:  Show the list of users in the chat."
msgstr "users:  Sohbete kat脹lan kullan脹c脹lar脹n listesini g旦ster."

msgid "plugins: Show the plugins window."
msgstr "plugins: Eklentiler penceresini g旦sterir."

msgid "buddylist: Show the buddylist."
msgstr "buddylist: Ki�i Listesini g旦sterir."

msgid "accounts: Show the accounts window."
msgstr "accounts: Hesaplar penceresini g旦sterir."

msgid "debugwin: Show the debug window."
msgstr "debugwin: Hata ay脹klama penceresini g旦sterir."

msgid "prefs: Show the preference window."
msgstr "prefs: Tercihler penceresini g旦sterir."

msgid "statuses: Show the savedstatuses window."
msgstr "statuses: Kaydedilmi� durumlar penceresini g旦sterir."

msgid ""
"msgcolor &lt;class&gt; &lt;foreground&gt; &lt;background&gt;: Set the color "
"for different classes of messages in the conversation window.<br>    &lt;"
"class&gt;: receive, send, highlight, action, timestamp<br>    &lt;foreground/"
"background&gt;: black, red, green, blue, white, gray, darkgray, magenta, "
"cyan, default<br><br>EXAMPLE:<br>    msgcolor send cyan default"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to open file."
msgstr "Dosya a巽脹lam脹yor."

msgid "Debug Window"
msgstr "Hata Ay脹klama Penceresi"

#. XXX: Setting the GROW_Y for the following widgets don't make sense. But right now
#. * it's necessary to make the width of the debug window resizable ... like I said,
#. * it doesn't make sense. The bug is likely in the packing in gntbox.c.
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Temizle"

msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtre:"

msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Durakla"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File Transfers - %d%% of %d file"
msgid_plural "File Transfers - %d%% of %d files"
msgstr[0] "Dosya Aktar脹m脹 - %d%% - %d dosya"

#. Create the window.
msgid "File Transfers"
msgstr "Dosya Aktar脹mlar脹"

msgid "Progress"
msgstr "聴lerleme"

msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Dosya ad脹"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"

msgid "Speed"
msgstr "H脹z"

msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Kalan"

#. XXX: Use of ggp_str_to_uin() is an ugly hack!
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Durum"

msgid "Close this window when all transfers finish"
msgstr "T端m aktar脹mlar bitince pencereyi kapat."

msgid "Clear finished transfers"
msgstr "Tamamlanan aktar脹mlar脹 temizle"

msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Dur"

msgid "Waiting for transfer to begin"
msgstr "Aktar脹m脹n ba�lamas脹 bekleniyor"

msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "聴ptal Edildi"

msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

#, c-format
msgid "%.2f KiB/s"
msgstr "%.2f KiB/s"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Ayarla"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Al脹nan 聴letiler"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Bitti"

#, c-format
msgid "The file was saved as %s."
msgstr "Dosya %s olarak kaydedildi."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "G旦nder"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Receiving"
msgstr "Kalan"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Conversation in %s on %s"
msgstr "%s i巽indeki konu�malar"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Conversation with %s on %s"
msgstr "%s ile konu�ma"

msgid "%B %Y"
msgstr "%B %Y"

msgid ""
"System events will only be logged if the \"Log all status changes to system "
"log\" preference is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Sistem olaylar脹 sadece \"T端m durum de�i�ikliklerini sistem g端nl端�端ne kaydet"
"\" se巽ene�i aktifse kaydedilir."

msgid ""
"Instant messages will only be logged if the \"Log all instant messages\" "
"preference is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Anl脹k iletiler sadece \"T端m anl脹k iletileri kaydet\" se巽ene�i aktifse "

msgid ""
"Chats will only be logged if the \"Log all chats\" preference is enabled."
msgstr "Sobetler sadece \"T端m sohbetleri kaydet\" se巽ene�i aktifse kaydedilir."

msgid "No logs were found"
msgstr "Hi巽 kay脹t bulunamad脹"

msgid "Total log size:"
msgstr "Toplam Kay脹t b端y端kl端�端:"

#. Search box *********
msgid "Scroll/Search: "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Conversations in %s"
msgstr "%s i巽indeki konu�malar"

#, c-format
msgid "Conversations with %s"
msgstr "%s ile konu�ma"

#, fuzzy
msgid "All Conversations"
msgstr "Yaz脹�malar"

msgid "System Log"
msgstr "Sistem Kay脹tlar脹"

msgid "Emails"
msgstr "E-Postalar"

msgid "You have mail!"
msgstr "E-postan脹z var!"

msgid "Sender"
msgstr "G旦nderen"

msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Konu"

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s) has %d new message."
msgid_plural "%s (%s) has %d new messages."
msgstr[0] "%s (%s) %d yeni ileti."

msgid "New Mail"
msgstr "Yeni E-Posta"

#, c-format
msgid "Info for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in Bilgi"

msgid "Buddy Information"
msgstr "Ki�i Bilgileri"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Devam Et"

msgid "IM"
msgstr "An脹nda Mesajla�ma"

msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(hi巽biri)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "URI"
msgstr "UIN"

msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "HATA"

msgid "loading plugin failed"
msgstr "eklenti y端kleme i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "unloading plugin failed"
msgstr "eklenti kald脹rma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Name: %s\n"
"Version: %s\n"
"Description: %s\n"
"Author: %s\n"
"Website: %s\n"
"Filename: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"聴sim: %s\n"
"S端r端m: %s\n"
"A巽脹klama: %s\n"
"Yazar: %s\n"
"Web sitesi: %s\n"
"Dosya Ad脹: %s\n"

msgid "Plugin need to be loaded before you can configure it."
msgstr "Yap脹land脹rabilmeniz i巽in 旦nce eklntinin y端klenmesi gerekir."

msgid "No configuration options for this plugin."
msgstr "Bu eklenti i巽in yap脹land脹rma se巽ene�i yok."

msgid "Error loading plugin"
msgstr "Eklenti y端klenirken hata olu�tu"

msgid "The selected file is not a valid plugin."
msgstr "Se巽ilen dosya ge巽erli bir eklenti de�il."

msgid ""
"Please open the debug window and try again to see the exact error message."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select plugin to install"
msgstr "Y端klemek i巽in bir eklenti se巽in"

msgid "You can (un)load plugins from the following list."
msgstr "A�a�脹daki listede yer alan eklentileri y端kleyip kald脹rabilirsiniz."

msgid "Install Plugin..."
msgstr "Eklenti Y端kle..."

msgid "Configure Plugin"
msgstr "Eklentiyi Yap脹land脹r"

#. copy the preferences to tmp values...
#. * I liked "take affect immediately" Oh well :-(
#. (that should have been "effect," right?)
#. Back to instant-apply! I win!  BU-HAHAHA!
#. Create the window
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Tercihler"

msgid "Please enter a buddy to pounce."
msgstr "L端tfen uyarmak istedi�iniz ki�iyi girin."

msgid "New Buddy Pounce"
msgstr "Yeni Ki�i Uyar脹c脹"

msgid "Edit Buddy Pounce"
msgstr "Ki�i Uyar脹c脹y脹 D端zenle"

msgid "Pounce Who"
msgstr "Kimi Uyars脹n"

#. Account:
msgid "Account:"
msgstr "Hesap:"

msgid "Buddy name:"
msgstr "Ki�i ismi:"

#. Create the "Pounce When Buddy..." frame.
msgid "Pounce When Buddy..."
msgstr "Uyar脹lma Nedenleri"

msgid "Signs on"
msgstr "Giri� yap脹nca"

msgid "Signs off"
msgstr "�脹k脹� yap脹nca"

msgid "Goes away"
msgstr "Uzakta durumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Returns from away"
msgstr "Geri d旦n端nce"

msgid "Becomes idle"
msgstr "Bo�ta durumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Is no longer idle"
msgstr "Bo�ta de�il durumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Starts typing"
msgstr "Yazmaya ba�lay脹nca"

msgid "Pauses while typing"
msgstr "Yazmaya ara verince"

msgid "Stops typing"
msgstr "Yazmay脹 b脹rak脹nca"

msgid "Sends a message"
msgstr "Bir ileti g旦nderince"

#. Create the "Action" frame.
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Davran脹�lar"

msgid "Open an IM window"
msgstr "Bir An脹nda Mesajla�ma Penceresi A巽"

msgid "Pop up a notification"
msgstr "A巽脹lan bir uyar脹 g旦ster"

msgid "Send a message"
msgstr "Bir ileti g旦nder"

msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Bir komut 巽al脹�t脹r"

msgid "Play a sound"
msgstr "Bir ses 巽al"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Pounce only when my status is not Available"
msgstr "S_adece Eri�ilebilir Olmad脹�脹m Zaman uyar"

msgid "Recurring"
msgstr "Tekrarlayan"

msgid "Cannot create pounce"
msgstr "Uyar脹c脹 olu�turulamad脹"

msgid "You do not have any accounts."
msgstr "Bir hesab脹n脹z yok."

msgid "You must create an account first before you can create a pounce."
msgstr "Bir uyar脹c脹 olu�turmadan 旦nce bir hesap olu�turmal脹s脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the pounce on %s for %s?"
msgstr "%s i巽in %s uyar脹c脹s脹n脹 silmek istedi�inize emin misiniz ?"

msgid "Buddy Pounces"
msgstr "Ki�i Uyar脹c脹lar脹"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has started typing to you (%s)"
msgstr "%s yazmaya ba�lad脹 (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has paused while typing to you (%s)"
msgstr "%s yazmay脹 kesti (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has signed on (%s)"
msgstr "%s ba�land脹 (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has returned from being idle (%s)"
msgstr "%s bo�ta durumuna ge巽ti (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has returned from being away (%s)"
msgstr "%s uzakta durumuna ge巽ti (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has stopped typing to you (%s)"
msgstr "%s yazmay脹 b脹rakt脹 (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has signed off (%s)"
msgstr "%s 巽脹kt脹 (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has become idle (%s)"
msgstr "%s bo�ta durumuna ge巽ti (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has gone away. (%s)"
msgstr "%s uzakta durumuna ge巽ti (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has sent you a message. (%s)"
msgstr "%s size bir ileti g旦ndermek istiyor, (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown pounce event. Please report this!"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen uyar脹 olay脹. L端tfen bunu raporlay脹n !"

msgid "Based on keyboard use"
msgstr "Klavye kullan脹m脹na g旦re"

msgid "From last sent message"
msgstr "G旦nderilen son iletiden"

msgid "Never"
msgstr "Asla"

msgid "Show Idle Time"
msgstr "Bo�ta S端resini G旦ster"

msgid "Show Offline Buddies"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 Ki�ileri G旦ster"

msgid "Notify buddies when you are typing"
msgstr "Yazmaya ba�lad脹�脹n脹zda ki�iler uyar脹ls脹n"

msgid "Log format"
msgstr "Kay脹t bi巽emi"

msgid "Log IMs"
msgstr "Anl脹k 聴letileri Kaydet"

msgid "Log chats"
msgstr "Sohbetleri kaydet"

msgid "Log status change events"
msgstr "Durum de�i�tirme olaylar脹n脹 kaydet"

msgid "Report Idle time"
msgstr "Bo�ta s端resini raporla"

msgid "Change status when idle"
msgstr "Bo�ken durumu de�i�tir"

msgid "Minutes before changing status"
msgstr "Durumunuzu de�i�tirmeden 旦nce ge巽ecek s端re"

msgid "Change status to"
msgstr "Durumu de�i�tir"

#. Conversations
msgid "Conversations"
msgstr "Yaz脹�malar"

msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Kay脹tlar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "You must fill all the required fields."
msgstr "Kay脹t alanlar脹n脹 doldurun."

#, fuzzy
msgid "The required fields are underlined."
msgstr "Gerekli %s eklentisi y端klenemedi."

msgid "Not implemented yet."
msgstr "�zellik hen端z eklenmedi."

msgid "Save File..."
msgstr "Dosyay脹 Kaydet..."

msgid "Open File..."
msgstr "Dosya A巽..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose Location..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Konumu"

msgid "Hit 'Enter' to find more rooms of this category."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Ayarla"

#. Create the window.
msgid "Room List"
msgstr "Oda Listesi"

msgid "Buddy logs in"
msgstr "Arkada�脹n脹z giri� yapt脹�脹nda"

msgid "Buddy logs out"
msgstr "Arkada�脹n脹z 巽脹k脹� yapt脹�脹nda"

msgid "Message received"
msgstr "Mesaj al脹nd脹�脹nda"

msgid "Message received begins conversation"
msgstr "Al脹nan mesaj yaz脹�may脹 ba�lat脹r"

msgid "Message sent"
msgstr "Mesaj g旦nderildi�inde"

msgid "Person enters chat"
msgstr "Ki�i sohbete kat脹ld脹ld脹�脹nda"

msgid "Person leaves chat"
msgstr "Ki�i sohbetten ayr脹ld脹�脹nda"

msgid "You talk in chat"
msgstr "Siz sohbette konu�tu�unuzda"

msgid "Others talk in chat"
msgstr "Di�erleri sohbet ederken"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Someone says your username in chat"
msgstr "Biri sohbette takma ad脹n脹z脹 s旦yledi"

msgid "GStreamer Failure"
msgstr "GStreamer Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "GStreamer failed to initialize."
msgstr "GStreamer ba�lat脹l脹rken hata olu�tu."

msgid "(default)"
msgstr "(旦ntan脹ml脹)"

msgid "Select Sound File ..."
msgstr "Ses Dosyas脹n脹 Se巽 ..."

msgid "Sound Preferences"
msgstr "Ses Tercihleri"

msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profiller"

msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Otomatik"

msgid "Console Beep"
msgstr "Konsol Bip Sesi"

msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komut"

msgid "No Sound"
msgstr "Ses Yok"

msgid "Sound Method"
msgstr "Ses Davran脹�lar脹"

msgid "Method: "
msgstr "_Davran脹�: "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Sound Command\n"
"(%s for filename)"
msgstr ""
"Ses Komutu\n"
"(dosya ismi i巽in %s)"

#. Sound options
msgid "Sound Options"
msgstr "Ses Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Sounds when conversation has focus"
msgstr "Sohbet odakland脹�脹nda ses 巽脹kar脹r"

msgid "Always"
msgstr "Her zaman"

msgid "Only when available"
msgstr "Sadece eri�ilebilir oldu�umda"

msgid "Only when not available"
msgstr "Sadece eri�ilebilir olmad脹�脹mda"

msgid "Volume(0-100):"
msgstr "Ses D端zeyi (0-100):"

#. Sound events
msgid "Sound Events"
msgstr "Ses Olaylar脹"

msgid "Event"
msgstr "Olay"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Dosya"

msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test Et"

msgid "Reset"
msgstr "S脹f脹rla"

msgid "Choose..."
msgstr "Se巽..."

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" 旦gesini silmek istedi�inizden emin misiniz ?"

msgid "Delete Status"
msgstr "Durumu Sil"

msgid "Saved Statuses"
msgstr "Kaydedilmi� Durumlar"

msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ba�l脹k"

msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tip"

#. Statuses are almost all the same. Define a macro to reduce code repetition.
#. PurpleStatusPrimitive
#. id - use default
#. name - use default
#. saveable
#. user_settable
#. not independent
#. Attributes - each status can have a message.
msgid "Message"
msgstr "聴leti"

#. Use
msgid "Use"
msgstr "Kullan"

msgid "Invalid title"
msgstr "Hatal脹 ba�l脹k"

msgid "Please enter a non-empty title for the status."
msgstr "L端tfen durum i巽in bo� olmayan bir ba�l脹k girin."

msgid "Duplicate title"
msgstr "Ba�l脹�脹 ikile"

msgid "Please enter a different title for the status."
msgstr "L端tfen durum i巽in farkl脹 bir ba�l脹k girin."

msgid "Substatus"
msgstr "Alt-durum"

msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Durum:"

msgid "Message:"
msgstr "聴leti:"

msgid "Edit Status"
msgstr "Durumu D端zenle"

msgid "Use different status for following accounts"
msgstr "Farkl脹 hesaplar i巽in farkl脹 durumlar kullan"

#. Save & Use
msgid "Save & Use"
msgstr "Kaydet & Kullan"

msgid "Certificates"
msgstr "Sertifikalar"

msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Sesler"

msgid "Statuses"
msgstr "Durumlar"

msgid "Error loading the plugin."
msgstr "Eklenti y端klenirken hata olu�tu."

msgid "Couldn't find X display"
msgstr "X ekran脹 bulunamad脹"

msgid "Couldn't find window"
msgstr "Pencere bulunamad脹"

msgid "This plugin cannot be loaded because it was not built with X11 support."
msgstr "Bu eklenti y端klenemez 巽端nk端 X11 deste�i olmadan in�a edilmi�."

msgid "GntClipboard"
msgstr "GntClipboard"

msgid "Clipboard plugin"
msgstr "Pano eklentisi"

msgid ""
"When the gnt clipboard contents change, the contents are made available to "
"X, if possible."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s just signed on"
msgstr "%s �imdi ba�land脹"

#, c-format
msgid "%s just signed off"
msgstr "%s �imdi 巽脹kt脹"

#, c-format
msgid "%s sent you a message"
msgstr "%s size bir ileti g旦nderdi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s said your nick in %s"
msgstr "%s %s kanal脹nda takma ad脹n脹z脹 s旦yledi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s sent a message in %s"
msgstr "%s %s kanal脹nda bir ileti g旦nderdi"

msgid "Buddy signs on/off"
msgstr "Ki�i ba�land脹�脹nda / 巽脹kt脹�脹nda"

msgid "You receive an IM"
msgstr "Bir Anl脹k 聴leti ald脹n脹z"

msgid "Someone speaks in a chat"
msgstr "Sohbette birileri konu�uyor"

msgid "Someone says your name in a chat"
msgstr "Biri sohbette takma ad脹n脹z脹 s旦yledi"

msgid "Notify with a toaster when"
msgstr "Bir toaster ile uyar"

msgid "Beep too!"
msgstr "Biip !"

msgid "Set URGENT for the terminal window."
msgstr "Terminal penceresi i巽in URGENT ayarla."

msgid "GntGf"
msgstr "GntGf"

msgid "Toaster plugin"
msgstr "Toaster eklentisi"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Conversation with %s on %s:</b><br>"
msgstr "<b> %s ile %s 端zerindeki diyalog:</b><br>"

msgid "History Plugin Requires Logging"
msgstr "Ge巽mi� Eklentisi Kay脹t Tutulmas脹n脹 Gerektirir"

msgid ""
"Logging can be enabled from Tools -> Preferences -> Logging.\n"
"Enabling logs for instant messages and/or chats will activate history for "
"the same conversation type(s)."
msgstr ""
"Kay脹t tutmay脹 etkinle�tirmek i巽in l端tfen Ara巽lar -> Tercihler -> Kay脹tlar "
"yolunu takip edin.\n"
"Anl脹k 聴letiler ya da sohetler i巽in kay脹t tutmay脹 etkinle�tirmek bu "
"yaz脹�malar i巽in ge巽mi� 旦zelli�ini de etkinle�tirecektir."

msgid "GntHistory"
msgstr "Ge巽mi�"

msgid "Shows recently logged conversations in new conversations."
msgstr "Son kaydedilen yaz脹�may脹 g旦sterir."

msgid ""
"When a new conversation is opened this plugin will insert the last "
"conversation into the current conversation."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklenti yeni bir yaz脹�ma a巽脹ld脹�脹nda eski yaz脹�malar脹 �imdiki yaz脹�man脹n "
"ba�脹na ekler."

#, c-format
msgid "Online"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i"

msgid "Offline"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Online Buddies"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 ki�iler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Offline Buddies"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 ki�iler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Online/Offline"
msgstr "Ba�lanma zaman脹:"

msgid "Meebo"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "No Grouping"
msgstr "Ses Yok"

msgid "Nested Subgroup"
msgstr ""

msgid "Nested Grouping (experimental)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Provides alternate buddylist grouping options."
msgstr "Evolution ile entegresyonu sa�lar."

msgid "Lastlog"
msgstr "Son Kay脹t"

#. Translator Note: The "backlog" is the conversation buffer/history.
msgid "lastlog: Searches for a substring in the backlog."
msgstr "lastlog: Kay脹tlar i巽erisinde bir ifadeyi araman脹z脹 sa�lar."

msgid "GntLastlog"
msgstr "Son Kay脹t"

msgid "Lastlog plugin."
msgstr "Son Kay脹t eklentisi"

msgid "accounts"
msgstr "hesaplar"

msgid "Password is required to sign on."
msgstr "Oturum a巽mak i巽in parola gerekli"

#, c-format
msgid "Enter password for %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s) i巽in parolan脹z脹 girin"

msgid "Enter Password"
msgstr "Parola"

msgid "Save password"
msgstr "Parolay脹 kaydet"

#, c-format
msgid "Missing protocol plugin for %s"
msgstr "%s eklentisi i巽in eksik protokol"

msgid "Connection Error"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Hatas脹"

msgid "New passwords do not match."
msgstr "Yeni �ifreler 巽eli�iyor."

msgid "Fill out all fields completely."
msgstr "T端m alanlar脹 doldurun."

msgid "Original password"
msgstr "Orijinal �ifre"

msgid "New password"
msgstr "Yeni �ifre"

msgid "New password (again)"
msgstr "Yeni �ifre (tekrar)"

#, c-format
msgid "Change password for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in �ifre de�i�tir"

msgid "Please enter your current password and your new password."
msgstr "L端tfen �u anki ve yeni �ifrenizi girin."

#, c-format
msgid "Change user information for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in kullan脹c脹 bilgilerini de�i�tir"

msgid "Set User Info"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisini De�i�tir"

msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"

msgid "Buddies"
msgstr "Ki�iler"

msgid "buddy list"
msgstr "ki�i listesi"

msgid "(DOES NOT MATCH)"
msgstr "(E�LE�M聴YOR)"

#. Make messages
#, c-format
msgid "%s has presented the following certificate for just-this-once use:"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Common name: %s %s\n"
"Fingerprint (SHA1): %s"
msgstr ""

#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be
msgid "Single-use Certificate Verification"
msgstr ""

#. Scheme name
#. Pool name
msgid "Certificate Authorities"
msgstr "Sertifika Sa�lay脹c脹lar脹"

#. Scheme name
#. Pool name
msgid "SSL Peers Cache"
msgstr ""

#. Make messages
#, c-format
msgid "Accept certificate for %s?"
msgstr "%s i巽in sertifika kabul edilsin mi?"

#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be
msgid "SSL Certificate Verification"
msgstr ""

#. Number of actions
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Kabul Et"

msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Reddet"

msgid "_View Certificate..."
msgstr "_Sertifikay脹 G旦ster..."

#. Prompt the user to authenticate the certificate
#. vrq will be completed by user_auth
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The certificate presented by \"%s\" is self-signed. It cannot be "
"automatically checked."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "The certificate chain presented for %s is not valid."
msgstr ""

#. TODO: Make this error either block the ensuing SSL
#. connection error until the user dismisses this one, or
#. stifle it.
#. TODO: Probably wrong.
#. TODO: Probably wrong
msgid "SSL Certificate Error"
msgstr "SSL Sertifika Hatas脹"

msgid "Invalid certificate chain"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz sertifika zinciri"

#. vrq will be completed by user_auth
msgid ""
"You have no database of root certificates, so this certificate cannot be "
msgstr ""

#. vrq will be completed by user_auth
msgid ""
"The root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The certificate chain presented by %s does not have a valid digital "
"signature from the Certificate Authority from which it claims to have a "
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid certificate authority signature"
msgstr ""

#. Prompt the user to authenticate the certificate
#. TODO: Provide the user with more guidance about why he is
#. being prompted
#. vrq will be completed by user_auth
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The certificate presented by \"%s\" claims to be from \"%s\" instead.  This "
"could mean that you are not connecting to the service you believe you are."
msgstr ""

#. Make messages
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Common name: %s\n"
"Fingerprint (SHA1): %s\n"
"Activation date: %s\n"
"Expiration date: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be
msgid "Certificate Information"
msgstr "Sertifika Bilgileri"

msgid "Registration Error"
msgstr "Kay脹t Hatas脹"

msgid "Unregistration Error"
msgstr "Kay脹t Silme Hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "+++ %s signed on"
msgstr "+++ %s giri� yapt脹"

#, c-format
msgid "+++ %s signed off"
msgstr "+++ %s 巽脹k脹� yapt脹"

msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata"

msgid "Unable to send message: The message is too large."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi: 聴leti 巽ok uzun."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message to %s."
msgstr "聴leti %s ki�isine g旦nderilemedi."

msgid "The message is too large."
msgstr "Mesaj脹n脹z 巽ok uzun."

msgid "Unable to send message."
msgstr "Mesaj g旦nderilemedi."

msgid "Send Message"
msgstr "聴leti G旦nder"

msgid "_Send Message"
msgstr "_聴leti G旦nder"

#, c-format
msgid "%s entered the room."
msgstr "%s odaya giri� yapt脹."

#, c-format
msgid "%s [<I>%s</I>] entered the room."
msgstr "%s [<I>%s</I>] odaya giri� yapt脹."

#, c-format
msgid "You are now known as %s"
msgstr "�imdi %s olarak biliniyorsunuz"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is now known as %s"
msgstr "%s �imdi %s olarak biliniyor"

#, c-format
msgid "%s left the room."
msgstr "%s odadan ayr脹ld脹."

#, c-format
msgid "%s left the room (%s)."
msgstr "%s odadan ayr脹ld脹 (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to get connection: %s"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 sa�lanamad脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to get name: %s"
msgstr "聴sim al脹m脹 ba�ar脹s脹z oldu: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to get serv name: %s"
msgstr "Sunucu ad脹 al脹m脹 ba�ar脹s脹z oldu: %s"

msgid "Purple's D-BUS server is not running for the reason listed below"
msgstr "Purple D-BUS sunucusu a�a�脹daki nedenden dolay脹 巽al脹�m脹yor"

msgid "No name"
msgstr "聴simsiz"

msgid "Unable to create new resolver process\n"
msgstr "Yeni 巽旦z端mleme s端reci ba�lat脹lamad脹\n"

msgid "Unable to send request to resolver process\n"
msgstr "�旦z端mleme s端recine istek g旦nderilemedi\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error resolving %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s 巽旦z端mlenirken hata:\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Error resolving %s: %d"
msgstr "%s 巽旦z端mlenirken hata: %d"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error reading from resolver process:\n"
msgstr ""
"�旦z端mleme s端recinden okunurken hata:\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Resolver process exited without answering our request"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Thread creation failure: %s"
msgstr "聴� par巽ac脹�脹 (thread) olu�turma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu: %s"

msgid "Unknown reason"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error reading %s: \n"
msgstr ""
"%s okuma hatas脹: \n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error writing %s: \n"
msgstr ""
"%s yazma hatas脹: \n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error accessing %s: \n"
msgstr ""
"%s eri�im hatas脹: \n"

msgid "Directory is not writable."
msgstr "Dizin yaz脹labilir de�il."

msgid "Cannot send a file of 0 bytes."
msgstr "0 baytl脹k bir dosya g旦nderemezsiniz."

msgid "Cannot send a directory."
msgstr "Bir dizin g旦nderemezsiniz."

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a regular file. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.\n"
msgstr "%s d端zg端n bir dosya de�il. �zerine yaz脹lmaktan vazge巽ildi.\n"

#, c-format
msgid "%s wants to send you %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s size �unu g旦ndermek istiyor: %s (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s wants to send you a file"
msgstr "%s size bir dosya g旦ndermek istiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Accept file transfer request from %s?"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan g旦nderilen dosyay脹 kabul ediyor musunuz?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"A file is available for download from:\n"
"Remote host: %s\n"
"Remote port: %d"
msgstr ""
"聴ndirmek i巽in dosya haz脹r:\n"
"Uzak bilgisayar: %s\n"
"Eri�im portu: %d"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is offering to send file %s"
msgstr "%s %s dosyas脹n脹 g旦ndermek istiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid filename.\n"
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir dosya ismi de�il.\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Offering to send %s to %s"
msgstr "Offering to send %s to %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Starting transfer of %s from %s"
msgstr "%s transferi, %s taraf脹ndan ba�lat脹l脹yor."

#, c-format
msgid "Transfer of file %s complete"
msgstr "%s transferi tamamland脹"

#, c-format
msgid "File transfer complete"
msgstr "Dosya transferi tamamland脹"

#, c-format
msgid "You canceled the transfer of %s"
msgstr "Dosya Transferinden Vazge巽ildi (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "File transfer cancelled"
msgstr "Dosya transferinden vazge巽ildi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s canceled the transfer of %s"
msgstr "%s, %s transferinden vazge巽ti"

#, c-format
msgid "%s canceled the file transfer"
msgstr "%s dosya transferinden vazge巽ti"

#, c-format
msgid "File transfer to %s failed."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹nda dosya transferi yap脹lamad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "File transfer from %s failed."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹ndan dosya transferi yap脹lamad脹."

msgid "Run the command in a terminal"
msgstr "Komutu bir terminalde 巽al脹�t脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"aim\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"aim\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"gg\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"gg\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"icq\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"icq\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"irc\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"irc\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"msnim\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr ""
"Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"msnim\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"sip\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"sip\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"xmpp\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr "Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"xmpp\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The command used to handle \"ymsgr\" URLs, if enabled."
msgstr ""
"Bu komut etkinle�tirilirse \"ymsgr\" adreslerini a巽mak i巽in kullan脹l脹r."

msgid "The handler for \"aim\" URLs"
msgstr "\"aim\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"gg\" URLs"
msgstr "\"gg\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"icq\" URLs"
msgstr "\"icq\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"irc\" URLs"
msgstr "\"irc\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"msnim\" URLs"
msgstr "\"msnim\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"sip\" URLs"
msgstr "\"sip\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"xmpp\" URLs"
msgstr "\"xmpp\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "The handler for \"ymsgr\" URLs"
msgstr "\"ymsgr\" adresleri i巽in yakalay脹c脹"

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"aim\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"aim\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"gg\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"gg\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"icq\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"icq\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"irc\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"irc\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"msnim\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"msnim\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"sip\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"sip\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"xmpp\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"xmpp\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"ymsgr\" "
msgstr ""
"\"komut\" i巽erisinde belirtilen komut k脹sayolu \"ymsgr\" adreslerini "
"yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid ""
"True if the command used to handle this type of URL should be run in a "
msgstr ""
"Bu komut bir u巽birimde 巽al脹�t脹r脹labilen adresleri yakalayabiliyorsa do�ru."

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"aim\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"aim\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"gg\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"gg\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"icq\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"icq\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"irc\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"irc\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"msnim\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"msnim\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"sip\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"sip\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"xmpp\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"xmpp\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"ymsgr\" URLs"
msgstr "Belirtilen komut \"ymsgr\" adreslerini yakalayabiliyor mu"

msgid "<b><font color=\"red\">The logger has no read function</font></b>"
msgstr "<b><font color=\"red\">Kaydedicinin okuma fonksiyonu yok</font></b>"

msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

msgid "Plain text"
msgstr "D端z metin"

msgid "Old flat format"
msgstr "Eski d端z bi巽em"

msgid "Logging of this conversation failed."
msgstr "Konu�man脹n kayd脹 yap脹lamad脹."

msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s &lt;AUTO-"
"REPLY&gt;:</b></font> %s<br/>\n"
msgstr ""
"<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s &lt;OTOMATIK-"
"CEVAPLA&gt;:</b></font> %s<br/>\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s &lt;AUTO-"
"REPLY&gt;:</b></font> %s<br/>\n"
msgstr ""
"<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s &lt;OTOMATIK-"
"CEVAPLA&gt;:</b></font> %s<br/>\n"

msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Unable to find log path!</b></font>"
msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>Kay脹t dosyas脹 yolu bulunamad脹!</b></font>"

#, c-format
msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Could not read file: %s</b></font>"
msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>Dosya okunam脹yor: %s</b></font>"

#, c-format
msgid "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n"
msgstr "(%s) %s <Otomatik-cevap>: %s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "You are using %s, but this plugin requires %s."
msgstr "%s kullan脹yorsunuz fakat bu eklenti %s gerektiriyor."

#, c-format
msgid "This plugin has not defined an ID."
msgstr "Bu eklentinin bir kimli�i yok."

#, c-format
msgid "Plugin magic mismatch %d (need %d)"
msgstr "Eklenti magic uyumsuzlu�u %d (gereken %d)"

#, c-format
msgid "ABI version mismatch %d.%d.x (need %d.%d.x)"
msgstr "ABI s端r端m uyumsuzlu�u %d %d.x(gereken %d %d.x)"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Plugin does not implement all required functions (list_icon, login and close)"
msgstr "Eklenti gereken fonksiyonlarla yaz脹lmam脹�."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The required plugin %s was not found. Please install this plugin and try "
msgstr ""
"Gerekli eklenti %s bulunamad脹. L端tfen eklentiyi kurun ve tekrar deneyin."

msgid "Unable to load the plugin"
msgstr "Eklenti y端klenemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "The required plugin %s was unable to load."
msgstr "Gerekli %s eklentisi y端klenemedi."

msgid "Unable to load your plugin."
msgstr "Eklentiniz y端klenemedi."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s requires %s, but it failed to unload."
msgstr "Ba�脹ml脹l脹klar脹 olan %s eklentisi kald脹r脹lamad脹."

msgid "Autoaccept"
msgstr "Otomatik-kabul et"

msgid "Auto-accept file transfer requests from selected users."
msgstr ""
"Se巽ilen kullan脹c脹lar taraf脹ndan g旦nderilen dosyalar脹 otomatik olarak kabul "

#, c-format
msgid "Autoaccepted file transfer of \"%s\" from \"%s\" completed."
msgstr ""
"Otomatik olarak kabul edilen \"%s\" dosyas脹n脹n \"%s\" ki�isinden aktar脹m脹 "

msgid "Autoaccept complete"
msgstr "Otomatik kabul etme i�lemi tamamland脹"

#, c-format
msgid "When a file-transfer request arrives from %s"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan g旦nderilen dosya aktar脹m iste�i al脹nd脹�脹nda"

msgid "Set Autoaccept Setting"
msgstr "Otomatik Kabul Etme Ayarlar脹n脹 D端zenle"

msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Kaydet"

msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "聴p_tal"

msgid "Ask"
msgstr "Sor"

msgid "Auto Accept"
msgstr "Otomatik Kabul Et"

msgid "Auto Reject"
msgstr "Otomatik Olarak Reddet"

msgid "Autoaccept File Transfers..."
msgstr "Otomatik Kabul Et Dosya Aktar脹mlar脹..."

#. XXX: Is there a better way than this? There really should be.
msgid ""
"Path to save the files in\n"
"(Please provide the full path)"
msgstr ""
"Dosyalar脹n kaydedilece�i dizinin yolu\n"
"(L端tfen tam adres verin)"

msgid "Automatically reject from users not in buddy list"
msgstr ""
"Ki�i listesinde olmayan kullan脹c脹lar taraf脹ndan g旦nderilenleri otomatik "
"olarak reddet"

msgid ""
"Notify with a popup when an autoaccepted file transfer is complete\n"
"(only when there's no conversation with the sender)"
msgstr ""
"Otomatik olarak kabul edilen bir dosya aktar脹m脹 bitti�inde uyar\n"
"(sadece kullan脹c脹 ile bir sohbet yoksa)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a new directory for each user"
msgstr "Aramak i巽in bir kullan脹c脹 dizini se巽in"

msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notlar"

msgid "Enter your notes below..."
msgstr "Notlar脹n脹z脹 a�a�脹ya girin..."

msgid "Edit Notes..."
msgstr "Notlar脹 D端zenle..."

#. *< major version
#. *< minor version
#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Buddy Notes"
msgstr "Ki�i Notlar脹"

#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "Store notes on particular buddies."
msgstr "Farkl脹 ki�iler i巽in not kaydet"

#. *< summary
msgid "Adds the option to store notes for buddies on your buddy list."
msgstr "Ki�i listenizdeki ki�ilere not ekleme se巽ene�ini sa�lar."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Cipher Test"
msgstr ""

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Tests the ciphers that ship with libpurple."
msgstr ""

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "DBus Example"
msgstr "DBus �rne�i"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "DBus Plugin Example"
msgstr "DBus Eklenti �rne�i"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "File Control"
msgstr "Dosya Kontrol端"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Allows control by entering commands in a file."
msgstr "Bir dosyaya komutlar girerek Pidgin'i kontrol etmenizi sa�lar."

msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Dakika"

#. This is a cultural reference.  Dy'er Mak'er is a song by Led Zeppelin.
#. If that doesn't translate well into your language, drop the 's before translating.
msgid "I'dle Mak'er"
msgstr "Ba�l脹 S端rem"

msgid "Set Account Idle Time"
msgstr "Ba�l脹 Kald脹�脹n S端reyi Ayarla"

msgid "_Set"
msgstr "_Ayarla"

msgid "None of your accounts are idle."
msgstr "Hesaplar脹n脹z脹n hi巽biri ba�l脹 de�il."

msgid "Unset Account Idle Time"
msgstr "Hesap Bo� Durma S端resini Belirleme"

msgid "_Unset"
msgstr "_Belirsiz"

msgid "Set Idle Time for All Accounts"
msgstr "T端m Hesaplar i巽in Bo�ta Zaman脹 Ayarla"

msgid "Unset Idle Time for All Idled Accounts"
msgstr "T端m Hesaplar i巽in Bo�ta Zaman脹 Ayarlamas脹n脹 Kald脹r"

msgid "Allows you to hand-configure how long you've been idle"
msgstr "Ne kadar ba�l脹 kald脹�脹n脹z脹 g旦steren s端reyi el ile ayarlaman脹z脹 sa�lar"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "IPC Test Client"
msgstr "IPC Test 聴stemcisi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a client."
msgstr ""

#. *  description
msgid ""
"Test plugin IPC support, as a client. This locates the server plugin and "
"calls the commands registered."
msgstr ""

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "IPC Test Server"
msgstr "IPC Test Sunucusu"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server."
msgstr ""

#. *  description
msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server. This registers the IPC commands."
msgstr ""

msgid "Join/Part Hiding Configuration"
msgstr ""

msgid "Minimum Room Size"
msgstr "En D端�端k Oda Boyutu"

msgid "User Inactivity Timeout (in minutes)"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Hareketsizli�i Zamana�脹m脹 (dakika olarak)"

msgid "Apply hiding rules to buddies"
msgstr ""

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Join/Part Hiding"
msgstr ""

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Hides extraneous join/part messages."
msgstr ""

#. *  description
msgid ""
"This plugin hides join/part messages in large rooms, except for those users "
"actively taking part in a conversation."
msgstr ""

#. This is used in the place of a timezone abbreviation if the
#. * offset is way off.  The user should never really see it, but
#. * it's here just in case.  The parens are to make it clear it's
#. * not a real timezone.
msgid "(UTC)"
msgstr "(UTC)"

msgid "User is offline."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 巽evrimd脹�脹."

msgid "Auto-response sent:"
msgstr "Otomatik-yan脹t g旦nderildi:"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has signed off."
msgstr "%s �imdi 巽脹k脹� yapt脹."

msgid "One or more messages may have been undeliverable."
msgstr "Bir ya da daha fazla ileti g旦nderilebilir de�il."

msgid "You were disconnected from the server."
msgstr "Sunucuyla ba�lant脹n脹z koptu."

msgid ""
"You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received unless you are "
"logged in."
msgstr "�uanda 巽evrimd脹�脹s脹n脹z. Oturum a巽ana kadar ileti alamayacaks脹n脹z."

msgid "Message could not be sent because the maximum length was exceeded."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi 巽端nk端 ileti uzunlu�u a�脹ld脹."

msgid "Message could not be sent."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi."

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "Adium"
msgstr "Adium"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Fire"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "Messenger Plus!"
msgstr "Messenger Plus!"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "QIP"
msgstr "QIP"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "MSN Messenger"
msgstr "MSN Messenger"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "Trillian"
msgstr "Trillian"

#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of
#. translators who wanted to transliterate them.  Many translators
#. choose to leave them alone.  Choose what's best for your language.
msgid "aMSN"
msgstr ""

#. Add general preferences.
msgid "General Log Reading Configuration"
msgstr "Genel Kay脹t Okuma Yap脹land脹rmas脹"

msgid "Fast size calculations"
msgstr "H脹zl脹 boyut hesaplama"

msgid "Use name heuristics"
msgstr "Sezgisel isim kullan"

#. Add Log Directory preferences.
msgid "Log Directory"
msgstr "Kay脹t Dizini"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Log Reader"
msgstr "Kay脹t Okuyucu"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. * summary
msgid "Includes other IM clients' logs in the log viewer."
msgstr ""

#. * description
msgid ""
"When viewing logs, this plugin will include logs from other IM clients. "
"Currently, this includes Adium, MSN Messenger, and Trillian.\n"
"WARNING: This plugin is still alpha code and may crash frequently.  Use it "
"at your own risk!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mono Plugin Loader"
msgstr "Mono Eklenti Y端kleyici"

msgid "Loads .NET plugins with Mono."
msgstr "Mono ile .NET eklentilerini y端kler."

msgid "Add new line in IMs"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add new line in Chats"
msgstr "Sohbetlere Uygula"

#. *< magic
#. *< major version
#. *< minor version
#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "New Line"
msgstr "Yeni Sat脹r"

#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "Prepends a newline to displayed message."
msgstr "G旦r端nt端lenen iletinin 端st k脹sm脹na bo� bir sat脹r ekler."

#. *< summary
msgid ""
"Prepends a newline to messages so that the rest of the message appears below "
"the username in the conversation window."
msgstr ""

msgid "Offline Message Emulation"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 聴leti Benzetimi"

msgid "Save messages sent to an offline user as pounce."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The rest of the messages will be saved as pounce. You can edit/delete the "
"pounce from the `Buddy Pounce' dialog."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" is currently offline. Do you want to save the rest of the messages in "
"a pounce and automatically send them when \"%s\" logs back in?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Offline Message"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 聴letisi"

msgid "You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy Pounces' dialog"
msgstr ""

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"

msgid "No"
msgstr "Hay脹r"

msgid "Save offline messages in pounce"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 iletileri uyar脹c脹 i巽ine kaydet"

msgid "Do not ask. Always save in pounce."
msgstr "Sorma. Herzaman uyar脹c脹ya kaydet."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Perl Plugin Loader"
msgstr "Perl Eklenti Y端kleyici"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *< summary
msgid "Provides support for loading perl plugins."
msgstr "Perl eklentilerini y端klemek i巽in destek sa�lar."

msgid "Psychic Mode"
msgstr "Ruhsal Durum"

msgid "Psychic mode for incoming conversation"
msgstr "Gelen sohbetler i巽in ruhsal durum"

msgid ""
"Causes conversation windows to appear as other users begin to message you.  "
"This works for AIM, ICQ, XMPP, Sametime, and Yahoo!"
msgstr ""

msgid "You feel a disturbance in the force..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Only enable for users on the buddy list"
msgstr "Sadece ki�i listemdeki kullan脹c脹lar脹 etkinle�tir"

msgid "Disable when away"
msgstr "Uzaktayken pasifle�tir"

msgid "Display notification message in conversations"
msgstr "Yaz脹�malarda uyar脹 iletilerini g旦ster"

msgid "Raise psychic conversations"
msgstr ""

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Signals Test"
msgstr "Sinyal Testi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Test to see that all signals are working properly."
msgstr "T端m sinyallerin do�ru 巽al脹�脹p 巽al脹�mad脹�脹n脹 g旦rmek i巽in test edin."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Simple Plugin"
msgstr "Basit Eklenti"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Tests to see that most things are working."
msgstr "�o�u �eyin 巽al脹�脹p 巽al脹�mad脹�脹n脹 g旦rmek i巽in test edin."

#. Scheme name
msgid "X.509 Certificates"
msgstr "X.509 Sertifikalar脹"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "GNUTLS"
msgstr "GNUTLS"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Provides SSL support through GNUTLS."
msgstr "GNUTLS 端zerinden SSL deste�i sa�lar."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "NSS"
msgstr "NSS"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Provides SSL support through Mozilla NSS."
msgstr "Mozilla NSS 端zerinden SSL deste�i sa�lar."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Provides a wrapper around SSL support libraries."
msgstr "SSL destek k端t端phaneleri i巽in bir sar脹c脹 sa�lar."

#, c-format
msgid "%s is no longer away."
msgstr "%s art脹k uzakta de�il."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has gone away."
msgstr "%s �imdi uzakta."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has become idle."
msgstr "%s �imdi bo�ta."

#, c-format
msgid "%s is no longer idle."
msgstr "%s art脹k bo�ta de�il."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has signed on."
msgstr "%s �imdi ba�l脹."

msgid "Notify When"
msgstr "Uyar脹 Zaman脹"

msgid "Buddy Goes _Away"
msgstr "Ki�i Uzakta _Durumuna Ge巽ince"

msgid "Buddy Goes _Idle"
msgstr "Ki�i ba�l脹 olunca"

msgid "Buddy _Signs On/Off"
msgstr "Ki�i _Giri�/�脹k脹� Yapt脹"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Buddy State Notification"
msgstr "Ki�i Durum Uyar脹s脹"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid ""
"Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from away or "
msgstr ""
"Ki�inin durumundaki de�i�iklikleri (D脹�arda!, burda, vs.) yaz脹�ma "
"penceresinde belirtir."

msgid "Tcl Plugin Loader"
msgstr "Tcl Eklentisi Y端kleyici"

msgid "Provides support for loading Tcl plugins"
msgstr "Tcl eklentilerini y端kleme deste�i sa�lar"

msgid ""
"Unable to detect ActiveTCL installation. If you wish to use TCL plugins, "
"install ActiveTCL from\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Apple Bonjour For Windows toolkit wasn't found, see the FAQ at: http://d."
" for more information."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to listen for incoming IM connections\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Unable to establish connection with the local mDNS server.  Is it running?"
msgstr ""

#. Creating the options for the protocol
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Ad"

msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Soyad"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Posta"

msgid "AIM Account"
msgstr "AIM Hesab脹"

msgid "XMPP Account"
msgstr "XMPP Hesab脹"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Bonjour Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Bonjour Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Purple Person"
msgstr "Mor Ki�i"

msgid "Bonjour"
msgstr "Bonjour"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has closed the conversation."
msgstr "%s yaz脹�may脹 kapatt脹."

msgid "Unable to send the message, the conversation couldn't be started."
msgstr "聴letiniz g旦nderilemedi, yaz脹�ma ba�lat脹lamad脹."

msgid "Cannot open socket"
msgstr "Soket a巽脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Could not bind socket to port"
msgstr "Soket porta y旦nlendirilemedi"

msgid "Could not listen on socket"
msgstr "Soketten okunam脹yor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Error communicating with local mDNSResponder."
msgstr "Sunucu ile ileti�im kurma hatas脹"

msgid "Invalid proxy settings"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz proxy ayarlar脹"

msgid ""
"Either the host name or port number specified for your given proxy type is "
msgstr ""
"Proxy ayarlar脹n脹z i巽in girdi�iniz host adresi ya da port numaras脹 ge巽erli "

msgid "Token Error"
msgstr "Belirti Hatas脹"

msgid "Unable to fetch the token.\n"
msgstr "聴fade e�lenemedi.\n"

msgid "Save Buddylist..."
msgstr "Ki�i Listesini Kaydet..."

msgid "Your buddylist is empty, nothing was written to the file."
msgstr "Ki�i listeniz bo�, dosyaya hi巽bir �ey yaz脹lmad脹."

msgid "Buddylist saved successfully!"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi ba�ar脹yla kaydedildi!"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't write buddy list for %s to %s"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi y端klenemedi"

msgid "Couldn't load buddylist"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi y端klenemedi"

msgid "Load Buddylist..."
msgstr "Ki�i Listesi Y端kle..."

msgid "Buddylist loaded successfully!"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi ba�ar脹yla y端klendi!"

msgid "Save buddylist..."
msgstr "Ki�i listesi Kaydet..."

msgid "Load buddylist from file..."
msgstr "Ki�i listesini dosyadan y端kle..."

msgid "Fill in the registration fields."
msgstr "Kay脹t alanlar脹n脹 doldurun."

msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Parolalar 巽eli�iyor."

msgid "Unable to register new account. Error occurred.\n"
msgstr "Yeni hesap kaydedilemedi. Bir hata olu�tu.\n"

msgid "New Gadu-Gadu Account Registered"
msgstr "Yeni Gadu-Gadu Hesab脹 Kaydedildi"

msgid "Registration completed successfully!"
msgstr "Kay脹t ba�ar脹yla tamamland脹!"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parola"

msgid "Password (retype)"
msgstr "Parola (tekrar)"

msgid "Enter current token"
msgstr "Ge巽erli ifadeyi girin"

msgid "Current token"
msgstr "Ge巽erli ifade"

msgid "Register New Gadu-Gadu Account"
msgstr "Yeni Gadu-Gadu Hesab脹 Olu�tur"

msgid "Please, fill in the following fields"
msgstr "L端tfen alanlar脹 doldurun"

msgid "City"
msgstr "�ehir"

msgid "Year of birth"
msgstr "Do�um Y脹l脹"

msgid "Gender"
msgstr "Cinsiyet"

msgid "Male or female"
msgstr "Bay veya Bayan"

msgid "Male"
msgstr " Bay"

msgid "Female"
msgstr "Bayan"

msgid "Only online"
msgstr "Sadece 巽evrimi巽i"

msgid "Find buddies"
msgstr "Ki�i bul"

msgid "Please, enter your search criteria below"
msgstr "L端tfen arama kriterinizi a�a�脹ya girin"

msgid "Fill in the fields."
msgstr "Alanlar脹 doldurun."

msgid "Your current password is different from the one that you specified."
msgstr "�imdiki parolan脹z 旦nceden belirledi�iniz paroladan farkl脹."

msgid "Unable to change password. Error occurred.\n"
msgstr "Parola de�i�tirilemedi. Hata olu�tu.\n"

msgid "Change password for the Gadu-Gadu account"
msgstr "Gadu-Gudu hesab脹 i巽in parola de�i�tir"

msgid "Password was changed successfully!"
msgstr "Parola ba�ar脹yla de�i�tirildi!"

msgid "Current password"
msgstr "�imdiki parola"

msgid "Please, enter your current password and your new password for UIN: "
msgstr "L端tfen UIN i巽in �imdiki parolan脹z脹 ve yeni parolan脹z脹 girin:"

msgid "Change Gadu-Gadu Password"
msgstr "Gadu-Gadu Parolas脹 De�i�tir"

#, c-format
msgid "Select a chat for buddy: %s"
msgstr "Ki�i i巽in bir sohbet se巽in : %s"

msgid "Add to chat..."
msgstr "Sohbete ekle..."

msgid "Available"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i"

#. get_yahoo_status_from_purple_status() returns YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM for
#. * the generic away state (YAHOO_STATUS_TYPE_AWAY) with no message
#. Away stuff
#, c-format
msgid "Away"
msgstr "Uzakta"

msgid "UIN"
msgstr "UIN"

msgid "First Name"
msgstr "聴sim"

msgid "Birth Year"
msgstr "Do�um Y脹l脹"

msgid "Unable to display the search results."
msgstr "Arama sonu巽lar脹 g旦sterilemedi."

msgid "Gadu-Gadu Public Directory"
msgstr "Gadu-Gadu A巽脹k Dizini"

msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Arama sonu巽lar脹"

msgid "No matching users found"
msgstr "Uygun kullan脹c脹 bulunamad脹"

msgid "There are no users matching your search criteria."
msgstr "Arama kirterlerinize uyan bir kullan脹c脹 bulunamad脹."

msgid "Unable to read socket"
msgstr "Soket okunam脹yor"

msgid "Buddy list downloaded"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi indirildi"

msgid "Your buddy list was downloaded from the server."
msgstr "Ki� listeniz sunucudan indirildi."

msgid "Buddy list uploaded"
msgstr "Ki�i listesi g旦nderildi"

msgid "Your buddy list was stored on the server."
msgstr "Ki�i listeniz sunucuya g旦nderildi."

msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kurulamad脹."

msgid "Add to chat"
msgstr "Sohbete ekle"

msgid "Chat _name:"
msgstr "Sohbet _ad脹:"

msgid "Chat error"
msgstr "Sohbet hatas脹"

msgid "This chat name is already in use"
msgstr "Bu sohbet ad脹 zaten kullan脹mda"

msgid "Not connected to the server."
msgstr "Sunucuya ba�l脹 de�ilsiniz."

msgid "Find buddies..."
msgstr "Ki�i bul..."

msgid "Change password..."
msgstr "Parola de�i�tir..."

msgid "Upload buddylist to Server"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesini Sunucuya G旦nder"

msgid "Download buddylist from Server"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesini Sunucudan 聴ndir"

msgid "Delete buddylist from Server"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesini Sunucudan Sil"

msgid "Save buddylist to file..."
msgstr "Ki�i listesini dosyaya kaydet..."

#. magic
#. major_version
#. minor_version
#. plugin type
#. ui_requirement
#. flags
#. dependencies
#. priority
#. id
#. name
#. version
msgid "Gadu-Gadu Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Gadu-Gadu Protokol端 Eklentisi"

#. summary
msgid "Polish popular IM"
msgstr "Polonyal脹 pop端ler H脹zl脹 Mesajla�ma"

msgid "Gadu-Gadu User"
msgstr "Gadu-Gadu Kullan脹c脹s脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown command: %s"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen komut: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "current topic is: %s"
msgstr "�imdiki konu: %s"

msgid "No topic is set"
msgstr "Konu ayarlanmam脹�"

msgid "File Transfer Failed"
msgstr "Dosya aktar脹m脹 ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "Could not open a listening port."
msgstr "Bir dinleme portu a巽脹lamad脹."

msgid "Error displaying MOTD"
msgstr "MOTD g旦r端nt端lenirken hata"

msgid "No MOTD available"
msgstr "Kullan脹labilir MOTD yok"

msgid "There is no MOTD associated with this connection."
msgstr "Bu ba�lant脹yla ilgili�kilendirilmi� bir MOTD yok."

#, c-format
msgid "MOTD for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in MOTD"

msgid "Server has disconnected"
msgstr "Sunucu ba�lant脹s脹 kesildi"

msgid "View MOTD"
msgstr "MOTD'yi g旦ster"

msgid "_Channel:"
msgstr "_Kanal"

msgid "_Password:"
msgstr "�_ifre"

msgid "IRC nicks may not contain whitespace"
msgstr "IRC isimler bo�luk karakteri i巽eremez"

#. 1. connect to server
#. connect to the server
msgid "Connecting"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹l脹yor"

msgid "SSL support unavailable"
msgstr "SSL deste�i mevcut de�il"

msgid "Couldn't create socket"
msgstr "Soket yarat脹lamad脹"

msgid "Couldn't connect to host"
msgstr "Ana bilgisayara ba�lan脹lamad脹"

msgid "Read error"
msgstr "Okuma hatas脹"

msgid "Users"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹lar"

msgid "Topic"
msgstr "Konu"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "IRC Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "IRC Protokol Eklentisi"

#. *  summary
msgid "The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less"
msgstr "Daha az Hatas脹 Olan IRC Eklentisi"

#. host to connect to
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Sunucu"

#. port to connect to
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"

msgid "Encodings"
msgstr "Kodlamalar"

msgid "Auto-detect incoming UTF-8"
msgstr ""

msgid "Real name"
msgstr "Ger巽ek Ad"

#. option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("Quit message"), "quitmsg", IRC_DEFAULT_QUIT);
#. prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);
msgid "Use SSL"
msgstr "SSL Kullan"

msgid "Bad mode"
msgstr "K旦t端 mod"

#, c-format
msgid "Ban on %s by %s, set %s ago"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Ban on %s"
msgstr "Sebep: %s"

#, fuzzy
msgid "End of ban list"
msgstr "Listede de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "You are banned from %s."
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan yasakland脹n脹z."

msgid "Banned"
msgstr "Yasakl脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot ban %s: banlist is full"
msgstr "%s banlanam脹yor: ban listesi dolu."

msgid " <i>(ircop)</i>"
msgstr "<i>(ircop)</i>"

msgid " <i>(identified)</i>"
msgstr "<i>(tan脹mland脹)</i>"

msgid "Nick"
msgstr "Takma isim"

msgid "Currently on"
msgstr "�u anda a巽脹k"

msgid "Idle for"
msgstr "Bo�ta s端resi"

msgid "Online since"
msgstr "Ba�lanma zaman脹:"

msgid "<b>Defining adjective:</b>"
msgstr "<br><b>Tan脹mlay脹c脹 s脹fat:</b>"

msgid "Glorious"
msgstr "Harika"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has changed the topic to: %s"
msgstr "%s konuyu de�i�tirdi: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has cleared the topic."
msgstr "%s konuyu sildi."

#, c-format
msgid "The topic for %s is: %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in konu: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown message '%s'"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ileti '%s'"

msgid "Unknown message"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ileti"

msgid "The IRC server received a message it did not understand."
msgstr "IRC sunucusu alg脹layamad脹�脹 bir ileti ald脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Users on %s: %s"
msgstr "Ki�iler %s: %s"

msgid "Time Response"
msgstr "Zaman Yan脹t脹"

msgid "The IRC server's local time is:"
msgstr "IRC Sunucusunun yerel saati:"

msgid "No such channel"
msgstr "B旦yle bir kanal yok"

#. does this happen?
msgid "no such channel"
msgstr "b旦yle bir kanal yok"

msgid "User is not logged in"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 oturum a巽mam脹�"

msgid "No such nick or channel"
msgstr "B旦yle bir ki�i veya kanal bulunamad脹"

msgid "Could not send"
msgstr "G旦nderilemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Joining %s requires an invitation."
msgstr "%s kat脹l脹m脹 davet gerektiriyor."

msgid "Invitation only"
msgstr "Sadece davetliler"

#, c-format
msgid "You have been kicked by %s: (%s)"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan at脹ld脹n脹z: (%s)"

#. Remove user from channel
#, c-format
msgid "Kicked by %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan at脹ld脹n脹z (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "mode (%s %s) by %s"
msgstr "mod (%s %s) , %s taraf脹ndan"

msgid "Invalid nickname"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz takma ad"

msgid ""
"Your selected nickname was rejected by the server.  It probably contains "
"invalid characters."
msgstr ""
"Se巽ti�iniz takma ad sunucu taraf脹ndan reddedildi.  Muhtemelen ge巽ersiz "
"karakterler i巽eriyor."

msgid ""
"Your selected account name was rejected by the server.  It probably contains "
"invalid characters."
msgstr ""
"Se巽ti�iniz hesap ad脹 sunucu taraf脹ndan reddedildi.  Muhtemelen ge巽ersiz "
"karakterler i巽eriyor."

msgid "Cannot change nick"
msgstr "Takma ad de�i�tirilemez"

msgid "Could not change nick"
msgstr "Takma ad de�i�tirilemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "You have parted the channel%s%s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Error: invalid PONG from server"
msgstr "Hata: sunucudan ge巽ersiz yan脹t (PONG)"

#, c-format
msgid "PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds"
msgstr "PING yan脹t脹 -- Gecikme: %lu saniye"

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot join %s: Registration is required."
msgstr "%s kanal脹na kat脹lamad脹n脹z: Kay脹t olam脹z gerekli."

msgid "Cannot join channel"
msgstr "Kanala girilemedi"

msgid "Nick or channel is temporarily unavailable."
msgstr "Takma ad veya kanal ge巽ici olarak hizmet d脹�脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Wallops from %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "action &lt;action to perform&gt;:  Perform an action."
msgstr "action &lt;action to perform&gt;:  Bir hareket yap."

msgid ""
"away [message]:  Set an away message, or use no message to return from being "
msgstr ""
"Uzakta [ileti]:  Bir uzakta iletisi yaz脹n, aksi durumda Uzakta oldu�unuzda "
"bo� uzakta iletisi kullan脹lacak."

msgid "ctcp <nick> <msg>: sends ctcp msg to nick."
msgstr ""

msgid "chanserv: Send a command to chanserv"
msgstr "chanserv: Chanserv'e bir komut g旦nderir"

msgid ""
"deop &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Remove channel operator status from "
"someone. You must be a channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""
"deop &lt;takma ad1&gt; [takma ad2] ...:  Bir kanal operat旦r端nden "
"operat旦rl端�端n端 al. Bunu yapabilmek i巽in kanal operat旦r端 olmal脹s脹n脹z."

msgid ""
"devoice &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Remove channel voice status from "
"someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You "
"must be a channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"invite &lt;nick&gt; [room]:  Invite someone to join you in the specified "
"channel, or the current channel."
msgstr ""
"invite &lt;nick&gt; [room]:  Birini se巽ti�iniz veya bulundu�unuz kanala "
"davet eder."

msgid ""
"j &lt;room1&gt;[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]:  Enter one or more "
"channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"join &lt;room1&gt;[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]:  Enter one or more "
"channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"kick &lt;nick&gt; [message]:  Remove someone from a channel. You must be a "
"channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"list:  Display a list of chat rooms on the network. <i>Warning, some servers "
"may disconnect you upon doing this.</i>"
msgstr ""
"list:  A�daki sohbet odalar脹n脹 listeler <i>Dikkat, baz脹 sunucular siz bunu "
"yaparken sohbet a�脹yla ba�lant脹n脹z脹 kesebilirler.</i>"

msgid "me &lt;action to perform&gt;:  Perform an action."
msgstr "me &lt;action to perform&gt;:  Bir eylem yap."

msgid "memoserv: Send a command to memoserv"
msgstr "memoserv: Memoserv'e bir komut g旦nderir"

msgid ""
"mode &lt;+|-&gt;&lt;A-Za-z&gt; &lt;nick|channel&gt;:  Set or unset a channel "
"or user mode."
msgstr ""
"mode &lt;+|-&gt;&lt;A-Za-z&gt; &lt;nick|channel&gt;:  Kanal veya kullan脹c脹 "
"modu ayarlama/belirsizle�tirme."

msgid ""
"msg &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Send a private message to a user (as "
"opposed to a channel)."
msgstr ""
"msg &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Bir ki�iye 旦zel mesaj yollar (kanala "

msgid "names [channel]:  List the users currently in a channel."
msgstr "names [channel]: Kanaldaki kullan脹c脹lar脹 listeler"

msgid "nick &lt;new nickname&gt;:  Change your nickname."
msgstr "nick &lt;new nickname&gt;:  Nick (takma ad脹n脹z脹) de�i�tirir."

msgid "nickserv: Send a command to nickserv"
msgstr "nickserv: Nickserv'e bir komut g旦nderir"

#, fuzzy
msgid "notice &lt;target&lt;:  Send a notice to a user or channel."
msgstr ""
"me &lt;action&gt;:  Ki�iye ya da sohbet odas脹na IRC stili hareket g旦nder."

msgid ""
"op &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Grant channel operator status to someone. You "
"must be a channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""
"deop &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Bir kanal operat旦r端nden durumunu almak i巽in "
"bir kanal operat旦r端 olmak zorundas脹n脹z."

msgid ""
"operwall &lt;message&gt;:  If you don't know what this is, you probably "
"can't use it."
msgstr ""
"operwall &lt;message&gt;:  Ne oldu�unu bilmiyorsan脹z muhtelemen "
"kullanamazs脹n脹z :)"

msgid "operserv: Send a command to operserv"
msgstr "opserv: Opserv'e bir komut g旦nderir"

msgid ""
"part [room] [message]:  Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, "
"with an optional message."
msgstr ""
"part [room] [message]:  Bulunulan veya belirtilen kanaldan e�er istenirse "
"bir mesaj yaz脹larak ayr脹l脹nabilir."

msgid ""
"ping [nick]:  Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) "
msgstr ""
"ping [nick]:  Bir kullan脹c脹n脹n ne kadar ping(lag)'a sahip oldu�unu sorar."

msgid ""
"query &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Send a private message to a user (as "
"opposed to a channel)."
msgstr ""
"query &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Kullanc脹ya 旦zel mesaj yollar (kanaldan "

msgid "quit [message]:  Disconnect from the server, with an optional message."
msgstr "quit [mesaj]:  Mesaj b脹rakarak sunucudan ayr脹l"

msgid "quote [...]:  Send a raw command to the server."
msgstr "quote [...]:  Sunucuya i�lenmemi� bir komut yollar"

msgid ""
"remove &lt;nick&gt; [message]:  Remove someone from a room. You must be a "
"channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""
"remove &lt;nick&gt; [message]:  Birini odadan uzakla�t脹r脹r. 聴sterseniz atma "
"mesaj脹 da yazabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak i巽in kanal operat旦r端 olmal脹s脹n脹z."

msgid "time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server."
msgstr "time: IRC sunucusundaki yerelzaman脹 g旦sterir."

msgid "topic [new topic]:  View or change the channel topic."
msgstr "topic [&lt;yeni konu&gt;]:  Konuyu de�i�tir veya g旦r端nt端le"

msgid "umode &lt;+|-&gt;&lt;A-Za-z&gt;:  Set or unset a user mode."
msgstr ""
"umode &lt;+|-&gt;&lt;A-Za-z&gt;:  Kullan脹c脹 modunu ayarlar/belirsizle�tirir."

msgid "version [nick]: send CTCP VERSION request to a user"
msgstr "version [takma ad]: Kullan脹c脹ya bir CTCP VERSION iste�i g旦nder"

msgid ""
"voice &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Grant channel voice status to someone. You "
"must be a channel operator to do this."
msgstr ""
"voice &lt;nick1&gt; [nick2] ...:  Bir kanal operat旦r端nden durumunu almak "
"i巽in bir kanal operat旦r端 olmak zorundas脹n脹z."

msgid ""
"wallops &lt;message&gt;:  If you don't know what this is, you probably can't "
"use it."
msgstr ""
"wallops &lt;message&gt;:   Ne oldu�unu bilmiyorsan脹z muhtelemen "
"kullanamazs脹n脹z :)"

msgid "whois [server] &lt;nick&gt;:  Get information on a user."
msgstr ""
"whois [server] &lt;nick&gt;:  nick takma adl脹 ki�i hakk脹nda bilgi getirir."

msgid "whowas &lt;nick&gt;: Get information on a user that has logged off."
msgstr ""
"whowas [server] &lt;nick&gt;:  �脹k脹� yapm脹� olan nick takma adl脹 ki�i "
"hakk脹nda bilgi getirir."

#, c-format
msgid "Reply time from %s: %lu seconds"
msgstr "%s yan脹t s端resi: %lu saniye"

msgid "PONG"
msgstr "PONG"

msgid "CTCP PING reply"
msgstr "CTCP PING yan脹t脹"

msgid "Disconnected."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kesildi."

msgid "Unknown Error"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata"

msgid "Ad-Hoc Command Failed"
msgstr "Ad-Hoc Komutu Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "execute"
msgstr "巽al脹�t脹r"

msgid "Server requires TLS/SSL for login.  No TLS/SSL support found."
msgstr ""
"Bu sunucu ba�lanmak i巽in TLS/SSL gerektirir. Hi巽 TLS/SSL deste�i bulunamad脹."

#, fuzzy
msgid "You require encryption, but no TLS/SSL support found."
msgstr ""
"Bu sunucu ba�lanmak i巽in TLS/SSL gerektirir. Hi巽 TLS/SSL deste�i bulunamad脹."

msgid "Server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream"
msgstr ""
"Sunucu �ifrelenmemi� bir ba�lant脹 端zerinden normal metin ile kimlik "
"do�rulama istiyor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection.  Allow "
"this and continue authentication?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plaintext Authentication"
msgstr "�ifresiz Metin Yetkilendirmesi"

msgid "Invalid response from server."
msgstr "Hata: sunucudan ge巽ersiz cevap"

msgid "Server does not use any supported authentication method"
msgstr "Sunucu bir kimlik do�rulama y旦ntemi kulanm脹yor"

msgid "Invalid challenge from server"
msgstr "Sunucudan ge巽ersiz yan脹t"

msgid "SASL error"
msgstr "SASL hatas脹"

msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Tam 聴sim"

msgid "Family Name"
msgstr "Soyad"

msgid "Given Name"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim"

msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

msgid "Street Address"
msgstr "Cadde"

msgid "Extended Address"
msgstr "Adres (devam)"

msgid "Locality"
msgstr "Yer"

msgid "Region"
msgstr "B旦lge"

msgid "Postal Code"
msgstr "Posta Kodu"

msgid "Country"
msgstr "�lke"

#. lots of clients (including purple) do this, but it's
#. * out of spec
msgid "Telephone"
msgstr "Telefon"

msgid "Organization Name"
msgstr "Organizasyon Ad脹"

msgid "Organization Unit"
msgstr "Organizasyon �nitesi"

msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rol"

msgid "Birthday"
msgstr "Do�um G端n端"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "A巽脹klama"

msgid "Edit XMPP vCard"
msgstr "XMPP VCard Dosyas脹n脹 D端zenle"

msgid ""
"All items below are optional. Enter only the information with which you feel "
msgstr ""
"A�a�脹daki t端m 旦geler se巽imlik. Kendinizi rahat hissedece�iniz bilgileri "

msgid "Client"
msgstr "聴stemci"

msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "聴�letim Sistemi"

msgid "Last Activity"
msgstr "Son Etkinlik"

msgid "Service Discovery Info"
msgstr "Servis Bulma Bilgileri"

msgid "Service Discovery Items"
msgstr "Servis Bulma �geleri"

msgid "Extended Stanza Addressing"
msgstr "Geni�letilmi� Stanza Adreslemesi"

msgid "Multi-User Chat"
msgstr "�ok Kullan脹c脹l脹 Sohbet"

msgid "Multi-User Chat Extended Presence Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "In-Band Bytestreams"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ad-Hoc Commands"
msgstr "Ad-Hoc Komutlar脹"

msgid "PubSub Service"
msgstr ""

msgid "SOCKS5 Bytestreams"
msgstr ""

msgid "Out of Band Data"
msgstr ""

msgid "XHTML-IM"
msgstr "XHTML-IM"

msgid "In-Band Registration"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Location"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Konumu"

msgid "User Avatar"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Resmi"

msgid "Chat State Notifications"
msgstr "Sohbet Durum Uyar脹s脹"

msgid "Software Version"
msgstr "Yaz脹l脹m S端r端m端"

msgid "Stream Initiation"
msgstr ""

msgid "File Transfer"
msgstr "Dosya Aktar脹m脹"

msgid "User Mood"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Modu"

msgid "User Activity"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Etkinli�i"

msgid "Entity Capabilities"
msgstr ""

msgid "Encrypted Session Negotiations"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Tune"
msgstr ""

msgid "Roster Item Exchange"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reachability Address"
msgstr "Eri�ebilirlik Adresi"

msgid "User Profile"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Profili"

msgid "Jingle"
msgstr ""

msgid "Jingle Audio"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Nickname"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Takma Ad脹"

msgid "Jingle ICE UDP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Jingle ICE TCP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Jingle Raw UDP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Jingle Video"
msgstr ""

msgid "Jingle DTMF"
msgstr ""

msgid "Message Receipts"
msgstr "聴leti Al脹nd脹�脹nda"

msgid "Public Key Publishing"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Yay脹nlama"

msgid "User Chatting"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Browsing"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Gaming"
msgstr ""

msgid "User Viewing"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ping"
msgstr "Ping"

msgid "Stanza Encryption"
msgstr "Stanza �ifrelemesi"

msgid "Entity Time"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delayed Delivery"
msgstr ""

msgid "Collaborative Data Objects"
msgstr ""

msgid "File Repository and Sharing"
msgstr ""

msgid "STUN Service Discovery for Jingle"
msgstr ""

msgid "Simplified Encrypted Session Negotiation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hop Check"
msgstr ""

msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "Yetenekler"

msgid "Priority"
msgstr "�ncelik"

msgid "Resource"
msgstr "Kaynak"

msgid "Middle Name"
msgstr "聴kinci 聴sim"

msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"

msgid "P.O. Box"
msgstr "Posta Kutusu"

msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Foto�raf"

msgid "Logo"
msgstr "Amblem"

msgid "Un-hide From"
msgstr "Gizleme"

msgid "Temporarily Hide From"
msgstr "Ge巽ici Olarak Gizlen"

#. && NOT ME
msgid "Cancel Presence Notification"
msgstr "Sunucuda Bulunma Bildirimini 聴ptal Et"

msgid "(Re-)Request authorization"
msgstr "Yeniden 聴zin 聴ste"

#. if(NOT ME)
#. shouldn't this just happen automatically when the buddy is
#. removed?
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "�yelikten �脹k"

msgid "Log In"
msgstr "Giri� Yap"

msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "�脹k脹� Yap"

msgid "Chatty"
msgstr "Konu�kan"

msgid "Extended Away"
msgstr "Uzun S端reli Uzakta"

#, c-format
msgid "Do Not Disturb"
msgstr "Rahats脹z Etme"

msgid "JID"
msgstr "JID"

msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Soyad"

msgid "The following are the results of your search"
msgstr "Arama sonu巽lar脹n脹z"

#. current comment from Jabber User Directory
msgid ""
"Find a contact by entering the search criteria in the given fields. Note: "
"Each field supports wild card searches (%)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Directory Query Failed"
msgstr "Dizin Sorgusu Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

msgid "Could not query the directory server."
msgstr "Dizin sunucu sorgulanamad脹."

#. Try to translate the message (see static message
#. list in jabber_user_dir_comments[])
#, c-format
msgid "Server Instructions: %s"
msgstr "Sunucu Bilgileri: %s"

msgid "Fill in one or more fields to search for any matching XMPP users."
msgstr "E�le�en bir XMPP kullan脹c脹s脹n脹 arama i巽in en az bir alan脹 doldurun."

msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "E-Posta Adresi"

msgid "Search for XMPP users"
msgstr "Bir XMPP kullan脹c脹s脹 ara"

#. "Search"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"

msgid "Invalid Directory"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Klas旦r"

msgid "Enter a User Directory"
msgstr "Bir Kullan脹c脹 Dizini Se巽in"

msgid "Select a user directory to search"
msgstr "Aramak i巽in bir kullan脹c脹 dizini se巽in"

msgid "Search Directory"
msgstr "Arama Dizini"

msgid "_Room:"
msgstr "_Oda:"

msgid "_Server:"
msgstr "Sunucu:"

msgid "_Handle:"
msgstr "_Tut:"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid room name"
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir oda ismi de�il"

msgid "Invalid Room Name"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Oda 聴smi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid server name"
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir sunucu ismi de�il"

msgid "Invalid Server Name"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Sunucu 聴smi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid room handle"
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir oda i�levi de�il."

msgid "Invalid Room Handle"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Oda 聴�levi"

msgid "Configuration error"
msgstr "D端zenleme hatas脹"

msgid "Unable to configure"
msgstr "D端zenlenemiyor"

msgid "Room Configuration Error"
msgstr "Oda D端zenleme Hatas脹"

msgid "This room is not capable of being configured"
msgstr "Bu kanal yap脹land脹r脹labilir de�il."

msgid "Registration error"
msgstr "Kay脹t olma hatas脹"

msgid "Nick changing not supported in non-MUC chatrooms"
msgstr "Takma ad de�i�tirmek MUC olmayan sohbet odalar脹nda desteklenmiyor"

msgid "Error retrieving room list"
msgstr "Oda listesi al脹n脹rken hata"

msgid "Invalid Server"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Sunucu"

msgid "Enter a Conference Server"
msgstr "Bir Konferans Sunucusuna Gir"

msgid "Select a conference server to query"
msgstr "Sorgulamak i巽in bir konferans sunucusu se巽in"

msgid "Find Rooms"
msgstr "Oda Bul"

msgid "You require encryption, but it is not available on this server."
msgstr ""

msgid "Write error"
msgstr "Yazma hatas脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Ping timeout"
msgstr "D端z metin"

msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Okuma hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not establish a connection with the server:\n"
msgstr ""
"Sunucu ile ba�lant脹 sa�lanamad脹:\n"

msgid "Unable to create socket"
msgstr "Soket olu�turulamad脹"

msgid "Invalid XMPP ID"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz XMPP Kimli�i"

msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set."
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz XMPP Kimli�i. Alan ad脹 ayarlanmal脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Registration of %s@%s successful"
msgstr "%s@%s kayd脹 ba�ar脹l脹 oldu"

#, c-format
msgid "Registration to %s successful"
msgstr "%s hesab脹na kay脹t ba�ar脹l脹 oldu"

msgid "Registration Successful"
msgstr "Kay脹t Ba�ar脹l脹"

msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Kay脹t Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

#, c-format
msgid "Registration from %s successfully removed"
msgstr "%s kayd脹 ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde silindi"

msgid "Unregistration Successful"
msgstr "Kay脹t Silme Ba�ar脹l脹"

msgid "Unregistration Failed"
msgstr "Kay脹t Silme Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

msgid "Already Registered"
msgstr "Zaten Kay脹tl脹"

msgid "State"
msgstr "Durum"

msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Posta kodu"

msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefon"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tarih"

msgid "Unregister"
msgstr "Kay脹t Sil"

msgid ""
"Please fill out the information below to change your account registration."
msgstr "Kay脹t bilgilerinizi de�i�tirmek i巽in a�a�脹daki bilgileri tamamlay脹n."

msgid "Please fill out the information below to register your new account."
msgstr "Kaydolmak i巽in a�a�脹daki bilgileri tamamlay脹n."

msgid "Register New XMPP Account"
msgstr "Yeni XMPP Hesab脹na Kay脹t Ol"

msgid "Register"
msgstr "Kay脹t Ol"

#, c-format
msgid "Change Account Registration at %s"
msgstr "%s Hesap Kayd脹n脹 De�i�tir"

#, c-format
msgid "Register New Account at %s"
msgstr "Yeni %s Hesab脹na Kay脹t Ol"

msgid "Change Registration"
msgstr "Kayd脹 De�i�tir"

msgid "Error unregistering account"
msgstr "Hesap silinirken hata olu�tu"

msgid "Account successfully unregistered"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde hesab脹n脹z脹 sildiniz"

msgid "Initializing Stream"
msgstr "Yay脹n Ba�lat脹l脹yor"

msgid "Initializing SSL/TLS"
msgstr "SSL/TLS Ba�lat脹l脹yor"

msgid "Authenticating"
msgstr "Kimlik Do�rulamas脹 Yap脹l脹yor"

msgid "Re-initializing Stream"
msgstr "Yay脹n Yeniden Ba�lat脹l脹yor"

msgid "Not Authorized"
msgstr "Yetki Verilmemi�"

msgid "Both"
msgstr "聴kisi de"

msgid "From (To pending)"
msgstr "Kimden (bekletiliyor)"

msgid "From"
msgstr "Kimden"

msgid "To"
msgstr "Kime"

msgid "None (To pending)"
msgstr "Hi巽biri (bekletiliyor)"

msgid "None"
msgstr "Hi巽biri"

msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "�yelik"

msgid "Mood"
msgstr "Ruh Hali"

msgid "Now Listening"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mood Text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allow Buzz"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Artist"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Title"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Album"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Genre"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Track"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Time"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune Year"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tune URL"
msgstr ""

msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "Parola De�i�ti"

msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr "Parolan脹z de�i�tirildi."

msgid "Error changing password"
msgstr "Parola de�i�tirilirken hata"

msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Yeni parola (tekrar)"

msgid "Change XMPP Password"
msgstr "XMPP Parolas脹 De�i�tir"

msgid "Please enter your new password"
msgstr "L端tfen yeni parolan脹z脹 girin"

msgid "Set User Info..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisi Ayarla..."

#. if (js->protocol_options & CHANGE_PASSWORD) {
msgid "Change Password..."
msgstr "Parola De�i�tir..."

#. }
msgid "Search for Users..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ara..."

msgid "Bad Request"
msgstr "K旦t端 聴stek"

msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "�ak脹�ma"

msgid "Feature Not Implemented"
msgstr "�zellik Eklenmedi"

msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr "Yasak"

msgid "Gone"
msgstr "Gitti"

msgid "Internal Server Error"
msgstr "聴巽 Sunucu Hatas脹"

msgid "Item Not Found"
msgstr "�ge Bulunamad脹"

msgid "Malformed XMPP ID"
msgstr "Bozuk XMPP Kimli�i"

msgid "Not Acceptable"
msgstr "Kabul Edilebilir De�il"

msgid "Not Allowed"
msgstr "聴zin Verilmemi�"

msgid "Payment Required"
msgstr "�deme Gerekli"

msgid "Recipient Unavailable"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Al脹c脹"

msgid "Registration Required"
msgstr "Kay脹t Gerekli"

msgid "Remote Server Not Found"
msgstr "Uzak Sunucu Bulunamad脹"

msgid "Remote Server Timeout"
msgstr "Uzak Sunucu Zamana�脹m脹na U�rad脹"

msgid "Server Overloaded"
msgstr "Sunucuya A�脹r脹 Y端klenme"

msgid "Service Unavailable"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Sunucu"

msgid "Subscription Required"
msgstr "Kay脹t Gerekli"

msgid "Unexpected Request"
msgstr "Beklenmeyen 聴stek"

msgid "Authorization Aborted"
msgstr "Yetkilendirmeden Vazge巽ildi"

msgid "Incorrect encoding in authorization"
msgstr "Kimlik Do�rulamada yanl脹� kodlama"

msgid "Invalid authzid"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz izin"

msgid "Invalid Authorization Mechanism"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Kimlik Do�rulama mekanizmas脹"

msgid "Authorization mechanism too weak"
msgstr "Kimlik Do�rulama mekanizmas脹 巽ok zay脹f"

msgid "Temporary Authentication Failure"
msgstr "Ge巽ici Olarak Kimlik Denetimi Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "Authentication Failure"
msgstr "Kimlik Denetimi Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "Bad Format"
msgstr "K旦t端 Bi巽em"

msgid "Bad Namespace Prefix"
msgstr "Yanl脹� 聴simlendirme �neki"

msgid "Resource Conflict"
msgstr "Kaynak �ak脹�mas脹"

msgid "Connection Timeout"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Zamana�脹m脹na U�rad脹"

msgid "Host Gone"
msgstr "Sunucu Gitti"

msgid "Host Unknown"
msgstr "Sunucu Bilinmiyor"

msgid "Improper Addressing"
msgstr "Uygunsuz Adresleme"

msgid "Invalid ID"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Kimlik"

msgid "Invalid Namespace"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz 聴simlendirme (Namespace)"

msgid "Invalid XML"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz XML"

msgid "Non-matching Hosts"
msgstr "Uyu�mayan Host'lar"

msgid "Policy Violation"
msgstr "Politika 聴hl但li"

msgid "Remote Connection Failed"
msgstr "Uzak Ba�lant脹 Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "Resource Constraint"
msgstr "Kaynak K脹s脹tlamas脹"

msgid "Restricted XML"
msgstr "K脹s脹tlanm脹� XML"

msgid "See Other Host"
msgstr "Di�er Host'u G旦r"

msgid "System Shutdown"
msgstr "Sistem Kapan脹yor"

msgid "Undefined Condition"
msgstr "Tan脹mlanmam脹� Ko�ul"

msgid "Unsupported Encoding"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Kodlama"

msgid "Unsupported Stanza Type"
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen Stranza T端r端"

msgid "Unsupported Version"
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen S端r端m"

msgid "XML Not Well Formed"
msgstr "XML Do�ru Bi巽imlendirilmemi�"

msgid "Stream Error"
msgstr "Ak脹� Hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to ban user %s"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na yasak konulamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown affiliation: \"%s\""
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ili�kilendirme: \"%s\""

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to affiliate user %s as \"%s\""
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 %s , \"%s\" olarak yetkilendirilemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown role: \"%s\""
msgstr "Bilinmeyen rol: \"%s\""

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to set role \"%s\" for user: %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" rol端 �u kullan脹c脹 i巽in ayarlanamad脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to kick user %s"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 tekmelenemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to ping user %s"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na ping at脹lamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to buzz, because there is nothing known about user %s."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to buzz, because user %s might be offline."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to buzz, because the user %s does not support it."
msgstr ""

#. Yahoo only supports one attention command: the 'buzz'.
#. This is index number YAHOO_BUZZ.
msgid "Buzz"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has buzzed you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Buzzing %s..."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na bir titre�im g旦nderiliyor..."

msgid "config:  Configure a chat room."
msgstr "config:  Sohbet odas脹n脹 d端zenle."

msgid "configure:  Configure a chat room."
msgstr "configure:  Sohbet odas脹n脹 d端zenle."

msgid "part [room]:  Leave the room."
msgstr "part [oda]:  Sohbetten ayr脹l"

msgid "register:  Register with a chat room."
msgstr "register:  Sohbet odas脹na kay脹t ol"

msgid "topic [new topic]:  View or change the topic."
msgstr "topic [yeni konu]:  Konuyu de�i�tir veya g旦r端nt端le"

#, fuzzy
msgid "ban &lt;user&gt; [reason]:  Ban a user from the room."
msgstr ""
"ban &lt;user&gt; [room]:  Kullan脹c脹y脹 odadan uzun s端reli uzakla�t脹r脹r "

msgid ""
"affiliate &lt;user&gt; &lt;owner|admin|member|outcast|none&gt;: Set a user's "
"affiliation with the room."
msgstr ""
"affiliate &lt;user&gt; &lt;owner|admin|member|outcast|none&gt;: Bir "
"kullan脹c脹n脹n odayla ili�kisini ayarlar."

msgid ""
"role &lt;user&gt; &lt;moderator|participant|visitor|none&gt;: Set a user's "
"role in the room."
msgstr ""
"role &lt;kullan脹c脹&gt; &lt;y旦netici|kat脹l脹mc脹|ziyaret巽i|hi巽biri&gt;: Bir "
"kullan脹c脹n脹n odadaki rol端n端 ayarla."

msgid "invite &lt;user&gt; [message]:  Invite a user to the room."
msgstr "invite &lt;user&gt; [message]:  Bir kullan脹c脹y脹 odaya davet eder"

#, fuzzy
msgid "join: &lt;room&gt; [password]:  Join a chat on this server."
msgstr "join: &lt;oda&gt; [sunucu]:  A�daki sohbete kat脹l"

#, fuzzy
msgid "kick &lt;user&gt; [reason]:  Kick a user from the room."
msgstr "kick &lt;user&gt; [room]:  Birini odadan atar"

msgid ""
"msg &lt;user&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Send a private message to another user."
msgstr "msg &lt;takmaisim&gt; &lt;mesaj&gt;:  Kullan脹c脹ya 旦zel mesaj g旦nder"

msgid "ping &lt;jid&gt;:\tPing a user/component/server."
msgstr ""

msgid "buzz: Buzz a user to get their attention"
msgstr "buzz: Kullan脹c脹n脹n sizi farketmesi i巽in titre�im yollar"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "XMPP Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "XMPP Protokol Eklentisi"

#. Translators: 'domain' is used here in the context of Internet domains, e.g.
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Alan Ad脹"

msgid "Require SSL/TLS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Force old (port 5223) SSL"
msgstr "Eski (port 5223) SSL kullan"

msgid "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams"
msgstr "�ifrelenmemi� sistemlerden gelen d端zyaz脹lara (plain text) izin ver."

msgid "Connect port"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 portu"

#. TODO: default to automatically try different ports. Make the user be
#. * able to set the first port to try (like LastConnectedPort in Windows client).
#. Account options
msgid "Connect server"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 sunucusu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "File transfer proxies"
msgstr "Dosya aktar脹m portu"

#. this should probably be part of global smiley theme settings later on,
#. shared with MSN
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Custom Smileys"
msgstr "�zel g端leny端zleri g旦ster"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has left the conversation."
msgstr "%s yaz脹�madan ayr脹ld脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Message from %s"
msgstr "%s konumundan ileti"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has set the topic to: %s"
msgstr "%s konuyu de�i�tirdi: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "The topic is: %s"
msgstr "Konu: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Message delivery to %s failed: %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in mesaj g旦nderimi ba�ar脹s脹z: %s"

msgid "XMPP Message Error"
msgstr "XMPP 聴leti Hatas脹"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "(Code %s)"
msgstr "(Kod %s)"

msgid "XML Parse error"
msgstr "XML ayr脹�t脹rma hatas脹"

msgid "Unknown Error in presence"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata"

msgid "Create New Room"
msgstr "Yeni Oda Olu�tur"

msgid ""
"You are creating a new room.  Would you like to configure it, or accept the "
"default settings?"
msgstr ""
"Yeni bir oda olu�turuyorsunuz.  Oday脹 yap脹land脹rmak m脹 旦ntan脹ml脹 ayarlar脹 "
"kullaanmak m脹 istersiniz?"

msgid "_Configure Room"
msgstr "_Oday脹 D端zenle"

msgid "_Accept Defaults"
msgstr "Varsay脹lanlar脹 _Kabul Et"

#, c-format
msgid "Error joining chat %s"
msgstr "%s sohbetine kat脹l脹rken hata"

#, c-format
msgid "Error in chat %s"
msgstr "%s sohbetinde hata"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user does not support file transfers"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 g旦nderilemedi, kullan脹c脹 dosya aktar脹mlar脹n脹 desteklemiyor"

msgid "File Send Failed"
msgstr "Dosya G旦nderimi Ba�ar脹s脹z"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send file to %s, invalid JID"
msgstr "聴leti %s ki�isine g旦nderilemedi, ge巽ersiz JID"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user is not online"
msgstr "Dosya %s ki�isine g旦nderilemedi, kullan脹c脹 ba�l脹 de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send file to %s, not subscribed to user presence"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na dosya g旦nderilemedi, kullan脹c脹 ba�l脹 de�il"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please select the resource of %s to which you would like to send a file"
msgstr ""
"L端tfen bilgilerini g旦rmek istedi�iniz ki�inin g旦r端nt端 veya etiket ismini "

msgid "Select a Resource"
msgstr "Bir Kaynak Se巽in"

msgid "Edit User Mood"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select your mood from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Set"
msgstr "Ayarla"

msgid "Set Mood..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Set User Nickname"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Takma Ad脹n脹 Ayarla"

msgid "Please specify a new nickname for you."
msgstr "L端tfen kendiniz i巽in yeni bir takma ad belirtin."

msgid ""
"This information is visible to all contacts on your contact list, so choose "
"something appropriate."
msgstr ""

msgid "Set Nickname..."
msgstr "Takma Ad Ayarla..."

msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Eylemler"

msgid "Select an action"
msgstr "Bir eylem se巽in"

msgid "Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book"
msgstr "MSN Adres Defteri getirilemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Buddy list synchronization issue in %s (%s)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s on the local list is inside the group \"%s\" but not on the server list. "
"Do you want this buddy to be added?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy "
"to be added?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse message"
msgstr "Mesaj ayr脹�t脹r脹lam脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Syntax Error (probably a client bug)"
msgstr "S旦zdizimi hatas脹 (muhtemelen bir istemci hatas脹)"

#, c-format
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz e-posta adresi"

#, c-format
msgid "User does not exist"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 mevcut de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "Fully qualified domain name missing"
msgstr "Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) yok"

#, c-format
msgid "Already logged in"
msgstr "Zaten 巽evrimi巽i"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz ad"

#, c-format
msgid "Invalid friendly name"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz arkada�l脹k ismi"

#, c-format
msgid "List full"
msgstr "T端m端n端 listele"

#, c-format
msgid "Already there"
msgstr "Zaten orada"

#, c-format
msgid "Not on list"
msgstr "Listede de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "User is offline"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 巽evrimd脹�脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Already in the mode"
msgstr "Zaten modda"

#, c-format
msgid "Already in opposite list"
msgstr "Zaten kar�脹 listede"

#, c-format
msgid "Too many groups"
msgstr "�ok fazla grup"

#, c-format
msgid "Invalid group"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz grup"

#, c-format
msgid "User not in group"
msgstr "Ki�i grupta de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "Group name too long"
msgstr "Grup ad脹 巽ok uzun"

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot remove group zero"
msgstr "S脹f脹r grup silinemez"

#, c-format
msgid "Tried to add a user to a group that doesn't exist"
msgstr "Bir ki�i, hen端z bulunmayan bir gruba eklenilmeye 巽al脹�脹ld脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Switchboard failed"
msgstr "Santral ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#, c-format
msgid "Notify transfer failed"
msgstr "Uyar脹 aktar脹m脹 ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#, c-format
msgid "Required fields missing"
msgstr "Gerekli alanlar eksik"

#, c-format
msgid "Too many hits to a FND"
msgstr "FND a 巽ok fazla vuru"

#, c-format
msgid "Not logged in"
msgstr "Oturum a巽脹lmam脹�"

#, c-format
msgid "Service temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "Bu servis ge巽ici olarak hizmet d脹�脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Database server error"
msgstr "Veritaban脹 sunucusu hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Command disabled"
msgstr "Komut pasifle�tirildi"

#, c-format
msgid "File operation error"
msgstr "Dosya i�lemi hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Memory allocation error"
msgstr "Bellek ay脹rma hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Wrong CHL value sent to server"
msgstr "Yanl脹� CHL de�eri sunucuya yolland脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Server busy"
msgstr "Sunucu me�gul"

#, c-format
msgid "Server unavailable"
msgstr "Sunucu ge巽ersiz"

#, c-format
msgid "Peer notification server down"
msgstr "Peer bildirim sunucusu 巽al脹�m脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Database connect error"
msgstr "Veritaban脹 ba�lant脹 hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Server is going down (abandon ship)"
msgstr "Sunucu kapan脹yor (terkedilmi� gemi)"

#, c-format
msgid "Error creating connection"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 olu�turma hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed"
msgstr "CVR parametrelerinden biri veya hepsi bilinmiyor veya izin verilmiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to write"
msgstr "Yaz脹lam脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Session overload"
msgstr "Oturuma a�脹r脹 y端klendi"

#, c-format
msgid "User is too active"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 巽ok aktif"

#, c-format
msgid "Too many sessions"
msgstr "�ok fazla oturum"

#, c-format
msgid "Passport not verified"
msgstr "Passport onaylanmad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Bad friend file"
msgstr "K旦t端 arkada� dosyas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Not expected"
msgstr "Beklenmeyen"

#, c-format
msgid "Friendly name changes too rapidly"
msgstr "Arkada�l脹k ad脹 巽ok h脹zl脹 de�i�iyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Server too busy"
msgstr "Sunucu 巽ok yo�un"

#, c-format
msgid "Authentication failed"
msgstr "Kimlik denetimi ba�ar脹s脹z"

#, c-format
msgid "Not allowed when offline"
msgstr "�evrim d脹�脹yken izin verilmiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Not accepting new users"
msgstr "Yeni kullan脹c脹 kabul edilmiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Kids Passport without parental consent"
msgstr "Ebeveyn izinsiz �ocuk Passport hesab脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Passport account not yet verified"
msgstr "Passport hesab脹 hen端z do�rulanmad脹"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Passport account suspended"
msgstr "Passport hesab脹 hen端z do�rulanmad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Bad ticket"
msgstr "K旦t端 bilet"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Error Code %d"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata Kodu %d"

#, c-format
msgid "MSN Error: %s\n"
msgstr "MSN Hatas脹: %s\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Other Contacts"
msgstr "�nerilen 聴rtibat"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Non-IM Contacts"
msgstr "Ki�iyi Kald脹r"

msgid "Nudge"
msgstr "Uyar脹"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has nudged you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Nudging %s..."
msgstr "%s Uyar脹l脹yor..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Email Address..."
msgstr "E-Posta Adresi"

msgid "Your new MSN friendly name is too long."
msgstr "Yeni MSN arkada�l脹k isminiz 巽ok uzun."

msgid "Set your friendly name."
msgstr "Arkada�l脹k ad脹n脹z脹 ayarlay脹n."

msgid "This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as."
msgstr "Bu isim MSN arkada�lar脹n脹za g旦r端nen isminizdir."

msgid "Set your home phone number."
msgstr "Ev telefon numaran脹z脹 ayarlay脹n."

msgid "Set your work phone number."
msgstr "聴� telefon numaran脹z脹 ayarlay脹n."

msgid "Set your mobile phone number."
msgstr "Mobil telefon numaran脹z脹 ayarlay脹n."

msgid "Allow MSN Mobile pages?"
msgstr "MSN Mobil Sayfalar脹na izin verilsin mi ?"

msgid ""
"Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN "
"Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allow"
msgstr "聴zin ver"

msgid "Disallow"
msgstr "聴zin verme"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Blocked Text for %s"
msgstr "%s ki�isi i巽in a巽脹klama"

#, fuzzy
msgid "No text is blocked for this account."
msgstr "Bu hesap i巽in b_u ki�i simgesini kullan:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"MSN servers are currently blocking the following regular expressions:<br/>%s"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "This account does not have email enabled."
msgstr "Bu Hotmail hesab脹 aktif olmayabilir."

msgid "Send a mobile message."
msgstr "Bir SMS g旦nder."

msgid "Page"
msgstr "Sayfa"

msgid "Has you"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Home Phone Number"
msgstr "Ev Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Work Phone Number"
msgstr "聴� Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Mobile Phone Number"
msgstr "Cep Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

msgid "Be Right Back"
msgstr "Hemen D旦necek"

msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Me�gul"

msgid "On the Phone"
msgstr "Telefonda"

msgid "Out to Lunch"
msgstr "Yemekte"

#. primitive
#. ID
#. name - use default
#. saveable
#. should be user_settable some day
#. independent
#, fuzzy
msgid "Artist"
msgstr "Sanat巽脹lar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Album"
msgstr "Adium"

msgid "Set Friendly Name..."
msgstr "Arkada�l脹k 聴smi Ayarla..."

msgid "Set Home Phone Number..."
msgstr "Ev Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

msgid "Set Work Phone Number..."
msgstr "聴� Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

msgid "Set Mobile Phone Number..."
msgstr "Cep Telefonu Numaras脹 Ayarla..."

msgid "Enable/Disable Mobile Devices..."
msgstr "Mobil Ayg脹tlar脹 Etkinle�tir/Pasifle�tir"

msgid "Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages..."
msgstr "Mobil Sayfalar脹na 聴zin Ver/Reddet"

msgid "View Blocked Text..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Open Hotmail Inbox"
msgstr "Hotmail Gelen Kutusunu A巽"

msgid "Send to Mobile"
msgstr "Cebine G旦nder"

msgid "Initiate _Chat"
msgstr "Ki�iyle Sohbete _Ba�la"

msgid "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library."
msgstr ""
"MSN i巽in SSL deste�i gereklidir. L端tfen ge巽erli bir SSL k端t端phanesi y端kleyin."

msgid "Failed to connect to server."
msgstr "Sunucuya ba�lan脹lamad脹"

msgid "Error retrieving profile"
msgstr "Profil al脹n脹rken hata"

msgid "General"
msgstr "Genel"

msgid "Age"
msgstr "Ya�"

msgid "Occupation"
msgstr "Meslek"

msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"

msgid "Hobbies and Interests"
msgstr "Hobiler ve 聴lgi Alanlar脹"

msgid "A Little About Me"
msgstr "Benim Hakk脹mda Birka巽 �ey"

msgid "Social"
msgstr "Sosyal"

msgid "Marital Status"
msgstr "Medeni Hali"

msgid "Interests"
msgstr "聴lgiler"

msgid "Pets"
msgstr "Evcil hayvanlar"

msgid "Hometown"
msgstr "Memleket"

msgid "Places Lived"
msgstr "ya�ad脹�脹 Yerler"

msgid "Fashion"
msgstr "Moda"

msgid "Humor"
msgstr "Mizah"

msgid "Music"
msgstr "M端zik"

msgid "Favorite Quote"
msgstr "En Sevdi�i S旦z"

msgid "Contact Info"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Bilgileri"

msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Ki�isel"

msgid "Significant Other"
msgstr "�nemli Di�erleri"

msgid "Home Phone"
msgstr "Ev Telefonu"

msgid "Home Phone 2"
msgstr "Ev Telefonu2"

msgid "Home Address"
msgstr "Ev Adresi"

msgid "Personal Mobile"
msgstr "Ki�isel Cep Telefonu"

msgid "Home Fax"
msgstr "Ev Faks脹"

msgid "Personal Email"
msgstr "Ki�isel E-posta"

msgid "Personal IM"
msgstr "Ki�isel An脹nda Mesajla�ma Adresi"

msgid "Anniversary"
msgstr "Y脹ld旦n端m端"

#. Business
msgid "Work"
msgstr "聴�"

msgid "Job Title"
msgstr "聴�i"

msgid "Company"
msgstr "�irket"

msgid "Department"
msgstr "Departman"

msgid "Profession"
msgstr "Uzmanl脹k"

msgid "Work Phone"
msgstr "聴� Telefonu"

msgid "Work Phone 2"
msgstr "聴� Telefonu2"

msgid "Work Address"
msgstr "聴� Adresi"

msgid "Work Mobile"
msgstr "聴� Cep Telefonu"

msgid "Work Pager"
msgstr "聴� �a�r脹 Cihaz脹"

msgid "Work Fax"
msgstr "聴� Faks脹"

msgid "Work Email"
msgstr "聴� E-Postas脹"

msgid "Work IM"
msgstr "聴� An脹nda Mesajla�ma Adresi"

msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Ba�lama Tarihi"

msgid "Favorite Things"
msgstr "Sevdi�i �eyler"

msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Son G端ncelleme"

msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Anasayfa"

msgid "The user has not created a public profile."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 genel bir profil olu�turmam脹�."

msgid ""
"MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means "
"that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a "
"public profile."
msgstr ""
"MSN kulllan脹c脹n脹n profilini bulam脹yor. Bu durumda kullan脹c脹 mevcut de�ildir, "
"ya da genel bir profil olu�turmam脹�t脹r."

msgid ""
"Could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely "
"does not exist."
msgstr ""

msgid "Profile URL"
msgstr "Profil URL"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *< summary
msgid "Windows Live Messenger Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Windows Live Messenger Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Use HTTP Method"
msgstr "HTTP Metodunu Kullan"

msgid "HTTP Method Server"
msgstr "HTTP Y旦ntem Sunucusu"

msgid "Show custom smileys"
msgstr "�zel g端leny端zleri g旦ster"

msgid "nudge: nudge a user to get their attention"
msgstr "nudge : kullan脹c脹lar脹n sizi farketmesi i巽in d端rtme uyar脹s脹"

msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Unable to connect"
msgstr "Windows Live ID Kimlik Do�rulamas脹: Ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Invalid response"
msgstr "Windows Live ID Kimlik Do�rulamas脹: Ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid group."
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir grup de�il."

msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata"

#, c-format
msgid "%s on %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s - %s (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s just sent you a Nudge!"
msgstr "%s size bir titre�im g旦nderdi!"

#. char *adl = g_strndup(payload, len);
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error (%d)"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata (%d)"

msgid "Unable to add user"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 eklenemedi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "The following users are missing from your addressbook"
msgstr "Arama sonu巽lar脹n脹z"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add user on %s (%s)"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 %s 'a eklenemiyor (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to block user on %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s i巽indeki kullan脹c脹 engellenemiyor (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to permit user on %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s i巽indeki kullan脹c脹ya izin verilemiyor (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s could not be added because your buddy list is full."
msgstr "%s eklenemiyor, 巽端nk端 listeniz dolu durumda."

#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid passport account."
msgstr "%s ge巽erli bir passport hesab脹 de�il."

msgid "Service Temporarily Unavailable."
msgstr "Bu Servis Ge巽ici Olarak Hizmet D脹�脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Mobile message was not sent because it was too long."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmedi, 巽端nk端 oturum a巽mam脹�s脹n脹z."

msgid "Unable to rename group"
msgstr "Grup ad脹 de�i�tirilemiyor"

msgid "Unable to delete group"
msgstr "Grup silinemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will "
"automatically be signed out at that time.  Please finish any conversations "
"in progress.\n"
"After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully "
"sign in."
msgid_plural ""
"The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will "
"automatically be signed out at that time.  Please finish any conversations "
"in progress.\n"
"After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully "
"sign in."
msgstr[0] ""
"MSN sunucusu bak脹m i巽in %d dakika sonra kapanacakt脹r. Otomatik olarak "
"巽evrimd脹�脹 olaca�脹n脹zdan yaz脹�malar脹n脹z脹 bitirmenizi 旦neririz.\n"
"Bak脹m tamamland脹�脹nda tekrar ba�ar脹yla oturum a巽abileceksiniz."

msgid ""
"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally "
"happens when the user is blocked or does not exist."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Message was not sent because messages are being sent too quickly."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 巽ok 巽abuk g旦nderdik:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown encoding error occurred."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 bilinmeyen bir hata meydana geldi:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 bilinmeyen bir hata meydana geldi:"

msgid "Unable to connect"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Writing error"
msgstr "Yazma hatas脹"

msgid "Reading error"
msgstr "Okuma hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Connection error from %s server:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s sunucusuna ba�lanma hatas脹:\n"

msgid "Our protocol is not supported by the server."
msgstr "Bu protokol sunucu taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor."

msgid "Error parsing HTTP."
msgstr "HTTP ayr脹�t脹rma hatas脹"

msgid "You have signed on from another location."
msgstr "Ba�ka bir programla oturum a巽t脹n脹z."

msgid "The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again."
msgstr ""
"MSN sunucular ge巽ici olarak servis d脹�脹d脹r. L端tfen bekleyin ve tekrar "

msgid "The MSN servers are going down temporarily."
msgstr "MSN sunucusu ge巽ici olarak kapat脹l脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to authenticate: %s"
msgstr "Do�ruluk kan脹tlanam脹yor: %s"

msgid ""
"Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again."
msgstr ""
"MSN listenize ge巽ici olarak ba�lan脹lam脹yor. L端tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."

msgid "Handshaking"
msgstr "El S脹k脹�ma"

msgid "Transferring"
msgstr "Aktar脹l脹yor"

msgid "Starting authentication"
msgstr "Kimlik denetleniyor"

msgid "Getting cookie"
msgstr "�erez al脹n脹yor"

msgid "Sending cookie"
msgstr "�erez g旦nderiliyor"

msgid "Retrieving buddy list"
msgstr "Liste al脹n脹yor"

msgid "Away From Computer"
msgstr "Bilgisayardan Uzakta"

msgid "On The Phone"
msgstr "Telefonda"

msgid "Out To Lunch"
msgstr "Yemekte"

msgid "Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 bir zaman a�脹m脹 meydana geldi:"

msgid "Message could not be sent, not allowed while invisible:"
msgstr ""
"聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 g旦r端nmez iken yollamaya izin verilmiyor:"

msgid "Message could not be sent because the user is offline:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 kullan脹c脹 巽evrimd脹�脹:"

msgid "Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 bir ba�lant脹 hatas脹 olu�tu:"

msgid "Message could not be sent because we are sending too quickly:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 巽ok 巽abuk g旦nderdik:"

msgid ""
"Message could not be sent because we were unable to establish a session with "
"the server. This is likely a server problem, try again in a few minutes:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 santralle bir problem olu�tu:"

msgid "Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:"
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilmemi� olabilir 巽端nk端 bilinmeyen bir hata meydana geldi:"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has added you to his or her buddy list."
msgstr "%s sizi ki�i listesine ekledi."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has removed you from his or her buddy list."
msgstr "%s sizi ki�i listesinden sildi."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Buddy from Address Book?"
msgstr "Adres Defterine Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you want to delete this buddy from your address book as well?"
msgstr "Bunu arkada� listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

#. only notify the user about problems adding to the friends list
#. * maybe we should do something else for other lists, but it probably
#. * won't cause too many problems if we just ignore it
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add \"%s\"."
msgstr "\"%s\" eklenemiyor."

#, fuzzy
msgid "The username specified is invalid."
msgstr "Belirlenen g旦r端nt端 ad脹 ge巽ersiz."

msgid "This Hotmail account may not be active."
msgstr "Bu Hotmail hesab脹 aktif olmayabilir."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
#, fuzzy
msgid "MSN Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "AIM Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Missing Cipher"
msgstr ""

msgid "The RC4 cipher could not be found"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Upgrade to a libpurple with RC4 support (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM plugin will "
"not be loaded."
msgstr ""

msgid "Reading challenge"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unexpected challenge length from server"
msgstr ""

msgid "Logging in"
msgstr "Giri� yap脹l脹yor"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connection to server lost (no data received within %d second)"
msgid_plural "Connection to server lost (no data received within %d seconds)"
msgstr[0] "Sunucuya yap脹lan ba�lant脹 kapand脹 (%d saniyedir veri al脹nam脹yor)"

#. Can't write _()'d strings in array initializers. Workaround.
msgid "New mail messages"
msgstr "Yeni e-posta iletisi"

msgid "New blog comments"
msgstr "Yeni g端nl端k yorumlar脹"

msgid "New profile comments"
msgstr "Yeni profil yorumlar脹"

msgid "New friend requests!"
msgstr "Yeni arkada�l脹k iste�i!"

msgid "New picture comments"
msgstr "Yeni resim yorumlar脹"

msgid "MySpace"
msgstr "MySpace"

#, fuzzy
msgid "MySpaceIM - No Username Set"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 ad脹 ayarlanmad脹"

msgid "You appear to have no MySpace username."
msgstr ""

msgid "Would you like to set one now? (Note: THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!)"
msgstr ""

#. The session is now set up, ready to be connected. This emits the
#. * signedOn signal, so clients can now do anything with msimprpl, and
#. * we're ready for it (session key, userid, username all setup).
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Ba�land脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Protocol error, code %d: %s"
msgstr "Protokol hatas脹, kod: %d: %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s Your password is %d characters, greater than the expected maximum length "
"of %d for MySpaceIM. Please shorten your password at http://profileedit."
" and try "
msgstr ""

msgid "MySpaceIM Error"
msgstr "MySpaceIM Hatas脹"

msgid "Failed to add buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i eklenemedi"

msgid "'addbuddy' command failed."
msgstr "'addbuddy' komutu ba�ar脹s脹z oldu."

msgid "persist command failed"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "No such user: %s"
msgstr "B旦yle bir kullan脹c脹 yok: %s"

msgid "User lookup"
msgstr ""

msgid "Failed to remove buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i silinemedi"

msgid "'delbuddy' command failed"
msgstr "'delbuddy' komutu ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "blocklist command failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid input condition"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz girdi durumu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Read buffer full (2)"
msgstr "Okuma ara belle�i dolu"

msgid "Unparseable message"
msgstr "Ayr脹�t脹r脹lamayan ileti"

#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't connect to host: %s (%d)"
msgstr "Bilgisayara ba�lan脹lamad脹: %s (%d)"

msgid "IM Friends"
msgstr "H脹zl脹 Mesajla�ma Arkada�lar脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%d buddy was added or updated from the server (including buddies already on "
"the server-side list)"
msgid_plural ""
"%d buddies were added or updated from the server (including buddies already "
"on the server-side list)"
msgstr[0] ""

msgid "Add contacts from server"
msgstr "Sunucudan ki�ileri ekle"

msgid "Add friends from"
msgstr " adresinden yeni arkada�lar ekle"

msgid "Importing friends failed"
msgstr "Arkada�lar脹 i巽eri aktarma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#. TODO: find out how
msgid "Find people..."
msgstr "Ki�i bul..."

msgid "Change IM name..."
msgstr "H脹zl脹 Mesajla�ma ad脹n脹 de�i�tir..."

msgid "myim URL handler"
msgstr "myim adres yakalay脹c脹"

msgid "No suitable MySpaceIM account could be found to open this myim URL."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enable the proper MySpaceIM account and try again."
msgstr ""

msgid "Show display name in status text"
msgstr "Durum metninde g旦r端nen ismi g旦ster"

msgid "Show headline in status text"
msgstr "Durum metninde ba�l脹�脹 g旦ster"

msgid "Send emoticons"
msgstr "Duygu simgeleri g旦nder"

msgid "Screen resolution (dots per inch)"
msgstr "Ekran �旦z端n端rl端�端 (her in巽 i巽in nokta)"

msgid "Base font size (points)"
msgstr "Temel yaz脹tipi boyutu (pt)"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹"

msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"

msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Man�et"

msgid "Song"
msgstr "�ark脹"

msgid "Total Friends"
msgstr "Toplam Arkada�lar"

msgid "Client Version"
msgstr "聴stemci S端r端m端"

#. Protocol won't log in now without a username set.. Disconnect
msgid "No username set"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 ad脹 ayarlanmad脹"

msgid "MySpaceIM - Please Set a Username"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter a username to check its availability:"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "MySpaceIM - Username Available"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Sunucu"

msgid "This username is available. Would you like to set it?"
msgstr ""

msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "This username is unavailable."
msgstr "Bu tema g端leny端z i巽ermiyor."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please try another username:"
msgstr "L端tfen %s i巽in yeni ismi girin"

#. TODO: icons for each zap
#. Lots of comments for translators:
#. Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a
#. * projectile or weapon."  This term often has an electrical
#. * connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when
#. * he put a fork in the toaster."
msgid "Zap"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has zapped you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Zapping %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow"
msgid "Whack"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has whacked you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Whacking %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Torch means "to set on fire."  Don't worry, this doesn't
#. * make a whole lot of sense in English, either.  Feel free
#. * to translate it literally.
msgid "Torch"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has torched you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Torching %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically"
msgid "Smooch"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has smooched you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Smooching %s..."
msgstr ""

#. A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone
msgid "Hug"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has hugged you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Hugging %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand"
msgid "Slap"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has slapped you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Slapping %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt"
msgid "Goose"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has goosed you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Goosing %s..."
msgstr ""

#. A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other
#. * in the air above their heads.  It is done to celebrate
#. * something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone.
msgid "High-five"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has high-fived you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "High-fiving %s..."
msgstr ""

#. We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by
#. * this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank."  Or, for
#. * someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke.
msgid "Punk"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has punk'd you!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Punking %s..."
msgstr ""

#. Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made
#. * when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your
#. * lips closed and blow.  It is typically done when
#. * gloating or bragging.  Nowadays it's a pretty silly
#. * gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative
#. * connotation.  It is generally used in a playful tone
#. * with friends.
msgid "Raspberry"
msgstr "Ahududu"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has raspberried you!"
msgstr "%s sizi ahududulad脹!"

#, c-format
msgid "Raspberrying %s..."
msgstr "%s Ahududulan脹yor..."

msgid "Required parameters not passed in"
msgstr "Zorunlu parametreler ge巽erli say脹lmad脹"

msgid "Unable to write to network"
msgstr "A�a yaz脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Unable to read from network"
msgstr "A�dan okunam脹yor"

msgid "Error communicating with server"
msgstr "Sunucu ile ileti�im kurma hatas脹"

msgid "Conference not found"
msgstr "Konferans bulunamad脹"

msgid "Conference does not exist"
msgstr "Konferans mevcut de�il"

msgid "A folder with that name already exists"
msgstr "Bu isimde bir klas旦r zaten mevcut"

msgid "Not supported"
msgstr "Desteklenmiyor"

msgid "Password has expired"
msgstr "�ifre s端resi bitmi�"

msgid "Incorrect password"
msgstr "Yanl脹� parola"

msgid "User not found"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 bulunamad脹"

msgid "Account has been disabled"
msgstr "Hesap kapat脹lm脹�t脹r"

msgid "The server could not access the directory"
msgstr "Sunucu dizine eri�emedi"

msgid "Your system administrator has disabled this operation"
msgstr "Sistem y旦neticiniz bu i�lemi yasaklam脹�"

msgid "The server is unavailable; try again later"
msgstr "Sunucu kullan脹lam脹yor; l端tfen tekrar deneyin"

msgid "Cannot add a contact to the same folder twice"
msgstr "Ayn脹 ki�iyi iki kez dizine ekleyemezsiniz"

msgid "Cannot add yourself"
msgstr "Kendinizi ekleyemezsiniz"

msgid "Master archive is misconfigured"
msgstr "Ana ar�iv yanl脹� yap脹land脹r脹lm脹�."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorrect username or password"
msgstr "Yanl脹� takma ad veya parola"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not recognize the host of the username you entered"
msgstr "Girdi�iniz kullan脹c脹 ad脹n脹n脹n sunucusu tan脹namad脹"

msgid ""
"Your account has been disabled because too many incorrect passwords were "
msgstr ""
"Hesab脹n脹z bir s端reli�ine kilitlendi 巽端nk端 巽ok fazla hatal脹 parola girildi"

msgid "You cannot add the same person twice to a conversation"
msgstr "Bir yaz脹�maya ayn脹 ki�iyi iki kez ekleyemezsiniz"

msgid "You have reached your limit for the number of contacts allowed"
msgstr "Eklemenize izin verilen ki�i say脹s脹 limitine ula�t脹n脹z"

#, fuzzy
msgid "You have entered an incorrect username"
msgstr "Yanl脹� bir kullan脹c脹 ad脹 girdiniz"

msgid "An error occurred while updating the directory"
msgstr "Dizin g端ncellenirken bir hata olu�tu"

msgid "Incompatible protocol version"
msgstr "Uyumsuz protokol s端r端m端"

msgid "The user has blocked you"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 sizi engellemi�"

msgid ""
"This evaluation version does not allow more than ten users to log in at one "
msgstr ""
"Deneme s端r端m端 bir anda on kullan脹c脹dan fazla ki�inin ba�lanmas脹na izin "

msgid "The user is either offline or you are blocked"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 巽evrimd脹�脹 ya da sizi engellemi�"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error: 0x%X"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata: 0x%X"

#, c-format
msgid "Login failed (%s)."
msgstr "Oturum a巽ma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message. Could not get details for user (%s)."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi. Kullan脹c脹n脹n ayr脹nt脹lar脹 al脹namad脹 (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add %s to your buddy list (%s)."
msgstr "%s listenize eklenemedi (%s)."

#. TODO: Improve this! message to who or for what conference?
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message (%s)."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to invite user (%s)."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 davet edilemedi (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message to %s. Could not create the conference (%s)."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na ileti g旦nderilemedi. Konferans ba�lat脹lam脹yor (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message. Could not create the conference (%s)."
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemiyor. Konferans ba�lat脹lamad脹 (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to move user %s to folder %s in the server side list. Error while "
"creating folder (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹 %s dizini %s sunucudaki listeye ta�脹nam脹yor. Dizin olu�turma "
"hatas脹 (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to add %s to your buddy list. Error creating folder in server side "
"list (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹 listenize %s eklenemedi. Sunucudaki listede klas旦r olu�turma "
"hatas脹 (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Could not get details for user %s (%s)."
msgstr "%s i巽in bilgiler al脹namad脹 (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add user to privacy list (%s)."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 旦zel listeye eklenemedi (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add %s to deny list (%s)."
msgstr "%s engelleme listesine eklenemedi (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add %s to permit list (%s)."
msgstr "%s izin verilenler listesine eklenemedi (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to remove %s from privacy list (%s)."
msgstr "%s 旦gesini gizlilik listesinden silerken hata (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to change server side privacy settings (%s)."
msgstr "Sunucu tarafl脹 gizilik ayarlar脹n脹 de�i�tirmede hata. (%s)."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create conference (%s)."
msgstr "Konferans olu�turulamad脹 (%s)."

msgid "Error communicating with server. Closing connection."
msgstr "Sunucuyla ileti�imde kurulurken hata olu�tu. Ba�lant脹 kapat脹l脹yor."

msgid "Telephone Number"
msgstr "Telefon Numaras脹"

msgid "Personal Title"
msgstr "Ba�l脹k"

msgid "Mailstop"
msgstr "Mailstop"

msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Kimli�i"

#. tag = _("DN");
#. value = nm_user_record_get_dn(user_record);
#. if (value) {
#. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, tag, value);
#. }
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Tam Ad"

#, c-format
msgid "GroupWise Conference %d"
msgstr "GroupWise Konferans脹 %d"

msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Kimlik do�rulamas脹 yap脹l脹yor..."

msgid "Unable to connect to server."
msgstr "Sunucuya ba�lan脹lamad脹."

msgid "Waiting for response..."
msgstr "Sunucudan yan脹t bekleniyor..."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has been invited to this conversation."
msgstr "%s bu yaz脹�maya davet edildi."

msgid "Invitation to Conversation"
msgstr "Yaz脹�maya Davet"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invitation from: %s\n"
"Sent: %s"
msgstr ""
"Davet eden: %s\n"
"G旦nderilen: %s"

msgid "Would you like to join the conversation?"
msgstr "Yaz脹�maya kat脹lmak istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "You have been logged out because you logged in at another workstation."
msgstr "Oturumunuz kapand脹, 巽端nk端 ba�ka bir yerden oturum a巽t脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s appears to be offline and did not receive the message that you just sent."
msgstr "%s 巽evrimd脹�脹 g旦z端k端yor ve hen端z g旦nderdi�iniz iletileri alam脹yor."

msgid ""
"Unable to connect to server. Please enter the address of the server you wish "
"to connect to."
msgstr "Sunucuya ba�lan脹lamad脹. L端tfen ba�lanmak istedi�iniz adresi giriniz."

msgid "Error. SSL support is not installed."
msgstr "Hata. SSL deste�i kurulmam脹�."

#, c-format
msgid "This conference has been closed. No more messages can be sent."
msgstr "Bu konferans kapand脹. Art脹k iletiler g旦nderilmeyecek."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Server address"
msgstr "Sunucu adresi"

msgid "Server port"
msgstr "Sunucu portu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not join chat room"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid chat room name"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz Oda 聴smi"

msgid "Server closed the connection."
msgstr "Sunucu ba�lant脹y脹 kapatt脹."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Lost connection with server:\n"
msgstr ""
"Sunucu ile ba�lant脹 kesildi:\n"

msgid "Received invalid data on connection with server."
msgstr "Sunucu ba�lant脹s脹ndan ge巽ersiz veri al脹nd脹."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "AIM Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "AIM Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "ICQ UIN..."
msgstr ""

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "ICQ Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "ICQ Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodlama"

msgid "The remote user has closed the connection."
msgstr "Uzaktaki kullan脹c脹 ba�lant脹y脹 kapatt脹."

msgid "The remote user has declined your request."
msgstr "Uzaktaki kullan脹c脹 iste�inizi kabul etmedi."

#, c-format
msgid "Lost connection with the remote user:<br>%s"
msgstr "Uzak kullan脹c脹 ile ba�lant脹 koptu:<br>%s"

msgid "Received invalid data on connection with remote user."
msgstr "Uzak kullan脹c脹 ile yap脹lan ba�lant脹 端zerinden ge巽ersiz veri al脹nd脹."

msgid "Could not establish a connection with the remote user."
msgstr "Uzak kullan脹c脹 ile ba�lant脹 kurulam脹yor."

msgid "Direct IM established"
msgstr "Do�rudan An脹nda Mesajla�ma sa�land脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s tried to send you a %s file, but we only allow files up to %s over Direct "
"IM.  Try using file transfer instead.\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "File %s is %s, which is larger than the maximum size of %s."
msgstr ""
"%s dosyas脹n脹n boyutu %s, bu boyut en y端ksek boyut olan %s boyutunundan b端y端k."

msgid "Invalid error"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz hata"

msgid "Invalid SNAC"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz SNAC"

msgid "Rate to host"
msgstr "Hostu de�erlendir"

msgid "Rate to client"
msgstr "聴stemciyi de�erlendir"

msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Bu servis hizmet d脹�脹"

msgid "Service not defined"
msgstr "Servis belirtilmedi"

msgid "Obsolete SNAC"
msgstr "Gereksiz SNAC"

msgid "Not supported by host"
msgstr "Sunucu taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor"

msgid "Not supported by client"
msgstr "聴stemci taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor"

msgid "Refused by client"
msgstr "聴stemci taraf脹ndan reddedildi"

msgid "Reply too big"
msgstr "Yan脹t巽ok uzun"

msgid "Responses lost"
msgstr "Yan脹tlar kay脹p"

msgid "Request denied"
msgstr "聴stek reddedildi"

msgid "Busted SNAC payload"
msgstr ""

msgid "Insufficient rights"
msgstr "Yetersiz hak"

msgid "In local permit/deny"
msgstr "Yerelde izin ver/izin verme"

msgid "Warning level too high (sender)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Warning level too high (receiver)"
msgstr ""

msgid "User temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 ge巽ici olarak eri�ilemez durumda"

msgid "No match"
msgstr "E�lenen yok"

msgid "List overflow"
msgstr "Liste ta�mas脹"

msgid "Request ambiguous"
msgstr "聴stek berlirsizli�i"

msgid "Queue full"
msgstr "Liste dolu"

msgid "Not while on AOL"
msgstr "AOL'de de�il"

msgid ""
"(There was an error receiving this message.  The buddy you are speaking with "
"is probably using a different encoding than expected.  If you know what "
"encoding he is using, you can specify it in the advanced account options for "
"your AIM/ICQ account.)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"(There was an error receiving this message.  Either you and %s have "
"different encodings selected, or %s has a buggy client.)"
msgstr ""

#. Label
msgid "Buddy Icon"
msgstr "Ki�i Simgesi"

msgid "Voice"
msgstr "Ses"

msgid "AIM Direct IM"
msgstr "AIM Do�rudan IM"

msgid "Get File"
msgstr "Dosyay脹 Al"

msgid "Games"
msgstr "Oyunlar"

msgid "Add-Ins"
msgstr "Eklentiler"

msgid "Send Buddy List"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesi G旦nder"

msgid "ICQ Direct Connect"
msgstr "ICQ Do�rudan Ba�lant脹"

msgid "AP User"
msgstr "AP Kullan脹c脹s脹"

msgid "ICQ RTF"
msgstr "ICQ RTF"

msgid "Nihilist"
msgstr "Nihilist"

msgid "ICQ Server Relay"
msgstr "ICQ Server Relay"

msgid "Old ICQ UTF8"
msgstr "Eski ICQ UTF8"

msgid "Trillian Encryption"
msgstr "Trillian �ifrelemesi"

msgid "ICQ UTF8"
msgstr "ICQ UTF8"

msgid "Hiptop"
msgstr "Hiptop"

msgid "Security Enabled"
msgstr "G端venlik Aktif"

msgid "Video Chat"
msgstr "G旦r端nt端l端 Sohbet"

msgid "iChat AV"
msgstr "iChat AV"

msgid "Live Video"
msgstr "Canl脹 G旦r端nt端"

msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Kamera"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Screen Sharing"
msgstr "Kay脹tl脹 聴sim"

#, c-format
msgid "Free For Chat"
msgstr "Sohbet i巽in Haz脹r"

#, c-format
msgid "Not Available"
msgstr "Eri�ilebilir De�il"

#, c-format
msgid "Occupied"
msgstr "Me�gul"

#, c-format
msgid "Web Aware"
msgstr "Web'e A巽脹k"

#, c-format
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "G旦r端nmez"

msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP Adresi"

msgid "Warning Level"
msgstr "Uyar脹 Seviyesi"

msgid "Buddy Comment"
msgstr "Ki�i Hakk脹nda Yorum"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not connect to authentication server:\n"
msgstr ""
"Kimlik do�rulamas脹 i巽in sunucuya ba�lan脹lam脹yor:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not connect to BOS server:\n"
msgstr ""
"BOS sunucuya ba�lan脹lamad脹:\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Username sent"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 ad脹 ayarlanmad脹"

msgid "Connection established, cookie sent"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kuruldu, 巽erezler yolland脹"

#. TODO: Don't call this with ssi
msgid "Finalizing connection"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 sonland脹r脹l脹yor"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to login: Could not sign on as %s because the username is invalid.  "
"Usernames must be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain "
"only letters, numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers."
msgstr ""
"Oturum a巽脹lamad脹: %s olarak ba�lan脹lamad脹, 巽端nk端 g旦r端nen ad脹n脹z ge巽erli "
"de�il. Takma adlar bir harfle ba�lamal脹 ve harfler, rakamlar, bo�luk ile "
"devam etmelidir."

#. Unregistered screen name
#. uid is not exist
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid username."
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz ad"

msgid "Incorrect password."
msgstr "Yanl脹� parola."

#. Suspended account
msgid "Your account is currently suspended."
msgstr "Hesab脹n脹z �uan i巽in durdurulmu�tur."

#. service temporarily unavailable
msgid "The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable."
msgstr "AOL Instant Messenger (Anl脹k 聴leti) Servisi ge巽ici olarak servis d脹�脹."

#. screen name connecting too frequently
#. IP address connecting too frequently
msgid ""
"You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes "
"and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer."
msgstr ""
"�ok s脹k ba�lan脹p kopuyorsunuz. L端tfen on dakika bekledikten sonra tekrar "
"deneyin. E�er denemeye devam ederseniz daha uzun beklemek zorunda "

#, c-format
msgid "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s"
msgstr "聴stemci s端r端m端n端z 巽ok eski. L端tfen �uadan g端ncelleyin: %s"

msgid "Could Not Connect"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹lamad脹"

msgid "Received authorization"
msgstr "聴zin al脹nd脹."

msgid "The SecurID key entered is invalid."
msgstr "Girilen SecurID anahtar脹 ge巽ersiz."

msgid "Enter SecurID"
msgstr "SecurID (g端venlik nosu) Giriniz"

msgid "Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display."
msgstr "Dijital g旦r端n端mden 6 rakam脹 giriniz."

#. *
#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c OK and @c Cancel buttons.
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "_Tamam"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may be disconnected shortly.  You may want to use TOC until this is "
"fixed.  Check %s for updates."
msgstr ""
"K脹sa bir s端reli�ine ba�lant脹 kopmu� olabilir. Bu onar脹lana kadar TOC "
"kullanmal脹s脹n脹z. G端ncellemeler i巽in ziyaret edin : %s "

msgid "Unable to get a valid AIM login hash."
msgstr "Ge巽erli AIM giri� hash'i al脹namad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "You may be disconnected shortly.  Check %s for updates."
msgstr ""
"K脹sa bir s端reli�ine ba�lant脹 koptu.  G端ncellemeler i巽in %s adresine bak脹n."

msgid "Unable to get a valid login hash."
msgstr "Ge巽erli bir giri� hash'i al脹namad脹."

msgid "Password sent"
msgstr "Parola g旦nderildi"

msgid "Unable to initialize connection"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 ba�lat脹lamad脹"

msgid "Please authorize me so I can add you to my buddy list."
msgstr "L端tfen bana izin ver, bu �ekilde seni arkada� listeme ekleyebilirim."

msgid "Authorization Request Message:"
msgstr "聴zin 聴steme 聴letisi:"

msgid "Please authorize me!"
msgstr "L端tfen sizi eklememe izin verin!"

msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Sebep yaz脹lmam脹�."

msgid "Authorization Denied Message:"
msgstr "聴zin Reddetme 聴letisi:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the "
"following reason:\n"
msgstr ""
"%u kullan脹c脹s脹 onu ki�i listenize eklemenize �u sebepten dolay脹 izin "

msgid "ICQ authorization denied."
msgstr "ICQ izni (yetkisi) reddedildi."

#. Someone has granted you authorization
#, c-format
msgid "The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list."
msgstr "%u kullan脹c脹s脹 onu ki�i listenize eklemenize izin verdi."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have received a special message\n"
"From: %s [%s]\n"
msgstr ""
"�zel bir mesaj ald脹n脹z\n"
"Kimden: %s [%s]\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have received an ICQ page\n"
"From: %s [%s]\n"
msgstr ""
"Bir ICQ sayfas脹 ald脹n脹z\n"
"Kimden: %s [%s]\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n"
"Message is:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s den bir ICQ e-postas脹 ald脹n脹z [%s]\n"

#, c-format
msgid "ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)"
msgstr "ICQ kullan脹c脹s脹 %u size bir arkada� yollad脹: %s (%s)"

msgid "Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?"
msgstr "Bunu arkada� listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Ekle"

msgid "_Decline"
msgstr "_Reddet"

#, c-format
msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid."
msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid."
msgstr[0] "%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden ge巽ersiz oldu�u i巽in ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large."
msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large."
msgstr[0] "%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden 巽ok uzun oldu�u i巽in ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded."
msgid_plural ""
"You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded."
msgstr[0] "%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden limiti a�t脹�脹n脹z i巽in ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You missed %hu message from %s because his/her warning level is too high."
msgid_plural ""
"You missed %hu messages from %s because his/her warning level is too high."
msgstr[0] "%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden, o 巽ok g端nahkar oldu�u i巽in ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because your warning level is too high."
msgid_plural ""
"You missed %hu messages from %s because your warning level is too high."
msgstr[0] "%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden 巽ok g端nahkar oldu�unuz i巽in ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#, c-format
msgid "You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason."
msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason."
msgstr[0] ""
"%hu mesaj脹 %s g旦nderinden bilinmeyen bir sebepten dolay脹 ka巽脹rd脹n脹z."

#. Data is assumed to be the destination sn
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message: %s"
msgstr "Mesaj g旦nderilemedi: %s"

msgid "Unknown reason."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Sebep."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send message to %s:"
msgstr "Mesaj %s e g旦nderilemedi:"

#, c-format
msgid "User information not available: %s"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹 bilgisi mevcut de�il."

msgid "Online Since"
msgstr "Ba�l脹 oldu�u s端re:"

msgid "Member Since"
msgstr "�ye oldu�u s端re:"

msgid "Your AIM connection may be lost."
msgstr "AIM ba�lant脹n脹z kaybolmu� olabilir."

#. The conversion failed!
msgid ""
"[Unable to display a message from this user because it contained invalid "
msgstr ""
"[聴巽erdi�i ge巽ersiz karakterlerden dolay脹 bu kullan脹c脹dan gelen mesaj "

msgid ""
"The last action you attempted could not be performed because you are over "
"the rate limit. Please wait 10 seconds and try again."
msgstr ""
"Yapt脹�脹n脹z son i�lem ger巽ekle�tirilemiyor 巽端nk端 deneme limitini a�t脹n脹z. "
"L端tfen 10 saniye daha bekleyin ve tekrar deneyin."

#, c-format
msgid "You have been disconnected from chat room %s."
msgstr "%s sohbet odas脹ndan ba�lant脹n脹z koptu."

msgid "Mobile Phone"
msgstr "Cep Telefonu"

msgid "Personal Web Page"
msgstr "Ki�isel Web Sayfas脹"

#. aim_userinfo_t
#. strip_html_tags
msgid "Additional Information"
msgstr "Ek Bilgi"

msgid "Zip Code"
msgstr "Posta Kodu"

msgid "Work Information"
msgstr "聴� Bilgileri"

msgid "Division"
msgstr "B旦l端m"

msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozisyon"

msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Web Sayfas脹"

msgid "Pop-Up Message"
msgstr "A巽脹l脹r Pencere Mesaj脹"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The following username is associated with %s"
msgid_plural "The following usernames are associated with %s"
msgstr[0] "Katy脹tl脹 olan �u isimler %s ile ili�kilendirilmi�"

#, c-format
msgid "No results found for email address %s"
msgstr "%s e-posta adresi i巽in sonu巽 bulunamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "You should receive an email asking to confirm %s."
msgstr "%s onay脹 soracak bir e-posta almal脹s脹n脹z."

msgid "Account Confirmation Requested"
msgstr "Hesap Do�rulama 聴stendi"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name differs "
"from the original."
msgstr ""
"Hata 0x%04x: G旦r端nt端 ad脹 bi巽imlendirilemiyor. �端nk端 orjinal addan farkl脹."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because it is invalid."
msgstr "Hata 0x%04x: G旦r端nt端 ismi bi巽imlendirilemiyor 巽端nk端 ge巽ersiz."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name is too "
msgstr ""
"Hata 0x%04x: G旦r端nt端 ismi bi巽imlendirilemiyor 巽端nk端 istedi�iniz isim 巽ok "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a "
"request pending for this username."
msgstr ""
"Hata 0x%04x: E-posta adresi bi巽imlendirilemiyor 巽端nk端 zaten bir g旦r端nt端 ad脹 "
"de�i�tirmesi bekleniyor."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has "
"too many usernames associated with it."
msgstr ""
"Hata 0x%04x: E-posta adresi bi巽imlendirilemiyor 巽端nk端 birden fazla g旦r端nt端 "
"ad脹 bu adresle e�le�tirilmi�."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is "
msgstr "Hata 0x%04x: E-posta adresi bi巽imlendirilemiyor 巽端nk端 ge巽ersiz."

#, c-format
msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unknown error."
msgstr "Hata 0x%04x: Bilin旦eyen hata"

msgid "Error Changing Account Info"
msgstr "Hesap Bilgileri De�i�tirilirken Hata"

#, c-format
msgid "The email address for %s is %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in e-posta adresi %s"

msgid "Account Info"
msgstr "Hesap Bilgileri"

msgid ""
"Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images."
msgstr ""
"IM Resminiz g旦nderilemedi. Anl脹k ileti resminizi g旦nderebilmeniz i巽in Direkt "
"Ba�lanm脹� olman脹z gerekmektedir."

msgid "Unable to set AIM profile."
msgstr "AIM profili belirlenemiyor"

msgid ""
"You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure "
"completed.  Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are "
"fully connected."
msgstr ""
"Muhtemelen oturum a巽ma prosed端r端 tamamlanmadan profilinizi de�i�tirmeye "
"巽al脹�t脹n脹z. Profiliniz belirsizle�tirildi, tamamen ba�land脹�脹n脹zda tekrar "
"ayarlamay脹 deneyin."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded.  It has been "
"truncated for you."
msgid_plural ""
"The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded.  It has been "
"truncated for you."
msgstr[0] ""
"Maksimum profil uzunlu�u olan %d bayt a�脹ld脹�脹ndan profiliniz k脹salt脹ld脹."

msgid "Profile too long."
msgstr "Profil 巽ok uzun."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded.  It has been "
"truncated for you."
msgid_plural ""
"The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded.  It has been "
"truncated for you."
msgstr[0] ""
"Maksimum uzakta iletisi uzunlu�u %d bayt a�脹ld脹�脹ndan iletiniz k脹salt脹ld脹."

msgid "Away message too long."
msgstr "Uzakta iletiniz 巽ok uzun."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not add the buddy %s because the username is invalid.  Usernames must "
"be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, "
"numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers."
msgstr ""
"%s ki�isi eklenemiyor 巽端nk端 g旦r端nen ad脹 ge巽ersiz. G旦r端nt端 ad脹 bir harfle "
"ba�lamal脹 ve sadece harf, rakam, bo�luk ve numaralarla devam etmelidir."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to Add"
msgstr "Eklenemiyor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to Retrieve Buddy List"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesi Getirme Hatas脹"

msgid ""
"The AIM servers were temporarily unable to send your buddy list.  Your buddy "
"list is not lost, and will probably become available in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
"AIM sunucular脹 ki�i listenizi g旦nderebilmeniz a巽脹s脹ndan ge巽ici olarak "
"eri�ilemez durumda.  Ki�i listeniz kaybolmad脹, muhtemelen birka巽 dakika "
"i巽inde yeniden aktif olacakt脹r."

msgid "Orphans"
msgstr "Kimsesizler"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy "
"list.  Please remove one and try again."
msgstr ""
"%s ki�isi eklenemedi 巽端nk端 ki�i listenizde 巽ok ki�i var. Bir tanesini silin "
"ve i�lemi tekrarlay脹n."

msgid "(no name)"
msgstr "(isimsiz)"

#, c-format
msgid "Could not add the buddy %s for an unknown reason."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir sebepten dolay脹 %s ki�isi eklenemedi."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The user %s has given you permission to add him or her to your buddy list.  "
"Do you want to add this user?"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 onu listenize ekleme iznini vermiyor. �u sebepten: n%s"

msgid "Authorization Given"
msgstr "Yetki Verildi"

#. Granted
#, c-format
msgid "The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 onu listenize ekleme iznini sa�lad脹."

msgid "Authorization Granted"
msgstr "聴zin Sa�land脹"

#. Denied
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the "
"following reason:\n"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 onu listenize ekleme iznini vermiyor. �u sebepten: n%s"

msgid "Authorization Denied"
msgstr "聴zin Verilmedi"

msgid "_Exchange:"
msgstr "_De�i�im:"

msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats."
msgstr ""
"Anl脹k 聴letici (IM) resminiz yollanmad脹. AIM sohbetlerinde ki�isel "
"g旦r端nt端leri yollayamazs脹n脹z."

msgid "iTunes Music Store Link"
msgstr "iTunes M端zik Deposu Ba�lant脹s脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Buddy Comment for %s"
msgstr "%s ki�isi i巽in a巽脹klama"

msgid "Buddy Comment:"
msgstr "Ki�i A巽脹klamas脹:"

#, c-format
msgid "You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s."
msgstr "%s ile direkt anl脹k mesajlla�ma ba�lant脹s脹n脹 a巽may脹 se巽tiniz."

msgid ""
"Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a security risk.  "
"Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"�端nk端 bu IP adresinizi g旦sterir ve bu bir g端venlik tehdidi i巽erir.  Devam "
"etmek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "C_onnect"
msgstr "_Ba�lan"

msgid "Get AIM Info"
msgstr "AIM Bilgilerini Al"

msgid "Edit Buddy Comment"
msgstr "Ki�i A巽脹klamas脹 D端zenle"

msgid "Get Status Msg"
msgstr "Durum 聴letisi Al"

msgid "Direct IM"
msgstr "Do�rudan IM"

msgid "Re-request Authorization"
msgstr "Yeniden 聴zin 聴ste"

msgid "Require authorization"
msgstr "聴zin gereksin"

msgid "Web aware (enabling this will cause you to receive SPAM!)"
msgstr "Web'e a巽脹k (SPAM iletiler alman脹za neden olabilir!)"

msgid "ICQ Privacy Options"
msgstr "ICQ Gizlilik Se巽enekleri"

msgid "The new formatting is invalid."
msgstr "Yeni bi巽imlendirme ge巽ersiz."

msgid "Username formatting can change only capitalization and whitespace."
msgstr ""

msgid "Change Address To:"
msgstr "Adresi �旦yle De�i�tir:"

msgid "<i>you are not waiting for authorization</i>"
msgstr "<i>izin i巽in beklemiyorsunuz</i>"

msgid "You are awaiting authorization from the following buddies"
msgstr "�u kullan脹c脹lardan izin bekliyorsunuz"

msgid ""
"You can re-request authorization from these buddies by right-clicking on "
"them and selecting \"Re-request Authorization.\""
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹ya sa� t脹klay脹p \"Yeniden 聴zin 聴ste\" ye t脹klayarak yeniden bu "
"kullan脹c脹dan izin isteyebilirsiniz."

msgid "Find Buddy by Email"
msgstr "E-Posta ile Arkada� Bul"

msgid "Search for a buddy by email address"
msgstr "E-Posta adresiyle bir arkada� ara"

msgid "Type the email address of the buddy you are searching for."
msgstr "Arad脹�脹n脹z arkada�脹n e-posta adresini yaz脹n."

msgid "_Search"
msgstr "_Ara"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Set User Info (web)..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisini Ayarla (URL)..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Password (web)"
msgstr "Parola de�i�tir (URL)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Configure IM Forwarding (web)"
msgstr "IM Y旦nlendirmeyi yap脹land脹r (URL)"

#. ICQ actions
msgid "Set Privacy Options..."
msgstr "Gizlilik Se巽eneklerini Ayarla..."

#. AIM actions
msgid "Confirm Account"
msgstr "Hesab脹 Do�rula"

msgid "Display Currently Registered Email Address"
msgstr "Halen Kay脹tl脹 Olan E-posta Adreslerini G旦ster"

msgid "Change Currently Registered Email Address..."
msgstr "�imdiki Kat脹tl脹 Olunan E-posta Adresini De�i�tir..."

msgid "Show Buddies Awaiting Authorization"
msgstr "聴zin Bekleyen Ki�ileri G旦ster"

msgid "Search for Buddy by Email Address..."
msgstr "E-Posta Adresine G旦re Ki�i Ara..."

msgid "Search for Buddy by Information"
msgstr "Ki�i Bilgilerine G旦re Ki�i Ara"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Always use AIM/ICQ proxy server for\n"
"file transfers and direct IM (slower,\n"
"but does not reveal your IP address)"
msgstr ""
"Dosya aktar脹mlar脹 i巽in herzaman ICQ proxy sunucular脹n脹 kullan\n"
"(yava�t脹r ama IP adresinizi g旦stermez)"

msgid "Allow multiple simultaneous logins"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM."
msgstr ""
"%s kullan脹c脹s脹na anl脹k mesajla�ma i巽in ba�lanma iste�i soruldu. (%s:%hu)"

#, c-format
msgid "Attempting to connect to %s:%hu."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na ba�lant脹 sa�lanmaya 巽al脹�脹l脹yor:%hu."

#, c-format
msgid "Attempting to connect via proxy server."
msgstr "Bir proxy sunucu 端zerinden ba�lanmaya 巽al脹�脹l脹yor."

#, c-format
msgid "%s has just asked to directly connect to %s"
msgstr "%s direkt olarak %s 旦gesine ba�lanmak i巽in izin istedi"

msgid ""
"This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary "
"for IM Images.  Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be "
"considered a privacy risk."
msgstr ""
"Bu iki bilgisayar aras脹nda direkt bir ba�lant脹 gerektirir ve anl脹k ileti "
"resimleri i巽in gereklidir. �端nk端 IP adresiniz g旦sterilecek, bu da bir "
"g端venlik tehdidi olu�turabilir."

msgid "Aquarius"
msgstr "Kova"

msgid "Pisces"
msgstr "Bal脹k"

msgid "Aries"
msgstr "Ko巽"

msgid "Taurus"
msgstr "Bo�a"

msgid "Gemini"
msgstr "聴kizler"

msgid "Cancer"
msgstr "Yenge巽"

msgid "Leo"
msgstr "Aslan"

msgid "Virgo"
msgstr "Ba�ak"

msgid "Libra"
msgstr "Terazi"

msgid "Scorpio"
msgstr "Akrep"

msgid "Sagittarius"
msgstr "Yay"

msgid "Capricorn"
msgstr "O�lak"

msgid "Rat"
msgstr "Fare"

msgid "Ox"
msgstr "�k端z"

msgid "Tiger"
msgstr "Kaplan"

msgid "Rabbit"
msgstr "Tav�an"

msgid "Dragon"
msgstr "Ejderha"

msgid "Snake"
msgstr "Y脹lan"

msgid "Horse"
msgstr "At"

msgid "Goat"
msgstr "Ke巽i"

msgid "Monkey"
msgstr "Maymun"

msgid "Rooster"
msgstr "Horoz"

msgid "Dog"
msgstr "K旦pek"

msgid "Pig"
msgstr "Domuz"

msgid "Other"
msgstr "Di�er"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "G旦r端nmez"

msgid "Firend Only"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Gizlilik"

msgid "QQ Number"
msgstr "QQ Numaras脹"

msgid "Country/Region"
msgstr "�lke/B旦lge"

msgid "Province/State"
msgstr "Eyalet/�lke"

msgid "Zipcode"
msgstr "Posta Kodu"

msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefon Numaras脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Authorize adding"
msgstr "聴zin vermek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Cellphone Number"
msgstr "Cep Numaras脹"

msgid "Personal Introduction"
msgstr "Ki�isel Giri�"

#, fuzzy
msgid "City/Area"
msgstr "�ehir"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Publish Mobile"
msgstr "Ki�isel Cep Telefonu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Publish Contact"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim"

msgid "College"
msgstr "Kolej"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Horoscope"
msgstr "Bur巽 Sembol端"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Zodiac"
msgstr "Zodyak 聴mzas脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Blood"
msgstr "Engellenmi�"

#, fuzzy
msgid "True"
msgstr "Bo�a"

#, fuzzy
msgid "False"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Contact"
msgstr "Hesab脹 D端zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Address"
msgstr "Ev Adresi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Extended Information"
msgstr "Bilgilerimi d端zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Information"
msgstr "Bilgilerimi d端zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Son G端ncelleme"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not change buddy information."
msgstr "L端tfen ki�i bilgilerini girin."

#, c-format
msgid "%d needs Q&A"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add buddy Q&A"
msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Input answer here"
msgstr "聴ste�inizi buraya girin"

msgid "Send"
msgstr "G旦nder"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid answer."
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz ad"

msgid "Authorization denied message:"
msgstr "聴zin reddetme iletisi:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorry, You are not my style."
msgstr "�zg端n端m, benim tipim de�ilsin..."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d needs authentication"
msgstr "%d kullan脹c脹s脹 kimlik do�rulamaya gereksinim duyuyor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add buddy authorize"
msgstr "Ki�iyi listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Input request here"
msgstr "聴ste�inizi buraya girin"

msgid "Would you be my friend?"
msgstr "Arkada�脹m olmak ister misiniz?"

#, fuzzy
msgid "QQ Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid QQ Number"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz QQ Y端z端"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed sending authorize"
msgstr "L端tfen sizi eklememe izin verin!"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed removing buddy %d"
msgstr "Ki�i silinemedi"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed removing me from %d's buddy list"
msgstr "%s sizi ki�i listesinden sildi."

#, fuzzy
msgid "No reason given"
msgstr "Sebep yaz脹lmam脹�."

#. only need to get value
#, c-format
msgid "You have been added by %s"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan eklendiniz"

msgid "Would you like to add him?"
msgstr "Onu eklemek ister misiniz?"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rejected by %s"
msgstr "Reddet"

#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "聴leti: %s"

msgid "ID: "
msgstr "Kimlik: "

msgid "Group ID"
msgstr "Grup Kimli�i"

msgid "QQ Qun"
msgstr "QQ Qun"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please enter Qun number"
msgstr "L端tfen %s i巽in yeni ismi girin"

msgid "You can only search for permanent Qun\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Not member"
msgstr "Ben bir 端ye de�ilim"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Member"
msgstr "�ye oldu�u s端re:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Requesting"
msgstr "聴stek Diyalo�u"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Adium"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Not"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Detail"
msgstr "�ntan脹ml脹"

msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Olu�turucu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "About me"
msgstr "%s Hakk脹nda"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Sohbet hatas脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "The Qun does not allow others to join"
msgstr "Bu grup di�erlerinin kat脹lmas脹na izin vermiyor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Join QQ Qun"
msgstr "Sohbete Ba�la..."

#, c-format
msgid "Successfully joined Qun %s (%d)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Successfully joined Qun"
msgstr "Qun 端yesini ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde d端zenlediniz"

#, c-format
msgid "Qun %d denied to join"
msgstr ""

msgid "QQ Qun Operation"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed:"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z Oldu"

msgid "Join Qun, Unknow Reply"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit Qun"
msgstr "QQ Qun"

msgid ""
"Note, if you are the creator, \n"
"this operation will eventually remove this Qun."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorry, you are not our style ..."
msgstr "�zg端n端m, benim tipim de�ilsin..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Successfully changed Qun member"
msgstr "Qun 端yesini ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde d端zenlediniz"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Successfully changed Qun information"
msgstr "Qun bilgisini ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde d端zenlediniz"

msgid "You have successfully created a Qun"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde Qun olu�turdunuz"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Would you like to set detailed information now?"
msgstr "�imdi Qun detaylar脹n脹 ayarlamak ister misiniz?"

msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Kur"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d requested to join Qun %d for %s"
msgstr "%d kullan脹c脹s脹 %d grubuna kat脹lmak istedi"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d request to join Qun %d"
msgstr "%d kullan脹c脹s脹 %d grubuna kat脹lmak istedi"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed to join Qun %d, operated by admin %d"
msgstr "Ki�iyle sohbete kat脹l脹namad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Joining Qun %d is approved by admin %d for %s</b>"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Removed buddy %d.</b>"
msgstr "Ki�iyi Sil"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>New buddy %d joined.</b>"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown-%d"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen-%d"

msgid "Level"
msgstr "Seviye"

msgid " VIP"
msgstr ""

msgid " TCP"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid " FromMobile"
msgstr "Cep"

#, fuzzy
msgid " BindMobile"
msgstr "Cep"

#, fuzzy
msgid " Video"
msgstr "Canl脹 G旦r端nt端"

#, fuzzy
msgid " Zone"
msgstr "Hi巽biri"

msgid "Flag"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ver"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid name"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz ad"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Select icon..."
msgstr "Dizin Se巽..."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Login time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Giri� Zaman脹</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Total Online Buddies</b>: %d<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>�imdi �evrimi巽i</b>: %d<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Last Refresh</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Son Yenileme:</b> %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Server</b>: %s<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Sunucunun IP numaras脹</b>: %s: %d<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Client Tag</b>: %s<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Giri� Zaman脹</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Connection Mode</b>: %s<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Ba�lant脹 Kipi</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>My Internet IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Ba�lant脹 Kipi</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Sent</b>: %lu<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>�imdi �evrimi巽i</b>: %d<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Resend</b>: %lu<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Son Yenileme:</b> %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Lost</b>: %lu<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Son Yenileme:</b> %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Received</b>: %lu<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Son Yenileme:</b> %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Received Duplicate</b>: %lu<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Benim G旦r端nen IP numaram</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Giri� Zaman脹</b>: %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Sunucunun IP numaras脹</b>: %s: %d<br>\n"

msgid "Login Information"
msgstr "Giri� Bilgileri"

msgid "<p><b>Original Author</b>:<br>\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "<p><b>Code Contributors</b>:<br>\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "<p><b>Lovely Patch Writers</b>:<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>Son Yenileme:</b> %s<br>\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid "<p><b>Acknowledgement</b>:<br>\n"
msgstr "<b>�imdi �evrimi巽i</b>: %d<br>\n"

msgid "<p><i>And, all the boys in the backroom...</i><br>\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "<i>Feel free to join us!</i> :)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "About OpenQ r%s"
msgstr "%s Hakk脹nda"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Icon"
msgstr "Simgeyi Kaydet"

msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Parola De�i�tir"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Account Information"
msgstr "Giri� Bilgileri"

msgid "Update all QQ Quns"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "About OpenQ"
msgstr "%s Hakk脹nda"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
#, fuzzy
msgid "QQ Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "QQ Protokol端\t Eklentisi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Yetki"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Server"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Se巽"

msgid "QQ2005"
msgstr ""

msgid "QQ2007"
msgstr ""

msgid "QQ2008"
msgstr ""

#. #endif
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect by TCP"
msgstr "TCP kullanarak ba�lan"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Show server notice"
msgstr "Sunucu portu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Show server news"
msgstr "Sunucu adresi"

msgid "Keep alive interval (seconds)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Update interval (seconds)"
msgstr "Bilgilerimi g端ncelle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Can not decrypt server reply"
msgstr "Sunucu bilgileri al脹nam脹yor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Can not decrypt get server reply"
msgstr "Sunucu bilgileri al脹nam脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed requesting token, 0x%02X"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Invalid token len, %d"
msgstr "Hatal脹 ba�l脹k"

#. extend redirect used in QQ2006
msgid "Redirect_EX is not currently supported"
msgstr ""

#. need activation
#. need activation
#. need activation
#, fuzzy
msgid "Activation required"
msgstr "Kay脹t Gerekli"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknow reply code when login (0x%02X)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Keep alive error"
msgstr ""

msgid "Requesting captcha ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Checking code of captcha ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Failed captcha verify"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Captcha Image"
msgstr "Resmi Kaydet"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter code"
msgstr "Parola"

msgid "QQ Captcha Verifing"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the text from the image"
msgstr "L端tfen grubun ismini girin"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknow reply code when checking password (0x%02X)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknow reply code when login (0x%02X):\n"
msgstr ""

#. we didn't successfully connect. tdt->toc_fd is valid here
msgid "Unable to connect."
msgstr "Ba�lan脹lam脹yor."

msgid "Socket error"
msgstr "Soket hatas脹"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Lost connection with server:\n"
"%d, %s"
msgstr ""
"Sunucu ile ba�lant脹 kesildi:\n"

msgid "Unable to read from socket"
msgstr "Soketten okunam脹yor"

msgid "Write Error"
msgstr "Yazma Hatas脹"

msgid "Connection lost"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kapand脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Get server ..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisi Ayarla..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Request token"
msgstr "聴stek reddedildi"

msgid "Couldn't resolve host"
msgstr "Ana bilgisayar 巽旦z端mlenemedi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid server or port"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz hata"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting server ..."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 sunucusu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "QQ Error"
msgstr "QQ Kimlik Hatas脹"

msgid "Failed to send IM."
msgstr "Anl脹k ileti g旦nderimi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Server News:\n"
msgstr "ICQ Server Relay"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "From %s:"
msgstr "Kimden"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Server notice From %s: \n"
msgstr "Sunucu Bilgileri: %s"

msgid "Unknow SERVER CMD"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error reply of %s(0x%02X)\n"
"Room %d, reply 0x%02X"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "QQ Qun Command"
msgstr "Komut"

#, c-format
msgid "Not a member of room \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "Can not decrypt login reply"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknow LOGIN CMD"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknow CLIENT CMD"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"

#, c-format
msgid "%d has declined the file %s"
msgstr "%d dosyay脹 kabul etmedi %s"

msgid "File Send"
msgstr "Dosya G旦nder"

#, c-format
msgid "%d canceled the transfer of %s"
msgstr "%d �u dosyay脹 g旦ndermekten vazge巽ti %s"

msgid "Connection closed (writing)"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kapand脹 (yaz脹l脹yor)"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Group Title:</b> %s<br>"
msgstr "<b>Grup Ba�l脹�脹:</b> %s<br>"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Notes Group ID:</b> %s<br>"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Info for Group %s"
msgstr "Grup %s i巽in Bilgiler"

msgid "Notes Address Book Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invite Group to Conference..."
msgstr "Grubu Konferansa Davet Et"

msgid "Get Notes Address Book Info"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sending Handshake"
msgstr "El S脹k脹�ma G旦nderiliyor"

msgid "Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement"
msgstr "El S脹k脹�ma Onay脹 i巽in Bekleniyor"

msgid "Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login"
msgstr "El s脹k脹�ma onayland脹, Oturum Yollan脹yor"

msgid "Waiting for Login Acknowledgement"
msgstr "Oturum Onaylanmas脹 i巽in bekleniyor"

msgid "Login Redirected"
msgstr "Oturum A巽ma Y旦nlendirildi"

msgid "Forcing Login"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹l脹yor"

msgid "Login Acknowledged"
msgstr "Oturum Onayland脹"

msgid "Starting Services"
msgstr "Servisler Ba�lat脹l脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"A Sametime administrator has issued the following announcement on server %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sametime Administrator Announcement"
msgstr "E�zamanl脹 Y旦netici  Duyurusu"

msgid "Connection reset"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kesildi"

#, c-format
msgid "Error reading from socket: %s"
msgstr "Soket okuma hatas脹: %s"

#. this is a regular connect, error out
msgid "Unable to connect to host"
msgstr "Ana bilgisayara ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Announcement from %s"
msgstr "%s ki�isinden Anons"

msgid "Conference Closed"
msgstr "Konferans Kapand脹"

msgid "Unable to send message: "
msgstr "聴leti g旦nderilemedi: "

msgid "Place Closed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Microphone"
msgstr "Mikrofon"

msgid "Speakers"
msgstr "Hoparl旦r"

msgid "Video Camera"
msgstr "Video Kamera"

msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Destekler"

msgid "External User"
msgstr "D脹� Kullan脹c脹"

msgid "Create conference with user"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 ile konfreans olu�tur"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter a topic for the new conference, and an invitation message to be "
"sent to %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Conference"
msgstr "Yeni Konferans"

msgid "Create"
msgstr "Olu�tur"

msgid "Available Conferences"
msgstr "Eri�ilebilir Konferanslar"

msgid "Create New Conference..."
msgstr "Yeni Konferans Olu�tur..."

msgid "Invite user to a conference"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹y脹 konferansa davet et"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select a conference from the list below to send an invite to user %s. Select "
"\"Create New Conference\" if you'd like to create a new conference to invite "
"this user to."
msgstr ""

msgid "Invite to Conference"
msgstr "Konferansa Davet Et"

msgid "Invite to Conference..."
msgstr "Konferansa Davet Et..."

msgid "Send TEST Announcement"
msgstr "TEST Anonsu G旦nder"

msgid "Topic:"
msgstr "Konu:"

msgid "No Sametime Community Server specified"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"No host or IP address has been configured for the Meanwhile account %s. "
"Please enter one below to continue logging in."
msgstr ""

msgid "Meanwhile Connection Setup"
msgstr ""

msgid "No Sametime Community Server Specified"
msgstr ""

msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ba�lan"

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown (0x%04x)<br>"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen (0x%04x)<br>"

msgid "Last Known Client"
msgstr "Bilinen Son 聴stemci"

msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ad脹"

msgid "Sametime ID"
msgstr "Sametime Kimli�i"

msgid "An ambiguous user ID was entered"
msgstr "Belirsiz bir kullan脹c脹 kimli�i girildi"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. Please "
"select the correct user from the list below to add them to your buddy list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Se巽"

msgid "Unable to add user: user not found"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 eklenemiyor: kullan脹c脹 bulunamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community. This "
"entry has been removed from your buddy list."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error reading file %s: \n"
msgstr ""
"Dosya okuma hatas脹 %s: \n"

msgid "Remotely Stored Buddy List"
msgstr "Uzakta Depolanm脹� Ki�i Listesi"

msgid "Buddy List Storage Mode"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesi Depolama Kipi"

msgid "Local Buddy List Only"
msgstr "Sadece Yerel Ki�i Listesi"

msgid "Merge List from Server"
msgstr "Arkada� Listesini Sunucudak 聴le Birle�tir"

msgid "Merge and Save List to Server"
msgstr "Listeyi Birle�tir ve Sunucuya Kaydet"

msgid "Synchronize List with Server"
msgstr "Listeyi Sunucu 聴le E�le�tir"

#, c-format
msgid "Import Sametime List for Account %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Export Sametime List for Account %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to add group: group exists"
msgstr "Grup eklenemedi: grup zaten var"

#, c-format
msgid "A group named '%s' already exists in your buddy list."
msgstr "Ki�i listenizde '%s' isimli bir grup zaten var."

msgid "Unable to add group"
msgstr "Grup eklenemedi"

msgid "Possible Matches"
msgstr "Olas脹 E�lemeler"

msgid "Notes Address Book group results"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following Notes Address "
"Book groups. Please select the correct group from the list below to add it "
"to your buddy list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select Notes Address Book"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to add group: group not found"
msgstr "Grup eklenemedi: grup bulunamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The identifier '%s' did not match any Notes Address Book groups in your "
"Sametime community."
msgstr ""

msgid "Notes Address Book Group"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Enter the name of a Notes Address Book group in the field below to add the "
"group and its members to your buddy list."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Search results for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' i巽in arama sonu巽lar脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. You "
"may add these users to your buddy list or send them messages with the action "
"buttons below."
msgstr ""

msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Arama Sonu巽lar脹"

msgid "No matches"
msgstr "E�lenen yok"

#, c-format
msgid "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community."
msgstr ""

msgid "No Matches"
msgstr "E�lenen Yok"

msgid "Search for a user"
msgstr "Bir kullan脹c脹 ara"

msgid ""
"Enter a name or partial ID in the field below to search for matching users "
"in your Sametime community."
msgstr ""

msgid "User Search"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ara"

msgid "Import Sametime List..."
msgstr "Sametime Listesi Ekle..."

msgid "Export Sametime List..."
msgstr "Sametime Listesi Aktar..."

msgid "Add Notes Address Book Group..."
msgstr ""

msgid "User Search..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ara..."

msgid "Force login (ignore server redirects)"
msgstr "Oturum a巽may脹 zorla (sunucu y旦nlendirmelerini yoksay)"

#. pretend to be Sametime Connect
msgid "Hide client identity"
msgstr "聴stemci kimli�ini sakla"

#, c-format
msgid "User %s is not present in the network"
msgstr "<I>%s</I> �u anda a�da mevcut de�il"

msgid "Key Agreement"
msgstr "Anahtar Uyu�umu"

msgid "Cannot perform the key agreement"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 sa�lanamad脹"

msgid "Error occurred during key agreement"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 esanas脹nda hata olu�tu"

msgid "Key Agreement failed"
msgstr "Anahtar Uyu�umu Ger巽ekle�medi"

msgid "Timeout during key agreement"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 esnas脹nda zaman a�脹m脹"

msgid "Key agreement was aborted"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 iptal edildi"

msgid "Key agreement is already started"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 zaten ba�lam脹�"

msgid "Key agreement cannot be started with yourself"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�mas脹 kendinizce ba�lat脹lamaz"

msgid "The remote user is not present in the network any more"
msgstr "Uzaktaki kullan脹c脹 �uan a�da bulunmuyor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key agreement request received from %s. Would you like to perform the key "
msgstr ""
"%s taraf脹ndan anahtar uyu�mas脹 al脹nd脹. Anahtar uyu�mas脹n脹 ger巽ekle�tirmek "
"istiyor musunuz?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The remote user is waiting key agreement on:\n"
"Remote host: %s\n"
"Remote port: %d"
msgstr ""
"Uzaktaki kullanc脹 anahtar uyu�mas脹 i巽in bekleniyor:\n"
"Uzaktaki host: %s\n"
"Uzaktaki port: %d"

msgid "Key Agreement Request"
msgstr "Anahtar Uyu�umu 聴ste�i"

msgid "IM With Password"
msgstr "Parolal脹 IM"

msgid "Cannot set IM key"
msgstr "IM Anahtar脹 ayarlanamad脹"

msgid "Set IM Password"
msgstr "IM Parolas脹 Belirle"

msgid "Get Public Key"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Al"

msgid "Cannot fetch the public key"
msgstr "Public key e�lenemedi"

msgid "Show Public Key"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar G旦ster"

msgid "Could not load public key"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Y端klenemiyor"

msgid "User Information"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹n脹n bilgisi"

msgid "Cannot get user information"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 bilgisi al脹nam脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "The %s buddy is not trusted"
msgstr "%s ki�isi g端venilir de�il"

msgid ""
"You cannot receive buddy notifications until you import his/her public key.  "
"You can use the Get Public Key command to get the public key."
msgstr ""

#. Open file selector to select the public key.
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "A巽..."

#, c-format
msgid "The %s buddy is not present in the network"
msgstr "%s ki�isi �uan a�da de�il"

msgid ""
"To add the buddy you must import his/her public key. Press Import to import "
"a public key."
msgstr ""

msgid "_Import..."
msgstr "_聴巽eriye Aktar..."

msgid "Select correct user"
msgstr "Do�ru kullan脹c脹y脹 se巽iniz"

msgid ""
"More than one user was found with the same public key. Select the correct "
"user from the list to add to the buddy list."
msgstr ""
"Ayn脹 genel anahtarda birden 巽ok kullan脹c脹 bulundu. Arkada� listenize eklemek "
"i巽in listeden do�ru kullan脹c脹y脹 se巽iniz."

msgid ""
"More than one user was found with the same name. Select the correct user "
"from the list to add to the buddy list."
msgstr ""
"Ayn脹 adda birden 巽ok kullan脹c脹 bulundu. Arkada� listenize eklemek i巽in "
"listeden do�ru kullan脹c脹y脹 se巽iniz."

msgid "Detached"
msgstr "Yanl脹z"

msgid "Indisposed"
msgstr "Keyifsiz"

msgid "Wake Me Up"
msgstr "Beni Uyand脹r"

msgid "Hyper Active"
msgstr "Hiperaktif"

msgid "Robot"
msgstr "Robot"

msgid "Happy"
msgstr "Mutlu"

msgid "Sad"
msgstr "�zg端n"

msgid "Angry"
msgstr "K脹zg脹n"

msgid "Jealous"
msgstr "K脹skan巽"

msgid "Ashamed"
msgstr "Mah巽up"

msgid "Invincible"
msgstr "Yenilmez"

msgid "In Love"
msgstr "A�脹k"

msgid "Sleepy"
msgstr "Uykulu"

msgid "Bored"
msgstr "S脹k脹lm脹�"

msgid "Excited"
msgstr "Heyecanl脹"

msgid "Anxious"
msgstr "S脹k脹nt脹l脹"

msgid "User Modes"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Modlar脹"

msgid "Preferred Contact"
msgstr "�nerilen 聴rtibat"

msgid "Preferred Language"
msgstr "�nerilen Dil"

msgid "Device"
msgstr "Ayg脹t"

msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "Zaman Dilimi"

msgid "Geolocation"
msgstr "Co�rafi B旦lge"

msgid "Reset IM Key"
msgstr "Anl脹k 聴leti Anahtar脹n脹 S脹f脹rla"

msgid "IM with Key Exchange"
msgstr "IM ile Anahtar De�i�im"

msgid "IM with Password"
msgstr "Parolal脹 IM"

msgid "Get Public Key..."
msgstr "Genel(Public) Anahtar Al..."

msgid "Kill User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹y脹 Blokla"

msgid "Draw On Whiteboard"
msgstr "Beyaz Tahtaya �iz"

msgid "_Passphrase:"
msgstr "_Parola:"

#, c-format
msgid "Channel %s does not exist in the network"
msgstr "%s kanal脹 a�da bulunmuyor"

msgid "Channel Information"
msgstr "Kanal Bilgisi"

msgid "Cannot get channel information"
msgstr "Kanal bilgisi al脹namad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "<b>Channel Name:</b> %s"
msgstr "<b>Kanal Ad脹:</b> %s"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>User Count:</b> %d"
msgstr "<br><b>Kullan脹c脹 say脹s脹:</b> %d"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Channel Founder:</b> %s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kanal kurucusu:</b> %s"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Channel Cipher:</b> %s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kanal �ifresi:</b> %s"

#. Definition of HMAC:
#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Channel HMAC:</b> %s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kanal HMAC:</b> %s"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Channel Topic:</b><br>%s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kanal Konusu:</b><br>%s"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Channel Modes:</b> "
msgstr "<br><b>Kanal Modlar脹:</b> "

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Fingerprint:</b><br>%s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kurucu Anahtar Parmakizi:</b><br>%s"

#, c-format
msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Babbleprint:</b><br>%s"
msgstr "<br><b>Kurucu Anahtar Babbleprint'i:</b><br>%s"

msgid "Add Channel Public Key"
msgstr "Kanal �zel Anahtar脹 Ekle"

#. Add new public key
msgid "Open Public Key..."
msgstr "Kay脹t Anahtar脹 A巽..."

msgid "Channel Passphrase"
msgstr "Kanal Parolas脹"

msgid "Channel Public Keys List"
msgstr "Kanal �zel Anahtarlar脹 Listele"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Channel authentication is used to secure the channel from unauthorized "
"access. The authentication may be based on passphrase and digital "
"signatures. If passphrase is set, it is required to be able to join. If "
"channel public keys are set then only users whose public keys are listed are "
"able to join."
msgstr ""

msgid "Channel Authentication"
msgstr "Yanal Yetkisi"

msgid "Add / Remove"
msgstr "Ekle / Kald脹r"

msgid "Group Name"
msgstr "Grup ad脹"

msgid "Passphrase"
msgstr "Parola"

#, c-format
msgid "Please enter the %s channel private group name and passphrase."
msgstr "%s kanal脹 旦zel grup ad脹 ve parolas脹n脹 giriniz."

msgid "Add Channel Private Group"
msgstr "Kanal �zel Grubu Ekle"

msgid "User Limit"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Limiti"

msgid "Set user limit on channel. Set to zero to reset user limit."
msgstr "Kanaldaki kullan脹c脹 limitini ayarla. S脹f脹rlamak i巽in s脹f脹ra ayarlay脹n."

msgid "Invite List"
msgstr "Davetli Listesi"

msgid "Ban List"
msgstr "Engelli Listesi"

msgid "Add Private Group"
msgstr "�zel Grup Ekle"

msgid "Reset Permanent"
msgstr "S脹f脹rla"

msgid "Set Permanent"
msgstr "Ayarla"

msgid "Set User Limit"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Limitini De�i�tir"

msgid "Reset Topic Restriction"
msgstr "Konu Yasaklamas脹n脹 S脹f脹rla"

msgid "Set Topic Restriction"
msgstr "Konu Yasaklamas脹 Belirle"

msgid "Reset Private Channel"
msgstr "�zel Kanal S脹f脹rla"

msgid "Set Private Channel"
msgstr "�zel Kanal Belirle"

msgid "Reset Secret Channel"
msgstr "Gizli Kanal S脹f脹rla"

msgid "Set Secret Channel"
msgstr "Gizli Kanal Belirle"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have to join the %s channel before you are able to join the private group"
msgstr "�zel gruba kat脹lmak i巽in 旦nce %s kanal脹na kat脹lmal脹s脹n脹z"

msgid "Join Private Group"
msgstr "�zel Gruba Kat脹l"

msgid "Cannot join private group"
msgstr "�zel grubu kat脹l脹nam脹yor"

msgid "Call Command"
msgstr "Komut �al脹�t脹r"

msgid "Cannot call command"
msgstr "Komut 巽a�r脹�t脹r脹lam脹yor."

msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen komut"

msgid "Secure File Transfer"
msgstr "G端venli Dosya Transferi"

msgid "Error during file transfer"
msgstr "Dosya Transferi Esnas脹nda Hata"

msgid "Remote disconnected"
msgstr "Uzaktaki ki�inin ba�lant脹s脹 kapand脹"

msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Giri� onaylanmad脹"

msgid "Key agreement failed"
msgstr "Anahtar Uyu�mazl脹�脹"

msgid "Connection timed out"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 zamana�脹m脹na u�rad脹"

msgid "Creating connection failed"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 olu�turma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "File transfer session does not exist"
msgstr "Dosya transfer oturumu mevcut de�il"

msgid "No file transfer session active"
msgstr "Aktif Dosya Transfer oturumu yok"

msgid "File transfer already started"
msgstr "Dosya transveri zaten ba�lad脹"

msgid "Could not perform key agreement for file transfer"
msgstr "Dosya transferi i巽in anahtar uyu�mas脹 yap脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Could not start the file transfer"
msgstr "Dosya transferi ba�lat脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Cannot send file"
msgstr "Dosya g旦nderilemiyor"

msgid "Error occurred"
msgstr "Hata olu�tu"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has changed the topic of <I>%s</I> to: %s"
msgstr "%s ki�isi <I>%s</I> konusunu %s olarak de�i�tirdi"

#, c-format
msgid "<I>%s</I> set channel <I>%s</I> modes to: %s"
msgstr "<I>%s</I>, <I>%s</I> kanal modunu %s olarak de�i�tirdi."

#, c-format
msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all channel <I>%s</I> modes"
msgstr "<I>%s</I> t端m kanal脹 temizledi, <I>%s</I> modlar脹"

#, c-format
msgid "<I>%s</I> set <I>%s's</I> modes to: %s"
msgstr "<I>%s</I> , <I>%s</I>'n脹n modlar脹n脹 �una de�i�tirdi: %s "

#, c-format
msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all <I>%s's</I> modes"
msgstr "<I>%s</I>, <I>%s</I>'n脹n t端m modlar脹n脹 sildi"

#, c-format
msgid "You have been kicked off <I>%s</I> by <I>%s</I> (%s)"
msgstr "<I>%s</I>'den <I>%s</I> taraf脹ndan kovuldunuz. (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "You have been killed by %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan at脹ld脹n脹z. (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Killed by %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan at脹ld脹n脹z. (%s)"

msgid "Server signoff"
msgstr "Sunucu koptu"

msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Ki�isel Bilgiler"

msgid "Birth Day"
msgstr "Do�um G端n端"

msgid "Job Role"
msgstr "聴� Rol端"

msgid "Organization"
msgstr "�irket"

msgid "Unit"
msgstr "�nite"

msgid "Note"
msgstr "Not"

msgid "Join Chat"
msgstr "Sohbete Ba�la..."

#, c-format
msgid "You are channel founder on <I>%s</I>"
msgstr "<I>%s</I> kanal脹nda kurucusunuz"

#, c-format
msgid "Channel founder on <I>%s</I> is <I>%s</I>"
msgstr " <I>%s</I> kanal kurucusu <I>%s</I>"

msgid "Real Name"
msgstr "Ger巽ek 聴sim"

msgid "Status Text"
msgstr "Durum Yaz脹s脹"

msgid "Public Key Fingerprint"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Parmakizi"

msgid "Public Key Babbleprint"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Babble izi"

msgid "_More..."
msgstr "_Daha fazla..."

msgid "Detach From Server"
msgstr "Sunucudan Ay脹rma"

msgid "Cannot detach"
msgstr "Ayr脹lam脹yor"

msgid "Cannot set topic"
msgstr "Konu de�i�tirilemedi"

msgid "Failed to change nickname"
msgstr "聴sim de�i�tirirken hata"

msgid "Roomlist"
msgstr "Oda Listesi"

msgid "Cannot get room list"
msgstr "Sohbet odas脹 listesi al脹nam脹yor"

msgid "Network is empty"
msgstr "A� bo�"

msgid "No public key was received"
msgstr "�zel anahtar getirilemedi"

msgid "Server Information"
msgstr "Sunucu Bilgileri"

msgid "Cannot get server information"
msgstr "Sunucu bilgileri al脹nam脹yor"

msgid "Server Statistics"
msgstr "Sunucu istatistikleri"

msgid "Cannot get server statistics"
msgstr "Sunucu istatistikleri al脹nam脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Local server start time: %s\n"
"Local server uptime: %s\n"
"Local server clients: %d\n"
"Local server channels: %d\n"
"Local server operators: %d\n"
"Local router operators: %d\n"
"Local cell clients: %d\n"
"Local cell channels: %d\n"
"Local cell servers: %d\n"
"Total clients: %d\n"
"Total channels: %d\n"
"Total servers: %d\n"
"Total routers: %d\n"
"Total server operators: %d\n"
"Total router operators: %d\n"
msgstr ""
"Yerel sunucu ba�lang脹巽 zaman脹: %s\n"
"Yerel sunucu a巽脹k kalma s端resi: %s\n"
"Yerel sunucu program脹: %d\n"
"Yerel sunucu kanallar脹: %d\n"
"Yerel sunucu operat旦rleri: %d\n"
"Yerel y旦nlendirici 旦perat旦rleri: %d\n"
"Yerel h端cre program脹: %d\n"
"Yerel h端cre kanallar脹: %d\n"
"Yerel h端cre sunucular脹: %d\n"
"Toplam kullan脹mlar: %d\n"
"Toplam kanallar: %d\n"
"Toplam suncucular: %d\n"
"Toplam y旦nlendiriciler: %d\n"
"Toplam sunucu operat旦rleri: %d\n"
"Toplam y旦nlendirici operat旦rleri: %d\n"

msgid "Network Statistics"
msgstr "A� istatistikleri"

msgid "Ping failed"
msgstr "Ping ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "Ping reply received from server"
msgstr "Sunucudan ping cevab脹 al脹nd脹"

msgid "Could not kill user"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 at脹lam脹yor"

msgid "WATCH"
msgstr "聴ZLE"

msgid "Cannot watch user"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹y脹 izlenemez"

msgid "Resuming session"
msgstr "Oturuma devam ediliyor"

msgid "Authenticating connection"
msgstr "Kimlik do�rulama ba�lant脹s脹"

msgid "Verifying server public key"
msgstr "Sunucunun 旦zel anahtar脹 do�rulan脹yor"

msgid "Passphrase required"
msgstr "Parola gerekli"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Received %s's public key. Your local copy does not match this key. Would you "
"still like to accept this public key?"
msgstr ""
"%s'n脹n 旦zel anahtar脹n脹 ald脹n脹z. Yerel anahtar kopyan脹z bu anahtarla "
"uyu�muyor. Hala bu 旦zel anahtar脹 kabul etmek istiyor musunuz?"

#, c-format
msgid "Received %s's public key. Would you like to accept this public key?"
msgstr ""
"%s'n脹n 旦zel anahtar脹n脹 ald脹n脹z. Bu 旦zel anahtar脹 kabul etmek istiyor musunuz?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Fingerprint and babbleprint for the %s key are:\n"
msgstr ""
"Parmak ve babble izleri %s anahtar脹 i巽in:\n"

msgid "Verify Public Key"
msgstr "Genel anahtar脹 do�rulay脹n"

msgid "_View..."
msgstr "_G旦ster..."

msgid "Unsupported public key type"
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen anahtar de�eri"

msgid "Disconnected by server"
msgstr "Sunucu ba�lant脹s脹 kesildi"

msgid "Error during connecting to SILC Server"
msgstr "SILC Sunucusuna ba�lan脹rken hata"

msgid "Key Exchange failed"
msgstr "Anahtar De�i�imi yap脹lamad脹"

msgid ""
"Resuming detached session failed. Press Reconnect to create new connection."
msgstr ""
"Ayr脹lm脹� oturuma devam edilemedi. Yeni bir ba�lant脹 olu�turmak i巽in Yeniden "
"Ba�lan'a bas脹n脹z."

msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Kurulam脹yor"

msgid "Performing key exchange"
msgstr "Anahtar de�i�imi yap脹l脹yor"

msgid "Unable to create connection"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 olu�turulamad脹"

msgid "Could not load SILC key pair"
msgstr "SILC anahtar 巽ifti y端klenemedi"

#. Progress
msgid "Connecting to SILC Server"
msgstr "SILC sunucusuna ba�lan脹l脹yor"

msgid "Out of memory"
msgstr "Bellek A�脹m脹"

msgid "Cannot initialize SILC protocol"
msgstr "SILC protokol端 ba�lat脹lamad脹"

msgid "Error loading SILC key pair"
msgstr "SILC anahtar 巽ifti y端klenirken hata olu�tu"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Download %s: %s"
msgstr "Ki�iler %s: %s"

msgid "Your Current Mood"
msgstr "Ruh Haliniz"

#, c-format
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"

msgid "In love"
msgstr "A�脹k"

msgid ""
"Your Preferred Contact Methods"
msgstr ""
"Tercih etti�iniz ileti�im y旦ntemleri"

msgid "SMS"
msgstr "SMS"

msgid "MMS"
msgstr "MMS"

msgid "Video conferencing"
msgstr "G旦r端nt端l端 konferans"

msgid "Your Current Status"
msgstr "Durumunuz"

msgid "Online Services"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i Servisler"

msgid "Let others see what services you are using"
msgstr "Ba�kalar脹n脹n sizin hangi servisleri kulland脹�脹n脹z脹 g旦rmesine izin ver"

msgid "Let others see what computer you are using"
msgstr "Ba�kalar脹n脹z脹n hangi bilgisayar脹 kulland脹�脹n脹z脹 g旦rmesine izin ver"

msgid "Your VCard File"
msgstr "VCard Dosyan脹z"

msgid "Timezone (UTC)"
msgstr "Zaman Dilimi (UTC)"

msgid "User Online Status Attributes"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 �evrimi巽i Durumu �znitelikleri"

msgid ""
"You can let other users see your online status information and your personal "
"information. Please fill the information you would like other users to see "
"about yourself."
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹lar脹n sizin ba�lant脹 durumunuzu ve 旦zel bilgilerinizi g旦rmelerine "
"izin verebilirsiniz. L端tfen g旦sterece�iniz bilgileri doldurun."

msgid "Message of the Day"
msgstr "G端n端n Mesaj脹"

msgid "No Message of the Day available"
msgstr "G端n端n Mesaj脹 mevcut de�il"

msgid "There is no Message of the Day associated with this connection"
msgstr "Bu ba�lant脹yla ili�kili G端n端n Mesaj脹 yok."

msgid "Create New SILC Key Pair"
msgstr "Yeni SILC Anahtar �ifti Olu�tur"

msgid "Passphrases do not match"
msgstr "Parolalar ayn脹 de�il"

msgid "Key Pair Generation failed"
msgstr "Anahtar �itfi olu�turma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

msgid "Key length"
msgstr "Anahtar uzunlu�u"

msgid "Public key file"
msgstr "Genel anahtar dosyas脹"

msgid "Private key file"
msgstr "�zel anahtar dosyas脹"

msgid "Passphrase (retype)"
msgstr "Parola (tekrar)"

msgid "Generate Key Pair"
msgstr "Anahtar �ifti Olu�tur"

msgid "Online Status"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i Durum"

msgid "View Message of the Day"
msgstr "G端n端n Mesaj脹n脹 G旦ster"

msgid "Create SILC Key Pair..."
msgstr "SILC Anahtar �ifti Olu�tur..."

#, c-format
msgid "User <I>%s</I> is not present in the network"
msgstr "<I>%s</I> �u anda a�da mevcut de�il"

msgid "Topic too long"
msgstr "Konu 巽ok uzun"

msgid "You must specify a nick"
msgstr "Bir takma isim belirtmelisiniz"

#, c-format
msgid "channel %s not found"
msgstr "%s kanal脹 bulunamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "channel modes for %s: %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in kanal modlar脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "no channel modes are set on %s"
msgstr "%s de hi巽 kanal modu ayarlanmad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to set cmodes for %s"
msgstr "cmodes, %s olarak ayarlanamad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown command: %s, (may be a client bug)"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen komut: %s, (istemci hatas脹 olabilir)"

msgid "part [channel]:  Leave the chat"
msgstr "part [kanal]:  Sohbetten ayr脹l"

msgid "leave [channel]:  Leave the chat"
msgstr "leave [kanal]:  Sohbetten ayr脹l"

msgid "topic [&lt;new topic&gt;]:  View or change the topic"
msgstr "topic [&lt;yeni konu&gt;]:  Konuyu de�i�tir veya g旦r端nt端le"

msgid "join &lt;channel&gt; [&lt;password&gt;]:  Join a chat on this network"
msgstr "join &lt;channel&gt; [&lt;�ifre&gt;]:  A�daki bir sohbete kat脹l"

msgid "list:  List channels on this network"
msgstr "list:  A�daki kanallar脹 listele"

msgid "whois &lt;nick&gt;:  View nick's information"
msgstr "whois &lt;takmaisim&gt;:  Ki�inin bilgilerini g旦ster"

msgid "msg &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;:  Send a private message to a user"
msgstr "msg &lt;takmaisim&gt; &lt;mesaj&gt;:  Kullan脹c脹ya 旦zel mesaj g旦nder"

msgid "query &lt;nick&gt; [&lt;message&gt;]:  Send a private message to a user"
msgstr ""
"query &lt;takmaisim&gt; [&lt;mesaj&gt;]:  Kullan脹c脹ya 旦zel mesaj g旦nder"

msgid "motd:  View the server's Message Of The Day"
msgstr "motd:  Sunucunun G端n端n Mesaj脹n脹 g旦r端nt端le"

msgid "detach:  Detach this session"
msgstr "detach:  Bu oturumu ay脹r."

msgid "quit [message]:  Disconnect from the server, with an optional message"
msgstr "quit [mesaj]:  Mesaj b脹rakarak sunucudan ayr脹l"

msgid "call &lt;command&gt;:  Call any silc client command"
msgstr "call &lt;command&gt;:  Herhangi bir SILC komutu 巽a�脹r脹r"

msgid "kill &lt;nick&gt; [-pubkey|&lt;reason&gt;]:  Kill nick"
msgstr "kill &lt;nick&gt; [-pubkey|&lt;sebep&gt;]:  Nicki yokeder"

msgid "nick &lt;newnick&gt;:  Change your nickname"
msgstr "nick &lt;newnick&gt;:  Takma ad脹n脹z脹 de�i�tirir"

msgid "whowas &lt;nick&gt;:  View nick's information"
msgstr "whowas &lt;takmaisim&gt;:  Ki�inin bilgilerini g旦ster"

msgid ""
"cmode &lt;channel&gt; [+|-&lt;modes&gt;] [arguments]:  Change or display "
"channel modes"
msgstr ""
"cmode &lt;channel&gt; [+|-&lt;modes&gt;] [arguments]:  Kanal modla脹rn脹 "
"g旦ster veya de�i�tir"

msgid ""
"cumode &lt;channel&gt; +|-&lt;modes&gt; &lt;nick&gt;:  Change nick's modes "
"on channel"
msgstr ""
"cumode &lt;channel&gt; +|-&lt;modes&gt; &lt;nick&gt;:  Kanaldaki takma "
"adlar脹n modlar脹n脹 d端zenler."

msgid "umode &lt;usermodes&gt;:  Set your modes in the network"
msgstr "umode &lt;usermodes&gt;:  A�daki modlar脹n脹z脹 d端zenler."

msgid "oper &lt;nick&gt; [-pubkey]:  Get server operator privileges"
msgstr "oper &lt;nick&gt; [-pubkey]:  Sunucu operat旦r ayr脹cal脹klar脹n脹 al"

msgid ""
"invite &lt;channel&gt; [-|+]&lt;nick&gt;:  invite nick or add/remove from "
"channel invite list"
msgstr ""
"invite &lt;channel&gt; [-|+]&lt;nick&gt;:  kanal davet listesine takma ad "
"ekle veya sil"

msgid "kick &lt;channel&gt; &lt;nick&gt; [comment]:  Kick client from channel"
msgstr "kick &lt;channel&gt; &lt;nick&gt; [comment]:  Kullan脹c脹y脹 kanaldan at."

msgid "info [server]:  View server administrative details"
msgstr "info [server]:  Sunucu y旦netimsel ayr脹nt脹lar脹n脹 g旦ster"

msgid "ban [&lt;channel&gt; +|-&lt;nick&gt;]:  Ban client from channel"
msgstr ""
"ban [&lt;channel&gt; +|-&lt;nick&gt;]:  Kullan脹c脹y脹 kanaldan uzun s端reli "
"uzakla�t脹r (banla)."

msgid "getkey &lt;nick|server&gt;:  Retrieve client's or server's public key"
msgstr ""
"getkey &lt;nick|server&gt;:  Client veya sunucunun 旦zel anahtar脹n脹 getir."

msgid "stats:  View server and network statistics"
msgstr "stats:  Sunucu ve a� istatistiklerini g旦r端nt端le"

msgid "ping:  Send PING to the connected server"
msgstr "ping:  Ba�lan脹lan sunucuya PING at."

msgid "users &lt;channel&gt;:  List users in channel"
msgstr "users &lt;channel&gt;:  Kanaldaki kullan脹c脹lar脹 listele"

msgid ""
"names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] &lt;channel(s)&gt;:  List "
"specific users in channel(s)"
msgstr ""
"names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] &lt;channel(s)&gt;:  Kanal(lar)"
"daki spesifik kullan脹c脹lar脹 listele."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "SILC Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "SILC Protokol Eklentisi"

#. *  description
msgid "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) Protocol"
msgstr "G端venli Internet Canl脹 Konferans (SILC) Protokol端"

msgid "Network"
msgstr "A�"

msgid "Public Key file"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar dosyas脹"

msgid "Private Key file"
msgstr "�zel Anahtar dosyas脹"

msgid "Cipher"
msgstr ""

msgid "HMAC"
msgstr "HMAC"

msgid "Use Perfect Forward Secrecy"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public key authentication"
msgstr "Genel anahtar yetkilendirmesi"

msgid "Block IMs without Key Exchange"
msgstr "Anahtar uyu�umu olmayan IM(anl脹k ileticileri) blokla"

msgid "Block messages to whiteboard"
msgstr "聴letileri beyaz tahtaya g旦nder"

msgid "Automatically open whiteboard"
msgstr "Otomatik olarak beyaz tahta a巽"

msgid "Digitally sign and verify all messages"
msgstr "T端m anl脹k iletileri dijital olarak imzala"

msgid "Creating SILC key pair..."
msgstr "SILC anahtar 巽ifti olu�turuluyor..."

msgid "Cannot create SILC key pair\n"
msgstr "SILC anahtar 巽ifti olu�turulamad脹\n"

#. Hint for translators: Please check the tabulator width here and in
#. the next strings (short strings: 2 tabs, longer strings 1 tab,
#. sum: 3 tabs or 24 characters)
#, c-format
msgid "Real Name: \t%s\n"
msgstr "Ger巽ek 聴smi: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "User Name: \t%s\n"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Ad脹: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Email: \t\t%s\n"
msgstr "E-posta: \t\t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Host Name: \t%s\n"
msgstr "Host Ad脹: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Organization: \t%s\n"
msgstr "�irket: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Country: \t%s\n"
msgstr "�lke: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Algorithm: \t%s\n"
msgstr "Algoritma: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Key Length: \t%d bits\n"
msgstr "Anahtar Uzunlu�u: \t%d bits\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Version: \t%s\n"
msgstr "S端r端m: \t%s\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Public Key Fingerprint:\n"
msgstr ""
"Genel Anahtar Parmak izi:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Public Key Babbleprint:\n"
msgstr ""
"Genel Anahtar Babble izi:\n"

msgid "Public Key Information"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Bilgisi"

msgid "Paging"
msgstr "Sayfalama"

msgid "Video Conferencing"
msgstr "G旦r端nt端l端 Konferans"

msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Bilgisayar"

msgid "PDA"
msgstr "PDA"

msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Terminal"

#, c-format
msgid "%s sent message to whiteboard. Would you like to open the whiteboard?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s sent message to whiteboard on %s channel. Would you like to open the "
msgstr ""

msgid "Whiteboard"
msgstr "Beyaz Tahta"

msgid "No server statistics available"
msgstr "Sunucu istatistikleri mevcut de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Version mismatch, upgrade your client"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: S端r端m uyu�mazl脹�脹, program脹 g端ncelle�tirin"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not trust/support your public key"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol 旦zel anahtar脹n脹za g端venmiyor veya onu desteklemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed KE group"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol, KE grup teklifini desteklemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed cipher"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol, �ifreleme teklifini desteklemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed PKCS"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol, PKCS teklifini desteklemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed hash function"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol, hash fonksiyonunun teklifini desteklemiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed HMAC"
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z: Kontrol, HMAC teklifini desteklemiyor."

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Incorrect signature"
msgstr "Hata: Yanl脹� imza"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Invalid cookie"
msgstr "Hata: Ge巽ersiz 巽erez"

#, c-format
msgid "Failure: Authentication failed"
msgstr "Hata: Kimlik denetimi ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "Cannot initialize SILC Client connection"
msgstr "SILC Client ba�lant脹s脹 ba�lat脹lamad脹"

msgid "John Noname"
msgstr "Serdar 聴simsiz"

#, c-format
msgid "Could not load SILC key pair: %s"
msgstr "SILC anahtar 巽ifti y端klenemedi: %s"

msgid "Could not write"
msgstr "Yaz脹lamad脹"

msgid "Could not connect"
msgstr "Ba�lan脹lamad脹"

msgid "Unknown server response."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sunucu yan脹t脹."

msgid "Could not create listen socket"
msgstr "Dinleme soketi yarat脹lamad脹"

msgid "Could not resolve hostname"
msgstr "Makine ad脹 巽旦z端mlenemedi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "SIP usernames may not contain whitespaces or @ symbols"
msgstr "IRC isimler bo�luk karakteri i巽eremez"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "SIP/SIMPLE Protokol Eklentisi"

#. *  summary
msgid "The SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin"
msgstr ""

msgid "Publish status (note: everyone may watch you)"
msgstr "Durumu Yay脹mla (not: herkes sizi g旦rebilir)"

msgid "Use UDP"
msgstr "UDP Kullan"

msgid "Use proxy"
msgstr "Proxy kullan"

msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Proxy"

msgid "Auth User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Kimli�ini Do�rula"

msgid "Auth Domain"
msgstr "Makine Kimli�ini Do�rula"

#, c-format
msgid "Looking up %s"
msgstr "%s aran脹yor"

#, c-format
msgid "Connect to %s failed"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 ba�ar脹s脹z (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Signon: %s"
msgstr "Ba�lan: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to write file %s."
msgstr "Dosya yaz脹lam脹yor. (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to read file %s."
msgstr "Dosya a巽脹lam脹yor. (%s)"

#, c-format
msgid "Message too long, last %s bytes truncated."
msgstr "聴leti 巽ok uzun , son %s byte(harf) kesildi."

#, c-format
msgid "%s not currently logged in."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 %s oturum a巽mam脹�"

#, c-format
msgid "Warning of %s not allowed."
msgstr "%s 'nin uyar脹s脹na izin verilmiyor"

#, c-format
msgid "A message has been dropped, you are exceeding the server speed limit."
msgstr "Bir ileti d端�端r端ld端, sunucunun h脹z limitini a�脹yorsunuz."

#, c-format
msgid "Chat in %s is not available."
msgstr "%s de sohbet m端mk端n de�il."

#, c-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast to %s."
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹na 巽ok h脹zl脹 ileti yolluyorsunuz."

#, c-format
msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was too big."
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan g旦nderilen mesaj 巽ok uzun oldu�undan al脹namad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was sent too fast."
msgstr "%s taraf脹ndan g旦nderilen mesaj 巽ok h脹zl脹 g旦nderildi�i i巽in al脹namad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Failure."
msgstr "Ba�ar脹s脹z."

#, c-format
msgid "Too many matches."
msgstr "�ok sonu巽 var."

#, c-format
msgid "Need more qualifiers."
msgstr "Daha fazla niteleyici gerek."

#, c-format
msgid "Dir service temporarily unavailable."
msgstr "Bu servis ge巽ici olarak hizmet d脹�脹d脹r."

#, c-format
msgid "Email lookup restricted."
msgstr "E-posta aramas脹 yasakland脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Keyword ignored."
msgstr "聴pucu g旦zard脹 edildi."

#, c-format
msgid "No keywords."
msgstr "Anahtar s旦zc端k yok."

#, c-format
msgid "User has no directory information."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 dizin bilgisine sahip de�il."

#, c-format
msgid "Country not supported."
msgstr "�lke desteklenmiyor."

#, c-format
msgid "Failure unknown: %s."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata: %s."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr "Yanl脹� takma ad veya parola."

#, c-format
msgid "The service is temporarily unavailable."
msgstr "Bu servis ge巽ici olarak hizmet d脹�脹d脹r."

#, c-format
msgid "Your warning level is currently too high to log in."
msgstr "Uyar脹 d端zeyiniz �uan oturum a巽abilmek i巽in 巽ok y端ksek."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently.  Wait ten minutes "
"and try again.  If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer."
msgstr ""
"�ok s脹k ba�lan脹p kopuyorsunuz. L端tfen on dakika bekledikten sonra tekrar "
"deneyin. E�er denemeye devam ederseniz daha uzun beklemek zorunda "

#, c-format
msgid "An unknown signon error has occurred: %s."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ba�lant脹 hatas脹 olu�tu: %s."

#, c-format
msgid "An unknown error, %d, has occurred.  Info: %s"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata, %d, olu�tu. Bilgi: %s"

msgid "Invalid Groupname"
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz grup ad脹"

msgid "Connection Closed"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Kesildi"

msgid "Waiting for reply..."
msgstr "Cevap i巽in bekleniyor..."

msgid "TOC has come back from its pause. You may now send messages again."
msgstr ""
"TOC duraklamadan tekrar 巽al脹�脹r hale geldi. �imdi iletilerinizi "

msgid "Password Change Successful"
msgstr "�ifreniz  Ba�ar脹yla De�i�tirildi"

msgid "_Group:"
msgstr "_Grup:"

msgid "Get Dir Info"
msgstr "Dizin ad脹n脹 al"

msgid "Set Dir Info"
msgstr "Dizin ad脹 ayarla"

#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s for writing!"
msgstr "%s yazma i巽in a巽脹lam脹yor!"

msgid "File transfer failed; other side probably canceled."
msgstr "Dosya transferi ger巽ekle�tirilemedi; kar�脹 taraf iptal etmi� olabilir."

msgid "Could not connect for transfer."
msgstr "Transfer i巽in ba�lanam脹yor."

msgid "Could not write file header.  The file will not be transferred."
msgstr "Dosyan脹n 端stbilgisi okunamad脹. Dosya transer edilemeyecek."

msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Farkl脹 Kaydet..."

#, c-format
msgid "%s requests %s to accept %d file: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s"
msgid_plural "%s requests %s to accept %d files: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s"
msgstr[0] "%s istiyor %s kabul etmeyi %d dosyas脹n脹: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s"

#, c-format
msgid "%s requests you to send them a file"
msgstr "%s sizden kendine bir dosya yollanmas脹n脹 istiyor."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "TOC Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "TOC Protokol Eklentisi"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your Yahoo! message did not get sent."
msgstr "Yahoo! mesaj脹n脹z yollanamad脹."

#, c-format
msgid "Yahoo! system message for %s:"
msgstr "Yahoo! sistem mesaj脹 %s i巽in:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list for the "
"following reason: %s."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Add buddy rejected"
msgstr "Ki�i ekleme reddedildi"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The Yahoo server has requested the use of an unrecognized authentication "
"method.  You will probably not be able to successfully sign on to Yahoo.  "
"Check %s for updates."
msgstr ""

msgid "Failed Yahoo! Authentication"
msgstr "Yahoo! Kimlik Denetimi Ba�ar脹s脹z"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have tried to ignore %s, but the user is on your buddy list.  Clicking "
"\"Yes\" will remove and ignore the buddy."
msgstr ""
"%s kullan脹c脹s脹n脹 yoksaymaya 巽al脹�脹yorsunuz, ama kullan脹c脹 �u anda sizin "
"listenizde. \"Evet\"e t脹klad脹�脹n脹z takdirde bu kullan脹c脹 listenizden "
"silinecek ve yok say脹lacakt脹r."

msgid "Ignore buddy?"
msgstr "Ki�iyi yoksay?"

msgid "Your account is locked, please log in to the Yahoo! website."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 hesab脹n脹z kilitlendi, l端tfen Yahoo! sitesine giri� yap脹n."

#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error number %d. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Could not add buddy %s to group %s to the server list on account %s."
msgstr ""

msgid "Could not add buddy to server list"
msgstr "Arkada�脹n脹z sunucu listesine eklenemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "[ Audible %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s"
msgstr "[ Sesli %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s"

msgid "Received unexpected HTTP response from server."
msgstr "Sunucudan beklenmeyen bir HTTP yan脹t脹 al脹nd脹."

msgid "Connection problem"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 sorunu"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Lost connection with %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s sunucusu ile ba�lant脹 kesildi:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not establish a connection with %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s sunucusu ile ba�lant脹 sa�lanamad脹:\n"

msgid "Not at Home"
msgstr "Evde De�il"

msgid "Not at Desk"
msgstr "B端roda De�il"

msgid "Not in Office"
msgstr "Ofiste De�il"

msgid "On Vacation"
msgstr "Tatilde"

msgid "Stepped Out"
msgstr "_D脹�ar脹 �脹kt脹"

msgid "Not on server list"
msgstr "Sunucu listesinde de�il"

msgid "Appear Online"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i"

msgid "Appear Permanently Offline"
msgstr "S端rekli �evrimd脹�脹 g旦r端n"

msgid "Presence"
msgstr "Bulunma"

msgid "Appear Offline"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹 G旦r端n"

msgid "Don't Appear Permanently Offline"
msgstr "S端rekli �evrimd脹�脹 g旦r端nme"

msgid "Join in Chat"
msgstr "Sohbete Kat脹l"

msgid "Initiate Conference"
msgstr "Konferans Ba�lat"

msgid "Presence Settings"
msgstr "Bulunma Ayarlar脹"

msgid "Start Doodling"
msgstr "Karalamaya Ba�la"

msgid "Activate which ID?"
msgstr "Hangi Kimlik etkinle�tirilsin?"

msgid "Join whom in chat?"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹yla sohbet et..."

msgid "Activate ID..."
msgstr "ID'yi aktifle�tir..."

msgid "Join User in Chat..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹yla Sohbet Et..."

msgid "Open Inbox"
msgstr "Gelen Kutusunu A巽"

msgid "join &lt;room&gt;:  Join a chat room on the Yahoo network"
msgstr "join &lt;oda&gt;:  Yahoo'daki bir sohbet odas脹na kat脹l"

msgid "list: List rooms on the Yahoo network"
msgstr "list:  Yahoo a�脹ndaki kanallar脹 listele"

msgid "doodle: Request user to start a Doodle session"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Yahoo ID..."
msgstr "Yahoo! ID"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Yahoo Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Yahoo Protokol Eklentisi"

msgid "Yahoo Japan"
msgstr "Yahoo Japon"

msgid "Pager server"
msgstr "�a�r脹 cihaz脹 sunucusu"

msgid "Japan Pager server"
msgstr "Japon �a�r脹 cihaz脹 sunucusu"

msgid "Pager port"
msgstr "�a�r脹 cihaz脹 portu"

msgid "File transfer server"
msgstr "Dosya aktar脹m sunucusu"

msgid "Japan file transfer server"
msgstr "Japon dosya aktar脹m sunucusu"

msgid "File transfer port"
msgstr "Dosya aktar脹m portu"

msgid "Chat room locale"
msgstr "Sohbet Odas脹 Yereli"

msgid "Ignore conference and chatroom invitations"
msgstr "Konferans ve sohbet odas脹 davetlerini yok say"

msgid "Chat room list URL"
msgstr "Sohbet Odas脹 Listesi URL"

msgid "Yahoo Chat server"
msgstr "Yahoo Sohbet sunucusu"

msgid "Yahoo Chat port"
msgstr "Yahoo Sohbet portu"

#. Write a local message to this conversation showing that a request for a
#. * Doodle session has been made
msgid "Sent Doodle request."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to establish file descriptor."
msgstr "Dosya a巽脹klay脹c脹s脹 (tan脹mlay脹c脹s脹) kurulamad脹."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s is trying to send you a group of %d files.\n"
msgstr "%s %s dosyas脹n脹 g旦ndermek istiyor"

msgid "Yahoo! Japan Profile"
msgstr "Yahoo! Japon Profili"

msgid "Yahoo! Profile"
msgstr "Yahoo! Profili"

msgid ""
"Sorry, profiles marked as containing adult content are not supported at this "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"If you wish to view this profile, you will need to visit this link in your "
"web browser:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Yahoo! ID"
msgstr "Yahoo! ID"

msgid "Hobbies"
msgstr "Hobiler"

msgid "Latest News"
msgstr "Son Haberler"

msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Anasayfa"

msgid "Cool Link 1"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 1"

msgid "Cool Link 2"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 2"

msgid "Cool Link 3"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 3"

msgid "Last Update"
msgstr "Son G端ncelleme"

#, c-format
msgid "User information for %s unavailable"
msgstr "%s adl脹 kullan脹c脹n脹n bilgisi mevcut de�il"

msgid ""
"Sorry, this profile seems to be in a language or format that is not "
"supported at this time."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely is a temporary "
"server-side problem. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹n脹n profiline eri�ilemedi. Bu muhtemelen sunucudan kaynaklanan "
"ge巽ici bir problemdir. L端tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."

msgid ""
"Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely means that the user "
"does not exist; however, Yahoo! sometimes does fail to find a user's "
"profile. If you know that the user exists, please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Kullan脹c脹n脹n profiline ula�脹lamad脹. Bu genelde b旦yle bir kullan脹c脹n脹n "
"olmad脹�脹n脹 i�aret eder; fakat bazen Yahoo!'nun profillere ula�amad脹�脹 olur."
"E�er kullan脹c脹n脹n do�ru oldu�una eminseniz, l端tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."

msgid "The user's profile is empty."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 profili bo�."

#, c-format
msgid "%s declined your conference invitation to room \"%s\" because \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"%s kullan脹c脹s脹 \"%s\" odas脹na yapt脹�脹n脹z konferans davetinizi kabul etmedi "
"巽端nk端 \"%s\"."

msgid "Invitation Rejected"
msgstr "Davet Reddedildi"

msgid "Failed to join chat"
msgstr "Sohbete kat脹l脹m ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#. -6
msgid "Unknown room"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen oda"

#. -15
msgid "Maybe the room is full"
msgstr "Sohbet odas脹 dolu olabilir"

#. -35
msgid "Not available"
msgstr "Eri�ilebilir de�il"

msgid ""
"Unknown error. You may need to logout and wait five minutes before being "
"able to rejoin a chatroom"
msgstr ""
"Bilinmeyen hata. Sohbet odas脹na yeniden girebilmek i巽in 巽evrimd脹�脹 duruma "
"ge巽ip be� dakika beklemeniz gerekebilir."

#, c-format
msgid "You are now chatting in %s."
msgstr "�imdi %s odas脹nda sohbet ediyorsunuz."

msgid "Failed to join buddy in chat"
msgstr "Ki�iyle sohbete kat脹l脹namad脹"

msgid "Maybe they're not in a chat?"
msgstr "Belki de onlar sohbet etmiyordur?"

msgid "Fetching the room list failed."
msgstr "Oda listesi al脹m脹 ba�ar脹s脹z oldu."

msgid "Voices"
msgstr "Sesler"

msgid "Webcams"
msgstr "Web Kameralar"

msgid "Unable to fetch room list."
msgstr "Oda listesi al脹nam脹yor."

msgid "User Rooms"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Odalar脹"

msgid "Connection problem with the YCHT server."
msgstr "YCHT sunucusuna ba�lant脹 hatas脹."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Lost connection with server\n"
msgstr ""
"Sunucuyla yap脹lan ba�lant脹 kesildi\n"

msgid ""
"(There was an error converting this message.\t Check the 'Encoding' option "
"in the Account Editor)"
msgstr ""
"(聴leti d旦n端�t端r端l端rken bir hata olu�tu.\n"
" Hesap D端zenleyiciden Kodlama se巽ene�ine bak脹n)"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to send to chat %s,%s,%s"
msgstr "Sohbet g旦nderilemedi %s,%s,%s "

msgid "Hidden or not logged-in"
msgstr "Gizli veya giri� yapmam脹�"

#, c-format
msgid "<br>At %s since %s"
msgstr "<br> %s'de %s'den beri"

msgid "Anyone"
msgstr "Herhangi biri"

msgid "_Class:"
msgstr "_S脹n脹f:"

msgid "_Instance:"
msgstr "_�rnek:"

msgid "_Recipient:"
msgstr "_Al脹c脹:"

#, c-format
msgid "Attempt to subscribe to %s,%s,%s failed"
msgstr "Kat脹l脹m denemesi %s,%s,%s yap脹lamad脹"

msgid "zlocate &lt;nick&gt;: Locate user"
msgstr "zlocate &lt;nick&gt;: Kullan脹c脹y脹 konumland脹r"

msgid "zl &lt;nick&gt;: Locate user"
msgstr "zl &lt;nick&gt;: Kullan脹c脹y脹 konumland脹r"

msgid "instance &lt;instance&gt;: Set the instance to be used on this class"
msgstr ""

msgid "inst &lt;instance&gt;: Set the instance to be used on this class"
msgstr ""

msgid "topic &lt;instance&gt;: Set the instance to be used on this class"
msgstr ""

msgid "sub &lt;class&gt; &lt;instance&gt; &lt;recipient&gt;: Join a new chat"
msgstr ""
"sub &lt;class&gt; &lt;instance&gt; &lt;recipient&gt;: Yeni bir sohbete kat脹l"

msgid ""
"zi &lt;instance&gt;: Send a message to &lt;message,<i>instance</i>,*&gt;"
msgstr ""
"zi &lt;instance&gt;: �una mesaj yolla &lt;message,<i>instance</i>,*&gt;"

msgid ""
"zci &lt;class&gt; &lt;instance&gt;: Send a message to &lt;<i>class</i>,"
msgstr ""
"zci &lt;class&gt; &lt;instance&gt;: Mesaj G旦nder &lt;<i>class</i>,"

msgid ""
"zcir &lt;class&gt; &lt;instance&gt; &lt;recipient&gt;: Send a message to &lt;"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"zir &lt;instance&gt; &lt;recipient&gt;: Send a message to &lt;MESSAGE,"
msgstr ""

msgid "zc &lt;class&gt;: Send a message to &lt;<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*&gt;"
msgstr "zc &lt;class&gt;: Mesaj g旦nder &lt;<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*&gt;"

msgid "Resubscribe"
msgstr "Yeniden kay脹t ol"

msgid "Retrieve subscriptions from server"
msgstr "Sunucudan 端yelikleri getir"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Zephyr Protocol Plugin"
msgstr "Zephyr Protokol端 Eklentisi"

msgid "Use tzc"
msgstr "Tzc kullan"

msgid "tzc command"
msgstr "tzc komutu"

msgid "Export to .anyone"
msgstr ".anyone'a aktar"

msgid "Export to .zephyr.subs"
msgstr ".zephyr.subs'a aktar"

msgid "Import from .anyone"
msgstr ".anyone'dan i巽eri aktar"

msgid "Import from .zephyr.subs"
msgstr ".zephyr.subs'dan i巽eri aktar"

msgid "Realm"
msgstr "Memleket"

msgid "Exposure"
msgstr "A巽脹kl脹k"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to create socket:\n"
msgstr ""
"Soket olu�turulamad脹:\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse response from HTTP proxy: %s\n"
msgstr "HTTP proxy yan脹t脹 ayr脹�t脹r脹lamad脹: %s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "HTTP proxy connection error %d"
msgstr "HTTP Proxy ba�lant脹 hatas脹 %d"

#, c-format
msgid "Access denied: HTTP proxy server forbids port %d tunneling."
msgstr ""
"Eri�im engellendi : HTTP proxy sunucusu %d portunda t端nellemeye izin "

#, c-format
msgid "Error resolving %s"
msgstr "%s 巽旦z端mleme hatas脹"

msgid "Could not resolve host name"
msgstr "Ana makina ismi 巽旦z端mlenemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Requesting %s's attention..."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s has requested your attention!"
msgstr ""

#. *
#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c Yes and @c No buttons.
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr "_Evet"

msgid "_No"
msgstr "_Hay脹r"

#. *
#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons.
msgid "_Accept"
msgstr "_Kabul Et"

#. *
#. * The default message to use when the user becomes auto-away.
msgid "I'm not here right now"
msgstr "�u anda burada de�ilim"

msgid "saved statuses"
msgstr "kaydedilmi� durumlar"

#, c-format
msgid "%s is now known as %s.\n"
msgstr "%s �imdi %s olarak biliniyor.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s has invited %s to the chat room %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s kullan脹c脹s脹 %s taraf脹ndan %s sohbet odas脹nadavet edildi:\n"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s\n"
msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 %s taraf脹ndan %s sohbet odas脹nadavet edildi\n"

msgid "Accept chat invitation?"
msgstr "Sohbet davetini kabul ediyor musunuz?"

#. Shortcut
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "S脹rala"

#, fuzzy
msgid "The text-shortcut for the smiley"
msgstr "GTK+ Metin K脹sayol Temas脹"

#. Stored Image
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stored Image"
msgstr "Resmi Kaydet"

msgid "Stored Image. (that'll have to do for now)"
msgstr ""

msgid "SSL Connection Failed"
msgstr "SSL Ba�lant脹s脹 Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "SSL Handshake Failed"
msgstr "SSL Do�rulamas脹 Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "SSL peer presented an invalid certificate"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown SSL error"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen SSL Hatas脹"

msgid "Unset"
msgstr "Ayarlanmam脹�"

msgid "Do not disturb"
msgstr "Rahats脹z etmeyin"

msgid "Extended away"
msgstr "Uzun s端reli uzakta"

msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Cep"

msgid "Listening to music"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s) changed status from %s to %s"
msgstr "%s (%s) ki�isi %s durumundan %s durumuna ge巽ti"

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s) is now %s"
msgstr "%s (%s) �imdi %s olarak biliniyor"

#, c-format
msgid "%s (%s) is no longer %s"
msgstr "%s (%s) art脹k %s de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "%s became idle"
msgstr "%s �imdi uygun"

#, c-format
msgid "%s became unidle"
msgstr "%s �imdi uygun de�il"

#, c-format
msgid "+++ %s became idle"
msgstr "+++ %s �imdi bo�ta"

#, c-format
msgid "+++ %s became unidle"
msgstr "+++ %s �imdi bo�ta de�il"

#. * This string determines how some dates are displayed.  The default
#. * string "%x %X" shows the date then the time.  Translators can
#. * change this to "%X %x" if they want the time to be shown first,
#. * followed by the date.
#, c-format
msgid "%x %X"
msgstr "%x %X"

#, c-format
msgid "Error Reading %s"
msgstr "%s Okuma Hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error was encountered reading your %s.  They have not been loaded, and "
"the old file has been renamed to %s~."
msgstr ""
"%s okunurken bir hata olu�tu.  Dosyalar y端klenmedi ve eski dosya %s~ olarak "
"yeniden adland脹r脹ld脹."

msgid "Calculating..."
msgstr "Hesaplan脹yor..."

msgid "Unknown."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen."

#, c-format
msgid "%d second"
msgid_plural "%d seconds"
msgstr[0] "%d saniye"

#, c-format
msgid "%d day"
msgid_plural "%d days"
msgstr[0] "%d g端n"

#, c-format
msgid "%s, %d hour"
msgid_plural "%s, %d hours"
msgstr[0] "%s, %d saat"

#, c-format
msgid "%d hour"
msgid_plural "%d hours"
msgstr[0] "%d saat"

#, c-format
msgid "%s, %d minute"
msgid_plural "%s, %d minutes"
msgstr[0] "%s, %d dakika"

#, c-format
msgid "%d minute"
msgid_plural "%d minutes"
msgstr[0] "%d dakika"

#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s: Redirected too many times"
msgstr "%s a巽脹lamad脹. Bir巽ok kez yeniden y旦nlendirildi"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to connect to %s"
msgstr "%s konumuna ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error reading from %s: response too long (%d bytes limit)"
msgstr "%s konumundan okuma hatas脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to allocate enough memory to hold the contents from %s.  The web "
"server may be trying something malicious."
msgstr ""
"%s i巽eri�ini a巽mak i巽in yeterli bellek konumland脹r脹lamad脹.  Web sunucu "
"zararl脹 bir �eyler deniyor olabilir."

#, c-format
msgid "Error reading from %s: %s"
msgstr "%s konumundan okuma hatas脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Error writing to %s: %s"
msgstr "%s konumundan yazma hatas脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to connect to %s: %s"
msgstr "%s konumuna ba�lan脹lamad脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid " - %s"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)"

#. 10053
#, c-format
msgid "Connection interrupted by other software on your computer."
msgstr ""

#. 10054
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remote host closed connection."
msgstr "Uzaktaki kullan脹c脹 ba�lant脹y脹 kapatt脹."

#. 10060
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connection timed out."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 zamana�脹m脹na u�rad脹"

#. 10061
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connection refused."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 kesildi"

#. 10048
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Address already in use."
msgstr "Bu sohbet ad脹 zaten kullan脹mda"

msgid "Internet Messenger"
msgstr "聴nternet Mesajla�ma Arac脹"

msgid "Pidgin Internet Messenger"
msgstr "Pidgin 聴nternet Mesajla�ma Arac脹"

msgid "Send instant messages over multiple protocols"
msgstr "Bir 巽ok protokol 端zerinden an脹l脹k ileti g旦nderin"

msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "Uyum"

msgid "The orientation of the tray."
msgstr "Sistem 巽ekmecesi uyumu."

#. Build the login options frame.
msgid "Login Options"
msgstr "Giri� Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Pro_tocol:"
msgstr "Pro_tokol:"

msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Kullan脹c脹 ad脹:"

msgid "Remember pass_word"
msgstr "Par_olay脹 hat脹rla"

#. Build the user options frame.
msgid "User Options"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Se巽enekleri"

msgid "_Local alias:"
msgstr "_Yerel isim:"

msgid "New _mail notifications"
msgstr "Yeni e-posta b_ildirimleri"

#. Buddy icon
msgid "Use this buddy _icon for this account:"
msgstr "Bu hesap i巽in b_u ki�i simgesini kullan:"

#. Build the protocol options frame.
#, c-format
msgid "%s Options"
msgstr "%s Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Use GNOME Proxy Settings"
msgstr "GnomeProxy Ayarlar脹n脹 Kullan"

msgid "Use Global Proxy Settings"
msgstr "Evrensel Proxy Ayarlar脹n脹 Kullan"

msgid "No Proxy"
msgstr "Proxy Kullanma"

msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"

msgid "SOCKS 4"
msgstr "SOCKS 4"

msgid "SOCKS 5"
msgstr "SOCKS 5"

msgid "Use Environmental Settings"
msgstr "Genel Ayarlar脹 Kullan"

#. This is an easter egg.
#. It means one of two things, both intended as humourus:
#. A) your network is really slow and you have nothing better to do than
#. look at butterflies.
#. B)You are looking really closely at something that shouldn't matter.
msgid "If you look real closely"
msgstr "E�er ger巽ekten yak脹n g旦r端yorsan脹z"

#. This is an easter egg. See the comment on the previous line in the source.
msgid "you can see the butterflies mating"
msgstr "kelebeklerin 巽iftle�mesini izleyebilirsiniz"

msgid "Proxy Options"
msgstr "Proxy Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Proxy _type:"
msgstr "Proxy _tipi:"

msgid "_Host:"
msgstr "_Host"

msgid "_Port:"
msgstr "_Port"

msgid "Pa_ssword:"
msgstr "Par_ola:"

msgid "Unable to save new account"
msgstr "Yeni hesap kaydedilemedi"

msgid "An account already exists with the specified criteria."
msgstr "Belirlenen 旦l巽端tleri i巽eren bir hesap zaten var."

msgid "Add Account"
msgstr "Hesap Ekle"

msgid "_Basic"
msgstr "_Temel Yap脹land脹rma"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Create _this new account on the server"
msgstr "Bu yeni hesab脹 sunucu 端zerinde olu�tur"

msgid "_Advanced"
msgstr "_Geli�mi� Yap脹land脹rma"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"

msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "Protokol"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n"
"You have no IM accounts configured. To start connecting with %s press the "
"<b>Add...</b> button below and configure your first account. If you want %s "
"to connect to multiple IM accounts, press <b>Add...</b> again to configure "
"them all.\n"
"You can come back to this window to add, edit, or remove accounts from "
"<b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b> in the Buddy List window"
msgstr ""
"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s'e Ho� Geldiniz !</span>\n"
"Yap脹land脹r脹lm脹� bir An脹nda Mesajla�ma hesab脹n脹z yok. %s ile hesab脹n脹za "
"ba�lanmak i巽in 旦ncelikle a�a�脹daki <b>Ekle</b> d端�mesine t脹klayarak "
"hesab脹n脹z脹 yap脹land脹rmal脹s脹n脹z. %s kullanarak birden fazla An脹nda Mesajla�ma "
"hesab脹na ba�lanmak istiyorsan脹z, yine <b>Ekle</b> d端�mesine t脹klayarak di�er "
"hesaplar脹n脹z脹 da yap脹land脹rabilirsiniz.\n"
"Bu pencereye daha sonra ula�mak isterseniz Ki�i Listesi Penceresindeki "
"<b>Hesaplar->Ekle/D端zenle</b> yolunu takip etmelisiniz."

#, c-format
msgid "You have %d contact named %s. Would you like to merge them?"
msgid_plural ""
"You currently have %d contacts named %s. Would you like to merge them?"
msgstr[0] ""

msgid ""
"Merging these contacts will cause them to share a single entry on the buddy "
"list and use a single conversation window. You can separate them again by "
"choosing 'Expand' from the contact's context menu"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please update the necessary fields."
msgstr "L端tfen gerekli alanlar脹 G端ncelleyin."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Room _List"
msgstr "Oda Listesi"

msgid ""
"Please enter the appropriate information about the chat you would like to "
msgstr ""
"L端tfen kat脹lmak istedi�iniz sohbet hakk脹nda gereken bilgileri a巽脹k bir "
"�ekilde girin.\n"

msgid "_Account:"
msgstr "_Hesap:"

msgid "_Block"
msgstr "_Engelle"

msgid "Un_block"
msgstr "Engellemeyi _Kald脹r"

msgid "Move to"
msgstr ""

msgid "Get _Info"
msgstr "Ki�i Bilgilerini _Al"

msgid "I_M"
msgstr "Ki�iye Anl脹k _聴leti G旦ner"

msgid "_Send File..."
msgstr "_Dosya G旦nder..."

msgid "Add Buddy _Pounce..."
msgstr "Ki�i i巽in Uyar脹c脹 E_kle..."

msgid "View _Log"
msgstr "_Ge巽mi� Sohbetleri G旦ster"

msgid "Hide when offline"
msgstr "�evrimd脹�脹yken gizle"

msgid "_Alias..."
msgstr "Ki�i 聴巽in _G旦r端nen 聴sim Ayarla"

msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Kald脹r"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Custom Icon"
msgstr "�zel Simge Ayarla..."

msgid "Remove Custom Icon"
msgstr "�zel Simgeyi Kald脹r"

msgid "Add _Buddy..."
msgstr "K_i�i Ekle..."

msgid "Add C_hat..."
msgstr "So_hbet Ekle..."

msgid "_Delete Group"
msgstr "_Grubu Sil"

msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "_Yeniden Adland脹r"

#. join button
msgid "_Join"
msgstr "_Kat脹l"

msgid "Auto-Join"
msgstr "Otomatik-Kat脹l"

msgid "Persistent"
msgstr "Kal脹c脹"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Ayarlar脹 D端zenle"

msgid "_Collapse"
msgstr "_Daralt"

msgid "_Expand"
msgstr "_Geni�let"

msgid "/Tools/Mute Sounds"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Sesleri Kapat"

msgid ""
"You are not currently signed on with an account that can add that buddy."
msgstr ""
"Bu ki�iyi ekleyebilmeniz i巽in bir oturumu a巽脹lm脹� bir hesab脹n脹z脹n olmas脹 "

#. I don't believe this can happen currently, I think
#. * everything that calls this function checks for one of the
#. * above node types first.
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unknown node type"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata Kodu %d"

#. Buddies menu
msgid "/_Buddies"
msgstr "/_Ki�iler"

msgid "/Buddies/New Instant _Message..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Yeni _聴leti..."

msgid "/Buddies/Join a _Chat..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Bir Sohbete Ka_t脹l..."

msgid "/Buddies/Get User _Info..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Kullan脹c脹 B_ilgisi Al..."

msgid "/Buddies/View User _Log..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Ki�i Kay脹tlar脹n脹 G旦_ster..."

msgid "/Buddies/Sh_ow"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦_ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Offline Buddies"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/_�evrimd脹�脹 Ki�ileri G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Empty Groups"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/_Bo� Gruplar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy _Details"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Ki�i _Ayr脹nt脹lar脹n脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle _Times"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Bo�ta S端relerini _G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Protocol Icons"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/_Bo� Gruplar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/_Sort Buddies"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Ki�ileri _S脹rala"

msgid "/Buddies/_Add Buddy..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/_Ki�i Ekle..."

msgid "/Buddies/Add C_hat..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Sohbet Ekle..."

msgid "/Buddies/Add _Group..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/_Grup Ekle..."

msgid "/Buddies/_Quit"
msgstr "/_Ki�iler/_�脹k"

#. Accounts menu
msgid "/_Accounts"
msgstr "/_Hesaplar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "/Accounts/Manage Accounts"
msgstr "/Hesaplar/Y旦net"

#. Tools
msgid "/_Tools"
msgstr "/_Ara巽lar"

msgid "/Tools/Buddy _Pounces"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Ki�i _Uyar脹c脹lar"

msgid "/Tools/_Certificates"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/_Sertifikalar"

msgid "/Tools/Plu_gins"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Eklentiler"

msgid "/Tools/Pr_eferences"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/_Tercihler"

msgid "/Tools/Pr_ivacy"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/_Gizlilik"

#, fuzzy
msgid "/Tools/Smile_y"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Gizlilik"

msgid "/Tools/_File Transfers"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/_Dosya Aktar脹mlar脹"

msgid "/Tools/R_oom List"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Oda Listesi"

msgid "/Tools/System _Log"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Sistem Kay脹tlar脹n脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Tools/Mute _Sounds"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Sesleri _Kapat"

#. Help
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Yard脹m"

msgid "/Help/Online _Help"
msgstr "/Yard脹m/�evrim_i巽i Yard脹m"

msgid "/Help/_Debug Window"
msgstr "/Yard脹m/_Hata Yakalama Penceresi"

msgid "/Help/_About"
msgstr "/Yard脹m/_Pidgin Hakk脹nda"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Account:</b> %s"
msgstr ""
"<b>Hesap:</b> %s"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Occupants:</b> %d"
msgstr ""
"<b>Hesap:</b> %s"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Topic:</b> %s"
msgstr ""
"<b>Hesap:</b> %s"

#, fuzzy
msgid "(no topic set)"
msgstr "Konu ayarlanmam脹�"

msgid "Buddy Alias"
msgstr "Ki�i Takma Ad脹"

msgid "Logged In"
msgstr "�evrimi巽i"

msgid "Last Seen"
msgstr "Son G旦r端lme Zaman脹"

msgid "Spooky"
msgstr "Korkun巽"

msgid "Awesome"
msgstr "Harika"

msgid "Rockin'"
msgstr "Sallanan"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Total Buddies"
msgstr "Ki�iler"

#, c-format
msgid "Idle %dd %dh %02dm"
msgstr "Bo�ta %dd %dh %02dm"

#, c-format
msgid "Idle %dh %02dm"
msgstr "Bo�ta %dh %02dm"

#, c-format
msgid "Idle %dm"
msgstr "Bo�ta %dm"

msgid "/Buddies/New Instant Message..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Yeni Anl脹k 聴leti..."

msgid "/Buddies/Join a Chat..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Bir Sohbete Kat脹l..."

msgid "/Buddies/Get User Info..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisi Al..."

msgid "/Buddies/Add Buddy..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Ki�i Ekle..."

msgid "/Buddies/Add Chat..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Sohbet Ekle..."

msgid "/Buddies/Add Group..."
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Grup Ekle..."

msgid "/Tools/Privacy"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Gizlilik"

msgid "/Tools/Room List"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar/Oda Listesi"

#, c-format
msgid "%d unread message from %s\n"
msgid_plural "%d unread messages from %s\n"
msgstr[0] "%d okunmam脹� ileti, g旦nderen %s\n"

msgid "Manually"
msgstr "El ile ayarla"

msgid "By status"
msgstr "Duruma g旦re"

msgid "By log size"
msgstr "Kay脹t b端y端kl端�端ne g旦re"

#, c-format
msgid "%s disconnected"
msgstr "%s ba�lant脹y脹 kesti"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s disabled"
msgstr "Komut pasifle�tirildi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Reconnect"
msgstr "Ba�lan"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Re-enable"
msgstr "Hesab脹 Yeniden Etkinle�tir"

msgid "Welcome back!"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d account was disabled because you signed on from another location:"
msgid_plural ""
"%d accounts were disabled because you signed on from another location:"
msgstr[0] "Ba�ka bir programla oturum a巽t脹n脹z."

msgid "<b>Username:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kullan脹c脹 ad脹:</b>"

msgid "<b>Password:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Parola:</b>"

msgid "_Login"
msgstr "_Giri� yap"

msgid "/Accounts"
msgstr "/Hesaplar"

#. Translators: Please maintain the use of -> and <- to refer to menu heirarchy
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"<span weight='bold' size='larger'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n"
"You have no accounts enabled. Enable your IM accounts from the <b>Accounts</"
"b> window at <b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b>. Once you enable accounts, "
"you'll be able to sign on, set your status, and talk to your friends."
msgstr ""
"<span weight='bold' size='larger'>%s Uygulamas脹na Ho� Geldiniz!</span>\n"
"Hen端z etkinle�tirilmi� bir hesab脹n脹z yok.\n"
"Etkinle�tirilmi� bir hesab脹n脹z yok. <b>Hesaplar</b> men端s端nden <b>Hesaplar-> "
"Ekle/D端zenle</b> yolunu kullanarak An脹nda Mesajla�ma hesab脹n脹z脹 "
"etkinle�tirin. Hesab脹n脹z脹 etkinle�tirdi�inizde, hesab脹n脹za giri� "
"yapabileceksiniz, durmunuzu ayarlay脹p arkada�lar脹n脹zla konu�abileceksiniz."

#. set the Show Offline Buddies option. must be done
#. * after the treeview or faceprint gets mad. -Robot101
msgid "/Buddies/Show/Offline Buddies"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/�evrimd脹�脹 Ki�ileri G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Empty Groups"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Bo� Gruplar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy Details"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Ki�i Ayr脹nt脹lar脹n脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle Times"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Bo�ta S端resini G旦ster"

msgid "/Buddies/Show/Protocol Icons"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/G旦ster/Bo� Gruplar脹 G旦ster"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a buddy.\n"
msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Buddy's _username:"
msgstr "Ki�i ismi:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "(Optional) A_lias:"
msgstr "聴ste�e ba�l脹 bilgi:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add buddy to _group:"
msgstr "Ki�iyi listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "This protocol does not support chat rooms."
msgstr "Bu protokol sohbet odalar脹n脹 desteklemiyor."

msgid ""
"You are not currently signed on with any protocols that have the ability to "
msgstr "Sohbet etmek i巽in hi巽bir sohbet protokol端ne giri� yapmad脹n脹z."

msgid ""
"Please enter an alias, and the appropriate information about the chat you "
"would like to add to your buddy list.\n"
msgstr ""
"L端tfen bir g旦r端nen isim ve listeye eklemek istedi�iniz sohbet hakk脹nda uygun "
"bir bilgi girin.\n"

msgid "A_lias:"
msgstr "G_旦r端nen isim:"

msgid "Auto_join when account becomes online."
msgstr ""

msgid "_Remain in chat after window is closed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter the name of the group to be added."
msgstr "L端tfen eklemek istedi�iniz grubun ismini girin."

msgid "Enable Account"
msgstr "Hesab脹 Etkinle�tir"

msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/Enable Account"
msgstr "<PurpleMain>/Hesaplar/Hesab脹 Etkinle�tir"

msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/"
msgstr "<PurpleMain>/Hesaplar/"

msgid "_Edit Account"
msgstr "_Hesab脹 D端zenle"

msgid "No actions available"
msgstr "Kullan脹labilir i�lem yok"

msgid "_Disable"
msgstr "_Hesab脹 Pasifle�tir"

msgid "/Tools"
msgstr "/Ara巽lar"

msgid "/Buddies/Sort Buddies"
msgstr "/Ki�iler/Ki�ileri S脹rala"

#. Widget creation function
msgid "SSL Servers"
msgstr "SSL Sunucular脹"

msgid "Unknown command."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen komut."

msgid "That buddy is not on the same protocol as this chat."
msgstr "Ki�i bu sohbetle ayn脹 protokol 端zerinde de�il."

msgid ""
"You are not currently signed on with an account that can invite that buddy."
msgstr ""
"Bu ki�iyi davet etmek i巽in hen端z ge巽erli bir hesaptan oturum a巽mad脹n脹z."

msgid "Invite Buddy Into Chat Room"
msgstr "Ki�iyi Sohbet Odas脹na Davet Et"

#. Put our happy label in it.
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite, along with an optional "
"invite message."
msgstr ""
"聴sterseniz bir davet mesaj脹yla beraber davet etmek istedi�iniz ki�inin "
"ismini girin."

msgid "_Buddy:"
msgstr "_Ki�i:"

msgid "_Message:"
msgstr "_聴leti:"

#, c-format
msgid "<h1>Conversation with %s</h1>\n"
msgstr "<h1>%s ile yaz脹�ma</h1>\n"

msgid "Save Conversation"
msgstr "Yaz脹�may脹 Kaydet"

msgid "Find"
msgstr "Bul"

msgid "_Search for:"
msgstr "_�unu Ara:"

msgid "Un-Ignore"
msgstr "Yoksayma"

msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Yoksay"

msgid "Get Away Message"
msgstr "Uzakta 聴letisi Al"

msgid "Last said"
msgstr "Son s旦ylenen"

msgid "Unable to save icon file to disk."
msgstr "Simge dosyas脹 diske kaydedilemedi."

msgid "Save Icon"
msgstr "Simgeyi Kaydet"

msgid "Animate"
msgstr "Oynat"

msgid "Hide Icon"
msgstr "Simgeyi Gizle"

msgid "Save Icon As..."
msgstr "Simgeyi Farkl脹 Kaydet..."

msgid "Set Custom Icon..."
msgstr "�zel Simge Ayarla..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Size"
msgstr "Durumu De�i�tir"

msgid "Show All"
msgstr "T端m端n端 G旦ster"

#. Conversation menu
msgid "/_Conversation"
msgstr "/_Yaz脹�ma"

msgid "/Conversation/New Instant _Message..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Yeni _Anl脹k 聴leti..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Find..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Bul..."

msgid "/Conversation/View _Log"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Kay脹tlar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Conversation/_Save As..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Farkl脹 Kaydet..."

msgid "/Conversation/Clea_r Scrollback"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Temi_zle"

msgid "/Conversation/Se_nd File..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ki�iye _Dosya G旦nder..."

msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy _Pounce..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ki�i _Uyar脹c脹 Ekle..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Get Info"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Bilgi Al..."

msgid "/Conversation/In_vite..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Davet Et..."

msgid "/Conversation/M_ore"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Daha Fazla"

msgid "/Conversation/Al_ias..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/G旦r端nen 聴s_im..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Block..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/En_gelle..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Unblock..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Engellemeyi _Kald脹r..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Add..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Ekle..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Remove..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Kald脹r..."

msgid "/Conversation/Insert Lin_k..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ba�lant脹 Ekl_e..."

msgid "/Conversation/Insert Imag_e..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Resim Ekl_e..."

msgid "/Conversation/_Close"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/_Kapat"

#. Options
msgid "/_Options"
msgstr "/_Se巽enekler"

msgid "/Options/Enable _Logging"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/_Kay脹t Tutmay脹 Etkinle�tir"

msgid "/Options/Enable _Sounds"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Sesleri E_tkinle�tir"

msgid "/Options/Show Formatting _Toolbars"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Bi巽imlendirme �ubuklar脹n脹 G旦s_ter"

msgid "/Options/Show Ti_mestamps"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Za_man脹 Etiketlerini G旦ster"

msgid "/Conversation/More"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Daha Fazla"

msgid "/Options"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler"

#. The menubar has been deactivated. Make sure the 'More' submenu is regenerated next time
#. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up.
#. Make sure the 'Conversation -> More' menuitems are regenerated whenever
#. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up because the entries can change after the
#. * conversation is created.
msgid "/Conversation"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma"

msgid "/Conversation/View Log"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Kay脹tlar脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Conversation/Send File..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ki�iye Dosya G旦nder..."

msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy Pounce..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ki�i Uyar脹c脹 Ekle..."

msgid "/Conversation/Get Info"
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Bilgi Al..."

msgid "/Conversation/Invite..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Davet Et..."

msgid "/Conversation/Alias..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/G旦r端nen 聴sim..."

msgid "/Conversation/Block..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Engelle..."

msgid "/Conversation/Unblock..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Engellemeyi Kald脹r..."

msgid "/Conversation/Add..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ekle..."

msgid "/Conversation/Remove..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Kald脹r..."

msgid "/Conversation/Insert Link..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Ba�lant脹 Ekle..."

msgid "/Conversation/Insert Image..."
msgstr "/Yaz脹�ma/Resim Ekle..."

msgid "/Options/Enable Logging"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Kay脹t Tutmay脹 Etkinle�tir"

msgid "/Options/Enable Sounds"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Sesleri Etkinle�tir"

msgid "/Options/Show Formatting Toolbars"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Bi巽imlendirme �ubuklar脹n脹 G旦ster"

msgid "/Options/Show Timestamps"
msgstr "/Se巽enekler/Zaman脹 Etiketlerini G旦ster"

msgid "User is typing..."
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 yaz脹yor..."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"%s has stopped typing"
msgstr "%s yazmay脹 b脹rakt脹 (%s)"

#. Build the Send To menu
msgid "S_end To"
msgstr "�una G旦nd_er"

msgid "_Send"
msgstr "_G旦nder"

#. Setup the label telling how many people are in the room.
msgid "0 people in room"
msgstr "Odada kimse yok"

#, c-format
msgid "%d person in room"
msgid_plural "%d people in room"
msgstr[0] "Odada %d ki�i var"

msgid "Typing"
msgstr "Yaz脹yor"

msgid "Stopped Typing"
msgstr "Yazmay脹 B脹rakt脹"

msgid "Nick Said"
msgstr "Takma Ad S旦yl端yor"

msgid "Unread Messages"
msgstr "Okunmam脹� 聴letiler"

msgid "New Event"
msgstr "Yeni Olay"

msgid "clear: Clears all conversation scrollbacks."
msgstr "clear: Konu�ma ekran脹n脹 temizler."

msgid "Confirm close"
msgstr "Kapatmay脹 onayla"

msgid "You have unread messages. Are you sure you want to close the window?"
msgstr ""
"Okunmam脹� iletileriniz var. Pencereyi kapatmak istedi�inize emin misiniz?"

msgid "Close other tabs"
msgstr "Di�er sekmeleri kapat"

msgid "Close all tabs"
msgstr "T端m sekmeleri kapat"

msgid "Detach this tab"
msgstr "Bu sekmeyi ay脹r"

msgid "Close this tab"
msgstr "Bu sekmeyi kapat"

msgid "Close conversation"
msgstr "Yaz脹�may脹 kapat"

msgid "Last created window"
msgstr "Son a巽脹lan pencere"

msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows"
msgstr "Mesaj ve sohbet pencerelerini ay脹r"

msgid "New window"
msgstr "Yeni pencere"

msgid "By group"
msgstr "Gruba g旦re"

msgid "By account"
msgstr "Hesaba g旦re"

msgid "Save Debug Log"
msgstr "Hata Kayd脹n脹 Kaydet"

msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Tersine 巽evir"

msgid "Highlight matches"
msgstr "Bulunanlar脹 vurgula"

msgid "_Icon Only"
msgstr "_Sadece Simge"

msgid "_Text Only"
msgstr "Sadece _Metin"

msgid "_Both Icon & Text"
msgstr "Simge & Metin _Birlikte"

msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtre"

msgid "Right click for more options."
msgstr "Daha fazla se巽enek i巽in sa� t脹klay脹n."

msgid "Level "
msgstr "D端zey "

msgid "Select the debug filter level."
msgstr "Hata ay脹klama filtresi d端zeyini se巽in."

msgid "All"
msgstr "T端m端"

msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Di�er"

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyar脹"

msgid "Error "
msgstr "Hata "

msgid "Fatal Error"
msgstr "�l端mc端l Hata"

msgid "bug master"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "artist"
msgstr "Sanat巽脹lar"

#. feel free to not translate this
msgid "Ka-Hing Cheung"
msgstr ""

msgid "support"
msgstr "destek"

#, fuzzy
msgid "webmaster"
msgstr "geli�tirici & site y旦neticisi"

msgid "Senior Contributor/QA"
msgstr "K脹demli Kat脹l脹mc脹/QA"

msgid "win32 port"
msgstr "win32 portu"

msgid "maintainer"
msgstr "bak脹mc脹"

msgid "libfaim maintainer"
msgstr "libfaim bak脹mc脹s脹"

#. If "lazy bum" translates literally into a serious insult, use something else or omit it.
msgid "hacker and designated driver [lazy bum]"
msgstr "hacker ve belirtilmi� s端r端c端 [lazy bum]"

msgid "support/QA"
msgstr "destek / Soru Yan脹t"

msgid "XMPP"
msgstr ""

msgid "original author"
msgstr "as脹l yazar"

msgid "lead developer"
msgstr "lider geli�tirici"

msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "Afrikaanca (Hollanda Leh巽esi)"

msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arap巽a"

msgid "Belarusian Latin"
msgstr "Belarus巽a Latin"

msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgarca"

msgid "Bengali"
msgstr "Bengal Dili"

msgid "Bosnian"
msgstr "Bo�nak巽a"

msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalan dili"

msgid "Valencian-Catalan"
msgstr "Valencian Katalan dili"

msgid "Czech"
msgstr "�ek巽e"

msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Danimarka dili"

msgid "German"
msgstr "Almanca"

msgid "Dzongkha"
msgstr ""

msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Yunanca"

msgid "Australian English"
msgstr "Avusturalya 聴ngilizcesi"

msgid "Canadian English"
msgstr "Kanada 聴ngilizcesi"

msgid "British English"
msgstr "聴ngiliz 聴ngilizcesi"

msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "Esperanto Dili"

msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "聴spanyolca"

msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estonyaca"

msgid "Euskera(Basque)"
msgstr "Bask Dili"

msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Fars巽a"

msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Fince"

msgid "French"
msgstr "Frans脹zca"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "K端rt巽e"

msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Gali巽yaca"

msgid "Gujarati"
msgstr "Gujarati (Hindistanda konu�ulan bir dil)"

msgid "Gujarati Language Team"
msgstr "Gujarati Dil Tak脹m脹"

msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "聴branice"

msgid "Hindi"
msgstr "Hindu dili"

msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Macarca"

msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Endonezya Dili"

msgid "Italian"
msgstr "聴talyanca"

msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonca"

msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "G端rc端 Dili"

msgid "Ubuntu Georgian Translators"
msgstr "Ubuntu G端rc端ce �evirmenleri"

msgid "Kannada"
msgstr "Kannada (Hindistanda konu�ulan bir dil)"

msgid "Kannada Translation team"
msgstr "Kanada �eviri ekibi"

msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korece"

msgid "Kurdish"
msgstr "K端rt巽e"

msgid "Lao"
msgstr "Lao"

msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Litvanca"

msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Makedonca"

msgid "Bokm奪l Norwegian"
msgstr "Norve巽巽e"

msgid "Nepali"
msgstr "Nepal Dili"

msgid "Dutch, Flemish"
msgstr "Hollandaca, Flamanca"

msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk"
msgstr "Norve巽 Dili"

msgid "Occitan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Punjabi"
msgstr ""

msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polonyaca"

msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portekizce"

msgid "Portuguese-Brazil"
msgstr "Portekizce-Brezilyaca"

msgid "Pashto"
msgstr "Pashto"

msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Romence"

msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Rus巽a"

msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovak dili"

msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Sloven dili"

msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Arnavut巽a"

msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "S脹rp巽a"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sinhala"
msgstr "Sosyal"

msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "聴sve巽巽e"

msgid "Tamil"
msgstr "Tamil"

msgid "Telugu"
msgstr "Telugu"

msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Tayvan Dili"

msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "T端rk巽e"

msgid "Urdu"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnam Dili"

msgid "T.M.Thanh and the Gnome-Vi Team"
msgstr "T.M.Thanh ve Gnome-Vi Tak脹m脹"

msgid "Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "�ince (Basit)"

msgid "Hong Kong Chinese"
msgstr "Hong Kong �incesi"

msgid "Traditional Chinese"
msgstr "�ince (Geleneksel)"

msgid "Amharic"
msgstr "Habe�巽e (EZ+)"

#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "%s Hakk脹nda"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is a graphical modular messaging client based on libpurple which is "
"capable of connecting to AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, XMPP, ICQ, IRC, SILC, SIP/SIMPLE, "
"Novell GroupWise, Lotus Sametime, Bonjour, Zephyr, MySpaceIM, Gadu-Gadu, and "
"QQ all at once.  It is written using GTK+.<BR><BR>You may modify and "
"redistribute the program under the terms of the GPL (version 2 or later).  A "
"copy of the GPL is contained in the 'COPYING' file distributed with %s.  %s "
"is copyrighted by its contributors.  See the 'COPYRIGHT' file for the "
"complete list of contributors.  We provide no warranty for this program."
msgstr ""
"%s AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, SILC, SIP/SIMPLE, Novell GroupWise, "
"Lotus Sametime, Bonjour, Zephyr, Gadu-Gadu, ve QQ protokollerini destekleyen "
"libpurple tabanl脹, mod端ler bir mesajla�ma istemcisidir. GTK+ kullan脹larak "
"yaz脹lm脹�t脹r.<BR><BR>GPL (s端r端m 2) lisans脹 alt脹nda uygulamay脹 de�i�tirebilir "
"ve da�脹tabilirsiniz. GPL (s端r端m 2 ya da sonras脹) Lisans脹n脹n bir kopyas脹 %s "
"ile da�脹t脹lan COPYING dosyas脹ndad脹r. %s'in telif haklar脹 kat脹l脹mc脹lar脹na "
"aittir. Bilgi edinmek i巽in COPYRIGHT dosyas脹na ya da kat脹l脹mc脹lar脹n t端m "
"listesine bakabilirsiniz. Bu uygulama i巽in garanti vermiyoruz.<BR><BR>"

#, c-format
msgid "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #pidgin on<BR><BR>"
msgstr "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #pidgin<BR><BR>"

msgid "Current Developers"
msgstr "�imdiki Geli�tiriciler"

msgid "Crazy Patch Writers"
msgstr "�脹lg脹n Yama Yazarlar脹"

msgid "Retired Developers"
msgstr "�nceki Geli�tiriciler"

msgid "Retired Crazy Patch Writers"
msgstr "Emekli �脹lg脹n Yama Yazarlar脹"

msgid "Current Translators"
msgstr "�imdiki �evirmenler"

msgid "Past Translators"
msgstr "�nceki �evirmenler"

msgid "Debugging Information"
msgstr "Hata Ay脹klama Bilgileri"

msgid "_Name"
msgstr "_聴sim"

msgid "_Account"
msgstr "_Hesap"

msgid "Get User Info"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Bilgisini Al"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please enter the username or alias of the person whose info you would like "
"to view."
msgstr ""
"L端tfen bilgilerini g旦rmek istedi�iniz ki�inin g旦r端nt端 veya etiket ismini "

msgid "View User Log"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 Kayd脹n脹 Al"

msgid "Alias Contact"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim"

msgid "Enter an alias for this contact."
msgstr "Bu ki�i i巽in g旦r端nen ismi girin."

#, c-format
msgid "Enter an alias for %s."
msgstr "%s i巽in g旦r端nen ismi girin."

msgid "Alias Buddy"
msgstr "G旦r端nen 聴sim..."

msgid "Alias Chat"
msgstr "G旦r端nen Sohbet"

msgid "Enter an alias for this chat."
msgstr "Bu sohbet i巽in g旦r端nen ismi girin."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddy from "
"your buddy list.  Do you want to continue?"
msgid_plural ""
"You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddies from "
"your buddy list.  Do you want to continue?"
msgstr[0] ""
"%s ve %d i巽eren ki�iyi ki�i listenizden silmek 端zeresiniz. Devam etmek "
"istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Remove Contact"
msgstr "Ki�iyi Kald脹r"

msgid "_Remove Contact"
msgstr "_Ki�iyi Kald脹r"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to merge the group called %s into the group called %s. Do you "
"want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"%s grubunu %s grubu ile birle�timek 端zeresiniz. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Merge Groups"
msgstr "Gruplar脹 Birle�tir"

msgid "_Merge Groups"
msgstr "_Gruplar脹 Birle�tir"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to remove the group %s and all its members from your buddy "
"list.  Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"%s grubu ve i巽erdi�i 端yeleri arkada� listenizden silmek 端zeresiniz.  Devam "
"etmek istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "Remove Group"
msgstr "_Grubu Sil"

msgid "_Remove Group"
msgstr "_Grubu Kald脹r"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to remove %s from your buddy list.  Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"%s 旦gesini kullan脹c脹 listenizden silmek 端zeresiniz.  Devam etmek istiyor "

msgid "Remove Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�iyi Sil"

msgid "_Remove Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�iyi _Kald脹r"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to remove the chat %s from your buddy list.  Do you want to "
msgstr ""
"Ki�i listenizdeki %s sohbetini kald脹rmak 端zeresiniz.  Devam etmek istiyor "

msgid "Remove Chat"
msgstr "Sohbeti Sil"

msgid "_Remove Chat"
msgstr "_Sohbeti Kald脹r"

msgid "Right-click for more unread messages...\n"
msgstr "Daha fazla okunmam脹� ileti i巽in sa� t脹klay脹n...\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Change Status"
msgstr "Durumu De�i�tir"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Buddy _List"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesini G旦r端nt端le"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Unread Messages"
msgstr "Okunmam脹� 聴letiler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "New _Message..."
msgstr "Yeni 聴leti..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Accounts"
msgstr "/_Hesaplar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Plu_gins"
msgstr "Eklentiler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Pr_eferences"
msgstr "Tercihler"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Mute _Sounds"
msgstr "Sesleri Kapat"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Blink on New Message"
msgstr "Yeni 聴letileri Vurgula"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "�脹k"

msgid "Not started"
msgstr "Ba�lamad脹"

msgid "<b>Receiving As:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Al脹nan:</b>"

msgid "<b>Receiving From:</b>"
msgstr "<b>G旦nderen:</b>"

msgid "<b>Sending To:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kime:</b>"

msgid "<b>Sending As:</b>"
msgstr "<b>G旦nderilen:</b>"

msgid "There is no application configured to open this type of file."
msgstr "Bu dosyay脹 a巽mak i巽in uygulama belirtilmemi�."

msgid "An error occurred while opening the file."
msgstr "Dosyay脹 a巽arken bir hata olu�tu."

#, c-format
msgid "Error launching %s: %s"
msgstr "%s 巽al脹�t脹rma hatas脹: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Error running %s"
msgstr "%s 巽al脹�t脹rma hatas脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Process returned error code %d"
msgstr "聴�lemde hata olu�tu. Hata Kodu: %d"

msgid "Filename:"
msgstr "Dosya ad脹:"

msgid "Local File:"
msgstr "Yerel Dosya:"

msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "H脹z:"

msgid "Time Elapsed:"
msgstr "Ge巽en S端re:"

msgid "Time Remaining:"
msgstr "Kalan S端re:"

msgid "Close this window when all transfers _finish"
msgstr "T端m aktar脹mlar tamamlan脹nca bu pencereyi _kapat"

msgid "C_lear finished transfers"
msgstr "Tamamlanan transferleri _temizle"

#. "Download Details" arrow
msgid "File transfer _details"
msgstr "Dosya transferi _ayr脹nt脹lar脹"

#. Pause button
msgid "_Pause"
msgstr "_Durakla"

#. Resume button
msgid "_Resume"
msgstr "Devam _Et"

msgid "Paste as Plain _Text"
msgstr "_D端z Metin olarak Yap脹�t脹r"

msgid "_Reset formatting"
msgstr "_Bi巽imlemeyi temizle"

msgid "Disable _smileys in selected text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hyperlink color"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 rengi"

msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹lar脹 renklendir."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Hyperlink visited color"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 rengi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks after it has been visited (or activated)."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹lar脹 fare 端zerine geldi�inde renklendir."

msgid "Hyperlink prelight color"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 旦nrengi"

msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks when mouse is over them."
msgstr "Ba�lant脹lar脹 fare 端zerine geldi�inde renklendir."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Sent Message Name Color"
msgstr "G旦nderilmi� 聴letiler"

msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you sent."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Received Message Name Color"
msgstr "Al脹nan 聴letiler"

msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received."
msgstr ""

msgid "\"Attention\" Name Color"
msgstr ""

msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received containing your name."
msgstr ""

msgid "Action Message Name Color"
msgstr ""

msgid "Color to draw the name of an action message."
msgstr ""

msgid "Action Message Name Color for Whispered Message"
msgstr ""

msgid "Whisper Message Name Color"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Typing notification color"
msgstr "Uyar脹y脹 Kald脹rma"

msgid "The color to use for the typing notification font"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Typing notification font"
msgstr "A巽脹lan bir uyar脹 g旦ster"

msgid "The font to use for the typing notification"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable typing notification"
msgstr "Yeni e-posta bildirimleri"

msgid "_Copy Email Address"
msgstr "E-Posta Adresini _Kopyala"

msgid "_Open Link in Browser"
msgstr "_Ba�lant脹y脹 Taray脹c脹da A巽"

msgid "_Copy Link Location"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹y脹 _Konumunu Kopyala"

msgid ""
"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Unrecognized file type</span>\n"
"Defaulting to PNG."
msgstr ""
"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Tan脹nmayan dosya t端r端.</span>\n"
"PNG ye d端zenleniyor."

msgid ""
"Unrecognized file type\n"
"Defaulting to PNG."
msgstr ""
"Tan脹nmayan dosya t端r端\n"
"PNG varsay脹lan yap脹l脹yor."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Error saving image</span>\n"
msgstr ""
"<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Resmi kaydederken hata</span>\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving image\n"
msgstr ""
"Resim kaydetme hatas脹\n"

msgid "Save Image"
msgstr "Resmi Kaydet"

#, c-format
msgid "_Save Image..."
msgstr "Resmi _Kaydet..."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "_Add Custom Smiley..."
msgstr "�zel g端leny端zleri g旦ster"

msgid "Select Font"
msgstr "Yaz脹tipi Se巽"

msgid "Select Text Color"
msgstr "Metin Rengini Se巽"

msgid "Select Background Color"
msgstr "Arkaplan Rengini Se巽"

msgid "_URL"
msgstr "_URL"

msgid "_Description"
msgstr "_A巽脹klama"

msgid ""
"Please enter the URL and description of the link that you want to insert. "
"The description is optional."
msgstr ""
"L端tfen eklemek istedi�iniz ba�lant脹y脹 ve a巽脹klamas脹n脹 girin. A巽脹klama "
"zorunlu de�ildir."

msgid "Please enter the URL of the link that you want to insert."
msgstr "L端tfen eklemek istedi�iniz ba�lant脹y脹 girin."

msgid "Insert Link"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Ekle"

msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Ekle"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to store image: %s\n"
msgstr "Resim kaydedilemedi: %s\n"

msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Resim Ekle"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This smiley is disabled because a custom smiley exists for this shortcut:\n"
" %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Smile!"
msgstr "G端leny端z!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Manage custom smileys"
msgstr "�zel g端leny端zleri g旦ster"

msgid "This theme has no available smileys."
msgstr "Bu tema g端leny端z i巽ermiyor."

msgid "_Font"
msgstr "Y_az脹 tipleri"

msgid "Group Items"
msgstr "�geleri Grupla"

msgid "Ungroup Items"
msgstr "�geleri Gruplama"

msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Kal脹n"

msgid "Italic"
msgstr "聴talik"

msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Alt脹 巽izili"

msgid "Strikethrough"
msgstr "�zeri 巽izili"

msgid "Increase Font Size"
msgstr "Yaz脹tipi Boyutunu B端y端t"

msgid "Decrease Font Size"
msgstr "Yaz脹tipi Boyutunu K端巽端lt"

msgid "Font Face"
msgstr "Yaz脹 Tipi"

msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Arkaplan Rengi"

msgid "Foreground Color"
msgstr "Yaz脹 Rengi"

msgid "Reset Formatting"
msgstr "Bi巽imlemeyi Temizle"

msgid "Insert IM Image"
msgstr "H脹zl脹 Mesajla�ma Resmi Ekle"

msgid "Insert Smiley"
msgstr "G端leny端z Ekle"

msgid "<b>_Bold</b>"
msgstr "<b>_Kal脹n</b>"

msgid "<i>_Italic</i>"
msgstr "<i>聴tal_ik</i>"

msgid "<u>_Underline</u>"
msgstr "<u>Alt脹 巽_izili</u>"

msgid "<span strikethrough='true'>Strikethrough</span>"
msgstr "<span strikethrough='true'>�zeri 巽izili</span>"

msgid "<span size='larger'>_Larger</span>"
msgstr "<span size='larger'>_Daha B端y端k</span>"

msgid "_Normal"
msgstr "_Normal"

msgid "<span size='smaller'>_Smaller</span>"
msgstr "<span size='smaller'>Daha _K端巽端k</span>"

#. If we want to show the formatting for the following items, we would
#. * need to update them when formatting changes. The above items don't need
#. * no updating nor nothin'
msgid "_Font face"
msgstr "Yaz脹 _tipi"

msgid "Foreground _color"
msgstr "Yaz脹 _rengi"

msgid "Bac_kground color"
msgstr "_Arkaplan rengi"

msgid "_Image"
msgstr "_Resim"

msgid "_Link"
msgstr "_Ba�lant脹"

msgid "_Horizontal rule"
msgstr "_Yatay 巽izgi"

msgid "_Smile!"
msgstr "_G端l端mse!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Log Deletion Failed"
msgstr "SSL Ba�lant脹s脹 Ba�ar脹s脹z"

msgid "Check permissions and try again."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation with "
"%s which started at %s?"
msgstr ""
"%s ki�isi ile yapm脹� oldu�unuz ve %s tarihinden ba�layan sohbet kay脹tlar脹n脹 "
"kal脹c脹 olarak silmek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation in %"
"s which started at %s?"
msgstr ""
"%s ki�isi ile yapm脹� oldu�unuz ve %s tarihinden ba�layan sohbet kay脹tlar脹n脹 "
"kal脹c脹 olarak silmek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the system log which started at %"
msgstr ""
"%s zaman脹ndan ba�layan sistem kay脹tlar脹n脹 silmek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Log?"
msgstr "Sil"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Log..."
msgstr "Sil"

#, c-format
msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation in %s on %s</span>"
msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'> %s  %s 端zerinde yaz脹�ma</span>"

#, c-format
msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation with %s on %s</span>"
msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'> %s  %s 端zerinde yaz脹�ma</span>"

#. Steal the "HELP" response and use it to trigger browsing to the logs folder
msgid "_Browse logs folder"
msgstr "_Kay脹t dizinine g旦zat"

#, c-format
msgid "%s %s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n"
msgstr "%s %s. Daha fazla bilgi i巽in`%s -h' deneyin.\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"%s %s\n"
"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    use DIR for config files\n"
"  -d, --debug         print debugging messages to stdout\n"
"  -h, --help          display this help and exit\n"
"  -m, --multiple      do not ensure single instance\n"
"  -n, --nologin       don't automatically login\n"
"  -l, --login[=NAME]  enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME\n"
"                      specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n"
"                      Without this only the first account will be enabled).\n"
"  --display=DISPLAY   X display to use\n"
"  -v, --version       display the current version and exit\n"
msgstr ""
"%s %s\n"
"Kullan脹m: %s [SE�ENEK]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    DIR yap脹land脹rma dosyalar脹n脹n yerini g旦sterir\n"
"  -d, --debug         hata ay脹klama iletilerini g旦stermek i巽in kullan脹l脹r\n"
"  -h, --help          okudu�unuz bu yard脹m iletisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"
"  -m, --multiple      bir kerede garanti etmez\n"
"  -n, --nologin       otomatik olarak ba�lanman脹z脹 engeller\n"
"  -l, --login[=聴S聴M]  otomatik olarak giri� yapmay脹 sa�lar (se巽imlik arg端man "
"                      hesaplar脹 belirtir, 巽oklu hesap belirtmek i巽in virg端l "
"  --display=DISPLAY   kullan脹lacak X Ekran脹n脹 g旦sterir\n"
"  -v, --version       ge巽erli s端r端m端 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"%s %s\n"
"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    use DIR for config files\n"
"  -d, --debug         print debugging messages to stdout\n"
"  -h, --help          display this help and exit\n"
"  -m, --multiple      do not ensure single instance\n"
"  -n, --nologin       don't automatically login\n"
"  -l, --login[=NAME]  enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME\n"
"                      specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n"
"                      Without this only the first account will be enabled).\n"
"  -v, --version       display the current version and exit\n"
msgstr ""
"%s %s\n"
"Kullan脹m: %s [SE�ENEK]...\n"
"  -c, --config=DIR    DIR yap脹land脹rma dosyalar脹n脹n yerini g旦sterir\n"
"  -d, --debug         hata ay脹klama iletilerini g旦stermek i巽in kullan脹l脹r\n"
"  -h, --help          okudu�unuz bu yard脹m iletisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"
"  -m, --multiple      bir kerede garanti etmez\n"
"  -n, --nologin       otomatik olarak ba�lanman脹z脹 engeller\n"
"  -l, --login[=聴S聴M]  otomatik olarak giri� yapmay脹 sa�lar (se巽imlik arg端man "
"                      hesaplar脹 belirtir, 巽oklu hesap belirtmek i巽in virg端l "
"  --display=DISPLAY   kullan脹lacak X Ekran脹n脹 g旦sterir\n"
"  -v, --version       ge巽erli s端r端m端 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s %s has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.\n"
"This is a bug in the software and has happened through\n"
"no fault of your own.\n"
"If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the developers\n"
"by reporting a bug at:\n"
"Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time\n"
"and post the backtrace from the core file.  If you do not know\n"
"how to get the backtrace, please read the instructions at\n"
msgstr ""

#. Translators may want to transliterate the name.
#. It is not to be translated.
msgid "Pidgin"
msgstr "Pidgin"

msgid "Open All Messages"
msgstr "T端m E-postalar脹 A巽"

msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Yeni E-postan脹z var !</span>"

#, c-format
msgid "%s has %d new message."
msgid_plural "%s has %d new messages."
msgstr[0] "%s, %d yeni ileti."

#, c-format
msgid "<b>%d new email.</b>"
msgid_plural "<b>%d new emails.</b>"
msgstr[0] "<b>%d yeni e-posta.</b>"

#, c-format
msgid "The browser command \"%s\" is invalid."
msgstr "Taray脹c脹 komutu \"%s\" ge巽ersiz."

msgid "Unable to open URL"
msgstr "Adres a巽脹lamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Error launching \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Ba�latma hatas脹: \"%s\": %s"

msgid ""
"The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set."
msgstr ""
"Taray脹c脹 yap脹land脹rmas脹nda 'El ile ayarla' se巽ili, ancak bu se巽enek i巽in "
"komut belirtilmemi�."

msgid "The following plugins will be unloaded."
msgstr "Bu eklentiler kald脹r脹lacak."

msgid "Multiple plugins will be unloaded."
msgstr "Birden fazla eklenti kald脹r脹lacak."

msgid "Unload Plugins"
msgstr "Eklentileri Kald脹r"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not unload plugin"
msgstr "Genel Anahtar Y端klenemiyor"

msgid ""
"The plugin could not be unloaded now, but will be disabled at the next "
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">Error: %s\n"
"Check the plugin website for an update.</span>"
msgstr ""
"<span foreground=\"#ff0000\" weight=\"bold\">Hata: %s\n"
"G端ncellemeler i巽in eklentinin web sitesine bak脹n.</span>"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Author"
msgstr "聴zin Ver"

#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Written by:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kime:</b>"

#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Web site:</b>"
msgstr "<b>G旦nderilen:</b>"

#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Filename:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kullan脹c脹 ad脹:</b>"

msgid "Configure Pl_ugin"
msgstr "_Eklentiyi Yap脹land脹r"

msgid "<b>Plugin Details</b>"
msgstr "<b>Eklenti Detaylar脹</b>"

msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Bir dosya se巽in"

#. Create the "Pounce on Whom" frame.
msgid "Pounce on Whom"
msgstr "Uyar脹lacak Ki�i"

msgid "_Buddy name:"
msgstr "_Ki�i ad脹:"

msgid "Si_gns on"
msgstr "Giri� yap脹n_ca"

msgid "Signs o_ff"
msgstr "�脹k脹� yap脹_nca"

msgid "Goes a_way"
msgstr "Uzakta _durumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Ret_urns from away"
msgstr "Geri d旦n端nc_e"

msgid "Becomes _idle"
msgstr "Bo�ta d_urumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Is no longer i_dle"
msgstr "Bo_�ta de�il durumuna ge巽ince"

msgid "Starts _typing"
msgstr "Yazmaya ba�_lay脹nca"

msgid "P_auses while typing"
msgstr "Yazma_ya ara verince"

msgid "Stops t_yping"
msgstr "Yazmay脹 _b脹rak脹nca"

msgid "Sends a _message"
msgstr "Bir ileti _g旦nderince"

msgid "Ope_n an IM window"
msgstr "Bir _Anl脹k 聴leti penceresi a巽"

msgid "_Pop up a notification"
msgstr "_Bir uyar脹c脹 a巽"

msgid "Send a _message"
msgstr "Bir ileti g旦n_der"

msgid "E_xecute a command"
msgstr "Bir _komut 巽al脹�t脹r"

msgid "P_lay a sound"
msgstr "Bir _ses 巽al"

msgid "Brows_e..."
msgstr "_G旦zat..."

msgid "Br_owse..."
msgstr "G旦_zat..."

msgid "Pre_view"
msgstr "�nizle"

msgid "P_ounce only when my status is not Available"
msgstr "S_adece Eri�ilebilir Olmad脹�脹m Zaman uyar"

msgid "_Recurring"
msgstr "_Tekrarlayan"

msgid "Pounce Target"
msgstr "Uyar脹c脹 Hedefi"

msgid "Smiley theme failed to unpack."
msgstr "G端leny端z temas脹 a巽脹l脹rken hata olu�tu."

msgid "Install Theme"
msgstr "Tema Y端kle"

msgid ""
"Select a smiley theme that you would like to use from the list below. New "
"themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme list."
msgstr ""
"A�a�脹daki listeden kullanamak istedi�iniz g端leny端z temas脹n脹 se巽in. Yeni "
"temalar脹 tema listesine s端r端kleyip b脹rakarak kurabilirsiniz."

msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Simge"

msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Cl_ose conversations with the Escape key"
msgstr "%s ile konu�ma"

msgid "System Tray Icon"
msgstr "Sistem �ekmecesi Simgesi"

msgid "_Show system tray icon:"
msgstr "_Sistem 巽ekmecesi simgesini g旦ster:"

msgid "On unread messages"
msgstr "Okunmayan iletiler olunca"

msgid "Conversation Window Hiding"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresi Gizleme"

msgid "_Hide new IM conversations:"
msgstr "_Yeni An脹nda Mesajla�ma yaz脹�malar脹n脹 gizle:"

msgid "When away"
msgstr "Uzaktayken"

#. All the tab options!
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Sekmeler"

msgid "Show IMs and chats in _tabbed windows"
msgstr "Anl脹k 聴letileri ve sohbetleri _sekmeli pencerelerde g旦ster"

msgid "Show close b_utton on tabs"
msgstr "Sekmelerde kapatma _d端�mesi g旦ster"

msgid "_Placement:"
msgstr "_Yerle�im:"

msgid "Top"
msgstr "�st"

msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Alt"

msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sol"

msgid "Right"
msgstr "Sa�"

msgid "Left Vertical"
msgstr "Sol Dikey"

msgid "Right Vertical"
msgstr "Sa� Dikey"

msgid "N_ew conversations:"
msgstr "Y_eni Konu�malar:"

msgid "Show _formatting on incoming messages"
msgstr "Gelen iletilerde _bi巽imlendirmeyi g旦ster"

msgid "Close IMs immediately when the tab is closed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show _detailed information"
msgstr "Ayr脹nt脹l脹 _bilgi g旦ster"

msgid "Enable buddy ic_on animation"
msgstr "Ki�i simgelerinde animasyonu e_tkinle�tir"

msgid "_Notify buddies that you are typing to them"
msgstr "Ki�ileri ben onlara yazarken u_yar"

msgid "Highlight _misspelled words"
msgstr "Yanl脹� _yaz脹lm脹� s旦zc端kleri vurgula"

msgid "Use smooth-scrolling"
msgstr "Yumu�ak ge巽i� kullan"

msgid "F_lash window when IMs are received"
msgstr "_Yeni ileti geldi�inde pencereyi canland脹r"

msgid "Minimi_ze new conversation windows"
msgstr "Yeni yaz脹�ma pencerelerini _k端巽端lt"

msgid "Minimum input area height in lines:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Font"
msgstr "Yaz脹 tipi"

msgid "Use document font from _theme"
msgstr "T_emadan dok端man yaz脹 tipini kullan"

msgid "Use font from _theme"
msgstr "Yaz脹 tipini _temadan kullan"

msgid "Conversation _font:"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma yaz_脹 tipi:"

msgid "Default Formatting"
msgstr "�ntan脹ml脹 Bi巽em"

msgid ""
"This is how your outgoing message text will appear when you use protocols "
"that support formatting."
msgstr ""
"Bu, bi巽imlendirmeyi destekleyen protokollerde g旦nderdi�iniz iletinin nas脹l "
"g旦r端nece�ini g旦sterir."

msgid "Cannot start proxy configuration program."
msgstr ""

msgid "Cannot start browser configuration program."
msgstr "Taray脹c脹 yap脹land脹rma uygulamas脹 ba�lat脹lam脹yor."

msgid "ST_UN server:"
msgstr "ST_UN sunucusu:"

msgid "<span style=\"italic\">Example:</span>"
msgstr "<span style=\"italic\">�rnek:</span>"

msgid "_Autodetect IP address"
msgstr "_IP Adresini Otomatik Bul"

msgid "Public _IP:"
msgstr "G旦r端nen _IP:"

msgid "Ports"
msgstr "Portlar"

msgid "_Enable automatic router port forwarding"
msgstr ""

msgid "_Manually specify range of ports to listen on"
msgstr "_Dinlenecek portlar脹 el ile belirtin"

msgid "_Start port:"
msgstr "Ba�lang脹巽 _portu:"

msgid "_End port:"
msgstr "Biti� p_ortu:"

msgid "Proxy Server &amp; Browser"
msgstr "Vekil Sunucu & Taray脹c脹"

msgid "<b>Proxy configuration program was not found.</b>"
msgstr ""

msgid "<b>Browser configuration program was not found.</b>"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Proxy & Browser preferences are configured\n"
"in GNOME Preferences"
msgstr ""

msgid "Configure _Proxy"
msgstr "_Vekil Sunucuyu Yap脹land脹r"

msgid "Configure _Browser"
msgstr "_Taray脹c脹y脹 Yap脹land脹r"

msgid "Proxy Server"
msgstr "Proxy Sunucusu"

msgid "No proxy"
msgstr "Proxy yok"

msgid "_User:"
msgstr "_Kullan脹c脹:"

msgid "Seamonkey"
msgstr "Seamonkey"

msgid "Opera"
msgstr "Opera"

msgid "Netscape"
msgstr "Netscape"

msgid "Mozilla"
msgstr "Mozilla"

msgid "Konqueror"
msgstr "Konqueror"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Desktop Default"
msgstr "Varsay脹lanlar脹 _Kabul Et"

msgid "GNOME Default"
msgstr "Gnome Varsay脹lan脹"

msgid "Galeon"
msgstr "Galeon"

msgid "Firefox"
msgstr "Firefox"

msgid "Firebird"
msgstr "Firebird"

msgid "Epiphany"
msgstr "Epiphany"

msgid "Manual"
msgstr "El ile ayarla"

msgid "Browser Selection"
msgstr "Taray脹c脹 Se巽imi"

msgid "_Browser:"
msgstr "_Taray脹c脹:"

msgid "_Open link in:"
msgstr "_Ba�lant脹y脹 a巽:"

msgid "Browser default"
msgstr "Taray脹c脹 varsay脹lan脹"

msgid "Existing window"
msgstr "Varolan pencere"

msgid "New tab"
msgstr "Yeni sekme"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"(%s for URL)"
msgstr ""
"_El ile ayarla:\n"
"(Ba�lant脹 i巽in %s)"

msgid "Log _format:"
msgstr "Kay脹t _bi巽emi:"

msgid "Log all _instant messages"
msgstr "T端m anl脹k _mesajlar脹 kaydet"

msgid "Log all c_hats"
msgstr "T端m sohbetleri tut"

msgid "Log all _status changes to system log"
msgstr "T端m durum de�i�ikliklerini sistem g端nl端�端ne kaydet"

msgid "Sound Selection"
msgstr "Ses Se巽imi"

#, c-format
msgid "Quietest"
msgstr "En D端�端k"

#, c-format
msgid "Quieter"
msgstr "Daha D端�端k"

#, c-format
msgid "Quiet"
msgstr "D端�端k"

#, c-format
msgid "Loud"
msgstr "Y端ksek"

#, c-format
msgid "Louder"
msgstr "Daha Y端ksek"

#, c-format
msgid "Loudest"
msgstr "En Y端ksek"

msgid "_Method:"
msgstr "_Davran脹�:"

msgid "Console beep"
msgstr "Konsol bip sesi"

msgid "No sounds"
msgstr "Ses Kullanma"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Sound c_ommand:\n"
"(%s for filename)"
msgstr ""
"Ses komutu:\n"
"(dosya ismi i巽in %s)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "M_ute sounds"
msgstr "Sesleri Kapat"

msgid "Sounds when conversation has _focus"
msgstr "Yaz脹�maya s脹ras脹nda sesler a巽脹k"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Enable sounds:"
msgstr "Sesleri etkinle�tir:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "V_olume:"
msgstr "Ses D端zeyi:"

msgid "Play"
msgstr "Oynat"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Browse..."
msgstr "_G旦zat..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "S脹f脹rla"

msgid "_Report idle time:"
msgstr "Bo�ta s端resini _raporla:"

msgid "Based on keyboard or mouse use"
msgstr "Klavye ya da fare kullan脹m脹na g旦re"

msgid "_Auto-reply:"
msgstr "_Otomatik-cevapla:"

msgid "When both away and idle"
msgstr "Ayn脹 anda me�gul ve bo� oldu�u zaman"

#. Auto-away stuff
msgid "Auto-away"
msgstr "Otomatik-uzakta"

msgid "Change status when _idle"
msgstr "Bo�ken durumu de�_i�tir"

msgid "_Minutes before becoming idle:"
msgstr "_Bo�ta durumuna ge巽meden 旦nceki s端re"

msgid "Change _status to:"
msgstr "Durumu _de�i�tir:"

#. Signon status stuff
msgid "Status at Startup"
msgstr "Ba�lang脹巽 Durumu"

msgid "Use status from last _exit at startup"
msgstr "Son 巽脹k脹�taki _durumu kullan"

msgid "Status to a_pply at startup:"
msgstr "Ba�lang脹巽ta uy_gulanacak durum:"

msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Aray端z"

msgid "Smiley Themes"
msgstr "G端leny端z Temalar脹"

msgid "Browser"
msgstr "Taray脹c脹"

msgid "Status / Idle"
msgstr "Durum / Bo�ta"

msgid "Allow all users to contact me"
msgstr "T端m kullan脹c脹lara izin ver"

msgid "Allow only the users on my buddy list"
msgstr "Sadece ki�i listemdekilere izin ver"

msgid "Allow only the users below"
msgstr "Sadece a�a�脹daki kullan脹c脹lara izin ver"

msgid "Block all users"
msgstr "T端m kullan脹c脹lar脹 engelle"

msgid "Block only the users below"
msgstr "Sadece a�a�脹daki kullan脹c脹lar脹 engelle"

msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Gizlilik"

msgid "Changes to privacy settings take effect immediately."
msgstr "Gizlilikteki de�i�iklikler an脹nda aktif olur."

msgid "Set privacy for:"
msgstr "Gizlilik ayarlar脹:"

#. Remove All button
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Al_l"
msgstr "Kald脹r"

msgid "Permit User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹ya 聴zin Ver"

msgid "Type a user you permit to contact you."
msgstr "Sizinle ileti�im kurulmas脹na izin verece�iniz kullan脹c脹y脹 yaz脹n"

msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to be able to contact you."
msgstr "L端tfen sisinle ileti�im kurmak isteyen ki�inin ad脹n脹 girin."

msgid "_Permit"
msgstr "_聴zin Ver"

#, c-format
msgid "Allow %s to contact you?"
msgstr "%s ki�isinin sizinle ileti�im kurmas脹na izin verilsin mi?"

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow %s to contact you?"
msgstr ""
"%s ki�isine sizinle ileti�im kurma izni vermek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

msgid "Block User"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹y脹 Engelle"

msgid "Type a user to block."
msgstr "Engellenecek kullan脹c脹y脹 girin."

msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to block."
msgstr "L端tfen engellemek istedi�iniz kullan脹c脹n脹n ad脹n脹 girin."

#, c-format
msgid "Block %s?"
msgstr "Engelle %s?"

#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to block %s?"
msgstr "%s ki�isini engellemek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Uygula"

msgid "That file already exists"
msgstr "Bu dosya zaten var"

msgid "Would you like to overwrite it?"
msgstr "�zerine yazmak ister misiniz?"

msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "�zerine Yaz"

msgid "Choose New Name"
msgstr "Yeni 聴sim Se巽"

msgid "Select Folder..."
msgstr "Dizin Se巽..."

#. list button
msgid "_Get List"
msgstr "_Listeyi Al"

#. add button
msgid "_Add Chat"
msgstr "_Sohbet Ekle"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected saved statuses?"
msgstr "Se巽ilen kaydedilmi� durumu silmek istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

#. Use button
msgid "_Use"
msgstr "_Kullan"

msgid "Title already in use.  You must choose a unique title."
msgstr "Ba�l脹k zaten kullan脹l脹yor. Farkl脹 bir ba�l脹k se巽melisiniz."

msgid "Different"
msgstr "Farkl脹"

msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "Ba�_l脹k:"

msgid "_Status:"
msgstr "D_urum:"

#. Different status message expander
msgid "Use a _different status for some accounts"
msgstr "Farkl脹 hesaplar i巽in _farkl脹 durumlar kullan"

#. Save & Use button
msgid "Sa_ve & Use"
msgstr "Kayde_t & Kullan"

#, c-format
msgid "Status for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in durum"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Smiley"
msgstr "G端leny端z Ekle"

msgid "More Data needed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please provide a shortcut to associate with the smiley."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Duplicate Shortcut"
msgstr "�ift Do�rulama"

msgid ""
"A custom smiley for the selected shortcut already exists. Please specify a "
"different shortcut."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please select an image for the smiley."
msgstr "L端tfen kendiniz i巽in yeni bir takma ad belirtin."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Smiley"
msgstr "G端leny端z Ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Smiley"
msgstr "G端leny端z!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Smiley _Image"
msgstr "Resmi Kaydet"

#. Smiley shortcut
msgid "Smiley S_hortcut"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Smiley"
msgstr "G端leny端z!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Smiley Manager"
msgstr "Sertifika Y旦neticisi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for this account."
msgstr "Bu hesap i巽in b_u ki�i simgesini kullan:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for all accounts."
msgstr "Bu hesap i巽in b_u ki�i simgesini kullan:"

msgid "Waiting for network connection"
msgstr "A� ba�lant脹s脹 i巽in bekleniyor"

#, fuzzy
msgid "New status..."
msgstr "Yeni 聴leti..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Saved statuses..."
msgstr "Kaydedilmi� Durumlar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Status Selector"
msgstr "Durum Yaz脹s脹"

msgid "Google Talk"
msgstr "Google Talk"

#, c-format
msgid "The following error has occurred loading %s: %s"
msgstr "%s y端klenirken �u hata olu�tu: %s"

msgid "Failed to load image"
msgstr "Resim kaydetmede hata"

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot send folder %s."
msgstr "%s klas旦r端 yollanamad脹."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot transfer a folder. You will need to send the files within "
msgstr "%s bir klas旦r端 aktaramaz. Dosyalar脹 tek tek g旦ndermelisiniz."

msgid "You have dragged an image"
msgstr "Bir resim s端r端klediniz."

msgid ""
"You can send this image as a file transfer, embed it into this message, or "
"use it as the buddy icon for this user."
msgstr ""
"Bu resmi dosya transferi, bir mesaj i巽inde g旦nderebilir veya arkada�脹n脹nz脹n "
"g旦r端nt端 resmi olarak kullanabilirsiniz."

msgid "Set as buddy icon"
msgstr "Ki�i g旦r端nt端s端 olarak ata"

msgid "Send image file"
msgstr "Resim dosyas脹 g旦nder"

msgid "Insert in message"
msgstr "聴leti i巽ine ekle"

msgid "Would you like to set it as the buddy icon for this user?"
msgstr "Bunu ki�i ikonu olarak ayarlamak istiyor musunuz?"

msgid ""
"You can send this image as a file transfer, or use it as the buddy icon for "
"this user."
msgstr ""
"Bu resmi bir dosya transferi olarak g旦nderebilirsiniz ya da arkada�脹n脹z脹n "
"g旦r端nt端 resmi olarak kullanabilirsiniz."

msgid ""
"You can insert this image into this message, or use it as the buddy icon for "
"this user"
msgstr ""
"Bu mesaja resim ekleyebilir veya arkada�脹n脹z脹n simgesi olarak "

#. I don't know if we really want to do anything here.  Most of the desktop item types are crap like
#. * "MIME Type" (I have no clue how that would be a desktop item) and "Comment"... nothing we can really
#. * send.  The only logical one is "Application," but do we really want to send a binary and nothing else?
#. * Probably not.  I'll just give an error and return.
#. The original patch sent the icon used by the launcher.  That's probably wrong
msgid "Cannot send launcher"
msgstr "�al脹�t脹r脹c脹 g旦nderilemiyor"

msgid ""
"You dragged a desktop launcher. Most likely you wanted to send whatever this "
"launcher points to instead of this launcher itself."
msgstr ""
"You dragged a desktop launcher. Most likely you wanted to send whatever this "
"launcher points to instead of this launcher itself."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>File:</b> %s\n"
"<b>File size:</b> %s\n"
"<b>Image size:</b> %dx%d"
msgstr ""
"<b>Dosya:</b> %s\n"
"<b>Dosya boyutu:</b> %s\n"
"<b>Resim boyutu:</b> %dx%d"

#, c-format
msgid "The file '%s' is too large for %s.  Please try a smaller image.\n"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 %s i巽in 巽ok b端y端k, L端tfen daha k端巽端k bir resim deneyin.\n"

msgid "Icon Error"
msgstr "Simge Hatas脹"

msgid "Could not set icon"
msgstr "Simge ayarlanamad脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Failed to open file '%s': %s"
msgstr "Dosya a巽脹lamad脹 '%s': %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image file"
msgstr ""
"Resim dosyas脹 y端klenemedi '%s': sebep bilinmiyor, muhtemelen dosya bozuk"

msgid "Save File"
msgstr "Dosyay脹 Kaydet"

msgid "Select color"
msgstr "Renk se巽"

msgid "_Alias"
msgstr "_G旦r端nen 聴sim"

msgid "Close _tabs"
msgstr "Sekmeleri _kapat"

msgid "_Get Info"
msgstr "_Bilgi Al"

msgid "_Invite"
msgstr "_Davet Et"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Modify..."
msgstr "_D端zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Ekle"

msgid "_Open Mail"
msgstr "_Mesaj A巽"

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "D端zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Pidgin Tooltip"
msgstr "Pidgin"

msgid "Pidgin smileys"
msgstr "Pidgin g端leny端zleri"

msgid "Penguin Pimps"
msgstr "Penguen Simgeleri"

msgid "Selecting this disables graphical emoticons."
msgstr "Bunu se巽mek g旦rsel duygu simgelerini pasifle�tirir."

msgid "none"
msgstr "hi巽biri"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Small"
msgstr "E-Posta"

msgid "Smaller versions of the default smilies"
msgstr ""

msgid "Response Probability:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Statistics Configuration"
msgstr "聴statistik Yap脹land脹rmas脹"

#. msg_difference spinner
msgid "Maximum response timeout:"
msgstr ""

msgid "minutes"
msgstr "dakika"

#. last_seen spinner
msgid "Maximum last-seen difference:"
msgstr ""

#. threshold spinner
msgid "Threshold:"
msgstr "E�ik:"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Contact Availability Prediction"
msgstr "Ki�i Uygunluk G旦stericisi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "Contact Availability Prediction plugin."
msgstr "Ki�ilerin Uygunlu�unu G旦steren eklenti."

#. *  summary
msgid "Displays statistical information about your buddies' availability"
msgstr ""

msgid "Buddy is idle"
msgstr "Ki�i bo�ta"

msgid "Buddy is away"
msgstr "Ki�i uzakta"

msgid "Buddy is \"extended\" away"
msgstr "Ki�i \"uzat脹lm脹�\" uzakta"

#. Not used yet.
msgid "Buddy is mobile"
msgstr "Ki�i d脹�arda"

msgid "Buddy is offline"
msgstr "Ki�i 巽evrimd脹�脹"

msgid "Point values to use when..."
msgstr "Kullan脹lacak de�erler..."

msgid ""
"The buddy with the <i>largest score</i> is the buddy who will have priority "
"in the contact.\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "Use last buddy when scores are equal"
msgstr ""

msgid "Point values to use for account..."
msgstr "Hesap i巽in kullan脹lacak de�erler..."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Contact Priority"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 �nceli�i"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *< summary
msgid ""
"Allows for controlling the values associated with different buddy states."
msgstr "Farkl脹 ki�i durumlar脹na farkl脹 puanlar vermenizi sa�lar."

#. *< description
msgid ""
"Allows for changing the point values of idle/away/offline states for buddies "
"in contact priority computations."
msgstr ""
"�ncelik s脹ralamas脹 hesaplamas脹nda bo�ta/uzakta/巽evrimd脹�脹 durumlar脹n脹n "
"puanlar脹n脹 de�i�tirmenizi sa�lar."

msgid "Conversation Colors"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Rekleri"

msgid "Customize colors in the conversation window"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresi i巽erisindeki rekleri d端zenle"

msgid "Error Messages"
msgstr "Hatalara 聴letileri"

msgid "Highlighted Messages"
msgstr "Vurgulanm脹� 聴letiler"

msgid "System Messages"
msgstr "Sistem 聴letileri"

msgid "Sent Messages"
msgstr "G旦nderilmi� 聴letiler"

msgid "Received Messages"
msgstr "Al脹nan 聴letiler"

#, c-format
msgid "Select Color for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in Renk Ayarla"

msgid "Ignore incoming format"
msgstr "Gelen bi巽emi yoksay"

msgid "Apply in Chats"
msgstr "Sohbetlere Uygula"

msgid "Apply in IMs"
msgstr "Anl脹k 聴letilere Uygula"

msgid "By conversation count"
msgstr "Sohbet say脹s脹na g旦re"

msgid "Conversation Placement"
msgstr "Sohbet Yerle�imi"

#. Translators: "New conversations" should match the text in the preferences dialog and "By conversation count" should be the same text used above
msgid ""
"Note: The preference for \"New conversations\" must be set to \"By "
"conversation count\"."
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of conversations per window"
msgstr "Her pencere i巽in yaz脹�ma say脹s脹"

msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows when placing by number"
msgstr ""
"Numaraya g旦re s脹raland脹�脹nda An脹nda Mesjla�ma ve sohbet pencerelerini ay脹r"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "ExtPlacement"
msgstr "Daha Fazla Yerle�im"

#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "Extra conversation placement options."
msgstr "Daha fazla sohbet yerle�im se巽ene�i."

#. *< summary
#. *  description
msgid ""
"Restrict the number of conversations per windows, optionally separating IMs "
"and Chats"
msgstr ""
"Her pencere i巽in yaz脹�ma say脹s脹n脹 s脹n脹rland脹r脹n, se巽imli olarak An脹nda "
"Mesajla�ma ve Sohbet yaz脹�malar脹 gibi"

#. Configuration frame
msgid "Mouse Gestures Configuration"
msgstr "Fare Hareketleri Yap脹land脹rmas脹"

msgid "Middle mouse button"
msgstr "Fare orta d端�mesi"

msgid "Right mouse button"
msgstr "Fare sa� d端�mesi"

#. "Visual gesture display" checkbox
msgid "_Visual gesture display"
msgstr "_G旦rsel hareket g旦sterimi"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Mouse Gestures"
msgstr "Fare Hareketleri"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Provides support for mouse gestures"
msgstr "De�i�ik fare hareketlerinizi alg脹lar"

#. *  description
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Allows support for mouse gestures in conversation windows. Drag the middle "
"mouse button to perform certain actions:\n"
" �� Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation.\n"
" �� Drag up and then to the left to switch to the previous conversation.\n"
" �� Drag up and then to the right to switch to the next conversation."
msgstr ""
"Fare hareketlerini yaz脹�ma penceresinde destekler.\n"
"Orta fare tu�una bas脹l脹 tutup hareket ettirdi�inizde:\n"
"A�a�脹, sonra da sa�a s端r端klerseniz yaz脹�ma penceresini kapat脹r.\n"
"Yukar脹, sonra da sola s端r端klerseniz bir 旦nceki yaz脹�maya ge巽er.\n"
"Yukar脹, sonra da sa�a s端r端klerseniz bir sonraki yaz脹�maya ge巽er."

msgid "Instant Messaging"
msgstr "Yeni Mesaj"

#. Add the label.
msgid "Select a person from your address book below, or add a new person."
msgstr "Adres defterinden birini se巽in ya da yeni bir ki�i ekleyin."

msgid "Group:"
msgstr "Grup:"

#. "New Person" button
msgid "New Person"
msgstr "Yeni Ki�i"

#. "Select Buddy" button
msgid "Select Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i Se巽in"

#. Add the label.
msgid ""
"Select a person from your address book to add this buddy to, or create a new "
msgstr ""
"Eklemek i巽in adres defterinizden bir ki�i se巽in, ya da yeni bir ki�i "

#. Add the expander
msgid "User _details"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 _ayr脹nt脹lar脹"

#. "Associate Buddy" button
msgid "_Associate Buddy"
msgstr "Ki�i Se巽in"

msgid "Unable to send email"
msgstr "E-Posta g旦nderilemedi."

msgid "The evolution executable was not found in the PATH."
msgstr "Evolution 巽al脹�t脹r脹labilir dosyas脹 PATH i巽erisinde bulunamad脹."

msgid "An email address was not found for this buddy."
msgstr "Bu ki�i i巽in bir e-posta adresi bulunamad脹."

msgid "Add to Address Book"
msgstr "Adres Defterine Ekle"

msgid "Send Email"
msgstr "E-Posta Yolla"

#. Configuration frame
msgid "Evolution Integration Configuration"
msgstr "Evolution Entegrasyonu Yap脹land脹rmas脹"

#. Label
msgid "Select all accounts that buddies should be auto-added to."
msgstr "Ki�ilerin otomatik eklenmesi gereken t端m hesaplar脹 se巽in."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Evolution Integration"
msgstr "Evolution Entegrasyonu"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Provides integration with Evolution."
msgstr "Evolution ile entegresyonu sa�lar."

msgid "Please enter the person's information below."
msgstr "L端tfen kullan脹c脹n脹n bilgisini a�a�脹 girin."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please enter the buddy's username and account type below."
msgstr "L端tfen kullan脹c脹n脹n kay脹tl脹 ismini ve hesap tipini girin."

msgid "Account type:"
msgstr "Hesap tipi:"

#. Optional Information section
msgid "Optional information:"
msgstr "聴ste�e ba�l脹 bilgi:"

msgid "First name:"
msgstr "Ad:"

msgid "Last name:"
msgstr "Soyad:"

msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "GTK Signals Test"
msgstr "GTK Sinyal Testi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Test to see that all ui signals are working properly."
msgstr "T端m sinyallerin do�ru 巽al脹�脹p 巽al脹�mad脹�脹n脹 g旦rmek i巽in test edin."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Buddy Note</b>: %s"
msgstr ""
"<b>Ki�i Notu</b>: %s"

msgid "History"
msgstr "Ge巽mi�"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Iconify on Away"
msgstr "D脹�ar脹da! oldu�unda pencereyi k端巽端lt"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Iconifies the buddy list and your conversations when you go away."
msgstr ""
"D脹�ar脹da! durumuna ge巽ti�inizde listenizi ve t端m yaz脹�malar脹n脹z脹 simge "
"durumua k端巽端lt端r."

msgid "Mail Checker"
msgstr "Posta Kontrol"

msgid "Checks for new local mail."
msgstr "Yerel postalar i巽in kontrol et."

msgid "Adds a small box to the buddy list that shows if you have new mail."
msgstr "Yeni postan脹z oldu�unda listenize k端巽端k bir kutu resmi ekler"

msgid "Markerline"
msgstr ""

msgid "Draw a line to indicate new messages in a conversation."
msgstr ""

msgid "Jump to markerline"
msgstr ""

msgid "Draw Markerline in "
msgstr ""

msgid "_IM windows"
msgstr "_Mesaj penceresi"

msgid "C_hat windows"
msgstr "_Sohbet Penceresi"

msgid ""
"A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to "
msgstr ""
"Bir m端zik mesajla�ma oturumu iste�i al脹nd脹. L端tfen MM simgesine t脹klayarak "
"kabul edin."

msgid "Music messaging session confirmed."
msgstr "M端zik mesajla�ma oturumu do�ruland脹."

msgid "Music Messaging"
msgstr "M端zik 聴letisi"

msgid "There was a conflict in running the command:"
msgstr "Komut 巽al脹�t脹r脹l脹rken bir 巽ak脹�ma oldu:"

msgid "Error Running Editor"
msgstr "D端zenleyici �al脹�t脹rma Hatas脹"

msgid "The following error has occurred:"
msgstr "�u hata olu�tu:"

#. Configuration frame
msgid "Music Messaging Configuration"
msgstr "M端zik Mesajla�mas脹 Yap脹land脹rmas脹"

msgid "Score Editor Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "_Uygula"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#. *< name
#. *< version
msgid "Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition."
msgstr "Birlikte beste yapmak i巽in M端zik Mesajla�ma Eklentisi"

#. *  summary
msgid ""
"The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work "
"on a piece of music by editting a common score in real-time."
msgstr ""

#. ---------- "Notify For" ----------
msgid "Notify For"
msgstr "Uyar"

#, fuzzy
msgid "\t_Only when someone says your username"
msgstr "\t_Sadece birisi sizin takma ad脹n脹z脹 s旦yledi�inde"

msgid "_Focused windows"
msgstr "_Aktif pencere"

#. ---------- "Notification Methods" ----------
msgid "Notification Methods"
msgstr "Uyar脹 Metodlar脹"

msgid "Prepend _string into window title:"
msgstr "Pencere ba�l脹�脹 _旦n ifadesi:"

#. Count method button
msgid "Insert c_ount of new messages into window title"
msgstr "Pencere ba�l脹�脹na yeni mesaj say脹s脹n脹 ekle"

#. Count xprop method button
msgid "Insert count of new message into _X property"
msgstr ""

#. Urgent method button
msgid "Set window manager \"_URGENT\" hint"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "_Flash window"
msgstr "_Sohbet Penceresi"

#. Raise window method button
msgid "R_aise conversation window"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresini y端kselt"

#. Present conversation method button
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Present conversation window"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresini y端kselt"

#. ---------- "Notification Removals" ----------
msgid "Notification Removal"
msgstr "Uyar脹y脹 Kald脹rma"

#. Remove on focus button
msgid "Remove when conversation window _gains focus"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma penceresi aktif olunca kald脹r"

#. Remove on click button
msgid "Remove when conversation window _receives click"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma penceresine t脹kland脹�脹nda kald脹r"

#. Remove on type button
msgid "Remove when _typing in conversation window"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma penceresinde yazd脹�脹nda kald脹r"

#. Remove on message send button
msgid "Remove when a _message gets sent"
msgstr "Bir _ileti g旦nderildi�inde kald脹r"

#. Remove on conversation switch button
msgid "Remove on switch to conversation ta_b"
msgstr "&Yaz脹�ma sekmesi se巽ildi�inde kald脹r"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Message Notification"
msgstr "聴leti Uyar脹s脹"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "Provides a variety of ways of notifying you of unread messages."
msgstr ""
"Okunmam脹� iletiler oldu�unda yap脹lacak uyar脹lar i巽in 巽e�itli alternatifler "

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Pidgin Demonstration Plugin"
msgstr "Pidgin Tan脹t脹m Eklentisi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "An example plugin that does stuff - see the description."
msgstr "Bir�eyler yapan 旦rnek eklenti - a巽脹klamaya bak脹n."

#. *  description
msgid ""
"This is a really cool plugin that does a lot of stuff:\n"
"- It tells you who wrote the program when you log in\n"
"- It reverses all incoming text\n"
"- It sends a message to people on your list immediately when they sign on"
msgstr ""
"Bu ger巽ekten 巽ok g端zel bir eklenti, bir 巽ok i�e yar脹yor:\n"
"- Oturum a巽t脹�脹n脹zda program脹 kimin yazd脹�脹n脹 s旦yler\n"
"- T端m gelen metinleri ters 巽evirir\n"
"- Oturum a巽t脹�脹n脹zda listenizdeki ki�ilere an脹nda ileti g旦nderir."

msgid "Cursor Color"
msgstr "聴mle巽 Rengi"

msgid "Secondary Cursor Color"
msgstr "聴kincil 聴mle巽 Rengi"

msgid "Hyperlink Color"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Rengi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Visited Hyperlink Color"
msgstr "Ba�lant脹 Rengi"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlighted Message Name Color"
msgstr "Vurgulanm脹� 聴letiler"

msgid "GtkTreeView Horizontal Separation"
msgstr "GtkTreeView Yatay Da�脹l脹m脹"

msgid "Conversation Entry"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Girdisi"

msgid "Request Dialog"
msgstr "聴stek Diyalo�u"

msgid "Notify Dialog"
msgstr "Uyar脹 Diyalo�u"

msgid "Select Color"
msgstr "Renk Se巽"

#, c-format
msgid "Select Interface Font"
msgstr "Aray端z Yaz脹 Tipini Se巽"

#, c-format
msgid "Select Font for %s"
msgstr "%s i巽in Yaz脹tipi Se巽"

msgid "GTK+ Interface Font"
msgstr "GTK+ Aray端z Yaz脹tipi"

msgid "GTK+ Text Shortcut Theme"
msgstr "GTK+ Metin K脹sayol Temas脹"

#. for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(widget_bool_prefs); i++) {
#. hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, PIDGIN_HIG_CAT_SPACE);
#. gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(frame), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
#. check = pidgin_prefs_checkbox(_(widget_bool_names[i]),
#. widget_bool_prefs_set[i], hbox);
#. gtk_size_group_add_widget(labelsg, check);
#. widget_bool_widgets[i] = pidgin_prefs_checkbox("", widget_bool_prefs[i], hbox);
#. *
#. gtk_size_group_add_widget(widgetsb, widget_bool_widgets[i]);
#. *
#. gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget_bool_widgets[i],
#. purple_prefs_get_bool(widget_bool_prefs_set[i]));
#. g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(check), "toggled",
#. G_CALLBACK(pidgin_toggle_sensitive),
#. widget_bool_widgets[i]);
#. }
msgid "Interface colors"
msgstr "Aray端z rekleri"

msgid "Widget Sizes"
msgstr "Par巽ac脹k Boyutlar脹"

msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Yaz脹tipleri"

msgid "Gtkrc File Tools"
msgstr "Gtkrc Dosyas脹 Ara巽lar脹"

#, c-format
msgid "Write settings to %s%sgtkrc-2.0"
msgstr "Ayarlar脹 %s%sgtkrc-2.0 dosyas脹na yaz"

msgid "Re-read gtkrc files"
msgstr "gtkrc dosyalar脹n脹 yeniden oku"

msgid "Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control"
msgstr "Pidgin GTK+ Tema Kontrol端"

msgid "Provides access to commonly used gtkrc settings."
msgstr "S脹kl脹kla kullan脹lan gtkrc ayarlar脹na eri�imi sa�lar."

msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Ham"

msgid "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols."
msgstr "Metin tabanl脹 protokollerde ham girdi g旦nderebilmenizi sa�lar."

msgid ""
"Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC). Hit "
"'Enter' in the entry box to send. Watch the debug window."
msgstr ""
"Metin tabanl脹 protokollerde (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC) ham girdi g旦nderebilmenizi "
"sa�lar. Girdi kutusunda g旦ndermek i巽in Enter tu�una bas脹n. Hata ay脹klama "
"penceresini izleyin."

#, c-format
msgid "You can upgrade to %s %s today."
msgstr ""

msgid "New Version Available"
msgstr "Yeni S端r端m Bulundu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Later"
msgstr "Tarih"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Download Now"
msgstr "Ki�iler %s: %s"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Release Notification"
msgstr "S端r端m De�i�ikli�i Uyar脹s脹"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Checks periodically for new releases."
msgstr "Periyodik olarak yeni s端r端mleri kontrol et."

#. *  description
msgid ""
"Checks periodically for new releases and notifies the user with the "
msgstr "Yeni s端r端mleri periyodik olarak denetler."

#. *< major version
#. *< minor version
#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send Button"
msgstr "G旦nder"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#, fuzzy
msgid "Conversation Window Send Button."
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresi Gizleme"

#. *< summary
msgid ""
"Adds a Send button to the entry area of the conversation window. Intended "
"for when no physical keyboard is present."
msgstr ""

msgid "Duplicate Correction"
msgstr "�ift Do�rulama"

msgid "The specified word already exists in the correction list."
msgstr "Verilen s旦zc端k zaten d端zeltme listesinde var."

msgid "Text Replacements"
msgstr "Metin De�i�tirme"

msgid "You type"
msgstr "Yazd脹�脹n脹z"

msgid "You send"
msgstr "G旦nderdi�iniz"

msgid "Whole words only"
msgstr "Sadece t端m kelimeler"

msgid "Case sensitive"
msgstr "B端y端k k端巽端k harf duyarl脹"

msgid "Add a new text replacement"
msgstr "Yeni metin de�i�ikli�i ekle"

msgid "You _type:"
msgstr "Yazd脹�脹n脹z:"

msgid "You _send:"
msgstr "_G旦nderdi�iniz:"

#. Created here so it can be passed to whole_words_button_toggled.
msgid "_Exact case match (uncheck for automatic case handling)"
msgstr "_Tam e�leme (otomatik e�leme y旦ntemi i巽in se巽imi kald脹r脹n)"

msgid "Only replace _whole words"
msgstr "Sadece _t端m kelimelerle de�i�tir"

msgid "General Text Replacement Options"
msgstr "Genel Metin De�i�tirme Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Enable replacement of last word on send"
msgstr "G旦nderimden sonra son s旦zc端�端n silinmesi 旦zelli�ini etkinle�tir"

msgid "Text replacement"
msgstr "Metin 巽evirici"

msgid "Replaces text in outgoing messages according to user-defined rules."
msgstr "Belirtilen kurallara g旦re giden mesajdaki kelimeleri de�i�tirir."

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Buddy Ticker"
msgstr "Ki�i Se巽ici"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
#. *  description
msgid "A horizontal scrolling version of the buddy list."
msgstr "Ki�i listesinin yatay hali."

msgid "Display Timestamps Every"
msgstr "Zaman Etiketlerini G旦sterir"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "Zaman Etiketi"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps"
msgstr "iChat gibi zaman etiketleri g旦ster"

#. *  description
msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps every N minutes."
msgstr "iChat gibi her N dakikada bir zaman etiketleri g旦ster."

msgid "Timestamp Format Options"
msgstr "Zaman Etiketi Bi巽emi Se巽enekleri"

#, c-format
msgid "_Force 24-hour time format"
msgstr "24 saat _bi巽emini zorla"

msgid "Show dates in..."
msgstr "G端nleri g旦ster..."

msgid "Co_nversations:"
msgstr "_Yaz脹�malar:"

msgid "For delayed messages"
msgstr "Geciken iletiler i巽in"

msgid "For delayed messages and in chats"
msgstr "Geciken ve sohbetten gelen iletiler i巽in"

msgid "_Message Logs:"
msgstr "聴leti _Kay脹tlar脹:"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Message Timestamp Formats"
msgstr "聴leti Zaman Etiketi Bi巽emleri"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Customizes the message timestamp formats."
msgstr "聴leti zaman etiketlerini 旦zelle�tirmenizi sa�lar."

#. *  description
msgid ""
"This plugin allows the user to customize conversation and logging message "
"timestamp formats."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklenti kullan脹c脹n脹n sohbet penceresinde ve kay脹tlarda zaman etiketlerini "
"旦zelle�tirebilmesini sa�lar."

msgid "Opacity:"
msgstr "Matl脹k:"

#. IM Convo trans options
msgid "IM Conversation Windows"
msgstr "Yaz脹�ma Penceresi"

msgid "_IM window transparency"
msgstr "_Mesaj penceresi ge巽irgenli�i"

msgid "_Show slider bar in IM window"
msgstr "Kayd脹rma 巽ubuklar脹n脹 mesaj penceresinde g旦ster"

msgid "Remove IM window transparency on focus"
msgstr "�zerine gelindi�inde anl脹k ileti penceresi �effafl脹�脹n脹 yoket"

msgid "Always on top"
msgstr "Her zaman 端stte"

#. Buddy List trans options
msgid "Buddy List Window"
msgstr "Liste Penceresi"

msgid "_Buddy List window transparency"
msgstr "Liste penceresi ge巽irgenli�i"

msgid "Remove Buddy List window transparency on focus"
msgstr "Liste penceresine odaklan脹ld脹�脹nda pencere saydaml脹�脹n脹 kald脹r"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Saydaml脹k"

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Variable Transparency for the buddy list and conversations."
msgstr "Liste ve mesaj penceresi i巽in ge巽irgenlik de�i�keni."

#. *  description
msgid ""
"This plugin enables variable alpha transparency on conversation windows and "
"the buddy list.\n"
"* Note: This plugin requires Win2000 or greater."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklenti ileti penceresi ve ki�i listesi penceresi i巽in saydaml脹k "
"ayarlar脹n脹 yapman脹z脹 sa�lar.\n"
"* Not: Eklenti Win2000 veya daha yeni bir s端r端m gerektirir."

msgid "GTK+ Runtime Version"
msgstr "GTK+ Runtime S端r端m端"

#. Autostart
msgid "Startup"
msgstr "Ba�lang脹巽"

#, c-format
msgid "_Start %s on Windows startup"
msgstr "_Windows ba�larken %s uygulamas脹n脹 ba�lat"

msgid "_Dockable Buddy List"
msgstr "_�zerine b脹rak脹labilir Ki�i Listesi"

#. Blist On Top
msgid "_Keep Buddy List window on top:"
msgstr "Ki�i Listesi penceresi her zaman _端stte tut"

#. XXX: Did this ever work?
msgid "Only when docked"
msgstr ""

msgid "_Flash window when chat messages are received"
msgstr "Yeni sohbet iletisi geldi�inde pencereyi _canland脹r"

msgid "Windows Pidgin Options"
msgstr "Windows Pidgin Se巽enekleri"

msgid "Options specific to Pidgin for Windows."
msgstr "Windows i巽in Pidgin'e �zel Se巽enekler."

msgid ""
"Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows , such as buddy list docking."
msgstr ""

msgid "<font color='#777777'>Logged out.</font>"
msgstr "<font color='#777777'>Oturum kapat脹ld脹.</font>"

#. *< type
#. *< ui_requirement
#. *< flags
#. *< dependencies
#. *< priority
#. *< id
msgid "XMPP Console"
msgstr "XMPP Konsolu"

msgid "Account: "
msgstr "Hesap: "

msgid "<font color='#777777'>Not connected to XMPP</font>"
msgstr "<font color='#777777'>XMPP'ye ba�lanmad脹</font>"

msgid "Insert an <iq/> stanza."
msgstr "Bir <iq/> stanza girin."

msgid "Insert a <presence/> stanza."
msgstr "Bir <presence/> stanza girin."

msgid "Insert a <message/> stanza."
msgstr "Bir <message/> stanza girin."

#. *< name
#. *< version
#. *  summary
msgid "Send and receive raw XMPP stanzas."
msgstr "Ham XMPP stanzalar脹 g旦nder ve al."

#. *  description
msgid "This plugin is useful for debbuging XMPP servers or clients."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklenti XMPP sunucular脹n脹n ve istemcilerinin hatalar脹n脹 ay脹klamak i巽in "

#~ msgid "A group with the name already exists."
#~ msgstr "Bu ad脹 ta�脹yan bir grup zaten var."

#~ msgid "Primary Information"
#~ msgstr "�ncelikli Bilgiler"

#~ msgid "Blood Type"
#~ msgstr "Kan Grubu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Successed:"
#~ msgstr "H脹z:"

#~ msgid "Invalid QQ Face"
#~ msgstr "Ge巽ersiz QQ Y端z端"

#~ msgid "You rejected %d's request"
#~ msgstr "%d ki�isinin iste�ini kabul etmediniz"

#~ msgid "Reject request"
#~ msgstr "聴ste�i reddet"

#~ msgid "Add buddy with auth request failed"
#~ msgstr "Eklenme iste�i ile ki�i ekleme ba�ar脹s脹z oldu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add into %d's buddy list"
#~ msgstr "Ki�i listesi y端klenemedi"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "QQ Number Error"
#~ msgstr "QQ Numaras脹"

#~ msgid "Group Description"
#~ msgstr "Grup Tan脹mlamas脹"

#~ msgid "Auth"
#~ msgstr "Yetki"

#~ msgid "Approve"
#~ msgstr "Onayla"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[%d] removed from Qun \"%d\""
#~ msgstr "Siz [%d] \"%d\" grubundan 巽脹kt脹n脹z"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[%d] added to Qun \"%d\""
#~ msgstr "Siz [%d] \"%d\" grubuna eklendiniz"

#~ msgid "I am a member"
#~ msgstr "Ben bir 端yeyim"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "I am requesting"
#~ msgstr "K旦t端 聴stek"

#~ msgid "I am the admin"
#~ msgstr "Ben y旦neticiyim"

#~ msgid "Unknown status"
#~ msgstr "Bilinmeyen durum"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove from Qun"
#~ msgstr "_Grubu Sil"

#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to leave this Qun?"
#~ msgstr "Bu Qun hesab脹ndan ayr脹lmak istedi�inizden emin misiniz?"

#~ msgid "Do you want to approve the request?"
#~ msgstr "聴ste�i kabul etmek istiyor musunuz?"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Change Qun member"
#~ msgstr "Telefon Numaras脹"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Change Qun information"
#~ msgstr "Kanal Bilgisi"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr "%s (%s)"

#~ msgid "System Message"
#~ msgstr "Sistem 聴letisi"

#~ msgid "<b>Last Login IP</b>: %s<br>\n"
#~ msgstr "<b>Son Giri�in IP numaras脹</b>: %s<br>\n"

#~ msgid "<b>Last Login Time</b>: %s\n"
#~ msgstr "<b>Son G旦r端lme Zaman脹</b>: %s\n"

#~ msgid "Set My Information"
#~ msgstr "Bilgilerimi Yap脹land脹r"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Leave the QQ Qun"
#~ msgstr "Bu QQ Qun'dan ayr脹l"

#~ msgid "Block this buddy"
#~ msgstr "Bu ki�iyi engelle"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error password: %s"
#~ msgstr "Parola de�i�tirilirken hata"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failed to connect all servers"
#~ msgstr "Sunucuya ba�lan脹lamad脹"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connecting server %s, retries %d"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s sunucusuna ba�lanma hatas脹:\n"
#~ "%s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do you approve the requestion?"
#~ msgstr "聴ste�i kabul etmek istiyor musunuz?"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do you add the buddy?"
#~ msgstr "Bu ki�iyi listenize eklemek istiyor musunuz?"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s added you [%s] to buddy list"
#~ msgstr "%s sizi [%s] ki�i listesine ekledi"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "QQ Budy"
#~ msgstr "Ki�i Ekle"

#~ msgid "%s wants to add you [%s] as a friend"
#~ msgstr "%s sizi [%s] ki�i listesine eklemek istiyor"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s is not in buddy list"
#~ msgstr "%s ki�i listenizde de�il"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Would you add?"
#~ msgstr "Onu eklemek ister misiniz?"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "QQ Server Notice"
#~ msgstr "Sunucu portu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Network disconnected"
#~ msgstr "Uzaktaki ki�inin ba�lant脹s脹 kapand脹"

#~ msgid "developer"
#~ msgstr "geli�tirici"

#~ msgid "XMPP developer"
#~ msgstr "XMPP geli�tiricisi"

#~ msgid "Artists"
#~ msgstr "Sanat巽脹lar"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You are using %s version %s.  The current version is %s.  You can get it "
#~ "from <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><hr>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "�u anda %s s端r端m端 %s kullan脹yorsunuz.  En son s端r端m ise %s.  Yeni s端r端m端 "
#~ "buradan edinebilirsiniz <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><hr>"

#~ msgid "<b>ChangeLog:</b><br>%s"
#~ msgstr "<b>De�i�iklikler:</b><br>%s"

#~ msgid "Screen name:"
#~ msgstr "Kay脹tl脹 聴sim:"

#~ msgid "Pounce only when my status is not available"
#~ msgstr "Sadece eri�ilebilir olmad脹�脹mda uyar"

#~ msgid "Someone says your screen name in chat"
#~ msgstr "Birisi sohbette takma ad脹n脹z脹 s旦yledi�inde"

#~ msgid "EOF while reading from resolver process"
#~ msgstr "�旦z端mleme s端recinde dosyan脹n sonuna ula�脹ld脹"

#~ msgid "There were errors unloading the plugin."
#~ msgstr "Eklenti kald脹r脹l脹rken hatalar olu�tu."

#~ msgid "Error setting socket options"
#~ msgstr "Soket se巽enekleri ayarlan脹rken hata"

#~ msgid "Couldn't open file"
#~ msgstr "Dosya a巽脹lamad脹"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted "
#~ "connection.  Allow this and continue authentication?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sunucu �ifrelenmemi� bir ba�lant脹 端zerinden normal metin ile kimlik "
#~ "do�rulama istiyor.  Buna izin vererek kimlik do�rulamaya devam etmek "
#~ "istiyor musunuz?"

#~ msgid "Error initializing session"
#~ msgstr "Oturum ba�latma hatas脹"

#~ msgid "Invalid screen name"
#~ msgstr "Ge巽ersiz kay脹tl脹 isim"

#~ msgid "Current media"
#~ msgstr "Ge巽erli ortam"

#~ msgid "Windows Live ID authentication Failed"
#~ msgstr "Windows Live ID Kimlik Do�rulamas脹 Ba�ar脹s脹z"

#~ msgid "Unable to make SSL connection to server."
#~ msgstr "Sunucuya SSL ba�lant脹s脹 yap脹lam脹yor."

#~ msgid "Too evil (sender)"
#~ msgstr "�ok G端nahkar (yollay脹c脹)"

#~ msgid "Too evil (receiver)"
#~ msgstr "�ok G端nahkar (al脹c脹)"

#~ msgid "Screen name sent"
#~ msgstr "Kay脹tl脹 isim g旦nderildi"

#~ msgid "Invalid screen name."
#~ msgstr "Ge巽ersiz kullan脹c脹 ad脹"

#~ msgid "Available Message"
#~ msgstr "Eri�ilebilir 聴letisi"

#~ msgid "Screen name"
#~ msgstr "Kay脹tl脹 isim"

#~ msgid "Invalid chat name specified."
#~ msgstr "Ge巽ersiz sohbet ad脹 belirlendi."

#~ msgid "Away Message"
#~ msgstr "Uzakta 聴letisi"

#~ msgid "<i>(retrieving)</i>"
#~ msgstr "<i>(al脹n脹yor)</i>"

#~ msgid "Use recent buddies group"
#~ msgstr "En son ki�i grubunu kullan"

#~ msgid "Show how long you have been idle"
#~ msgstr "Ne kadar s端redir ba�l脹 oldu�unuzu g旦ster"

#~ msgid "Your information has been updated"
#~ msgstr "Bilgileriniz g端ncellendi"

#~ msgid "Input your reason:"
#~ msgstr "Sebbinizi girin:"

#~ msgid "You have successfully removed a buddy"
#~ msgstr "Bir ki�iyi ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde sildiniz"

#~ msgid "You have successfully removed yourself from your friend's buddy list"
#~ msgstr "Kendinizi bir ki�inin ki�i listesinden ba�ar脹l脹 �ekilde sildiniz"

#~ msgid "You have added %d to buddy list"
#~ msgstr "%d ki�isini ki�i listenize eklediniz"

#~ msgid "Invalid QQid"
#~ msgstr "Ge巽ersiz QQ Kimli�i"

#~ msgid "Please enter external group ID"
#~ msgstr "L�tfen d脹� grup Kimli�ini girin"

#~ msgid "This group has been added to your buddy list"
#~ msgstr "Bu grup ki�i listenize eklendi"

#~ msgid "I am applying to join"
#~ msgstr "Kat脹lmak i巽in ba�vuruyorum"

#~ msgid "You have successfully left the group"
#~ msgstr "Gruptan ba�ar脹l脹 bir �ekilde ayr脹ld脹n脹z"

#~ msgid "Code [0x%02X]: %s"
#~ msgstr "Kod [0x%02X]: %s"

#~ msgid "Group Operation Error"
#~ msgstr "Grup 聴�lemi Hatas脹"

#~ msgid "Enter your reason:"
#~ msgstr "Sebebinizi girin:"

#~ msgid "Unable to login, check debug log"
#~ msgstr "Oturum a巽脹lam脹yor, hata a脹klama kay脹tlar脹na bak脹n"

#~ msgid "TCP Address"
#~ msgstr "TCP Adresi"

#~ msgid "UDP Address"
#~ msgstr "UDP Adresi"

#~ msgid "Show Login Information"
#~ msgstr "Giri� Bilgilerini G旦ster"

#~ msgid "Login failed, no reply"
#~ msgstr "Oturum a巽ma i�lemi ba�ar脹s脹z oldu, yan脹t yok"

#~ msgid "User %s rejected your request"
#~ msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 iste�inizi reddetti"

#~ msgid "User %s approved your request"
#~ msgstr "%s kullan脹c脹s脹 iste�inizi kabul etti"

#~ msgid "Cannot find/access ~/.silc directory"
#~ msgstr "/access ~/.silc dizini bulunamad脹"

#~ msgid "%s changed status from %s to %s"
#~ msgstr "%s %s durumundan %s durumuna ge巽ti"

#~ msgid "%s is now %s"
#~ msgstr "%s �imdi %s olarak biliniyor"

#~ msgid "%s is no longer %s"
#~ msgstr "%s art脹k %s de�il"

#~ msgid "Screen _name:"
#~ msgstr "Kay脹tl脹 _isim:"

#~ msgid "_Merge"
#~ msgstr "_Birle�tir"

#~ msgid "<span color=\"red\">%s disconnected: %s</span>"
#~ msgstr "<span color=\"red\">%s ba�lant脹 kesildi: %s</span>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please enter the screen name of the person you would like to add to your "
#~ "buddy list. You may optionally enter an alias, or nickname,  for the "
#~ "buddy. The alias will be displayed in place of the screen name whenever "
#~ "possible.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L端tfen eklemek istedi�iniz ki�inin listedeki ismini girin. 聴sterseniz "
#~ "ki�inin g旦r端nen ismini de�i�tirebilirsiniz. B旦ylece m端mk端n oldu�u "
#~ "takdirde girdi�iniz isim, ki�inin kay脹tl脹 ismi yerine listenizde "
#~ "g旦r端necektir.\n"

#~ msgid "A_ccount:"
#~ msgstr "He_sap:"

#~ msgid "_Screen name:"
#~ msgstr "Kay_脹tl脹 isim:"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "%s will not attempt to reconnect the account until you correct the error "
#~ "and re-enable the account."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "%s siz hatay脹 d端zeltip hesab脹n脹z脹 yeniden etkinle�tirene kadar yeniden "
#~ "ba�lanmayacak."

#~ msgid "User has typed something and stopped"
#~ msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 bir �eyler yazd脹 ve durdu"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s%s<span weight=\"bold\">Written by:</span>\t%s\n"
#~ "<span weight=\"bold\">Website:</span>\t\t%s\n"
#~ "<span weight=\"bold\">Filename:</span>\t\t%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s%s<span weight=\"bold\">Yazar:</span>\t%s\n"
#~ "<span weight=\"bold\">Web sitesi:</span>\t\t%s\n"
#~ "<span weight=\"bold\">Dosya ad脹:</span>\t\t%s"

#~ msgid "Display Statistics"
#~ msgstr "聴statistikleri G旦ster"