Mercurial > pidgin.yaz
view src/proxy.c @ 3725:dd48b1ac5bd8
[gaim-migrate @ 3861]
This is better because Duffman says so, oh yeah!
No, but seriously... before these changes, if you got new email on an
account, but didn't read it, gaim would pop up a little "read yo email,
sucka!" notice every once in a while, because AIM sends you a little
email status thing every once in a while. This should alleviate that
problem (by attempting to keep track of the number of unread emails in
your account).
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Mark Doliner <> |
date | Thu, 17 Oct 2002 05:06:15 +0000 |
parents | 988485669631 |
children | 43e396e94095 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * gaim * * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* this is a little piece of code to handle proxy connection */ /* it is intended to : 1st handle http proxy, using the CONNECT command , 2nd provide an easy way to add socks support */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #else #include <winsock.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include "gaim.h" #include "proxy.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "win32dep.h" #endif #define GAIM_READ_COND (G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR) #define GAIM_WRITE_COND (G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL) char proxyhost[128] = { 0 }; int proxyport = 0; int proxytype = 0; char proxyuser[128] = { 0 }; char proxypass[128] = { 0 }; struct PHB { GaimInputFunction func; gpointer data; char *host; int port; gint inpa; }; typedef struct _GaimIOClosure { GaimInputFunction function; guint result; gpointer data; } GaimIOClosure; static void gaim_io_destroy(gpointer data) { g_free(data); } static gboolean gaim_io_invoke(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { GaimIOClosure *closure = data; GaimInputCondition gaim_cond = 0; if (condition & GAIM_READ_COND) gaim_cond |= GAIM_INPUT_READ; if (condition & GAIM_WRITE_COND) gaim_cond |= GAIM_INPUT_WRITE; /* debug_printf("CLOSURE: callback for %d, fd is %d\n", closure->result, g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(source)); */ closure->function(closure->data, g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(source), gaim_cond); return TRUE; } gint gaim_input_add(gint source, GaimInputCondition condition, GaimInputFunction function, gpointer data) { GaimIOClosure *closure = g_new0(GaimIOClosure, 1); GIOChannel *channel; GIOCondition cond = 0; closure->function = function; closure->data = data; if (condition & GAIM_INPUT_READ) cond |= GAIM_READ_COND; if (condition & GAIM_INPUT_WRITE) cond |= GAIM_WRITE_COND; channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(source); closure->result = g_io_add_watch_full(channel, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cond, gaim_io_invoke, closure, gaim_io_destroy); /* debug_printf("CLOSURE: adding input watcher %d for fd %d\n", closure->result, source); */ g_io_channel_unref(channel); return closure->result; } void gaim_input_remove(gint tag) { /* debug_printf("CLOSURE: removing input watcher %d\n", tag); */ if (tag > 0) g_source_remove(tag); } static struct sockaddr_in *gaim_gethostbyname(char *host, int port) { static struct sockaddr_in sin; if (!inet_aton(host, &sin.sin_addr)) { struct hostent *hp; if(!(hp = gethostbyname(host))) { debug_printf("gaim_gethostbyname(\"%s\", %d) failed: %s", host, port, hstrerror(h_errno)); return NULL; } memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); memcpy(&sin.sin_addr.s_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); sin.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; } else sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(port); return &sin; } static void no_one_calls(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { struct PHB *phb = data; unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connected\n"); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(source, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(source); gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb); return; } fcntl(source, F_SETFL, 0); gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); phb->func(phb->data, source, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb); } static gboolean clean_connect(gpointer data) { struct PHB *phb = data; phb->func(phb->data, phb->port, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb); return FALSE; } static int proxy_connect_none(char *host, unsigned short port, struct PHB *phb) { struct sockaddr_in *sin; int fd = -1; debug_printf("connecting to %s:%d with no proxy\n", host, port); if (!(sin = gaim_gethostbyname(host, port))) { debug_printf("gethostbyname failed\n"); g_free(phb); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { debug_printf("unable to create socket\n"); g_free(phb); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin)) < 0) { if ((errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EINTR)) { debug_printf("Connect would have blocked\n"); phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE, no_one_calls, phb); } else { debug_printf("connect failed (errno %d)\n", errno); close(fd); g_free(phb); return -1; } } else { unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connect didn't block\n"); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { debug_printf("getsockopt failed\n"); close(fd); g_free(phb); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); phb->port = fd; /* bleh */ g_timeout_add(50, clean_connect, phb); /* we do this because we never want to call our callback before we return. */ } return fd; } #define HTTP_GOODSTRING "HTTP/1.0 200" #define HTTP_GOODSTRING2 "HTTP/1.1 200" static void http_canread(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { int nlc = 0; int pos = 0; struct PHB *phb = data; char inputline[8192]; gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); while ((nlc != 2) && (read(source, &inputline[pos++], 1) == 1)) { if (inputline[pos - 1] == '\n') nlc++; else if (inputline[pos - 1] != '\r') nlc = 0; } inputline[pos] = '\0'; debug_printf("Proxy says: %s\n", inputline); if ((memcmp(HTTP_GOODSTRING, inputline, strlen(HTTP_GOODSTRING)) == 0) || (memcmp(HTTP_GOODSTRING2, inputline, strlen(HTTP_GOODSTRING2)) == 0)) { phb->func(phb->data, source, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } static void http_canwrite(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { char cmd[384]; struct PHB *phb = data; unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connected\n"); if (phb->inpa > 0) gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(source, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } fcntl(source, F_SETFL, 0); g_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n", phb->host, phb->port, phb->host, phb->port); if (send(source, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } if (proxyuser) { char *t1, *t2; t1 = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", proxyuser, proxypass); t2 = tobase64(t1); g_free(t1); g_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", t2); g_free(t2); if (send(source, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } } g_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "\r\n"); if (send(source, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, http_canread, phb); } static int proxy_connect_http(char *host, unsigned short port, struct PHB *phb) { struct sockaddr_in *sin; int fd = -1; u_long imode; debug_printf("connecting to %s:%d via %s:%d using HTTP\n", host, port, proxyhost, proxyport); if (!(sin = gaim_gethostbyname(proxyhost, proxyport))) { g_free(phb); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { g_free(phb); return -1; } phb->host = g_strdup(host); phb->port = port; fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin)) < 0) { if ((errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EINTR)) { debug_printf("Connect would have blocked\n"); phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE, http_canwrite, phb); } else { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } } else { unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connect didn't block\n"); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); http_canwrite(phb, fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE); } return fd; } static void s4_canread(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char packet[12]; struct PHB *phb = data; gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet)); if (read(source, packet, 9) >= 4 && packet[1] == 90) { phb->func(phb->data, source, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); } static void s4_canwrite(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char packet[12]; struct hostent *hp; struct PHB *phb = data; unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connected\n"); if (phb->inpa > 0) gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(source, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } fcntl(source, F_SETFL, 0); /* XXX does socks4 not support host name lookups by the proxy? */ if (!(hp = gethostbyname(phb->host))) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } packet[0] = 4; packet[1] = 1; packet[2] = phb->port >> 8; packet[3] = phb->port & 0xff; packet[4] = (unsigned char)(hp->h_addr_list[0])[0]; packet[5] = (unsigned char)(hp->h_addr_list[0])[1]; packet[6] = (unsigned char)(hp->h_addr_list[0])[2]; packet[7] = (unsigned char)(hp->h_addr_list[0])[3]; packet[8] = 0; if (write(source, packet, 9) != 9) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, s4_canread, phb); } static int proxy_connect_socks4(char *host, unsigned short port, struct PHB *phb) { struct sockaddr_in *sin; int fd = -1; debug_printf("connecting to %s:%d via %s:%d using SOCKS4\n", host, port, proxyhost, proxyport); if (!(sin = gaim_gethostbyname(proxyhost, proxyport))) { g_free(phb); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { g_free(phb); return -1; } phb->host = g_strdup(host); phb->port = port; fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin)) < 0) { if ((errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EINTR)) { debug_printf("Connect would have blocked\n"); phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE, s4_canwrite, phb); } else { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } } else { unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connect didn't block\n"); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); s4_canwrite(phb, fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE); } return fd; } static void s5_canread_again(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char buf[512]; struct PHB *phb = data; gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); debug_printf("able to read again\n"); if (read(source, buf, 10) < 10) { debug_printf("or not...\n"); close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } if ((buf[0] != 0x05) || (buf[1] != 0x00)) { debug_printf("bad data\n"); close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->func(phb->data, source, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } static void s5_sendconnect(gpointer data, gint source) { unsigned char buf[512]; struct PHB *phb = data; int hlen = strlen(phb->host); buf[0] = 0x05; buf[1] = 0x01; /* CONNECT */ buf[2] = 0x00; /* reserved */ buf[3] = 0x03; /* address type -- host name */ buf[4] = hlen; memcpy(buf + 5, phb->host, hlen); buf[5 + strlen(phb->host)] = phb->port >> 8; buf[5 + strlen(phb->host) + 1] = phb->port & 0xff; if (write(source, buf, (5 + strlen(phb->host) + 2)) < (5 + strlen(phb->host) + 2)) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, s5_canread_again, phb); } static void s5_readauth(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char buf[512]; struct PHB *phb = data; gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); debug_printf("got auth response\n"); if (read(source, buf, 2) < 2) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } if ((buf[0] != 0x01) || (buf[1] != 0x00)) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } s5_sendconnect(phb, source); } static void s5_canread(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char buf[512]; struct PHB *phb = data; gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); debug_printf("able to read\n"); if (read(source, buf, 2) < 2) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } if ((buf[0] != 0x05) || (buf[1] == 0xff)) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } if (buf[1] == 0x02) { unsigned int i = strlen(proxyuser), j = strlen(proxypass); buf[0] = 0x01; /* version 1 */ buf[1] = i; memcpy(buf + 2, proxyuser, i); buf[2 + i] = j; memcpy(buf + 2 + i + 1, proxypass, j); if (write(source, buf, 3 + i + j) < 3 + i + j) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, s5_readauth, phb); } else { s5_sendconnect(phb, source); } } static void s5_canwrite(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond) { unsigned char buf[512]; int i; struct PHB *phb = data; unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connected\n"); if (phb->inpa > 0) gaim_input_remove(phb->inpa); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(source, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } fcntl(source, F_SETFL, 0); i = 0; buf[0] = 0x05; /* SOCKS version 5 */ if (proxyuser[0]) { buf[1] = 0x02; /* two methods */ buf[2] = 0x00; /* no authentication */ buf[3] = 0x02; /* username/password authentication */ i = 4; } else { buf[1] = 0x01; buf[2] = 0x00; i = 3; } if (write(source, buf, i) < i) { debug_printf("unable to write\n"); close(source); phb->func(phb->data, -1, GAIM_INPUT_READ); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return; } phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, s5_canread, phb); } static int proxy_connect_socks5(char *host, unsigned short port, struct PHB *phb) { struct sockaddr_in *sin; int fd = -1; debug_printf("connecting to %s:%d via %s:%d using SOCKS5\n", host, port, proxyhost, proxyport); if (!(sin = gaim_gethostbyname(proxyhost, proxyport))) { g_free(phb); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { g_free(phb); return -1; } phb->host = g_strdup(host); phb->port = port; fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin)) < 0) { if ((errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EINTR)) { debug_printf("Connect would have blocked\n"); phb->inpa = gaim_input_add(fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE, s5_canwrite, phb); } else { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } } else { unsigned int len; int error = ETIMEDOUT; debug_printf("Connect didn't block\n"); len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { close(fd); g_free(phb->host); g_free(phb); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); s5_canwrite(phb, fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE); } return fd; } int proxy_connect(char *host, int port, GaimInputFunction func, gpointer data) { struct PHB *phb = g_new0(struct PHB, 1); phb->func = func; phb->data = data; if (!host || !port || (port == -1) || !func) { g_free(phb); return -1; } #ifndef _WIN32 sethostent(1); #endif if ((proxytype == PROXY_NONE) || !proxyhost || !proxyhost[0] || !proxyport || (proxyport == -1)) return proxy_connect_none(host, port, phb); else if (proxytype == PROXY_HTTP) return proxy_connect_http(host, port, phb); else if (proxytype == PROXY_SOCKS4) return proxy_connect_socks4(host, port, phb); else if (proxytype == PROXY_SOCKS5) return proxy_connect_socks5(host, port, phb); g_free(phb); return -1; }