/** * @file request.h Request API * @ingroup core * * gaim * * Gaim is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous * to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this * source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */#ifndef _GAIM_REQUEST_H_#define _GAIM_REQUEST_H_#include <stdlib.h>#include <glib-object.h>#include <glib.h>#include "account.h"#define GAIM_DEFAULT_ACTION_NONE -1/** * Request types. */typedef enum{ GAIM_REQUEST_INPUT = 0, /**< Text input request. */ GAIM_REQUEST_CHOICE, /**< Multiple-choice request. */ GAIM_REQUEST_ACTION, /**< Action request. */ GAIM_REQUEST_FIELDS, /**< Multiple fields request. */ GAIM_REQUEST_FILE, /**< File open or save request. */ GAIM_REQUEST_FOLDER /**< Folder selection request. */} GaimRequestType;/** * A type of field. */typedef enum{ GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_NONE, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_STRING, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_INTEGER, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_BOOLEAN, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_CHOICE, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_LIST, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_LABEL, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_IMAGE, GAIM_REQUEST_FIELD_ACCOUNT} GaimRequestFieldType;/** * Multiple fields request data. */typedef struct{ GList *groups; GHashTable *fields; GList *required_fields; void *ui_data;} GaimRequestFields;/** * A group of fields with a title. */typedef struct{ GaimRequestFields *fields_list; char *title; GList *fields;} GaimRequestFieldGroup;/** * A request field. */typedef struct{ GaimRequestFieldType type; GaimRequestFieldGroup *group; char *id; char *label; char *type_hint; gboolean visible; gboolean required; union { struct { gboolean multiline; gboolean masked; gboolean editable; char *default_value; char *value; } string; struct { int default_value; int value; } integer; struct { gboolean default_value; gboolean value; } boolean; struct { int default_value; int value; GList *labels; } choice; struct { GList *items; GHashTable *item_data; GList *selected; GHashTable *selected_table; gboolean multiple_selection; } list; struct { GaimAccount *default_account; GaimAccount *account; gboolean show_all; GaimFilterAccountFunc filter_func; } account; struct { unsigned int scale_x; unsigned int scale_y; const char *buffer; gsize size; } image; } u; void *ui_data;} GaimRequestField;/** * Request UI operations. */typedef struct{ void *(*request_input)(const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, const char *default_value, gboolean multiline, gboolean masked, gchar *hint, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data); void *(*request_choice)(const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_value, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data, va_list choices); void *(*request_action)(const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_action, void *user_data, size_t action_count, va_list actions); void *(*request_fields)(const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data); void *(*request_file)(const char *title, const char *filename, gboolean savedialog, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data); void (*close_request)(GaimRequestType type, void *ui_handle); void *(*request_folder)(const char *title, const char *dirname, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data);} GaimRequestUiOps;typedef void (*GaimRequestInputCb)(void *, const char *);typedef void (*GaimRequestActionCb)(void *, int);typedef void (*GaimRequestChoiceCb)(void *, int);typedef void (*GaimRequestFieldsCb)(void *, GaimRequestFields *fields);typedef void (*GaimRequestFileCb)(void *, const char *filename);#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif/**************************************************************************//** @name Field List API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a list of fields to pass to gaim_request_fields(). * * @return A GaimRequestFields structure. */GaimRequestFields *gaim_request_fields_new(void);/** * Destroys a list of fields. * * @param fields The list of fields to destroy. */void gaim_request_fields_destroy(GaimRequestFields *fields);/** * Adds a group of fields to the list. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param group The group to add. */void gaim_request_fields_add_group(GaimRequestFields *fields, GaimRequestFieldGroup *group);/** * Returns a list of all groups in a field list. * * @param fields The fields list. * * @return A list of groups. */GList *gaim_request_fields_get_groups(const GaimRequestFields *fields);/** * Returns whether or not the field with the specified ID exists. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return TRUE if the field exists, or FALSE. */gboolean gaim_request_fields_exists(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns a list of all required fields. * * @param fields The fields list. * * @return The list of required fields. */const GList *gaim_request_fields_get_required(const GaimRequestFields *fields);/** * Returns whether or not a field with the specified ID is required. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The field ID. * * @return TRUE if the specified field is required, or FALSE. */gboolean gaim_request_fields_is_field_required(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns whether or not all required fields have values. * * @param fields The fields list. * * @return TRUE if all required fields have values, or FALSE. */gboolean gaim_request_fields_all_required_filled( const GaimRequestFields *fields);/** * Return the field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The field, if found. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_fields_get_field( const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns the string value of a field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The string value, if found, or @c NULL otherwise. */const char *gaim_request_fields_get_string(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns the integer value of a field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The integer value, if found, or 0 otherwise. */int gaim_request_fields_get_integer(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns the boolean value of a field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The boolean value, if found, or @c FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_fields_get_bool(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns the choice index of a field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The choice index, if found, or -1 otherwise. */int gaim_request_fields_get_choice(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/** * Returns the account of a field with the specified ID. * * @param fields The fields list. * @param id The ID of the field. * * @return The account value, if found, or NULL otherwise. */GaimAccount *gaim_request_fields_get_account(const GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *id);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Fields Group API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a fields group with an optional title. * * @param title The optional title to give the group. * * @return A new fields group */GaimRequestFieldGroup *gaim_request_field_group_new(const char *title);/** * Destroys a fields group. * * @param group The group to destroy. */void gaim_request_field_group_destroy(GaimRequestFieldGroup *group);/** * Adds a field to the group. * * @param group The group to add the field to. * @param field The field to add to the group. */void gaim_request_field_group_add_field(GaimRequestFieldGroup *group, GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the title of a fields group. * * @param group The group. * * @return The title, if set. */const char *gaim_request_field_group_get_title( const GaimRequestFieldGroup *group);/** * Returns a list of all fields in a group. * * @param group The group. * * @return The list of fields in the group. */GList *gaim_request_field_group_get_fields( const GaimRequestFieldGroup *group);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a field of the specified type. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The text label of the field. * @param type The type of field. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_new(const char *id, const char *text, GaimRequestFieldType type);/** * Destroys a field. * * @param field The field to destroy. */void gaim_request_field_destroy(GaimRequestField *field);/** * Sets the label text of a field. * * @param field The field. * @param label The text label. */void gaim_request_field_set_label(GaimRequestField *field, const char *label);/** * Sets whether or not a field is visible. * * @param field The field. * @param visible TRUE if visible, or FALSE if not. */void gaim_request_field_set_visible(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean visible);/** * Sets the type hint for the field. * * This is optionally used by the UIs to provide such features as * auto-completion for type hints like "account" and "screenname". * * @param field The field. * @param type_hint The type hint. */void gaim_request_field_set_type_hint(GaimRequestField *field, const char *type_hint);/** * Sets whether or not a field is required. * * @param field The field. * @param required TRUE if required, or FALSE. */void gaim_request_field_set_required(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean required);/** * Returns the type of a field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The field's type. */GaimRequestFieldType gaim_request_field_get_type(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the ID of a field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The ID */const char *gaim_request_field_get_id(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the label text of a field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The label text. */const char *gaim_request_field_get_label(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not a field is visible. * * @param field The field. * * @return TRUE if the field is visible. FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_is_visible(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the field's type hint. * * @param field The field. * * @return The field's type hint. */const char *gaim_request_field_get_type_hint(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not a field is required. * * @param field The field. * * @return TRUE if the field is required, or FALSE. */gboolean gaim_request_field_is_required(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name String Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a string request field. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The text label of the field. * @param default_value The optional default value. * @param multiline Whether or not this should be a multiline string. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_string_new(const char *id, const char *text, const char *default_value, gboolean multiline);/** * Sets the default value in a string field. * * @param field The field. * @param default_value The default value. */void gaim_request_field_string_set_default_value(GaimRequestField *field, const char *default_value);/** * Sets the value in a string field. * * @param field The field. * @param value The value. */void gaim_request_field_string_set_value(GaimRequestField *field, const char *value);/** * Sets whether or not a string field is masked * (commonly used for password fields). * * @param field The field. * @param masked The masked value. */void gaim_request_field_string_set_masked(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean masked);/** * Sets whether or not a string field is editable. * * @param field The field. * @param editable The editable value. */void gaim_request_field_string_set_editable(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean editable);/** * Returns the default value in a string field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The default value. */const char *gaim_request_field_string_get_default_value( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the user-entered value in a string field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The value. */const char *gaim_request_field_string_get_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not a string field is multi-line. * * @param field The field. * * @return @c TRUE if the field is mulit-line, or @c FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_string_is_multiline(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not a string field is masked. * * @param field The field. * * @return @c TRUE if the field is masked, or @c FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_string_is_masked(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not a string field is editable. * * @param field The field. * * @return @c TRUE if the field is editable, or @c FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_string_is_editable(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Integer Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates an integer field. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The text label of the field. * @param default_value The default value. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_int_new(const char *id, const char *text, int default_value);/** * Sets the default value in an integer field. * * @param field The field. * @param default_value The default value. */void gaim_request_field_int_set_default_value(GaimRequestField *field, int default_value);/** * Sets the value in an integer field. * * @param field The field. * @param value The value. */void gaim_request_field_int_set_value(GaimRequestField *field, int value);/** * Returns the default value in an integer field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The default value. */int gaim_request_field_int_get_default_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the user-entered value in an integer field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The value. */int gaim_request_field_int_get_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Boolean Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a boolean field. * * This is often represented as a checkbox. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The text label of the field. * @param default_value The default value. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_bool_new(const char *id, const char *text, gboolean default_value);/** * Sets the default value in an boolean field. * * @param field The field. * @param default_value The default value. */void gaim_request_field_bool_set_default_value(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean default_value);/** * Sets the value in an boolean field. * * @param field The field. * @param value The value. */void gaim_request_field_bool_set_value(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean value);/** * Returns the default value in an boolean field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The default value. */gboolean gaim_request_field_bool_get_default_value( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the user-entered value in an boolean field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The value. */gboolean gaim_request_field_bool_get_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Choice Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a multiple choice field. * * This is often represented as a group of radio buttons. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The optional label of the field. * @param default_value The default choice. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_choice_new(const char *id, const char *text, int default_value);/** * Adds a choice to a multiple choice field. * * @param field The choice field. * @param label The choice label. */void gaim_request_field_choice_add(GaimRequestField *field, const char *label);/** * Sets the default value in an choice field. * * @param field The field. * @param default_value The default value. */void gaim_request_field_choice_set_default_value(GaimRequestField *field, int default_value);/** * Sets the value in an choice field. * * @param field The field. * @param value The value. */void gaim_request_field_choice_set_value(GaimRequestField *field, int value);/** * Returns the default value in an choice field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The default value. */int gaim_request_field_choice_get_default_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the user-entered value in an choice field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The value. */int gaim_request_field_choice_get_value(const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns a list of labels in a choice field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The list of labels. */GList *gaim_request_field_choice_get_labels(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name List Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a multiple list item field. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The optional label of the field. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_list_new(const char *id, const char *text);/** * Sets whether or not a list field allows multiple selection. * * @param field The list field. * @param multi_select TRUE if multiple selection is enabled, * or FALSE otherwise. */void gaim_request_field_list_set_multi_select(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean multi_select);/** * Returns whether or not a list field allows multiple selection. * * @param field The list field. * * @return TRUE if multiple selection is enabled, or FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_list_get_multi_select( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the data for a particular item. * * @param field The list field. * @param text The item text. * * @return The data associated with the item. */void *gaim_request_field_list_get_data(const GaimRequestField *field, const char *text);/** * Adds an item to a list field. * * @param field The list field. * @param item The list item. * @param data The associated data. */void gaim_request_field_list_add(GaimRequestField *field, const char *item, void *data);/** * Adds a selected item to the list field. * * @param field The field. * @param item The item to add. */void gaim_request_field_list_add_selected(GaimRequestField *field, const char *item);/** * Clears the list of selected items in a list field. * * @param field The field. */void gaim_request_field_list_clear_selected(GaimRequestField *field);/** * Sets a list of selected items in a list field. * * @param field The field. * @param items The list of selected items. */void gaim_request_field_list_set_selected(GaimRequestField *field, const GList *items);/** * Returns whether or not a particular item is selected in a list field. * * @param field The field. * @param item The item. * * @return TRUE if the item is selected. FALSE otherwise. */gboolean gaim_request_field_list_is_selected(const GaimRequestField *field, const char *item);/** * Returns a list of selected items in a list field. * * To retrieve the data for each item, use * gaim_request_field_list_get_data(). * * @param field The field. * * @return The list of selected items. */const GList *gaim_request_field_list_get_selected( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns a list of items in a list field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The list of items. */const GList *gaim_request_field_list_get_items(const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Label Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates a label field. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The label of the field. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_label_new(const char *id, const char *text);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Image Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates an image field. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The label of the field. * @param buf The image data. * @param size The size of the data in @a buffer. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_image_new(const char *id, const char *text, const char *buf, gsize size);/** * Sets the scale factors of an image field. * * @param field The image field. * @param x The x scale factor. * @param y The y scale factor. */void gaim_request_field_image_set_scale(GaimRequestField *field, unsigned int x, unsigned int y);/** * Returns pointer to the image. * * @param field The image field. * * @return Pointer to the image. */const char *gaim_request_field_image_get_buffer(GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns size (in bytes) of the image. * * @param field The image field. * * @return Size of the image. */gsize gaim_request_field_image_get_size(GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns X scale coefficient of the image. * * @param field The image field. * * @return X scale coefficient of the image. */unsigned int gaim_request_field_image_get_scale_x(GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns Y scale coefficient of the image. * * @param field The image field. * * @return Y scale coefficient of the image. */unsigned int gaim_request_field_image_get_scale_y(GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Account Field API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Creates an account field. * * By default, this field will not show offline accounts. * * @param id The field ID. * @param text The text label of the field. * @param account The optional default account. * * @return The new field. */GaimRequestField *gaim_request_field_account_new(const char *id, const char *text, GaimAccount *account);/** * Sets the default account on an account field. * * @param field The account field. * @param default_value The default account. */void gaim_request_field_account_set_default_value(GaimRequestField *field, GaimAccount *default_value);/** * Sets the account in an account field. * * @param field The account field. * @param value The account. */void gaim_request_field_account_set_value(GaimRequestField *field, GaimAccount *value);/** * Sets whether or not to show all accounts in an account field. * * If TRUE, all accounts, online or offline, will be shown. If FALSE, * only online accounts will be shown. * * @param field The account field. * @param show_all Whether or not to show all accounts. */void gaim_request_field_account_set_show_all(GaimRequestField *field, gboolean show_all);/** * Sets the account filter function in an account field. * * This function will determine which accounts get displayed and which * don't. * * @param field The account field. * @param filter_func The account filter function. */void gaim_request_field_account_set_filter(GaimRequestField *field, GaimFilterAccountFunc filter_func);/** * Returns the default account in an account field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The default account. */GaimAccount *gaim_request_field_account_get_default_value( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the user-entered account in an account field. * * @param field The field. * * @return The user-entered account. */GaimAccount *gaim_request_field_account_get_value( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns whether or not to show all accounts in an account field. * * If TRUE, all accounts, online or offline, will be shown. If FALSE, * only online accounts will be shown. * * @param field The account field. * @return Whether or not to show all accounts. */gboolean gaim_request_field_account_get_show_all( const GaimRequestField *field);/** * Returns the account filter function in an account field. * * This function will determine which accounts get displayed and which * don't. * * @param field The account field. * * @return The account filter function. */GaimFilterAccountFunc gaim_request_field_account_get_filter( const GaimRequestField *field);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name Request API *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Prompts the user for text input. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. The * handle is used to programmatically close * the request dialog when it is no longer * needed. For PRPLs this is often a pointer * to the GaimConnection instance. For plugins * this should be a similar, unique memory * location. This value is important because * it allows a request to be closed, say, when * you sign offline. If the request is NOT * closed it is VERY likely to cause a crash * whenever the callback handler functions are * triggered. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param default_value The default value. * @param multiline TRUE if the inputted text can span multiple lines. * @param masked TRUE if the inputted text should be masked in some way. * @param hint Optionally suggest how the input box should appear. * Use "html," for example, to allow the user to enter * HTML. * @param ok_text The text for the @c OK button. * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_input(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, const char *default_value, gboolean multiline, gboolean masked, gchar *hint, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data);/** * Prompts the user for multiple-choice input. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param default_value The default value. * @param ok_text The text for the @c OK button. * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * @param ... The choices. This argument list should be * terminated with a NULL parameter. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_choice(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_value, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data, ...);/** * Prompts the user for multiple-choice input. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param default_value The default value. * @param ok_text The text for the @c OK button. * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * @param choices The choices. This argument list should be * terminated with a @c NULL parameter. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_choice_varg(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_value, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data, va_list choices);/** * Prompts the user for an action. * * This is often represented as a dialog with a button for each action. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param default_action The default value. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * @param action_count The number of actions. * @param ... A list of actions. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_action(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_action, void *user_data, size_t action_count, ...);/** * Prompts the user for an action. * * This is often represented as a dialog with a button for each action. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param default_action The default value. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * @param action_count The number of actions. * @param actions A list of actions and callbacks. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_action_varg(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, unsigned int default_action, void *user_data, size_t action_count, va_list actions);/** * Displays groups of fields for the user to fill in. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title of the message. * @param primary The main point of the message. * @param secondary The secondary information. * @param fields The list of fields. * @param ok_text The text for the @c OK button. * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_fields(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary, GaimRequestFields *fields, const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb, const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data);/** * Closes a request. * * @param type The request type. * @param uihandle The request UI handle. */void gaim_request_close(GaimRequestType type, void *uihandle);/** * Closes all requests registered with the specified handle. * * @param handle The handle. */void gaim_request_close_with_handle(void *handle);/** * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses @c Yes and @c No buttons. */#define gaim_request_yes_no(handle, title, primary, secondary, \ default_action, user_data, yes_cb, no_cb) \ gaim_request_action((handle), (title), (primary), (secondary), \ (default_action), (user_data), 2, \ _("Yes"), (yes_cb), _("No"), (no_cb))/** * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses @c OK and @c Cancel buttons. */#define gaim_request_ok_cancel(handle, title, primary, secondary, \ default_action, user_data, ok_cb, cancel_cb) \ gaim_request_action((handle), (title), (primary), (secondary), \ (default_action), (user_data), 2, \ _("OK"), (ok_cb), _("Cancel"), (cancel_cb))/** * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons. */#define gaim_request_accept_cancel(handle, title, primary, secondary, \ default_action, user_data, accept_cb, \ cancel_cb) \ gaim_request_action((handle), (title), (primary), (secondary), \ (default_action), (user_data), 2, \ _("_Accept"), (accept_cb), _("Cancel"), (cancel_cb))/** * Displays a file selector request dialog. Returns the selected filename to * the callback. Can be used for either opening a file or saving a file. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title for the dialog (may be @c NULL) * @param filename The default filename (may be @c NULL) * @param savedialog True if this dialog is being used to save a file. * False if it is being used to open a file. * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_file(void *handle, const char *title, const char *filename, gboolean savedialog, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data);/** * Displays a folder select dialog. Returns the selected filename to * the callback. * * @param handle The plugin or connection handle. For some * things this is EXTREMELY important. See * the comments on gaim_request_input. * @param title The title for the dialog (may be @c NULL) * @param dirname The default directory name (may be @c NULL) * @param ok_cb The callback for the @c OK button. * @param cancel_cb The callback for the @c Cancel button. * @param user_data The data to pass to the callback. * * @return A UI-specific handle. */void *gaim_request_folder(void *handle, const char *title, const char *dirname, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb, void *user_data);/*@}*//**************************************************************************//** @name UI Registration Functions *//**************************************************************************//*@{*//** * Sets the UI operations structure to be used when displaying a * request. * * @param ops The UI operations structure. */void gaim_request_set_ui_ops(GaimRequestUiOps *ops);/** * Returns the UI operations structure to be used when displaying a * request. * * @return The UI operations structure. */GaimRequestUiOps *gaim_request_get_ui_ops(void);/*@}*/#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* _GAIM_REQUEST_H_ */