view plugins/chkmail.c @ 9546:ebbe4390f75b

[gaim-migrate @ 10375] " Added the ability to remember your away message if you're disconnected and then reconnected." --Yosef Radchenko Date: 2004-07-14 22:02 Sender: lschiere Logged In: YES user_id=28833 has this been tested with multiple accounts? Date: 2004-07-14 22:49 Sender: jonrad Logged In: YES user_id=1083867 If you asking whether this was tested with multiple accounts logged in at the same time, then yes. If you're asking whether this was tested on multiple protocols, then no. I've tested it on oscar. Also, I compiled it on my FreeBSD machine and didn't get a chance to compile on any other OSes, but conceptually it should work fine on others (But of course, when dealing with computers, nothing works as it is meant to). Date: 2004-07-14 22:54 Sender: jonrad Logged In: YES user_id=1083867 Also, if you comment out lines 119 and 120: if (gc->want_to_die) g_hash_table_remove(awayStates, aaccount); Then it keeps the away information even if you purposesly disconnected (As opposed to now, which only restores your away state if you were kicked off the network or whatever) Thats helpful if you want to test it. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Luke Schierer <>
date Fri, 16 Jul 2004 13:50:20 +0000
parents a21cf07cd8e1
children a09ffb82aef1
line wrap: on
line source

/* This is some funky code.  It is still being developed by Rob Flynn -
 * I recommend not using this code right now. :)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "gaim.h"

char username[] = "";
char password[] = "";
char mailhost[] = "";
int mailport = 110;
int state = 0;

static void *handle = NULL;
extern GtkWidget *buddies;

int lastnum = 0;
int orig = 0;
int mytimer;

void update_mail();
void check_mail();

int num_msgs()
	struct in_addr *sin;
	char recv[1024];
	char command[256];
	int fd;
	int num = 0;
	int step = 0;
	int len;

	sin = (struct in_addr *)get_address(mailhost);
	fd = connect_address(sin->s_addr, mailport);
	while ((len = read(fd, recv, 1023))>0) {
		recv[len] = 0;
		if (!strncmp(recv, "-ERR", strlen("-ERR"))) {
			step = 4;
		} else if (!strncmp(recv, "+OK", strlen("+OK"))) {
			if (step == 3) {
				if (sscanf(recv, "+OK %d %d\n", &num, &step) != 2)
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "QUIT\n");
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				return num;

			if (step == 0) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "USER %s\n", username);
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 1;
			} else if (step == 1) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "PASS %s\n", password);
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 2;
			} else if (step == 2) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "STAT\n");
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 3;

	return 0;

void destroy_mail_list()
	GList *list;
	GtkWidget *w;

	list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
	while (list) {
		w = (GtkWidget *)list->data;
		if (!strcmp(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(w)->child)->label, _("Mail Server"))) {
			gtk_tree_remove_items(GTK_TREE(buddies), list);
			list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
			if (!list)
		list = list->next;

void setup_mail_list()
	GList *list;
	GtkWidget *w;
	GtkWidget *item;
	GtkWidget *tree;
	gchar *buf;

	list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;

	while (list) {
		w = (GtkWidget *)list->data;
		if (!strcmp(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(w)->child)->label, _("Mail Server"))) {
			gtk_tree_remove_items(GTK_TREE(buddies), list);
			list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
			if (!list)
		list = list->next;

	item = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label(_("Mail Server"));
	tree = gtk_tree_new();
	gtk_tree_append(GTK_TREE(buddies), item);
	gtk_tree_item_set_subtree(GTK_TREE_ITEM(item), tree);

	buf = g_malloc(BUF_LONG);

	g_snprintf(buf, BUF_LONG, _("%s (%d new/%d total)"), mailhost, lastnum - orig, lastnum);
	item = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label(buf);

	gtk_tree_append(GTK_TREE(tree), item);
void gaim_plugin_init(void *h) {
	handle = h;

	orig = num_msgs();
	lastnum = orig;

	gaim_signal_connect(handle, event_blist_update, setup_mail_list, NULL);
	mytimer = g_timeout_add(30000, check_mail, NULL);

void check_mail() {
	pthread_t mail_thread;
	pthread_attr_t attr;

	if (state == 0) {
		state = 1;
		pthread_create(&mail_thread, &attr, (void *)&update_mail, NULL);

void update_mail () {
	int newnum;


	newnum = num_msgs();

	if ((newnum >= lastnum) && (newnum > 0)) {
		newnum = newnum - lastnum;
	} else {
		newnum = 0;

	if (newnum < lastnum) {
		orig = lastnum;

	lastnum = newnum;
	mytimer = g_timeout_add(30000, check_mail, NULL);
	state = 0;

void gaim_plugin_remove() {
	while (state == 1) { }
	handle = NULL;

char *name() {
	return _("Check Mail");

char *description() {
	return _("Check email every X seconds.\n");