view finch/libgnt/wms/irssi.c @ 21675:ebe79cae6d83

Add 'Room List' buttons to Join Chat and Add Chat dialogs to ease access to the room list for protocols that support it. Also add mnemonics to the two new labels on the Add Chat dialog.
author Stu Tomlinson <>
date Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:33:17 +0000
parents 0b71d043a1f1
children 307bab4c9e63
line wrap: on
line source

 * 1. Buddylist is aligned on the left.
 * 2. The rest of the screen is split into MxN grid for conversation windows.
 * 	- M = irssi-split-h in ~/.gntrc:[general]
 * 	- N = irssi-split-v in ~/.gntrc:[general]
 *	- Press alt-shift-k/j/l/h to move the selected window to the frame
 *	  above/below/left/right of the current frame.
 * 3. All the other windows are always centered.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "gnt.h"
#include "gntbox.h"
#include "gntmenu.h"
#include "gntstyle.h"
#include "gntwm.h"
#include "gntwindow.h"
#include "gntlabel.h"

#define TYPE_IRSSI				(irssi_get_gtype())

typedef struct _Irssi
	GntWM inherit;
	int vert;
	int horiz;

	/* This is changed whenever the buddylist is opened/closed or resized. */
	int buddylistwidth;
} Irssi;

typedef struct _IrssiClass
	GntWMClass inherit;
} IrssiClass;

GType irssi_get_gtype(void);
void gntwm_init(GntWM **wm);

static void (*org_new_window)(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *win);

static void
get_xywh_for_frame(Irssi *irssi, int hor, int vert, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
	int width, height, rx, ry;

	width = (getmaxx(stdscr) - irssi->buddylistwidth) / irssi->horiz;
	height = (getmaxy(stdscr) - 1) / irssi->vert;

	rx = irssi->buddylistwidth;
	if (hor)
		rx += hor * width;

	ry = 0;
	if (vert)
		ry += vert * height + 1;

	if (x) *x = rx;
	if (y) *y = ry;
	if (w) {
		*w = (hor == irssi->horiz - 1) ? (getmaxx(stdscr) - rx) : (width - 1);
	if (h) {
		*h = (vert == irssi->vert - 1) ? (getmaxy(stdscr) - 1 - ry) : (height - !!vert);

static void
draw_line_separators(Irssi *irssi)
	int x, y;
	int width, height;

	/* Draw the separator for the buddylist */
	if (irssi->buddylistwidth)
		mvwvline(stdscr, 0, irssi->buddylistwidth,
				ACS_VLINE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL), getmaxy(stdscr) - 1);

	/* Now the separators for the conversation windows */
	width = (getmaxx(stdscr) - irssi->buddylistwidth) / irssi->horiz;
	height = (getmaxy(stdscr) - 1) / irssi->vert;
	for (x = 1; x < irssi->horiz; x++) {
		mvwvline(stdscr, 0, irssi->buddylistwidth + x * width,
				ACS_VLINE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL), getmaxy(stdscr) - 1);

	for (y = 1; y < irssi->vert; y++) {
		mvwhline(stdscr, y * height, irssi->buddylistwidth + 1, ACS_HLINE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL),
				getmaxx(stdscr) - irssi->buddylistwidth);
		for (x = 1; x < irssi->horiz; x++) {
			mvwaddch(stdscr, y * height, x * width + irssi->buddylistwidth, ACS_PLUS | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL));
		if (irssi->buddylistwidth)
			mvwaddch(stdscr, y * height, irssi->buddylistwidth, ACS_LTEE | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL));

static gboolean
is_budddylist(GntWidget *win)
	const char *name = gnt_widget_get_name(win);
	if (name && strcmp(name, "buddylist") == 0)
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

static void
remove_border_set_position_size(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *win, int x, int y, int w, int h)
	gnt_box_set_toplevel(GNT_BOX(win), FALSE);

	gnt_widget_set_position(win, x, y);
	mvwin(win->window, y, x);
	gnt_widget_set_size(win, (w < 0) ? -1 : w + 2, h + 2);

static void
irssi_new_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *win)
	const char *name;
	int x, y, w, h;

	name = gnt_widget_get_name(win);
	if (!name || !strstr(name, "conversation-window")) {
			if ((!name || strcmp(name, "buddylist"))) {
				gnt_widget_get_size(win, &w, &h);
				x = (getmaxx(stdscr) - w) / 2;
				y = (getmaxy(stdscr) - h) / 2;
				gnt_widget_set_position(win, x, y);
				mvwin(win->window, y, x);
			} else {
				remove_border_set_position_size(wm, win, 0, 0, -1, getmaxy(stdscr) - 1);
				gnt_widget_get_size(win, &((Irssi*)wm)->buddylistwidth, NULL);
		org_new_window(wm, win);

	/* The window we have here is a conversation window. */

	/* XXX: There should be some way to remember which frame a conversation window
	 * was in the last time. Perhaps save them in some ~/.gntpositionirssi or some
	 * such. */
	get_xywh_for_frame((Irssi*)wm, 0, 0, &x, &y, &w, &h);
	remove_border_set_position_size(wm, win, x, y, w, h);
	org_new_window(wm, win);

static void
irssi_window_resized(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node)
	if (!is_budddylist(node->me))

	gnt_widget_get_size(node->me, &((Irssi*)wm)->buddylistwidth, NULL);

static gboolean
irssi_close_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *win)
	if (is_budddylist(win))
		((Irssi*)wm)->buddylistwidth = 0;
	return FALSE;

static gboolean
update_conv_window_title(GntNode *node)
	char title[256];
	snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "%d: %s",
			GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(node->me), "irssi-index")) + 1,
	wbkgdset(node->window, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(gnt_widget_has_focus(node->me) ? GNT_COLOR_TITLE : GNT_COLOR_TITLE_D));
	mvwaddstr(node->window, 0, 0, title);
	if (!gnt_is_refugee()) {
	return FALSE;

static void
irssi_update_window(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node)
	GntWidget *win = node->me;
	const char *name = gnt_widget_get_name(win);
	if (!name || !GNT_IS_BOX(win) || !strstr(name, "conversation-window"))
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(win), "irssi-index", GINT_TO_POINTER(g_list_index(wm->cws->list, win)));
	g_timeout_add(0, (GSourceFunc)update_conv_window_title, node);

static void
find_window_position(Irssi *irssi, GntWidget *win, int *h, int *v)
	int x, y;
	int width, height;

	gnt_widget_get_position(win, &x, &y);
	width = (getmaxx(stdscr) - irssi->buddylistwidth) / irssi->horiz;
	height = (getmaxy(stdscr) - 1) / irssi->vert;

	if (h)
		*h = (x - irssi->buddylistwidth) / width;
	if (v)
		*v = y / height;

static gboolean
move_direction(GntBindable *bindable, GList *list)
	GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable);
	Irssi *irssi = (Irssi*)wm;
	int vert, hor;
	int x, y, w, h;
	GntWidget *win;

	if (wm->cws->ordered == NULL || is_budddylist(win = GNT_WIDGET(wm->cws->ordered->data)))
		return FALSE;

	find_window_position(irssi, win, &hor, &vert);

	switch (GPOINTER_TO_INT(list->data)) {
		case 'k':
			vert = MAX(0, vert - 1);
		case 'j':
			vert = MIN(vert + 1, irssi->vert - 1);
		case 'l':
			hor = MIN(hor + 1, irssi->horiz - 1);
		case 'h':
			hor = MAX(0, hor - 1);
	get_xywh_for_frame(irssi, hor, vert, &x, &y, &w, &h);
	gnt_wm_move_window(wm, win, x, y);
	gnt_wm_resize_window(wm, win, w, h);
	return TRUE;

static void
irssi_terminal_refresh(GntWM *wm)

static void
irssi_class_init(IrssiClass *klass)
	GntWMClass *pclass = GNT_WM_CLASS(klass);

	org_new_window = pclass->new_window;

	pclass->new_window = irssi_new_window;
	pclass->window_resized = irssi_window_resized;
	pclass->close_window = irssi_close_window;
	pclass->window_update = irssi_update_window;
	pclass->terminal_refresh = irssi_terminal_refresh;

	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "move-up", move_direction,
			"\033" "K", GINT_TO_POINTER('k'), NULL);
	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "move-down", move_direction,
			"\033" "J", GINT_TO_POINTER('j'), NULL);
	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "move-right", move_direction,
			"\033" "L", GINT_TO_POINTER('l'), NULL);
	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "move-left", move_direction,
			"\033" "H", GINT_TO_POINTER('h'), NULL);

	gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass));

void gntwm_init(GntWM **wm)
	char *style = NULL;
	Irssi *irssi;

	irssi = g_object_new(TYPE_IRSSI, NULL);
	*wm = GNT_WM(irssi);

	style = gnt_style_get_from_name("irssi", "split-v");
	irssi->vert = style ? atoi(style) : 1;

	style = gnt_style_get_from_name("irssi", "split-h");
	irssi->horiz = style ? atoi(style) : 1;

	irssi->vert = MAX(irssi->vert, 1);
	irssi->horiz = MAX(irssi->horiz, 1);

	irssi->buddylistwidth = 0;

GType irssi_get_gtype(void)
	static GType type = 0;

	if(type == 0) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {
			NULL,           /* base_init		*/
			NULL,           /* base_finalize	*/
			NULL,           /* class_data		*/
			0,              /* n_preallocs		*/
			NULL,	        /* instance_init	*/

		type = g_type_register_static(GNT_TYPE_WM,
		                              &info, 0);

	return type;