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view po/ne.po @ 14196:ec2cd563da47
[gaim-migrate @ 16868]
This should compile now.
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <> |
date | Sat, 19 Aug 2006 02:39:56 +0000 (2006-08-19) |
parents | eb58c6169e6c |
children | 3bd360f26a9e |
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# translation of to Nepali # Nepali translations for the Gaim package. # Copyright (C) 2006 Gaim'S COPYRIGHT HOLDERs # This file is distributed under the same license as the Gaim package. # Pawan Chitrakar <>, 2006. # Shyam Krishna Bal <>, 2006. # Shiva Prasad Pokharel<>,2006. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:<> \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-04-15 11:51+0545\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-27 21:08+0545\n" "Last-Translator: Shyam Krishna Bal <>\n" "Language-Team: Nepali <>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2;plural=(n!=1)\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n" #: plugins/autorecon.c:240 msgid "Error Message Suppression" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�が爐鉦さ" #: plugins/autorecon.c:244 msgid "Hide Disconnect Errors" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐逗す爐萎� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/autorecon.c:248 msgid "Hide Login Errors" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐逗す爐萎� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/autorecon.c:252 msgid "Restore Away State On Reconnect" msgstr "爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐�ぎ爐� '爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ'爐��爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/autorecon.c:276 msgid "Auto-Reconnect" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い-爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/autorecon.c:279 plugins/autorecon.c:281 msgid "When you are kicked offline, this reconnects you." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐〝え爛�, 爐�じ爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/chkmail.c:94 plugins/chkmail.c:117 plugins/chkmail.c:126 msgid "Mail Server" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #: plugins/chkmail.c:136 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d new/%d total)" msgstr "%s (%d 爐�く爐鉦�/%d 爐�爐��爐�ぞ)" #: plugins/chkmail.c:199 msgid "Check Mail" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/chkmail.c:203 msgid "Check email every X seconds.\n" msgstr "爐項ぐ爛�爐� X 爐伍�爐�爛�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: plugins/contact_priority.c:84 msgid "Point values to use when..." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�た爐��爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�..." #: plugins/contact_priority.c:93 msgid "Buddy is offline:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�:" #: plugins/contact_priority.c:107 msgid "Buddy is away:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�:" #: plugins/contact_priority.c:121 msgid "Buddy is idle:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐�爐÷げ 爐�:" #: plugins/contact_priority.c:135 msgid "Use last matching buddy" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぞ 爐�た爐迦�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Explanation #: plugins/contact_priority.c:141 msgid "" "The buddy with the lowest score is the buddy who will have priority in the " "contact.\n" "The default values (offline = 4,away = 2, and idle = 1)\n" "will use what used to be the built-in order active->idle->away->away+idle-" ">offline." msgstr "" "爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐む�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐項� 爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�\n" " 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぐ爐逗い 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� (offline = 4,away = 2, and idle = 1)\n" "爐迦� 爐�爐��爐� active->idle->away->away+idle-" ">offline 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/contact_priority.c:144 msgid "Point values to use for Account..." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐鉦�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/contact_priority.c:195 msgid "Contact Priority" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary #: plugins/contact_priority.c:198 msgid "Allows for controlling the values associated with different buddy states." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�う爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐朽た爐〝た爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍す爐逗い 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" #. *< description #: plugins/contact_priority.c:200 msgid "" "Allows for changing the point values of idle/away/offline states for buddies " "in contact priority computations." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ 爐�爐�え爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爐�/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:137 src/gtkaccount.c:751 src/gtkaccount.c:2179 msgid "Auto-login" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い: 爐迦�爐�爐�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:140 msgid "New Message..." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�..." #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:141 msgid "Join A Chat..." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐迦た爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:173 msgid "New..." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦�..." #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:177 src/gtkprefs.c:1813 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:52 #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:227 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1000 #: src/protocols/jabber/jutil.c:32 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:69 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:132 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2800 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2917 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2969 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:693 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6462 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7459 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7659 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1388 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:47 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:81 msgid "Away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #. else... #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:183 src/away.c:595 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6380 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7667 msgid "Back" msgstr "爐��爐鉦ぁ爐�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:191 msgid "Mute Sounds" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐逗す爐萎� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:196 src/gtkft.c:659 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8176 msgid "File Transfers" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�す爐萎�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:197 src/gtkaccount.c:2391 msgid "Accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:198 src/gtkprefs.c:2514 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:207 msgid "Signoff" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:211 msgid "Quit" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:527 msgid "Tray Icon Configuration" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐謹え" #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:531 msgid "_Hide new messages until tray icon is clicked" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:557 msgid "System Tray Icon" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:560 msgid "Displays an icon for Gaim in the system tray." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/docklet/docklet.c:562 msgid "" "Displays a system tray icon (in GNOME, KDE or Windows for example) to show " "the current status of Gaim, allow fast access to commonly used functions, " "and to toggle display of the buddy list or login window. Also allows " "messages to be queued until the icon is clicked, similar to ICQ." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�(爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� GNOME, KDE 爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�爐�ぞ) 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��,爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎� 爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え爐萎�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐оい爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛� ICQ 爐�ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐む�, 爐伍ぇ爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爛�爐�爛�爐むた爐�う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛� " #. #. * DEFINES, MACROS & DATA TYPES #. #: plugins/docklet/docklet-win32.c:44 msgid "Gaim" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�" #: plugins/docklet/docklet-win32.c:45 msgid "Gaim - Signed off" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�-爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: plugins/docklet/docklet-win32.c:46 msgid "Gaim - Away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� - 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: plugins/docklet/eggtrayicon.c:122 msgid "Orientation" msgstr "爐�爐〝た爐��爐�爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: plugins/docklet/eggtrayicon.c:123 msgid "The orientation of the tray." msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐〝た爐��爐�爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: plugins/extplacement.c:77 msgid "By conversation count" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐�え爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ" #: plugins/extplacement.c:98 msgid "Conversation Placement" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐鉦�" #: plugins/extplacement.c:103 msgid "Number of conversations per window" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ" #: plugins/extplacement.c:109 msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows when placing by number" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐萎ぞ爐�爐逗じ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� IM 爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/extplacement.c:130 msgid "ExtPlacement" msgstr "ExtPlacement" #. *< name #. *< version #: plugins/extplacement.c:132 msgid "Extra conversation placement options." msgstr "爐�爐むた爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐鉦� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� 爛�" #. *< summary #. * description #: plugins/extplacement.c:134 msgid "" "Restrict the number of conversations per windows, optionally separating IMs " "and Chats" msgstr "爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� IM爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ, 爐��爐萎い爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍た爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐項�爐��爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/filectl.c:224 msgid "Gaim File Control" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/filectl.c:227 plugins/filectl.c:229 msgid "Allows you to control Gaim by entering commands in a file." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/gaiminc.c:90 msgid "Gaim Demonstration Plugin" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/gaiminc.c:93 msgid "An example plugin that does stuff - see the description." msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐� - 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/gaiminc.c:95 msgid "" "This is a really cool plugin that does a lot of stuff:\n" "- It tells you who wrote the program when you log in\n" "- It reverses all incoming text\n" "- It sends a message to people on your list immediately when they sign on" msgstr "" "爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐�� 爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐項� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�爐оた爐� 爐伍�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��:\n" "- 爐�じ爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐萎ぎ 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ 爐�い爐鉦�爐�\n" "- 爐�じ爐迦� 爐伍が爛� 爐�爐踱�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐迦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�\n" "- 爐�じ爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐萎す爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�た爐伍げ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�た爐む�爐むた爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爐�" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:91 msgid "Not connected to AIM" msgstr "AIM 爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:100 plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:139 msgid "No screenname given." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:176 msgid "No roomname given." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐鉦ぎ 爐�た爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:195 msgid "Invalid AIM URI" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� AIM URI" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:673 #, c-format msgid "" "Failed to assign %s to a socket:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐�ぞ %s 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�:\n" "%s" #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:697 msgid "Unable to open socket" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:747 msgid "Remote Control" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:750 msgid "Provides remote control for gaim applications." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/gaim-remote/remote.c:752 msgid "" "Gives Gaim the ability to be remote-controlled through third-party " "applications or through the gaim-remote tool." msgstr "爐む�爐伍�爐萎� 爐��爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐��爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐��爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�い 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐劇ぎ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" #. Configuration frame #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:221 msgid "Mouse Gestures Configuration" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍え" #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:228 msgid "Middle mouse button" msgstr "爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:233 msgid "Right mouse button" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" #. "Visual gesture display" checkbox #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:245 msgid "_Visual gesture display" msgstr "爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:274 msgid "Mouse Gestures" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎す爐萎�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:277 msgid "Provides support for mouse gestures" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�" #. * description #: plugins/gestures/gestures.c:279 msgid "" "Allows support for mouse gestures in conversation windows.\n" "Drag the middle mouse button to perform certain actions:\n" "\n" "Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation.\n" "Drag up and then to the left to switch to the previous conversation.\n" "Drag up and then to the right to switch to the next conversation." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐伍�爐�爐萎す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�\n" "爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐むぞ爐��爐��爐項�爐伍�:\n" "\n" "爐むげ 爐むぞ爐��爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐む�爐�じ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" "爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐むぞ爐��爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐む�爐�じ爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐逗げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" "爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐むぞ爐��爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐む�爐�じ爐��爐� 爐��爐逗げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐鉦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎�爛�爐項�爐伍�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:132 #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:120 src/gtkprefs.c:2168 #: src/gtkroomlist.c:553 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:609 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1474 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:399 msgid "Name" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�" #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:143 msgid "Instant Messaging" msgstr "爐謹�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #. Add the label. #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:455 msgid "Select a person from your address book below, or add a new person." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐むげ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�,爐朽ぞ 爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. "Search" #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:468 #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:354 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7943 msgid "Search" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:549 #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:304 src/gtkblist.c:4186 #: src/gtkblist.c:4534 msgid "Group:" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�:" #. "New Person" button #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:575 #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:466 msgid "New Person" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた" #. "Select Buddy" button #: plugins/gevolution/add_buddy_dialog.c:592 msgid "Select Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Add the label. #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:341 msgid "" "Select a person from your address book to add this buddy to, or create a new " "person." msgstr "爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�え爐� 爐ムお爛�爐�げ爐鉦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐朽ぞ 爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. Add the disclosure #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:429 msgid "Show user details" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:430 msgid "Hide user details" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. "Associate Buddy" button #: plugins/gevolution/assoc-buddy.c:483 msgid "_Associate Buddy" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�爐逗い 爐伍ぞ爐ム�" #: plugins/gevolution/eds-utils.c:74 plugins/gevolution/eds-utils.c:87 #: src/gtkblist.c:3122 src/gtkprefs.c:962 src/gtkprefs.c:1014 #: src/gtkprefs.c:1827 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:951 msgid "None" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐項�爐�爐�" #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:93 plugins/gevolution/gevo-util.c:64 #: src/blist.c:776 src/blist.c:983 src/blist.c:1936 src/gtkblist.c:4001 #: src/protocols/jabber/roster.c:67 msgid "Buddies" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:225 msgid "Add to Address Book" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Configuration frame #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:348 msgid "Evolution Integration Configuration" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ 爐�爐��爐�爐迦え 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍え" #. Label #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:351 msgid "Select all accounts that buddies should be auto-added to." msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐朽い:爐ムお 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐伍が爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:381 plugins/idle.c:52 src/gtkconn.c:627 msgid "Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:464 msgid "Evolution Integration" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ 爐�爐��爐�爐迦え" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:467 plugins/gevolution/gevolution.c:469 msgid "Provides integration with Ximian Evolution." msgstr "ximian 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�爐迦え 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:264 msgid "Please enter the person's information below." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐むげ 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:268 msgid "Please enter the buddy's screen name and account type below." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐むげ 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:288 msgid "Account type:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ:" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:292 msgid "Screenname:" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え爐鉦ぎ:" #. Optional Information section #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:312 msgid "Optional information:" msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ:" #. Label #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:335 src/gtkaccount.c:379 #: src/gtkaccount.c:409 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:599 msgid "Buddy Icon" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:347 msgid "First name:" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�:" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:359 msgid "Last name:" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�ぞ爐�:" #: plugins/gevolution/new_person_dialog.c:379 msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "爐�-爐��爐�:" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/gtk-signals-test.c:102 msgid "GTK Signals Test" msgstr "GTK 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むす爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐劇ぃ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/gtk-signals-test.c:105 plugins/gtk-signals-test.c:107 msgid "Test to see that all ui signals are working properly." msgstr "爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍が爛� ui 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むす爐萎�爐迦� 爐�爐�爐逗い爐萎�爐�ぎ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐��爐�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/history.c:92 msgid "History" msgstr "爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐�" #: plugins/history.c:94 msgid "Shows recently logged conversations in new conversations." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐��爐む� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐� 爛�" #: plugins/history.c:95 msgid "" "When a new conversation is opened this plugin will insert the last " "conversation into the current conversation." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爛� 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/iconaway.c:104 msgid "Iconify on Away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐項�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/iconaway.c:107 plugins/iconaway.c:109 msgid "Iconifies the buddy list and your conversations when you go away." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: plugins/idle.c:56 msgid "Minutes" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐�爐項ぐ爛�" #: plugins/idle.c:63 plugins/idle.c:98 msgid "I'dle Mak'er" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�" #: plugins/idle.c:64 plugins/idle.c:79 msgid "Set Account Idle Time" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐伍ぎ爐��爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/idle.c:67 msgid "_Set" msgstr "爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/idle.c:68 src/away.c:922 msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/idle.c:100 plugins/idle.c:101 msgid "Allows you to hand-configure how long you've been idle for" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐むた 爐伍ぎ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐項ぞ爐む�-爐�爐�か爐逗�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐� " #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ipc-test-client.c:87 msgid "IPC Test Client" msgstr "IPC 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/ipc-test-client.c:90 msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a client." msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�, IPC 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/ipc-test-client.c:92 msgid "" "Test plugin IPC support, as a client. This locates the server plugin and " "calls the commands registered." msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�, IPC 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�じ爐迦� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムお爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐� 爐萎�爐逗じ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ipc-test-server.c:74 msgid "IPC Test Server" msgstr "IPC 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/ipc-test-server.c:77 msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�, IPC 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/ipc-test-server.c:79 msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server. This registers the IPC commands." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�, IPC 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�じ爐迦� IPC 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐萎�爐逗じ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/mailchk.c:160 msgid "Mail Checker" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: plugins/mailchk.c:162 msgid "Checks for new local mail." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/mailchk.c:163 msgid "Adds a small box to the buddy list that shows if you have new mail." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐��爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐�爐�� 爛�" #. ---------- "Notify For" ---------- #: plugins/notify.c:614 msgid "Notify For" msgstr "...爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/notify.c:618 msgid "_IM windows" msgstr "IM 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�" #: plugins/notify.c:625 msgid "C_hat windows" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�" #: plugins/notify.c:632 msgid "_Focused windows" msgstr "爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�" #. ---------- "Notification Methods" ---------- #: plugins/notify.c:640 msgid "Notification Methods" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐оた爐項ぐ爛�" #: plugins/notify.c:647 msgid "Prepend _string into window title:" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐〝た爐む�爐� 爐��爐萎た爐��爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" #. Count method button #: plugins/notify.c:666 msgid "Insert c_ount of new messages into window title" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐〝た爐む�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐�え爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Urgent method button #: plugins/notify.c:674 msgid "Set window manager \"_URGENT\" hint" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐��爐о� \"_URGENT\" 爐項た爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. ---------- "Notification Removals" ---------- #: plugins/notify.c:682 msgid "Notification Removal" msgstr "爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐�� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #. Remove on focus button #: plugins/notify.c:687 msgid "Remove when conversation window _gains focus" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦げ爛� 爐��爐�爐伍す爐萎� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Remove on click button #: plugins/notify.c:694 msgid "Remove when conversation window _receives click" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Remove on type button #: plugins/notify.c:702 msgid "Remove when _typing in conversation window" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Remove on message send button #: plugins/notify.c:710 msgid "Remove when a _message gets sent" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Remove on conversation switch button #: plugins/notify.c:719 msgid "Remove on switch to conversation ta_b" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/notify.c:809 msgid "Message Notification" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/notify.c:812 plugins/notify.c:814 msgid "Provides a variety of ways of notifying you of unread messages." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�お爐∇�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/perl/perl.c:535 msgid "Perl Plugin Loader" msgstr "爐��爐萎た爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐÷ぐ" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary #: plugins/perl/perl.c:537 plugins/perl/perl.c:538 msgid "Provides support for loading perl plugins." msgstr "爐��爐萎た爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�す爐萎� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/raw.c:151 msgid "Raw" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐�" #: plugins/raw.c:153 msgid "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐迦す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: plugins/raw.c:154 msgid "" "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols (Jabber, MSN, IRC, TOC). Hit " "'Enter' in the entry box to send. Watch the debug window." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐�(Jabber, MSN, IRC, TOC)爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐伍ぎ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐逗ぎ爐� 爐項た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐÷た爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: plugins/relnot.c:63 #, c-format msgid "You are using Gaim version %s. The current version is %s.<hr>" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐萎ぃ %s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛� %s 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐伍�爐萎ぃ 爐項� 爛�<hr>" #: plugins/relnot.c:69 #, c-format msgid "" "<b>ChangeLog:</b>\n" "%s<br><br>" msgstr "" "<b>爐迦� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ:</b>\n" "%s<br><br>" #: plugins/relnot.c:74 #, c-format msgid "" "You can get version %s from:<br><a href=\"" "\"></a>." msgstr "" "%s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� :<br><a href=\"" "\"></a> 爛�" #: plugins/relnot.c:78 plugins/relnot.c:79 msgid "New Version Available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/relnot.c:137 msgid "Release Notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐劇�爐�爐鉦じ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/relnot.c:140 msgid "Checks periodically for new releases." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爐鉦じ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爐逗� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/relnot.c:142 msgid "" "Checks periodically for new releases and notifies the user with the " "ChangeLog." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爐鉦じ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爐逗� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐� ChangeLog 爐伍す爐逗い 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/signals-test.c:601 msgid "Signals Test" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むす爐萎�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/signals-test.c:604 plugins/signals-test.c:606 msgid "Test to see that all signals are working properly." msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むす爐萎�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/simple.c:34 msgid "Simple Plugin" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/simple.c:37 plugins/simple.c:39 msgid "Tests to see that most things are working." msgstr "爐о�爐萎� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/spellchk.c:416 msgid "Text Replacements" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�え爐項ぐ爛�" #: plugins/spellchk.c:440 msgid "You type" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/spellchk.c:452 msgid "You send" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/spellchk.c:478 msgid "Add a new text replacement" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�え 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/spellchk.c:485 msgid "You _type:" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: plugins/spellchk.c:499 msgid "You _send:" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: plugins/spellchk.c:541 msgid "Text replacement" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�え" #: plugins/spellchk.c:543 plugins/spellchk.c:544 msgid "Replaces text in outgoing messages according to user-defined rules." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗き爐鉦し爐逗い 爐�た爐�ぎ 爐�爐��爐伍ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ssl/ssl.c:94 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/ssl/ssl.c:97 plugins/ssl/ssl.c:99 msgid "Provides a wrapper around SSL support libraries." msgstr "SSL爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐萎た爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐萎ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ssl/ssl-gnutls.c:226 msgid "GNUTLS" msgstr "GNUTLS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/ssl/ssl-gnutls.c:229 plugins/ssl/ssl-gnutls.c:231 msgid "Provides SSL support through GNUTLS." msgstr "GNUTLS 爐�ぞ爐� SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ssl/ssl-nss.c:318 msgid "NSS" msgstr "NSS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/ssl/ssl-nss.c:321 plugins/ssl/ssl-nss.c:323 msgid "Provides SSL support through Mozilla NSS." msgstr "爐��爐�爐逗げ爛�爐迦ぞ NSS 爐�ぞ爐� SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:41 #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away." msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐�爐伍�爛�爐�� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:48 #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer away." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐項�爐�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:55 #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle." msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:62 #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer idle." msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぎ爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�爛� 爐о�爐萎� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:73 msgid "Notify When" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐��" #: plugins/statenotify.c:76 msgid "Buddy Goes _Away" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐鉦え爛�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/statenotify.c:79 msgid "Buddy Goes _Idle" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爛�爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/statenotify.c:119 msgid "Buddy State Notification" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/statenotify.c:122 plugins/statenotify.c:125 msgid "" "Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from away or " "idle." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐鉦え爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" #: plugins/tcl/tcl.c:363 msgid "Tcl Plugin Loader" msgstr "Tcl 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐÷ぐ" #: plugins/tcl/tcl.c:365 plugins/tcl/tcl.c:366 msgid "Provides support for loading Tcl plugins" msgstr "Tcl 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�す爐萎� 爐迦�爐÷�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/ticker/ticker.c:75 plugins/ticker/ticker.c:331 msgid "Buddy Ticker" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/ticker/ticker.c:334 plugins/ticker/ticker.c:336 msgid "A horizontal scrolling version of the buddy list." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐伍� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦た爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爛�" #: plugins/timestamp.c:186 msgid "iChat Timestamp" msgstr "iChat 爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: plugins/timestamp.c:193 msgid "Delay" msgstr "爐∇た爐迦ぞ" #: plugins/timestamp.c:200 msgid "minutes." msgstr "爐�た爐��爐�" #: plugins/timestamp.c:206 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/timestamp.c:271 msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: plugins/timestamp.c:274 plugins/timestamp.c:276 msgid "Adds iChat-style timestamps to conversations every N minutes." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐� N 爐�た爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�ぞ iChat-爐謹�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爛�" #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:134 #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:413 #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:444 msgid "Opacity:" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐�し爛�爐�爐むぞ:" #. IM Convo trans options #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:394 msgid "IM Conversation Windows" msgstr "IM 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�" #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:395 msgid "_IM window transparency" msgstr "IM 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ" #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:405 msgid "_Show slider bar in IM window" msgstr "IM 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐迦ぞ爐�爐÷ぐ 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Buddy List trans options #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:430 src/gtkprefs.c:956 msgid "Buddy List Window" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:431 msgid "_Buddy List window transparency" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐むぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:489 msgid "Transparency" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:492 msgid "Variable Transparency for the buddy list and conversations." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐むぞ 爐�爐� 爛�" #. * description #: plugins/win32/transparency/win2ktrans.c:494 msgid "" "This plugin enables variable alpha transparency on conversation windows and " "the buddy list.\n" "\n" "* Note: This plugin requires Win2000 or WinXP." msgstr "" "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐むぞ 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�\n" "\n" "* 爐��爐萎し爛�爐�爐��爐�: 爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐鉦� Win2000 爐朽ぞ WinXP 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐� 爛�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:344 msgid "GTK+ Runtime Version" msgstr "GTK+爐萎え爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ" #. Autostart #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:352 msgid "Startup" msgstr "爐ムぞ爐迦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:353 msgid "_Start Gaim on Windows startup" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐ムぞ爐迦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Buddy List #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:362 src/gtkblist.c:3167 #: src/gtkprefs.c:2421 msgid "Buddy List" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:363 msgid "_Dockable Buddy List" msgstr "爐÷�爛�爐�爛�爐朽げ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #. Docked Blist On Top #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:367 msgid "Docked _Buddy List is always on top" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍ぇ爛� 爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐項�爐��爐�" #. Blist On Top #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:377 msgid "_Keep Buddy List window on top" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Conversations #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:382 src/gtkprefs.c:1007 #: src/gtkprefs.c:2422 msgid "Conversations" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:383 msgid "_Flash Window when messages are received" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎た爐伍�爛� 爐��爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:407 msgid "WinGaim Options" msgstr "WinGaim 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:409 plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c:410 msgid "Options specific to Windows Gaim." msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�ぎ爐� 爐朽た爐謹�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/account.c:298 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1041 msgid "New passwords do not match." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷す爐萎� 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爛�" #: src/account.c:307 msgid "Fill out all fields completely." msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/account.c:332 msgid "Original password" msgstr "爐��爐迦た爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" #: src/account.c:339 msgid "New password" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" #: src/account.c:346 msgid "New password (again)" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� (爐��爐萎�)" #: src/account.c:352 #, c-format msgid "Change password for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/account.c:360 msgid "Please enter your current password and your new password." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. * #. * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses OK and Cancel buttons. #. #: src/account.c:363 src/connection.c:198 src/gtkblist.c:2492 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:507 src/gtkdialogs.c:649 src/gtkdialogs.c:703 #: src/gtkrequest.c:243 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1088 #: src/protocols/jabber/xdata.c:337 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:226 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:241 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:256 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:271 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2852 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4347 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4441 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7730 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7822 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7874 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7960 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:460 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1132 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:421 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:459 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:722 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1081 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1699 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:711 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3021 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3030 #: src/request.h:1245 msgid "OK" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�" #: src/account.c:364 src/account.c:402 src/away.c:367 src/connection.c:199 #: src/gtkaccount.c:2029 src/gtkaccount.c:2568 src/gtkaccount.c:2599 #: src/gtkblist.c:2493 src/gtkblist.c:4572 src/gtkconn.c:169 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:508 src/gtkdialogs.c:650 src/gtkdialogs.c:704 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:802 src/gtkdialogs.c:824 src/gtkdialogs.c:844 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:881 src/gtkdialogs.c:941 src/gtkdialogs.c:984 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:1025 src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:437 src/gtkprivacy.c:597 #: src/gtkprivacy.c:610 src/gtkprivacy.c:635 src/gtkprivacy.c:646 #: src/gtkrequest.c:244 src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:276 #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:515 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:754 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:678 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1089 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:213 src/protocols/jabber/xdata.c:338 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:227 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:242 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:257 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:272 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:289 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1543 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2853 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4305 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4348 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4385 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4442 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7731 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7823 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7875 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7944 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7961 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:461 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1037 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1133 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:594 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:723 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1700 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:712 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:348 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3022 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3031 #: src/request.h:1245 src/request.h:1255 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/account.c:393 #, c-format msgid "Change user information for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/account.c:401 src/gtkrequest.c:250 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:514 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:347 msgid "Save" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/account.c:760 src/gtkft.c:159 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:573 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2812 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い" #: src/away.c:233 msgid "Away!" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐�!" #: src/away.c:303 msgid "Edit This Message" msgstr "爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/away.c:308 msgid "I'm Back!" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� !" #: src/away.c:362 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the away message \"%s\"?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� \"%s\"?" #: src/away.c:364 src/away.c:442 msgid "Remove Away Message" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Remove button #: src/away.c:366 src/gtkconv.c:1535 src/gtkconv.c:3917 src/gtkconv.c:3988 #: src/gtkrequest.c:249 msgid "Remove" msgstr "爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/away.c:436 msgid "New Away Message" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/away.c:663 msgid "Set All Away" msgstr "爐伍が爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/away.c:770 msgid "You cannot save an away message with a blank title" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/away.c:772 msgid "Please give the message a title, or choose \"Use\" to use without saving." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� \"Use\" 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/away.c:782 msgid "You cannot create an empty away message" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/away.c:847 msgid "New away message" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/away.c:862 msgid "Away title: " msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�: " #: src/away.c:910 msgid "_Save" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/away.c:914 msgid "Sa_ve & Use" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/away.c:918 msgid "_Use" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/blist.c:682 msgid "Chats" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/blist.c:1357 #, c-format msgid "" "%d buddy from group %s was not removed because its account was not logged " "in. This buddy and the group were not removed.\n" msgid_plural "" "%d buddies from group %s were not removed because their accounts were not " "logged in. These buddies and the group were not removed.\n" msgstr[0] "%d 爐伍ぞ爐ム� %s 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項が爐鉦� 爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐ムた爐踱� 爛� 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐ムた爐踱� 爛�\n" msgstr[1] "" "%d 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� %s 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項が爐鉦� 爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐ムた爐踱� 爛� " " 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項す爐萎� 爐項�爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐ムた爐踱� 爛�\n" #: src/blist.c:1366 msgid "Group not removed" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐項�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/blist.c:2069 msgid "" "An error was encountered parsing your buddy list. It has not been loaded, " "and the old file has moved to blist.xml~." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�う 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�, 爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� blist.xml~ 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/blist.c:2072 msgid "Buddy List Error" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/connection.c:118 src/connection.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Missing protocol plugin for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/connection.c:123 msgid "Registration Error" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/connection.c:174 msgid "Connection Error" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/connection.c:195 #, c-format msgid "Enter password for %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/conversation.c:233 msgid "Unable to send message. The message is too large." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐むた 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:237 src/conversation.c:251 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4908 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s:" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ:" #: src/conversation.c:239 msgid "The message is too large." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐むた 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:248 msgid "Unable to send message." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2070 #, c-format msgid "%s entered the room." msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2073 #, c-format msgid "%s [<I>%s</I>] entered the room." msgstr "%s [<I>%s</I>] 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2171 #, c-format msgid "You are now known as %s" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐逗え爐逗え爛�爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/conversation.c:2174 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐項た爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐逗え爐逗え爛�爐�" #: src/conversation.c:2216 #, c-format msgid "%s left the room (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐�爐� (%s) 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2218 #, c-format msgid "%s left the room." msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2291 #, c-format msgid "(+%d more)" msgstr "(+%d 爐о�爐萎�)" #: src/conversation.c:2293 #, c-format msgid " left the room (%s)." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� (%s) 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #: src/conversation.c:2698 msgid "Last created window" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐逗い 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/conversation.c:2700 msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows" msgstr "IM 爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/conversation.c:2702 src/gtkprefs.c:1387 msgid "New window" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/conversation.c:2704 msgid "By group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ" #: src/conversation.c:2706 msgid "By account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ" #: src/ft.c:148 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:369 #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "%s 爐�あ爛�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: \n" "%s.\n" #: src/ft.c:152 #, c-format msgid "" "Error writing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "%s 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: \n" "%s.\n" #: src/ft.c:156 #, c-format msgid "" "Error accessing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "%s 爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: \n" "%s.\n" #: src/ft.c:189 msgid "Cannot send a file of 0 bytes." msgstr "爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/ft.c:199 msgid "Cannot send a directory." msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/ft.c:208 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a regular file. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.\n" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐�ぎ爐逗い 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐�爐� 爛� 爐��爐� 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐�爐оた爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�\n" #: src/ft.c:265 #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you %s (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� %s 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐� (%s)" #: src/ft.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you a file" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐�" #: src/ft.c:311 #, c-format msgid "Accept file transfer request from %s?" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/ft.c:315 #, c-format msgid "" "A file is available for download from:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "爐÷ぞ爐�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�:\n" "爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐項�爐伍�爐�:%s\n" "爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�:%d" #: src/ft.c:338 #, c-format msgid "%s is offering to send file %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐� %s" #: src/ft.c:374 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid filename.\n" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦ぎ 爐項�爐�爐� 爛�\n" #: src/ft.c:395 #, c-format msgid "Offering to send %s to %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ %s 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐�" #: src/ft.c:890 #, c-format msgid "Transfer of file %s complete" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/ft.c:893 msgid "File transfer complete" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/ft.c:942 #, c-format msgid "You canceled the transfer of %s" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぃ 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�" #: src/ft.c:948 msgid "File transfer cancelled" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/ft.c:1001 #, c-format msgid "%s canceled the transfer of %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/ft.c:1007 #, c-format msgid "%s canceled the file transfer" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/ft.c:1056 #, c-format msgid "File transfer to %s aborted.\n" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�\n" #: src/ft.c:1058 #, c-format msgid "File transfer from %s aborted.\n" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�\n" #: src/gaim-disclosure.c:253 msgid "Expander Size" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/gaim-disclosure.c:254 msgid "Size of the expander arrow" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/gaim-remote.c:108 #, c-format msgid "" "Usage: %s command [OPTIONS] [URI]\n" "\n" " COMMANDS:\n" " uri Handle AIM: URI\n" " away Popup the away dialog with the default " "message\n" " back Remove the away dialog\n" " quit Close running copy of Gaim\n" "\n" " OPTIONS:\n" " -h, --help [command] Show help for command\n" msgstr "" "爐�爐�く爛�爐�: %s 爐�爐��爐� [OPTIONS] [URI]\n" "\n" " COMMANDS:\n" " uri Handle AIM: URI\n" " away 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�お爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " back 爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " quit 爐�爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�爐迦た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" "\n" " OPTIONS:\n" " -h, --help [command] 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�う爛�爐�い 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" #: src/gaim-remote.c:185 src/gaim-remote.c:203 msgid "" "Gaim not running (on session 0)\n" "Is the \"Remote Control\" plugin loaded?\n" msgstr "" "(爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爛� 爐�ぞ) 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐迦た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�\n" "爐�爛� \"Remote Control\" 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐〝く爛� ?\n" #: src/gaim-remote.c:219 msgid "" "\n" "Using AIM: URIs:\n" "Sending an IM to a screen name:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:goim?screenname=Penguin&message=hello+world'\n" "In this case, 'Penguin' is the screen name we wish to IM, and 'hello world'\n" "is the message to be sent. '+' must be used in place of spaces.\n" "Please note the quoting used above - if you run this from a shell the '&'\n" "needs to be escaped, or the command will stop at that point.\n" "Also,the following will just open a conversation window to a screen name,\n" "with no message:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:goim?screenname=Penguin'\n" "\n" "Joining a chat:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:gochat?roomname=PenguinLounge'\n" "...joins the 'PenguinLounge' chat room.\n" "\n" "Adding a buddy to your buddy list:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:addbuddy?screenname=Penguin'\n" "...prompts you to add 'Penguin' to your buddy list.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AIM 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��: URIs:\n" "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� IM 爐��爐鉦�爐��:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:goim?screenname=Penguin&message=hello+world'\n" "爐�� 爐�爛�爐伍ぎ爐�, 'Penguin' 爐項ぞ爐��爐迦� IM 爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�, 爐� 'hello world'\n" "爐��爐鉦�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項� 爛� '+' 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛�\n" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むげ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐оぐ爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� - 爐�う爐� 爐�� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇が爐鉦� 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛�, '&'\n" "爐�た爐伍�爐�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�, 爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�� 爐�た爐��爐��爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐� 爐萎�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爛�\n" "爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐謹げ爛� 爐�え爐�, 爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�� \n" ":\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:goim?screenname=Penguin'\n" "\n" "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐��爐項�爐伍�:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:gochat?roomname=PenguinLounge'\n" "...'PenguinLounge' 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐項�爐�す爛�爐伍� 爛�\n" "\n" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�:\n" "\tgaim-remote uri 'aim:addbuddy?screenname=Penguin'\n" "...爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 'Penguin' 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐むい爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�\n" #: src/gaim-remote.c:239 msgid "" "\n" "Close running copy of Gaim\n" msgstr "" "\n" "爐�爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�爐迦た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" #: src/gaim-remote.c:243 msgid "" "\n" "Mark all accounts as \"away\" with the default message.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� \"away\" 爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍が爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎� 爐�爐逗え爛� 爐迦�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: src/gaim-remote.c:247 msgid "" "\n" "Set all accounts as not away.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "爐伍が爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎�爐迦ぞ爐� '爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爛�爐�' 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: src/gtkaccount.c:331 #, c-format msgid "" "<b>File:</b> %s\n" "<b>File size:</b> %s\n" "<b>Image size:</b> %dx%d" msgstr "" "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐�:</b> %s\n" "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�:</b> %s\n" "<b>爐�爐朽た 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�:</b> %dx%d" #. Build the login options frame. #: src/gtkaccount.c:638 msgid "Login Options" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:655 src/gtkft.c:585 msgid "Protocol:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:660 src/gtkblist.c:4158 msgid "Screen Name:" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:733 msgid "Password:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:738 src/gtkblist.c:4172 src/gtkblist.c:4519 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:742 msgid "Remember password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Build the user options frame. #: src/gtkaccount.c:798 msgid "User Options" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:811 msgid "New mail notifications" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:820 msgid "Buddy icon:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�:" #. Build the protocol options frame. #: src/gtkaccount.c:909 #, c-format msgid "%s Options" msgstr "%s 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #. Use Global Proxy Settings #: src/gtkaccount.c:1048 src/gtkaccount.c:1095 msgid "Use Global Proxy Settings" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦�爐朽げ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. No Proxy #: src/gtkaccount.c:1054 src/gtkaccount.c:1102 msgid "No Proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐�爛�爐�" #. HTTP #: src/gtkaccount.c:1060 src/gtkaccount.c:1109 msgid "HTTP" msgstr "爐踱� 爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐��" #. SOCKS 4 #: src/gtkaccount.c:1066 src/gtkaccount.c:1116 msgid "SOCKS 4" msgstr "SOCKS 4" #. SOCKS 5 #: src/gtkaccount.c:1072 src/gtkaccount.c:1123 msgid "SOCKS 5" msgstr "SOCKS 5" #. Use Environmental Settings #: src/gtkaccount.c:1078 src/gtkaccount.c:1130 src/gtkprefs.c:1190 msgid "Use Environmental Settings" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐逗さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1169 msgid "you can see the butterflies mating" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐むげ爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐÷た爐踱�爛� 爐項�爐萎�爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1173 msgid "If you look real closely" msgstr "爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗�爐むぞ 爐��爐逗�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐〝え爛�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1189 msgid "Proxy Options" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� " #: src/gtkaccount.c:1207 src/gtkprefs.c:1184 msgid "Proxy _type:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1216 src/gtkprefs.c:1211 msgid "_Host:" msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1220 src/gtkprefs.c:1229 msgid "_Port:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1228 msgid "_Username:" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1233 src/gtkprefs.c:1266 msgid "Pa_ssword:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1604 msgid "Add Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1606 msgid "Modify Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗ぎ爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Add the disclosure #: src/gtkaccount.c:1630 msgid "Show more options" msgstr "爐�爐萎� 爐о�爐萎� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:1631 msgid "Show fewer options" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Register button #: src/gtkaccount.c:1658 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:677 msgid "Register" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2023 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� %s 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐萎�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2028 src/gtkrequest.c:247 msgid "Delete" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2142 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4992 msgid "Screen Name" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2166 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:998 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:699 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6460 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7658 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:45 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2784 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2110 #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2129 msgid "Online" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2187 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐�" #. XXX: Tidy this up when not in string freeze #: src/gtkaccount.c:2521 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:202 #, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s 爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�%s%s%s 爐�え爐鉦く爛�" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2535 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:208 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "Do you wish to add him or her to your buddy list?" msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爐鉦� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2561 msgid "Information" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkaccount.c:2565 src/gtkaccount.c:2596 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:210 msgid "Add buddy to your list?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�?" #. Add button #: src/gtkaccount.c:2567 src/gtkaccount.c:2598 src/gtkblist.c:4571 #: src/gtkconv.c:1537 src/gtkconv.c:3910 src/gtkconv.c:3981 #: src/gtkrequest.c:248 src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:276 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:212 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4619 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:593 msgid "Add" msgstr "爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:846 msgid "Join a Chat" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐迦た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:867 msgid "" "Please enter the appropriate information about the chat you would like to " "join.\n" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: src/gtkblist.c:878 src/gtkpounce.c:415 src/gtkroomlist.c:354 msgid "_Account:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐�:" #: src/gtkblist.c:1173 src/gtkblist.c:3323 msgid "Get _Info" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1176 src/gtkblist.c:3313 msgid "I_M" msgstr "IM " #: src/gtkblist.c:1182 msgid "_Send File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1188 msgid "Add Buddy _Pounce" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1190 src/gtkblist.c:1287 msgid "View _Log" msgstr "爐迦� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1200 msgid "_Alias Buddy..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:1202 msgid "_Remove Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1204 msgid "Alias Contact..." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ..." #: src/gtkblist.c:1207 src/gtkdialogs.c:878 src/gtkdialogs.c:880 msgid "Remove Contact" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1211 src/gtkblist.c:1295 src/gtkblist.c:1309 msgid "_Alias..." msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:1213 src/gtkblist.c:1297 src/gtkblist.c:1314 #: src/gtkconn.c:367 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1259 msgid "Add a _Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1261 msgid "Add a C_hat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1263 msgid "_Delete Group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1265 msgid "_Rename" msgstr "爐��爐�:爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. join button #: src/gtkblist.c:1283 src/gtkroomlist.c:264 src/gtkroomlist.c:409 #: src/stock.c:88 msgid "_Join" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1285 msgid "Auto-Join" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い:爐�爐÷ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1311 src/gtkblist.c:1336 msgid "_Collapse" msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:1341 msgid "_Expand" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2016 src/gtkconv.c:4553 src/gtkpounce.c:316 msgid "You are not currently signed on with an account that can add that buddy." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐項ぞ爐迦じ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #. Buddies menu #: src/gtkblist.c:2437 msgid "/_Buddies" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2438 msgid "/Buddies/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2439 msgid "/Buddies/Join a _Chat..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2440 msgid "/Buddies/Get User _Info..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2441 msgid "/Buddies/View User _Log..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2443 msgid "/Buddies/Show _Offline Buddies" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2444 msgid "/Buddies/Show _Empty Groups" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2445 msgid "/Buddies/_Add Buddy..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2446 msgid "/Buddies/Add C_hat..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2447 msgid "/Buddies/Add _Group..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:2449 msgid "/Buddies/_Signoff" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2450 msgid "/Buddies/_Quit" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Tools #: src/gtkblist.c:2453 msgid "/_Tools" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2454 msgid "/Tools/_Away" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/ 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2455 msgid "/Tools/Buddy _Pounce" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2456 msgid "/Tools/Account Ac_tions" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2457 msgid "/Tools/Pl_ugin Actions" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2459 msgid "/Tools/A_ccounts" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2460 msgid "/Tools/_File Transfers" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2461 msgid "/Tools/R_oom List" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2462 msgid "/Tools/Pr_eferences" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐��爐萎ぅ爐�た爐�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2463 msgid "/Tools/Pr_ivacy" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爛�爐�え爛�爐�い爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2465 msgid "/Tools/View System _Log" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Help #: src/gtkblist.c:2468 msgid "/_Help" msgstr "/爐�う爛�爐�い" #: src/gtkblist.c:2469 msgid "/Help/Online _Help" msgstr "/爐�う爛�爐�い/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�う爛�爐�い" #: src/gtkblist.c:2470 msgid "/Help/_Debug Window" msgstr "/爐�う爛�爐�い/爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2471 msgid "/Help/_About" msgstr "/爐�う爛�爐�い/爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkblist.c:2489 msgid "Rename Group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐�:爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2489 msgid "New group name" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2490 msgid "Please enter a new name for the selected group." msgstr "爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2519 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Account:</b> %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�爐鉦い爐�:</b> %s" #: src/gtkblist.c:2585 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Status:</b> Offline" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた:</b> 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2600 #, c-format msgid "%d%%" msgstr "%d%%" #: src/gtkblist.c:2616 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Account:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b> 爐�爐鉦い爐�:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2617 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Contact Alias:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b> 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2618 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Alias:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2619 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Nickname:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2620 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Logged In:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐伍�爐逗�爐�爛�:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2621 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Idle:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2622 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Warned:</b>" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐�爐��:</b>" #: src/gtkblist.c:2624 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Description:</b> Spooky" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え:</b> 爐伍�爐��爐�爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2625 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Status</b>: Awesome" msgstr "" "\n" "<b> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ</b>: 爐��爐萎き爐鉦さ爐謹ぞ爐迦�" #: src/gtkblist.c:2626 msgid "" "\n" "<b>Status</b>: Rockin'" msgstr "" "\n" "<b> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ</b>: 'Rockin'" #: src/gtkblist.c:2908 #, c-format msgid "Idle (%dh%02dm) " msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� (%dh%02dm) " #: src/gtkblist.c:2910 #, c-format msgid "Idle (%dm) " msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� (%dm) " #: src/gtkblist.c:2915 #, c-format msgid "Warned (%d%%) " msgstr "爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�爐萎た爐�� (%d%%) " #: src/gtkblist.c:2918 msgid "Offline " msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #. Make menu items sensitive/insensitive where appropriate #: src/gtkblist.c:3036 msgid "/Buddies/Join a Chat..." msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐迦た爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkblist.c:3039 msgid "/Tools/Room List" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3042 msgid "/Tools/Privacy" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爛�爐�え爛�爐�い爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3124 msgid "Alphabetical" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぎ 爐�爐��爐伍ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3125 msgid "By status" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ" #: src/gtkblist.c:3126 msgid "By log size" msgstr "爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ" #: src/gtkblist.c:3192 msgid "/Tools/Away" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3195 msgid "/Tools/Buddy Pounce" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3198 msgid "/Tools/Account Actions" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3201 msgid "/Tools/Plugin Actions" msgstr "/爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�/爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎�" #. set the Show Offline Buddies option. must be done #. * after the treeview or faceprint gets mad. -Robot101 #. #: src/gtkblist.c:3292 msgid "/Buddies/Show Offline Buddies" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3294 msgid "/Buddies/Show Empty Groups" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�/爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3319 msgid "Send a message to the selected buddy" msgstr "爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3329 msgid "Get information on the selected buddy" msgstr "爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3333 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3338 msgid "Join a chat room" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�爐逗ぐ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3343 msgid "_Away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkblist.c:3348 msgid "Set an away message" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4112 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:731 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:989 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1034 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1124 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2951 msgid "Add Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4136 msgid "" "Please enter the screen name of the person you would like to add to your " "buddy list. You may optionally enter an alias, or nickname, for the buddy. " "The alias will be displayed in place of the screen name whenever possible.\n" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐逗え爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�え爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爛�\n" #. Set up stuff for the account box #: src/gtkblist.c:4196 src/gtkblist.c:4499 msgid "Account:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐�:" #: src/gtkblist.c:4432 msgid "This protocol does not support chat rooms." msgstr "爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐迦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4448 msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with any protocols that have the ability to " "chat." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐項ぞ爐迦じ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍す爐逗い 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐劇ぎ爐むぞ 爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4465 msgid "Add Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4489 msgid "" "Please enter an alias, and the appropriate information about the chat you " "would like to add to your buddy list.\n" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: src/gtkblist.c:4568 msgid "Add Group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkblist.c:4569 msgid "Please enter the name of the group to be added." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkblist.c:5138 src/gtkblist.c:5235 msgid "No actions available" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�す爐萎� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkconn.c:79 src/gtkconn.c:250 src/gtkconn.c:261 msgid "Done." msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐��爐萎ぞ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/gtkconn.c:158 msgid "Signon: " msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�: " #: src/gtkconn.c:204 msgid "Signon" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkconn.c:216 msgid "Cancel All" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconn.c:367 src/gtkconn.c:600 msgid "_Reconnect" msgstr "爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconn.c:564 #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s has been disconnected.</span>\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s" msgstr "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐〝く爛� 爛�</span>\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s" #: src/gtkconn.c:566 msgid "Reason Unknown." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" #: src/gtkconn.c:605 msgid "Reconnect _All" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconn.c:635 msgid "Time" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐�" #: src/gtkconv.c:342 #, c-format msgid "me is using Gaim v%s." msgstr "爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� v%s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:351 msgid "Supported debug options are: version" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐��: 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/gtkconv.c:390 msgid "No such command (in this context)." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� (爐�� 爐��爐萎じ爐�爐�爐�ぞ)爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:393 msgid "" "Use \"/help <command>\" for help on a specific command.\n" "The following commands are available in this context:\n" msgstr "" "\"/爐�う爛�爐�い <爐�爐��爐�>\" 爐朽た爐謹�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぎ爐� 爐�う爛�爐�い爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�爛�\n" "爐�た爐踱�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐�� 爐��爐萎じ爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�爐��:\n" #: src/gtkconv.c:465 msgid "No such command." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爐��爐� 爐項�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:472 msgid "Syntax Error: You typed the wrong number of arguments to that command." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐む�爐�� 爐�爐��爐謹ぎ爐� 爐むぐ爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐迦い 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:477 msgid "Your command failed for an unknown reason." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:484 msgid "That command only works in Chats, not IMs." msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�爐��爐謹げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぎ ." #: src/gtkconv.c:487 msgid "That command only works in IMs, not Chats." msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�爐��爐謹げ爛� IMs 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎�爐��, 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:491 msgid "That command doesn't work on this protocol." msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�爐��爐謹げ爛� 爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐む�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:734 src/gtkconv.c:760 msgid "That buddy is not on the same protocol as this chat" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐む�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐項� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkconv.c:754 msgid "You are not currently signed on with an account that can invite that buddy." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐項ぞ爐迦じ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐� 爐む�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗く爛�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:808 msgid "Invite Buddy Into Chat Room" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐〝た爐む�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Put our happy label in it. #: src/gtkconv.c:838 msgid "" "Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite, along with an optional " "invite message." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�,爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�ぐ爐鉦が爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:859 msgid "_Buddy:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�:" #: src/gtkconv.c:879 msgid "_Message:" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐�:" #: src/gtkconv.c:935 src/gtkconv.c:2660 src/gtkdebug.c:182 msgid "Unable to open file." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:940 #, c-format msgid "<h1>Conversation with %s</h1>\n" msgstr "<h1>爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍す爐逗い %s</h1>\n" #: src/gtkconv.c:954 msgid "Save Conversation" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:1039 src/gtkdebug.c:131 msgid "Find" msgstr "爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:1065 src/gtkdebug.c:159 msgid "_Search for:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�:" #: src/gtkconv.c:1481 msgid "IM" msgstr "IM" #. Send File button #: src/gtkconv.c:1490 src/gtkconv.c:3903 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:614 msgid "Send File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:1499 msgid "Un-Ignore" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:1501 src/gtkprefs.c:831 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Info button #: src/gtkconv.c:1510 src/gtkconv.c:3924 msgid "Info" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkconv.c:1519 msgid "Get Away Msg" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkconv.c:2668 msgid "Unable to save icon file to disk." msgstr "爐÷た爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:2690 msgid "Save Icon" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:2720 msgid "Animate" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:2725 msgid "Hide Icon" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:2731 msgid "Save Icon As..." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3108 msgid "User is typing..." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3116 msgid "User has typed something and paused" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐�爛�爐項� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛� 爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐〝く爛�" #. Build the Send As menu #: src/gtkconv.c:3219 msgid "_Send As" msgstr "爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Conversation menu #: src/gtkconv.c:3673 msgid "/_Conversation" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3675 msgid "/Conversation/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/ 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3680 msgid "/Conversation/_Find..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3682 msgid "/Conversation/View _Log" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐��爐謹�爐� 爐迦�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3683 msgid "/Conversation/_Save As..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3685 msgid "/Conversation/Clear" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐伍か爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3689 msgid "/Conversation/Se_nd File..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3690 msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy _Pounce..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3692 msgid "/Conversation/_Get Info" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3694 msgid "/Conversation/_Warn..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3696 msgid "/Conversation/In_vite..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3701 msgid "/Conversation/Al_ias..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3703 msgid "/Conversation/_Block..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3705 msgid "/Conversation/_Add..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3707 msgid "/Conversation/_Remove..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3712 msgid "/Conversation/Insert Lin_k..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3714 msgid "/Conversation/Insert Imag_e..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爐朽た 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3719 msgid "/Conversation/_Close" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Options #: src/gtkconv.c:3723 msgid "/_Options" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3724 msgid "/Options/Enable _Logging" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐迦�爐逗�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3725 msgid "/Options/Enable _Sounds" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐о�爐朽え爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3726 msgid "/Options/Show Formatting _Toolbar" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� /爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3727 msgid "/Options/Show Ti_mestamps" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3769 msgid "/Conversation/View Log" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐迦� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3774 msgid "/Conversation/Send File..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3778 msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy Pounce..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3784 msgid "/Conversation/Get Info" msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3788 msgid "/Conversation/Warn..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3792 msgid "/Conversation/Invite..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3798 msgid "/Conversation/Alias..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3802 msgid "/Conversation/Block..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3806 msgid "/Conversation/Add..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3810 msgid "/Conversation/Remove..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3816 msgid "/Conversation/Insert Link..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3820 msgid "/Conversation/Insert Image..." msgstr "/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�爐朽た 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkconv.c:3826 msgid "/Options/Enable Logging" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐迦�爐逗�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3829 msgid "/Options/Enable Sounds" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐о�爐朽え爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3832 msgid "/Options/Show Formatting Toolbar" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎� /爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3835 msgid "/Options/Show Timestamps" msgstr "/爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�/爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. The buttons, from left to right #. Warn button #: src/gtkconv.c:3889 msgid "Warn" msgstr "爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3890 msgid "Warn the user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Block button #: src/gtkconv.c:3896 src/gtkprivacy.c:634 src/gtkprivacy.c:645 msgid "Block" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3897 msgid "Block the user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3904 msgid "Send a file to the user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3911 msgid "Add the user to your buddy list" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3918 msgid "Remove the user from your buddy list" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3925 src/gtkconv.c:4260 msgid "Get the user's information" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Send button #: src/gtkconv.c:3931 src/gtkconv.c:3995 msgid "Send" msgstr "爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3932 src/gtkconv.c:3996 msgid "Send message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. The buttons, from left to right #. Invite #: src/gtkconv.c:3974 msgid "Invite" msgstr "爐�爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3975 msgid "Invite a user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3982 msgid "Add the chat to your buddy list" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:3989 msgid "Remove the chat from your buddy list" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:4113 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く:" #. Setup the label telling how many people are in the room. #: src/gtkconv.c:4176 msgid "0 people in room" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:4237 msgid "IM the user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� IM 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:4249 msgid "Ignore the user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:4848 msgid "Close conversation" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:5385 src/gtkconv.c:5414 src/gtkconv.c:5510 src/gtkconv.c:5568 #, c-format msgid "%d person in room" msgid_plural "%d people in room" msgstr[0] "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� %d 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爐��" msgstr[1] "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� %d 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爐��" #: src/gtkconv.c:6145 src/gtkconv.c:6148 msgid "<main>/Conversation/Close" msgstr "<main>/爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�/爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkconv.c:6520 msgid "" "say <message>: Send a message normally as if you weren't using a " "command." msgstr "<爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>爐〝え爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�: 爐伍ぞ爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐むく爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:6523 msgid "me <action>: Send an IRC style action to a buddy or chat." msgstr "爐� <爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�>: 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ IRC 爐謹�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:6526 msgid "" "debug <option>: Send various debug information to the current " "conversation." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� <爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�>: 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ爐�ぞ 爐�た爐〝た爐��爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:6529 msgid "clear: Clears the conversation scrollback." msgstr "爐伍か爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�: 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍か爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: src/gtkconv.c:6532 msgid "help <command>: Help on a specific command." msgstr "爐�う爛�爐�い <爐�爐��爐�>: 爐朽た爐謹�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぎ爐� 爐�う爛�爐�い 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdebug.c:197 msgid "Save Debug Log" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐迦� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdebug.c:250 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkdebug.c:288 msgid "Pause" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdebug.c:294 msgid "Timestamps" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:63 msgid "lead developer" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:64 src/gtkdialogs.c:67 src/gtkdialogs.c:68 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:69 src/gtkdialogs.c:70 src/gtkdialogs.c:71 #: src/gtkdialogs.c:73 src/gtkdialogs.c:74 src/gtkdialogs.c:75 msgid "developer" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:65 msgid "developer & webmaster" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:66 msgid "win32 port" msgstr "win32 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:72 msgid "support" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:91 msgid "maintainer" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝ぞ爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:92 msgid "former libfaim maintainer" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐迦た爐朽か爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝ぞ爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:93 msgid "former lead developer" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:94 msgid "former maintainer" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝ぞ爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:95 msgid "former Jabber developer" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:96 msgid "original author" msgstr "爐��爐迦た爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:97 msgid "hacker and designated driver [lazy bum]" msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐� 爐÷た爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐÷�爐萎ぞ爐�爐〝ぐ [爐迦�爐�爛� 爐�ぎ]" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:102 msgid "Azerbaijani" msgstr "爐�爐�爐萎が爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:103 src/gtkdialogs.c:151 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:103 msgid "Vladimira Girginova and Vladimir (Kaladan) Petkov" msgstr "爐〝�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐÷た爐�た爐萎ぞ 爐�爐逗ぐ爛�爐�爐逗え爐逗き爐� 爐� 爐〝�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐÷た爐�た爐� (爐�爐鉦げ爐鉦ぁ爐�) 爐��爐�爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:104 src/gtkdialogs.c:152 src/gtkdialogs.c:153 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:105 src/gtkdialogs.c:154 msgid "Czech" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:106 msgid "Danish" msgstr "爐÷�爐�た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:107 src/gtkdialogs.c:155 msgid "German" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:108 msgid "Australian English" msgstr "爐�爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦�爐�え 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:109 msgid "Canadian English" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷た爐�え 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:110 msgid "British English" msgstr "爐��爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:111 src/gtkdialogs.c:156 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:112 msgid "Estonian" msgstr "爐踱伍�爐�爛�爐�た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:113 src/gtkdialogs.c:157 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐��爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:114 src/gtkdialogs.c:158 msgid "French" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐伍�爐迦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:115 msgid "Galician" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�げ爐逗じ爐逗く爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:116 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "爐項た爐��爐萎�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:117 src/gtkdialogs.c:159 msgid "Hindi" msgstr "爐項た爐��爐��" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:118 src/gtkdialogs.c:160 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "爐項え爛�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:119 src/gtkdialogs.c:161 msgid "Italian" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦げ爐逗く爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:120 src/gtkdialogs.c:162 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "爐�爐鉦お爐�た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:121 msgid "Georgian" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:122 src/gtkdialogs.c:163 msgid "Korean" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐迦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:123 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "爐迦た爐ム�爐朽ぞ爐�た爐�ぞ爐迦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:124 msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐伍た爐÷�爐�た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:125 msgid "Burmese" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐迦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:126 src/gtkdialogs.c:164 msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐朽�爐��爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:127 msgid "Dutch; Flemish" msgstr "爐÷�; 爐��爐迦�爐�た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:128 msgid "Norwegian (Nynorsk)" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�え (Nynorsk)" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:129 msgid "Punjabi" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐�爐鉦が爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:130 src/gtkdialogs.c:165 msgid "Polish" msgstr "爐��爐迦た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:131 msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:132 msgid "Portuguese-Brazil" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐逗�-爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐逗げ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:133 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:134 src/gtkdialogs.c:166 src/gtkdialogs.c:167 msgid "Russian" msgstr "爐萎じ爐逗く爐鉦げ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:135 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爐〝�爐�た爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:136 msgid "Albanian" msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐朽ぞ爐�た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:137 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爐朽た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:138 src/gtkdialogs.c:169 src/gtkdialogs.c:170 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽た爐÷た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:139 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:140 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爐�た爐�え" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:141 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "爐〝た爐�い爐�ぞ爐�た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:141 msgid "T.M.Thanh and the Gnome-Vi Team" msgstr "T.M.爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�-Vi 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:142 msgid "Xhosa" msgstr "爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:143 msgid "Simplified Chinese" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐逗く爐鉦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:144 msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぐ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐逗く爐鉦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:150 msgid "Amharic" msgstr "爐�爐��爐項ぞ爐萎た爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:168 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爐〝ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:171 msgid "Chinese" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爐逗く爐鉦�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:213 msgid "About Gaim" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:228 #, c-format msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Gaim v%s</span>" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Gaim v%s</span>" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:250 msgid "" "Gaim is a modular messaging client capable of using AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, " "Jabber, ICQ, IRC, SILC, Novell GroupWise, Napster, Zephyr, and Gadu-Gadu all " "at once. It is written using Gtk+ and is licensed under the GPL.<BR><BR>" msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐踱�爛� 爐��爐� AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, " "Jabber, ICQ, IRC, SILC, Novell GroupWise, Napster, Zephyr, 爐� Gadu-Gadu 爐伍が爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爐�爛�爐劇ぎ爐鉦い爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爐÷�爐��爐迦ぐ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐項� 爛� 爐�� Gtk+ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐迦�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐� GPL.<BR><BR> 爐�爐��爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:260 msgid "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #wingaim on<BR><BR>" msgstr "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #wingaim on<BR><BR>" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:263 msgid "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #gaim on<BR><BR>" msgstr "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC:</FONT> #gaim on<BR><BR>" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:269 msgid "Active Developers" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:284 msgid "Crazy Patch Writers" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎す爐萎�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:299 msgid "Retired Developers" msgstr "爐項�爐逗じ爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦じ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:314 msgid "Current Translators" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦�爐� 爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐��爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:334 msgid "Past Translators" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐��爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:489 src/gtkdialogs.c:631 src/gtkdialogs.c:684 msgid "_Screen name" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:495 src/gtkdialogs.c:637 src/gtkdialogs.c:690 msgid "_Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:502 msgid "New Instant Message" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:504 msgid "Please enter the screen name of the person you would like to IM." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� IM 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:644 msgid "Get User Info" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:646 msgid "Please enter the screen name of the person whose info you would like to view." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:698 msgid "Get User Log" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:700 msgid "Please enter the screen name of the person whose log you would like to view." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爐伍�爛� 爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐萎� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:740 msgid "Warn User" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:761 #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Warn %s?</span>\n" "\n" "This will increase %s's warning level and he or she will be subject to " "harsher rate limiting.\n" msgstr "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Warn %s?</span>\n" "\n" "爐�じ爐迦� '%s' 爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐朽�爐��爐朽た 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐� 爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐��爐�� 爐�爐��爐萎た爐� 爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�え爛�爐��爐�爐�� 爛�\n" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:770 msgid "Warn _anonymously?" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:777 msgid "<b>Anonymous warnings are less severe.</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐� 爐む�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐項�爐��爐�爐�� 爛�</b>" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:798 msgid "Alias Contact" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:799 msgid "Enter an alias for this contact." msgstr "爐�� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:801 src/gtkdialogs.c:823 src/gtkdialogs.c:843 #: src/gtkrequest.c:251 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:584 msgid "Alias" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:819 #, c-format msgid "Enter an alias for %s." msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:821 msgid "Alias Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:840 msgid "Alias Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:841 msgid "Enter an alias for this chat." msgstr "爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:875 #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddies from " "your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� %s 爐� %d 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ? " #: src/gtkdialogs.c:936 #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the group %s and all its members from your buddy " "list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� %s 爐� 爐伍が爛� 爐�じ爐�爐� 爐伍う爐伍�爐�す爐萎� 爐項�爐鉦�爐�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:939 src/gtkdialogs.c:940 msgid "Remove Group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:978 #, c-format msgid "You are about to remove %s from your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� %s 爐項�爐鉦�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:981 src/gtkdialogs.c:983 msgid "Remove Buddy" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:1020 #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the chat %s from your buddy list. Do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� %s 爐項�爐鉦�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkdialogs.c:1023 src/gtkdialogs.c:1024 msgid "Remove Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkft.c:141 #, c-format msgid "%.2f KB/s" msgstr "%.2f KB/s" #: src/gtkft.c:162 src/gtkft.c:1012 msgid "Finished" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/gtkft.c:165 src/gtkft.c:963 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/gtkft.c:168 src/gtkft.c:882 msgid "Waiting for transfer to begin" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐��爛�爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗ぐ爐項�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkft.c:221 msgid "<b>Receiving As:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�爐�� 爐�:</b>" #: src/gtkft.c:223 msgid "<b>Receiving From:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�じ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�爐�� 爐�:</b>" #: src/gtkft.c:227 msgid "<b>Sending To:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爐��:</b>" #: src/gtkft.c:229 msgid "<b>Sending As:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爐�� 爐�:</b>" #: src/gtkft.c:436 msgid "There is no application configured to open this type of file." msgstr "爐む�爐�す爐鉦� 爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkft.c:441 msgid "An error occurred while opening the file." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐む�爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/gtkft.c:533 msgid "Progress" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐むた" #: src/gtkft.c:540 msgid "Filename" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/gtkft.c:547 msgid "Size" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/gtkft.c:554 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�" #: src/gtkft.c:586 msgid "Filename:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�:" #: src/gtkft.c:587 msgid "Local File:" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�:" #: src/gtkft.c:588 msgid "Status:" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐むた:" #: src/gtkft.c:589 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "爐�爐むた:" #: src/gtkft.c:590 msgid "Time Elapsed:" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐萎�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐�:" #: src/gtkft.c:591 msgid "Time Remaining:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐�:" #: src/gtkft.c:683 msgid "_Keep the dialog open" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkft.c:693 msgid "_Clear finished transfers" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. "Download Details" arrow #: src/gtkft.c:702 msgid "Show transfer details" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkft.c:703 msgid "Hide transfer details" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Pause button #: src/gtkft.c:745 src/stock.c:92 msgid "_Pause" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Resume button #: src/gtkft.c:755 msgid "_Resume" msgstr "爐��爐�:爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkft.c:965 msgid "Failed" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:699 msgid "Pa_ste As Text" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:1093 msgid "Hyperlink color" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐� 爐萎�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:1094 msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks." msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爛�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:1303 msgid "_Copy E-Mail Address" msgstr "爐�-爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:1315 msgid "_Copy Link Location" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爐� 爐�え爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:1325 msgid "_Open Link in Browser" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:2942 msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Unrecognized file type</span>\n" "\n" "Defaulting to PNG." msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ</span>\n" "\n" "PNG 爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:2945 msgid "" "Unrecognized file type\n" "\n" "Defaulting to PNG." msgstr "" "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ\n" "\n" "PNG爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爛�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:2958 #, c-format msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Error saving image</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>爐�爐朽た 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�</span>\n" "\n" "%s" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:2961 #, c-format msgid "" "Error saving image\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐�爐朽た 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�\n" "\n" "%s" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:3041 src/gtkimhtml.c:3053 msgid "Save Image" msgstr "爐�爐朽た 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtml.c:3081 msgid "_Save Image..." msgstr "爐�爐朽た 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:176 msgid "Select Font" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:254 msgid "Select Text Color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:328 msgid "Select Background Color" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�爐〝�爐�た 爐萎�爛� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:412 msgid "_URL" msgstr "URL" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:420 msgid "_Description" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:423 msgid "" "Please enter the URL and description of the link that you want to insert. " "The description is optional." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐�爐�爛� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐� URL 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:427 msgid "Please enter the URL of the link that you want to insert." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐�爐�爛� URL 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:432 msgid "Insert Link" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:436 msgid "_Insert" msgstr "爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:505 #, c-format msgid "Failed to store image: %s\n" msgstr "爐�爐朽た 爐〝ぃ爛�爐÷ぞ爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�: %s\n" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:531 src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:541 msgid "Insert Image" msgstr "爐�爐朽た 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:679 msgid "This theme has no available smileys." msgstr "爐�� 爐朽た爐劇く爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�え爛� 爛�" #. show everything #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:694 msgid "Smile!" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�爐鉦え!" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:912 msgid "Bold" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐迦�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:923 msgid "Italic" msgstr "爐�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:934 msgid "Underline" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:950 msgid "Larger font size" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:962 msgid "Smaller font size" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:979 msgid "Font Face" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐��爐項ぁ爐�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:991 msgid "Foreground font color" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎き爛�爐�た 爐�え爛�爐� 爐萎�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:1003 msgid "Background color" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�爐〝�爐�た 爐萎�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:1018 msgid "Insert link" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:1028 msgid "Insert image" msgstr "爐�爐朽た 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkimhtmltoolbar.c:1039 msgid "Insert smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtklog.c:318 #, c-format msgid "Conversations with %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�" #. Window ********** #: src/gtklog.c:414 src/gtklog.c:431 msgid "System Log" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦�" #. Descriptive label #: src/gtknotify.c:216 #, c-format msgid "%s has %d new message." msgid_plural "%s has %d new messages." msgstr[0] "%s 爐伍�爐� %d 爐朽�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐� 爛�" msgstr[1] "%s 爐伍�爐� %d 爐朽�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtknotify.c:230 #, c-format msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">From:</span> %s\n" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">爐�ぞ爐�:</span> %s\n" #: src/gtknotify.c:239 #, c-format msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">Subject:</span> %s\n" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">爐朽た爐劇く:</span> %s\n" #: src/gtknotify.c:244 #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>\n" "\n" "%s%s%s%s" msgstr "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�!</span>\n" "\n" "%s%s%s%s" #: src/gtknotify.c:260 #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�!</span>\n" "\n" "%s" #: src/gtknotify.c:430 #, c-format msgid "The browser command <b>%s</b> is invalid." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�<b>%s</b>爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtknotify.c:432 src/gtknotify.c:444 src/gtknotify.c:457 #: src/gtknotify.c:581 msgid "Unable to open URL" msgstr "URL 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/gtknotify.c:442 src/gtknotify.c:455 #, c-format msgid "Error launching <b>%s</b>: %s" msgstr "<b>%s</b> 爐伍�爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: %s" #: src/gtknotify.c:582 msgid "The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set." msgstr "'爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐�' 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐萎�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐�, 爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:130 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� " #: src/gtkpounce.c:161 msgid "Please enter a buddy to pounce." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. "New Buddy Pounce" #: src/gtkpounce.c:391 src/gtkpounce.c:895 msgid "New Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:391 msgid "Edit Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Create the "Pounce Who" frame. #: src/gtkpounce.c:408 msgid "Pounce Who" msgstr "爐�爐伍げ爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:435 msgid "_Buddy name:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�:" #. Create the "Pounce When" frame. #: src/gtkpounce.c:459 msgid "Pounce When" msgstr "爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:467 msgid "Si_gn on" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:469 msgid "Sign _off" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:471 msgid "A_way" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:473 msgid "_Return from away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:475 msgid "_Idle" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:477 msgid "Retur_n from idle" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:479 msgid "Buddy starts _typing" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:481 msgid "Buddy stops t_yping" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐〝く爛�" #. Create the "Pounce Action" frame. #: src/gtkpounce.c:510 msgid "Pounce Action" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:518 msgid "Op_en an IM window" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� IM 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:520 msgid "_Popup notification" msgstr "爐�お爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkpounce.c:522 msgid "Send a _message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:524 msgid "E_xecute a command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽く爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:526 msgid "P_lay a sound" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爛� 爐��爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:530 msgid "B_rowse..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkpounce.c:532 msgid "Bro_wse..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkpounce.c:533 msgid "Pre_view" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:616 msgid "Sav_e this pounce after activation" msgstr " 爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. "Remove Buddy Pounce" #: src/gtkpounce.c:902 msgid "Remove Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:963 #, c-format msgid "%s has started typing to you (%s)" msgstr " %s爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� (%s)爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎た爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:965 #, c-format msgid "%s has signed on (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� (%s) 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:967 #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being idle (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� (%s)爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗じ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:969 #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being away (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐�爐鉦あ爐�(%s)爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗じ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:971 #, c-format msgid "%s has stopped typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�(%s)爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:973 #, c-format msgid "%s has signed off (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� (%s) 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/gtkpounce.c:975 #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� (%s) 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/gtkpounce.c:977 #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away. (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� (%s)" #: src/gtkpounce.c:978 msgid "Unknown pounce event. Please report this!" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�� 爐��爐萎い爐逗さ爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�!" #: src/gtkprefs.c:447 msgid "Interface Options" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐萎か爛�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:449 msgid "D_isplay remote nicknames if no alias is set" msgstr "爐�う爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐項�爐鉦�爐踱�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:681 msgid "" "Select a smiley theme that you would like to use from the list below. New " "themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme list." msgstr "爐むげ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐朽た爐劇く爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐項ぐ爛� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐〝た爐む�爐萎が爐鉦� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むぞ爐�う爛� 爐� 爐�爐鉦ぁ爛�爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐�� 爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:721 msgid "Icon" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:728 src/gtkprefs.c:2205 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:264 #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:757 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:743 msgid "Description" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:824 msgid "Display" msgstr "爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:825 msgid "Show _timestamp on messages" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹ぎ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:828 msgid "_Highlight misspelled words" msgstr "爐�爐迦い 爐項た爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐謹が爛�爐�す爐萎� 爐項ぞ爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:832 msgid "Ignore c_olors" msgstr "爐萎�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:834 msgid "Ignore font _faces" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐��爐伍す爐萎� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:836 msgid "Ignore font si_zes" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:839 msgid "Default Formatting" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:841 msgid "_Send default formatting with outgoing messages" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐伍� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:873 msgid "" "This is how your outgoing message text will appear when you use protocols " "that support formatting. :)" msgstr "爐�� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦げ爐鉦� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐迦す爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐項� 爛� :)" #: src/gtkprefs.c:876 msgid "_Clear Formatting" msgstr "爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:913 msgid "Send Message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:914 msgid "Enter _sends message" msgstr "爐��爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:916 msgid "C_ontrol-Enter sends message" msgstr "爐��爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:919 msgid "Window Closing" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:920 msgid "_Escape closes window" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:923 msgid "Insertions" msgstr "爐�た爐朽�爐謹え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:924 msgid "Control-{B/I/U} changes _formatting" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ-{B/I/U} 爐迦� _爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/gtkprefs.c:926 msgid "Control-(number) _inserts smileys" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ-(number) _爐迦� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:942 msgid "Buddy List Sorting" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐�う爛�爐оい爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:951 msgid "_Sorting:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐�う爛�爐оい爐�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:957 src/gtkprefs.c:1009 msgid "Show _buttons as:" msgstr "爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:959 src/gtkprefs.c:1011 msgid "Pictures" msgstr "爐むじ爛�爐朽�爐萎す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:960 src/gtkprefs.c:1012 msgid "Text" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:961 src/gtkprefs.c:1013 msgid "Pictures and text" msgstr "爐むじ爛�爐朽�爐萎す爐萎� 爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:964 msgid "_Raise window on events" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:967 msgid "Buddy Display" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:968 src/gtkprefs.c:1030 msgid "Show buddy _icons" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐鉦す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:970 msgid "Show _warning levels" msgstr "爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐むす爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:972 msgid "Show idle _times" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐伍ぎ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:974 msgid "Dim i_dle buddies" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:976 msgid "_Automatically expand contacts" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐鉦げ爐逗い 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1020 msgid "Enable \"_slash\" commands" msgstr "\"爐伍�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�\" 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1023 msgid "Send unknown \"_slash\" commands as messages" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い \"爐伍�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�\" 爐�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1026 msgid "Show _formatting toolbar" msgstr "爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1028 msgid "Show _aliases in tabs/titles" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�/爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1032 msgid "Enable buddy ic_on animation" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐踱�た爐��爐伍え 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1034 msgid "_Notify buddies that you are typing to them" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爐伍げ爐鉦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1036 msgid "_Raise IM window on events" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ IM 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1039 msgid "Raise chat _window on events" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1041 msgid "Use _multi-colored screen names in chats" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�す爛�爐朽た爐�-爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦す爐逗い 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. All the tab options! #: src/gtkprefs.c:1045 msgid "Tab Options" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1047 msgid "Show IMs and chats in _tabbed windows" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�爐�ぞ IM 爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1062 msgid "Show close b_utton on tabs" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�え爛�爐� 爐��爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1065 msgid "Tab p_lacement:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�え:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1067 msgid "Top" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐ムた" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1068 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "爐むげ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1069 msgid "Left" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1070 msgid "Right" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1076 msgid "New conversation _placement:" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1127 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:757 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5859 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1129 msgid "_Autodetect IP Address" msgstr "IP 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐伍�爐朽い:爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐迦ぞ爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1138 msgid "Public _IP:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� IP:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1162 msgid "Ports" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1165 msgid "_Manually specify range of ports to listen on" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�げ爐鉦� 爐��爐萎�爐�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐� 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦げ爛� 爐む�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1168 msgid "_Start Port:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1175 msgid "_End Port:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1182 msgid "Proxy Server" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1186 msgid "No proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍た 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1248 msgid "_User:" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1304 msgid "Epiphany" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐��爐�ぞ爐��" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1305 msgid "Firebird" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐踱萎が爐萎�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1306 msgid "Firefox" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐踱萎か爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1307 msgid "Galeon" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐�え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1308 msgid "Gnome Default" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1309 msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐朽�爐萎ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1310 msgid "Mozilla" msgstr "爐��爐�爐逗げ爛�爐迦ぞ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1311 msgid "Netscape" msgstr "爐��爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1312 msgid "Opera" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎ぞ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1321 msgid "Manual" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1372 msgid "Browser Selection" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐�え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1376 msgid "_Browser:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1383 msgid "_Open link in:" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1385 msgid "Browser default" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1386 msgid "Existing window" msgstr "爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1388 msgid "New tab" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1402 #, c-format msgid "" "_Manual:\n" "(%s for URL)" msgstr "" "爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐�:\n" "(URL爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�%s)" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1439 msgid "Message Logs" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐迦�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1442 msgid "Log _Format:" msgstr "爐迦� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1445 msgid "_Log all instant messages" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1447 msgid "Log all c_hats" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1450 msgid "System Logs" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1452 msgid "_Enable system log" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1455 msgid "Log when buddies _sign on/sign off" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�/爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1461 msgid "Log when buddies become _idle/un-idle" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�/爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐項�爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1467 msgid "Log when buddies go away/come _back" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�ぞ/爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1473 msgid "Log your _own signons/idleness/awayness" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�/爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�お爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦お爐� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1600 msgid "Sound Selection" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐�爐�え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1651 msgid "Sound Options" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1652 msgid "Sounds when conversation has _focus" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�爐�ぞ 爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐�爐む�爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1654 msgid "_Sounds while away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐項�爐�爐�ぞ 爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐�爐む�爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1658 msgid "Sound Method" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爛� 爐朽た爐оた" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1659 msgid "_Method:" msgstr "爐朽た爐оた:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1661 msgid "Console beep" msgstr "爐�爐��爐伍�爐� 爐��爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1663 msgid "Automatic" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐鉦げ爐逗い" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1670 msgid "Command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1678 #, c-format msgid "" "Sound c_ommand:\n" "(%s for filename)" msgstr "" "爐о�爐朽え爛� 爐�爐��爐�:\n" "(爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�%s)" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1705 msgid "Sound Events" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� " #: src/gtkprefs.c:1756 msgid "Play" msgstr "爐��爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1763 msgid "Event" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1782 msgid "Test" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐劇ぃ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1786 msgid "Reset" msgstr "爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1790 msgid "Choose..." msgstr "爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkprefs.c:1814 msgid "_Queue new messages when away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�く爐鉦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐��" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1817 msgid "_Auto-reply:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い:爐�爐朽ぞ爐�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1819 msgid "Never" msgstr "爐�爐項た爐迦�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1820 msgid "When away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1821 msgid "When away and idle" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1824 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1327 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:32 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2806 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5007 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2780 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:664 msgid "Idle" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1825 msgid "Idle _time reporting:" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗さ爛�爐�え:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1828 msgid "Gaim usage" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1831 msgid "X usage" msgstr "X 爐�爐�く爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1833 msgid "Windows usage" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1841 msgid "Auto-away" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い: 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1842 msgid "Set away _when idle" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�ぞ '爐�爐鉦あ爐�' 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1846 msgid "_Minutes before setting away:" msgstr " '爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍�爐�' 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐項ぐ爛�:" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1854 msgid "Away m_essage:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1923 #, c-format msgid "" "<span size=\"larger\">%s %s</span>\n" "\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">Written by:</span>\t%s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">Web site:</span>\t\t%s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">File name:</span>\t%s" msgstr "" "<span size=\"larger\">%s %s</span>\n" "\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">爐迦�爐�爐�:</span>\t%s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�:</span>\t\t%s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�:</span>\t%s" #: src/gtkprefs.c:1928 #, c-format msgid "" "<span size=\"larger\">%s %s</span>\n" "\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">Written by:</span> %s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">URL:</span> %s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">File name:</span> %s" msgstr "" "<span size=\"larger\">%s %s</span>\n" "\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">爐迦�爐�爐�:</span> %s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">URL:</span> %s\n" "<span weight=\"bold\">爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦ぎ:</span> %s" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2161 msgid "Load" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2175 msgid "Summary" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2223 msgid "Details" msgstr "爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2384 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2420 msgid "Interface" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐萎か爛�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2423 msgid "Message Text" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2424 msgid "Shortcuts" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐�爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2425 msgid "Smiley Themes" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐朽た爐劇く爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2426 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐逗す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2427 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1588 msgid "Network" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2432 msgid "Browser" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2435 msgid "Logging" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2436 msgid "Away / Idle" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� / 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2437 msgid "Away Messages" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprefs.c:2440 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:79 msgid "Allow all users to contact me" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:80 msgid "Allow only the users on my buddy list" msgstr "爐��爐萎� 爐伍ぅ爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:81 msgid "Allow only the users below" msgstr "爐むげ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:82 msgid "Block all users" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:83 msgid "Block only the users below" msgstr "爐むげ 爐�た爐踱�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:397 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1539 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�え爛�爐�い爐�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:410 msgid "Changes to privacy settings take effect immediately." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐��爐む� 爐��爐萎き爐鉦さ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐萎た 爐�爛�爐�え爐逗く爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #. "Set privacy for:" label #: src/gtkprivacy.c:422 msgid "Set privacy for:" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爐逗く爐むぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:591 src/gtkprivacy.c:607 msgid "Permit User" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:592 msgid "Type a user you permit to contact you." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐踱�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:593 msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to be able to contact you." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:596 src/gtkprivacy.c:609 msgid "Permit" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:601 #, c-format msgid "Allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:603 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐逗え 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:630 src/gtkprivacy.c:643 msgid "Block User" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:631 msgid "Type a user to block." msgstr "爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:632 msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to block." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:639 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkprivacy.c:641 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block %s?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� %s 爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #. * #. * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses Yes and No buttons. #. #: src/gtkrequest.c:241 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:951 #: src/protocols/msn/dialog.c:113 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:499 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:502 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1892 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:307 src/protocols/silc/pk.c:117 #: src/request.h:1236 msgid "Yes" msgstr "爐項�" #: src/gtkrequest.c:242 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:951 #: src/protocols/msn/dialog.c:114 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:499 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:502 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1893 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:308 src/protocols/silc/pk.c:118 #: src/request.h:1236 msgid "No" msgstr "爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/gtkrequest.c:245 msgid "Apply" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkrequest.c:246 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:314 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:335 msgid "Close" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtkrequest.c:1421 msgid "That file already exists" msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�" #: src/gtkrequest.c:1422 msgid "Would you like to overwrite it?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐оた爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/gtkrequest.c:1460 src/gtkrequest.c:1481 msgid "Save File..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkrequest.c:1461 src/gtkrequest.c:1482 msgid "Open File..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/gtkroomlist.c:331 msgid "Room List" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #. list button #: src/gtkroomlist.c:402 msgid "_Get List" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/gtksound.c:63 msgid "Buddy logs in" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:64 msgid "Buddy logs out" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦� 爐迦�爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:65 msgid "Message received" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:66 msgid "Message received begins conversation" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹げ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐�" #: src/gtksound.c:67 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:68 msgid "Person enters chat" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:69 msgid "Person leaves chat" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:70 msgid "You talk in chat" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:71 msgid "Others talk in chat" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:74 msgid "Someone says your name in chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐迦� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ" #: src/gtksound.c:173 #, c-format msgid "Unable to play sound because the chosen file (%s) does not exist." msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐��爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� (%s)爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtksound.c:189 msgid "" "Unable to play sound because the 'Command' sound method has been chosen, but " "no command has been set." msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐��爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� '爐�爐��爐�' 爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐朽た爐оた 爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�, 爐むぐ 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/gtksound.c:201 #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to play sound because the configured sound command could not be " "launched: %s" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐��爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐о�爐朽え爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�: %s" #: src/log.c:104 msgid "<b><font color=\"red\">The logger has no read function</font></b>" msgstr "<b><font color=\"red\">爐迦�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�</font></b>" #: src/log.c:545 msgid "XML" msgstr "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐踱� 爐踱�" #: src/log.c:609 #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" #: src/log.c:611 #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" #: src/log.c:662 src/log.c:792 msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Unable to find log path!</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ!</b></font>" #: src/log.c:672 src/log.c:804 #, c-format msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Could not read file: %s</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�: %s</b></font>" #: src/log.c:676 msgid "HTML" msgstr "爐踱� 爐�爐� 爐踱� 爐踱�" #: src/log.c:737 #, c-format msgid "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" msgstr "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" #: src/log.c:808 msgid "Plain text" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/main.c:150 msgid "Please create an account." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/main.c:232 msgid "Login" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/main.c:248 msgid "<b>_Account:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐鉦い爐�:</b>" #: src/main.c:262 msgid "<b>_Password:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:</b>" #. And now for the buttons #: src/main.c:279 msgid "A_ccounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎�" #: src/main.c:285 msgid "P_references" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/main.c:291 msgid "_Sign on" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #. full help text #: src/main.c:513 #, c-format msgid "" "Gaim %s\n" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -a, --acct display account editor window\n" " -w, --away[=MESG] make away on signon (optional argument MESG specifies\n" " name of away message to use)\n" " -l, --login[=NAME] automatically login (optional argument NAME specifies\n" " account(s) to use, seperated by commas)\n" " -n, --loginwin don't automatically login; show login window\n" " -u, --user=NAME use account NAME\n" " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stdout\n" " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦�爐� %s\n" "爐�爐�く爛�爐�: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -a, --acct 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��\n" " -w, --away[=MESG] 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�え爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐むぐ爛�爐� MESG 爐迦�\n" " 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��)\n" " -l, --login[=NAME] 爐伍�爐朽�爐鉦げ爐逗い 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐むぐ爛�爐� NAME 爐迦�\n" " 爐�爐迦�爐�さ爐逗ぐ爐鉦ぎ爐迦� 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛�, 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦す爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��)\n" " -n, --loginwin 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦げ爐逗い 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�; 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " -u, --user=NAME 爐�爐鉦い爐� NAME 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " -c, --config=DIR 爐�爐�か爐逗�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� DIR 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " -d, --debug 爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐��爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " -v, --version 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" " -h, --help 爐�� 爐�う爛�爐�い 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�\n" #. short message #: src/main.c:528 #, c-format msgid "Gaim %s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� %s 爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� `%s -h' 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" #: src/main.c:895 msgid "Unable to load preferences" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/main.c:895 msgid "" "Gaim was not able to load your preferences because they are stored in an old " "format that is no longer used. Please reconfigure your settings using the " "Preferences window." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐〝ぃ爛�爐÷ぞ爐萎ぃ 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐�爛�爐� 爐む�爐�い爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�:爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/plugin.c:295 #, c-format msgid "" "The required plugin %s was not found. Please install this plugin and try " "again." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� %s 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/plugin.c:300 src/plugin.c:328 msgid "Gaim was unable to load your plugin." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐ムた爐�� 爛�" #: src/plugin.c:324 #, c-format msgid "The required plugin %s was unable to load." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� %s 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/prefs.c:113 src/status.c:273 msgid "Slightly less boring default" msgstr "爐項げ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐�爐逗げ爛� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:50 src/protocols/jabber/jutil.c:44 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:513 src/protocols/msn/state.c:29 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:30 src/protocols/msn/state.c:37 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:38 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2797 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2916 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2967 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:779 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3125 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3241 msgid "Available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:51 msgid "Available for friends only" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:53 msgid "Away for friends only" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� " #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:54 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1004 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:139 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:697 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6375 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6453 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6477 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7664 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7669 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2778 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3145 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3253 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:55 msgid "Invisible for friends only" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:56 msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:137 msgid "Unable to resolve hostname." msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:140 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1711 msgid "Unable to connect to server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:143 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:134 #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:208 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:369 #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:467 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:479 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:108 msgid "Invalid response from server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:146 msgid "Error while reading from socket." msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:149 msgid "Error while writing to socket." msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:152 msgid "Authentication failed." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:155 msgid "Unknown Error Code." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:243 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4808 #, c-format msgid "<B>UIN:</B> %s<BR><B>Status:</B> %s<HR>%s" msgstr "<B>UIN:</B> %s<BR><B>爐伍�爐ムた爐むた:</B> %s<HR>%s" #. res[0] == username #. XXX this should use gaim_notify_userinfo, but it is unclear to me what should be passed for 'who' #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:244 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1013 #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:404 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4812 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5036 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1086 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1148 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:468 #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:726 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1136 msgid "Buddy Information" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:294 #, c-format msgid "Status: %s" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた: %s" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:447 msgid "Could not connect" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:454 msgid "Unable to read socket" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #. we didn't successfully connect. tdt->toc_fd is valid here #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:674 src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:343 #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:486 src/protocols/napster/napster.c:517 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:170 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2407 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2436 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2499 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:68 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:111 src/protocols/yahoo/ycht.c:482 msgid "Unable to connect." msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:690 msgid "Reading data" msgstr "爐÷�爐�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:693 msgid "Balancer handshake" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐迦�爐��爐伍ぐ 爐項�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷じ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:696 msgid "Reading server key" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�あ爛�爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:699 msgid "Exchanging key hash" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�た爐�く 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:709 msgid "Critical error in GG library\n" msgstr "GG 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽�爐�え爐謹�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�\n" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:727 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:818 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:146 #, c-format msgid "Connect to %s failed" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:775 msgid "Unable to ping server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:787 msgid "Send as message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:792 msgid "Looking up GG server" msgstr "GG 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:795 msgid "Invalid Gadu-Gadu UIN specified" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐朽�爐� Gadu-Gadu UIN" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:841 msgid "You are trying to send a message to an invalid Gadu-Gadu UIN." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� Gadu-Gadu UIN 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:919 msgid "Couldn't get search results" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�い爐逗�爐鉦す爐萎� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:924 msgid "Gadu-Gadu Search Engine" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�爐逗え" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:950 msgid "Active" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:955 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5851 msgid "UIN" msgstr "UIN" #. First Name #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:959 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:624 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5862 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:808 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:268 msgid "First Name" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" #. Last Name #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:964 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:629 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5863 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:275 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:968 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1712 #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:219 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5852 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1204 msgid "Nick" msgstr "爐�た爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:975 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:978 msgid "Birth Year" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:984 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:986 #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:988 msgid "Sex" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐�" #. City #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:992 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:639 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5906 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5914 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:332 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:411 msgid "City" msgstr "爐謹す爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1035 msgid "There is no Buddy List stored on the Gadu-Gadu server." msgstr "爐む�爐�す爐鉦� Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐〝ぃ爛�爐÷ぞ爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1043 msgid "Couldn't Import Buddy List from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐�い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1105 msgid "Buddy List successfully transferred to Gadu-Gadu server" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1113 msgid "Couldn't transfer Buddy List to Gadu-Gadu server" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1121 msgid "Buddy List successfully deleted from Gadu-Gadu server" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐��爐�爐逗く爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1129 msgid "Couldn't delete Buddy List from Gadu-Gadu server" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1138 msgid "Password changed successfully" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1145 msgid "Password couldn't be changed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1264 msgid "Error communicating with Gadu-Gadu server" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1265 msgid "" "Gaim was unable to complete your request due to a problem communicating with " "the Gadu-Gadu HTTP server. Please try again later." msgstr "Gadu-Gadu HTTP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1294 msgid "Unable to import Gadu-Gadu buddy list" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1295 msgid "" "Gaim was unable to connect to the Gadu-Gadu buddy list server. Please try " "again later." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐ムた爐�� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� " #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1368 msgid "Couldn't export buddy list" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1369 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1392 msgid "Gaim was unable to connect to the buddy list server. Please try again later." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐ムた爐�� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1391 msgid "Unable to delete Gadu-Gadu buddy list" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1442 msgid "Unable to access directory" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1443 msgid "" "Gaim was unable to search the Directory because it was unable to connect to " "the directory server. Please try again later." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐ムた爐�� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐ムた爐踱� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1477 msgid "Unable to change Gadu-Gadu password" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1478 msgid "" "Gaim was unable to change your password due to an error connecting to the " "Gadu-Gadu server. Please try again later." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� Gadu-Gadu 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1494 msgid "Directory Search" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�爛�" #. if (js->protocol_options & CHANGE_PASSWORD) { #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1499 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1102 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1591 msgid "Change Password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1503 msgid "Import Buddy List from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�す爛�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1507 msgid "Export Buddy List to Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1511 msgid "Delete Buddy List from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1544 msgid "Unable to access user profile." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1545 msgid "" "Gaim was unable to access this user's profile due to an error connecting to " "the directory server. Please try again later." msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� " #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1691 src/protocols/gg/gg.c:1693 msgid "Gadu-Gadu Protocol Plugin" msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:223 msgid "Gaim encountered an error communicating with the ICQ server." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� ICQ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐萎す爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:293 #, c-format msgid "The user %s (%s%s%s%s%s) wants you to authorize them." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s (%s%s%s%s%s) 爐迦� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:296 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:300 #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:103 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4547 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7112 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1080 msgid "Authorize" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� " #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:296 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:301 #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:104 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4549 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7113 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1082 msgid "Deny" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:309 msgid "Send message through server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�い 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:351 msgid "Connecting..." msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐�..." #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:497 msgid "Nick:" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ:" #: src/protocols/icq/gaim_icq.c:498 msgid "Gaim User" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/protocols/irc/cmds.c:43 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1311 #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�: %s" #: src/protocols/irc/cmds.c:464 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:576 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1019 #, c-format msgid "current topic is: %s" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐項�: %s" #: src/protocols/irc/cmds.c:468 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:580 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1023 msgid "No topic is set" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/dcc_send.c:272 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:176 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:185 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:194 msgid "File Transfer Aborted" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐�ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/irc/dcc_send.c:273 msgid "Gaim could not open a listening port." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:76 msgid "Error displaying MOTD" msgstr "MOTD 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:76 msgid "No MOTD available" msgstr "MOTD 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:77 msgid "There is no MOTD associated with this connection." msgstr "爐む�爐�す爐鉦� 爐�� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� MOTD 爐伍�爐�爐�爐逗い 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:80 #, c-format msgid "MOTD for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� MOTD" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:94 src/protocols/irc/irc.c:406 msgid "Server has disconnected" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:159 msgid "View MOTD" msgstr "MOTD 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:181 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:32 msgid "_Channel:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ:" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:186 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:56 msgid "_Password:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:218 msgid "IRC nicks may not contain whitespace" msgstr "IRC 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #. connect to the server #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:238 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:800 #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:364 src/protocols/napster/napster.c:510 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2152 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1768 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1065 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2641 #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1458 msgid "Connecting" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:245 msgid "Couldn't create socket" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:260 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:304 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1699 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1764 msgid "Couldn't connect to host" msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:403 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:927 msgid "Read error" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:568 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1373 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1444 msgid "Users" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:571 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1376 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1166 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1453 msgid "Topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:608 msgid "IRC" msgstr "IRC" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:612 msgid "Quit message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:699 msgid "IRC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "IRC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. * summary #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:700 msgid "The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎た爐� IRC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:719 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:239 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1652 src/protocols/napster/napster.c:672 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1026 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1129 msgid "Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:722 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1673 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1906 src/protocols/napster/napster.c:677 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1596 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1301 msgid "Port" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:725 msgid "Encodings" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐むえ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:728 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:233 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:599 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1454 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:973 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:975 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1123 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1125 msgid "Username" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/irc.c:731 msgid "Real name" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:107 msgid "Bad mode" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:120 #, c-format msgid "You are banned from %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐� 爐項�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:121 msgid "Banned" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:139 #, c-format msgid "Cannot ban %s: banlist is full" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�: 爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:219 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:239 #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "<b>%s:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>%s:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:222 msgid " <i>(ircop)</i>" msgstr " <i>(ircop)</i>" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:223 msgid " <i>(identified)</i>" msgstr " <i>(爐�ぐ爐逗�爐逗い)</i>" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:227 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:233 #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:234 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:245 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1327 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:664 #, c-format msgid "<b>%s:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>%s:</b> %s<br>" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:234 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:967 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1117 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1012 msgid "Realname" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:245 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1039 msgid "Currently on" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦じ爐鉦げ爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:250 #, c-format msgid "<b>Idle for:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>爐�じ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�:</b> %s<br>" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:252 msgid "Online since" msgstr "爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:255 msgid "<br><b>Defining adjective:</b> Glorious<br>" msgstr "<br><b>爐朽た爐謹�爐劇ぃ 爐�ぐ爐逗き爐鉦し爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�:</b> Glorious<br>" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:262 #, c-format msgid "Buddy Information for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:325 #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐朽た爐劇く爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�:%s" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:330 #, c-format msgid "The topic for %s is: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く:%s" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:348 #, c-format msgid "Unknown message '%s'" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� '%s'" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:349 msgid "Unknown message" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:349 msgid "Gaim has sent a message the IRC server did not understand." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� IRC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐��爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:373 #, c-format msgid "Users on %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�: %s" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:473 msgid "Time Response" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:474 msgid "The IRC server's local time is:" msgstr "IRC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐�:" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:488 msgid "No such channel" msgstr "爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐�" #. does this happen? #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:501 msgid "no such channel" msgstr "爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:504 msgid "User is not logged in" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:510 msgid "No such nick or channel" msgstr "爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐朽ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:531 msgid "Could not send" msgstr "爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:587 #, c-format msgid "Joining %s requires an invitation." msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:588 msgid "Invitation only" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:692 #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked by %s: (%s)" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� %s 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐萎た爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� : (%s)" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:697 #, c-format msgid "Kicked by %s (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� (%s)爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:721 #, c-format msgid "mode (%s %s) by %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐��爐� (%s %s)" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:808 #, c-format msgid "Invalid nickname '%s'" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ '%s'" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:809 msgid "Invalid nickname" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:811 src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:816 msgid "" "Your selected account name was rejected by the server. It probably contains " "invalid characters." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:858 msgid "Cannot change nick" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:858 msgid "Could not change nick" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐〝�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:880 #, c-format msgid "You have parted the channel%s%s" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ %s%s 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:922 msgid "Error: invalid PONG from server" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�:爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� PONG" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:924 #, c-format msgid "PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds" msgstr "PING 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� -- 爐迦�: %lu 爐伍�爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:999 #, c-format msgid "Cannot join %s:" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�:" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:1001 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:912 msgid "Cannot join channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/msgs.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "Wallops from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐迦お爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:113 msgid "action <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� <爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�>: 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:114 msgid "" "away [message]: Set an away message, or use no message to return from being " "away." msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� [爐伍え爛�爐��爐�]: 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐朽ぞ 爐項ぞ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:115 msgid "" "deop <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel operator status from " "someone. You must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "deop <nick1> [nick2]] ...: 爐�爐伍�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦え 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:116 msgid "" "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel voice status from " "someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐�爐伍�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐÷�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� (+m) 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:117 msgid "" "invite <nick> [room]: Invite someone to join you in the specified " "channel, or the current channel." msgstr "invite <nick> [room]: 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐迦� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:118 msgid "" "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: 爐踱� 爐朽ぞ 爐踱� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐�う爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:119 msgid "" "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: 爐踱� 爐朽ぞ 爐踱� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐�う爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:120 msgid "" "kick <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "kick <nick> [message]: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:121 msgid "" "list: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. <i>Warning, some servers " "may disconnect you upon doing this.</i>" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�: 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦す爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� <i>爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛�, 爐�爛�爐項� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐項�爐� 爐�え爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐�� 爛�</i>" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:122 msgid "me <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "爐� <爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�>: 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:123 msgid "" "mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: Set or unset a channel " "or user mode." msgstr "爐��爐� <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:124 msgid "" "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "msg <爐�た爐�> <爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� (爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐萎�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�) 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:125 msgid "names [channel]: List the users currently in a channel." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� [爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ]: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�え爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:126 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1477 msgid "nick <new nickname>: Change your nickname." msgstr "爐�た爐� <爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ>: 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:127 msgid "" "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel operator status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐�爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:128 msgid "" "operwall <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably " "can't use it." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐� <爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>: 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�� 爐�爛� 爐項� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐ムぞ爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐〝え爛�,爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐�:爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:129 msgid "" "part [room] [message]: Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, " "with an optional message." msgstr "爐〝ぞ爐� [爐�爛�爐�爐�] [爐伍え爛�爐��爐�]: 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ ,爐朽ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ, 爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍す爐逗い 爐�爐鉦ぁ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:130 msgid "" "ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) " "has." msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐� [爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ]: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ (爐朽ぞ 爐�う爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ) 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐むた爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐∇た爐迦ぞ 爐項�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐о�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:131 msgid "" "query <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐萎� <爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ> <爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�(爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐萎�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐�)爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:132 msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message." msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� [爐伍え爛�爐��爐�]: 爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍す爐逗い, 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:133 msgid "quote [...]: Send a raw command to the server." msgstr "爐�爐��爐о�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� [...]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:134 msgid "" "remove <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a room. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� <爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ> [爐伍え爛�爐��爐�]: 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦が爐鉦� 爐�爐伍�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:135 msgid "time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐�: IRC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:136 msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the channel topic." msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く[爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽た爐劇く]:爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐朽た爐劇く 爐��爐謹�爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:137 msgid "umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: Set or unset a user mode." msgstr "umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:138 msgid "" "voice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel voice status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐�爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐萎� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:139 msgid "" "wallops <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't " "use it." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐迦お爐� <爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>: 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�� 爐�爛� 爐項� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐ムぞ爐項ぞ 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:140 msgid "whois [server] <nick>: Get information on a user." msgstr "爐�爛� 爐項� [爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ] <爐�た爐�>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:433 #, c-format msgid "Reply time from %s: %lu seconds" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐�: %lu 爐伍�爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:434 msgid "PONG" msgstr "PONG" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:434 msgid "CTCP PING reply" msgstr "CTCP PING 爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/irc/parse.c:537 src/protocols/irc/parse.c:541 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1596 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:188 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:596 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:612 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:689 msgid "Disconnected." msgstr "爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:52 msgid "" "Server requires TLS/SSL for login. Select \"Use TLS if available\" in " "account properties" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� TLS/SSL 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛� \"Use TLS if available\" 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�爛�爐�す爐萎� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:54 msgid "Server requires TLS/SSL for login. No TLS/SSL support found." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐迦�爐�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� TLS/SSL 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� TLS/SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:115 msgid "Server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐む�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:164 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:165 #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:242 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:243 msgid "Plaintext Authentication" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:166 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:244 msgid "" "This server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted " "connection. Allow this and continue authentication?" msgstr "爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐むた爐�爛�爐� 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:174 src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:252 msgid "Server does not use any supported authentication method" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐朽た爐о� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/auth.c:390 msgid "Invalid challenge from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐む�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:246 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:613 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:804 msgid "Full Name" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:247 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:626 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:816 msgid "Family Name" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎た爐朽ぞ爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:248 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:630 msgid "Given Name" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:249 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:644 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:619 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1317 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1451 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:820 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:963 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1113 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1007 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:250 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:659 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:251 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:672 msgid "Street Address" msgstr "爐伍ぁ爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:252 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:668 msgid "Extended Address" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:253 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:676 msgid "Locality" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�い爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:254 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:680 msgid "Region" msgstr "爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:255 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:684 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:649 msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "爐項�爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�" #. Country #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:256 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:689 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:340 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:417 msgid "Country" msgstr "爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:257 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:700 #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:707 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:258 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:718 #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:726 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:656 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:511 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1002 msgid "Email" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:259 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:741 msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:260 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:745 msgid "Organization Unit" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�爐� 爐踱�爐鉦�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:261 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:751 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1451 msgid "Title" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:262 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:754 msgid "Role" msgstr "爐〝�爐�た爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:263 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:647 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5887 msgid "Birthday" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�う爐逗え" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:509 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:510 msgid "Edit Jabber vCard" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ vCard 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:511 msgid "" "All items below are optional. Enter only the information with which you feel " "comfortable." msgstr "爐むげ 爐�た爐�爐踱�爐� 爐伍が爛� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐項ぐ爛� 爐踳�爐�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐項�爐�� 爛� 爐む�爐�じ爛�爐む� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:556 msgid "Jabber ID" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ ID" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:566 src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:573 #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:586 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:973 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:489 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2819 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2823 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:739 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:745 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:747 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2903 msgid "Status" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:634 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:812 msgid "Middle Name" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:652 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:634 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5905 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5913 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:848 msgid "Address" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:664 msgid "P.O. Box" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐� 爐��爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:770 msgid "Photo" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:770 msgid "Logo" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:786 msgid "Jabber Profile" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:941 msgid "Un-hide From" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�げ爛�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:944 msgid "Temporarily Hide From" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. && NOT ME #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:951 msgid "Cancel Presence Notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐むた 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:957 msgid "(Re-)Request authorization" msgstr "(爐��爐�:-)爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. if(NOT ME) #. shouldn't this just happen automatically when the buddy is #. removed? #: src/protocols/jabber/buddy.c:965 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:41 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7183 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1040 msgid "_Room:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:46 msgid "_Server:" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ:" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:51 msgid "_Handle:" msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷げ:" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:212 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room name" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:213 msgid "Invalid Room Name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:218 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid server name" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:219 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:220 msgid "Invalid Server Name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:224 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room handle" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷げ 爐項�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:225 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:226 msgid "Invalid Room Handle" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐�ぁ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:379 msgid "Configuration error" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍え 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:388 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:533 msgid "Unable to configure" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:404 msgid "Room Configuration Error" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍え 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:405 msgid "This room is not capable of being configured" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:455 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:524 msgid "Registration error" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:607 msgid "Nick changing not supported in non-MUC chatrooms" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ non-MUC 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�え爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:651 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:662 msgid "Roomlist Error" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:652 src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:663 msgid "Error retreiving roomlist" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:711 msgid "Invalid Server" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:749 msgid "Enter a Conference Server" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:750 msgid "Select a conference server to query" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/chat.c:753 msgid "Find Rooms" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦す爐萎� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:77 msgid "Error initializing session" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:213 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:248 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:699 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:988 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1032 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1131 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1177 msgid "Write error" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:251 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:271 msgid "Read Error" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�あ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:331 msgid "Connection Failed" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:334 msgid "SSL Handshake Failed" msgstr "SSL 爐項�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷じ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:378 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:711 msgid "Invalid Jabber ID" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ ID" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:409 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:741 msgid "SSL support unavailable" msgstr "SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:419 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:751 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1071 msgid "Unable to create socket" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:444 #, c-format msgid "Registration of %s@%s successful" msgstr "%s@%s 爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:446 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:447 msgid "Registration Successful" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:453 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1221 msgid "Unknown Error" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:455 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:456 msgid "Registration Failed" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:567 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:568 msgid "Already Registered" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:603 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1076 msgid "Password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:614 msgid "E-Mail" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" #. State #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:644 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5907 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5915 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:336 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:414 msgid "State" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:654 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:853 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:658 src/protocols/silc/util.c:513 msgid "Phone" msgstr "爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:664 msgid "Date" msgstr "爐�た爐むた" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:672 msgid "Please fill out the information below to register your new account." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐萎�爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むげ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:675 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:676 msgid "Register New Jabber Account" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐萎�爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:759 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:804 msgid "Initializing Stream" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:810 src/protocols/msn/session.c:370 msgid "Authenticating" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:819 msgid "Re-initializing Stream" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�: 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:899 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1199 #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1240 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1273 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:745 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7467 msgid "Not Authorized" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:940 msgid "Both" msgstr "爐��爐朽�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:942 msgid "From (To pending)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� (爐�爐�た爐萎�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�)" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:944 msgid "From" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:947 msgid "To" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:949 msgid "None (To pending)" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐項�爐�爐� (爐�爐�た爐萎�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�)" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:953 msgid "Subscription" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:986 msgid "Error" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:999 src/protocols/jabber/jutil.c:35 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:72 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:130 msgid "Chatty" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1001 src/protocols/jabber/jutil.c:38 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:74 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:135 msgid "Extended Away" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1002 src/protocols/jabber/jutil.c:41 #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:76 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:137 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:687 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6465 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7660 msgid "Do Not Disturb" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1019 msgid "Password Changed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1020 msgid "Your password has been changed." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1024 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1025 msgid "Error changing password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1081 msgid "Password (again)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�(爐��爐萎た)" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1086 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1087 msgid "Change Jabber Password" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1087 msgid "Please enter your new password" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1097 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1581 msgid "Set User Info" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1179 msgid "Bad Request" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1181 msgid "Conflict" msgstr "爐��爐朽え爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1183 msgid "Feature Not Implemented" msgstr "爐朽た爐謹�爐劇い爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽く爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1185 msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1187 msgid "Gone" msgstr "爐�爐�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1189 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1263 msgid "Internal Server Error" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むぐ爐逗� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1191 msgid "Item Not Found" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1193 msgid "Malformed Jabber ID" msgstr "爐��爐迦か爐萎�爐�ぁ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ ID" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1195 msgid "Not Acceptable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1197 msgid "Not Allowed" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1201 msgid "Payment Required" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐〝�爐�爛�爐むぞ爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1203 msgid "Recipient Unavailable" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1207 msgid "Registration Required" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ " #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1209 msgid "Remote Server Not Found" msgstr "爐萎た爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1211 msgid "Remote Server Timeout" msgstr "爐萎た爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1213 msgid "Server Overloaded" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐〝ぐ 爐迦�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1215 msgid "Service Unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1217 msgid "Subscription Required" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1219 msgid "Unexpected Request" msgstr "爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1226 msgid "Authorization Aborted" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1228 msgid "Incorrect encoding in authorization" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ爐�ぞ 爐�爐迦い 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐むえ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1231 msgid "Invalid authzid" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1234 msgid "Invalid Authorization Mechanism" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐逗ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽げ爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1237 msgid "Authorization mechanism too weak" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐逗ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐むた 爐�爐��爛�爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1242 msgid "Temporary Authentication Failure" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐迦い爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1244 msgid "Authentication Failure" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐迦い爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1248 msgid "Bad Format" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1250 msgid "Bad Namespace Prefix" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐��爐�じ爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐�じ爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1253 msgid "Resource Conflict" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍ぞ爐оえ 爐��爐朽え爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1255 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1519 msgid "Connection Timeout" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1257 msgid "Host Gone" msgstr "爐�爐�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1259 msgid "Host Unknown" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1261 msgid "Improper Addressing" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐逗い 爐�ぐ爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1265 msgid "Invalid ID" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� ID" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1267 msgid "Invalid Namespace" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�じ爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1269 msgid "Invalid XML" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� XML" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1271 msgid "Non-matching Hosts" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐伍�爐�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1275 msgid "Policy Violation" msgstr "爐��爐むた 爐�爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1277 msgid "Remote Connection Failed" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1279 msgid "Resource Constraint" msgstr "爐�爐�さ爐鉦う 爐伍�爐伍ぞ爐оぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1281 msgid "Restricted XML" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐оた爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� XML" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1283 msgid "See Other Host" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1285 msgid "System Shutdown" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1287 msgid "Undefined Condition" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗き爐鉦し爐逗い 爐伍ぐ爛�爐むす爐萎�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1289 msgid "Unsupported Encoding" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐むえ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1291 msgid "Unsupported Stanza Type" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐伍�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1293 msgid "Unsupported Version" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1295 msgid "XML Not Well Formed" msgstr "XML 爐�爛�爐謹げ 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1297 msgid "Stream Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1364 #, c-format msgid "Unable to ban user %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Unknown affiliation: \"%s\"" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�う爛�爐оい爐�: \"%s\"" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1391 #, c-format msgid "Unable to affiliate user %s as \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� %s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1443 #, c-format msgid "Unable to kick user %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1469 msgid "config: Configure a chat room." msgstr "爐�爐��爐�た爐�:爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1473 msgid "configure: Configure a chat room." msgstr "爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐�: 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1482 msgid "part [room]: Leave the room." msgstr "爐〝ぞ爐� [爐�爛�爐�爐�]: 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1487 msgid "register: Register with a chat room." msgstr "爐萎�爐逗じ爛�爐�爐�: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦じ爐項た爐� 爐萎�爐逗じ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1493 msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the topic." msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く [爐�く爐鉦� 爐朽た爐劇く]: 爐朽た爐劇く 爐��爐謹�爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1499 msgid "ban <user> [room]: Ban a user from the room." msgstr "爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� <爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> [爐�爛�爐�爐�]:爐�爛�爐�爐鉦が爐鉦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1505 msgid "" "affiliate <user> <owner|admin|member|outcast|none>: Set a user's " "affiliation with the room." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�う爛�爐оえ <爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> <爐�ぞ爐迦た爐�|爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�|爐伍う爛�爐伍�爐�|爐�爐��爐むぐ爐�爐鉦い|爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐項�爐� >: 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦じ爐項た爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�う爛�爐оえ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1511 msgid "invite <user> [message]: Invite a user to the room." msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� <爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> [爐伍え爛�爐��爐�]: 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1517 msgid "join: <room> [server]: Join a chat on this server." msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐�:<爐�爛�爐�爐�> [爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ]:爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1523 msgid "kick <user> [room]: Kick a user from the room." msgstr "爐項�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� <爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> [爐�爛�爐�爐�]: 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦が爐鉦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1528 msgid "msg <user> <message>: Send a private message to another user." msgstr "msg <爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> <爐伍え爛�爐��爐�>: 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1543 msgid "Hide Operating System" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1630 src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1632 msgid "Jabber Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1655 msgid "Resource" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍ぞ爐оえ" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1658 msgid "Use TLS if available" msgstr "爐�う爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐÷ぎ爐� TLS 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1663 msgid "Force old SSL" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�� SSL 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1668 msgid "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐むた爐�爛�爐� 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�す爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Account options #: src/protocols/jabber/jabber.c:1677 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1592 msgid "Connect server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:111 #, c-format msgid "Message from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:175 #, c-format msgid "%s has set the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��: %s" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:177 #, c-format msgid "The topic is: %s" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く: %s" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:230 #, c-format msgid "Message delivery to %s failed: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�:%s" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:233 msgid "Jabber Message Error" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/message.c:297 #, c-format msgid " (Code %s)" msgstr " (爐�爛�爐� %s)" #: src/protocols/jabber/parser.c:131 msgid "XML Parse error" msgstr "XML 爐�う 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:290 msgid "Unknown Error in presence" msgstr "爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐むた爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:293 #, c-format msgid "The user %s wants to add you to their buddy list." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:348 src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:349 msgid "Create New Room" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:350 msgid "" "You are creating a new room. Would you like to configure it, or accept the " "default settings?" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�, 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:352 msgid "Configure Room" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:354 msgid "Accept Defaults" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:384 #, c-format msgid "Error in chat %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/presence.c:387 #, c-format msgid "Error joining chat %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/si.c:594 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user does not support file transfers" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�,爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/jabber/si.c:595 src/protocols/jabber/si.c:596 msgid "File Send Failed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/dialog.c:91 #, c-format msgid "Buddy list synchronization issue in %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐��爐むた爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�た爐伍�爐�爐鉦じ爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/dialog.c:97 #, c-format msgid "" "%s on the local list is inside the group \"%s\" but not on the server list. " "Do you want this buddy to be added?" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�\"%s\"爐�爛� 爐〝た爐む�爐� 爐��爐� 爐� 爐むぐ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/msn/dialog.c:105 #, c-format msgid "" "%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy " "to be added?" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐� 爐むぐ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:35 msgid "Unable to parse message" msgstr "爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�う 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:38 msgid "Syntax Error (probably a Gaim bug)" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� (爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�)" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:42 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:45 msgid "User does not exist" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:49 msgid "Fully Qualified Domain Name missing" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐÷�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:52 msgid "Already Logged In" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:55 msgid "Invalid Username" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:58 msgid "Invalid Friendly Name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐萎い爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:61 msgid "List Full" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛� 爐〝ぐ爐逗�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:64 msgid "Already there" msgstr "爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�爛� 爐項�爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:67 msgid "Not on list" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:70 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:686 msgid "User is offline" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:73 msgid "Already in the mode" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:76 msgid "Already in opposite list" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐朽た爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:79 msgid "Too many groups" msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:82 msgid "Invalid group" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:85 msgid "User not in group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐項ぎ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:88 msgid "Group name too long" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:91 msgid "Cannot remove group zero" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐謹�爐��爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:95 msgid "Tried to add a contact to a group that doesn't exist" msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�ぐ爐項�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐ムた爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:99 msgid "Switchboard failed" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:102 msgid "Notify Transfer failed" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:106 msgid "Required fields missing" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐萎す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:109 msgid "Too many hits to a FND" msgstr "FND爐�ぞ 爐о�爐萎� 爐項た爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:112 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:200 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:116 msgid "Service Temporarily Unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:119 msgid "Database server error" msgstr "爐÷�爐�爐鉦さ爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:122 msgid "Command disabled" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:125 msgid "File operation error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:128 msgid "Memory allocation error" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐むた 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷か爐鉦ぁ爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:131 msgid "Wrong CHL value sent to server" msgstr "爐�爐迦い CHL爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐鉦�爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:135 msgid "Server busy" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐�じ爛�爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:138 src/protocols/msn/error.c:151 #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:206 msgid "Server unavailable" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:141 msgid "Peer Notification server down" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐÷ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:144 msgid "Database connect error" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:148 msgid "Server is going down (abandon ship)" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐� (爐�爐�ぞ爐��爐�え 爐伍�爐�)" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:155 msgid "Error creating connection" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:159 msgid "CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed" msgstr "CVR 爐�ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�た爐むた爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐逗い 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐�� 爐�ぞ 爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:162 msgid "Unable to write" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:165 msgid "Session overload" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�爐〝ぐ爐迦�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:168 msgid "User is too active" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐むた 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:171 msgid "Too many sessions" msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐伍い爛�爐萎す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:174 msgid "Passport not verified" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:177 msgid "Bad friend file" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�た爐む�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:180 msgid "Not expected" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:185 msgid "Friendly name changes too rapidly" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦ぁ爛� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐項�爐��爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:194 msgid "Server too busy" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐о�爐萎� 爐��爐�じ爛�爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:198 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2711 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1508 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:630 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:201 msgid "Not allowed when offline" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐項�爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:209 msgid "Not accepting new users" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:213 msgid "Kids Passport without parental consent" msgstr "爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐伍す爐�い爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐逗ぁ爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:217 msgid "Passport account not yet verified" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:220 msgid "Bad ticket" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:224 #, c-format msgid "Unknown Error Code %d" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐� %d" #: src/protocols/msn/error.c:236 #, c-format msgid "MSN Error: %s\n" msgstr "MSN 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: %s\n" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:114 msgid "Your new MSN friendly name is too long." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� MSN 爐�た爐む�爐萎い爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐о�爐萎� 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:222 msgid "Set your friendly name." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:223 msgid "This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as." msgstr "爐�� 爐む�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐� MSN 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:239 msgid "Set your home phone number." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:254 msgid "Set your work phone number." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�じ爛�爐ムげ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:269 msgid "Set your mobile phone number." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:282 msgid "Allow MSN Mobile pages?" msgstr "MSN 爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:283 msgid "" "Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN " "Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むぞ爐�� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�た爐伍げ爐鉦� MSN 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�う爐逗え 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:287 msgid "Allow" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:288 msgid "Disallow" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�う爐逗え爛�爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:311 msgid "Send a mobile message." msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:313 msgid "Page" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:489 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:497 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:500 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2903 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>%s:</b> %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>%s:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:497 msgid "Has you" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:500 msgid "Blocked" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:514 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:801 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:34 msgid "Away From Computer" msgstr "爐�爐��爐��爐��爐�爐萎が爐鉦� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:515 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:803 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:33 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2760 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3127 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3243 msgid "Be Right Back" msgstr "爐��爐鉦ぁ爐� 爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:516 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:805 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:31 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2803 #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2918 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2972 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1392 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:48 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:83 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2762 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3129 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3244 msgid "Busy" msgstr "爐朽�爐�じ爛�爐� 爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:517 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:807 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:35 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2770 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3137 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3248 msgid "On The Phone" msgstr "爐��爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:518 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:809 #: src/protocols/msn/state.c:36 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2774 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3141 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3250 msgid "Out To Lunch" msgstr "爐�爐鉦え爐鉦�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� " #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:519 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:811 #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2099 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2131 msgid "Hidden" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐踱�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:530 msgid "Set Friendly Name" msgstr "爐伍す爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:535 msgid "Set Home Phone Number" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:539 msgid "Set Work Phone Number" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�じ爛�爐ムげ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:543 msgid "Set Mobile Phone Number" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:549 msgid "Enable/Disable Mobile Devices" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎す爐萎� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ/爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�え爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:554 msgid "Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍� / 爐�う爐逗え爛�爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:577 msgid "Send to Mobile" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:586 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:3369 msgid "Initiate _Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:623 msgid "" "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library. See " " for more information." msgstr "MSN爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐�, SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐萎た 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:651 msgid "Failed to connect to server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1309 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:659 #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:717 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "<b>Alias:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ爐項ぐ爛�:</b> %s<br>" #. put a link to the actual profile URL #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1317 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1675 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1174 src/util.c:796 #, c-format msgid "<b>%s:</b> " msgstr "<b>%s:</b> " #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1405 msgid "MSN Profile" msgstr "MSN 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1410 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1662 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:763 msgid "Error retrieving profile" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�: 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #. Age #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1481 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5892 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:286 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:405 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1022 msgid "Age" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" #. Gender #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1488 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5878 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:280 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:407 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1032 msgid "Gender" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1497 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1027 msgid "Marital Status" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ爐項た爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1504 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1445 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1017 msgid "Location" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1512 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1037 msgid "Occupation" msgstr "爐��爐謹ぞ" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1529 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1535 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1542 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1550 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1557 msgid "A Little About Me" msgstr "爐��爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1566 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1572 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1579 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1586 msgid "Favorite Things" msgstr "爐�え爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1595 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1601 #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1608 msgid "Hobbies and Interests" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐萎�爐�爐逗す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1617 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1623 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1079 msgid "Favorite Quote" msgstr "爐�え爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1631 msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぇ爐逗�" #. Homepage #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1642 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:844 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:290 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:420 msgid "Homepage" msgstr "爐�爛�爐項お爛�爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1664 msgid "The user has not created a public profile." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1665 msgid "" "MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means " "that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a " "public profile." msgstr "MSN 爐��爐萎い爐逗さ爛�爐�え爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐項ぞ爐迦じ爐鉦げ爛� 爐〝�爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛� 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐� 爐� 爐む�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐む�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐� 爐むぐ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1669 msgid "" "Gaim could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most " "likely does not exist." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐�え爐� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�す爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1675 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1174 msgid "Profile URL" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� URL" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1880 src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1882 msgid "MSN Protocol Plugin" msgstr "MSN 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1901 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1296 msgid "Login server" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ" #: src/protocols/msn/msn.c:1910 msgid "Use HTTP Method" msgstr "HTTP 爐朽た爐оた 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/msn/nexus.c:103 src/protocols/msn/servconn.c:127 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1394 msgid "Unable to connect" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:178 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid group." msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐項�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:184 src/protocols/msn/notification.c:523 #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:349 msgid "Unknown error." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:187 #, c-format msgid "%s on %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�ぞ%s" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:493 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add user on %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:497 #, c-format msgid "Unable to block user on %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:501 #, c-format msgid "Unable to permit user on %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:509 #, c-format msgid "%s could not be added because your buddy list is full." msgstr "%s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐〝ぐ爐逗�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:518 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid passport account." msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:805 msgid "Unable to rename group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐項�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�:爐�ぞ爐��爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:860 msgid "Unable to delete group" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/notification.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgid_plural "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgstr[0] "" "%d 爐�た爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�い爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐む�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐�ぎ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐鉦げ爐逗い 爐萎�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐〝�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐伍�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" "\n" "爐�ぐ爛�爐�い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐〝�爐��爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" msgstr[1] "" "%d 爐�た爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�い爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐む�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐�ぎ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐鉦げ爐逗い 爐萎�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐〝�爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�\n" "\n" "爐�ぐ爛�爐�い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐〝�爐��爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/servconn.c:129 msgid "Writing error" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/servconn.c:131 msgid "Reading error" msgstr "爐�あ爐鉦� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/servconn.c:133 src/protocols/msn/session.c:341 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4870 msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/servconn.c:136 #, c-format msgid "" "Connection error from %s server (%s):\n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s 爐�ぞ爐� (%s) 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:319 msgid "Our protocol is not supported by the server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐項ぞ爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:323 msgid "Error parsing HTTP." msgstr "HTTP 爐�う 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:327 msgid "You have signed on from another location." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�が爐鉦� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:330 msgid "The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:335 msgid "The MSN servers are going down temporarily." msgstr "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:339 #, c-format msgid "Unable to authenticate: %s" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�: %s" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:344 msgid "Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� MSN 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:365 src/protocols/msn/session.c:367 msgid "Handshaking" msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ爐��爐÷じ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:366 msgid "Transferring" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐項�爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:368 msgid "Starting authentication" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:369 msgid "Getting cookie" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:371 msgid "Sending cookie" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/session.c:372 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:636 msgid "Retrieving buddy list" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐むた 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:401 msgid "Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐むた 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�:" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:409 msgid "Message could not be sent, not allowed while invisible:" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�き爐踱�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�:" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:413 msgid "Message could not be sent because the user is offline:" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�:" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:417 msgid "Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐踱�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�:" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:421 msgid "Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐��爐萎�爐÷ぎ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐踱�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/switchboard.c:429 msgid "Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐踱�爛� 爐�え爐� 爐項�爐�じ爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐� :" #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:87 #, c-format msgid "The user %s (%s) wants to add %s to his or her buddy list." msgstr "%s (%s) 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:96 #, c-format msgid "The user %s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list." msgstr "%s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:627 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add \"%s\"." msgstr "\"%s\" 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/msn/userlist.c:629 msgid "The screen name specified is invalid." msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐項�爛�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:241 msgid "Unable to read header from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐÷ぐ 爐�あ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:255 #, c-format msgid "Unable to read message from server: %s. Command is %hd, length is %hd." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�あ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�: %s. %hd爐�爐��爐� 爐項�, %hd 爐迦ぎ爛�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐項� 爛�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:318 #, c-format msgid "users: %s, files: %s, size: %sGB" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ: %s,爐�ぞ爐�爐迦す爐萎�: %s, 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�: %sGB" #. MSG_SERVER_HOTLIST_ERROR #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:329 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add \"%s\" to your Napster hotlist" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�じ爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐項� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ \"%s\" 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:337 msgid "You were disconnected from the server." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛� 爛�" #. MSG_CLIENT_WHOIS #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:395 #, c-format msgid "%s requested your information" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:433 msgid "" "You were disconnected from the server, because you logged on from a " "different location" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛�, 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐朽た爐〝た爐��爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�が爐鉦� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�" #. MSG_CLIENT_PING #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:439 #, c-format msgid "%s requested a PING" msgstr "%s 爐迦� PING 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:554 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1268 msgid "_Group:" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�:" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/napster/napster.c:652 src/protocols/napster/napster.c:654 msgid "NAPSTER Protocol Plugin" msgstr "NAPSTER 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1868 msgid "Required parameters not passed in" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爐鉦ぎ爐逗い爐逗す爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1871 msgid "Unable to write to network" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1874 msgid "Unable to read from network" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1877 msgid "Error communicating with server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐鉦え爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1881 msgid "Conference not found" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1884 msgid "Conference does not exist" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1888 msgid "A folder with that name already exists" msgstr "爐む�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍す爐逗い爐�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1891 msgid "Not supported" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐� " #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1895 msgid "Password has expired" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷�爛�爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1898 msgid "Invalid password" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1901 msgid "User not found" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1904 msgid "Account has been disabled" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐〝�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1907 msgid "The server could not access the directory" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1910 msgid "Your system administrator has disabled this operation" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�爐迦� 爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1913 msgid "The server is unavailable; try again later" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�, 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1916 msgid "Cannot add a contact to the same folder twice" msgstr "爐�爐項� 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1919 msgid "Cannot add yourself" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1922 msgid "Master archive is misconfigured" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎す 爐�爐�た爐�ぎ爐逗い 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1926 msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1929 msgid "Could not recognize the host of the username you entered" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐�爐迦� 爐伍�爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1932 msgid "" "Your account has been disabled because too many invalid passwords were " "entered" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐�た爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷す爐萎� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1935 msgid "You cannot add the same person twice to a conversation" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐踱�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐��爐� 爐��爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1939 msgid "You have reached your limit for the number of contacts allowed" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍た爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1942 msgid "You have entered an invalid username" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1945 msgid "An error occurred while updating the directory" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぇ爐逗� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1948 msgid "Incompatible protocol version" msgstr "爐�ぎ爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1951 msgid "The user has blocked you" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1954 msgid "" "This evaluation version does not allow more than ten users to log in at one " "time" msgstr "爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ爐迦� 爐踱�爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ざ爐�爐�ぞ 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1957 msgid "The user is either offline or you are blocked" msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�ぎ爐� 爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/nmuser.c:1960 #, c-format msgid "Unknown error: 0x%X" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�:0x%X" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:117 #, c-format msgid "Login failed (%s)." msgstr "(%s)爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:230 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not get details for user (%s)." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛� (%s) 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:379 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to your buddy list (%s)." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ (%s) 爛�" #. TODO: Improve this! message to who or for what conference? #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:405 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message (%s)." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� (%s) 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:476 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:970 #, c-format msgid "Unable to invite user (%s)." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ (%s) 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:515 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え (%s) 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:520 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え (%s) 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:567 #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to move user %s to folder %s in the server side list. Error while " "creating folder (%s)." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ爐迦ぞ爐� %s 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛� 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ (%s) 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:615 #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add %s to your buddy list. Error creating folder in server side " "list (%s)." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� (%s) 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:688 #, c-format msgid "Could not get details for user %s (%s)." msgstr "%s (%s)爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐�ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:734 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:880 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add user to privacy list (%s)." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�え爐逗く爐むぞ (%s) 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:781 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to deny list (%s)." msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛� (%s) 爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:834 #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to permit list (%s)." msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� (%s) 爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Unable to remove %s from privacy list (%s)." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�え爐逗く爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爛� (%s) 爐�ぞ爐� %s 爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:925 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1620 #, c-format msgid "Unable to change server side privacy settings (%s)." msgstr "(%s) 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爐逗く爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:997 #, c-format msgid "Unable to create conference (%s)." msgstr "(%s) 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1108 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1659 msgid "Error communicating with server. Closing connection." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎う爐鉦え 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1443 msgid "Telephone Number" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1447 msgid "Department" msgstr "爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1449 msgid "Personal Title" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1453 msgid "Mailstop" msgstr "爐��爐迦じ爛�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1455 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5865 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5872 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1471 msgid "User ID" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗�爐�" #. tag = _("DN"); #. value = nm_user_record_get_dn(user_record); #. if (value) { #. g_string_append_printf(info_text, "<b>%s:</b> %s<br>", #. tag, value); #. } #. #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1485 msgid "Full name" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� " #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1506 msgid "User Properties" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1610 #, c-format msgid "GroupWise Conference %d" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐項�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え %d" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1635 msgid "Unable to make SSL connection to server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ SSL 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�え爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1665 #, c-format msgid "Error processing event or response (%s)." msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爐む�爐むぐ (%s) 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1699 msgid "Authenticating..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�..." #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1714 msgid "Waiting for response..." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗う爛�爐�..." #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1849 #, c-format msgid "%s has been invited to this conversation." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1876 msgid "Invitation to Conversation" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1877 #, c-format msgid "" "Invitation from: %s\n" "\n" "Sent: %s" msgstr "" "...爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐�: %s\n" "\n" "爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�: %s" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1879 msgid "Would you like to join the conversation?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:1985 msgid "You have been logged out because you logged in at another workstation." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐伍�爛�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2039 #, c-format msgid "%s appears to be offline and did not receive the message that you just sent." msgstr "%s 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爛�" #. TODO: Would be nice to prompt if not set! #. * gaim_request_fields(gc, _("Server Address"),...); #. #. ...but for now just error out with a nice message. #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2137 msgid "" "Unable to connect to server. Please enter the address of the server you wish " "to connect to." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2159 msgid "Error. SSL support is not installed." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�. SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2463 msgid "This conference has been closed. No more messages can be sent." msgstr "爐�� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2809 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:747 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7469 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2782 msgid "Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2820 msgid "Message" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2919 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:2975 msgid "Appear Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:3468 src/protocols/novell/novell.c:3470 msgid "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項�爐� 爐��爐伍�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:3489 msgid "Server address" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/novell/novell.c:3493 msgid "Server port" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:196 msgid "Invalid error" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:197 msgid "Invalid SNAC" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� SNAC" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:198 msgid "Rate to host" msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:199 msgid "Rate to client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:201 msgid "Service unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:202 msgid "Service not defined" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗き爐鉦し爐逗い 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:203 msgid "Obsolete SNAC" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎�爐迦た爐� SNAC" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:204 msgid "Not supported by host" msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐〝�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:205 msgid "Not supported by client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐〝�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:206 msgid "Refused by client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:207 msgid "Reply too big" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:208 msgid "Responses lost" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:209 msgid "Request denied" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:210 msgid "Busted SNAC payload" msgstr "爐�じ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� SNAC 爐��爐迦� 爐迦�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:211 msgid "Insufficient rights" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:212 msgid "In local permit/deny" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ / 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:213 msgid "Too evil (sender)" msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� (爐��爐萎�爐伍�)" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:214 msgid "Too evil (receiver)" msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� (爐��爐萎ぞ爐��)" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:215 msgid "User temporarily unavailable" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:216 msgid "No match" msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:217 msgid "List overflow" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐��爐萎さ爐鉦す" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:218 msgid "Request ambiguous" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�し爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:219 msgid "Queue full" msgstr "爐〝ぐ爐逗�爐�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:220 msgid "Not while on AOL" msgstr "AOL 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:417 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:500 msgid "" "(There was an error receiving this message. The buddy you are speaking to " "most likely has a buggy client.)" msgstr "(爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐ムた爐�� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐� 爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐� 爛�)" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:602 msgid "Voice" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぐ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:605 msgid "AIM Direct IM" msgstr "AIM 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� IM" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:608 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:654 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:509 msgid "Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:611 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7771 msgid "Get File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:618 msgid "Games" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:621 msgid "Add-Ins" msgstr "Ins-爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:624 msgid "Send Buddy List" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:627 msgid "ICQ Direct Connect" msgstr "ICQ 爐伍た爐оぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:630 msgid "AP User" msgstr "AP 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:633 msgid "ICQ RTF" msgstr "ICQ RTF" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:636 msgid "Nihilist" msgstr "爐�た爐項た爐迦た爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:639 msgid "ICQ Server Relay" msgstr "ICQ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐萎た爐迦�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:642 msgid "Old ICQ UTF8" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�� ICQ UTF8" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:645 msgid "Trillian Encryption" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎た爐迦た爐�え 爐�爛�爐��爐むた爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:648 msgid "ICQ UTF8" msgstr "ICQ UTF8" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:651 msgid "Hiptop" msgstr "爐項た爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:654 msgid "Security Enabled" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:657 msgid "Video Chat" msgstr "爐〝た爐÷た爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:661 msgid "iChat AV" msgstr "i爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� AV" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:664 msgid "Live Video" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐〝た爐÷た爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:667 msgid "Camera" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎ぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:685 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6474 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7663 msgid "Free For Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐朽い爐��爐む�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:689 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6468 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7661 msgid "Not Available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:691 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6471 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7662 msgid "Occupied" msgstr "爐�爐朽た爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:695 msgid "Web Aware" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:763 msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "爐�爛�爐劇ぎ爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:772 msgid "Buddy Comment" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:907 #, c-format msgid "Direct IM with %s closed" msgstr "%s 爐伍�爐�爐�爛� IM 爐伍た爐о� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:909 #, c-format msgid "Direct IM with %s failed" msgstr "%s 爐伍�爐�爐�爛� IM 爐伍た爐о� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:916 msgid "Direct Connect failed" msgstr "爐伍た爐оぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:993 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1124 #, c-format msgid "Direct IM with %s established" msgstr "%s 爐伍�爐�爐�爛� IM 爐伍た爐о� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "Attempting to connect to %s at %s:%hu for Direct IM." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� IM 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐伍�爐� %s:%hu 爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1494 #, c-format msgid "Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� IM 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐伍�爐� %s:%hu 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1499 msgid "Unable to open Direct IM" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� IM 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1534 #, c-format msgid "You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦� %s 爐伍�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1538 msgid "" "Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a privacy risk. " "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "爐�じ爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� IP 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�た爐�� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐迦�, 爐�� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛�爐�い爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐逗ぎ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗え爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1542 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4304 msgid "Connect" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1609 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:874 #, c-format msgid "You have been disconnected from chat room %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦が爐鉦� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛� %s 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1628 msgid "Chat is currently unavailable" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1709 msgid "Screen name sent" msgstr "爐��爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1723 #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to login: Could not sign on as %s because the screen name is " "invalid. Screen names must either start with a letter and contain only " "letters, numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ: %s 爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐� 爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐項ぐ爛�, 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦す爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��, 爐朽ぞ 爐�爛�爐朽げ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦す爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1751 msgid "Unable to login to AIM" msgstr "AIM 爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1853 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2804 msgid "Could Not Connect" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:1861 msgid "Connection established, cookie sent" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐〝く爛�, 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐��" #. clientip & verifiedip failed, request a redirect #. * that is, we want the sender to connect to us #. Let the user not to lose hope quite yet #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2013 msgid "Attempting connection redirect..." msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐�..." #. proxyip timed out #. * Yes, it's a bit odd to ask the user to enable proxied file transfers #. * when it's a proxied transfer that timed out. It is possible that a #. * stage 1/2 proxied transfer might work when a stage 3 will not. #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "" "Transfer of file %s timed out.\n" " Try enabling proxy servers for file transfers in Tools->Preferences->AIM/" "ICQ." msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐逗く爛� 爛�\n" " 爐�爐��爐萎ぃ爐項ぐ爛�->爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�->AIM/ICQ 爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2156 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:177 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:186 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c:195 msgid "Unable to establish file descriptor." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2161 msgid "Unable to create new connection." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2396 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2405 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2419 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2429 msgid "Unable to log into file transfer proxy." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐迦� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2482 msgid "Unable to establish listener socket or no AOL proxy connection present." msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐朽ぞ 爐�爛�爐�� AOL 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2688 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:541 msgid "Incorrect nickname or password." msgstr "爐�爐迦い 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2693 msgid "Your account is currently suspended." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐項ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐� 爛�" #. service temporarily unavailable #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2697 msgid "The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "AOL 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐伍�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2702 msgid "" "You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes " "and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐萎ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�ざ 爐�た爐��爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛�, 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐� 爐�あ爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2707 #, c-format msgid "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐むた 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� %s 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ爐朽�爐��爐оた 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2739 msgid "Internal Error" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むぐ爐逗� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2811 msgid "Received authorization" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2835 msgid "The SecurID key entered is invalid." msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� ID 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2849 msgid "Enter SecurID" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� ID 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2850 msgid "Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display." msgstr "爐÷た爐�爐逗�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�ぞ爐� 爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2890 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2920 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:3009 #, c-format msgid "" "You may be disconnected shortly. You may want to use TOC until this is " "fixed. Check %s for updates." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐�う爛�爐оぐ爛�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�� 爐伍�爐ムた爐� TOC 爐�爐�爐鉦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぇ爐逗�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2893 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:2923 msgid "Gaim was unable to get a valid AIM login hash." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� AIM 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:3012 msgid "Gaim was unable to get a valid login hash." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:3044 msgid "Password sent" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4296 #, c-format msgid "%s has just asked to directly connect to %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦� %s 爐�ぞ 爐伍た爐о� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐о�爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4299 msgid "" "This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary " "for IM Images. Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be " "considered a privacy risk." msgstr "爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐��爐��爐�爐萎す爐萎� 爐��爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爐� IM 爐�爐朽た爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� IP 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦� 爐項�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛�爐迦�, 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐逗ぎ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4337 msgid "Please authorize me so I can add you to my buddy list." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4345 msgid "Authorization Request Message:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4346 msgid "Please authorize me!" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�!" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4376 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s requires authorization before being added to a buddy list. Do " "you want to send an authorization request?" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爐逗え爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぁ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爛�爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4381 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4383 msgid "Request Authorization" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4431 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4433 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4440 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4537 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4557 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7104 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7150 msgid "No reason given." msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�た爐�爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4439 msgid "Authorization Denied Message:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爛�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4537 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %u wants to add you to their buddy list for the following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %u 爐迦� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4545 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7110 msgid "Authorization Request" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4557 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�す爐萎�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %u 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐оげ爐鉦� 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4558 msgid "ICQ authorization denied." msgstr "ICQ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #. Someone has granted you authorization #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4565 #, c-format msgid "The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %u 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4573 #, c-format msgid "" "You have received a special message\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐朽た爐謹�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�\n" "\n" "爐�ぞ爐�: %s [%s]\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4581 #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ page\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� ICQ 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�\n" "\n" "爐�ぞ爐�: %s [%s]\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4589 #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n" "\n" "Message is:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s [%s] 爐�ぞ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� ICQ 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�\n" "\n" "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�じ爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4610 #, c-format msgid "ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)" msgstr "ICQ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %u 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�: %s (%s)" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4616 msgid "Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4620 msgid "Decline" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4704 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐ムた爐� 爛�" msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐ムた爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4713 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�� 爐�爐むた 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐ムた爐�� 爛� " msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�� 爐�爐むた 爐�爛�爐橿� 爐ムた爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4722 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�ぐ 爐伍た爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐�ぐ 爐伍た爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4731 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because he/she was too evil." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because he/she was too evil." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�/ 爐�爐�� 爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐ムた爐� 爛�" msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�/爐�爐�� 爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐ムた爐� 爛� " #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4740 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because you are too evil." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because you are too evil." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐ム�爐�� 爛�" msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐むた 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐ム�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4749 #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason." msgstr[0] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" msgstr[1] "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %hu 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4803 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5035 #, c-format msgid "Info for %s" msgstr "%s爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4869 #, c-format msgid "SNAC threw error: %s\n" msgstr "SNAC 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐逗�爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�: %s\n" #. Data is assumed to be the destination sn #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4905 #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message: %s" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ: %s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4905 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4910 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4968 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4972 msgid "Unknown reason." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4968 #, c-format msgid "User information not available: %s" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�: %s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4971 #, c-format msgid "User information for %s unavailable:" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4993 msgid "Warning Level" msgstr "爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐伍�爐むぐ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:4997 msgid "Online Since" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5002 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1125 msgid "Member Since" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5086 msgid "Your AIM connection may be lost." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� AIM 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛�" #. The conversion failed! #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5272 msgid "" "[Unable to display a message from this user because it contained invalid " "characters.]" msgstr "[爐�� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�じ爐迦� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�]" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5497 msgid "Rate limiting error." msgstr "爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5498 msgid "" "The last action you attempted could not be performed because you are over " "the rate limit. Please wait 10 seconds and try again." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐ムた 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爛оウ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5561 msgid "" "You have been disconnected because you have signed on with this screen name " "at another location." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛� 爐�爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛� 爛� " #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5563 msgid "You have been signed off for an unknown reason." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5594 msgid "Finalizing connection" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5877 src/protocols/silc/util.c:541 msgid "Mobile Phone" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5878 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5879 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:282 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:408 msgid "Female" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5879 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:281 #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:408 msgid "Male" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5895 msgid "Personal Web Page" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5899 msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "爐ムお 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5904 msgid "Home Address" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5908 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5916 msgid "Zip Code" msgstr "爐�爐逗お 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5912 msgid "Work Address" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5920 msgid "Work Information" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5921 msgid "Company" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�え爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5922 msgid "Division" msgstr "爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5923 msgid "Position" msgstr "爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5925 msgid "Web Page" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5935 #, c-format msgid "ICQ Info for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� ICQ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:5984 msgid "Pop-Up Message" msgstr "爐�お-爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6005 #, c-format msgid "The following screen names are associated with %s" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� %s 爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�え爛�爐оた爐� 爐�爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6009 msgid "Search Results" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�い爐逗�爐鉦す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6026 #, c-format msgid "No results found for email address %s" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐鉦�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗ぃ爐鉦ぎ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐� %s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6047 #, c-format msgid "You should receive an email asking to confirm %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐��爐逗え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐о�爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐��爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6049 msgid "Account Confirmation Requested" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐��爐逗え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6080 msgid "Error Changing Account Info" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6083 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format screen name because the requested screen name " "differs from the original." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦た爐� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6086 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format screen name because the requested screen name " "ends in a space." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6089 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format screen name because the requested screen name " "is too long." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6092 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a " "request pending for this screen name." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐む�爐�す爐鉦� 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐оた爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6095 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has " "too many screen names associated with it." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�� 爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�え爛�爐оた爐� 爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6098 #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is " "invalid." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�た爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6101 #, c-format msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unknown error." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 0x%04x: 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6111 #, c-format msgid "" "Your screen name is currently formatted as follows:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐項ぞ爐迦� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�爐逗ぎ 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐оい爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6112 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6119 msgid "Account Info" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6117 #, c-format msgid "The email address for %s is %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� %s 爐項�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6182 msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� IM 爐�爐朽た 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� IM 爐�爐朽た爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍た爐о� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6323 msgid "Unable to set AIM profile." msgstr "AIM 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6324 msgid "" "You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure " "completed. Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are " "fully connected." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐項�爐�� 爐�爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�, 爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6351 #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded. Gaim has truncated " "it for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded. Gaim has " "truncated it for you." msgstr[0] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐むぎ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐項� 爛�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐むぎ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐項� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6356 msgid "Profile too long." msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6372 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7668 msgid "Visible" msgstr "爐��爐謹�爐�ぞ爐む�爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6390 msgid "Unable to set AIM away message." msgstr "AIM 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6391 msgid "" "You have probably requested to set your away message before the login " "procedure completed. You remain in a \"present\" state; try setting it " "again when you are fully connected." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� \"present\" 爐�爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ 爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�; 爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐�ぎ爐� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爐〝え爛� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6431 #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded. Gaim has " "truncated it for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded. Gaim has " "truncated it for you." msgstr[0] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐むぎ 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐項� 爛�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐むぎ 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�あ爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐項� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6436 msgid "Away message too long." msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐〝く爛�爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6513 #, c-format msgid "" "Could not add the buddy %s because the screen name is invalid. Screen names " "must either start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and " "spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐� 爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐�ぞ 爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐項ぐ爛�, 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�す爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6515 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6970 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6984 msgid "Unable To Add" msgstr "爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6682 msgid "Unable To Retrieve Buddy List" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6683 msgid "" "Gaim was temporarily unable to retrieve your buddy list from the AIM " "servers. Your buddy list is not lost, and will probably become available in " "a few hours." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� AIM 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐ムた爐�� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�, 爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐� 爐�爛�爐項� 爐�爐��爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6865 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6866 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6871 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7028 #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7029 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7034 msgid "Orphans" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�え" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6968 #, c-format msgid "" "Could not add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy " "list. Please remove one and try again." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐�� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6968 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6982 msgid "(no name)" msgstr "(爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�)" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:6982 #, c-format msgid "" "Could not add the buddy %s for an unknown reason. The most common reason " "for this is that you have the maximum number of allowed buddies in your " "buddy list." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�� 爐項� 爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7065 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has given you permission to add you to their buddy list. Do you " "want to add them?" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐踱�爛� 爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7071 msgid "Authorization Given" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐踱�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7104 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s wants to add you to their buddy list for the following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐�た爐��爐�ぎ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐�:\n" "%s" #. Granted #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7146 #, c-format msgid "The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7147 msgid "Authorization Granted" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #. Denied #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7150 #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ムた 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐朽�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7151 msgid "Authorization Denied" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7188 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1273 msgid "_Exchange:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7223 msgid "Invalid chat name specified." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7315 msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� IM 爐�爐朽た 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦� AIM 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ IM 爐�爐朽た爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7441 msgid "Away Message" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7727 #, c-format msgid "Buddy Comment for %s" msgstr " %s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7728 msgid "Buddy Comment:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7747 msgid "Edit Buddy Comment" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7753 msgid "Get Status Msg" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7765 msgid "Direct IM" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� IM" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7782 msgid "Re-request Authorization" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�-爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7812 msgid "The new formatting is invalid." msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7813 msgid "Screen name formatting can change only capitalization and whitespace." msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ 爐� 爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7820 msgid "New screen name formatting:" msgstr "爐�く爐鉦� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7872 msgid "Change Address To:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7917 msgid "<i>you are not waiting for authorization</i>" msgstr "<i>爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗ぐ爐項�爐�爛� 爐項�爐�爐�</i>" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7920 msgid "You are awaiting authorization from the following buddies" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7921 msgid "" "You can re-request authorization from these buddies by right-clicking on " "them and selecting \"Re-request Authorization.\"" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐� \"Re-request Authorization.\" 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�-爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7938 msgid "Find Buddy by E-mail" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7939 msgid "Search for a buddy by e-mail address" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7940 msgid "Type the e-mail address of the buddy you are searching for." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ムた爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7957 msgid "Available Message:" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�:" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:7958 msgid "I'm doing work and hoping for a distraction--IM me!" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛� 爐� --爐�げ爐鉦� IM 爐��爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐謹ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�!" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8039 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:812 msgid "Set User Info..." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8044 msgid "Set User Info (URL)..." msgstr "(URL)爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8050 msgid "Set Available Message..." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8055 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:808 msgid "Change Password..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8060 msgid "Change Password (URL)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� (URL) 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8064 msgid "Configure IM Forwarding (URL)" msgstr "IM 爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐朽ぞ爐� (URL) 爐�爐��爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8073 msgid "Format Screen Name..." msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐∇ぞ爐�爐�爐鉦が爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8077 msgid "Confirm Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐��爐逗え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8081 msgid "Display Currently Registered Address" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦� 爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8085 msgid "Change Currently Registered Address..." msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦� 爐�ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8092 msgid "Show Buddies Awaiting Authorization" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8098 msgid "Search for Buddy by Email..." msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8103 msgid "Search for Buddy by Information" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8181 msgid "Use AIM/ICQ proxy server (Slower/More Secure/Usually Works)" msgstr "AIM/ICQ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� (爐∇た爐迦�/爐伍ぇ爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� /爐��爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��)" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8275 src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8277 msgid "AIM/ICQ Protocol Plugin" msgstr "AIM/ICQ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8296 msgid "Auth host" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ爐逗� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8299 msgid "Auth port" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ爐逗� 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c:8302 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2748 msgid "Encoding" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐むえ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:51 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:414 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:539 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:706 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:338 #, c-format msgid "User %s is not present in the network" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:52 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:109 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:114 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:118 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:123 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:128 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:133 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:251 msgid "Key Agreement" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:53 msgid "Cannot perform the key agreement" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:110 msgid "Error occurred during key agreement" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐む�爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:114 msgid "Key Agreement failed" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:119 msgid "Timeout during key agreement" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:124 msgid "Key agreement was aborted" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:129 msgid "Key agreement is already started" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:134 msgid "Key agreement cannot be started with yourself" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:252 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:382 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:507 msgid "The remote user is not present in the network any more" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:288 #, c-format msgid "" "Key agreement request received from %s. Would you like to perform the key " "agreement?" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:292 #, c-format msgid "" "The remote user is waiting key agreement on:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�:\n" "爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐項�爐伍�爐�: %s\n" "爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�: %d" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:305 msgid "Key Agreement Request" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:381 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:416 #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:458 msgid "IM With Password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� IM" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:417 msgid "Cannot set IM key" msgstr "IM 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:459 msgid "Set IM Password" msgstr "IM 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:506 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:541 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1284 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1295 msgid "Get Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:542 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1285 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1296 msgid "Cannot fetch the public key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐むぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:629 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1553 msgid "Show Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:630 src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:989 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:234 msgid "Could not load public key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:707 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:871 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:943 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1078 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1079 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1098 msgid "User Information" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:708 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:944 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1099 msgid "Cannot get user information" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:729 #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not trusted" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐伍た爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:732 msgid "" "You cannot receive buddy notifications until you import his/her public key. " "You can use the Get Public Key command to get the public key." msgstr "" "爐�爐伍�爛�/爐�爐��爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� " "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #. Open file selector to select the public key. #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1023 msgid "Open..." msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not present in the network" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1035 msgid "" "To add the buddy you must import his/her public key. Press Import to import " "a public key." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爛�/爐�爐��爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爛� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� '爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�' 爐ムた爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1038 msgid "Import..." msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1125 msgid "Select correct user" msgstr "爐伍す爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1127 msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same public key. Select the correct " "user from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐踱� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍す爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1129 msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same name. Select the correct user " "from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐踱� 爐〝え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�あ爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍す爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1386 msgid "Detached" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1390 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:49 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:85 msgid "Indisposed" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1394 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:50 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:87 msgid "Wake Me Up" msgstr "爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1396 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:46 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:79 msgid "Hyper Active" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1398 msgid "Robot" msgstr "爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1405 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:629 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:472 msgid "Happy" msgstr "爐�爛�爐謹�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1407 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:631 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:474 msgid "Sad" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1409 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:633 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:476 msgid "Angry" msgstr "爐萎た爐伍ぞ爐踱�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1411 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:635 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:478 msgid "Jealous" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐劇�爐�ぞ爐迦�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1413 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:637 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:480 msgid "Ashamed" msgstr "爐迦�爛�爐�爐逗い" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1415 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:639 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:482 msgid "Invincible" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1417 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:641 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:484 msgid "In Love" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1419 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:643 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:486 msgid "Sleepy" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐萎ぞ爐迦�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1421 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:645 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:488 msgid "Bored" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�す爐謹�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1423 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:647 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:490 msgid "Excited" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐む�爐�爐逗い" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1425 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:649 #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:492 msgid "Anxious" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐むた爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1457 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:980 msgid "User Modes" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐÷す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1466 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:989 msgid "Mood" msgstr "爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1470 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:995 msgid "Status Text" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1475 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1001 msgid "Preferred Contact" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1480 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1006 msgid "Preferred Language" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1485 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1011 msgid "Device" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐む�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1490 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1016 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:697 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:699 msgid "Timezone" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1495 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1021 msgid "Geolocation" msgstr "爐〝�爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1538 msgid "Reset IM Key" msgstr "IM 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1543 msgid "IM with Key Exchange" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦�爐�ぞ IM 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� " #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1547 msgid "IM with Password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐� IM" #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1558 msgid "Get Public Key..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� ..." #: src/protocols/silc/buddy.c:1564 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1417 msgid "Kill User" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:37 msgid "_Passphrase:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐�:" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:78 #, c-format msgid "Channel %s does not exist in the network" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ %s 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:79 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:171 msgid "Channel Information" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:80 msgid "Cannot get channel information" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:117 #, c-format msgid "<b>Channel Name:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐�:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:120 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>User Count:</b> %d" msgstr "<br><b>爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐むた:</b> %d" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:127 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Founder:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:136 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Cipher:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>爐謹�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:139 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel HMAC:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ HMAC:</b> %s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:144 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Topic:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐朽た爐劇く:</b><br>%s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:149 msgid "<br><b>Channel Modes:</b> " msgstr "<br><b>爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐��爐÷す爐萎�:</b> " #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:162 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Fingerprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐鉦お:</b><br>%s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:163 #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Babbleprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐��爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�:</b><br>%s" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:233 msgid "Add Channel Public Key" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. Add new public key #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:288 msgid "Open Public Key..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:397 msgid "Channel Passphrase" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:404 msgid "Channel Public Keys List" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:409 msgid "" "Channel authentication is used to secure the channel from unauthorized " "access. The authentication may be based on passphrase and digital " "signatures. If passphrase is set, it is required to be able to join. If " "channel public keys are set then only users whose public keys are listed are " "able to join." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐�す爛�爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐��爐� 爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐� 爐� 爐÷た爐�爐逗�爐� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐項ぐ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�う爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛�, 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐� 爛� 爐�う爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐〝え爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�う爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:418 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:419 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:456 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:457 #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:886 msgid "Channel Authentication" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:420 src/protocols/silc/chat.c:458 msgid "Add / Remove" msgstr "爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� / 爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:575 msgid "Group Name" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:579 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1697 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:590 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the %s channel private group name and passphrase." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� %s 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:592 msgid "Add Channel Private Group" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:719 msgid "User Limit" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:720 msgid "Set user limit on channel. Set to zero to reset user limit." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐謹�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:862 msgid "Get Info" msgstr "爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:869 msgid "Invite List" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:873 msgid "Ban List" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:880 msgid "Add Private Group" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:891 msgid "Reset Permanent" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:895 msgid "Set Permanent" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:902 msgid "Set User Limit" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:907 msgid "Reset Topic Restriction" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�え爛�爐оえ 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:911 msgid "Set Topic Restriction" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�え爛�爐оえ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:917 msgid "Reset Private Channel" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:921 msgid "Set Private Channel" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:927 msgid "Reset Secret Channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:931 msgid "Set Secret Channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:993 #, c-format msgid "You are channel founder on <I>%s</I>" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� <I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:997 #, c-format msgid "Channel founder on <I>%s</I> is <I>%s</I>" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� <I>%s</I> 爐項�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1056 #, c-format msgid "You have to join the %s channel before you are able to join the private group" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐項ぎ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐�� 爐�す爐逗げ爛� %s 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1058 msgid "Join Private Group" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1059 msgid "Cannot join private group" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1252 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:911 msgid "Cannot call command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/chat.c:1253 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:912 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:89 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:92 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:96 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:100 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:104 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:205 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:210 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:215 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:221 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:340 msgid "Secure File Transfer" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:90 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:93 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:97 src/protocols/silc/ft.c:101 #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:105 msgid "Error during file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:94 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:98 msgid "Key agreement failed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:102 msgid "File transfer sessions does not exist" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐伍い爛�爐萎す爐萎� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:206 msgid "No file transfer session active" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:211 msgid "File transfer already started" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�す爐逗げ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐〝�爐伍�爛�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:216 msgid "Could not perform key agreement for file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�爛�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:222 msgid "Could not start the file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ft.c:341 msgid "Cannot send file" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:339 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:348 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:357 #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic of <I>%s</I> to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦� <I>%s</I> 爐�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��: %s" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:423 #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set channel <I>%s</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐迦� <I>%s</I> 爐��爐÷ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��: %s" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:427 #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all channel <I>%s</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐迦� 爐伍が爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ <I>%s</I> 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐項�爐鉦く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:460 #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set <I>%s's</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐迦� <I>%s </I> 爐�爛� 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� : %s " #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:468 #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all <I>%s's</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐迦� 爐伍が爛� <I>%s 爐�爛� </I> 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐項�爐鉦く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:497 #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked off <I>%s</I> by <I>%s</I> (%s)" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�<I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ <I>%s</I> (%s) 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐逗え爛� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:527 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:532 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:537 #, c-format msgid "You have been killed by %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:558 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:563 #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:568 #, c-format msgid "Killed by %s (%s)" msgstr " %s (%s) 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:614 msgid "Server signoff" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:801 msgid "Personal Information" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦え爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:824 msgid "Birth Day" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�た爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:828 msgid "Job Title" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:832 msgid "Job Role" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐〝�爐�た爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:836 msgid "Organization" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:840 msgid "Unit" msgstr "爐踱�爐鉦�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:859 msgid "EMail" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:864 msgid "Note" msgstr "爐��爐萎し爛�爐�爐朽�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:912 msgid "Join Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1068 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1139 msgid "Public Key Fingerprint" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐鉦お" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1069 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1140 msgid "Public Key Babbleprint" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1082 msgid "More..." msgstr "爐�爐�爛� 爐о�爐萎�..." #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1155 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:800 msgid "Detach From Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1155 msgid "Cannot detach" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1166 msgid "Cannot set topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1204 msgid "Failed to change nickname" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1241 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1252 msgid "Roomlist" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1241 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1252 msgid "Cannot get room list" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1297 msgid "No public key was received" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1310 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1324 msgid "Server Information" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ " #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1311 msgid "Cannot get server information" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1342 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1351 msgid "Server Statistics" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐むぅ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1343 msgid "Cannot get server statistics" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐むぅ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1352 msgid "No server statistics available" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐むぅ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1374 #, c-format msgid "" "Local server start time: %s\n" "Local server uptime: %s\n" "Local server clients: %d\n" "Local server channels: %d\n" "Local server operators: %d\n" "Local router operators: %d\n" "Local cell clients: %d\n" "Local cell channels: %d\n" "Local cell servers: %d\n" "Total clients: %d\n" "Total channels: %d\n" "Total servers: %d\n" "Total routers: %d\n" "Total server operators: %d\n" "Total router operators: %d\n" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爐��爐鉦�爐�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎す爐萎� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�l 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎す爐萎�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" "爐�爛�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐項ぐ爛�: %d\n" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1397 msgid "Network Statistics" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ 爐むぅ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1405 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1410 msgid "Ping" msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1405 msgid "Ping failed" msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1410 msgid "Ping reply received from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� " #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1418 msgid "Could not kill user" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1499 msgid "Error during connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "SILC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1504 msgid "Key Exchange failed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1513 msgid "Resuming detached session failed. Press Reconnect to create new connection." msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐伍い爛�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐�: 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� '爐��爐�:爐�爐÷ぞ爐�' 爐ムた爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1548 msgid "Disconnected by server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1608 src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1655 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:178 msgid "Resuming session" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� 爐��爐�:爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1610 msgid "Authenticating connection" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1657 msgid "Verifying server public key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐萎�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1698 msgid "Passphrase required" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍か爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1727 msgid "Failure: Version mismatch, upgrade your client" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�,爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐伍�爐むぐ爐��爐��爐оた 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1730 msgid "Failure: Remote does not trust/support your public key" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�: 爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1733 msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed KE group" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐朽た爐� KE 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1736 msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed cipher" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐朽た爐� 爐謹�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1739 msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed PKCS" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�: 爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐朽た爐� PKCS 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1742 msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed hash function" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐朽た爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1745 msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed HMAC" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐�爐鉦あ爐鉦�爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐むぞ爐朽た爐� HMAC 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1747 msgid "Failure: Incorrect signature" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�:爐�爐迦い 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1749 msgid "Failure: Invalid cookie" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�: 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/ops.c:1760 msgid "Failure: Authentication failed" msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐�: 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:103 #, c-format msgid "" "Received %s's public key. Your local copy does not match this key. Would you " "still like to accept this public key?" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爐� 爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐伍�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦う爛�爐� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:108 #, c-format msgid "Received %s's public key. Would you like to accept this public key?" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐�?" #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:112 #, c-format msgid "" "Fingerprint and babbleprint for the %s key are:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" msgstr "" "%s 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐鉦お 爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐��爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐項�爐��:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:115 src/protocols/silc/pk.c:140 msgid "Verify Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:119 msgid "View..." msgstr "爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/silc/pk.c:141 msgid "Unsupported public key type" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:138 msgid "Connection failed" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:170 msgid "Cannot initialize SILC Client connection" msgstr "SILC 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:181 msgid "Performing key exchange" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�え" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:254 msgid "Out of memory" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�" #. Progress #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:293 msgid "Connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "SILC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐項�爐�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:625 msgid "Your Current Mood" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐〝ぞ爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:627 msgid "Normal" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:652 msgid "" "\n" "Your Preferred Contact Methods" msgstr "" "\n" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐踱�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐оた爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:660 src/protocols/silc/util.c:517 msgid "SMS" msgstr "SMS" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:662 src/protocols/silc/util.c:519 msgid "MMS" msgstr "MMS" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:664 src/protocols/silc/util.c:521 msgid "Video Conferencing" msgstr "爐〝た爐÷た爐�� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:669 msgid "Your Current Status" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐迦�爛� 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:676 msgid "Online Services" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:679 msgid "Let others see what services you are using" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:685 msgid "Let others see what computer you are using" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐��爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:692 msgid "Your VCard File" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐〝た爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:705 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:706 msgid "User Online Status Attributes" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐朽た爐謹�爐劇い爐鉦す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:707 msgid "" "You can let other users see your online status information and your personal " "information. Please fill the information you would like other users to see " "about yourself." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�た爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぐ爛�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:747 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:753 #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1160 msgid "Message of the Day" msgstr "爐�た爐��爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:747 msgid "No Message of the Day available" msgstr "爐��爐�た爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:748 src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1155 msgid "There is no Message of the Day associated with this connection" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�え爛�爐оた爐� 爐�た爐��爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:795 msgid "Online Status" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:804 msgid "View Message of the Day" msgstr "爐��爐�た爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:876 #, c-format msgid "User <I>%s</I> is not present in the network" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ <I>%s</I> 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:985 msgid "Failed to leave channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�爛�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1031 msgid "Topic too long" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐�爐むた 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1112 msgid "You must specify a nick" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐迦� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1214 #, c-format msgid "channel %s not found" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ %s 爐��爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1219 #, c-format msgid "channel modes for %s: %s" msgstr " %s: %s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐��爐÷す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1221 #, c-format msgid "no channel modes are set on %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐�え" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1234 #, c-format msgid "Failed to set cmodes for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍た爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1264 #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s, (may be a Gaim bug)" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�: %s, (爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�)" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1327 msgid "part [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr "爐〝ぞ爐� [channel]: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐÷え爛�爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1331 msgid "leave [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷え爛�爐項�爐伍� [channel]: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐÷え爛�爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1335 msgid "topic [<new topic>]: View or change the topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く [<new topic>]: 爐朽た爐劇く 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1340 msgid "join <channel> [<password>]: Join a chat on this network" msgstr "join <channel> [<password>]: 爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1344 msgid "list: List channels on this network" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�: 爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1348 msgid "whois <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "whois <nick>: 爐�た爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1352 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2466 msgid "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "msg <nick> <message>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1356 msgid "query <nick> [<message>]: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "query <nick> [<message>]: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1360 msgid "motd: View the server's Message Of The Day" msgstr "motd: 爐�た爐��爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1364 msgid "detach: Detach this session" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�: 爐�� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1368 msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� [message]: 爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐伍す爐逗い 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1372 msgid "call <command>: Call any silc client command" msgstr "call <command>: 爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍た爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1378 msgid "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: Kill nick" msgstr "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: 爐�た爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1382 msgid "nick <newnick>: Change your nickname" msgstr "nick <newnick>: 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1386 msgid "whowas <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "whowas <nick>: 爐�た爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1390 msgid "" "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: Change or display " "channel modes" msgstr "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1394 msgid "" "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: Change nick's modes " "on channel" msgstr "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐�た爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1398 msgid "umode <usermodes>: Set your modes in the network" msgstr "umode <usermodes>: 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐÷す爐萎� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1402 msgid "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: Get server operator privileges" msgstr "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1406 msgid "" "invite <channel> [-|+]<nick>: invite nick or add/remove from " "channel invite list" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� <channel> [-|+]<nick>: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐ムお爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�/爐項�爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ 爐�た爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1410 msgid "kick <channel> <nick> [comment]: Kick client from channel" msgstr "Kick <channel> <nick> [comment]: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�ぞ爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1414 msgid "info [server]: View server administrative details" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ [server]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐��爐萎じ爐鉦ざ爐�爐逗く 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐�す爐萎� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1418 msgid "ban [<channel> +|-<nick>]: Ban client from channel" msgstr "ban [<channel> +|-<nick>]: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1422 msgid "getkey <nick|server>: Retrieve client's or server's public key" msgstr "getkey <nick|server>: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1426 msgid "stats: View server and network statistics" msgstr "爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐鉦げ 爐むぅ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1430 msgid "ping: Send PING to the connected server" msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐�: 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ PING 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1435 msgid "users <channel>: List users in channel" msgstr "users <channel>: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1439 msgid "" "names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: List " "specific users in channel(s)" msgstr "names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ(爐項ぐ爛�) 爐�ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1451 msgid "Instant Messages" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1456 msgid "Digitally sign all IM messages" msgstr "爐伍が爛� IM 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐÷た爐�爐逗�爐迦ぐ爛�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1461 msgid "Verify all IM message signatures" msgstr "爐伍が爛� IM 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1464 msgid "Channel Messages" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1469 msgid "Digitally sign all channel messages" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐÷た爐�爐逗�爐迦ぐ爛�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1474 msgid "Verify all channel message signatures" msgstr "爐伍が爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�げ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐項ぐ爛� 爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1563 msgid "SILC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "SILC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. * description #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1565 msgid "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) Protocol" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐萎え爛�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1599 msgid "Public Key file" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1603 msgid "Private Key file" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1606 msgid "Public key authentication" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1610 msgid "Reject watching by other users" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦� 爐項�爐萎�爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1613 msgid "Block invites" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦す爐萎� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1616 msgid "Block IMs without Key Exchange" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦� 爐�た爐�ぞ IM 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/silc.c:1619 msgid "Reject online status attribute requests" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む�爐伍�爐ムた爐むた 爐朽た爐謹�爐劇い爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐оす爐萎� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:205 src/protocols/silc/util.c:230 msgid "Creating SILC key pair..." msgstr "SILC 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐伍た爐萎�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�..." #. Hint for translators: Please check the tabulator width here and in #. the next strings (short strings: 2 tabs, longer strings 1 tab, #. sum: 3 tabs or 24 characters) #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:313 #, c-format msgid "Real Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:315 #, c-format msgid "User Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:317 #, c-format msgid "EMail: \t\t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�: \t\t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:319 #, c-format msgid "Host Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐項�爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:321 #, c-format msgid "Organization: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�爐�: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:323 #, c-format msgid "Country: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐��爐�: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Algorithm: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぎ: \t%s\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:325 #, c-format msgid "Key Length: \t%d bits\n" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐迦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�: \t%d bits\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:327 #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Fingerprint:\n" "%s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐鉦お:\n" "%s\n" "\n" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:328 #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Babbleprint:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐��爐�:\n" "%s" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:332 src/protocols/silc/util.c:333 msgid "Public Key Information" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:515 msgid "Paging" msgstr "爐��爐�爐逗�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:539 msgid "Computer" msgstr "爐�爐��爐��爐��爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:543 msgid "PDA" msgstr "PDA" #: src/protocols/silc/util.c:545 msgid "Terminal" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�げ" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:137 #, c-format msgid "Looking up %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:198 #, c-format msgid "Signon: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐�: %s" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:480 #, c-format msgid "Unable to write file %s." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐迦�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:483 #, c-format msgid "Unable to read file %s." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�あ爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:486 #, c-format msgid "Message too long, last %s bytes truncated." msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐о�爐萎� 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐〝く爛�, 爐�爐��爐むた爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐項ぐ爛� 爐�い爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:489 #, c-format msgid "%s not currently logged in." msgstr "%s 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:492 #, c-format msgid "Warning of %s not allowed." msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�爐��爐�い爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:495 msgid "A message has been dropped, you are exceeding the server speed limit." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐÷た爐踱�爛� 爐�, 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍た爐�た爐� 爐�爐むた爐�ぞ 爐�あ爐鉦� 爐萎す爐��爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:498 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s is not available." msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:501 #, c-format msgid "You are sending messages too fast to %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐��爐鉦� 爐萎す爐�� 爐〝�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:504 #, c-format msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was too big." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐�ぞ爐� IM 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐ムた爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:507 #, c-format msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was sent too fast." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐�ぞ爐� IM 爐項ぐ爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� 爐�� 爐��爐�爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:510 msgid "Failure." msgstr "爐�爐伍か爐迦い爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:513 msgid "Too many matches." msgstr "爐�爐むた 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐項ぐ爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:516 msgid "Need more qualifiers." msgstr "爐�爐萎� 爐о�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ爐迦た爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爐項ぐ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:519 msgid "Dir service temporarily unavailable." msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:522 msgid "Email lookup restricted." msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗が爐��爐оた爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:525 msgid "Keyword ignored." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐謹が爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎た爐��爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:528 msgid "No keywords." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐謹が爛�爐��爐朽す爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�え爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:531 msgid "User has no directory information." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:535 msgid "Country not supported." msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐萎た爐��爐� " #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:538 #, c-format msgid "Failure unknown: %s." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐伍か爐迦い爐�: %s 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:544 msgid "The service is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:547 msgid "Your warning level is currently too high to log in." msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐踱�爐�ぎ爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:550 msgid "" "You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes " "and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer." msgstr "" "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐迦�爐鉦い爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐� 爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�え 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�じ 爐�た爐��爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛� 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� " "爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐萎え爛�爐むぐ爐むぞ 爐�た爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛�, 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐迦ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:552 #, c-format msgid "An unknown signon error has occurred: %s." msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐��: %s 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:555 #, c-format msgid "An unknown error, %d, has occurred. Info: %s" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐�, %d, 爐��爐�爐鉦お爐萎�爐�� 爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ: %s" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:576 msgid "Connection Closed" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�え爛�爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:616 msgid "Waiting for reply..." msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�..." #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:695 msgid "TOC has come back from its pause. You may now send messages again." msgstr "TOC 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗く爛� 爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:892 msgid "Password Change Successful" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐〝く爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:896 msgid "TOC has sent a PAUSE command." msgstr "TOC 爐迦� PAUSE 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:897 msgid "" "When this happens, TOC ignores any messages sent to it, and may kick you off " "if you send a message. Gaim will prevent anything from going through. This " "is only temporary, please be patient." msgstr "" "爐�爐� 爐�� 爐項�爐��爐�, TOC 爐迦� 爐�じ爐�ぞ 爐��爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��, 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐�� 爐〝く爛� 爐〝え爛� 爐�ぞ爐迦た爐�た爐��爐� 爛�" "爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�え爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�い 爐�爐踱�爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爛� 爐�� 爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐項�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐о�爐萎�爐� 爐萎す爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1450 msgid "Get Dir Info" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1586 msgid "Set Dir Info" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1708 #, c-format msgid "Could not open %s for writing!" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爐逗う爛�爐�!" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1744 msgid "File transfer failed; other side probably canceled." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�; 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐〝さ爐�: 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1789 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1829 #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1953 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2041 msgid "Could not connect for transfer." msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:1986 msgid "Could not write file header. The file will not be transferred." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐÷ぐ 爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐項�爐�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2086 msgid "Gaim - Save As..." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�- 爐�じ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2120 #, c-format msgid "%s requests %s to accept %d file: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" msgid_plural "%s requests %s to accept %d files: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" msgstr[0] "%s 爐迦� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� %d 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" msgstr[1] "%s 爐迦� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� %d 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2127 #, c-format msgid "%s requests you to send them a file" msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2214 src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2216 msgid "TOC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "TOC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2235 msgid "TOC host" msgstr "TOC 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/toc/toc.c:2239 msgid "TOC port" msgstr "TOC 爐��爐萎�爐�" #. Basic Profile group. #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:264 msgid "Basic Profile" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐萎き爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #. E-Mail Address #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:295 msgid "E-Mail Address" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:301 msgid "Profile Information" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #. Instant Messagers #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:307 msgid "Instant Messagers" msgstr "爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦げ爐逗� 爐��爐伍�爐��爐�爐萎す爐萎�" #. AIM #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:311 msgid "AIM" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐� 爐踱�" #. ICQ #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:315 msgid "ICQ UIN" msgstr "ICQ UIN" #. MSN #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:319 msgid "MSN" msgstr "爐踱� 爐踱� 爐踱�" #. Yahoo #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:323 msgid "Yahoo" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�" #. I'm From #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:328 msgid "I'm From" msgstr "爐� 爐�す爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐�" #. Call the dialog. #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:345 msgid "Set your Trepia profile data." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎た爐�た爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐÷�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:425 msgid "Profile" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:439 msgid "Set Profile" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:476 msgid "Visit Homepage" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:822 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:825 msgid "Local Users" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1028 msgid "Logging in" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1275 src/protocols/trepia/trepia.c:1277 msgid "Trepia Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐む�爐萎た爐�た爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:419 msgid "" "You have been logged off as you have logged in on a different machine or " "device." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐朽た爐〝た爐��爐� 爐��爐謹た爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐迦� 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐迦� 爐項�爐��爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:912 msgid "Your Yahoo! message did not get sent." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐踱� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:936 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3520 msgid "Buzz!!" msgstr "爐��爛�!!" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:981 #, c-format msgid "Yahoo! system message for %s:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! %s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� :" #. TODO: this is almost exactly the same as what MSN does, #. * this should probably be moved to the core. #. * #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1072 #, c-format msgid "The user %s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list%s%s." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐迦� 爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐�爐��爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s%s 爐�ぞ %s 爐ムお 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1078 msgid "Message (optional) :" msgstr "爐伍え爛�爐��爐� (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐�) :" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1120 #, c-format msgid "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷�爐� %s 爐迦� (爐萎た爐�爛�爐萎�爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗き爛�爐迦�) 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦げ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐оげ爐鉦� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1123 #, c-format msgid "" "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list for the " "following reason: %s." msgstr "%s 爐迦� (爐萎た爐�爛�爐萎�爐踱�爛�爐�爐逗き爛�爐迦�) 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦げ爛� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷�爐� 爐むげ爐�爐� 爐�た爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐оげ爐鉦� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐�: %s 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1126 msgid "Add buddy rejected" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1887 #, c-format msgid "" "The Yahoo server has requested the use of an unrecognized authentication " "method. This version of Gaim will likely not be able to successfully sign " "on to Yahoo. Check %s for updates." msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐項� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐むぐ爐逗�爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�� 爐伍�爐伍�爐�爐萎ぃ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�ぞ " "爐伍か爐迦い爐鉦お爛�爐萎�爐朽� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐� 爛� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぇ爐逗�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1890 msgid "Failed Yahoo! Authentication" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "" "You have tried to ignore %s, but the user is on your buddy list. Clicking " "\"Yes\" will remove and ignore the buddy." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐〝く爛�, 爐むぐ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐� 爛� \"Yes\" 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ爐迦� 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐項�爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1965 msgid "Ignore buddy?" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:1999 msgid "Invalid username." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2010 msgid "Normal authentication failed!" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍か爐�!" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2011 msgid "" "The normal authentication method has failed. This means either your password " "is incorrect, or Yahoo!'s authentication scheme has changed. Gaim will now " "attempt to log in using Web Messenger authentication, which will result in " "reduced functionality and features." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐朽た爐оた 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐�い爐迦が 爐�爐� 爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐迦い 爐�, 爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗さ爐萎�爐むえ 爐〝く爛� 爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐伍�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐項た爐迦� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎た爐萎す爛�爐�爛� 爐�, 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐む�爐��爐むぞ 爐� 爐朽た爐謹�爐劇い爐鉦す爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�い爐逗�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2019 msgid "Incorrect password." msgstr "爐�爐迦い 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2022 msgid "Your account is locked, please log in to the Yahoo! website." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐むぞ爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐鉦�爐踱�爛� 爐�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐朽�爐�じ爐鉦�爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Unknown error number %d. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ %d 爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐朽�爐�じ爐鉦�爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ爐迦� 爐�じ爐迦ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2079 #, c-format msgid "Could not add buddy %s to group %s to the server list on account %s." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爐� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛�爐� %s 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� %s 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2082 msgid "Could not add buddy to server list" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐ムお爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2319 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2467 #: src/protocols/yahoo/ycht.c:414 msgid "Unable to read" msgstr "爐�あ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2489 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2610 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2660 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2670 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1461 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1528 #: src/protocols/yahoo/ycht.c:518 msgid "Connection problem" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2764 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3131 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3245 msgid "Not At Home" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2766 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3133 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3246 msgid "Not At Desk" msgstr "爐÷�爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2768 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3135 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3247 msgid "Not In Office" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐伍ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2772 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3139 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3249 msgid "On Vacation" msgstr "爐�た爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2776 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3143 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3251 msgid "Stepped Out" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ 爐萎ぞ爐�爐逗く爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2857 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2883 msgid "Not on server list" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2962 msgid "Join in Chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:2967 msgid "Initiate Conference" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐ムぞ爐迦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3019 msgid "Active which ID?" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� ID 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��?" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3028 msgid "Join who in chat?" msgstr "爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�?" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3038 msgid "Activate ID..." msgstr "ID 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3042 msgid "Join user in chat..." msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�..." #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3562 msgid "join <room>: Join a chat room on the Yahoo network" msgstr "join <room>: 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぎ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3566 msgid "buzz: Buzz a contact to get their attention" msgstr "爐��爛�: 爐伍ぞ爐ム�爐�爛� 爐о�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爛� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3645 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3647 msgid "Yahoo Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3666 msgid "Yahoo Japan" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦お爐鉦え" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3669 msgid "Pager host" msgstr "爐��爐�爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3672 msgid "Japan Pager host" msgstr "爐�爐鉦お爐鉦え 爐��爐�爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3675 msgid "Pager port" msgstr "爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3678 msgid "File transfer host" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3681 msgid "Japan File transfer host" msgstr "爐�爐鉦お爐鉦え 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3684 msgid "File transfer port" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3687 msgid "Chat Room Locale" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�い爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3690 msgid "Chat Room List Url" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3693 msgid "YCHT Host" msgstr "YCHT 爐項�爐伍�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo.c:3696 msgid "YCHT Port" msgstr "YCHT 爐��爐萎�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:206 #, c-format msgid "%s declined your conference invitation to room \"%s\" because \"%s\"." msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�爐� \"%s\" 爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐��爐迦え 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦く爛� 爐�爐逗え爐〝え爛� \"%s\" 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:208 msgid "Invitation Rejected" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎た爐��" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:362 msgid "Failed to join chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:362 msgid "Maybe the room is full?" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐逗�爐�爛� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐� ?" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:440 #, c-format msgid "You are now chatting in %s." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� %s 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐項�爐��爐項�爐��爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:616 msgid "Failed to join buddy in chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐ム� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:617 msgid "Maybe they're not in a chat?" msgstr "爐むた爐��爐項ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�す爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�爐�� ?" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1394 msgid "Fetching the room list failed." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐むぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐�イ" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1447 msgid "Voices" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぐ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1450 msgid "Webcams" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1461 src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1528 msgid "Unable to fetch room list." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐むぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoochat.c:1521 msgid "User Rooms" msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦す爐萎�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:675 #, c-format msgid "<b>IP Address:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>IP 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦え爐�:</b> %s<br>" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:751 msgid "Yahoo! Japan Profile" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐�爐鉦お爐鉦え 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:752 msgid "Yahoo! Profile" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:796 msgid "" "Sorry, profiles marked as containing adult content are not supported at this " "time." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐踱÷げ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐��爛�爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐迦�爐鉦�爐踱�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦す爐萎� 爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐�ぎ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐�え爛� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:798 msgid "" "If you wish to view this profile, you will need to visit this link in your " "web browser" msgstr "爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐� 爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐鉦え爛�爐項�爐��爐� 爐〝え爛�, 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎�爛� 爐�� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐�爐�ぞ 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐��" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:976 msgid "Yahoo! ID" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! ID" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1050 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1054 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1058 msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爛�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1068 #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1072 msgid "Latest News" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦�爐鉦ぐ爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1093 msgid "Home Page" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1108 msgid "Cool Link 1" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1113 msgid "Cool Link 2" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1117 msgid "Cool Link 3" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1130 msgid "Last Update" msgstr "爐�爐��爐むた爐� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぇ爐逗�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1136 #, c-format msgid "User information for %s unavailable" msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1142 msgid "" "Sorry, this profile seems to be in a language that is not supported at this " "time." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐迦ぞ, 爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐項ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�き爐踱�爛� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1158 msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely is a temporary " "server-side problem. Please try again later." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�:爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛� 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ-爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐�じ爐�爛�爐� 爛�" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1161 msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely means that the user " "does not exist; however, Yahoo! sometimes does fail to find a user's " "profile. If you know that the user exists, please try again later." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�: 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐逗�爐� 爛� 爐�じ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爛�爐� " "爐�爐伍�爐む� 爐�, 爐むぅ爐鉦お爐�, 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐迦� 爐�爐項た爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爐項� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍か爐� 爐項�爐��爐� 爛� 爐�う爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐迦ぞ爐� " "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐� 爐〝え爛�爐�� 爐ムぞ爐項ぞ 爐� 爐〝え爛�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎た 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_profile.c:1169 msgid "The user's profile is empty." msgstr "爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/yahoo/ycht.c:401 msgid "Connection problem with the YCHT server." msgstr "YCHT 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ 爐� 爛�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:327 msgid "" "(There was an error converting this message.\t Check the 'Encoding' option " "in the Account Editor)" msgstr "" "(爐�� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐�爐逗く爛� 爛�\t 爐�爐鉦い爐� 爐伍ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�ぞ '爐伍�爛�爐�爛�爐むえ' 爐朽た爐�爐迦�爐� " "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�)" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Unable send to chat %s,%s,%s" msgstr "%s,%s,%s 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぎ" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:715 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1124 #, c-format msgid "<b>User:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ:</b> %s<br>" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:719 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1129 msgid "<br>Hidden or not logged-in" msgstr "<br>爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:724 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "<br>At %s since %s" msgstr "<br> %s 爐�ぞ爐� %s 爐�ぞ" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1414 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:1415 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐項� 爐�え爐�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2143 msgid "_Class:" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�:" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2149 msgid "_Instance:" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�:" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2155 msgid "_Recipient:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��:" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2166 #, c-format msgid "Attempt to subscribe to %s,%s,%s failed" msgstr "%s,%s,%s 爐�ぞ 爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐鉦じ 爐�爐伍か爐�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2471 msgid "zlocate <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zlocate <nick>: 爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2476 msgid "zl <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zl <nick>: 爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐む�爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2481 msgid "instance <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "instance <instance>: 爐�� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2486 msgid "inst <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "inst <instance>: 爐�� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2492 msgid "sub <class> <instance> <recipient>: Join a new chat" msgstr "sub <class> <instance> <recipient>: 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2497 msgid "zi <instance>: Send a message to <message,<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "zi <instance>: <message,<i>instance</i>,*> 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2503 msgid "" "zci <class> <instance>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>," "<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "" "zci <class> <instance>: <<i>class</i>," "<i>instance</i>,*> 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2509 msgid "" "zcir <class> <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <" "<i>class</i>,<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zcir <class> <instance> <recipient>: <" "<i>class</i>,<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>> 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2515 msgid "" "zir <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <MESSAGE," "<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zir <instance> <recipient>: <MESSAGE," "<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>> 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2520 msgid "zc <class>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*>" msgstr "zc <class>: <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*> 爐�ぞ 爐伍え爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐鉦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2626 msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "爐��爐�: 爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2629 msgid "Retrieve subscriptions from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍う爐伍�爐�い爐� 爐��爐�: 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2712 src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2714 msgid "Zephyr Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2739 msgid "Export to .anyone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐項� 爐�え爐� .爐�ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2742 msgid "Export to .zephyr.subs" msgstr "zephyr.subs 爐�ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/protocols/zephyr/zephyr.c:2745 msgid "Exposure" msgstr "爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�" #. XXX: why in the hell are we calling gaim_connection_error() here? #. Forbidden #: src/proxy.c:958 #, c-format msgid "Access denied: proxy server forbids port %d tunnelling." msgstr "爐�す爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ: 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐��爐萎�爐� %d 爐�爛�爐��爐��爐��爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��" #: src/proxy.c:962 #, c-format msgid "Proxy connection error %d" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� %d" #: src/proxy.c:1790 msgid "Invalid proxy settings" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爛�爐項ぐ爛�" #: src/proxy.c:1790 msgid "" "Either the host name or port number specified for your given proxy type is " "invalid." msgstr "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐項�爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぎ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐�� 爛�" #. * Custom away message. #: src/prpl.h:187 msgid "Custom" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐�" #. * #. * A wrapper for gaim_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons. #. #: src/request.h:1255 msgid "Accept" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/server.c:64 msgid "Please enter your password" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/server.c:533 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s.\n" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爐項た爐迦� %s 爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐� 爐�爐逗え爐逗え爛�爐� 爛�\n" #: src/server.c:978 #, c-format msgid "(%d message)" msgid_plural "(%d messages)" msgstr[0] "(%d 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�)" msgstr[1] "(%d 爐伍え爛�爐��爐謹す爐萎�)" #: src/server.c:992 msgid "(1 message)" msgstr "(爛� 爐伍え爛�爐��爐�)" #: src/server.c:1215 src/server.c:1224 #, c-format msgid "%s logged in." msgstr "%s 爐迦� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/server.c:1236 #, c-format msgid "%s signed on" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/server.c:1251 #, c-format msgid "%s came back" msgstr "%s 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐逗く爛�" #: src/server.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "%s went away" msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐��" #: src/server.c:1267 #, c-format msgid "%s became idle" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/server.c:1278 #, c-format msgid "%s became unidle" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐〝�爐�" #: src/server.c:1288 src/server.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s logged out." msgstr "%s 爐迦�爐�爐�爐� 爐〝く爛� 爛�" #: src/server.c:1308 #, c-format msgid "%s signed off" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐〝く爛�" #: src/server.c:1370 #, c-format msgid "" "%s has just been warned by %s.\n" "Your new warning level is %d%%" msgstr "" "%s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐項ぞ爐� %s 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐�爐萎た爐踱�爛� 爐� 爛�\n" "爐むお爐鉦�爐�爐�爛� 爐�く爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爛� 爐伍�爐むぐ %d%% 爐項�" #: src/server.c:1373 msgid "an anonymous person" msgstr "爐踱�爐�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた" #: src/server.c:1487 #, c-format msgid "" "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s:\n" "<b>%s</b>" msgstr "" "%s 爐迦� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� %s 爐�ぞ 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��:\n" "<b>%s</b>" #: src/server.c:1493 #, c-format msgid "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s\n" msgstr "%s 爐迦� %s 爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐� %s 爐�ぞ 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��\n" #: src/server.c:1502 msgid "Accept chat invitation?" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐��爐� ?" #. for people like myself who are too lazy to add an away msg :) #. I don't know who "myself" is in this context. The exclamation point #. * makes it slightly less boring ;) #: src/status.c:36 msgid "Sorry, I ran out for a bit!" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�, 爐� 爐�爛�爐項た爐��爐萎�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐項た爐÷�爐�!" #: src/stock.c:87 msgid "_Alias" msgstr "爐�爐�え爐鉦ぎ 爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/stock.c:89 msgid "_Invite" msgstr "爐�た爐�え爛�爐む�爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/stock.c:90 msgid "_Modify" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐逗ぎ爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/stock.c:91 msgid "_Open Mail" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/stock.c:93 msgid "_Warn" msgstr "爐�爛�爐むぞ爐朽え爐� 爐�た爐��爐項�爐伍�" #: src/util.c:2403 msgid "Calculating..." msgstr "爐�爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎�爐��爐�..." #: src/util.c:2406 msgid "Unknown." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い " #: src/util.c:2436 msgid "second" msgid_plural "seconds" msgstr[0] "爐伍�爐�爛�爐��爐�" msgstr[1] "爐伍�爐�爛�爐��爐�" #: src/util.c:2450 msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "爐�た爐�" msgstr[1] "爐�た爐�" #: src/util.c:2458 msgid "hour" msgid_plural "hours" msgstr[0] "爐�爐��爐�爐�" msgstr[1] "爐�爐��爐�爐�" #: src/util.c:2466 msgid "minute" msgid_plural "minutes" msgstr[0] "爐�た爐��爐�" msgstr[1] "爐�た爐��爐�" #: src/util.c:2889 msgid "g003: Error opening connection.\n" msgstr "g003: 爐�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爐� 爛�\n"