# HG changeset patch # User Jeffrey Connelly # Date 1186373063 0 # Node ID eeaf5afc894099d21e766aeaa4cf6c17c2818af0 # Parent b68ced0ab472a18009ce9ffe552de6f8ada492a6# Parent b2d81d13f0150770d4b597f70dc7b033ef66d329 propagate from branch 'im.pidgin.pidgin' (head 128e100bae27b44dc77c5db5be0151b0fceaea8f) to branch 'im.pidgin.soc.2007.msimprpl' (head 60fde40ff442f10e3f22d9f7bb0835beef9aac88) diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 COPYRIGHT diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 configure.ac --- a/configure.ac Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/configure.ac Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ fi if test "x$STATIC_PRPLS" = "xall" ; then - STATIC_PRPLS="bonjour gg irc jabber msn novell oscar qq sametime silc simple yahoo zephyr" + STATIC_PRPLS="bonjour gg irc jabber msn myspace novell oscar qq sametime silc simple yahoo zephyr" fi if test "x$have_meanwhile" != "xyes" ; then STATIC_PRPLS=`echo $STATIC_PRPLS | $sedpath 's/sametime//'` @@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ irc) static_irc=yes ;; jabber) static_jabber=yes ;; msn) static_msn=yes ;; + myspace) static_myspace=yes ;; novell) static_novell=yes ;; oscar) static_oscar=yes ;; aim) static_oscar=yes ;; @@ -924,6 +925,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_IRC, test "x$static_irc" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_JABBER, test "x$static_jabber" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_MSN, test "x$static_msn" = "xyes") +AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_MYSPACE, test "x$static_myspace" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_NOVELL, test "x$static_novell" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_OSCAR, test "x$static_oscar" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(STATIC_QQ, test "x$static_qq" = "xyes") @@ -939,7 +941,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(dynamic_prpls, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dynamic-prpls], [specify which protocols to build dynamically])], [DYNAMIC_PRPLS=`echo $withval | $sedpath 's/,/ /g'`]) if test "x$DYNAMIC_PRPLS" = "xall" ; then - DYNAMIC_PRPLS="bonjour gg irc jabber msn novell oscar qq sametime silc simple yahoo zephyr" + DYNAMIC_PRPLS="bonjour gg irc jabber msn myspace novell oscar qq sametime silc simple yahoo zephyr" fi if test "x$have_meanwhile" != "xyes"; then DYNAMIC_PRPLS=`echo $DYNAMIC_PRPLS | $sedpath 's/sametime//'` @@ -963,6 +965,7 @@ irc) dynamic_irc=yes ;; jabber) dynamic_jabber=yes ;; msn) dynamic_msn=yes ;; + myspace) dynamic_myspace=yes ;; novell) dynamic_novell=yes ;; oscar) dynamic_oscar=yes ;; aim) dynamic_oscar=yes ;; @@ -983,6 +986,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_IRC, test "x$dynamic_irc" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_JABBER, test "x$dynamic_jabber" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_MSN, test "x$dynamic_msn" = "xyes") +AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_MYSPACE, test "x$dynamic_myspace" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_NOVELL, test "x$dynamic_novell" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_OSCAR, test "x$dynamic_oscar" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(DYNAMIC_QQ, test "x$dynamic_qq" = "xyes") @@ -2184,6 +2188,7 @@ libpurple/protocols/irc/Makefile libpurple/protocols/jabber/Makefile libpurple/protocols/msn/Makefile + libpurple/protocols/myspace/Makefile libpurple/protocols/novell/Makefile libpurple/protocols/null/Makefile libpurple/protocols/oscar/Makefile diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/CHANGES --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/CHANGES Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +2007-08-04 Jeff Cnnelly - 0.13 +* Fix crash when deleting buddies, on Windows. +* Disable sending client version to oncoming buddies (compile-time option). +* Updated login process (more closely resembles official client). +* Zaps, sending and receiving +* Emoticons, mapped to Pidgin-supported smileys +* Show official client build in buddy profiles. + +2007-07-15 Jeff Connelly - 0.12 +* Allow logging in with passwords containing uppercase letters (bug #2066) +* Add /3 -> | translation to escaping. +* Allow setting status string. +* Disable keepalive timeout. +* Remove faking self online, instead show real status (now that it exists). +* Support font sizes in incoming instant messages. +* Add support for mail notifications. + +2007-07-09 Jeff Connelly - 0.11 +* Allow going idle (tested with I'dle Ma'ker) and viewing idle status of + buddies (thanks to Scott Ellis, developing a MySpaceIM plugin for Miranda IM, + for finding the idle status code.) +* Time out if no data from server within a certain amount of time + (keep alives). +* Remove "Sign on as hidden" option, and always set status to current status + when signing on. +* Some support for sending formatted text. +* Fix build process on Unix, bug #2086. + +2007-07-03 Jeff Connelly - 0.10 +* On incoming instant messages, add support for: + * Text color + * Font face +* Add option to sign on as hidden, default off (previously, always was hidden) +* Add ability to change status to hidden, available, away +* Increase password length limit to 10 to match official client (bug #2010) + +2007-07-01 Jeff Connelly - 0.9 +* Fix crash on Windows when logging in (bug #1990) +* Fix crash on Windows when viewing tooltip text (bug #1999) + +2007-06-30 Jeff Connelly - 0.8 +* Allow "Get Info" on all users, by uid or username +* Fix crash when re-logging in, if login failed. +* Show descriptive error message if login password is too long. +* Fake self from being online, since can't add self to buddy list. +* Update for Libpurple 2.0.2. +* Partial support for formatting on incoming instant messages. + +2007-06-14 Jeff Connelly - 0.7 +* Add/delete buddy now functional (required many other code improvements). +* Show improved buddy information in tooltip text. +* Show user profile (in "Get Info" option) for buddies on buddy list. +* Fix crash when re-logging in, if login succeeded. + +2007-06-12 Jeff Connelly - 0.6 +* Use RC4 code from Libpurple 2.0.1 +* Use a new implementation for sending and receiving messages (MsimMessage). + This infrastructural change significantly improves extensibility. +* Show online buddies as online. +* Send and receive typing notifications (along with other required changes). + +2007-05-22 Jeff Connelly - 0.5 +* Add protocol escaping, so can now send and receive / and \ characters +* Designed Pidgin 2.0.0beta7 +* Use RC4 code from Samba +* Use translations (_ macro) +* No major changes to code, still getting familiar with tools & community + +2007-04-29 Jeff Connelly + +* NOTE: This code is now being developed under Monotone, in the + im.pidgin.soc.2007.msimprpl branch on my local computer, which + is periodically sync'd with pidgin.im's Monotone database. + + Changes will be logged to Monotone. + +2007-04-15 Jeff Connelly - 0.4 + +* Gracefully handle a full receive buffer +* Handle fatal errors +* Last version for Gaim 2.0.0beta6 + +2007-04-14 Jeff Connelly - 0.3 + +* Win32 support +* Add a large number of precondition checks and a handful of assertions +* Add documentation to each function, for doxygen. + +2007-04-10 Jeff Connelly - 0.2 + +* Add ability to IM by email address. +* Show usernames on buddy list instead of userids. +* Show incoming messages as coming from username, instead of userid. +* Add status messages and tooltip text. + +2007-04-09 Jeff Connelly - 0.1 + +* Parsing most of the protocol. +* Logging in using RC4/SHA1-based authentication. +* Sending messages, by numeric userid or username. +* Receiving messages, currently only by numeric userid. +* Some buddy list support (show all users on buddy list as online, by uid). + +2007-04-07 Jeff Connelly - 0.0 + +* Initial version. Login only. Not publicly released. + diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/ChangeLog --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/ChangeLog Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +2007-04-29 Jeff Connelly + +* NOTE: This code is now being developed under Monotone, in the + im.pidgin.soc.2007.msimprpl branch on my local computer, which + is periodically sync'd with pidgin.im's Monotone database. + + Changes will be logged to Monotone. + +2007-04-15 Jeff Connelly - 0.4 + +* Gracefully handle a full receive buffer +* Handle fatal errors + +2007-04-14 Jeff Connelly - 0.3 + +* Win32 support +* Add a large number of precondition checks and a handful of assertions +* Add documentation to each function, for doxygen. + +2007-04-10 Jeff Connelly - 0.2 + +* Add ability to IM by email address. +* Show usernames on buddy list instead of userids. +* Show incoming messages as coming from username, instead of userid. +* Add status messages and tooltip text. + +2007-04-09 Jeff Connelly - 0.1 + +* Parsing most of the protocol. +* Logging in using RC4/SHA1-based authentication. +* Sending messages, by numeric userid or username. +* Receiving messages, currently only by numeric userid. +* Some buddy list support (show all users on buddy list as online, by uid). + +2007-04-07 Jeff Connelly - 0.0 + +* Initial version. Login only. Not publicly released. + diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/LICENSE --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/LICENSE Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/Makefile.am --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.mingw + +pkgdir = $(libdir)/purple-$(PURPLE_MAJOR_VERSION) + +SOURCES = myspace.c message.c + +AM_CFLAGS = $(st) + +libmyspace_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version + +if STATIC_MYSPACE + +st = -DPURPLE_STATIC_PRPL +noinst_LIBRARIES = libmyspace.a +libmyspace_a_SOURCES = $(SOURCES) +libmyspace_a_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) + +else + +st = +pkg_LTLIBRARIES = libmyspace.la +libmyspace_la_SOURCES = $(SOURCES) +libmyspace_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) + +endif + +AM_CPPFLAGS = \ + -I$(top_srcdir)/libpurple \ + $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \ + $(DEBUG_CFLAGS) diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/Makefile.mingw --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/Makefile.mingw Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# +# Makefile.mingw +# +# Description: Makefile for win32 (mingw) version of libmyspace +# + +PIDGIN_TREE_TOP := ../../.. +include $(PIDGIN_TREE_TOP)/libpurple/win32/global.mak + +TARGET = libmyspace +TYPE = PLUGIN + +# Static or Plugin... +ifeq ($(TYPE),STATIC) + DEFINES += -DSTATIC + DLL_INSTALL_DIR = $(PURPLE_INSTALL_DIR) +else +ifeq ($(TYPE),PLUGIN) + DLL_INSTALL_DIR = $(PURPLE_INSTALL_PLUGINS_DIR) +endif +endif + +## +## INCLUDE PATHS +## +INCLUDE_PATHS += -I. \ + -I$(GTK_TOP)/include \ + -I$(GTK_TOP)/include/glib-2.0 \ + -I$(GTK_TOP)/lib/glib-2.0/include \ + -I$(PURPLE_TOP) \ + -I$(PURPLE_TOP)/win32 \ + -I$(PIDGIN_TREE_TOP) + +LIB_PATHS = -L$(GTK_TOP)/lib \ + -L$(PURPLE_TOP) + +## +## SOURCES, OBJECTS +## +C_SRC = myspace.c message.c + +OBJECTS = $(C_SRC:%.c=%.o) + +## +## LIBRARIES +## +LIBS = \ + -lglib-2.0 \ + -lws2_32 \ + -lintl \ + -lpurple + +include $(PIDGIN_COMMON_RULES) + +## +## TARGET DEFINITIONS +## +.PHONY: all install clean + +all: $(TARGET).dll + +install: all $(DLL_INSTALL_DIR) + cp $(TARGET).dll $(DLL_INSTALL_DIR) + +$(OBJECTS): $(PURPLE_CONFIG_H) + +## +## BUILD DLL +## +$(TARGET).dll: $(PURPLE_DLL).a $(OBJECTS) + $(CC) -shared $(OBJECTS) $(LIB_PATHS) $(LIBS) $(DLL_LD_FLAGS) -o $(TARGET).dll + +## +## CLEAN RULES +## + +clean: + rm -f $(OBJECTS) + rm -f $(TARGET).dll + +include $(PIDGIN_COMMON_TARGETS) diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/README --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/README Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin by Jeff Connelly 20070414 + + +Greetings. This package contains a plugin for libpurple (as used in +Pidgin, formerly Gaim) to connect to the new MySpaceIM instant messaging +network and send/receive messages. Functionality is only basic as of yet, +and this code should be considered alpha quality. + +This code is being developed under Google Summer of Code 2007. + +For features and TODO, see http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/MySpaceIM + +Usage: + +Login using your _email address_ you use to login to myspace.com. You can't +login using your numeric ID or alias. + +To test it out, send a message to yourself (by your username or numeric +uid (email not yet supported)) or tom (6221). In either case you should +get a reply. You should also be able to talk to other MySpaceIM users if +you desire. Replies will always be shown as coming from a user's username, +even if you IM by email or userid. + +Feedback welcome. + +Enjoy, +-Jeff Connelly +California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo +myspaceim@xyzzy.cjb.net +jeff2@soc.pidgin.im + diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/message.c --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/message.c Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@ +/** MySpaceIM protocol messages + * + * \author Jeff Connelly + * + * Copyright (C) 2007, Jeff Connelly + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#include "myspace.h" +#include "message.h" + +static gchar *msim_unescape_or_escape(gchar *msg, gboolean escape); +static void msim_msg_free_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); +static void msim_msg_debug_string_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); +static gchar *msim_msg_pack_using(MsimMessage *msg, GFunc gf, const gchar *sep, const gchar *begin, const gchar *end); +static gchar *msim_msg_pack_element_data(MsimMessageElement *elem); +static GList *msim_msg_get_node(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +static MsimMessage *msim_msg_new_v(va_list argp); + +/* Replacement codes to be replaced with associated replacement text, + * used for protocol message escaping / unescaping. */ +static gchar* msim_replacement_code[] = { "/1", "/2", /* "/3", */ NULL }; +static gchar* msim_replacement_text[] = { "/", "\\", /* "|", */ NULL }; + +/** + * Unescape or escape a protocol message. + * + * @param msg The message to be unescaped or escaped. WILL BE FREED. + * @param escape TRUE to escape, FALSE to unescape. + * + * @return The unescaped or escaped message. Caller must g_free(). + */ +static gchar * +msim_unescape_or_escape(gchar *msg, gboolean escape) +{ + gchar *tmp, *code, *text; + guint i; + + /* Replace each code in msim_replacement_code with + * corresponding entry in msim_replacement_text. */ + for (i = 0; (code = msim_replacement_code[i]) + && (text = msim_replacement_text[i]); ++i) + { + if (escape) + { + tmp = str_replace(msg, text, code); + } + else + { + tmp = str_replace(msg, code, text); + } + g_free(msg); + msg = tmp; + } + + return msg; +} + +/** + * Escape a protocol message. + * + * @return The escaped message. Caller must g_free(). + */ +gchar * +msim_escape(const gchar *msg) +{ + return msim_unescape_or_escape(g_strdup(msg), TRUE); +} + +gchar * +msim_unescape(const gchar *msg) +{ + return msim_unescape_or_escape(g_strdup(msg), FALSE); +} + +/** Create a new MsimMessage. + * + * @param not_empty FALSE if message is empty, TRUE if variadic arguments follow. + * @param ... A sequence of gchar* key/type/value triplets, terminated with NULL. + * + * See msim_msg_append() documentation for details on types. + */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_new(gboolean not_empty, ...) +{ + va_list argp; + + va_start(argp, not_empty); + + if (not_empty) + return msim_msg_new_v(argp); + else + return NULL; +} + +/** Create a new message from va_list and its first argument. + * + * @param argp A va_list of variadic arguments, already started with va_start(). Will be va_end()'d. + * @return New MsimMessage *, must be freed with msim_msg_free(). + * + * For internal use - users probably want msim_msg_new() or msim_send(). + */ +static MsimMessage * +msim_msg_new_v(va_list argp) +{ + gchar *key, *value; + MsimMessageType type; + MsimMessage *msg; + + /* Begin with an empty message. */ + msg = NULL; + + /* Read key, type, value triplets until NULL. */ + do + { + key = va_arg(argp, gchar *); + if (!key) + { + break; + } + + type = va_arg(argp, int); + + /* Interpret variadic arguments. */ + switch (type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, key, type, GUINT_TO_POINTER(va_arg(argp, int))); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + value = va_arg(argp, char *); + + g_return_val_if_fail(value != NULL, FALSE); + + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, key, type, value); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + { + GString *gs; + + gs = va_arg(argp, GString *); + + g_return_val_if_fail(gs != NULL, FALSE); + + /* msim_msg_free() will free this GString the caller created. */ + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, key, type, gs); + break; + } + + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + { + GList *gl; + + gl = va_arg(argp, GList *); + + g_return_val_if_fail(gl != NULL, FALSE); + + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, key, type, gl); + break; + } + + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + { + MsimMessage *dict; + + dict = va_arg(argp, MsimMessage *); + + g_return_val_if_fail(dict != NULL, FALSE); + + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, key, type, dict); + break; + } + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_send: unknown type %d\n", type); + break; + } + } while(key); + va_end(argp); + + return msg; +} + +/** Perform a deep copy on a GList * of gchar * strings. Free with msim_msg_list_free(). */ +GList * +msim_msg_list_copy(GList *old) +{ + GList *new_list; + + new_list = NULL; + + /* Deep copy (g_list_copy is shallow). Copy each string. */ + for (; old != NULL; old = g_list_next(old)) + { + new_list = g_list_append(new_list, g_strdup(old->data)); + } + + return new_list; +} + +/** Free a GList * of gchar * strings. */ +void +msim_msg_list_free(GList *l) +{ + + for (; l != NULL; l = g_list_next(l)) + { + g_free((gchar *)(l->data)); + } + g_list_free(l); +} + +/** Parse a |-separated string into a new GList. Free with msim_msg_list_free(). */ +GList * +msim_msg_list_parse(const gchar *raw) +{ + gchar **array; + GList *list; + guint i; + + array = g_strsplit(raw, "|", 0); + list = NULL; + + for (i = 0; array[i] != NULL; ++i) + { + list = g_list_append(list, g_strdup(array[i])); + } + + g_strfreev(array); + + return list; +} + +/** Clone an individual element. + * + * @param data MsimMessageElement * to clone. + * @param user_data Pointer to MsimMessage * to add cloned element to. + */ +static void +msim_msg_clone_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + MsimMessage **new; + gpointer new_data; + + elem = (MsimMessageElement *)data; + new = (MsimMessage **)user_data; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + new_data = elem->data; + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + new_data = g_strdup((gchar *)elem->data); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + new_data = (gpointer)msim_msg_list_copy((GList *)(elem->data)); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + { + GString *gs; + + gs = (GString *)elem->data; + + new_data = g_string_new_len(gs->str, gs->len); + } + break; + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + { + MsimMessage *dict; + + dict = (MsimMessage *)elem->data; + + new_data = msim_msg_clone(dict); + } + break; + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_msg_clone_element: unknown type %d\n", elem->type); + g_return_if_fail(NULL); + } + + /* Append cloned data. Note that the 'name' field is a static string, so it + * never needs to be copied nor freed. */ + *new = msim_msg_append(*new, elem->name, elem->type, new_data); +} + +/** Clone an existing MsimMessage. + * + * @return Cloned message; caller should free with msim_msg_free(). + */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_clone(MsimMessage *old) +{ + MsimMessage *new; + + if (old == NULL) + return NULL; + + new = msim_msg_new(FALSE); + + g_list_foreach(old, msim_msg_clone_element, &new); + + return new; +} + +/** Free an individual message element. + * + * @param data MsimMessageElement * to free. + * @param user_data Not used; required to match g_list_foreach() callback prototype. + */ +static void +msim_msg_free_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = (MsimMessageElement *)data; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + /* Integer value stored in gpointer - no need to free(). */ + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + /* Always free strings - caller should have g_strdup()'d if + * string was static or temporary and not to be freed. */ + g_free(elem->data); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + /* Free the GString itself and the binary data. */ + g_string_free((GString *)elem->data, TRUE); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + msim_msg_free((MsimMessage *)elem->data); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + g_list_free((GList *)elem->data); + break; + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_msg_free_element: not freeing unknown type %d\n", elem->type); + break; + } + + g_free(elem); +} + +/** Free a complete message. */ +void +msim_msg_free(MsimMessage *msg) +{ + if (!msg) + { + /* already free as can be */ + return; + } + + msim_msg_dump("msim_msg_free: freeing %s", msg); + + g_list_foreach(msg, msim_msg_free_element, NULL); + g_list_free(msg); +} + +/** Send an existing MsimMessage. */ +gboolean +msim_msg_send(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *raw; + gboolean success; + + raw = msim_msg_pack(msg); + g_return_val_if_fail(raw != NULL, FALSE); + success = msim_send_raw(session, raw); + g_free(raw); + + msim_msg_dump("msim_msg_send()ing %s\n", msg); + + return success; +} + +/** + * + * Send a message to the server, whose contents is specified using + * variable arguments. + * + * @param session + * @param ... A sequence of gchar* key/type/value triplets, terminated with NULL. + * + * This function exists for coding convenience: it allows a message to be created + * and sent in one line of code. Internally it calls msim_msg_send(). + * + * IMPORTANT: See msim_msg_append() documentation for details on element types. + * + */ +gboolean +msim_send(MsimSession *session, ...) +{ + gboolean success; + MsimMessage *msg; + va_list argp; + + va_start(argp, session); + msg = msim_msg_new_v(argp); + + /* Actually send the message. */ + success = msim_msg_send(session, msg); + + /* Cleanup. */ + msim_msg_free(msg); + + return success; +} + +/** Create a new MsimMessageElement * - must be g_free()'d. + * + * For internal use; users probably want msim_msg_append() or msim_msg_insert_before(). + */ +static MsimMessageElement * +msim_msg_element_new(const gchar *name, MsimMessageType type, gpointer data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = g_new0(MsimMessageElement, 1); + + elem->name = name; + elem->type = type; + elem->data = data; + + return elem; +} + + +/** Append a new element to a message. + * + * @param name Textual name of element (static string, neither copied nor freed). + * @param type An MSIM_TYPE_* code. + * @param data Pointer to data, see below. + * + * @return The new message - must be assigned to as with GList*. For example: + * + * msg = msim_msg_append(msg, ...) + * + * The data parameter depends on the type given: + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: Use GUINT_TO_POINTER(x). + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: Same as integer, non-zero is TRUE and zero is FALSE. + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_STRING: gchar *. The data WILL BE FREED - use g_strdup() if needed. + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_RAW: gchar *. The data WILL BE FREED - use g_strdup() if needed. + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: g_string_new_len(data, length). The data AND GString will be freed. + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: An MsimMessage *. Freed when message is destroyed. + * + * * MSIM_TYPE_LIST: GList * of gchar *. Again, everything will be freed. + * + * */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_append(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name, + MsimMessageType type, gpointer data) +{ + return g_list_append(msg, msim_msg_element_new(name, type, data)); +} + +/** Insert a new element into a message, before the given element name. + * + * @param name_before Name of the element to insert the new element before. If + * could not be found or NULL, new element will be inserted at end. + * + * See msim_msg_append() for usage of other parameters, and an important note about return value. + */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_insert_before(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name_before, + const gchar *name, MsimMessageType type, gpointer data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *new_elem; + GList *node_before; + + new_elem = msim_msg_element_new(name, type, data); + + node_before = msim_msg_get_node(msg, name_before); + + return g_list_insert_before(msg, node_before, new_elem); +} + +/** Pack a string using the given GFunc and seperator. + * Used by msim_msg_dump() and msim_msg_pack(). + */ +gchar * +msim_msg_pack_using(MsimMessage *msg, GFunc gf, const gchar *sep, + const gchar *begin, const gchar *end) +{ + gchar **strings; + gchar **strings_tmp; + gchar *joined; + gchar *final; + int i; + + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, NULL); + + /* Add one for NULL terminator for g_strjoinv(). */ + strings = (gchar **)g_new0(gchar *, g_list_length(msg) + 1); + + strings_tmp = strings; + g_list_foreach(msg, gf, &strings_tmp); + + joined = g_strjoinv(sep, strings); + final = g_strconcat(begin, joined, end, NULL); + g_free(joined); + + /* Clean up. */ + for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(msg); ++i) + { + g_free(strings[i]); + } + + g_free(strings); + + return final; +} +/** Store a human-readable string describing the element. + * + * @param data Pointer to an MsimMessageElement. + * @param user_data + */ +static void +msim_msg_debug_string_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + gchar *string; + GString *gs; + gchar *binary; + gchar ***items; /* wow, a pointer to a pointer to a pointer */ + + elem = (MsimMessageElement *)data; + items = user_data; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(integer): %d", elem->name, + GPOINTER_TO_UINT(elem->data)); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(raw): %s", elem->name, + elem->data ? (gchar *)elem->data : "(NULL)"); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(string): %s", elem->name, + elem->data ? (gchar *)elem->data : "(NULL)"); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + gs = (GString *)elem->data; + binary = purple_base64_encode((guchar*)gs->str, gs->len); + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(binary, %d bytes): %s", elem->name, (int)gs->len, binary); + g_free(binary); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(boolean): %s", elem->name, + elem->data ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + { + gchar *s; + + if (!elem->data) + s = g_strdup("(NULL)"); + else + s = msim_msg_dump_to_str((MsimMessage *)elem->data); + + if (!s) + s = g_strdup("(NULL, couldn't msim_msg_dump_to_str)"); + + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(dict): %s", elem->name, s); + + g_free(s); + } + break; + + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + { + GString *gs; + GList *gl; + guint i; + + gs = g_string_new(""); + g_string_append_printf(gs, "%s(list): \n", elem->name); + + i = 0; + for (gl = (GList *)elem->data; gl != NULL; gl = g_list_next(gl)) + { + g_string_append_printf(gs, " %d. %s\n", i, (gchar *)(gl->data)); + ++i; + } + + string = gs->str; + } + break; + + default: + string = g_strdup_printf("%s(unknown type %d", + elem->name ? elem->name : "(NULL)", elem->type); + break; + } + + **items = string; + ++(*items); +} + +/** Print a human-readable string of the message to Purple's debug log. + * + * @param fmt_string A static string, in which '%s' will be replaced. + */ +void +msim_msg_dump(const gchar *fmt_string, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *debug_str; + + g_return_if_fail(fmt_string != NULL); + + debug_str = msim_msg_dump_to_str(msg); + + g_return_if_fail(debug_str != NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim_msg_dump", "debug_str=%s\n", debug_str); + + + purple_debug_info("msim", fmt_string, debug_str); + + g_free(debug_str); +} + +/** Return a human-readable string of the message. + * + * @return A new gchar *, must be g_free()'d. + */ +gchar * +msim_msg_dump_to_str(MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *debug_str; + + if (!msg) + { + debug_str = g_strdup(""); + } else { + debug_str = msim_msg_pack_using(msg, msim_msg_debug_string_element, + "\n", ""); + } + + return debug_str; +} + +/** Return a message element data as a new string for a raw protocol message, converting from other types (integer, etc.) if necessary. + * + * @return const gchar * The data as a string, or NULL. Caller must g_free(). + * + * Returns a string suitable for inclusion in a raw protocol message, not necessarily + * optimal for human consumption. For example, strings are escaped. Use + * msim_msg_get_string() if you want a string, which in some cases is same as this. + */ +static gchar * +msim_msg_pack_element_data(MsimMessageElement *elem) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(elem != NULL, NULL); + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + return g_strdup_printf("%d", GPOINTER_TO_UINT(elem->data)); + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + /* Not un-escaped - this is a raw element, already escaped if necessary. */ + return (gchar *)g_strdup((gchar *)elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + /* Strings get escaped. msim_escape() creates a new string. */ + g_return_val_if_fail(elem->data != NULL, NULL); + return elem->data ? msim_escape((gchar *)elem->data) : + g_strdup("(NULL)"); + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + { + GString *gs; + + gs = (GString *)elem->data; + /* Do not escape! */ + return purple_base64_encode((guchar *)gs->str, gs->len); + } + + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + /* Not used by messages in the wire protocol * -- see msim_msg_pack_element. + * Only used by dictionaries, see msim_msg_pack_element_dict. */ + return elem->data ? g_strdup("On") : g_strdup("Off"); + + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + /* TODO: pack using k=v\034k2=v2\034... */ + return msim_msg_pack_dict((MsimMessage *)elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + /* Pack using a|b|c|d|... */ + { + GString *gs; + GList *gl; + + gs = g_string_new(""); + + for (gl = (GList *)elem->data; gl != NULL; gl = g_list_next(gl)) + { + g_string_append_printf(gs, "%s|", (gchar*)(gl->data)); + } + + return gs->str; + } + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "field %s, unknown type %d\n", + elem->name ? elem->name : "(NULL)", + elem->type); + return NULL; + } +} + +/** Pack an element into its protcol representation inside a dictionary. + * + * See msim_msg_pack_element(). + */ +static void +msim_msg_pack_element_dict(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + gchar *string, *data_string, ***items; + + elem = (MsimMessageElement *)data; + items = (gchar ***)user_data; + + /* Exclude elements beginning with '_' from packed protocol messages. */ + if (elem->name[0] == '_') + { + return; + } + + data_string = msim_msg_pack_element_data(elem); + + g_return_if_fail(data_string != NULL); + + switch (elem->type) + { + /* These types are represented by key name/value pairs (converted above). */ + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: /* Boolean is On or Off */ + string = g_strconcat(elem->name, "\\", data_string, NULL); + break; + + default: + g_free(data_string); + g_return_if_fail(FALSE); + break; + } + + g_free(data_string); + + **items = string; + ++(*items); +} + +/** Pack an element into its protocol representation. + * + * @param data Pointer to an MsimMessageElement. + * @param user_data Pointer to a gchar ** array of string items. + * + * Called by msim_msg_pack(). Will pack the MsimMessageElement into + * a part of the protocol string and append it to the array. Caller + * is responsible for creating array to correct dimensions, and + * freeing each string element of the array added by this function. + */ +static void +msim_msg_pack_element(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + gchar *string, *data_string; + gchar ***items; + + elem = (MsimMessageElement *)data; + items = (gchar ***)user_data; + + /* Exclude elements beginning with '_' from packed protocol messages. */ + if (elem->name[0] == '_') + { + return; + } + + data_string = msim_msg_pack_element_data(elem); + + switch (elem->type) + { + /* These types are represented by key name/value pairs (converted above). */ + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + string = g_strconcat(elem->name, "\\", data_string, NULL); + break; + + /* Boolean is represented by absence or presence of name. */ + case MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT(elem->data)) + { + /* True - leave in, with blank value. */ + string = g_strdup_printf("%s\\", elem->name); + } else { + /* False - leave out. */ + string = g_strdup(""); + } + break; + + default: + g_free(data_string); + g_return_if_fail(FALSE); + break; + } + + g_free(data_string); + + **items = string; + ++(*items); +} + + +/** Return a packed string of a message suitable for sending over the wire. + * + * @return A string. Caller must g_free(). + */ +gchar * +msim_msg_pack(MsimMessage *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, NULL); + + return msim_msg_pack_using(msg, msim_msg_pack_element, "\\", "\\", "\\final\\"); +} + +/** Return a packed string of a dictionary, suitable for embedding in MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY. + * + * @return A string; caller must g_free(). + */ +gchar * +msim_msg_pack_dict(MsimMessage *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, NULL); + + return msim_msg_pack_using(msg, msim_msg_pack_element_dict, "\034", "", ""); +} + +/** + * Parse a raw protocol message string into a MsimMessage *. + * + * @param raw The raw message string to parse, will be g_free()'d. + * + * @return MsimMessage *. Caller should msim_msg_free() when done. + */ +MsimMessage * +msim_parse(gchar *raw) +{ + MsimMessage *msg; + gchar *token; + gchar **tokens; + gchar *key; + gchar *value; + int i; + + g_return_val_if_fail(raw != NULL, NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_parse: got <%s>\n", raw); + + key = NULL; + + /* All messages begin with a \. */ + if (raw[0] != '\\' || raw[1] == 0) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_parse: incomplete/bad string, " + "missing initial backslash: <%s>\n", raw); + /* XXX: Should we try to recover, and read to first backslash? */ + + g_free(raw); + return NULL; + } + + msg = msim_msg_new(FALSE); + + for (tokens = g_strsplit(raw + 1, "\\", 0), i = 0; + (token = tokens[i]); + i++) + { +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_PARSE + purple_debug_info("msim", "tok=<%s>, i%2=%d\n", token, i % 2); +#endif + if (i % 2) + { + /* Odd-numbered ordinal is a value. */ + + value = token; + + /* Incoming protocol messages get tagged as MSIM_TYPE_RAW, which + * represents an untyped piece of data. msim_msg_get_* will + * convert to appropriate types for caller, and handle unescaping if needed. */ + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, g_strdup(key), MSIM_TYPE_RAW, g_strdup(value)); +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_PARSE + purple_debug_info("msim", "insert string: |%s|=|%s|\n", key, value); +#endif + } else { + /* Even numbered indexes are key names. */ + key = token; + } + } + g_strfreev(tokens); + + /* Can free now since all data was copied to hash key/values */ + g_free(raw); + + return msg; +} + +/** + * Parse a \x1c-separated "dictionary" of key=value pairs into a hash table. + * + * @param body_str The text of the dictionary to parse. Often the + * value for the 'body' field. + * + * @return Hash table of the keys and values. Must g_hash_table_destroy() when done. + */ +GHashTable * +msim_parse_body(const gchar *body_str) +{ + GHashTable *table; + gchar *item; + gchar **items; + gchar **elements; + guint i; + + g_return_val_if_fail(body_str != NULL, NULL); + + table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); + + for (items = g_strsplit(body_str, "\x1c", 0), i = 0; + (item = items[i]); + i++) + { + gchar *key, *value; + + elements = g_strsplit(item, "=", 2); + + key = elements[0]; + if (!key) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_parse_body(%s): null key\n", + body_str); + g_strfreev(elements); + break; + } + + value = elements[1]; + if (!value) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_parse_body(%s): null value\n", + body_str); + g_strfreev(elements); + break; + } + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_PARSE + purple_debug_info("msim", "-- %s: %s\n", key ? key : "(NULL)", + value ? value : "(NULL)"); +#endif + + /* XXX: This overwrites duplicates. */ + /* TODO: make the GHashTable values be GList's, and append to the list if + * there is already a value of the same key name. This is important for + * the WebChallenge message. */ + g_hash_table_insert(table, g_strdup(key), g_strdup(value)); + + g_strfreev(elements); + } + + g_strfreev(items); + + return table; +} + +/** Search for and return the node in msg, matching name, or NULL. + * + * @param msg Message to search within. + * @param name Field name to search for. + * + * @return The GList * node for the MsimMessageElement with the given name, or NULL if not found or name is NULL. + * + * For internal use - users probably want to use msim_msg_get() to + * access the MsimMessageElement *, instead of the GList * container. + * + */ +static GList * +msim_msg_get_node(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + GList *i; + + if (!name) + { + return NULL; + } + + /* Linear search for the given name. O(n) but n is small. */ + for (i = g_list_first(msg); i != NULL; i = g_list_next(i)) + { + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = i->data; + g_return_val_if_fail(elem != NULL, NULL); + + if (strcmp(elem->name, name) == 0) + return i; + } + return NULL; +} + +/** Return the first MsimMessageElement * with given name in the MsimMessage *. + * + * @param name Name to search for. + * + * @return MsimMessageElement * matching name, or NULL. + * + * Note: useful fields of MsimMessageElement are 'data' and 'type', which + * you can access directly. But it is often more convenient to use + * another msim_msg_get_* that converts the data to what type you want. + */ +MsimMessageElement * +msim_msg_get(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + GList *node; + + node = msim_msg_get_node(msg, name); + if (node) + return (MsimMessageElement *)node->data; + else + return NULL; +} + +/** Return the data of an element of a given name, as a string. + * + * @param name Name of element. + * + * @return gchar * The data as a string. Caller must g_free(). + * + * Note that msim_msg_pack_element_data() is similar, but returns a string + * for inclusion into a raw protocol string (escaped and everything). + * This function unescapes the string for you, if needed. + */ +gchar * +msim_msg_get_string(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, name); + g_return_val_if_fail(elem != NULL , NULL); + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + return g_strdup_printf("%d", GPOINTER_TO_UINT(elem->data)); + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + /* Raw element from incoming message - if its a string, it'll + * be escaped. */ + return msim_unescape((gchar *)elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + /* Already unescaped. */ + return g_strdup((gchar *)elem->data); + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_msg_get_string: type %d unknown, name %s\n", + elem->type, name ? name : "(NULL)"); + return NULL; + } +} + +/** Return an element as a new list. Caller frees with msim_msg_list_free(). */ +GList * +msim_msg_get_list(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, name); + if (!elem) + return NULL; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_LIST: + return msim_msg_list_copy((GList *)elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + return msim_msg_list_parse((gchar *)elem->data); + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim_msg_get_list", "type %d unknown, name %s\n", + elem->type, name ? name : "(NULL)"); + return NULL; + } +} + +/** Parse a \034-deliminated and =-separated string into a dictionary. TODO */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_dictionary_parse(gchar *raw) +{ + /* TODO - get code from msim_parse_body, but parse into MsimMessage */ + return NULL; +} + +/** Return an element as a new dictionary. Caller frees with msim_msg_free(). */ +MsimMessage * +msim_msg_get_dictionary(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, name); + if (!elem) + return NULL; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY: + return msim_msg_clone((MsimMessage *)elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + return msim_msg_dictionary_parse((gchar *)elem->data); + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim_msg_get_dictionary", "type %d unknown, name %s\n", + elem->type, name ? name : "(NULL)"); + return NULL; + } +} + +/** Return the data of an element of a given name, as an integer. + * + * @param name Name of element. + * + * @return guint Numeric representation of data, or 0 if could not be converted / not found. + * + * Useful to obtain an element's data if you know it should be an integer, + * even if it is not stored as an MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER. MSIM_TYPE_STRING will + * be converted handled correctly, for example. + */ +guint +msim_msg_get_integer(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, name); + + if (!elem) + return 0; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER: + return GPOINTER_TO_UINT(elem->data); + + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + case MSIM_TYPE_STRING: + /* TODO: find out if we need larger integers */ + return (guint)atoi((gchar *)elem->data); + + default: + return 0; + } +} + +/** Return the data of an element of a given name, as a binary GString. + * + * @param binary_data A pointer to a new pointer, which will be filled in with the binary data. CALLER MUST g_free(). + * + * @param binary_length A pointer to an integer, which will be set to the binary data length. + * + * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. + */ +gboolean +msim_msg_get_binary(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name, + gchar **binary_data, gsize *binary_length) +{ + MsimMessageElement *elem; + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, name); + if (!elem) + return FALSE; + + switch (elem->type) + { + case MSIM_TYPE_RAW: + /* Incoming messages are tagged with MSIM_TYPE_RAW, and + * converted appropriately. They can still be "strings", just they won't + * be tagged as MSIM_TYPE_STRING (as MSIM_TYPE_STRING is intended to be used + * by msimprpl code for things like instant messages - stuff that should be + * escaped if needed). DWIM. + */ + + /* Previously, incoming messages were stored as MSIM_TYPE_STRING. + * This was fine for integers and strings, since they can easily be + * converted in msim_get_*, as desirable. However, it does not work + * well for binary strings. Consider: + * + * If incoming base64'd elements were tagged as MSIM_TYPE_STRING. + * msim_msg_get_binary() sees MSIM_TYPE_STRING, base64 decodes, returns. + * everything is fine. + * But then, msim_send() is called on the incoming message, which has + * a base64'd MSIM_TYPE_STRING that really is encoded binary. The values + * will be escaped since strings are escaped, and / becomes /2; no good. + * + */ + *binary_data = (gchar *)purple_base64_decode((const gchar *)elem->data, binary_length); + return TRUE; + + case MSIM_TYPE_BINARY: + { + GString *gs; + + gs = (GString *)elem->data; + + /* Duplicate data, so caller can g_free() it. */ + *binary_data = g_new0(char, gs->len); + memcpy(*binary_data, gs->str, gs->len); + + *binary_length = gs->len; + + return TRUE; + } + + + /* Rejected because if it isn't already a GString, have to g_new0 it and + * then caller has to ALSO free the GString! + * + * return (GString *)elem->data; */ + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_msg_get_binary: unhandled type %d for key %s\n", + elem->type, name ? name : "(NULL)"); + return FALSE; + } +} diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/message.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/message.h Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +/** MySpaceIM protocol messages + * + * \author Jeff Connelly + * + * Copyright (C) 2007, Jeff Connelly + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#ifndef _MYSPACE_MESSAGE_H +#define _MYSPACE_MESSAGE_H + +#include + +/* Types */ +#define MsimMessage GList /* #define instead of typedef to avoid casting */ +typedef struct _MsimMessageElement +{ + const gchar *name; /**< Textual name of element. */ + guint type; /**< MSIM_TYPE_* code. */ + gpointer data; /**< Pointer to data, or GUINT_TO_POINTER for int/bool. */ +} MsimMessageElement; + +typedef gchar MsimMessageType; + +/* Protocol field types */ +#define MSIM_TYPE_RAW '-' +#define MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER 'i' +#define MSIM_TYPE_STRING 's' +#define MSIM_TYPE_BINARY 'b' +#define MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN 'f' +#define MSIM_TYPE_DICTIONARY 'd' +#define MSIM_TYPE_LIST 'l' + +gchar *msim_escape(const gchar *msg); +gchar *msim_unescape(const gchar *msg); + +MsimMessage *msim_msg_new(gboolean not_empty, ...); +/* No sentinel attribute, because can leave off varargs if not_empty is FALSE. */ + +MsimMessage *msim_msg_clone(MsimMessage *old); +void msim_msg_free(MsimMessage *msg); +MsimMessage *msim_msg_append(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name, MsimMessageType type, gpointer data); +MsimMessage *msim_msg_insert_before(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name_before, const gchar *name, MsimMessageType type, gpointer data); +gchar *msim_msg_dump_to_str(MsimMessage *msg); +void msim_msg_dump(const char *fmt_string, MsimMessage *msg); +gchar *msim_msg_pack(MsimMessage *msg); +gchar *msim_msg_pack_dict(MsimMessage *msg); + +GList *msim_msg_list_copy(GList *old); +void msim_msg_list_free(GList *l); +GList *msim_msg_list_parse(const gchar *raw); + +/* Defined in myspace.h */ +struct _MsimSession; + +/* Based on http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.parsers.sparse/695 + * Define macros for useful gcc attributes. */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__) +#define FORMAT_ATTR(pos) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, pos, pos+1))) +#define NORETURN_ATTR __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)) +/* __sentinel__ attribute was introduced in gcc 3.5 */ +#if (GCC_VERSION >= 3005) + #define SENTINEL_ATTR __attribute__ ((__sentinel__(0))) +#else + #define SENTINEL_ATTR +#endif /* gcc >= 3.5 */ +#else + #define FORMAT_ATTR(pos) + #define NORETURN_ATTR + #define SENTINEL_ATTR +#endif + +/* Cause gcc to emit "a missing sentinel in function call" if forgot + * to write NULL as last, terminating parameter. */ +gboolean msim_send(struct _MsimSession *session, ...) SENTINEL_ATTR; + +gboolean msim_msg_send(struct _MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); + +MsimMessage *msim_parse(gchar *raw); +GHashTable *msim_parse_body(const gchar *body_str); +MsimMessage *msim_msg_dictionary_parse(gchar *raw); + +MsimMessageElement *msim_msg_get(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +gchar *msim_msg_get_string(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +GList *msim_msg_get_list(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +MsimMessage *msim_msg_get_dictionary(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +guint msim_msg_get_integer(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name); +gboolean msim_msg_get_binary(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *name, gchar **binary_data, gsize *binary_length); + +#endif /* _MYSPACE_MESSAGE_H */ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/myspace.c --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/myspace.c Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,4035 @@ +/* MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin + * + * \author Jeff Connelly + * + * Copyright (C) 2007, Jeff Connelly + * + * Based on Purple's "C Plugin HOWTO" hello world example. + * + * Code also drawn from mockprpl: + * http://snarfed.org/space/purple+mock+protocol+plugin + * Copyright (C) 2004-2007, Ryan Barrett + * + * and some constructs also based on existing Purple plugins, which are: + * Copyright (C) 2003, Robbert Haarman + * Copyright (C) 2003, Ethan Blanton + * Copyright (C) 2000-2003, Rob Flynn + * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#define PURPLE_PLUGIN + +#include "message.h" +#include "persist.h" +#include "myspace.h" + + +/* Loosely based on Miranda plugin by Scott Ellis, formatting.cpp, + * https://server.scottellis.com.au/websvn/filedetails.php?repname=Miranda+Plugins&path=%2FMySpace%2Fformatting.cpp&rev=0&sc=0 */ + +/* The names in in emoticon_names (for ) map to corresponding + * entries in emoticon_symbols (for the ASCII representation of the emoticon). + */ +static const char *emoticon_names[] = { + "bigsmile", "growl", "growl", "mad", "scared", "scared", "tongue", "tongue", + "devil", "devil", "happy", "happy", "happi", + "messed", "sidefrown", "upset", + "frazzled", "heart", "heart", "nerd", "sinister", "wink", "winc", + "geek", "laugh", "laugh", "oops", "smirk", "worried", "worried", + "googles", "mohawk", "pirate", "straight", "kiss", + NULL}; + +/* Multiple emoticon symbols in Pidgin can map to one name. List the + * canonical form, as inserted by the "Smile!" dialog, first. For example, + * :) comes before :-), because although both are recognized as 'happy', + * the first is inserted by the smiley button. + * + * Note that symbols are case-sensitive in Pidgin -- :-X is not :-x. */ +static const char *emoticon_symbols[] = { + ":D", ">:o", ">:O", ":-[", "=-O", "=-o", ":P", ":p", + "O:-)", "o:-)", ":)", ":-)", ":-)", + "8-)", ":-$", ":-$", + ":-/", ";-)", ";)", "8-)" /*:)*/, ":-D", ";-)", ";-)", + ":-X", ":-D", ":-d", ":'(", "8-)", ":-(", ":(", + "8-)", ":-X", ":-)", ":-!", ":-*", + NULL}; + + +/* Internal functions */ +static void msim_send_zap(PurpleBlistNode *node, gpointer zap_num_ptr); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_MSG +static void print_hash_item(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); +#endif + +static int msim_send_really_raw(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, + int total_bytes); +static gboolean msim_login_challenge(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static const gchar *msim_compute_login_response( + const gchar nonce[2 * NONCE_SIZE], const gchar *email, + const gchar *password, guint *response_len); +static gboolean msim_send_bm(MsimSession *session, const gchar *who, + const gchar *text, int type); + +static guint msim_point_to_purple_size(MsimSession *session, guint point); +static guint msim_purple_size_to_point(MsimSession *session, guint size); +static guint msim_height_to_point(MsimSession *session, guint height); +static guint msim_point_to_height(MsimSession *session, guint point); + +static void msim_unrecognized(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg, gchar *note); + +static void msim_markup_tag_to_html(MsimSession *, xmlnode *root, + gchar **begin, gchar **end); +static void html_tag_to_msim_markup(MsimSession *, xmlnode *root, + gchar **begin, gchar **end); +static gchar *msim_convert_xml(MsimSession *, const gchar *raw, + MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT f); +static gchar *msim_convert_smileys_to_markup(gchar *before); + +/* High-level msim markup <=> html conversion functions. */ +static gchar *msim_markup_to_html(MsimSession *, const gchar *raw); +static gchar *html_to_msim_markup(MsimSession *, const gchar *raw); + +static gboolean msim_incoming_bm_record_cv(MsimSession *session, + MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_bm(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_status(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_im(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_zap(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_action(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_media(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_incoming_unofficial_client(MsimSession *session, + MsimMessage *msg); + +#ifdef MSIM_SEND_CLIENT_VERSION +static gboolean msim_send_unofficial_client(MsimSession *session, + gchar *username); +#endif + +static void msim_get_info_cb(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *userinfo, gpointer data); + +static void msim_set_status_code(MsimSession *session, guint code, + gchar *statstring); + +static void msim_store_buddy_info_each(gpointer key, gpointer value, + gpointer user_data); +static gboolean msim_store_buddy_info(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_process_server_info(MsimSession *session, + MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_web_challenge(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); +static gboolean msim_process_reply(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); + +static gboolean msim_preprocess_incoming(MsimSession *session,MsimMessage *msg); + +#ifdef MSIM_USE_KEEPALIVE +static gboolean msim_check_alive(gpointer data); +#endif + +static gboolean msim_we_are_logged_on(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); + +static gboolean msim_process(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); + +static MsimMessage *msim_do_postprocessing(MsimMessage *msg, + const gchar *uid_field_name, const gchar *uid_before, guint uid); +static void msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb(MsimSession *session, + MsimMessage *userinfo, gpointer data); +static gboolean msim_postprocess_outgoing(MsimSession *session, + MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *username, const gchar *uid_field_name, + const gchar *uid_before); + +static gboolean msim_error(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg); + +static void msim_check_inbox_cb(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *userinfo, + gpointer data); +static gboolean msim_check_inbox(gpointer data); + +static void msim_input_cb(gpointer gc_uncasted, gint source, + PurpleInputCondition cond); + +static guint msim_new_reply_callback(MsimSession *session, + MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB cb, gpointer data); + +static void msim_connect_cb(gpointer data, gint source, + const gchar *error_message); + +static gboolean msim_is_userid(const gchar *user); +static gboolean msim_is_email(const gchar *user); + +static void msim_lookup_user(MsimSession *session, const gchar *user, + MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB cb, gpointer data); + +#ifndef round +double round(double round); + +/* round is part of C99, but sometimes is unavailable before then. + * Based on http://forums.belution.com/en/cpp/000/050/13.shtml + */ +double round(double value) +{ + if (value < 0) + return -(floor(-value + 0.5)); + else + return floor( value + 0.5); +} +#endif + +/** + * Load the plugin. + */ +gboolean +msim_load(PurplePlugin *plugin) +{ + /* If compiled to use RC4 from libpurple, check if it is really there. */ + if (!purple_ciphers_find_cipher("rc4")) + { + purple_debug_error("msim", "rc4 not in libpurple, but it is required - not loading MySpaceIM plugin!\n"); + purple_notify_error(plugin, _("Missing Cipher"), + _("The RC4 cipher could not be found"), + _("Upgrade " + "to a libpurple with RC4 support (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM " + "plugin will not be loaded.")); + return FALSE; + } + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Get possible user status types. Based on mockprpl. + * + * @return GList of status types. + */ +GList * +msim_status_types(PurpleAccount *acct) +{ + GList *types; + PurpleStatusType *status; + + purple_debug_info("myspace", "returning status types\n"); + + types = NULL; + + /* Statuses are almost all the same. Define a macro to reduce code repetition. */ +#define _MSIM_ADD_NEW_STATUS(prim) status = \ + purple_status_type_new_with_attrs( \ + prim, /* PurpleStatusPrimitive */ \ + NULL, /* id - use default */ \ + NULL, /* name - use default */ \ + TRUE, /* savable */ \ + TRUE, /* user_settable */ \ + FALSE, /* not independent */ \ + \ + /* Attributes - each status can have a message. */ \ + "message", \ + _("Message"), \ + purple_value_new(PURPLE_TYPE_STRING), \ + NULL); \ + \ + \ + types = g_list_append(types, status) + + + _MSIM_ADD_NEW_STATUS(PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE); + _MSIM_ADD_NEW_STATUS(PURPLE_STATUS_AWAY); + _MSIM_ADD_NEW_STATUS(PURPLE_STATUS_OFFLINE); + _MSIM_ADD_NEW_STATUS(PURPLE_STATUS_INVISIBLE); + + + return types; +} + +/** Zap someone. Callback from msim_blist_node_menu zap menu. */ +static void +msim_send_zap(PurpleBlistNode *node, gpointer zap_num_ptr) +{ + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + PurpleConnection *gc; + MsimSession *session; + gchar *username, *zap_string, *zap_text; + guint zap; + const gchar *zap_gerund[10]; + + if (!PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_BUDDY(node)) + { + /* Only know about buddies for now. */ + return; + } + + zap_gerund[0] = _("Zapping"); + zap_gerund[1] = _("Whacking"); + zap_gerund[2] = _("Torching"); + zap_gerund[3] = _("Smooching"); + zap_gerund[4] = _("Hugging"); + zap_gerund[5] = _("Bslapping"); + zap_gerund[6] = _("Goosing"); + zap_gerund[7] = _("Hi-fiving"); + zap_gerund[8] = _("Punking"); + zap_gerund[9] = _("Raspberry'ing"); + + g_return_if_fail(PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_BUDDY(node)); + + buddy = (PurpleBuddy *)node; + gc = purple_account_get_connection(buddy->account); + g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL); + + session = (MsimSession *)(gc->proto_data); + g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); + + username = buddy->name; + g_return_if_fail(username != NULL); + + zap = GPOINTER_TO_INT(zap_num_ptr); + zap_string = g_strdup_printf("!!!ZAP_SEND!!!=RTE_BTN_ZAPS_%d", zap); + zap_text = g_strdup_printf("*** %s! ***", zap_gerund[zap]); + + serv_got_im(session->gc, username, zap_text, + PURPLE_MESSAGE_SEND | PURPLE_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, time(NULL)); + + if (!msim_send_bm(session, username, zap_string, MSIM_BM_ACTION)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim_send_zap", "msim_send_bm failed: zapping %s with %s", + username, zap_string); + } + + g_free(zap_string); + g_free(zap_text); + return; +} + + +/** Return menu, if any, for a buddy list node. */ +GList * +msim_blist_node_menu(PurpleBlistNode *node) +{ + GList *menu, *zap_menu; + PurpleMenuAction *act; + const gchar *zap_names[10]; + guint i; + + if (!PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_IS_BUDDY(node)) + { + /* Only know about buddies for now. */ + return NULL; + } + + /* Names from official client. */ + zap_names[0] = _("zap"); + zap_names[1] = _("whack"); + zap_names[2] = _("torch"); + zap_names[3] = _("smooch"); + zap_names[4] = _("hug"); + zap_names[5] = _("bslap"); + zap_names[6] = _("goose"); + zap_names[7] = _("hi-five"); + zap_names[8] = _("punk'd"); + zap_names[9] = _("raspberry"); + + menu = zap_menu = NULL; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(zap_names) / sizeof(zap_names[0]); ++i) + { + act = purple_menu_action_new(zap_names[i], PURPLE_CALLBACK(msim_send_zap), + GUINT_TO_POINTER(i), NULL); + zap_menu = g_list_append(zap_menu, act); + } + + act = purple_menu_action_new(_("Zap"), NULL, NULL, zap_menu); + menu = g_list_append(menu, act); + + return menu; +} + +/** + * Return the icon name for a buddy and account. + * + * @param acct The account to find the icon for, or NULL for protocol icon. + * @param buddy The buddy to find the icon for, or NULL for the account icon. + * + * @return The base icon name string. + */ +const gchar * +msim_list_icon(PurpleAccount *acct, PurpleBuddy *buddy) +{ + /* Use a MySpace icon submitted by hbons at + * http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/MySpaceIM. */ + return "myspace"; +} + +/** + * Replace 'old' with 'new' in 'str'. + * + * @param str The original string. + * @param old The substring of 'str' to replace. + * @param new The replacement for 'old' within 'str'. + * + * @return A _new_ string, based on 'str', with 'old' replaced + * by 'new'. Must be g_free()'d by caller. + * + * This string replace method is based on + * http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2000-July/msg00201.html + * + */ +gchar * +str_replace(const gchar *str, const gchar *old, const gchar *new) +{ + gchar **items; + gchar *ret; + + items = g_strsplit(str, old, -1); + ret = g_strjoinv(new, items); + g_free(items); + return ret; +} + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_MSG +static void +print_hash_item(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) +{ + purple_debug_info("msim", "%s=%s\n", + key ? (gchar *)key : "(NULL)", + value ? (gchar *)value : "(NULL)"); +} +#endif + +/** + * Send raw data (given as a NUL-terminated string) to the server. + * + * @param session + * @param msg The raw data to send, in a NUL-terminated string. + * + * @return TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if not. + * + */ +gboolean +msim_send_raw(MsimSession *session, const gchar *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_send_raw: writing <%s>\n", msg); + + return msim_send_really_raw(session->gc, msg, strlen(msg)) == + strlen(msg); +} + +/** Send raw data to the server, possibly with embedded NULs. + * + * Used in prpl_info struct, so that plugins can have the most possible + * control of what is sent over the connection. Inside this prpl, + * msim_send_raw() is used, since it sends NUL-terminated strings (easier). + * + * @param gc PurpleConnection + * @param buf Buffer to send + * @param total_bytes Size of buffer to send + * + * @return Bytes successfully sent, or -1 on error. + */ +static int +msim_send_really_raw(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, int total_bytes) +{ + int total_bytes_sent; + MsimSession *session; + + g_return_val_if_fail(gc != NULL, -1); + g_return_val_if_fail(buf != NULL, -1); + g_return_val_if_fail(total_bytes >= 0, -1); + + session = (MsimSession *)(gc->proto_data); + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), -1); + + /* Loop until all data is sent, or a failure occurs. */ + total_bytes_sent = 0; + do + { + int bytes_sent; + + bytes_sent = send(session->fd, buf + total_bytes_sent, + total_bytes - total_bytes_sent, 0); + + if (bytes_sent < 0) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_send_raw(%s): send() failed: %s\n", + buf, g_strerror(errno)); + return total_bytes_sent; + } + total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent; + + } while(total_bytes_sent < total_bytes); + + return total_bytes_sent; +} + + +/** + * Start logging in to the MSIM servers. + * + * @param acct Account information to use to login. + */ +void +msim_login(PurpleAccount *acct) +{ + PurpleConnection *gc; + const gchar *host; + int port; + + g_return_if_fail(acct != NULL); + g_return_if_fail(acct->username != NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "logging in %s\n", acct->username); + + gc = purple_account_get_connection(acct); + gc->proto_data = msim_session_new(acct); + gc->flags |= PURPLE_CONNECTION_HTML | PURPLE_CONNECTION_NO_URLDESC; + + /* Passwords are limited in length. */ + if (strlen(acct->password) > MSIM_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) + { + gchar *str; + + str = g_strdup_printf( + _("Sorry, passwords over %d characters in length (yours is " + "%d) are not supported by the MySpaceIM plugin."), + MSIM_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, + (int)strlen(acct->password)); + + /* Notify an error message also, because this is important! */ + purple_notify_error(acct, g_strdup(_("MySpaceIM Error")), str, NULL); + + purple_connection_error(gc, str); + + g_free(str); + } + + /* 1. connect to server */ + purple_connection_update_progress(gc, _("Connecting"), + 0, /* which connection step this is */ + 4); /* total number of steps */ + + host = purple_account_get_string(acct, "server", MSIM_SERVER); + port = purple_account_get_int(acct, "port", MSIM_PORT); + + /* From purple.sf.net/api: + * """Note that this function name can be misleading--although it is called + * "proxy connect," it is used for establishing any outgoing TCP connection, + * whether through a proxy or not.""" */ + + /* Calls msim_connect_cb when connected. */ + if (purple_proxy_connect(gc, acct, host, port, msim_connect_cb, gc) == NULL) + { + /* TODO: try other ports if in auto mode, then save + * working port and try that first next time. */ + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Couldn't create socket")); + return; + } +} + +/** + * Process a login challenge, sending a response. + * + * @param session + * @param msg Login challenge message. + * + * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE if not + */ +static gboolean +msim_login_challenge(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + PurpleAccount *account; + const gchar *response; + guint response_len; + gchar *nc; + gsize nc_len; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + g_return_val_if_fail(msim_msg_get_binary(msg, "nc", &nc, &nc_len), FALSE); + + account = session->account; + + g_return_val_if_fail(account != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_connection_update_progress(session->gc, _("Reading challenge"), 1, 4); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "nc is %d bytes, decoded\n", nc_len); + + if (nc_len != MSIM_AUTH_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "bad nc length: %x != 0x%x\n", nc_len, MSIM_AUTH_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); + purple_connection_error(session->gc, _("Unexpected challenge length from server")); + return FALSE; + } + + purple_connection_update_progress(session->gc, _("Logging in"), 2, 4); + + response_len = 0; + response = msim_compute_login_response(nc, account->username, account->password, &response_len); + + g_free(nc); + + return msim_send(session, + "login2", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_AUTH_ALGORITHM, + /* This is actually user's email address. */ + "username", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(account->username), + /* GString and gchar * response will be freed in msim_msg_free() in msim_send(). */ + "response", MSIM_TYPE_BINARY, g_string_new_len(response, response_len), + "clientver", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_CLIENT_VERSION, + "langid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_LANGUAGE_ID_ENGLISH, + "imlang", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(MSIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_ENGLISH), + "reconn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 0, + "status", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 100, + "id", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + NULL); +} + +/** + * Compute the base64'd login challenge response based on username, password, nonce, and IPs. + * + * @param nonce The base64 encoded nonce ('nc') field from the server. + * @param email User's email address (used as login name). + * @param password User's cleartext password. + * @param response_len Will be written with response length. + * + * @return Binary login challenge response, ready to send to the server. + * Must be g_free()'d when finished. NULL if error. + */ +static const gchar * +msim_compute_login_response(const gchar nonce[2 * NONCE_SIZE], + const gchar *email, const gchar *password, guint *response_len) +{ + PurpleCipherContext *key_context; + PurpleCipher *sha1; + PurpleCipherContext *rc4; + + guchar hash_pw[HASH_SIZE]; + guchar key[HASH_SIZE]; + gchar *password_utf16le, *password_ascii_lc; + guchar *data; + guchar *data_out; + size_t data_len, data_out_len; + gsize conv_bytes_read, conv_bytes_written; + GError *conv_error; +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_LOGIN_CHALLENGE + int i; +#endif + + g_return_val_if_fail(nonce != NULL, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail(email != NULL, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail(password != NULL, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail(response_len != NULL, NULL); + + /* Convert password to lowercase (required for passwords containing + * uppercase characters). MySpace passwords are lowercase, + * see ticket #2066. */ + password_ascii_lc = g_strdup(password); + g_strdown(password_ascii_lc); + + /* Convert ASCII password to UTF16 little endian */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "converting password to UTF-16LE\n"); + conv_error = NULL; + password_utf16le = g_convert(password_ascii_lc, -1, "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8", + &conv_bytes_read, &conv_bytes_written, &conv_error); + g_free(password_ascii_lc); + + g_return_val_if_fail(conv_bytes_read == strlen(password), NULL); + + if (conv_error != NULL) + { + purple_debug_error("msim", + "g_convert password UTF8->UTF16LE failed: %s", + conv_error->message); + g_error_free(conv_error); + return NULL; + } + + /* Compute password hash */ + purple_cipher_digest_region("sha1", (guchar *)password_utf16le, + conv_bytes_written, sizeof(hash_pw), hash_pw, NULL); + g_free(password_utf16le); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_LOGIN_CHALLENGE + purple_debug_info("msim", "pwhash = "); + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(hash_pw); i++) + purple_debug_info("msim", "%.2x ", hash_pw[i]); + purple_debug_info("msim", "\n"); +#endif + + /* key = sha1(sha1(pw) + nonce2) */ + sha1 = purple_ciphers_find_cipher("sha1"); + key_context = purple_cipher_context_new(sha1, NULL); + purple_cipher_context_append(key_context, hash_pw, HASH_SIZE); + purple_cipher_context_append(key_context, (guchar *)(nonce + NONCE_SIZE), NONCE_SIZE); + purple_cipher_context_digest(key_context, sizeof(key), key, NULL); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_LOGIN_CHALLENGE + purple_debug_info("msim", "key = "); + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(key); i++) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "%.2x ", key[i]); + } + purple_debug_info("msim", "\n"); +#endif + + rc4 = purple_cipher_context_new_by_name("rc4", NULL); + + /* Note: 'key' variable is 0x14 bytes (from SHA-1 hash), + * but only first 0x10 used for the RC4 key. */ + purple_cipher_context_set_option(rc4, "key_len", (gpointer)0x10); + purple_cipher_context_set_key(rc4, key); + + /* TODO: obtain IPs of network interfaces */ + + /* rc4 encrypt: + * nonce1+email+IP list */ + + data_len = NONCE_SIZE + strlen(email) + MSIM_LOGIN_IP_LIST_LEN; + data = g_new0(guchar, data_len); + memcpy(data, nonce, NONCE_SIZE); + memcpy(data + NONCE_SIZE, email, strlen(email)); + memcpy(data + NONCE_SIZE + strlen(email), MSIM_LOGIN_IP_LIST, MSIM_LOGIN_IP_LIST_LEN); + + data_out = g_new0(guchar, data_len); + + purple_cipher_context_encrypt(rc4, (const guchar *)data, + data_len, data_out, &data_out_len); + purple_cipher_context_destroy(rc4); + + g_assert(data_out_len == data_len); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_LOGIN_CHALLENGE + purple_debug_info("msim", "response=<%s>\n", data_out); +#endif + + *response_len = data_out_len; + + return (const gchar *)data_out; +} + +/** + * Schedule an IM to be sent once the user ID is looked up. + * + * @param gc Connection. + * @param who A user id, email, or username to send the message to. + * @param message Instant message text to send. + * @param flags Flags. + * + * @return 1 if successful or postponed, -1 if failed + * + * Allows sending to a user by username, email address, or userid. If + * a username or email address is given, the userid must be looked up. + * This function does that by calling msim_postprocess_outgoing(). + */ +int +msim_send_im(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *who, const gchar *message, + PurpleMessageFlags flags) +{ + MsimSession *session; + gchar *message_msim; + int rc; + + g_return_val_if_fail(gc != NULL, -1); + g_return_val_if_fail(who != NULL, -1); + g_return_val_if_fail(message != NULL, -1); + + /* 'flags' has many options, not used here. */ + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), -1); + + message_msim = html_to_msim_markup(session, message); + + if (msim_send_bm(session, who, message_msim, MSIM_BM_INSTANT)) + { + /* Return 1 to have Purple show this IM as being sent, 0 to not. I always + * return 1 even if the message could not be sent, since I don't know if + * it has failed yet--because the IM is only sent after the userid is + * retrieved from the server (which happens after this function returns). + */ + /* TODO: maybe if message is delayed, don't echo to conv window, + * but do echo it to conv window manually once it is actually + * sent? Would be complicated. */ + rc = 1; + } else { + rc = -1; + } + + g_free(message_msim); + + /* + * In MySpace, you login with your email address, but don't talk to other + * users using their email address. So there is currently an asymmetry in the + * IM windows when using this plugin: + * + * you@example.com: hello + * some_other_user: what's going on? + * you@example.com: just coding a prpl + * + * TODO: Make the sent IM's appear as from the user's username, instead of + * their email address. Purple uses the login (in MSIM, the email)--change this. + */ + + return rc; +} + +/** Send a buddy message of a given type. + * + * @param session + * @param who Username to send message to. + * @param text Message text to send. Not freed; will be copied. + * @param type A MSIM_BM_* constant. + * + * @return TRUE if success, FALSE if fail. + * + * Buddy messages ('bm') include instant messages, action messages, status messages, etc. + * + */ +static gboolean +msim_send_bm(MsimSession *session, const gchar *who, const gchar *text, + int type) +{ + gboolean rc; + MsimMessage *msg; + const gchar *from_username; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(who != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(text != NULL, FALSE); + + from_username = session->account->username; + + g_return_val_if_fail(from_username != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "sending %d message from %s to %s: %s\n", + type, from_username, who, text); + + msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "bm", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, GUINT_TO_POINTER(type), + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, GUINT_TO_POINTER(session->sesskey), + /* 't' will be inserted here */ + "cv", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, GUINT_TO_POINTER(MSIM_CLIENT_VERSION), + "msg", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(text), + NULL); + + rc = msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, msg, who, "t", "cv"); + + msim_msg_free(msg); + + return rc; +} + +/* Indexes of this array + 1 map HTML font size to scale of normal font size. * + * Based on _point_sizes from libpurple/gtkimhtml.c + * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ +static gdouble _font_scale[] = { .85, .95, 1, 1.2, 1.44, 1.728, 2.0736 }; + +#define MAX_FONT_SIZE 7 /* Purple maximum font size */ +#define POINTS_PER_INCH 72 /* How many pt's in an inch */ + +/** Convert typographical font point size to HTML font size. + * Based on libpurple/gtkimhtml.c */ +static guint +msim_point_to_purple_size(MsimSession *session, guint point) +{ + guint size, this_point, base; + gdouble scale; + + base = purple_account_get_int(session->account, "base_font_size", MSIM_BASE_FONT_POINT_SIZE); + + for (size = 0; size < sizeof(_font_scale) / sizeof(_font_scale[0]); ++size) + { + scale = _font_scale[CLAMP(size, 1, MAX_FONT_SIZE) - 1]; + this_point = (guint)round(scale * base); + + if (this_point >= point) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_point_to_purple_size: %d pt -> size=%d\n", + point, size); + return size; + } + } + + /* No HTML font size was this big; return largest possible. */ + return this_point; +} + +/** Convert HTML font size to point size. */ +static guint +msim_purple_size_to_point(MsimSession *session, guint size) +{ + gdouble scale; + guint point; + guint base; + + scale = _font_scale[CLAMP(size, 1, MAX_FONT_SIZE) - 1]; + + base = purple_account_get_int(session->account, "base_font_size", MSIM_BASE_FONT_POINT_SIZE); + + point = (guint)round(scale * base); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_purple_size_to_point: size=%d -> %d pt\n", + size, point); + + return point; +} + +/** Convert a msim markup font pixel height to the more usual point size, for incoming messages. */ +static guint +msim_height_to_point(MsimSession *session, guint height) +{ + guint dpi; + + dpi = purple_account_get_int(session->account, "port", MSIM_DEFAULT_DPI); + + return (guint)round((POINTS_PER_INCH * 1. / dpi) * height); + + /* See also: libpurple/protocols/bonjour/jabber.c + * _font_size_ichat_to_purple */ +} + +/** Convert point size to msim pixel height font size specification, for outgoing messages. */ +static guint +msim_point_to_height(MsimSession *session, guint point) +{ + guint dpi; + + dpi = purple_account_get_int(session->account, "port", MSIM_DEFAULT_DPI); + + return (guint)round((dpi * 1. / POINTS_PER_INCH) * point); +} + +/** Convert the msim markup (font) tag into HTML. */ +static void +msim_markup_f_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, gchar **end) +{ + const gchar *face, *height_str, *decor_str; + GString *gs_end, *gs_begin; + guint decor, height; + + face = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "f"); + height_str = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "h"); + decor_str = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "s"); + + if (height_str) + height = atol(height_str); + else + height = 12; + + if (decor_str) + decor = atol(decor_str); + else + decor = 0; + + gs_begin = g_string_new(""); + /* TODO: get font size working */ + if (height && !face) + g_string_printf(gs_begin, "", + msim_point_to_purple_size(session, msim_height_to_point(session, height))); + else if (height && face) + g_string_printf(gs_begin, "", face, + msim_point_to_purple_size(session, msim_height_to_point(session, height))); + else + g_string_printf(gs_begin, ""); + + /* No support for font-size CSS? */ + /* g_string_printf(gs_begin, "", face, + msim_height_to_point(height)); */ + + gs_end = g_string_new(""); + + if (decor & MSIM_TEXT_BOLD) + { + g_string_append(gs_begin, ""); + g_string_prepend(gs_end, ""); + } + + if (decor & MSIM_TEXT_ITALIC) + { + g_string_append(gs_begin, ""); + g_string_append(gs_end, ""); + } + + if (decor & MSIM_TEXT_UNDERLINE) + { + g_string_append(gs_begin, ""); + g_string_append(gs_end, ""); + } + + + *begin = gs_begin->str; + *end = gs_end->str; +} + +/** Convert a msim markup color to a color suitable for libpurple. + * + * @param msim Either a color name, or an rgb(x,y,z) code. + * + * @return A new string, either a color name or #rrggbb code. Must g_free(). + */ +static char * +msim_color_to_purple(const char *msim) +{ + guint red, green, blue; + + if (!msim) + return g_strdup("black"); + + if (sscanf(msim, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", &red, &green, &blue) != 3) + { + /* Color name. */ + return g_strdup(msim); + } + /* TODO: rgba (alpha). */ + + return g_strdup_printf("#%.2x%.2x%.2x", red, green, blue); +} + +/** Convert the msim markup

(paragraph) tag into HTML. */ +static void +msim_markup_p_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, gchar **end) +{ + /* Just pass through unchanged. + * + * Note: attributes currently aren't passed, if there are any. */ + *begin = g_strdup("

"); + *end = g_strdup("

"); +} + +/** Convert the msim markup tag (text color) into HTML. TODO: Test */ +static void +msim_markup_c_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, gchar **end) +{ + const gchar *color; + gchar *purple_color; + + color = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "v"); + if (!color) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_c_to_html: tag w/o v attr"); + *begin = g_strdup(""); + *end = g_strdup(""); + /* TODO: log as unrecognized */ + return; + } + + purple_color = msim_color_to_purple(color); + + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", purple_color); + + g_free(purple_color); + + /* *begin = g_strdup_printf("", color); */ + *end = g_strdup(""); +} + +/** Convert the msim markup tag (background color) into HTML. TODO: Test */ +static void +msim_markup_b_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, gchar **end) +{ + const gchar *color; + gchar *purple_color; + + color = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "v"); + if (!color) + { + *begin = g_strdup(""); + *end = g_strdup(""); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_b_to_html: w/o v attr"); + /* TODO: log as unrecognized. */ + return; + } + + purple_color = msim_color_to_purple(color); + + /* TODO: find out how to set background color. */ + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", + purple_color); + g_free(purple_color); + + *end = g_strdup("

"); +} + +/** Convert the msim markup tag (emoticon image) into HTML. */ +static void +msim_markup_i_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, gchar **end) +{ + const gchar *name; + guint i; + + name = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "n"); + if (!name) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_i_to_html: w/o n"); + *begin = g_strdup(""); + *end = g_strdup(""); + /* TODO: log as unrecognized */ + return; + } + + for (i = 0; emoticon_names[i] != NULL; ++i) + { + if (!strcmp(name, emoticon_names[i])) + { + *begin = g_strdup(emoticon_symbols[i]); + *end = g_strdup(""); + return; + } + } + + *begin = g_strdup(name); + *end = g_strdup(""); +} + +/** Convert an individual msim markup tag to HTML. */ +static void +msim_markup_tag_to_html(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, + gchar **end) +{ + if (!strcmp(root->name, "f")) + { + msim_markup_f_to_html(session, root, begin, end); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "p")) { + msim_markup_p_to_html(session, root, begin, end); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "c")) { + msim_markup_c_to_html(session, root, begin, end); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "b")) { + msim_markup_b_to_html(session, root, begin, end); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "i")) { + msim_markup_i_to_html(session, root, begin, end); + } else { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_tag_to_html: " + "unknown tag name=%s, ignoring", + (root && root->name) ? root->name : "(NULL)"); + *begin = g_strdup(""); + *end = g_strdup(""); + } +} + +/** Convert an individual HTML tag to msim markup. */ +static void +html_tag_to_msim_markup(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, gchar **begin, + gchar **end) +{ + /* TODO: Coalesce nested tags into one tag! + * Currently, the 's' value will be overwritten when b/i/u is nested + * within another one, and only the inner-most formatting will be + * applied to the text. */ + if (!strcmp(root->name, "root")) + { + *begin = g_strdup(""); + *end = g_strdup(""); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "b")) { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", MSIM_TEXT_BOLD); + *end = g_strdup(""); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "i")) { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", MSIM_TEXT_ITALIC); + *end = g_strdup(""); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "u")) { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", MSIM_TEXT_UNDERLINE); + *end = g_strdup(""); + } else if (!strcmp(root->name, "font")) { + const gchar *size; + const gchar *face; + + size = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "size"); + face = xmlnode_get_attrib(root, "face"); + + if (face && size) + { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", face, + msim_point_to_height(session, + msim_purple_size_to_point(session, atoi(size)))); + } else if (face) { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", face); + } else if (size) { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("", + msim_point_to_height(session, + msim_purple_size_to_point(session, atoi(size)))); + } else { + *begin = g_strdup(""); + } + + *end = g_strdup(""); + + /* TODO: color (bg uses ), emoticons */ + } else { + *begin = g_strdup_printf("[%s]", root->name); + *end = g_strdup_printf("[/%s]", root->name); + } +} + +/** Convert an xmlnode of msim markup or HTML to an HTML string or msim markup. + * + * @param f Function to convert tags. + * + * @return An HTML string. Caller frees. + */ +static gchar * +msim_convert_xmlnode(MsimSession *session, xmlnode *root, MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT f) +{ + xmlnode *node; + gchar *begin, *inner, *end; + GString *final; + + if (!root || !root->name) + return g_strdup(""); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_convert_xmlnode: got root=%s\n", + root->name); + + begin = inner = end = NULL; + + final = g_string_new(""); + + f(session, root, &begin, &end); + + g_string_append(final, begin); + + /* Loop over all child nodes. */ + for (node = root->child; node != NULL; node = node->next) + { + switch (node->type) + { + case XMLNODE_TYPE_ATTRIB: + /* Attributes handled above. */ + break; + + case XMLNODE_TYPE_TAG: + /* A tag or tag with attributes. Recursively descend. */ + inner = msim_convert_xmlnode(session, node, f); + g_return_val_if_fail(inner != NULL, NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim", " ** node name=%s\n", + (node && node->name) ? node->name : "(NULL)"); + break; + + case XMLNODE_TYPE_DATA: + /* Literal text. */ + inner = g_new0(char, node->data_sz + 1); + strncpy(inner, node->data, node->data_sz); + inner[node->data_sz] = 0; + + purple_debug_info("msim", " ** node data=%s\n", + inner ? inner : "(NULL)"); + break; + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_convert_xmlnode: strange node\n"); + inner = g_strdup(""); + } + + if (inner) + g_string_append(final, inner); + } + + /* TODO: Note that msim counts each piece of text enclosed by as + * a paragraph and will display each on its own line. You actually have + * to _nest_ tags to intersperse different text in one paragraph! + * Comment out this line below to see. */ + g_string_append(final, end); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_xmlnode_to_gtkhtml: RETURNING %s\n", + (final && final->str) ? final->str : "(NULL)"); + + return final->str; +} + +/** Convert XML to something based on MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT. */ +static gchar * +msim_convert_xml(MsimSession *session, const gchar *raw, MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT f) +{ + xmlnode *root; + gchar *str; + gchar *enclosed_raw; + + g_return_val_if_fail(raw != NULL, NULL); + + /* Enclose text in one root tag, to try to make it valid XML for parsing. */ + enclosed_raw = g_strconcat("", raw, "", NULL); + + root = xmlnode_from_str(enclosed_raw, -1); + + if (!root) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_to_html: couldn't parse " + "%s as XML, returning raw: %s\n", enclosed_raw, raw); + /* TODO: msim_unrecognized */ + g_free(enclosed_raw); + return g_strdup(raw); + } + + g_free(enclosed_raw); + + str = msim_convert_xmlnode(session, root, f); + g_return_val_if_fail(str != NULL, NULL); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_markup_to_html: returning %s\n", str); + + xmlnode_free(root); + + return str; +} + +/** Convert plaintext smileys to markup tags. + * + * @param before Original text with ASCII smileys. Will be freed. + * @return A new string with tags, if applicable. Must be g_free()'d. + */ +static gchar * +msim_convert_smileys_to_markup(gchar *before) +{ + gchar *old, *new, *replacement; + guint i; + + old = before; + new = NULL; + + for (i = 0; emoticon_symbols[i] != NULL; ++i) + { + + replacement = g_strdup_printf("", emoticon_names[i]); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_convert_smileys_to_markup: %s->%s\n", + emoticon_symbols[i] ? emoticon_symbols[i] : "(NULL)", + replacement ? replacement : "(NULL)"); + new = str_replace(old, emoticon_symbols[i], replacement); + + g_free(replacement); + g_free(old); + + old = new; + } + + return new; +} + + +/** High-level function to convert MySpaceIM markup to Purple (HTML) markup. + * + * @return Purple markup string, must be g_free()'d. */ +static gchar * +msim_markup_to_html(MsimSession *session, const gchar *raw) +{ + return msim_convert_xml(session, raw, + (MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT)(msim_markup_tag_to_html)); +} + +/** High-level function to convert Purple (HTML) to MySpaceIM markup. + * + * @return HTML markup string, must be g_free()'d. */ +static gchar * +html_to_msim_markup(MsimSession *session, const gchar *raw) +{ + gchar *markup; + + markup = msim_convert_xml(session, raw, + (MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT)(html_tag_to_msim_markup)); + + if (purple_account_get_bool(session->account, "emoticons", TRUE)) + { + /* Frees markup and allocates a new one. */ + markup = msim_convert_smileys_to_markup(markup); + } + + return markup; +} + +/** Record the client version in the buddy list, from an incoming message. */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_bm_record_cv(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *username, *cv; + gboolean ret; + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + cv = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "cv"); + + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(cv != NULL, FALSE); + + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, username); + + if (buddy) + { + purple_blist_node_set_int(&buddy->node, "client_cv", atol(cv)); + ret = TRUE; + } else { + ret = FALSE; + } + + g_free(username); + g_free(cv); + + return ret; +} + +/** Handle an incoming buddy message. */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_bm(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + guint bm; + + bm = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "bm"); + + msim_incoming_bm_record_cv(session, msg); + + switch (bm) + { + case MSIM_BM_STATUS: + return msim_incoming_status(session, msg); + case MSIM_BM_INSTANT: + return msim_incoming_im(session, msg); + case MSIM_BM_ACTION: + return msim_incoming_action(session, msg); + case MSIM_BM_MEDIA: + return msim_incoming_media(session, msg); + case MSIM_BM_UNOFFICIAL_CLIENT: + return msim_incoming_unofficial_client(session, msg); + default: + /* Not really an IM, but show it for informational + * purposes during development. */ + return msim_incoming_im(session, msg); + } +} + +/** + * Handle an incoming instant message. + * + * @param session The session + * @param msg Message from the server, containing 'f' (userid from) and 'msg'. + * Should also contain username in _username from preprocessing. + * + * @return TRUE if successful. + */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_im(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *username, *msg_msim_markup, *msg_purple_markup; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + + msg_msim_markup = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg_msim_markup != NULL, FALSE); + + msg_purple_markup = msim_markup_to_html(session, msg_msim_markup); + g_free(msg_msim_markup); + + serv_got_im(session->gc, username, msg_purple_markup, + PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV, time(NULL)); + + g_free(username); + g_free(msg_purple_markup); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Process unrecognized information. + * + * @param session + * @param msg An MsimMessage that was unrecognized, or NULL. + * @param note Information on what was unrecognized, or NULL. + */ +static void +msim_unrecognized(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg, gchar *note) +{ + /* TODO: Some more context, outwardly equivalent to a backtrace, + * for helping figure out what this msg is for. What was going on? + * But not too much information so that a user + * posting this dump reveals confidential information. + */ + + /* TODO: dump unknown msgs to file, so user can send them to me + * if they wish, to help add support for new messages (inspired + * by Alexandr Shutko, who maintains OSCAR protocol documentation). */ + + purple_debug_info("msim", "Unrecognized data on account for %s\n", + session->account->username ? session->account->username + : "(NULL)"); + if (note) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "(Note: %s)\n", note); + } + + if (msg) + { + msim_msg_dump("Unrecognized message dump: %s\n", msg); + } +} + +/** Process an incoming zap. */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_zap(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *msg_text, *username, *zap_text; + gint zap; + const gchar *zap_past_tense[10]; + + zap_past_tense[0] = _("zapped"); + zap_past_tense[1] = _("whacked"); + zap_past_tense[2] = _("torched"); + zap_past_tense[3] = _("smooched"); + zap_past_tense[4] = _("hugged"); + zap_past_tense[5] = _("bslapped"); + zap_past_tense[6] = _("goosed"); + zap_past_tense[7] = _("hi-fived"); + zap_past_tense[8] = _("punk'd"); + zap_past_tense[9] = _("raspberried"); + + msg_text = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + + g_return_val_if_fail(msg_text != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + + g_return_val_if_fail(sscanf(msg_text, "!!!ZAP_SEND!!!=RTE_BTN_ZAPS_%d", &zap) == 1, FALSE); + + zap = CLAMP(zap, 0, sizeof(zap_past_tense) / sizeof(zap_past_tense[0])); + + zap_text = g_strdup_printf(_("*** You have been %s! ***"), zap_past_tense[zap]); + + serv_got_im(session->gc, username, zap_text, + PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV | PURPLE_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, time(NULL)); + + g_free(zap_text); + g_free(msg_text); + g_free(username); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Handle an incoming action message. + * + * @param session + * @param msg + * + * @return TRUE if successful. + * + */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_action(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *msg_text, *username; + gboolean rc; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + msg_text = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg_text != NULL, FALSE); + + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_incoming_action: action <%s> from <%d>\n", + msg_text, username); + + if (strcmp(msg_text, "%typing%") == 0) + { + /* TODO: find out if msim repeatedly sends typing messages, so we can + * give it a timeout. Right now, there does seem to be an inordinately + * amount of time between typing stopped-typing notifications. */ + serv_got_typing(session->gc, username, 0, PURPLE_TYPING); + rc = TRUE; + } else if (strcmp(msg_text, "%stoptyping%") == 0) { + serv_got_typing_stopped(session->gc, username); + rc = TRUE; + } else if (strstr(msg_text, "!!!ZAP_SEND!!!=RTE_BTN_ZAPS_")) { + rc = msim_incoming_zap(session, msg); + } else { + msim_unrecognized(session, msg, + "got to msim_incoming_action but unrecognized value for 'msg'"); + rc = FALSE; + } + + g_free(msg_text); + g_free(username); + + return rc; +} + +/* Process an incoming media (buddy icon) message. */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_media(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *username, *text; + + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + text = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(text != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_incoming_media: from %s, got msg=%s\n", username, text); + + /* Media messages are sent when the user opens a window to someone. + * Tell libpurple they started typing and stopped typing, to inform the Psychic + * Mode plugin so it too can open a window to the user. */ + serv_got_typing(session->gc, username, 0, PURPLE_TYPING); + serv_got_typing_stopped(session->gc, username); + + g_free(username); + + return TRUE; +} + +/* Process an incoming "unofficial client" message. The plugin for + * Miranda IM sends this message with the plugin information. */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_unofficial_client(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + gchar *username, *client_info; + + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + client_info = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(client_info != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_incoming_unofficial_client: %s is using client %s\n", + username, client_info); + + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, username); + + g_return_val_if_fail(buddy != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_blist_node_remove_setting(&buddy->node, "client"); + purple_blist_node_set_string(&buddy->node, "client", client_info); + + + g_free(username); + /* Do not free client_info - the blist now owns it. */ + + return TRUE; +} + + +#ifdef MSIM_SEND_CLIENT_VERSION +/** Send our client version to another unofficial client that understands it. */ +static gboolean +msim_send_unofficial_client(MsimSession *session, gchar *username) +{ + gchar *our_info; + gboolean ret; + + our_info = g_strdup_printf("Libpurple %d.%d.%d - msimprpl %s", + PURPLE_MAJOR_VERSION, + PURPLE_MINOR_VERSION, + PURPLE_MICRO_VERSION, + MSIM_PRPL_VERSION_STRING); + + ret = msim_send_bm(session, username, our_info, MSIM_BM_UNOFFICIAL_CLIENT); + + return ret; +} +#endif + +/** + * Handle when our user starts or stops typing to another user. + * + * @param gc + * @param name The buddy name to which our user is typing to + * @param state PURPLE_TYPING, PURPLE_TYPED, PURPLE_NOT_TYPING + * + * @return 0 + */ +unsigned int +msim_send_typing(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *name, + PurpleTypingState state) +{ + const gchar *typing_str; + MsimSession *session; + + g_return_val_if_fail(gc != NULL, 0); + g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, 0); + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), 0); + + switch (state) + { + case PURPLE_TYPING: + typing_str = "%typing%"; + break; + + case PURPLE_TYPED: + case PURPLE_NOT_TYPING: + default: + typing_str = "%stoptyping%"; + break; + } + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_send_typing(%s): %d (%s)\n", name, state, typing_str); + msim_send_bm(session, name, typing_str, MSIM_BM_ACTION); + return 0; +} + +/** Callback for msim_get_info(), for when user info is received. */ +static void +msim_get_info_cb(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *user_info_msg, + gpointer data) +{ + GHashTable *body; + gchar *body_str; + MsimMessage *msg; + gchar *user; + PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info; + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + const gchar *str, *str2; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + /* Get user{name,id} from msim_get_info, passed as an MsimMessage for + orthogonality. */ + msg = (MsimMessage *)data; + g_return_if_fail(msg != NULL); + + user = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "user"); + if (!user) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_get_info_cb: no 'user' in msg"); + return; + } + + msim_msg_free(msg); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_get_info_cb: got for user: %s\n", user); + + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(user_info_msg, "body"); + g_return_if_fail(body_str != NULL); + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_free(body_str); + + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, user); + /* Note: don't assume buddy is non-NULL; will be if lookup random user + * not on blist. */ + + user_info = purple_notify_user_info_new(); + + /* Identification */ + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("User"), user); + + /* note: g_hash_table_lookup does not create a new string! */ + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "UserID"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("User ID"), + g_strdup(str)); + + /* a/s/l...the vitals */ + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "Age"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Age"), g_strdup(str)); + + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "Gender"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Gender"), g_strdup(str)); + + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "Location"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Location"), + g_strdup(str)); + + /* Other information */ + + if (buddy) + { + /* Headline comes from buddy status messages */ + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "Headline"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, "Headline", str); + } + + + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "BandName"); + str2 = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "SongName"); + if (str || str2) + { + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Song"), + g_strdup_printf("%s - %s", + str ? str : "Unknown Artist", + str2 ? str2 : "Unknown Song")); + } + + + /* Total friends only available if looked up by uid, not username. */ + str = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "TotalFriends"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Total Friends"), + g_strdup(str)); + + if (buddy) + { + gint cv; + + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "client"); + cv = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "client_cv"); + + if (str) + { + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Client Version"), + g_strdup_printf("%s (build %d)", str, cv)); + } + } + + purple_notify_userinfo(session->gc, user, user_info, NULL, NULL); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_get_info_cb: username=%s\n", user); + //purple_notify_user_info_destroy(user_info); + /* Do not free username, since it will be used by user_info. */ + + g_hash_table_destroy(body); +} + +/** Retrieve a user's profile. */ +void +msim_get_info(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *user) +{ + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + MsimSession *session; + guint uid; + gchar *user_to_lookup; + MsimMessage *user_msg; + + g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL); + g_return_if_fail(user != NULL); + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + /* Obtain uid of buddy. */ + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, user); + if (buddy) + { + uid = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "UserID"); + if (!uid) + { + PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info; + + user_info = purple_notify_user_info_new(); + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, NULL, + _("This buddy appears to not have a userid stored in the buddy list, can't look up. Is the user really on the buddy list?")); + + purple_notify_userinfo(session->gc, user, user_info, NULL, NULL); + purple_notify_user_info_destroy(user_info); + return; + } + + user_to_lookup = g_strdup_printf("%d", uid); + } else { + + /* Looking up buddy not on blist. Lookup by whatever user entered. */ + user_to_lookup = g_strdup(user); + } + + /* Pass the username to msim_get_info_cb(), because since we lookup + * by userid, the userinfo message will only contain the uid (not + * the username). + */ + user_msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "user", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(user), + NULL); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_get_info, setting up lookup, user=%s\n", user); + + msim_lookup_user(session, user_to_lookup, msim_get_info_cb, user_msg); + + g_free(user_to_lookup); +} + +/** Set your status - callback for when user manually sets it. */ +void +msim_set_status(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status) +{ + PurpleStatusType *type; + MsimSession *session; + guint status_code; + const gchar *statstring; + + session = (MsimSession *)account->gc->proto_data; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + type = purple_status_get_type(status); + + switch (purple_status_type_get_primitive(type)) + { + case PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status: available (%d->%d)\n", PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE, + MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE); + status_code = MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE; + break; + + case PURPLE_STATUS_INVISIBLE: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status: invisible (%d->%d)\n", PURPLE_STATUS_INVISIBLE, + MSIM_STATUS_CODE_OFFLINE_OR_HIDDEN); + status_code = MSIM_STATUS_CODE_OFFLINE_OR_HIDDEN; + break; + + case PURPLE_STATUS_AWAY: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status: away (%d->%d)\n", PURPLE_STATUS_AWAY, + MSIM_STATUS_CODE_AWAY); + status_code = MSIM_STATUS_CODE_AWAY; + break; + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status: unknown " + "status interpreting as online"); + status_code = MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE; + break; + } + + statstring = purple_status_get_attr_string(status, "message"); + + if (!statstring) + statstring = g_strdup(""); + + msim_set_status_code(session, status_code, g_strdup(statstring)); +} + +/** Go idle. */ +void +msim_set_idle(PurpleConnection *gc, int time) +{ + MsimSession *session; + + g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL); + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + if (time == 0) + { + /* Going back from idle. In msim, idle is mutually exclusive + * from the other states (you can only be away or idle, but not + * both, for example), so by going non-idle I go online. + */ + /* TODO: find out how to keep old status string? */ + msim_set_status_code(session, MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE, g_strdup("")); + } else { + /* msim doesn't support idle time, so just go idle */ + msim_set_status_code(session, MSIM_STATUS_CODE_IDLE, g_strdup("")); + } +} + +/** Set status using an MSIM_STATUS_CODE_* value. + * @param status_code An MSIM_STATUS_CODE_* value. + * @param statstring Status string, must be a dynamic string (will be freed by msim_send). + */ +static void +msim_set_status_code(MsimSession *session, guint status_code, gchar *statstring) +{ + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + g_return_if_fail(statstring != NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status_code: going to set status to code=%d,str=%s\n", + status_code, statstring); + + if (!msim_send(session, + "status", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, status_code, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "statstring", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, statstring, + "locstring", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(""), + NULL)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_set_status: failed to set status"); + } + +} + +/** After a uid is resolved to username, tag it with the username and submit for processing. + * + * @param session + * @param userinfo Response messsage to resolving request. + * @param data MsimMessage *, the message to attach information to. + */ +static void +msim_incoming_resolved(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *userinfo, + gpointer data) +{ + gchar *body_str; + GHashTable *body; + gchar *username; + MsimMessage *msg; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + g_return_if_fail(userinfo != NULL); + + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(userinfo, "body"); + g_return_if_fail(body_str != NULL); + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_return_if_fail(body != NULL); + g_free(body_str); + + username = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "UserName"); + g_return_if_fail(username != NULL); + + + msg = (MsimMessage *)data; + g_return_if_fail(msg != NULL); + + /* TODO: more elegant solution than below. attach whole message? */ + /* Special elements name beginning with '_', we'll use internally within the + * program (did not come directly from the wire). */ + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "_username", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(username)); + + /* TODO: attach more useful information, like ImageURL */ + + msim_process(session, msg); + + /* TODO: Free copy cloned from msim_preprocess_incoming(). */ + //XXX msim_msg_free(msg); + g_hash_table_destroy(body); +} + +#if 0 +/* Lookup a username by userid, from buddy list. + * + * @param wanted_uid + * + * @return Username of wanted_uid, if on blist, or NULL. Static string. + * + * XXX WARNING: UNKNOWN MEMORY CORRUPTION HERE! + */ +static const gchar * +msim_uid2username_from_blist(MsimSession *session, guint wanted_uid) +{ + GSList *buddies, *cur; + + buddies = purple_find_buddies(session->account, NULL); + + if (!buddies) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_uid2username_from_blist: no buddies?"); + return NULL; + } + + for (cur = buddies; cur != NULL; cur = g_slist_next(cur)) + { + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + //PurpleBlistNode *node; + guint uid; + const gchar *name; + + + /* See finch/gnthistory.c */ + buddy = cur->data; + //node = cur->data; + + uid = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "UserID"); + //uid = purple_blist_node_get_int(node, "UserID"); + + /* name = buddy->name; */ /* crash */ + /* name = PURPLE_BLIST_NODE_NAME(&buddy->node); */ /* crash */ + + /* XXX Is this right? Memory corruption here somehow. Happens only + * when return one of these values. */ + name = purple_buddy_get_name(buddy); /* crash */ + //name = purple_buddy_get_name((PurpleBuddy *)node); /* crash */ + /* return name; */ /* crash (with above) */ + + /* name = NULL; */ /* no crash */ + /* return NULL; */ /* no crash (with anything) */ + + /* crash = +*** glibc detected *** pidgin: realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000d2aec0 *** +======= Backtrace: ========= +/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_realloc+0x323)[0x2b7bfc012e03] +/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_realloc+0x31)[0x2b7bfba79a41] +/usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0(gtk_tree_path_append_index+0x3a)[0x2b7bfa110d5a] +/usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0[0x2b7bfa1287dc] +/usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0[0x2b7bfa128e56] +/usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0[0x2b7bfa128efd] +/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_main_context_dispatch+0x1b4)[0x2b7bfba72c84] +/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0[0x2b7bfba75acd] +/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_main_loop_run+0x1ca)[0x2b7bfba75dda] +/usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0(gtk_main+0xa3)[0x2b7bfa0475f3] +pidgin(main+0x8be)[0x46b45e] +/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4)[0x2b7bfbfbf0c4] +pidgin(gtk_widget_grab_focus+0x39)[0x429ab9] + +or: + *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/bin/pidgin: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0000000000c10076 *** + (gdb) bt +#0 0x00002b4074ecd47b in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6 +#1 0x00002b4074eceda0 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6 +#2 0x00002b4074f0453b in __fsetlocking () from /lib/libc.so.6 +#3 0x00002b4074f0c810 in free () from /lib/libc.so.6 +#4 0x00002b4074f0d6dd in malloc () from /lib/libc.so.6 +#5 0x00002b4074974b5b in g_malloc () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 +#6 0x00002b40749868bf in g_strdup () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 +#7 0x00002b407810969f in msim_parse ( + raw=0xd2a910 "\\bm\\100\\f\\3656574\\msg\\|s|0|ss|Offline") + at message.c:648 +#8 0x00002b407810889c in msim_input_cb (gc_uncasted=0xcf92c0, + source=, cond=) at myspace.c:1478 + + + Why is it crashing in msim_parse()'s g_strdup()? +*/ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_uid2username_from_blist: %s's uid=%d (want %d)\n", + name, uid, wanted_uid); + + if (uid == wanted_uid) + { + gchar *ret; + + ret = g_strdup(name); + + g_slist_free(buddies); + + return ret; + } + } + + g_slist_free(buddies); + return NULL; +} +#endif + +/** Preprocess incoming messages, resolving as needed, calling msim_process() when ready to process. + * + * @param session + * @param msg MsimMessage *, freed by caller. + */ +static gboolean +msim_preprocess_incoming(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + if (msim_msg_get(msg, "bm") && msim_msg_get(msg, "f")) + { + guint uid; + const gchar *username; + + /* 'f' = userid message is from, in buddy messages */ + uid = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "f"); + + /* TODO: Make caching work. Currently it is commented out because + * it crashes for unknown reasons, memory realloc error. */ +#if 0 + username = msim_uid2username_from_blist(session, uid); +#else + username = NULL; +#endif + + if (username) + { + /* Know username already, use it. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_preprocess_incoming: tagging with _username=%s\n", + username); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "_username", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(username)); + return msim_process(session, msg); + + } else { + gchar *from; + + /* Send lookup request. */ + /* XXX: where is msim_msg_get_string() freed? make _strdup and _nonstrdup. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_incoming: sending lookup, setting up callback\n"); + from = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "f"); + msim_lookup_user(session, from, msim_incoming_resolved, msim_msg_clone(msg)); + g_free(from); + + /* indeterminate */ + return TRUE; + } + } else { + /* Nothing to resolve - send directly to processing. */ + return msim_process(session, msg); + } +} + +#ifdef MSIM_USE_KEEPALIVE +/** Check if the connection is still alive, based on last communication. */ +static gboolean +msim_check_alive(gpointer data) +{ + MsimSession *session; + time_t delta; + gchar *errmsg; + + session = (MsimSession *)data; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + + delta = time(NULL) - session->last_comm; + //purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_check_alive: delta=%d\n", delta); + if (delta >= MSIM_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL) + { + errmsg = g_strdup_printf(_("Connection to server lost (no data received within %d seconds)"), (int)delta); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_check_alive: %s > interval of %d, presumed dead\n", + errmsg, MSIM_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL); + purple_connection_error(session->gc, errmsg); + + purple_notify_error(session->gc, NULL, errmsg, NULL); + + g_free(errmsg); + + return FALSE; + } + + return TRUE; +} +#endif + +/** Handle mail reply checks. */ +static void +msim_check_inbox_cb(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *reply, gpointer data) +{ + GHashTable *body; + gchar *body_str; + GString *notification; + guint old_inbox_status; + guint i, n; + const gchar *froms[5], *tos[5], *urls[5], *subjects[5]; + + /* Three parallel arrays for each new inbox message type. */ + static const gchar *inbox_keys[] = + { + "Mail", + "BlogComment", + "ProfileComment", + "FriendRequest", + "PictureComment" + }; + + static const guint inbox_bits[] = + { + MSIM_INBOX_MAIL, + MSIM_INBOX_BLOG_COMMENT, + MSIM_INBOX_PROFILE_COMMENT, + MSIM_INBOX_FRIEND_REQUEST, + MSIM_INBOX_PICTURE_COMMENT + }; + + static const gchar *inbox_urls[] = + { + "http://messaging.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mail.inbox", + "http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog", + "http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user", + "http://messaging.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mail.friendRequests", + "http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user" + }; + + static const gchar *inbox_text[5]; + + /* Can't write _()'d strings in array initializers. Workaround. */ + inbox_text[0] = _("New mail messages"); + inbox_text[1] = _("New blog comments"); + inbox_text[2] = _("New profile comments"); + inbox_text[3] = _("New friend requests!"); + inbox_text[4] = _("New picture comments"); + + g_return_if_fail(reply != NULL); + + msim_msg_dump("msim_check_inbox_cb: reply=%s\n", reply); + + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(reply, "body"); + g_return_if_fail(body_str != NULL); + + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_free(body_str); + + notification = g_string_new(""); + + old_inbox_status = session->inbox_status; + + n = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(inbox_keys) / sizeof(inbox_keys[0]); ++i) + { + const gchar *key; + guint bit; + + key = inbox_keys[i]; + bit = inbox_bits[i]; + + if (g_hash_table_lookup(body, key)) + { + /* Notify only on when _changes_ from no mail -> has mail + * (edge triggered) */ + if (!(session->inbox_status & bit)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_check_inbox_cb: got %s, at %d\n", + key ? key : "(NULL)", n); + + subjects[n] = inbox_text[i]; + froms[n] = _("MySpace"); + tos[n] = session->username; + /* TODO: append token, web challenge, so automatically logs in. + * Would also need to free strings because they won't be static + */ + urls[n] = inbox_urls[i]; + + ++n; + } else { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_check_inbox_cb: already notified of %s\n", + key ? key : "(NULL)"); + } + + session->inbox_status |= bit; + } + } + + if (n) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_check_inbox_cb: notifying of %d\n", n); + + /* TODO: free strings with callback _if_ change to dynamic (w/ token) */ + purple_notify_emails(session->gc, /* handle */ + n, /* count */ + TRUE, /* detailed */ + subjects, froms, tos, urls, + NULL, /* PurpleNotifyCloseCallback cb */ + NULL); /* gpointer user_data */ + + } + + g_hash_table_destroy(body); +} + +/* Send request to check if there is new mail. */ +static gboolean +msim_check_inbox(gpointer data) +{ + MsimSession *session; + + session = (MsimSession *)data; + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_check_inbox: checking mail\n"); + g_return_val_if_fail(msim_send(session, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "cmd", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_CMD_GET, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_CHECK_MAIL_DSN, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_CHECK_MAIL_LID, + "uid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->userid, + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, + msim_new_reply_callback(session, msim_check_inbox_cb, NULL), + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(""), + NULL), TRUE); + + /* Always return true, so that we keep checking for mail. */ + return TRUE; +} + +/** Called when the session key arrives. */ +static gboolean +msim_we_are_logged_on(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + purple_connection_update_progress(session->gc, _("Connected"), 3, 4); + purple_connection_set_state(session->gc, PURPLE_CONNECTED); + + session->sesskey = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "sesskey"); + purple_debug_info("msim", "SESSKEY=<%d>\n", session->sesskey); + + /* What is proof? Used to be uid, but now is 52 base64'd bytes... */ + + /* Comes with: proof,profileid,userid,uniquenick -- all same values + * some of the time, but can vary. This is our own user ID. */ + session->userid = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "userid"); + + /* Not sure what profileid is used for. */ + if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "profileid") != session->userid) + { + msim_unrecognized(session, msg, + "Profile ID didn't match user ID, don't know why"); + } + + /* We now know are our own username, only after we're logged in.. + * which is weird, but happens because you login with your email + * address and not username. Will be freed in msim_session_destroy(). */ + session->username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "uniquenick"); + + if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "uniquenick") == session->userid) + { + purple_debug_info("msim_we_are_logged_on", "TODO: pick username"); + } + + + /* Request IM info about ourself. */ + msim_send(session, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("persist"), + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_OWN_MYSPACE_INFO_DSN, + "uid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->userid, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_OWN_MYSPACE_INFO_LID, + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->next_rid++, + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, + g_strdup_printf("UserID=%d", session->userid), + NULL); + + /* Request MySpace info about ourself. */ + msim_send(session, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("persist"), + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_OWN_IM_INFO_DSN, + "uid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->userid, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MG_OWN_IM_INFO_LID, + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->next_rid++, + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(""), + NULL); + + /* TODO: set options (persist cmd=514,dsn=1,lid=10) */ + /* TODO: set blocklist */ + + /* Notify servers of our current status. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_we_are_logged_on: notifying servers of status\n"); + msim_set_status(session->account, + purple_account_get_active_status(session->account)); + + /* TODO: setinfo */ + /* + msim_send(session, + "setinfo", MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "info", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, + g_strdup_printf("TotalFriends=666"), + NULL); + */ + + /* Disable due to problems with timeouts. TODO: fix. */ +#ifdef MSIM_USE_KEEPALIVE + purple_timeout_add(MSIM_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_CHECK, + (GSourceFunc)msim_check_alive, session); +#endif + + purple_timeout_add(MSIM_MAIL_INTERVAL_CHECK, + (GSourceFunc)msim_check_inbox, session); + + msim_check_inbox(session); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Process a message. + * + * @param session + * @param msg A message from the server, ready for processing (possibly with resolved username information attached). Caller frees. + * + * @return TRUE if successful. FALSE if processing failed. + */ +static gboolean +msim_process(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_MSG + { + msim_msg_dump("ready to process: %s\n", msg); + } +#endif + + if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "lc") == 1) + { + return msim_login_challenge(session, msg); + } else if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "lc") == 2) { + return msim_we_are_logged_on(session, msg); + } else if (msim_msg_get(msg, "bm")) { + return msim_incoming_bm(session, msg); + } else if (msim_msg_get(msg, "rid")) { + return msim_process_reply(session, msg); + } else if (msim_msg_get(msg, "error")) { + return msim_error(session, msg); + } else if (msim_msg_get(msg, "ka")) { + return TRUE; + } else { + msim_unrecognized(session, msg, "in msim_process"); + return FALSE; + } +} + +/** Store an field of information about a buddy. */ +static void +msim_store_buddy_info_each(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) +{ + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + gchar *key_str, *value_str; + + buddy = (PurpleBuddy *)user_data; + key_str = (gchar *)key; + value_str = (gchar *)value; + + if (strcmp(key_str, "UserID") == 0 || + strcmp(key_str, "Age") == 0 || + strcmp(key_str, "TotalFriends") == 0) + { + /* Certain fields get set as integers, instead of strings, for + * convenience. May not be the best way to do it, but having at least + * UserID as an integer is convenient...until it overflows! */ + purple_blist_node_set_int(&buddy->node, key_str, atol(value_str)); + } else { + purple_blist_node_set_string(&buddy->node, key_str, value_str); + } +} + +/** Save buddy information to the buddy list from a user info reply message. + * + * @param session + * @param msg The user information reply, with any amount of information. + * + * The information is saved to the buddy's blist node, which ends up in blist.xml. + */ +static gboolean +msim_store_buddy_info(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + GHashTable *body; + gchar *username, *body_str, *uid; + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + guint rid; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + rid = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "rid"); + + g_return_val_if_fail(rid != 0, FALSE); + + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "body"); + g_return_val_if_fail(body_str != NULL, FALSE); + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_free(body_str); + + /* TODO: implement a better hash-like interface, and use it. */ + username = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "UserName"); + + if (!username) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_process_reply: not caching body, no UserName\n"); + g_hash_table_destroy(body); + return FALSE; + } + + uid = g_hash_table_lookup(body, "UserID"); + if (!uid) + { + g_hash_table_destroy(body); + g_return_val_if_fail(uid, FALSE); + } + + purple_debug_info("msim", "associating uid %s with username %s\n", uid, username); + + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, username); + if (buddy) + { + g_hash_table_foreach(body, msim_store_buddy_info_each, buddy); + } + + if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "dsn") == MG_OWN_IM_INFO_DSN && + msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "lid") == MG_OWN_IM_INFO_LID) + { + /* TODO: do something with our own IM info, if we need it for some + * specific purpose. Otherwise it is available on the buddy list, + * if the user has themselves as their own buddy. */ + } else if (msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "dsn") == MG_OWN_MYSPACE_INFO_DSN && + msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "lid") == MG_OWN_MYSPACE_INFO_LID) { + /* TODO: same as above, but for MySpace info. */ + } + + g_hash_table_destroy(body); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** Process the initial server information from the server. */ +static gboolean +msim_process_server_info(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *body_str; + GHashTable *body; + + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "body"); + g_return_val_if_fail(body_str != NULL, FALSE); + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_free(body_str); + g_return_val_if_fail(body != NULL, FALSE); + + /* Example body: +AdUnitRefreshInterval=10. +AlertPollInterval=360. +AllowChatRoomEmoticonSharing=False. +ChatRoomUserIDs=78744676;163733130;1300326231;123521495;142663391. +CurClientVersion=673. +EnableIMBrowse=True. +EnableIMStuffAvatars=False. +EnableIMStuffZaps=False. +MaxAddAllFriends=100. +MaxContacts=1000. +MinClientVersion=594. +MySpaceIM_ENGLISH=78744676. +MySpaceNowTimer=720. +PersistenceDataTimeout=900. +UseWebChallenge=1. +WebTicketGoHome=False + + Anything useful? TODO: use what is useful, and use it. +*/ + purple_debug_info("msim_process_server_info", + "maximum contacts: %s\n", + g_hash_table_lookup(body, "MaxContacts") ? + g_hash_table_lookup(body, "MaxContacts") : "(NULL)"); + + session->server_info = body; + /* session->server_info freed in msim_session_destroy */ + + return TRUE; +} + +/** Process a web challenge, used to login to the web site. */ +static gboolean +msim_web_challenge(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + /* TODO: web challenge, store token */ + return FALSE; +} + +/** + * Process a persistance message reply from the server. + * + * @param session + * @param msg Message reply from server. + * + * @return TRUE if successful. + * + * msim_lookup_user sets callback for here + */ +static gboolean +msim_process_reply(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB cb; + gpointer data; + guint rid, cmd, dsn, lid; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + msim_store_buddy_info(session, msg); + + rid = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "rid"); + cmd = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "cmd"); + dsn = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "dsn"); + lid = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "lid"); + + /* Unsolicited messages */ + if (cmd == (MSIM_CMD_BIT_REPLY | MSIM_CMD_GET)) + { + if (dsn == MG_SERVER_INFO_DSN && lid == MG_SERVER_INFO_LID) + { + return msim_process_server_info(session, msg); + } else if (dsn == MG_WEB_CHALLENGE_DSN && lid == MG_WEB_CHALLENGE_LID) { + return msim_web_challenge(session, msg); + } + } + + /* If a callback is registered for this userid lookup, call it. */ + cb = g_hash_table_lookup(session->user_lookup_cb, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid)); + data = g_hash_table_lookup(session->user_lookup_cb_data, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid)); + + if (cb) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_process_body: calling callback now\n"); + /* Clone message, so that the callback 'cb' can use it (needs to free it also). */ + cb(session, msim_msg_clone(msg), data); + g_hash_table_remove(session->user_lookup_cb, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid)); + g_hash_table_remove(session->user_lookup_cb_data, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid)); + } else { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_process_body: no callback for rid %d\n", rid); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Handle an error from the server. + * + * @param session + * @param msg The message. + * + * @return TRUE if successfully reported error. + */ +static gboolean +msim_error(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + gchar *errmsg, *full_errmsg; + guint err; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + err = msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "err"); + errmsg = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "errmsg"); + + full_errmsg = g_strdup_printf(_("Protocol error, code %d: %s"), err, + errmsg ? errmsg : "no 'errmsg' given"); + + g_free(errmsg); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_error: %s\n", full_errmsg); + + purple_notify_error(session->account, g_strdup(_("MySpaceIM Error")), + full_errmsg, NULL); + + /* Destroy session if fatal. */ + if (msim_msg_get(msg, "fatal")) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "fatal error, closing\n"); + purple_connection_error(session->gc, full_errmsg); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Process incoming status messages. + * + * @param session + * @param msg Status update message. Caller frees. + * + * @return TRUE if successful. + */ +static gboolean +msim_incoming_status(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg) +{ + PurpleBuddyList *blist; + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + //PurpleStatus *status; + //gchar **status_array; + GList *list; + gchar *status_headline; + //gchar *status_str; + //gint i; + gint status_code, purple_status_code; + gchar *username; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + msim_msg_dump("msim_status msg=%s\n", msg); + + /* Helpfully looked up by msim_incoming_resolve() for us. */ + username = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_username"); + g_return_val_if_fail(username != NULL, FALSE); + + { + gchar *ss; + + ss = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "msg"); + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_status: updating status for <%s> to <%s>\n", + username, ss ? ss : "(NULL)"); + g_free(ss); + } + + /* Example fields: + * |s|0|ss|Offline + * |s|1|ss|:-)|ls||ip|0|p|0 + */ + list = msim_msg_get_list(msg, "msg"); + + status_code = atoi(g_list_nth_data(list, MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_ONLINE)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_status: %s's status code = %d\n", username, status_code); + status_headline = g_list_nth_data(list, MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_HEADLINE); + + blist = purple_get_blist(); + + /* Add buddy if not found */ + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, username); + if (!buddy) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", + "msim_status: making new buddy for %s\n", username); + buddy = purple_buddy_new(session->account, username, NULL); + + purple_blist_add_buddy(buddy, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + /* All buddies on list should have 'uid' integer associated with them. */ + purple_blist_node_set_int(&buddy->node, "UserID", msim_msg_get_integer(msg, "f")); + + msim_store_buddy_info(session, msg); + } else { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_status: found buddy %s\n", username); + } + + purple_blist_node_set_string(&buddy->node, "Headline", status_headline); + + /* Set user status */ + switch (status_code) + { + case MSIM_STATUS_CODE_OFFLINE_OR_HIDDEN: + purple_status_code = PURPLE_STATUS_OFFLINE; + break; + + case MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE: + purple_status_code = PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE; + break; + + case MSIM_STATUS_CODE_AWAY: + purple_status_code = PURPLE_STATUS_AWAY; + break; + + case MSIM_STATUS_CODE_IDLE: + /* will be handled below */ + purple_status_code = -1; + break; + + default: + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_status for %s, unknown status code %d, treating as available\n", + username, status_code); + purple_status_code = PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE; + } + + purple_prpl_got_user_status(session->account, username, purple_primitive_get_id_from_type(purple_status_code), NULL); + + if (status_code == MSIM_STATUS_CODE_IDLE) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_status: got idle: %s\n", username); + purple_prpl_got_user_idle(session->account, username, TRUE, time(NULL)); + } else { + /* All other statuses indicate going back to non-idle. */ + purple_prpl_got_user_idle(session->account, username, FALSE, time(NULL)); + } + +#ifdef MSIM_SEND_CLIENT_VERSION + if (status_code == MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE) + { + /* Secretly whisper to unofficial clients our own version as they come online */ + msim_send_unofficial_client(session, username); + } +#endif + + g_free(username); + msim_msg_list_free(list); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** Add a buddy to user's buddy list. */ +void +msim_add_buddy(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) +{ + MsimSession *session; + MsimMessage *msg; + /* MsimMessage *msg_blocklist; */ + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_add_buddy: want to add %s to %s\n", + buddy->name, (group && group->name) ? group->name : "(no group)"); + + msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "addbuddy", MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + /* "newprofileid" will be inserted here with uid. */ + "reason", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(""), + NULL); + + if (!msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, msg, buddy->name, "newprofileid", "reason")) + { + purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Failed to add buddy"), _("'addbuddy' command failed.")); + msim_msg_free(msg); + return; + } + msim_msg_free(msg); + + /* TODO: if addbuddy fails ('error' message is returned), delete added buddy from + * buddy list since Purple adds it locally. */ + + /* TODO: Update blocklist. */ +#if 0 + msg_blocklist = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "cmd", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_CMD_BIT_ACTION | MSIM_CMD_PUT, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MC_CONTACT_INFO_DSN, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MC_CONTACT_INFO_LID, + /* TODO: Use msim_new_reply_callback to get rid. */ + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->next_rid++, + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, + g_strdup_printf("ContactID=\034" + "GroupName=%s\034" + "Position=1000\034" + "Visibility=1\034" + "NickName=\034" + "NameSelect=0", + "Friends" /*group->name*/ )); + + if (!msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, msg, buddy->name, "body", NULL)) + { + purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Failed to add buddy"), _("persist command failed")); + msim_msg_free(msg_blocklist); + return; + } + msim_msg_free(msg_blocklist); +#endif +} + +/** Perform actual postprocessing on a message, adding userid as specified. + * + * @param msg The message to postprocess. + * @param uid_before Name of field where to insert new field before, or NULL for end. + * @param uid_field_name Name of field to add uid to. + * @param uid The userid to insert. + * + * If the field named by uid_field_name already exists, then its string contents will + * be used for the field, except "" will be replaced by the userid. + * + * If the field named by uid_field_name does not exist, it will be added before the + * field named by uid_before, as an integer, with the userid. + * + * Does not handle sending, or scheduling userid lookup. For that, see msim_postprocess_outgoing(). + */ +static MsimMessage * +msim_do_postprocessing(MsimMessage *msg, const gchar *uid_before, + const gchar *uid_field_name, guint uid) +{ + msim_msg_dump("msim_do_postprocessing msg: %s\n", msg); + + /* First, check - if the field already exists, treat it as a format string. */ + if (msim_msg_get(msg, uid_field_name)) + { + MsimMessageElement *elem; + gchar *fmt_string; + gchar *uid_str; + + /* Warning: this probably violates the encapsulation of MsimMessage */ + + elem = msim_msg_get(msg, uid_field_name); + g_return_val_if_fail(elem->type == MSIM_TYPE_STRING, NULL); + + /* Get the raw string, not with msim_msg_get_string() since that copies it. + * Want the original string so can free it. */ + fmt_string = (gchar *)(elem->data); + + uid_str = g_strdup_printf("%d", uid); + elem->data = str_replace(fmt_string, "", uid_str); + g_free(uid_str); + g_free(fmt_string); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb: formatted new string, %s\n", + elem->data ? elem->data : "(NULL)"); + + } else { + /* Otherwise, insert new field into outgoing message. */ + msg = msim_msg_insert_before(msg, uid_before, uid_field_name, MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, GUINT_TO_POINTER(uid)); + } + + return msg; +} + +/** Callback for msim_postprocess_outgoing() to add a userid to a message, and send it (once receiving userid). + * + * @param session + * @param userinfo The user information reply message, containing the user ID + * @param data The message to postprocess and send. + * + * The data message should contain these fields: + * + * _uid_field_name: string, name of field to add with userid from userinfo message + * _uid_before: string, name of field before field to insert, or NULL for end + * + * +*/ +static void +msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *userinfo, + gpointer data) +{ + gchar *body_str; + GHashTable *body; + gchar *uid, *uid_field_name, *uid_before; + MsimMessage *msg; + + msg = (MsimMessage *)data; + + msim_msg_dump("msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb() got msg=%s\n", msg); + + /* Obtain userid from userinfo message. */ + body_str = msim_msg_get_string(userinfo, "body"); + g_return_if_fail(body_str != NULL); + body = msim_parse_body(body_str); + g_free(body_str); + + uid = g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(body, "UserID")); + g_hash_table_destroy(body); + + uid_field_name = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_uid_field_name"); + uid_before = msim_msg_get_string(msg, "_uid_before"); + + msg = msim_do_postprocessing(msg, uid_before, uid_field_name, atol(uid)); + + /* Send */ + if (!msim_msg_send(session, msg)) + { + msim_msg_dump("msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb: sending failed for message: %s\n", msg); + } + + + /* Free field names AFTER sending message, because MsimMessage does NOT copy + * field names - instead, treats them as static strings (which they usually are). + */ + g_free(uid_field_name); + g_free(uid_before); + + g_hash_table_destroy(body); + + //msim_msg_free(msg); +} + +/** Postprocess and send a message. + * + * @param session + * @param msg Message to postprocess. Will NOT be freed. + * @param username Username to resolve. Assumed to be a static string (will not be freed or copied). + * @param uid_field_name Name of new field to add, containing uid of username. Static string. + * @param uid_before Name of existing field to insert username field before. Static string. + * + * @return TRUE if successful. + */ +gboolean +msim_postprocess_outgoing(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *msg, + const gchar *username, const gchar *uid_field_name, + const gchar *uid_before) +{ + PurpleBuddy *buddy; + guint uid; + gboolean rc; + + g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); + + /* Store information for msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb(). */ + msim_msg_dump("msim_postprocess_outgoing: msg before=%s\n", msg); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "_username", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(username)); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "_uid_field_name", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(uid_field_name)); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "_uid_before", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup(uid_before)); + + /* First, try the most obvious. If numeric userid is given, use that directly. */ + if (msim_is_userid(username)) + { + uid = atol(username); + } else { + /* Next, see if on buddy list and know uid. */ + buddy = purple_find_buddy(session->account, username); + if (buddy) + { + uid = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "UserID"); + } else { + uid = 0; + } + + if (!buddy || !uid) + { + /* Don't have uid offhand - need to ask for it, and wait until hear back before sending. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", ">>> msim_postprocess_outgoing: couldn't find username %s in blist\n", + username ? username : "(NULL)"); + msim_msg_dump("msim_postprocess_outgoing - scheduling lookup, msg=%s\n", msg); + /* TODO: where is cloned message freed? Should be in _cb. */ + msim_lookup_user(session, username, msim_postprocess_outgoing_cb, msim_msg_clone(msg)); + return TRUE; /* not sure of status yet - haven't sent! */ + } + } + + /* Already have uid, postprocess and send msg immediately. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_postprocess_outgoing: found username %s has uid %d\n", + username ? username : "(NULL)", uid); + + msg = msim_do_postprocessing(msg, uid_before, uid_field_name, uid); + + msim_msg_dump("msim_postprocess_outgoing: msg after (uid immediate)=%s\n", msg); + + rc = msim_msg_send(session, msg); + + //msim_msg_free(msg); + + return rc; +} + +/** Remove a buddy from the user's buddy list. */ +void +msim_remove_buddy(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) +{ + MsimSession *session; + MsimMessage *delbuddy_msg; + MsimMessage *persist_msg; + MsimMessage *blocklist_msg; + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + delbuddy_msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "delbuddy", MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + /* 'delprofileid' with uid will be inserted here. */ + NULL); + + if (!msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, delbuddy_msg, buddy->name, "delprofileid", NULL)) + { + purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Failed to remove buddy"), _("'delbuddy' command failed")); + msim_msg_free(delbuddy_msg); + return; + } + msim_msg_free(delbuddy_msg); + + persist_msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "cmd", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MSIM_CMD_BIT_ACTION | MSIM_CMD_DELETE, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MD_DELETE_BUDDY_DSN, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, MD_DELETE_BUDDY_LID, + "uid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->userid, + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->next_rid++, + /* will be replaced by postprocessing */ + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("ContactID="), + NULL); + + if (!msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, persist_msg, buddy->name, "body", NULL)) + { + purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Failed to remove buddy"), _("persist command failed")); + msim_msg_free(persist_msg); + return; + } + msim_msg_free(persist_msg); + + blocklist_msg = msim_msg_new(TRUE, + "blocklist", MSIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + /* TODO: MsimMessage lists */ + "idlist", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("a-||b-|"), + NULL); + + if (!msim_postprocess_outgoing(session, blocklist_msg, buddy->name, "idlist", NULL)) + { + purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Failed to remove buddy"), _("blocklist command failed")); + msim_msg_free(blocklist_msg); + return; + } + msim_msg_free(blocklist_msg); +} + +/** Return whether the buddy can be messaged while offline. + * + * The protocol supports offline messages in just the same way as online + * messages. + */ +gboolean +msim_offline_message(const PurpleBuddy *buddy) +{ + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * Callback when input available. + * + * @param gc_uncasted A PurpleConnection pointer. + * @param source File descriptor. + * @param cond PURPLE_INPUT_READ + * + * Reads the input, and calls msim_preprocess_incoming() to handle it. + */ +static void +msim_input_cb(gpointer gc_uncasted, gint source, PurpleInputCondition cond) +{ + PurpleConnection *gc; + PurpleAccount *account; + MsimSession *session; + gchar *end; + int n; + + g_return_if_fail(gc_uncasted != NULL); + g_return_if_fail(source >= 0); /* Note: 0 is a valid fd */ + + gc = (PurpleConnection *)(gc_uncasted); + account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); + session = gc->proto_data; + + g_return_if_fail(cond == PURPLE_INPUT_READ); + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + /* Mark down that we got data, so don't timeout. */ + session->last_comm = time(NULL); + + /* Only can handle so much data at once... + * If this happens, try recompiling with a higher MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE. + * Should be large enough to hold the largest protocol message. + */ + if (session->rxoff >= MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE) + { + purple_debug_error("msim", + "msim_input_cb: %d-byte read buffer full! rxoff=%d\n", + MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE, session->rxoff); + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Read buffer full")); + return; + } + + purple_debug_info("msim", "buffer at %d (max %d), reading up to %d\n", + session->rxoff, MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE, + MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE - session->rxoff); + + /* Read into buffer. On Win32, need recv() not read(). session->fd also holds + * the file descriptor, but it sometimes differs from the 'source' parameter. + */ + n = recv(session->fd, session->rxbuf + session->rxoff, MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE - session->rxoff, 0); + + if (n < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) + { + return; + } + else if (n < 0) + { + purple_debug_error("msim", "msim_input_cb: read error, ret=%d, " + "error=%s, source=%d, fd=%d (%X))\n", + n, strerror(errno), source, session->fd, session->fd); + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Read error")); + return; + } + else if (n == 0) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_input_cb: server disconnected\n"); + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Server has disconnected")); + return; + } + + if (n + session->rxoff >= MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE) + { + purple_debug_info("msim_input_cb", "received %d bytes, pushing rxoff to %d, over buffer size of %d\n", + n, n + session->rxoff, MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE); + /* TODO: g_realloc like msn, yahoo, irc, jabber? */ + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Read buffer full")); + } + + /* Null terminate */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_input_cb: going to null terminate " + "at n=%d\n", n); + session->rxbuf[session->rxoff + n] = 0; + +#ifdef MSIM_CHECK_EMBEDDED_NULLS + /* Check for embedded NULs. I don't handle them, and they shouldn't occur. */ + if (strlen(session->rxbuf + session->rxoff) != n) + { + /* Occurs after login, but it is not a null byte. */ + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_input_cb: strlen=%d, but read %d bytes" + "--null byte encountered?\n", + strlen(session->rxbuf + session->rxoff), n); + //purple_connection_error(gc, "Invalid message - null byte on input"); + return; + } +#endif + + session->rxoff += n; + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_input_cb: read=%d\n", n); + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_RXBUF + purple_debug_info("msim", "buf=<%s>\n", session->rxbuf); +#endif + + /* Look for \\final\\ end markers. If found, process message. */ + while((end = strstr(session->rxbuf, MSIM_FINAL_STRING))) + { + MsimMessage *msg; + +#ifdef MSIM_DEBUG_RXBUF + purple_debug_info("msim", "in loop: buf=<%s>\n", session->rxbuf); +#endif + *end = 0; + msg = msim_parse(g_strdup(session->rxbuf)); + if (!msg) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_input_cb: couldn't parse rxbuf\n"); + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Unparseable message")); + } + else + { + /* Process message and then free it (processing function should + * clone message if it wants to keep it afterwards.) */ + if (!msim_preprocess_incoming(session, msg)) + { + msim_msg_dump("msim_input_cb: preprocessing message failed on msg: %s\n", msg); + } + msim_msg_free(msg); + } + + /* Move remaining part of buffer to beginning. */ + session->rxoff -= strlen(session->rxbuf) + strlen(MSIM_FINAL_STRING); + memmove(session->rxbuf, end + strlen(MSIM_FINAL_STRING), + MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE - (end + strlen(MSIM_FINAL_STRING) - session->rxbuf)); + + /* Clear end of buffer */ + //memset(end, 0, MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE - (end - session->rxbuf)); + } +} + +/* Setup a callback, to be called when a reply is received with the returned rid. + * + * @param cb The callback, an MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB. + * @param data Arbitrary user data to be passed to callback (probably an MsimMessage *). + * + * @return The request/reply ID, used to link replies with requests, or -1. + * Put the rid in your request, 'rid' field. + * + * TODO: Make more generic and more specific: + * 1) MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB - make it for PERSIST_REPLY, not just user lookup + * 2) data - make it an MsimMessage? + */ +static guint +msim_new_reply_callback(MsimSession *session, MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB cb, + gpointer data) +{ + guint rid; + + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), -1); + + rid = session->next_rid++; + + g_hash_table_insert(session->user_lookup_cb, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid), cb); + g_hash_table_insert(session->user_lookup_cb_data, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rid), data); + + return rid; +} + +/** + * Callback when connected. Sets up input handlers. + * + * @param data A PurpleConnection pointer. + * @param source File descriptor. + * @param error_message + */ +static void +msim_connect_cb(gpointer data, gint source, const gchar *error_message) +{ + PurpleConnection *gc; + MsimSession *session; + + g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); + + gc = (PurpleConnection *)data; + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + + if (source < 0) + { + purple_connection_error(gc, _("Couldn't connect to host")); + purple_connection_error(gc, g_strdup_printf( + _("Couldn't connect to host: %s (%d)"), + error_message ? error_message : "no message given", + source)); + return; + } + + session->fd = source; + + gc->inpa = purple_input_add(source, PURPLE_INPUT_READ, msim_input_cb, gc); + + +} + +/* Session methods */ + +/** + * Create a new MSIM session. + * + * @param acct The account to create the session from. + * + * @return Pointer to a new session. Free with msim_session_destroy. + */ +MsimSession * +msim_session_new(PurpleAccount *acct) +{ + MsimSession *session; + + g_return_val_if_fail(acct != NULL, NULL); + + session = g_new0(MsimSession, 1); + + session->magic = MSIM_SESSION_STRUCT_MAGIC; + session->account = acct; + session->gc = purple_account_get_connection(acct); + session->sesskey = 0; + session->userid = 0; + session->username = NULL; + session->fd = -1; + + /* TODO: Remove. */ + session->user_lookup_cb = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, + g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL); /* do NOT free function pointers! (values) */ + session->user_lookup_cb_data = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, + g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL);/* TODO: we don't know what the values are, + they could be integers inside gpointers + or strings, so I don't freed them. + Figure this out, once free cache. */ + + /* Created in msim_process_server_info() */ + session->server_info = NULL; + + session->rxoff = 0; + session->rxbuf = g_new0(gchar, MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE); + session->next_rid = 1; + session->last_comm = time(NULL); + session->inbox_status = 0; + + return session; +} + +/** + * Free a session. + * + * @param session The session to destroy. + */ +void +msim_session_destroy(MsimSession *session) +{ + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + session->magic = -1; + + g_free(session->rxbuf); + g_free(session->username); + + /* TODO: Remove. */ + g_hash_table_destroy(session->user_lookup_cb); + g_hash_table_destroy(session->user_lookup_cb_data); + + if (session->server_info) + g_hash_table_destroy(session->server_info); + + g_free(session); +} + +/** + * Close the connection. + * + * @param gc The connection. + */ +void +msim_close(PurpleConnection *gc) +{ + MsimSession *session; + + if (gc == NULL) + return; + + session = (MsimSession *)gc->proto_data; + if (session == NULL) + return; + + gc->proto_data = NULL; + + if (!MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)) + return; + + if (session->gc->inpa) + purple_input_remove(session->gc->inpa); + + msim_session_destroy(session); +} + + +/** + * Check if a string is a userid (all numeric). + * + * @param user The user id, email, or name. + * + * @return TRUE if is userid, FALSE if not. + */ +static gboolean +msim_is_userid(const gchar *user) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(user != NULL, FALSE); + + return strspn(user, "0123456789") == strlen(user); +} + +/** + * Check if a string is an email address (contains an @). + * + * @param user The user id, email, or name. + * + * @return TRUE if is an email, FALSE if not. + * + * This function is not intended to be used as a generic + * means of validating email addresses, but to distinguish + * between a user represented by an email address from + * other forms of identification. + */ +static gboolean +msim_is_email(const gchar *user) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail(user != NULL, FALSE); + + return strchr(user, '@') != NULL; +} + + +/** + * Asynchronously lookup user information, calling callback when receive result. + * + * @param session + * @param user The user id, email address, or username. Not freed. + * @param cb Callback, called with user information when available. + * @param data An arbitray data pointer passed to the callback. + */ +/* TODO: change to not use callbacks */ +static void +msim_lookup_user(MsimSession *session, const gchar *user, + MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB cb, gpointer data) +{ + gchar *field_name; + guint rid, cmd, dsn, lid; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + g_return_if_fail(user != NULL); + g_return_if_fail(cb != NULL); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_lookup_userid: " + "asynchronously looking up <%s>\n", user); + + msim_msg_dump("msim_lookup_user: data=%s\n", (MsimMessage *)data); + + /* Setup callback. Response will be associated with request using 'rid'. */ + rid = msim_new_reply_callback(session, cb, data); + + /* Send request */ + + cmd = MSIM_CMD_GET; + + if (msim_is_userid(user)) + { + field_name = "UserID"; + dsn = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_ID_DSN; + lid = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_ID_LID; + } else if (msim_is_email(user)) { + field_name = "Email"; + dsn = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_STRING_DSN; + lid = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_STRING_LID; + } else { + field_name = "UserName"; + dsn = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_STRING_DSN; + lid = MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_STRING_LID; + } + + + g_return_if_fail(msim_send(session, + "persist", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + "sesskey", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->sesskey, + "cmd", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, 1, + "dsn", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, dsn, + "uid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, session->userid, + "lid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, lid, + "rid", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, rid, + /* TODO: dictionary field type */ + "body", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, + g_strdup_printf("%s=%s", field_name, user), + NULL)); +} + + +/** + * Obtain the status text for a buddy. + * + * @param buddy The buddy to obtain status text for. + * + * @return Status text, or NULL if error. Caller g_free()'s. + * + */ +char * +msim_status_text(PurpleBuddy *buddy) +{ + MsimSession *session; + const gchar *display_name, *headline; + + g_return_val_if_fail(buddy != NULL, NULL); + + session = (MsimSession *)buddy->account->gc->proto_data; + g_return_val_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session), NULL); + + display_name = headline = NULL; + + /* Retrieve display name and/or headline, depending on user preference. */ + if (purple_account_get_bool(session->account, "show_display_name", TRUE)) + { + display_name = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "DisplayName"); + } + + if (purple_account_get_bool(session->account, "show_headline", FALSE)) + { + headline = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "Headline"); + } + + /* Return appropriate combination of display name and/or headline, or neither. */ + + if (display_name && headline) + return g_strconcat(display_name, " ", headline, NULL); + + if (display_name) + return g_strdup(display_name); + + if (headline) + return g_strdup(headline); + + return NULL; +} + +/** + * Obtain the tooltip text for a buddy. + * + * @param buddy Buddy to obtain tooltip text on. + * @param user_info Variable modified to have the tooltip text. + * @param full TRUE if should obtain full tooltip text. + * + */ +void +msim_tooltip_text(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info, + gboolean full) +{ + const gchar *str, *str2; + gint n; + + g_return_if_fail(buddy != NULL); + g_return_if_fail(user_info != NULL); + + if (PURPLE_BUDDY_IS_ONLINE(buddy)) + { + MsimSession *session; + + session = (MsimSession *)buddy->account->gc->proto_data; + + g_return_if_fail(MSIM_SESSION_VALID(session)); + + /* TODO: if (full), do something different */ + + /* Useful to identify the account the tooltip refers to. + * Other prpls show this. */ + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "UserName"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("User Name"), str); + + /* a/s/l...the vitals */ + n = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "Age"); + if (n) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Age"), + g_strdup_printf("%d", n)); + + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "Gender"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Gender"), str); + + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "Location"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Location"), str); + + /* Other information */ + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "Headline"); + if (str) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Headline"), str); + + str = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "BandName"); + str2 = purple_blist_node_get_string(&buddy->node, "SongName"); + if (str || str2) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Song"), + g_strdup_printf("%s - %s", + str ? str : _("Unknown Artist"), + str2 ? str2 : _("Unknown Song"))); + + n = purple_blist_node_get_int(&buddy->node, "TotalFriends"); + if (n) + purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, _("Total Friends"), + g_strdup_printf("%d", n)); + + } +} + +/** Actions menu for account. */ +GList * +msim_actions(PurplePlugin *plugin, gpointer context) +{ + PurpleConnection *gc; + GList *menu; + //PurplePluginAction *act; + + gc = (PurpleConnection *)context; + + menu = NULL; + +#if 0 + /* TODO: find out how */ + act = purple_plugin_action_new(_("Find people..."), msim_); + menu = g_list_append(menu, act); + + act = purple_plugin_action_new(_("Import friends..."), NULL); + menu = g_list_append(menu, act); + + act = purple_plugin_action_new(_("Change IM name..."), NULL); + menu = g_list_append(menu, act); +#endif + + return menu; +} + +/** Callbacks called by Purple, to access this plugin. */ +PurplePluginProtocolInfo prpl_info = +{ + /* options */ + OPT_PROTO_USE_POINTSIZE /* specify font size in sane point size */ + | OPT_PROTO_MAIL_CHECK, + + /* | OPT_PROTO_IM_IMAGE - TODO: direct images. */ + NULL, /* user_splits */ + NULL, /* protocol_options */ + NO_BUDDY_ICONS, /* icon_spec - TODO: eventually should add this */ + msim_list_icon, /* list_icon */ + NULL, /* list_emblems */ + msim_status_text, /* status_text */ + msim_tooltip_text, /* tooltip_text */ + msim_status_types, /* status_types */ + msim_blist_node_menu, /* blist_node_menu */ + NULL, /* chat_info */ + NULL, /* chat_info_defaults */ + msim_login, /* login */ + msim_close, /* close */ + msim_send_im, /* send_im */ + NULL, /* set_info */ + msim_send_typing, /* send_typing */ + msim_get_info, /* get_info */ + msim_set_status, /* set_status */ + msim_set_idle, /* set_idle */ + NULL, /* change_passwd */ + msim_add_buddy, /* add_buddy */ + NULL, /* add_buddies */ + msim_remove_buddy, /* remove_buddy */ + NULL, /* remove_buddies */ + NULL, /* add_permit */ + NULL, /* add_deny */ + NULL, /* rem_permit */ + NULL, /* rem_deny */ + NULL, /* set_permit_deny */ + NULL, /* join_chat */ + NULL, /* reject chat invite */ + NULL, /* get_chat_name */ + NULL, /* chat_invite */ + NULL, /* chat_leave */ + NULL, /* chat_whisper */ + NULL, /* chat_send */ + NULL, /* keepalive */ + NULL, /* register_user */ + NULL, /* get_cb_info */ + NULL, /* get_cb_away */ + NULL, /* alias_buddy */ + NULL, /* group_buddy */ + NULL, /* rename_group */ + NULL, /* buddy_free */ + NULL, /* convo_closed */ + NULL, /* normalize */ + NULL, /* set_buddy_icon */ + NULL, /* remove_group */ + NULL, /* get_cb_real_name */ + NULL, /* set_chat_topic */ + NULL, /* find_blist_chat */ + NULL, /* roomlist_get_list */ + NULL, /* roomlist_cancel */ + NULL, /* roomlist_expand_category */ + NULL, /* can_receive_file */ + NULL, /* send_file */ + NULL, /* new_xfer */ + msim_offline_message, /* offline_message */ + NULL, /* whiteboard_prpl_ops */ + msim_send_really_raw, /* send_raw */ + NULL, /* roomlist_room_serialize */ + NULL, /* _purple_reserved1 */ + NULL, /* _purple_reserved2 */ + NULL, /* _purple_reserved3 */ + NULL /* _purple_reserved4 */ +}; + + + +/** Based on MSN's plugin info comments. */ +PurplePluginInfo info = +{ + PURPLE_PLUGIN_MAGIC, + PURPLE_MAJOR_VERSION, + PURPLE_MINOR_VERSION, + PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL, /**< type */ + NULL, /**< ui_requirement */ + 0, /**< flags */ + NULL, /**< dependencies */ + PURPLE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, /**< priority */ + + "prpl-myspace", /**< id */ + "MySpaceIM", /**< name */ + MSIM_PRPL_VERSION_STRING, /**< version */ + /** summary */ + "MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin", + /** description */ + "MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin", + "Jeff Connelly ", /**< author */ + "http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/MySpaceIM/", /**< homepage */ + + msim_load, /**< load */ + NULL, /**< unload */ + NULL, /**< destroy */ + NULL, /**< ui_info */ + &prpl_info, /**< extra_info */ + NULL, /**< prefs_info */ + msim_actions, /**< msim_actions */ + NULL, /**< reserved1 */ + NULL, /**< reserved2 */ + NULL, /**< reserved3 */ + NULL /**< reserved4 */ +}; + + +#ifdef MSIM_SELF_TEST +/** Test functions. + * Used to test or try out the internal workings of msimprpl. If you're reading + * this code for the first time, these functions can be instructive in how + * msimprpl is architected. + */ +void +msim_test_all(void) +{ + guint failures; + + + failures = 0; + failures += msim_test_xml(); + failures += msim_test_msg(); + failures += msim_test_escaping(); + + if (failures) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_test_all HAD FAILURES: %d\n", failures); + } + else + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_test_all - all tests passed!\n"); + } + exit(0); +} + +int +msim_test_xml(void) +{ + gchar *msg_text; + xmlnode *root, *n; + guint failures; + char *s; + int len; + + failures = 0; + + msg_text = "


"; + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_test_xml: msg_text=%s\n", msg_text); + + root = xmlnode_from_str(msg_text, -1); + if (!root) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "there is no root\n"); + exit(0); + } + + purple_debug_info("msim", "root name=%s, child name=%s\n", root->name, + root->child->name); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "last child name=%s\n", root->lastchild->name); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Root xml=%s\n", + xmlnode_to_str(root, &len)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Child xml=%s\n", + xmlnode_to_str(root->child, &len)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Lastchild xml=%s\n", + xmlnode_to_str(root->lastchild, &len)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Next xml=%s\n", + xmlnode_to_str(root->next, &len)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Next data=%s\n", + xmlnode_get_data(root->next)); + purple_debug_info("msim", "Child->next xml=%s\n", + xmlnode_to_str(root->child->next, &len)); + + for (n = root->child; n; n = n->next) + { + if (n->name) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", " ** n=%s\n",n->name); + } else { + purple_debug_info("msim", " ** n data=%s\n", n->data); + } + } + + purple_debug_info("msim", "root data=%s, child data=%s, child 'h'=%s\n", + xmlnode_get_data(root), + xmlnode_get_data(root->child), + xmlnode_get_attrib(root->child, "h")); + + + for (n = root->child; + n != NULL; + n = n->next) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "next name=%s\n", n->name); + } + + s = xmlnode_to_str(root, &len); + s[len] = 0; + + purple_debug_info("msim", "str: %s\n", s); + g_free(s); + + xmlnode_free(root); + + exit(0); + + return failures; +} + +/** Test MsimMessage for basic functionality. */ +int +msim_test_msg(void) +{ + MsimMessage *msg, *msg_cloned; + gchar *packed, *packed_expected, *packed_cloned; + guint failures; + + failures = 0; + + purple_debug_info("msim", "\n\nTesting MsimMessage\n"); + msg = msim_msg_new(FALSE); /* Create a new, empty message. */ + + /* Append some new elements. */ + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "bx", MSIM_TYPE_BINARY, g_string_new_len(g_strdup("XXX"), 3)); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "k1", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("v1")); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "k1", MSIM_TYPE_INTEGER, GUINT_TO_POINTER(42)); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "k1", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("v43")); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "k1", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("v52/xxx\\yyy")); + msg = msim_msg_append(msg, "k1", MSIM_TYPE_STRING, g_strdup("v7")); + msim_msg_dump("msg debug str=%s\n", msg); + packed = msim_msg_pack(msg); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msg packed=%s\n", packed); + + packed_expected = "\\bx\\WFhY\\k1\\v1\\k1\\42\\k1" + "\\v43\\k1\\v52/1xxx/2yyy\\k1\\v7\\final\\"; + + if (0 != strcmp(packed, packed_expected)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "!!!(%d), msim_msg_pack not what expected: %s != %s\n", + ++failures, packed, packed_expected); + } + + + msg_cloned = msim_msg_clone(msg); + packed_cloned = msim_msg_pack(msg_cloned); + + purple_debug_info("msim", "msg cloned=%s\n", packed_cloned); + if (0 != strcmp(packed, packed_cloned)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "!!!(%d), msim_msg_pack on cloned message not equal to original: %s != %s\n", + ++failures, packed_cloned, packed); + } + + g_free(packed); + g_free(packed_cloned); + msim_msg_free(msg_cloned); + msim_msg_free(msg); + + return failures; +} + +/** Test protocol-level escaping/unescaping. */ +int +msim_test_escaping(void) +{ + guint failures; + gchar *raw, *escaped, *unescaped, *expected; + + failures = 0; + + purple_debug_info("msim", "\n\nTesting escaping\n"); + + raw = "hello/world\\hello/world"; + + escaped = msim_escape(raw); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_test_escaping: raw=%s, escaped=%s\n", raw, escaped); + expected = "hello/1world/2hello/1world"; + if (0 != strcmp(escaped, expected)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "!!!(%d), msim_escape failed: %s != %s\n", + ++failures, escaped, expected); + } + + + unescaped = msim_unescape(escaped); + g_free(escaped); + purple_debug_info("msim", "msim_test_escaping: unescaped=%s\n", unescaped); + if (0 != strcmp(raw, unescaped)) + { + purple_debug_info("msim", "!!!(%d), msim_unescape failed: %s != %s\n", + ++failures, raw, unescaped); + } + + return failures; +} +#endif + +/** Initialize plugin. */ +void +init_plugin(PurplePlugin *plugin) +{ + PurpleAccountOption *option; +#ifdef MSIM_SELF_TEST + msim_test_all(); +#endif /* MSIM_SELF_TEST */ + + /* TODO: default to automatically try different ports. Make the user be + * able to set the first port to try (like LastConnectedPort in Windows client). */ + option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("Connect server"), "server", MSIM_SERVER); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + + option = purple_account_option_int_new(_("Connect port"), "port", MSIM_PORT); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + + option = purple_account_option_bool_new(_("Show display name in status text"), "show_display_name", TRUE); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + + option = purple_account_option_bool_new(_("Show headline in status text"), "show_headline", TRUE); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + + option = purple_account_option_bool_new(_("Send emoticons"), "emoticons", FALSE); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + +#ifdef MSIM_USER_REALLY_CARES_ABOUT_PRECISE_FONT_SIZES + option = purple_account_option_int_new(_("Screen resolution (dots per inch)"), "dpi", MSIM_DEFAULT_DPI); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); + + option = purple_account_option_int_new(_("Base font size (points)"), "base_font_size", MSIM_BASE_FONT_POINT_SIZE); + prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); +#endif +} + +PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN(myspace, init_plugin, info); diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/myspace.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/myspace.h Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/* MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin, header file + * + * Copyright (C) 2007, Jeff Connelly + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#ifndef _MYSPACE_MYSPACE_H +#define _MYSPACE_MYSPACE_H + +/* Other includes */ +#include +#include /* for EAGAIN */ +#include +#include + +#include + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include "win32dep.h" +#else +/* For recv() and send(); needed to match Win32 */ +#include +#include +#endif + +#include "internal.h" + +#include "notify.h" +#include "plugin.h" +#include "accountopt.h" +#include "version.h" +#include "cipher.h" /* for SHA-1 */ +#include "util.h" /* for base64 */ +#include "debug.h" /* for purple_debug_info */ +#include "xmlnode.h" + +/* MySpaceIM includes */ +#include "message.h" + +/* Conditional compilation options */ +/* Send third-party client version? (Recognized by us and Miranda's plugin) */ +/*#define MSIM_SEND_CLIENT_VERSION */ + +/* Debugging options */ +/*#define MSIM_DEBUG_MSG */ +/* Low-level and rarely needed */ +/*#define MSIM_DEBUG_PARSE */ +/*#define MSIM_DEBUG_LOGIN_CHALLENGE */ +/*#define MSIM_DEBUG_RXBUF */ + +/* Define to cause init_plugin() to run some tests and print + * the results to the Purple debug log, then exit. Useful to + * run with 'pidgin -d' to see the output. Don't define if + * you want to actually use the plugin! */ +/*#define MSIM_SELF_TEST */ + +/* Constants */ + +/* Maximum length of a password that is acceptable. This is the limit + * on the official client (build 679) and on the 'new password' field at + * http://settings.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.changepassword + * (though curiously, not on the 'current password' field). */ +#define MSIM_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH 10 + +/* Build version of MySpaceIM to report to servers (1.0.xxx.0) */ +#define MSIM_CLIENT_VERSION 697 + +/* Language codes from http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/oslocversion.mspx */ +#define MSIM_LANGUAGE_ID_ENGLISH 1033 +#define MSIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_ENGLISH "ENGLISH" + +/* msimprpl version string of this plugin */ +#define MSIM_PRPL_VERSION_STRING "0.13" + +/* Default server */ +#define MSIM_SERVER "im.myspace.akadns.net" +#define MSIM_PORT 1863 /* TODO: alternate ports and automatic */ + +/* Time between keepalives (seconds) - if no data within this time, is dead. */ +#define MSIM_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL (3 * 60) + +/* Time to check if alive (milliseconds) */ +#define MSIM_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_CHECK (30 * 1000) + +/* Time to check for new mail (milliseconds) */ +#define MSIM_MAIL_INTERVAL_CHECK (60 * 1000) + + +/* Constants */ +#define HASH_SIZE 0x14 /**< Size of SHA-1 hash for login */ +#define NONCE_SIZE 0x20 /**< Half of decoded 'nc' field */ +#define MSIM_READ_BUF_SIZE (15 * 1024) /**< Receive buffer size */ +#define MSIM_FINAL_STRING "\\final\\" /**< Message end marker */ + +/* Messages */ +#define MSIM_BM_INSTANT 1 +#define MSIM_BM_STATUS 100 +#define MSIM_BM_ACTION 121 +#define MSIM_BM_MEDIA 122 +#define MSIM_BM_PROFILE 124 +#define MSIM_BM_UNOFFICIAL_CLIENT 200 + +/* Authentication algorithm for login2 */ +#define MSIM_AUTH_ALGORITHM 196610 + +/* Recognized challenge length */ +#define MSIM_AUTH_CHALLENGE_LENGTH 0x40 + +/* TODO: obtain IPs of network interfaces from user's machine, instead of + * hardcoding these values below (used in msim_compute_login_response). + * This is not immediately + * important because you can still connect and perform basic + * functions of the protocol. There is also a high chance that the addreses + * are RFC1918 private, so the servers couldn't do anything with them + * anyways except make note of that fact. Probably important for any + * kind of direct connection, or file transfer functionality. + */ + +#define MSIM_LOGIN_IP_LIST "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x40\xc0\xa8\x58\x01\xc0\xa8\x3c\x01" +#define MSIM_LOGIN_IP_LIST_LEN 25 + +/* Indexes into status string (0|1|2|3|..., but 0 always empty) */ +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_EMPTY 0 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWNs 1 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_ONLINE 2 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWNss 3 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_HEADLINE 4 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWNls 5 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWN 6 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWN1 7 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWNp 8 +#define MSIM_STATUS_ORDINAL_UNKNOWN2 9 + +/* Status codes - states a buddy (or you!) can be in. */ +#define MSIM_STATUS_CODE_OFFLINE_OR_HIDDEN 0 +#define MSIM_STATUS_CODE_ONLINE 1 +#define MSIM_STATUS_CODE_IDLE 2 +#define MSIM_STATUS_CODE_AWAY 5 + +/* Text formatting bits for */ +#define MSIM_TEXT_BOLD 1 +#define MSIM_TEXT_ITALIC 2 +#define MSIM_TEXT_UNDERLINE 4 + +/* Default baseline size of purple's fonts, in points. What is size 3 in points. + * _font_scale specifies scaling factor relative to this point size. Note this + * is only the default; it is configurable in account options. */ +#define MSIM_BASE_FONT_POINT_SIZE 8 + +/* Default display's DPI. 96 is common but it can differ. Also configurable + * in account options. */ +#define MSIM_DEFAULT_DPI 96 + + +/* Random number in every MsimSession, to ensure it is valid. */ +#define MSIM_SESSION_STRUCT_MAGIC 0xe4a6752b + +/* Inbox status bitfield values for MsimSession.inbox_status */ +#define MSIM_INBOX_MAIL (1 << 0) +#define MSIM_INBOX_BLOG_COMMENT (1 << 1) +#define MSIM_INBOX_PROFILE_COMMENT (1 << 2) +#define MSIM_INBOX_FRIEND_REQUEST (1 << 3) +#define MSIM_INBOX_PICTURE_COMMENT (1 << 4) + +/* Everything needed to keep track of a session. */ +typedef struct _MsimSession +{ + guint magic; /**< MSIM_SESSION_STRUCT_MAGIC */ + PurpleAccount *account; + PurpleConnection *gc; + guint sesskey; /**< Session key from server */ + guint userid; /**< This user's numeric user ID */ + gchar *username; /**< This user's unique username */ + gint fd; /**< File descriptor to/from server */ + + /* TODO: Remove. */ + GHashTable *user_lookup_cb; /**< Username -> userid lookup callback */ + GHashTable *user_lookup_cb_data; /**< Username -> userid lookup callback data */ + + GHashTable *server_info; /**< Parameters from server */ + + gchar *rxbuf; /**< Receive buffer */ + guint rxoff; /**< Receive buffer offset */ + guint next_rid; /**< Next request/response ID */ + time_t last_comm; /**< Time received last communication */ + guint inbox_status; /**< Bit field of inbox notifications */ +} MsimSession; + +/* Check if an MsimSession is valid */ +#define MSIM_SESSION_VALID(s) (session != NULL && \ + session->magic == MSIM_SESSION_STRUCT_MAGIC) + +gchar *str_replace(const gchar *str, const gchar *old, const gchar *new); + +/* Callback function pointer type for when a user's information is received, + * initiated from a user lookup. */ +typedef void (*MSIM_USER_LOOKUP_CB)(MsimSession *session, MsimMessage *userinfo, + gpointer data); + +/* Functions */ +gboolean msim_load(PurplePlugin *plugin); +GList *msim_status_types(PurpleAccount *acct); + +GList *msim_blist_node_menu(PurpleBlistNode *node); + +const gchar *msim_list_icon(PurpleAccount *acct, PurpleBuddy *buddy); + +gboolean msim_send_raw(MsimSession *session, const gchar *msg); + +void msim_login(PurpleAccount *acct); + +int msim_send_im(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *who, const gchar *message, + PurpleMessageFlags flags); + +typedef void (*MSIM_XMLNODE_CONVERT)(MsimSession *, xmlnode *, gchar **, gchar **); + +unsigned int msim_send_typing(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *name, PurpleTypingState state); +void msim_get_info(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *name); + +void msim_set_status(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status); +void msim_set_idle(PurpleConnection *gc, int time); + +void msim_add_buddy(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, + PurpleGroup *group); +void msim_remove_buddy(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, + PurpleGroup *group); + +gboolean msim_offline_message(const PurpleBuddy *buddy); + +MsimSession *msim_session_new(PurpleAccount *acct); +void msim_session_destroy(MsimSession *session); + +void msim_close(PurpleConnection *gc); + +char *msim_status_text(PurpleBuddy *buddy); +void msim_tooltip_text(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info, + gboolean full); +GList *msim_actions(PurplePlugin *plugin, gpointer context); + +#ifdef MSIM_SELF_TEST +void msim_test_all(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); +int msim_test_xml(void); +int msim_test_msg(void); +int msim_test_escaping(void); +#endif + +void init_plugin(PurplePlugin *plugin); + +#endif /* !_MYSPACE_MYSPACE_H */ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/persist.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/persist.h Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/* MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin, persist commands + * + * Copyright (C) 2007, Jeff Connelly + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + */ + +#ifndef _MYSPACE_PERSIST_H +#define _MYSPACE_PERSIST_H + +/** Command codes */ +#define MSIM_CMD_GET 1 +#define MSIM_CMD_PUT 2 +#define MSIM_CMD_DELETE 3 + +/** Command bit fields */ +#define MSIM_CMD_BIT_CODE 255 /*< Bits specifying command code */ +#define MSIM_CMD_BIT_REPLY 256 /**< 1=reply, 0=request */ +#define MSIM_CMD_BIT_ACTION 512 /**< 1=action, 0=information */ +#define MSIM_CMD_BIT_ERROR 1024 /**< 1=error, 0=normal */ + +/** Macros to read cmd bitfield. */ +#define MSIM_CMD_GET_CODE(x) (x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_CODE) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_REPLY(x) (x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_REPLY) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_REQUEST(x) !(x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_REPLY) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_ACTION(x) (x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_ACTION) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_INFO(x) !(x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_ACTION) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_ERROR(x) (x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_ERROR) +#define MSIM_CMD_IS_NORMAL(x) !(x & MSIM_CMD_BIT_ERROR) + +/** Define a set of _DSN and _LID constants for a persistance request. */ +#define MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(name,dsn,lid) \ + const int name##_DSN = dsn; \ + const int name##_LID = lid; + +/* Can't do this, errors: + * persist.h:51:3: error: '#' is not followed by a macro parameter + * In file included from myspace.c:37: + * persist.h:56: error: expected ')' before numeric constant + * So instead, I define const ints above. +#define MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(name,dsn,lid) \ + #define name##_DSN dsn \ + #define name##_LID lid +#endif +*/ + +/** Messages to Get information dsn lid */ +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_LIST_ALL_CONTACTS, 0, 1) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_USER_INFO_BY_ID, 0, 2) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_OWN_IM_INFO, 1, 4) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_IM_INFO_BY_ID, 1, 17) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_LIST_ALL_GROUPS, 2, 6) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_ID, 4, 3) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_OWN_MYSPACE_INFO, 4, 5) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_MYSPACE_INFO_BY_STRING, 5, 7) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_CHECK_MAIL, 7, 18) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_WEB_CHALLENGE, 17, 26) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_USER_SONG, 21, 28) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MG_SERVER_INFO, 101, 20) + +/** Messages to Change/send information */ +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MC_USER_PREFERENCES, 1, 10) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MC_CONTACT_INFO, 0, 9) +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MC_INVITE, 16, 25) + +/** Messages to Delete information */ +MSIM_PERSIST_DSN_LID(MD_DELETE_BUDDY, 0, 8) + +/** Error codes */ +#define MERR_PARSE 1 +#define MERR_NOT_LOGGED_IN 2 +#define MERR_ANOTHER_LOGIN 6 +#define MERR_BAD_EMAIL 259 +#define MERR_BAD_PASSWORD 260 +#define MERR_BAD_UID_IN_PERSISTR 4352 + +#endif /* !_MYSPACE_PERSIST_H */ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/protocols/myspace/release.sh --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/protocols/myspace/release.sh Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Created:20070618 +# By Jeff Connelly + +# Package a new msimprpl for release. Must be run with bash. + +VERSION=0.13 +make +# Include 'myspace' directory in archive, so it can easily be unextracted +# into ~/pidgin/libpurple/protocols at the correct location. +# (if this command fails, run it manually). +# This convenient command requires bash. +cd ../../.. +tar -cf libpurple/protocols/msimprpl-$VERSION.tar libpurple/protocols/myspace/{CHANGES,ChangeLog,LICENSE,Makefile.*,*.c,*.h,README,release.sh,.deps/*} autogen.sh configure.ac +cd libpurple/protocols/myspace +gzip ../msimprpl-$VERSION.tar + +mv ~/pidgin/config.h ~/pidgin/config.h- +make -f Makefile.mingw +mv ~/pidgin/config.h- ~/pidgin/config.h +cp ~/pidgin/win32-install-dir/plugins/libmyspace.dll . +# Zip is more common with Win32 users. Just include a few files in this archive. +zip ../msimprpl-$VERSION-win32.zip libmyspace.dll README LICENSE CHANGES +ls -l ../msimprpl-$VERSION* diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 libpurple/purple-url-handler --- a/libpurple/purple-url-handler Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/libpurple/purple-url-handler Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ else: return list +def convert(value): + try: + return int(value) + except: + return value + def findaccount(protocolname, accountname=""): # prefer connected accounts account = cpurple.PurpleAccountsFindConnected(accountname, protocolname) @@ -84,6 +90,32 @@ cpurple.PurpleBlistRequestAddBuddy(account, screenname, group, alias) +def aim(uri): + protocol = "prpl-aim" + match = re.match(r"^aim:([^?]*)(\?(.*))", uri) + if not match: + print "Invalid aim URI: %s" % uri + return + + command = urllib.unquote_plus(match.group(1)) + paramstring = match.group(3) + params = {} + if paramstring: + for param in paramstring.split("&"): + key, value = extendlist(param.split("=", 1), 2, "") + params[key] = urllib.unquote_plus(value) + accountname = params.get("account", "") + screenname = params.get("screenname", "") + + account = findaccount(protocol, accountname) + + if command.lower() == "goim": + goim(account, screenname, params.get("message")) + elif command.lower() == "gochat": + gochat(account, params) + elif command.lower() == "addbuddy": + addbuddy(account, screenname, params.get("group", "")) + def gg(uri): protocol = "prpl-gg" match = re.match(r"^gg:(.*)", uri) @@ -95,6 +127,32 @@ account = findaccount(protocol) goim(account, screenname) +def icq(uri): + protocol = "prpl-icq" + match = re.match(r"^icq:([^?]*)(\?(.*))", uri) + if not match: + print "Invalid icq URI: %s" % uri + return + + command = urllib.unquote_plus(match.group(1)) + paramstring = match.group(3) + params = {} + if paramstring: + for param in paramstring.split("&"): + key, value = extendlist(param.split("=", 1), 2, "") + params[key] = urllib.unquote_plus(value) + accountname = params.get("account", "") + screenname = params.get("screenname", "") + + account = findaccount(protocol, accountname) + + if command.lower() == "goim": + goim(account, screenname, params.get("message")) + elif command.lower() == "gochat": + gochat(account, params) + elif command.lower() == "addbuddy": + addbuddy(account, screenname, params.get("group", "")) + def irc(uri): protocol = "prpl-irc" match = re.match(r"^irc:(//([^/]*)/)?([^?]*)(\?(.*))?", uri) @@ -131,6 +189,34 @@ channel = "#" + channel gochat(account, {"server": server, "channel": channel, "password": params.get("key", "")}, params.get("msg")) +def msnim(uri): + protocol = "prpl-msn" + match = re.match(r"^msnim:([^?]*)(\?(.*))", uri) + if not match: + print "Invalid msnim URI: %s" % uri + return + + command = urllib.unquote_plus(match.group(1)) + paramstring = match.group(3) + params = {} + if paramstring: + for param in paramstring.split("&"): + key, value = extendlist(param.split("=", 1), 2, "") + params[key] = urllib.unquote_plus(value) + screenname = params.get("contact", "") + + account = findaccount(protocol) + + if command.lower() == "chat": + goim(account, screenname) + elif command.lower() == "add": + addbuddy(account, screenname) + +def myim(uri): + protocol = "prpl-myspace" + print "TODO: send uri: ", uri + assert False, "Not implemented" + def sip(uri): protocol = "prpl-simple" match = re.match(r"^sip:(.*)", uri) @@ -182,6 +268,32 @@ else: goim(account, screenname) +def ymsgr(uri): + protocol = "prpl-yahoo" + match = re.match(r"^ymsgr:([^?]*)(\?([^&]*)(&(.*))?)", uri) + if not match: + print "Invalid ymsgr URI: %s" % uri + return + + command = urllib.unquote_plus(match.group(1)) + screenname = urllib.unquote_plus(match.group(3)) + paramstring = match.group(5) + params = {} + if paramstring: + for param in paramstring.split("&"): + key, value = extendlist(param.split("=", 1), 2, "") + params[key] = urllib.unquote_plus(value) + + account = findaccount(protocol) + + if command.lower() == "sendim": + goim(account, screenname, params.get("m")) + elif command.lower() == "chat": + gochat(account, {"room": screenname}) + elif command.lower() == "addfriend": + addbuddy(account, screenname) + + def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) != 2: print "Usage: %s URI" % argv[0] @@ -192,16 +304,26 @@ type = uri.split(":")[0] try: - if type == "gg": + if type == "aim": + aim(uri) + elif type == "gg": gg(uri) + elif type == "icq": + icq(uri) elif type == "irc": irc(uri) + elif type == "msnim": + msnim(uri) + elif type == "myim": + myim(uri) elif type == "sip": sip(uri) elif type == "xmpp": xmpp(uri) + elif type == "ymsgr": + ymsgr(uri) else: - cpurple.PurpleGotProtocolHandlerUri(uri) + print "Unknown protocol: %s" % type except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException: print "ERROR: Is there a libpurple-powered client (e.g. Pidgin or Finch) running?" diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/Makefile.am --- a/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ jabber.png \ meanwhile.png \ msn.png \ + myspace.png \ qq.png \ silc.png \ simple.png \ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/myspace.png Binary file pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/myspace.png has changed diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/22/Makefile.am --- a/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/22/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/22/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ jabber.png \ meanwhile.png \ msn.png \ + myspace.png \ qq.png \ silc.png \ simple.png \ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/22/myspace.png Binary file pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/22/myspace.png has changed diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/48/Makefile.am --- a/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/48/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/48/Makefile.am Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ jabber.png \ meanwhile.png \ msn.png \ + myspace.png \ qq.png \ silc.png \ simple.png \ diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/48/myspace.png Binary file pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/48/myspace.png has changed diff -r b68ced0ab472 -r eeaf5afc8940 po/POTFILES.in --- a/po/POTFILES.in Mon Aug 06 01:46:07 2007 +0000 +++ b/po/POTFILES.in Mon Aug 06 04:04:23 2007 +0000 @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ libpurple/protocols/msn/state.c libpurple/protocols/msn/switchboard.c libpurple/protocols/msn/userlist.c +libpurple/protocols/myspace/myspace.c libpurple/protocols/novell/nmuser.c libpurple/protocols/novell/novell.c libpurple/protocols/oscar/flap_connection.c