
age author description
Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:54:18 +0000 Carlos Silva Make buddy and group management actually work, add some SOAP templates, redesign some parts of code and separate some bigger functions into its smaller tasks which are completely unrelated to each other
Wed, 08 Aug 2007 23:04:44 +0000 Carlos Silva propagate from branch 'im.pidgin.pidgin' (head 5775dc23bad7ecf62c8f951574460d2f075f9e72)
Wed, 08 Aug 2007 23:01:44 +0000 Carlos Silva Improve MSN_SOAP_DEBUG and workaround a Win32 bug which would case Pidgin to consume insane amounts of memory when printing a large string to the Debug Window.
Tue, 07 Aug 2007 22:07:26 +0000 Carlos Silva msn_soap_read_buf() shouldn't be used after calling soapconn->read_cb as this callback function can sometimes free soapconn (such as in nexus_login_read_cb after closing nexus connection)