diff src/dbus-analyze-functions.py @ 11146:1c5398ccbeb0

[gaim-migrate @ 13217] Gaim-DBUS signal export works with DBUS >= 0.35 Various gaim API functions available through DBUS committer: Tailor Script <tailor@pidgin.im>
author Piotr Zielinski <zielaj>
date Fri, 22 Jul 2005 19:47:29 +0000
children ebb02ea3c789
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/dbus-analyze-functions.py	Fri Jul 22 19:47:29 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# This programs takes a C header file as the input and produces:
+# with option --mode=xml:  xml dbus specification 
+# with option --mode=c:    C wrappers 
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+# mode: "c" or "xml"
+mode = None
+for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+    if arg.startswith("--mode="):
+        mode = arg[len("--mode="):]
+# list of object types
+objecttypes = []
+for objecttype in file("dbus-auto-structs.txt"):
+    objecttypes.append(objecttype.strip())
+# a dictionary of simple types
+# each TYPE maps into a pair (dbus-type-name, compatible-c-type-name)
+# if compatible-c-type-name is None then it is the same as TYPE
+simpletypes = {
+    "int" : ("i", None),
+    "gint" : ("i", None),
+    "guint" : ("u", None),
+    "gboolean" : ("i", "int")
+    }
+for enum in file("dbus-auto-enums.txt"):
+    simpletypes[enum.strip()] = ("i", "int")
+# functions that shouldn't be exported 
+excluded = ["gaim_accounts_load", "gaim_account_set_presence"]
+pointer = "#pointer#"
+prefix = "gaim_object_"
+cparams = []
+cdecls  = []
+ccode  = []
+dargs  = []
+myexception = "My Exception"
+def ctopascal(name):
+    newname = ""
+    for word in name.split("_"):
+        newname += word.capitalize()
+    return newname
+def dbus_print(function):
+    print '<method name="%s">' % ctopascal(function)
+    for name, type, direction in dargs:
+        print '<arg type="%s" name="%s" direction="%s" />' % \
+              (type, name, direction)
+    print '</method>'
+    print 
+def dbus_clear():
+    global dargs
+    dargs = []
+def c_print(function):
+    print "static gboolean %s%s(GaimObject *gaim_object," % (prefix, function),
+    for param in cparams:
+        print "%s," % param,
+    print "GError **error) {"
+    for decl in cdecls:
+        print decl
+    for code in ccode:
+        print code
+    print "return TRUE;\n}\n"
+def c_clear():
+    global cparams, cdecls, ccode
+    cparams = []
+    cdecls  = []
+    ccode  = []
+# processing an input parameter
+def inputvar(mytype, name):
+    global dargs, ccode, cparams, cdecls
+    const = False
+    if mytype[0] == "const":
+        mytype = mytype[1:]
+        const = True
+    # simple types (int, gboolean, etc.) and enums
+    if (len(mytype) == 1) and (mytype[0] in simpletypes):
+        dbustype, ctype = simpletypes[mytype[0]]
+        dargs.append((name, dbustype, "in"))
+        if ctype is None:
+            cparams.append(mytype[0] + " " + name)
+        else:
+            cparams.append(ctype + " " + name + "_ORIG")
+            cdecls .append("%s %s;\n" % (mytype[0], name))
+            ccode  .append("%s = (%s) %s_ORIG;\n" % \
+                           (name, mytype[0], name))
+        return
+    # pointers ...
+    if (len(mytype) == 2) and (mytype[1] == pointer):
+        # strings
+        if mytype[0] == "char":
+            if const:
+                dargs  .append((name, "s", "in"))
+                cparams.append("const char *" + name)
+                ccode  .append("NULLIFY(%s);" % name)
+                return
+            else:
+                raise myexception
+        # known object types are transformed to integer handles
+        elif mytype[0] in objecttypes:
+            dargs  .append((name, "i", "in"))
+            cparams.append("int " + name + "_ID")
+            cdecls .append("%s *%s;" % (mytype[0], name))
+            ccode  .append("GAIM_DBUS_ID_TO_POINTER(%s, %s_ID, %s);"  % \
+                           (name, name, mytype[0]))
+            return
+        # unknown pointers are always replaced with NULL
+        else:
+            dargs  .append((name, "i", "in"))
+            cparams.append("int " + name + "_NULL")
+            cdecls .append("%s *%s;" % (mytype[0], name))
+            ccode  .append("%s = NULL;" % name)
+            return
+    raise myexception
+# processing an output parameter
+def outputvar(mytype, name, call):
+    # the "void" type is simple ...
+    if mytype == ["void"]:
+        ccode.append("%s;" % call) # just call the function
+        return
+    # a constant string
+    if mytype == ["const", "char", pointer]:
+        dargs  .append((name, "s", "out"))
+        cparams.append("char **%s" % name)
+        ccode  .append("*%s = g_strdup(null_to_empty(%s));" % (name, call))
+        return
+    # simple types (ints, booleans, enums, ...)
+    if (len(mytype) == 1) and (mytype[0] in simpletypes): 
+        dbustype, ctype = simpletypes[mytype[0]]
+        if ctype is None:
+            ctype = mytype[0]
+        dargs  .append((name, dbustype, "out"))
+        ccode  .append("*%s = %s;" % (name, call))
+        cparams.append("%s *%s" % (ctype, name))
+        return
+    # pointers ...
+    if (len(mytype) == 2) and (mytype[1] == pointer):
+        # handles
+        if mytype[0] in objecttypes:
+            dargs  .append((name, "i", "out"))
+            cparams.append("int *%s" % name)
+            ccode  .append("GAIM_DBUS_POINTER_TO_ID(*%s, %s);" % (name, call))
+            return
+        # GList*, GSList*, assume that list is a list of objects
+        # not a list of strings!!!
+        if mytype[0] in ["GList", "GSList"]:
+            dargs  .append((name, "ai", "out"))
+            cparams.append("GArray **%s" % name)
+            ccode  .append("*%s = gaim_dbusify_%s(%s, TRUE);" % \
+                           (name, mytype[0],call))
+            return
+    raise myexception
+def processfunction(functionparam, paramlist):
+    dbus_clear()
+    c_clear()
+    ftokens = functionparam.split()
+    functiontype, function = ftokens[:-1], ftokens[-1]
+    if function in excluded:
+        return
+    origfunction = function
+    function = function.lower()
+    names = []
+    for param in paramlist:
+        tokens = param.split()
+        if len(tokens) < 2:
+            raise myexception
+        type, name = tokens[:-1], tokens[-1]
+        inputvar(type, name)
+        names.append(name)
+    outputvar(functiontype, "RESULT",
+              "%s(%s)" % (origfunction, ", ".join(names)))
+    if mode == "c":
+        c_print(function)
+    if mode == "xml":
+        dbus_print(function)
+if mode == "c":
+    print "/* Generated by %s.  Do not edit! */" % sys.argv[0]
+if mode == "xml":
+    print "<!-- Generated by %s.  Do not edit! -->" % sys.argv[0]
+functionregexp = re.compile(r"^(\w[^()]*)\(([^()]*)\)\s*;\s*$")
+inputiter = iter(sys.stdin)
+for line in inputiter:
+        words = line.split()
+        if len(words) == 0:             # empty line
+            continue
+        if line[0] == "#":              # preprocessor directive
+            continue
+        if words[0] in ["typedef", "struct", "enum", "static"]:
+            continue
+        # accumulate lines until the parentheses are balance or an
+        # empty line has been encountered
+        myline = line.strip()
+        while myline.count("(") > myline.count(")"):
+            newline = inputiter.next().strip()
+            if len(newline) == 0:
+                break
+            myline += " " + newline
+        # is this a function declaration?
+        thematch = functionregexp.match(
+            myline.replace("*", " " + pointer + " "))
+        if thematch is None:
+            continue
+        function = thematch.group(1)
+        parameters = thematch.group(2).strip()
+        if (parameters == "void") or (parameters == ""):
+            paramlist = []
+        else:
+            paramlist = parameters.split(",")
+        try:
+            processfunction(function, paramlist)
+        except myexception:
+            sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")
+        except:
+            sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")
+            raise