view gaim.desktop @ 11719:109ee3bfeac5

[gaim-migrate @ 14010] SF Patch #1333770 from corfe83 "Many times in gaim we use the function g_slist_remove(list,node->data) to remove an element from a GSList. If we already have the pointer to the node we want to delete, it is faster to send it the pointer to the node to delete rather than the data of the node (we can do this by calling g_slist_delete_link(list,node)). This change was made while looking at glib's documentation and the code in glib's gslist.c. This is because as the remove/delete function traverses each node in the list, it doesn't need to spend an extra memory access to retrieve the data for each element in the node it is traversing and then compare, it can simply compare the pointer. In my tests outside of gaim, this makes a big difference if the node you are deleting is at a high index in the list. However, even if you're deleting the first node, it about breaks even. So, I've found each case in gaim where we are calling g_slist_remove, and we already have the pointer to the appropriate node to delete (this is often the case when we're doing a for or while loop on a GSList). I've then replaced it with the appropriate call to g_slist_delete_link. I, however, didn't do this in situations where we are explicitly removing the first element in the list, because in those situations it is an unnecessary change. There should be no difference in behavior, but just in case I've tried running it with valgrind, which reports the same number of memory leaks after my patch as before my patch. Of course, I can't guarantee that my normal behavior on gaim is hitting all the functions I've changed, but in general testing it Works For Me (tm)." As with the last patch, this one may not have a practical performance impact (or maybe it does, I have no idea), but it's not worse for any case. Given two ways of doing things where one is always at least as fast and may be faster under some cases, I like to prefer that faster way. This doesn't make the code any uglier, so I'm applying. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Sat, 22 Oct 2005 20:48:18 +0000
parents 57e3e958ff49
children 391acec18e46
line wrap: on
line source

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Send instant messages over multiple protocols
Comment[da]=Send beskeder over flere protokoller
Comment[de]=Multi-Protokoll Instant Messenger Client
Comment[es]=Cliente de mensajería instantánea multiprotocolo
Comment[fr]=Client de messagerie instantanée multiprotocole
Comment[hu]=Többprotokollos üzenőkliens
Comment[it]=Client multiprotocollo per messaggi immediati
Comment[ko]=다중 프로토콜 메신저
Comment[nb]=Send lynmeldinger over flere protokoller
Comment[nl]=Multi-protocol programma voor expresberichten
Comment[pl]=Komunikator internetowy obsługujący kilka protokołów
Comment[pt_BR]=Cliente multi-protocolo de mensagens
Comment[pt]=Envie mensagens instantâneas sobre vários protocolos
Comment[sl]=Večprotokolni odjemalec za neposredno sporočanje
Comment[sq]=Dërgoni mesazhe të atypëratyshëm protokollesh të ndryshëm
Comment[sv]=Sänder snabbmeddelande över många protokoll
GenericName=Internet Messenger
GenericName[da]=Internet beskeder
GenericName[fr]=Messagerie instantanée
GenericName[it]=Internet Messenger
GenericName[pl]=Komunikator Internetowy
GenericName[pt_BR]=Mensageiro da Internet Gaim
GenericName[pt]=Mensageiro Internet
GenericName[sl]=Spletni sel
GenericName[sq]=Lajmësjellës Internet
Name=Gaim Internet Messenger
Name[da]=Gaim - internet beskeder
Name[de]=Gaim Internet Messenger
Name[fr]=Gaim Messagerie Instantanée
Name[hu]=Gaim IM
Name[it]=Gaim Internet Messenger
Name[ko]=게임 메신저
Name[nb]=Gaim lynmeldingsklient
Name[nl]=Gaim - Expresberichten
Name[pl]=Komunikator Internetowy Gaim
Name[pt]=Mensageiro Internet Gaim
Name[sl]=Gaim - spletni sel
Name[sq]=Lajmësjellësi Internet Gaim
Name[sv]=Gaim Internet Messenger
Name[zh_CN]=Gaim 互联网通讯程序