Mercurial > pidgin
view src/protocols/oscar/ssi.c @ 4112:12552607e88c
[gaim-migrate @ 4327]
The alias, if available, is now used on the "___ has closed the
conversation window" message.
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Christian Hammond <> |
date | Sat, 21 Dec 2002 20:00:43 +0000 |
parents | 2532f1192da3 |
children | 9f729d6d88a6 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * Server-Side/Stored Information. * * Relatively new facility that allows storing of certain types of information, * such as a users buddy list, permit/deny list, and permit/deny preferences, * to be stored on the server, so that they can be accessed from any client. * * We keep a copy of the ssi data in sess->ssi, because the data needs to be * accessed for various reasons. So all the "aim_ssi_itemlist_bleh" functions * near the top just manage the local data. * * The SNAC sending and receiving functions are lower down in the file, and * they're simpler. They are in the order of the subtypes they deal with, * starting with the request rights function (subtype 0x0002), then parse * rights (subtype 0x0003), then--well, you get the idea. * * This is entirely too complicated. * You don't know the half of it. * * XXX - Test for memory leaks * XXX - Better parsing of rights, and use the rights info to limit adds * */ #define FAIM_INTERNAL #include <aim.h> /** * Locally add a new item to the given item list. * * @param list A pointer to a pointer to the current list of items. * @param parent A pointer to the parent group, or NULL if the item should have no * parent group (ie. the group ID# should be 0). * @param name A null terminated string of the name of the new item, or NULL if the * item should have no name. * @param type The type of the item, 0x0001 for a contact, 0x0002 for a group, etc. * @return The newly created item. */ static struct aim_ssi_item *aim_ssi_itemlist_add(struct aim_ssi_item **list, struct aim_ssi_item *parent, const char *name, fu16_t type) { int i; struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *newitem; if (!(newitem = (struct aim_ssi_item *)malloc(sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item)))) return NULL; /* Set the name */ if (name) { if (!(newitem->name = (char *)malloc((strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char)))) { free(newitem); return NULL; } strcpy(newitem->name, name); } else newitem->name = NULL; /* Set the group ID# and the buddy ID# */ newitem->gid = 0x0000; newitem->bid = 0x0000; if (type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) { if (name) do { newitem->gid += 0x0001; for (cur=*list, i=0; ((cur) && (!i)); cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid == newitem->gid) && (cur->gid == newitem->gid)) i=1; } while (i); } else { if (parent) newitem->gid = parent->gid; do { newitem->bid += 0x0001; for (cur=*list, i=0; ((cur) && (!i)); cur=cur->next) if ((cur->bid == newitem->bid) && (cur->gid == newitem->gid)) i=1; } while (i); } /* Set the rest */ newitem->type = type; newitem->data = NULL; newitem->next = *list; *list = newitem; return newitem; } /** * Locally rebuild the 0x00c8 TLV in the additional data of the given group. * * @param list A pointer to a pointer to the current list of items. * @param parentgroup A pointer to the group who's additional data you want to rebuild. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ static int aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(struct aim_ssi_item **list, struct aim_ssi_item *parentgroup) { int newlen; struct aim_ssi_item *cur; /* Free the old additional data */ if (parentgroup->data) { aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&parentgroup->data); parentgroup->data = NULL; } /* Find the length for the new additional data */ newlen = 0; if (parentgroup->gid == 0x0000) { for (cur=*list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid != 0x0000) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP)) newlen += 2; } else { for (cur=*list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid == parentgroup->gid) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY)) newlen += 2; } /* Rebuild the additional data */ if (newlen>0) { fu8_t *newdata; if (!(newdata = (fu8_t *)malloc((newlen)*sizeof(fu8_t)))) return -ENOMEM; newlen = 0; if (parentgroup->gid == 0x0000) { for (cur=*list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid != 0x0000) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP)) newlen += aimutil_put16(newdata+newlen, cur->gid); } else { for (cur=*list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid == parentgroup->gid) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY)) newlen += aimutil_put16(newdata+newlen, cur->bid); } aim_addtlvtochain_raw((aim_tlvlist_t **)&(parentgroup->data), 0x00c8, newlen, newdata); free(newdata); } return 0; } /** * Locally free all of the stored buddy list information. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ static int aim_ssi_freelist(aim_session_t *sess) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *delitem; cur = sess->ssi.items; while (cur) { if (cur->name) free(cur->name); if (cur->data) aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&cur->data); delitem = cur; cur = cur->next; free(delitem); } sess->ssi.items = NULL; sess->ssi.revision = 0; sess->ssi.timestamp = (time_t)0; return 0; } /** * Locally find an item given a group ID# and a buddy ID#. * * @param list A pointer to the current list of items. * @param gid The group ID# of the desired item. * @param bid The buddy ID# of the desired item. * @return Return a pointer to the item if found, else return NULL; */ faim_export struct aim_ssi_item *aim_ssi_itemlist_find(struct aim_ssi_item *list, fu16_t gid, fu16_t bid) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur; for (cur=list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->gid == gid) && (cur->bid == bid)) return cur; return NULL; } /** * Locally find an item given a group name, screen name, and type. If group name * and screen name are null, then just return the first item of the given type. * * @param list A pointer to the current list of items. * @param gn The group name of the desired item. * @param bn The buddy name of the desired item. * @param type The type of the desired item. * @return Return a pointer to the item if found, else return NULL; */ faim_export struct aim_ssi_item *aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(struct aim_ssi_item *list, const char *gn, const char *sn, fu16_t type) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur; if (!list) return NULL; if (gn && sn) { /* For finding buddies in groups */ for (cur=list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->type == type) && (cur->name) && !(aim_sncmp(cur->name, sn))) { struct aim_ssi_item *curg; for (curg=list; curg; curg=curg->next) if ((curg->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) && (curg->gid == cur->gid) && (curg->name) && !(aim_sncmp(curg->name, gn))) return cur; } } else if (sn) { /* For finding groups, permits, denies, and ignores */ for (cur=list; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->type == type) && (cur->name) && !(aim_sncmp(cur->name, sn))) return cur; /* For stuff without names--permit deny setting, visibility mask, etc. */ } else for (cur=list; cur; cur=cur->next) { if (cur->type == type) return cur; } return NULL; } /** * Locally find the parent item of the given buddy name. * * @param list A pointer to the current list of items. * @param bn The buddy name of the desired item. * @return Return a pointer to the item if found, else return NULL; */ faim_export struct aim_ssi_item *aim_ssi_itemlist_findparent(struct aim_ssi_item *list, char *sn) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *curg; if (!list || !sn) return NULL; if (!(cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(list, NULL, sn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY))) return NULL; for (curg=list; curg; curg=curg->next) if ((curg->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) && (curg->gid == cur->gid)) return curg; return NULL; } /** * Locally find the permit/deny setting item, and return the setting. * * @param list A pointer to the current list of items. * @return Return the current SSI permit deny setting, or 0 if no setting was found. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_getpermdeny(struct aim_ssi_item *list) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(list, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PDINFO); if (cur) { aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist = cur->data; if (tlvlist) { aim_tlv_t *tlv = aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x00ca, 1); if (tlv && tlv->value) return aimutil_get8(tlv->value); } } return 0; } /** * Locally find the presence flag item, and return the setting. The returned setting is a * bitmask of the user flags that you are visible to. See the AIM_FLAG_* #defines * in aim.h * * @param list A pointer to the current list of items. * @return Return the current visibility mask. */ faim_export fu32_t aim_ssi_getpresence(struct aim_ssi_item *list) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(list, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PRESENCEPREFS); if (cur) { aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist = cur->data; if (tlvlist) { aim_tlv_t *tlv = aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x00c9, 1); if (tlv && tlv->length) return aimutil_get32(tlv->value); } } return 0xFFFFFFFF; } /** * Add the given packet to the holding queue. We totally need to send SSI SNACs one at * a time, so we have a local queue where packets get put before they are sent, and * then we send stuff one at a time, nice and orderly-like. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param fr The newly created SNAC that you want to send. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ static int aim_ssi_enqueue(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, aim_frame_t *fr) { aim_frame_t *cur; if (!sess || !conn || !fr) return -EINVAL; fr->next = NULL; if (sess->ssi.holding_queue == NULL) { sess->ssi.holding_queue = fr; if (!sess->ssi.waiting_for_ack) aim_ssi_modbegin(sess, conn); } else { for (cur = sess->ssi.holding_queue; cur->next; cur = cur->next) ; cur->next = fr; } return 0; } /** * Send the next SNAC from the holding queue. This is called * automatically when an ack from an add, mod, or del is received. * If the queue is empty, it sends the modend SNAC. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ static int aim_ssi_dispatch(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { aim_frame_t *cur; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; if (!sess->ssi.waiting_for_ack) { if (sess->ssi.holding_queue) { sess->ssi.waiting_for_ack = 1; cur = sess->ssi.holding_queue->next; sess->ssi.holding_queue->next = NULL; aim_tx_enqueue(sess, sess->ssi.holding_queue); sess->ssi.holding_queue = cur; } else aim_ssi_modend(sess, conn); } return 0; } /** * Send SNACs necessary to remove all SSI data from the server list, * and then free the local copy as well. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_deletelist(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { int num; struct aim_ssi_item *cur, **items; for (cur=sess->ssi.items, num=0; cur; cur=cur->next) num++; if (!(items = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; memset(items, 0, num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); for (cur=sess->ssi.items, num=0; cur; cur=cur->next) { items[num] = cur; num++; } aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, items, num, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); free(items); aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); aim_ssi_freelist(sess); return 0; } /** * This "cleans" the ssi list. It does a few things, with the intent of making * sure there ain't nothin' wrong with your SSI. * -Make sure all buddies are in a group, and all groups have the correct * additional data. * -Make sure there are no empty groups in the list. While there is nothing * wrong empty groups in the SSI, it's wiser to not have them. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_cleanlist(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { unsigned int i; struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *parentgroup; /* Make sure we actually need to clean out the list */ for (cur=sess->ssi.items, i=0; cur && !i; cur=cur->next) /* Any buddies directly in the master group */ if ((cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY) && (cur->gid == 0x0000)) i++; if (!i) return 0; /* Remove all the additional data from all groups */ for (cur=sess->ssi.items; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->data) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP)) { aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&cur->data); cur->data = NULL; } /* If there are buddies directly in the master group, make sure */ /* there is a group to put them in. Any group, any group at all. */ for (cur=sess->ssi.items; ((cur) && ((cur->type != AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY) || (cur->gid != 0x0000))); cur=cur->next); if (!cur) { for (parentgroup=sess->ssi.items; ((parentgroup) && (parentgroup->type!=AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) && (parentgroup->gid==0x0000)); parentgroup=parentgroup->next); if (!parentgroup) { char *newgroup; newgroup = (char*)malloc(strlen("Unknown")*sizeof(char)); strcpy(newgroup, "Unknown"); aim_ssi_addgroups(sess, conn, (const char**)&newgroup, 1); } } /* Set parentgroup equal to any arbitray group */ for (parentgroup=sess->ssi.items; parentgroup->gid==0x0000 || parentgroup->type!=AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP; parentgroup=parentgroup->next); /* If there are any buddies directly in the master group, put them in a real group */ for (cur=sess->ssi.items; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY) && (cur->gid == 0x0000)) { aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); cur->gid = parentgroup->gid; aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD); } /* Rebuild additional data for all groups */ for (parentgroup=sess->ssi.items; parentgroup; parentgroup=parentgroup->next) if (parentgroup->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup); /* Send a mod snac for all groups */ i = 0; for (cur=sess->ssi.items; cur; cur=cur->next) if (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) i++; if (i > 0) { /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the groups */ struct aim_ssi_item **groups; if (!(groups = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(i*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; for (cur=sess->ssi.items, i=0; cur; cur=cur->next) if (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) groups[i] = cur; aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, groups, i, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); free(groups); } /* Send a del snac for any empty groups */ i = 0; for (cur=sess->ssi.items; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) && !(cur->data)) i++; if (i > 0) { /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the groups */ struct aim_ssi_item **groups; if (!(groups = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(i*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; for (cur=sess->ssi.items, i=0; cur; cur=cur->next) if ((cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP) && !(cur->data)) groups[i] = cur; aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, groups, i, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); free(groups); } /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Add an array of screen names to the given group. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param gn The name of the group to which you want to add these names. * @param sn An array of null terminated strings of the names you want to add. * @param num The number of screen names you are adding (size of the sn array). * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_addbuddies(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *gn, const char **sn, unsigned int num) { struct aim_ssi_item *parentgroup, **newitems; fu16_t i; if (!sess || !conn || !gn || !sn || !num) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the parent group */ if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, gn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { aim_ssi_addgroups(sess, conn, (const char **)&gn, 1); if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, gn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) return -ENOMEM; } /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the new items */ if (!(newitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; /* Add items to the local list, and index them in the array */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) if (!(newitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup, sn[i], AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY))) { free(newitems); return -ENOMEM; } /* Send the add item SNAC */ if ((i = aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, newitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD))) { free(newitems); return -i; } /* Free the array of pointers to each of the new items */ free(newitems); /* Rebuild the additional data in the parent group */ if ((i = aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup))) return i; /* Send the mod item SNAC */ if ((i = aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &parentgroup, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD))) return i; /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ if (!(i = aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn))) return i; return 0; } /** * Add the master group (the group containing all groups). This is called by * aim_ssi_addgroups, if necessary. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_addmastergroup(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { struct aim_ssi_item *newitem; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; /* Add the item to the local list, and keep a pointer to it */ if (!(newitem = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) return -ENOMEM; /* If there are any existing groups (technically there shouldn't be, but */ /* just in case) then add their group ID#'s to the additional data */ aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, newitem); /* Send the add item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &newitem, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Add an array of groups to the list. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param gn An array of null terminated strings of the names you want to add. * @param num The number of groups names you are adding (size of the sn array). * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_addgroups(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char **gn, unsigned int num) { struct aim_ssi_item *parentgroup, **newitems; fu16_t i; if (!sess || !conn || !gn || !num) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the parent group */ if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_find(sess->ssi.items, 0, 0))) { aim_ssi_addmastergroup(sess, conn); if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_find(sess->ssi.items, 0, 0))) return -ENOMEM; } /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the new items */ if (!(newitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; /* Add items to the local list, and index them in the array */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) if (!(newitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup, gn[i], AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { free(newitems); return -ENOMEM; } /* Send the add item SNAC */ if ((i = aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, newitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD))) { free(newitems); return -i; } /* Free the array of pointers to each of the new items */ free(newitems); /* Rebuild the additional data in the parent group */ if ((i = aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup))) return i; /* Send the mod item SNAC */ if ((i = aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &parentgroup, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD))) return i; /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ if (!(i = aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn))) return i; return 0; } /** * Add an array of a certain type of item to the list. This can be used for * permit buddies, deny buddies, ICQ's ignore buddies, and probably other * types, also. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param sn An array of null terminated strings of the names you want to add. * @param num The number of groups names you are adding (size of the sn array). * @param type The type of item you want to add. See the AIM_SSI_TYPE_BLEH * #defines in aim.h. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_addpord(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char **sn, unsigned int num, fu16_t type) { struct aim_ssi_item **newitems; fu16_t i; if (!sess || !conn || !sn || !num) return -EINVAL; /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the new items */ if (!(newitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; /* Add items to the local list, and index them in the array */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) if (!(newitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, NULL, sn[i], type))) { free(newitems); return -ENOMEM; } /* Send the add item SNAC */ if ((i = aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, newitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD))) { free(newitems); return -i; } /* Free the array of pointers to each of the new items */ free(newitems); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ if (!(i = aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn))) return i; return 0; } /** * Move a buddy from one group to another group. This basically just deletes the * buddy and re-adds it. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param oldgn The group that the buddy is currently in. * @param newgn The group that the buddy should be moved in to. * @param sn The name of the buddy to be moved. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_movebuddy(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *oldgn, const char *newgn, const char *sn) { struct aim_ssi_item **groups, *buddy, *cur; fu16_t i; if (!sess || !conn || !oldgn || !newgn || !sn) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the buddy */ if (!(buddy = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, sn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY))) return -ENOMEM; /* Allocate an array of pointers to the two groups */ if (!(groups = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(2*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)))) return -ENOMEM; /* Look up the old parent group */ if (!(groups[0] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, oldgn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { free(groups); return -ENOMEM; } /* Look up the new parent group */ if (!(groups[1] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, newgn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { aim_ssi_addgroups(sess, conn, (const char**)&newgn, 1); if (!(groups[1] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, newgn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { free(groups); return -ENOMEM; } } /* Send the delete item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &buddy, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); /* Put the buddy in the new group */ buddy->gid = groups[1]->gid; /* Assign a new buddy ID#, because the new group might already have a buddy with this ID# */ buddy->bid = 0; do { buddy->bid += 0x0001; for (cur=sess->ssi.items, i=0; ((cur) && (!i)); cur=cur->next) if ((cur->bid == buddy->bid) && (cur->gid == buddy->gid) && (cur->type == AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY) && (cur->name) && aim_sncmp(cur->name, buddy->name)) i=1; } while (i); /* Rebuild the additional data in the two parent groups */ aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, groups[0]); aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, groups[1]); /* Send the add item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &buddy, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD); /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, groups, 2, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); /* Free the temporary array */ free(groups); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Rename a group. I really like how this is done. It turns me on. * * Did I say that out loud?... * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param oldgn The old group name. * @param newgn The new group name. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_rename_group(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *oldgn, const char *newgn) { struct aim_ssi_item *group; if (!sess || !conn || !oldgn || !newgn) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the group */ if (!(group = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, oldgn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) return -ENOMEM; /* Free the old group name and copy the new one in its place. */ if (group->name) free(group->name); if (!(group->name = (char *)malloc((strlen(newgn)+1)*sizeof(char)))) { group->name = NULL; return -ENOMEM; } strcpy(group->name, newgn); /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &group, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Delete an array of screen names from the given group. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param gn The name of the group from which you want to delete these names. * @param sn An array of null terminated strings of the names you want to delete. * @param num The number of screen names you are deleting (size of the sn array). * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_delbuddies(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *gn, char **sn, unsigned int num) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *parentgroup, **delitems; int i; if (!sess || !conn || !gn || !sn || !num) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the parent group */ if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, gn, AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) return -EINVAL; /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the items to be deleted */ delitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); memset(delitems, 0, num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); /* Make the delitems array a pointer to the aim_ssi_item structs to be deleted */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (!(delitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, sn[i], AIM_SSI_TYPE_BUDDY))) { free(delitems); return -EINVAL; } /* Remove the delitems from the item list */ if (sess->ssi.items == delitems[i]) { sess->ssi.items = sess->ssi.items->next; } else { for (cur=sess->ssi.items; (cur->next && (cur->next!=delitems[i])); cur=cur->next); if (cur->next) cur->next = cur->next->next; } } /* Send the del item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, delitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); /* Free the items */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (delitems[i]->name) free(delitems[i]->name); if (delitems[i]->data) aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&delitems[i]->data); free(delitems[i]); } free(delitems); /* Rebuild the additional data in the parent group */ aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup); /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &parentgroup, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); /* Delete the group, but only if it's empty */ if (!parentgroup->data) aim_ssi_delgroups(sess, conn, &parentgroup->name, 1); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Delete the master group from the item list. There can be only one. * Er, so just find the one master group and delete it. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_delmastergroup(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *delitem; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; /* Make delitem a pointer to the aim_ssi_item to be deleted */ if (!(delitem = aim_ssi_itemlist_find(sess->ssi.items, 0, 0))) return -EINVAL; /* Remove delitem from the item list */ if (sess->ssi.items == delitem) { sess->ssi.items = sess->ssi.items->next; } else { for (cur=sess->ssi.items; (cur->next && (cur->next!=delitem)); cur=cur->next); if (cur->next) cur->next = cur->next->next; } /* Send the del item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &delitem, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); /* Free the item */ if (delitem->name) free(delitem->name); if (delitem->data) aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&delitem->data); free(delitem); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Delete an array of groups. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param gn An array of null terminated strings of the groups you want to delete. * @param num The number of groups you are deleting (size of the gn array). * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_delgroups(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, char **gn, unsigned int num) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, *parentgroup, **delitems; int i; if (!sess || !conn || !gn || !num) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the parent group */ if (!(parentgroup = aim_ssi_itemlist_find(sess->ssi.items, 0, 0))) return -EINVAL; /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the items to be deleted */ delitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); memset(delitems, 0, num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); /* Make the delitems array a pointer to the aim_ssi_item structs to be deleted */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (!(delitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, gn[i], AIM_SSI_TYPE_GROUP))) { free(delitems); return -EINVAL; } /* Remove the delitems from the item list */ if (sess->ssi.items == delitems[i]) { sess->ssi.items = sess->ssi.items->next; } else { for (cur=sess->ssi.items; (cur->next && (cur->next!=delitems[i])); cur=cur->next); if (cur->next) cur->next = cur->next->next; } } /* Send the del item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, delitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); /* Free the items */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (delitems[i]->name) free(delitems[i]->name); if (delitems[i]->data) aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&delitems[i]->data); free(delitems[i]); } free(delitems); /* Rebuild the additional data in the parent group */ aim_ssi_itemlist_rebuildgroup(&sess->ssi.items, parentgroup); /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &parentgroup, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); /* Delete the group, but only if it's empty */ if (!parentgroup->data) aim_ssi_delmastergroup(sess, conn); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Delete an array of a certain type of item from the list. This can be * used for permit buddies, deny buddies, ICQ's ignore buddies, and * probably other types, also. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param sn An array of null terminated strings of the items you want to delete. * @param num The number of items you are deleting (size of the sn array). * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_delpord(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char **sn, unsigned int num, fu16_t type) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur, **delitems; int i; if (!sess || !conn || !sn || !num || (type!=AIM_SSI_TYPE_PERMIT && type!=AIM_SSI_TYPE_DENY)) return -EINVAL; /* Allocate an array of pointers to each of the items to be deleted */ delitems = (struct aim_ssi_item **)malloc(num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); memset(delitems, 0, num*sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item *)); /* Make the delitems array a pointer to the aim_ssi_item structs to be deleted */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (!(delitems[i] = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, sn[i], type))) { free(delitems); return -EINVAL; } /* Remove the delitems from the item list */ if (sess->ssi.items == delitems[i]) { sess->ssi.items = sess->ssi.items->next; } else { for (cur=sess->ssi.items; (cur->next && (cur->next!=delitems[i])); cur=cur->next); if (cur->next) cur->next = cur->next->next; } } /* Send the del item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, delitems, num, AIM_CB_SSI_DEL); /* Free the items */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { if (delitems[i]->name) free(delitems[i]->name); if (delitems[i]->data) aim_freetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&delitems[i]->data); free(delitems[i]); } free(delitems); /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Stores your permit/deny setting on the server, and starts using it. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param permdeny Your permit/deny setting. Can be one of the following: * 1 - Allow all users * 2 - Block all users * 3 - Allow only the users below * 4 - Block only the users below * 5 - Allow only users on my buddy list * @param vismask A bitmask of the class of users to whom you want to be * visible. See the AIM_FLAG_BLEH #defines in aim.h * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_setpermdeny(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, fu8_t permdeny, fu32_t vismask) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur; aim_tlv_t *tlv; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the permit/deny settings item */ cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PDINFO); if (cur) { /* The permit/deny item exists */ if (cur->data && (tlv = aim_gettlv(cur->data, 0x00ca, 1))) { /* Just change the value of the x00ca TLV */ if (tlv->length != 1) { tlv->length = 1; free(tlv->value); tlv->value = (fu8_t *)malloc(sizeof(fu8_t)); } tlv->value[0] = permdeny; } else { /* Need to add the x00ca TLV to the TLV chain */ aim_addtlvtochain8((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00ca, permdeny); } if (cur->data && (tlv = aim_gettlv(cur->data, 0x00cb, 1))) { /* Just change the value of the x00cb TLV */ if (tlv->length != 4) { tlv->length = 4; free(tlv->value); tlv->value = (fu8_t *)malloc(4*sizeof(fu8_t)); } aimutil_put32(tlv->value, vismask); } else { /* Need to add the x00cb TLV to the TLV chain */ aim_addtlvtochain32((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00cb, vismask); } /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); } else { /* Need to add the permit/deny item */ if (!(cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PDINFO))) return -ENOMEM; aim_addtlvtochain8((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00ca, permdeny); aim_addtlvtochain32((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00cb, vismask); aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD); } /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /** * Stores your setting for whether you should show up as idle or not. * * @param sess The oscar session. * @param conn The bos connection for this session. * @param presence I think it's a bitmask, but I only know what one of the bits is: * 0x00000400 - Allow others to see your idle time * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_setpresence(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, fu32_t presence) { struct aim_ssi_item *cur; aim_tlv_t *tlv; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; /* Look up the item */ cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_finditem(sess->ssi.items, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PRESENCEPREFS); if (cur) { /* The item exists */ if (cur->data && (tlv = aim_gettlv(cur->data, 0x00c9, 1))) { /* Just change the value of the x00c9 TLV */ if (tlv->length != 4) { tlv->length = 4; free(tlv->value); tlv->value = (fu8_t *)malloc(4*sizeof(fu8_t)); } aimutil_put32(tlv->value, presence); } else { /* Need to add the x00c9 TLV to the TLV chain */ aim_addtlvtochain32((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00c9, presence); } /* Send the mod item SNAC */ aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_MOD); } else { /* Need to add the item */ if (!(cur = aim_ssi_itemlist_add(&sess->ssi.items, NULL, NULL, AIM_SSI_TYPE_PRESENCEPREFS))) return -ENOMEM; aim_addtlvtochain32((aim_tlvlist_t**)&cur->data, 0x00c9, presence); aim_ssi_addmoddel(sess, conn, &cur, 1, AIM_CB_SSI_ADD); } /* Begin sending SSI SNACs */ aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, conn); return 0; } /* * Request SSI Rights. */ faim_export int aim_ssi_reqrights(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, AIM_CB_SSI_REQRIGHTS); } /* * SSI Rights Information. */ static int parserights(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs) { int ret = 0; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype))) ret = userfunc(sess, rx); return ret; } /* * Request SSI Data. * * The data will only be sent if it is newer than the posted local * timestamp and revision. * * Note that the client should never increment the revision, only the server. * */ faim_export int aim_ssi_reqdata(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, time_t localstamp, fu16_t localrev) { aim_frame_t *fr; aim_snacid_t snacid; if (!sess || !conn) return -EINVAL; if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x02, 10+4+2))) return -ENOMEM; snacid = aim_cachesnac(sess, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, AIM_CB_SSI_REQLIST, 0x0000, NULL, 0); aim_putsnac(&fr->data, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, AIM_CB_SSI_REQLIST, 0x0000, snacid); aimbs_put32(&fr->data, localstamp); aimbs_put16(&fr->data, localrev); aim_tx_enqueue(sess, fr); return 0; } /* * SSI Data. */ static int parsedata(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs) { int ret = 0; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; struct aim_ssi_item *cur = NULL; fu8_t fmtver; /* guess */ fu16_t revision; fu32_t timestamp; fmtver = aimbs_get8(bs); /* Version of ssi data. Should be 0x00 */ revision = aimbs_get16(bs); /* # of times ssi data has been modified */ if (revision != 0) sess->ssi.revision = revision; for (cur = sess->ssi.items; cur && cur->next; cur=cur->next) ; while (aim_bstream_empty(bs) > 4) { /* last four bytes are stamp */ fu16_t namelen, tbslen; if (!sess->ssi.items) { if (!(sess->ssi.items = malloc(sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item)))) return -ENOMEM; cur = sess->ssi.items; } else { if (!(cur->next = malloc(sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item)))) return -ENOMEM; cur = cur->next; } memset(cur, 0, sizeof(struct aim_ssi_item)); if ((namelen = aimbs_get16(bs))) cur->name = aimbs_getstr(bs, namelen); cur->gid = aimbs_get16(bs); cur->bid = aimbs_get16(bs); cur->type = aimbs_get16(bs); if ((tbslen = aimbs_get16(bs))) { aim_bstream_t tbs; aim_bstream_init(&tbs, bs->data + bs->offset /* XXX */, tbslen); cur->data = (void *)aim_readtlvchain(&tbs); aim_bstream_advance(bs, tbslen); } } timestamp = aimbs_get32(bs); if (timestamp != 0) sess->ssi.timestamp = timestamp; sess->ssi.received_data = 1; if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype))) ret = userfunc(sess, rx, fmtver, sess->ssi.revision, sess->ssi.timestamp, sess->ssi.items); return ret; } /* * SSI Data Enable Presence. * * Should be sent after receiving 13/6 or 13/f to tell the server you * are ready to begin using the list. It will promptly give you the * presence information for everyone in your list and put your permit/deny * settings into effect. * */ faim_export int aim_ssi_enable(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, 0x0007); } /* * SSI Add/Mod/Del Item(s). * * Sends the SNAC to add, modify, or delete an item from the server-stored * information. These 3 SNACs all have an identical structure. The only * difference is the subtype that is set for the SNAC. * */ faim_export int aim_ssi_addmoddel(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, struct aim_ssi_item **items, unsigned int num, fu16_t subtype) { aim_frame_t *fr; aim_snacid_t snacid; int i, snaclen; if (!sess || !conn || !items || !num) return -EINVAL; snaclen = 10; /* For family, subtype, flags, and SNAC ID */ for (i=0; i<num; i++) { snaclen += 10; /* For length, GID, BID, type, and length */ if (items[i]->name) snaclen += strlen(items[i]->name); if (items[i]->data) snaclen += aim_sizetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&items[i]->data); } if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x02, snaclen))) return -ENOMEM; snacid = aim_cachesnac(sess, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, subtype, 0x0000, NULL, 0); aim_putsnac(&fr->data, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, subtype, 0x0000, snacid); for (i=0; i<num; i++) { aimbs_put16(&fr->data, items[i]->name ? strlen(items[i]->name) : 0); if (items[i]->name) aimbs_putraw(&fr->data, items[i]->name, strlen(items[i]->name)); aimbs_put16(&fr->data, items[i]->gid); aimbs_put16(&fr->data, items[i]->bid); aimbs_put16(&fr->data, items[i]->type); aimbs_put16(&fr->data, items[i]->data ? aim_sizetlvchain((aim_tlvlist_t **)&items[i]->data) : 0); if (items[i]->data) aim_writetlvchain(&fr->data, (aim_tlvlist_t **)&items[i]->data); } aim_ssi_enqueue(sess, conn, fr); return 0; } /* * SSI Add/Mod/Del Ack. * * Response to add, modify, or delete SNAC (sent with aim_ssi_addmoddel). * */ static int parseack(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs) { int ret = 0; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; sess->ssi.waiting_for_ack = 0; aim_ssi_dispatch(sess, rx->conn); if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype))) ret = userfunc(sess, rx); return ret; } /* * SSI Begin Data Modification. * * Tells the server you're going to start modifying data. * */ faim_export int aim_ssi_modbegin(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, AIM_CB_SSI_EDITSTART); } /* * SSI End Data Modification. * * Tells the server you're done modifying data. * */ faim_export int aim_ssi_modend(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { return aim_genericreq_n(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SSI, AIM_CB_SSI_EDITSTOP); } /* * SSI Data Unchanged. * * Response to aim_ssi_reqdata() if the server-side data is not newer than * posted local stamp/revision. * */ static int parsedataunchanged(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs) { int ret = 0; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; sess->ssi.received_data = 1; if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype))) ret = userfunc(sess, rx); return ret; } static int snachandler(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs) { if (snac->subtype == AIM_CB_SSI_RIGHTSINFO) return parserights(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs); else if (snac->subtype == AIM_CB_SSI_LIST) return parsedata(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs); else if (snac->subtype == AIM_CB_SSI_SRVACK) return parseack(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs); else if (snac->subtype == AIM_CB_SSI_NOLIST) return parsedataunchanged(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs); return 0; } static void ssi_shutdown(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod) { aim_ssi_freelist(sess); return; } faim_internal int ssi_modfirst(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod) { mod->family = AIM_CB_FAM_SSI; mod->version = 0x0003; mod->toolid = 0x0110; mod->toolversion = 0x0629; mod->flags = 0; strncpy(mod->name, "ssi", sizeof(mod->name)); mod->snachandler = snachandler; mod->shutdown = ssi_shutdown; return 0; }