Mercurial > pidgin
view src/html.c @ 6961:13da9fe5f213
[gaim-migrate @ 7508]
ok, I think I'm done optimizing for now
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Nathan Walp <> |
date | Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:56:08 +0000 |
parents | 7c14b35bc984 |
children | 67c4e9d39242 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * gaim * * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <> * 2003, Nathan Walp <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "internal.h" #include "debug.h" #include "html.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "gaim.h" gchar *strip_html(const gchar *text) { int i, j, k; int visible = 1; gchar *text2 = g_strdup(text); if(!text) return NULL; for (i = 0, j = 0; text2[i]; i++) { if (text2[i] == '<') { k = i + 1; if(g_ascii_isspace(text2[k])) { visible = 1; } else { while (text2[k]) { if (text2[k] == '<') { visible = 1; break; } if (text2[k] == '>') { visible = 0; break; } k++; } } } else if (text2[i] == '>' && !visible) { visible = 1; continue; } if (text2[i] == '&' && strncasecmp(text2+i,""",6) == 0) { text2[j++] = '\"'; i = i+5; continue; } if (visible) { text2[j++] = text2[i]; } } text2[j] = '\0'; return text2; } struct g_url *parse_url(char *url) { struct g_url *test = g_new0(struct g_url, 1); char scan_info[255]; char port[5]; int f; char* turl; /* hyphen at end includes it in control set */ char addr_ctrl[] = "A-Za-z0-9.-"; char port_ctrl[] = "0-9"; char page_ctrl[] = "A-Za-z0-9.~_/:*!@&%%?=+^-"; if((turl=strstr(url, "http://")) || (turl=strstr(url, "HTTP://"))) url=turl+=7; snprintf(scan_info, sizeof(scan_info), "%%[%s]:%%[%s]/%%[%s]", addr_ctrl, port_ctrl, page_ctrl); f = sscanf(url, scan_info, test->address, port, test->page); if (f == 1) { snprintf(scan_info, sizeof(scan_info), "%%[%s]/%%[%s]", addr_ctrl, page_ctrl); f = sscanf(url, scan_info, test->address, test->page); snprintf(port, sizeof(port), "80"); } if (f == 1) test->page[0] = '\0'; sscanf(port, "%d", &test->port); return test; } struct grab_url_data { void (* callback)(gpointer, char *, unsigned long); gpointer data; struct g_url *website; char *url; gboolean full; char *user_agent; int http11; int inpa; gboolean sentreq; gboolean newline; gboolean startsaving; char *webdata; unsigned long len; unsigned long data_len; }; static gboolean parse_redirect(const char *data, size_t data_len, gint sock, struct grab_url_data *gunk) { gchar *s; if ((s = g_strstr_len(data, data_len, "Location: ")) != NULL) { gchar *new_url, *temp_url, *end; gboolean full; int len; s += strlen("Location: "); end = strchr(s, '\r'); /* Just in case :) */ if (end == NULL) end = strchr(s, '\n'); len = end - s; new_url = g_malloc(len + 1); strncpy(new_url, s, len); new_url[len] = '\0'; full = gunk->full; if (*new_url == '/' || g_strstr_len(new_url, len, "://") == NULL) { temp_url = new_url; new_url = g_strdup_printf("%s:%d%s", gunk->website->address, gunk->website->port, temp_url); g_free(temp_url); full = FALSE; } /* Close the existing stuff. */ gaim_input_remove(gunk->inpa); close(sock); gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "grab_url", "Redirecting to %s\n", new_url); /* Try again, with this new location. */ grab_url(new_url, full, gunk->callback, gunk->data, gunk->user_agent, gunk->http11); /* Free up. */ g_free(new_url); g_free(gunk->webdata); g_free(gunk->website); g_free(gunk->url); g_free(gunk->user_agent); g_free(gunk); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static size_t parse_content_len(const char *data, size_t data_len) { size_t content_len = 0; sscanf(data, "Content-Length: %d", &content_len); return content_len; } static void grab_url_callback(gpointer dat, gint sock, GaimInputCondition cond) { struct grab_url_data *gunk = dat; char data; if (sock == -1) { gunk->callback(gunk->data, NULL, 0); g_free(gunk->website); g_free(gunk->url); g_free(gunk->user_agent); g_free(gunk); return; } if (!gunk->sentreq) { char buf[1024]; if(gunk->user_agent) { if(gunk->http11) g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GET %s%s HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: \"%s\"\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", gunk->full ? "" : "/", gunk->full ? gunk->url : gunk->website->page, gunk->user_agent, gunk->website->address); else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GET %s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: \"%s\"\r\n\r\n", gunk->full ? "" : "/", gunk->full ? gunk->url : gunk->website->page, gunk->user_agent); } else { if(gunk->http11) g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GET %s%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", gunk->full ? "" : "/", gunk->full ? gunk->url : gunk->website->page, gunk->website->address); else g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GET %s%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", gunk->full ? "" : "/", gunk->full ? gunk->url : gunk->website->page); } gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_MISC, "grab_url_callback", "Request: %s\n", buf); write(sock, buf, strlen(buf)); fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); gunk->sentreq = TRUE; gunk->inpa = gaim_input_add(sock, GAIM_INPUT_READ, grab_url_callback, dat); gunk->data_len = 4096; gunk->webdata = g_malloc(gunk->data_len); return; } if (read(sock, &data, 1) > 0 || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { errno = 0; return; } gunk->len++; if (gunk->len == gunk->data_len + 1) { gunk->data_len += (gunk->data_len) / 2; gunk->webdata = g_realloc(gunk->webdata, gunk->data_len); } gunk->webdata[gunk->len - 1] = data; if (!gunk->startsaving) { if (data == '\r') return; if (data == '\n') { if (gunk->newline) { size_t content_len; gunk->startsaving = TRUE; /* See if we can find a redirect. */ if (parse_redirect(gunk->webdata, gunk->len, sock, gunk)) return; /* No redirect. See if we can find a content length. */ content_len = parse_content_len(gunk->webdata, gunk->len); if (content_len == 0) { /* We'll stick with an initial 8192 */ content_len = 8192; } /* Out with the old... */ gunk->len = 0; g_free(gunk->webdata); gunk->webdata = NULL; /* In with the new. */ gunk->data_len = content_len; gunk->webdata = g_malloc(gunk->data_len); } else gunk->newline = TRUE; return; } gunk->newline = FALSE; } } else if (errno != ETIMEDOUT) { gunk->webdata = g_realloc(gunk->webdata, gunk->len + 1); gunk->webdata[gunk->len] = 0; gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_MISC, "grab_url_callback", "Received: '%s'\n", gunk->webdata); gaim_input_remove(gunk->inpa); close(sock); gunk->callback(gunk->data, gunk->webdata, gunk->len); if (gunk->webdata) g_free(gunk->webdata); g_free(gunk->website); g_free(gunk->url); g_free(gunk->user_agent); g_free(gunk); } else { gaim_input_remove(gunk->inpa); close(sock); gunk->callback(gunk->data, NULL, 0); if (gunk->webdata) g_free(gunk->webdata); g_free(gunk->website); g_free(gunk->url); g_free(gunk->user_agent); g_free(gunk); } } void grab_url(char *url, gboolean full, void callback(gpointer, char *, unsigned long), gpointer data, char *user_agent, int http11) { int sock; struct grab_url_data *gunk = g_new0(struct grab_url_data, 1); gunk->callback = callback; gunk->data = data; gunk->url = g_strdup(url); gunk->user_agent = (user_agent) ? g_strdup(user_agent) : NULL; gunk->http11 = http11; gunk->website = parse_url(url); gunk->full = full; if ((sock = gaim_proxy_connect(NULL, gunk->website->address, gunk->website->port, grab_url_callback, gunk)) < 0) { g_free(gunk->website); g_free(gunk->url); g_free(gunk->user_agent); g_free(gunk); callback(data, g_strdup(_("g003: Error opening connection.\n")), 0); } } struct gaim_parse_tag { char *src_tag; char *dest_tag; }; #define ALLOW_TAG_ALT(x, y) if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<" x " ", strlen("<" x " "))) { \ const char *o = c + strlen("<" x); \ const char *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL; \ GString *innards = g_string_new(""); \ while(o && *o) { \ if(!q && (*o == '\"' || *o == '\'') ) { \ q = o; \ } else if(q) { \ if(*o == *q) { \ char *unescaped = g_strndup(q+1, o-q-1); \ char *escaped = g_markup_escape_text(unescaped, -1); \ g_string_append_printf(innards, "%c%s%c", *q, escaped, *q); \ g_free(unescaped); \ g_free(escaped); \ q = NULL; \ } else if(*c == '\\') { \ o++; \ } \ } else if(*o == '<') { \ r = o; \ } else if(*o == '>') { \ p = o; \ break; \ } else { \ innards = g_string_append_c(innards, *o); \ } \ o++; \ } \ if(p && !r) { \ if(*(p-1) != '/') { \ struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); \ pt->src_tag = x; \ pt->dest_tag = y; \ tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); \ } \ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<" y); \ c += strlen("<" x ); \ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, innards->str); \ xhtml = g_string_append_c(xhtml, '>'); \ c = p + 1; \ } else { \ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<"); \ plain = g_string_append_c(plain, '<'); \ c++; \ } \ g_string_free(innards, TRUE); \ continue; \ } \ if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<" x, strlen("<" x)) && \ (*(c+strlen("<" x)) == '>' || \ !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c+strlen("<" x), "/>", 2))) { \ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<" y); \ c += strlen("<" x); \ if(*c != '/') { \ struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); \ pt->src_tag = x; \ pt->dest_tag = y; \ tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); \ xhtml = g_string_append_c(xhtml, '>'); \ } else { \ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "/>");\ } \ c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; \ continue; \ } #define ALLOW_TAG(x) ALLOW_TAG_ALT(x, x) void html_to_xhtml(const char *html, char **xhtml_out, char **plain_out) { GString *xhtml = g_string_new(""); GString *plain = g_string_new(""); GList *tags = NULL, *tag; const char *c = html; while(c && *c) { if(*c == '<') { if(*(c+1) == '/') { /* closing tag */ tag = tags; while(tag) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = tag->data; if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp((c+2), pt->src_tag, strlen(pt->src_tag)) && *(c+strlen(pt->src_tag)+2) == '>') { c += strlen(pt->src_tag) + 3; break; } tag = tag->next; } if(tag) { while(tags) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = tags->data; g_string_append_printf(xhtml, "</%s>", pt->dest_tag); if(tags == tag) break; tags = g_list_remove(tags, pt); g_free(pt); } g_free(tag->data); tags = g_list_remove(tags, tag->data); } else { /* we tried to close a tag we never opened! escape it * and move on */ xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<"); plain = g_string_append_c(plain, '<'); c++; } } else { /* opening tag */ ALLOW_TAG("a"); ALLOW_TAG_ALT("b", "strong"); ALLOW_TAG("blockquote"); ALLOW_TAG_ALT("bold", "strong"); ALLOW_TAG("cite"); ALLOW_TAG("div"); ALLOW_TAG("em"); ALLOW_TAG("h1"); ALLOW_TAG("h2"); ALLOW_TAG("h3"); ALLOW_TAG("h4"); ALLOW_TAG("h5"); ALLOW_TAG("h6"); ALLOW_TAG("html"); ALLOW_TAG_ALT("i", "em"); ALLOW_TAG_ALT("italic", "em"); ALLOW_TAG("li"); ALLOW_TAG("ol"); ALLOW_TAG("p"); ALLOW_TAG("pre"); ALLOW_TAG("q"); ALLOW_TAG("span"); ALLOW_TAG("strong"); ALLOW_TAG("ul"); /* we skip <HR> because it's not legal in XHTML-IM. However, * we still want to send something sensible, so we put a * linebreak in its place. <BR> also needs special handling * because putting a </BR> to close it would just be dumb. */ if((!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<br", 3) || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<hr", 3)) && (*(c+3) == '>' || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c+3, "/>", 2) || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c+3, " />", 3))) { c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<br/>"); if(*c != '\n') plain = g_string_append_c(plain, '\n'); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<u>", 3) || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<underline>", strlen("<underline>"))) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); pt->src_tag = *(c+2) == '>' ? "u" : "underline"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>"); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<s>", 3) || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<strike>", strlen("<strike>"))) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); pt->src_tag = *(c+2) == '>' ? "s" : "strike"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<span style='text-decoration: line-through;'>"); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<sub>", 5)) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); pt->src_tag = "sub"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<span style='vertical-align:sub;'>"); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<sup>", 5)) { struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); pt->src_tag = "sup"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<span style='vertical-align:super;'>"); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<font", 5) && (*(c+5) == '>' || *(c+5) == ' ')) { const char *p = c; GString *style = g_string_new(""); struct gaim_parse_tag *pt; while(*p && *p != '>') { if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(p, "color=", strlen("color="))) { const char *q = p + strlen("color="); GString *color = g_string_new(""); if(*q == '\'' || *q == '\"') q++; while(*q && *q != '\"' && *q != '\'' && *q != ' ') { color = g_string_append_c(color, *q); q++; } g_string_append_printf(style, "color: %s; ", color->str); g_string_free(color, TRUE); p = q; } else if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(p, "face=", strlen("face="))) { const char *q = p + strlen("face="); gboolean space_allowed = FALSE; GString *face = g_string_new(""); if(*q == '\'' || *q == '\"') { space_allowed = TRUE; q++; } while(*q && *q != '\"' && *q != '\'' && (space_allowed || *q != ' ')) { face = g_string_append_c(face, *q); q++; } g_string_append_printf(style, "font-family: %s; ", face->str); g_string_free(face, TRUE); p = q; } else if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(p, "size=", strlen("size="))) { const char *q = p + strlen("size="); int sz; const char *size = "medium"; if(*q == '\'' || *q == '\"') q++; sz = atoi(q); if(sz < 3) size = "smaller"; else if(sz > 3) size = "larger"; g_string_append_printf(style, "font-size: %s; ", size); p = q; } p++; } c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); pt->src_tag = "font"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<span"); if(style->len) g_string_append_printf(xhtml, " style='%s'", style->str); xhtml = g_string_append_c(xhtml, '>'); g_string_free(style, TRUE); continue; } if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<body ", 6)) { const char *p = c; gboolean did_something = FALSE; while(*p && *p != '>') { if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(p, "bgcolor=", strlen("bgcolor="))) { const char *q = p + strlen("bgcolor="); struct gaim_parse_tag *pt = g_new0(struct gaim_parse_tag, 1); GString *color = g_string_new(""); if(*q == '\'' || *q == '\"') q++; while(*q && *q != '\"' && *q != '\'' && *q != ' ') { color = g_string_append_c(color, *q); q++; } g_string_append_printf(xhtml, "<span style='background: %s;'>", color->str); g_string_free(color, TRUE); c = strchr(c, '>') + 1; pt->src_tag = "body"; pt->dest_tag = "span"; tags = g_list_prepend(tags, pt); did_something = TRUE; break; } p++; } if(did_something) continue; } /* this has to come after the special case for bgcolor */ ALLOW_TAG("body"); if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(c, "<!--", strlen("<!--"))) { char *p = strstr(c + strlen("<!--"), "-->"); if(p) { xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<!--"); c += strlen("<!--"); continue; } } xhtml = g_string_append(xhtml, "<"); plain = g_string_append_c(plain, '<'); c++; } } else { xhtml = g_string_append_c(xhtml, *c); plain = g_string_append_c(plain, *c); c++; } } tag = tags; while(tag) { g_string_append_printf(xhtml, "</%s>", (char *)tag->data); tag = tag->next; } g_list_free(tags); if(xhtml_out) *xhtml_out = g_strdup(xhtml->str); if(plain_out) *plain_out = g_strdup(plain->str); g_string_free(xhtml, TRUE); g_string_free(plain, TRUE); } int info_extract_field(char *original, char *add_to, char *start_tok, int skip, char *end_tok, char check_value, char *no_value_tok, char *display_name, int islink, char *link_prefix) { char *p, *q; char buf[1024]; if (!original || !add_to || !start_tok || !end_tok || !display_name) return 0; p = strstr(original, start_tok); if (p) { p += strlen(start_tok) + skip; if (!check_value || (*p != check_value)) { q = strstr(p, end_tok); if (q && (!no_value_tok || (no_value_tok && strncmp(p, no_value_tok, strlen(no_value_tok))))) { strcat(add_to, "<b>"); strcat(add_to, display_name); strcat(add_to, ":</b> "); if (islink) { strcat(add_to, "<br><a href=\""); memcpy(buf, p, q-p); buf[q-p] = '\0'; if (link_prefix) strcat(add_to, link_prefix); strcat(add_to, buf); strcat(add_to, "\">"); if (link_prefix) strcat(add_to, link_prefix); strcat(add_to, buf); strcat(add_to, "</a>"); } else { memcpy(buf, p, q-p); buf[q-p] = '\0'; strcat(add_to, buf); } strcat(add_to, "<br>\n"); return 1; } else return 0; } else return 0; } else return 0; }