Mercurial > pidgin
view po/mr.po @ 30980:18d56b13fe8b
Cast back and forth between int and pointer instead of putting pointers
to ints in these two hash tables. I think this is easier to follow
and less error prone (in addition to being ever so slightly more efficient)
author | Mark Doliner <> |
date | Mon, 29 Nov 2010 07:13:08 +0000 (2010-11-29) |
parents | 52d9f591585e |
children | 82f1e6a70b11 |
line wrap: on
line source
# translation of mr.po to Marathi # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Sandeep Shedmake <>, 2010. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mr\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-21 00:12-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-03 14:42+0530\n" "Last-Translator: Sandeep Shedmake <>\n" "Language-Team: Marathi <>\n" "Language: mr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" #. Translators may want to transliterate the name. #. It is not to be translated. msgid "Finch" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" msgstr "%s. 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� `%s -h' 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�す爐�.\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stderr\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" " -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" msgstr "" "%s\n" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stderr\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" " -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s encountered errors migrating your settings from %s to %s. Please " "investigate and complete the migration by hand. Please report this error at " "" msgstr "" "%s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� %s 爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐� " "爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐ム� 爐�爐橿さ爐�" #. the user did not fill in the captcha msgid "Error" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, fuzzy msgid "Account was not modified" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�さ爛�爐項い爛�" msgid "Account was not added" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�さ爛�爐項い爛�" msgid "Username of an account must be non-empty." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�じ爐鉦く爐迦ぞ 爐項さ爛�." msgid "" "The account's protocol cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." msgstr "" msgid "" "The account's username cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." msgstr "" msgid "New mail notifications" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Remember password" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐迦�爛�爐劇ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ" msgid "There are no protocol plugins installed." msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爐伍� 爐��爐萎い爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "(You probably forgot to 'make install'.)" msgstr "(爐む�爐��爐項� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐朽�爐�い爐�ぞ 'make install' 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐朽た爐伍ぐ爐迦ぞ.)" msgid "Modify Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぞ" msgid "New Account" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "Protocol:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�:" msgid "Username:" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐�:" msgid "Password:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:" msgid "Alias:" msgstr "爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ:" #. Register checkbox msgid "Create this account on the server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐朽ぐ 爐項� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Cancel button #. Cancel msgid "Cancel" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Save button #. Save msgid "Save" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爛�爐�爛� %s 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐鉦く爐�爛�?" msgid "Delete Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Delete button msgid "Delete" msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "You can enable/disable accounts from the following list." msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐�/爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." #. Add button msgid "Add" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Modify button msgid "Modify" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s 爐�� %s 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐む� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐むた爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s%s 爐迦ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Add buddy to your list?" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐む�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" #, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s 爐迦ぞ %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐む� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� %s%s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�" msgid "Authorize buddy?" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐項�爐�?" msgid "Authorize" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Deny" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��" #, c-format msgid "" "Online: %d\n" "Total: %d" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐�: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐�: %d" #, c-format msgid "Account: %s (%s)" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�: %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "Last Seen: %s ago" msgstr "" "\n" "爐�爐�爐�� 爐�爐迦�爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐迦�爐迦�: %s 爐��爐萎�爐朽�" msgid "Default" msgstr "爐��爐迦き爛�爐�" msgid "You must provide a username for the buddy." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐鉦く爐迦ぞ 爐項さ爛�." msgid "You must provide a group." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "You must select an account." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐鉦く爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "The selected account is not online." msgstr "爐��爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Error adding buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Username" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Alias (optional)" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐�)" msgid "Add in group" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "Add Buddy" msgstr "爐�た爐む�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Please enter buddy information." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Chats" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ" #. Extract their Name and put it in msgid "Name" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Alias" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Group" msgstr "爐�爐�" msgid "Auto-join" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��" msgid "Add Chat" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "You can edit more information from the context menu later." msgstr "爐��爐むぐ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�く爐鉦う爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." msgid "Error adding group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "You must give a name for the group to add." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�げ爐鉦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "Add Group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enter the name of the group" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Edit Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Please Update the necessary fields." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐謹ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐�く爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Edit" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え" msgid "Edit Settings" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Information" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Retrieving..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Get Info" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Add Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Send File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Blocked" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爛�爐÷�" msgid "Show when offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Please enter the new name for %s" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Rename" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Set Alias" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enter empty string to reset the name." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Removing this contact will also remove all the buddies in the contact" msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�" msgid "Removing this group will also remove all the buddies in the group" msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦く?" #. XXX: anything to do with the returned ui-handle? msgid "Confirm Remove" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Remove" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��" #. Buddy List msgid "Buddy List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Place tagged" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Toggle Tag" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "View Log" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�す爐�" #. General msgid "Nickname" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�" #. Never know what those translations might end up like... #. Idle stuff msgid "Idle" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" msgid "On Mobile" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐迦さ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "New..." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐�..." msgid "Saved..." msgstr "爐�爐むえ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�..." msgid "Plugins" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Block/Unblock" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ/爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Block" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�" msgid "Unblock" msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to Block/" "Unblock." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�/爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ." #. Not multiline #. Not masked? #. No hints? msgid "OK" msgstr "爐�爐逗�" msgid "New Instant Message" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐むい爛�爐�爐鉦こ 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to IM." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ IM 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "Channel" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��" msgid "Join a Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Please enter the name of the chat you want to join." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "Join" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person whose log you would like to " "view." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�す爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ." #. Create the "Options" frame. msgid "Options" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Send IM..." msgstr " IM 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Block/Unblock..." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐� 爐謹�爛�爐�/爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Join Chat..." msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "View Log..." msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�す爐�..." msgid "View All Logs" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�す爐�" msgid "Show" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Empty groups" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Offline buddies" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�" msgid "Sort" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ 爐迦ぞ爐朽ぞ" msgid "By Status" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�" msgid "Alphabetically" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦え爛�爐伍ぞ爐�" msgid "By Log Size" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛�" msgid "Buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�" msgid "Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Grouping" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�う爛�爐оい" msgid "Certificate Import" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Specify a hostname" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�え爐鉦さ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Type the host name this certificate is for." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�え爐鉦さ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "File %s could not be imported.\n" "Make sure that the file is readable and in PEM format.\n" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�.\n" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐� PEM 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" msgid "Certificate Import Error" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "X.509 certificate import failed" msgstr "X.509 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Select a PEM certificate" msgstr "PEM 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "Export to file %s failed.\n" "Check that you have write permission to the target path\n" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐踱�爛�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�.\n" "爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ\n" msgid "Certificate Export Error" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐踱�爛�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "X.509 certificate export failed" msgstr "X.509 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐踱�爛�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "PEM X.509 Certificate Export" msgstr "PEM X.509 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐踱�爛�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Certificate for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s\n" "\n" "SHA1 fingerprint:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�: %s\n" "\n" "SHA1 爐�た爐�爐�爐萎お爛�爐萎�爐�爐�:\n" "%s" msgid "SSL Host Certificate" msgstr "SSL 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Really delete certificate for %s?" msgstr "爐�爐萎� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "Confirm certificate delete" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�" msgid "Certificate Manager" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��" msgid "Hostname" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Info" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Close button msgid "Close" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s disconnected." msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�." #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" "\n" "Finch will not attempt to reconnect the account until you correct the error " "and re-enable the account." msgstr "" "%s\n" "\n" "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐�� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐�た爐�爐� 爐��爐�� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Re-enable Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "No such command." msgstr "爐�爐謹ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "Syntax Error: You typed the wrong number of arguments to that command." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぐ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�: 爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ/爐��爐�爛�爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Your command failed for an unknown reason." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "That command only works in chats, not IMs." msgstr "爐む� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎い爛�, 爐�ぃ IMs 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "That command only works in IMs, not chats." msgstr "爐む� 爐�爐��爐� IMs爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎い爛�, 爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "That command doesn't work on this protocol." msgstr "爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐項� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦さ爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Message was not sent, because you are not signed on." msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿�, 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s (%s -- %s)" msgstr "%s (%s -- %s)" #, c-format msgid "%s [%s]" msgstr "%s [%s]" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "%s is typing..." msgstr "" "\n" "%s 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�..." msgid "You have left this chat." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐項� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐÷�爐� 爐�た爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be " "automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項� 爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐��爐むぐ 爐む�爐��爐項� " "爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ." msgid "Logging started. Future messages in this conversation will be logged." msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�. 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐朽� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�." msgid "" "Logging stopped. Future messages in this conversation will not be logged." msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�. 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐朽� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Send To" msgstr "爐��爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Conversation" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ" msgid "Clear Scrollback" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦が爛�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Show Timestamps" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐謹� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Add Buddy Pounce..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Invite..." msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Enable Logging" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enable Sounds" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "You are not connected." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爛�爐橿げ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "<AUTO-REPLY> " msgstr "<AUTO-REPLY> " #, c-format msgid "List of %d user:\n" msgid_plural "List of %d users:\n" msgstr[0] "%d 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�:\n" msgstr[1] "%d 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�:\n" msgid "Supported debug options are: plugins version" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐÷た爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐項�爐�: 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "No such command (in this context)." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� (爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�じ爐�爐�ぐ爛�爐〝ぞ爐�爐�)." msgid "" "Use \"/help <command>\" for help on a specific command.\n" "The following commands are available in this context:\n" msgstr "" "爐朽た爐謹た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�う爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� \"/help <command>\" 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�.\n" "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐〝ぞ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�:\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is not a valid message class. See '/help msgcolor' for valid message " "classes." msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� '/help msgcolor' 爐�す爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid color. See '/help msgcolor' for valid colors." msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐朽�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� '/help msgcolor' 爐�す爐�." msgid "" "say <message>: Send a message normally as if you weren't using a " "command." msgstr "<message>: 爐��爐項ぃ爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�じ爐鉦げ 爐むぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐�お爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "me <action>: Send an IRC style action to a buddy or chat." msgstr "爐�� <action>: IRC 爐謹�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐む� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐÷� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "debug <option>: Send various debug information to the current " "conversation." msgstr "爐��爐� <option>: 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐朽た爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "clear: Clears the conversation scrollback." msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ: 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦が爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐む�." msgid "help <command>: Help on a specific command." msgstr "爐�う爐� <command>: 爐朽た爐謹た爐劇�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�う爐�." msgid "users: Show the list of users in the chat." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�: 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "plugins: Show the plugins window." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ: 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "buddylist: Show the buddylist." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐��: 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "accounts: Show the accounts window." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�:爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "debugwin: Show the debug window." msgstr "debugwin: 爐��爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "prefs: Show the preference window." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐��: 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "statuses: Show the savedstatuses window." msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐むい爐�:爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐むい爛�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "msgcolor <class> <foreground> <background>: Set the color " "for different classes of messages in the conversation window.<br> <" "class>: receive, send, highlight, action, timestamp<br> <foreground/" "background>: black, red, green, blue, white, gray, darkgray, magenta, " "cyan, default<br><br>EXAMPLE:<br> msgcolor send cyan default" msgstr "" "msgcolor <爐朽ぐ爛�爐�> <爐�爐�爛�爐萎き爛�爐��> <爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐��>: 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ " "爐朽�爐�爐橿�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.<br> <爐朽ぐ爛�爐�>: 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ, 爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぞ, " "爐�爛�爐む�, 爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐��爐�<br> <爐�爐�爛�爐萎き爛�爐��/爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐��>: 爐�爐鉦こ爐�, 爐迦ぞ爐�, 爐項た爐萎さ爐�, 爐��爐橿ぞ, 爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�, " "爐�爛�爐萎�, 爐÷ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎�, 爐��爛�爐�爐�爐�, 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�<br><br>爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�:<br> msgcolor send " "cyan default" msgid "Unable to open file." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "爐÷�爐�� 爐��爐�" #. XXX: Setting the GROW_Y for the following widgets don't make sense. But right now #. * it's necessary to make the width of the debug window resizable ... like I said, #. * it doesn't make sense. The bug is likely in the packing in gntbox.c. #. msgid "Clear" msgstr "爐��爐伍ぞ" msgid "Filter:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦こ爐�:" msgid "Pause" msgstr "爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ" #, c-format msgid "File Transfers - %d%% of %d file" msgid_plural "File Transfers - %d%% of %d files" msgstr[0] "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� - %d%% 爐��爐�爛� %d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgstr[1] "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� - %d%% 爐��爐�爛� %d 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐伍�" #. Create the window. msgid "File Transfers" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�" msgid "Progress" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐む�" msgid "Filename" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦さ" msgid "Size" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Speed" msgstr "爐朽�爐�" msgid "Remaining" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" #. XXX: Use of ggp_str_to_uin() is an ugly hack! #. presence msgid "Status" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Close this window when all transfers finish" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐項�爐む� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐項� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Clear finished transfers" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムげ爐鉦�爐むぐ爐鉦じ 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Stop" msgstr "爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Waiting for transfer to begin" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Failed" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "%.2f KiB/s" msgstr "%.2f KiB/s" msgid "Sent" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�" msgid "Received" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐�" msgid "Finished" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "The file was saved as %s." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�." msgid "Sending" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Receiving" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Conversation in %s on %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐��, %s 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Conversation with %s on %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍す %s 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ" msgid "%B %Y" msgstr "%B %Y" msgid "" "System events will only be logged if the \"Log all status changes to system " "log\" preference is enabled." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐迦�爐�爐�爐÷� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ\" 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍い爛�爐�, 爐むぐ " "爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爛�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "" "Instant messages will only be logged if the \"Log all instant messages\" " "preference is enabled." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦こ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ\" 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦げ爐逗� 爐伍�爐��爐� " "爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐項�爐む�爐�." msgid "" "Chats will only be logged if the \"Log all chats\" preference is enabled." msgstr " 爐�爐� \"Log all chats\" 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐��爛�爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐項�爐�爐�." msgid "No logs were found" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Total log size:" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐�爐� 爐踱�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ:" #. Search box ********* msgid "Scroll/Search: " msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�/爐謹�爐оぞ: " #, c-format msgid "Conversations in %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Conversations with %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "All Conversations" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "System Log" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦�爐�" msgid "Calling..." msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Hangup" msgstr "爐伍�爐むが爛�爐�" #. Number of actions msgid "Accept" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Reject" msgstr "爐��爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Call in progress." msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐む�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "The call has been terminated." msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start an audio session with you." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す 爐�爐÷た爐� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s is trying to start an unsupported media session type with you." msgstr "%s 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�." msgid "You have rejected the call." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�." msgid "call: Make an audio call." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�: 爐�爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Emails" msgstr "爐�爐��爐迦�爐�" msgid "You have mail!" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐��爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�!" msgid "Sender" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐劇�" msgid "Subject" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) has %d new message." msgid_plural "%s (%s) has %d new messages." msgstr[0] "%s (%s) 爐�爐÷� %d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgstr[1] "%s (%s) 爐�爐÷� %d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "New Mail" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Info for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Buddy Information" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� " msgid "Continue" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ" msgid "IM" msgstr "IM" msgid "Invite" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ" msgid "(none)" msgstr "(爐�爐鉦す爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�)" #. XXX: The following expects that finch_notify_message gets called. This #. * may not always happen, e.g. when another plugin sets its own #. * notify_message. So tread carefully. msgid "URI" msgstr "URI" msgid "ERROR" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "loading plugin failed" msgstr "爐迦�爐÷�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "unloading plugin failed" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐÷�爐�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "" "Name: %s\n" "Version: %s\n" "Description: %s\n" "Author: %s\n" "Website: %s\n" "Filename: %s\n" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�: %s\n" "爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�: %s\n" "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え: %s\n" "爐迦�爐�爐�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ: %s\n" "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦さ: %s\n" msgid "Plugin need to be loaded before you can configure it." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐о� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�." msgid "No configuration options for this plugin." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "Error loading plugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "The selected file is not a valid plugin." msgstr "爐��爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "Please open the debug window and try again to see the exact error message." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐÷た爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�す爐�." msgid "Select plugin to install" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦お爐�じ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "You can (un)load plugins from the following list." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ爐迦ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." msgid "Install Plugin..." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Configure Plugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. copy the preferences to tmp values... #. * I liked "take affect immediately" Oh well :-( #. (that should have been "effect," right?) #. Back to instant-apply! I win! BU-HAHAHA! #. Create the window msgid "Preferences" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�" msgid "Please enter a buddy to pounce." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "New Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐項げ爛�爐迦�" msgid "Edit Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Pounce Who" msgstr "爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐��" #. Account: msgid "Account:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�:" msgid "Buddy name:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�:" #. Create the "Pounce When Buddy..." frame. msgid "Pounce When Buddy..." msgstr "爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�..." msgid "Signs on" msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�" msgid "Signs off" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Goes away" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "Returns from away" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぐ爐むぞ爐�" msgid "Becomes idle" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爐む�" msgid "Is no longer idle" msgstr "爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐むさ爛�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Starts typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い爛�" msgid "Pauses while typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐ム�爐÷ぞ爐朽�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Stops typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐�" msgid "Sends a message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�" #. Create the "Action" frame. msgid "Action" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む�" msgid "Open an IM window" msgstr "IM 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Pop up a notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐�ぞ)" msgid "Send a message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Execute a command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Play a sound" msgstr "爐о�爐朽え爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぞ" msgid "Pounce only when my status is not Available" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Recurring" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐÷い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Cannot create pounce" msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "You do not have any accounts." msgstr "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "You must create an account first before you can create a pounce." msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐朽� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the pounce on %s for %s?" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� %s 爐朽ぐ 爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Buddy Pounces" msgstr "爐�た爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #, c-format msgid "%s has started typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s爐�� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐迦�. (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has paused while typing to you (%s)" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ (%s) 爐�爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� %s 爐ム�爐÷ぞ爐朽�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�げ爛� " #, c-format msgid "%s has signed on (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�. (%s) " #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being idle (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐迦�. (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being away (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐迦�. (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has stopped typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項� (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed off (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away. (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�. (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has sent you a message. (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐�. (%s)" msgid "Unknown pounce event. Please report this!" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ.爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐項� 爐�爐橿さ爐� !" msgid "Based on keyboard use" msgstr "爐�爐橿か爐迦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�" msgid "From last sent message" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�" msgid "Never" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Show Idle Time" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Show Offline Buddies" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Notify buddies when you are typing" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Log format" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Log IMs" msgstr "爐迦�爐� IMs" msgid "Log chats" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爛�" msgid "Log status change events" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�う爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Report Idle time" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Change status when idle" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Minutes before changing status" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐�爛�" msgid "Change status to" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐伍� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Logging" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐��爐�" msgid "You must fill all the required fields." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "The required fields are underlined." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐�爐о�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Not implemented yet." msgstr "爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦い 爐�爐�げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Save File..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Open File..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ..." msgid "Choose Location..." msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�..." msgid "Hit 'Enter' to find more rooms of this category." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐鉦ざ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐萎�爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 'Enter' 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ." msgid "Get" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Create the window. msgid "Room List" msgstr "爐萎�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�" msgid "Buddy logs in" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Buddy logs out" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐迦ぞ" msgid "Message received" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Message received begins conversation" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦ぞ" msgid "Message sent" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽た爐迦�" msgid "Person enters chat" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐��爐む�" msgid "Person leaves chat" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐÷�爐� 爐��爐む�" msgid "You talk in chat" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐��爐迦い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "Others talk in chat" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐��爐迦い 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Someone says your username in chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�た爐むぐ爛� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Attention received" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐�" msgid "GStreamer Failure" msgstr "G爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�ぐ 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "GStreamer failed to initialize." msgstr "G爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "(default)" msgstr "(爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�)" msgid "Select Sound File ..." msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐� ..." msgid "Sound Preferences" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽ぁ 爐�た爐朽ぁ" msgid "Profiles" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐伍�" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�" msgid "Console Beep" msgstr "爐�爐�爐伍�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" msgid "No Sound" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Sound Method" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�い" msgid "Method: " msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい: " #, c-format msgid "" "Sound Command\n" "(%s for filename)" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�\n" "(爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦さ 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s)" #. Sound options msgid "Sound Options" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Sounds when conversation has focus" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Always" msgstr "爐��爐項ぎ爛�" msgid "Only when available" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�" msgid "Only when not available" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�" msgid "Volume(0-100):" msgstr "爐朽�爐迦�爐��爐� (0-100):" #. Sound events msgid "Sound Events" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Event" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Test" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��" msgid "Reset" msgstr "爐��爐橿じ爛�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Choose..." msgstr "爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�..." #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ \"%s\" 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "Delete Status" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Saved Statuses" msgstr "爐�爐むえ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐むい爐�" #. title msgid "Title" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Type" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" #. Statuses are almost all the same. Define a macro to reduce code repetition. #. PurpleStatusPrimitive #. id - use default #. name - use default #. saveable #. user_settable #. not independent #. Attributes - each status can have a message. msgid "Message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�" #. Use msgid "Use" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ" msgid "Invalid title" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Please enter a non-empty title for the status." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎た爐�爛�爐�-爐�じ爐迦�爐迦� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Duplicate title" msgstr "爐��爛�爐�爐迦お爛�爐萎い 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Please enter a different title for the status." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐伍ぐ爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Substatus" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ 爐伍う爛�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Status:" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む�:" msgid "Message:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�:" msgid "Edit Status" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Use different status for following accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿�爐�ぞ 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" #. Save & Use msgid "Save & Use" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ & 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Certificates" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎�" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Statuses" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛�爐むい爐�" msgid "Error loading the plugin." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�." msgid "Couldn't find X display" msgstr "X 爐��爐謹�爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Couldn't find window" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "This plugin cannot be loaded because it was not built with X11 support." msgstr "X11 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ爐伍す 爐�た爐迦�爐� 爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "GntClipboard" msgstr "Gnt爐�爛�爐迦た爐�が爛�爐萎�爐�" msgid "Clipboard plugin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐�が爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "" "When the gnt clipboard contents change, the contents are made available to " "X, if possible." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ gnt 爐�爛�爐迦た爐�が爛�爐萎�爐÷�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�う爐迦い爐鉦い, 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦い." #, c-format msgid "%s just signed on" msgstr "%s爐��爐�爐む�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "%s just signed off" msgstr "%s 爐��爐�爐む�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s sent you a message" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s said your nick in %s" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐伍� %s 爐�� 爐��爐項�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a message in %s" msgstr "%s 爐�� %s爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐�" msgid "Buddy signs on/off" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�/爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "You receive an IM" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ IM 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦�" msgid "Someone speaks in a chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐むぐ爛� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐��爐迦い爛�" msgid "Someone says your name in a chat" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐むぐ爛� 爐��爐項ぃ爐む� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Notify with a toaster when" msgstr "爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎じ爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Beep too!" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐оぞ!" msgid "Set URGENT for the terminal window." msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�げ 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� URGENT 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐萎さ爐�." msgid "GntGf" msgstr "GntGf" msgid "Toaster plugin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "<b>Conversation with %s on %s:</b><br>" msgstr "<b> %s 爐朽ぐ %s 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�:</b><br>" msgid "History Plugin Requires Logging" msgstr "爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� 爐迦�爐�爐逗�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "" "Logging can be enabled from Tools -> Preferences -> Logging.\n" "\n" "Enabling logs for instant messages and/or chats will activate history for " "the same conversation type(s)." msgstr "" " 爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛� -> 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�� -> 爐迦�爐�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐迦�爐�爐逗�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ.\n" "爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦こ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ 爐�爐�た/爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐伍ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�." msgid "GntHistory" msgstr "Gnt爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "Shows recently logged conversations in new conversations." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐о�爐�� 爐��爐�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "When a new conversation is opened this plugin will insert the last " "conversation into the current conversation." msgstr "" " 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐項ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐項� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐謹�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "Fetching TinyURL..." msgstr "" "\n" "TinyURL 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #, c-format msgid "TinyURL for above: %s" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ TinyURL: %s" msgid "Please wait while TinyURL fetches a shorter URL ..." msgstr "TinyURL 爐迦す爐鉦え爐伍� URL 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐朽�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ..." msgid "Only create TinyURL for URLs of this length or greater" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐�爛�爐�ぞ URLs 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ TinyURL 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "TinyURL (or other) address prefix" msgstr "TinyURL (爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐むぐ) 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎た爐�た爐�爛�爐�" msgid "TinyURL" msgstr "TinyURL" msgid "TinyURL plugin" msgstr "TinyURL 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "When receiving a message with URL(s), use TinyURL for easier copying" msgstr "URL(s) 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿�, 爐伍�爐��爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� TinyURL 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Online" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #. primitive, no, id, name msgid "Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Online Buddies" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�" msgid "Offline Buddies" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�" msgid "Online/Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Meebo" msgstr "爐��爐��" msgid "No Grouping" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�う爛�爐оい 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Nested Subgroup" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "Nested Grouping (experimental)" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐� (爐��爐萎く爛�爐�爛�爐�)" msgid "Provides alternate buddylist grouping options." msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎さ爐む�." msgid "Lastlog" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐�" #. Translator Note: The "backlog" is the conversation buffer/history. msgid "lastlog: Searches for a substring in the backlog." msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐�: 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎げ爐�爐�た爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐�さ爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐鉦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐оい爛�." msgid "GntLastlog" msgstr "GntLastlog" msgid "Lastlog plugin." msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�." msgid "accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "Password is required to sign on." msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Enter password for %s (%s)" msgstr " %s (%s) 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Save password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Missing protocol plugin for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� " msgid "Connection Error" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛� 爐��爐�" msgid "New passwords do not match." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Fill out all fields completely." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎� 爐伍�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "Original password" msgstr "爐��爐橿�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" msgid "New password" msgstr "爐�さ爐逗え 爐�爛�爐��爐むざ爐��爐�" msgid "New password (again)" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� (爐��爐��爐項ぞ) " #, c-format msgid "Change password for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ " msgid "Please enter your current password and your new password." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� ." #, c-format msgid "Change user information for %s" msgstr " %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぞ " msgid "Set User Info" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "This protocol does not support setting a public alias." msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�が爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "This protocol does not support fetching the public alias." msgstr "爐項� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�が爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Unknown" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐�" msgid "Buddies" msgstr "爐�た爐む�爐�" msgid "buddy list" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "The certificate is self-signed and cannot be automatically checked." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "The certificate is not trusted because no certificate that can verify it is " "currently trusted." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐萎� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐迦�爐項� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐伍ぐ爛�爐� " "爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "The certificate is not valid yet. Check that your computer's date and time " "are accurate." msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "" "The certificate has expired and should not be considered valid. Check that " "your computer's date and time are accurate." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項� 爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐�爐�� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." #. Translators: "domain" refers to a DNS domain (e.g. msgid "The certificate presented is not issued to this domain." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "You have no database of root certificates, so this certificate cannot be " "validated." msgstr "" "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐鉦が爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐項� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎�爛� 爐朽�爐оい爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爐� " "爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "The certificate chain presented is invalid." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "The certificate has been revoked." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "An unknown certificate error occurred." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "(DOES NOT MATCH)" msgstr "(爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�)" #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "%s has presented the following certificate for just-this-once use:" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� just-this-once 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�:" #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s %s\n" "Fingerprint (SHA1): %s" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�: %s %s\n" "爐�た爐�爐�爐萎お爛�爐萎�爐�爐� (SHA1): %s" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "Single-use Certificate Verification" msgstr "爐踱�爐�ぞ-爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��" #. Scheme name #. Pool name msgid "Certificate Authorities" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐�爐逗か爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐ム�爐萎た爐�爛�爐�爛�" #. Scheme name #. Pool name msgid "SSL Peers Cache" msgstr "SSL 爐�た爐�爐萎�爐伍� 爐�爛�爐謹�" #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "Accept certificate for %s?" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�?" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "SSL Certificate Verification" msgstr "SSL 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��" msgid "_View Certificate..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐��爐謹�爐� (_V)..." #, c-format msgid "The certificate for %s could not be validated." msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #. TODO: Probably wrong. msgid "SSL Certificate Error" msgstr "SSL 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Unable to validate certificate" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "The certificate claims to be from \"%s\" instead. This could mean that you " "are not connecting to the service you believe you are." msgstr "" "爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐朽�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� \"%s\" 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐萎げ爛�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爛�爐迦� " "爐�ぞ爐項�." #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s\n" "\n" "Fingerprint (SHA1): %s\n" "\n" "Activation date: %s\n" "Expiration date: %s\n" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�: %s\n" "\n" "爐�た爐�爐�爐萎お爛�爐萎た爐�爐� (SHA1): %s\n" "\n" "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐�: %s\n" "爐朽�爐橿じ爐�ぞ爐��爐む� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐�: %s\n" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "Certificate Information" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. show error to user msgid "Registration Error" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Unregistration Error" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s signed on" msgstr "+++ %s 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s signed off" msgstr "+++ %s 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #. Undocumented #. Unknown error msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Unable to send message: The message is too large." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s." msgstr " %s爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "The message is too large." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Unable to send message." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Send Message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "_Send Message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)" #, c-format msgid "%s entered the room." msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐迦�." #, c-format msgid "%s [<I>%s</I>] entered the room." msgstr "%s [<I>%s</I>] 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐迦�." #, c-format msgid "You are now known as %s" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐むぞ %s 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐�爐橿�爐むぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐むぞ %s 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�爐橿�爐むぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s left the room." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐÷げ爛�." #, c-format msgid "%s left the room (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐÷げ爛� (%s)." msgid "Invite to chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�ぞ" #. Put our happy label in it. msgid "" "Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite, along with an optional " "invite message." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐謹ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." #, c-format msgid "Failed to get connection: %s" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed to get name: %s" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed to get serv name: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s" msgid "Purple's D-BUS server is not running for the reason listed below" msgstr "Purple 爐�爛� D-BUS 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐むさ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "No name" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Unable to create new resolver process\n" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐迦�爐��爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�\n" msgid "Unable to send request to resolver process\n" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐迦�爐��爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爐÷� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error resolving %s:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐÷さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ%s:\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "Error resolving %s: %d" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐÷さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ %s:%d " #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading from resolver process:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐÷さ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐��爐む�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�:\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "Resolver process exited without answering our request" msgstr "爐萎た爐伍�爐迦さ爛�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐む�爐むぐ 爐� 爐��爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Error converting %s to punycode: %d" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %d" #, c-format msgid "Thread creation failure: %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐�う爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぎ爐鉦げ爐逗�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐む� 爐�爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s" msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" " %s爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: \n" "%s.\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error writing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" " %s 爐迦た爐項ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: \n" "%s.\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error accessing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" " %s 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: \n" "%s.\n" msgid "Directory is not writable." msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐迦た爐項ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Cannot send a file of 0 bytes." msgstr "0 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Cannot send a directory." msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s is not a regular file. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.\n" msgstr "%s 爐項� 爐�た爐�ぎ爐逗い 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�.爐〝た爐む�爐�� 爐�爐оた爐� 爐迦た爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍� 爐��爐鉦ぐ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�.\n" msgid "File is not readable." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you %s (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ %s (%s) 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you a file" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Accept file transfer request from %s?" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "A file is available for download from:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐むぐ爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐項� :\n" "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐�爐鉦�爐÷�爐�: %s\n" "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�/爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐�: %d" #, c-format msgid "%s is offering to send file %s" msgstr "%s 爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛� %s" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid filename.\n" msgstr "%s 爐項� 爐朽�爐� 爐оぐ爐逗�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. \n" #, c-format msgid "Offering to send %s to %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� %s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項� " #, c-format msgid "Starting transfer of %s from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� %s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Transfer of file <A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> complete" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� <A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Transfer of file %s complete" msgstr "%s爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� " msgid "File transfer complete" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "You cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "File transfer cancelled" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� " #, c-format msgid "%s cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "%s 爐�� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s cancelled the file transfer" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "File transfer to %s failed." msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." #, c-format msgid "File transfer from %s failed." msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "Run the command in a terminal" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�げ 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぞ" msgid "The command used to handle \"aim\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "\"aim\" URL 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐伍ぃ爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐迦�, 爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ." msgid "The command used to handle \"gg\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"gg\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"icq\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"icq\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"irc\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"irc\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"msnim\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"msnim\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"sip\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"sip\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"xmpp\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"xmpp\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The command used to handle \"ymsgr\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"ymsgr\" URLs 爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "The handler for \"aim\" URLs" msgstr "\"aim\" URL 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐項�爐��爐÷げ爐�" msgid "The handler for \"gg\" URLs" msgstr " \"gg\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"icq\" URLs" msgstr " \"icq\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"irc\" URLs" msgstr "\"irc\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"msnim\" URLs" msgstr "\"msnim\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"sip\" URLs" msgstr "\"sip\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"xmpp\" URLs" msgstr "\"xmpp\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "The handler for \"ymsgr\" URLs" msgstr "\"ymsgr\" URLs 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿�" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"aim\" " "URLs." msgstr "\"command\" 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�た爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐迦� \"aim\" URL 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"gg\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"gg\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�爐� " "爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"icq\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"icq\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�爐� " "爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"irc\" " "URLs." msgstr "" " 爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"irc\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� " "爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"msnim\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"msnim\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� " "爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"sip\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛�\"sip\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�爐� " "爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"xmpp\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"xmpp\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� " "爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"ymsgr\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "爐�爐� \"爐�爐��爐�\" 爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� URLs 爐�爛� \"ymsgr\" 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛� " "爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "True if the command used to handle this type of URL should be run in a " "terminal." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� URL 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�げ 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"aim\" URLs" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐��爐謹え爛� \"aim\" URL 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐朽� 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"gg\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"gg\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"icq\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"icq\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"irc\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"irc\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"msnim\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"msnim\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"sip\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"sip\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"xmpp\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"xmpp\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"ymsgr\" URLs" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�� \"ymsgr\" URLs爐迦ぞ 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ爐�げ爛� 爐項さ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "<b><font color=\"red\">The logger has no read function</font></b>" msgstr "<b><font color=\"red\">爐迦�爐�爐萎�爐÷� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�</font></b>" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Old flat format" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐о� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Logging of this conversation failed." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦�爐�爐逗�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "XML" msgstr "XML" #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<爐��爐��爐� 爐萎�爐�=\"#16569E\"><爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ=\"2\">(%s)</爐��爐��爐�> <b>%s <AUTO-REPLY>:</" "b></爐��爐��爐�> %s<br/>\n" #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Unable to find log path!</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�!</b></font>" #, c-format msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Could not read file: %s</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�: %s</b></font>" #, c-format msgid "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" msgstr "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" msgid "" "No codecs found. Install some GStreamer codecs found in GStreamer plugins " "packages." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�. GStreamer 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爐伍� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐迦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗� GStreamer 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛�爐伍� " "爐��爐萎い爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "No codecs left. Your codec preferences in fs-codecs.conf are too strict." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項�爛� fs-codecs.conf 爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐� 爐�じ爐�爐む� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "A non-recoverable Farsight2 error has occurred." msgstr "爐朽た爐�ぞ-爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐��爛�爐�爛� Farsight2 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "Error with your microphone" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐��爐�ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" msgid "Error with your webcam" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐�ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" msgid "Conference error" msgstr "爐伍き爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "Error creating session: %s" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %s" #, c-format msgid "You are using %s, but this plugin requires %s." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ %s 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� %s 爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�." msgid "This plugin has not defined an ID." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�え爛� ID 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐萎さ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Plugin magic mismatch %d (need %d)" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐鉦う爛� %d 爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項� ( %d爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�)" #, c-format msgid "ABI version mismatch %d.%d.x (need %d.%d.x)" msgstr "ABI 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� %d爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�.%d.x (爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� %d.%d.x 爐�爐項�)" msgid "" "Plugin does not implement all required functions (list_icon, login and close)" msgstr "Plugin 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爐謹え爛�爐伍� (list_icon, 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ) 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "The required plugin %s was not found. Please install this plugin and try " "again." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�%s 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�.爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Unable to load the plugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "The required plugin %s was unable to load." msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐�爐�%s 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐む�." msgid "Unable to load your plugin." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s requires %s, but it failed to unload." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ %s 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐迦�爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐萎げ爛�." msgid "Autoaccept" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��" msgid "Auto-accept file transfer requests from selected users." msgstr "爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�." #, c-format msgid "Autoaccepted file transfer of \"%s\" from \"%s\" completed." msgstr "\"%s\" 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ \"%s\" 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "Autoaccept complete" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爛�爐む� 爐��爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "When a file-transfer request arrives from %s" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ %s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐��爐項�爐�爐む�" msgid "Set Autoaccept Setting" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Save" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)" msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_C)" msgid "Ask" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Auto Accept" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爛�爐む� " msgid "Auto Reject" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Autoaccept File Transfers..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�..." #. XXX: Is there a better way than this? There really should be. msgid "" "Path to save the files in\n" "(Please provide the full path)" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐むえ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�\n" "(爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ(爐��爐萎さ爐�))" msgid "Automatically reject from users not in buddy list" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "" "Notify with a popup when an autoaccepted file transfer is complete\n" "(only when there's no conversation with the sender)" msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐む� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爐��爐�じ爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐�\n" "(爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐劇�爐鉦が爐萎�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�じ爐む� )" msgid "Create a new directory for each user" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐萎� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Notes" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐��爐��" msgid "Enter your notes below..." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�..." msgid "Edit Notes..." msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ..." #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy Notes" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗お爐鉦�" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Store notes on particular buddies." msgstr "爐朽た爐謹た爐劇�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. *< summary msgid "Adds the option to store notes for buddies on your buddy list." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Cipher Test" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�か爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Tests the ciphers that ship with libpurple." msgstr "libpurple 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�か爐萎�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "DBus Example" msgstr "爐÷た爐�じ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "DBus Plugin Example" msgstr "爐÷た爐�じ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "File Control" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Allows control by entering commands in a file." msgstr "爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐む�." msgid "Minutes" msgstr "爐�た爐�た爐�爛�" #. This is a cultural reference. Dy'er Mak'er is a song by Led Zeppelin. #. If that doesn't translate well into your language, drop the 's before translating. msgid "I'dle Mak'er" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐むぞ" msgid "Set Account Idle Time" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Set" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� (_S)" msgid "None of your accounts are idle." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐項� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Unset Account Idle Time" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐萎さ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽�爐�" msgid "_Unset" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐� (_U)" msgid "Set Idle Time for All Accounts" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎さ爐�" msgid "Unset Idle Time for All Idled Accounts" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎さ爛� 爐��爐�" msgid "Allows you to hand-configure how long you've been idle" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐逗い爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項� 爐むた爐む�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐�� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐む�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "IPC Test Client" msgstr "IPC 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦�爐��" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a client." msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� IPC 爐�爐оぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ." #. * description msgid "" "Test plugin IPC support, as a client. This locates the server plugin and " "calls the commands registered." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� IPC 爐�爐оぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐項ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐�爐�げ爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�が爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い爛� 爐�爐�た " "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦ぞ爐朽い爛�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "IPC Test Server" msgstr "IPC 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� IPC 爐�爐оぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ." #. * description msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server. This registers the IPC commands." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� IPC 爐�爐оぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐項� IPC 爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦い." msgid "Hide Joins/Parts" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐��爐伍�/爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爐伍� 爐迦お爐朽ぞ" #. Translators: Followed by an input request a number of people msgid "For rooms with more than this many people" msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐��爐伍�" msgid "If user has not spoken in this many minutes" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽た爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐鉦い 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ" msgid "Apply hiding rules to buddies" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爛� 爐�た爐�ぎ 爐迦お爐朽ぃ爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Join/Part Hiding" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ/爐�爐�爐謹い爐� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Hides extraneous join/part messages." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐萎�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐萎く爐�/爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #. * description msgid "" "This plugin hides join/part messages in large rooms, except for those users " "actively taking part in a conversation." msgstr "" "爐項ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐�/爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐�爐鉦じ 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�, 爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� " "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐�お爐�� 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐むぞ爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐�さ爐鉦う 爐伍�爐÷�爐�." #. This is used in the place of a timezone abbreviation if the #. * offset is way off. The user should never really see it, but #. * it's here just in case. The parens are to make it clear it's #. * not a real timezone. msgid "(UTC)" msgstr "(UTC)" msgid "User is offline." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Auto-response sent:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐�:" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed off." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "One or more messages may have been undeliverable." msgstr "爐踱� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐оた爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐� 爐��爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐朽�." msgid "You were disconnected from the server." msgstr " 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received unless you are " "logged in." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "Message could not be sent because the maximum length was exceeded." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐∇げ爛� 爐項�爐む�." msgid "Message could not be sent." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Adium" msgstr "Adium" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Fire" msgstr "爐�爐�" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Messenger Plus!" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹う爛�爐� 爐�爐��爛� (爐��爐迦じ)!" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "QIP" msgstr "QIP" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "MSN Messenger" msgstr "MSN 爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐�" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Trillian" msgstr "爐踱� 爐項�爐鉦ぐ 爐迦ぞ爐�" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "aMSN" msgstr "aMSN" #. Add general preferences. msgid "General Log Reading Configuration" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оぞ爐萎ぃ 爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" msgid "Fast size calculations" msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷�爐��爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�爐迦う 爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ" msgid "Use name heuristics" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�う爛�爐оい 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" #. Add Log Directory preferences. msgid "Log Directory" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� " #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Log Reader" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Includes other IM clients' logs in the log viewer." msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐劇�爐鉦い 爐�爐むぐ IM 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #. * description msgid "" "When viewing logs, this plugin will include logs from other IM clients. " "Currently, this includes Adium, MSN Messenger, aMSN, and Trillian.\n" "\n" "WARNING: This plugin is still alpha code and may crash frequently. Use it " "at your own risk!" msgstr "" "爐迦�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�す爐鉦い爛�爐朽�爐橿�, 爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�爐むぐ IM 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐項�爐�爐�. 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ, 爐�ぞ爐� " "Adium, MSN 爐��爐伍�爐�爐�爐�, aMSN, 爐� Trillian 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�.\n" "\n" "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ: 爐項� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐謹�爐む�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦こ爐�爛�爐��爐萎�爐朽� " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�!" msgid "Mono Plugin Loader" msgstr "爐��爐�� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐÷�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Loads .NET plugins with Mono." msgstr "爐��爐��爐伍す NET 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." msgid "Add new line in IMs" msgstr "IMs 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Add new line in Chats" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< magic #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "New Line" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐�/爐萎�爐劇ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Prepends a newline to displayed message." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�さ爛�爐��爐橿�爐� 爐��爐萎た爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #. *< summary msgid "" "Prepends a newline to messages so that the rest of the message appears below " "the username in the conversation window." msgstr "" "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷い爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐む�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ " "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐む�." msgid "Offline Message Emulation" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い " msgid "Save messages sent to an offline user as pounce." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "The rest of the messages will be saved as pounces. You can edit/delete the " "pounce from the `Buddy Pounce' dialog." msgstr "" "爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�. `爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く' 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐�/" "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "\"%s\" is currently offline. Do you want to save the rest of the messages in " "a pounce and automatically send them when \"%s\" logs back in?" msgstr "" "\"%s\" 爐�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�た \"%s\" 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� " "爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ?" msgid "Offline Message" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy Pounces' dialog" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ `爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍�爐�' 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍げ爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え/爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐謹�爐むぞ" msgid "Yes" msgstr "爐項�爐�" msgid "No" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Save offline messages in pounce" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Do not ask. Always save in pounce." msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐�. 爐��爐項ぎ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐伍ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "One Time Password" msgstr "爐踱�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "One Time Password Support" msgstr "爐踱�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐む�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Enforce that passwords are used only once." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷じ爛� 爐��爛�爐� 爐踱�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐踱伍� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. * description msgid "" "Allows you to enforce on a per-account basis that passwords not being saved " "are only used in a single successful connection.\n" "Note: The account password must not be saved for this to work." msgstr "" "爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛�, 爐�爐伍� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぐ爐�お爐�� " "爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" "爐迦�爛�爐劇ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ: 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�じ爐鉦�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�じ爐鉦さ爛�爐�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Perl Plugin Loader" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐÷�爐萎�爐むぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "Provides support for loading perl plugins." msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐む�." msgid "Psychic Mode" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�じ爐逗� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" msgid "Psychic mode for incoming conversation" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�じ爐逗� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" msgid "" "Causes conversation windows to appear as other users begin to message you. " "This works for AIM, ICQ, XMPP, Sametime, and Yahoo!" msgstr "" "爐�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐� 爐�た爐伍ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐逗ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐逗い " "爐�爐萎い爛�. 爐項� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛� AIM, ICQ, XMPP, 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐�, 爐� Yahoo!" msgid "You feel a disturbance in the force..." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爛�爐萎す 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�..." msgid "Only enable for users on the buddy list" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ" msgid "Disable when away" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐伍い爛� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Display notification message in conversations" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Raise psychic conversations" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�じ爐逗� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Signals Test" msgstr "爐伍た爐�爛�爐�げ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐��" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Test to see that all signals are working properly." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍た爐�爛�爐�げ 爐��爐萎�爐�お爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Simple Plugin" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐о� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Tests to see that most things are working." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽じ爛�爐む� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. Scheme name msgid "X.509 Certificates" msgstr "X.509 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "GNUTLS" msgstr "GNUTLS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides SSL support through GNUTLS." msgstr "GNUTLS 爐�爐÷�爐� SSL 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐む�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "NSS" msgstr "NSS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides SSL support through Mozilla NSS." msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐迦ぞ NSS 爐�爐÷�爐� SSL 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐む�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides a wrapper around SSL support libraries." msgstr "SSL 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐迦く爐� 爐〝�爐朽い爛� 爐朽�爐劇�爐�爐� 爐��爐む�." #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer away." msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away." msgstr "%s 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle." msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer idle." msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s has signed on." msgstr "%s 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Notify When" msgstr "爐�爐橿さ爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Buddy Goes _Away" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� (_A)" msgid "Buddy Goes _Idle" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐項�爐む� (_I)" msgid "Buddy _Signs On/Off" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�/爐��爐� 爐�爐項� (_S)" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy State Notification" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐朽�爐�え爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "" "Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from away or " "idle." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐��爐む� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍い爛� 爐む�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐�爐÷�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐む�." msgid "Tcl Plugin Loader" msgstr "Tcl 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐÷ぐ" msgid "Provides support for loading Tcl plugins" msgstr "" " Tcl 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐оぞ爐� " "爐��爐む�. " msgid "" "Unable to detect ActiveTCL installation. If you wish to use TCL plugins, " "install ActiveTCL from\n" msgstr "" "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� TCL 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ TCL 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ爐迦ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�爐萎さ爐迦�, 爐むぐ http://" " 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� TCL爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ\n" msgid "" "Unable to find Apple's \"Bonjour for Windows\" toolkit, see http://d.pidgin." "im/BonjourWindows for more information." msgstr "" "Apple 爐�爛� \"Bonjour for Windows\" 爐�爛�爐迦�爐逗� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� http://d." " 爐�す爐�." msgid "Unable to listen for incoming IM connections" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐萎� IM 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "" "Unable to establish connection with the local mDNS server. Is it running?" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� mDNS 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦く爐��爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "First name" msgstr "爐�す爐逗げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Last name" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� (爐�爐÷え爐鉦さ)" #. email msgid "Email" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�" msgid "AIM Account" msgstr "AIM 爐�爐鉦い爛�" msgid "XMPP Account" msgstr "XMPP 爐�爐鉦い爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Bonjour Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐��爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Purple Person" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐〝こ爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた" #. Creating the options for the protocol msgid "Local Port" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "Bonjour" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s has closed the conversation." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�." msgid "Unable to send the message, the conversation couldn't be started." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�, 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Error communicating with local mDNSResponder." msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� mDNSResponder 爐伍す 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐оい爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�." msgid "Invalid proxy settings" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "" "Either the host name or port number specified for your given proxy type is " "invalid." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦�爐萎い爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Token Error" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Unable to fetch the token.\n" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�.\n" msgid "Save Buddylist..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Your buddylist is empty, nothing was written to the file." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐項�, 爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐項� 爐迦た爐項げ爛�爐迦� 爐�さ爛�爐項い爛�." msgid "Buddylist saved successfully!" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐むえ 爐�爛�爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Couldn't write buddy list for %s to %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Couldn't load buddylist" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Load Buddylist..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Buddylist loaded successfully!" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� !" msgid "Save buddylist..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Load buddylist from file..." msgstr "爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐��爐迦ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "You must fill in all registration fields" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Unable to register new account. An unknown error occurred." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "New Gadu-Gadu Account Registered" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Registration completed successfully!" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�!" msgid "Password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Password (again)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�(爐��爐��爐項ぞ)" msgid "Enter captcha text" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Captcha" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�" msgid "Register New Gadu-Gadu Account" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Please, fill in the following fields" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐〝ぐ爐�" msgid "City" msgstr "爐謹す爐�" msgid "Year of birth" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" #. gender msgid "Gender" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爐�" msgid "Male or female" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐む�爐萎�" #. 0 msgid "Male" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐迦�" msgid "Female" msgstr "爐伍�爐む�爐萎�" msgid "Only online" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐�" msgid "Find buddies" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Please, enter your search criteria below" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐謹�爐� 爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Fill in the fields." msgstr "爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "Your current password is different from the one that you specified." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐むぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿ぞ 爐�爐項�." msgid "Unable to change password. Error occurred.\n" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ.\n" msgid "Change password for the Gadu-Gadu account" msgstr "爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Password was changed successfully!" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�う爐迦げ爐� 爐項�爐むぞ!" msgid "Current password" msgstr "爐�爐むぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Password (retype)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�(爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ)" msgid "Enter current token" msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Current token" msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Please, enter your current password and your new password for UIN: " msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, UIN 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�爐むぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�: " msgid "Change Gadu-Gadu Password" msgstr "爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Select a chat for buddy: %s" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�: %s" msgid "Add to chat..." msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." #. 0 #. Global msgid "Available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐�" #. 2 msgid "Chatty" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�た爐劇�爐�" #. 3 msgid "Do Not Disturb" msgstr "爐�げ爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐��爐�" #. 1 #. get_yahoo_status_from_purple_status() returns YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM for #. * the generic away state (YAHOO_STATUS_TYPE_AWAY) with no message #. Away stuff msgid "Away" msgstr "爐��爐�" msgid "UIN" msgstr "UIN" #. first name #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Hidden Number" ), profile->hidden ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) ); #. optional information #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Title" ), profile->title ); msgid "First Name" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぅ爐�え爐鉦さ" msgid "Birth Year" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Unable to display the search results." msgstr "爐謹�爐� 爐�爐項さ爐鉦げ爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Gadu-Gadu Public Directory" msgstr "爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐оぞ爐萎�(爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎�)" msgid "Search results" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐逗ぃ爐鉦ぎ 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "No matching users found" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "There are no users matching your search criteria." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐� 爐�た爐�爐劇ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "Unable to read from socket" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Buddy list downloaded" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐むぐ爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐むげ爛�" msgid "Your buddy list was downloaded from the server." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐むぐ爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐むげ爛� 爐項�爐む�." msgid "Buddy list uploaded" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Your buddy list was stored on the server." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐項�爐む�." #. The session is now set up, ready to be connected. This emits the #. * signedOn signal, so clients can now do anything with msimprpl, and #. * we're ready for it (session key, userid, username all setup). msgid "Connected" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦�" msgid "Connection failed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Add to chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Chat _name:" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�ぞ爐� (_n):" #, c-format msgid "Unable to resolve hostname '%s': %s" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�え爐鉦さ '%s' 爐�た爐朽ぞ爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #. 1. connect to server #. connect to the server msgid "Connecting" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Chat error" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐��爐�" msgid "This chat name is already in use" msgstr "爐項� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Not connected to the server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Find buddies..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ..." msgid "Change password..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ..." msgid "Upload buddylist to Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Download buddylist from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐むぐ爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ" msgid "Delete buddylist from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Save buddylist to file..." msgstr "爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." #. magic #. major_version #. minor_version #. plugin type #. ui_requirement #. flags #. dependencies #. priority #. id #. name #. version msgid "Gadu-Gadu Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. summary msgid "Polish popular IM" msgstr "爐��爐迦た爐� 爐��爐萎じ爐逗ぇ爛�爐� IM" msgid "Gadu-Gadu User" msgstr "爐�爐÷�-爐�爐÷� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "GG server" msgstr "GG 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "current topic is: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く: %s 爐�爐項�" msgid "No topic is set" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "File Transfer Failed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Unable to open a listening port." msgstr "爐迦た爐伍�爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Error displaying MOTD" msgstr "MOTD 爐��爐萎ぐ爛�爐�ざ爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐� " msgid "No MOTD available" msgstr "MOTD 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぇ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "There is no MOTD associated with this connection." msgstr "爐項� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐謹� 爐�た爐�爐÷�爐� MOTD 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "MOTD for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� MOTD " #. #. * TODO: Handle this better. Probably requires a PurpleBOSHConnection #. * buffer that stores what is "being sent" until the #. * PurpleHTTPConnection reports it is fully sent. #. #. TODO: what to do here - do we really have to disconnect? #. TODO: do we really want to disconnect on a failure to write? #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with server: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "View MOTD" msgstr "MOTD 爐��爐謹�爐� " msgid "_Channel:" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� (_C):" msgid "_Password:" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐� (_P):" msgid "IRC nick and server may not contain whitespace" msgstr "IRC 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�じ爛�爐�" msgid "SSL support unavailable" msgstr "SSL 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐�" msgid "Unable to connect" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. this is a regular connect, error out #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect: %s" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Server closed the connection" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Users" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�" msgid "Topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "IRC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "IRC爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. * summary msgid "The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less" msgstr " IRC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐伍�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�" #. host to connect to msgid "Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" #. port to connect to msgid "Port" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "Encodings" msgstr "爐踱��爛�爐÷た爐�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Auto-detect incoming UTF-8" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐萎� UTF-8 爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐�爐橿�爐�" msgid "Real name" msgstr "爐�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�" #. #. option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("Quit message"), "quitmsg", IRC_DEFAULT_QUIT); #. prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); #. msgid "Use SSL" msgstr " SSL 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Bad mode" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" #, c-format msgid "Ban on %s by %s, set %s ago" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ %s 爐�� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�, %s 爐��爐萎�爐朽� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Ban on %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "End of ban list" msgstr "爐�え爐鉦� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む�" #, c-format msgid "You are banned from %s." msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Banned" msgstr "爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Cannot ban %s: banlist is full" msgstr " %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid " <i>(ircop)</i>" msgstr " <i>(ircop)</i>" msgid " <i>(identified)</i>" msgstr "<i>(爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�)</i>" msgid "Nick" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Currently on" msgstr " 爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�" msgid "Idle for" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�" msgid "Online since" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�" msgid "<b>Defining adjective:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐朽た爐謹�爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎さ爐� 爐�爐項�:</b>" msgid "Glorious" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐�爛�爐劇�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�う爐迦げ爐� 爐�爐項�: %s " #, c-format msgid "%s has cleared the topic." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦じ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "The topic for %s is: %s" msgstr "%s爐�爐萎い爐� 爐朽た爐劇く: %s 爐�爐項� " #, c-format msgid "Unknown message '%s'" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍�爐��爐� '%s'" msgid "Unknown message" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍�爐��爐� " msgid "The IRC server received a message it did not understand." msgstr "%s 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項� ." #, c-format msgid "Users on %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ : %s" msgid "Time Response" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐朽�爐� " msgid "The IRC server's local time is:" msgstr "IRC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�:" msgid "No such channel" msgstr "爐�爐謹ぞ爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. does this happen? msgid "no such channel" msgstr "爐�爐謹ぞ爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "User is not logged in" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "No such nick or channel" msgstr "爐�爐謹ぞ爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぃ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Could not send" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Joining %s requires an invitation." msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Invitation only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked by %s: (%s)" msgstr " %s爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項� : (%s)" #. Remove user from channel #, c-format msgid "Kicked by %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "mode (%s %s) by %s" msgstr "%s 爐�� (%s %s) 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" msgid "Invalid nickname" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�え爐鉦さ" msgid "" "Your selected nickname was rejected by the server. It probably contains " "invalid characters." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐項�爐む�. 爐�す爛�爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "Your selected account name was rejected by the server. It probably contains " "invalid characters." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爛�爐迦�. 爐�す爛�爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�." #. We only want to do the following dance if the connection #. has not been successfully completed. If it has, just #. notify the user that their /nick command didn't go. #, c-format msgid "The nickname \"%s\" is already being used." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� \"%s\" 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Nickname in use" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Cannot change nick" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Could not change nick" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "You have parted the channel%s%s" msgstr "%s%s 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Error: invalid PONG from server" msgstr "爐��爐� : 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds" msgstr "PING 爐�爐む�爐むぐ-- : %lu 爐伍�爐�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Cannot join %s: Registration is required." msgstr "%s 爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Cannot join channel" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Nick or channel is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Wallops from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐萎ぞ" msgid "action <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "爐�爛�爐む� <爐�爛�爐む� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐�>: 爐�爛�爐む� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "away [message]: Set an away message, or use no message to return from being " "away." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎�爛� [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐��爐萎�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐むぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐項� 爐伍�爐��爐� " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐��爐�." msgid "ctcp <nick> <msg>: sends ctcp msg to nick." msgstr "ctcp <nick> <msg>: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐朽�爐÷� ctcp msg 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�." msgid "chanserv: Send a command to chanserv" msgstr "chanserv: chanserv 爐�爐÷� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "deop <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel operator status from " "someone. You must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "deop <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�1> [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�2] ...: 爐踱�爐鉦う爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐むた爐ム� " "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐項� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "" "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel voice status from " "someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐踱�爐鉦う爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� " "爐�爐鉦�爐�. 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗が爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐項� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "" "invite <nick> [room]: Invite someone to join you in the specified " "channel, or the current channel." msgstr "" "invite <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�> [room]: 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐朽ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� " "爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐踱�爐鉦う爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "" "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: 爐踱� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐оた爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐�爐� " "爐�爐鉦げ爐�,爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐�爛� 爐踱� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爛� 爐��爐む�." msgid "" "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "" "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: 爐踱� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐оた爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐� " "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ,爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐�爛� 爐踱� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爛� 爐��爐む�." msgid "" "kick <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "kick <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�> [爐伍�爐��爐�] 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐踱�爐鉦う爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�.爐項� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "" "list: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. <i>Warning, some servers " "may disconnect you upon doing this.</i>" msgstr "" "list: 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ<i> 爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐�い爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ,爐�爐鉦す爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐� 爐項� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爛�爐�.</i>" msgid "me <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "me <爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐む�>:爐�爛�爐む� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "memoserv: Send a command to memoserv" msgstr "memoserv: memoserv 爐�爐÷� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: Set or unset a channel " "or user mode." msgstr "" "mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐�." msgid "" "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "" "msg <nick> <message>: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ.(爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� " "爐朽た爐萎�爐�)." msgid "names [channel]: List the users currently in a channel." msgstr "names [爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��]: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "nick <new nickname>: Change your nickname." msgstr "nick <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�>: 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ." msgid "nickserv: Send a command to nickserv" msgstr "nickserv: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐÷� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "notice <target<: Send a notice to a user or channel." msgstr "notice <爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐�<: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel operator status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐踱�爐鉦う爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�い爐� 爐��爐�ぞ. 爐項� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ " "爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "" "operwall <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably " "can't use it." msgstr "" "operwall <message>: 爐�爐� 爐項� 爐�爐鉦く 爐�爐項� 爐項� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�じ爛�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐項� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爐� " "爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "operserv: Send a command to operserv" msgstr "operserv: operserv 爐�爐÷� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "part [room] [message]: Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, " "with an optional message." msgstr "" "part [爐�爛�爐迦�] [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍�爐÷ぞ. 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ 爐伍�爐�い 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� " "爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) " "has." msgstr "" "ping [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�]: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗い爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爐迦ぞ 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐む� (爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ " "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�じ爛�爐�)." msgid "" "query <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "" "query <nick> <message>: ;: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ " "(爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐謹� 爐��爐�爐鉦が爐迦ぞ 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐�)." msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message." msgstr "quit [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�." msgid "quote [...]: Send a raw command to the server." msgstr "quote [...]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "remove <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a room. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "remove <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�> [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐�爛�爐迦�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ爐むぐ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�.爐項�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ " "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server." msgstr "time: IRC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐� 爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the channel topic." msgstr "topic [爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く]: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�う爐迦ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: Set or unset a user mode." msgstr "" "unmode <+|-><A-Za-z>: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐�." msgid "version [nick]: send CTCP VERSION request to a user" msgstr "version [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�]: CTCP VERSION 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "voice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel voice status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "voice <nick1> [nick2] ...: 爐踱�爐鉦う爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�い爐� " "爐��爐�ぞ . 爐項� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "" "wallops <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't " "use it." msgstr "" "wallops <message>: 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項� 爐�爐鉦く 爐�爐項� 爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐謹�爛�爐�い爛� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "whois [server] <nick>: Get information on a user." msgstr "whois [爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ] <nick>: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�." msgid "whowas <nick>: Get information on a user that has logged off." msgstr "whowas <爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�>: Get information on a user that has logged off." #, c-format msgid "Reply time from %s: %lu seconds" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐朽�爐�: %lu 爐伍�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "PONG" msgstr "PONG" msgid "CTCP PING reply" msgstr "CTCP PING 爐�爐む�爐むぐ" msgid "Disconnected." msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷�爐�." msgid "Unknown Error" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Ad-Hoc Command Failed" msgstr "Ad-Hoc 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "execute" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぞ" msgid "Server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" msgstr " 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽ぐ 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐逗�爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�" #. This should never happen! msgid "Invalid response from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "Server does not use any supported authentication method" msgstr " 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐�い爐鉦す爛� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐む�爐�爛� 爐�う爛�爐оい 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "%s requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. Allow " "this and continue authentication?" msgstr "" "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐朽た爐�ぞ 爐踱��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ爐迦� 爐��爐�爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐� 爐�爐橿� " "爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ?" msgid "Plaintext Authentication" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐о� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ" msgid "You require encryption, but it is not available on this server." msgstr "爐踱��爛�爐萎た爐��爐謹え 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Invalid challenge from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "Server thinks authentication is complete, but client does not" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐迦� 爐�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, fuzzy msgid "Server may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" msgstr " 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽ぐ 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐逗�爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "%s may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. " "Allow this and continue authentication?" msgstr "" "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐朽た爐�ぞ 爐踱��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ爐迦� 爐��爐�爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐� 爐�爐橿� " "爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ?" msgid "SASL authentication failed" msgstr "SASL 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "SASL error: %s" msgstr "SASL 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %s" msgid "Invalid Encoding" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐踱��爛�爐÷た爐�爐�" msgid "Unsupported Extension" msgstr "爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐踱�爛�爐伍�爛�爐�爐謹え" msgid "" "Unexpected response from the server. This may indicate a possible MITM " "attack" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐�. 爐項� 爐謹�爛�爐�い爐�ぞ MITM 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐伍ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爛�爐�い爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "" "The server does support channel binding, but did not appear to advertise " "it. This indicates a likely MITM attack" msgstr "" "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐÷た爐�爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗ぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐謹�爛�爐�い爐�ぞ " "MITM 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐伍� 爐謹�爐む�" msgid "Server does not support channel binding" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐�爐оぃ爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Unsupported channel binding method" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐�げ 爐�ぞ爐�爐оぃ爛� 爐�う爛�爐оい" msgid "User not found" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Invalid Username Encoding" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐踱��爐�爛�爐÷た爐�爐�" msgid "Resource Constraint" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ" msgid "Unable to canonicalize username" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Unable to canonicalize password" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Malicious challenge from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍う爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "Unexpected response from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "The BOSH connection manager terminated your session." msgstr "BOSH 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐�� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "No session ID given" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� ID 爐�た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Unsupported version of BOSH protocol" msgstr "BOSH 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爛� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "Unable to establish SSL connection" msgstr "SSL 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Full Name" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Family Name" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Given Name" msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgid "Street Address" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" #. #. * EXTADD is correct, EXTADR is generated by other #. * clients. The next time someone reads this, remove #. * EXTADR. #. msgid "Extended Address" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Locality" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ" msgid "Region" msgstr "爐��爐萎う爛�爐�" msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Email" ), profile->email ); msgid "Country" msgstr "爐��爐�" #. lots of clients (including purple) do this, but it's #. * out of spec msgid "Telephone" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍�爐ム�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Organization Unit" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍�爐ム�爐�爐� 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�" msgid "Job Title" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹た爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Role" msgstr "爐〝�爐�た爐�爐�" #. birthday #. birthday (required) msgid "Birthday" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐∇う爐逗さ爐�" msgid "Description" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え" msgid "Edit XMPP vCard" msgstr " XMPP vCard 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "All items below are optional. Enter only the information with which you feel " "comfortable." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐項�爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�い 爐む� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�う爛�爐оい爛�" msgid "Local Time" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐�" msgid "Priority" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐��" msgid "Resource" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оえ" msgid "Uptime" msgstr "爐�爐��爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Logged Off" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 爐��爐萎�爐朽�" msgid "Middle Name" msgstr "爐�ぇ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Address" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "P.O. Box" msgstr " P.O. Box" msgid "Photo" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�" msgid "Logo" msgstr "爐��爐о�爐逗え爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "%s will no longer be able to see your status updates. Do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐��爐∇� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐謹�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐� 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦く爐�爛�?" msgid "Cancel Presence Notification" msgstr "爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Un-hide From" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Temporarily Hide From" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "(Re-)Request authorization" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� (爐��爐��爐項ぞ) 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� " #. shouldn't this just happen automatically when the buddy is #. removed? msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "爐伍き爐鉦じ爐� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦�" msgid "Initiate _Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_C)" msgid "Log In" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�爐�" msgid "JID" msgstr "JID" #. last name msgid "Last Name" msgstr "爐�爐÷え爐鉦さ" msgid "The following are the results of your search" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐項さ爐鉦げ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項�爐�" #. current comment from Jabber User Directory msgid "" "Find a contact by entering the search criteria in the given fields. Note: " "Each field supports wild card searches (%)" msgstr "" "爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐謹�爐� 爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐謹�爐оぞ. 爐�爐逗お: 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐謹�爐�(%) 爐�ぞ " "爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐む�" msgid "Directory Query Failed" msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�爐謹� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Could not query the directory server." msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐謹� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #. Try to translate the message (see static message #. list in jabber_user_dir_comments[]) #, c-format msgid "Server Instructions: %s" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ: %s" msgid "Fill in one or more fields to search for any matching XMPP users." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ XMPP 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐踱� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "Email Address" msgstr "爐�-爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Search for XMPP users" msgstr " XMPP 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐оぞ" #. "Search" msgid "Search" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Invalid Directory" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� " msgid "Enter a User Directory" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Select a user directory to search" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ爐��爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Search Directory" msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "_Room:" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐� (_R):" msgid "_Server:" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ (_S):" msgid "_Handle:" msgstr "爐項�爐��爐÷げ (_H):" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room name" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Invalid Room Name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid server name" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Invalid Server Name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room handle" msgstr "%s 爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐項�爐��爐÷げ 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Invalid Room Handle" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐項�爐��爐÷げ " msgid "Configuration error" msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�" msgid "Unable to configure" msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Room Configuration Error" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�" msgid "This room is not capable of being configured" msgstr "爐項� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Registration error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐朽え爛�爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐��爐�" msgid "Nick changing not supported in non-MUC chatrooms" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐朽た爐�ぞ-MUC 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Error retrieving room list" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐��爐萎�爐朽じ爛�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Invalid Server" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "Enter a Conference Server" msgstr "爐伍き爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Select a conference server to query" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐謹�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍き爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Find Rooms" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Affiliations:" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐��爐�爐萎ぃ:" msgid "No users found" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Roles:" msgstr "爐〝�爐�た爐�爐�:" msgid "Server requires TLS/SSL, but no TLS/SSL support was found." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ TLS/SSL 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� TLS/SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "You require encryption, but no TLS/SSL support was found." msgstr "爐踱��爛�爐萎た爐��爐謹え 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� TLS/SSL 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "Ping timed out" msgstr "Ping 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む�" msgid "Invalid XMPP ID" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� XMPP ID" msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Username portion must be set." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� XMPP ID. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� XMPP ID. 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." msgid "Malformed BOSH URL" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐劇�爐� BOSH URL" #, c-format msgid "Registration of %s@%s successful" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� @%s 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐萎た爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Registration to %s successful" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽� 爐�爐萎げ爛�" msgid "Registration Successful" msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐萎た爐む�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Registration Failed" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Registration from %s successfully removed" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐迦�" msgid "Unregistration Successful" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�" msgid "Unregistration Failed" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "State" msgstr "爐��爐萎う爛�爐�" msgid "Postal code" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�(爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�)" msgid "Phone" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Date" msgstr "爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Already Registered" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�" msgid "Unregister" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "Please fill out the information below to change your account registration." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "Please fill out the information below to register your new account." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐�." msgid "Register New XMPP Account" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� XMPP 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Register" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐逗じ爛�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Change Account Registration at %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐ム� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Register New Account at %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐ム� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Change Registration" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Error unregistering account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Account successfully unregistered" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�" msgid "Initializing Stream" msgstr " 爐�爐�/爐��爐萎さ爐鉦す 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Initializing SSL/TLS" msgstr "SSL/TLS 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Authenticating" msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐謹ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Re-initializing Stream" msgstr " 爐��爐萎さ爐鉦す 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Server doesn't support blocking" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爐�爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not Authorized" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦�" msgid "Mood" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�じ爐逗� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Now Listening" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Both" msgstr "爐��爐��爐項�" msgid "From (To pending)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� (爐��爐萎げ爐�爐�た爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛�)" msgid "From" msgstr "爐�爐÷�爐�" msgid "To" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐�" msgid "None (To pending)" msgstr "爐�爐鉦す爛�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項� (爐��爐萎げ爐�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛�)" msgid "None" msgstr "爐�爐鉦す爛�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. subscription type msgid "Subscription" msgstr "爐伍が爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ざ爐�" msgid "Mood Text" msgstr "爐��爐÷�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Allow Buzz" msgstr "爐��爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Mood Name" msgstr "爐��爐÷�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Mood Comment" msgstr "爐��爐÷�爛� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�" #. primitive #. ID #. name - use default #. saveable #. should be user_settable some day #. independent msgid "Tune Artist" msgstr "爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Title" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Album" msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�ぎ 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Genre" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Comment" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Track" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Time" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune Year" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Tune URL" msgstr "URL 爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Password Changed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Your password has been changed." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦げ爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Error changing password" msgstr " 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Change XMPP Password" msgstr "XMPP 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Please enter your new password" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Set User Info..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐萎さ爐�..." #. if (js->protocol_options & CHANGE_PASSWORD) { msgid "Change Password..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ..." #. } msgid "Search for Users..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐оぞ..." msgid "Bad Request" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "Conflict" msgstr "爐�い爐〝�爐�" msgid "Feature Not Implemented" msgstr "爐朽�爐謹た爐劇�爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦い 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗が爐�爐о�爐�" msgid "Gone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Internal Server Error" msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Item Not Found" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Malformed XMPP ID" msgstr "爐��爐劇た爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� XMPP ID" msgid "Not Acceptable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Not Allowed" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦�" msgid "Payment Required" msgstr "爐朽�爐むえ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐項�爐む�" msgid "Recipient Unavailable" msgstr " 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐�" msgid "Registration Required" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐朽え爛�爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐項�爐む�" msgid "Remote Server Not Found" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Remote Server Timeout" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐�げ爛�" msgid "Server Overloaded" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "Service Unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Subscription Required" msgstr " 爐伍き爐鉦じ爐� 爐謹�爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ" msgid "Unexpected Request" msgstr "爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "Authorization Aborted" msgstr " 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎さ爐鉦え爐�爛� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐迦�" msgid "Incorrect encoding in authorization" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐むた爐�" msgid "Invalid authzid" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� " msgid "Invalid Authorization Mechanism" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" msgid "Authorization mechanism too weak" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐�げ 爐�爐項� " msgid "Temporary Authentication Failure" msgstr "爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐謹ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Authentication Failure" msgstr "爐謹ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Bad Format" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぃ" msgid "Bad Namespace Prefix" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�じ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Resource Conflict" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐鉦じ 爐�爐÷ぅ爐橿ぞ" msgid "Connection Timeout" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐�げ爛�" msgid "Host Gone" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Host Unknown" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�爐� " msgid "Improper Addressing" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐�さ爐鉦じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�" msgid "Invalid ID" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� ID " msgid "Invalid Namespace" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽�爐�爐むぐ" msgid "Invalid XML" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� XML" msgid "Non-matching Hosts" msgstr "爐� 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�爐��爐�爐�" msgid "Policy Violation" msgstr "爐о�爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Remote Connection Failed" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Restricted XML" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗が爐�爐оた爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� XML " msgid "See Other Host" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐�す爐�" msgid "System Shutdown" msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Undefined Condition" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐萎さ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐�" msgid "Unsupported Encoding" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐萎す爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐むた爐�" msgid "Unsupported Stanza Type" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐萎す爛�爐� 爐�爐÷さ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Unsupported Version" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐萎す爛�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "XML Not Well Formed" msgstr "XML 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Stream Error" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爐鉦す 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to ban user %s" msgstr "%s爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown affiliation: \"%s\"" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍�爐��爐�: \"%s\"" #, c-format msgid "Unable to affiliate user %s as \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%2$s\" 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %1$s 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown role: \"%s\"" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�: \"%s\"" #, c-format msgid "Unable to set role \"%s\" for user: %s" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� \"%s\"爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to kick user %s" msgstr "%s爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� " #, c-format msgid "Unable to ping user %s" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to buzz, because there is nothing known about %s." msgstr "爐��爐迦さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� %s 爐朽た爐劇く爛� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to buzz, because %s might be offline." msgstr "爐��爐迦さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� %s 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐む�." #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to buzz, because %s does not support it or does not wish to receive " "buzzes now." msgstr "爐��爐迦さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� %s 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #. Yahoo only supports one attention command: the 'buzz'. #. This is index number YAHOO_BUZZ. msgid "Buzz" msgstr "爐��爐迦さ爐��" #, c-format msgid "%s has buzzed you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐迦さ爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Buzzing %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐迦さ爐� 爐�爐項�..." #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: invalid JID" msgstr "%s 爐伍す 爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐�爐朽�爐� JID" #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: user is not online" msgstr "%s 爐伍す 爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: not subscribed to user presence" msgstr "%s 爐伍す 爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐伍が爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Media Initiation Failed" msgstr "爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "" "Please select the resource of %s with which you would like to start a media " "session." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐�爐朽ぁ爛�爐�." msgid "Select a Resource" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Initiate Media" msgstr "爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Account does not support PEP, can't set mood" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� PEP 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "config: Configure a chat room." msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ: 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "configure: Configure a chat room." msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ: 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "part [message]: Leave the room." msgstr "part [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐÷ぞ." msgid "register: Register with a chat room." msgstr "爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ: 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the topic." msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く [爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く]: 爐�す爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�う爐迦ぞ." msgid "ban <user> [reason]: Ban a user from the room." msgstr "ban <爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> [爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�]: 爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "affiliate <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get " "the users with an affiliation or set users' affiliation with the room." msgstr "" "affiliate <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�1] [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�2] ...: " "爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐��爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐�す爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�じ爐� 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐��爐�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "role <moderator|participant|visitor|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get the " "users with a role or set users' role with the room." msgstr "" "role <moderator|participant|visitor|none> [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�1] [爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�2] ...: " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐〝�爐�た爐�爐� 爐�す爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐〝�爐�た爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�じ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "invite <user> [message]: Invite a user to the room." msgstr " <user> [爐伍�爐��爐�] 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�ぞ: 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "join: <room> [password]: Join a chat on this server." msgstr "join: <爐萎�爐�> [爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�]: 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "kick <user> [reason]: Kick a user from the room." msgstr "kick <爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ> [reason]: 爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐〝す爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "msg <user> <message>: Send a private message to another user." msgstr "msg <user> <message>: 爐�爐むぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "ping <jid>:\tPing a user/component/server." msgstr "ping <jid>:\t 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ/爐�爐�爐�/爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "buzz: Buzz a user to get their attention" msgstr "爐��: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "mood: Set current user mood" msgstr "爐��爐�: 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Extended Away" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ 爐�じ爐萎げ爛�爐迦ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "XMPP Protocol Plugin" msgstr "XMPP 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. Translators: 'domain' is used here in the context of Internet domains, e.g. msgid "Domain" msgstr "爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "Require encryption" msgstr " 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ" #, fuzzy msgid "Use encryption if available" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�: %s" msgid "Use old-style SSL" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Connection security" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐�げ爛�" msgid "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams" msgstr "爐�爐��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐鉦す爐鉦さ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐о�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐む�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Connect port" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" #. TODO: default to automatically try different ports. Make the user be #. * able to set the first port to try (like LastConnectedPort in Windows client). #. Account options msgid "Connect server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" msgid "File transfer proxies" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�" msgid "BOSH URL" msgstr "BOSH URL" #. this should probably be part of global smiley theme settings later on, #. shared with MSN msgid "Show Custom Smileys" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "%s has left the conversation." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐÷げ爛�." #, c-format msgid "Message from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s has set the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐��: %s 爐�爐÷� 爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "The topic is: %s" msgstr "爐項� 爐朽た爐劇く: %s 爐�爐項�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Message delivery to %s failed: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�: %s" msgid "XMPP Message Error" msgstr "XMPP 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "(Code %s)" msgstr "(爐�爛�爐� %s)" msgid "A custom smiley in the message is too large to send." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぎ爐о�爐� 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項�." msgid "XMPP stream header missing" msgstr "XMPP 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐÷�爐÷ぐ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "XMPP Version Mismatch" msgstr "XMPP 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐�爛�爐橿げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "XMPP stream missing ID" msgstr "XMPP 爐伍�爛�爐萎�爐��爛� ID 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "XML Parse error" msgstr "XML 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Error joining chat %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Error in chat %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Create New Room" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�え爐朽ぞ " msgid "" "You are creating a new room. Would you like to configure it, or accept the " "default settings?" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐謹� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ " "爐��爐橿じ爛�爐ムた爐む�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�爐項�爐� 爐�爐�?" msgid "_Configure Room" msgstr "爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_C)" msgid "_Accept Defaults" msgstr "爐��爐橿じ爛�爐ムた爐む�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� (_A)" msgid "No reason" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked: (%s)" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐〝す爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦�: (%s)" #, c-format msgid "Kicked (%s)" msgstr "爐〝す爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦� (%s)" msgid "Unknown Error in presence" msgstr "爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "An error occurred on the in-band bytestream transfer\n" msgstr "爐�爐�-爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�さ爛�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�\n" msgid "Transfer was closed." msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "Failed to open in-band bytestream" msgstr "爐�爐�-爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user does not support file transfers" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�, 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "File Send Failed" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, invalid JID" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐�爐朽�爐� JID" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user is not online" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, not subscribed to user presence" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐伍が爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Please select the resource of %s to which you would like to send a file" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ %s 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Afraid" msgstr "爐�爐鉦が爐萎げ爛�" msgid "Amazed" msgstr "爐�爐謹�爐�爐萎�爐��爐�爐逗い" msgid "Amorous" msgstr "爐�爐�爐萎�爐劇�爐�" msgid "Angry" msgstr "爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Annoyed" msgstr "爐む�爐萎じ爛�爐�" msgid "Anxious" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Aroused" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爛�" msgid "Ashamed" msgstr "爐迦�爛�爐�爐逗い" msgid "Bored" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐鉦こ爐朽ぞ爐��" msgid "Brave" msgstr "爐о�爐�" msgid "Calm" msgstr "爐謹ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Cautious" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ" msgid "Cold" msgstr "爐�爐鉦が爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Confident" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぎ" msgid "Confused" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐оこ爐鉦い" msgid "Contemplative" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" msgid "Contented" msgstr "爐伍�爐む�爐劇�爐�" msgid "Cranky" msgstr "爐むぞ爐��" msgid "Crazy" msgstr "爐朽�爐÷お爐�" msgid "Creative" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ざ爛�爐�" msgid "Curious" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Dejected" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Depressed" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�爛�" msgid "Disappointed" msgstr "爐�た爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Disgusted" msgstr "爐�爐��" msgid "Dismayed" msgstr "爐оぞ爐伍�爐む�" msgid "Distracted" msgstr "爐〝ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐朽げ爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Embarrassed" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爐萎さ爐迦�" msgid "Envious" msgstr "爐項�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��" msgid "Excited" msgstr "爐�爛�爐劇�爐〝た爐�" msgid "Flirtatious" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎お爐�ぞ" msgid "Frustrated" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Grateful" msgstr "爐�爐〝ぞ爐萎�" msgid "Grieving" msgstr "爐謹�爐�爐む�爐�" msgid "Grumpy" msgstr "爐むぞ爐��" msgid "Guilty" msgstr "爐��爐劇�" msgid "Happy" msgstr "爐�爐��爐��" msgid "Hopeful" msgstr "爐�爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Hot" msgstr "爐むぞ爐��" msgid "Humbled" msgstr "爐�ぎ爛�爐�" msgid "Humiliated" msgstr "爐�爐�ぎ爐鉦え爐鉦じ爛�爐�う" msgid "Hungry" msgstr "爐〝�爐�爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Hurt" msgstr "爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Impressed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む�爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐�う" msgid "In awe" msgstr "爐〝く爐�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "In love" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Indignant" msgstr "爐伍�爐むお爛�爐�" msgid "Interested" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爛�爐�爐鉦じ爛�" msgid "Intoxicated" msgstr "爐о�爐�爐��" msgid "Invincible" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐�" msgid "Jealous" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐伍ぐ" msgid "Lonely" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Lost" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐朽げ爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Lucky" msgstr "爐�ざ爛�爐�さ爐鉦え" msgid "Mean" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐ム�" msgid "Moody" msgstr "爐迦す爐萎�" msgid "Nervous" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐むぞ爐む�爐�" msgid "Neutral" msgstr "爐む�爐伍�爐�" msgid "Offended" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Outraged" msgstr "爐項た爐�爐伍�" msgid "Playful" msgstr "爐項じ爐萎ぞ" msgid "Proud" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐〝た爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Relaxed" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐むぞ爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Relieved" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Remorseful" msgstr "爐�ざ爛�爐萎�爐�爐鉦い爛�爐むぞ爐�う爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Restless" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐朽じ爛�爐�" msgid "Sad" msgstr "爐��:爐�爛�" msgid "Sarcastic" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爛�爐оた爐�" msgid "Satisfied" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦え爛�" msgid "Serious" msgstr "爐�爐�爐〝�爐�" msgid "Shocked" msgstr "爐ム�爛�爐�" msgid "Shy" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐鉦こ爛�" msgid "Sick" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�" #. Sleepy / Tired msgid "Sleepy" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐橿�" msgid "Spontaneous" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐〝ぞ爐朽た爐�" msgid "Stressed" msgstr "爐むぃ爐鉦さ" msgid "Strong" msgstr "爐�爐朽た爐�爐�" msgid "Surprised" msgstr "爐�爐謹�爐�爐萎�爐��爐�爐逗い" msgid "Thankful" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む�爛�爐�" msgid "Thirsty" msgstr "爐む�爐劇た爐�" msgid "Tired" msgstr "爐�ぎ爐迦�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Undefined" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い" msgid "Weak" msgstr "爐�爐��爛�爐�" msgid "Worried" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Set User Nickname" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Please specify a new nickname for you." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍�爐朽い爐�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "This information is visible to all contacts on your contact list, so choose " "something appropriate." msgstr "" "爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐朽ぐ 爐��爐劇�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�う 爐�爐項�, 爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗い爐萎� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "Set" msgstr "爐伍�爐�" msgid "Set Nickname..." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Actions" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ" msgid "Select an action" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" #. only notify the user about problems adding to the friends list #. * maybe we should do something else for other lists, but it probably #. * won't cause too many problems if we just ignore it #, c-format msgid "Unable to add \"%s\"." msgstr " \"%s\" 爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Buddy Add error" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "The username specified does not exist." msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Buddy list synchronization issue in %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐踱�爐鉦さ爛�爐橿�爐� 爐朽た爐むぐ爐逗い 爐�爐萎い爛�" #, c-format msgid "" "%s on the local list is inside the group \"%s\" but not on the server list. " "Do you want this buddy to be added?" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ爛�爐� %s 爐�爐� \"%s\" 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� " "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐謹� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy " "to be added?" msgstr "" "%s 爐項� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�爐項� 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� " "爐�爐� ?" msgid "Unable to parse message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�し爛�爐�爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Syntax Error (probably a client bug)" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぐ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� (爐�す爛�爐оぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐朽ぞ)" msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "User does not exist" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Fully qualified domain name missing" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐項い爐鉦お爛�爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�す爐鉦�爐鉦げ爐鉦さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Already logged in" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Invalid username" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Invalid friendly name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐む�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "List full" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Already there" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Not on list" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "User is offline" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Already in the mode" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Already in opposite list" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐� 爐朽た爐萎�爐о�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Too many groups" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "Invalid group" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "User not in group" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Group name too long" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Cannot remove group zero" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐謹�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Tried to add a user to a group that doesn't exist" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�じ爐�ぞ爐萎く爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐�爐÷� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Switchboard failed" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛�/爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Notify transfer failed" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Required fields missing" msgstr "爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ" msgid "Too many hits to a FND" msgstr "FND 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐項た爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Service temporarily unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Database server error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐�" msgid "Command disabled" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "File operation error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Memory allocation error" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐む� 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Wrong CHL value sent to server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� CHL 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�" msgid "Server busy" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐朽�爐�じ爛�爐�/爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぎ爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Server unavailable" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぇ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Peer notification server down" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐��爐�爐� " msgid "Database connect error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Server is going down (abandon ship)" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐項� (爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐÷�爐�)" msgid "Error creating connection" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�" msgid "CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed" msgstr "CVR 爐�ぐ爐逗ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐�� 爐�じ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Unable to write" msgstr "爐迦た爐項ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Session overload" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "User is too active" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐謹�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Too many sessions" msgstr "爐〝ぐ爐��爐� 爐伍い爛�爐萎�" msgid "Passport not verified" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爐むぞ爐橿げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Bad friend file" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�た爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Not expected" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Friendly name is changing too rapidly" msgstr "爐�爐橿�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐朽�爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐�う爐迦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Server too busy" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐朽�爐�じ爛�爐�/爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぎ爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr " 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Not allowed when offline" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not accepting new users" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Kids Passport without parental consent" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐迦�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�い爛�爐謹た爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐迦�爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ" msgid "Passport account not yet verified" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐�� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Passport account suspended" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐朽�爐橿げ爛�" msgid "Bad ticket" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐むた爐�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown Error Code %d" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� %d" #, c-format msgid "MSN Error: %s\n" msgstr "MSN 爐��爐�: %s\n" msgid "Other Contacts" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Non-IM Contacts" msgstr "爐朽た爐�ぞ-IM 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a wink. <a href='msn-wink://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" msgstr "%s 爐�� wink 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�. <a href='msn-wink://%s'>爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐ム� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ</a>" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a wink, but it could not be saved" msgstr "%s 爐�� wink 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a voice clip. <a href='audio://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�. <a href='audio://%s'>爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐ム� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ</a>" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a voice clip, but it could not be saved" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s sent you a voice chat invite, which is not yet supported." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�, 爐�爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Nudge" msgstr "爐∇�爐伍ぃ爛�" #, c-format msgid "%s has nudged you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐∇�爐伍げ爐�!" #, c-format msgid "Nudging %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐∇�爐伍い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Email Address..." msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ..." msgid "Your new MSN friendly name is too long." msgstr " 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�さ爛�爐� MSN 爐��爐む�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Set friendly name for %s." msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐橿�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Set your friendly name." msgstr "爐む�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐��爐項お爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as." msgstr "爐項� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛� 爐�爐むぐ MSN 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐謹�爐鉦げ." msgid "Set your home phone number." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�た爐朽ぞ爐伍� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Set your work phone number." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Set your mobile phone number." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐� 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ (爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Allow MSN Mobile pages?" msgstr " MSN 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "" "Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN " "Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?" msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐伍ぞ爐оえ爐鉦�爐÷� MSN 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Allow" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐��" msgid "Disallow" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Blocked Text for %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "No text is blocked for this account." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "" "MSN servers are currently blocking the following regular expressions:<br/>%s" msgstr "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐��爐迦ぐ 爐踱�爛�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐謹え爛�爐伍� 爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�:<br/>%s" msgid "This account does not have email enabled." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Send a mobile message." msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�爐�爛� (爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "Page" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Playing a game" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Working" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Has you" msgstr "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�" msgid "Home Phone Number" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Work Phone Number" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐迦く 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Mobile Phone Number" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Be Right Back" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぞ爐� 爐��爐む�" msgid "Busy" msgstr "爐朽�爐�じ爛�爐�" msgid "On the Phone" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�爐朽ぐ" msgid "Out to Lunch" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Game Title" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Office Title" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐伍�爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Set Friendly Name..." msgstr "爐�爐橿�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Set Home Phone Number..." msgstr "爐�た爐朽ぞ爐伍� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Set Work Phone Number..." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�..." msgid "Set Mobile Phone Number..." msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Enable/Disable Mobile Devices..." msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐伍ぞ爐оえ爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ/爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages..." msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� (爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ/爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐� 爐��爐�..." msgid "View Blocked Text..." msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐劇�爐�..." msgid "Open Hotmail Inbox" msgstr "爐項�爐�爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐�が爛�爐�爛�爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Send to Mobile" msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� (爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ " msgid "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library." msgstr "SSL 爐�爐оぞ爐� MSN 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ SSL 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐迦く爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " "be valid email addresses." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐む� " "爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." msgid "Unable to Add" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Authorization Request Message:" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐�:" msgid "Please authorize me!" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�げ爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ!" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c OK and @c Cancel buttons. #. msgid "_OK" msgstr "爐�爐逗� 爐�爐項� (_O)" msgid "Error retrieving profile" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�" msgid "General" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽じ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Age" msgstr "爐朽く" msgid "Occupation" msgstr "爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Location" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ" msgid "Hobbies and Interests" msgstr "爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐朽ぁ" msgid "A Little About Me" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�う爐� 爐ム�爐÷�爐伍�" msgid "Social" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐逗�" msgid "Marital Status" msgstr "爐朽�爐朽ぞ爐項た爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Interests" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぁ" msgid "Pets" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぁ爐む� (爐迦ぞ爐÷�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ)" msgid "Hometown" msgstr "爐�爐鉦さ" msgid "Places Lived" msgstr "爐朽じ爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ爛�" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�/爐朽�爐謹き爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�う爛�爐оい" msgid "Humor" msgstr "爐�え爛�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "Music" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Favorite Quote" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぁ爐む� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�" msgid "Contact Info" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Personal" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�" msgid "Significant Other" msgstr "爐�す爐む�爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐むぐ" msgid "Home Phone" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Home Phone 2" msgstr "爐�た爐朽ぞ爐伍� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Home Address" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Personal Mobile" msgstr " 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�)" msgid "Home Fax" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Personal Email" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Personal IM" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� IM" msgid "Anniversary" msgstr "爐�爐��爐朽ぐ爛�爐伍ぐ爛�" #. Business msgid "Work" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぎ爐�爐鉦�爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Company" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�え爛�" msgid "Department" msgstr "爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�" msgid "Profession" msgstr "爐朽�爐�さ爐伍ぞ爐�" msgid "Work Phone" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�" msgid "Work Phone 2" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爛�" msgid "Work Address" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐伍�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Work Mobile" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�)" msgid "Work Pager" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�" msgid "Work Fax" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Work Email" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Work IM" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎� IM" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Favorite Things" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぁ爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐劇�爐�爛�" msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爛� 爐�爐��爐�く爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐�お爐鉦え" msgid "The user has not created a public profile." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means " "that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a " "public profile." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い爐迦�爐迦� MSN 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�.爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ " "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�ぃ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐鉦え爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い " "爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "Could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely " "does not exist." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐謹�爐оい爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�す爛�爐む�爐萎�爐� " "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "View web profile" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐��爐劇�爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "Windows Live Messenger Protocol Plugin" msgstr "Windows 爐迦ぞ爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐伍�爐�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Use HTTP Method" msgstr "HTTP 爐�う爛�爐оい 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "HTTP Method Server" msgstr "HTTP 爐�う爛�爐оい 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "Show custom smileys" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗い 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� (爐項ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐��爐萎ぞ)爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, fuzzy msgid "Allow direct connections" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "nudge: nudge a user to get their attention" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぐ爐�爐橿�:爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐迦�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐оぃ爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぐ爐�爐橿� " msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Unable to connect" msgstr "Windows 爐迦ぞ爐�爐朽�爐� ID 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぞ:爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Invalid response" msgstr "Windows 爐迦ぞ爐�爐朽�爐� ID 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぞ:爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "The following users are missing from your addressbook" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ爐��爐伍�爐むた爐�爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error (%d): %s" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� (%d): %s" msgid "Unable to add user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #. Unknown error! #, c-format msgid "Unknown error (%d)" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� (%d)" msgid "Unable to remove user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Mobile message was not sent because it was too long." msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgid_plural "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgstr[0] "" "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ %d爐�た爐�た爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐�爐〝ぞ爐迦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐項�爐�爐�. 爐む�爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐鉦げ. 爐�爛�爐�い爐鉦す爛� " "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" "\n" "爐��爐�爐〝ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ, 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�." msgstr[1] "" "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ %d爐�た爐�た爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐�爐〝ぞ爐迦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐項�爐�爐�. 爐む�爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐鉦げ. 爐�爛�爐�い爐鉦す爛� " "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" "\n" "爐��爐�爐〝ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ, 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�." msgid "" "Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally " "happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐項� 爐伍す爐伍ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐萎�爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ " "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�じ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐∇こ爐む�." msgid "Message was not sent because messages are being sent too quickly." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐迦さ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown encoding error occurred." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐踱��爛�爐÷た爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Writing error" msgstr "爐迦た爐項ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Reading error" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "Connection error from %s server:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐�:\n" "%s" msgid "Our protocol is not supported by the server" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Error parsing HTTP" msgstr "HTTP 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "You have signed on from another location" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ爐鉦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "MSN 爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "The MSN servers are going down temporarily" msgstr "MSN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎�爐む� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐� 爐項�爐� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to authenticate: %s" msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: %s" msgid "" "Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "MSN 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Handshaking" msgstr "爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爐��爐迦え" msgid "Transferring" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�" msgid "Starting authentication" msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐む�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�" msgid "Getting cookie" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐む�" msgid "Sending cookie" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛� " msgid "Retrieving buddy list" msgstr "爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� " #, c-format msgid "%s requests to view your webcam, but this request is not yet supported." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐� 爐�す爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐項� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to view his/her webcam, but this is not yet supported." msgstr "" "%s 爐�� 爐伍�爐朽い爐�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐� 爐�す爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐項� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Away From Computer" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "On The Phone" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐朽ぐ" msgid "Out To Lunch" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項�:" msgid "Message could not be sent, not allowed while invisible:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�:" msgid "Message could not be sent because the user is offline:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�:" msgid "Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ:" msgid "Message could not be sent because we are sending too quickly:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�:" msgid "" "Message could not be sent because we were unable to establish a session with " "the server. This is likely a server problem, try again in a few minutes:" msgstr "" "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐項� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐朽�爐�い爐�ぞ " "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐伍� 爐謹�爐む�, 爐�爐鉦す爐逗� 爐�た爐��爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ:" msgid "" "Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ:" msgid "Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ:" msgid "Delete Buddy from Address Book?" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐むた爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ?" msgid "Do you want to delete this buddy from your address book as well?" msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐むた爐�爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "The username specified is invalid." msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "The PIN you entered is invalid." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦ぞ PIN 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [4-10]." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ PIN 爐�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項� [4-10]." msgid "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." msgstr "PIN 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐� [0-9] 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." msgid "The two PINs you entered do not match." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐��爐� PINs 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, fuzzy msgid "The Display Name you entered is invalid." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "The birthday you entered is invalid. The correct format is: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐∇う爐逗さ爐鉦じ爐�爛� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐項�: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." #. show error to user msgid "Profile Update Error" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #. no profile information yet, so we cannot update #. (reference: "libpurple/request.h") msgid "Profile" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�" msgid "Your profile information is not yet retrieved. Please try again later." msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐∇� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Your UID" msgstr "" #. pin #. pin (required) msgid "PIN" msgstr "PIN" msgid "Verify PIN" msgstr "PIN 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�" #. display name #. nick name (required) msgid "Display Name" msgstr "爐�た爐伍�爐�げ爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" #. hidden msgid "Hide my number" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐迦お爐朽ぞ" #. mobile number msgid "Mobile Number" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Update your Profile" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Here you can update your MXit profile" msgstr "爐��爐ム� 爐む�爐��爐項� MXit 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ" msgid "View Splash" msgstr "爐伍�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�" msgid "There is no splash-screen currently available" msgstr "爐伍�爐�げ爛�爐�-爐�ぁ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "About" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く爛�" #. display / change profile msgid "Change Profile..." msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ..." #. display splash-screen msgid "View Splash..." msgstr "爐伍�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�..." #. display plugin version msgid "About..." msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く爛�..." #. the file is too big msgid "The file you are trying to send is too large!" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項�!" msgid "" "Unable to connect to the MXit HTTP server. Please check your server settings." msgstr "MXit HTTP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�." msgid "Logging In..." msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "" "Unable to connect to the MXit server. Please check your server settings." msgstr "MXit 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐むお爐鉦じ爐� ." msgid "Connecting..." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [7-10]." msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ PIN 爐�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項� [7-10]." #. mxit login name msgid "MXit ID" msgstr "" #. show the form to the user to complete msgid "Register New MXit Account" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� MXit 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Please fill in the following fields:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐�:" #. no reply from the WAP site msgid "Error contacting the MXit WAP site. Please try again later." msgstr "MXit WAP 爐伍�爐ムこ爐鉦ざ爛� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐оい爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. wapserver error #. server could not find the user msgid "" "MXit is currently unable to process the request. Please try again later." msgstr "MXit 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐朽た爐謹�爐迦�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐∇� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Wrong security code entered. Please try again later." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐迦�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Your session has expired. Please try again later." msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Invalid country selected. Please try again." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, fuzzy msgid "The MXit ID you entered is not registered. Please register first." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎ぅ爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, fuzzy msgid "The MXit ID you entered is already registered. Please choose another." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐むぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "Internal error. Please try again later." msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "You did not enter the security code" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Security Code" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐�" #. ask for input (required) msgid "Enter Security Code" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Your Country" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐��爐�" msgid "Your Language" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ" #. display the form to the user and wait for his/her input msgid "MXit Authorization" msgstr "MXit 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぞ" msgid "MXit account validation" msgstr "MXit 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��" msgid "Retrieving User Information..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Loading menu..." msgstr "爐��爐��爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Status Message" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "Rejection Message" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐�" #. hidden number msgid "Hidden Number" msgstr "爐迦お爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "Your MXit ID..." msgstr "Yahoo ID..." #. Configuration options #. WAP server (reference: "libpurple/accountopt.h") msgid "WAP Server" msgstr "WAP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "Connect via HTTP" msgstr "HTTP 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enable splash-screen popup" msgstr "爐伍�爐�げ爛�爐�-爐�ぁ爐�ぞ 爐��爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. you were kicked #, fuzzy msgid "You have been kicked from this MultiMX." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐〝す爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦�: (%s)" #, fuzzy msgid "was kicked" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐むた爐�爛�爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "_Room Name:" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐� (_R):" #. Display system message in chat window #, fuzzy msgid "You have invited" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐��爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�!" #, fuzzy msgid "Last Online" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐�" #. we must have lost the connection, so terminate it so that we can reconnect msgid "We have lost the connection to MXit. Please reconnect." msgstr "MXit 爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. packet could not be queued for transmission msgid "Message Send Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Unable to process your request at this time" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐朽た爐謹�爐迦�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Timeout while waiting for a response from the MXit server." msgstr "MXit 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う爐伍ぐ爛�爐むぞ 爐ムぞ爐�爐�い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." msgid "Successfully Logged In..." msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐萎た爐む�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ..." #, c-format msgid "" "%s sent you an encrypted message, but it is not supported on this client." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐踱��爛�爐萎た爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐む� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Message Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Cannot perform redirect using the specified protocol" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムこ爐鉦さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "An internal MXit server error occurred." msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐� MXit 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�." #, c-format msgid "Login error: %s (%i)" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %s (%i)" #, c-format msgid "Logout error: %s (%i)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %s (%i)" msgid "Contact Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Message Sending Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Status Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Mood Error" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Invitation Error" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Contact Removal Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Subscription Error" msgstr "爐伍が爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐��爐謹え 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Contact Update Error" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "File Transfer Error" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Cannot create MultiMx room" msgstr "MultiMx 爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "MultiMx Invitation Error" msgstr "MultiMx 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Profile Error" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #. bad packet msgid "Invalid packet received from MXit." msgstr "MXit 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." #. connection error msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x01)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x01)" #. connection closed msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x02)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x02)" msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x03)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x03)" #. malformed packet length record (too long) msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x04)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x04)" #. connection error msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x05)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x05)" #. connection closed msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x06)" msgstr "MXit 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐��爐о�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. (爐萎た爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 0x06)" msgid "In Love" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� " msgid "Pending" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Invited" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎�爐�" msgid "Rejected" msgstr "爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�" msgid "Deleted" msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "MXit Advertising" msgstr "MXit 爐�爐÷さ爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�爐�" msgid "More Information" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #, c-format msgid "No such user: %s" msgstr "爐�爐伍ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�: %s" msgid "User lookup" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Reading challenge" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Unexpected challenge length from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐��爐��爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" msgid "Logging in" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "MySpaceIM - No Username Set" msgstr "MySpaceIM - 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "You appear to have no MySpace username." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� MySpace 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Would you like to set one now? (Note: THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!)" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�? (爐�爐逗お: 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�う爐迦さ爐�� 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�!)" msgid "Lost connection with server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #. Can't write _()'d strings in array initializers. Workaround. #. khc: then use N_() in the array initializer and use _() when they are #. used msgid "New mail messages" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "New blog comments" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐逗お爐��爐��" msgid "New profile comments" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐逗お爐��爐��" msgid "New friend requests!" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む�!" msgid "New picture comments" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐逗い爛�爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗お爐��爐��" msgid "MySpace" msgstr "MySpace" msgid "IM Friends" msgstr "IM 爐�た爐む�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "%d buddy was added or updated from the server (including buddies already on " "the server-side list)" msgid_plural "" "%d buddies were added or updated from the server (including buddies already " "on the server-side list)" msgstr[0] "" "%d 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� (爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ-爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� " "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐�)" msgstr[1] "" "%d 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� (爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ-爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� " "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐�)" msgid "Add contacts from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Protocol error, code %d: %s" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�, 爐�爛�爐� %d: %s" #, c-format msgid "" "%s Your password is %zu characters, which is longer than the maximum length " "of %d. Please shorten your password at" "cfm?fuseaction=accountSettings.changePassword and try again." msgstr "" "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� %zu 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐�爐項�, 爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� %d 爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� http://" " " "爐��爐ム� 爐�う爐迦ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Incorrect username or password" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐�" msgid "MySpaceIM Error" msgstr "MySpaceIM 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Invalid input condition" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "Failed to add buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "'addbuddy' command failed." msgstr "'addbuddy' 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�." msgid "persist command failed" msgstr "persist 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Failed to remove buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "'delbuddy' command failed" msgstr "'delbuddy' 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "blocklist command failed" msgstr "blocklist 爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Missing Cipher" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "The RC4 cipher could not be found" msgstr "RC4 爐伍�爐�ぐ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "" "Upgrade to a libpurple with RC4 support (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM plugin will " "not be loaded." msgstr "" "RC4 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ (>= 2.0.1) 爐伍す libpurple 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. MySpaceIM 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� " "爐�爐鉦ぃ爐鉦ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Add friends from" msgstr " 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Importing friends failed" msgstr "爐�た爐む�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #. TODO: find out how msgid "Find people..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ..." msgid "Change IM name..." msgstr "IM 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ..." msgid "myim URL handler" msgstr "myim URL 爐項�爐÷げ爐�" msgid "No suitable MySpaceIM account could be found to open this myim URL." msgstr "myim URL 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� MySpaceIM 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Enable the proper MySpaceIM account and try again." msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐� MySpaceIM 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Show display name in status text" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐÷た爐伍�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Show headline in status text" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐項�爐÷げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Send emoticons" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐逗�爛�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Screen resolution (dots per inch)" msgstr "爐�ぁ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�爛�爐迦�爐��爐謹え (爐÷�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�ぐ 爐�爐�爐�)" msgid "Base font size (points)" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ (爐��爐�爐�爐�爛�爐伍�)" msgid "User" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Headline" msgstr "爐項�爐÷げ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Song" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Total Friends" msgstr "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐�" msgid "Client Version" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to set the username. Please try again, or " "visit " "to set your username." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛�" "username 爐��爐ム� 爐〝�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "MySpaceIM - Username Available" msgstr "MySpaceIM - 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐�" msgid "This username is available. Would you like to set it?" msgstr "爐項� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "ONCE SET, THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!" msgstr "爐踱�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ, 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�!" msgid "MySpaceIM - Please Set a Username" msgstr "MySpaceIM - 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "This username is unavailable." msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Please try another username:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐むぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽じ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ:" #. Protocol won't log in now without a username set.. Disconnect msgid "No username set" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Please enter a username to check its availability:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐оい爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ:" #. TODO: icons for each zap #. Lots of comments for translators: #. Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a #. * projectile or weapon." This term often has an electrical #. * connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when #. * he put a fork in the toaster." msgid "Zap" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� (zap)" #, c-format msgid "%s has zapped you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Zapping %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow" msgid "Whack" msgstr "爐朽�爐項�爐� (whack)" #, c-format msgid "%s has whacked you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐÷た爐朽�爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Whacking %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐÷た爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�..." #. Torch means "to set on fire." Don't worry, this doesn't #. * make a whole lot of sense in English, either. Feel free #. * to translate it literally. msgid "Torch" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐� (torch)" #, c-format msgid "%s has torched you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Torching %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically" msgid "Smooch" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�� (smooch)" #, c-format msgid "%s has smooched you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐むげ爐�!" #, c-format msgid "Smooching %s..." msgstr "%s 爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�..." #. A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone msgid "Hug" msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎ぃ爛� (hug)" #, c-format msgid "%s has hugged you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎げ爛�!" #, c-format msgid "Hugging %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand" msgid "Slap" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爐� (slap)" #, c-format msgid "%s has slapped you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐ム�爐�ぞ爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎げ爛�!" #, c-format msgid "Slapping %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐ム�爐�ぞ爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt" msgid "Goose" msgstr "爐�爐逗ぎ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐��" #, c-format msgid "%s has goosed you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐�爐逗ぎ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐むげ爛�!" #, c-format msgid "Goosing %s..." msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�爐逗ぎ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�..." #. A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other #. * in the air above their heads. It is done to celebrate #. * something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone. msgid "High-five" msgstr "爐�爐〝た爐��爐�え" #, c-format msgid "%s has high-fived you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐�爐〝た爐��爐�え 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�!" #, c-format msgid "High-fiving %s..." msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�爐〝た爐��爐�え 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by #. * this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank." Or, for #. * someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke. msgid "Punk" msgstr "爐ム�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�" #, c-format msgid "%s has punk'd you!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐ム�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�!" #, c-format msgid "Punking %s..." msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐ム�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #. Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made #. * when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your #. * lips closed and blow. It is typically done when #. * gloating or bragging. Nowadays it's a pretty silly #. * gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative #. * connotation. It is generally used in a playful tone #. * with friends. msgid "Raspberry" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎ぃ爛�" #, c-format msgid "%s has raspberried you!" msgstr "%s 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎げ爛�!" #, c-format msgid "Raspberrying %s..." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Required parameters not passed in" msgstr "爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぐ爐逗ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� " msgid "Unable to write to network" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爐÷� 爐迦た爐項ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� " msgid "Unable to read from network" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Error communicating with server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍�爐�い 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐� " msgid "Conference not found" msgstr "爐伍き爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Conference does not exist" msgstr "爐伍き爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐むさ爐鉦い 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "A folder with that name already exists" msgstr "爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐оぞ爐萎� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐むさ爐鉦い 爐�爐項� " msgid "Not supported" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Password has expired" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐鉦ざ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐むざ爐��爐�" msgid "Account has been disabled" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "The server could not access the directory" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Your system administrator has disabled this operation" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�お爛�爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "The server is unavailable; try again later" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�; 爐ム�爐÷く爐� 爐朽�爐橿ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Cannot add a contact to the same folder twice" msgstr "爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐оぞ爐萎�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐伍ぐ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� " msgid "Cannot add yourself" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽い爐�爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� " msgid "Master archive is misconfigured" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爐鉦え 爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Could not recognize the host of the username you entered" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぞ爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐橿�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "" "Your account has been disabled because too many incorrect passwords were " "entered" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛� 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "You cannot add the same person twice to a conversation" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐踱�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐迦ぞ 爐��爐�う爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� " msgid "You have reached your limit for the number of contacts allowed" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐��爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐項�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項ぞ爐� " msgid "You have entered an incorrect username" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐迦�" msgid "An error occurred while updating the directory" msgstr " 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐萎� 爐�爐��爐�く爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ" msgid "Incompatible protocol version" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦げ 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� " msgid "The user has blocked you" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "" "This evaluation version does not allow more than ten users to log in at one " "time" msgstr "" "爐踱�爐� 爐朽�爐橿� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐�す爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐оた爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐� " "爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "The user is either offline or you are blocked" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error: 0x%X" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐�: 0x%X" #, c-format msgid "Unable to login: %s" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not get details for user (%s)." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� (%s) 爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐むぞ 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to your buddy list (%s)." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� (%s) 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� %s 爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #. TODO: Improve this! message to who or for what conference? #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message (%s)." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� (%s)." #, c-format msgid "Unable to invite user (%s)." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ (%s)爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� . 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� (%s)." #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� (%s)." #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to move user %s to folder %s in the server side list. Error while " "creating folder (%s)." msgstr "" "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� %s 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐оぞ爐萎� %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. (%s) 爐оぞ爐萎� " "爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add %s to your buddy list. Error creating folder in server side " "list (%s)." msgstr "" "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�.爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�� (%s) 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� " "爐оぞ爐萎� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐�." #, c-format msgid "Could not get details for user %s (%s)." msgstr "%s (%s) 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to add user to privacy list (%s)." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� (%s)爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� ." #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to deny list (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� (%s) 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to permit list (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� (%s)爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to remove %s from privacy list (%s)." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐�ぞ爐�� (%s) 爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to change server side privacy settings (%s)." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛� (%s) 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to create conference (%s)." msgstr "爐伍き爐� (%s) 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Error communicating with server. Closing connection." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐�. 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�." msgid "Telephone Number" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Personal Title" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Mailstop" msgstr "爐��爐迦じ爛�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "User ID" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ ID" #. tag = _("DN"); #. value = nm_user_record_get_dn(user_record); #. if (value) { #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, tag, value); #. } #. msgid "Full name" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "GroupWise Conference %d" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐伍ぞ爐� 爐伍き爐� %d" msgid "Authenticating..." msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ..." msgid "Waiting for response..." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�す爐�..." #, c-format msgid "%s has been invited to this conversation." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Invitation to Conversation" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ" #, c-format msgid "" "Invitation from: %s\n" "\n" "Sent: %s" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ: %s\n" "\n" "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�: %s" msgid "Would you like to join the conversation?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽ぁ爛�爐� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s appears to be offline and did not receive the message that you just sent." msgstr "%s 爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐伍い爛� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐�爐むぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "Unable to connect to server. Please enter the address of the server to which " "you wish to connect." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "This conference has been closed. No more messages can be sent." msgstr "爐項� 爐伍き爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐鉦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐��爐朽�爐項�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦え爛�爐伍ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦げ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� " msgid "Server address" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Server port" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "Please authorize me so I can add you to my buddy list." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�げ爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐む�." msgid "No reason given." msgstr "爐�爐鉦す爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Authorization Denied Message:" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐�:" #, c-format msgid "Received unexpected response from %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Received unexpected response from %s" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" msgid "" "You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes " "and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer." msgstr "" "爐朽ぐ爐�爛�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爛�爐÷い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦い. 爛оウ 爐�た爐�た爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐��爐��爐項ぞ " "爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐鉦� 爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�, 爐むぐ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐鉦� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽� " "爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�." #. Note to translators: The first %s is a URL, the second is an #. error message. #, c-format msgid "Error requesting %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�: %s" msgid "" "Server requested that you fill out a CAPTCHA in order to sign in, but this " "client does not currently support CAPTCHAs." msgstr "" "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� CAPTCHA 爐〝ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� " "CAPTCHAs 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "AOL does not allow your screen name to authenticate here" msgstr "AOL 爐�ぁ爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐ム� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爐萎い爛�" #, c-format msgid "Error requesting %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "" "(There was an error receiving this message. The buddy you are speaking with " "is probably using a different encoding than expected. If you know what " "encoding he is using, you can specify it in the advanced account options for " "your AIM/ICQ account.)" msgstr "" "(爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐項�爐むぞ. 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�う爛�爐�げ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐迦い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�す爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐劇�爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ " "爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦じ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐むぞ爐�. 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐�爐� 爐む� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐�爐萎ぃ " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐む�, 爐むぐ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ AIM/ICQ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ. )" #, c-format msgid "" "(There was an error receiving this message. Either you and %s have " "different encodings selected, or %s has a buggy client.)" msgstr "" "爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐項�爐むぞ. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�た %s 爐�� 爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦� 爐�爐項�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ %s " "爐項ぞ 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�爐項�.)" msgid "Could not join chat room" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐�ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐�� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Invalid chat room name" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Invalid error" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Cannot receive IM due to parental controls" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦ぎ爛�爐橿� IM 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Cannot send SMS without accepting terms" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐むぞ SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Cannot send SMS" msgstr "SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #. SMS_WITHOUT_DISCLAIMER is weird msgid "Cannot send SMS to this country" msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐謹ぞ爐� SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #. Undocumented msgid "Cannot send SMS to unknown country" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐÷� SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Bot accounts cannot initiate IMs" msgstr "Bot 爐�爐鉦い爛� IMs 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Bot account cannot IM this user" msgstr "Bot 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐� IM 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Bot account reached IM limit" msgstr "Bot 爐�爐鉦い爛� IM 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐項�爐迦�" msgid "Bot account reached daily IM limit" msgstr "Bot 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐萎�爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ IM 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐項�爐迦�" msgid "Bot account reached monthly IM limit" msgstr "Bot 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�す爐逗え爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ IM 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐項�爐迦�" msgid "Unable to receive offline messages" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Offline message store full" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message: %s (%s)" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message: %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s (%s)" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "Thinking" msgstr "爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐�爛�" msgid "Shopping" msgstr "爐謹�爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Questioning" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐謹� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Eating" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Watching a movie" msgstr "爐�爐逗い爛�爐萎お爐� 爐�す爐鉦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Typing" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "At the office" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐伍ぎ爐о�爐��" msgid "Taking a bath" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Watching TV" msgstr "TV 爐�す爐鉦い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Having fun" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Sleeping" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Using a PDA" msgstr "PDA 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Meeting friends" msgstr "爐�た爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爐謹� 爐〝�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "On the phone" msgstr "爐��爐�さ爐�" msgid "Surfing" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" #. "I am mobile." / "John is mobile." msgid "Mobile" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Searching the web" msgstr "爐朽�爐�さ爐� 爐謹�爐оい 爐�爐項�" msgid "At a party" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐��" msgid "Having Coffee" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" #. Playing video games msgid "Gaming" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Browsing the web" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Smoking" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Writing" msgstr "爐迦た爐項い 爐�爐項�" #. Drinking [Alcohol] msgid "Drinking" msgstr "爐�た爐項�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Listening to music" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Studying" msgstr "爐�爐〝�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "In the restroom" msgstr "爐萎�爐伍�爐�爐萎�爐�ぎ爐о�爐��" msgid "Received invalid data on connection with server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "AIM Protocol Plugin" msgstr "AIM 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "ICQ UIN..." msgstr "ICQ UIN..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "ICQ Protocol Plugin" msgstr "ICQ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Encoding" msgstr "爐踱��爛�爐÷た爐�爐�" msgid "The remote user has closed the connection." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "The remote user has declined your request." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with the remote user:<br>%s" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐項ぐ爐朽げ爛�:<br>%s" msgid "Received invalid data on connection with remote user." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the remote user." msgstr "爐�ぐ爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Direct IM established" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "" "%s tried to send you a %s file, but we only allow files up to %s over Direct " "IM. Try using file transfer instead.\n" msgstr "" "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爛�爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐伍� " "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爐鉦い. 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐朽�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" #, c-format msgid "File %s is %s, which is larger than the maximum size of %s." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐項� %s 爐�爐項� 爐�爛� %s 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Free For Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐�ぞ爐��爐迦�爐�" msgid "Not Available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Occupied" msgstr "爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�い" msgid "Web Aware" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Invisible" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹�爐�" msgid "Evil" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�" msgid "Depression" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐伍�" msgid "At home" msgstr "爐�爐萎�" msgid "At work" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぎ爐鉦さ爐�" msgid "At lunch" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽い爛�爐朽�爐橿�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to authentication server: %s" msgstr "爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to BOS server: %s" msgstr "BOS 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "Username sent" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Connection established, cookie sent" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦く爐��爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐項�" #. TODO: Don't call this with ssi msgid "Finalizing connection" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to sign on as %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must be " "a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " "numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� %s 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ " "爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐萎さ爐鉦い 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐鉦じ爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛� 爐� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛�, 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐� 爐伍�爐��爐伍�爐�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爛�爐� " "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." #, c-format msgid "You may be disconnected shortly. If so, check %s for updates." msgstr "爐ム�爐÷�爐�ぞ爐�爐朽�爐橿ぞ爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� %s 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�." msgid "Unable to get a valid AIM login hash." msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐項�爐謹じ爐鉦�爛� 爐朽�爐� AIM 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Unable to get a valid login hash." msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐項�爐謹ぎ爐о�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Received authorization" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦�" #. Unregistered username #. uid is not exist #. the username does not exist msgid "Username does not exist" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. Suspended account msgid "Your account is currently suspended" msgstr "爐む�爐��爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍じ爛�爐��爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐項�" #. service temporarily unavailable msgid "The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "AOL 爐むぞ爐むぁ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #. username connecting too frequently msgid "" "Your username has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten " "minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " "longer." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐項�爐む�. 爐�す爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爛� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�� " "爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐萎ぞ爐項た爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐むさ爛�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�." #. client too old #, c-format msgid "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� %s爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐謹�爐萎�爐��爐伍�爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. IP address connecting too frequently msgid "" "Your IP address has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait a " "minute and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " "longer." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爐� IP 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐朽ぞ爐萎�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムお爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐項�爐む�. 爐踱� 爐�た爐��爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐� 爐��爐�� " "爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐萎ぞ爐項た爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐むさ爛�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�." msgid "The SecurID key entered is invalid" msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� SecurID 爐�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Enter SecurID" msgstr "SecurID 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display." msgstr "爐÷た爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え爐鉦�爐÷�爐� 爐伍す爐� 爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Password sent" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爐�" msgid "Unable to initialize connection" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %u 爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛� " "爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� :\n" "%s" msgid "ICQ authorization denied." msgstr "ICQ 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�." #. Someone has granted you authorization #, c-format msgid "The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "%u 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." #, c-format msgid "" "You have received a special message\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐朽た爐謹�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�\n" "\n" "爐��爐萎�爐劇�: %s [%s]\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ page\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ ICQ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦� 爐�爐項�\n" "\n" "爐��爐萎�爐劇�: %s [%s]\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n" "\n" "Message is:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s [%s] 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ ICQ 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�\n" "\n" "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐項�:\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)" msgstr "ICQ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� %u 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐項�爐�: %s (%s)" msgid "Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?" msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐�ぞ爐謹ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐むぞ爐� 爐�爐�?" msgid "_Add" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)" msgid "_Decline" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�� (_D)" #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid." msgstr[0] "爐む� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "爐む� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large." msgstr[0] "爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "爐む� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." #, c-format msgid "" "You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgstr[0] "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐∇げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐∇げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." #, c-format msgid "" "You missed %hu message from %s because his/her warning level is too high." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because his/her warning level is too high." msgstr[0] "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "" "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because your warning level is too high." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because your warning level is too high." msgstr[0] "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason." msgstr[0] "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgstr[1] "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐�� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ %1$hu 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦げ." msgid "Your AIM connection may be lost." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� AIM 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐項ぐ爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐伍�爐�." #, c-format msgid "You have been disconnected from chat room %s." msgstr " %s 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐む�爐� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�." msgid "Pop-Up Message" msgstr "爐��爐�-爐�爐�(爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐萎�) 爐伍�爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "The following username is associated with %s" msgid_plural "The following usernames are associated with %s" msgstr[0] "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� %s 爐伍す 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgstr[1] "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽� %s 爐伍す 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "No results found for email address %s" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぐ爐逗ぃ爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "You should receive an email asking to confirm %s." msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爐�." msgid "Account Confirmation Requested" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い爛�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name differs " "from the original." msgstr "" "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐朽た爐��爐む�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because it is invalid." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name is too " "long." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐朽た爐��爐む�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a " "request pending for this username." msgstr "" "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� " "爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has " "too many usernames associated with it." msgstr "" "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽た爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ爐謹� 爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ " "爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is " "invalid." msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 0x%04x: 爐�た爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unknown error." msgstr "爐��爐� 0x%04x: 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐�." msgid "Error Changing Account Info" msgstr "爐��爐劇ぞ爐�爐��爐橿� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�う爐迦い 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "The email address for %s is %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ %s 爐�爐伍ぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Account Info" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "" "Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛� IM 爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� IM 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐劇� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛� " "爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "Unable to set AIM profile." msgstr "AIM 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "" "You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure " "completed. Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are " "fully connected." msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�す爛�爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐む� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐о� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爛� " "爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎�爐�お爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�, " "爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgstr[0] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgstr[1] "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Profile too long." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�げ爐�爐� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgstr[0] "" "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐む� 爐�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgstr[1] "" "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐む� 爐�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Away message too long." msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " "be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " "numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐む� " "爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐鉦じ爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛� 爐� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛�, 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐� 爐伍�爐��爐伍�, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽た爐� " "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." msgid "Unable to Retrieve Buddy List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "" "The AIM servers were temporarily unable to send your buddy list. Your buddy " "list is not lost, and will probably become available in a few minutes." msgstr "" "AIM 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爛�爐伍� 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎�爐む� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐項ぐ爐朽げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗� " "爐�た爐��爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�爐�." msgid "Orphans" msgstr "爐�爐萎か爐�爐��爐伍�" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy " "list. Please remove one and try again." msgstr "" "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐踱� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� " "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "(no name)" msgstr "(爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add the buddy %s for an unknown reason." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐むさ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has given you permission to add him or her to your buddy list. " "Do you want to add this user?" msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐む� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐むた爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�た爐迦� " "爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��?" msgid "Authorization Given" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�た爐迦�" #. Granted #, c-format msgid "The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "" " %s 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "Authorization Granted" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #. Denied #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� " "爐�爐項�:\n" "%s" msgid "Authorization Denied" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�" msgid "_Exchange:" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦が爐�げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E):" msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� IM 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�. AIM 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� IM 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "iTunes Music Store Link" msgstr "i爐о�爐朽え爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ" msgid "Lunch" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�爛�爐朽ぃ" #, c-format msgid "Buddy Comment for %s" msgstr " %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�" msgid "Buddy Comment:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�:" #, c-format msgid "You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ %s 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a security risk. " "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐項� 爐�爐�げ爐� IP 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�, 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爐逗ぎ 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐�す爛� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦い 爐�爛�爐むげ爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�. 爐むぐ爛� " "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "C_onnect" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぞ (_o)" msgid "You closed the connection." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "Get AIM Info" msgstr "AIM 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. We only do this if the user is in our buddy list msgid "Edit Buddy Comment" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Get X-Status Msg" msgstr "X-爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "End Direct IM Session" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐�" msgid "Direct IM" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM" msgid "Re-request Authorization" msgstr " 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "Require authorization" msgstr " 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ" msgid "Web aware (enabling this will cause you to receive SPAM!)" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐鉦ぐ (爐項� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ爐萎く爐� SPAM 爐朽ぐ 爐�ぐ爐逗ぃ爐鉦ぎ 爐�爐萎い爛�!)" msgid "ICQ Privacy Options" msgstr "ICQ 爐�爛�爐��爐むい爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "The new formatting is invalid." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Username formatting can change only capitalization and whitespace." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐謹え 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐��爐伍� 爐�う爐迦� 爐謹�爐む�." msgid "Change Address To:" msgstr "爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�う爐迦ぞ:" #, fuzzy msgid "you are not waiting for authorization" msgstr "<i> 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�</i> " msgid "You are awaiting authorization from the following buddies" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "" "You can re-request authorization from these buddies by right-clicking on " "them and selecting \"Re-request Authorization.\"" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� " "爐�爐�た \"Re-request Authorization.\" 爐�た爐朽ぁ爛�爐�" msgid "Find Buddy by Email" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Search for a buddy by email address" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Type the email address of the buddy you are searching for." msgstr "爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "_Search" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ (_S)" msgid "Set User Info (web)..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (爐朽�爐�)..." #. This only happens when connecting with the old-style BUCP login msgid "Change Password (web)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ (爐朽�爐�)" msgid "Configure IM Forwarding (web)" msgstr "IM 爐��爐萎�爐朽ぁ爐逗�爐� (爐朽�爐�) 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. ICQ actions msgid "Set Privacy Options..." msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." #, fuzzy msgid "Show Visible List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_L)" #, fuzzy msgid "Show Invisible List" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐��" #. AIM actions msgid "Confirm Account" msgstr " 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Display Currently Registered Email Address" msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Change Currently Registered Email Address..." msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�う爐迦ぞ..." msgid "Show Buddies Awaiting Authorization" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�す爐鉦い 爐�爐項� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ " msgid "Search for Buddy by Email Address..." msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ..." msgid "Use clientLogin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐謹�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "Always use AIM/ICQ proxy server for\n" "file transfers and direct IM (slower,\n" "but does not reveal your IP address)" msgstr "" "爐��爐項ぎ爛� AIM/ICQ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ\n" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM (爐項こ爛�,\n" "爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐む�爐��爐� IP 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�) 爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Allow multiple simultaneous logins" msgstr "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐踱�爐鉦�爐朽�爐橿� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM." msgstr "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� %s 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM爐�爐萎い爐� %hu." #, c-format msgid "Attempting to connect to %s:%hu." msgstr " %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�:%hu." msgid "Attempting to connect via proxy server." msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #, c-format msgid "%s has just asked to directly connect to %s" msgstr "%s爐謹� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛�爐�爐萎い爐� %s 爐�� 爐伍す爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐項�爐む�" msgid "" "This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary " "for IM Images. Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be " "considered a privacy risk." msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�爐�た IM 爐�爐逗い爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐� IP " "爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽�爐�, 爐項� 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐逗ぎ 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦い 爐�爛�爐むげ爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�." msgid "Invalid SNAC" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� SNAC" msgid "Server rate limit exceeded" msgstr "" msgid "Client rate limit exceeded" msgstr "" msgid "Service unavailable" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐�" msgid "Service not defined" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Obsolete SNAC" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎�爐迦た爐� SNAC" msgid "Not supported by host" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐�爐鉦�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not supported by client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Refused by client" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Reply too big" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Responses lost" msgstr " 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐項ぐ爐朽げ爛� " msgid "Request denied" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�" msgid "Busted SNAC payload" msgstr " SNAC 爐��爐迦�爐÷さ爐� 爐む�爐�爐迦�" msgid "Insufficient rights" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎� 爐�爐оた爐�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "In local permit/deny" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� / 爐�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Warning level too high (sender)" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐項� (爐��爐萎�爐劇�)" msgid "Warning level too high (receiver)" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐項� (爐謹�爐萎�爐むぞ)" msgid "User temporarily unavailable" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "No match" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "List overflow" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐〝ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項� " msgid "Request ambiguous" msgstr "爐伍�爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "Queue full" msgstr "爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Not while on AOL" msgstr "AOL 爐朽ぐ 爐�爛�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. Label msgid "Buddy Icon" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" msgid "Voice" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "AIM Direct IM" msgstr "AIM 爐÷ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐� IM" msgid "Get File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ" msgid "Games" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�" msgid "ICQ Xtraz" msgstr "ICQ Xtraz" msgid "Add-Ins" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぜ-爐伍�爐朽た爐оぞ" msgid "Send Buddy List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ " msgid "ICQ Direct Connect" msgstr "ICQ 爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�" msgid "AP User" msgstr "AP 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "ICQ RTF" msgstr "ICQ RTF" msgid "Nihilist" msgstr "爐�た爐項�爐迦�爐伍�爐�" msgid "ICQ Server Relay" msgstr "ICQ爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎じ爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "Old ICQ UTF8" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ ICQ UTF8" msgid "Trillian Encryption" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎た爐迦�爐� 爐�爐��爛�爐萎た爐��爐謹�爐�" msgid "ICQ UTF8" msgstr "ICQ UTF8" msgid "Hiptop" msgstr "爐項�爐��爛�爐�" msgid "Security Enabled" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ " msgid "Video Chat" msgstr "爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "iChat AV" msgstr "i 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ AV" msgid "Live Video" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐朽�爐項た爐÷�爐�" msgid "Camera" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐萎ぞ" msgid "Screen Sharing" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐謹�爐�爐萎�爐�爐�" msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP 爐�い爛�爐むぞ" msgid "Warning Level" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐�い爐� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐むぐ" msgid "Buddy Comment" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�う爛�爐�げ 爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�" #, c-format msgid "User information not available: %s" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�: %s" msgid "Mobile Phone" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Personal Web Page" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #. aim_userinfo_t #. strip_html_tags msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "爐�爐むた爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Zip Code" msgstr "爐�爐逗お 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Work Information" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Division" msgstr "爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐� " msgid "Position" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Web Page" msgstr "爐朽�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Online Since" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Member Since" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍き爐鉦じ爐�" msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐劇ぎ爐むぞ" #. 4 separate strings are needed in order to ease translators' job msgid "Appear Online" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�" #, fuzzy msgid "Don't Appear Online" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�" msgid "Appear Offline" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�" #, fuzzy msgid "Don't Appear Offline" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�" #, fuzzy msgid "you have no buddies on this list" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐〝す爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爛�爐迦�: (%s)" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You can add a buddy to this list by right-clicking on them and selecting \"%s" "\"" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� " "爐�爐�た \"Re-request Authorization.\" 爐�た爐朽ぁ爛�爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "Visible List" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�う" msgid "These buddies will see your status when you switch to \"Invisible\"" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Invisible List" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "These buddies will always see you as offline" msgstr "" msgid "Aquarius" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Pisces" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Aries" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Taurus" msgstr "爐朽�爐劇き 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Gemini" msgstr "爐�た爐ム�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Cancer" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Leo" msgstr "爐伍た爐�爐項ぐ爐鉦じ" msgid "Virgo" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�ぞ 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Libra" msgstr "爐む�爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Scorpio" msgstr "爐朽�爐謹�爐�爐逗� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Sagittarius" msgstr "爐оえ爛�爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Capricorn" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Rat" msgstr "爐�爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Ox" msgstr "爐��爐�" msgid "Tiger" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Rabbit" msgstr "爐伍じ爐�" msgid "Dragon" msgstr "爐÷�爐萎�爐�爐�" msgid "Snake" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�" msgid "Horse" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Goat" msgstr "爐��爐萎�" msgid "Monkey" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Rooster" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐橿�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐�ぁ爐�" msgid "Dog" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Pig" msgstr "爐÷�爐�爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Other" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ" msgid "Visible" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�う" msgid "Friend Only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�た爐む�爐�" msgid "Private" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�" msgid "QQ Number" msgstr "QQ 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Country/Region" msgstr "爐��爐�/爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Province/State" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�/爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Zipcode" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Phone Number" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Authorize adding" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Cellphone Number" msgstr "爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛� (爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Personal Introduction" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐�ぐ爐逗�爐�" msgid "City/Area" msgstr "爐謹す爐�/爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐�" msgid "Publish Mobile" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Publish Contact" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "College" msgstr "爐�す爐鉦さ爐逗う爛�爐�ぞ爐迦く" msgid "Horoscope" msgstr "爐項�爐萎�爐伍�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Zodiac" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷た爐踱�" msgid "Blood" msgstr "爐�げ爛�爐÷�" msgid "True" msgstr "爐�爐萎�" msgid "False" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爛�" msgid "Modify Contact" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Modify Address" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Modify Extended Information" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Modify Information" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Update" msgstr "爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎た爐�" msgid "Could not change buddy information." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Note" msgstr "爐�爐逗お" #. callback msgid "Buddy Memo" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐��" msgid "Change his/her memo as you like" msgstr "爐む�/爐むた爐�爐� 爐��爐�� 爐�じ爐�爐む� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "_Modify" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M)" msgid "Memo Modify" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Server says:" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐項ぃ爐む�:" msgid "Your request was accepted." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�." msgid "Your request was rejected." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�." #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u requires verification: %s" msgstr "%u 爐迦ぞ 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Add buddy question" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐萎ざ爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enter answer here" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぐ 爐��爐ム� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Send" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Invalid answer." msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐む�爐むぐ." msgid "Authorization denied message:" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦ぞ:" msgid "Sorry, you're not my style." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%u needs authorization" msgstr "%u 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Add buddy authorize" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Enter request here" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐��爐ム� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Would you be my friend?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐む�爐� 爐�え爐鉦げ 爐�爐�?" msgid "QQ Buddy" msgstr "QQ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�" msgid "Add buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Invalid QQ Number" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� QQ 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Failed sending authorize" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "Failed removing buddy %u" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %u 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" #, c-format msgid "Failed removing me from %d's buddy list" msgstr "%d 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐�げ爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "No reason given" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�た爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. only need to get value #, c-format msgid "You have been added by %s" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ %s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Would you like to add him?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "Rejected by %s" msgstr "%s 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Message: %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�: %s" msgid "ID: " msgstr "ID: " msgid "Group ID" msgstr "爐�爐� ID" msgid "QQ Qun" msgstr "QQ Qun" msgid "Please enter Qun number" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� Qun 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "You can only search for permanent Qun\n" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦く爐��爛�爐�ぞ Qun 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐謹�爐о� 爐謹�爐むぞ\n" msgid "(Invalid UTF-8 string)" msgstr "(爐�爐朽�爐� UTF-8 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐�ぞ爐橿ぞ)" msgid "Not member" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Member" msgstr "爐伍う爐伍�爐�" msgid "Requesting" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Admin" msgstr "爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�" #. XXX: Should this be "Topic"? msgid "Room Title" msgstr "爐萎�爐��爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�" msgid "Notice" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Detail" msgstr "爐むお爐謹�爐�" msgid "Creator" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐むぞ" msgid "About me" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐劇く爛�" msgid "Category" msgstr "爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�" msgid "The Qun does not allow others to join" msgstr "Qun 爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Join QQ Qun" msgstr "QQ Qun 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Input request here" msgstr "爐�爐ム� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Successfully joined Qun %s (%u)" msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� Qun %s (%u) 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Successfully joined Qun" msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� Qun 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Qun %u denied from joining" msgstr "Qun %u 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐鉦ぐ 爐�た爐迦ぞ" msgid "QQ Qun Operation" msgstr "QQ Qun 爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Failed:" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�:" msgid "Join Qun, Unknown Reply" msgstr "Qun 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ, 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "Quit Qun" msgstr "Qun 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐�" msgid "" "Note, if you are the creator, \n" "this operation will eventually remove this Qun." msgstr "爐�爐逗お, 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐むぞ 爐�爐伍ぞ爐�, 爐むぐ 爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ Qun 爐迦ぞ 爐謹�爐朽�爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爛�爐�." msgid "Sorry, you are not our style" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, 爐�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Successfully changed Qun members" msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� Qun 爐伍う爐伍�爐� 爐�う爐迦げ爛�" msgid "Successfully changed Qun information" msgstr "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� Qun 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�う爐迦げ爛�" msgid "You have successfully created a Qun" msgstr " 爐�爐�ぃ Qun 爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Would you like to set up detailed information now?" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐むお爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "Setup" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%u requested to join Qun %u for %s" msgstr "%u 爐�� Qun %u 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%u request to join Qun %u" msgstr "%u 爐�� Qun %u 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Failed to join Qun %u, operated by admin %u" msgstr "Qun %u 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�, 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐� %u 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "<b>Joining Qun %u is approved by admin %u for %s</b>" msgstr "<b>Qun %u 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐�� 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐� %u 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎�, %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ, 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�</b>" #, c-format msgid "<b>Removed buddy %u.</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %u 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐項�.</b>" #, c-format msgid "<b>New buddy %u joined.</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %u 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�.</b>" #, c-format msgid "Unknown-%d" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い-%d" msgid "Level" msgstr "爐伍�爐むぐ" msgid " VIP" msgstr " VIP" msgid " TCP" msgstr " TCP" msgid " FromMobile" msgstr " 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�" msgid " BindMobile" msgstr " 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐÷ぎ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid " Video" msgstr " 爐朽た爐÷�爐�" msgid " Zone" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Flag" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�" msgid "Ver" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "Invalid name" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Select icon..." msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�..." #, c-format msgid "<b>Login time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐�</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Total Online Buddies</b>: %d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐踱�爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�</b>: %d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Last Refresh</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿� 爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Server</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ</b>: %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Client Tag</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� 爐�爛�爐�</b>: %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Connection Mode</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ</b>: %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>My Internet IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爐萎え爛�爐� IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Sent</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�</b>: %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Resend</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐��爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ</b>: %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Lost</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐項ぐ爐朽げ爛�</b>: %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Received</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐�</b>: %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Received Duplicate</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐÷�爐��爐��爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐�</b>: %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>爐朽�爐�</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n" msgid "Login Information" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "<p><b>Original Author</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�</b>:<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Code Contributors</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>爐�爛�爐� 爐伍す爐〝ぞ爐�爛�</b>:<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Lovely Patch Writers</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�</b>:<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Acknowledgement</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>爐�爐��爐迦�</b>:<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Scrupulous Testers</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>爐�爐鉦�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎�爐伍�</b>:<br>\n" msgid "and more, please let me know... thank you!))" msgstr "爐� 爐�爐��爛�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�げ爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐�... 爐оえ爛�爐�さ爐鉦う!))" msgid "<p><i>And, all the boys in the backroom...</i><br>\n" msgstr "<p><i>爐�, 爐��爐�爐萎�爐�ぎ爐о�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�...</i><br>\n" msgid "<i>Feel free to join us!</i> :)" msgstr "<i>爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ!</i> :)" #, c-format msgid "About OpenQ %s" msgstr "OpenQ %s 爐朽た爐劇く爛�" msgid "Change Icon" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Account Information" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Update all QQ Quns" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� QQ Quns 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "About OpenQ" msgstr "OpenQ 爐朽た爐劇く爛�" msgid "Modify Buddy Memo" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐�� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "QQ Protocol Plugin" msgstr "QQ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Auto" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐�" msgid "Select Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "QQ2005" msgstr "QQ2005" msgid "QQ2007" msgstr "QQ2007" msgid "QQ2008" msgstr "QQ2008" msgid "Connect by TCP" msgstr "TCP 爐�� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Show server notice" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Show server news" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦�爐鉦ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Show chat room when msg comes" msgstr "msg 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Keep alive interval (seconds)" msgstr "爐�爐逗お 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爛� (爐伍�爐�爐�爐��爐伍�)" msgid "Update interval (seconds)" msgstr "爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐� 爐�爐朽ぇ爛� (爐伍�爐�爐�爐��爐伍�)" msgid "Unable to decrypt server reply" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐÷た爐�爛�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Failed requesting token, 0x%02X" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�, 0x%02X" #, c-format msgid "Invalid token len, %d" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐��爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��, %d" #. extend redirect used in QQ2006 msgid "Redirect_EX is not currently supported" msgstr "Redirect_EX 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. need activation #. need activation #. need activation msgid "Activation required" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��" #, c-format msgid "Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X)" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� (0x%02X)" msgid "Requesting captcha" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐鉦�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Checking captcha" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Failed captcha verification" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Captcha Image" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�" msgid "Enter code" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "QQ Captcha Verification" msgstr "QQ 爐�爛�爐��爐�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��" msgid "Enter the text from the image" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐鉦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown reply when checking password (0x%02X)" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� (0x%02X)" #, c-format msgid "" "Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X):\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� (0x%02X):\n" "%s" msgid "Socket error" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Getting server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Requesting token" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐��爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Unable to resolve hostname" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐�え爐鉦さ 爐萎た爐伍�爐迦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Invalid server or port" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "QQ Error" msgstr "QQ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "" "Server News:\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦�爐鉦ぐ:\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "%s:%s" msgstr "%s:%s" #, c-format msgid "From %s:" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷�爐�:" #, c-format msgid "" "Server notice From %s: \n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ: \n" "%s" msgid "Unknown SERVER CMD" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� SERVER CMD" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reply of %s(0x%02X)\n" "Room %u, reply 0x%02X" msgstr "" "%s(0x%02X)\n" "爐萎�爐� %u, 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 0x%02X 爐�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "QQ Qun Command" msgstr "QQ Qun 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Unable to decrypt login reply" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐÷た爐�爛�爐萎た爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Unknown LOGIN CMD" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� LOGIN CMD" msgid "Unknown CLIENT CMD" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� CLIENT CMD" #, c-format msgid "%d has declined the file %s" msgstr "%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "File Send" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "%d cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "%d 爐�� %s 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐萎う爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "<b>Group Title:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�:</b> %s<br>" #, c-format msgid "<b>Notes Group ID:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐逗お爐鉦� 爐�爐� ID:</b> %s<br>" #, c-format msgid "Info for Group %s" msgstr "爐�爐� %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Notes Address Book Information" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Invite Group to Conference..." msgstr "爐伍き爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦じ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Get Notes Address Book Info" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Sending Handshake" msgstr "爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爐��爐迦え 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement" msgstr "爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爐��爐迦え爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login" msgstr "爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐��爐迦え爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦�, 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Waiting for Login Acknowledgement" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Login Redirected" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐謹ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Forcing Login" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐萎す 爐�爐萎い爛�" msgid "Login Acknowledged" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦�" msgid "Starting Services" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "A Sametime administrator has issued the following announcement on server %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�爐鉦え爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ %s 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇ぃ爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Sametime Administrator Announcement" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爛�爐劇ぃ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Announcement from %s" msgstr " %s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇ぃ爐�" msgid "Conference Closed" msgstr "爐伍き爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Unable to send message: " msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: " #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s:" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�:" msgid "Place Closed" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Microphone" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐��爛�爐萎�爐��爐�" msgid "Speakers" msgstr "爐朽�爛�爐む�" msgid "Video Camera" msgstr "爐朽�爐項た爐÷た爐�(爐�爐逗い爛�爐萎か爐逗い) 爐�爛�爐��爐萎ぞ" msgid "File Transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ" msgid "Supports" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐�" msgid "External User" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Create conference with user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter a topic for the new conference, and an invitation message to be " "sent to %s" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐�, 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍き爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�爐鉦げ爐�, 爐�爐�た %s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "New Conference" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍き爐�" msgid "Create" msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Available Conferences" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐伍き爐�" msgid "Create New Conference..." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Invite user to a conference" msgstr "爐伍き爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "" "Select a conference from the list below to send an invite to user %s. Select " "\"Create New Conference\" if you'd like to create a new conference to invite " "this user to." msgstr "" "%s 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�. 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項�爐�ぞ " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍き爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐むぐ \"爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍き爐� " "爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ\" 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "Invite to Conference" msgstr "爐伍き爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Invite to Conference..." msgstr "爐伍き爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Send TEST Announcement" msgstr " TEST 爐�爛�爐劇ぃ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Topic:" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く:" msgid "No Sametime Community Server specified" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "No host or IP address has been configured for the Meanwhile account %s. " "Please enter one below to continue logging in." msgstr "" "爐�爐��爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ IP 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦こ爐鉦い 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐踱�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐踱� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ." msgid "Meanwhile Connection Setup" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦こ爐鉦い爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐朽い爐�ぞ爐萎�" msgid "No Sametime Community Server Specified" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Connect" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown (0x%04x)<br>" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い (0x%04x)<br>" msgid "Last Known Client" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�" msgid "User Name" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Sametime ID" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� ID" msgid "An ambiguous user ID was entered" msgstr "爐伍�爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� ID 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐�げ爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. Please " "select the correct user from the list below to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "" "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐��爐∇�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爛�爐�. " "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Select User" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Unable to add user: user not found" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community. This " "entry has been removed from your buddy list." msgstr "" "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐ムぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐項� 爐��爐�爐� " "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading file %s: \n" "%s\n" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: \n" "%s\n" msgid "Remotely Stored Buddy List" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐ムお爐�� 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Buddy List Storage Mode" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" msgid "Local Buddy List Only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Merge List from Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�た爐伍こ爐�" msgid "Merge and Save List to Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�た爐伍こ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Synchronize List with Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐� 爐むぞ爐橿ぎ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Import Sametime List for Account %s" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� %s爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Export Sametime List for Account %s" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� %s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Unable to add group: group exists" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�: 爐�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "A group named '%s' already exists in your buddy list." msgstr "'%s' 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Unable to add group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Possible Matches" msgstr " 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍ぃ爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐��爐�い爐�" msgid "Notes Address Book group results" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐項さ爐鉦げ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following Notes Address " "Book groups. Please select the correct group from the list below to add it " "to your buddy list." msgstr "" "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐��爐∇�爐� 爐�爐逗お爐鉦� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爛�爐� . 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Select Notes Address Book" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Unable to add group: group not found" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�: 爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' did not match any Notes Address Book groups in your " "Sametime community." msgstr "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐ムぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Notes Address Book Group" msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�" msgid "" "Enter the name of a Notes Address Book group in the field below to add the " "group and its members to your buddy list." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍き爐鉦じ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� " "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." #, c-format msgid "Search results for '%s'" msgstr "'%s' 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�爐項さ爐鉦げ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. You " "may add these users to your buddy list or send them messages with the action " "buttons below." msgstr "" "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐��爐∇�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爛�爐�. " "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐む� " "爐��爐�ぞ爐伍す 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐�." msgid "Search Results" msgstr "爐謹�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "No matches" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐��爐�い爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�(爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�)" #, c-format msgid "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community." msgstr "爐�爐橿�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ '%s' 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐ムぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "No Matches" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐��爐�い爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Search for a user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐�" msgid "" "Enter a name or partial ID in the field below to search for matching users " "in your Sametime community." msgstr "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍ぃ爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐ムぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�た爐伍ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐оぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�爐謹い爐� ID 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "User Search" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐�" msgid "Import Sametime List..." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Export Sametime List..." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐鉦�爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Add Notes Address Book Group..." msgstr "爐�爐逗お爐鉦�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む� 爐�爐�爐鉦じ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "User Search..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐�..." msgid "Force login (ignore server redirects)" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐萎す 爐�爐萎ぞ (爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐��爐�た爐謹ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ)" #. pretend to be Sametime Connect msgid "Hide client identity" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐橿� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "User %s is not present in the network" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ %s 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Key Agreement" msgstr "爐�爐逗げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�" msgid "Cannot perform the key agreement" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� " msgid "Error occurred during key agreement" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ" msgid "Key Agreement failed" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Timeout during key agreement" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐�げ爛�" msgid "Key agreement was aborted" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�こ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Key agreement is already started" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Key agreement cannot be started with yourself" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐� 爐謹�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "The remote user is not present in the network any more" msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐��爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "Key agreement request received from %s. Would you like to perform the key " "agreement?" msgstr " %s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�た爐迦ぞ爐迦�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽ぞ爐伍ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "The remote user is waiting key agreement on:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�:\n" "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐�爐鉦さ爐�: %s\n" "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爐朽ぐ: %d" msgid "Key Agreement Request" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "IM With Password" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す IM " msgid "Cannot set IM key" msgstr "IM 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Set IM Password" msgstr "IM 爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Get Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Cannot fetch the public key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Show Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Could not load public key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "User Information" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Cannot get user information" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�す爐逗い爛� 爐�た爐橿� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not trusted" msgstr "%s 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐伍� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "" "You cannot receive buddy notifications until you import his/her public key. " "You can use the Get Public Key command to get the public key." msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐項�爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐む�爐�ぐ爛�爐��爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�/ 爐むた爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� " "爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爐むぞ." #. Open file selector to select the public key. msgid "Open..." msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷ぞ ..." #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not present in the network" msgstr "%s 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "" "To add the buddy you must import his/her public key. Press Import to import " "a public key." msgstr "" "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�/爐むた爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�. 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� " "爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐むさ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ." msgid "_Import..." msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_I)..." msgid "Select correct user" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same public key. Select the correct " "user from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "" "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗じ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦�. 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same name. Select the correct user " "from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "" "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐伍す 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦�. 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� " "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "Detached" msgstr "爐� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Indisposed" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�/爐�爐伍�爐朽じ爛�爐�" msgid "Wake Me Up" msgstr "爐�げ爐� 爐�爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Hyper Active" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ爐謹�爐�" msgid "Robot" msgstr "爐��爐む�爐萎ぎ爐鉦え爐�" msgid "User Modes" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" msgid "Preferred Contact" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Preferred Language" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ" msgid "Device" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оえ" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "爐朽�爐橿�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐�" msgid "Geolocation" msgstr "爐〝�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�" msgid "Reset IM Key" msgstr "IM 爐�爐� 爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "IM with Key Exchange" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦が爐��爐迦�爐伍す IM " msgid "IM with Password" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽げ爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍す爛�爐� IM " msgid "Get Public Key..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�..." msgid "Kill User" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Draw On Whiteboard" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐÷さ爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爐�" msgid "_Passphrase:" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爛�爐�さ爐鉦�爛�爐� (_P):" #, c-format msgid "Channel %s does not exist in the network" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� %s 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Channel Information" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Cannot get channel information" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "<b>Channel Name:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�:</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>User Count:</b> %d" msgstr "<br><b>爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぞ爐�:</b> %d" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Founder:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b> 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��:</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Cipher:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍た爐�爐�ぐ:</b> %s" #. Definition of HMAC: #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel HMAC:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� HMAC:</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Topic:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く:</b><br>%s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Modes:</b> " msgstr "<br><b>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ:</b> " #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Fingerprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b> 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐�爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐伍� :</b><br>%s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Babbleprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b> 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐�爐� 爐��爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐�爐� :</b><br>%s" msgid "Add Channel Public Key" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗じ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Add new public key msgid "Open Public Key..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ..." msgid "Channel Passphrase" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Channel Public Keys List" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��" #, c-format msgid "" "Channel authentication is used to secure the channel from unauthorized " "access. The authentication may be based on passphrase and digital " "signatures. If passphrase is set, it is required to be able to join. If " "channel public keys are set then only users whose public keys are listed are " "able to join." msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぞ爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐むぞ爐�. " "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐項� 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐�た 爐÷た爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爐� 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�. 爐�爐� " "爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐� , 爐むぐ 爐む� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐項さ爛�. 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� " "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐�, 爐��爐むぐ 爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐� " "爐むぐ爐� 爐��爛�爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍い爛�爐�." msgid "Channel Authentication" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐�爛� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ" msgid "Add / Remove" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ / 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Group Name" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" #, c-format msgid "Please enter the %s channel private group name and passphrase." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� %s 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Add Channel Private Group" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "User Limit" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐鉦い爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ" msgid "Set user limit on channel. Set to zero to reset user limit." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐朽ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐��爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ ." msgid "Invite List" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Ban List" msgstr "爐�え爐鉦� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Add Private Group" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐� 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Reset Permanent" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐�じ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Set Permanent" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐�じ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Set User Limit" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Reset Topic Restriction" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Set Topic Restriction" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Reset Private Channel" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Set Private Channel" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Reset Secret Channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Set Secret Channel" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "" "You have to join the %s channel before you are able to join the private group" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐о� %s 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Join Private Group" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Cannot join private group" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Call Command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹ぞ 爐��爐迦さ爐�" msgid "Cannot call command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐迦� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Secure File Transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Error during file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐むぐ 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Remote disconnected" msgstr "爐萎た爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�" msgid "Key agreement failed" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� " msgid "Connection timed out" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Creating connection failed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "File transfer session does not exist" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "No file transfer session active" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "File transfer already started" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐むぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Could not perform key agreement for file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐むぐ爐�ぞ爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Could not start the file transfer" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐むぐ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Cannot send file" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Error occurred" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic of <I>%s</I> to: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�� <I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�う爐迦げ爛�: %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set channel <I>%s</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I>爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� <I>%s</I> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ : %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all channel <I>%s</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� <I>%s</I> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set <I>%s's</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爛� <I>%s's</I> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ: %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all <I>%s's</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� <I>%s's</I> 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked off <I>%s</I> by <I>%s</I> (%s)" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ <I>%s</I> 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦�, <I>%s</I> (%s) 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎�" #, c-format msgid "You have been killed by %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Killed by %s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Server signoff" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Personal Information" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Birth Day" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�た爐朽じ" msgid "Job Role" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぎ爐鉦�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Organization" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ" msgid "Unit" msgstr "爐踱�爐�" msgid "Join Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" #, c-format msgid "You are channel founder on <I>%s</I>" msgstr "<I>%s</I>爐朽ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Channel founder on <I>%s</I> is <I>%s</I>" msgstr "<I>%s</I> 爐朽ぐ <I>%s</I> 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Real Name" msgstr "爐�爐萎�/爐朽ぞ爐伍�爐むさ爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Status Text" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Public Key Fingerprint" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�" msgid "Public Key Babbleprint" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐�爐�" msgid "_More..." msgstr "爐�爐оた爐� (_M)..." msgid "Detach From Server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Cannot detach" msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Cannot set topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Failed to change nickname" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Roomlist" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Cannot get room list" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�た爐橿� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " msgid "Network is empty" msgstr "爐��爐�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐項�" msgid "No public key was received" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Server Information" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Cannot get server information" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Server Statistics" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Cannot get server statistics" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "Local server start time: %s\n" "Local server uptime: %s\n" "Local server clients: %d\n" "Local server channels: %d\n" "Local server operators: %d\n" "Local router operators: %d\n" "Local cell clients: %d\n" "Local cell channels: %d\n" "Local cell servers: %d\n" "Total clients: %d\n" "Total channels: %d\n" "Total servers: %d\n" "Total routers: %d\n" "Total server operators: %d\n" "Total router operators: %d\n" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐萎�爐〝た爐� 爐朽�爐�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐朽�爐�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ: %d\n" "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦ぁ爛�: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�: %d\n" "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦ぁ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�: %d\n" msgid "Network Statistics" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Ping" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐�" msgid "Ping failed" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Ping reply received from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐む�爐むぐ 爐��爐項�爐迦�" msgid "Could not kill user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "WATCH" msgstr "WATCH" msgid "Cannot watch user" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Resuming session" msgstr "爐伍い爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項� " msgid "Authenticating connection" msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�" msgid "Verifying server public key" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぁ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Passphrase required" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐項�爐む� " #, c-format msgid "" "Received %s's public key. Your local copy does not match this key. Would you " "still like to accept this public key?" msgstr "" "%s's 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐項�爐迦�. 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐��爐萎い 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�爐逗が爐萎�爐�ぐ 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐むぐ爛�爐項� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ " "爐項� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦さ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "Received %s's public key. Would you like to accept this public key?" msgstr " %s's 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐項�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐鉦さ爛�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "Fingerprint and babbleprint for the %s key are:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" msgstr "" " %s 爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐�た 爐��爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐�爐� are:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" msgid "Verify Public Key" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_View..." msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐� (_V)..." msgid "Unsupported public key type" msgstr "爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Disconnected by server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦� " msgid "Error connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "SILC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Key Exchange failed" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦が爐�げ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� " msgid "" "Resuming detached session failed. Press Reconnect to create new connection." msgstr "" "爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐迦�. 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎た爐むぞ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ " "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ." msgid "Performing key exchange" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦が爐�げ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair" msgstr "SILC 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #. Progress msgid "Connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "SIL 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷い 爐�爐項�" msgid "Out of memory" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐む�爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Unable to initialize SILC protocol" msgstr "SILC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "Error loading SILC key pair" msgstr "SILC 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "Download %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐÷ぞ爐�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ: %s" msgid "Your Current Mood" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�え爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" #, c-format msgid "Normal" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐�" msgid "" "\n" "Your Preferred Contact Methods" msgstr "" "\n" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�う爛�爐оい爛�" msgid "SMS" msgstr "SMS" msgid "MMS" msgstr "MMS" msgid "Video conferencing" msgstr "爐朽�爐項た爐÷�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐伍き爐�" msgid "Your Current Status" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Online Services" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Let others see what services you are using" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爛�爐�い爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐項� 爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Let others see what computer you are using" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爛�爐�い爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐項� 爐�爐むぐ爐鉦え爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Your VCard File" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽�爐項�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐÷�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Timezone (UTC)" msgstr "爐朽�爐橿�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� (UTC)" msgid "User Online Status Attributes" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爛�爐�ぇ爐萎�爐��" msgid "" "You can let other users see your online status information and your personal " "information. Please fill the information you would like other users to see " "about yourself." msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐むぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐む�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�げ爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐� " "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐��爐� 爐謹�爐むぞ. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐むぐ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�う爛�爐�げ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�す爐鉦く爐迦ぞ " "爐項さ爛� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐〝ぐ爐�." msgid "Message of the Day" msgstr "爐�た爐朽じ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "No Message of the Day available" msgstr "爐�た爐朽じ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "There is no Message of the Day associated with this connection" msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�た爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�た爐朽じ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Create New SILC Key Pair" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� SILC 爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Passphrases do not match" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爛�爐�さ爐鉦�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐橿い 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Key Pair Generation failed" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�た爐む� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Key length" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爛� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��" msgid "Public key file" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Private key file" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Passphrase (retype)" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ (爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ)" msgid "Generate Key Pair" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Online Status" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" msgid "View Message of the Day" msgstr "爐�た爐朽じ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Create SILC Key Pair..." msgstr " SILC 爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." #, c-format msgid "User <I>%s</I> is not present in the network" msgstr " <I>%s</I> 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Topic too long" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く 爐�爛�爐�� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "You must specify a nick" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "channel %s not found" msgstr "%s 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "channel modes for %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐萎た爐むぞ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐��爐÷じ: %s" #, c-format msgid "no channel modes are set on %s" msgstr "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項� " #, c-format msgid "Failed to set cmodes for %s" msgstr " %s 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐伍�爐��爐÷じ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s, (may be a client bug)" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐��爐�: %s, (爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐朽ぞ)" msgid "part [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr "[爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��]爐〝ぞ爐�:爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐÷�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "leave [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr " [爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��] 爐伍�爐÷ぞ: 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍�爐÷�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "topic [<new topic>]: View or change the topic" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く [<new topic>]:爐朽た爐劇く 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "join <channel> [<password>]: Join a chat on this network" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ <channel> [<password>]: 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦�爐萎た爐むぞ " "爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "list: List channels on this network" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐��: 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "whois <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�爐項�<nick>: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "msg <爐�爛�爐�え爐�ぞ爐�> <爐伍�爐��爐�>: 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "query <nick> [<message>]: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐謹�<nick> [<message>]: 爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "motd: View the server's Message Of The Day" msgstr "motd: 爐�た爐朽じ爐鉦�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "detach: Detach this session" msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぞ: 爐項� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐� [爐伍�爐��爐�]: 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐�" msgid "call <command>: Call any silc client command" msgstr "call <command>: 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐伍た爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐迦さ爐�" msgid "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: Kill nick" msgstr "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "nick <newnick>: Change your nickname" msgstr "nick <newnick>: 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "whowas <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "whowas <nick>: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "" "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: Change or display " "channel modes" msgstr "" "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�う爐迦ぞ " "爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: Change nick's modes " "on channel" msgstr "" "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ " "爐�う爐迦ぞ " msgid "umode <usermodes>: Set your modes in the network" msgstr "umode <usermodes>: 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐÷じ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: Get server operator privileges" msgstr "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍さ爐迦い爛� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "" "invite <channel> [-|+]<nick>: invite nick or add/remove from " "channel invite list" msgstr "" "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ <channel> [-|+]<nick>: 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐ムさ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐�� " "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐��爐оた爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "kick <channel> <nick> [comment]: Kick client from channel" msgstr "kick <channel> <nick> [爐�爐逗お爛�爐�ぃ爛�]: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦じ 爐�爛�爐��爐迦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "info [server]: View server administrative details" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� [爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ]: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爐�爛�爐� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "ban [<channel> +|-<nick>]: Ban client from channel" msgstr "爐��爐�� [<channel> +|-<nick>]: 爐�爛�爐��爐迦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦げ爐� 爐��爐��" msgid "getkey <nick|server>: Retrieve client's or server's public key" msgstr "" "爐�爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐� <nick|server>: 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爛� 爐朽ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "stats: View server and network statistics" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐�: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "ping: Send PING to the connected server" msgstr "爐�た爐�爐�: 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐迦ぞ PING 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "users <channel>: List users in channel" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ <channel>: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "" "names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: List " "specific users in channel(s)" msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐朽�[-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐�し爛�爐� " "爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い爐迦�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐��" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "SILC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "SILC 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. * description msgid "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) Protocol" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐萎え爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐伍き爐� (SILC) 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Network" msgstr "爐��爐�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Public Key file" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Private Key file" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�爛� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Cipher" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�か爐�" msgid "HMAC" msgstr "HMAC" msgid "Use Perfect Forward Secrecy" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍た爐�爛�爐萎�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Public key authentication" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ" msgid "Block IMs without Key Exchange" msgstr "IMs爐迦ぞ 爐�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ爐謹た爐朽ぞ爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐�" msgid "Block messages to whiteboard" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐÷�爐÷� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ " msgid "Automatically open whiteboard" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐÷げ爐� 爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐むお爐�� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Digitally sign and verify all messages" msgstr "爐÷た爐�爛�爐�爐迦� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爐むぞ爐橿ぞ" msgid "Creating SILC key pair..." msgstr "SILC 爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." msgid "Unable to create SILC key pair" msgstr "SILC 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #. Hint for translators: Please check the tabulator width here and in #. the next strings (short strings: 2 tabs, longer strings 1 tab, #. sum: 3 tabs or 24 characters) #, c-format msgid "Real Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "User Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Email: \t\t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�: \t\t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Host Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Organization: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐伍�爐伍�爐ムぞ: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Country: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐��爐�: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Algorithm: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐迦�爛�爐�爐��: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Key Length: \t%d bits\n" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐��: \t%d 爐�た爐�\n" #, c-format msgid "Version: \t%s\n" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�: \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Fingerprint:\n" "%s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐� 爐��爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐伍� :\n" "%s\n" "\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Babbleprint:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐��爐�げ爐��爐萎た爐�爐�:\n" "%s" msgid "Public Key Information" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Paging" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Video Conferencing" msgstr "爐朽�爐項た爐÷�爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐伍き爐�" msgid "Computer" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐��" msgid "PDA" msgstr "PDA" msgid "Terminal" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�げ" #, c-format msgid "%s sent message to whiteboard. Would you like to open the whiteboard?" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐÷�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐÷げ爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s sent message to whiteboard on %s channel. Would you like to open the " "whiteboard?" msgstr "" "%s爐�� %s 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐÷�爐÷� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐÷ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ爐朽く爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Whiteboard" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐∇ぐ爐鉦が爛�爐萎�爐�" msgid "No server statistics available" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Error during connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "SILC 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爛�爐÷い 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Version mismatch, upgrade your client" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐�: 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐朽た爐�爛�爐�, 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐謹�爐萎�爐��爐伍�爐�え爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not trust/support your public key" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�:爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐�爐逗さ爐� 爐朽た爐謹�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽い/爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� " #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed KE group" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�:爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い KE 爐�爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed cipher" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�:爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い 爐伍た爐�ぐ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed PKCS" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�:爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い PKCS爐迦ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed hash function" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�: 爐��爐萎�爛� 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い 爐項�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed HMAC" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐�: 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い HMAC爐迦ぞ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Incorrect signature" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�: 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Invalid cookie" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�: 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Authentication failed" msgstr "爐�爐�く爐謹�: 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Unable to initialize SILC Client connection" msgstr "SILC 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "John Noname" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐朽�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair: %s" msgstr "SILC 爐�爐逗�爛� 爐�爛�爐÷� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "Unable to create connection" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Unknown server response" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う" msgid "Unable to create listen socket" msgstr "爐迦た爐伍え 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "SIP usernames may not contain whitespaces or @ symbols" msgstr "SIP 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�爐伍�爐��爐伍�爐伍� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ @ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "SIP connect server not specified" msgstr "SIP 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" msgstr "SIP/SIMPLE 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. * summary msgid "The SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" msgstr "The SIP/SIMPLE 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Publish status (note: everyone may watch you)" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ(爐�爐逗お:爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍�爐�)" msgid "Use UDP" msgstr " UDP 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Use proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�" msgid "Auth User" msgstr "爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Auth Domain" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�す爐鉦�爐鉦げ爐鉦さ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムこ" msgid "join <room>: Join a chat room on the Yahoo network" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐�� <room>: 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "list: List rooms on the Yahoo network" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐��:爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐朽ぐ 爐萎�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�" msgid "doodle: Request user to start a Doodle session" msgstr "爐÷�爐÷げ: 爐÷�爐÷げ 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Yahoo ID..." msgstr "Yahoo ID..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Yahoo! Protocol Plugin" msgstr "Yahoo! 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Pager port" msgstr "爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "File transfer server" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "File transfer port" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "Chat room locale" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�" msgid "Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" msgstr " 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐�た 爐�爛�爐迦�爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, fuzzy msgid "Use account proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections" msgstr "SSL 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Chat room list URL" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐��爛� 爐�ぞ爐��URL" msgid "Yahoo JAPAN ID..." msgstr "Yahoo JAPAN ID..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Yahoo! JAPAN Protocol Plugin" msgstr "Yahoo! JAPAN 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐項�, 爐�爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Your SMS was not delivered" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐� SMS 爐��爐項�爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Your Yahoo! message did not get sent." msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Yahoo! system message for %s:" msgstr " %s 爐�爐萎た爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐伍�爐��爐�:" #, c-format msgid "" "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list for the " "following reason: %s." msgstr "" "%s 爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� " "(爐萎た爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗さ爐迦�) 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�: %s." #, c-format msgid "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list." msgstr "" "%s 爐�� (爐萎た爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗さ爐迦�)爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�." msgid "Add buddy rejected" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� " #. Some error in the received stream msgid "Received invalid data" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐÷ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #. security lock from too many failed login attempts msgid "" "Account locked: Too many failed login attempts. Logging into the Yahoo! " "website may fix this." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�が爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�: 爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�. Yahoo! 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ爐鉦さ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� " "爐�た爐朽ぞ爐萎え 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." #. indicates a lock of some description msgid "" "Account locked: Unknown reason. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix " "this." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�が爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�: 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�. Yahoo! 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ爐鉦さ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐朽ぞ爐萎え 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." #. indicates a lock due to logging in too frequently msgid "" "Account locked: You have been logging in too frequently. Wait a few minutes " "before trying to connect again. Logging into the Yahoo! website may help." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�が爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�: 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�け爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�. 爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐朽� 爐�爐鉦す爐逗� " "爐�た爐��爐�爛� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ. Yahoo! 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ爐鉦さ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�う爐� 爐項�爐�爐�." #. username or password missing msgid "Username or password missing" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "The Yahoo server has requested the use of an unrecognized authentication " "method. You will probably not be able to successfully sign on to Yahoo. " "Check %s for updates." msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐項� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爐逗い 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐む�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�う爛�爐оい爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�す爛�爐оぞ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐朽ぐ " "爐�ざ爐伍�爐朽�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐�じ爐鉦げ. 爐�爐��爐�く爐鉦さ爐むじ爐鉦�爛� %s 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�." msgid "Failed Yahoo! Authentication" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐伍お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐むぞ 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "" "You have tried to ignore %s, but the user is on your buddy list. Clicking " "\"Yes\" will remove and ignore the buddy." msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ %s爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�爐項�. " "\"爐項�\" 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�." msgid "Ignore buddy?" msgstr " 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "爐�爐朽�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�" msgid "" "Your account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts. Please " "try logging into the Yahoo! website." msgstr "" "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐�ぎ爛�爐橿� 爐む�爐��爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�が爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� Yahoo! 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ爐鉦さ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "Unknown error 52. Reconnecting should fix this." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 52. 爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐朽ぞ爐萎え 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�げ爐� 爐項さ爛�." msgid "" "Error 1013: The username you have entered is invalid. The most common cause " "of this error is entering your email address instead of your Yahoo! ID." msgstr "" "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 1013: 爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�ぞ 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐朽�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐��爐項ぃ爐�爛� Yahoo! ID 爐�爐朽�爛� " "爐伍�爐朽い爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐��." #, c-format msgid "Unknown error number %d. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� %d. 爐�ぞ爐項�爐む�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�! 爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ 爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Unable to add buddy %s to group %s to the server list on account %s." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ, 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Unable to add buddy to server list" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "[ Audible %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" msgstr "[ 爐伍�爐謹�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐� %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" msgid "Received unexpected HTTP response from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐�爛�爐劇�爐� HTTP 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to establish a connection with %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" msgid "Unable to connect: The server returned an empty response." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐��爐萎さ爐迦�." msgid "" "Unable to connect: The server's response did not contain the necessary " "information" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う爐鉦い 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not at Home" msgstr "爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not at Desk" msgstr "爐÷�爐伍�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Not in Office" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐伍ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "On Vacation" msgstr "爐萎�爛�爐朽ぐ" msgid "Stepped Out" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Not on server list" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Appear Permanently Offline" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐��爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�" msgid "Presence" msgstr "爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Don't Appear Permanently Offline" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐�� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�た爐伍い 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Join in Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Initiate Conference" msgstr "爐伍き爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Presence Settings" msgstr "爐�爐�じ爛�爐ムた爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛�" msgid "Start Doodling" msgstr "爐÷�爐÷げ爐逗�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Select the ID you want to activate" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� ID 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Join whom in chat?" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "Activate ID..." msgstr "ID 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Join User in Chat..." msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ..." msgid "Open Inbox" msgstr "爐�爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Can't send SMS. Unable to obtain mobile carrier." msgstr "SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Can't send SMS. Unknown mobile carrier." msgstr "SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�. 爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�爐�." msgid "Getting mobile carrier to send the SMS." msgstr "SMS 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." #. Write a local message to this conversation showing that a request for a #. * Doodle session has been made #. msgid "Sent Doodle request." msgstr "爐÷�爐÷げ 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�." msgid "Unable to connect." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Unable to establish file descriptor." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "%s is trying to send you a group of %d files.\n" msgstr "%s 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ %d 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�.\n" msgid "Write Error" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Yahoo! Japan Profile" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項� ! 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�" msgid "Yahoo! Profile" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�" msgid "" "Sorry, profiles marked as containing adult content are not supported at this " "time." msgstr "" "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐謹え爐鉦じ爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐橿�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍す爐鉦く爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い " "爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "If you wish to view this profile, you will need to visit this link in your " "web browser:" msgstr "" "爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐�爐鉦じ 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�, 爐むぐ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐項�爐�ぞ " "爐��爐朽�爐�ぞ爐� 爐〝�爐� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐〝ぞ爐伍�爐�:" msgid "Yahoo! ID" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�! ID" msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Latest News" msgstr "爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐むぎ爛�" msgid "Home Page" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐劇�爐�" msgid "Cool Link 1" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ 1" msgid "Cool Link 2" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ 2" msgid "Cool Link 3" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ 3" msgid "Last Update" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�爐��爐�く爐鉦さ爐�" msgid "" "This profile is in a language or format that is not supported at this time." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦ぎ爐о�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely is a temporary " "server-side problem. Please try again later." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐項ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐むぐ 爐むぞ爐む�爐��爐萎い爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ " "爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐むぐ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely means that the user " "does not exist; however, Yahoo! sometimes does fail to find a user's " "profile. If you know that the user exists, please try again later." msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爛� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐項�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍ぞ 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ " "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐�爐伍�, 爐�ぞ爐項�! 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐朽�爐橿ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐謹�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�. 爐�爐� " "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項� 爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐むぐ 爐�ぐ爐� 爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "The user's profile is empty." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐迦�爐� 爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s has declined to join." msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�." msgid "Failed to join chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐� 爐�爐迦�" #. -6 msgid "Unknown room" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�" #. -15 msgid "Maybe the room is full" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐〝ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐�" #. -35 msgid "Not available" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "" "Unknown error. You may need to logout and wait five minutes before being " "able to rejoin a chatroom" msgstr "" "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐�爐伍ぞ爐朽� 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐朽� 爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�た爐�た爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "You are now chatting in %s." msgstr "爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐�ぃ %s爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項ぞ爐�." msgid "Failed to join buddy in chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐� 爐�爐迦�" msgid "Maybe they're not in a chat?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐む� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐�じ爐む�爐�?" msgid "Fetching the room list failed." msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐� 爐�爐迦�." msgid "Voices" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Webcams" msgstr "爐朽�爐��爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Connection problem" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爛�/爐�爛�爐橿ぃ爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐伍�爐�ぞ" msgid "Unable to fetch room list." msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "User Rooms" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Connection problem with the YCHT server" msgstr "YCHT 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�" msgid "" "(There was an error converting this message.\t Check the 'Encoding' option " "in the Account Editor)" msgstr "" "(爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐むた爐ム� 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�. \t 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� '爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐むた爐� 爐迦た爐��' 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send to chat %s,%s,%s" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ %s,%s,%s 爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Hidden or not logged-in" msgstr "爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "<br>At %s since %s" msgstr " %s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� %s 爐朽ぐ <br>" msgid "Anyone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�た爐項�" msgid "_Class:" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐� (_C):" msgid "_Instance:" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐� (_I):" msgid "_Recipient:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�爐萎�爐むぞ (_R):" #, c-format msgid "Attempt to subscribe to %s,%s,%s failed" msgstr " %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐�い爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐謹さ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, %s, %s 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "zlocate <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zlocate <nick>:爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "zl <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zl <nick>: 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "instance <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐� <爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�>: 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "inst <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "inst <爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�>: 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "topic <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く<instance>: 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦さ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "sub <class> <instance> <recipient>: Join a new chat" msgstr "sub <爐朽ぐ爛�爐�> <爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�> <爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐萎ぞ>: 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぎ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "" "zi <instance>: Send a message to <message,<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "zi <instance>: <爐伍�爐��爐�,<i>爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�</i>,*> 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "zci <class> <instance>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>," "<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "" "zci <爐朽ぐ爛�爐�> <爐�爐�ぞ爐項け爐�>: <<i>爐朽ぐ爛�爐�</i>,<i>爐�爐�ぞ爐項け爐�</i>*> 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� " "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "zcir <class> <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <" "<i>class</i>,<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zcir <爐朽ぐ爛�爐�> <爐�爐�ぞ爐項け爐�> <爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�爐萎�爐むぞ>: <<i>爐朽ぐ爛�爐�</i>," "<i>爐�爐�ぞ爐項け爐�</i>,<i>爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�爐萎�爐むぞ</i>> 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "" "zir <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <MESSAGE," "<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zir <instance> <爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�爐萎�爐むぞ>: <MESSAGE,<i>爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�</i>,<i> </" "i>>爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "zc <class>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*>" msgstr "zc <爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐�>: <<i>爐朽ぐ爛�爐�</i>,PERSONAL,*> 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐�い爐�" msgid "Retrieve subscriptions from server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�い爐� 爐�ぐ爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Zephyr Protocol Plugin" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Use tzc" msgstr "tzc 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "tzc command" msgstr "tzc 爐�爐��爐�" msgid "Export to .anyone" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ爐項� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Export to .zephyr.subs" msgstr ".zephyr.subs 爐�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Import from .anyone" msgstr ".爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐�す爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Import from .zephyr.subs" msgstr ".zephyr.subs 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Realm" msgstr "爐朽た爐劇く/爐萎ぞ爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Exposure" msgstr "爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え" #, c-format msgid "Unable to create socket: %s" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to parse response from HTTP proxy: %s" msgstr "HTTP 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "HTTP proxy connection error %d" msgstr "HTTP爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐� 爐��爐� %d" #, c-format msgid "Access denied: HTTP proxy server forbids port %d tunneling" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�: HTTP 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐萎�爐� %d 爐�爐��爐�げ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐む�" #, c-format msgid "Error resolving %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爛� 爐�た爐朽ぞ爐萎え 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "Requesting %s's attention..." msgstr "%s爐�爛� 爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐朽�爐оぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #, c-format msgid "%s has requested your attention!" msgstr "%s 爐�� 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�!" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c Yes and @c No buttons. #. msgid "_Yes" msgstr "爐項�爐� (_Y)" msgid "_No" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項� (_N)" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons. #. #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action_with_icon() that uses Accept and Cancel #. * buttons. #. msgid "_Accept" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�(_A)" #. * #. * The default message to use when the user becomes auto-away. #. msgid "I'm not here right now" msgstr "爐�� 爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐ム� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "saved statuses" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s.\n" msgstr "%s爐項ぞ %s 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐項� .\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s 爐�� %s 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� %s 爐��爐迦ぞ爐朽げ爛� 爐�爐項�:\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s\n" msgstr "%s 爐�� %s 爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� %s 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�た爐迦� 爐�爐項� \n" msgid "Accept chat invitation?" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐�?" #. Shortcut msgid "Shortcut" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "The text-shortcut for the smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐�-爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" #. Stored Image msgid "Stored Image" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�" msgid "Stored Image. (that'll have to do for now)" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐�. (爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐項� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�)" msgid "SSL Connection Failed" msgstr "SSL 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "SSL Handshake Failed" msgstr "SSL 爐項じ爛�爐むぞ爐�爐��爐迦え 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "SSL peer presented an invalid certificate" msgstr "SSL 爐�た爐�爐萎え爛� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Unknown SSL error" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� SSL 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�" msgid "Unset" msgstr "爐�爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Do not disturb" msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�� 爐��爐�" msgid "Extended away" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Feeling" msgstr "爐�爐��爐〝さ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed status from %s to %s" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�� %s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� %s 爐�爐謹� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦げ爛� 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) is now %s" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�爐む�爐むぞ %s 爐�爐項�" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) is no longer %s" msgstr "%s (%s) 爐�ぞ爐��爐∇� %s 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "%s became idle" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "%s became unidle" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s became idle" msgstr "+++ %s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s became unidle" msgstr "+++ %s 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爛� 爐��爐�" #. #. * This string determines how some dates are displayed. The default #. * string "%x %X" shows the date then the time. Translators can #. * change this to "%X %x" if they want the time to be shown first, #. * followed by the date. #. #, c-format msgid "%x %X" msgstr "%x %X" msgid "Calculating..." msgstr "爐�爐�え爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�..." msgid "Unknown." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い." #, c-format msgid "%d second" msgid_plural "%d seconds" msgstr[0] "%d 爐伍�爐�爐�爐�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐伍�爐�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "%d 爐�た爐朽じ" msgstr[1] "%d 爐�た爐朽じ" #, c-format msgid "%s, %d hour" msgid_plural "%s, %d hours" msgstr[0] "%s, %d 爐むぞ爐�" msgstr[1] "%s, %d 爐むぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%d hour" msgid_plural "%d hours" msgstr[0] "%d 爐むぞ爐�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐むぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s, %d minute" msgid_plural "%s, %d minutes" msgstr[0] "%s, %d 爐�た爐�た爐�" msgstr[1] "%s, %d 爐�た爐�た爐�" #, c-format msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d 爐�た爐�た爐�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐�た爐�た爐�" #, c-format msgid "Could not open %s: Redirected too many times" msgstr "%s 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�: 爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐むさ爛�爐橿� 爐��爐��爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to %s" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Error reading from %s: response too long (%d bytes limit)" msgstr "%s 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爛�爐�� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐項� (%d 爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ)" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to allocate enough memory to hold the contents from %s. The web " "server may be trying something malicious." msgstr "" "%s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐謹� 爐伍�爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎さ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�. 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐鉦す爛�爐むぐ爛� " "爐��爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐�." #, c-format msgid "Error reading from %s: %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid "Error writing to %s: %s" msgstr "%1$s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦た爐項�爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�: %2$s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to %s: %s" msgstr " %s爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: %s" #, c-format msgid " - %s" msgstr " - %s" #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" #. 10053 msgid "Connection interrupted by other software on your computer." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐鉦さ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐��爐�爐朽�爐�爐萎ぎ爛�爐橿� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." #. 10054 msgid "Remote host closed connection." msgstr "爐��爐萎じ爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�え爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�." #. 10060 msgid "Connection timed out." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む�." #. 10061 msgid "Connection refused." msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐��爐鉦ぐ爐迦�." #. 10048 msgid "Address already in use." msgstr "爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "Error Reading %s" msgstr " %s 爐朽ぞ爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "An error was encountered reading your %s. The file has not been loaded, and " "the old file has been renamed to %s~." msgstr "" "%s 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�. 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�, 爐� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� %s~ 爐�爐伍� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� " "爐�爐項�." msgid "" "Chat over IM. Supports AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo and more" msgstr "" "IM 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ. AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo 爐� 爐�爐��爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ " "爐��爐萎さ爐む�" msgid "Internet Messenger" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐萎え爛�爐� 爐��爐伍�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Pidgin Internet Messenger" msgstr "Pidgin 爐�爐�爐�爐萎え爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐�" #. Build the login options frame. msgid "Login Options" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Pro_tocol:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� (_t):" msgid "_Username:" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐� (_U):" msgid "Remember pass_word" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� 爐迦�爛�爐劇ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ (_w)" #. Build the user options frame. msgid "User Options" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "_Local alias:" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ (_L):" msgid "New _mail notifications" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ (_m)" #. Buddy icon msgid "Use this buddy _icon for this account:" msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_i):" msgid "Ad_vanced" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� (_v)" msgid "Use GNOME Proxy Settings" msgstr "GNOME 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Use Global Proxy Settings" msgstr "爐朽�爐謹�爐朽た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦え爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� " msgid "No Proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "HTTP" msgstr "HTTP" msgid "SOCKS 4" msgstr "SOCKS 4" msgid "SOCKS 5" msgstr "SOCKS 5" msgid "Use Environmental Settings" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐むぞ爐朽ぐ爐� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" #. This is an easter egg. #. It means one of two things, both intended as humourus: #. A) your network is really slow and you have nothing better to do than #. look at butterflies. #. B)You are looking really closely at something that shouldn't matter. msgid "If you look real closely" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�爐�� 爐�爐朽こ爛�爐� 爐��爐逗い爐迦�" #. This is an easter egg. See the comment on the previous line in the source. msgid "you can see the butterflies mating" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐迦お爐鉦�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐迦え 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐謹�爐むぞ" msgid "Proxy _type:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ (_t):" msgid "_Host:" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐� (_H):" msgid "_Port:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� (_P):" msgid "Pa_ssword:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� (_s):" msgid "Unable to save new account" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "An account already exists with the specified criteria." msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Add Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" msgid "_Basic" msgstr "爐��爐迦き爛�爐� (_B)" msgid "Create _this new account on the server" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_t)" msgid "P_roxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� (_r)" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽�爐�" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" "\n" "You have no IM accounts configured. To start connecting with %s press the " "<b>Add...</b> button below and configure your first account. If you want %s " "to connect to multiple IM accounts, press <b>Add...</b> again to configure " "them all.\n" "\n" "You can come back to this window to add, edit, or remove accounts from " "<b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b> in the Buddy List window" msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐項�!</span>\n" "\n" "IM 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. %s 爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� <b>爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ...</b> 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ 爐� " "爐�す爐逗げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. %s 爐�� 爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� IM 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐謹� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� <b>爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ...</b> 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ.\n" "\n" "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐�, 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�え, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐��爐迦ぎ爐о�爐� <b>爐�爐鉦い爛�->爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ</b> 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� " "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爐÷� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐� 爐謹�爐むぞ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add you (%s) to his or her buddy list%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s 爐迦ぞ %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐む� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� %s%s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�" #. Buddy List msgid "Background Color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "The background color for the buddy list" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Layout" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛�" msgid "The layout of icons, name, and status of the buddy list" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛�, 爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" #. Group #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state msgid "Expanded Background Color" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "The background color of an expanded group" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state msgid "Expanded Text" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a group is expanded" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state msgid "Collapsed Background Color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "The background color of a collapsed group" msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state msgid "Collapsed Text" msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a group is collapsed" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Buddy #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list contact or chat room msgid "Contact/Chat Background Color" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "The background color of a contact or chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list contact when in its expanded state msgid "Contact Text" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a contact is expanded" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is online msgid "Online Text" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is online" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is away msgid "Away Text" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐項� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is away" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is offline msgid "Offline Text" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is offline" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is idle msgid "Idle Text" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is idle" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message msgid "Message Text" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "The text information for when a buddy has an unread message" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐÷� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message msgid "Message (Nick Said) Text" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� (爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐項ぃ爐む�) 爐��爐�爐萎�爐�" msgid "" "The text information for when a chat has an unread message that mentions " "your nickname" msgstr "爐む�爐��爛� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦け爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "The text information for a buddy's status" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #, c-format msgid "You have %d contact named %s. Would you like to merge them?" msgid_plural "" "You currently have %d contacts named %s. Would you like to merge them?" msgstr[0] "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�, %1$d 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項�,. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐踱�爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgstr[1] "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷� %2$s 爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐� %1$d 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐踱�爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "" "Merging these contacts will cause them to share a single entry on the buddy " "list and use a single conversation window. You can separate them again by " "choosing 'Expand' from the contact's context menu" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐踱�爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐踱� 爐��爐�爐� 爐伍す爐〝ぞ爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐� 爐踱�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ " "爐�爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐�. 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� '爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐�' 爐��爐朽ぁ爛�爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐��爐�� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ" msgid "Please update the necessary fields." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐�� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "A_ccount" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� (_c)" msgid "" "Please enter the appropriate information about the chat you would like to " "join.\n" msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦が爐��爐�げ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�.\n" msgid "Room _List" msgstr "爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛� (_L)" msgid "_Block" msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ (_B)" msgid "Un_block" msgstr "爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_b)" msgid "Move to" msgstr "爐��爐ム� 爐項げ爐朽ぞ" msgid "Get _Info" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐� (_I)" msgid "I_M" msgstr "IM (_M)" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "爐�爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_A)" msgid "Audio/_Video Call" msgstr "爐�爐÷た爐�/爐朽た爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_V)" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "爐朽た爐÷�爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_V)" msgid "_Send File..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)..." msgid "Add Buddy _Pounce..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_P)..." msgid "View _Log" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐謹�爐� (_L)" msgid "Hide When Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐迦お爐朽ぞ" msgid "Show When Offline" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "_Alias..." msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� (_A)..." msgid "_Remove" msgstr "爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)" msgid "Set Custom Icon" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Remove Custom Icon" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Add _Buddy..." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_B)..." msgid "Add C_hat..." msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_h)..." msgid "_Delete Group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_D)" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_R)" #. join button msgid "_Join" msgstr "爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_J)" msgid "Auto-Join" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐�-爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ" msgid "Persistent" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐伍た爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爐�" msgid "_Edit Settings..." msgstr "爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E)..." msgid "_Collapse" msgstr "爐�爛�爐伍こ爐�� (_C)" msgid "_Expand" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐むぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E)" msgid "/Tools/Mute Sounds" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with an account that can add that buddy." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項� 爐�爛� 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐む�." #. I don't believe this can happen currently, I think #. * everything that calls this function checks for one of the #. * above node types first. msgid "Unknown node type" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐��爐÷�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Please select your mood from the list" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Message (optional)" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐�)" msgid "Edit User Mood" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. NOTE: Do not set any accelerator to Control+O. It is mapped by #. gtk_blist_key_press_cb to "Get User Info" on the selected buddy. #. Buddies menu msgid "/_Buddies" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� (_B)" msgid "/Buddies/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�さ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦こ 爐伍�爐��爐� (_M)..." msgid "/Buddies/Join a _Chat..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ (_C)..." msgid "/Buddies/Get User _Info..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐� (_I)..." msgid "/Buddies/View User _Log..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦�爐� 爐��爐謹�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_L)..." msgid "/Buddies/Sh_ow" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_o)" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Offline Buddies" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� (_O)" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Empty Groups" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐�爐� 爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐項� (_E)" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy _Details" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐むお爐謹�爐� (_D)" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle _Times" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/Idle _Times" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Protocol Icons" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/_Protocol Icons" msgid "/Buddies/_Sort Buddies" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S)" msgid "/Buddies/_Add Buddy..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)..." msgid "/Buddies/Add C_hat..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_h)..." msgid "/Buddies/Add _Group..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_G)..." msgid "/Buddies/_Quit" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐� (_Q)" #. Accounts menu msgid "/_Accounts" msgstr "/爐�爐鉦い爛� (_A)" msgid "/Accounts/Manage Accounts" msgstr "/爐�爐鉦い爛�/爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Tools msgid "/_Tools" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛� (_T)" msgid "/Tools/Buddy _Pounces" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐萎い爛� (_P)" msgid "/Tools/_Certificates" msgstr "/爐謹ぞ爐оぃ爛�/ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎� (_C)" msgid "/Tools/Custom Smile_ys" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛� (_y)" msgid "/Tools/Plu_gins" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ (_g)" msgid "/Tools/Pr_eferences" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�� (_e)" msgid "/Tools/Pr_ivacy" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�爛�爐��爐むい爐� (_i)" msgid "/Tools/Set _Mood" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M)" msgid "/Tools/_File Transfers" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� (_F)" msgid "/Tools/R_oom List" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�� (_o)" msgid "/Tools/System _Log" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐迦�爐� (_L)" msgid "/Tools/Mute _Sounds" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�爐朽ぞ爐�爐鉦じ 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S)" #. Help msgid "/_Help" msgstr "/爐�う爐� (_H)" msgid "/Help/Online _Help" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�う爐� (_H)" msgid "/Help/_Build Information" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐�た爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� (_B)" msgid "/Help/_Debug Window" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐��爐� 爐÷た爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_D)" msgid "/Help/De_veloper Information" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� (_v)" msgid "/Help/_Translator Information" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� (_T)" msgid "/Help/_About" msgstr "/爐�う爐�/爐朽た爐劇く爛� (_A)" #, c-format msgid "<b>Account:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>爐�爐鉦い爛�:</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Occupants:</b> %d" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�爐�爛�爐��爐��爐�爛�爐伍�:</b> %d" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Topic:</b> %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�:</b> %s" msgid "(no topic set)" msgstr "(爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�)" msgid "Buddy Alias" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Logged In" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Last Seen" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�爐迦�" msgid "Spooky" msgstr "爐〝�爐�" msgid "Awesome" msgstr "爐�爐萎が" msgid "Rockin'" msgstr "爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Total Buddies" msgstr "爐踱�爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dd %dh %02dm" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� %dd %dh %02dm" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dh %02dm" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� %dh %02dm" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dm" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� %dm" msgid "/Buddies/New Instant Message..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�さ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦こ 爐伍�爐��爐�..." msgid "/Buddies/Join a Chat..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ..." msgid "/Buddies/Get User Info..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Buddy..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Chat..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Group..." msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爛�/爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Tools/Privacy" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐�爛�爐��爐むい爐�" msgid "/Tools/Room List" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�/爐萎�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�" #, c-format msgid "%d unread message from %s\n" msgid_plural "%d unread messages from %s\n" msgstr[0] "%2$s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦ぞ %1$d 爐伍�爐��爐�\n" msgstr[1] "%2$s 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦ぞ %1$d 爐伍�爐��爐�\n" msgid "Manually" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽す爐伍�爐む�" msgid "By status" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐むた" msgid "By recent log activity" msgstr "爐�爐迦た爐�爐÷�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎�" #, c-format msgid "%s disconnected" msgstr "%s 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐鉦あ爐迦�爐迦�" #, c-format msgid "%s disabled" msgstr "%s 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐�" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "爐��爐�� 爐�爛�爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Re-enable" msgstr "爐��爐��-爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "SSL FAQs" msgstr "SSL FAQs" msgid "Welcome back!" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐項�!" #, c-format msgid "%d account was disabled because you signed on from another location:" msgid_plural "" "%d accounts were disabled because you signed on from another location:" msgstr[0] "爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐ムこ爐鉦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� %d 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐迦�:" msgstr[1] "爐�爐むぐ 爐伍�爐ムこ爐鉦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� %d 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐迦�:" msgid "<b>Username:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐�:</b>" msgid "<b>Password:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐�:</b>" msgid "_Login" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_L)" msgid "/Accounts" msgstr "/爐�爐鉦い爛�" #. Translators: Please maintain the use of -> and <- to refer to menu heirarchy #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight='bold' size='larger'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" "\n" "You have no accounts enabled. Enable your IM accounts from the <b>Accounts</" "b> window at <b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b>. Once you enable accounts, " "you'll be able to sign on, set your status, and talk to your friends." msgstr "" "<span weight='bold' size='larger'>%s 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�げ爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐�!</span>\n" "\n" "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. <b>爐�爐鉦い爛�->爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ</b> 爐��爐ム�爐� <b>爐�爐鉦い爛�</b> 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� IM " "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐踱�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ, 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐�, 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐鉦げ, 爐� " "爐�た爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爐伍す 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐鉦げ." #. set the Show Offline Buddies option. must be done #. * after the treeview or faceprint gets mad. -Robot101 #. msgid "/Buddies/Show/Offline Buddies" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Empty Groups" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐�" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy Details" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐むお爐謹�爐�" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle Times" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐橿�" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Protocol Icons" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ/爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項�" msgid "Add a buddy.\n" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" msgid "Buddy's _username:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� (_u):" msgid "(Optional) A_lias:" msgstr "(爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐�) 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ (_l):" msgid "Add buddy to _group:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_g):" msgid "This protocol does not support chat rooms." msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with any protocols that have the ability to " "chat." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爛�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ爐項� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦が爐萎�爐�ぐ 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐劇ぎ爐むぞ 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "Please enter an alias, and the appropriate information about the chat you " "would like to add to your buddy list.\n" msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�, 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦が爐��爐�げ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ " "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�.\n" msgid "A_lias:" msgstr "爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ (_l):" msgid "_Group:" msgstr "爐�爐� (_G):" msgid "Auto_join when account connects." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爛�爐橿げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ 爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ (_j)." msgid "_Remain in chat after window is closed." msgstr "爐��爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐萎す爐� (_R)." msgid "Please enter the name of the group to be added." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Enable Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/Enable Account" msgstr "<PurpleMain>/爐�爐鉦い爛�/爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/" msgstr "<PurpleMain>/爐�爐鉦い爛�/" msgid "_Edit Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E)" msgid "Set _Mood..." msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M)..." msgid "No actions available" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぇ 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "_Disable" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽�爐�(_D)" msgid "/Tools" msgstr "/爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�" msgid "/Buddies/Sort Buddies" msgstr "/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Type the host name for this certificate." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐萎�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. Widget creation function msgid "SSL Servers" msgstr "SSL 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Unknown command." msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�." msgid "That buddy is not on the same protocol as this chat." msgstr "爐む� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦さ爐� 爐�さ爛�爐項い爛�." msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with an account that can invite that buddy." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�爐�爐÷げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爛� 爐む�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎い爛�爐�." msgid "Invite Buddy Into Chat Room" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "_Buddy:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� (_B):" msgid "_Message:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� (_M):" #, c-format msgid "<h1>Conversation with %s</h1>\n" msgstr "<h1> %s 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�</h1>\n" msgid "Save Conversation" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Un-Ignore" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (-I)" msgid "Ignore" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Get Away Message" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐��爛� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Last Said" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爛� 爐��爐項ぃ爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Unable to save icon file to disk." msgstr "爐÷た爐伍�爐�爐�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐むえ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐�." msgid "Save Icon" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Animate" msgstr "爐伍�爛�爐むえ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Hide Icon" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Save Icon As..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Set Custom Icon..." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "Change Size" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�う爐迦ぞ" msgid "Show All" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #. Conversation menu msgid "/_Conversation" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� (_C)" msgid "/Conversation/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�さ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦げ爐逗� 爐伍�爐��爐� (_M)..." msgid "/Conversation/Join a _Chat..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦い 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐朽�爐項ぞ (_C)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Find..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐謹�爐оぞ (_F)..." msgid "/Conversation/View _Log" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐迦�爐� 爐�す爐� (_L)" msgid "/Conversation/_Save As..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐伍� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)..." msgid "/Conversation/Clea_r Scrollback" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦が爛�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_r)" msgid "/Conversation/M_edia" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ (_e)" msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Audio Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐�爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_A)" msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Video Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_V)" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video _Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐�爐÷た爐�/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐� (_C)" msgid "/Conversation/Se_nd File..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_n)..." msgid "/Conversation/Get _Attention" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐迦�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐оぞ (_A)" msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy _Pounce..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_P)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Get Info" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_G)" msgid "/Conversation/In_vite..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐��爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_v)..." msgid "/Conversation/M_ore" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐��爛� (_o)" msgid "/Conversation/Al_ias..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� (_i)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Block..." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ (_B)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Unblock..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�い 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_U)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Add..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Remove..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Lin_k..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐��爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_k)..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Imag_e..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_e)..." msgid "/Conversation/_Close" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_C)" #. Options msgid "/_Options" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� (_O)" msgid "/Options/Enable _Logging" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_L)" msgid "/Options/Enable _Sounds" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S)" msgid "/Options/Show Formatting _Toolbars" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐оえ爐��爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_T)" msgid "/Options/Show Ti_mestamps" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_m)" msgid "/Conversation/More" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐��爛�" msgid "/Options" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #. The menubar has been deactivated. Make sure the 'More' submenu is regenerated next time #. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up. #. Make sure the 'Conversation -> More' menuitems are regenerated whenever #. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up because the entries can change after the #. * conversation is created. msgid "/Conversation" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "/Conversation/View Log" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐迦�爐� 爐�す爐�" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐�爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Video Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video Call" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐�爐÷た爐�\\/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "/Conversation/Send File..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Get Attention" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐迦�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐оぞ" msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy Pounce..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Get Info" msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐�. " msgid "/Conversation/Invite..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛�/爐�爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ..." msgid "/Conversation/Alias..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爐�� ..." msgid "/Conversation/Block..." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Unblock..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�い 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Add..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Remove..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Link..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Image..." msgstr "/爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�/爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." msgid "/Options/Enable Logging" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐迦�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "/Options/Enable Sounds" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "/Options/Show Formatting Toolbars" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐оえ爐��爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "/Options/Show Timestamps" msgstr "/爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�/爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "User is typing..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�..." #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "%s has stopped typing" msgstr "" "\n" "%s 爐�� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐迦�" #. Build the Send To menu msgid "S_end To" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_e)" msgid "_Send" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)" #. Setup the label telling how many people are in the room. msgid "0 people in room" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Close Find bar" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Find:" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ:" #, c-format msgid "%d person in room" msgid_plural "%d people in room" msgstr[0] "%d 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgstr[1] "%d 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Stopped Typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐迦�" msgid "Nick Said" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐朽� 爐��爐項�爐迦�" msgid "Unread Messages" msgstr "爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "New Event" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "clear: Clears all conversation scrollbacks." msgstr "爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ: 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐萎�爐迦が爛�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." msgid "Confirm close" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "You have unread messages. Are you sure you want to close the window?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦�爐÷� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Close other tabs" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ 爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Close all tabs" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Detach this tab" msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Close this tab" msgstr "爐項� 爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Close conversation" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Last created window" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� " msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows" msgstr "IM 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "New window" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� " msgid "By group" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爐÷�爐�" msgid "By account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐�" msgid "Find" msgstr "爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "_Search for:" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ (_S):" msgid "Save Debug Log" msgstr "爐÷た爐�� 爐迦�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Invert" msgstr "爐�爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Highlight matches" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Icon Only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� (_I)" msgid "_Text Only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐� (_T)" msgid "_Both Icon & Text" msgstr "爐��爐��爐項�爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� & 爐��爐�爛�爐� (_B)" msgid "Filter" msgstr "爐�爐鉦こ爐��" msgid "Right click for more options." msgstr "爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Level " msgstr "爐伍�爐むぐ " msgid "Select the debug filter level." msgstr "爐��爐劇ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦こ爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐むぐ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�." msgid "All" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Misc" msgstr "爐朽た爐朽た爐�" msgid "Warning" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ" msgid "Error " msgstr "爐��爐�" msgid "Fatal Error" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "bug master" msgstr "爐�� 爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�爐�" msgid "artist" msgstr "爐�爐迦ぞ爐�爐鉦ぐ" #. feel free to not translate this msgid "Ka-Hing Cheung" msgstr "爐�爐�-爐項た爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "voice and video" msgstr "爐朽�爐項ぞ爐�爐� 爐� 爐朽た爐÷た爐�" msgid "support" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ" msgid "webmaster" msgstr "爐朽�爐�ぎ爐鉦じ爛�爐�爐�" msgid "win32 port" msgstr "win32 爐��爐萎�爐�" msgid "maintainer" msgstr "爐��爐��爛�爐�ぐ" msgid "libfaim maintainer" msgstr "libfaim 爐��爐��爛�爐�ぐ" #. If "lazy bum" translates literally into a serious insult, use something else or omit it. msgid "hacker and designated driver [lazy bum]" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�た爐��爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦げ爐� [爐迦�爐�爛� 爐�ぎ]" msgid "support/QA" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ/QA" msgid "XMPP" msgstr "XMPP" msgid "original author" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "lead developer" msgstr "爐迦た爐� 爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ" msgid "Senior Contributor/QA" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ/QA" msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎た爐�爐鉦え爛�爐伍�" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�た爐�" #, fuzzy msgid "Assamese" msgstr "爐迦�爛�爐�爐逗い" msgid "Belarusian Latin" msgstr "爐��爐迦ぐ爛�爐伍�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "爐�げ爛�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え" msgid "Bengali" msgstr "爐��爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Bengali-India" msgstr "爐��爐�爐鉦げ爛�-爐〝ぞ爐萎い" msgid "Bosnian" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐�た爐�え" msgid "Catalan" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐�" msgid "Valencian-Catalan" msgstr "爐朽�爐迦�爐��爐伍た爐�爐�-爐�爛�爐�爐鉦げ爐�" msgid "Czech" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Danish" msgstr "爐÷�爐��爐�" msgid "German" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�え" msgid "Dzongkha" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爛�爐項ぞ" msgid "Greek" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�" msgid "Australian English" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐迦�爐�え 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爛� " msgid "Canadian English" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐÷�爐�え 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爛� " msgid "British English" msgstr "爐��爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爛� " msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "爐踱伍�爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む�" msgid "Spanish" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�た爐�" msgid "Estonian" msgstr "爐踱伍�爐�爛�爐�た爐�え" msgid "Basque" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�" msgid "Persian" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐謹た爐�え" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "爐�た爐��爐�た爐�" msgid "French" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐�" msgid "Irish" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗ざ" msgid "Galician" msgstr "爐�爐迦た爐謹た爐�え" msgid "Gujarati" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐萎ぞ爐む�" msgid "Gujarati Language Team" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐萎ぞ爐む� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ 爐�爐�" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "爐項た爐��爐萎�" msgid "Hindi" msgstr "爐項た爐�爐��" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "爐項�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え" msgid "Armenian" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐��爐�た爐�爐�" msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷�爐��爐謹た爐�え" msgid "Italian" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦げ爐逗く爐�" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Georgian" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐逗く爐�" msgid "Ubuntu Georgian Translators" msgstr "Ubuntu 爐�爛�爐萎�爐�爐逗�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�" msgid "Khmer" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�" msgid "Kannada" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�ぁ" msgid "Kannada Translation team" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�ぁ爐� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐�爐�" msgid "Korean" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎た爐�え" msgid "Kurdish" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎�爐�た爐�" msgid "Lao" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐� " msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐÷�爐�た爐�え" #, fuzzy msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "爐�げ爐�" msgid "Mongolian" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐迦�爐�え" msgid "Marathi" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐鉦�爛�" msgid "Malay" msgstr "爐�げ爐�" msgid "Bokm奪l Norwegian" msgstr "爐��爐�爐�げ 爐��爐萎�爐朽�爐�爐逗く爐�" msgid "Nepali" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐迦�" msgid "Dutch, Flemish" msgstr "爐÷�, 爐��爐迦�爐�た爐�" msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐��爐��爐萎�爐伍�爐�" msgid "Occitan" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐伍た爐�爐�" msgid "Oriya" msgstr "爐�爐÷た爐�ぞ" msgid "Punjabi" msgstr "爐��爐�爐鉦が爛�" msgid "Polish" msgstr "爐��爐迦た爐�" msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Portuguese-Brazil" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�爛�爐� -爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐酌た爐�-" msgid "Pashto" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐謹�爐む�" msgid "Romanian" msgstr "爐萎�爐��爐�た爐�爐� " msgid "Russian" msgstr "爐萎ざ爐逗く爐�" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦�爐朽�爐�た爐�え" msgid "Albanian" msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐��爐�た爐�爐�" msgid "Serbian" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐�た爐�え" msgid "Sinhala" msgstr "爐伍た爐�爐項げ爐�" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐÷た爐�" msgid "Swahili" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐項た爐迦た" msgid "Tamil" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐逗こ" msgid "Telugu" msgstr "爐む�爐迦�爐�爛�" msgid "Thai" msgstr "爐ムぞ爐�" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爐逗ざ" msgid "Ukranian" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爐�た爐�爐�" msgid "Urdu" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐��" msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐むえ爐鉦ぎ爛�" msgid "T.M.Thanh and the Gnome-Vi Team" msgstr "爐�爛�.爐�.爐ムぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐��爐�-爐朽た 爐�爐逗ぎ" msgid "Simplified Chinese" msgstr "爐伍�爐迦き 爐�爐逗え爛�" msgid "Hong Kong Chinese" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦く爐��爐�" msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐�爐�ぐ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�" msgid "Amharic" msgstr "爐�爐��爐項ぞ爐萎た爐�" msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "爐迦�爐ム�爐踱��爐�え" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is a messaging client based on libpurple which is capable of connecting " "to multiple messaging services at once. %s is written in C using GTK+. %s " "is released, and may be modified and redistributed, under the terms of the " "GPL version 2 (or later). A copy of the GPL is distributed with %s. %s is " "copyrighted by its contributors, a list of whom is also distributed with " "%s. There is no warranty for %s.<BR><BR>" msgstr "" "%s 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�た爐�爐� 爐��爐÷�爐��爐迦ぐ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐�, libpurple 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐踱�爐鉦�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐� " "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項た爐伍�爐伍� 爐伍す 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐項�. %s GTK+ 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎�爐� C 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐迦た爐項�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. %s is " "released, and may be modified and redistributed, under the terms of the GPL " "version 2 (or later). A copy of the GPL is distributed with %s. %s is " "copyrighted by its contributors, a list of whom is also distributed with " "%s. There is no warranty for %s.<BR><BR>" #, c-format msgid "" "<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>Helpful Resources</B></FONT><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s" "\">Website</A><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\">Frequently Asked Questions</A><BR>\tIRC " "Channel: #pidgin on<BR>\tXMPP MUC: devel@conference.pidgin." "im<BR><BR>" msgstr "" "<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�</B></FONT><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\">爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ</A><BR>" "\t<A HREF=\"%s\">爐��爐項ぎ爛� 爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐迦�爐迦� 爐��爐萎ざ爛�爐��</A><BR>\tIRC 爐朽ぞ爐項た爐��: " "爐朽ぐ爛�爐� #pidgin<BR>\tXMPP MUC:<BR><BR>" #, c-format msgid "" "<font size=\"4\"><b>Help from other Pidgin users</b></font> is available by " "e-mailing <a href=\"\"></a><br/" ">This is a <b>public</b> mailing list! (<a href=\"" "support/\">archive</a>)<br/>We can't help with third-party protocols or " "plugins!<br/>This list's primary language is <b>English</b>. You are " "welcome to post in another language, but the responses may be less helpful." "<br/>" msgstr "" "<font size=\"4\"><b>爐�爐むぐ Pidgin 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�う爐� </b></font> <a href=\"mailto:" "\"></a> 爐��爐ム� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽�爐� 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�<br/>爐項� " "<b>爐�が爛�爐迦た爐�</b> 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐項�! (<a href=\"" "\">爐�爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐朽�爐�</a>)<br/>爐むた爐伍ぐ爛� 爐��爛�爐劇�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爐伍� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爐伍� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�う爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐�� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�!" "<br/>爐�ぞ 爐迦た爐伍�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗� 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ <b>爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爛�</b> 爐�爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爐むぐ 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐��爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ, " "爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�う爛�爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�.<br/>" #, c-format msgid "About %s" msgstr "%s 爐朽た爐劇く爛�" msgid "Build Information" msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" #. End of not to be translated section #, c-format msgid "%s Build Information" msgstr "%s 爐�た爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Current Developers" msgstr "爐朽ぐ爛�爐むぎ爐鉦え 爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ爛�爐伍�" msgid "Crazy Patch Writers" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐��爐� 爐�爐む�爐伍�爐� 爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "Retired Developers" msgstr "爐�た爐朽�爐む�爐� 爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ爛�爐伍�" msgid "Retired Crazy Patch Writers" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦く爐萎�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐謹げ 爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s Developer Information" msgstr "%s 爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "Current Translators" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐��" msgid "Past Translators" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐朽ぞ爐��" #, c-format msgid "%s Translator Information" msgstr "%s 爐〝ぞ爐劇ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�" msgid "_Name" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� (_N)" msgid "_Account" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� (_A)" msgid "Get User Info" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person whose info you would like " "to view." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�爐迦ぞ爐�じ 爐��爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�す爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�爐項�." msgid "View User Log" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐��爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐�� 爐�す爐�" msgid "Alias Contact" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Enter an alias for this contact." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." #, c-format msgid "Enter an alias for %s." msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Alias Buddy" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�" msgid "Alias Chat" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ" msgid "Enter an alias for this chat." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddy from " "your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgid_plural "" "You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddies from " "your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr[0] "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�た %d 爐�爐むぐ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� " "爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�? 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgstr[1] "" "爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� %s 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐�た %d 爐�爐むぐ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� " "爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�? 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Remove Contact" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "_Remove Contact" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to merge the group called %s into the group called %s. Do you " "want to continue?" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ %s 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�� %s 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐� 爐�た爐伍こ爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐∇� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Merge Groups" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐伍こ爐�" msgid "_Merge Groups" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐伍こ爐� (_M)" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the group %s and all its members from your buddy " "list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ %s 爐�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍き爐鉦じ爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ " "爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Remove Group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� " msgid "_Remove Group" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove %s from your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "" "%s爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項� " "爐�爐�?" msgid "Remove Buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "_Remove Buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the chat %s from your buddy list. Do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "" "%s 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐む�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐むく爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐項ぞ爐�. 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� " "爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Remove Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "_Remove Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_R)" msgid "Right-click for more unread messages...\n" msgstr "爐�爐��爛� 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ...\n" msgid "_Change Status" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぞ (_C)" msgid "Show Buddy _List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_L)" msgid "_Unread Messages" msgstr "爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐� (_U)" msgid "New _Message..." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� (_M)..." msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� (_A)" msgid "Plu_gins" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ爛� (_g)" msgid "Pr_eferences" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む� (_e)" msgid "Mute _Sounds" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S)" msgid "_Blink on New Message" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐迦�爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_B)" msgid "_Quit" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐� (_Q)" msgid "Not started" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "<b>Receiving As:</b>" msgstr "<b> 爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐む�:</b>" msgid "<b>Receiving From:</b>" msgstr "<b> 爐�爐÷�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐む�:</b>" msgid "<b>Sending To:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛� :</b>" msgid "<b>Sending As:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�:</b>" msgid "There is no application configured to open this type of file." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐��爐��爐萎く爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "An error occurred while opening the file." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷い爐鉦え爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ." #, c-format msgid "Error launching %s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s 爐��爐萎�爛�爐劇�爐�ぃ爐鉦い 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Error running %s" msgstr "%s 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Process returned error code %d" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爛�爐萎た爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�/爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� %d爐朽ぐ 爐�ぐ爐むげ爛�" msgid "Filename:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦さ:" msgid "Local File:" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐�:" msgid "Speed:" msgstr "爐朽�爐�:" msgid "Time Elapsed:" msgstr "爐�た爐�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐�:" msgid "Time Remaining:" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐朽ぐ爐逗い 爐朽�爐� :" msgid "Close this window when all transfers _finish" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐項�爐む� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐項� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_f)" msgid "C_lear finished transfers" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦じ 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_l)" #. "Download Details" arrow msgid "File transfer _details" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦�爛� 爐むお爐謹�爐� (_d)" msgid "Paste as Plain _Text" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐о�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�爐逗�爐�爐朽ぞ (_T)" msgid "_Reset formatting" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�: 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_R)" msgid "Disable _smileys in selected text" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐о�爐�� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_s)" msgid "Hyperlink color" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks." msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Hyperlink visited color" msgstr "爐〝�爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐�お爐萎げ爐逗�爐�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw hyperlink after it has been visited (or activated)." msgstr "爐〝�爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ (爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐伍�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ) 爐項ぞ爐�お爐萎げ爐逗�爐�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Hyperlink prelight color" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐朽お爛�爐萎�爐鉦ざ爐逗い 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks when mouse is over them." msgstr " 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐� 爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐�爐伍え爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Sent Message Name Color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you sent." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Received Message Name Color" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "\"Attention\" Name Color" msgstr "\"Attention\" 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received containing your name." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Action Message Name Color" msgstr "爐�爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of an action message." msgstr "爐�爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Action Message Name Color for Whispered Message" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered action message." msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐む� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Whisper Message Name Color" msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐�ぐ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered message." msgstr "爐朽た爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�." msgid "Typing notification color" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "The color to use for the typing notification" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Typing notification font" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐��爐�" msgid "The font to use for the typing notification" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐��爐�" msgid "Enable typing notification" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Unrecognized file type</span>\n" "\n" "Defaulting to PNG." msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爐逗い 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ</span>\n" "\n" "PNG 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐橿じ爛�爐ムた爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." #, c-format msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Error saving image</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐むえ 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "Save Image" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Save Image..." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)..." msgid "_Add Custom Smiley..." msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)..." msgid "Select Font" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Select Text Color" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Select Background Color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "_URL" msgstr "URL (_U)" msgid "_Description" msgstr "爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� (_D)" msgid "" "Please enter the URL and description of the link that you want to insert. " "The description is optional." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� URL 爐�爐�た 爐��爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�.爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Please enter the URL of the link that you want to insert." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐��爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛� URL 爐�爐鉦げ爐� 爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Insert Link" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Insert" msgstr "爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_I)" #, c-format msgid "Failed to store image: %s\n" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�: %s\n" msgid "Insert Image" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #, c-format msgid "" "This smiley is disabled because a custom smiley exists for this shortcut:\n" " %s" msgstr "" "爐項� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐�ぞ 爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�:\n" " %s" msgid "Smile!" msgstr "爐項じ爐�!" msgid "_Manage custom smileys" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M)" msgid "This theme has no available smileys." msgstr "爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐劇く爐鉦�爐÷� 爐項ぞ爐伍�爐�ぎ爛�爐��爐萎ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "_Font" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� (_F)" msgid "Group Items" msgstr "爐�爐�爐� 爐踱�爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Ungroup Items" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐踱�爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Bold" msgstr "爐�爐橿�" msgid "Italic" msgstr "爐むた爐萎お爛�" msgid "Underline" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐萎�爐�爐逗い" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぞ" msgid "Increase Font Size" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐�" msgid "Decrease Font Size" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Font Face" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Foreground Color" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Reset Formatting" msgstr "爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Insert IM Image" msgstr "IM 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Send Attention" msgstr "爐��爛�爐劇い爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "<b>_Bold</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�爐橿� (_B)</b>" msgid "<i>_Italic</i>" msgstr "<i>爐むた爐萎お爛� (_I)</i>" msgid "<u>_Underline</u>" msgstr "<u>爐�爐о�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_U)</u>" msgid "<span strikethrough='true'>Strikethrough</span>" msgstr "<span strikethrough='true'>爐�爛�爐÷ぞ</span>" msgid "<span size='larger'>_Larger</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger'>爐��爐�爛� (_L)</span>" msgid "_Normal" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐�(_N)" msgid "<span size='smaller'>_Smaller</span>" msgstr "<span size='smaller'>爐迦す爐鉦え (_S)</span>" #. If we want to show the formatting for the following items, we would #. * need to update them when formatting changes. The above items don't need #. * no updating nor nothin' msgid "_Font face" msgstr "爐��爐��爐� 爐��爐� (_F)" msgid "Foreground _color" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐萎き爛�爐�� 爐萎�爐� (_c)" msgid "Bac_kground color" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐謹�爐朽き爛�爐��_爐萎�爐�" msgid "_Image" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� (_I)" msgid "_Link" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爐� (_L)" msgid "_Horizontal rule" msgstr "爐�爐÷さ爛� 爐萎�爐� (_H)" msgid "_Smile!" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐� (_S)!" msgid "_Attention!" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ (_A)!" msgid "Log Deletion Failed" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�" msgid "Check permissions and try again." msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐� 爐� 爐��爐�� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation with " "%s which started at %s?" msgstr "" "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ %s爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍す 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦く爐�じ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation in " "%s which started at %s?" msgstr "" "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ %s爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦く爐�じ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� " "爐�爐�?" #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the system log which started at " "%s?" msgstr "%s 爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐迦�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦く爐�じ爛�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Delete Log?" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "Delete Log..." msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ..." #, c-format msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation in %s on %s</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'> %s 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�</span>" #, c-format msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation with %s on %s</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'> %s爐朽ぐ爛�爐� %s 爐伍す 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�</span>" #. Steal the "HELP" response and use it to trigger browsing to the logs folder msgid "_Browse logs folder" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_B)" #, c-format msgid "%s %s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" msgstr "%s %s. 爐�爐оた爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� `%s -h' 爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ .\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" msgstr "" "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��: %s [爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�]...\n" "\n" msgid "DIR" msgstr "DIR" msgid "use DIR for config files" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ DIR 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "print debugging messages to stdout" msgstr "爐÷た爐��爛�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爛� 爐�爐�ぞ爐� stdout 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "force online, regardless of network status" msgstr "爐��爐�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐朽�爛�, 爐�爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦�爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "display this help and exit" msgstr "爐項た 爐�う爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛� 爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐む�" msgid "allow multiple instances" msgstr "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "don't automatically login" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐�" msgid "NAME" msgstr "NAME" msgid "" "enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME\n" " specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n" " Without this only the first account will be enabled)." msgstr "" "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (爐朽�爐�爐迦�爐�た爐� 爐�ぞ爐� NAME\n" " 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�, 爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐朽た爐〝ぞ爐�爛�爐�.\n" " 爐�ぞ 爐朽た爐�ぞ 爐��爛�爐� 爐�す爐逗げ爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�)." msgid "X display to use" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� X 爐��爐劇�爐�" msgid "display the current version and exit" msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s %s has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.\n" "This is a bug in the software and has happened through\n" "no fault of your own.\n" "\n" "If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the developers\n" "by reporting a bug at:\n" "%ssimpleticket/\n" "\n" "Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time\n" "and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know\n" "how to get the backtrace, please read the instructions at\n" "%swiki/GetABacktrace\n" msgstr "" "%s %s 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐÷�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ.\n" "爐項� 爐伍�爐��爐�爐朽�爐�爐� 爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐項� 爐� 爐項�\n" "爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爛�爐��爐橿� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�.\n" "\n" "爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐む� 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�, 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐÷�爐朽�爐項げ爐�ぐ爛�爐伍げ爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ\n" "爐� :\n" "%ssimpleticket/ 爐��爐ム� 爐�� 爐�爐橿さ爐�\n" "\n" "爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐む�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�爐鉦く 爐�爐萎い 爐項�爐むぞ, 爐� 爐む�爐��爐項� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐�,\n" "爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐伍� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐��爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐項� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐� " "爐�じ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�,\n" "爐�爛�爐�く爐� \n" "%swiki/GetABacktrace 爐��爐ム�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�爐�\n" #, c-format msgid "Exiting because another libpurple client is already running.\n" msgstr "爐�爐むぐ libpurple 爐�爛�爐迦ぞ爐踱�爐� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぐ爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐橿� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐� 爐�爐項�.\n" #, fuzzy msgid "_Media" msgstr "/爐�た爐÷た爐�ぞ (_M)" #, fuzzy msgid "_Hangup" msgstr "爐伍�爐むが爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start an audio/video session with you." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す 爐�爐÷た爐�/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�." #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start a video session with you." msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐む�爐��爛�爐�ぞ爐伍す爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Incoming Call" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐萎� 爐�爛�爐�" msgid "_Pause" msgstr "爐ムぞ爐�爐�ぞ (_P)" #, c-format msgid "%s has %d new message." msgid_plural "%s has %d new messages." msgstr[0] "%s 爐�爐÷� %d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�." msgstr[1] "%s 爐�爐÷� %d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�." #, c-format msgid "<b>%d new email.</b>" msgid_plural "<b>%d new emails.</b>" msgstr[0] "<b>%d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐�.</b>" msgstr[1] "<b>%d 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐��爐迦�爐伍�.</b>" #, c-format msgid "The browser command \"%s\" is invalid." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� \"%s\" 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Unable to open URL" msgstr "URL 爐�爐�爐÷� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "Error launching \"%s\": %s" msgstr " \"%s\" 爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎�爛�爐劇�爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�: %s" msgid "" "The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set." msgstr "'爐�爛�爐む�爐萎た爐�/爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐�爛�' 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦�, 爐�ぃ 爐�爐��爐謹�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "No message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Open All Messages" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ" msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦�爐÷� 爐�爐�ぞ爐�/爐��爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�!</span>" msgid "New Pounces" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "爐��爐�爐橿げ爛�" msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have pounced!</span>" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�!</span>" msgid "The following plugins will be unloaded." msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐�/爐��爐∇�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爐鉦ぐ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�." msgid "Multiple plugins will be unloaded." msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�." msgid "Unload Plugins" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐�じ爐迦ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐�" msgid "Could not unload plugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "" "The plugin could not be unloaded now, but will be disabled at the next " "startup." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�, 爐�ぐ爐�爐む� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐∇た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�爐�爐�さ爛�爐橿� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�." #, c-format msgid "" "<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">Error: %s\n" "Check the plugin website for an update.</span>" msgstr "" "<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">爐む�爐萎�爐�爛�: %s\n" "爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎ぃ爐鉦�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐むじ爛�爐ムこ 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�.</span>" msgid "Author" msgstr "爐迦�爐�爐�" msgid "<b>Written by:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐��爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐迦た爐�爛�爐�:</b>" msgid "<b>Web site:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムこ:</b>" msgid "<b>Filename:</b>" msgstr "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�:</b>" msgid "Configure Pl_ugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_u)" msgid "<b>Plugin Details</b>" msgstr "<b>爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐むお爐謹�爐�</b>" msgid "Select a file" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Modify Buddy Pounce" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Create the "Pounce on Whom" frame. msgid "Pounce on Whom" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐項げ爛�爐迦ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Account:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� (_A):" msgid "_Buddy name:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐� (_B):" msgid "Si_gns on" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� (_g)" msgid "Signs o_ff" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� (_f)" msgid "Goes a_way" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� (_w)" msgid "Ret_urns from away" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぐ爐むげ爛� (_u)" msgid "Becomes _idle" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�え爐む� (_i)" msgid "Is no longer i_dle" msgstr "爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�ぞ爐項� (_d)" msgid "Starts _typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎い爛� (_t)" msgid "P_auses while typing" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�い爛� (_a)" msgid "Stops t_yping" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐む� (_y)" msgid "Sends a _message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛� (_m)" msgid "Ope_n an IM window" msgstr "IM 爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_n)" msgid "_Pop up a notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�い爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐��爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_P)" msgid "Send a _message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_m)" msgid "E_xecute a command" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_x)" msgid "P_lay a sound" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぞ (_l)" msgid "Brows_e..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_e)..." msgid "Br_owse..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_o)..." msgid "Pre_view" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�_爐��爐謹�爐�" msgid "P_ounce only when my status is not Available" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐��爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐�ぞ (_o)" msgid "_Recurring" msgstr "爐��爐�ぐ爐鉦さ爛�爐む�爐む� (_R)" msgid "Pounce Target" msgstr "爐項げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐�" msgid "Started typing" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Paused while typing" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�げ爛�" msgid "Signed on" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Returned from being idle" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐伍ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぐ爐むげ爛�" msgid "Returned from being away" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�ぐ爐むげ爛�" msgid "Stopped typing" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐�た爐�爐� 爐ムぞ爐�爐�さ爐迦�" msgid "Signed off" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Became idle" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Went away" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Sent a message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�" msgid "Unknown.... Please report this!" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐�... 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐項� 爐�爐橿さ爐�!" msgid "(Custom)" msgstr "(爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛�)" msgid "Penguin Pimps" msgstr "Penguin 爐�た爐�爐��爐��爐伍�" msgid "The default Pidgin sound theme" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� Pidgin 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�" msgid "The default Pidgin buddy list theme" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� Pidgin 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�" msgid "The default Pidgin status icon theme" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� Pidgin 爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�" msgid "Theme failed to unpack." msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐�爐�お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�." msgid "Theme failed to load." msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�." msgid "Theme failed to copy." msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�え爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎い 爐�え爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹�." msgid "Theme Selections" msgstr "爐�爐迦�爐�え爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐朽ぁ" #. Instructions msgid "" "Select a theme that you would like to use from the lists below.\n" "New themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme " "list." msgstr "" "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐む�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�.\n" "爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐∇�爐� 爐� 爐�爐鉦�爛�爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗し爛�爐�爐鉦お爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐謹�爛�爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Buddy List Theme:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�:" msgid "Status Icon Theme:" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�:" msgid "Sound Theme:" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�:" msgid "Smiley Theme:" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�:" msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐迦�爛�爐�爛�" msgid "Cl_ose conversations with the Escape key" msgstr "爐踱伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗じ爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_o)" #. System Tray msgid "System Tray Icon" msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐�爛�爐萎� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" msgid "_Show system tray icon:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爛�爐萎� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S):" msgid "On unread messages" msgstr "爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐朽ぐ" msgid "Conversation Window" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "_Hide new IM conversations:" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� IM 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_H):" msgid "When away" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦え爐�" msgid "Minimi_ze new conversation windows" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐迦す爐鉦え 爐�爐萎ぞ (_z)" #. All the tab options! msgid "Tabs" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Show IMs and chats in _tabbed windows" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� IMs 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_t)" msgid "Show close b_utton on tabs" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_u)" msgid "_Placement:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐� (_P):" msgid "Top" msgstr "爐朽ぐ" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�" msgid "Left" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐朽ぞ" msgid "Right" msgstr "爐�爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Left Vertical" msgstr "爐÷ぞ爐朽�爐�爐÷�爐� 爐�爐〝�" msgid "Right Vertical" msgstr "爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐�爐〝�" msgid "N_ew conversations:" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� (_e):" msgid "Show _formatting on incoming messages" msgstr "爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_f)" msgid "Close IMs immediately when the tab is closed" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ IMs 爐��爐�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Show _detailed information" msgstr "爐むお爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_d)" msgid "Enable buddy ic_on animation" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐迦�爐逗い爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_o)" msgid "_Notify buddies that you are typing to them" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項ぞ爐� 爐む� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐橿さ爐� (_N)" msgid "Highlight _misspelled words" msgstr "爐�爐謹�爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_m)" msgid "Use smooth-scrolling" msgstr "爐伍す爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐伍ぐ爐�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "F_lash window when IMs are received" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ IMs 爐�た爐橿�爐�, 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_l)" msgid "Minimum input area height in lines:" msgstr "爐�爐橿�爐む�爐� 爐�爐逗ぎ爐鉦え 爐�爐�爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐�爛�:" msgid "Font" msgstr "爐��爐��爐�" msgid "Use font from _theme" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐鉦お爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_t)" msgid "Conversation _font:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐��爐� (_f):" msgid "Default Formatting" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ" msgid "" "This is how your outgoing message text will appear when you use protocols " "that support formatting." msgstr "" "爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎い爛�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爐鉦け爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹�爛� " "爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�た爐伍い爛�." msgid "Cannot start proxy configuration program." msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐萎ぎ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐伍ざ爐�爛�爐�." msgid "Cannot start browser configuration program." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐萎ぎ 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�." msgid "Disabled" msgstr "爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Use _automatically detected IP address: %s" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐橿�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ IP 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_a): %s" msgid "ST_UN server:" msgstr "STUN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ (_U):" msgid "<span style=\"italic\">Example:</span>" msgstr "<span style=\"italic\">爐�爐�ぞ爐項ぐ爐�:</span>" msgid "Public _IP:" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� IP (_I):" msgid "Ports" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爐伍�" msgid "_Enable automatic router port forwarding" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐朽ぁ爛�爐�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E)" msgid "_Manually specify range of ports to listen on:" msgstr "爐�爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐朽い爐� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M):" msgid "_Start:" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S):" msgid "_End:" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐む� (_E):" #. TURN server msgid "Relay Server (TURN)" msgstr "爐萎た爐迦� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ (TURN)" msgid "_TURN server:" msgstr "TURN 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ (_T):" #, fuzzy msgid "_UDP Port:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� (_P):" msgid "Use_rname:" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� (_r):" msgid "Pass_word:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐伍さ爐萎�爐� (_w):" msgid "Seamonkey" msgstr "爐伍た爐��爐�爛�" msgid "Opera" msgstr "爐�爐��爐萎ぞ" msgid "Netscape" msgstr "爐��爐�爐伍�爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Mozilla" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐迦ぞ" msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐鉦ぐ爐鉦ぐ" msgid "Google Chrome" msgstr "" #. Do not move the line below. Code below expects gnome-open to be in #. * this list immediately after xdg-open! msgid "Desktop Default" msgstr "爐÷�爐伍�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�" msgid "GNOME Default" msgstr "GNOME 爐�爛� 爐��爐橿じ爛�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Galeon" msgstr "爐�爛�爐迦た爐�爐�" msgid "Firefox" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Firebird" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�ぐ爐�ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Epiphany" msgstr "爐踱��爐�え爛�" #. Translators: please do not translate "chromium-browser" here! msgid "Chromium (chromium-browser)" msgstr "" #. Translators: please do not translate "chrome" here! msgid "Chromium (chrome)" msgstr "" msgid "Manual" msgstr "爐��爐伍�爐むた爐�爐�" msgid "Browser Selection" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐朽ぁ" msgid "Browser preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�じ爐�爐む� GNOME 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "<b>Browser configuration program was not found.</b>" msgstr "<b>爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐萎ぎ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�.</b>" msgid "Configure _Browser" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_B)" msgid "_Browser:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐� (_B):" msgid "_Open link in:" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_O):" msgid "Browser default" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐萎�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�" msgid "Existing window" msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐む�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "New tab" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�" #, c-format msgid "" "_Manual:\n" "(%s for URL)" msgstr "" "爐�爛�爐む�爐萎た爐�/爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐��:\n" "(%s 爐項� URL 爐伍ぞ爐�爛�) (_M)" msgid "Proxy Server" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ" msgid "Proxy preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐�じ爐�爐む� GNOME 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "<b>Proxy configuration program was not found.</b>" msgstr "<b>爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐��爛�爐萎ぎ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�.</b>" msgid "Configure _Proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_P)" #. This is a global option that affects SOCKS4 usage even with #. * account-specific proxy settings msgid "Use remote _DNS with SOCKS4 proxies" msgstr "SOCKS4 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐伍す 爐萎た爐��爐� DNS 爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_D)" msgid "Proxy t_ype:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ (_y):" msgid "No proxy" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "P_ort:" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐� (_o):" msgid "User_name:" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� (_n):" msgid "Log _format:" msgstr "爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� (_f):" msgid "Log all _instant messages" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐むぞ爐む�爐�爐鉦こ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_i)" msgid "Log all c_hats" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦え爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_h)" msgid "Log all _status changes to system log" msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐迦�爐�爐�爐÷� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�う爐迦ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_s)" msgid "Sound Selection" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ" #, c-format msgid "Quietest" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐謹ぞ爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Quieter" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐謹ぞ爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Quiet" msgstr "爐謹ぞ爐�爐�" #, c-format msgid "Loud" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Louder" msgstr "爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Loudest" msgstr "爐�爐むた爐謹く 爐��爐�爐� 爐�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "_Method:" msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい(_M):" msgid "Console beep" msgstr "爐�爐�爐伍�爐� 爐�た爐�" msgid "No sounds" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" #, c-format msgid "" "Sound c_ommand:\n" "(%s for filename)" msgstr "" "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�:\n" "(爐�ぞ爐�爐迦え爐鉦さ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� %s ) (_o)" msgid "M_ute sounds" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_u)" msgid "Sounds when conversation has _focus" msgstr " 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐朽ぞ爐� (_f)" msgid "_Enable sounds:" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E):" msgid "V_olume:" msgstr "爐朽�爐迦�爐��爐� (_o):" msgid "Play" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Browse..." msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_B)..." msgid "_Reset" msgstr "爐萎た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_R)" msgid "_Report idle time:" msgstr "爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐� (_R):" msgid "Based on keyboard or mouse use" msgstr "爐�爐逗が爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐伍�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦さ爐� 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐�" msgid "_Minutes before becoming idle:" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐�爛� (_M):" msgid "Change to this status when _idle:" msgstr "爐萎た爐�爐鉦ぎ爛� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�う爐迦ぞ (_i):" msgid "_Auto-reply:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐�爐む�爐むぐ (_A):" msgid "When both away and idle" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐��爐��爐項�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐伍い爐鉦い" #. Signon status stuff msgid "Status at Startup" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" msgid "Use status from last _exit at startup" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐む�爐朽�爐橿� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� (_e)" msgid "Status to a_pply at startup:" msgstr "爐伍�爐萎� 爐項�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� (_p):" msgid "Interface" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐萎か爛�爐�" msgid "Browser" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Status / Idle" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�/爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�" msgid "Themes" msgstr "爐��爐劇�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐�" msgid "Allow all users to contact me" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�� 爐�げ爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Allow only the users on my buddy list" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Allow only the users below" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Block all users" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Block only the users below" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐むい爐�" msgid "Changes to privacy settings take effect immediately." msgstr "爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐鉦い 爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐��爐むい爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦え爐� 爐�う爐迦い爛�." msgid "Set privacy for:" msgstr " 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爛�爐��爐むい爐� 爐�爐萎さ爐�:" #. Remove All button msgid "Remove Al_l" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_l)" msgid "Permit User" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ " msgid "Type a user you permit to contact you." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to be able to contact you." msgstr " 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐�ぞ爐萎く爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� ." msgid "_Permit" msgstr "爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ (_P)" #, c-format msgid "Allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐�ぞ ?" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�爐萎� %s 爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐伍�爐萎�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦い爐萎� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐� ?" msgid "Block User" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ" msgid "Type a user to block." msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to block." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐謹ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐� ." #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s 爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爐� ?" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block %s?" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐�爐萎� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ %s 爐迦ぞ 爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�く 爐�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐� ?" msgid "Apply" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "That file already exists" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐о�爐�ぞ爐伍�爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�" msgid "Would you like to overwrite it?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐��爐伍ぐ爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷�爐� 爐迦た爐項ぞ" msgid "Choose New Name" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Select Folder..." msgstr "爐оぞ爐萎� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�..." #. list button msgid "_Get List" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�た爐橿さ爐� (_G)" #. add button msgid "_Add Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected saved statuses?" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐鉦い爐萎� 爐�爐項� 爐�爐�?" #. Use button msgid "_Use" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� (_U)" msgid "Title already in use. You must choose a unique title." msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦い 爐�爐項�. 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�え爛�爐�じ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐鉦く爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." msgid "Different" msgstr "爐〝た爐��爐�/爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿�" msgid "_Title:" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� (_T):" msgid "_Status:" msgstr "爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� (_S):" #. Different status message expander msgid "Use a _different status for some accounts" msgstr "爐�爐鉦す爛� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎ぞ爐橿� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� (_d)" #. Save & Use button msgid "Sa_ve & Use" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐� (_v)" #, c-format msgid "Status for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍う爛�爐��爐伍�爐ムた爐む�" #, c-format msgid "" "A custom smiley for '%s' already exists. Please use a different shortcut." msgstr "" "'%s' 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿�爐�ぞ 爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐�爐�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Custom Smiley" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�" msgid "Duplicate Shortcut" msgstr "爐÷�爐��爐��爐迦た爐�爛�爐� 爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Edit Smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Add Smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Image:" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� (_I):" #. Shortcut text msgid "S_hortcut text:" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爛� 爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐� (_h):" msgid "Smiley" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�" msgid "Shortcut Text" msgstr "爐��爐�爛�爐萎�爛� 爐謹ぞ爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" msgid "Custom Smiley Manager" msgstr "爐�じ爐�爐む�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��" msgid "Select Buddy Icon" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for this account." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for all accounts." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Waiting for network connection" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�" msgid "New status..." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�..." msgid "Saved statuses..." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐ムた爐む�..." msgid "Status Selector" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ" msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" #, c-format msgid "The following error has occurred loading %s: %s" msgstr "%s爐迦ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦ぞ: %s" msgid "Failed to load image" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐迦�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�く爐謹� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Cannot send folder %s." msgstr "爐оぞ爐萎� %s 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #, c-format msgid "" "%s cannot transfer a folder. You will need to send the files within " "individually." msgstr "%s 爐��爐迦�爐÷ぐ 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�. 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐劇ぐ爐逗い爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐朽� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�." msgid "You have dragged an image" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐∇げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�" msgid "" "You can send this image as a file transfer, embed it into this message, or " "use it as the buddy icon for this user." msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐鉦お爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐項� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐むぞ, 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐む�爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ, " "爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐伍ぞ爐萎�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�." msgid "Set as buddy icon" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Send image file" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Insert in message" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Would you like to set it as the buddy icon for this user?" msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽�爐謹� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む� 爐�爐�?" msgid "" "You can send this image as a file transfer, or use it as the buddy icon for " "this user." msgstr "" "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐項� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐ムぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐むぐ爐� 爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐むぞ, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� " "爐��爐項ぃ爛�爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." msgid "" "You can insert this image into this message, or use it as the buddy icon for " "this user" msgstr "" "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐� 爐項� 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ, 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� " "爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爛� 爐謹�爐むぞ" #. I don't know if we really want to do anything here. Most of #. * the desktop item types are crap like "MIME Type" (I have no #. * clue how that would be a desktop item) and "Comment"... #. * nothing we can really send. The only logical one is #. * "Application," but do we really want to send a binary and #. * nothing else? Probably not. I'll just give an error and #. * return. #. The original patch sent the icon used by the launcher. That's probably wrong msgid "Cannot send launcher" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爛�爐劇�爐�� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐謹�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "" "You dragged a desktop launcher. Most likely you wanted to send the target of " "this launcher instead of this launcher itself." msgstr "" "爐む�爐��爐項� 爐÷�爐伍�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐∇げ爛�. 爐�ぞ 爐�爐朽�爛� 爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐朽�爐�い爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ 爐迦ぞ爐�爐�爐萎�爛� 爐迦�爛�爐劇�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐項�爐む�." #, c-format msgid "" "<b>File:</b> %s\n" "<b>File size:</b> %s\n" "<b>Image size:</b> %dx%d" msgstr "" "<b>爐�ぞ爐�爐�:</b> %s\n" "<b>爐оぞ爐萎た爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ:</b> %s\n" "<b>爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爛�爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐鉦ぐ:</b> %dx%d" #, c-format msgid "The file '%s' is too large for %s. Please try a smaller image.\n" msgstr "%s爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� '%s' 爐�爛�爐�� 爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐項� . 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐迦す爐鉦え 爐��爐萎い爐逗ぎ爐鉦�爐�爐� 爐��爐萎く爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ.\n" msgid "Icon Error" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Could not set icon" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐÷ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎い爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "爐��爐朽ぞ(爐迦た爐�爐�) 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_O)" msgid "_Copy Link Location" msgstr "爐迦た爐�爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ 爐��爐萎い爐逗げ爐逗お爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ(_C)" msgid "_Copy Email Address" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐萎い 爐�え爐朽ぞ (_C)" msgid "_Open File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_O)" msgid "Open _Containing Directory" msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐�爛�爐� 爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐萎� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_C)" msgid "Save File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Play Sound" msgstr "爐�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐朽ぞ (_P)" msgid "_Save File" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)" msgid "Do you really want to clear?" msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛�?" msgid "Select color" msgstr "爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" #. Translators may want to transliterate the name. #. It is not to be translated. msgid "Pidgin" msgstr "Pidgin" msgid "_Alias" msgstr "爐�爐萎�爐� 爐�ぞ爐� (_A)" msgid "Close _tabs" msgstr "爐�爛�爐��爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_t)" msgid "_Get Info" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�た爐橿さ爐� (_G)" msgid "_Invite" msgstr "爐�爐��爐む�爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_I)" msgid "_Modify..." msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_M)..." msgid "_Add..." msgstr "爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)..." msgid "_Open Mail" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爐�爐÷ぞ (_O)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_E)" msgid "Pidgin Tooltip" msgstr "idgin 爐�爛�爐迦�爐逗お" msgid "Pidgin smileys" msgstr "Pidgin 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛�" msgid "Selecting this disables graphical emoticons." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐朽ぁ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�た爐�爐� 爐�爐��爐�爐逗�爛�爐��爐伍� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐項�爐む�." msgid "none" msgstr "爐�爐鉦す爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Small" msgstr "爐迦す爐鉦え" #, fuzzy msgid "Smaller versions of the default smileys" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐迦す爐鉦え 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�" msgid "Response Probability:" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う爐鉦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹�爛�爐�い爐�:" msgid "Statistics Configuration" msgstr "爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" #. msg_difference spinner msgid "Maximum response timeout:" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爐鉦う爐鉦�爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦お爛�爐�:" msgid "minutes" msgstr "爐�た爐�た爐�爛�" #. last_seen spinner msgid "Maximum last-seen difference:" msgstr "爐謹�爐朽�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐迦�爐迦ぞ- 爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爐�:" #. threshold spinner msgid "Threshold:" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐�:" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Contact Availability Prediction" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐〝ぞ爐�爐逗い" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Contact Availability Prediction plugin." msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐〝ぞ爐�爐逗い 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�." #. * summary msgid "Displays statistical information about your buddies' availability" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐�げ爐��爐оい爐� 爐朽た爐劇く爛� 爐�爐�爐÷�爐朽ぞ爐萎� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�" msgid "Buddy is idle" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Buddy is away" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�" msgid "Buddy is \"extended\" away" msgstr " 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� (爐�爛�爐��) 爐��爐� 爐�爐項�爐�" #. Not used yet. msgid "Buddy is mobile" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐〝�爐萎ぎ爐�ぇ爛�爐朽え爛�(爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐�) 爐�爐項�" msgid "Buddy is offline" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐�" msgid "Point values to use when..." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐謹� 爐��爐迦�爐�� 爐�爛�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ..." msgid "" "The buddy with the <i>largest score</i> is the buddy who will have priority " "in the contact.\n" msgstr "" "<i>爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐�じ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ </i> 爐伍す 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐項�.\n" msgid "Use last buddy when scores are equal" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐�じ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐�爐むぞ爐�ぞ 爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�" msgid "Point values to use for account..." msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐鉦く爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐謹� 爐��爐迦�爐�..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Contact Priority" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "" "Allows for controlling the values associated with different buddy states." msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐朽�爐�爐橿く爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�爐謹� 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐む�." #. *< description msgid "" "Allows for changing the point values of idle/away/offline states for buddies " "in contact priority computations." msgstr "" "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐оぞ爐��爐�ぞ爐�ぇ爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�た爐劇�爐�爛�爐萎た爐�/爐�ぞ爐項�爐�/爐��爐� 爐�爐朽じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�爐�爛� " "爐�ぐ爛�爐謹� 爐��爐迦�爐� 爐�う爐迦ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎� 爐��爐むぞ爐�." msgid "Conversation Colors" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Customize colors in the conversation window" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦え爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Error Messages" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "Highlighted Messages" msgstr "爐�爐�爐萎�爐劇� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "System Messages" msgstr "爐�う爛�爐оい爛� 爐伍�爐��爐�" msgid "Sent Messages" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" msgid "Received Messages" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐�" #, c-format msgid "Select Color for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Ignore incoming format" msgstr "爐�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐劇た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Apply in Chats" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Apply in IMs" msgstr "IMs 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. Note to translators: The string "Enter an XMPP Server" is asking the #. user to type the name of an XMPP server which will then be queried msgid "Server name request" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�ぞ爐朽�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐朽た爐��爐む�" msgid "Enter an XMPP Server" msgstr "XMPP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐�ぞ" msgid "Select an XMPP server to query" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐謹�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� XMPP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐��爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "Find Services" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ" msgid "Add to Buddy List" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Gateway" msgstr "爐��爐萎さ爛�爐謹う爛�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Directory" msgstr "爐÷た爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐萎�" msgid "PubSub Collection" msgstr "PubSub 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎す" msgid "PubSub Leaf" msgstr "PubSub 爐迦た爐�" msgid "" "\n" "<b>Description:</b> " msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐朽ぐ爛�爐�え:</b> " #. Create the window. msgid "Service Discovery" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項た爐� 爐÷た爐伍�爐�爐朽ぐ爛�" msgid "_Browse" msgstr "爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_B)" msgid "Server does not exist" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "Server does not support service discovery" msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項た爐� 爐÷た爐伍�爐�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�" msgid "XMPP Service Discovery" msgstr "XMPP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項た爐� 爐÷た爐伍�爐�爐朽ぐ爛�" msgid "Allows browsing and registering services." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐�爐�爛�爐�爐� 爐� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛�爐�爐萎ぃ 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐む�." msgid "" "This plugin is useful for registering with legacy transports or other XMPP " "services." msgstr "" "爐迦�爐�爐伍� 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐伍お爛�爐萎�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐むぐ XMPP 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐謹� 爐��爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐項�爐む�." msgid "By conversation count" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Conversation Placement" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぃ爛� (爐�爐鉦�爐�)" #. Translators: "New conversations" should match the text in the preferences dialog and "By conversation count" should be the same text used above msgid "" "Note: The preference for \"New conversations\" must be set to \"By " "conversation count\"." msgstr "" "爐�爐逗お: \"New conversations\" 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�じ爐�爐む� \"By conversation count\" 爐�ぞ爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爛� 爐伍�爐� " "爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Number of conversations per window" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐��爐萎い爐� 爐��爐迦�爐� " msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows when placing by number" msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐むぞ爐�ぞ IM 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐��爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "ExtPlacement" msgstr "爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐む�爐鉦�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Extra conversation placement options." msgstr "爐�爐むた爐萎た爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�." #. *< summary #. * description msgid "" "Restrict the number of conversations per windows, optionally separating IMs " "and Chats" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� 爐��爐迦�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦�爛� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ, IM爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐��爐� 爐朽�爐�爐橿� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ" #. Configuration frame msgid "Mouse Gestures Configuration" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐む�爐��爛�爐劇た爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" msgid "Middle mouse button" msgstr "爐�ぇ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "Right mouse button" msgstr "爐�爐�爐朽� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" #. "Visual gesture display" checkbox msgid "_Visual gesture display" msgstr "爐��爐謹�爐�ぎ爐鉦え 爐��爐萎ぞ爐む�爐��爛�爐劇た爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹え (_V)" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Mouse Gestures" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐伍�爛� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐む�爐��爛�爐劇た爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Provides support for mouse gestures" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐む�爐��爛�爐劇た爐�爐鉦じ 爐�爐оぞ爐� 爐��爐む�" #. * description msgid "" "Allows support for mouse gestures in conversation windows. Drag the middle " "mouse button to perform certain actions:\n" " �� Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation.\n" " �� Drag up and then to the left to switch to the previous conversation.\n" " �� Drag up and then to the right to switch to the next conversation." msgstr "" "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐伍�爐�爐萎�爐伍� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ムえ 爐��爐萎さ爐む�. 爐�爐萎ぞ爐朽た爐� 爐�爛�爐む� 爐��爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐伍�爛� 爐�ぇ爐迦� " "爐��爐� 爐�爐∇ぞ:\n" " �� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐∇ぞ 爐� 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐項げ爐朽ぞ.\n" " �� 爐��爐萎�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐��爐÷� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐∇ぞ 爐� 爐÷ぞ爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐項げ爐朽ぞ.\n" " �� 爐��爐∇�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐��爐÷� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽ぐ 爐�爐∇ぞ 爐� 爐�爐�爐朽�爐�爐÷� 爐項げ爐朽ぞ." msgid "Instant Messaging" msgstr "爐むぞ爐�ぁ爐む�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� " #. Add the label. msgid "Select a person from your address book below, or add a new person." msgstr "" " 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐� , 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�さ爐逗え 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Group:" msgstr "爐�爐�:" #. "New Person" button msgid "New Person" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた " #. "Select Buddy" button msgid "Select Buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" #. Add the label. msgid "" "Select a person from your address book to add this buddy to, or create a new " "person." msgstr "" " 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐迦ぞ 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�さ爛�爐� " "爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�ぞ 爐伍ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. Add the expander msgid "User _details" msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐むお爐謹�爐� (_d)" #. "Associate Buddy" button msgid "_Associate Buddy" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)" msgid "Unable to send email" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐謹�爛�爐�" msgid "The evolution executable was not found in the PATH." msgstr "爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐朽た爐� 爐項�爐��爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐む� PATH 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぁ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "An email address was not found for this buddy." msgstr "爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐��爐� 爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐�爐∇こ爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�." msgid "Add to Address Book" msgstr "爐�い爛�爐むぞ 爐��爐伍�爐む�爐鉦い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Send Email" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #. Configuration frame msgid "Evolution Integration Configuration" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐伍�爐�爐迦え爐鉦�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" #. Label msgid "Select all accounts that buddies should be auto-added to." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�� 爐伍�爐朽く爐� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐�爛�." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Evolution Integration" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐迦え " #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides integration with Evolution." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐む�爐伍す 爐伍�爐�爐迦え 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�." msgid "Please enter the person's information below." msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐む� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�." msgid "Please enter the buddy's username and account type below." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐�爛� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐� 爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐��爐�ぞ." msgid "Account type:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛� 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ:" #. Optional Information section msgid "Optional information:" msgstr "爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� :" msgid "First name:" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぅ爐�え爐鉦さ:" msgid "Last name:" msgstr "爐�爐÷え爐鉦さ:" msgid "Email:" msgstr "爐�爐��爐�:" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "GTK Signals Test" msgstr "GTK 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐��" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Test to see that all ui signals are working properly." msgstr "爐伍ぐ爛�爐� ui 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�お爐�� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い 爐�爐項�爐� 爐�爐� 爐項� 爐�す爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐鉦�爐�� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Buddy Note</b>: %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�爐逗お</b>: %s" msgid "History" msgstr "爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Iconify on Away" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Iconifies the buddy list and your conversations when you go away." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐�た 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Mail Checker" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐��爐�" msgid "Checks for new local mail." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐萎�爐朽�爐�た爐� 爐��爐� 爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�� 爐�爐萎い爛�." msgid "Adds a small box to the buddy list that shows if you have new mail." msgstr "" "爐迦す爐鉦え 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ 爐項� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦�爐÷� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐�/爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐� 爐むぐ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�." msgid "Markerline" msgstr "爐�爐о�爐萎�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Draw a line to indicate new messages in a conversation." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爛�爐謹さ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐萎�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爐�." msgid "Jump to markerline" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爐萎げ爐鉦�爐��爐÷� 爐�爐�" msgid "Draw Markerline in " msgstr "爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐о�爐萎�爐�爐逗い 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爐鉦�爐� 爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "_IM windows" msgstr "IM 爐��爐� (_I)" msgid "C_hat windows" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐��爐� (_h)" msgid "" "A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to " "accept." msgstr "" "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐伍い爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐迦� 爐�爐項�. 爐�爛�爐�く爐� 爐伍�爐朽た爐�爐鉦ぐ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� MM 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項ぞ爐朽ぐ " "爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Music messaging session confirmed." msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍い爛�爐� 爐�た爐謹�爐�爐逗い 爐�爐鉦げ爛�." msgid "Music Messaging" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐萎� 爐伍�爐��爐� " msgid "There was a conflict in running the command:" msgstr "爐�爐��爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎い爐鉦え爐� 爐�爐÷ぅ爐橿ぞ 爐�爐迦ぞ 爐項�爐むぞ:" msgid "Error Running Editor" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爛� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐�" msgid "The following error has occurred:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐� 爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐�爐∇こ爐迦�:" #. Configuration frame msgid "Music Messaging Configuration" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぞ" msgid "Score Editor Path" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�じ爐�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�" msgid "_Apply" msgstr "爐迦ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_A)" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐�爛�爐むお爐�� 爐萎�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�." #. * summary msgid "" "The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work " "on a piece of music by editing a common score in real-time." msgstr "" "Music Messaging Plugin 爐�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐�爛�爐むお爛�爐�� 爐踱�爐鉦� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐〝ぞ爐�爐鉦さ爐萎�爐� 爐萎た爐�爐�-爐�爐鉦�爐� " "爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽え爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐む�." #. ---------- "Notify For" ---------- msgid "Notify For" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爛�爐�ぞ" msgid "\t_Only when someone says your username" msgstr "\t 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐�た爐項� 爐む�爐��爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐むぞ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐む� (_O)" msgid "_Focused windows" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦� 爐��爐� (_F)" #. ---------- "Notification Methods" ---------- msgid "Notification Methods" msgstr "爐�爐оた爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぇ爛�爐�い爛�" msgid "Prepend _string into window title:" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐謹�爐萎�爐劇�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐��爐萎た爐��爐�爐� 爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐迦た爐�爐� (_s):" #. Count method button msgid "Insert c_ount of new messages into window title" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐劇� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐�爐むぐ爛�爐〝�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_o)" #. Count xprop method button msgid "Insert count of new message into _X property" msgstr "_X 爐朽�爐謹た爐劇�爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐��爐�爐�� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�" #. Urgent method button msgid "Set window manager \"_URGENT\" hint" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐朽�爐�さ爐伍�爐ムぞ爐��\"_URGENT\" 爐伍�爐�爛�爐� 爐伍�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "_Flash window" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐� 爐��爐� (_F)" #. Raise window method button msgid "R_aise conversation window" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐� (_a)" #. Present conversation method button msgid "_Present conversation window" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐��爐萎じ爛�爐む�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_P)" #. ---------- "Notification Removals" ---------- msgid "Notification Removal" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爐��" #. Remove on focus button msgid "Remove when conversation window _gains focus" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爛�爐�爐�爛� (爐朽た爐�爐÷�) 爐��爐萎�爐鉦ざ爐�ぞ爐� 爐項�爐む� 爐む�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_g)" #. Remove on click button msgid "Remove when conversation window _receives click" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐迦ぞ 爐�爛�爐迦た爐� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐項�爐む� 爐む�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_r)" #. Remove on type button msgid "Remove when _typing in conversation window" msgstr "爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爛� 爐む�爐�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_t)" #. Remove on message send button msgid "Remove when a _message gets sent" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_m)" #. Remove on conversation switch button msgid "Remove on switch to conversation ta_b" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦あ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐� (_b)" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Message Notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ " #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides a variety of ways of notifying you of unread messages." msgstr " 爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐�爛� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐橿さ爐��爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐朽た爐朽た爐� 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐� 爐��爐むぞ爐� ." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Pidgin Demonstration Plugin" msgstr "Pidgin 爐��爐萎ぞ爐む�爐��爛�爐劇た爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "An example plugin that does stuff - see the description." msgstr "爐�爐伍�爐伍げ 爐�爛�爐�ぇ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐伍げ爛�爐迦� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐��爛� 爐�爐�す爐鉦ぐ爐� - 爐朽た爐朽ぐ爐� 爐�す爐�." #. * description msgid "" "This is a really cool plugin that does a lot of stuff:\n" "- It tells you who wrote the program when you log in\n" "- It reverses all incoming text\n" "- It sends a message to people on your list immediately when they sign on" msgstr "" "爐項ぞ 爐�爐萎�爐�爐萎�爐� 爐ム�爐� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐�爐項� 爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍�爐伍げ 爐�爛�爐�ぇ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐項�爐� :\n" "-爐む� 爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦さ爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�� 爐迦た爐項げ爛� 爐項� 爐伍ぞ爐�爐�爐む�\n" "-爐む� 爐伍ぐ爛�爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐園�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐�ぐ爐むさ爐む�\n" "-爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�爐÷い爐� 爐む�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐む� 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐��爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐迦�爛�爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽い爛�" msgid "Hyperlink Color" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐�爐�ぐ爐迦た爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Visited Hyperlink Color" msgstr "爐〝�爐� 爐�た爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐項ぞ爐�お爐萎げ爐逗�爐�爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Highlighted Message Name Color" msgstr "爐�爐橿� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐朽ぞ爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "Typing Notification Color" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐萎�爐�" msgid "GtkTreeView Horizontal Separation" msgstr "Gtk爐朽�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐謹�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐÷さ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐朽た爐〝�爛�爐むお爐�ぞ" msgid "Conversation Entry" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爐�" msgid "Conversation History" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐むた爐項ぞ爐�" msgid "Request Dialog" msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐む� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Notify Dialog" msgstr " 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐橿さ爐�" msgid "Select Color" msgstr "爐萎�爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Select Interface Font" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐萎か爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" #, c-format msgid "Select Font for %s" msgstr "%s 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐��爐� 爐�た爐朽ぁ爐�" msgid "GTK+ Interface Font" msgstr "GTK+ 爐�爐�爐�爐萎か爛�爐� 爐��爐��爐�" msgid "GTK+ Text Shortcut Theme" msgstr "GTK+ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽こ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐朽た爐劇く" msgid "Disable Typing Notification Text" msgstr "爐�爐鉦く爐��爐�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐ム�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "GTK+ Theme Control Settings" msgstr "GTK+ 爐��爐劇�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐�爐�爐�爛�爐萎�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爐�爛�爐伍�" msgid "Colors" msgstr "爐萎�爐�" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "爐��爐��爐�爐伍�" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "爐�た爐謹�爐�" msgid "Gtkrc File Tools" msgstr "Gtkrc 爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍ぞ爐оぃ爛�" #, c-format msgid "Write settings to %s%sgtkrc-2.0" msgstr "%s%sgtkrc-2.0 爐�爐÷� 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦え爐� 爐迦た爐項ぞ" msgid "Re-read gtkrc files" msgstr "gtkrc 爐�ぞ爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐��爐��爐項ぞ-爐朽ぞ爐�爐�" msgid "Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control" msgstr "Pidgin GTK+ 爐朽た爐劇く 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ" msgid "Provides access to commonly used gtkrc settings." msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐�ぞ爐��爐�お爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ gtkrc 爐�た爐��爐む�爐萎ぃ爐鉦じ爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐�げ爐��爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Raw" msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols." msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗� 爐�爐�ぞ爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐�-爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦じ爐�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ." msgid "" "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC). Hit " "'Enter' in the entry box to send. Watch the debug window." msgstr "" "爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�爐оぞ爐萎た爐� 爐��爐萎�爐�爛�爐�爛�爐迦�爐÷� 爐��爐萎ぞ爐ムぎ爐逗� 爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐�爐�ぃ爐鉦じ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽� 爐��爐む� (XMPP, MSN, IRC, " "TOC). 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐萎た爐むぞ 爐��爐�爐�� 爐��爐�爛�爐伍ぎ爐о�爐� '爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ' 爐朽ぐ 爐��爐萎す爐鉦ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ. 爐��爐� 爐�爛�爐�爐�爛�(爐朽た爐��爐÷�) " "爐�す爐�." #, c-format msgid "You can upgrade to %s %s today." msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項� %s %s 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む� 爐伍�爐оぞ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐萎� 爐謹�爐むぞ." msgid "New Version Available" msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐むた 爐�爐�げ爛�爐�ぇ 爐�爐項�" msgid "Later" msgstr "爐��爐むぐ" msgid "Download Now" msgstr "爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐÷ぞ爐�爐�げ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Release Notification" msgstr "爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎じ爐鉦ぐ爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Checks periodically for new releases." msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎じ爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐�ぎ爐逗い爐�ぃ爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐�." #. * description msgid "" "Checks periodically for new releases and notifies the user with the " "ChangeLog." msgstr "" "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐萎じ爐鉦ぐ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐�ぎ爐逗い爐�ぃ爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爐� 爐�爐�た 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�う爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐迦�爐� 爐�爛� 爐伍�爐�爐�ぞ 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Send Button" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Conversation Window Send Button." msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ 爐〝�爐�." #. *< summary msgid "" "Adds a Send button to the entry area of the conversation window. Intended " "for use when no physical keyboard is present." msgstr "" "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐��爐迦ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐劇�爐む�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ 爐��爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎い爛�. 爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爛�爐� 爐�爐橿か爐迦� 爐�じ爐迦�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐�ぞ爐�う爛�爐謹�爐� " "爐�爐萎い爛�." msgid "Duplicate Correction" msgstr "爐��爛�爐�爐迦お爛�爐萎い 爐��爐萎�爐伍�爐む�" msgid "The specified word already exists in the correction list." msgstr "爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐�爐о�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐伍�爐む� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐�爐伍�爐むた爐む�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�." msgid "Text Replacements" msgstr "爐�う爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐��爐�爛�爐� " msgid "You type" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�爐�爐迦た爐�爐逗い 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "You send" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ " msgid "Whole words only" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐�" msgid "Case sensitive" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽�爐�え爐謹�爐� 爐迦た爐��" msgid "Add a new text replacement" msgstr " 爐�う爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぞ爐��爐� 爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "You _type:" msgstr "爐�爐�げ爛� 爐�爐�爐�爐迦�爐�爐� (_t):" msgid "You _send:" msgstr "爐�爐�ぃ 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_s):" #. Created here so it can be passed to whole_words_button_toggled. msgid "_Exact case match (uncheck for automatic case handling)" msgstr "爐む�爐む�爐むい 爐迦た爐�� 爐�爛�爐橿げ爛� (爐伍�爐朽く爐�爐�ぃ爛� 爐迦た爐�� 爐項ぞ爐むぞ爐橿ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐むお爐鉦じ爛� 爐��爐�) (_E)" msgid "Only replace _whole words" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐萎�爐� 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐�ぞ 爐��爛�爐� 爐�う爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_w)" msgid "General Text Replacement Options" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оぞ爐萎ぃ 爐��爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐� 爐�う爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Enable replacement of last word on send" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐�爐朽げ爛�爐�ぞ爐朽ぐ 爐謹�爐朽�爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐謹が爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�う爐迦� 爐謹が爛�爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎ぞ " msgid "Text replacement" msgstr " 爐�う爐迦� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐�" msgid "Replaces text in outgoing messages according to user-defined rules." msgstr "爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐迦�爐�ぞ 爐�た爐�ぎ爐鉦え爛�爐伍ぞ爐� 爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎い爐逗じ爛�爐ムぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Just logged in" msgstr "爐��爐�爐む�爐� 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Just logged out" msgstr "爐��爐�爐む�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐迦�" msgid "" "Icon for Contact/\n" "Icon for Unknown person" msgstr "" "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐� 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�/\n" "爐�爐�ぐ爐逗�爛�爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐むた 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" msgid "Icon for Chat" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐�爐逗え爛�爐�" msgid "Ignored" msgstr "爐��爐萎�爐迦�爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�" msgid "Founder" msgstr "爐謹�爐о�" #. A user in a chat room who has special privileges. msgid "Operator" msgstr "爐�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐�" #. A half operator is someone who has a subset of the privileges #. that an operator has. msgid "Half Operator" msgstr "爐項ぞ爐� 爐�爐�ぐ爛�爐�爐�" msgid "Authorization dialog" msgstr "爐�爐橿� 爐��爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Error dialog" msgstr "爐む�爐萎�爐�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Information dialog" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Mail dialog" msgstr "爐��爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Question dialog" msgstr "爐��爐萎ざ爛�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "Warning dialog" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爐むぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�" msgid "What kind of dialog is this?" msgstr "爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐��爐萎�爐鉦ぐ爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐項�?" msgid "Status Icons" msgstr "爐伍�爐ムた爐む� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項�" msgid "Chatroom Emblems" msgstr "爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ 爐萎�爐��爛� 爐��爐о�爐逗え爛�爐�" msgid "Dialog Icons" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐逗え爛�爐項�" msgid "Pidgin Icon Theme Editor" msgstr "Pidgin 爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Contact" msgstr "爐伍�爐�ぐ爛�爐�" msgid "Pidgin Buddylist Theme Editor" msgstr "Pidgin 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦た爐伍�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��" msgid "Edit Buddylist Theme" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐伍�爐�爛� 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "Edit Icon Theme" msgstr "爐�爐逗え爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦お爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐�た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. * description msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor" msgstr "Pidgin 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor." msgstr "Pidgin 爐�爐迦�爐�え爐� 爐伍�爐�ぞ爐��." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy Ticker" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�た爐萎�爐�爛�爐劇ぃ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "A horizontal scrolling version of the buddy list." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛� 爐�爐÷さ爛�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐む�爐� 爐伍ぐ爐�爐�ぞ爐萎� 爐�爐朽�爐む�爐む�." msgid "Display Timestamps Every" msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� 爐朽�爐橿�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爐�ぞ爐�え 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "爐朽�爐� " #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps" msgstr "i爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ-爐謹�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ" #. * description msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps every N minutes." msgstr "爐��爐萎い爛�爐��爐� N 爐�た爐�た爐�爐鉦�爐� i爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ-爐謹�爐迦�爐�爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐��爐萎う爐萎�爐謹た爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Timestamp Format Options" msgstr "爐朽�爐橿�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" #, c-format msgid "_Force timestamp format:" msgstr "爐�爐鉦�爐�じ爛�爐�爛�爐��爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ 爐�爐�ぐ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ (_F):" msgid "Use system default" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぃ爐鉦げ爛�爐�爛� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐むお爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ 爐�爐萎ぞ" msgid "12 hour time format" msgstr "12 爐むぞ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ" msgid "24 hour time format" msgstr "24 爐むぞ爐� 爐朽�爐� 爐萎�爐�ぃ" msgid "Show dates in..." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐� 爐�た爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ..." msgid "Co_nversations:" msgstr "爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� (_n):" msgid "For delayed messages" msgstr "爐朽た爐迦�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛�" msgid "For delayed messages and in chats" msgstr "爐朽た爐迦�爐� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐迦� 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐〝ぞ爐劇ぃ爐鉦ぎ爐о�爐�" msgid "_Message Logs:" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐� 爐迦�爐�爛�爐�爛� (_M):" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Message Timestamp Formats" msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐橿�爛� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Customizes the message timestamp formats." msgstr "爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. * description msgid "" "This plugin allows the user to customize conversation and logging message " "timestamp formats." msgstr "" "爐項ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐�爐��爐�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐��爐謹ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐朽�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�ぐ爐朽ぞ爐��爛� 爐��爐む�." msgid "Audio" msgstr "爐�爐÷た爐�" msgid "Video" msgstr "爐朽た爐÷た爐��" msgid "Output" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�爐��爐�" msgid "_Plugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� (_P)" msgid "_Device" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оぃ (_D)" msgid "Input" msgstr "爐�爐�爐�" msgid "P_lugin" msgstr "爐��爐迦�爐�爐� (_l)" msgid "D_evice" msgstr "爐伍ぞ爐оぃ (_e)" #. *< magic #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Voice/Video Settings" msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐�/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爐�爛�爐伍�" #, fuzzy msgid "Voice and Video Settings" msgstr "爐朽�爐�爐�/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爐�爛�爐伍�" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Configure your microphone and webcam." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐��爛�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." #. *< summary msgid "Configure microphone and webcam settings for voice/video calls." msgstr "爐�ぞ爐��爛�爐萎�爐��爐� 爐� 爐朽�爐��爛�爐� 爐伍�爐�爐逗�爐�爛�爐伍� 爐朽�爐�爐�/爐朽た爐÷た爐� 爐�爛�爐迦�爐伍�爐萎�爐むぞ 爐伍�爐萎�爛�爐� 爐�爐萎ぞ." msgid "Opacity:" msgstr "爐�爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ:" #. IM Convo trans options msgid "IM Conversation Windows" msgstr "IM 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� " msgid "_IM window transparency" msgstr "IM 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ (_I)" msgid "_Show slider bar in IM window" msgstr "IM 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�ぇ爛�爐�� 爐伍�爐迦ぞ爐�爐÷ぐ 爐��爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ (_S)" msgid "Remove IM window transparency on focus" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐��爐萎�爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦さ爐� IM 爐�爛�爐�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" msgid "Always on top" msgstr "爐��爐項ぎ爛�爐� 爐朽ぐ爐む�" #. Buddy List trans options msgid "Buddy List Window" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�" msgid "_Buddy List window transparency" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛� 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ (_B)" msgid "Remove Buddy List window transparency on focus" msgstr "爐�爛�爐�爐��爐萎�爐�爐萎ぃ爐鉦さ爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ 爐�爐鉦あ爛�爐� 爐�爐鉦�爐�" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Transparency" msgstr "爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Variable Transparency for the buddy list and conversations." msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐�爐�た 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐�ぞ爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐むぞ." #. * description msgid "" "This plugin enables variable alpha transparency on conversation windows and " "the buddy list.\n" "\n" "* Note: This plugin requires Win2000 or greater." msgstr "" "爐項ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� 爐伍�爐朽ぞ爐� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐朽ぐ 爐�爐伍�爐ムた爐� 爐�爐�爐� 爐�爐迦�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐�ぞ爐萎う爐萎�爐謹�爐む�爐� 爐�爐�た 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐��爐� 爐伍�爛�爐劇ぎ 爐�爐萎い爛�.\n" "\n" "*爐�爐逗お:爐項�爐�ぞ 爐��爐迦�爐�爐�げ爐� Win2000 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐む�爐�ぞ爐��爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐��爐�爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��爐むぞ 爐�爐項�." #. Autostart msgid "Startup" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐萎�爐�" #, c-format msgid "_Start %s on Windows startup" msgstr " 爐朽た爐��爐÷� 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐鉦げ爛�爐�ぞ爐��爐むぐ %s 爐伍�爐萎� 爐�爐萎ぞ (_S)" msgid "Allow multiple instances" msgstr "爐踱�爐鉦お爛�爐�爛�爐劇ぞ 爐�爐鉦じ爛�爐� 爐�爐�爐�ぞ 爐伍�爐朽�爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�" msgid "_Dockable Buddy List" msgstr "爐�爛�爐÷ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� (_D)" #. Blist On Top msgid "_Keep Buddy List window on top:" msgstr "爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐�ぞ爐�� 爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐� 爐朽ぐ爐む� 爐�爛�爐朽ぞ (_K):" #. XXX: Did this ever work? msgid "Only when docked" msgstr "爐��爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐朽�爐項ぞ 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�爐伍い爛�" msgid "Windows Pidgin Options" msgstr "Windows Pidgin 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�" msgid "Options specific to Pidgin for Windows." msgstr "爐朽た爐��爐÷�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐÷�爐逗え爐�爛� 爐朽た爐謹た爐劇�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐�." msgid "" "Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows, such as buddy list docking." msgstr "Windows 爐�爐萎�爐むぞ Pidgin 爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�た爐萎�爐��爐謹�爐� 爐�ぐ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐��爐萎さ爐む�, 爐�爐伍� 爐�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷� 爐伍�爐�爛�爐�爛� 爐÷�爐�爐逗�爐�." msgid "<font color='#777777'>Logged out.</font>" msgstr "<font color='#777777'>爐�ぞ爐項�爐� 爐�ぁ爐迦�.</font>" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "XMPP Console" msgstr "XMPP 爐�爐�爐伍�爐�" msgid "Account: " msgstr "爐�爐鉦い爛�: " msgid "<font color='#777777'>Not connected to XMPP</font>" msgstr "<font color='#777777'>XMPP 爐�爐÷� 爐�爛�爐÷げ爛�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐項�</font>" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Send and receive raw XMPP stanzas." msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爛� XMPP 爐�爐÷さ爛� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぞ 爐�爐�た 爐�た爐橿さ爐�." #. * description msgid "This plugin is useful for debugging XMPP servers or clients." msgstr "爐項� 爐��爐迦�爐�爐� XMPP 爐伍ぐ爛�爐朽�爐項ぐ爐�爛�爐�ぞ 爐÷た爐��爐逗�爐�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐逗�爐朽ぞ 爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爐伍ぞ爐�爛� 爐�爐�く爛�爐�爛� 爐�爐項�." #. $(^Name) is the current Version name (e.g. Pidgin 2.7.0). $_CLICK will become a translated version of "Click Next to continue." DO NOT translate the CLICK in $_CLICK. It will break the installer. msgid "" "$(^Name) is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The license " "is provided here for information purposes only. $_CLICK" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "A multi-platform GUI toolkit, used by Pidgin" msgstr "" msgid "" "An instance of Pidgin is currently running. Please exit Pidgin and try " "again." msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Core Pidgin files and dlls" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for Pidgin" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Create a shortcut to Pidgin on the Desktop" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "Debug Symbols (for reporting crashes)" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Desktop" msgstr "爐÷�爐伍�爐�爐�爛�爐� 爐��爐萎�爐朽え爐逗ぐ爛�爐оぞ爐萎�爐�" #. $R2 will display the URL that the GTK+ Runtime failed to download from msgid "" "Error Downloading the GTK+ Runtime ($R2).$\\rThis is required for Pidgin to " "function; if retrying fails, you may need to use the 'Offline Installer' " "from ." msgstr "" #. $R2 will display the URL that the Debug Symbols failed to download from msgid "" "Error Installing Debug Symbols ($R2).$\\rIf retrying fails, you may need to " "use the 'Offline Installer' from ." msgstr "" #. $R3 will display the URL that the Dictionary failed to download from #, no-c-format msgid "" "Error Installing Spellchecking ($R3).$\\rIf retrying fails, manual " "installation instructions are at:" "%20Pidgin#manual_win32_spellcheck_installation" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "GTK+ Runtime (required if not present)" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Localizations" msgstr "爐�爐逗�爐鉦ぃ" #. "Next >" appears on a button on the License Page of the Installer msgid "Next >" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Pidgin Instant Messaging Client (required)" msgstr "Pidgin 爐�爐�爐�爐萎え爛�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐謹さ爐鉦す爐�" msgid "" "Pidgin requires a compatible GTK+ Runtime (which doesn't appear to be " "already present).$\\rAre you sure you want to skip installing the GTK+ " "Runtime?" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Shortcuts" msgstr "爐謹�爐萎�爐�爐�爐�" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Shortcuts for starting Pidgin" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "Spellchecking Support" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Start Menu" msgstr "爐��爐萎ぞ爐萎�爐�" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "" "Support for Spellchecking. (Internet connection required for installation)" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "The installer is already running." msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� \"%s\" 爐�爐оた爐�ぞ爐伍�爐�� 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐迦� 爐�爐項�." msgid "" "The uninstaller could not find registry entries for Pidgin.$\\rIt is likely " "that another user installed this application." msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "URI Handlers" msgstr "myim URL 爐項�爐÷げ爐�" msgid "" "Unable to uninstall the currently installed version of Pidgin. The new " "version will be installed without removing the currently installed version." msgstr "" #. Text displayed on Installer Finish Page msgid "Visit the Pidgin Web Page" msgstr "" msgid "You do not have permission to uninstall this application." msgstr "" #~ msgid "Require SSL/TLS" #~ msgstr "SSL/TLS 爐�爐朽ざ爛�爐��" #~ msgid "Force old (port 5223) SSL" #~ msgstr " 爐�爛�爐��爐�ぞ (port 5223) SSL 爐�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐萎す 爐оぐ爐�" #~ msgid "The name you entered is invalid." #~ msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." #~ msgid "" #~ "[Unable to display a message from this user because it contained invalid " #~ "characters.]" #~ msgstr "" #~ "[爐項�爐�ぞ 爐朽ぞ爐�ぐ爐�爐萎�爐む�爐�ぞ爐�爐÷�爐� 爐伍�爐��爐� 爐�ぞ爐�爐朽ぃ爛�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐伍ぎ爐萎�爐� 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐� 爐む�爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐劇ぐ爛� 爐伍ぎ爐鉦さ爐逗し爛�爐� 爐�爛�爐迦� 爐�爐項�爐�.]" #~ msgid "Search for Buddy by Information" #~ msgstr "爐�ぞ爐項た爐む�爐む�爐� 爐�ぁ爛�爐÷�爐迦ぞ 爐謹�爐оぞ" #~ msgid "The certificate is not valid yet." #~ msgstr "爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ爐�い爛�爐� 爐�爐�爛�爐�す爛� 爐朽�爐� 爐�ぞ爐項�." #~ msgid "The nick name you entered is invalid." #~ msgstr "爐�た爐迦�爐迦� 爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐� 爐�爐朽�爐� 爐�爐項�." #~ msgid "MXit Login Name" #~ msgstr "MXit 爐��爐萎さ爛�爐� 爐�ぞ爐�" #~ msgid "Nick Name" #~ msgstr "爐�爛�爐�ぃ爐�ぞ爐�" #~ msgid "Your Mobile Number..." #~ msgstr "爐�爐�げ爐� 爐��爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐�爛�爐萎ぎ爐鉦�爐�..." #~ msgid "Rate to host" #~ msgstr "爐�爐��爐�爐�爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ" #~ msgid "Rate to client" #~ msgstr "爐�爛�爐萎ぞ爐項�爐鉦�爛� 爐��爐萎ぎ爐鉦ぃ" #~ msgid "/Media/_Hangup" #~ msgstr "/爐�た爐÷�爐�ぞ/爐項�爐�爐�爐� (_H)" #~ msgid "Unknown reason." #~ msgstr "爐�爐�爛�爐�爐鉦い 爐�爐鉦ぐ爐�." #~ msgid "Current Mood" #~ msgstr "爐伍ぇ爛�爐�ぞ爐�爐� 爐��爐�" #~ msgid "New Mood" #~ msgstr "爐�さ爛�爐� 爐��爐�" #~ msgid "Change your Mood" #~ msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ" #~ msgid "How do you feel right now?" #~ msgstr "爐む�爐��爐項ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐�爐む�爐むぞ 爐�爐伍� 爐朽ぞ爐�爐む�?" #~ msgid "Change Mood..." #~ msgstr "爐��爐� 爐�う爐迦ぞ..."