Mercurial > pidgin
view finch/gntplugin.c @ 16279:234b645ada99
Minor cleanup
author | Mark Doliner <> |
date | Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:05:49 +0000 |
parents | c3052de39110 |
children | 8c89913276b3 |
line wrap: on
line source
/** * @file gntplugin.c GNT Plugins API * @ingroup finch * * finch * * Finch is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous * to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this * source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <gnt.h> #include <gntbox.h> #include <gntbutton.h> #include <gntlabel.h> #include <gntline.h> #include <gnttree.h> #include "notify.h" #include "finch.h" #include "gntplugin.h" static struct { GntWidget *tree; GntWidget *window; GntWidget *aboot; GntWidget *conf; } plugins; static GHashTable *confwins; static void decide_conf_button(PurplePlugin *plugin) { if (purple_plugin_is_loaded(plugin) && ((PURPLE_IS_GNT_PLUGIN(plugin) && FINCH_PLUGIN_UI_INFO(plugin) != NULL) || (plugin->info->prefs_info && plugin->info->prefs_info->get_plugin_pref_frame))) gnt_widget_set_visible(plugins.conf, TRUE); else gnt_widget_set_visible(plugins.conf, FALSE); gnt_box_readjust(GNT_BOX(plugins.window)); gnt_widget_draw(plugins.window); } static void plugin_toggled_cb(GntWidget *tree, PurplePlugin *plugin, gpointer null) { /* TODO: Mark these strings for translation after the freeze */ if (gnt_tree_get_choice(GNT_TREE(tree), plugin)) { if (!purple_plugin_load(plugin)) { purple_notify_error(NULL, "ERROR", "loading plugin failed", NULL); gnt_tree_set_choice(GNT_TREE(tree), plugin, FALSE); } } else { GntWidget *win; if (!purple_plugin_unload(plugin)) { purple_notify_error(NULL, "ERROR", "unloading plugin failed", NULL); gnt_tree_set_choice(GNT_TREE(tree), plugin, TRUE); } if ((win = g_hash_table_lookup(confwins, plugin)) != NULL) { gnt_widget_destroy(win); } } decide_conf_button(plugin); finch_plugins_save_loaded(); } /* Xerox */ void finch_plugins_save_loaded(void) { purple_plugins_save_loaded("/purple/gnt/plugins/loaded"); } static void selection_changed(GntWidget *widget, gpointer old, gpointer current, gpointer null) { PurplePlugin *plugin = current; char *text; /* XXX: Use formatting and stuff */ gnt_text_view_clear(GNT_TEXT_VIEW(plugins.aboot)); text = g_strdup_printf(_("Name: %s\nVersion: %s\nDescription: %s\nAuthor: %s\nWebsite: %s\nFilename: %s\n"), SAFE(plugin->info->name), SAFE(plugin->info->version), SAFE(plugin->info->description), SAFE(plugin->info->author), SAFE(plugin->info->homepage), SAFE(plugin->path)); gnt_text_view_append_text_with_flags(GNT_TEXT_VIEW(plugins.aboot), text, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_NORMAL); gnt_text_view_scroll(GNT_TEXT_VIEW(plugins.aboot), 0); g_free(text); decide_conf_button(plugin); } static void reset_plugin_window(GntWidget *window, gpointer null) { plugins.window = NULL; plugins.tree = NULL; plugins.aboot = NULL; } static int plugin_compare(PurplePlugin *p1, PurplePlugin *p2) { char *s1 = g_utf8_strup(p1->info->name, -1); char *s2 = g_utf8_strup(p2->info->name, -1); int ret = g_utf8_collate(s1, s2); g_free(s1); g_free(s2); return ret; } static void confwin_init() { confwins = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); } static void remove_confwin(GntWidget *window, gpointer plugin) { g_hash_table_remove(confwins, plugin); } static void configure_plugin_cb(GntWidget *button, gpointer null) { PurplePlugin *plugin; FinchPluginFrame callback; g_return_if_fail(plugins.tree != NULL); plugin = gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GNT_TREE(plugins.tree)); if (!purple_plugin_is_loaded(plugin)) { purple_notify_error(plugin, _("Error"), _("Plugin need to be loaded before you can configure it."), NULL); return; } if (confwins && g_hash_table_lookup(confwins, plugin)) return; if (PURPLE_IS_GNT_PLUGIN(plugin) && (callback = FINCH_PLUGIN_UI_INFO(plugin)) != NULL) { GntWidget *window = gnt_vbox_new(FALSE); GntWidget *box, *button; gnt_box_set_toplevel(GNT_BOX(window), TRUE); gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(window), plugin->info->name); gnt_box_set_alignment(GNT_BOX(window), GNT_ALIGN_MID); box = callback(); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), box); box = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), box); button = gnt_button_new(_("Close")); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), button); g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(button), "activate", G_CALLBACK(gnt_widget_destroy), window); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(remove_confwin), plugin); gnt_widget_show(window); if (confwins == NULL) confwin_init(); g_hash_table_insert(confwins, plugin, window); } else if (plugin->info->prefs_info && plugin->info->prefs_info->get_plugin_pref_frame) { purple_notify_info(plugin, _("..."), _("Still need to do something about this."), NULL); return; } else { purple_notify_info(plugin, _("Error"), _("No configuration options for this plugin."), NULL); return; } } void finch_plugins_show_all() { GntWidget *window, *tree, *box, *aboot, *button; GList *iter; if (plugins.window) return; purple_plugins_probe(G_MODULE_SUFFIX); plugins.window = window = gnt_vbox_new(FALSE); gnt_box_set_toplevel(GNT_BOX(window), TRUE); gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(window), _("Plugins")); gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(window), 0); gnt_box_set_alignment(GNT_BOX(window), GNT_ALIGN_MID); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), gnt_label_new(_("You can (un)load plugins from the following list."))); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), gnt_hline_new()); box = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), box); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), gnt_hline_new()); gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(box), 0); plugins.tree = tree = gnt_tree_new(); gnt_tree_set_compare_func(GNT_TREE(tree), (GCompareFunc)plugin_compare); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(tree, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), tree); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), gnt_vline_new()); plugins.aboot = aboot = gnt_text_view_new(); gnt_widget_set_size(aboot, 40, 20); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), aboot); for (iter = purple_plugins_get_all(); iter; iter = iter->next) { PurplePlugin *plug = iter->data; if (plug->info->type != PURPLE_PLUGIN_STANDARD || (plug->info->flags & PURPLE_PLUGIN_FLAG_INVISIBLE) || plug->error) continue; gnt_tree_add_choice(GNT_TREE(tree), plug, gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(tree), plug->info->name), NULL, NULL); gnt_tree_set_choice(GNT_TREE(tree), plug, purple_plugin_is_loaded(plug)); } gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(tree), 0, 30); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tree), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(plugin_toggled_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tree), "selection_changed", G_CALLBACK(selection_changed), NULL); box = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(window), box); button = gnt_button_new(_("Close")); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), button); g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(button), "activate", G_CALLBACK(gnt_widget_destroy), window); plugins.conf = button = gnt_button_new(_("Configure Plugin")); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(box), button); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button), "activate", G_CALLBACK(configure_plugin_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(reset_plugin_window), NULL); gnt_widget_show(window); decide_conf_button(gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GNT_TREE(tree))); }