Mercurial > pidgin
view src/gaimrc.c @ 19:2cb360d65c98
[gaim-migrate @ 28]
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Rob Flynn <> |
date | Thu, 23 Mar 2000 18:41:40 +0000 |
parents | b9cc0a3a68b2 |
children | b9e90a914e20 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * gaim * * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "gaim.h" #include "proxy.h" struct aim_user *current_user = NULL; GList *aim_users = NULL; int general_options; int display_options; int sound_options; int font_options; int report_idle, web_browser; struct save_pos blist_pos; char web_command[2048]; char aim_host[512]; int aim_port; char login_host[512]; int login_port; struct parse { char option[256]; char value[6][256]; }; static struct parse *parse_line(char *line) { char *c = line; int inopt = 1, inval = 0, curval = -1; int optlen = 0, vallen = 0; static struct parse p; while(*c) { if (*c == '\t') { c++; continue; } if (inopt) { // if ((*c < 'a' || *c > 'z') && *c != '_') { if ((*c < 'a' || *c > 'z') && *c != '_' && (*c < 'A' || *c > 'Z')) { inopt = 0; p.option[optlen] = 0; c++; continue; } p.option[optlen] = *c; optlen++; c++; continue; } else if (inval) { if ( (*c == '}') ) { if (*(c-1) == '\\') { p.value[curval][vallen - 1] = *c; c++; continue; } else { p.value[curval][vallen - 1] = 0; inval = 0; c++; continue; } } else { p.value[curval][vallen] = *c; vallen++; c++; continue; } } else if (*c == '{') { if (*(c-1) == '\\') { p.value[curval][vallen-1] = *c; c++; continue; } else { curval++; vallen = 0; inval = 1; c++; c++; continue; } } c++; } return &p; } static int gaimrc_parse_tag(FILE *f) { char buf[2048]; char tag[256]; buf[0] = '#'; while (buf[0] == '#' && !feof(f)) fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); if (feof(f)) return -1; sscanf(buf, "%s {", tag); if (!strcmp(tag, "users")) { return 0; } else if (!strcmp(tag, "options")) { return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tag, "away")) { return 2; } return -1; } void filter_break(char *msg) { char *c; int mc; c = g_strdup(msg); mc = 0; while (*c) { if (*c == '\\') { c++; msg[mc] = *c; } else { msg[mc] = *c; } mc++; c++; } msg[mc] = 0; } static void gaimrc_read_away(FILE *f) { struct parse *p; char buf[4096]; struct away_message *a; buf[0] = 0; while (buf[0] != '}') { if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return; if (buf[0] == '}') return; p = parse_line(buf); if (!strcmp(p->option, "message")) { a = g_new0(struct away_message, 1); g_snprintf(a->name, sizeof(a->name), "%s", p->value[0]); g_snprintf(a->message, sizeof(a->message), "%s", p->value[1]); filter_break(a->message); away_messages = g_list_append(away_messages, a); } } } static void gaimrc_write_away(FILE *f) { GList *awy = away_messages; struct away_message *a; fprintf(f, "away {\n"); while (awy) { a = (struct away_message *)awy->data; fprintf(f, "\tmessage { %s } { %s }\n", escape_text2(a->name), escape_text2(a->message)); awy = awy->next; } fprintf(f, "}\n"); } static struct aim_user *gaimrc_read_user(FILE *f) { struct parse *p; struct aim_user *u; char buf[4096]; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return NULL; p = parse_line(buf); if (strcmp(p->option, "ident")) return NULL; u = g_new0(struct aim_user, 1); strcpy(u->username, p->value[0]); strcpy(u->password, p->value[1]); u->user_info[0] = 0; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return u; if (strcmp(buf, "\t\tuser_info {\n")) { return u; } if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return u; while (strncmp(buf, "\t\t}", 3)) { if (strlen(buf) > 3) strcat(u->user_info, &buf[3]); if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { return u; } } return u; } static void gaimrc_write_user(FILE *f, struct aim_user *u) { char *c; int nl = 1;; fprintf(f, "\t\tident { %s } { %s }\n", u->username, u->password); fprintf(f, "\t\tuser_info {"); c = u->user_info; while(*c) { /* This is not as silly as it looks. */ if (*c == '\n') { nl++; } else { if (nl) { while(nl) { fprintf(f, "\n\t\t\t"); nl--; } } fprintf(f, "%c", *c); } c++; } fprintf(f, "\n\t\t}\n"); } static void gaimrc_read_users(FILE *f) { char buf[2048]; struct aim_user *u; struct parse *p; int cur = 0; buf[0] = 0; while (buf[0] != '}') { if (buf[0] == '#') continue; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return; p = parse_line(buf); if (!strcmp(p->option, "current_user")) { cur = 1;; } else if (strcmp(p->option, "user")) { continue; } u = gaimrc_read_user(f); if (cur) current_user = u; aim_users = g_list_append(aim_users, u); } } static void gaimrc_write_users(FILE *f) { GList *usr = aim_users; struct aim_user *u; fprintf(f, "users {\n"); while(usr) { u = (struct aim_user *)usr->data; if (current_user == u) { fprintf(f, "\tcurrent_user {\n"); } else { fprintf(f, "\tuser {\n"); } gaimrc_write_user(f, u); fprintf(f, "\t}\n"); usr = usr->next; } fprintf(f, "}\n"); } static void gaimrc_read_options(FILE *f) { char buf[2048]; struct parse *p; buf[0] = 0; while (buf[0] != '}') { if (buf[0] == '#') continue; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) return; p = parse_line(buf); if (!strcmp(p->option, "general_options")) { general_options = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "display_options")) { display_options = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "sound_options")) { sound_options = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "font_options")) { font_options = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "report_idle")) { report_idle = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "web_browser")) { web_browser = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "web_command")) { strcpy(web_command, p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "proxy_type")) { proxy_type = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "proxy_host")) { strcpy(proxy_host, p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "proxy_port")) { proxy_port = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "aim_host")) { strcpy(aim_host, p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "aim_port")) { aim_port = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "login_host")) { strcpy(login_host, p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "login_port")) { login_port = atoi(p->value[0]); } else if (!strcmp(p->option, "blist_pos")) { blist_pos.x = atoi(p->value[0]); blist_pos.y = atoi(p->value[1]); blist_pos.width = atoi(p->value[2]); blist_pos.height = atoi(p->value[3]); blist_pos.xoff = atoi(p->value[4]); blist_pos.yoff = atoi(p->value[5]); } } } static void gaimrc_write_options(FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "options {\n"); fprintf(f, "\tgeneral_options { %d }\n", general_options); fprintf(f, "\tdisplay_options { %d }\n", display_options); fprintf(f, "\tsound_options { %d }\n", sound_options); fprintf(f, "\tfont_options { %d }\n", font_options); fprintf(f, "\treport_idle { %d }\n", report_idle); fprintf(f, "\tweb_browser { %d }\n", web_browser); fprintf(f, "\tweb_command { %s }\n", web_command); fprintf(f, "\tproxy_type { %d }\n", proxy_type); fprintf(f, "\tproxy_host { %s }\n", proxy_host); fprintf(f, "\tproxy_port { %d }\n", proxy_port); fprintf(f, "\taim_host { %s }\n", aim_host); fprintf(f, "\taim_port { %d }\n", aim_port); fprintf(f, "\tlogin_host { %s }\n", login_host); fprintf(f, "\tlogin_port { %d }\n", login_port); fprintf(f, "\tblist_pos { %d } { %d } { %d } { %d } { %d } { %d }\n", blist_pos.x, blist_pos.y, blist_pos.width, blist_pos.height, blist_pos.xoff, blist_pos.yoff); fprintf(f, "}\n"); } void set_defaults() { general_options = OPT_GEN_SEND_LINKS | OPT_GEN_ENTER_SENDS | OPT_GEN_SAVED_WINDOWS | OPT_GEN_REMEMBER_PASS | OPT_GEN_REGISTERED; display_options = OPT_DISP_SHOW_IDLETIME | OPT_DISP_SHOW_TIME | OPT_DISP_SHOW_PIXMAPS | OPT_DISP_SHOW_BUTTON_XPM; font_options = 0; sound_options = OPT_SOUND_LOGIN | OPT_SOUND_LOGOUT | OPT_SOUND_RECV | OPT_SOUND_SEND; report_idle = IDLE_GAIM; web_browser = BROWSER_NETSCAPE; proxy_type = PROXY_NONE; aim_port = TOC_PORT; login_port = AUTH_PORT; g_snprintf(aim_host, sizeof(aim_host), "%s", TOC_HOST); g_snprintf(login_host, sizeof(login_host), "%s", AUTH_HOST); proxy_host[0] = 0; proxy_port = 0; g_snprintf(web_command, sizeof(web_command), "xterm -e lynx %%s"); blist_pos.width = 0; blist_pos.height = 0; blist_pos.x = 0; blist_pos.y = 0; blist_pos.xoff = 0; blist_pos.yoff = 0; } void load_prefs() { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; int ver = 0; if (getenv("HOME")) { g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.gaimrc", getenv("HOME")); if ((f = fopen(buf,"r"))) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); sscanf(buf, "# .gaimrc v%d", &ver); if ( (ver <= 1) || (buf[0] != '#')) { fclose(f); set_defaults(); save_prefs(); load_prefs(); return; } while(!feof(f)) { switch(gaimrc_parse_tag(f)) { case -1: /* Let the loop end, EOF*/ break; case 0: gaimrc_read_users(f); break; case 1: gaimrc_read_options(f); break; case 2: gaimrc_read_away(f); break; default: /* NOOP */ break; } } fclose(f); } } } void save_prefs() { FILE *f; char buf[BUF_LONG]; if (getenv("HOME")) { g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.gaimrc", getenv("HOME")); if ((f = fopen(buf,"w"))) { fprintf(f, "# .gaimrc v%d\n", 2); gaimrc_write_users(f); gaimrc_write_options(f); gaimrc_write_away(f); fclose(f); chmod(buf, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } } }