view @ 936:311b3f72e7b9

[gaim-migrate @ 946] Sha la la la la la la, mmm, uh huh Was down at the linux expo, starin' at this blue octane, Mr. Flynn strikes up a conversation, with a black haired CS Major. She codes in C while her father hacks, oh, she's suddenly geeky. We all want something geeky, man I wish I was geeky. So come hack in silence down through the morning, sha la la la la la la la, yeah, uhh huh, yeah. Cut up Mark Spencer, show me some of that free software, and pass me a laptop, Mr. Flynn! Believe in me! Help me believe in anything, cuz, I wanna be someone geeky! Mr. Flynn and Me, tell each other linux tales, and we stare at the beautiful penguins, it's lookin' at you, oh no no, it's looking at me. Smiling in the CRT, Mp3's on the stero, when everyone's geeky, you can never be lonely. Well I'm gonna hack a program, syntax highlighting in blue and red and black and grey. All of the beautiful colours are very very meaningingful. Well you know C is my favorite language, I felt so symbolic yesterday. If I knew R. Stallman, I'd buy myself a grey keyboard and hack! Mr. Flynn and me look into the future! We stare at the beautiful Penguins, it's lookin at me, I dont think so, It's looking at me. Hacking in the CRT, I bought myself a grey keyboard, When everbody's geeky, I will never be lonely. I will never be lonely. I'm never gonna be .. loonely. I wanna be a penguin. Eeh -- everybody wanna pass as birds, they all wanna be big big birds, but we got different reasons for that. Believe in me, cuz I don't believe in anything. And I, wanna be someone, geeky, geeky, geeky, yeaaaah! Mr. Flynn and me, storming through the expo, and we stare at the beautiful penguin! It's coming for you, man there's got to be one for me! I wanna be L. Torvalds, Mr. Flynn wishes he was someone just a little more geeky, when everybody loves you, oh son! It's just about as geeky as you can be! Mr. Flynn and me .. starin' at the penguins, when I look at slashdot I wanna see me, staring right back at me. We all wanna be big geeks, but we dont know why and we don't know how .. when everybody loves me I'll be just about as geeky as I can be ... Mr. Flynn and me.. gonna be big geeks. **bows and cheers** Thank You, Thank You. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Rob Flynn <>
date Sun, 24 Sep 2000 22:48:54 +0000
parents 9a01b3fb1a9d
children 0a4d0ed65e17
line wrap: on
line source

EXTRA_DIST = gaim_applet.gnorba gaim.desktop gaim_applet.desktop gaim.soundlist \
	buddytrans buddytrans2 README.plugins HACKING


gnomesysconf = `@GNOME_CONFIG@ --sysconfdir`
gnomedata    = `@GNOME_CONFIG@ --datadir`

gaim_GNORBA = gaim_applet.gnorba
gaimgnorbadir  = $(gnomesysconf)/CORBA/servers
gaimgnorba_DATA = $(gaim_GNORBA)

gaim_DESKTOP = gaim_applet.desktop
gaimdesktopdir = $(gnomedata)/applets/Network
gaimdesktop_DATA = $(gaim_DESKTOP)

gaim_SOUND = gaim.soundlist
gaimsounddir = $(gnomesysconf)/sound/events
gaimsound_DATA = $(gaim_SOUND)



distribgnorbadir = $(sysconfdir)/CORBA/servers
distribgnorba_DATA = gaim_applet.gnorba

distribdesktopdir = $(datadir)/applets/Network
distribdesktop_DATA = gaim_applet.desktop

distribsounddir = $(sysconfdir)/sound/events
distribsound_DATA = gaim.soundlist



bitssysconf = `@GNOME_CONFIG@ --sysconfdir`
bitssounddir = $(bitssysconf)/sound/events
bitssound_DATA = gaim.soundlist


pixmapdir = $(datadir)/gnome/apps/Internet
pixmap_DATA = gaim.desktop

SUBDIRS = m4 libfaim sounds plugins pixmaps doc po intl src