view src/gaim-remote @ 13914:3ae8a3935406

[gaim-migrate @ 16414] First stab at trying to fix the MSN http connect method. It still doesn't work, and I'm not sure why, but it gets a lot farther in the signon process now. For those unfamiliar with the issue, the MSN http connect method stopped working after all the non-blocking I/O changes. The http connect method is apparently used by lots of people behind silly firewalls and stuff, and therefore we really shouldn't release Gaim 2.0.0 without it working, because people will complain. The two main problems were 1. The outgoing message queue was removed in favor of buffering all data to one large buffer. This sounds good in theory... but apparently each message sent to and from the server has a "SessionID" in the HTTP header. Every message we send should use the same SessionID as the last packet we received from the server. So basically you can't put two messages into the outgoing buffer at the same time because you don't have the correct SessionID to use for the second message. You have to wait until you get the reply from the server. 2. There were some strange buffer problems with using the wrong variable when trying to combine the header+body into one buffer before sending the message. I also fixed a small memleak or two, added some comments, and tried to clean up the code a little. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Mark Doliner <>
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 20:39:04 +0000
parents 95166d0d6037
line wrap: on
line source


import dbus
import re
import urllib
import sys

import xml.dom.minidom 

xml.dom.minidom.Element.all   = xml.dom.minidom.Element.getElementsByTagName

obj = dbus.SessionBus().get_object("net.sf.gaim.GaimService", "/net/sf/gaim/GaimObject")
gaim = dbus.Interface(obj, "net.sf.gaim.GaimInterface")

class CheckedObject:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return CheckedAttribute(self, attr)

class CheckedAttribute:
    def __init__(self, cobj, attr):
        self.cobj = cobj
        self.attr = attr
    def __call__(self, *args):
        result = self.cobj.obj.__getattr__(self.attr)(*args)
        if result == 0:
            raise "Error: " + self.attr + " " + str(args) + " returned " + str(result)
        return result
cgaim = CheckedObject(gaim)

urlregexp = r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"

def extendlist(list, length, fill):
    if len(list) < length:
        return list + [fill] * (length - len(list))
        return list

def convert(value):
        return int(value)
        return value

def findaccount(accountname, protocolname):
        # prefer connected accounts
        account = cgaim.GaimAccountsFindConnected(accountname, protocolname)
        return account
        # try to get any account and connect it
        account = cgaim.GaimAccountsFindAny(accountname, protocolname)
        gaim.GaimAccountSetStatusVargs(account, "online", 1)
        return account

def execute(uri):
    match = re.match(urlregexp, uri)
    protocol =
    if protocol == "aim" or protocol == "icq":
        protocol = "oscar"
    if protocol is not None:
        protocol = "prpl-" + protocol
    command =
    paramstring =
    params = {}
    if paramstring is not None:
        for param in paramstring.split("&"):
            key, value = extendlist(param.split("=",1), 2, "")
            params[key] = urllib.unquote(value)

    accountname = params.get("account", "")

    if command == "goim":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        conversation = cgaim.GaimConversationNew(1, account, params["screenname"])
        if "message" in params:
            im = cgaim.GaimConversationGetImData(conversation)
            gaim.GaimConvImSend(im, params["message"])
        return None

    elif command == "gochat":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        connection = cgaim.GaimAccountGetConnection(account)
        return gaim.ServJoinChat(connection, params)

    elif command == "addbuddy":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        return cgaim.GaimBlistRequestAddBuddy(account, params["screenname"],
                                              params.get("group", ""), "")

    elif command == "setstatus":
        current = gaim.GaimSavedstatusGetCurrent()

        if "status" in params:
            status_id = params["status"]
            status_type = gaim.GaimPrimitiveGetTypeFromId(status_id)
            status_type = gaim.GaimSavedStatusGetType(current)
            status_id = gaim.GaimPrimitiveGetIdFromType(status_type)

        if "message" in params:
            message = params["message"];
            message = gaim.GaimSavedstatusGetMessage(current)

        if "account" in params:
            accounts = [cgaim.GaimAccountsFindAny(accountname, protocol)]

            for account in accounts:
                status = gaim.GaimAccountGetStatus(account, status_id)
                type = gaim.GaimStatusGetType(status)
                gaim.GaimSavedstatusSetSubstatus(current, account, type, message)
                gaim.GaimSavedstatusActivateForAccount(current, account)
            accounts = gaim.GaimAccountsGetAllActive()
            saved = gaim.GaimSavedstatusNew("", status_type)
            gaim.GaimSavedstatusSetMessage(saved, message)

        return None

    elif command == "getinfo":
        account = findaccount(accountname, protocol)
        connection = cgaim.GaimAccountGetConnection(account)
        return gaim.ServGetInfo(connection, params["screenname"])

    elif command == "quit":
        return gaim.GaimCoreQuit()

    elif command == "uri":
        return None

        match = re.match(r"(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)", command)
        if match is not None:
            name =
            argstr =
            if argstr == "":
                args = []
                args = argstr.split(",")
            fargs = []
            for arg in args:
            return gaim.__getattr__(name)(*fargs)
            # introspect the object to get parameter names and types
            # this is slow because the entire introspection info must be downloaded
            data = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable").\
            introspect = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data).documentElement
            for method in introspect.all("method"):
                if command == method.getAttribute("name"):
                    methodparams = []
                    for arg in method.all("arg"):
                        if arg.getAttribute("direction") == "in":
                            value = params[arg.getAttribute("name")]
                            type = arg.getAttribute("type")
                            if type == "s":
                            elif type == "i":
                                raise "Don't know how to handle type \"%s\"" % type
                    return gaim.__getattr__(command)(*methodparams)
            raise "Unknown command: %s" % command

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print """This program uses DBus to communicate with gaim.


    %s "command1" "command2" ...

Each command is of one of the three types:


The second and third form are provided for completeness but their use
is not recommended; use gaim-send or gaim-send-async instead.  The
second form uses introspection to find out the parameter names and
their types, therefore it is rather slow.

Examples of commands:

    jabber:addbuddy?screenname=my friend

    setstatus?status=away&message=don't disturb

""" % sys.argv[0]

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    output = execute(arg)

    if (output != None):
        print output