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view NEWS @ 1649:3fe5799b7823
[gaim-migrate @ 1659]
Update libfaim.
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Adam Fritzler <> |
date | Tue, 27 Mar 2001 00:51:09 +0000 |
parents | a0b1609d28fe |
children | 566562641cf0 |
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-=[ GAIM ]=- The Pimpin' Penguin AIM Clone That's Good For The Soul! 0.11.0-pre9: 0.11.0-pre8 (03/23/2001): Eric: Oo wow :) So I guess the big news is that this release should help you avoid the battle between Jabber and AOL. Most protocols got a few good bugfixes; thanks to people who pointed them out :). Hopefully for the next release I'll make it so you can register a account, and then you can support Jabber using Gaim. I think (I *think*) Oscar blocking is working now. Haha, get it? Oscar blocking? It took me a while to get it, too. But no, really, I think that the permit/deny list in Oscar might be working. Rob: MSN got some fixes and should be really stable now. It had a little 100% CPU eating bug but that's taken care of now. Next on my list of repairs is the napster plugin. It works -- sorta -- sometimes. Heh. As all of you probably know already, our Oscar support was broken yesterday. There's a little battle going on between AOL and Jabber and we caught a bullet during the crossfire. I think I just won the award for the most cliches used in one paragraph, as a matter of fact. ;-). ** Good luck to the Jabber guys in getting this resolved ** 0.11.0-pre7 (03/16/2001): Rob: Hey! I finally rewrote the MSN plugin. Sorry, I'm just a lazy code whore sometimes, heheh. It pretty much has the same functionality as before with the exception of instability. I didn't really like that feature very much so I removed it. I hope you guys don't mind too terribly much ;-). Eric: In this week's installment of gaim you'll find a new Yahoo! library and an option to have all conversations in one window, in addition to numerous bug fixes and other improvements. Don't forget to send us your feedback. If there's something you want added, changed, or fixed, head over to our SourceForge page at and tells us about it. 0.11.0-pre6 (03/06/2001): Eric: Yay! I get to go first! The biggest change in this release is the TODO file. Lots of things got added. There's going to be a lot of prereleases. Please help. Other than that it's mostly just a lot of bugfixes. Oscar got a few new features. Head on over to and tell us what you'd like to see in gaim. We've gotten a lot of great requests so far, thanks. I think I like releasing every week. Rob: I've been bad so Eric got to go first. The biggest change In this release is the NEWS file. It's the only thing I contributed to! heh, just kidding. This is a bug fix release, as Eric said. Next release will contain my newly rewritten MSN plugin. You guys should be happy with it :). Oh yeah, TUCAN rocks :) Oh yeah, Eric rocks too. 0.11.0-pre5 (02/26/2001): Rob: Yeah, I promise this is the last pre-release :-D. That seems to be a pretty common saying around here, huh? Well, I must first appologize. The protocols that I was working on really should be much more developed at this point -- they should be completed, actually. Unfortunately, my real life job (yes, I have one hehe) got a little too busy and ate up all of my free time. I promise that things will get better now :). Eric: I don't promise that this is the last pre-release. :) But hopefully releases can start coming more often than once every two months. I don't really have much else to say. It's been a slow couple of months. Rob: I promise to hack gaim again. Please don't hate me. 0.11.0-pre4: Rob: HOORAY FOR DISNEYLAND! Eric: One more prerelease. I'm actually starting to think these prereleases are a good idea; a lot of people reported a lot of bugs in pre3 and most of them are fixed now. Also, it helps with the whole release early-release often philosophy. The big news in this prerelease is two more protocols: Jabber and Napster. Both of them don't have any of the features that make these services cool, yet. You can't use the transports in Jabber and you can't download file in Napster. But you will be able to, soon :) Rob and I are going on vacation starting today until after New Year's, which is a lot of the reason we wanted to get this release out; it's much improved over pre3. Happy Holidays everyone. 0.11.0-pre3 (12/15/2000): Rob: Well, I hadn't initially planned on an 0.11.0pre3 but it looks like it was needed. That's not necessarially a bad thing, mind you. It just means you get to see more goodies! This release includes some other fun features. See the ChangeLog for more information. Also found in this wonderful release is an MSN plugin. For all of you who have been holding onto Windows simply because you have friends on MSN Messenger that you don't want to leave, this plugin is for you! :) Guys, make sure you send us bug reports; preferably on the SourceForge bug report forum at This will allow both Eric and I to handle the bugs and will prevent either one of us from losing the bug reports that are sent via AIM :-) Eric: Hey everybody, Rob and I really want to hear what you guys want to see in gaim. Head over to and leave a message in the Open Discussion forum. We've gotten a lot of good ideas so far (most of them didn't make it into this release, unfortunately). If any of you want to test out your mad coding skills, I can think of a few projects that would be incredibly useful. Send me or Rob an IM and we'll let you know how you can help. And don't forget to read the HACKING file to see how gaim's put together. This is hopefully going to be the last prerelease; now that all the protocols that we're going to be doing for 0.11.0 are available it's mostly just going to be hacking on them and getting them in usable condition before the final release. Don't forget to send us bug reports ;) 0.11.0-pre2 (12/04/2000): Rob: I messed up. Oh well, it's fixed. 0.11.0-pre1 (12/03/2000): Rob: Hey guys! Guess what!? Yup, you're correct! It's the pre1 release of 0.11.0. We have all sorts of goodies in this release! Check out the ChangeLog file. As always if you find any bugs, please report them on You may find several small bugs as this is still a prerelease. You may want to note that my IRC plugin does not have full functionality as of yet. All of the important / commands will be added before the final release. Also, if someone could send me some good buddylist pixmaps for the irc plugin then I'd much appreciate it. Thanks to everyone who made this new release possible! If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, please let us know either by e-mail or via the source forge message board at the URL above. :) Eric: So what was Yay! For Gaim!? Yay was the codename for the Yahoo plugin. The whole point of all of these changes was I wanted to make a proof-of-concept plugin that would let Gaim sign into Yahoo. It turned out to be pretty much impossible with the old code. So, Rob and I hacked gaim so we could do just that. There's now a whole new class of plugins, Protocol Plugins, that let users dynamically add new protocols to Gaim. Just load the plugin, and create a new account that uses that protocol, and you're set! Yay! (Oscar and TOC are both still static. Gaim is, after all, primarily an AIM client.) Lots of people have been very generous and contributed a lot of time and effort to writing some really nice patches for gaim since the last release. To all of you, a big thanks. 0.10.3 (10/09/2000): Rob: I am dumb. Eric: I am not dumb. 0.10.2 (10/07/2000): Rob: What do you want me to say for yours? Eric: What happened since the last release? Rob: You got DSL. Eric: Oh yeah, I'm more available now. Rob: On a more serious note, this is just a quick release to hold everyone over. Look for some very awesome things coming in the next version. I can't say what, just yet, but what I can say is, Yay! For Gaim! 0.10.1 (09/15/2000): Rob: Hi Hi Hi! Yet another gaim release pushed out the door for you guys. I hope you all enjoy it. There was a few minor issues cleared up in this version as well as the repair of OSCAR support. Hopefully we won't run into the same problem as before. Oh well ;-). There's also a few small extra goodies in here for you guys just check out the Change Log. I hope you all enjoy and take care! Eric: Wanna know what the Oscar problem was? You'll laugh. 2 bytes. The fix was changing 0x07da to 0x0686. Anyway, aside from the fix for that, there are a couple other good things. Beware of DSL nazis. They won't give you service until 6 weeks after you order it. So um, yeah. 0.10.0 (09/11/2000): Rob: Well peoples, I know that it's been a while since our last release. Here we go. Some brand spankin' new interfaces for you guys to oogle at. I hope you all enjoy it. Hopefully our next release won't take as long to finish up. Real life kind of crept up on Eric and I and took up a lot of our times. Life sucks that way sometimes. Anyways, we're back and all is well. Thanks for hanging in there guys and we hope you enjoy it! Eric: LWE was so cool. Rob and I met up there, we had a blast. But I only got to go for one day and Rob got to go for three. Lucky bastard. It's been so long since the last release that I don't even remember what's changed. But all of it is good :) Like Rob said, all kinds of new UI stuff. I think there are some new features in there too. Now I'm headed back to school so I'll have more time to hack gaim (isn't that supposed to be the reverse?), just as soon as I get my internet connection back >:-/ . Rob: Oh yeah, some of our pixmaps may need a little work. We took a lot of them from the Gnome Stock icons. If anyone could do some custom ones that stay within the 24x24 boundary and keep the same idea and feel as the gnome icons then we would be more than happy to use them. Thanks much!! Viva la LWE. 0.9.20 (07/14/2000): Rob: Well, guys, I hope you enjoy this version. I've done quite a bit of work to the user interface. It's still not in the state that I would like it to be, though. Over the next few versions you will notice a few more interface changes as we try to bring a more professional look to GAIM. As always, we will stay true to our pimpin' penguin atittude. Eric: While Rob's been busy making things pretty, I've been busy making things work :). The chat and IM windows got merged, which means that they both have the same features (notably, IM has /me and chat has font/color dialogs and smileys). Also smileys should work better in general now (thanks fflew). Rob: By the way, what Eric is saying is that he's smart and I'm not and that he does all of the work and I sit on my butt all day and claim to do work. WOOO! Just kidding, brother :-P 0.9.19 (06/09/2000): Rob: PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA PLA All of that nonsense aside, there are a few things that DIDN'T happen in this version of gaim. The user interface changes will wait until the 0.9.20 release. We've decided to turn 0.9.19 into a "new feature and major bug fix" release. All/Most major bugs should be worked out now. We're sorry about the problem of segfaulting when your buddylist stored on the server was null. Oops! We won't let it happen again, we promise. Eric: Lots of good changes in this one, including locale support. Chat had a lot of things done to it, but it's still not finished. The UI didn't get the overhaul we were planning, but we wanted to get a few bugfixes out. Lemme say something about reporting bugs. Please do. Please try to give as much information as you can. But regardless of how much information you give, please be POLITE. If you tell us our software is crap then we're probably not going to respond well. Rob: Before I close up and say goodnight, I'd like to say that I agree with Eric. Reporting problems and/or helpful criticism in a polite manner always yields the best results. Peace all, and happy hacking. 0.9.18 (06/02/2000): Rob: Talk about release early, release often - sheesh! We're going insane. Ya know, I'm not too happy with the GAIM UI. I dont know how the rest of you feel but it's time for a nice overhaul. In the next few days I'll be sitting down with some of my friends and coming up with an improved interface. I hope you all enjoy it. It'll include better looking dialogs, icons, sounds (hopefully lol), etc. And -- for your random silly message of the day -- "Beans and Franks, Beans and Franks, Wine And Beer, Have No Fear! I can sing! I can dance! I have a penguin in my pants!" - Rob Flynn after not having enough sleep. Eric: I've had less sleep than Rob, I can guarantee you that. There's actually a lot going on in this release, despite 2 releases 2 days ago. Don't ask me how; I think the elves had something to do with it. Oscar support is almost to the point where I'm considering removing the 'experimental' label from configure. For those of you brave enough to try it, I'd like feedback. (And if you happen to write a patch to fix some of the stuff that would be really cool too.) Hopefully for the next release, in addition to the cool new UI, Gaim/Faim will be able to do nearly everything Gaim/TOC can do. (Big things coming in 0.9.19, I can feel it....) And just remember, you *can* have too many gummi candies. Especially if you eat nearly a whole kilo of them. Believe me. I know. But the gummi cherries are damn good. 0.9.17 (05/31/2000): Rob: I am an e-mail fiend! (after receiving 60 emails within a 5 minute period about a problem and responding to all of them immediately) I am stupid. Eric: Heh heh. 2 releases in one day. I'm impressed. Maybe one of these times we'll actually get some of it right ;) Anyway, yeah. Just bug fixes in this one. Rob: Yeah, we wouldn't be ourselves if we released it once and got it right, would we? :-) 0.9.16; Rob: Blah Blah Blah. Eric: Looks like Rob didn't have much to say, so I'll write something instead :) There's a few good things in this release, the most important of them being: Better proxy support, of course. Oh yeah, and you can sign on now, so that's a good thing too. There's a few more good things going on in this release, so check out the ChangeLog. Play nicely, and we'll keep hacking away at it. Rob: Go Watch `Road Trip'. 0.9.15: Hey boy's and girls. There's not much to say here this time. We're loving Southern California, the new job's going great. We just got our company website up and the product development is going pretty smooth. Life's pretty sweet now. We've hacked up all kinds of goodies for you in 0.9.15. There's some file transfer (receive) support for those of you who have been wanting it for a while. There's some other misc. goodies tossed in as well. Enjoy!! Oh yeah, we need a new website. Come up with a sweet design and get in touch with me. The current site is at: Thanks much! 0.9.14: Well, there's a few random hacks and fixes in here, along with a little suprise. You guessed it, kiddos, support for plugins! Happy hacking! 0.9.13: Not much to say for this release. Bug fixes, That's all. Look for the goodies I promised in 0.9.13 to appear in 0.9.14 which should be released very soon now. By the way, our CVS is now hosted over at source forge. Go check it out at Please check there before submitting any bug reports (You can read our CVS comments to see if we have fixed any problems). 0.9.12: Well guys, looks like we got some nifty things in this version. TrueType Fonts are supported for those XFSTT buffs out there (or whatever else you use). A crap load of those plaguing memory leaks have FINALLY been fixed. My brother, Jeramey, and a new friend Peter Teichan helped stomp those babies out. A rad guy by the name of Eric Warmenhoven has been really sweet lately and has all but rewritten the Gnome Applet support :). He submitted patch after patch. I finally got annoyed with him (just kidding bud) and gave him CVS access. Look for Gnome Applet support in Gaim to start improving. That's about all for now. I wanted to get this release out there. File Receive support will be in 0.9.13 which is due out soon. 0.9.11: Jeramey got a new Comfy Chair! Its very very comfy! Whee! Jim also had a little hyper-drunken moment and started hacking away at a new configuration format for GAIM. Looks like we're running .gaimrc version 1 now. Gotta love it. I got bored and hacked in a couple font properties that will, in time, contain more features. That's about it for this version -- cept for that memory leak we fixed. Shush! We're not plumbers! -- rob ** Extra special update ** Well guys, it looks like we all stopped working on gaim, moved to California, and took up a new job. Don't worry though, those beach bums out here havent worn off on us yet. I've decided to pick up the Gaim torch myself and continue development ont he prohect. Hopefully we wont have any more five month braks in the project. Sorry about that, guys :) 0.9.10: Umm. Dont ask. Silly memory leak. For those of you who wondered, you were losing about 256 bytes every 25 seconds for each person you have on your contact list. Make fun of us. Better yet .. Send us beer. We'll do better :) 0.9.9: Welp, All of you boys and girls who run Mandrake and have some problems with GAIM working properly, please check out the FAQ file. It contains a nice fix submitted by one of our users. I hope this works for you guys! Jim appears to have intoxicated himself. This is, as always, a Good Thing (tm). His late-night adventure with the liquid-bread food group lead to the birth of a nice little feature called `The Lag-O-Meter'. Dont ask, just try it out :). It is pretty pointless if you have a super-fast connection but if you are a modem user, like many of us are, then try it out. There's also some idle preferences and some other little random bug fixes. Check'em out yo :) 0.9.8: Get Along Lil' Doggies. Heh. Looks like we have yet another new version of gaim for you guys to play with. Be gentle now, it has a few new fetures. The HTML widget is now more robust and we have *da da da* HTTP proxy support. Oh By The Way, Do not pay too much attention to what we are doing with this release. We are all a little bit happy tonight. You must love life. This is a special release of gaim. We will be releasing some wonderful photographs soon .. or perhaps if we get the bloody webcam working then we will take a couple of quick snapshots. Looks like the GAIM developers convention (cool name huh) that we had this weekend in Auburn, AL went wonderfully :). yum yum yum. Hahahah. Oh by the way. Beware of insecure rednecks in the deli. Bad things. In (non)related news, Jeramey could not successfully slaughter the one pound hamburger that he ordered. (I think he could have done it but he wasn't feeling very well at the time). Oh Yes, New Logo Too :) You likes? Thanks, Naru! Just a little side-note: it looks like we didnt make the release that we had expected during the Gaim Convention. Maybe we partied too much? I am not sure. I remember watching the sun rise before I went to bed, though. Oh well. Here's your release! Enjoy! By The Way, we have uploaded our party pictures to a website. They are nothing spectacular but I hope you enjoy them! :). 0.9.7: Well, boys and girls, it's that time again! Yup, time for the good release fairy to come bless us with her infinite wisdom and divine presence. Umm, yeah, something like that. Anyways, this release has several little "bad" network fixes (as Jim likes to say) and a couple touch-ups to a few other features. It also features preliminary oscar support. Thanks to Jim and Adam ("the libfaim guy") hehe :) We have also corrected a problem with gaim not wainting to correctly save your password if you have an underscore in it. Thanks to w1za7d for pointing out the underscore problem. ' and \ have also been fixed in passwords. :o) 0.9.6: Sorry about the little segfaulting bugs in the past release. Rob is stupid. :). Anyways, they have been patched up and a couple new features have been added. I hope you guys enjoy. 0.9.5: Well we added a myriad of new features to this release. (A lot of small buggie fixes too.) If you need a detailed list just check out the ChangeLog. We now have a new webpage design and have added a FAQ to the distribution. Before coming to us with any problems please take a quick look through the FAQ to make sure we havent already covered your question. Also, thanks to our beloved Web Monkey, FlynOrange, we have all learned the true power of foam weapons, slinkies, and whoopie cushions. Hmm gotta love those pranks, eh? 0.8.0: Well, just starting the NEWS file. I'll try to remember what's new from the last version. Hmmm. BIG code reorg. Import/export, buddy pounce among the major new features. Autoconf script too, which is a big win. Apologies to those who submitted patches which haven't made it in.. I promise, the next version! This code reorg took up a lot of my time, and I want to get it out there.