Mercurial > pidgin
view finch/libgnt/gntwm.c @ 17044:53e757c37e06
Ignore bold, underline and other formatting type things in SPAN tags if
"Show formatting on incoming messages" is turned off. This makes handling
of these things consistent with other formatting tags.
Fixes #520.
author | Stu Tomlinson <> |
date | Fri, 11 May 2007 20:06:57 +0000 |
parents | 403332494b92 |
children | f1abdde52538 3af867ef5a15 |
line wrap: on
line source
#define _GNU_SOURCE #if defined(__APPLE__) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #endif #include "config.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "gntwm.h" #include "gntstyle.h" #include "gntmarshal.h" #include "gnt.h" #include "gntbox.h" #include "gntlabel.h" #include "gntmenu.h" #include "gnttextview.h" #include "gnttree.h" #include "gntutils.h" #include "gntwindow.h" #define IDLE_CHECK_INTERVAL 5 /* 5 seconds */ enum { SIG_NEW_WIN, SIG_DECORATE_WIN, SIG_CLOSE_WIN, SIG_CONFIRM_RESIZE, SIG_RESIZED, SIG_CONFIRM_MOVE, SIG_MOVED, SIG_UPDATE_WIN, SIG_GIVE_FOCUS, SIG_KEY_PRESS, SIG_MOUSE_CLICK, SIGS }; static guint signals[SIGS] = { 0 }; static void gnt_wm_new_window_real(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget); static void gnt_wm_win_resized(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node); static void gnt_wm_win_moved(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node); static void gnt_wm_give_focus(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget); static void update_window_in_list(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *wid); static void shift_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget, int dir); static gboolean write_already(gpointer data); static int write_timeout; static time_t last_active_time; static gboolean idle_update; static GList * g_list_bring_to_front(GList *list, gpointer data) { list = g_list_remove(list, data); list = g_list_prepend(list, data); return list; } static void free_node(gpointer data) { GntNode *node = data; hide_panel(node->panel); del_panel(node->panel); g_free(node); } static void draw_taskbar(GntWM *wm, gboolean reposition) { static WINDOW *taskbar = NULL; GList *iter; int n, width = 0; int i; if (taskbar == NULL) { taskbar = newwin(1, getmaxx(stdscr), getmaxy(stdscr) - 1, 0); } else if (reposition) { int Y_MAX = getmaxy(stdscr) - 1; mvwin(taskbar, Y_MAX, 0); } wbkgdset(taskbar, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); werase(taskbar); n = g_list_length(wm->list); if (n) width = getmaxx(stdscr) / n; for (i = 0, iter = wm->list; iter; iter = iter->next, i++) { GntWidget *w = iter->data; int color; const char *title; if (w == wm->ordered->data) { /* This is the current window in focus */ color = GNT_COLOR_TITLE; } else if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(w, GNT_WIDGET_URGENT)) { /* This is a window with the URGENT hint set */ color = GNT_COLOR_URGENT; } else { color = GNT_COLOR_NORMAL; } wbkgdset(taskbar, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(color)); if (iter->next) mvwhline(taskbar, 0, width * i, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(color), width); else mvwhline(taskbar, 0, width * i, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(color), getmaxx(stdscr) - width * i); title = GNT_BOX(w)->title; mvwprintw(taskbar, 0, width * i, "%s", title ? title : "<gnt>"); if (i) mvwaddch(taskbar, 0, width *i - 1, ACS_VLINE | A_STANDOUT | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); update_window_in_list(wm, w); } wrefresh(taskbar); } static void copy_win(GntWidget *widget, GntNode *node) { WINDOW *src, *dst; int shadow; if (!node) return; src = widget->window; dst = node->window; shadow = gnt_widget_has_shadow(widget) ? 1 : 0; copywin(src, dst, node->scroll, 0, 0, 0, getmaxy(dst) - 1, getmaxx(dst) - 1, 0); } static gboolean update_screen(GntWM *wm) { if (wm->menu) { GntMenu *top = wm->menu; while (top) { GntNode *node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, top); if (node) top_panel(node->panel); top = top->submenu; } } update_panels(); doupdate(); return TRUE; } static gboolean sanitize_position(GntWidget *widget, int *x, int *y) { int X_MAX = getmaxx(stdscr); int Y_MAX = getmaxy(stdscr) - 1; int w, h; int nx, ny; gboolean changed = FALSE; gnt_widget_get_size(widget, &w, &h); if (x) { if (*x + w > X_MAX) { nx = MAX(0, X_MAX - w); if (nx != *x) { *x = nx; changed = TRUE; } } } if (y) { if (*y + h > Y_MAX) { ny = MAX(0, Y_MAX - h); if (ny != *y) { *y = ny; changed = TRUE; } } } return changed; } static void refresh_node(GntWidget *widget, GntNode *node, gpointer null) { int x, y, w, h; int nw, nh; int X_MAX = getmaxx(stdscr); int Y_MAX = getmaxy(stdscr) - 1; gnt_widget_get_position(widget, &x, &y); gnt_widget_get_size(widget, &w, &h); if (sanitize_position(widget, &x, &y)) gnt_screen_move_widget(widget, x, y); nw = MIN(w, X_MAX); nh = MIN(h, Y_MAX); if (nw != w || nh != h) gnt_screen_resize_widget(widget, nw, nh); } static void read_window_positions(GntWM *wm) { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) GKeyFile *gfile = g_key_file_new(); char *filename = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".gntpositions", NULL); GError *error = NULL; char **keys; gsize nk; if (!g_key_file_load_from_file(gfile, filename, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error)) { g_printerr("GntWM: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); g_free(filename); return; } keys = g_key_file_get_keys(gfile, "positions", &nk, &error); if (error) { g_printerr("GntWM: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } else { while (nk--) { char *title = keys[nk]; gsize l; char **coords = g_key_file_get_string_list(gfile, "positions", title, &l, NULL); if (l == 2) { int x = atoi(coords[0]); int y = atoi(coords[1]); GntPosition *p = g_new0(GntPosition, 1); p->x = x; p->y = y; g_hash_table_replace(wm->positions, g_strdup(title + 1), p); } else { g_printerr("GntWM: Invalid number of arguments for positioing a window.\n"); } g_strfreev(coords); } g_strfreev(keys); } g_free(filename); g_key_file_free(gfile); #endif } static gboolean check_idle(gpointer n) { if (idle_update) { time(&last_active_time); idle_update = FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void gnt_wm_init(GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer class) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(instance); wm->list = NULL; wm->ordered = NULL; wm->event_stack = FALSE; wm->windows = NULL; wm->actions = NULL; wm->nodes = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, free_node); wm->positions = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); if (gnt_style_get_bool(GNT_STYLE_REMPOS, TRUE)) read_window_positions(wm); g_timeout_add(IDLE_CHECK_INTERVAL * 1000, check_idle, NULL); time(&last_active_time); } static void switch_window(GntWM *wm, int direction) { GntWidget *w = NULL, *wid = NULL; int pos; if (wm->_list.window || wm->menu) return; if (!wm->ordered || !wm->ordered->next) return; w = wm->ordered->data; pos = g_list_index(wm->list, w); pos += direction; if (pos < 0) wid = g_list_last(wm->list)->data; else if (pos >= g_list_length(wm->list)) wid = wm->list->data; else if (pos >= 0) wid = g_list_nth_data(wm->list, pos); wm->ordered = g_list_bring_to_front(wm->ordered, wid); gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, wm->ordered->data); if (w != wid) { gnt_widget_set_focus(w, FALSE); } } static gboolean window_next(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); switch_window(wm, 1); return TRUE; } static gboolean window_prev(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); switch_window(wm, -1); return TRUE; } static gboolean switch_window_n(GntBindable *bind, GList *list) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bind); GntWidget *w = NULL; GList *l; int n; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; if (list) n = GPOINTER_TO_INT(list->data); else n = 0; w = wm->ordered->data; if ((l = g_list_nth(wm->list, n)) != NULL) { gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, l->data); } if (l && w != l->data) { gnt_widget_set_focus(w, FALSE); } return TRUE; } static gboolean window_scroll_up(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); GntWidget *window; GntNode *node; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; window = wm->ordered->data; node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, window); if (!node) return TRUE; if (node->scroll) { node->scroll--; copy_win(window, node); update_screen(wm); } return TRUE; } static gboolean window_scroll_down(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); GntWidget *window; GntNode *node; int w, h; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; window = wm->ordered->data; node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, window); if (!node) return TRUE; gnt_widget_get_size(window, &w, &h); if (h - node->scroll > getmaxy(node->window)) { node->scroll++; copy_win(window, node); update_screen(wm); } return TRUE; } static gboolean window_close(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window) return TRUE; if (wm->ordered) { gnt_widget_destroy(wm->ordered->data); } return TRUE; } static gboolean help_for_widget(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); GntWidget *widget, *tree, *win, *active; char *title; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; widget = wm->ordered->data; if (!GNT_IS_BOX(widget)) return TRUE; active = GNT_BOX(widget)->active; tree = gnt_widget_bindings_view(active); win = gnt_window_new(); title = g_strdup_printf("Bindings for %s", g_type_name(G_OBJECT_TYPE(active))); gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(win), title); if (tree) gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(win), tree); else gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(win), gnt_label_new("This widget has no customizable bindings.")); gnt_widget_show(win); return TRUE; } static void destroy__list(GntWidget *widget, GntWM *wm) { wm->_list.window = NULL; wm->_list.tree = NULL; wm->windows = NULL; wm->actions = NULL; update_screen(wm); } static void setup__list(GntWM *wm) { GntWidget *tree, *win; win = wm->_list.window = gnt_box_new(FALSE, FALSE); gnt_box_set_toplevel(GNT_BOX(win), TRUE); gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(win), 0); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(win, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT); tree = wm->_list.tree = gnt_tree_new(); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(win), tree); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(destroy__list), wm); } static void window_list_activate(GntTree *tree, GntWM *wm) { GntWidget *widget = gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GNT_TREE(tree)); if (!wm->ordered || !widget) return; gnt_widget_destroy(wm->_list.window); gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, widget); } static void populate_window_list(GntWM *wm) { GList *iter; GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(wm->windows->tree); for (iter = wm->list; iter; iter = iter->next) { GntBox *box = GNT_BOX(iter->data); gnt_tree_add_row_last(tree, box, gnt_tree_create_row(tree, box->title), NULL); update_window_in_list(wm, GNT_WIDGET(box)); } } static gboolean window_list_key_pressed(GntWidget *widget, const char *text, GntWM *wm) { if (text[1] == 0 && wm->ordered) { GntWidget *sel = gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GNT_TREE(widget)); switch (text[0]) { case '-': case ',': shift_window(wm, sel, -1); break; case '=': case '.': shift_window(wm, sel, 1); break; default: return FALSE; } gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(widget)); populate_window_list(wm); gnt_tree_set_selected(GNT_TREE(widget), sel); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean window_list(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); GntWidget *tree, *win; if (wm->_list.window || wm->menu) return TRUE; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; setup__list(wm); wm->windows = &wm->_list; win = wm->windows->window; tree = wm->windows->tree; gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(win), "Window List"); populate_window_list(wm); gnt_tree_set_selected(GNT_TREE(tree), wm->ordered->data); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tree), "activate", G_CALLBACK(window_list_activate), wm); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tree), "key_pressed", G_CALLBACK(window_list_key_pressed), wm); gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(tree), 0, getmaxx(stdscr) / 3); gnt_widget_set_size(tree, 0, getmaxy(stdscr) / 2); gnt_widget_set_position(win, getmaxx(stdscr) / 3, getmaxy(stdscr) / 4); gnt_widget_show(win); return TRUE; } static gboolean dump_screen(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { int x, y; chtype old = 0, now = 0; FILE *file = fopen("dump.html", "w"); fprintf(file, "<pre>"); for (y = 0; y < getmaxy(stdscr); y++) { for (x = 0; x < getmaxx(stdscr); x++) { char ch; now = mvwinch(curscr, y, x); ch = now & A_CHARTEXT; now ^= ch; #define CHECK(attr, start, end) \ do \ { \ if (now & attr) \ { \ if (!(old & attr)) \ fprintf(file, "%s", start); \ } \ else if (old & attr) \ { \ fprintf(file, "%s", end); \ } \ } while (0) CHECK(A_BOLD, "<b>", "</b>"); CHECK(A_UNDERLINE, "<u>", "</u>"); CHECK(A_BLINK, "<blink>", "</blink>"); if ((now & A_COLOR) != (old & A_COLOR) || (now & A_REVERSE) != (old & A_REVERSE)) { int ret; short fgp, bgp, r, g, b; struct { int r, g, b; } fg, bg; ret = pair_content(PAIR_NUMBER(now & A_COLOR), &fgp, &bgp); if (fgp == -1) fgp = COLOR_BLACK; if (bgp == -1) bgp = COLOR_WHITE; if (now & A_REVERSE) fgp ^= bgp ^= fgp ^= bgp; /* *wink* */ ret = color_content(fgp, &r, &g, &b); fg.r = r; fg.b = b; fg.g = g; ret = color_content(bgp, &r, &g, &b); bg.r = r; bg.b = b; bg.g = g; #define ADJUST(x) (x = x * 255 / 1000) ADJUST(fg.r); ADJUST(fg.g); ADJUST(fg.b); ADJUST(bg.r); ADJUST(bg.b); ADJUST(bg.g); if (x) fprintf(file, "</span>"); fprintf(file, "<span style=\"background:#%02x%02x%02x;color:#%02x%02x%02x\">", bg.r, bg.g, bg.b, fg.r, fg.g, fg.b); } if (now & A_ALTCHARSET) { switch (ch) { case 'q': ch = '-'; break; case 't': case 'u': case 'x': ch = '|'; break; case 'v': case 'w': case 'l': case 'm': case 'k': case 'j': case 'n': ch = '+'; break; case '-': ch = '^'; break; case '.': ch = 'v'; break; case 'a': ch = '#'; break; default: ch = ' '; break; } } if (ch == '&') fprintf(file, "&"); else if (ch == '<') fprintf(file, "<"); else if (ch == '>') fprintf(file, ">"); else fprintf(file, "%c", ch); old = now; } fprintf(file, "</span>\n"); old = 0; } fprintf(file, "</pre>"); fclose(file); return TRUE; } static void shift_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget, int dir) { GList *all = wm->list; GList *list = g_list_find(all, widget); int length, pos; if (!list) return; length = g_list_length(all); pos = g_list_position(all, list); pos += dir; if (dir > 0) pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = length; else if (pos > length) pos = 0; all = g_list_insert(all, widget, pos); all = g_list_delete_link(all, list); wm->list = all; draw_taskbar(wm, FALSE); } static gboolean shift_left(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window) return TRUE; shift_window(wm, wm->ordered->data, -1); return TRUE; } static gboolean shift_right(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window) return TRUE; shift_window(wm, wm->ordered->data, 1); return TRUE; } static void action_list_activate(GntTree *tree, GntWM *wm) { GntAction *action = gnt_tree_get_selection_data(tree); action->callback(); gnt_widget_destroy(wm->_list.window); } static int compare_action(gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2) { const GntAction *a1 = p1; const GntAction *a2 = p2; return g_utf8_collate(a1->label, a2->label); } static gboolean list_actions(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWidget *tree, *win; GList *iter; GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window || wm->menu) return TRUE; if (wm->acts == NULL) return TRUE; setup__list(wm); wm->actions = &wm->_list; win = wm->actions->window; tree = wm->actions->tree; gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(win), "Actions"); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(tree, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER); /* XXX: Do we really want this? */ gnt_tree_set_compare_func(GNT_TREE(tree), compare_action); for (iter = wm->acts; iter; iter = iter->next) { GntAction *action = iter->data; gnt_tree_add_row_last(GNT_TREE(tree), action, gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(tree), action->label), NULL); } g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tree), "activate", G_CALLBACK(action_list_activate), wm); gnt_widget_set_size(tree, 0, g_list_length(wm->acts)); gnt_widget_set_position(win, 0, getmaxy(stdscr) - 3 - g_list_length(wm->acts)); gnt_widget_show(win); return TRUE; } #ifndef NO_WIDECHAR static int widestringwidth(wchar_t *wide) { int len, ret; char *string; len = wcstombs(NULL, wide, 0) + 1; string = g_new0(char, len); wcstombs(string, wide, len); ret = gnt_util_onscreen_width(string, NULL); g_free(string); return ret; } #endif /* Returns the onscreen width of the character at the position */ static int reverse_char(WINDOW *d, int y, int x, gboolean set) { #define DECIDE(ch) (set ? ((ch) | A_REVERSE) : ((ch) & ~A_REVERSE)) #ifdef NO_WIDECHAR chtype ch; ch = mvwinch(d, y, x); mvwaddch(d, y, x, DECIDE(ch)); return 1; #else cchar_t ch; int wc = 1; if (mvwin_wch(d, y, x, &ch) == OK) { wc = widestringwidth(ch.chars); ch.attr = DECIDE(ch.attr); ch.attr &= WA_ATTRIBUTES; /* XXX: This is a workaround for a bug */ mvwadd_wch(d, y, x, &ch); } return wc; #endif } static void window_reverse(GntWidget *win, gboolean set, GntWM *wm) { int i; int w, h; WINDOW *d; if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(win, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) return; d = win->window; gnt_widget_get_size(win, &w, &h); if (gnt_widget_has_shadow(win)) { --w; --h; } /* the top and bottom */ for (i = 0; i < w; i += reverse_char(d, 0, i, set)); for (i = 0; i < w; i += reverse_char(d, h-1, i, set)); /* the left and right */ for (i = 0; i < h; i += reverse_char(d, i, 0, set)); for (i = 0; i < h; i += reverse_char(d, i, w-1, set)); copy_win(win, g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, win)); update_screen(wm); } static gboolean start_move(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window || wm->menu) return TRUE; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; wm->mode = GNT_KP_MODE_MOVE; window_reverse(GNT_WIDGET(wm->ordered->data), TRUE, wm); return TRUE; } static gboolean start_resize(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (wm->_list.window || wm->menu) return TRUE; if (!wm->ordered) return TRUE; wm->mode = GNT_KP_MODE_RESIZE; window_reverse(GNT_WIDGET(wm->ordered->data), TRUE, wm); return TRUE; } static gboolean wm_quit(GntBindable *bindable, GList *list) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); if (write_timeout) write_already(wm); g_main_loop_quit(wm->loop); return TRUE; } static gboolean return_true(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *w, int *a, int *b) { return TRUE; } static gboolean refresh_screen(GntBindable *bindable, GList *null) { GntWM *wm = GNT_WM(bindable); endwin(); refresh(); curs_set(0); /* endwin resets the cursor to normal */ g_hash_table_foreach(wm->nodes, (GHFunc)refresh_node, NULL); update_screen(wm); draw_taskbar(wm, TRUE); return FALSE; } static gboolean toggle_clipboard(GntBindable *bindable, GList *n) { static GntWidget *clip; gchar *text; int maxx, maxy; if (clip) { gnt_widget_destroy(clip); clip = NULL; return TRUE; } getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); text = gnt_get_clipboard_string(); clip = gnt_hwindow_new(FALSE); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(clip, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(clip, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER); gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(clip), 0); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(clip), gnt_label_new(" ")); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(clip), gnt_label_new(text)); gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(clip), gnt_label_new(" ")); gnt_widget_set_position(clip, 0, 0); gnt_widget_draw(clip); g_free(text); return TRUE; } static void gnt_wm_class_init(GntWMClass *klass) { int i; klass->new_window = gnt_wm_new_window_real; klass->decorate_window = NULL; klass->close_window = NULL; klass->window_resize_confirm = return_true; klass->window_resized = gnt_wm_win_resized; klass->window_move_confirm = return_true; klass->window_moved = gnt_wm_win_moved; klass->window_update = NULL; klass->key_pressed = NULL; klass->mouse_clicked = NULL; klass->give_focus = gnt_wm_give_focus; signals[SIG_NEW_WIN] = g_signal_new("new_win", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, new_window), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_DECORATE_WIN] = g_signal_new("decorate_win", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, decorate_window), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_CLOSE_WIN] = g_signal_new("close_win", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, close_window), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_CONFIRM_RESIZE] = g_signal_new("confirm_resize", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, window_resize_confirm), gnt_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL, gnt_closure_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 3, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_CONFIRM_MOVE] = g_signal_new("confirm_move", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, window_move_confirm), gnt_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL, gnt_closure_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 3, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_RESIZED] = g_signal_new("window_resized", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, window_resized), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_MOVED] = g_signal_new("window_moved", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, window_moved), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_UPDATE_WIN] = g_signal_new("window_update", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, window_update), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_GIVE_FOCUS] = g_signal_new("give_focus", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, give_focus), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[SIG_MOUSE_CLICK] = g_signal_new("mouse_clicked", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntWMClass, mouse_clicked), gnt_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL, gnt_closure_marshal_BOOLEAN__INT_INT_INT_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 4, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_POINTER); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-next", window_next, "\033" "n", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-prev", window_prev, "\033" "p", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-close", window_close, "\033" "c", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-list", window_list, "\033" "w", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "dump-screen", dump_screen, "\033" "d", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "shift-left", shift_left, "\033" ",", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "shift-right", shift_right, "\033" ".", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "action-list", list_actions, "\033" "a", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "start-move", start_move, "\033" "m", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "start-resize", start_resize, "\033" "r", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "wm-quit", wm_quit, "\033" "q", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "refresh-screen", refresh_screen, "\033" "l", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "switch-window-n", switch_window_n, NULL, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-scroll-down", window_scroll_down, "\033" GNT_KEY_CTRL_J, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "window-scroll-up", window_scroll_up, "\033" GNT_KEY_CTRL_K, NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "help-for-widget", help_for_widget, "\033" "/", NULL); gnt_bindable_class_register_action(GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass), "toggle-clipboard", toggle_clipboard, "\033" "C", NULL); gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass)); /* Make sure Alt+x are detected properly. */ for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { char str[] = "\033X"; str[1] = i; gnt_keys_add_combination(str); } GNTDEBUG; } /****************************************************************************** * GntWM API *****************************************************************************/ GType gnt_wm_get_gtype(void) { static GType type = 0; if(type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(GntWMClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc)gnt_wm_class_init, NULL, NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof(GntWM), 0, /* n_preallocs */ gnt_wm_init, /* instance_init */ NULL /* value_table */ }; type = g_type_register_static(GNT_TYPE_BINDABLE, "GntWM", &info, 0); } return type; } static void update_window_in_list(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *wid) { GntTextFormatFlags flag = 0; if (wm->windows == NULL) return; if (wid == wm->ordered->data) flag |= GNT_TEXT_FLAG_DIM; else if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(wid, GNT_WIDGET_URGENT)) flag |= GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD; gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(wm->windows->tree), wid, flag); } static void gnt_wm_new_window_real(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { GntNode *node; gboolean transient = FALSE; if (widget->window == NULL) return; node = g_new0(GntNode, 1); node->me = widget; node->scroll = 0; g_hash_table_replace(wm->nodes, widget, node); refresh_node(widget, node, NULL); transient = !!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(node->me, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT); #if 1 { int x, y, w, h, maxx, maxy; gboolean shadow = TRUE; if (!gnt_widget_has_shadow(widget)) shadow = FALSE; x = widget->priv.x; y = widget->priv.y; w = widget->priv.width; h = widget->priv.height; getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); maxy -= 1; /* room for the taskbar */ maxy -= shadow; maxx -= shadow; x = MAX(0, x); y = MAX(0, y); if (x + w >= maxx) x = MAX(0, maxx - w); if (y + h >= maxy) y = MAX(0, maxy - h); w = MIN(w, maxx); h = MIN(h, maxy); node->window = newwin(h + shadow, w + shadow, y, x); copy_win(widget, node); } #endif node->panel = new_panel(node->window); set_panel_userptr(node->panel, node); if (!transient) { if (node->me != wm->_list.window) { GntWidget *w = NULL; if (wm->ordered) w = wm->ordered->data; wm->list = g_list_append(wm->list, widget); if (wm->event_stack) wm->ordered = g_list_prepend(wm->ordered, widget); else wm->ordered = g_list_append(wm->ordered, widget); gnt_widget_set_focus(widget, TRUE); if (w) gnt_widget_set_focus(w, FALSE); } if (wm->event_stack || node->me == wm->_list.window) { gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, node->me); } else { bottom_panel(node->panel); /* New windows should not grab focus */ gnt_widget_set_urgent(node->me); } } } void gnt_wm_new_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_INVISIBLE) || g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget)) { update_screen(wm); return; } if (GNT_IS_BOX(widget)) { const char *title = GNT_BOX(widget)->title; GntPosition *p = NULL; if (title && (p = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->positions, title)) != NULL) { sanitize_position(widget, &p->x, &p->y); gnt_widget_set_position(widget, p->x, p->y); mvwin(widget->window, p->y, p->x); } } g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_NEW_WIN], 0, widget); g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_DECORATE_WIN], 0, widget); if (wm->windows && !GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) { if ((GNT_IS_BOX(widget) && GNT_BOX(widget)->title) && wm->_list.window != widget && GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS)) { gnt_tree_add_row_last(GNT_TREE(wm->windows->tree), widget, gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(wm->windows->tree), GNT_BOX(widget)->title), NULL); update_window_in_list(wm, widget); } } update_screen(wm); draw_taskbar(wm, FALSE); } void gnt_wm_window_decorate(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_DECORATE_WIN], 0, widget); } void gnt_wm_window_close(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { GntNode *node; int pos; if ((node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget)) == NULL) return; g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_CLOSE_WIN], 0, widget); g_hash_table_remove(wm->nodes, widget); if (wm->windows) { gnt_tree_remove(GNT_TREE(wm->windows->tree), widget); } pos = g_list_index(wm->list, widget); if (pos != -1) { wm->list = g_list_remove(wm->list, widget); wm->ordered = g_list_remove(wm->ordered, widget); if (wm->ordered) gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, wm->ordered->data); } update_screen(wm); draw_taskbar(wm, FALSE); } time_t gnt_wm_get_idle_time() { return time(NULL) - last_active_time; } gboolean gnt_wm_process_input(GntWM *wm, const char *keys) { gboolean ret = FALSE; keys = gnt_bindable_remap_keys(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), keys); idle_update = TRUE; if (gnt_bindable_perform_action_key(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), keys)) { return TRUE; } /* Do some manual checking */ if (wm->ordered && wm->mode != GNT_KP_MODE_NORMAL) { int xmin = 0, ymin = 0, xmax = getmaxx(stdscr), ymax = getmaxy(stdscr) - 1; int x, y, w, h; GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(wm->ordered->data); int ox, oy, ow, oh; gnt_widget_get_position(widget, &x, &y); gnt_widget_get_size(widget, &w, &h); ox = x; oy = y; ow = w; oh = h; if (wm->mode == GNT_KP_MODE_MOVE) { if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_LEFT) == 0) { if (x > xmin) x--; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_RIGHT) == 0) { if (x + w < xmax) x++; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_UP) == 0) { if (y > ymin) y--; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_DOWN) == 0) { if (y + h < ymax) y++; } if (ox != x || oy != y) { gnt_screen_move_widget(widget, x, y); window_reverse(widget, TRUE, wm); return TRUE; } } else if (wm->mode == GNT_KP_MODE_RESIZE) { if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_LEFT) == 0) { w--; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_RIGHT) == 0) { if (x + w < xmax) w++; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_UP) == 0) { h--; } else if (strcmp(keys, GNT_KEY_DOWN) == 0) { if (y + h < ymax) h++; } if (oh != h || ow != w) { gnt_screen_resize_widget(widget, w, h); window_reverse(widget, TRUE, wm); return TRUE; } } if (strcmp(keys, "\r") == 0 || strcmp(keys, "\033") == 0) { window_reverse(widget, FALSE, wm); wm->mode = GNT_KP_MODE_NORMAL; } return TRUE; } /* Escape to close the window-list or action-list window */ if (strcmp(keys, "\033") == 0) { if (wm->_list.window) { gnt_widget_destroy(wm->_list.window); return TRUE; } } else if (keys[0] == '\033' && isdigit(keys[1]) && keys[2] == '\0') { /* Alt+x for quick switch */ int n = *(keys + 1) - '0'; GList *list = NULL; if (n == 0) n = 10; list = g_list_append(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(n - 1)); switch_window_n(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), list); g_list_free(list); return TRUE; } if (wm->menu) ret = gnt_widget_key_pressed(GNT_WIDGET(wm->menu), keys); else if (wm->_list.window) ret = gnt_widget_key_pressed(wm->_list.window, keys); else if (wm->ordered) ret = gnt_widget_key_pressed(GNT_WIDGET(wm->ordered->data), keys); return ret; } static void gnt_wm_win_resized(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node) { /*refresh_node(node->me, node, NULL);*/ } static void gnt_wm_win_moved(GntWM *wm, GntNode *node) { refresh_node(node->me, node, NULL); } void gnt_wm_resize_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget, int width, int height) { gboolean ret = TRUE; GntNode *node; int shadow; int maxx, maxy; while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget); if (!node) return; g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_CONFIRM_RESIZE], 0, widget, &width, &height, &ret); if (!ret) return; /* resize is not permitted */ hide_panel(node->panel); gnt_widget_set_size(widget, width, height); gnt_widget_draw(widget); shadow = gnt_widget_has_shadow(widget) ? 1 : 0; maxx = getmaxx(stdscr) - shadow; maxy = getmaxy(stdscr) - 1 - shadow; height = MIN(height, maxy); width = MIN(width, maxx); wresize(node->window, height, width); replace_panel(node->panel, node->window); g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_RESIZED], 0, node); show_panel(node->panel); update_screen(wm); } static void write_gdi(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GntPosition *p = value; fprintf(data, ".%s = %d;%d\n", (char *)key, p->x, p->y); } static gboolean write_already(gpointer data) { GntWM *wm = data; FILE *file; char *filename; filename = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".gntpositions", NULL); file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (file == NULL) { g_printerr("GntWM: error opening file to save positions\n"); } else { fprintf(file, "[positions]\n"); g_hash_table_foreach(wm->positions, write_gdi, file); fclose(file); } g_free(filename); g_source_remove(write_timeout); write_timeout = 0; return FALSE; } static void write_positions_to_file(GntWM *wm) { if (write_timeout) { g_source_remove(write_timeout); } write_timeout = g_timeout_add(10000, write_already, wm); } void gnt_wm_move_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget, int x, int y) { gboolean ret = TRUE; GntNode *node; while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget); if (!node) return; g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_CONFIRM_MOVE], 0, widget, &x, &y, &ret); if (!ret) return; /* resize is not permitted */ gnt_widget_set_position(widget, x, y); move_panel(node->panel, y, x); g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_MOVED], 0, node); if (gnt_style_get_bool(GNT_STYLE_REMPOS, TRUE) && GNT_IS_BOX(widget) && !GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) { const char *title = GNT_BOX(widget)->title; if (title) { GntPosition *p = g_new0(GntPosition, 1); GntWidget *wid = node->me; p->x = wid->priv.x; p->y = wid->priv.y; g_hash_table_replace(wm->positions, g_strdup(title), p); write_positions_to_file(wm); } } update_screen(wm); } static void gnt_wm_give_focus(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { GntNode *node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget); if (!node) return; if (widget != wm->_list.window && !GNT_IS_MENU(widget) && wm->ordered->data != widget) { GntWidget *w = wm->ordered->data; wm->ordered = g_list_bring_to_front(wm->ordered, widget); gnt_widget_set_focus(w, FALSE); } gnt_widget_set_focus(widget, TRUE); GNT_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS(widget, GNT_WIDGET_URGENT); gnt_widget_draw(widget); top_panel(node->panel); if (wm->_list.window) { GntNode *nd = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, wm->_list.window); top_panel(nd->panel); } update_screen(wm); draw_taskbar(wm, FALSE); } void gnt_wm_update_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { GntNode *node; while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; if (!GNT_IS_MENU(widget)) gnt_box_sync_children(GNT_BOX(widget)); node = g_hash_table_lookup(wm->nodes, widget); if (node == NULL) { gnt_wm_new_window(wm, widget); } else g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_UPDATE_WIN], 0, node); copy_win(widget, node); update_screen(wm); draw_taskbar(wm, FALSE); } gboolean gnt_wm_process_click(GntWM *wm, GntMouseEvent event, int x, int y, GntWidget *widget) { gboolean ret = TRUE; idle_update = TRUE; g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_MOUSE_CLICK], 0, event, x, y, widget, &ret); return ret; } void gnt_wm_raise_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *widget) { g_signal_emit(wm, signals[SIG_GIVE_FOCUS], 0, widget); } void gnt_wm_set_event_stack(GntWM *wm, gboolean set) { wm->event_stack = set; }