view libpurple/purple-notifications-example @ 30273:6829b27ee4c8

This patch attempts to fix four bugs in the oscar protocol plugin that were introduced with the X-Status code in Pidgin 2.7.0. Problem #1 (the remotely-triggerable crash): The crash happens when a buddy sets an xstatus message containing <desc> but no closing </desc>, or <title> but no closing </title>. The fix is to check the result of strstr(closing_tag_name) and do nothing if it is NULL. This is CVE-2010-2528. Problem #2: Fixes potential incorrect parsing of the xstatus string that could result in an incorrect message being displayed to the libpurple user. Happens if an xstatus message contains </desc> before <desc>, or </title> before <title>. The fix is to start looking for the closing tag at the end of the beginning tag rather than at the beginning of the xstatus xml. Probably not a security problem, but definitely a bug. Problem #3: Fixes potential incorrect parsing of the xstatus string that could result in the title not being shown to the libpurple user. Happens if the close title tag appears after the desc tag in the xstatus xml, because we add a null character at the beginning of the close title tag, so strstr() for the desc tag would stop searching there. Probably not a security problem, but definitely a bug. Problem #4: Fixes potential incorrect display of the xstatus string that could result in an incorrect message being displayed to the libpurple user. Happens because we reusing the 'xml' string when preparing the string for the user, but we copy values from xml to xml. If those values overlap with themselves or with each other then an incorrect value could be displayed. Probably not a security problem, but definitely a bug.
author Mark Doliner <>
date Wed, 21 Jul 2010 02:49:23 +0000
parents 61c2d36a38a3
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This is a simple purple notification server.
# It shows notifications when your buddy signs on or you get an IM message.
# This script requires Python 2.4 and PyGTK bindings
# Note that all function names are resolved dynamically, no
# purple-specific library is needed.

import dbus
import dbus.glib
import dbus.decorators
import gobject
import os

def ensureimconversation(conversation, account, name):
    if conversation != 0:
        return conversation
        # 1 = PURPLE_CONV_IM 
        return purple.PurpleConversationNew(1, account, name)

def receivedimmsg(account, name, message, conversation, flags):
    buddy = purple.PurpleFindBuddy(account, name)
    if buddy != 0:
        alias = purple.PurpleBuddyGetAlias(buddy)
        alias = name

    text = "%s says %s" % (alias, message)
    code = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xmessage", "xmessage", "-buttons",
                      "'So what?','Show me',Close,Abuse", text)

    if code == 101:                     # so what?
        conversation = ensureimconversation(conversation, account, name)

    if code == 102:                     # show me
        window = purple.PurpleConversationGetWindow(conversation)

    if code == 103:                     # close 

    if code == 104:                     # abuse
        im = purple.PurpleConversationGetImData(conversation)
        purple.PurpleConvImSend(im, "Go away you f...")
def buddysignedon(buddyid):
    alias = purple.PurpleBuddyGetAlias(buddyid)
    text = "%s is online" % alias

    code = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xmessage", "xmessage", "-buttons",
                      "'So what?','Let's talk'", text)

    if code == 101:                     # so what?

    if code == 102:                     # talk
        name = purple.PurpleBuddyGetName(buddyid)
        account = purple.PurpleBuddyGetAccount(buddyid)
        purple.PurpleConversationNew(1, account, name)

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object("im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService", "/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject")
purple = dbus.Interface(obj, "im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface")

                        dbus_interface = "im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface",
                        signal_name = "ReceivedImMsg")

                        dbus_interface = "im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface",
                        signal_name = "BuddySignedOn")

print "This is a simple purple notification server."
print "It shows notifications when your buddy signs on or you get an IM message."

loop = gobject.MainLoop()