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view po/km.po @ 30544:718c16d7c6c9
Fix this inconsequential compile warning:
disco.c: In function กฦjabber_disco_server_items_result_cbกว:
disco.c:602: warning: unused variable กฦnodeกว
author | Mark Doliner <> |
date | Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:20:18 +0000 |
parents | 1cdae196aac8 |
children | 52d9f591585e |
line wrap: on
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# translation of km.po to Khmer # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Khoem Sokhem <>, 2009, 2010. # Seng Sutha, 2010. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: km\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-27 01:17-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-25 15:29+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Khoem Sokhem <>\n" "Language-Team: Khmer <>\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" #. Translators may want to transliterate the name. #. It is not to be translated. msgid "Finch" msgstr "แแแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "%s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" msgstr "%sย แ แแถแแแแแ `%s -h' แแแแแถแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแ แ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stderr\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" " -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" msgstr "" "%s\n" "แแถแโแแแแพแแแแถแแย แ %s [แแแแแพแ]...\n" "\n" " -c, --config=DIR แแแแพ DIR แแแแแถแแโแฏแแแถแ config\n" " -d, --debug แแแแแปแแแโแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแ stderr\n" " -h, --help แแแแ แถแโแแแแฝแโแแแ แ แพแโแ แแ\n" " -n, --nologin แแปแโแ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท\n" " -v, --version แแแแ แถแโแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ แ แพแโแ แแ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s encountered errors migrating your settings from %s to %s. Please " "investigate and complete the migration by hand. Please report this error at " "" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแโแแถแแแฝแโแแแแแ %s แแแแผแโแแ โแแถโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแธ %s แแ %sย แ แแผแโแขแแแแแโ แแทแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแผแโแแแโแแย แ " "แแผแโแแถแแแถแแแโแแแ แปแโแแแโแแถแ" #. the user did not fill in the captcha msgid "Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Account was not modified" msgstr "แแแแธโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Account was not added" msgstr "แแแแธโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Username of an account must be non-empty." msgstr "แแแแแแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแแแแธโโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแโโแแแแแย แ" msgid "" "The account's protocol cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." msgstr "" msgid "" "The account's username cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." msgstr "" msgid "New mail notifications" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแแแแปแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "Remember password" msgstr "แ แแ แถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "There are no protocol plugins installed." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแกแพแโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "(You probably forgot to 'make install'.)" msgstr "(แขแแแแแแแ แแแแถโแแแแแ 'make install'ย แ)" msgid "Modify Account" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "New Account" msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแธ" msgid "Protocol:" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแย แ" msgid "Username:" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพย แ" msgid "Password:" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Alias:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแย แ" #. Register checkbox msgid "Create this account on the server" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแธโแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" #. Cancel button #. Cancel msgid "Cancel" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #. Save button #. Save msgid "Save" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโ" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแปแ %s?" msgid "Delete Account" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแธ" #. Delete button msgid "Delete" msgstr "แแปแ" msgid "Accounts" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "You can enable/disable accounts from the following list." msgstr "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแทแ/แแพแโแแแแธโแแธโแแแแแธแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแย แ" #. Add button msgid "Add" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #. Modify button msgid "Modify" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s แแถแโแแแแพ %s แแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแแแโแแถแแ %s%s" msgid "Add buddy to your list?" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธแแแแโแขแแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list%s%s" msgstr "%s%s%s%s แ แแโแแแแแแ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแแถแแ %s%s" msgid "Authorize buddy?" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทย ?" msgid "Authorize" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Deny" msgstr "แแแทแแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Online: %d\n" "Total: %d" msgstr "" "แแพโแแแแแถแย แ %d\n" "แแแปแย แ %d" #, c-format msgid "Account: %s (%s)" msgstr "แแแแธย แ %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "Last Seen: %s ago" msgstr "" "\n" "แแถแแแพแแ แปแแแแแแย แ %s ago" msgid "Default" msgstr "แแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "You must provide a username for the buddy." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" msgid "You must provide a group." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแฝแย แ" msgid "You must select an account." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแพแโแแแแธโแแฝแย แ" msgid "The selected account is not online." msgstr "แแแแธโแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแทแแแ โแแพแแแแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Error adding buddy" msgstr "แแแ แปโแแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Username" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Alias (optional)" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ (แแแแแพแ)" msgid "Add in group" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแแแแแปแ" msgid "Account" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "Add Buddy" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Please enter buddy information." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแถแโโแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" msgid "Chats" msgstr "แแแแ" #. Extract their Name and put it in msgid "Name" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Alias" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Group" msgstr "แแแแปแ" msgid "Auto-join" msgstr "แ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Add Chat" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "You can edit more information from the context menu later." msgstr "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแธโแแแบแแปแโแแแทแแโแแ โแแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Error adding group" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "You must give a name for the group to add." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแปแโแแแโแแแแผแโแแแแแแย แ" msgid "Add Group" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Enter the name of the group" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแโโแแแแปแ" msgid "Edit Chat" msgstr "แแโแแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Please Update the necessary fields." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแโแแแโแ แถแแแถแ แโแแถแแแแแแย แ" msgid "Edit" msgstr "แแโแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Edit Settings" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแ" msgid "Retrieving..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแ โแแ..." msgid "Get Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Add Buddy Pounce" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ" msgid "Send File" msgstr "แแแแพโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Blocked" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Show when offline" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโโแแ แแแโแแ โแแแแ แแแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Please enter the new name for %s" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแแแแธโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Rename" msgstr "แแแแผแโโแแแแแโ" msgid "Set Alias" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Enter empty string to reset the name." msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแขแแแแโแแแโ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแโแแแแแโแกแพแโแแทแย แ" msgid "Removing this contact will also remove all the buddies in the contact" msgstr "แแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแ แแ แแนแโแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแโแขแแโแ แแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Removing this group will also remove all the buddies in the group" msgstr "แแโแแแแปแโแแแโแ แแแแนแโแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแโแขแแโแ แแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s?" msgstr "แแพโโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแ %s แ แแโแฌย ?" #. XXX: anything to do with the returned ui-handle? msgid "Confirm Remove" msgstr "แขแแขแถแโแแถแโแแโแ แแ" msgid "Remove" msgstr "แแโแ แแ" #. Buddy List msgid "Buddy List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Place tagged" msgstr "แแถแแแถแแโแแแแถแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Toggle Tag" msgstr "แแทแ/แแพแโแแแแถแ" msgid "View Log" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแแ แแแป" #. General msgid "Nickname" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ" #. Never know what those translations might end up like... #. Idle stuff msgid "Idle" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "On Mobile" msgstr "แแ แแแโแ แแแ" msgid "New..." msgstr "แแแแธโ..." msgid "Saved..." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแปแ..." msgid "Plugins" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Block/Unblock" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ/แแทแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Block" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Unblock" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to Block/" "Unblock." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ แฌโแแแแแแแแแแแแแแถแโโแแแแแแแปแแแ แแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแแแถแแ/แแทแแแแแแแแถแแย แ" #. Not multiline #. Not masked? #. No hints? msgid "OK" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" msgid "New Instant Message" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ" msgid "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to IM." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ แฌโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแปแแแโ แแแแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแย แ" msgid "Channel" msgstr "แแถแแแ" msgid "Join a Chat" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Please enter the name of the chat you want to join." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแโแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแขแแแแ แแโแ แผแแแฝแย แ" msgid "Join" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person whose log you would like to " "view." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แฌโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแปแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแพแย แ" #. Create the "Options" frame. msgid "Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโ" msgid "Send IM..." msgstr "แแแแพ IM..." msgid "Block/Unblock..." msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ/แแทแแแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "Join Chat..." msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแแแถแโโแแแแ..." msgid "View Log..." msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแป..." msgid "View All Logs" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Show" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโ" msgid "Empty groups" msgstr "แแแแขแถแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Offline buddies" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Sort" msgstr "แโแแแแแโ" msgid "By Status" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Alphabetically" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแแแแแแ" msgid "By Log Size" msgstr "แแถแโแแแ แโแแแแแโแ แแแป" msgid "Buddy" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Chat" msgstr "แแแแ" msgid "Grouping" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแถโแแแแปแ" msgid "Certificate Import" msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Specify a hostname" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแ" msgid "Type the host name this certificate is for." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแบโแแแแแถแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "File %s could not be imported.\n" "Make sure that the file is readable and in PEM format.\n" msgstr "" "แฏแแแถแ %s แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแ แผแโแแย แ\n" "แแผแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแฏแแแถแโแขแถแ โแขแถแโแแถแ แ แพแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแแถ PEMย แ\n" msgid "Certificate Import Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแถแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแ แผแ" msgid "X.509 certificate import failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแถแแ แผแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ X.509" msgid "Select a PEM certificate" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ PEM" #, c-format msgid "" "Export to file %s failed.\n" "Check that you have write permission to the target path\n" msgstr "" "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแแแถแแ แแ %sย แ\n" "แแทแแทแแแโแแถ แขแแแโแแถแโแแทแแแแทโแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแผแแแแแแ \n" msgid "Certificate Export Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแถแแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "X.509 certificate export failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแถแแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ X.509 แ แแ" msgid "PEM X.509 Certificate Export" msgstr "แแถแแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ PEM X.509 แ แแ" #, c-format msgid "Certificate for %s" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s\n" "\n" "SHA1 fingerprint:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแแแโแแแแแแถย แ %s\n" "\n" "แแแแถแแแแถแแแ SHA1ย แ\n" "%s" msgid "SSL Host Certificate" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแ SSL Host" #, c-format msgid "Really delete certificate for %s?" msgstr "แแทแแแถโแ แแโแแปแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแถแแ %s แฌย ?" msgid "Confirm certificate delete" msgstr "แขแแขแถแโแแถแโแแปแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Certificate Manager" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. Creating the user splits msgid "Hostname" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแถแแแธแ" msgid "Info" msgstr "แแแแแแถแ" #. Close button msgid "Close" msgstr "แแทแโ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s disconnected." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแ แ %sย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" "\n" "Finch will not attempt to reconnect the account until you correct the error " "and re-enable the account." msgstr "" "%s\n" "\n" "แแแแแธโแแนแโแแทแโแแแปแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแกแพแโแแทแ แแ แผแโแแแโแขแแแโแแโ แแทแโแแพแโแแแแธโแกแพแโแแทแย แ" msgid "Re-enable Account" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแธโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "No such command." msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแแแแย แ" msgid "Syntax Error: You typed the wrong number of arguments to that command." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแแแแแแแแแแแย แ แขแแแแแถแแแถแโโแ แแแฝแโแขแถแแปแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแ แแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Your command failed for an unknown reason." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแโแขแแแแแถแแแแถแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแทแแแแแถแแโแ แแแปแแย แ" msgid "That command only works in chats, not IMs." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแแแพแแแโแแ แแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแแปแแแแแ แแทแแแแ IMsย แ" msgid "That command only works in IMs, not chats." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแแแพแแแถแโแแโแแ โแแแแปแ IMs แแแปแแแแแ แแทแแแ โแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแโแแย แ" msgid "That command doesn't work on this protocol." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแทแแแแแพแแแถแโแแ โแแพโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Message was not sent, because you are not signed on." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแขแแแโแแทแแแถแโแ แผแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s -- %s)" msgstr "%s (%s -- %s)" #, c-format msgid "%s [%s]" msgstr "%s [%s]" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "%s is typing..." msgstr "" "\n" "%s แแแแปแโแแถแ..." msgid "You have left this chat." msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแโแ แแโแแธโแแถโแแแแแโแแแโแ แพแย แ" msgid "" "The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be " "automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects." msgstr "" "แแแแธโโแแถแโแแแแถแ แ แ แพแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแแแแย แ แขแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแ แผแโแกแพแโแแทแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแ โ" "แแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ แแ แแแโแขแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแแโแกแพแโแแทแย แ" msgid "Logging started. Future messages in this conversation will be logged." msgstr "แแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปย แ แแถแโแแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปย แ" msgid "" "Logging stopped. Future messages in this conversation will not be logged." msgstr "แแถแแแแแ แแโแแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปย แ แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแนแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแแ แแแปแแย แ" msgid "Send To" msgstr "แแแแพโแแ " msgid "Conversation" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Clear Scrollback" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแผแโแแแแแแแ" msgid "Show Timestamps" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโโแแแแถแแแแแแแถ" msgid "Add Buddy Pounce..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Invite..." msgstr "แขแแแแพแ..." msgid "Enable Logging" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแแ แแแป" msgid "Enable Sounds" msgstr "แแพแโแแแกแแ" msgid "You are not connected." msgstr "แขแแแโแแทแโแแถแโโแแแแแถแแแกแพแ แแ" msgid "<AUTO-REPLY> " msgstr "<AUTO-REPLY> " #, c-format msgid "List of %d user:\n" msgid_plural "List of %d users:\n" msgstr[0] "แแแแแธโแขแแแแแแแพ %dย แ\n" msgid "Supported debug options are: plugins version" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแโแแแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแบย แ แแแแแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "No such command (in this context)." msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแแโแแ (แแ โแแแแปแโแแแทแแโแแแ)ย แ" msgid "" "Use \"/help <command>\" for help on a specific command.\n" "The following commands are available in this context:\n" msgstr "" "แแแแพ \"/help <command>\" แแแแแถแแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแธโแแถแแแแแแแแถโแแถแแแแถแแย แ\n" "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแทแแโแแแย แ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is not a valid message class. See '/help msgcolor' for valid message " "classes." msgstr "" "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ แแผแแแพแ '/help msgcolor' แแแแแถแแแแแแถแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid color. See '/help msgcolor' for valid colors." msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ แแผแแแพแ '/help msgcolor' แแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแย แ" msgid "" "say <message>: Send a message normally as if you weren't using a " "command." msgstr "แแทแแถแ <message>ย แ แแแแพโแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ แแผแ โโแแแโแขแแแโแแทแแแแแปแโแแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถย แ" msgid "me <action>: Send an IRC style action to a buddy or chat." msgstr "แแแแปแ <action>ย แ แแแแพโแแแแแแแถแโแแ แแถแแแแแ IRC แแ แแถแแแแทแแแแแแแแท แฌโแแถแโแแแแย แ" msgid "" "debug <option>: Send various debug information to the current " "conversation." msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ <option>ย แ แแแแพโแแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแโแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแย แ" msgid "clear: Clears the conversation scrollback." msgstr "แแแแแย แ แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถย แ" msgid "help <command>: Help on a specific command." msgstr "แแแแฝแ <command>ย แ แแฝแแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแแแถแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "users: Show the list of users in the chat." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแแธแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแย แ" msgid "plugins: Show the plugins window." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแทแแธแแแแฝแย แ" msgid "buddylist: Show the buddylist." msgstr "แแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" msgid "accounts: Show the accounts window." msgstr "แแแแธย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแธย แ" msgid "debugwin: Show the debug window." msgstr "debugwinย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแย แ" msgid "prefs: Show the preference window." msgstr "prefsย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแ แแแผแแ แทแแแย แ" msgid "statuses: Show the savedstatuses window." msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแย แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแย แ" msgid "" "msgcolor <class> <foreground> <background>: Set the color " "for different classes of messages in the conversation window.<br> <" "class>: receive, send, highlight, action, timestamp<br> <foreground/" "background>: black, red, green, blue, white, gray, darkgray, magenta, " "cyan, default<br><br>EXAMPLE:<br> msgcolor send cyan default" msgstr "" "msgcolor <class> <foreground> <background>ย แแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแโ" "แแแแแแโแแแแโแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถย แ<br> <class>ย แ แแแฝแ แแแแพ แแแแแทแ แแแแแแแถแ " "แแแแถแแแแแแแถ<br> <foreground/background>ย แ แแแแ แแแแ แ แแแแ แ แแแแแแ แแแแแแโ" "แแทแ แแแแถแ แแแแแแแ แแแแถแแแพแ<br><br>แงแแถแ แแแย แ<br> msgcolor แแแแพโแแแโแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "Unable to open file." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแพแโแฏแแแถแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" #. XXX: Setting the GROW_Y for the following widgets don't make sense. But right now #. * it's necessary to make the width of the debug window resizable ... like I said, #. * it doesn't make sense. The bug is likely in the packing in gntbox.c. #. msgid "Clear" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Filter:" msgstr "แแแแแย แ" msgid "Pause" msgstr "แแแขแถแ" #, c-format msgid "File Transfers - %d%% of %d file" msgid_plural "File Transfers - %d%% of %d files" msgstr[0] "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ - แฏแแแถแ %d%% แแ %d" #. Create the window. msgid "File Transfers" msgstr "แแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Progress" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Filename" msgstr "แแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Size" msgstr "แแแ แ" msgid "Speed" msgstr "แแแแฟแ" msgid "Remaining" msgstr "แแ โแแแ" #. XXX: Use of ggp_str_to_uin() is an ugly hack! #. presence msgid "Status" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Close this window when all transfers finish" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแถแแโแขแแโแ แแ" msgid "Clear finished transfers" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแโแ แแ" msgid "Stop" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Waiting for transfer to begin" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแ" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแ" msgid "Failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%.2f KiB/s" msgstr "%.2f KiB/s" msgid "Sent" msgstr "แแถแแแแแพ" msgid "Received" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแ" msgid "Finished" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "The file was saved as %s." msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแถ %sย แ" msgid "Sending" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพ" msgid "Receiving" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแ" #, c-format msgid "Conversation in %s on %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแ %s แแพ %s" #, c-format msgid "Conversation with %s on %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s แแ โแแพ %s" msgid "%B %Y" msgstr "%B %Y" msgid "" "System events will only be logged if the \"Log all status changes to system " "log\" preference is enabled." msgstr "" "แแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแโแแแแแแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโ แแโแแแแปแแแแแธโแแแแ แแแผแแ แทแแแโ \"แ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถโแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโโ" "แแแแแแแแ\" แแแแผแโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "" "Instant messages will only be logged if the \"Log all instant messages\" " "preference is enabled." msgstr "" "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแโแแแแปแแแแแธโแแแโแ แแแผแแ แทแแแ \"แ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ\" แแแแผแโแแถแโแแพแย แ" msgid "" "Chats will only be logged if the \"Log all chats\" preference is enabled." msgstr "" "แแถแโแแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแโแแแแปแแแแแธโแแแโแ แแแผแแ แทแแแโ \"แ แปแแแแแแแ แแแปโโแแแแโแแถแแโแขแแ\" แแแแผแโแแถแโแแพแย แ" msgid "No logs were found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแ" msgid "Total log size:" msgstr "แแแ แโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแปแย แ" #. Search box ********* msgid "Scroll/Search: " msgstr "แแแผแ/แแแแแแแย แ " #, c-format msgid "Conversations in %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Conversations with %s" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s" msgid "All Conversations" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแแถโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "System Log" msgstr "โแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Calling..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแ แ ..." msgid "Hangup" msgstr "แแแแ แถแ" #. Number of actions msgid "Accept" msgstr "แแแฝแแแโ" msgid "Reject" msgstr "แ แแแถแแ แแแ" msgid "Call in progress." msgstr "แแถโแแ แ โแแแแปแโแแแแพแแแถแย แ" msgid "The call has been terminated." msgstr "แแถแโแ แ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแ แแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start an audio session with you." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแขแผแแธแแแผโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is trying to start an unsupported media session type with you." msgstr "%s แแแแปแโแแแแถแแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแแถแแแแโแแถแแฝแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "You have rejected the call." msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแแแแทแแแโแแถแโแ แ ย แ" msgid "call: Make an audio call." msgstr "แ แ ย แ แแแแแพแโแแถแโแ แ โแขแผแแธแแแผย แ" msgid "Emails" msgstr "แขแแธแแแ" msgid "You have mail!" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแแแแปแแแย !" msgid "Sender" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Subject" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) has %d new message." msgid_plural "%s (%s) has %d new messages." msgstr[0] "%s (%s) แแถแโแแถแโแแแแธ %dย แ" msgid "New Mail" msgstr "แแแแปแแแโแแแแธแปแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Info for %s" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Buddy Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Continue" msgstr "แแแแ" msgid "IM" msgstr "IM" msgid "Invite" msgstr "แขแแแแพแ" msgid "(none)" msgstr "โ(แแแแถแ)โ" #. XXX: The following expects that finch_notify_message gets called. This #. * may not always happen, e.g. when another plugin sets its own #. * notify_message. So tread carefully. msgid "URI" msgstr "URI" msgid "ERROR" msgstr "แแแ แปแ" msgid "loading plugin failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "unloading plugin failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแทแแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Name: %s\n" "Version: %s\n" "Description: %s\n" "Author: %s\n" "Website: %s\n" "Filename: %s\n" msgstr "" "แแแแแย แ %s\n" "แแแแย แ %s\n" "แแแ แแแแธโแแทแแแแแถย แ %s\n" "แขแแแแแทแแแแย แ %s\n" "แแแแแแแแแแถแย แ %s\n" "แแแแแโแฏแแแถแย แ %s\n" msgid "Plugin need to be loaded before you can configure it." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแปแโแแปแโแแนแโแขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแย แ" msgid "No configuration options for this plugin." msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Error loading plugin" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "The selected file is not a valid plugin." msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแพแโแแทแโแแแแแถโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ" msgid "" "Please open the debug window and try again to see the exact error message." msgstr "แแผแโแแพแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแพแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแถแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Select plugin to install" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแผแโแแแกแพแ" msgid "You can (un)load plugins from the following list." msgstr "แขแแแแขแถแ โแแแแปแ/แแทแแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแธโแแแแแธโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแย แ" msgid "Install Plugin..." msgstr "แแแกแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ..." msgid "Configure Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" #. copy the preferences to tmp values... #. * I liked "take affect immediately" Oh well :-( #. (that should have been "effect," right?) #. Back to instant-apply! I win! BU-HAHAHA! #. Create the window msgid "Preferences" msgstr "แ แแแผแแ แทแแแ" msgid "Please enter a buddy to pounce." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแแปแย แ" msgid "New Buddy Pounce" msgstr "แแแแปแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแธ" msgid "Edit Buddy Pounce" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Pounce Who" msgstr "แแแแปแแแถโแแแแถ" #. Account: msgid "Account:" msgstr "แแแแธย แ" msgid "Buddy name:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" #. Create the "Pounce When Buddy..." frame. msgid "Pounce When Buddy..." msgstr "แแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแแแปแ..." msgid "Signs on" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "Signs off" msgstr "แ แแแ" msgid "Goes away" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Returns from away" msgstr "แแแแกแแโแแธโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Becomes idle" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Is no longer idle" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแโแแแโแ แพแ" msgid "Starts typing" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแ" msgid "Pauses while typing" msgstr "แแแขแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Stops typing" msgstr "แแแโแแถแ" msgid "Sends a message" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแ" #. Create the "Action" frame. msgid "Action" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแพโ" msgid "Open an IM window" msgstr "แแพแโโแแแแขแฝแ IM" msgid "Pop up a notification" msgstr "แแถโแแแผแแแแแนแโแแแแแแ แกแพแ" msgid "Send a message" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Execute a command" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแแแทโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "Play a sound" msgstr "แ แถแแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Pounce only when my status is not Available" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแแปแโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Recurring" msgstr "แแพแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Cannot create pounce" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแปแโแแถแแแ" msgid "You do not have any accounts." msgstr "แขแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแธโแแย แ" msgid "You must create an account first before you can create a pounce." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแแพแโแแแแธโโแแทแโแแปแแแนแโแขแแแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแปแแแถแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the pounce on %s for %s?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแปแโแแแแปแโแแ โแแพ %s แแแแแถแแ %s แฌ?" msgid "Buddy Pounces" msgstr "แแแแปแแแทแแแแแแแแท" #, c-format msgid "%s has started typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแ โแฒแแแขแแแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has paused while typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแขแถแ แแแแแแโแแถแโแแ โแฒแแโแขแแแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed on (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แปแแ แแแแแแแถโแแพ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being idle (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแกแแโแแธโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has returned from being away (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแกแแโแแธโแแแแถแแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has stopped typing to you (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแ โแฒแแโแขแแแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed off (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแถแโแแถโแแแแแ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away. (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแ โแแแแถแย แ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s has sent you a message. (%s)" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแย แ (%s)" msgid "Unknown pounce event. Please report this!" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแโแแแแปแย แ แแผแโแแถแแแถแแแโแแถย !" msgid "Based on keyboard use" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแถแแ แปแ " msgid "From last sent message" msgstr "แแธโแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Never" msgstr "แแทแแแแ" msgid "Show Idle Time" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Show Offline Buddies" msgstr "แแแแ แถแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Notify buddies when you are typing" msgstr "แแผแแแแแนแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ แแ แแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแ" msgid "Log format" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแ แแแป" msgid "Log IMs" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแโแ แแแป IMs" msgid "Log chats" msgstr "แ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Log status change events" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแ" msgid "Report Idle time" msgstr "แแถแแแถแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Change status when idle" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแ แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Minutes before changing status" msgstr "แแแปแแแแถแแแถแแธโแแปแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Change status to" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแ แแถ" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแแถ" msgid "Logging" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแแ แแแป" msgid "You must fill all the required fields." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแผแแแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแโแแถแแโแขแแย แ" msgid "The required fields are underlined." msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Not implemented yet." msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแขแแปแแแแโแแ โแกแพแโแแย แ" msgid "Save File..." msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโแฏแแแถแ..." msgid "Open File..." msgstr "แแพแโแฏแแแถแ..." msgid "Choose Location..." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแธแแถแแ..." msgid "Hit 'Enter' to find more rooms of this category." msgstr "แ แปแ โแแแแถแแแ แปแ 'แแแแ แผแ (Enter)' แแพแแแแธโแแโแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแโแแโแแแแแแโแแแย แ" msgid "Get" msgstr "แแ" #. Create the window. msgid "Room List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "Buddy logs in" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แผแ" msgid "Buddy logs out" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแ" msgid "Message received" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแ" msgid "Message received begins conversation" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแแแถแโโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Message sent" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Person enters chat" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแ แผแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Person leaves chat" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแ แแโแแธแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "You talk in chat" msgstr "แขแแแโแแทแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Others talk in chat" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแแโแแทแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Someone says your username in chat" msgstr "แแถแโแแแปแแแโแแแแถแแโแแทแแถแโแขแแแธโแแแแแแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Attention received" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแ" msgid "GStreamer Failure" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแ GStreamer" msgid "GStreamer failed to initialize." msgstr "GStreamer แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแย แ" msgid "(default)" msgstr "(แแแแถแแแพแ)" msgid "Select Sound File ..." msgstr "แแแแพแโแฏแแแถแโแแแกแแ..." msgid "Sound Preferences" msgstr "แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Profiles" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "แแแแแโโโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Console Beep" msgstr "แแแธแโแแปแแแผแ" msgid "Command" msgstr "แแถแแแโโโแแแแแถโ" msgid "No Sound" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Sound Method" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแแแแแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Method: " msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแแแแแย แ " #, c-format msgid "" "Sound Command\n" "(%s for filename)" msgstr "" "แแถแแแโแแแกแแ\n" "(%s แแแแแถแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ)" #. Sound options msgid "Sound Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Sounds when conversation has focus" msgstr "แแแกแแ แแ แแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถแแแถแโแแแแแโ" msgid "Always" msgstr "แแถแแทแ แแ " msgid "Only when available" msgstr "แแโแแ แแแแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Only when not available" msgstr "แแโแแ แแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Volume(0-100):" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแกแแ (แก-แกแ แ )ย แ" #. Sound events msgid "Sound Events" msgstr "แแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Event" msgstr "แแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแ" msgid "File" msgstr "แฏแแแถแ" msgid "Test" msgstr "แแถแแแแแ" msgid "Reset" msgstr "แแแแแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Choose..." msgstr "แแแแพแ..." #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแปแ \"%s\" แฌ" msgid "Delete Status" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Saved Statuses" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแ" #. title msgid "Title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแ" msgid "Type" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #. Statuses are almost all the same. Define a macro to reduce code repetition. #. PurpleStatusPrimitive #. id - use default #. name - use default #. saveable #. user_settable #. not independent #. Attributes - each status can have a message. msgid "Message" msgstr "แแถแ" #. Use msgid "Use" msgstr "แแแแพ" msgid "Invalid title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Please enter a non-empty title for the status." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแ แแแโแแพแโแแแโโโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแแถแย แ" msgid "Duplicate title" msgstr "แแแแฝแโแ แแแโแแพแ" msgid "Please enter a different title for the status." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแ แแแโแแพแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแถแแแถแย แ" msgid "Substatus" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Status:" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแ แ" msgid "Message:" msgstr "แแถแย แ" msgid "Edit Status" msgstr "แแโแแแแแฝแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Use different status for following accounts" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแผแ โแแถแโแแแแแ" #. Save & Use msgid "Save & Use" msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโโแแถโแแแแแพแพ" msgid "Certificates" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "แแแกแแ" msgid "Statuses" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Error loading the plugin." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแย แ" msgid "Couldn't find X display" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแถแโแแแแ แถแ X" msgid "Couldn't find window" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โโแแโแแแแขแฝแ " msgid "This plugin cannot be loaded because it was not built with X11 support." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผโแแแถแแแแแปแโแแ แแธแแแแแแแถโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแถโโแแแโแแถแแแถแแแถแแแแ X11ย แ" msgid "GntClipboard" msgstr "GntClipboard" msgid "Clipboard plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "" "When the gnt clipboard contents change, the contents are made available to " "X, if possible." msgstr "แแ แแแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแทแแถโแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแถแแ gnt แแถแแทแแถโแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแ แแแแX แแแแแทแโแแพโแขแถแ ย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s just signed on" msgstr "%s แแพแโแแโแ แผแ" #, c-format msgid "%s just signed off" msgstr "%s แแพแแแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "%s sent you a message" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s said your nick in %s" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแทแแถแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a message in %s" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแ %s" msgid "Buddy signs on/off" msgstr "แแทแแแแทแแแแแทโแแทแ/แแพแ" msgid "You receive an IM" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแฝแโ IM" msgid "Someone speaks in a chat" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแแแแถแแโแแทแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Someone says your name in a chat" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแแแแถแแโแแทแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Notify with a toaster when" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแนแโแแแโแแแแแถโโแแ โแแแ" msgid "Beep too!" msgstr "แแแธแโแแแย !" msgid "Set URGENT for the terminal window." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถโแแแแแถแแ แแแแแถแแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแธแย แ" msgid "GntGf" msgstr "GntGf" msgid "Toaster plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ Toaster" #, c-format msgid "<b>Conversation with %s on %s:</b><br>" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s แแ โแแพ %sย แ</b><br>" msgid "History Plugin Requires Logging" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแผแโแฒแแโแ แผแโแแทแ" msgid "" "Logging can be enabled from Tools -> Preferences -> Logging.\n" "\n" "Enabling logs for instant messages and/or chats will activate history for " "the same conversation type(s)." msgstr "" "แแถแโแ แผแโแขแถแ โแแแแผโแแแถแโแแพแแแถแแแแโแแแบแแปแ แงแแแแแ -> แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ -> แแถแโแ แผแย แ\n" "\n" "แแถแโแแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แแทแโ/แฌโแแถโแแแแแโแแนแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโ" "แแผแ แแแแถย แ" msgid "GntHistory" msgstr "GntHistory" msgid "Shows recently logged conversations in new conversations." msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแ แผแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแธย แ" msgid "" "When a new conversation is opened this plugin will insert the last " "conversation into the current conversation." msgstr "" "แแ แแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแธโแแแแผแโแแถแแแพแ แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแนแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโ" "แแ แแ แปแแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "Fetching TinyURL..." msgstr "" "\n" "แแแแปแโแแ แแโ TinyURL..." #, c-format msgid "TinyURL for above: %s" msgstr "TinyURL แแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแพย แ %s" msgid "Please wait while TinyURL fetches a shorter URL ..." msgstr "แแผแโแแแโแ แถแโแขแแกแปแโแแแโแแแ โTinyURL แแ แแแโโแแผแโแแโ URL แแแแโแแแแแแทแแธแแถแแโแฒแแโแแแแธ..." msgid "Only create TinyURL for URLs of this length or greater" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแ TinyURL แแแแแถแแ URLs โแแแแแแโแแแ แฌโแแแแแถแโแแแ" msgid "TinyURL (or other) address prefix" msgstr "แแปแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแ TinyURL (แฌโแแแแแแ)" msgid "TinyURL" msgstr "TinyURL" msgid "TinyURL plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ TinyURL" msgid "When receiving a message with URL(s), use TinyURL for easier copying" msgstr "แแ แแแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแโแแถแ URL(s) แแแแพ TinyURL แแแแแถแแโโแแถแโแ แแแแโแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Online" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแ" #. primitive, no, id, name msgid "Offline" msgstr "แแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Online Buddies" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแพแแแแแถแ" msgid "Offline Buddies" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Online/Offline" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแ/แแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Meebo" msgstr "Meebo" msgid "No Grouping" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแโแแถแแโแแถโแแแแปแ" msgid "Nested Subgroup" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแโแแถแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Nested Grouping (experimental)" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแโแแถโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแปแ (แแทแแแแแ)" msgid "Provides alternate buddylist grouping options." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแโแแแแแพแโแแถแแโแแถโแแแแปแโแแผแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแแแฝแย แ" msgid "Lastlog" msgstr "แแแแแแ แแแปโแ แปแแแแแแ" #. Translator Note: The "backlog" is the conversation buffer/history. msgid "lastlog: Searches for a substring in the backlog." msgstr "แแแแแโแ แแแปโแ แปแแแแแแย แ แแแแแแแโแแแแแขแแแแโแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแ ย แ" msgid "GntLastlog" msgstr "GntLastlog" msgid "Lastlog plugin." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแ แปแแแแแแย แ" msgid "accounts" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "Password is required to sign on." msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแพแแแแธโแ แผแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Enter password for %s (%s)" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแ %s (%s)" msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Save password" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Missing protocol plugin for %s" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโโแแแโแแถแแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Connection Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "New passwords do not match." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแทแแแแแผแแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Fill out all fields completely." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแขแแโแฒแแโแ แแย แ" msgid "Original password" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแพแ" msgid "New password" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ" msgid "New password (again)" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ (แแแแธ)" #, c-format msgid "Change password for %s" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Please enter your current password and your new password." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแทแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Change user information for %s" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Set User Info" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #, fuzzy msgid "This protocol does not support setting a public alias." msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แ" #, fuzzy msgid "This protocol does not support fetching the public alias." msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Buddies" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "buddy list" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "The certificate is self-signed and cannot be automatically checked." msgstr "" "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแโแ แแแแแแแถโแแแโแแแแฝแโแแถโ แแทแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแฝแแแทแแทแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแถแโแแย แ" msgid "" "The certificate is not trusted because no certificate that can verify it is " "currently trusted." msgstr "" "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแฟแแปแโแ แทแแแแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแทแโแแถแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ โแแแโโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแแแถแแแแถ โแแถโโแแแแผแโแแถแโ" "แแฟแแปแโแ แทแแแโแแแ โแแ แแ แปแแแแแแย แ" msgid "" "The certificate is not valid yet. Check that your computer's date and time " "are accurate." msgstr "" msgid "The certificate has expired and should not be considered valid." msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแแปแโแแแแแ แ แพแโโแแทแแแฝแโโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแปแแแถโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแโแแย แ" #. Translators: "domain" refers to a DNS domain (e.g. msgid "The certificate presented is not issued to this domain." msgstr "โแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแแแแ แถแแแถโ แแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แแโแแแแถแโแแแโแแแโแแย แโแแย แโ" msgid "" "You have no database of root certificates, so this certificate cannot be " "validated." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแทแแแถแแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ root แแ แแผแ แแแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโ" "แแถแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ" msgid "The certificate chain presented is invalid." msgstr "โแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แถแโแแแแแแแแถโโโแแถโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "The certificate has been revoked." msgstr "แแถแโแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโโย แ" msgid "An unknown certificate error occurred." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแพแโแกแพแย แ" msgid "(DOES NOT MATCH)" msgstr "(แแทแโแแแแผแแแแ)" #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "%s has presented the following certificate for just-this-once use:" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแ แถแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแโแแแแโแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s %s\n" "Fingerprint (SHA1): %s" msgstr "" "แแแแแโแแแแแแถย แ %s %s\n" "แแแแถแโแแแแถแแแ (SHA1)ย แ %s" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "Single-use Certificate Verification" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแพโแแโแแแแ" #. Scheme name #. Pool name msgid "Certificate Authorities" msgstr "แขแถแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. Scheme name #. Pool name msgid "SSL Peers Cache" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแแถแแโแแผแ SSL" #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "Accept certificate for %s?" msgstr "แแแฝแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s?" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "SSL Certificate Verification" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ SSL" msgid "_View Certificate..." msgstr "แแพแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ..." # , c-format #, c-format msgid "The certificate for %s could not be validated." msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแถแแ %s แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแโแแปแแแแถแโแแย แ" #. TODO: Probably wrong. msgid "SSL Certificate Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ SSL" msgid "Unable to validate certificate" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฒแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแโแแปแแแแถแโแแถแแแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "" "The certificate claims to be from \"%s\" instead. This could mean that you " "are not connecting to the service you believe you are." msgstr "" "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแขแแขแถแโแแถโแแถแแแโแแธโ \"%s\" แแแแฝแโแแทแย แ แแถโแขแถแ โแแถแแแแโแแถ แขแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแแแแแถโ" "แแแโแขแแแโแแฟแแถแแโแแแโแแย แ" #. Make messages #, c-format msgid "" "Common name: %s\n" "\n" "Fingerprint (SHA1): %s\n" "\n" "Activation date: %s\n" "Expiration date: %s\n" msgstr "" "แแแแแโโแแแแแแถย แ %s\n" "\n" "แแแแถแแแแแถแแแ (SHA1)ย แ %s\n" "\n" "แแถแแแแทแ แแแแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแย แ %s\n" "แแถแแแแทแ แแแแโแแปแโแแแแแย แ %s\n" #. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be msgid "Certificate Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. show error to user msgid "Registration Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Unregistration Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแทแแ แปแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s signed on" msgstr "+++ %s แแถแโแ แผแ" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s signed off" msgstr "+++ %s แแถแแแทแ" #. Undocumented #. Unknown error msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" msgid "Unable to send message: The message is too large." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแถแแแย แ แแถแโแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ %sย แ" msgid "The message is too large." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Unable to send message." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Send Message" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" msgid "_Send Message" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "%s entered the room." msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แผแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s [<I>%s</I>] entered the room." msgstr "%s [<I>%s</I>] แแถแโแ แผแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "You are now known as %s" msgstr "แฅแกแผแโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแถ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s แฅแกแผแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแถ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s left the room." msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s left the room (%s)." msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแแ (%s)ย แ" msgid "Invite to chat" msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" #. Put our happy label in it. msgid "" "Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite, along with an optional " "invite message." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแขแแแแพแ แแฝแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแถโแแแแแพแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Failed to get connection: %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแย แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed to get name: %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแฝแโแแแแแย แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed to get serv name: %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโโแแแแแปแโแแปแโแแแแแย แ %s" msgid "Purple's D-BUS server is not running for the reason listed below" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ D-BUS แแแแ Purple แแทแโแแแแปแโแแแโแแโ แ แแแแโแ แแแปแแโแแถแโแแ โแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "No name" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Unable to create new resolver process\n" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแถแโแแแแธโแแถแโแแ\n" msgid "Unable to send request to resolver process\n" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแพโแแ แแถแแโแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแถแโ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error resolving %s:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแถแ %sย แ\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "Error resolving %s: %d" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแถแ %sย แ %d" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading from resolver process:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแโแแธโแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธแแแแแแแถแย แ\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "Resolver process exited without answering our request" msgstr "แแแแพแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแถแโแแถแแ แแ แแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแพแโแแแแพโแแแแโแแฝแแแพแโแแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Error converting %s to punycode: %d" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแ %s แแ แแผแแแแแแย แ %d" #, c-format msgid "Thread creation failure: %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแแแแแแแกแถแย แ %s" msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแ แแแปแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแ %sย แ \n" "%s.\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error writing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแ %sย แ \n" "%s.\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Error accessing %s: \n" "%s.\n" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แผแแแแแพแแแถแ %sย แ \n" "%s.\n" msgid "Directory is not writable." msgstr "แแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Cannot send a file of 0 bytes." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแผแแแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Cannot send a directory." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแโแแถแโแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a regular file. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.\n" msgstr "%s แแทแโแแแโแแถโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแถย แ แแแโแแแแถแโแแแทแแแโโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแโแแถแแโแแพโแแถย แ\n" msgid "File is not readable." msgstr "แฏแแแถแโโแแทแแขแถแ โแขแถแโโแแถแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you %s (%s)" msgstr "%s แ แแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแ %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "%s wants to send you a file" msgstr "%s แ แแโแแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Accept file transfer request from %s?" msgstr "แแแฝแโแแโแแแแพโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแธ %s?" #, c-format msgid "" "A file is available for download from:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "แแถแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแธย แ\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแธโแ แแแแถแย แ %s\n" "แ แแแโแแธโแ แแแแถแย แ %d" #, c-format msgid "%s is offering to send file %s" msgstr "%s แแแแปแโแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพโแฏแแแถแ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid filename.\n" msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ\n" #, c-format msgid "Offering to send %s to %s" msgstr "แแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพ %s แแ แฒแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Starting transfer of %s from %s" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแ %s แแธ %s" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Transfer of file <A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> complete" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโ <A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> แแถแโแแแแ แแโโแ แพแ" #, c-format msgid "Transfer of file %s complete" msgstr "แแแแแโแฏแแแถแ %s แ แแโแ แพแ" msgid "File transfer complete" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแ แแแ แพแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "You cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโโ %s" msgid "File transfer cancelled" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "%s cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโโ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s cancelled the file transfer" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "File transfer to %s failed." msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแ %sย แ" #, c-format msgid "File transfer from %s failed." msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแโแแธ %sย แ" msgid "Run the command in a terminal" msgstr "แแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแธแ" msgid "The command used to handle \"aim\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"aim\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแโแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"gg\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแพโโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"gg\" URLs แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแโแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"icq\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"icq\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแโแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"irc\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"irc\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"msnim\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"msnim\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"sip\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"sip\" URLs แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"xmpp\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"xmpp\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "The command used to handle \"ymsgr\" URLs, if enabled." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแแแ \"ymsgr\" URLs แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแแแพแย แ" msgid "The handler for \"aim\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"aim\"" msgid "The handler for \"gg\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแถแแ URLs \"gg\"" msgid "The handler for \"icq\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"icq\"" msgid "The handler for \"irc\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"irc\"" msgid "The handler for \"msnim\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"msnim\"" msgid "The handler for \"sip\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแโแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"sip\"" msgid "The handler for \"xmpp\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"xmpp\"" msgid "The handler for \"ymsgr\" URLs" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ URLs \"ymsgr\"" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"aim\" " "URLs." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแ โโโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"aim\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"gg\" " "URLs." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"gg\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"icq\" " "URLs." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"icq\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"irc\" " "URLs." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"irc\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"msnim\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"msnim\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"sip\" " "URLs." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"sip\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"xmpp\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"xmpp\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"ymsgr\" " "URLs." msgstr "" "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"ymsgr\"ย แ" msgid "" "True if the command used to handle this type of URL should be run in a " "terminal." msgstr "แแทแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โโแแแแถแแแ แปแ \"แแถแแแโแแแแแถ\" แแฝแโโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแธแย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"aim\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพโ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแฝแแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"aim\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"gg\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"gg\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"icq\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแแโแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"icq\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"irc\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพโ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"irc\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"msnim\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"msnim\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"sip\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"sip\"" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"xmpp\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพ แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"xmpp\"ย แ" msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"ymsgr\" URLs" msgstr "แแถแแพ แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ URLs \"ymsgr\"ย แ" msgid "<b><font color=\"red\">The logger has no read function</font></b>" msgstr "<b><font color=\"red\">แแทแแแถแโแแปแแแถแโแขแถแโแแแแแ</font></b>" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Old flat format" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแโแ แถแแ" msgid "Logging of this conversation failed." msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแย แ" msgid "XML" msgstr "XML" #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" #, c-format msgid "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgstr "" "<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" "REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Unable to find log path!</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแผแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแแแย !</b></font>" #, c-format msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Could not read file: %s</b></font>" msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>แแทแแขแถแ โแขแถแโแฏแแแถแโแแถแแแย แ %s</b></font>" #, c-format msgid "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" msgstr "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" msgid "" "No codecs found. Install some GStreamer codecs found in GStreamer plugins " "packages." msgstr "" "แแแแแโแแโแแทแโแแพแโแแผแแทแโโแแแโแแย แ แแแกแพแโโแแผแแทแ GStreamer แแฝแโแ แแแฝแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแพแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแ แแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโ " "GStreamerย แ" msgid "" "No codecs left. Your codec preferences in fs-codecs.conf are too strict." msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแแผแแทแโโแแ โแแแแแโย แ แ แแแผแแ แทแแแโแแผแแทแโแแแแโโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโ fs-codecs.conf แแนแแแนแโแแแย แ" msgid "A non-recoverable Farsight2 error has occurred." msgstr "แแแ แปแ Farsight2 แแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแโแ แแโโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแย แ" msgid "Error with your microphone" msgstr "แแปแแ แปแโแแถแแฝแโแแธแแแแผโแแแแโแขแแแโ" msgid "Error with your webcam" msgstr "แแปแแ แปแโแแถแแฝแแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแแแแแแถแโ" msgid "Conference error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแแทแแธแโ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Error creating session: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแแแย แ %s" #, c-format msgid "You are using %s, but this plugin requires %s." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแพ %s แแแปแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแถแแแถแ %sย แ" msgid "This plugin has not defined an ID." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแแแแแโโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Plugin magic mismatch %d (need %d)" msgstr "แแทแแแแแผแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธแแแแฝแโแแแแแขแถแแแแแ %d (แแแแผแแแถแ %d)" #, c-format msgid "ABI version mismatch %d.%d.x (need %d.%d.x)" msgstr "แแทแแแแแผแแแแโแแแแ ABI %d.%d.x (แแแแผแแแถแ %d.%d.x)" msgid "" "Plugin does not implement all required functions (list_icon, login and close)" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแโแขแแปแแแแโแแปแแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแถแโแแถแแโแขแแโแแ (list_icon แ แผแ แ แพแโแแทแ)" #, c-format msgid "" "The required plugin %s was not found. Please install this plugin and try " "again." msgstr "" "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแแแแผแแแถแ %sย โแแแแแย แ แแผแโแแแกแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแย แ" msgid "Unable to load the plugin" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "The required plugin %s was unable to load." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแ %s แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Unable to load your plugin." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s requires %s, but it failed to unload." msgstr "%s แแแแผแแแถแ %s แแแปแแแแโแแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแปแย แ" msgid "Autoaccept" msgstr "แแแแโแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Auto-accept file transfer requests from selected users." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแแแฝแแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแแแพโแแธโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแแพแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Autoaccepted file transfer of \"%s\" from \"%s\" completed." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ \"%s\" แแธ \"%s\" แแถแโแแแแ แแย แ" msgid "Autoaccept complete" msgstr "แแแแ แแแแถแโแแแแโแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" #, c-format msgid "When a file-transfer request arrives from %s" msgstr "แแ แแแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแโแแแแแธ %s" msgid "Set Autoaccept Setting" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแแแแแแแแแท" msgid "_Save" msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแ" msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Ask" msgstr "แแฝแ" msgid "Auto Accept" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Auto Reject" msgstr "แ แแแถแแ แแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Autoaccept File Transfers..." msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท..." #. XXX: Is there a better way than this? There really should be. msgid "" "Path to save the files in\n" "(Please provide the full path)" msgstr "" "แแแแผแโแแแแผแโแแแแแถแแปแโแฏแแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแ\n" "(แแผแโแแแแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแ)" msgid "Automatically reject from users not in buddy list" msgstr "แ แแแถแแ แแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทแแ" msgid "" "Notify with a popup when an autoaccepted file transfer is complete\n" "(only when there's no conversation with the sender)" msgstr "" "แแผแโแแแแนแโแแแโแแแบแแปแโแแแ แกแพแ แแ แแแโแแถแโโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแแแแ แแ\n" "(แแโแแ แแแโแแแโแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแพ)" msgid "Create a new directory for each user" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแธแแฝแแ" msgid "Notes" msgstr "แ แแแถแ" msgid "Enter your notes below..." msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแ แแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแแ..." msgid "Edit Notes..." msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแ แแแถแ..." #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy Notes" msgstr "แ แแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Store notes on particular buddies." msgstr "แแปแโแ แแแถแโแแ โแแพโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแถแแแแถแแย แ" #. *< summary msgid "Adds the option to store notes for buddies on your buddy list." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแพแโแแพแแแแธแแปแโแ แแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแพโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Cipher Test" msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแถแแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Tests the ciphers that ship with libpurple." msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแถแโแแโแแถโแแฝแ libpurpleย แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "DBus Example" msgstr "แแแแผ DBus" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "DBus Plugin Example" msgstr "แแแแผโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ DBus" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "File Control" msgstr "แแถแแแแแฝแแแทแแทแแแโแฏแแแถแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Allows control by entering commands in a file." msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแฝแแแทแแทแแแโแแแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแโแฏแแแถแย แ" msgid "Minutes" msgstr "แแถแแธ" #. This is a cultural reference. Dy'er Mak'er is a song by Led Zeppelin. #. If that doesn't translate well into your language, drop the 's before translating. msgid "I'dle Mak'er" msgstr "แแแแแถโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Set Account Idle Time" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแธ" msgid "_Set" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "None of your accounts are idle." msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแธโแแถแแฝแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Unset Account Idle Time" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแธโแแ" msgid "_Unset" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแ" msgid "Set Idle Time for All Accounts" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Unset Idle Time for All Idled Accounts" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแถแแโแขแแโแแ" msgid "Allows you to hand-configure how long you've been idle" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแโโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแโ แขแแแธโแแแแแแโแแแโแขแแแแแ โแแแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "IPC Test Client" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแถแแแแแ IPC" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a client." msgstr "แแถโแแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ IPC แแแแโแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแย แ" #. * description msgid "" "Test plugin IPC support, as a client. This locates the server plugin and " "calls the commands registered." msgstr "" "แแถแแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ IPC แแแแโแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ แ แแถโแแแแแโแแธแแถแแโโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แแทแโแ แ โ" "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แปแแแแแแย แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "IPC Test Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแถแแแแแ IPC" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server." msgstr "แแถแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ IPC แแถโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพย แ" #. * description msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server. This registers the IPC commands." msgstr "แแถแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ IPC แแถโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ แแถโแ แปแแแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ IPCย แ" msgid "Hide Joins/Parts" msgstr "แแถแแ แ แแแแ/โแแถแโแ แผแแแฝแ" #. Translators: Followed by an input request a number of people msgid "For rooms with more than this many people" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแแแแแแโ แแแโแแถแโโโแแแปแแแโแ แแแพแโแแถแโโแแแ" msgid "If user has not spoken in this many minutes" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแแถแแแทแแถแ แแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแปแแแแถแโแแถแแธแแแ" msgid "Apply hiding rules to buddies" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแโแแแแฝแโแแแแแทแ โแแ แแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Join/Part Hiding" msgstr "แ แผแ/แแถแแแแแแแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Hides extraneous join/part messages." msgstr "แแถแแโแแถแโแ แผแ/แแแแแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแแแแแย แ" #. * description msgid "" "This plugin hides join/part messages in large rooms, except for those users " "actively taking part in a conversation." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแถแแโแแถแโแ แผแ/แแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแ แแพแแแแโแแโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพแแถแแโแแแโแแแโแแพแแกแพแโแแแถแโแแแแแโ" "แแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแแถย แ" #. This is used in the place of a timezone abbreviation if the #. * offset is way off. The user should never really see it, but #. * it's here just in case. The parens are to make it clear it's #. * not a real timezone. msgid "(UTC)" msgstr "(UTC)" msgid "User is offline." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแย แ" msgid "Auto-response sent:" msgstr "แแถแแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed off." msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแย แ" msgid "One or more messages may have been undeliverable." msgstr "แแถแโแแฝแ แฌโแ แแแพแโแขแถแ โโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแย แ" msgid "You were disconnected from the server." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแถแ แโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพย แ" msgid "" "You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received unless you are " "logged in." msgstr "แขแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแถแ แย แ แแถแโแแนแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแฝแโแแปแแแแแถโแแโแขแแแโแ แผแย แ" msgid "Message could not be sent because the maximum length was exceeded." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแพแโแแแแแแโแขแแทแแแแถย แ" msgid "Message could not be sent." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพแแย แ" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Adium" msgstr "Adium" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Fire" msgstr "แแแแพแ" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Messenger Plus!" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแย !" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "QIP" msgstr "QIP" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "MSN Messenger" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแ MSN" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "Trillian" msgstr "Trillian" #. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of #. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators #. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. msgid "aMSN" msgstr "aMSN" #. Add general preferences. msgid "General Log Reading Configuration" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแขแถแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแผแแ " msgid "Fast size calculations" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถโแแแ แโแแ แแ" msgid "Use name heuristics" msgstr "แแพแแทแแถแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแถแโแแแแแ" #. Add Log Directory preferences. msgid "Log Directory" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแ แแแป" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Log Reader" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแขแถแโแแแแแแ แแแป" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Includes other IM clients' logs in the log viewer." msgstr "แแฝแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแ IM แแแแแแโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธแแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแปย แ" #. * description msgid "" "When viewing logs, this plugin will include logs from other IM clients. " "Currently, this includes Adium, MSN Messenger, aMSN, and Trillian.\n" "\n" "WARNING: This plugin is still alpha code and may crash frequently. Use it " "at your own risk!" msgstr "" "แแ แแแโแแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแป แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแนแโแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ IM แแแแแโแแแย แ แแ แแ แปแแแแแแ โแแถโโแแฝแแแถแโ" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพโแแถแ Adium, MSN aMSN แแทแ Trillianย แ\n" "\n" "แแถแโแแแแแถแย แ แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแทแโแแแแปแโแแผแโแขแถแแ แแแถโแแ โแกแพแโแแ แ แพแโแขแถแ โแแถแแโแแนแแแถแแย แ แแแแพโแแถโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโ" "แแถแแย !" msgid "Mono Plugin Loader" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแ Mono" msgid "Loads .NET plugins with Mono." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ .NET แแถโแแฝแ Monoย แ" msgid "Add new line in IMs" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแ โแแแแปแ IMs" msgid "Add new line in Chats" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแ" #. *< magic #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "New Line" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแแแแธ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Prepends a newline to displayed message." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแถแโแ แปแโแแ โแแถแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแ แถแย แ" #. *< summary msgid "" "Prepends a newline to messages so that the rest of the message appears below " "the username in the conversation window." msgstr "" "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแ แแถแ แแผแ แแแแโแแถแโแแแแแ แแแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถย แ" msgid "Offline Message Emulation" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Save messages sent to an offline user as pounce." msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ โแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแ โแแถโแแแแปแย แ" msgid "" "The rest of the messages will be saved as pounces. You can edit/delete the " "pounce from the `Buddy Pounce' dialog." msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแ โแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแถโแแแแปแย แ แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแฝแ/แแปแโแแแแปแโแแธโแแแแขแแ `แแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท'ย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "\"%s\" is currently offline. Do you want to save the rest of the messages in " "a pounce and automatically send them when \"%s\" logs back in?" msgstr "" "\"%s\" แฅแกแผแโแแแโแแ โแแแแ แแแแแถแย แ แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแ โแแแโแแถโแแแแปแ แ แพแโแแแแพโแแฝแแแถโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโ" "แแ แแแโแแแ \"%s\" แ แผแโแแแแโแแแโแแแแฌแแย ?" msgid "Offline Message" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy Pounces' dialog" msgstr "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแฝแ/แแปแโแแแแปแโแแธโแแแแขแแ `แแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท'" msgid "Yes" msgstr "แแถแ/แ แถแ" msgid "No" msgstr "แแ" msgid "Save offline messages in pounce" msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโแแถแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแโแแถโแแแแปแ" msgid "Do not ask. Always save in pounce." msgstr "แแปแแแฝแ แ แแแแแถแแปแโแแถโแแแแปแโแแถโแแทแ แแ แ" msgid "One Time Password" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "One Time Password Support" msgstr "แแถแแแแโแแโแแถโแแแแแ แผแแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแแแแโ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Enforce that passwords are used only once." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแฒแแโแแแแพโแแโแแแแโแแแปแแแแแย แ" #. * description msgid "" "Allows you to enforce on a per-account basis that passwords not being saved " "are only used in a single successful connection.\n" "Note: The account password must not be saved for this to work." msgstr "" "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแฝแโแแแแธ แแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแ แแบโแแแแผแโแแถแโ" "แแแแแถแแปแโแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแแแแโแแโแแฝแโแแแปแแแแแย แ\n" "แ แแแถแโย แ แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโโแแถโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแย แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Perl Plugin Loader" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแ Perl" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "Provides support for loading perl plugins." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแ perl แ" msgid "Psychic Mode" msgstr "แแแแ Psychic" msgid "Psychic mode for incoming conversation" msgstr "แแแแ Psychic แแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแโแ แผแ" msgid "" "Causes conversation windows to appear as other users begin to message you. " "This works for AIM, ICQ, XMPP, Sametime, and Yahoo!" msgstr "" "แแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถโแแแแ แถแโแแถโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแแโ แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแโแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแ แ แแถแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ AIM, " "ICQ, XMPP, Sametime แแทแ Yahoo!" msgid "You feel a disturbance in the force..." msgstr "แขแแแแแถแแขแถแแแแแแโแแถโแแแแถแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแ..." msgid "Only enable for users on the buddy list" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแขแแแโแแแแพแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Disable when away" msgstr "แแทแโแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Display notification message in conversations" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Raise psychic conversations" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ psychic แกแพแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Signals Test" msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแแแแถ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Test to see that all signals are working properly." msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแนแโแแถ แแแแแถโแแถแแโแขแแโแแแแพแแแถแแแถแโแโแแแผแ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Simple Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแแแถ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Tests to see that most things are working." msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแนแโแแถ แขแแแธแโแแถโแ แแแพแโแแแแปแโแแแแพแแแถแ แ" #. Scheme name msgid "X.509 Certificates" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแแแแแ X.509" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "GNUTLS" msgstr "GNUTLS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides SSL support through GNUTLS." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแโแแถโแแแถแแแแ SSL แแถแแแแ GNUTLS แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "NSS" msgstr "NSS" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides SSL support through Mozilla NSS." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโ SSL แแถแแแแ Mozilla NSS แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides a wrapper around SSL support libraries." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแโแแปแแแทแโแแแแแถแแแโแแถแแแแ SSL แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer away." msgstr "%s แแทแโแ แถแแแแแถแโแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has gone away." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแ โแแแแถแโแ แพแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has become idle." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแถแแแถโแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is no longer idle." msgstr "%s แแทแแแแแแโแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has signed on." msgstr "%s แแถแแ แผแ แ" msgid "Notify When" msgstr "แแผแแแแแนแโแแ โแแพ" msgid "Buddy Goes _Away" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแ โแแแแถแ" msgid "Buddy Goes _Idle" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแ" msgid "Buddy _Signs On/Off" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท แ แแ/แ แผแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy State Notification" msgstr "แแแแถแโโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "" "Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from away or " "idle." msgstr "แแผแแแแแนแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ แแ แแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ แฌโโโแแแแกแแโโแแธโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ แฌโแแแแแ แ" msgid "Tcl Plugin Loader" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ Tcl" msgid "Provides support for loading Tcl plugins" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ Tcl" msgid "" "Unable to detect ActiveTCL installation. If you wish to use TCL plugins, " "install ActiveTCL from\n" msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแพแโแแถแโแแแกแพแTCL แแแโแแแแแ แ แแแแแทแโแแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแพโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ TCL แแแกแพแ TCL แแแแแโแแธ " "\n" msgid "" "Unable to find Apple's \"Bonjour for Windows\" toolkit, see http://d.pidgin." "im/BonjourWindows for more information." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแขแแโแงแแแแแโ \"Bonjour for Windows\" แแแแ Apple แแพแแแ แ แแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแโ แแผแโโ" "แแพแย แ" msgid "Unable to listen for incoming IM connections" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ IM แ แผแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "" "Unable to establish connection with the local mDNS server. Is it running?" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ mDNS แแผแแแแแถแโแแ แ แแพโแแถโแแแแปแโแแแโแแ ?" msgid "First name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Last name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแผแ" #. email msgid "Email" msgstr "แขแแธแแแ" msgid "AIM Account" msgstr "แแแแธ AIM" msgid "XMPP Account" msgstr "แแแแธ XMPP" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Bonjour Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโ Bonjour" msgid "Purple Person" msgstr "แแแปแแแโโแแแแแแแถแ" #. Creating the options for the protocol msgid "Local Port" msgstr "แ แแแ" msgid "Bonjour" msgstr "Bonjour" #, c-format msgid "%s has closed the conversation." msgstr "%s แแถแแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ แ" msgid "Unable to send the message, the conversation couldn't be started." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแถแแแ แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแ แ" msgid "Error communicating with local mDNSResponder." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแ mDNSResponder แแผแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Invalid proxy settings" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "" "Either the host name or port number specified for your given proxy type is " "invalid." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแถแแแธแ แฌโแแแโแ แแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแแแแถแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" msgid "Token Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแผแแนแ" msgid "Unable to fetch the token.\n" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ โแแโแแผแแนแโแแถแแแ แ\n" msgid "Save Buddylist..." msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Your buddylist is empty, nothing was written to the file." msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแบแแแ แแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแฏแแแถแโแแ แ" msgid "Buddylist saved successfully!" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแแแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Couldn't write buddy list for %s to %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแ %s แแ โแแถแแ %s" msgid "Couldn't load buddylist" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแแ" msgid "Load Buddylist..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Buddylist loaded successfully!" msgstr "แแถแแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแแโแแแแแแ !" msgid "Save buddylist..." msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Load buddylist from file..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแฏแแแถแ..." msgid "You must fill in all registration fields" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแแแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแถแแแขแแ" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแผแแแแโแแ" msgid "Unable to register new account. An unknown error occurred." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแแแธโแแถแโแแย โแ แแแ แปแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแย แ" msgid "New Gadu-Gadu Account Registered" msgstr "แแแแธ Gadu-Gadu แแแแแถแแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "Registration completed successfully!" msgstr "แแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแถแแแแแ แแโแแแโแแแแแแ !" msgid "Password" msgstr "แแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Password (again)" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ (แแแแโแแแ)" msgid "Enter captcha text" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแขแแแแแ captcha" msgid "Captcha" msgstr "Captcha" msgid "Register New Gadu-Gadu Account" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธ Gadu-Gadu แแแแธ" msgid "Please, fill in the following fields" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโแแถแโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "City" msgstr "แแธแแแแปแโ" msgid "Year of birth" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแพแ" #. gender msgid "Gender" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Male or female" msgstr "แแแแปแ แฌโแแแแธ" #. 0 msgid "Male" msgstr "แแแแปแ" msgid "Female" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "Only online" msgstr "แแโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Find buddies" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Please, enter your search criteria below" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Fill in the fields." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแ แ" msgid "Your current password is different from the one that you specified." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแปแโแแธโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Unable to change password. Error occurred.\n" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ แ แแแ แปแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ แ\n" msgid "Change password for the Gadu-Gadu account" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแโโแแแแธ Gadu-Gadu" msgid "Password was changed successfully!" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแ !" msgid "Current password" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Password (retype)" msgstr "แแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแ (แแถแโแกแพแโแแทแ)" msgid "Enter current token" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแผแแนแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Current token" msgstr "แแผแแนแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Please, enter your current password and your new password for UIN: " msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ แแทแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแถแแ UIN แ " msgid "Change Gadu-Gadu Password" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ Gadu-Gadu" #, c-format msgid "Select a chat for buddy: %s" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแทแแแแแแแแท แ %s" msgid "Add to chat..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ โแแถโแแแแแ..." #. 0 #. Global msgid "Available" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแ" #. 2 msgid "Chatty" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแ" #. 3 msgid "Do Not Disturb" msgstr "แแปแแแแแถแ" #. 1 #. get_yahoo_status_from_purple_status() returns YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM for #. * the generic away state (YAHOO_STATUS_TYPE_AWAY) with no message #. Away stuff msgid "Away" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "UIN" msgstr "UIN" #. first name #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Hidden Number" ), profile->hidden ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) ); #. optional information #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Title" ), profile->title ); msgid "First Name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Birth Year" msgstr "แแแแถแโโโแแแแพแ" msgid "Unable to display the search results." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแ แถแโแแแแแแโแแแแแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Gadu-Gadu Public Directory" msgstr "แแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแ Gadu-Gadu" msgid "Search results" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแแแ" msgid "No matching users found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแผแแแแโแแ" msgid "There are no users matching your search criteria." msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแแแผแแแแโแแนแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Unable to read from socket" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแขแถแโแแธโแแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Buddy list downloaded" msgstr "แแถแแแถแแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Your buddy list was downloaded from the server." msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แ" msgid "Buddy list uploaded" msgstr "แแถแแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแกแพแ" msgid "Your buddy list was stored on the server." msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแปแโแแ โแแพโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แ" #. The session is now set up, ready to be connected. This emits the #. * signedOn signal, so clients can now do anything with msimprpl, and #. * we're ready for it (session key, userid, username all setup). msgid "Connected" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Connection failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Add to chat" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Chat _name:" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแโแแแแย แ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Unable to resolve hostname '%s': %s" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแ '%s': %s แแถแโแแ" #. 1. connect to server #. connect to the server msgid "Connecting" msgstr "แแแแแถแแ" msgid "Chat error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "This chat name is already in use" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแพโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Not connected to the server" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ" msgid "Find buddies..." msgstr "แแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Change password..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "Upload buddylist to Server" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแกแพแโแแ แแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Download buddylist from Server" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Delete buddylist from Server" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Save buddylist to file..." msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแถแแโแฏแแแถแ..." #. magic #. major_version #. minor_version #. plugin type #. ui_requirement #. flags #. dependencies #. priority #. id #. name #. version msgid "Gadu-Gadu Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ Gadu-Gadu" #. summary msgid "Polish popular IM" msgstr "แแแแขแถแโแแแแแถแแแแทแแแถแโแแแแ IM" msgid "Gadu-Gadu User" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ Gadu-Gadu" msgid "GG server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ GG" #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "current topic is: %s" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแแแบ แ %s" msgid "No topic is set" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแ" msgid "File Transfer Failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Unable to open a listening port." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแพแโแ แแแโแแแแถแแโแแถแแแย แ" msgid "Error displaying MOTD" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ แถแ MOTD" msgid "No MOTD available" msgstr "แแทแแแถแ MOTD แแ" msgid "There is no MOTD associated with this connection." msgstr "แแทแแแถแโ MOTD แแถแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "MOTD for %s" msgstr "MOTD แแแแแถแแ %s" #. #. * TODO: Handle this better. Probably requires a PurpleBOSHConnection #. * buffer that stores what is "being sent" until the #. * PurpleHTTPConnection reports it is fully sent. #. #. TODO: what to do here - do we really have to disconnect? #. TODO: do we really want to disconnect on a failure to write? #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with server: %s" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ %s" msgid "View MOTD" msgstr "แแพแ MOTD" msgid "_Channel:" msgstr "แแถแแแ แ" msgid "_Password:" msgstr "แแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "IRC nick and server may not contain whitespace" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ IRC แแทแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแแขแถแ โแแถแโแ แแแแแโแแทแแแพแแแ" msgid "SSL support unavailable" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแถแแแถแแแแ SSL" msgid "Unable to connect" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ" #. this is a regular connect, error out #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ แ %s แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Server closed the connection" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแถแโแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Users" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Topic" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "IRC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ IRC" #. * summary msgid "The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ IRC แแแโ Sucks Less" #. host to connect to msgid "Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" #. port to connect to msgid "Port" msgstr "แ แแแ" msgid "Encodings" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแ" msgid "Auto-detect incoming UTF-8" msgstr "แแแแพแ UTF-8 แ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Real name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแ" #. #. option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("Quit message"), "quitmsg", IRC_DEFAULT_QUIT); #. prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); #. msgid "Use SSL" msgstr "แแแแพ SSL" msgid "Bad mode" msgstr "แแแแโแแทแแแแข" #, c-format msgid "Ban on %s by %s, set %s ago" msgstr "แ แถแแแถแแโแแ โแแพ %s แแแ %s แแแแแ %s แแแแแโแแ " #, c-format msgid "Ban on %s" msgstr "แ แถแแแถแแโแแ โแแพ %s" msgid "End of ban list" msgstr "แ แปแ โแแแแแธโแ แถแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "You are banned from %s." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แถแแแถแแโแแธ %s แ" msgid "Banned" msgstr "แแถแแ แถแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Cannot ban %s: banlist is full" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแถแแ %s แ แแแแแธโแ แถแแแถแแโแแแแ แพแ" msgid " <i>(ircop)</i>" msgstr " <i>(ircop)</i>" msgid " <i>(identified)</i>" msgstr " <i>(แแถแโแแแแแถแแแขแแแแแแแแถแ)</i>" msgid "Nick" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Currently on" msgstr "แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแพแ" msgid "Idle for" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Online since" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแโแแถแแโแแธ" msgid "<b>Defining adjective:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแแแโแแปแแแถแ แ</b>" msgid "Glorious" msgstr "Glorious" #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแถแแแโแแ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s has cleared the topic." msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "The topic for %s is: %s" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแแถแแ %s แแบ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unknown message '%s'" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแ '%s'" msgid "Unknown message" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแ" msgid "The IRC server received a message it did not understand." msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ IRC โแแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแถโแแทแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Users on %s: %s" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแพ %s แ %s" msgid "Time Response" msgstr "โแแแแแแแถโแแแแพแ" msgid "The IRC server's local time is:" msgstr "แแแแแแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ IRC แแบ แ" msgid "No such channel" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแแโแแ" #. does this happen? msgid "no such channel" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "User is not logged in" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแโแ แผแโแแ" msgid "No such nick or channel" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแถแ แฌโแแถแแแโแแ" msgid "Could not send" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Joining %s requires an invitation." msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ %s แแแแผแแแถแโแแถโแแขแแแแพแ แ" msgid "Invitation only" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแแปแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked by %s: (%s)" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแถแแแ แแโแแแ %s: (%s)" #. Remove user from channel #, c-format msgid "Kicked by %s (%s)" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแ แแโแแแ %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "mode (%s %s) by %s" msgstr "แแแแ (%s %s) แแแ %s" msgid "Invalid nickname" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "" "Your selected nickname was rejected by the server. It probably contains " "invalid characters." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแแแพแโแแแแผโแแแถแแแแทแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแพ แ แแถโแแแแ แแแแถโแแถแโแแฝแขแแแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "" "Your selected account name was rejected by the server. It probably contains " "invalid characters." msgstr "" "แแแแแโแแแแธโแแแโแขแแแแแถแแแแแพแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแทแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แ แแถโแแแแ แแแแถโแแถแโแแฝแขแแแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" #. We only want to do the following dance if the connection #. has not been successfully completed. If it has, just #. notify the user that their /nick command didn't go. #, c-format msgid "The nickname \"%s\" is already being used." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ \"%s\" แแแแปแโแแแแพโแแฝแ โแ แพแย แ" msgid "Nickname in use" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแพ" msgid "Cannot change nick" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Could not change nick" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "You have parted the channel%s%s" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแแแ %s%s" msgid "Error: invalid PONG from server" msgstr "แแแ แปแ แ PONG แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds" msgstr "PING reply -- Lag แ %lu แแทแแถแแธ" #, c-format msgid "Cannot join %s: Registration is required." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แผแ %s แ แแแแแผแโแฒแแโแ แปแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Cannot join channel" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Nick or channel is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ แฌโแแถแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Wallops from %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแธ %s" msgid "action <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "แแแแแแแถแ <แแแแแแแถแโแแแแผแโแขแแปแแแแ> แ แขแแปแแแแโแแแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "" "away [message]: Set an away message, or use no message to return from being " "away." msgstr "[แแถแ] แ แถแแแแแถแ แ แแแแแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ แฌโแแแแพโแแแแถแโแแถแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแกแแโแแธแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "ctcp <nick> <msg>: sends ctcp msg to nick." msgstr "ctcp <nick> <msg> แ แแแแพ ctcp msg แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแแทแแถแ แ" msgid "chanserv: Send a command to chanserv" msgstr "chanserv แ แแแแพแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ แแถแแ chanserv" msgid "" "deop <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel operator status from " "someone. You must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "deop <nick1> [nick2] ...: แแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแถแแธโแแถแแแโแแธโแขแแแแแถโแแแแถแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถโแแถแแธโ" "แแถแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพโแแถ แ" msgid "" "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel voice status from " "someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: แแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแกแแโแแถแแแโแแธโแขแแแแแถโแแแแถแแ แแแโแแถแแแถแโ" "แแฝแแแโแแธโแแถโแแแทแแถแ แแแแแทแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแทแแแแแท (+m) แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถโแแถแแธโแแถแแแโแแพแแแแธแแแแพโแแถ แ" msgid "" "invite <nick> [room]: Invite someone to join you in the specified " "channel, or the current channel." msgstr "" "แขแแแแพแ <แแแแแแทแแถแ> [แแแแแแ] แ แขแแแแพแโแขแแแแแถโแแแแถแแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแโแแ แแแแปแโแแถแแแโแแแโแแถแโ" "แแแแแถแแ แฌโแแถแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ แ" msgid "" "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "" "j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]] แ แแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแฝแ แฌโแ แแแพแโ แแถโแแแแแพแโ" "แแแแแโแแผแโแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแธแแฝแแโ แแแแแทแโแแพโแแแแผแแแถแ แ" msgid "" "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " "channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." msgstr "" "join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]] แ แแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแฝแ แฌแ แแแพแโ แแถโ" "แแแแแพโแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแถแแแ แปแ โแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแแแธแแฝแแโ แแแแแทแโแแพโแแแแผแแแถแ แ" msgid "" "kick <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "kick <nick> [message] แ แแโแขแแแแแถแแแแถแแโแ แแโแแธโแแถแแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแถโแแถแแธโแแถแแแโ" "แแพแแแแธแแถแโแแแแพแแถแแแถแโแแแ แ" msgid "" "list: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. <i>Warning, some servers " "may disconnect you upon doing this.</i>" msgstr "" "แแแแแธ แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแแแถแ แ <i>แแถแโแแแแแถแ แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแฝแโแ แแแฝแโแขแถแ โแแแแถแ แโแขแแแแแธโแแถแแแแแพโ" "แแถแแแถแโแแแ แ</i>" msgid "me <action to perform>: Perform an action." msgstr "me <action to perform> แ แขแแปแแแแโแแแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "memoserv: Send a command to memoserv" msgstr "memoserv แ แแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ โแแถแแ memoserv" msgid "" "mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: Set or unset a channel " "or user mode." msgstr "" "แแแแ <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel> แ แแแแแ แฌโแแทแแแแแแโแแถแแแ แฌโโแแแแโ" "แขแแแแแแแพ แ" msgid "" "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "" "msg <nick> <message> แ แแแแพโแแถแโแฏแแแโแแ โแฒแแโโแขแแแโแแแแพ (แแผแ โแแถแแแแแพโแแ โ" "แแถแแแแถแแแ) แ" msgid "names [channel]: List the users currently in a channel." msgstr "names [channel] แ แแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "nick <new nickname>: Change your nickname." msgstr "nick <new nickname> แ แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "nickserv: Send a command to nickserv" msgstr "nickserv แ แแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ nickserv" msgid "notice <target<: Send a notice to a user or channel." msgstr "แ แแแถแ <target< แ แแแแพโแแถโแแ แแแถแโแแ โแขแแแแแแแพ แฌโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "" "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel operator status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "op <nick1> [nick2] ...: แแแแแแแแแถแแแถแโแแถแแธโแแถแแแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแถโแแแแถแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถโแแถแแธโ" "แแถแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพแแถแแแถแโแแแ แ" msgid "" "operwall <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably " "can't use it." msgstr "" "operwall <message> แ แแแแแทแแแพโโแขแแแโแแทแแแนแโแแถโแแถโแแถโแขแแแธโแแ แขแแแโแแแแ แแโแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถโ" "แแถแแแ แ" msgid "operserv: Send a command to operserv" msgstr "operserv แ แแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแ โแแถแแ operserv" msgid "" "part [room] [message]: Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, " "with an optional message." msgstr "" "part [room] [message] แ แ แถแแ แแโแแธโแแถแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ แฌโแแถแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แแแโแแถแแแถแแแถโ" "แแแแแพแ แ" msgid "" "ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) " "has." msgstr "" "ping [nick]แ แแฝแโแแถแแพแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแบแโแแแปแแแแถแโแแถแแ (แฌโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แแแแแทแแแพโแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ) " "แแถแ แ" msgid "" "query <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " "opposed to a channel)." msgstr "" "แแฝแ <nick> <message> แ แแแแพโแแถแโแฏแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ (แแผแ โแแถแโแแแแพโแแ โแแถแแแ) แ" msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message." msgstr "quit [message] แ แแแแถแ แโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแถแแแถโแแแแแพแ โแ" msgid "quote [...]: Send a raw command to the server." msgstr "quote [...] แ แแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแพแโแแแแธโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ" msgid "" "remove <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a room. You must be a " "channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "remove <nick> [message] แ แแโแขแแแโแแถโแแแแถแแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถโแแถแแธโแแแแแถแโ" "แแพแแแแธแแแแพแแถแโแแถแโแแแ แ" msgid "time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server." msgstr "แแแแแแแถ แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแแแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแแแ โแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ IRC แ" msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the channel topic." msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแ [แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแธ] แ แแพแ แฌโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแถแโแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: Set or unset a user mode." msgstr "umode <+|-><A-Za-z> แ แแแแแ แฌโแแทแโแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ โแ" msgid "version [nick]: send CTCP VERSION request to a user" msgstr "แแแแ [nick] แ แแแแพโแแแแพโแแแแโแแแแ CTCP แแ โแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "" "voice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel voice status to someone. You " "must be a channel operator to do this." msgstr "" "แแแกแแ <nick1> [nick2] ...: แแแแแโแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแกแแโแแ โแฒแแโแขแแแแแถแแแแถแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถโ" "แแถแแธแแถแแแโแแพแแแแธแแแแพแแถแแแถแโแแแ แ" msgid "" "wallops <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't " "use it." msgstr "" "แแถแ <แแถแ> แ แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแแแทแแแนแโแแถโแแแโแแถโแขแแแธแแ แขแแแแแแแ แแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "whois [server] <nick>: Get information on a user." msgstr "whois [server] <nick> แ แแโแแแแแแถแโโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ แ" msgid "whowas <nick>: Get information on a user that has logged off." msgstr "whowas <nick> แ แแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแถแโแ แแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Reply time from %s: %lu seconds" msgstr "แแแแแแแถโแแแแพแโแแโแแธ %s แ %lu โแแทแแถแแธ" msgid "PONG" msgstr "PONG" msgid "CTCP PING reply" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแโแแโแแแแ CTCP PING" msgid "Disconnected." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแ แ แ" msgid "Unknown Error" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" msgid "Ad-Hoc Command Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโ Ad-Hoc แแถแโแแแถแแแ" msgid "execute" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแแแท" msgid "Server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถโแขแแแแแโแแแแแแถโแแพโแแแแแแธแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแขแแทแแแแแธแ" #. This should never happen! msgid "Invalid response from server" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแพแโแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ โแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพย แ" msgid "Server does not use any supported authentication method" msgstr "แแแถแแแทแแแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแถแแฝแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. Allow " "this and continue authentication?" msgstr "" "%s แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถโแแพแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแขแแทแแแแแธแ แ แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถโ แ แพแโแแแแโ" "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ?" msgid "Plaintext Authentication" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "You require encryption, but it is not available on this server." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแผแแแถโแแแถแโแขแแทแแแแแธแ แแแปแแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแ โแแพโโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Invalid challenge from server" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแทแแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Server thinks authentication is complete, but client does not" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแโแแถ แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแ แแโแ แพแ แแแปแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแทแโแแทแโแแผแ แแแแโแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Server may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถโแขแแแแแโแแแแแแถโแแพโแแแแแแธแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแขแแทแแแแแธแ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "%s may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. " "Allow this and continue authentication?" msgstr "" "%s แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถโแแพแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแขแแทแแแแแธแ แ แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถโ แ แพแโแแแแโ" "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ?" msgid "SASL authentication failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแโโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแโ SASL" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "SASL error: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแ SASLย แ %s" #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Encoding" msgstr "แแแแแแแแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Unsupported Extension" msgstr "แแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแแถแแแแ" msgid "" "Unexpected response from the server. This may indicate a possible MITM " "attack" msgstr "" msgid "" "The server does support channel binding, but did not appear to advertise " "it. This indicates a likely MITM attack" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Server does not support channel binding" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแโแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Unsupported channel binding method" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแโแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแถแแแแ" msgid "User not found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Username Encoding" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Resource Constraint" msgstr "แแถโแแแถแแโแแแแแทแโแแแแถแ" msgid "Unable to canonicalize username" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแขแแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแโ" msgid "Unable to canonicalize password" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ แแแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแโ" msgid "Malicious challenge from server" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแขแแแแทแ โแแแแแแแแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Unexpected response from server" msgstr "แ แแแแพแแแแแแแแทแโแแถแโโแแแแนแ แแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "The BOSH connection manager terminated your session." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแถแแ BOSH แแถแโแแแแ แแโแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "No session ID given" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Unsupported version of BOSH protocol" msgstr "แแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแทแแธแแถแ BOSH" msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server: %s" msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแUnable to establish a connection with the " "server: %s" msgid "Unable to establish SSL connection" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ SSL" msgid "Full Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแ" msgid "Family Name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแผแ" msgid "Given Name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgid "Street Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแผแ" #. #. * EXTADD is correct, EXTADR is generated by other #. * clients. The next time someone reads this, remove #. * EXTADR. #. msgid "Extended Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแธแ" msgid "Locality" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Region" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแแธแแ" #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Email" ), profile->email ); msgid "Country" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #. lots of clients (including purple) do this, but it's #. * out of spec msgid "Telephone" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแ" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแแแถแ" msgid "Organization Unit" msgstr "แแแแแโแแโแขแแแแแถแ" msgid "Job Title" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Role" msgstr "แแฝแแถแแธ" #. birthday #. birthday (required) msgid "Birthday" msgstr "แแแแโแแแแพแ" msgid "Description" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแทแแแแแถ" msgid "Edit XMPP vCard" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแ XMPP vCard" msgid "" "All items below are optional. Enter only the information with which you feel " "comfortable." msgstr "แแถแแปโแแถแแโแขแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแพแ แ แแแแ แผแโแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแถโแแถแแแแแฝแ แ" msgid "Client" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "แแแแแแแแโแแแแแทแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Local Time" msgstr "แแแแแแแถโแแแแปแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Priority" msgstr "แขแถแแทแแถแ" msgid "Resource" msgstr "แแแแถแ" msgid "Uptime" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแโ" msgid "Logged Off" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s แแแแแโแแ " msgid "Middle Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "P.O. Box" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแแแปแแแ" msgid "Photo" msgstr "แแผแแแ" msgid "Logo" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแถ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "" "%s will no longer be able to see your status updates. Do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "โ%s แแแโโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแพแโแแพแโโแแถแโแแถแแโแแแแโโแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแขแแแโแแแโแ แพแย แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแโแแแแฌแแย ?" msgid "Cancel Presence Notification" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถโแแแผแแแแแนแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Un-hide From" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแโแแธ" msgid "Temporarily Hide From" msgstr "แแถแแโโแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแโแแธ" msgid "(Re-)Request authorization" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแกแพแโแแทแ" #. shouldn't this just happen automatically when the buddy is #. removed? msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" msgid "Initiate _Chat" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแแแแแ" msgid "Log In" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "แ แแ" msgid "JID" msgstr "JID" #. last name msgid "Last Name" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแผแ" msgid "The following are the results of your search" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแโแแถโแแแแแแโแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ" #. current comment from Jabber User Directory msgid "" "Find a contact by entering the search criteria in the given fields. Note: " "Each field supports wild card searches (%)" msgstr "" "แแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแแโแแ แแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแโ แ แ แแแถแ แ แแถแโแแธแแฝแแโแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแโแแแโ" "แขแแแแโแแแแฝแ (%)" msgid "Directory Query Failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแฝแโแแ" msgid "Could not query the directory server." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแโแแถแแแ แ" #. Try to translate the message (see static message #. list in jabber_user_dir_comments[]) #, c-format msgid "Server Instructions: %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ %s" msgid "Fill in one or more fields to search for any matching XMPP users." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแฝแ แฌโแ แแแพแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ XMPP แแแโแแแแผแแแแ แ" msgid "Email Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ" msgid "Search for XMPP users" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ XMPP" #. "Search" msgid "Search" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" msgid "Invalid Directory" msgstr "แแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Enter a User Directory" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Select a user directory to search" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแแแผแโแแแแแแแ" msgid "Search Directory" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแแ" msgid "_Room:" msgstr "แแแแแแ แ" msgid "_Server:" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ" msgid "_Handle:" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room name" msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Invalid Room Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid server name" msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Invalid Server Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid room handle" msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแถโแแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Invalid Room Handle" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Configuration error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโโโแแแแแโโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Unable to configure" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Room Configuration Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "This room is not capable of being configured" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Registration error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Nick changing not supported in non-MUC chatrooms" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแโโแแทแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแถ MUC" msgid "Error retrieving room list" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแ แแโแแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "Invalid Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Enter a Conference Server" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแแทแแธแ" msgid "Select a conference server to query" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแแทแแธแโแแแแผแโแแฝแ" msgid "Find Rooms" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Affiliations:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแย แ" msgid "No users found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Roles:" msgstr "แแฝแแถแแธย แ" msgid "Server requires TLS/SSL, but no TLS/SSL support was found." msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแถแ TLS/SSL แแแปแแแแโแแโแแทแโแแพแแแถแโแแถแแแแ TLS/SSL แแแโแแย แ" msgid "You require encryption, but no TLS/SSL support was found." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแขแแทแแแแแธแ แแแปแแแแโแแโแแทแแแพแโแแถแแแถแแแแ TLS/SSL แแแโแแแ" msgid "Ping timed out" msgstr "Ping แขแแโแแแ" msgid "Invalid XMPP ID" msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแ XMPP แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Username portion must be set." msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแ XMPP แแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ แแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set." msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแ XMPP แแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ แแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Malformed BOSH URL" msgstr "BOSH URLURL แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Registration of %s@%s successful" msgstr "แแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโ %s@%s แแแโแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Registration to %s successful" msgstr "แแถโแแ แปแแแแแแโแแ โ %s แแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Registration Successful" msgstr "แแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Registration Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แปแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Registration from %s successfully removed" msgstr "แแถแโแแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแธ %s แแแแแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "Unregistration Successful" msgstr "แแปแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Unregistration Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแปแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "State" msgstr "แแแแถแโโแแถแ" msgid "Postal code" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแแธแแ" msgid "Phone" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโ" msgid "Date" msgstr "แแถแโโแแแทแ แแแแ" msgid "Already Registered" msgstr "แแถแแ แปแแแแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Unregister" msgstr "แแทแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "" "Please fill out the information below to change your account registration." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแโ แแพแแแแธโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Please fill out the information below to register your new account." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแโ แแพแแแแธแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Register New XMPP Account" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแแแแแธโ XMPP แแแแธ" msgid "Register" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Change Account Registration at %s" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Register New Account at %s" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธแแแแธโแแ %s" msgid "Change Registration" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแ" msgid "Error unregistering account" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแปแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "Account successfully unregistered" msgstr "แแถแแแปแแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแแแแแธโแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Initializing Stream" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแธแ" msgid "Initializing SSL/TLS" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแ SSL/TLS" msgid "Authenticating" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Re-initializing Stream" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแแแแแแแธแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Server doesn't support blocking" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแโแแ" msgid "Not Authorized" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Mood" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Now Listening" msgstr "แฅแกแผแโแแแแปแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Both" msgstr "แแถแแโแแธแโ" msgid "From (To pending)" msgstr "แแธ (แแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแแแแแ )" msgid "From" msgstr "แแธ" msgid "To" msgstr "แแ " msgid "None (To pending)" msgstr "แแแแถแ (แแแโแแทแแแถแแแแแแแแ )" msgid "None" msgstr "แแแแถแ" #. subscription type msgid "Subscription" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแ" msgid "Mood Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Allow Buzz" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโ Buzz" #, fuzzy msgid "Mood Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Mood Comment" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. primitive #. ID #. name - use default #. saveable #. should be user_settable some day #. independent msgid "Tune Artist" msgstr "แแทแแแแแ Tune" msgid "Tune Title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแ Tune" msgid "Tune Album" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแปแ Tune" msgid "Tune Genre" msgstr "แแแแแแ Tune" msgid "Tune Comment" msgstr "แขแแทแแแแถแ Tune" msgid "Tune Track" msgstr "แแ Tune" msgid "Tune Time" msgstr "แแแแแแแถ Tune" msgid "Tune Year" msgstr "แแแแถแ Tune" msgid "Tune URL" msgstr "URL Tune" msgid "Password Changed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Your password has been changed." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Error changing password" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Change XMPP Password" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ XMPP" msgid "Please enter your new password" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "Set User Info..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ..." #. if (js->protocol_options & CHANGE_PASSWORD) { msgid "Change Password..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ..." #. } msgid "Search for Users..." msgstr "แแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ..." msgid "Bad Request" msgstr "แแแแพโแแทแโแแแข" msgid "Conflict" msgstr "แแแแแแแแทแ " msgid "Feature Not Implemented" msgstr "แแแแแแแแทแแแโแแทแแแถแโแขแแปแแแแ" msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "แแถแแ แถแแแถแแ" msgid "Gone" msgstr "แแถแแแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Internal Server Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Item Not Found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแถแแป" msgid "Malformed XMPP ID" msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแ XMPP แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Not Acceptable" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแฝแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Not Allowed" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Payment Required" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโโแแถแโแ แแแถแ" msgid "Recipient Unavailable" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแฝแโแแ" msgid "Registration Required" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Remote Server Not Found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแธโแ แแแแถแ" msgid "Remote Server Timeout" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแธโแ แแแแถแ" msgid "Server Overloaded" msgstr "แแพแโแ แแแปแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Service Unavailable" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแแแถโแแ" msgid "Subscription Required" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแถแ" msgid "Unexpected Request" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแโแแปแ" msgid "Authorization Aborted" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Incorrect encoding in authorization" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid authzid" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid Authorization Mechanism" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Authorization mechanism too weak" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโโแแแแแโแแแ" msgid "Temporary Authentication Failure" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแ" msgid "Authentication Failure" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Bad Format" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแข" msgid "Bad Namespace Prefix" msgstr "แแปแแแแแโแ แแแแแโแแแแแโแแทแแแแข" msgid "Resource Conflict" msgstr "แแแแแแแแทแ โแแแแถแ" msgid "Connection Timeout" msgstr "แขแแโแแแโโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Host Gone" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแถแโแแ แ แพแ" msgid "Host Unknown" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแ" msgid "Improper Addressing" msgstr "แแถโแแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid ID" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid Namespace" msgstr "แ แแแแแโแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid XML" msgstr "XML แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Non-matching Hosts" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแผแแแแโแแ" msgid "Policy Violation" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแโแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Remote Connection Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแธโแ แแแแถแ" msgid "Restricted XML" msgstr "XML แแแโแแถแโแแถแแโแแแแแทแ" msgid "See Other Host" msgstr "แแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "System Shutdown" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Undefined Condition" msgstr "แแแแแแแแโแแทแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Unsupported Encoding" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแโแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแถแแแแ" msgid "Unsupported Stanza Type" msgstr "แแแแแแ Stanza แแแโแแทแแแถแแแถแแแแ" msgid "Unsupported Version" msgstr "แแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแแถแแแแ" msgid "XML Not Well Formed" msgstr "XML แแทแแแถแโแแแแ แโแแถแโแแแข" msgid "Stream Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแแแธแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to ban user %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unknown affiliation: \"%s\"" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแแแถ แ \"%s\"" #, c-format msgid "Unable to affiliate user %s as \"%s\"" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแถแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ %s แแถ \"%s\"" #, c-format msgid "Unknown role: \"%s\"" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแฝแแถแแธ แ \"%s\"" #, c-format msgid "Unable to set role \"%s\" for user: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแฝแแถแแธ \"%s\" แแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to kick user %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพ %s แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to ping user %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ ping แขแแแโแแแแพ %s แแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to buzz, because there is nothing known about %s." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโโแขแแแธโแแถแแโแขแแโโแแธโแขแแแแแแแพ %s แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to buzz, because %s might be offline." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแ %s แแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to buzz, because %s does not support it or does not wish to receive " "buzzes now." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแ %s แแทแโแแถแแแแโแแถโแแ แฌโแแทแแแถแโแแแแโโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแแโโแฅแกแผแโแแแโแแย แ" #. Yahoo only supports one attention command: the 'buzz'. #. This is index number YAHOO_BUZZ. msgid "Buzz" msgstr "แแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has buzzed you!" msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Buzzing %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแแแแแแแ %s..." #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: invalid JID" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแถโแแฝแโ %s แแถแแแย แ JID แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: user is not online" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแถโแแฝแ %sย แ แขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแ โแแพโแแแแแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: not subscribed to user presence" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแถโแแฝแ %s แแถแแแย แ แแทแโแแถแแแถแโแแ โแแแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแแแ" msgid "Media Initiation Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Please select the resource of %s with which you would like to start a media " "session." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพแโแแแแถแ %s แแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแแแย แ" msgid "Select a Resource" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแถแ" msgid "Initiate Media" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Account does not support PEP, can't set mood" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "config: Configure a chat room." msgstr "config แ แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแ แ" msgid "configure: Configure a chat room." msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแ แ แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแแแแแถแแแ แ" msgid "part [message]: Leave the room." msgstr "แแถแโ [แแถแ] แ แ แแโแแธโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "register: Register with a chat room." msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแ แ แ แปแแแแแแโโแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแ แ" msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the topic." msgstr "แแแแแถแแแ [แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแธ] แ แแพแ แฌโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแถแโแแ แ" msgid "ban <user> [reason]: Ban a user from the room." msgstr "แ แถแแแถแแ <แขแแแโแแแแพ> [แ แแแปแแ] แ แ แถแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแธโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "" "affiliate <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get " "the users with an affiliation or set users' affiliation with the room." msgstr "" "affiliate <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: แแโแขแแแโ" "แแแแพโแแถโแแฝแแแแแถแแแแแแ แฌโแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโโแแแแปแโแแแแแแแแแย แ" msgid "" "role <moderator|participant|visitor|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get the " "users with a role or set users' role with the room." msgstr "" "แแฝแแถแแธ <แขแแแแแแถแแธ|แขแแแโแ แผแแแฝแ|แขแแแโแแแแแแถ|แแแแถแ> [nick1] [nick2] ...: แแโแขแแแโแแแแพโ" "แแแแแถแแแฝแแถแแธ แฌโแแแแแโแแฝแแถแแธโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโโแแแแปแโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "invite <user> [message]: Invite a user to the room." msgstr "แขแแแแพแ <แขแแแโแแแแพ> [แแถแ] แ แขแแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแ แผแโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "join: <room> [password]: Join a chat on this server." msgstr "แ แผแ แ <แแแแแแ> [แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ] แ แ แผแโแแแแปแแแถแแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแ แ" msgid "kick <user> [reason]: Kick a user from the room." msgstr "แแถแแ <แขแแแโแแแแพ> [แ แแแปแแ] แ แแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโโแแธโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "" "msg <user> <message>: Send a private message to another user." msgstr "msg <แขแแแโแแแแพ> <แแถแ> แ แแแแพโแแถแโแฏแแแโแแ โแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแ แ" msgid "ping <jid>:\tPing a user/component/server." msgstr "ping <jid> แ Ping แขแแแโแแแแพ/แแแถแแแถแแป/แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ" msgid "buzz: Buzz a user to get their attention" msgstr "แแแแแแ แ แแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแพแแแแธแแแฝแโแแถแแแถแโแ แถแแแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแแฝแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "mood: Set current user mood" msgstr "แแแแพแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Extended Away" msgstr "แแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแถแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "XMPP Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ XMPP" #. Translators: 'domain' is used here in the context of Internet domains, e.g. msgid "Domain" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Require SSL/TLS" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแ SSL/TLS" msgid "Force old (port 5223) SSL" msgstr "แแแแแปแโ (แ แแแ 5223) SSL แ แถแแ" msgid "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแโแแแแแแถโแแพโแแแแแแธแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแแขแแทแแแแแธแ" msgid "Connect port" msgstr "แ แแแโแแแแแถแแ" #. TODO: default to automatically try different ports. Make the user be #. * able to set the first port to try (like LastConnectedPort in Windows client). #. Account options msgid "Connect server" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "File transfer proxies" msgstr "แแแแผแแแแธโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "BOSH URL" msgstr "BOSH URL" #. this should probably be part of global smiley theme settings later on, #. shared with MSN msgid "Show Custom Smileys" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแถแโแแแนแโแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has left the conversation." msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแโแแธโแแถแโแแแแแแถ แ" #, c-format msgid "Message from %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแธ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s has set the topic to: %s" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแโแแ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "The topic is: %s" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแโแแบ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Message delivery to %s failed: %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแผแโแแถแ %s แ %s" msgid "XMPP Message Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแ XMPP" #, c-format msgid "(Code %s)" msgstr "(แแผแ %s)" msgid "A custom smiley in the message is too large to send." msgstr "แแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแแแฝแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแโแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแพย แ" msgid "XMPP stream header missing" msgstr "" msgid "XMPP Version Mismatch" msgstr "" msgid "XMPP stream missing ID" msgstr "" msgid "XML Parse error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแ XML" #, c-format msgid "Error joining chat %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แผแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Error in chat %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแ %s" msgid "Create New Room" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "" "You are creating a new room. Would you like to configure it, or accept the " "default settings?" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแพแโแแแแแแโแแแแธ แ แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแถโแแแแฌแแ แฌโแแแแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแถแแแพแ ?" msgid "_Configure Room" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "_Accept Defaults" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "No reason" msgstr "แแแแถแโแ แแแปแแ" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked: (%s)" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแถแแแ แแโแแแย แ (%s)" #, c-format msgid "Kicked (%s)" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแโแ แแโแแแ (%s)" msgid "Unknown Error in presence" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแโแแ โแแแแปแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "An error occurred on the in-band bytestream transfer\n" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแถแแแพแแกแพแโแแ โแแพโแแถโแแแแแแโแแแแแแธแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแปแ\n" msgid "Transfer was closed." msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแทแย แ" msgid "Failed to open in-band bytestream" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแพแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแธแโแแโแแแแปแแแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user does not support file transfers" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ %s แขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแ" msgid "File Send Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแพโแฏแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, invalid JID" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ %s แแถแแแ แแแแแถแโแแ JID แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user is not online" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฏแแแถแ %s แแถแแแ แขแแแแแแแพโแแทแโแแ โแแพโแแแแแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send file to %s, not subscribed to user presence" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฏแแแถแ %s แแถแแแ แแทแแแถแแแถแโแแ โแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Please select the resource of %s to which you would like to send a file" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพแโแแแแถแโแแแแ %s แแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแพโแฏแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Afraid" msgstr "แขแถแแแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Amazed" msgstr "แขแแแแแแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Amorous" msgstr "Glorious" msgid "Angry" msgstr "แแนแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Annoyed" msgstr "แแถแแ แถแแแถแแ" msgid "Anxious" msgstr "แแแถแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Aroused" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Ashamed" msgstr "แขแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Bored" msgstr "แขแแแแปแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Brave" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโ" #, fuzzy msgid "Calm" msgstr "Realm" #, fuzzy msgid "Cautious" msgstr "แแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Cold" msgstr "แแทแโ" #, fuzzy msgid "Confident" msgstr "แแแแแแแแทแ " #, fuzzy msgid "Confused" msgstr "แแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Contemplative" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Contented" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Cranky" msgstr "แแแแปแแ แแปแ" msgid "Crazy" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Creative" msgstr "แแแแแพแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Curious" msgstr "Glorious" #, fuzzy msgid "Dejected" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแถแแ แแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Depressed" msgstr "แแถแโแแปแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Disappointed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแ แ แ" msgid "Disgusted" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Dismayed" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโ" #, fuzzy msgid "Distracted" msgstr "แแแแถแ แ" msgid "Embarrassed" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Envious" msgstr "แแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Excited" msgstr "แแแแพแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Flirtatious" msgstr "Glorious" #, fuzzy msgid "Frustrated" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Grateful" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Grieving" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแ โแแ..." msgid "Grumpy" msgstr "แแฝแแแแ " #, fuzzy msgid "Guilty" msgstr "แแธแแแแปแโ" msgid "Happy" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" msgid "Hopeful" msgstr "" msgid "Hot" msgstr "แแแแ " msgid "Humbled" msgstr "" msgid "Humiliated" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Hungry" msgstr "แแนแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Hurt" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Impressed" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "In awe" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแกแถแแ" msgid "In love" msgstr "แแแแกแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Indignant" msgstr "แฅแแแแผแแแแแธ" #, fuzzy msgid "Interested" msgstr "แ แแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Intoxicated" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแแพแ" msgid "Invincible" msgstr "แแทแโแ แปแแ แถแแ" msgid "Jealous" msgstr "แ แแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Lonely" msgstr "แแแแถ" #, fuzzy msgid "Lost" msgstr "แฎแแแแถแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Lucky" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Mean" msgstr "โโแขแถโแแแแบแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Moody" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Nervous" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Neutral" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Offended" msgstr "แแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Outraged" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Playful" msgstr "แ แถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Proud" msgstr "แฎ" #, fuzzy msgid "Relaxed" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Relieved" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Remorseful" msgstr "แแโแ แแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Restless" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Sad" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Sarcastic" msgstr "แแแถแแแถโแแธ" msgid "Satisfied" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Serious" msgstr "Glorious" #, fuzzy msgid "Shocked" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Shy" msgstr "" msgid "Sick" msgstr "แแบ" #. Sleepy / Tired msgid "Sleepy" msgstr "แแแปแแแแ" msgid "Spontaneous" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Stressed" msgstr "แแแแฟแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Strong" msgstr "แ แแแแแ" msgid "Surprised" msgstr "" msgid "Thankful" msgstr "" msgid "Thirsty" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Tired" msgstr "แแแแพแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Undefined" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Weak" msgstr "แแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Worried" msgstr "แขแแแแปแ" msgid "Set User Nickname" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Please specify a new nickname for you." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโโแขแแแ แ" msgid "" "This information is visible to all contacts on your contact list, so choose " "something appropriate." msgstr "" "แแแแแแถแโแแแโโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแโแขแแโแขแถแ โแแพแโแแพแโแแ โโแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแผแ แแแแโโแแแแพแโแขแแแธแแแโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Set" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Set Nickname..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแทแแถแ..." msgid "Actions" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Select an action" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแแแแถแ" #. only notify the user about problems adding to the friends list #. * maybe we should do something else for other lists, but it probably #. * won't cause too many problems if we just ignore it #, c-format msgid "Unable to add \"%s\"." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแ \"%s\" แ" msgid "Buddy Add error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "The username specified does not exist." msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแแแแโโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Buddy list synchronization issue in %s (%s)" msgstr "แแแแ แถโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแถแแแแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแแปแ %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "" "%s on the local list is inside the group \"%s\" but not on the server list. " "Do you want this buddy to be added?" msgstr "" "%s แแ โโแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแผแแแแแถแโ แแบโแแ โแแแแปแแแแแปแ \"%s\" แแแปแแแแโแแทแแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโ" "แแแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy " "to be added?" msgstr "" "%s แแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแผแแแแแถแ แแแปแแแแโแแทแแแ โแแแแปแแแแแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแ แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Unable to parse message" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Syntax Error (probably a client bug)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแแแแแแแแแแ (แแแแ แแโแแถโแแแ แปแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ)" msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "User does not exist" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ" msgid "Fully qualified domain name missing" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแแแโแแแโแแแโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแถแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Already logged in" msgstr "แแถแโแ แผแแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Invalid username" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid friendly name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "List full" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแแโแ แพแ" msgid "Already there" msgstr "แแ โแแธแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Not on list" msgstr "แแทแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแ" msgid "User is offline" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Already in the mode" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Already in opposite list" msgstr "แแถแแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Too many groups" msgstr "แแถแแแแแปแโแ แแแพแแแแ" msgid "Invalid group" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "User not in group" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแปแโแแ" msgid "Group name too long" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Cannot remove group zero" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแปแโแแผแแแโแ แแแแถแแแ" msgid "Tried to add a user to a group that doesn't exist" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแโแแทแแแถแแโแแถแ" msgid "Switchboard failed" msgstr "แแแถแแผโแแถแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Notify transfer failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแผแโแแแแนแโแแโแแถโแแแแแแ" msgid "Required fields missing" msgstr "แแถแแโแแถแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแ" msgid "Too many hits to a FND" msgstr "แ แปแ โแแแแถแแแ แปแ FND แ แแแพแโแแโแแแ" msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแ แผแโแแ" msgid "Service temporarily unavailable" msgstr "แแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแ" msgid "Database server error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแ" msgid "Command disabled" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "File operation error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแทแแแแแทโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Memory allocation error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแปแโแแปแโแแแท" msgid "Wrong CHL value sent to server" msgstr "แแแแแ CHL แแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ โแแถแแแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Server busy" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแ" msgid "Server unavailable" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแแแ" msgid "Peer notification server down" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโโแแผแ โแแแแถโแแถแโแแผแ " msgid "Database connect error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแ" msgid "Server is going down (abandon ship)" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแผแ โแ แพแ (แแแแถโแแฝแ abandon)" msgid "Error creating connection" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed" msgstr "แแแถแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแ แฌโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแกแพแ" msgid "Unable to write" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแ" msgid "Session overload" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแ" msgid "User is too active" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแถแโแแแ" msgid "Too many sessions" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแโแ แแแพแโแแแ" msgid "Passport not verified" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแแทแโแแแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Bad friend file" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแทแแแแข" msgid "Not expected" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแถแโแแแแนแโแแปแ" msgid "Friendly name is changing too rapidly" msgstr "แแแแแโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแแแปแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแทแ แแแแแ" msgid "Server too busy" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแโแแแ" msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Not allowed when offline" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแ แแแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Not accepting new users" msgstr "แแทแแแแฝแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพแแแโแแแแธแแ" msgid "Kids Passport without parental consent" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแโแแแโแแแแถแแแถโแแแแแแแแโแแธโแณแแปแแแแแถแ" msgid "Passport account not yet verified" msgstr "แแแแธโแแทแแทแแแแแแแแโแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Passport account suspended" msgstr "แแถแแแแขแถแโแแแแธโแแทแแทแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Bad ticket" msgstr "แแแแปแแแโแแทแโแแแข" #, c-format msgid "Unknown Error Code %d" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแผแโแแแ แปแ %d" #, c-format msgid "MSN Error: %s\n" msgstr "แแแ แปแ MSN แ %s\n" msgid "Other Contacts" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Non-IM Contacts" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแถ IM" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a wink. <a href='msn-wink://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" msgstr "" "%s แแถแโแแแแพแแแแแถแโ แ <a href='msn-wink://%s'> \n" "แ แปแ โแแธแแแโแแพแแแแธโแ แถแแโแแถโ</a>" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a wink, but it could not be saved" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแแแแแถโแแทแ แแแแแโ แแแปแแแแโแแถโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแโ" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a voice clip. <a href='audio://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแแปแโแแแกแแย แ <a href='audio://%s'>แ แปแ โแแธแแแ แแพแแแแธโแ แถแแโแแถ</a>" #, c-format msgid "%s sent a voice clip, but it could not be saved" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแแปแโแแแกแแ แแแปแแแแโแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแแแถแแแแแแถแแปแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s sent you a voice chat invite, which is not yet supported." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแโแแแแโแแถโแแแกแแ แแแโแแทแโแแแแผแแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ โแกแพแโแแย แ" msgid "Nudge" msgstr "แ แแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has nudged you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแ แแแถแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Nudging %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแ แแแถแ %s..." msgid "Email Address..." msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ..." msgid "Your new MSN friendly name is too long." msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท MSN แแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Set friendly name for %s." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแโ %s แ" msgid "Set your friendly name." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as." msgstr "แแแแแถโแแแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท MSN แแแแแโแแแโแแนแโแแพแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Set your home phone number." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Set your work phone number." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแแถแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Set your mobile phone number." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Allow MSN Mobile pages?" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแ MSN ?" msgid "" "Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN " "Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?" msgstr "" "แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแขแแปแแแแถแ แฌโแแทแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแปแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแผแโแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแ MSN แแ แแถแแโ" "แแผแแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแโแขแแแ แฌโแงแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแแแ ?" msgid "Allow" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแ" msgid "Disallow" msgstr "แแทแโแขแแปแแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Blocked Text for %s" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "No text is blocked for this account." msgstr "แแแแถแโแขแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "MSN servers are currently blocking the following regular expressions:<br/>%s" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MSN แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแโแแแแแแถโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแ แ <br/>%s" msgid "This account does not have email enabled." msgstr "แแแแธโแแแโแแทแโแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแพแโแแ แ" msgid "Send a mobile message." msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแ แแแ แ" msgid "Page" msgstr "แแแแแโโ" msgid "Playing a game" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Working" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Has you" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแ" msgid "Home Phone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโโแแแแโ" msgid "Work Phone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Mobile Phone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแ" msgid "Be Right Back" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" msgid "Busy" msgstr "แแแแ" msgid "On the Phone" msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแถแโแแผแแแแแแ" msgid "Out to Lunch" msgstr "โแแ โแขแถแ แถแโแแแแโแแแแแโแแ โแแแแ " msgid "Game Title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแโแแแแแ" msgid "Office Title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแโแแถแแทแแถแแแ" msgid "Set Friendly Name..." msgstr "แแแแแโโแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Set Home Phone Number..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแแแแ..." msgid "Set Work Phone Number..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ..." msgid "Set Mobile Phone Number..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแ..." msgid "Enable/Disable Mobile Devices..." msgstr "แแทแ/แแพแโแงแแแแแโแ แแแ..." msgid "Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages..." msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแ/แแทแแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแแโแ แแแ..." msgid "View Blocked Text..." msgstr "แแพแโแขแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "Open Hotmail Inbox" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแขแแโ Hotmail" msgid "Send to Mobile" msgstr "แแแแพโแแ โแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแ" msgid "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library." msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแ SSL แแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ MSN แ แแผแโแแแกแพแโแแแแแถแแแ SSL แแแโแแถแแแถแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " "be valid email addresses." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแถแโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแย แ แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแโแแถโแขแถแแแแแแถแโ" "แขแแธแแแโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแย แ" msgid "Unable to Add" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแ" msgid "Authorization Request Message:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Please authorize me!" msgstr "แแผแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแปแ !" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c OK and @c Cancel buttons. #. msgid "_OK" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" msgid "Error retrieving profile" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแแปแแแถแโแแ โแแแฝแโแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "General" msgstr "แแผแแ " msgid "Age" msgstr "แขแถแแป" msgid "Occupation" msgstr "แแปแแแแ" msgid "Location" msgstr "แแธแแถแแ" msgid "Hobbies and Interests" msgstr "แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ แแทแโแ แแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "A Little About Me" msgstr "แแแแแทแ แแแแแฝแ โแขแแแธโแแแแปแ" msgid "Social" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Marital Status" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแฝแแถแ" msgid "Interests" msgstr "แ แแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Pets" msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Hometown" msgstr "แแธแแแแปแ" msgid "Places Lived" msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแแแแแ" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "แแแผแ" msgid "Humor" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Music" msgstr "แแแแแแแธ" msgid "Favorite Quote" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Contact Info" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโโแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Personal" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Significant Other" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Home Phone" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโโโโโแแแแ" msgid "Home Phone 2" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโแแแแ แข" msgid "Home Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Personal Mobile" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Home Fax" msgstr "แแผแแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Personal Email" msgstr "แขแแธแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Personal IM" msgstr "IM แแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Anniversary" msgstr "แแฝแโแแแแพแ" #. Business msgid "Work" msgstr "แแถแแแถแ" msgid "Company" msgstr "แแแแปแแ แแปแ" msgid "Department" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Profession" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแธแแ" msgid "Work Phone" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโโโแแแแแแโโโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work Phone 2" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแโ แข" msgid "Work Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work Mobile" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work Pager" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work Fax" msgstr "แแผแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work Email" msgstr "แขแแธแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Work IM" msgstr "IM แแแแแแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "แแถแแแแทแ แแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแ" msgid "Favorite Things" msgstr "แแแแแปโแแแแแแ" msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแแแแแแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "แแแ แแแแแ" msgid "The user has not created a public profile." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแแแแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means " "that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a " "public profile." msgstr "" "MSN แแถแโแแถแแแถแแแโแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแ แ แแแโแแถแโแแแโแแถโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแแแแถแโแแ แฌโแแถโโแแถแโแขแแแโ" "แแแแพโ แแแปแแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแโแแถโแแถแแถแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "Could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely " "does not exist." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแแถโแแทแโแแถแแแแถแโแแ แ" msgid "View web profile" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "Windows Live Messenger Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแธแแแผ" msgid "Use HTTP Method" msgstr "แแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแแแแแ HTTP" msgid "HTTP Method Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแแแแแ HTTP" msgid "Show custom smileys" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Allow direct connections" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "nudge: nudge a user to get their attention" msgstr "แ แแแถแโแ แแ แ แ แแแถแแขแแแแแแแพโแ แแโแแพแแแแธโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแถแโแ แถแแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแแฝแแแ" msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Unable to connect" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแ Windows Live แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Invalid response" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแ Windows Live แ แแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "The following users are missing from your addressbook" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแโแแธโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error (%d): %s" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ (%d)ย แ %s" msgid "Unable to add user" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแแแ" #. Unknown error! #, c-format msgid "Unknown error (%d)" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ (%d)" msgid "Unable to remove user" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแ แแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Mobile message was not sent because it was too long." msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแโแแทแแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแถโแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgid_plural "" "The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will " "automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " "in progress.\n" "\n" "After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " "sign in." msgstr[0] "" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MSN แแนแโแแทแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแถแโแแแแปแแแแแแแ %d แแถแแธ แ แขแแแแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแโ" "แแถแแฝแ แ แแผแโแแแแ แแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแโแแแแปแโแแโแแแแแแถ แ\n" "\n" "แแแแแถแแโแแธโแแถโแโแแแแถแโแ แแ แขแแแโแแนแโแขแถแ โแ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแทโแแถแ แ" msgid "" "Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally " "happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." msgstr "" "แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแแแแแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแ แ แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถโแแพแแกแพแโแแ แแแโแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแผแโ" "แแถแแแแแแแแถแแ แฌโแแทแโแแถแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Message was not sent because messages are being sent too quickly." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ แแโแแแ แ" msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown encoding error occurred." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแขแแทแแแผแโแแแโแแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ แ" msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred." msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแแแแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ แ" msgid "Writing error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Reading error" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Connection error from %s server:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ %s แ\n" "%s" msgid "Our protocol is not supported by the server" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแโแแแแโแแพแ โแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแย แ" msgid "Error parsing HTTP" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแ HTTP" msgid "You have signed on from another location" msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแโแ แปแแ แแแแแแแถโแแธโแแธแแถแแโแแแแแ แ" msgid "The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MSN แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแถโแแแแแแโแขแถแแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแ แถแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" msgid "The MSN servers are going down temporarily" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MSN แแนแโแแแแผแแแแขแถแโแแถโโโแแแแแแโแขแถแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to authenticate: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ %s" msgid "" "Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." msgstr "แแแแแธโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ MSN โแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแถโแแแแแแโแขแถแแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแ แถแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" msgid "Handshaking" msgstr "แแถแโแ แถแแแแ" msgid "Transferring" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Starting authentication" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Getting cookie" msgstr "แแแฝแโแแผแแธ" msgid "Sending cookie" msgstr "แแแแพโแแผแแธ" msgid "Retrieving buddy list" msgstr "แแ โแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #, c-format msgid "%s requests to view your webcam, but this request is not yet supported." msgstr "%s แแแแพแแปแโแแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแแปแแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ โแกแพแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to view his/her webcam, but this is not yet supported." msgstr "%s แแถแโแขแแแแพแโแขแแแโแฒแแโแแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแแปแแแแโแแถโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแ โแกแพแโแแย แ" msgid "Away From Computer" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแถแโแแธโแแปแแแแแผแแแ" msgid "On The Phone" msgstr "แแทแแถแโแแผแแแแแแ" msgid "Out To Lunch" msgstr "แ แแโแแ โแ แผแโแขแถแ แถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแ โแแถแโแแแแ " msgid "Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:" msgstr "แแถแโแขแถแ โแแทแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแแแพโ แแธแแแแแโแขแแโแแแ แ" msgid "Message could not be sent, not allowed while invisible:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ โโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแทแโโแแถแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแพแโแแทแโแแพแ แ" msgid "Message could not be sent because the user is offline:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผโแแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ แ" msgid "Message could not be sent because we are sending too quickly:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแพแโแแแแปแโแแแแพโแแ แแโแแแ แ" msgid "" "Message could not be sent because we were unable to establish a session with " "the server. This is likely a server problem, try again in a few minutes:" msgstr "" "แแถแโแแทแโแขแถแ โโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแพแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ แแถโแแแแโแแถโแแแแ แถโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ " "แแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโโแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแธแโ แแธโแแถแแธโแแแ แ" msgid "" "Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพแแโ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแผโแแถแแแพแแกแพแ แ" msgid "Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแพแแกแพแ แ" msgid "Delete Buddy from Address Book?" msgstr "แแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ ?" msgid "Do you want to delete this buddy from your address book as well?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแธโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "The username specified is invalid." msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "The PIN you entered is invalid." msgstr "PIN แแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแแแย แ" msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [4-10]." msgstr "PIN แแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโโแแทแโโแแแแนแแแแแผแ [4-10] แ" msgid "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." msgstr "PIN แแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ แแถโแแฝแโแแโแแถแโแแฝแแแโ [0-9]โ แแแปแแแแแโย แ" msgid "The two PINs you entered do not match." msgstr "PIN แแธแ แแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโโโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแแแถย แ" msgid "The name you entered is invalid." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแขแแแโโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ" msgid "" "The birthday you entered is invalid. The correct format is: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." msgstr "แแแแโแแแแพแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแแแย แ โแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแบ 'YYYY-MM-DD' แ" #. show error to user msgid "Profile Update Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแแปแแแถแโโโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแแโโแแถแแโแแแแโ" #. no profile information yet, so we cannot update #. (reference: "libpurple/request.h") msgid "Profile" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Your profile information is not yet retrieved. Please try again later." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแแแถแโโแแ แแโแแ โโแกแพแโแแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโโแแแแแแแ แแ โแแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Your UID" msgstr "" #. pin #. pin (required) msgid "PIN" msgstr "PIN" msgid "Verify PIN" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแ PIN" #. display name #. nick name (required) msgid "Display Name" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแโ" #. hidden msgid "Hide my number" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแโแแแแโแแแแปแ" #. mobile number msgid "Mobile Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแ" msgid "Update your Profile" msgstr "แแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแโแแแแโ" msgid "Here you can update your MXit profile" msgstr "แแธแแแโ แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฒแแโโโแแแแแแโ MXit แแแแโโแขแแแโโแแถแแโแแแแ" msgid "View Splash" msgstr "แแพแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแ" msgid "There is no splash-screen currently available" msgstr "แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแทแแแถแโแขแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแโแแ" msgid "About" msgstr "แขแแแธ" #. display / change profile msgid "Change Profile..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแ..." #. display splash-screen msgid "View Splash..." msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแ..." #. display plugin version msgid "About..." msgstr "แขแแแธ..." #. the file is too big msgid "The file you are trying to send is too large!" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแโแแแแถแแถแโโแแแแพโแแแแแย !" msgid "" "Unable to connect to the MXit HTTP server. Please check your server settings." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MXit HTTP แแถแโแแย แ แแผแโแแทแแทแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "Logging In..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแ แผแ..." msgid "" "Unable to connect to the MXit server. Please check your server settings." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ MXit แแถแโแแย แ แแผแโแแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "Connecting..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแถแแ..." #, fuzzy msgid "The Display Name you entered is invalid." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแขแแแโโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ" msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [7-10]." msgstr "PIN แแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ [แง-แกแ ]ย แ" #. mxit login name msgid "MXit ID" msgstr "" #. show the form to the user to complete msgid "Register New MXit Account" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแแแแแแธโ MXit แแแแธ" msgid "Please fill in the following fields:" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแย แ" #. no reply from the WAP site msgid "Error contacting the MXit WAP site. Please try again later." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโแแถแโโโแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโโแแแแแโแแแแแถแ MXit WAPย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโ แแ แแแโแแแแแย แ" #. wapserver error #. server could not find the user msgid "" "MXit is currently unable to process the request. Please try again later." msgstr "MXit แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Wrong security code entered. Please try again later." msgstr "แแผแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแ โแแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Your session has expired. Please try again later." msgstr "แแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแปแโแแแแแโแ แพแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Invalid country selected. Please try again." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแแแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" #, fuzzy msgid "The MXit ID you entered is not registered. Please register first." msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ โโแกแพแโแแย แ แแแแผแ โแแผแโแ แปแโแแแแแโแแทแโย แ" #, fuzzy msgid "The MXit ID you entered is already registered. Please choose another." msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แแแแผแโแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแย แ แแผแโแแแแพแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแโแแธโแแแย แ" msgid "Internal error. Please try again later." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแโแแแแปแโ แ แแผแแแแแถแแถแแแแแโแแแโแแ โแแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "You did not enter the security code" msgstr "แขแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแแ แผแโแแผแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแโแแแโแแ" msgid "Security Code" msgstr "แแผแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแ" #. ask for input (required) msgid "Enter Security Code" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแผแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Your Country" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโ" msgid "Your Language" msgstr "แแถแแถโแแแแโแขแแแโ" #. display the form to the user and wait for his/her input msgid "MXit Authorization" msgstr "แแถแโโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแโ MXit" msgid "MXit account validation" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแธ MXit แแถแโแแปแแแแถแ" msgid "Retrieving User Information..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแ โแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโโแขแแแแแแแพโ..." msgid "Loading menu..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแปแโแแแบแแปแ..." msgid "Status Message" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Rejection Message" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแฝแ" #. hidden number msgid "Hidden Number" msgstr "แแแโแแแโแแถแแโ" #, fuzzy msgid "Your MXit ID..." msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ..." #. Configuration options #. WAP server (reference: "libpurple/accountopt.h") msgid "WAP Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ WAP" msgid "Connect via HTTP" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแถแแแแ HTTP" msgid "Enable splash-screen popup" msgstr "แแพแโโแขแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแโแแแ โแกแพแ" #. you were kicked #, fuzzy msgid "You have been kicked from this MultiMX." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแถแแแ แแโแแแย แ (%s)" #, fuzzy msgid "was kicked" msgstr "แแแแปแแแโแแทแโแแแข" #, fuzzy msgid "_Room Name:" msgstr "แแแแแแ แ" #. Display system message in chat window #, fuzzy msgid "You have invited" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแแแแปแแแย !" #, fuzzy msgid "Last Online" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแ" #. we must have lost the connection, so terminate it so that we can reconnect msgid "We have lost the connection to MXit. Please reconnect." msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแถแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแถแแโ MXit แ แแผแโแแแแแถแแโโแกแพแโแแทแ แ" #. packet could not be queued for transmission msgid "Message Send Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแพโแแถแโ" msgid "Unable to process your request at this time" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ แแแโแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Timeout while waiting for a response from the MXit server." msgstr "แขแแแแแ แแแแแแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ MXitย แ" msgid "Successfully Logged In..." msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแแโแแแแแแ..." #, c-format msgid "" "%s sent you an encrypted message, but it is not supported on this client." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแผแโแแถแโแแแโแแถแแขแแธแแแแแทแ แแแปแแแแโแแถโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแโแแย แ" msgid "Message Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแ" msgid "Cannot perform redirect using the specified protocol" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแขแแปแแแแโแแถโแแแแแ แผแโแแแแโแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโโแแแโแแ" msgid "An internal MXit server error occurred." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแถแแแธแโโแแแแแพ MXit แแถแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแพแโแกแพแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Login error: %s (%i)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแ แผแย แ %s (%i)" #, c-format msgid "Logout error: %s (%i)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแ แแย แ %s (%i)" msgid "Contact Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Message Sending Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแพแแถแโ" msgid "Status Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโโแแแแถแโแแถแ" msgid "Mood Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Invitation Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโโแแถแโแขแแแแพแ" msgid "Contact Removal Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "Subscription Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโโแแแแปแแแถแโแแถแโโแแแแ แถแ" msgid "Contact Update Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแแแแแโ" msgid "File Transfer Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโโแแแแปแแแถแโโแแแแแโโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Cannot create MultiMx room" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแแแ MultiMx แแถแโแแ" msgid "MultiMx Invitation Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแ MultiMx" msgid "Profile Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแแแโ" #. bad packet msgid "Invalid packet received from MXit." msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแแแ แแโแแแแแแถแโโแแทแโแแแแผแแแแแผแโโโแแธโ MXit แ" #. connection error msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x01)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโโแแถแโแแพแโแกแพแแ แแแแโ MXit แ (โแขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแโ 0x01)" #. connection closed msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x02)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแโแ แแแแ MXitย แ (แขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแ 0x02)" msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x03)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโโแแพแแกแพแโแ แแแแ MXit แ (โแขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแโ 0x03)" #. malformed packet length record (too long) msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x04)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโโแแแแแถแแโโแแพแโแกแพแโโแ แแแแโ MXit แ (แขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแ 0x04)" #. connection error msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x05)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแโแ แแแแ MXitย แ (แขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแ 0x05)" #. connection closed msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x06)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแโแ แแแแ MXitย แ (แขแถแโแแแแถแแแแถแ 0x06)" msgid "In Love" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแกแถแแ" msgid "Pending" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโ" msgid "Invited" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแแพแ" msgid "Rejected" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแถแแ แแ" msgid "Deleted" msgstr "แแถแโแแปแ" msgid "MXit Advertising" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแ MXit" msgid "More Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแแโ" #, c-format msgid "No such user: %s" msgstr "แแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแแโแแ แ %s" msgid "User lookup" msgstr "แแโแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Reading challenge" msgstr "แขแถแโแแถแโแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Unexpected challenge length from server" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแแฝแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแโแแปแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Logging in" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "MySpaceIM - No Username Set" msgstr "MySpaceIM - แแแแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "You appear to have no MySpace username." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแ แถแโแแถโแแแแถแโแแแแแแขแแแแแแแพ MySpace แแแโแแ แ" msgid "Would you like to set one now? (Note: THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!)" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแโแแฝแโแแแแฌแแ ? (แ แแแถแ แ แแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแโแแ !)" msgid "Lost connection with server" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" #. Can't write _()'d strings in array initializers. Workaround. #. khc: then use N_() in the array initializer and use _() when they are #. used msgid "New mail messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแปแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "New blog comments" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแธ" msgid "New profile comments" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "New friend requests!" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแธ !" msgid "New picture comments" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแแแผแแแถแโแแแแธ" msgid "MySpace" msgstr "MySpace" msgid "IM Friends" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ IM" #, c-format msgid "" "%d buddy was added or updated from the server (including buddies already on " "the server-side list)" msgid_plural "" "%d buddies were added or updated from the server (including buddies already " "on the server-side list)" msgstr[0] "" "แแทแแแแแแแแท %d แแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแ แฌโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแแแแแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ (แแฝแโแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโโแแ โแแถแโ" "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแฝแ โแ แพแ)" msgid "Add contacts from server" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Protocol error, code %d: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแทแแธแแถแ แแผแ %d: %s" #, c-format msgid "" "%s Your password is %zu characters, which is longer than the maximum length " "of %d. Please shorten your password at" "cfm?fuseaction=accountSettings.changePassword and try again." msgstr "" "%s แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแบแแถแ %zu แแฝแขแแแแ แแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแขแแทแแแแถโแแแแ %dย แ แแผแโแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโ" "แแแแโแขแแแโแแ" "changePassword แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแย แ" msgid "Incorrect username or password" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แฌโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "MySpaceIM Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแ MySpaceIM" msgid "Invalid input condition" msgstr "แแแแแแแแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Failed to add buddy" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "'addbuddy' command failed." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถ 'addbuddy' แแถแโแแแถแแแ แ" msgid "persist command failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแถแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "Failed to remove buddy" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแ" msgid "'delbuddy' command failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโ 'delbuddy'" msgid "blocklist command failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแธโแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Missing Cipher" msgstr "แแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "The RC4 cipher could not be found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ RC4" msgid "" "Upgrade to a libpurple with RC4 support (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM plugin will " "not be loaded." msgstr "" "แแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแพโแกแพแโแแ libpurple แแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแถแแแแ RC4 (>= 2.0.1) แ แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ MySpaceIM แแนแโ" "แแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแปแ แ" msgid "Add friends from" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธ" msgid "Importing friends failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแถแแแทแแแแแแแแทแ แผแ" #. TODO: find out how msgid "Find people..." msgstr "แแโแแแปแแแ..." msgid "Change IM name..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแ IMโ..." msgid "myim URL handler" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแ myim URL" msgid "No suitable MySpaceIM account could be found to open this myim URL." msgstr " แแโแแทแโแแพแโโแแแแธ MySpaceIM แแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแพแ myim URL แแแโแแ แ" msgid "Enable the proper MySpaceIM account and try again." msgstr "แแพแโแแแแธโ MySpaceIM แแแแแแโ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" msgid "Show display name in status text" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแโแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแปแโโแขแแแแแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Show headline in status text" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแโแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแขแแแแแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Send emoticons" msgstr "แแแแพโโแแแแแถโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Screen resolution (dots per inch)" msgstr "แแปแแแถแโแแแแ แถแโแขแแแแแแ (แ แปแ โ/แขแแทแแแแ)" msgid "Base font size (points)" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแแ แโแแปแแแแขแแแแ (แ แแแปแ )" msgid "User" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Headline" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแ" msgid "Song" msgstr "แ แแแแแ" msgid "Total Friends" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแปแ" msgid "Client Version" msgstr "แแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to set the username. Please try again, or " "visit " "to set your username." msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแโแแถแโแแพแโแกแพแโ แขแแกแปแโแแแโโโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแแแแ แฌโแแพแโ http://" " แแพแแแแธโแแแแแโแแแแแแขแแแโ" "แแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโย แ" msgid "MySpaceIM - Username Available" msgstr "MySpaceIM - แแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "This username is available. Would you like to set it?" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแ แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแโแแถโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "ONCE SET, THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!" msgstr "แแ โแแแโแแแแแ แแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผโแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ !" msgid "MySpaceIM - Please Set a Username" msgstr "MySpaceIM - แแผแโแแแแแโโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "This username is unavailable." msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Please try another username:" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแโแแแ แ" #. Protocol won't log in now without a username set.. Disconnect msgid "No username set" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Please enter a username to check its availability:" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแขแแแโแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถแโแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแแแโแแถ แ" #. TODO: icons for each zap #. Lots of comments for translators: #. Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a #. * projectile or weapon." This term often has an electrical #. * connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when #. * he put a fork in the toaster." msgid "Zap" msgstr "แแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has zapped you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Zapping %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแ %s..." #. Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow" msgid "Whack" msgstr "แแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has whacked you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Whacking %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแ %s..." #. Torch means "to set on fire." Don't worry, this doesn't #. * make a whole lot of sense in English, either. Feel free #. * to translate it literally. msgid "Torch" msgstr "แแปแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has torched you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแปแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Torching %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแปแ %s..." #. Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically" msgid "Smooch" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has smooched you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Smooching %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแพแโแแแแแ %s..." #. A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone msgid "Hug" msgstr "แขแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has hugged you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแขแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Hugging %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแขแแ %s..." #. Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand" msgid "Slap" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has slapped you!" msgstr "%s แแถแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Slapping %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแ %s แแแแแโ..." #. Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt" msgid "Goose" msgstr "แ แถแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has goosed you!" msgstr "%s แแถแแ แถแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Goosing %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแแ แถแแ %s..." #. A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other #. * in the air above their heads. It is done to celebrate #. * something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone. msgid "High-five" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has high-fived you!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแถแแแแโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "High-fiving %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแถแแแแ %s..." #. We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by #. * this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank." Or, for #. * someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke. msgid "Punk" msgstr "แแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has punk'd you!" msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Punking %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแ %s..." #. Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made #. * when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your #. * lips closed and blow. It is typically done when #. * gloating or bragging. Nowadays it's a pretty silly #. * gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative #. * connotation. It is generally used in a playful tone #. * with friends. msgid "Raspberry" msgstr "แแแแข" #, c-format msgid "%s has raspberried you!" msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแขโแขแแแ !" #, c-format msgid "Raspberrying %s..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแข %s..." msgid "Required parameters not passed in" msgstr "แแแถแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแโแแทแแแถแโแ แแแแโแแ" msgid "Unable to write to network" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Unable to read from network" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โโแขแถแโแแธโแแแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Error communicating with server" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Conference not found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแ" msgid "Conference does not exist" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแแแถแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแ โแกแพแโแแ" msgid "A folder with that name already exists" msgstr "แแถแโแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Not supported" msgstr "แแทแโโโแแถแโแแถแแแแ" msgid "Password has expired" msgstr "แแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแปแโแแแแแ" msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Account has been disabled" msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแทแ" msgid "The server could not access the directory" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแแขแถแ โแ แผแแแแแพแแแถแโแแ แแถแแโแแโแแ" msgid "Your system administrator has disabled this operation" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแทแโแแแแแทแแแแแทแแถแโแแแ" msgid "The server is unavailable; try again later" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ แแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Cannot add a contact to the same folder twice" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแโแแโแแแแโแแธแโแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Cannot add yourself" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแ" msgid "Master archive is misconfigured" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแโแแโแแถแแ misconfigured" msgid "Could not recognize the host of the username you entered" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแโแแแแแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแถแแแธแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแแแ แผแโแแ" msgid "" "Your account has been disabled because too many incorrect passwords were " "entered" msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแทแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแ แแแพแโแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแ" msgid "You cannot add the same person twice to a conversation" msgstr "แขแแแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแปแแแโแแแแโแแธแแแโโแแ โแแถแแโแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแถแแแ" msgid "You have reached your limit for the number of contacts allowed" msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแทแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแถแแโแ แแแฝแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแขแแปแแแแถแ" msgid "You have entered an incorrect username" msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "An error occurred while updating the directory" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแโแแแแแแโแแแแพโแฒแแแแโแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Incompatible protocol version" msgstr "แแแแโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแโแแแแถ" msgid "The user has blocked you" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแโแขแแแ" msgid "" "This evaluation version does not allow more than ten users to log in at one " "time" msgstr "แแแแโแแโแแถโแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแทแแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแ แแแพแแแถแ แกแ แแถแแโแ แผแโแแ แแแโแแโแแฝแโแแ" msgid "The user is either offline or you are blocked" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ แฌโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error: 0x%X" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ 0x%X" #, c-format msgid "Unable to login: %s" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแ แผแ แ %s แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not get details for user (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแถแแแ แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to your buddy list (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ (%s) แแถแโแแ แ" #. TODO: Improve this! message to who or for what conference? #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message (%s)." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to invite user (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแขแแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ (%s) แแถแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ แแแแพแแถแแแ โแแถแแ %s แแถแแแ แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแถแโแแ (%s) แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message. Could not create the conference (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแถแแแ แ แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to move user %s to folder %s in the server side list. Error while " "creating folder (%s)." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแธโแขแแแโแแแแพ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแ %s แแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ แแแ แปแโแแแแแแโแแแแแพแโแแ (%s) แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add %s to your buddy list. Error creating folder in server side " "list (%s)." msgstr "" "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแพแโแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ (%s) แ" #, c-format msgid "Could not get details for user %s (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแฝแโแแโแแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ %s (%s) แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add user to privacy list (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแฏแแแโ (%s) แแถแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to deny list (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแแทแแแโ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add %s to permit list (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแ %s แแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแขแแปแแแแถแโ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to remove %s from privacy list (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ %s แ แแโแแธโแแแแแธโแฏแแแ (%s) แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to change server side privacy settings (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแโแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแแแ (%s) แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to create conference (%s)." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแทแแแแทแแธแ (%s) แแถแโแแ แ" msgid "Error communicating with server. Closing connection." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ แแทแโแแถโแแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Telephone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแ" msgid "Personal Title" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Mailstop" msgstr "Mailstop" msgid "User ID" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #. tag = _("DN"); #. value = nm_user_record_get_dn(user_record); #. if (value) { #. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, tag, value); #. } #. msgid "Full name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแ" #, c-format msgid "GroupWise Conference %d" msgstr "GroupWise แแแแแทแแธแ %d" msgid "Authenticating..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ..." msgid "Waiting for response..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแ..." #, c-format msgid "%s has been invited to this conversation." msgstr "%s แแแแผแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแโแแฝแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถโแโแแแแแแถโแแแ แ" msgid "Invitation to Conversation" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแถ" #, c-format msgid "" "Invitation from: %s\n" "\n" "Sent: %s" msgstr "" "แแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแธ แ %s\n" "\n" "แแถแโแแแแพ แ %s" msgid "Would you like to join the conversation?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแ แผแโแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s appears to be offline and did not receive the message that you just sent." msgstr "%s แแแแ แถแแแถโแแ โแแแแ แแแแแถแ แ แพแโแแทแโแแถแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแแพแโแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "Unable to connect to server. Please enter the address of the server to which " "you wish to connect." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ แแถแแแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแโแแย แ แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแถแแโย แ" msgid "This conference has been closed. No more messages can be sent." msgstr "แแแแแทแแธแโแแแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแทแ แ แแแแถแโแแถแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแ GroupWise แแแแโแแผแแแ" msgid "Server address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Server port" msgstr "แ แแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Received unexpected response from %s: %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแโแแแแแทแโแแแแนแโแแปแโแแธ %s: %s" #, c-format msgid "Received unexpected response from %s" msgstr "แแถแโโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแนแโแแปแโแแธ %s" msgid "" "You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes " "and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแถแแ แแทแโแแแแถแ แโแแนแโแแถแแโแแถแแ แ แแแแ แถแโแแแแแถแแธ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแแแโ" "แแพแแแแธโแแแแถแแถแ แขแแแแแนแโแแแแผแโแแแแ แถแโแแผแโแแแแแทแ แ" #. Note to translators: The first %s is a URL, the second is an #. error message. #, c-format msgid "Error requesting %s: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแพแแปแ %s: %s" msgid "" "Server requested that you fill out a CAPTCHA in order to sign in, but this " "client does not currently support CAPTCHAs." msgstr "" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแแ CAPTCHA แแพแแแแธโแ แผแ แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแโโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแทแแแถแแแแ CAPTCHAs แแย แ" msgid "AOL does not allow your screen name to authenticate here" msgstr "AOL แแทแแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโโโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแธแแแโแแ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error requesting %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแพแแปแ %s: %s" msgid "Could not join chat room" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แผแโแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Invalid chat room name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Invalid error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Cannot receive IM due to parental controls" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแฝแ IM แแถแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแถแโแแแแฝแแแทแแทแแแโโแแนแแแนแ" msgid "Cannot send SMS without accepting terms" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพ SMS แแแโแแทแโแแแฝแโแแโแแแแแแแแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Cannot send SMS" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพ SMS แแถแโแแ" #. SMS_WITHOUT_DISCLAIMER is weird msgid "Cannot send SMS to this country" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพ SMS แแ โแแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแ" #. Undocumented msgid "Cannot send SMS to unknown country" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพ SMS แแ โแแแแแแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Bot accounts cannot initiate IMs" msgstr "แแแแธโแขแแแแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแโโแแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแ IMs แแถแโแแ" msgid "Bot account cannot IM this user" msgstr "แแแแธโโแขแแแโแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแทแโแขแถแ โ IM แขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Bot account reached IM limit" msgstr "แแแแธโแขแแแโแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแถแโโแแแโแแแแแทแโ IM" msgid "Bot account reached daily IM limit" msgstr "แแแแธโแขแแแโแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแโแแแแแทแโ IM โแแแแ แถแโแแแแโแ แพแ" msgid "Bot account reached monthly IM limit" msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแโโโแแแแแทแ IM แแแแ แถแโแแโแ แพแ" msgid "Unable to receive offline messages" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแ แแแแแถแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Offline message store full" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแโแ แพแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message: %s (%s)" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ แแแแพแแถแโโ แ %s (%s) แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s (%s)" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ %s แ %s (%s) แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแ แแถแแ %sย แ %s แแถแโแแ" msgid "Thinking" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Shopping" msgstr "แแแโแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Questioning" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแแแฝแโ" #, fuzzy msgid "Eating" msgstr "แแแแธแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Watching a movie" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Typing" msgstr "แแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "At the office" msgstr "แแทแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแแทแแถแแแโแแ" msgid "Taking a bath" msgstr "" msgid "Watching TV" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Having fun" msgstr "แแแแ แถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Sleeping" msgstr "แแแปแแแแ" msgid "Using a PDA" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Meeting friends" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ IM" #, fuzzy msgid "On the phone" msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแถแโแแผแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Surfing" msgstr "แแพแโแกแพแโแแทแ" #. "I am mobile." / "John is mobile." msgid "Mobile" msgstr "แ แแแ" msgid "Searching the web" msgstr "" msgid "At a party" msgstr "" msgid "Having Coffee" msgstr "" #. Playing video games #, fuzzy msgid "Gaming" msgstr "Gemini" msgid "Browsing the web" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "Smoking" msgstr "แ แแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Writing" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" #. Drinking [Alcohol] #, fuzzy msgid "Drinking" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Listening to music" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแแแแแแธ" #, fuzzy msgid "Studying" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพ" #, fuzzy msgid "In the restroom" msgstr "แ แแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Received invalid data on connection with server" msgstr "แแถแโโแแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "AIM Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ AIM" msgid "ICQ UIN..." msgstr "ICQ UIN..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "ICQ Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ ICQ" msgid "Encoding" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแ" msgid "The remote user has closed the connection." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแธโแ แแแแถแโโแแถแแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "The remote user has declined your request." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพแแธโแ แแแแถแโแแถแแแแทแแแโแแแแพแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with the remote user:<br>%s" msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแธโแ แแแแถแ แ <br>%s" msgid "Received invalid data on connection with remote user." msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ โแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแแแแแพแแธโแ แแแแถแ แ" msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the remote user." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแธโแ แแแแถแโแแถแโแกแพแโ แ" msgid "Direct IM established" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแพแ IM แแแโแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s tried to send you a %s file, but we only allow files up to %s over Direct " "IM. Try using file transfer instead.\n" msgstr "" "%s แแถแแแแแถแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโโแขแแโแโแแผแโแฏแแแถแ %s แแแปแแแแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแโแฏแแแถแโ %s แแพโ IM แแแโแแแแถแแ แ แแแแถแแถแโแแแแพโ" "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแฝแโแแทแ แ\n" #, c-format msgid "File %s is %s, which is larger than the maximum size of %s." msgstr "แฏแแแถแ %s แแบแแถ %s แแแโแแแแถแโแแแ แโแขแแทแแแแถโแแแแ %s แ" msgid "" "(There was an error receiving this message. The buddy you are speaking with " "is probably using a different encoding than expected. If you know what " "encoding he is using, you can specify it in the advanced account options for " "your AIM/ICQ account.)" msgstr "" "(แแถแโแแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแ แ แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแถแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแแ แแแแถโแแแแพแแถแโแขแแทแแแผแโแแแแแโแแธแขแแแธโแแแโ" "แแแแนแโแแปแ แ แแแแแทแแแพโโแขแแแแแนแโแแถแโแขแแทแแแผแโแขแแแธโแแแโแขแแแแแแแปแโแแแแพ แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแพแโแแแแธโแแแแแทแโแแแแแโ" "แแแแแถแแโแแแแธ AIM/ICQ แแแแโแขแแแ แ)" #, c-format msgid "" "(There was an error receiving this message. Either you and %s have " "different encodings selected, or %s has a buggy client.)" msgstr "" "(แแถแแแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแ แ แขแแแโ แแทแ %s แแถแโแแแแพแโแแถแโแแถแแขแแทแแแผแโแแแแแโแแแแถ แฌ %s แแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโ" "แแทแแแแแแแแท แ)" #. Label msgid "Buddy Icon" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Voice" msgstr "แแแกแแ" msgid "AIM Direct IM" msgstr "AIM แแถแ IM" msgid "Get File" msgstr "แแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Games" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "ICQ Xtraz" msgstr "" msgid "Add-Ins" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Send Buddy List" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "ICQ Direct Connect" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโ ICQ แแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "AP User" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ AP" msgid "ICQ RTF" msgstr "ICQ RTF" msgid "Nihilist" msgstr "Nihilist" msgid "ICQ Server Relay" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ ICQ" msgid "Old ICQ UTF8" msgstr "ICQ UTF8 แ แถแแ" msgid "Trillian Encryption" msgstr "แแถแโแขแแทแแแแแธแ Trillian" msgid "ICQ UTF8" msgstr "ICQ UTF8" msgid "Hiptop" msgstr "Hiptop" msgid "Security Enabled" msgstr "แแถแโแแพแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Video Chat" msgstr "แแแแโแแถแโแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "iChat AV" msgstr "iChat AV" msgid "Live Video" msgstr "แแธแแแขแผโแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Camera" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแโ" msgid "Screen Sharing" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแ" msgid "Free For Chat" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแ" msgid "Not Available" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแ" msgid "Occupied" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแ" msgid "Web Aware" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแนแโแขแแแธโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Invisible" msgstr "แแพแโแแทแโแแพแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Evil" msgstr "แขแแธแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Depression" msgstr "แแทแแแแถแแธแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "At home" msgstr "แขแแแธโแแแแปแ" #, fuzzy msgid "At work" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "At lunch" msgstr "โแแ โแขแถแ แถแโแแแแโแแแแแโแแ โแแแแ " msgid "IP Address" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแ IP" msgid "Warning Level" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Buddy Comment" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to authentication server: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถแโแแย แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to BOS server: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ BOS แแถแโโแแย แ %s" msgid "Username sent" msgstr "แแถแแแแแพโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Connection established, cookie sent" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แแถแแแแแพโแแผแแธ" #. TODO: Don't call this with ssi msgid "Finalizing connection" msgstr "แแแแ แแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to sign on as %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must be " "a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " "numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ แ แถแแโแแแแพแโโโ %s แแถแแแโโแแธแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ แขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแโแแถแแขแถแแแแแแถแโ" "แขแแธแแแแแแแนแแแแแผแโ แฌโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแโแขแแแแ แ แพแโโแแถแแแโแขแแแแ แแแ แแทแโแ แแแแแโแแทแแแพแ แฌโแแถแโแแโแแแโแแแปแแแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "You may be disconnected shortly. If so, check %s for updates." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแผโแแแถแโแแแแถแ แโแแแแปแโแแแแแแแแแแแทแ แแแโแแแ แ แแแแแทแแแพโแแผแ แแแแโแแแ แแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถแแแถแแแแแแ %s แ" msgid "Unable to get a valid AIM login hash." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแถโแ แผแ AIM แแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" msgid "Unable to get a valid login hash." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแถโแ แผแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Received authorization" msgstr "แแถแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #. Unregistered username #. uid is not exist #. the username does not exist msgid "Username does not exist" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #. Suspended account msgid "Your account is currently suspended" msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแขแถแโแ แพแ แ" #. service temporarily unavailable msgid "The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "แแแแถโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแแแแแแถแแ AOL แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแแถแแแ แ" #. username connecting too frequently msgid "" "Your username has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten " "minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " "longer." msgstr "" "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แแทแโแแถแ แโแแนแแแถแแแแถแแย แ แแแแ แถแโ แกแ แแถแแธ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแย แ " "แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแ โแแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแ แขแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแ แถแโแแถแแแแโแแผแย แ" #. client too old #, c-format msgid "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s" msgstr "แแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแพโแ แถแแโแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแพแโแแ %s" #. IP address connecting too frequently msgid "" "Your IP address has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait a " "minute and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " "longer." msgstr "" "แขแถแแแแแแถแโ IP แแแแโแขแแแโโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แแทแโแแถแ แโแแนแแแถแแโแแถแแย แ แแแแ แถแโแแฝแโแแแแแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ " "แขแแแโโแแแแผแโแแโแแแแ แถแโแแผแแแแธโแแโแแผแโแแโแแแย แ" msgid "The SecurID key entered is invalid" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแ แผแโโแแ SecurID แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Enter SecurID" msgstr "แแแแ แผแ SecurID" msgid "Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display." msgstr "แแแแ แผแแแแ แฆ แแฝแแแโแแธโแแถแโแแแแ แถแแแธแแธแแ แ" msgid "Password sent" msgstr "แแถแแแแแพโแแถแแแโโโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Unable to initialize connection" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Please authorize me so I can add you to my buddy list." msgstr "แแผแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแปแ แแผแ แแแแโแแแแปแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแ แแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโโแแแแปแ แ" msgid "No reason given." msgstr "แแแแถแโแ แแแปแแโแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Authorization Denied Message:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแทแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแแแพ %u แแถแแแแทแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ แแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแถแโแ แแแปแแโ" "แแผแ โแแถแแแแแแ แ\n" "%s" msgid "ICQ authorization denied." msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ ICQ แ" #. Someone has granted you authorization #, c-format msgid "The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ %u แแถแแแแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "You have received a special message\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแทแแแ\n" "\n" "แแธ แ %s [%s]\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ page\n" "\n" "From: %s [%s]\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแถแโแแแฝแโแแแแแ ICQ\n" "\n" "แแธ แ %s [%s]\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "" "You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n" "\n" "Message is:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแถแโแแแฝแโแขแแธแแแ ICQ แแธ %s [%s]\n" "\n" "แแถแแแบ แ\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ ICQ %u แแถแแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแผแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แ %s (%s)" msgid "Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแโแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "_Add" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "_Decline" msgstr "แแแทโแแแ" #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid." msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแถแแแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแแโแแถแโแแโแแฝแแแถโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large." msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแถแแแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแธแแแแแโแแถโแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." msgstr[0] "แขแแแโแแถแแแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแแแแถแโแแโแแพแโแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแถ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "You missed %hu message from %s because his/her warning level is too high." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because his/her warning level is too high." msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแถแแแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแแโแแถแโแแโแแแแแทแโแแแแแถแแแแแโแแถแแโแแแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because your warning level is too high." msgid_plural "" "You missed %hu messages from %s because your warning level is too high." msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแถแแโแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแแทแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason." msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason." msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแถแแโแแถแ %hu แแธ %s แแแแแถแโแ แแแปแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแถแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "User information not available: %s" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพโ แ %s" msgid "Online Since" msgstr "แแพโแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแธ" msgid "Member Since" msgstr "แแแถแแทแโแแถแแโแแธ" msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Your AIM connection may be lost." msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแถแแ AIM แแแแโแขแแแโแขแถแ โแแถแแแแแ แ" #. The conversion failed! msgid "" "[Unable to display a message from this user because it contained invalid " "characters.]" msgstr "[แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแธโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถโแแถแโแแฝแขแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ]" #, c-format msgid "You have been disconnected from chat room %s." msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแถแ แโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแแโแแแแ %s แ" msgid "Mobile Phone" msgstr "แแผแแแแแแโโแ แแแ" msgid "Personal Web Page" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" #. aim_userinfo_t #. strip_html_tags msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Zip Code" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Work Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Division" msgstr "แแทแแธโแ แแ" msgid "Position" msgstr "แแธแแถแแโ" msgid "Web Page" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Pop-Up Message" msgstr "แแถแโแแแ โแกแพแ" #, c-format msgid "The following username is associated with %s" msgid_plural "The following usernames are associated with %s" msgstr[0] "แแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแ %s" #, c-format msgid "No results found for email address %s" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "You should receive an email asking to confirm %s." msgstr "แขแแแโแแฝแโแแแฝแโแขแแธแแแโแแฝแ แแแโแแฝแโแฒแแโแขแแขแถแ %s แ" msgid "Account Confirmation Requested" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพโแแถแโแขแแขแถแโแแแแแแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name differs " "from the original." msgstr "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแแแแโแแปแโแแธโแแแแแโแแพแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because it is invalid." msgstr "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name is too " "long." msgstr "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแขแแแแแแแพโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a " "request pending for this username." msgstr "" "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแถแโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแฝโแ แ แพแโแแแโแแแแ แถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแโ" "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has " "too many usernames associated with it." msgstr "" "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแแขแแธแแแแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโ" "แขแแแแแแแพโแ แแแพแแแแโแแแโแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแถ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is " "invalid." msgstr "" "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแถแแแ แแธแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unknown error." msgstr "แแแ แปแ 0x%04x แ แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ" msgid "Error Changing Account Info" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "The email address for %s is %s" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s แแบ %s" msgid "Account Info" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแธ" msgid "" "Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images." msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแแแพโแแผแแแถแ IM แแแแโแแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแแถแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแพโแแผแแแถแ IM แ" msgid "Unable to set AIM profile." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแแแแแ AIM แแ แ" msgid "" "You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure " "completed. Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are " "fully connected." msgstr "" "แขแแแแแแแ แแแแถโแแถแโแแแแพโ แฒแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแปแแแนแโแแแแ แแแแธแแทแแทแแธโแแแแ แผแ แ แแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ แแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแแ " "แแแแถแแถแโแแแแแโแแถโแแแแโแแแ แแ แแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแแแแถแแแแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgstr[0] "แแแแแแโแแแแแแโแขแแทแแแแถแแ %d แแโแแถแแแพแโแแแแแแแแโแ แพแ แ แแถโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแโแฒแแโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Profile too long." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgid_plural "" "The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " "truncated for you." msgstr[0] "" "แแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแโแขแแทแแแแถโแแแแแแ %d แแ แแถแแแพแโแแแแแโแ แพแ แ แแถโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแถแแโแฒแแโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Away message too long." msgstr "แแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " "be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " "numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแถแโแแ แแธแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแแกแพแโย แ แแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแโโแแถโ" "แขแถแแแแแแถแแขแแธแแแโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แฌโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแโแขแแแแ แ แพแแแถแโแแโแขแแแแ แแแ แแทแโแ แแแแแโแแทแแแพแ แฌโแแถแโแแโแแแโ" "แแแปแแแแแย แ" msgid "Unable to Retrieve Buddy List" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ โแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแทโแแถแแแ" msgid "" "The AIM servers were temporarily unable to send your buddy list. Your buddy " "list is not lost, and will probably become available in a few minutes." msgstr "" "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ AIM แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแถแแโ" "แแแโแแ แ แพแโโแแแแ แแแแถโแแนแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแปแโแแแโแแธแ แแธโแแถแแธ แ" msgid "Orphans" msgstr "แแแแแแถ" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy " "list. Please remove one and try again." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแถแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแแพแโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโ" "แขแแแย แ แแผแโแแโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแโแแฝแ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแย แ" msgid "(no name)" msgstr "(แแแแถแโแแแแแ)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add the buddy %s for an unknown reason." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแโแ แแแปแแโแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has given you permission to add him or her to your buddy list. " "Do you want to add this user?" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแแแพ %s แแถแแแแแแโแแทแแแแทโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแถแแโแแ แแถแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแแโ" "แแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Authorization Given" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแแถโแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #. Granted #, c-format msgid "The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพ %s แแถแแแแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ แแพแแแแธแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ โแแถแแแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Authorization Granted" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #. Denied #, c-format msgid "" "The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " "following reason:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แขแแแแแแแพ %s แแถแแแแทแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ แแพแแแแธแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ แแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแโแแถแโแ แแแปแแโ" "แแผแ โแแถแแแแแแ แ\n" "%s" msgid "Authorization Denied" msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "_Exchange:" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats." msgstr "" "แแผแแแถแ IM แแแแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ แ แขแแแแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแผแแแถแ IM แแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแ AIM แแถแโแแ " "แ" msgid "iTunes Music Store Link" msgstr "แแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแแธโแแแแ iTunes" #, fuzzy msgid "Lunch" msgstr "แแแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "Buddy Comment for %s" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Buddy Comment:" msgstr "แแแทแแแแแแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" #, c-format msgid "You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s." msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแแแแพแโแแพแแแแธแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ IM แแแโแแแแถแแแแถโแแฝแ %s แ" msgid "" "Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a security risk. " "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "" "แแธแแแแแโแแถโแแนแโแขแถแแแแแแถแ IP แแแแโแขแแแ แแถโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโโแ แถแแโแแปแแแถโแแถแแแแแแแแแแถแแ แ แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแโ" "แแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "C_onnect" msgstr "แแแแแถแแ" msgid "You closed the connection." msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแโแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Get AIM Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแ AIM" #. We only do this if the user is in our buddy list msgid "Edit Buddy Comment" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแทแแแแแโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #, fuzzy msgid "Get X-Status Msg" msgstr "แแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "End Direct IM Session" msgstr "แแแแ แแโแแแแ IM แแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Direct IM" msgstr "IM แแแแถแแ" msgid "Re-request Authorization" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Require authorization" msgstr "แแแแแผแโแฒแแโแแถแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Web aware (enabling this will cause you to receive SPAM!)" msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแนแโแขแแแธแแแแแถแ (แแถแโแแพแแแถโแแนแโโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแฝแโ SPAM!)" msgid "ICQ Privacy Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแฏแแแโแแแแ ICQ" msgid "The new formatting is invalid." msgstr "แแถโแแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแธโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" msgid "Username formatting can change only capitalization and whitespace." msgstr "แแถโแแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแโโแแแแปแโแแแแธโแแถแแขแแแแโแแ แแทแโแ แแแแแแแทแแแพแ แ" msgid "Change Address To:" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโ แแผแโแ แแแแ แ" msgid "<i>you are not waiting for authorization</i>" msgstr "<i>แขแแแแแทแแแแแปแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ</i>" msgid "You are awaiting authorization from the following buddies" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแปแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแผแ โแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "" "You can re-request authorization from these buddies by right-clicking on " "them and selecting \"Re-request Authorization.\"" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแกแพแโแแทแโแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแโแแแ แแแโแ แปแ โแแแแแปแโแแแแถแโแแพโแแฝแแแถ แ แพแแแแแพแ " "\"แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแกแพแโแแทแ แ\"" msgid "Find Buddy by Email" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแแแแแแทแแถแโแขแแธแแแ" msgid "Search for a buddy by email address" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ" msgid "Type the email address of the buddy you are searching for." msgstr "แแถแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแขแแแแแแแปแโแแแแแแแ แ" msgid "_Search" msgstr "แแแแแแแ" msgid "Set User Info (web)..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ (แแแแแถแ)..." #. This only happens when connecting with the old-style BUCP login msgid "Change Password (web)" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ (แแแแแถแ)" msgid "Configure IM Forwarding (web)" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแผแ IM แแแแ (แแแแแถแ)" #. ICQ actions msgid "Set Privacy Options..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแพแโแฏแแแ..." #. AIM actions msgid "Confirm Account" msgstr "แขแแขแถแโแแแแธ" msgid "Display Currently Registered Email Address" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Change Currently Registered Email Address..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแแถแแ แปแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ..." msgid "Show Buddies Awaiting Authorization" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแ แถแโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Search for Buddy by Email Address..." msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ..." msgid "Search for Buddy by Information" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Use clientLogin" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแโโแ แผแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "" "Always use AIM/ICQ proxy server for\n" "file transfers and direct IM (slower,\n" "but does not reveal your IP address)" msgstr "" "แแแแพโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแแธ AIM/ICQ แแถโแแทแ แแ โแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ แแทแ IM แแแแถแแ (แแบแ แแแปแแแแโแแทแโแแนแโ" "แขแถแแแแแแถแโ IP แแแแโแขแแแโแแ)" msgid "Allow multiple simultaneous logins" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโแแถแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถ" #, c-format msgid "Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM." msgstr "แแแแพ %s แฒแแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแแพแโแแ %s:%hu แแแแแถแแ IM แแแโแแแแถแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Attempting to connect to %s:%hu." msgstr "แแแปแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแ %s:%hu แ" msgid "Attempting to connect via proxy server." msgstr "แแแปแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแแธ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has just asked to directly connect to %s" msgstr "%s แแพแโแแโแแถแแแฝแโแแพแแแแธแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแแถแแแแ %s" msgid "" "This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary " "for IM Images. Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be " "considered a privacy risk." msgstr "" "แแถโแแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแแถแแโแแแถแโแแปแแแแแผแแแโแแธแ แ แพแโแ แถแแแถแ แโแแแแแถแแโแแผแแแถแ IM แ แแธแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแ IP " "แแแแโแขแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแนแ แแถโแขแถแ โแ แถแแโแแปแโแแถโแแแแแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Invalid SNAC" msgstr "SNAC แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Server rate limit exceeded" msgstr "" msgid "Client rate limit exceeded" msgstr "" msgid "Service unavailable" msgstr "แแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Service not defined" msgstr "แแแแถโแแทแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Obsolete SNAC" msgstr "SNAC แแแแแแ" msgid "Not supported by host" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแถแแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแ" msgid "Not supported by client" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแแแ" msgid "Refused by client" msgstr "แแถแโแแแทแแแโแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "Reply too big" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Responses lost" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแถแโแแแแพแแแ" msgid "Request denied" msgstr "แแแทแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Busted SNAC payload" msgstr "Busted SNAC payload" msgid "Insufficient rights" msgstr "แแทแแแแทโแแทแโแแแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "In local permit/deny" msgstr "แแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแทแแแ/แขแแปแแแแถแ" msgid "Warning level too high (sender)" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแ (แขแแแโแแแแพ)" msgid "Warning level too high (receiver)" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแ (แขแแแโแแแฝแ)" msgid "User temporarily unavailable" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแ" msgid "No match" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแผแแแแ" msgid "List overflow" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแพแโแ แแแปแ" msgid "Request ambiguous" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพโแแทแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Queue full" msgstr "แแฝแโโแแแ" msgid "Not while on AOL" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแถแโแแ โแแพ AOL" msgid "Aquarius" msgstr "Aquarius" msgid "Pisces" msgstr "Pisces" msgid "Aries" msgstr "Aries" msgid "Taurus" msgstr "Taurus" msgid "Gemini" msgstr "Gemini" msgid "Cancer" msgstr "แแ แถแแธแ" msgid "Leo" msgstr "Leo" msgid "Virgo" msgstr "Virgo" msgid "Libra" msgstr "Libra" msgid "Scorpio" msgstr "Scorpio" msgid "Sagittarius" msgstr "Sagittarius" msgid "Capricorn" msgstr "Capricorn" msgid "Rat" msgstr "แแแแแปแ" msgid "Ox" msgstr "แแ" msgid "Tiger" msgstr "แแแแถ" msgid "Rabbit" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" msgid "Dragon" msgstr "แแถแ" msgid "Snake" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Horse" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Goat" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Monkey" msgstr "แแแแถ" msgid "Rooster" msgstr "แแถแแโแแ" msgid "Dog" msgstr "แแแแ" msgid "Pig" msgstr "แแแแผแ" msgid "Other" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Visible" msgstr "โแแพแแแพแ" msgid "Friend Only" msgstr "แแแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Private" msgstr "แฏแแแ" msgid "QQ Number" msgstr "แ แแแฝแ QQ" msgid "Country/Region" msgstr "แแแแแแโ/โแแแแแ" msgid "Province/State" msgstr "แแแแแ/แแแแ" msgid "Zipcode" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแ" msgid "Phone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแ" msgid "Authorize adding" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Cellphone Number" msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแ" msgid "Personal Introduction" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "City/Area" msgstr "แแธแแแแปแโ/แแแแแ" msgid "Publish Mobile" msgstr "แแแแแปแแแโแ แแแ" msgid "Publish Contact" msgstr "แแแแแปแแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "College" msgstr "แแ แถแแทแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Horoscope" msgstr "แแแแ แแแแแถแแธ" msgid "Zodiac" msgstr "แแถแแธแ แแแ" msgid "Blood" msgstr "แแถแ" msgid "True" msgstr "แแทแ" msgid "False" msgstr "แแทแโแแทแ" msgid "Modify Contact" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Modify Address" msgstr "แแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Modify Extended Information" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแถโแแแแแแธแ" msgid "Modify Information" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Update" msgstr "แแแแพโโแฒแแโโแแถแแแแแแ\t" msgid "Could not change buddy information." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Note" msgstr "แ แแแถแ" #. callback msgid "Buddy Memo" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Change his/her memo as you like" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแนแโแแแโแแถแแโแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแ แทแแแ" msgid "_Modify" msgstr "แแแแแแ " msgid "Memo Modify" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแนแ" msgid "Server says:" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโโแแทแแถแย แ" msgid "Your request was accepted." msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผแแแถแโแแแฝแโแแย แ" msgid "Your request was rejected." msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แแแถแแ แแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%u requires verification" msgstr "%u แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Add buddy question" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Enter answer here" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแ แแแแพแโแแ โแแธแแแ" msgid "Send" msgstr "แแแแพ" msgid "Invalid answer." msgstr "แ แแแแพแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Authorization denied message:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถแแแแทแแแโแแถแ แ" msgid "Sorry, you're not my style." msgstr "แแผแโแขแแแแแแ แขแแแโแแทแแแแโแแถโแแ แแถแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแปแโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%u needs authorization" msgstr "%u แแแแผแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Add buddy authorize" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Enter request here" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแพโแแ โแแธแแแ" msgid "Would you be my friend?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแโแแนแโแแถโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแแแแปแ ?" msgid "QQ Buddy" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท QQ" msgid "Add buddy" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Invalid QQ Number" msgstr "แ แแแฝแ QQ แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Failed sending authorize" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Failed removing buddy %u" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ %u แ แแ" #, c-format msgid "Failed removing me from %d's buddy list" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแโแแแแปแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ %d" msgid "No reason given" msgstr "แแแแถแโแ แแแปแแโแแถแโแแแแแ" #. only need to get value #, c-format msgid "You have been added by %s" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแ %s" msgid "Would you like to add him?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแแโแแถแแโแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "Rejected by %s" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแถแโแ แแโแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Message: %s" msgstr "แแถแ แ %s" msgid "ID: " msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Group ID" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแปแ" msgid "QQ Qun" msgstr "QQ Qun" msgid "Please enter Qun number" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแ Qun" msgid "You can only search for permanent Qun\n" msgstr "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแโ Qun แขแ แทแแแแแแแแโแแแปแแแแแ\n" msgid "(Invalid UTF-8 string)" msgstr "(แแแแแขแแแแ UTF-8 แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ)" msgid "Not member" msgstr "แแทแโแ แแ แถแ" msgid "Member" msgstr "แ แแ แถแ" msgid "Requesting" msgstr "แแแแพ" msgid "Admin" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแ" #. XXX: Should this be "Topic"? #, fuzzy msgid "Room Title" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "Notice" msgstr "แ แแแถแ" msgid "Detail" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแ" msgid "Creator" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแแพแ" msgid "About me" msgstr "แขแแแธโแแแแปแ" msgid "Category" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "The Qun does not allow others to join" msgstr "Qun แแทแแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแแโแ แผแแแฝแ" msgid "Join QQ Qun" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ QQ Qun" msgid "Input request here" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแพโแแ โแแธแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Successfully joined Qun %s (%u)" msgstr "แแถแโแ แผแแแแโแแแแแแ Qun %s (%u)" msgid "Successfully joined Qun" msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแแโแแแแแแ Qun" #, c-format msgid "Qun %u denied from joining" msgstr "Qun %u แแถแโแแแทแแแโแแธโแแถแโแ แผแแแฝแ" msgid "QQ Qun Operation" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแแแทแแถแ QQ Qun" msgid "Failed:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Join Qun, Unknown Reply" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ Qun แแทแโแแแแถแแแแถแโแแแแพแแแ" msgid "Quit Qun" msgstr "แ แแแแธ Qun" msgid "" "Note, if you are the creator, \n" "this operation will eventually remove this Qun." msgstr "แ แแแถแ แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแถโแขแแแแแแแแพแ แแแแแทแแแแแทแแถแโแแแโแแนแโแแ Qun แแแโแ แแโ แ" msgid "Sorry, you are not our style" msgstr "แแผแโแขแแแโแแแ แขแแแโแแทแโแแแแทแโแแ โแแแแปแแแ แแถแแแแแโแแแแโแแพแโแแ" msgid "Successfully changed Qun members" msgstr "แแถแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแถแแทแ Qun แแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Successfully changed Qun information" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถแ Qun แแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "You have successfully created a Qun" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแแแแแแพแ Qun แแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Would you like to set up detailed information now?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแ แโแแแแแแถแแแแแขแทแโแฅแกแผแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Setup" msgstr "แแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%u requested to join Qun %u for %s" msgstr "%u แแถแแแแแพโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแ Qun %u แแแแแถแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "%u request to join Qun %u" msgstr "%u แแแแพโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแ Qun %u" #, c-format msgid "Failed to join Qun %u, operated by admin %u" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แผแแแฝแ Qun %u แแถแโแแแแแทแแแแแทโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแแแแแ %u" #, c-format msgid "<b>Joining Qun %u is approved by admin %u for %s</b>" msgstr "<b>แ แผแแแฝแ Qun %u แแแแผแโแแถแโแขแแปแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแแแแแ %u แแแแแถแแ %s</b>" #, c-format msgid "<b>Removed buddy %u.</b>" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท %u แ แแ แ</b>" #, c-format msgid "<b>New buddy %u joined.</b>" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแ แผแโแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแธ %u แ</b>" #, c-format msgid "Unknown-%d" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแ %d" msgid "Level" msgstr "แแแแแทแ" msgid " VIP" msgstr " VIP" msgid " TCP" msgstr " TCP" msgid " FromMobile" msgstr " FromMobile" msgid " BindMobile" msgstr " BindMobile" msgid " Video" msgstr " แแธแแแขแผ" msgid " Zone" msgstr " แแแแแ" msgid "Flag" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Ver" msgstr "แแแแ" msgid "Invalid name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Select icon..." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแผแแแแแถแ..." #, c-format msgid "<b>Login time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแแแแแถโแ แผแ</b> แ %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Total Online Buddies</b>: %d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแปแ</b> แ %d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Last Refresh</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแโแ แปแแแแแแ</b> แ %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Server</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ</b> แ %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Client Tag</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ</b> แ %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Connection Mode</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแแโแแแแแถแแ</b> แ %s<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>My Internet IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>IP แขแแธแแแบแแทแโแแแแโแแแแปแ</b> แ %s:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Sent</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแถแแแแแพ</b> แ %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Resend</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแแพโแกแพแโแแทแ</b> แ %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Lost</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแถแแแแแ</b> แ %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Received</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแแแฝแ</b> แ %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Received Duplicate</b>: %lu<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแแแแฝแ</b> แ %lu<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>Time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" msgstr "<b>แแแแแแแถ</b> แ %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" #, c-format msgid "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n" msgstr "<b>IP</b> แ %s<br>\n" msgid "Login Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "<p><b>Original Author</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>แขแแแโแแทแแแแโแแพแ</b> แ<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Code Contributors</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>แขแแแโแ แแแ แถแโแแผแ</b> แ<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Lovely Patch Writers</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>แขแแแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแถโแแธแแแแกแถแแ</b> แ<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Acknowledgement</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>แแแฝแโแแแแถแแ</b> แ<br>\n" msgid "<p><b>Scrupulous Testers</b>:<br>\n" msgstr "<p><b>แขแแแโแแถแแแแแโแ แแแแ แแ</b>ย แ<br>\n" msgid "and more, please let me know... thank you!))" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแแโแแแ แแผแโแฒแแโแแแแปแโแแนแ... แขแแแปแ !))" msgid "<p><i>And, all the boys in the backroom...</i><br>\n" msgstr "<p><i>แแแแปแแโแแถแแโแขแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแ...</i><br>\n" msgid "<i>Feel free to join us!</i> :)" msgstr "<i>แ แผแแแฝแโแแถโแแฝแโแแพแโแแแโแแแแธ !</i> :)" #, c-format msgid "About OpenQ %s" msgstr "แขแแแธ OpenQ %s" msgid "Change Icon" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Account Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแธ" msgid "Update all QQ Quns" msgstr "แแแแพโแฒแแ QQ Quns แแถแแแแแแ" msgid "About OpenQ" msgstr "แขแแแธ OpenQ" msgid "Modify Buddy Memo" msgstr "แแแแแแ แแทแแแแแแแแท" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "QQ Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ QQ" msgid "Auto" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Select Server" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "QQ2005" msgstr "QQ2005" msgid "QQ2007" msgstr "QQ2007" msgid "QQ2008" msgstr "QQ2008" msgid "Connect by TCP" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแถแ TCP" msgid "Show server notice" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโโโแแแแแโแ แแแถแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Show server news" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Show chat room when msg comes" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโ" msgid "Keep alive interval (seconds)" msgstr "แแปแโแแถแแแแแปแ (แแทแแถแแธ)" msgid "Update interval (seconds)" msgstr "แแแแพโแฒแแโแ แแแแแโแแถแแแแแแ (แแทแแถแแธ)" msgid "Unable to decrypt server reply" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแทแแแแธแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแโโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failed requesting token, 0x%02X" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแพโแแผแแนแ 0x%02X" #, c-format msgid "Invalid token len, %d" msgstr "แแผแแนแโแแทแแแแแนแแแแแผแ %d" #. extend redirect used in QQ2006 msgid "Redirect_EX is not currently supported" msgstr "Redirect_EX แแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ" #. need activation #. need activation #. need activation msgid "Activation required" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X)" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพแแแโแแทแโโแแแแถแแโแแ โแแแโแ แผแ (0x%02X)" msgid "Requesting captcha" msgstr "แแแแพ captcha" msgid "Checking captcha" msgstr "แแทแแทแแแโแแพแ captcha" msgid "Failed captcha verification" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแ captcha" msgid "Captcha Image" msgstr "แแผแแแถแ Captcha" msgid "Enter code" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแผแ" msgid "QQ Captcha Verification" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแ QQ Captcha" msgid "Enter the text from the image" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแขแแแแแโแแธโแแผแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown reply when checking password (0x%02X)" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแ แแแโแแทแแทแแแแแพแแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ (0x%02X)" #, c-format msgid "" "Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X):\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแผแโแแแแพแแแโแแทแแแแแถแแ แแ แแแโแ แผแ (0x%02X) แ\n" "%s" msgid "Socket error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแ" msgid "Getting server" msgstr "แแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Requesting token" msgstr "แแแแพโแแผแแนแ" msgid "Unable to resolve hostname" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแถแโแกแพแ" msgid "Invalid server or port" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แฌโแ แแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "QQ Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแ QQ" #, c-format msgid "" "Server News:\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "%s:%s" msgstr "%s:%s" #, c-format msgid "From %s:" msgstr "แแธ %s แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Server notice From %s: \n" "%s" msgstr "" "แแแแแโแ แแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพแแธ %s แ \n" "%s" msgid "Unknown SERVER CMD" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ CMD" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reply of %s(0x%02X)\n" "Room %u, reply 0x%02X" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแพแโแแ %s(0x%02X)\n" "แแแแแแ %u แแแแพแแแ 0x%02X" msgid "QQ Qun Command" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถ QQ Qun" msgid "Unable to decrypt login reply" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแทแแแแธแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแโโแ แผแโแแถแโแกแพแ" msgid "Unknown LOGIN CMD" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแ แผแ CMD" msgid "Unknown CLIENT CMD" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ CMD" #, c-format msgid "%d has declined the file %s" msgstr "%d แแถแแแแทแแแโแฏแแแถแ %s" msgid "File Send" msgstr "แแแแพโแฏแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "%d cancelled the transfer of %s" msgstr "%d แแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแโ %s" #, c-format msgid "<b>Group Title:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>แ แแแโแแแแพโแแแแปแ แ</b> %s<br>" #, c-format msgid "<b>Notes Group ID:</b> %s<br>" msgstr "<b>แแแแแแ แแแถแโแแแแปแ ID แ</b> %s<br>" #, c-format msgid "Info for Group %s" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแปแ %s" msgid "Notes Address Book Information" msgstr "แแแแแโแ แแแถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Invite Group to Conference..." msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแแแแปแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแแทแแธแ..." msgid "Get Notes Address Book Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแโแ แแแถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Sending Handshake" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแ แถแแแแ" msgid "Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแฝแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแ" msgid "Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแแแถแแแแถแโแ แถแแแแ แแแแพโแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Waiting for Login Acknowledgement" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแฝแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Login Redirected" msgstr "แแถแแแแแ แผแโแแถแโแ แผแโแแแแ" msgid "Forcing Login" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถโแแ แผแ" msgid "Login Acknowledged" msgstr "แแถแแแแฝแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแ แผแ" msgid "Starting Services" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแถ" #, c-format msgid "" "A Sametime administrator has issued the following announcement on server %s" msgstr "แแแแแฝแโแแแ แขแแแแแแแแแแแแโแแถแแ แแแแแแถแโแแผแโแแแ แแแแธโแแแแแถแโแแผแ โแแถแโแแแแแโแแ โแแพแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ %s" msgid "Sametime Administrator Announcement" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแแแแแโแแแโแแโแแฝแ" #, c-format msgid "Announcement from %s" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแโแแธ %s" msgid "Conference Closed" msgstr "แแถแแแทแโแแแแแทแแธแ" msgid "Unable to send message: " msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send message to %s:" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแโแแ โแแถแแ %s แแถแแแ แ" msgid "Place Closed" msgstr "แแถแแแทแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Microphone" msgstr "แแแแแแผ" msgid "Speakers" msgstr "แแปแแแถแ" msgid "Video Camera" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแโโแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "File Transfer" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Supports" msgstr "แแถแแแแ" msgid "External User" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแ " msgid "Create conference with user" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter a topic for the new conference, and an invitation message to be " "sent to %s" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแถแโแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแแแธ แ แพแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแแแผแโแแแแพโแแ %s" msgid "New Conference" msgstr "แแแแแทแแธแโแแแแธ" msgid "Create" msgstr "แแแแแพแ" msgid "Available Conferences" msgstr "แแแแแทแแธแโแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแ" msgid "Create New Conference..." msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแแแธ..." msgid "Invite user to a conference" msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแแทแแธแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Select a conference from the list below to send an invite to user %s. Select " "\"Create New Conference\" if you'd like to create a new conference to invite " "this user to." msgstr "" "แแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแธโแแแแแธแแถแโแแแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแพโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแ แขแแแแแแแพ %s แ แแแแพแ \"แแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแแแธ\" " "แแแแแทแแแพโโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแโแแแแธโแแพแแแแธแขแแแแพแโแแแแโแแแแพโแแแ แ" msgid "Invite to Conference" msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแทแแธแ" msgid "Invite to Conference..." msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแทแแธแ..." msgid "Send TEST Announcement" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแแ" msgid "Topic:" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแ แ" msgid "No Sametime Community Server specified" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ แแแแโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "No host or IP address has been configured for the Meanwhile account %s. " "Please enter one below to continue logging in." msgstr "" "แแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแ แฌโแขแถแแแแแแถแ IP แแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ %s แ แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแ IP แแฝแโ" "แแถแแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแโแ แผแ แ" msgid "Meanwhile Connection Setup" msgstr "แแแแ แโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "No Sametime Community Server Specified" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ แแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ" msgid "Connect" msgstr "แโแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown (0x%04x)<br>" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแ (0x%04x)<br>" msgid "Last Known Client" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "User Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Sametime ID" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแโ Sametime" msgid "An ambiguous user ID was entered" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. Please " "select the correct user from the list below to add them to your buddy list." msgstr "" "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แขแถแ โแแแขแถแโแแพโแขแแแแแแแพแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแแแแธแแถแโ" "แแแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Select User" msgstr "แแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Unable to add user: user not found" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแโแแ แ แแโแแทแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community. This " "entry has been removed from your buddy list." msgstr "" "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แแทแโแแถแแแแแผแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพแแ โแแแแปแโโแแ แแแแ Sametime แแแแโแขแแแโแแ แ แแถแแปโแแแโ" "แแแแผแโแแถแโแแแ แแโแแธโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแ แพแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Error reading file %s: \n" "%s\n" msgstr "" "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแโแฏแแแถแ %s แ \n" "%s\n" msgid "Remotely Stored Buddy List" msgstr "แแถแโแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแธโแ แแแแถแ" msgid "Buddy List Storage Mode" msgstr "แแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Local Buddy List Only" msgstr "แแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Merge List from Server" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแธโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Merge and Save List to Server" msgstr "แแแแ แผแ แแทแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแแแแธโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Synchronize List with Server" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแถแแแแแโแแแแแธโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Import Sametime List for Account %s" msgstr "แแถแแ แผแแแแแแธ Sametime แแแแแถแแโแแแแธ %s" #, c-format msgid "Export Sametime List for Account %s" msgstr "แแถแแ แแโแแแแแธ Sametime แแแแแถแแโแแแแธ %s" msgid "Unable to add group: group exists" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแแปแ โแ แแถแแแแแปแโแแฝแ แ แพแ" #, c-format msgid "A group named '%s' already exists in your buddy list." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแ '%s' แแฝแ โแ แพแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Unable to add group" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Possible Matches" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแโแแแแผแแแแ" msgid "Notes Address Book group results" msgstr "แ แแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following Notes Address " "Book groups. Please select the correct group from the list below to add it " "to your buddy list." msgstr "" "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แขแถแ โแแแโแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแ แแแถแ แ แแผแโแแแแพแโแแแแปแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแแแแธโ" "แแถแแแแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแถโแแ แแถแแแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Select Notes Address Book" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแ แแแถแ" msgid "Unable to add group: group not found" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแแแ แ แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' did not match any Notes Address Book groups in your " "Sametime community." msgstr "" "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แแทแโแแแแผแแแแโแแแแปแแแแโแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโโแ แแแถแโแแถแแฝแโแแโแแ โแแแแปแแแ แแแแ Sametimeแแแแโ" "แขแแแ แ" msgid "Notes Address Book Group" msgstr "แ แแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "" "Enter the name of a Notes Address Book group in the field below to add the " "group and its members to your buddy list." msgstr "" "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแแ โแ แแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแแแปแ แแทแโแแแถแแทแแแแแแแถโแแ แแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโ" "แขแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Search results for '%s'" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ '%s'" #, c-format msgid "" "The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. You " "may add these users to your buddy list or send them messages with the action " "buttons below." msgstr "" "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แขแถแ โแแแโแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแผแ โแแถแโแแแแแ แ แขแแแโโแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแโแแแโแแ โแแถแแโ" "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แฌโแแแแพโแแถแโแฒแแโแแฝแแแโแแแโแแแแพโแแแผแแปแโแแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Search Results" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแแแโแแ" msgid "No matches" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแผแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community." msgstr "แงแแแแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแ '%s' แแทแแแถแแแแแผแแแแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแ แแแแ Sametime แแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "No Matches" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแผแแแแ" msgid "Search for a user" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "" "Enter a name or partial ID in the field below to search for matching users " "in your Sametime community." msgstr "" "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแ แฌโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแผแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแ แแแแ " "Sametime แแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "User Search" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Import Sametime List..." msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแแแแธ Sametime..." msgid "Export Sametime List..." msgstr "แแถแแ แแโแแแแแธ Sametime..." msgid "Add Notes Address Book Group..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแโโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแ แแแถแ..." msgid "User Search..." msgstr "แแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ..." msgid "Force login (ignore server redirects)" msgstr "แแแแแโแฒแแโแ แผแ (แแทแแขแพแแแโแแถแโแแแแแผแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแ)" #. pretend to be Sametime Connect msgid "Hide client identity" msgstr "แแถแแโโแขแแแแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "User %s is not present in the network" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพ %s แแทแแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Key Agreement" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Cannot perform the key agreement" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแขแแปแแแแโแแถแโโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแ" msgid "Error occurred during key agreement" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแโแแพแแกแพแโแแแกแปแโแแแโแแทแ แแ แแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Key Agreement failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Timeout during key agreement" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแกแปแโแแแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ4" msgid "Key agreement was aborted" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแแ" msgid "Key agreement is already started" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแฝแ แ แพแ" msgid "Key agreement cannot be started with yourself" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "The remote user is not present in the network any more" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพโแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Key agreement request received from %s. Would you like to perform the key " "agreement?" msgstr "แแถแโโแแแฝแโแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแธ %s แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแขแแปแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "The remote user is waiting key agreement on:\n" "Remote host: %s\n" "Remote port: %d" msgstr "" "แขแแแแแแแพแแธโแ แแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแ โแแพ แ\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแธโแ แแแแถแ แ %s\n" "แ แแแโแแธโแ แแแแถแ แ %d" msgid "Key Agreement Request" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "IM With Password" msgstr "IM แแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Cannot set IM key" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแโแแ IM แแถแแแ" msgid "Set IM Password" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ IM" msgid "Get Public Key" msgstr "แแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Cannot fetch the public key" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแ โแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Show Public Key" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Could not load public key" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแถแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "User Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Cannot get user information" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not trusted" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแทแโแแปแแ แทแแแโแแ" msgid "" "You cannot receive buddy notifications until you import his/her public key. " "You can use the Get Public Key command to get the public key." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแทแโแขแถแ โแแแฝแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแ แแ แผแโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแ แผแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถแแ แ แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโ" "แแถแแถแแแโ แแพแแแแธแแแฝแโแแถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ แ" #. Open file selector to select the public key. msgid "Open..." msgstr "แแพแโ..." #, c-format msgid "The %s buddy is not present in the network" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท %s แแทแโแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "" "To add the buddy you must import his/her public key. Press Import to import " "a public key." msgstr "" "แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแถแแ แผแโแแแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถแแ แ แ แปแ โแแถแแ แผแ แแพแแแแธแแถแแ แผแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ แ" msgid "_Import..." msgstr "แแถแแ แผแ..." msgid "Select correct user" msgstr "แแแแพแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same public key. Select the correct " "user from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "" "แแแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพแ แแแพแแแถแโแแฝแโแแแแแถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแแแผแ แแแแถ โโแ แแแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแธโแแแแแธ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแ โ" "แแถแแแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "" "More than one user was found with the same name. Select the correct user " "from the list to add to the buddy list." msgstr "" "แแโแแพแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแ แแแพแแแถแโแแฝแ แแแแแถแโแแแแแโแแผแ แแแแถ แ แแแแพแโแขแแแโแแแแพแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแธโแแแแแธโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโ" "แแ แแถแแแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Detached" msgstr "แแแแถแ แ" msgid "Indisposed" msgstr "แแทแโแ แแ" msgid "Wake Me Up" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแปแ" msgid "Hyper Active" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Robot" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแแแแ" msgid "User Modes" msgstr "แแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Preferred Contact" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแ แทแแแ" msgid "Preferred Language" msgstr "แแถแแถโแแแโแแแแ แทแแแ" msgid "Device" msgstr "แงแแแแแโ" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแถ" msgid "Geolocation" msgstr "แแธแแถแแโแแผแแทแแถแแแแแ" msgid "Reset IM Key" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ IM แกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "IM with Key Exchange" msgstr "IM แแถแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "IM with Password" msgstr "IM แแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Get Public Key..." msgstr "แแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ..." msgid "Kill User" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Draw On Whiteboard" msgstr "แแผแโแแพโแแแแถแแแแ" msgid "_Passphrase:" msgstr "แแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Channel %s does not exist in the network" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแแแถแโแแถแแแ %s แแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Channel Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Cannot get channel information" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ แแโแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "<b>Channel Name:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>แแแแแโแแถแแแ แ</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>User Count:</b> %d" msgstr "<br><b>แ แแแฝแโแขแแแแแแแพ แ</b> %d" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Founder:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>แแแแถแแแทแโแแถแแแ แ</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Cipher:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>แแแแแโแแถแแแโแแถโโแแแแแถแแ แ</b> %s" #. Definition of HMAC: #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel HMAC:</b> %s" msgstr "<br><b>แแถแแแ HMAC แ</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Topic:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>แแแแแถแแแโแแถแแแ แ</b><br>%s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Channel Modes:</b> " msgstr "<br><b>แแแแโโแแถแแแ แ</b> " #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Fingerprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>แแแแถแแแทแแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแ แ</b><br>%s" #, c-format msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Babbleprint:</b><br>%s" msgstr "<br><b>แแแแถแแแทแโแแ Babbleprint แ</b><br>%s" msgid "Add Channel Public Key" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ" #. Add new public key msgid "Open Public Key..." msgstr "แแพแแแโแแถแแถแแแ..." msgid "Channel Passphrase" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Channel Public Keys List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Channel authentication is used to secure the channel from unauthorized " "access. The authentication may be based on passphrase and digital " "signatures. If passphrase is set, it is required to be able to join. If " "channel public keys are set then only users whose public keys are listed are " "able to join." msgstr "" "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแแแโแแถแแแปแแแแแทแแถแ แแธแแถแโแ แผแแแแแพแแแถแโ" "แแแโแแทแแแถแแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแขแถแ โแแถแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แแทแโ" "แ แแแแแแแถโแแธแแธแแ แ แแแแแทแโแแพโแแถแแแแแแโแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แแถโแแแแแผแโแฒแแโแ แผแโแแฝแ แ แแแแแทแโแแพโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแโ " "แแแแแถแแแแแแถแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแแแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแถโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแโแแพแแแแธแขแถแ โแ แผแแแฝแโแแถแ แ" msgid "Channel Authentication" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Add / Remove" msgstr "แแแแแแ/แแโแ แแ" msgid "Group Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Please enter the %s channel private group name and passphrase." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแแแแปแโแฏแแแโแแถแแแ %s แแทแโแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Add Channel Private Group" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแฏแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "User Limit" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Set user limit on channel. Set to zero to reset user limit." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแพโแแถแแแ แ แแแแแโแแผแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแกแพแโแแทแ แ" msgid "Invite List" msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแแแแแธ" msgid "Ban List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแ แถแแแถแแ" msgid "Add Private Group" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Reset Permanent" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Set Permanent" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Set User Limit" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "Reset Topic Restriction" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแแแทแโแแแแแถแแแโแกแพแแแทแ" msgid "Set Topic Restriction" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแทแโแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Reset Private Channel" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแฏแแแโแกแพแแแทแ" msgid "Set Private Channel" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Reset Secret Channel" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Set Secret Channel" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโ" #, c-format msgid "" "You have to join the %s channel before you are able to join the private group" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแ แผแแแฝแโโโแแแแปแโแแถแแแ %s แแปแแแนแโแขแแแโแขแถแ โแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแปแแฏแแแ" msgid "Join Private Group" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแปแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Cannot join private group" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแแแปแโแฏแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Call Command" msgstr "แ แ โแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "Cannot call command" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แ โแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแถแแแ" msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "Secure File Transfer" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแถแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Error during file transfer" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแกแปแโแแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Remote disconnected" msgstr "แแถแแแแแถแ แโแแธแ แแแแถแ" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแแโแแทแแแแท" msgid "Key agreement failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแพโแแทแ แแ แแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Connection timed out" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Creating connection failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "File transfer session does not exist" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแ" msgid "No file transfer session active" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแโแแ" msgid "File transfer already started" msgstr "แแถแแ แถแแแแแแพแแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแฝแ โโแ แพแ" msgid "Could not perform key agreement for file transfer" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแขแแปแแแแโแแทแ แแ แแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Could not start the file transfer" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Cannot send file" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Error occurred" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has changed the topic of <I>%s</I> to: %s" msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแถแแแโแแแแ <I>%s</I> แแ โแแถ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set channel <I>%s</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I> แแแแแโแแแแโโแแถแแแ <I>%s</I> แแ โแแถ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all channel <I>%s</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> แแถแโแแโแแแแโแแถแแแ <I>%s</I> แ แแ" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> set <I>%s's</I> modes to: %s" msgstr "<I>%s</I> แแแแแโแแแแ <I>%s</I> แแ โแแถ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all <I>%s's</I> modes" msgstr "<I>%s</I> แแถแโแแโแแแแแแแแ <I>%s</I> แแถแแโแขแแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "You have been kicked off <I>%s</I> by <I>%s</I> (%s)" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแ แแโแแธ <I>%s</I> แแแ <I>%s</I> (%s)" #, c-format msgid "You have been killed by %s (%s)" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแ %s (%s)" #, c-format msgid "Killed by %s (%s)" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแ %s (%s)" msgid "Server signoff" msgstr "แ แแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Personal Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Birth Day" msgstr "แแแแโโแแแแพแ" msgid "Job Role" msgstr "แแฝแแถแแธโแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Organization" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแ" msgid "Unit" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Join Chat" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "You are channel founder on <I>%s</I>" msgstr "แขแแแแแถโแขแแแแแแแถแแแทแโแแถแแแแแ โแแพ <I>%s</I>" #, c-format msgid "Channel founder on <I>%s</I> is <I>%s</I>" msgstr "แแแแถแแแทแโแแถแแแโแแ โแแพ <I>%s</I> แแบ <I>%s</I>" msgid "Real Name" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแ" msgid "Status Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Public Key Fingerprint" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแถแแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Public Key Babbleprint" msgstr "Babbleprint แแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "_More..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแ..." msgid "Detach From Server" msgstr "แแแแถแ แโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Cannot detach" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแ แโแแถแแแ" msgid "Cannot set topic" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแแแแถแโแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Failed to change nickname" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "Roomlist" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "Cannot get room list" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแธโแแแแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Network is empty" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแแ" msgid "No public key was received" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแแฝแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแ" msgid "Server Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Cannot get server information" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแถแแแ" msgid "Server Statistics" msgstr "แแแแทแแทโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Cannot get server statistics" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแโแแแแทแแทโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแถแแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Local server start time: %s\n" "Local server uptime: %s\n" "Local server clients: %d\n" "Local server channels: %d\n" "Local server operators: %d\n" "Local router operators: %d\n" "Local cell clients: %d\n" "Local cell channels: %d\n" "Local cell servers: %d\n" "Total clients: %d\n" "Total channels: %d\n" "Total servers: %d\n" "Total routers: %d\n" "Total server operators: %d\n" "Total router operators: %d\n" msgstr "" "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแ แ %s\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแ แ %s\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแถแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแถแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแถแแธโแแแแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแพโแ แแแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแถแแแโแ แแแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแ แแแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ %d\n" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแปแ แ %d\n" "แแถแแแโแแแปแ แ %d\n" "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแแปแ แ %d\n" "Total routers: %d\n" "Total server operators: %d\n" "Total router operators: %d\n" msgid "Network Statistics" msgstr "แแแแทแแทโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Ping" msgstr "Ping" msgid "Ping failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแแแแแปแแแถแ Ping" msgid "Ping reply received from server" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแ Ping แแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Could not kill user" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแแ" msgid "WATCH" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแพแ" msgid "Cannot watch user" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแโแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแแ" msgid "Resuming session" msgstr "แแแแโแแแแ" msgid "Authenticating connection" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Verifying server public key" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Passphrase required" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Received %s's public key. Your local copy does not match this key. Would you " "still like to accept this public key?" msgstr "" "แแถแแแแฝแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแ %s แ แ แแแถแแ แแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแโโแขแแแโแแทแแแแแผแแแแโแแโแแแโแแ แ แแพโแขแแแแแ แแโแแแฝแโแแโแแโ" "แแถแแถแแแโแแแโแฌ ?" #, c-format msgid "Received %s's public key. Would you like to accept this public key?" msgstr "แแถแแแแฝแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแ %s แ แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแฝแโแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "Fingerprint and babbleprint for the %s key are:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" msgstr "" "แแแแถแแแแแถแแแ แแทแ babbleprint แแแแแถแแแแ %s แแบ แ\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" msgid "Verify Public Key" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "_View..." msgstr "แแพแ..." msgid "Unsupported public key type" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแถแแแแ" msgid "Disconnected by server" msgstr "แแถแแแแแถแ แโแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Error connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแโโแแถแโโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ SILC" msgid "Key Exchange failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "" "Resuming detached session failed. Press Reconnect to create new connection." msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแถแ แ แ แ แปแ โแแแแแถแแแกแพแโแแทแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธ แ" msgid "Performing key exchange" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโโแแแแผแแแแโแแ SILC แแถแโแแ" #. Progress msgid "Connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ SILC" msgid "Out of memory" msgstr "แขแแโแแแทOut of memory" msgid "Unable to initialize SILC protocol" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแทแแธแแถแ SILC แแถแแแโ" msgid "Error loading SILC key pair" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแผแแแแโแแ SILC" #, c-format msgid "Download %s: %s" msgstr "แแถแ %s แ %s" msgid "Your Current Mood" msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Normal" msgstr "แแแแแแถ" msgid "" "\n" "Your Preferred Contact Methods" msgstr "" "\n" "แแทแแธแแถแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแแแ แทแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "SMS" msgstr "SMS" msgid "MMS" msgstr "MMS" msgid "Video conferencing" msgstr "แแแแแทแแธแโแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "Your Current Status" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "Online Services" msgstr "แแแแถโแแพโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Let others see what services you are using" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแแโแแพแโแแแแถโแขแแแธแแแโแขแแแแแแแปแโแแแแพ" msgid "Let others see what computer you are using" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแแโแแพแแแปแแแแแผแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแพ" msgid "Your VCard File" msgstr "แฏแแแถแ VCard" msgid "Timezone (UTC)" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแถ (UTC)" msgid "User Online Status Attributes" msgstr "แแปแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "" "You can let other users see your online status information and your personal " "information. Please fill the information you would like other users to see " "about yourself." msgstr "" "แขแแแแขแถแ โแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแแโแแพแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแพแแแแแถแโ แแทแโแแแแแแถแแแแแถแแแแแแฝแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแแโ" "แแแแแแถแโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแแแโแแพแโแแแแแแถแแขแแแธโแแแแฝแโแขแแแโแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Message of the Day" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแ" msgid "No Message of the Day available" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแ" msgid "There is no Message of the Day associated with this connection" msgstr "แแทแแแถแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแโแแแโแแ" msgid "Create New SILC Key Pair" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแผแแแแโแแ SILC แแแแธ" msgid "Passphrases do not match" msgstr "แแแแถโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแผแแแแ" msgid "Key Pair Generation failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแพแโแแผแโแแ" msgid "Key length" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ" msgid "Public key file" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Private key file" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Passphrase (retype)" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแถแแ (แแถแโแแแแโแแแ)" msgid "Generate Key Pair" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแผแแ" msgid "Online Status" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแพโแแแแแถแ" msgid "View Message of the Day" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "Create SILC Key Pair..." msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแผโแแ SILC..." #, c-format msgid "User <I>%s</I> is not present in the network" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพ <I>%s</I> แแทแแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแ" msgid "Topic too long" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "You must specify a nick" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแผแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแทแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "channel %s not found" msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโแแถแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "channel modes for %s: %s" msgstr "แแแแโแแถแแแโแแธ %s แ %s" #, c-format msgid "no channel modes are set on %s" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ โแแพ %s" #, c-format msgid "Failed to set cmodes for %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแโ cmodes แแแแแถแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unknown command: %s, (may be a client bug)" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแแถ แ %s (แขแถแ โแแถโแแแ แปแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ)" msgid "part [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr "แแแแแ [แแถแแแ] แ แ แแโแแธโแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "leave [channel]: Leave the chat" msgstr "แ แแ [แแถแแแ] แ แ แแโแแธแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "topic [<new topic>]: View or change the topic" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแ [<แแแแแถแโแแโแแแแธ>] แ แแพแ แฌโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "join <channel> [<password>]: Join a chat on this network" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ <แแถแแแ> [<แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ>] แ แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแ" msgid "list: List channels on this network" msgstr "แแแแแธ แ แแถแแแถแแแโแแ โแแพโแแแแแถแโแแแ" msgid "whois <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "whois <nick> แ แแพแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "msg <nick> <message> แ แแแแพโแแถแโแฏแแแโโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "query <nick> [<message>]: Send a private message to a user" msgstr "แแฝแ <nick> [<message>] แ แแแแพโแแถแโแฏแแแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "motd: View the server's Message Of The Day" msgstr "motd แ แแพแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแโแแแแ" msgid "detach: Detach this session" msgstr "แแแแถแ แ แ แแแแถแ แโแแแแโแแแ" msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message" msgstr "แ แแ [แแถแ] แ แแแแถแ แโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแถโแแแแแพแ" msgid "call <command>: Call any silc client command" msgstr "call <command> แ แ แ โแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแ silc แแถโแแฝแ" msgid "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: Kill nick" msgstr "แแแแแถแแ <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>] แ แแแแแถแแโแแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "nick <newnick>: Change your nickname" msgstr "nick <newnick> แ แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "whowas <nick>: View nick's information" msgstr "whowas <nick> แ แแพแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแถแ" msgid "" "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: Change or display " "channel modes" msgstr "" "cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments] แ แแแแถแแแแแแผแ แฌโแแแแ แถแโแแแแโ" "แแถแแแ" msgid "" "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: Change nick's modes " "on channel" msgstr "" "cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick> แ แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแ โ" "แแพโแแถแแแ" msgid "umode <usermodes>: Set your modes in the network" msgstr "umode <usermodes> แ แแแแแโแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: Get server operator privileges" msgstr "oper <nick> [-pubkey] แ แแโแแทแแแแทโแแถแแธโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "" "invite <channel> [-|+]<nick>: invite nick or add/remove from " "channel invite list" msgstr "" "แขแแแแพแ <channel> [-|+]<nick> แ แขแแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแถแ แฌโแแแแแแ/แแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแธแขแแแแพแโ" "แแถแแแ" msgid "kick <channel> <nick> [comment]: Kick client from channel" msgstr "แแถแแ <channel> <nick> [comment] แ แ แปโแ โแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแธโแแถแแแ" msgid "info [server]: View server administrative details" msgstr "แแแแแแถแ [แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ] แ แแพแโแแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "ban [<channel> +|-<nick>]: Ban client from channel" msgstr "แ แถแแแถแแ [<channel> +|-<nick>] แ แ แถแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแธโแแถแแแ" msgid "getkey <nick|server>: Retrieve client's or server's public key" msgstr "getkey <nick|server> แ แแ โแแโแแแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แฌโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" msgid "stats: View server and network statistics" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแ แ แแพแโแแแแทแแทโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แแทแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "ping: Send PING to the connected server" msgstr "ping แ แแแแพโ PING แแ แแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "users <channel>: List users in channel" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพ <แแถแแแ> แ แแถแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแ" msgid "" "names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: List " "specific users in channel(s)" msgstr "" "แแแแแ [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)> แ แแถแโแขแแแแแแแพโ" "แแถแแแแถแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "SILC Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ SILC" #. * description msgid "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) Protocol" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแ Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC)" msgid "Network" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" msgid "Public Key file" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Private Key file" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Cipher" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "HMAC" msgstr "HMAC" msgid "Use Perfect Forward Secrecy" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแปแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแแผแแแแแโแแแขโแฅแแแแ แแ" msgid "Public key authentication" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Block IMs without Key Exchange" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ IMs แแแโแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Block messages to whiteboard" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแแแถแโแแ แแแแถแแแแ" msgid "Automatically open whiteboard" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแถแแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Digitally sign and verify all messages" msgstr "แ แปแแ แแแแแแแถโแแธแแธแแ แแทแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแถแแแขแแ" msgid "Creating SILC key pair..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแแพแโแแผแแ SILCโ..." msgid "Unable to create SILC key pair" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแผแแแแโโแแ SILC แแถแโแแ" #. Hint for translators: Please check the tabulator width here and in #. the next strings (short strings: 2 tabs, longer strings 1 tab, #. sum: 3 tabs or 24 characters) #, c-format msgid "Real Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "User Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแแแขแแแแแแแพ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Email: \t\t%s\n" msgstr "แขแแธแแแ แ \t\t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Host Name: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแแแธแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Organization: \t%s\n" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Country: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแแแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Algorithm: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแฝแโแแแแแแแถแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "Key Length: \t%d bits\n" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ แ \t%d แแแธแ\n" #, c-format msgid "Version: \t%s\n" msgstr "แแแแ แ \t%s\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Fingerprint:\n" "%s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "แแแแถแแแแแถแแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ แ\n" "%s\n" "\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Public Key Babbleprint:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Babbleprint แแโแแถแแถแแแ แ\n" "%s" msgid "Public Key Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแโแแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Paging" msgstr "แแแแธแ" msgid "Video Conferencing" msgstr "แแแแแทแแธแโแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "Computer" msgstr "แแปแแแแแผแแแ" msgid "PDA" msgstr "PDA" msgid "Terminal" msgstr "แแแแถแแธแ" #, c-format msgid "%s sent message to whiteboard. Would you like to open the whiteboard?" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแแ แแแแถแแแแ แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแแแพแโแแแแถแแแแโแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "%s sent message to whiteboard on %s channel. Would you like to open the " "whiteboard?" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแแ แแแแถแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแถแแแ %s แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแพแโแแแแถแแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Whiteboard" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแ" msgid "No server statistics available" msgstr "แแทแแแถแโแแแแทแแทโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ" msgid "Error during connecting to SILC Server" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแกแปแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแ แแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ SILC" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Version mismatch, upgrade your client" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแแแโแแทแแแแแผแแแแ แแแแพโแฒแแโโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแพแโแกแพแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not trust/support your public key" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแธโแ แแแแถแโแแทแโแแปแแ แทแแแ/แแถแแแแโแแโแแถแแถแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed KE group" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแแโแแแแปแ KE แแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed cipher" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแแแแแแถแแแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถแแแแแพแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed PKCS" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแแแแแแถแแแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแแโ PKCS แแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed hash function" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแแแแแแถแแโแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแปแแแถแ hash แแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed HMAC" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแแแแแแถแแแแธแ แแแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแแ HMAC แแแโแแถแแแแแพโโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Incorrect signature" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แ แแแแแแแถโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Invalid cookie" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแผแแธโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #, c-format msgid "Failure: Authentication failed" msgstr "แแแถแแแ แ แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Unable to initialize SILC Client connection" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ SILC แแถแโแแโ" msgid "John Noname" msgstr "John Noname" #, c-format msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair: %s" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแปแโโแแถโแแแแแผแแแแโแแ SILC แ %s แแถแโแแ" msgid "Unable to create connection" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "Unknown server response" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแโแแแแโโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโ" msgid "Unable to create listen socket" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแแแถแโโแแแแถแแโแแแแโโแแถแแแโ" msgid "SIP usernames may not contain whitespaces or @ symbols" msgstr "แแแแแแขแแแแแแแพ SIP แขแถแ โแแทแแแถแโแ แแแแแโแแทแแแพแ แฌโแแทแแทแแแแแแแแถ @" msgid "SIP connect server not specified" msgstr "SIP แแแแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแโแแถแแแแแแถแแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ SIP/SIMPLE" #. * summary msgid "The SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ SIP/SIMPLE" msgid "Publish status (note: everyone may watch you)" msgstr "แแแแแปแแแโแแแแถแแแถแ (แ แแแถแ แ แขแแแแแถแแแแแแถโแขแถแ โแแพแแขแแแแแถแ)" msgid "Use UDP" msgstr "แแแแพ UDP" msgid "Use proxy" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "Proxy" msgstr "แแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "Auth User" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Auth Domain" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "join <room>: Join a chat room on the Yahoo network" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ <room> แ แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแแถแ แแผ" msgid "list: List rooms on the Yahoo network" msgstr "แแแแแธ แ แแถแโแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ" msgid "doodle: Request user to start a Doodle session" msgstr "doodle แ แแแแพโแขแแแแแแแพโแฒแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแแแ Doodle" msgid "Yahoo ID..." msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Yahoo! Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแถแ แแผโย ! แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโโแแทแแธแแถแ" msgid "Pager port" msgstr "แ แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "File transfer server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "File transfer port" msgstr "แ แแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Chat room locale" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" msgstr "แแทแแขแพแแพโแแแแแทแแธแ แแทแโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Use account proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแผแแแแธโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ SSL" msgid "Chat room list URL" msgstr "URL แแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแแแ" msgid "Yahoo JAPAN ID..." msgstr "แแแโโแแแแแถแแโโแแแถแ แแผโแแแแปแ..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Yahoo! JAPAN Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแถแ แแผย ! โแแแแแแธแแธโโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported." msgstr "%s แแถแแแแแพโแแถแโแขแแแแพแโแขแแแโแฒแแโแแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแแแแแแถแ แแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแ โแกแพแแแ แ" msgid "Your SMS was not delivered" msgstr "SMS แแแแโแขแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแผแโแแ" msgid "Your Yahoo! message did not get sent." msgstr "แแแถแ แแผโแแแแโแขแแแ ! แแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแพโแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Yahoo! system message for %s:" msgstr "แแแถแ แแผ ! แแถแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s แ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list for the " "following reason: %s." msgstr "" "%s แแถแ (แแแแแทแแแแแ) แแแทแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ แแพแแแแธแแแแแแแแฝแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแแแขแแแโโแแแโแแถแโแ แแแปแแโ" "แแผแ แแถแแแแแแ แ %s แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list." msgstr "%s แแถแโ (แแแแแทแแแแแ) แแแทแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ แแพแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแฝแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Add buddy rejected" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแถแโแ แแแถแแ แแ" #. Some error in the received stream msgid "Received invalid data" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" #. security lock from too many failed login attempts msgid "" "Account locked: Too many failed login attempts. Logging into the Yahoo! " "website may fix this." msgstr "" "แแแแธโแแถแแแแย แ แแถแโแแแถแแแโ แแแแแถแโแแถแโแแถแโโแแแปแแแแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโโแแโแแแ แ แ แผแโแแแแปแแแแถแ แแผย ! แแแแแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแ โแแโแแถโ" "แแถแย แ" #. indicates a lock of some description msgid "" "Account locked: Unknown reason. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix " "this." msgstr "แแแแธโแแถแแแแย แ แแทแแแแแถแแโแ แแแปแแโแแแโแแย แ แ แผแโโแแแแปแแแแถแ แแผ! แแแแแโโแแแแแถแโแขแถแ โแแโโแแถแแถแโย แ" #. indicates a lock due to logging in too frequently #, fuzzy msgid "" "Account locked: You have been logging in too frequently. Wait a few minutes " "before trying to connect again. Logging into the Yahoo! website may help." msgstr "" "แแแแธโแแถแแแแย แ แแถแโแแแถแแแโ แแแแแถแโแแถแโแแถแโโแแแปแแแแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโโแแโแแแ แ แ แผแโแแแแปแแแแถแ แแผย ! แแแแแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแ โแแโแแถโ" "แแถแย แ" #. username or password missing msgid "Username or password missing" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แฌโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "The Yahoo server has requested the use of an unrecognized authentication " "method. You will probably not be able to successfully sign on to Yahoo. " "Check %s for updates." msgstr "" "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแถแ แแผโแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแ แ แขแแแโแแนแโแแแแ แแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โ" "แ แผแโแแแแปแแแแถแ แแผโแแแแแแแแแ แ แแทแแทแแแโแแพแ %s แแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Failed Yahoo! Authentication" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแนแโแแแแผแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ !" #, c-format msgid "" "You have tried to ignore %s, but the user is on your buddy list. Clicking " "\"Yes\" will remove and ignore the buddy." msgstr "" "แขแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแถแโแแทแแขแพแแพ %s แแแปแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แ แปแ \"แแถแ/แ แถแ\" แแนแโแแโ" "แ แแ แ แพแโแแทแแขแพแแพโแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "Ignore buddy?" msgstr "แแทแแขแพแแพโแแทแแแแแแแแท !" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แฌโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "" "Your account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts. Please " "try logging into the Yahoo! website." msgstr "" "แแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโโแแถแโโโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโโโโโแแแปแแแแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโโแแโแแแย แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแ แผแโโแแแแปแโแแแแแโ" "แแแแแถแโโแแแถแ แแผโย !" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error 52. Reconnecting should fix this." msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแแแแ แปแ แฅแขย แ แแถโแแแแแแถแแแกแพแแแทแโแแฝแแแโแแโแแถโแแถแย แ" msgid "" "Error 1013: The username you have entered is invalid. The most common cause " "of this error is entering your email address instead of your Yahoo! ID." msgstr "" "แแแ แปแ แกแ แกแฃย แ แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแแแแ แผแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ แแผแแ แแแปโแแแโแแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแถแโแแแ แปแโแแแโโแแบโแแโแแธโ" "แแแแ แผแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโโแแแแฝแโแฒแแโแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแถแ แแผโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "Unknown error number %d. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this." msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแแแแโแแแ แปแ %d แ แ แผแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแแแถแ แแผ ! แขแถแ แแฝแแแปแโแแถโแแถแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to add buddy %s to group %s to the server list on account %s." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ %s แแ แแแแปแ %s แแ โแแถแแแแแแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแ โแแพโแแแแธ %s แแถแโแแย แ" msgid "Unable to add buddy to server list" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท โแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแถแโแแโ" #, c-format msgid "[ Audible %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" msgstr "[ Audible %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" msgid "Received unexpected HTTP response from server" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโโแแถโแแแแแพแโแแ HTTP แแแโแแทแโแแแแนแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ แ" #, c-format msgid "Lost connection with %s: %s" msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแ %s แ %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to establish a connection with %s: %s" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแฝแ %s แ %s แแถแโแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Unable to connect: The server returned an empty response." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ MXit แแถแโแแย แ แแผแโแแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "" "Unable to connect: The server's response did not contain the necessary " "information" msgstr "" msgid "Not at Home" msgstr "แแทแแแ โแแแแโแแ" msgid "Not at Desk" msgstr "แแทแแแ โแแปโแแ" msgid "Not in Office" msgstr "แแทแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแแทแแถแแแโแแ" msgid "On Vacation" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Stepped Out" msgstr "แ แแ" msgid "Not on server list" msgstr "แแทแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแ" msgid "Appear Online" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแพโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Appear Permanently Offline" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแโแแถโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Presence" msgstr "แแแแแแถแ" msgid "Appear Offline" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Don't Appear Permanently Offline" msgstr "แแปแแแแแ แถแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Join in Chat" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Initiate Conference" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแ" msgid "Presence Settings" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Start Doodling" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแ Doodling" msgid "Select the ID you want to activate" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Join whom in chat?" msgstr "แขแแแแแถโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ ?" msgid "Activate ID..." msgstr "แแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแแแแถแแโแแแแแ..." msgid "Join User in Chat..." msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแ..." msgid "Open Inbox" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแขแแ" msgid "Can't send SMS. Unable to obtain mobile carrier." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโโแแถแโแแ แโ แแทแแขแถแ โแแแฝแโแแโแงแแแแแโแแแแแผแโแ แแแโแแถแโแแ" msgid "Can't send SMS. Unknown mobile carrier." msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโโแแถแโแแย แย แแทแโแแแแถแแโแงแแแแแโแแแแแผแโโแ แแแโแแย แ" msgid "Getting mobile carrier to send the SMS." msgstr "โแแแฝแโแแโแงแแแแแโแแแแแผแโโโแ แแแโโโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพแแถแย แ" #. Write a local message to this conversation showing that a request for a #. * Doodle session has been made #. msgid "Sent Doodle request." msgstr "แแถแแแแแพโแแแแพ Doodle แ" msgid "Unable to connect." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Unable to establish file descriptor." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโโแงแแแแแโแแทแแแแแถโแฏแแแถแโแแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s is trying to send you a group of %d files.\n" msgstr "%s แแแแปแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแผแโแแแแปแโแฏแแแถแ %d แ\n" msgid "Write Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแ" msgid "Yahoo! Japan Profile" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ แแแแปแ" msgid "Yahoo! Profile" msgstr "แแแแแแ แแแถแ แแผ !" msgid "" "Sorry, profiles marked as containing adult content are not supported at this " "time." msgstr "แแผแโแขแแแโแแแ แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแถโแแถแโแแถแแทแแถโโแแแปแแแโแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแถแแแแโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "If you wish to view this profile, you will need to visit this link in your " "web browser:" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแพแโแแแแแแโแแแ แขแแแแแแแผแแแโแแแแแแถโแแแโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแโแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Yahoo! ID" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ !" msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ" msgid "Latest News" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Home Page" msgstr "แแแ แแแแแ" msgid "Cool Link 1" msgstr "แแแ แก" msgid "Cool Link 2" msgstr "แแแ แข" msgid "Cool Link 3" msgstr "แแแ แฃ" msgid "Last Update" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแแแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "" "This profile is in a language or format that is not supported at this time." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแโแแแแทแโแแแแปแโแแถแแถ แฌโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแ แแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely is a temporary " "server-side problem. Please try again later." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ แแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแถแแแ แ แแถโแแแแโแแถโแแแแ แถโแแถแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแถโแแแแแแแขแถแแแแ แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโ" "แแแแโแแแโแแแโแแแแแ แ" msgid "" "Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely means that the user " "does not exist; however, Yahoo! sometimes does fail to find a user's " "profile. If you know that the user exists, please try again later." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ แแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแแ แ แแถโแแแแโแแถโแแถแโแแแโแแถ โแแทแแแถแแโแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ แแแโแแถโแแแถแโแแถโแแโ" "แแแ แแแถแ แแผ แแแแแแแโแแถแแขแแปแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแโแแพแแแแธแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แ แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแนแโแแถโแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพแ แพแ " "แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแโแแ โแแแโแแแแแ แ" msgid "The user's profile is empty." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%s has declined to join." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแทแแแโโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แผแแแฝแย แ" msgid "Failed to join chat" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแ" #. -6 msgid "Unknown room" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแแแแ" #. -15 msgid "Maybe the room is full" msgstr "แแแแ แแโแแถโแแแแแแแแแโแ แพแ" #. -35 msgid "Not available" msgstr "แแทแแแถแ" msgid "" "Unknown error. You may need to logout and wait five minutes before being " "able to rejoin a chatroom" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแโแ แแ แ แพแโแแแแ แถแโแแแแถแโแแถแแธโ แแปแแแนแโแขแถแ โแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแโแแแ" #, c-format msgid "You are now chatting in %s." msgstr "แฅแกแผแโแขแแแแแแแปแโแแแแโโแแ โแแแแปแ %s แ" msgid "Failed to join buddy in chat" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถโแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Maybe they're not in a chat?" msgstr "แแแแ แแโแแถโแแทแแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแ ?" msgid "Fetching the room list failed." msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโโแแ แแโแแแแแธโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Voices" msgstr "แแแกแแ" msgid "Webcams" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Connection problem" msgstr "แแแแ แถโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Unable to fetch room list." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแ โแแโแแแแแธโแแแแแแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "User Rooms" msgstr "แแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Connection problem with the YCHT server" msgstr "แแแแ แถโแแแแปแโแแถโแแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ YCHT แ" msgid "" "(There was an error converting this message.\t Check the 'Encoding' option " "in the Account Editor)" msgstr "(แแถแแแแ แปแแแแแปแแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แ แแผแแแธแโแแแแแพแ 'แแถแโแขแแทแแแผแ' แแ แแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแแธ)" #, c-format msgid "Unable to send to chat %s,%s,%s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแ แแถแแแแถแโแแแแ %s,%s,%s แแถแแแ" msgid "Hidden or not logged-in" msgstr "แแถแแแถแแ แฌโแแทแแแถแแ แผแ" #, c-format msgid "<br>At %s since %s" msgstr "<br>แแ %s แแถแแโแแธ %s" msgid "Anyone" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแแแแแแถ" msgid "_Class:" msgstr "แแแแถแแ" msgid "_Instance:" msgstr "แแถแแป แ" msgid "_Recipient:" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแฝแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Attempt to subscribe to %s,%s,%s failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโโแแแปแแแแโแแถแ %s,%s,%s" msgid "zlocate <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zlocate <nick> แ แแแแแโแแธแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "zl <nick>: Locate user" msgstr "zl <nick> แ แแแแแโแแธแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "instance <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "แแถแแป <instance> แ แแแแแโแแถแแปโแแแแผแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "inst <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "inst <instance> แ แแแแแโแแถแแปโแแแแผแโแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "topic <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแ <instance> แ แแแแแโแแถแแปโแแแแผแโแแแแพแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแถแแแแแ" msgid "sub <class> <instance> <recipient>: Join a new chat" msgstr "" "sub <class> <instance> <recipient> แ แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "" "zi <instance>: Send a message to <message,<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "zi <instance> ; แแแแพแแถแโแแ <แแถแ<i>แแถแแป</i>,*>" msgid "" "zci <class> <instance>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>," "<i>instance</i>,*>" msgstr "" "zci <class> <instance> แ แแแแพแแถแโแแ <<i>แแแแถแแ</i>,<i>แแถแแป</i>," "*>" msgid "" "zcir <class> <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <" "<i>class</i>,<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zcir <class> <instance> <recipient> แ แแแแพแแถแโแแ <" "<i>แแแแถแแ</i>,<i>แแถแแป</i>,<i>แขแแแโแแแฝแ</i>>" msgid "" "zir <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <MESSAGE," "<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgstr "" "zir <instance> <recipient> แ แแแแพแแถแโแแ <MESSAGE,<i>instance</" "i>,<i>recipient</i>>" msgid "zc <class>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*>" msgstr "zc <class> แ แแแแพแแถแแแ แแถแแ <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*>" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "แแถแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Retrieve subscriptions from server" msgstr "แแ แแโแแถแแแถแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Zephyr Protocol Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ Zephyr" msgid "Use tzc" msgstr "แแแแพ tzc" msgid "tzc command" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถ tzc" msgid "Export to .anyone" msgstr "แแถแแ แแโแแ .anyone" msgid "Export to .zephyr.subs" msgstr "แแถแแ แแโแแ .zephyr.subs" msgid "Import from .anyone" msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแธ .anyone" msgid "Import from .zephyr.subs" msgstr "แแถแแ แผแโแแธ .zephyr.subs" msgid "Realm" msgstr "Realm" msgid "Exposure" msgstr "แแแแ แถแ" # , c-format #, c-format msgid "Unable to create socket: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแพแโแแแแ แ %s แแถแโแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to parse response from HTTP proxy: %s" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแแถแโแแแแพแโแแโโแแธโแแแแผแแแแธ HTTP แแถแโแแย แ %s" #, c-format msgid "HTTP proxy connection error %d" msgstr "แแแ แปแแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแผแแแแธ HTTP %d" #, c-format msgid "Access denied: HTTP proxy server forbids port %d tunneling" msgstr "แแถแโโแแแทแแแโย แ แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแแแผแแแแธ HTTP แ แถแโแแถแแโโแ แแแ %d แ" #, c-format msgid "Error resolving %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแแแถแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Requesting %s's attention..." msgstr "แแแแปแแแแแพโแแถโแแ แถแแแขแถแแแแแแโโแแแแ %s..." #, c-format msgid "%s has requested your attention!" msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแพโแแถโแแ แถแแแขแถแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ !" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c Yes and @c No buttons. #. msgid "_Yes" msgstr "แแถแ/แ แถแ" msgid "_No" msgstr "แแ" #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons. #. #. * #. * A wrapper for purple_request_action_with_icon() that uses Accept and Cancel #. * buttons. #. msgid "_Accept" msgstr "แแแโโโแแแแโ" #. * #. * The default message to use when the user becomes auto-away. #. msgid "I'm not here right now" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแทแแแ โแแธแแแโแแโแฅแกแผแ" msgid "saved statuses" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแถแแปโแแแแถแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s.\n" msgstr "%s แฅแกแผแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแถ %s แ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "%s แแถแโแขแแแแพแ %s แฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแ %s แ\n" "%s" #, c-format msgid "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s\n" msgstr "%s แแถแแขแแแแพแ %s แฒแแโแ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแ %s\n" msgid "Accept chat invitation?" msgstr "แแแแโแแแฝแโแแถแแขแแแแพแโแแโแแถโแแแแแ ?" #. Shortcut msgid "Shortcut" msgstr "แแแแผแโแแถแแ" msgid "The text-shortcut for the smiley" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแแโแขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถโแขแถแแแแแแ" #. Stored Image msgid "Stored Image" msgstr "แแผแแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแปแ" msgid "Stored Image. (that'll have to do for now)" msgstr "แแผแแแถแโแแแแแถแแแปแ แ (แแแโแแแแผโแแแแแพโแฅแกแผแ)" msgid "SSL Connection Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ SSL" msgid "SSL Handshake Failed" msgstr "แแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแ แถแแแแ SSL" msgid "SSL peer presented an invalid certificate" msgstr "แแผ SSL แแถแโแแแแ แถแโโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ" msgid "Unknown SSL error" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ SSL" msgid "Unset" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแแแแแUnset" msgid "Do not disturb" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแถแ" msgid "Extended away" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแธแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Feeling" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแ" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) changed status from %s to %s" msgstr "%s (%s) แแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแธ %s แแ โแแถ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) is now %s" msgstr "%s (%s) แฅแกแผแโแแบ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) is no longer %s" msgstr "%s (%s) แแทแแแถแแแแแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s became idle" msgstr "%s แแแแถแโแแถโแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s became unidle" msgstr "%s แแแแถแโแแถโแแทแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s became idle" msgstr "+++ %s แแแแถแแแถโแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "+++ %s became unidle" msgstr "+++ %s แแแแถแโแแถโแแทแโแแแแแ" #. #. * This string determines how some dates are displayed. The default #. * string "%x %X" shows the date then the time. Translators can #. * change this to "%X %x" if they want the time to be shown first, #. * followed by the date. #. #, c-format msgid "%x %X" msgstr "%x %X" msgid "Calculating..." msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแแถ..." msgid "Unknown." msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "%d second" msgid_plural "%d seconds" msgstr[0] "%d แแทแแถแแธ" #, c-format msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "%d แแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s, %d hour" msgid_plural "%s, %d hours" msgstr[0] "%s, %d แแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%d hour" msgid_plural "%d hours" msgstr[0] "%d แแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%s, %d minute" msgid_plural "%s, %d minutes" msgstr[0] "%s, %d แแถแแธ" #, c-format msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d แแถแแธ" #, c-format msgid "Could not open %s: Redirected too many times" msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแพแ %s แ แแถแแแแแแผแแ แแแพแแแโแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Error reading from %s: response too long (%d bytes limit)" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแขแถแโแแธ %s แ แแถโแแแแแพแแแโแแแแแแ (แแแโแแแแแ %d แแ)" #, c-format msgid "" "Unable to allocate enough memory to hold the contents from %s. The web " "server may be trying something malicious." msgstr "" "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแปแโแแปแโแแแทโแแแแแแแแแถแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแปแแแถแแทแแถโแแธ %s แแถแแแ แ แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแแแแแถแโแแแแ แแแแถโโแแแแถแแถแโแขแแแธโแแแโโ" "แแทแแแแข แ" #, c-format msgid "Error reading from %s: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแโแแธ %s: %s" #, c-format msgid "Error writing to %s: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแ %s: %s" #, c-format msgid "Unable to connect to %s: %s" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแโแแ แแถแแ %s: %s" #, c-format msgid " - %s" msgstr " - %s" #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" #. 10053 #, c-format msgid "Connection interrupted by other software on your computer." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแแขแถแโแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแปแแแแแผแแแโแแแแ แ" #. 10054 #, c-format msgid "Remote host closed connection." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแทแโแแธโแแแถแแแธแโแแธโแ แแแแถแ แ" #. 10060 #, c-format msgid "Connection timed out." msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแ แ" #. 10061 #, c-format msgid "Connection refused." msgstr "แแถแแแแทแแแโแแถโแแแแแแถแแ แ" #. 10048 #, c-format msgid "Address already in use." msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแพโแ แพแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Error Reading %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแ %s" #, c-format msgid "" "An error was encountered reading your %s. The file has not been loaded, and " "the old file has been renamed to %s~." msgstr "" "แแถแแแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถแโแขแถแโ %s แแแแโแขแแแ แ แฏแแแถแโแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแปแโแแ แ แพแโแฏแแแถแโแ แถแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแผแโแแแแแโแแ โ" "แแถ %s~ย แ" msgid "" "Chat over IM. Supports AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo and more" msgstr "" "แแแแโแแแแถแแแโแแถแโ IM แ แแถแแแแ AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, แแแถแ แแผโ แแทแโโแแแแแแโแแแ" msgid "Internet Messenger" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแโแขแแธแแแบแแทแ" msgid "Pidgin Internet Messenger" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแโแขแแธแแแบแแทแโแแแแ Pidgin" #. Build the login options frame. msgid "Login Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโโแ แผแ" msgid "Pro_tocol:" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแ แ" msgid "_Username:" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แ" msgid "Remember pass_word" msgstr "แ แแ แถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ" #. Build the user options frame. msgid "User Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "_Local alias:" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแแแแแแถแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "New _mail notifications" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแแแแปแแแโแแแแธ" #. Buddy icon msgid "Use this buddy _icon for this account:" msgstr "แแแแพโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแแ แ" msgid "Ad_vanced" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแแแ" msgid "Use GNOME Proxy Settings" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแแแ GNOME" msgid "Use Global Proxy Settings" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแแ" msgid "No Proxy" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "HTTP" msgstr "HTTP" msgid "SOCKS 4" msgstr "SOCKS 4" msgid "SOCKS 5" msgstr "SOCKS 5" msgid "Use Environmental Settings" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแทแแแแถแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #. This is an easter egg. #. It means one of two things, both intended as humourus: #. A) your network is really slow and you have nothing better to do than #. look at butterflies. #. B)You are looking really closely at something that shouldn't matter. msgid "If you look real closely" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแแพแโแแ โแแทแแแถโแแทแโแแถแแ" #. This is an easter egg. See the comment on the previous line in the source. msgid "you can see the butterflies mating" msgstr "แขแแแแขแถแ โแแพแโ butterflies mating" msgid "Proxy _type:" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธ แ" msgid "_Host:" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแ แ" msgid "_Port:" msgstr "แ แแแ แ" msgid "Pa_ssword:" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Unable to save new account" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแปแโแแแแธโแแแแธโแแถแแแ" msgid "An account already exists with the specified criteria." msgstr "แแถแแแแแธโแแฝแ โแ แพแโแแถโแแฝแแแนแโแแแแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Add Account" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "_Basic" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Create _this new account on the server" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแธโแแแแธโแแ โแแพโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "P_roxy" msgstr "แแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "แแถแแแพแ" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" "\n" "You have no IM accounts configured. To start connecting with %s press the " "<b>Add...</b> button below and configure your first account. If you want %s " "to connect to multiple IM accounts, press <b>Add...</b> again to configure " "them all.\n" "\n" "You can come back to this window to add, edit, or remove accounts from " "<b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b> in the Buddy List window" msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>แแผแโแแแแถแแแแโแแแแถแแ %s!</span>\n" "\n" "แขแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแธ IM แแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแ แ แแพแแแแธแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโ %s แ แปแ แแแผแแปแ " "<b>แแแแแแ...</b> แแถแโแแแแแโ แแทแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแแแผแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแแแแทแแแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแฒแแ %s แแแแแถแแโแแ โ" "แแแแธ IM แแถโแ แแแพแ แ แปแ โ <b>แแแแแแ...</b> แแพแแแแธโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแฝแแแถโแแถแแโแขแแ แ\n" "\n" "You can come back to this window to add, edit, or remove accounts from " "<b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b> in the Buddy List window" #. Buddy List msgid "Background Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโ" msgid "The background color for the buddy list" msgstr "แแแโแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแธโโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Layout" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "The layout of icons, name, and status of the buddy list" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแโแแผแโแแแแถแโ แแแแแโ แแทแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแโแแแแแธโโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. Group #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state msgid "Expanded Background Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแโแแถแแแแแแธแโ" msgid "The background color of an expanded group" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแโโแแแแโแแแแปแโโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแธแโ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state msgid "Expanded Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแธแโ" msgid "The text information for when a group is expanded" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแโ แแ แแแโแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแธแโ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state msgid "Collapsed Background Color" msgstr "แแถแโแแแโโแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "The background color of a collapsed group" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโโโแแแโแแถแโแแแโแแแแปแโ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state msgid "Collapsed Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแ" msgid "The text information for when a group is collapsed" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแ โโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแ" #. Buddy #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color #. of a buddy list contact or chat room msgid "Contact/Chat Background Color" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแถแแแโ/โโแแแแถแแแแแแโ" msgid "The background color of a contact or chat" msgstr "แแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแโแแถแโโโโแแแแโแแแแถแแแโ แแทแโโแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list contact when in its expanded state msgid "Contact Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "The text information for when a contact is expanded" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแโ แแ แแแแแแโแขแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแธแ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is online msgid "Online Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแ" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is online" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแ โโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โโแแพโแแแแแถแ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is away msgid "Away Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแแ แถแโโแแแแถแ" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is away" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแโ โโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทแ แถแโโโแแแแถแโ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is offline msgid "Offline Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is offline" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแ โโแแ โแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when it is idle msgid "Idle Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแแโ" msgid "The text information for when a buddy is idle" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแ โแแ โแแแโแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message msgid "Message Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโโแแถแ" msgid "The text information for when a buddy has an unread message" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแโโ แแ โแแแโแแโแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโโแแถแโแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแขแถแโ" #. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color #. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message msgid "Message (Nick Said) Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแถแโ (แแแแแแทแแถแโแแถแแแทแแถแ)" msgid "" "The text information for when a chat has an unread message that mentions " "your nickname" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแ โแแ โแแแโแแแโแแถแโโแแแแโแแแแถแแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแทแโแแถแแโแขแถแ แแแโแขแแทแแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแแแแแทแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "The text information for a buddy's status" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแท" #, c-format msgid "You have %d contact named %s. Would you like to merge them?" msgid_plural "" "You currently have %d contacts named %s. Would you like to merge them?" msgstr[0] "แขแแแแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ %d แแแโแแถแโแแแแแ %s แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแ แผแโแแฝแแแถโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "" "Merging these contacts will cause them to share a single entry on the buddy " "list and use a single conversation window. You can separate them again by " "choosing 'Expand' from the contact's context menu" msgstr "" "แแแแ แผแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแโแแแโแแนแโแแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแฝแแแถโแ แแแแแแแโแแถแแปแแโแแฝแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ แพแโแแแแพโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถโแแโ" "แแฝแ แ แขแแแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแฝแแแถโแแแแโแแแ แแแโแแแแพแ 'แแแแแธแ' แแธโแแแบแแปแโแแแทแแโแแแแแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Please update the necessary fields." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแถแโแแแโแ แถแแแถแ แแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "A_ccount" msgstr "แแแแธ " msgid "" "Please enter the appropriate information about the chat you would like to " "join.\n" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแแโแขแแแธแแถแแแแแโแแแโแแนแโแ แผแแแฝแ แ\n" msgid "Room _List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "_Block" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Un_block" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Move to" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแธโแแ " msgid "Get _Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "I_M" msgstr "IM" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "แแถแแ แ โแขแผแแธแแแผ" msgid "Audio/_Video Call" msgstr "แขแผแแธแแแผ/แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ " msgid "_Send File..." msgstr "แแแแพโแฏแแแถแ..." msgid "Add Buddy _Pounce..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "View _Log" msgstr "แแแแแโแ แแแปโแแพแ" msgid "Hide When Offline" msgstr "แแถแแโแแ แแแโแแ โแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "Show When Offline" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโโแแ แแแแแแโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "_Alias..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ..." msgid "_Remove" msgstr "แแโแ แแ" msgid "Set Custom Icon" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Remove Custom Icon" msgstr "แแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแโแ แแ" msgid "Add _Buddy..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "Add C_hat..." msgstr "แแแแแแแแถแโแแแแ..." msgid "_Delete Group" msgstr "แแปแแแแแปแ" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "แแแแผแโโแแแแแโ" #. join button msgid "_Join" msgstr "แ แผแแแฝแ" msgid "Auto-Join" msgstr "แ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Persistent" msgstr "แแทแแแแแ" msgid "_Edit Settings..." msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแ..." msgid "_Collapse" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "_Expand" msgstr "แแแแแธแ" msgid "/Tools/Mute Sounds" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแถแแ" msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with an account that can add that buddy." msgstr "แขแแแแแ แแ แปแแแแแแแแทแโแแแแผแโแแถแแ แผแโแแแโแแแแพโแแแแธโแแแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแ แ" #. I don't believe this can happen currently, I think #. * everything that calls this function checks for one of the #. * above node types first. msgid "Unknown node type" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Please select your mood from the list" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแพแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโแแธโแแแแแธ แ" #, fuzzy msgid "Message (optional)" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ (แแแแแพแ)" msgid "Edit User Mood" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแขแถแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ" #. Buddies menu msgid "/_Buddies" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Buddies/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ..." msgid "/Buddies/Join a _Chat..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ..." msgid "/Buddies/Get User _Info..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพ..." msgid "/Buddies/View User _Log..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแขแแแโแแแแพ..." msgid "/Buddies/Sh_ow" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Offline Buddies" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแทแแแแแแแแทแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Empty Groups" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแแแปแโแแแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy _Details" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle _Times" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแแแแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Protocol Icons" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแธแแถแ" msgid "/Buddies/_Sort Buddies" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Buddies/_Add Buddy..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "/Buddies/Add C_hat..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแ..." msgid "/Buddies/Add _Group..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแแแปแ..." msgid "/Buddies/_Quit" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แ แแ" #. Accounts menu msgid "/_Accounts" msgstr "/แแแแธ" msgid "/Accounts/Manage Accounts" msgstr "/แแแแธ/แแแแแแแแแโแแแแธ" #. Tools msgid "/_Tools" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ" msgid "/Tools/Buddy _Pounces" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแปแแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Tools/_Certificates" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแทแแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "/Tools/Custom Smile_ys" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "/Tools/Plu_gins" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "/Tools/Pr_eferences" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ" msgid "/Tools/Pr_ivacy" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแถแโแฏแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "/Tools/Set _Mood" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "/Tools/_File Transfers" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "/Tools/R_oom List" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" msgid "/Tools/System _Log" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "/Tools/Mute _Sounds" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแถแแ" #. Help msgid "/_Help" msgstr "/แแแแฝแ" msgid "/Help/Online _Help" msgstr "/แแแแฝแ/แแแแฝแโแแพโแแแแแถแ" #, fuzzy msgid "/Help/_Build Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Help/_Debug Window" msgstr "/แแแแฝแ/แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" #, fuzzy msgid "/Help/De_veloper Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" #, fuzzy msgid "/Help/_Translator Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "/Help/_About" msgstr "/แแแแฝแ/แขแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "<b>Account:</b> %s" msgstr "<b>แแแแธ แ</b> %s" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Occupants:</b> %d" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>แแปแแแแ แ</b> %d" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Topic:</b> %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>แแแแแถแแแ แ</b> %s" msgid "(no topic set)" msgstr "(แแแแถแแแแแแถแแแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ)" msgid "Buddy Alias" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแโแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Logged In" msgstr "แแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Last Seen" msgstr "แแถแแแพแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Spooky" msgstr "แแแแพโแฒแแโแแบ" msgid "Awesome" msgstr "แแแแถแ " msgid "Rockin'" msgstr "Rockin'" msgid "Total Buddies" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dd %dh %02dm" msgstr "แแแแแ %dd %dh %02dm" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dh %02dm" msgstr "แแแแแ %dh %02dm" #, c-format msgid "Idle %dm" msgstr "แแแแแ %dm" msgid "/Buddies/New Instant Message..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ..." msgid "/Buddies/Join a Chat..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แ แผแแแฝแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ..." msgid "/Buddies/Get User Info..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพ..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Buddy..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Chat..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแ..." msgid "/Buddies/Add Group..." msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแแแปแ..." msgid "/Tools/Privacy" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแถแโแฏแแแ" msgid "/Tools/Room List" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ/แแแแแธโแแแแแแ" #, c-format msgid "%d unread message from %s\n" msgid_plural "%d unread messages from %s\n" msgstr[0] "แแถแโแแทแแขแถแ %d แแธ %s\n" msgid "Manually" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "By status" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "By recent log activity" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแธแ" #, c-format msgid "%s disconnected" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแ แ %s" #, c-format msgid "%s disabled" msgstr "แแถแแแทแ %s" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Re-enable" msgstr "แแพแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "SSL FAQs" msgstr "SSL FAQs" msgid "Welcome back!" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแถแแแแแแถแโโแแแแกแแโแแโแแทแ !" #, c-format msgid "%d account was disabled because you signed on from another location:" msgid_plural "" "%d accounts were disabled because you signed on from another location:" msgstr[0] "แแแแธ %d แแแแผแโแแถแโแแทแโ แแธแแแแแโแขแแแโแแถแแ แผแโแแธโแแธแแถแแโแแแแแ แ" msgid "<b>Username:</b>" msgstr "<b> แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Password:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแ แ</b>" msgid "_Login" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "/Accounts" msgstr "/แแแแธ" #. Translators: Please maintain the use of -> and <- to refer to menu heirarchy #, c-format msgid "" "<span weight='bold' size='larger'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" "\n" "You have no accounts enabled. Enable your IM accounts from the <b>Accounts</" "b> window at <b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b>. Once you enable accounts, " "you'll be able to sign on, set your status, and talk to your friends." msgstr "" "<span weight='bold' size='larger'>แแผแโแแแแถแแแแโแแโแแถแแ %s !</span>\n" "\n" "แขแแแโโแแแแถแโแแแแธโแแถแโแแพแโแแ แ แแพแแแแแธ IM แแแแโแขแแแแแธโแแแแขแฝแ <b>แแแแธ</b> แแ <b>แแแแธ->แแแแแแแแแโแแแแธ</" "b> แ แแ แแแโแขแแแแแพแโแแแแธ แขแแแโแแนแโแขแถแ โแ แผแ แแแแแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แพแโแแทแแถแแถแแถโแแฝแแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" #. set the Show Offline Buddies option. must be done #. * after the treeview or faceprint gets mad. -Robot101 #. msgid "/Buddies/Show/Offline Buddies" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ โแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Empty Groups" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแแแปแโแแแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy Details" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแโ/แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle Times" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแแแแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "/Buddies/Show/Protocol Icons" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแ แถแ/แแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแธแแถแ" msgid "Add a buddy.\n" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แ\n" msgid "Buddy's _username:" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "(Optional) A_lias:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ (แแแแแพแ) แ" msgid "Add buddy to _group:" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแแปแย แ " msgid "This protocol does not support chat rooms." msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแทแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with any protocols that have the ability to " "chat." msgstr "แขแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแโแแทแโแแถแแ แผแโแแถโแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโโแแถแแฝแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแ แ" msgid "" "Please enter an alias, and the appropriate information about the chat you " "would like to add to your buddy list.\n" msgstr "" "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ แแทแโแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแแโแขแแแธโแแถแแแแแ แแแโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแแแโแแ แแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ " "แ\n" msgid "A_lias:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "_Group:" msgstr " แแแแปแ แ" msgid "Auto_join when account connects." msgstr "แ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท แแ แแแโแแแแธโแแแแแถแแย แโ" msgid "_Remain in chat after window is closed." msgstr "แแ โแแแแปแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแธโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแทแ แ" msgid "Please enter the name of the group to be added." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโโโแแแแปแโแแแโแแแแผโแโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Enable Account" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแธ" msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/Enable Account" msgstr "<PurpleMain>/แแแแธ/แแพแโแแแแธ" msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/" msgstr "<PurpleMain>/แแแแธ/" msgid "_Edit Account" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแธ" #, fuzzy msgid "Set _Mood..." msgstr "แแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแ..." msgid "No actions available" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "_Disable" msgstr "แแทแ" msgid "/Tools" msgstr "/แงแแแแแ" msgid "/Buddies/Sort Buddies" msgstr "/แแทแแแแแแแแท/แแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Type the host name for this certificate." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแย แ" #. Widget creation function msgid "SSL Servers" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพแ SSL" msgid "Unknown command." msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ แ" msgid "That buddy is not on the same protocol as this chat." msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทแแแโแแทแโแแ โแแพโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแแโแแผแ โแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "" "You are not currently signed on with an account that can invite that buddy." msgstr "แขแแแแแ แแ แปแแแแแแแแทแแแถแโแ แผแโแแแโแแแแพโแแแแธโ แแแโแขแถแ แขแแแแพแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Invite Buddy Into Chat Room" msgstr "แขแแแแพแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแแแ" msgid "_Buddy:" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "_Message:" msgstr "แแถแ แ" #, c-format msgid "<h1>Conversation with %s</h1>\n" msgstr "<h1>แแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s</h1>\n" msgid "Save Conversation" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแถแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Un-Ignore" msgstr "โแขแพแแพ" msgid "Ignore" msgstr "แแทแโแขแพแแพ" msgid "Get Away Message" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Last Said" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแถแโแ แปแโแแแแแ" msgid "Unable to save icon file to disk." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแถแแปแโแฏแแแถแโโแแผแแแแแถแโแแ โแแถแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Save Icon" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Animate" msgstr "แ แแแถ" msgid "Hide Icon" msgstr "แแถแแโโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Save Icon As..." msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแผแแแแแถแโแแถ..." msgid "Set Custom Icon..." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ..." msgid "Change Size" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแ แ" msgid "Show All" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแแแขแแ" #. Conversation menu msgid "/_Conversation" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ" msgid "/Conversation/New Instant _Message..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแธ..." msgid "/Conversation/Join a _Chat..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แ แผแโแแแแปแโแแถแโโแแแแแแแแถแแแโ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Find..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแ..." msgid "/Conversation/View _Log" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแป" msgid "/Conversation/_Save As..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแถแแปแแแถ..." msgid "/Conversation/Clea_r Scrollback" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแ" msgid "/Conversation/M_edia" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ" msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Audio Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แแถแโแ แ โแขแผแแธแแแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Video Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video _Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แขแผแแธแแแผ/แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Se_nd File..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแพโแฏแแแถแ..." #, fuzzy msgid "/Conversation/Get _Attention" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy _Pounce..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "/Conversation/_Get Info" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Conversation/In_vite..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แขแแแแพแ..." msgid "/Conversation/M_ore" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแโแแแ" msgid "/Conversation/Al_ias..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Block..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Unblock..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแทแแแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Add..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Remove..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแ แแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Lin_k..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ แผแแแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Imag_e..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ แผแโแแผแแแถแ..." msgid "/Conversation/_Close" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแทแ" #. Options msgid "/_Options" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ" msgid "/Options/Enable _Logging" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแพแโแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "/Options/Enable _Sounds" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแพแโแแแกแแ" msgid "/Options/Show Formatting _Toolbars" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแแแ แถแโแแแถแโแงแแแแแโแแแแพแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Options/Show Ti_mestamps" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแแแ แถแโแแแแถแแแแแแแถ" msgid "/Conversation/More" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแโแแแ" msgid "/Options" msgstr "/แแแแแพแโ" #. The menubar has been deactivated. Make sure the 'More' submenu is regenerated next time #. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up. #. Make sure the 'Conversation -> More' menuitems are regenerated whenever #. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up because the entries can change after the #. * conversation is created. msgid "/Conversation" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ" msgid "/Conversation/View Log" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแป" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แแถแแ แ โแขแผแแธแแแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Video Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video Call" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ/แขแผแแธแแแผ\\/แแถแโแ แ โแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "/Conversation/Send File..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแพโแฏแแแถแ..." #, fuzzy msgid "/Conversation/Get Attention" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy Pounce..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท..." msgid "/Conversation/Get Info" msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Conversation/Invite..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แขแแแแพแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Alias..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Block..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Unblock..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแทแแแแแแแแถแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Add..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Remove..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแ แแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Link..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ แผแโแแแ..." msgid "/Conversation/Insert Image..." msgstr "/แแแแแแถ/แแแแ แผแแแผแแแถแ..." msgid "/Options/Enable Logging" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแพแโแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "/Options/Enable Sounds" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแพแโแแแกแแ" msgid "/Options/Show Formatting Toolbars" msgstr "/แแแแแพแ/แแแแ แถแโแแแถแโแงแแแแแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "/Options/Show Timestamps" msgstr "/แแแแแพแโ/แแแแ แถแโแแแแถแแแแแแแถ" msgid "User is typing..." msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพโแแแแปแโแแถแ..." #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "%s has stopped typing" msgstr "" "\n" "%s แแถแแแแโแแถแ" #. Build the Send To menu msgid "S_end To" msgstr "แแแแพโแแ " msgid "_Send" msgstr "แแแแพ" #. Setup the label telling how many people are in the room. msgid "0 people in room" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแปแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแโแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Close Find bar" msgstr "แแทแโโแแแแถแแโแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Find:" msgstr "แแ" #, c-format msgid "%d person in room" msgid_plural "%d people in room" msgstr[0] "แแแปแแแ %d แแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Stopped Typing" msgstr "แแแโแแถแ" msgid "Nick Said" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแโแแถแโแแทแแถแ" msgid "Unread Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแถแแขแถแ" msgid "New Event" msgstr "แแแแนแแแแทแแถแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "clear: Clears all conversation scrollbacks." msgstr "แแแแแ แ แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแถแแโแขแแ แ" msgid "Confirm close" msgstr "แขแแขแถแโแแถแโแแทแ" msgid "You have unread messages. Are you sure you want to close the window?" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแขแถแ แ แแพแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแทแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแโแฌ ?" msgid "Close other tabs" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแแแแโแแแ" msgid "Close all tabs" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Detach this tab" msgstr "แแแแถแ แโแแแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "Close this tab" msgstr "แแทแโโแแแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "Close conversation" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Last created window" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแถแโแแแแแพแโแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแขแฝแ IM แแทแโแแแแ" msgid "New window" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแธ" msgid "By group" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแปแ" msgid "By account" msgstr "แแถแแแแแธ" msgid "Find" msgstr "แแ" msgid "_Search for:" msgstr "แแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Save Debug Log" msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" msgid "Invert" msgstr "แแถแแโแแแแ แแแถแ" msgid "Highlight matches" msgstr "แแแแแทแ โแแถแโแแแแผแแแแ" msgid "_Icon Only" msgstr "แแโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "_Text Only" msgstr "แแโแขแแแแแ" msgid "_Both Icon & Text" msgstr "แแถแแโแแผแแแแแถแ แแทแโแขแแแแแ" msgid "Filter" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Right click for more options." msgstr "แ แปแ โแแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแถแโแแพแแแแธโแแพแโโแแแแแพโแแแถโแ แแแพแโแแแ แ" msgid "Level " msgstr "แแแแแทแ" msgid "Select the debug filter level." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแแทแโแแแแแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ" msgid "All" msgstr "แแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Misc" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Warning" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Error " msgstr "แแแ แปแ" msgid "Fatal Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแแแแแแ" msgid "bug master" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแ" msgid "artist" msgstr "แแทแแแแแ" #. feel free to not translate this msgid "Ka-Hing Cheung" msgstr "Ka-Hing Cheung" msgid "voice and video" msgstr "แแแกแแ แแทแโแแธแแแขแผ" msgid "support" msgstr "แแถแแแแ" msgid "webmaster" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Senior Contributor/QA" msgstr "แขแแแโแ แแแ แถแโแแถแแแแแแแ/QA" msgid "win32 port" msgstr "แ แแแ win32" msgid "maintainer" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแถ" msgid "libfaim maintainer" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแถแ libfaim" #. If "lazy bum" translates literally into a serious insult, use something else or omit it. msgid "hacker and designated driver [lazy bum]" msgstr "แขแแแแแฝแ แแทแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแถแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแ [แขแถแแแแแปแโแแแแแทแ]" msgid "support/QA" msgstr "แแถแแแแ/QA" msgid "XMPP" msgstr "XMPP" msgid "original author" msgstr "แขแแแแแทแแแแโแแพแ" msgid "lead developer" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแขแแแแขแแทแแแแ" msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "แขแถแ แแแแแธแแถแขแถแ" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "แขแถแแแถแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Assamese" msgstr "แขแแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Belarusian Latin" msgstr "แแแกแถแแปแแแ แกแถแแธแ" msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "แแแปแแ แแแถแแธ" msgid "Bengali" msgstr "แแแแแแถแแธ" #, fuzzy msgid "Bengali-India" msgstr "แแแแแแถแแธ" msgid "Bosnian" msgstr "แแผแแแแธ" msgid "Catalan" msgstr "แแถแแถแกแถแ" msgid "Valencian-Catalan" msgstr "แแถแแถแกแถแ-แแแถแกแแแ แแแแ" msgid "Czech" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Danish" msgstr "แแถแแบแแแถแ" msgid "German" msgstr "โโแขแถโแแแแบแแแแ" msgid "Dzongkha" msgstr "แแปแแ แแแถ" msgid "Greek" msgstr "แแแแทแ" msgid "Australian English" msgstr "โโโแขแแแแแแแโแขแผแแแแแแถแแธ" msgid "Canadian English" msgstr "โโโแขแแแแแแแโแแถแแถแแถ" msgid "British English" msgstr "โโโแขแแแแแแแ แขแแแแแแแ" msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแแถแแแแผ\t" msgid "Spanish" msgstr "โแขแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Estonian" msgstr "แขแแแแแผแแธ" msgid "Basque" msgstr "แแถแแแแ" msgid "Persian" msgstr "แแแบแแแธแแแถแ" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "แ แแแถแแโแกแแ" msgid "French" msgstr "แแถแแถแแ" msgid "Irish" msgstr "แขแแแกแแ" msgid "Galician" msgstr "แ แแแถแแธแแแแถแ" msgid "Gujarati" msgstr "แ แแแปแแแถแแถแแธ" msgid "Gujarati Language Team" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแแแปแโแแถแแถโแ แแแปแแแถแแถแแธ" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "แ แแแแแผ" msgid "Hindi" msgstr "แ แทแแแแผ" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแธ" msgid "Armenian" msgstr "แขแถแแแธแแแ" msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "แฅแแแแผแแแแแธ" msgid "Italian" msgstr "แขแแธแแถแแธ" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "แแแแปแ" msgid "Georgian" msgstr "แ แแแแ แแแแธ" msgid "Ubuntu Georgian Translators" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพโแแแแโโแ แแแแ แแแแธโแแแแโแขแผแแแปแแแผ" msgid "Khmer" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Kannada" msgstr "แแทแแถแแถ" msgid "Kannada Translation team" msgstr "แแแแปแโแขแแแแแแแแแโแแถแแถโแแทแแถแแถ" msgid "Korean" msgstr "แแผแแแ" msgid "Kurdish" msgstr "แแบแ" msgid "Lao" msgstr "แกแถแ" msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "โแแแถแแแแผแแธ" #, fuzzy msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "แแแถแกแแแแธ" msgid "Mongolian" msgstr "แแแปแแ แแแแแธ" msgid "Marathi" msgstr "แแแถแแแถโแแธ" msgid "Malay" msgstr "แแแถแกแแแแธ" msgid "Bokmรฅl Norwegian" msgstr "แแแปแแแแโแแแแแแ" msgid "Nepali" msgstr "แแแแแถแแ" msgid "Dutch, Flemish" msgstr "แ แปแแแแแ" msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" msgstr "แแแแแ แแธแแแ" msgid "Occitan" msgstr "แขแปแแแแธแแแ" msgid "Oriya" msgstr "แขแผแแธแแแถ" msgid "Punjabi" msgstr "แแผแแแแถแแแธ" msgid "Polish" msgstr "แแแผแกแผแ" msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "แแแแแปแแ แแแถแแ" msgid "Portuguese-Brazil" msgstr "แแแแแปแแ แแแถแแ-แแแแแแแธแ" msgid "Pashto" msgstr "แแแถแแแแผ" msgid "Romanian" msgstr "แแผแแแถแแธ" msgid "Russian" msgstr "แแปแแแแแธ" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแแธ" msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "โโโแแแแผแแแถแแธ" msgid "Albanian" msgstr "แขแถแแแแถแแธ" msgid "Serbian" msgstr "แแแแแธ" msgid "Sinhala" msgstr "แแแธแแ แถแแถ" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "แแแปแแขแแ" msgid "Swahili" msgstr "แแแแถแ แแธแแธ" msgid "Tamil" msgstr "แแถแแธแ" msgid "Telugu" msgstr "แแแแผแ แแแผ" msgid "Thai" msgstr "แแ" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "แแฝแแแธ" msgid "Ukranian" msgstr "แขแแปแโแแแแแ" msgid "Urdu" msgstr "โแขแแผแแแแผ" msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "แแแแแถแ" msgid "T.M.Thanh and the Gnome-Vi Team" msgstr "T.M.Thanh แแทแโแแแแปแ Gnome-Vi" msgid "Simplified Chinese" msgstr "แ แทแโแแถแแแแ" msgid "Hong Kong Chinese" msgstr "แ แทแโแ แปแแแปแ" msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "แ แทแแแปแแถแ" msgid "Amharic" msgstr "แขแถแแ แถแแธแ " msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "แแธแแปแแขแถแแธ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "%s is a messaging client based on libpurple which is capable of connecting " "to multiple messaging services at once. %s is written in C using GTK+. %s " "is released, and may be modified and redistributed, under the terms of the " "GPL version 2 (or later). A copy of the GPL is distributed with %s. %s is " "copyrighted by its contributors, a list of whom is also distributed with " "%s. There is no warranty for %s.<BR><BR>" msgstr "" "%s แแบโแแถโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแผแแปแโแแแแถแ แแแทแโโแแแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแพ libpurple แแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแ " "AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, XMPP, ICQ, IRC, SILC, SIP/SIMPLE, Novell GroupWise, Lotus " "Sametime, Bonjour, Zephyr, MySpaceIM, Gadu-Gadu, and QQ แแถแแโแขแแโแแ โแแแโแแโแแฝแ แ แแถโ" "แแแแผแโแแถแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแพ GTK+ แ<BR><BR>แขแแแแขแถแ แแแแแแ แแทแโแ แแแ แถแโแกแพแโแแทแโแแผแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแ " "GPL (แแแแ แข แฌโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ) แ แ แแแถแแโแ แแแแ GPL แแถแโแฏแแแถแ 'COPYING' แแถแโแ แแแ แถแแแถโแแฝแ %s แ " "%s แแแแผโแแแถแโแแแแแถแแทแแแแทโแขแแแแ แแแ แถแโแแแแโแแแแฝแ แ แแผแโแแพแโแฏแแแถแ 'COPYRIGHT' แแแแแถแแโแแแแแธโแขแแแแ แแแ แถแโ" "แแแแแแ แ แแพแโโแแทแโแแถแแถโแแพโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแโแแ แ<BR><BR>" #, c-format msgid "" "<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>Helpful Resources</B></FONT><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s" "\">Website</A><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\">Frequently Asked Questions</A><BR>\tIRC " "Channel: #pidgin on<BR>\tXMPP MUC: devel@conference.pidgin." "im<BR><BR>" msgstr "" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "<font size=\"4\"><b>Help from other Pidgin users</b></font> is available by " "e-mailing <a href=\"\"></a><br/" ">This is a <b>public</b> mailing list! (<a href=\"" "support/\">archive</a>)<br/>We can't help with third-party protocols or " "plugins!<br/>This list's primary language is <b>English</b>. You are " "welcome to post in another language, but the responses may be less helpful." "<br/>" msgstr "" "<font size=\"4\">แแแแฝแโแแธโแขแแแโแแแแพ Pidgin แแแแแโแแแย แ</font> <a href=\"mailto:" "\"></a><br/>แแแโแแถโแแแแแธแแแแปแแแโแแฝแโแแแแแแแถแโ " "<b>แแถแแถแแแ</b> ! (<a href=\"\"></a>)<br/" ">แแพแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแ แฌโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโโแแถแแธโแแธ แฃ แแถแโแแย !<br/>แแแแแธโแแแแถแแโแแแแโแแแแแธแแแโแแบ <b>แแถแแถโ" "แขแแแแแแแ</b>ย แ แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแ แฒแแโแแแแแถแโโแแถโแแถแแถโแแแแแแโ แแแปแแแแโโแแถแแแแแแนแโแแทแ แแฝแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแฝแโแแถแโ" "แแผแโแแถโแแแแแพแโย แ<br/><br/>" #, c-format msgid "About %s" msgstr "แขแแแธ %s" #, fuzzy msgid "Build Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. End of not to be translated section #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s Build Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแขแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Current Developers" msgstr "แขแแแโแขแแทแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Crazy Patch Writers" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแทแแแแข" msgid "Retired Developers" msgstr "แขแแแโแขแแทแแแแแแโแแแโแ แผแโแแทแแแแแแ" msgid "Retired Crazy Patch Writers" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแ แผแโแแทแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s Developer Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ" msgid "Current Translators" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" msgid "Past Translators" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแแโแแปแ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s Translator Information" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแแโ" msgid "_Name" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "_Account" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "Get User Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "" "Please enter the username or alias of the person whose info you would like " "to view." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ แฌโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแปแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแพแ แ" msgid "View User Log" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแขแแแแแแแพโ" msgid "Alias Contact" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Enter an alias for this contact." msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Enter an alias for %s." msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ %s แ" msgid "Alias Buddy" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Alias Chat" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Enter an alias for this chat." msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddy from " "your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgid_plural "" "You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddies from " "your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr[0] "" "แขแแแโแแแโแแนแโแแโโโโแแแแถแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแโโแแแโแแถแ %s แแทแ %d แ แแแแธโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแขแแแ แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแโ" "แแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Remove Contact" msgstr "แแโโแแแแถแแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "_Remove Contact" msgstr "แแโแแแแถแแแแแแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to merge the group called %s into the group called %s. Do you " "want to continue?" msgstr "แขแแแแแแโแแนแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแปแโแแแโแ แ โแแถ %s แ แผแโแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแปแโแแแแ แ โแแถ %s แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Merge Groups" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแปแโแ แผแแแแแถ" msgid "_Merge Groups" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแปแโแ แผแแแแแถ" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the group %s and all its members from your buddy " "list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแแแแนแโแแโแแแแปแโแแแ %s แ แแ แ แพแโแแแถแแทแแแแแโแแถโแแถแแแขแแโแแธโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ แแพโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Remove Group" msgstr "แแโโแแแแปแโแ แแ" msgid "_Remove Group" msgstr "แแโแแแแปแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove %s from your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแนแโแแ %s แแธโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Remove Buddy" msgstr "แแโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแ" msgid "_Remove Buddy" msgstr "แแโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "" "You are about to remove the chat %s from your buddy list. Do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแนแโแแโแแถแโแแแแ %s แ แแแแธโโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ แ แแพโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "Remove Chat" msgstr "แแโโแแถโแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "_Remove Chat" msgstr "แแโโแแถแโแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "Right-click for more unread messages...\n" msgstr "แ แปแ โแแแแแปแโแแแแถแโแแพแแแแธโแแพแแแถแโโแแทแแแถแแแขแถแโแแแแแแโแแแ...\n" msgid "_Change Status" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Show Buddy _List" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "_Unread Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแแแถแแแขแถแ" msgid "New _Message..." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแธ..." msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "แแแแธ" msgid "Plu_gins" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Pr_eferences" msgstr "แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ" msgid "Mute _Sounds" msgstr "แแแแถแแ" msgid "_Blink on New Message" msgstr "แแแโแแแแนแแแแแแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแแแธ" msgid "_Quit" msgstr "แ แแ" msgid "Not started" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแ" msgid "<b>Receiving As:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแฝแโแแถ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Receiving From:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแฝแโแแธแ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Sending To:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแแพโแแ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Sending As:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแแพแแถ แ</b>" msgid "There is no application configured to open this type of file." msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแแแ แแพแแแแธแแพแโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแ แ" msgid "An error occurred while opening the file." msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแฝแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแโแแแแแแโแแพแโแฏแแแถแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Error launching %s: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แถแแแแแแพแ %s: %s" #, c-format msgid "Error running %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแ %s" #, c-format msgid "Process returned error code %d" msgstr "แแแแพแแแถแโแแถแแแแแกแแแแผแโแแแ แปแ %d" msgid "Filename:" msgstr "แแแแแโแฏแแแถแ แ" msgid "Local File:" msgstr "แฏแแแถแโแแผแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Speed:" msgstr "แแแแฟแ แ" msgid "Time Elapsed:" msgstr "แแแโแแแแถโโแแแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Time Remaining:" msgstr "แแแโแแแแถโโแแ โแแแ แ" msgid "Close this window when all transfers _finish" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแโแแ แแแโแแถโแแแแแแโแแถแแแขแแโแ แแ" msgid "C_lear finished transfers" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแ แแ" #. "Download Details" arrow msgid "File transfer _details" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธแแแแขแทแโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Paste as Plain _Text" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแโแแถโแขแแแแแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "_Reset formatting" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Disable _smileys in selected text" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแถแแขแถแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแแขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแพแ" msgid "Hyperlink color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผโแแแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Hyperlink visited color" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Color to draw hyperlink after it has been visited (or activated)." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผโแแแแแแแแ โแแแแแถแแแแธโแแถโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ (แฌโแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแ)ย แ" msgid "Hyperlink prelight color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแบโแแปแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks when mouse is over them." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแโแแผโแแแแแแแแโแแ แแแโแแถแแโแแแแแปแโแแพโแแฝแแแถ แ" msgid "Sent Message Name Color" msgstr "แแถแแแแแพโแแแโแแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you sent." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแโแแผแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแขแแแแแถแแแแแพ แ" msgid "Received Message Name Color" msgstr "แแถแโแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแขแแแแแถแแแแฝแ แ" msgid "\"Attention\" Name Color" msgstr "\"แแแแแแแแ\" แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received containing your name." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแโแแผแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแโแขแแแแแถแแแแฝแ แแถแแแแแแแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Action Message Name Color" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแโโแแแโแแแแแโแแถแโ" msgid "Color to draw the name of an action message." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Action Message Name Color for Whispered Message" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแโแแถแโโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแโแแแแนแ" msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered action message." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผแโแแแแแโแแแแโโแแถแโแแแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแบแแผแ แ" msgid "Whisper Message Name Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแนแ" msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered message." msgstr "แแแโแแแแผแแแผแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแบโแแผแ แ" msgid "Typing notification color" msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "The color to use for the typing notification" msgstr "แแแโโแแแแผแโแแแแพโโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแผแโแแแแนแโแแถแ" msgid "Typing notification font" msgstr "แแถแโแแปแแแแขแแแแโแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "The font to use for the typing notification" msgstr "แแปแแแแขแแแแโแแแแผแโแแแแพโแแแแแถแแแแถแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "Enable typing notification" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถแโแแถแแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Unrecognized file type</span>\n" "\n" "Defaulting to PNG." msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>แแทแแแแแถแแโแแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ</span>\n" "\n" "แแแแแโแแแแถแแแพแโแแ PNG แ" #, c-format msgid "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Error saving image</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแผแแแถแ</span>\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "Save Image" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแแผแแแถแ" msgid "_Save Image..." msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโแแผแแแถแ..." msgid "_Add Custom Smiley..." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ..." msgid "Select Font" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแปแแแโแขแแแแ" msgid "Select Text Color" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแโแขแแแแแ" msgid "Select Background Color" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแโแแแแโแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "_URL" msgstr "URL" msgid "_Description" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธแแทแแแแแถ" msgid "" "Please enter the URL and description of the link that you want to insert. " "The description is optional." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแ URL แแทแโแแแ แแแแธแแทแแแแแถโแแแแแแแโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแ แผแ แ แแแ แแแแธโแแทแแแแแถโแแบแแถโแแแแแพแ แ" msgid "Please enter the URL of the link that you want to insert." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโ URL แแแแโแแแโแแแโแขแแแแ แแโแแแแ แผแ แ" msgid "Insert Link" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแ" msgid "_Insert" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโ" #, c-format msgid "Failed to store image: %s\n" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแผแแแถแ แ %s\n" msgid "Insert Image" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโโแแผแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "" "This smiley is disabled because a custom smiley exists for this shortcut:\n" " %s" msgstr "" "แแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแทแโแแธแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแผแแแถแแโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ แ\n" " %s" msgid "Smile!" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแ !" msgid "_Manage custom smileys" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "This theme has no available smileys." msgstr "แแแแแโแแแโแแทแแแถแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแ แ" msgid "_Font" msgstr "แแปแแแโแขแแแแ" msgid "Group Items" msgstr "แแถแแโแแถแแปโแแถโแแแแปแ" msgid "Ungroup Items" msgstr "แแแแแโโแแแแปแโแแถแแป" msgid "Bold" msgstr "แแทแโ" msgid "Italic" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Underline" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแผแ" msgid "Increase Font Size" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแ แโแแปแแแแขแแแแ" msgid "Decrease Font Size" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแ แโแแปแแแแขแแแแ" msgid "Font Face" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแปแแแโแขแแแแ" msgid "Foreground Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแโแแถแแแปแ" msgid "Reset Formatting" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแกแพแแแทแ" msgid "Insert IM Image" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแผแแแถแ IM" msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโโแแแแแถแแขแถแแแแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Send Attention" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแผแแปแโ" msgid "<b>_Bold</b>" msgstr "<b>แแทแ</b>" msgid "<i>_Italic</i>" msgstr "<i>แแแแแ</i>" msgid "<u>_Underline</u>" msgstr "<u>แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแ</u>" msgid "<span strikethrough='true'>Strikethrough</span>" msgstr "<span strikethrough='true'>แแแแแถแแโแแผแ</span>" msgid "<span size='larger'>_Larger</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger'>แแแแถแ</span>" msgid "_Normal" msgstr "แแแแแแถ" msgid "<span size='smaller'>_Smaller</span>" msgstr "<span size='smaller'>แแผแ แแถแ</span>" #. If we want to show the formatting for the following items, we would #. * need to update them when formatting changes. The above items don't need #. * no updating nor nothin' msgid "_Font face" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแปแแแโแขแแแแ" msgid "Foreground _color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแถแโแแปแ" msgid "Bac_kground color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแโแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "_Image" msgstr "แแผแแแถแ" msgid "_Link" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "_Horizontal rule" msgstr "แแแแฝแโแแแแแ" msgid "_Smile!" msgstr "แแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "_Attention!" msgstr "" msgid "Log Deletion Failed" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแป" msgid "Check permissions and try again." msgstr "แแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแทแแแแทโ แ แพแโแแแแถแแถแโแแแแโแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation with " "%s which started at %s?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแปแโแแแแแโแแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s แแถโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแโแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแแแ %s แแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation in " "%s which started at %s?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแแแถโแแ แแแแปแ %s แแถโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแโโแแแโแ แถแแโแแแแพโแโแแ %s แแแแฌแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the system log which started at " "%s?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแแแถโแ แแแแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแแแแแแแโแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแ %s แแถโแขแ แทแแแแแแแแโแฌ ?" msgid "Delete Log?" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแป ?" msgid "Delete Log..." msgstr "แแปแโแแแแแโแ แแแป..." #, c-format msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation in %s on %s</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>แแแแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแ %s แแพ %s</span>" #, c-format msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation with %s on %s</span>" msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>แแแแแแถโแแถโแแฝแ %s แแ โแแพ %s</span>" #. Steal the "HELP" response and use it to trigger browsing to the logs folder msgid "_Browse logs folder" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแโแแแแแโแ แแแป" #, c-format msgid "%s %s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" msgstr "%s %s แ แแแแถแแถแ `%s -h' แแแแแถแแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแ แ\n" #, c-format msgid "" "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" msgstr "" "แแถแแแแแพแแแแถแแโ แ %s [แแแแแพแ]...\n" "\n" msgid "DIR" msgstr "DIR" msgid "use DIR for config files" msgstr "แแแแพโ DIR แแแแแถแแโแฏแแแถแโโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโ" msgid "print debugging messages to stdout" msgstr "แแแโแแปแแแโแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแโแแ โแแถแแโ stdout" msgid "force online, regardless of network status" msgstr "แแแแแโแแพโแแแแแถแโ แแถแแแแโแแนแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "display this help and exit" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแฝแโแแแโ แแทแโแ แถแโแ แแ" msgid "allow multiple instances" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโแแถแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถ" msgid "don't automatically login" msgstr "แแปแโแ แผแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "NAME" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "" "enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME\n" " specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n" " Without this only the first account will be enabled)." msgstr "" "แขแแปแแแแถแโโโแแแแธโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโ (แแแแแโแขแถแแปแโแแแแโแแถโโแแแแแพแ\n" " แแแแแถแแโแแแแธ โโโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพโ แแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแโโแแแแแถ( , )ย แ\n" " แแแโแแถโแแทแ แแแแธโแแแแผแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแขแแปแแแแถแ)ย แ" msgid "X display to use" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโ X แแพแแแแธโแแแแพ" msgid "display the current version and exit" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ แ แพแโแ แแ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s %s has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.\n" "This is a bug in the software and has happened through\n" "no fault of your own.\n" "\n" "If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the developers\n" "by reporting a bug at:\n" "%ssimpleticket/\n" "\n" "Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time\n" "and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know\n" "how to get the backtrace, please read the instructions at\n" "%swiki/GetABacktrace\n" msgstr "" "%s %s has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.\n" "This is a bug in the software and has happened through\n" "no fault of your own.\n" "\n" "If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the developers\n" "by reporting a bug at:\n" "%ssimpleticket/\n" "\n" "Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time\n" "and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know\n" "how to get the backtrace, please read the instructions at\n" "%swiki/GetABacktrace\n" #, c-format msgid "Exiting because another libpurple client is already running.\n" msgstr "แ แแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแพ libpurple แแแแแโแแแโแแแแปแโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแย แ\n" #, fuzzy msgid "_Media" msgstr "/แแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "_Hangup" msgstr "แแแแ แถแ" #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start an audio/video session with you." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแขแผแแธแแแผ/แแธแแแขแผโแแถโแแฝแโแขแแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "%s wishes to start a video session with you." msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแธแแแขแผโแแถแแฝแโแขแแแย แ" msgid "Incoming Call" msgstr "แแถแโแ แ แ แผแ" msgid "_Pause" msgstr "แแแขแถแ" #, c-format msgid "%s has %d new message." msgid_plural "%s has %d new messages." msgstr[0] "%s แแถแโแแถแโแแแแธ %d แ" #, c-format msgid "<b>%d new email.</b>" msgid_plural "<b>%d new emails.</b>" msgstr[0] "<b>แขแแธแแแโแแแแธ %d แ</b>" #, c-format msgid "The browser command \"%s\" is invalid." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแแทแแธแแปแแแ \"%s\" แแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Unable to open URL" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแพแ URL" #, c-format msgid "Error launching \"%s\": %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแ แถแแแแแแพแ \"%s\" แ %s" msgid "" "The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set." msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ 'แแแแแ' แแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพแ แแแปแแแแโแแแแถแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแ แ" msgid "No message" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแ" msgid "Open All Messages" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแถแแแขแแ" msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">แขแแแโแแถแโแแแแปแแแ !</span>" msgid "New Pounces" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแธ" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "แแแแแแโแ แแ" msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have pounced!</span>" msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">แขแแแโโแแถแโแแถแแโแแถโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท !</span>" msgid "The following plugins will be unloaded." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแปแโแกแพแ แ" msgid "Multiple plugins will be unloaded." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแถโแ แแแพแโแแนแโแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแปแโแกแพแ แ" msgid "Unload Plugins" msgstr "แแแแปแโแกแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Could not unload plugin" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแกแพแโแแถแแแ" msgid "" "The plugin could not be unloaded now, but will be disabled at the next " "startup." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแแแแแปแโแกแพแโแฅแกแผแโแแ แแแปแแแแโแแนแโแแแแผโแแแถแโแแทแแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแแแพแโแแแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">Error: %s\n" "Check the plugin website for an update.</span>" msgstr "" "<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">แแแ แปแ แ %s\n" "แแทแแทแแแแแพแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแถแแแแแแ แ</span>" msgid "Author" msgstr "แขแแแแแทแแแแ โ" msgid "<b>Written by:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแถแโแแแแแโแแโแ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Web site:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแแแโแแแแแถแ แ</b>" msgid "<b>Filename:</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแแแโแฏแแแถแ แ</b>" msgid "Configure Pl_ugin" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "<b>Plugin Details</b>" msgstr "<b>แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ</b>" msgid "Select a file" msgstr "แแแแพแโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "Modify Buddy Pounce" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแปแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. Create the "Pounce on Whom" frame. msgid "Pounce on Whom" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแ โแแพโแขแแแแแถ" msgid "_Account:" msgstr "แแแแธ แ" msgid "_Buddy name:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "Si_gns on" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "Signs o_ff" msgstr "แ แแ" msgid "Goes a_way" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Ret_urns from away" msgstr "แแแแกแแโแแธโแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Becomes _idle" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Is no longer i_dle" msgstr "แแทแโแแแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Starts _typing" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแ" msgid "P_auses while typing" msgstr "แแแขแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Stops t_yping" msgstr "แแแโแแถแ" msgid "Sends a _message" msgstr "แแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Ope_n an IM window" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแขแฝแ IM" msgid "_Pop up a notification" msgstr "แแถโแแแผแแแแแนแโแแแ โแกแพแ" msgid "Send a _message" msgstr "แแแแพโแแถแ" msgid "E_xecute a command" msgstr "แแแแแทแแแแแทโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ" msgid "P_lay a sound" msgstr "แ แถแแโแแแกแแ" msgid "Brows_e..." msgstr "แแแแพแ..." msgid "Br_owse..." msgstr "แแแแพแ..." msgid "Pre_view" msgstr "แแพแแแถโแแปแ" msgid "P_ounce only when my status is not Available" msgstr "แแโแแแแปแโแแ แแแโแแแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "_Recurring" msgstr "แแพแแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Pounce Target" msgstr "แแแแปแโแแแโแแ โ" msgid "Started typing" msgstr "แแถแโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแ" msgid "Paused while typing" msgstr "แแถแแแแขแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแ" msgid "Signed on" msgstr "แแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Returned from being idle" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแกแแโแแธโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแ" msgid "Returned from being away" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแกแแโแแธโแแแแถแแแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Stopped typing" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแโแแถแ" msgid "Signed off" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแ" msgid "Became idle" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Went away" msgstr "แแ โแแแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Sent a message" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแถแ" msgid "Unknown.... Please report this!" msgstr "แแทแแแแแถแแ.... แแผแโแแถแแแถแแแโแขแแแธโแแแแ แถโแแแย !" msgid "(Custom)" msgstr "(แแแแถแแโแแแแฝแโ)" msgid "Penguin Pimps" msgstr "Penguin Pimps" msgid "The default Pidgin sound theme" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแกแแ Pidgin แแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "The default Pidgin buddy list theme" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ Pidgin แแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "The default Pidgin status icon theme" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแถแ Pidgin แแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "Theme failed to unpack." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแถแแแโแแแแปแโโแแถแโแแแแแถย แ" msgid "Theme failed to load." msgstr "แแแแแโโโแแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโโโแแแแปแโ แ" msgid "Theme failed to copy." msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแถแแแโโแแแแปแโโโแแถแโแ แแแแ แ" msgid "Theme Selections" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแโแแพแโแแแแแโ" #. Instructions msgid "" "Select a theme that you would like to use from the lists below.\n" "New themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme " "list." msgstr "" "แแแแพแโแแแแแ แแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแพโแแธโแแแแแธโแแถแโแแแแแย แ\n" "แแแแแโแแแแธโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแกแพแโ แแแโแขแผแ แแทแแแแแแถแแโแแฝแแแถโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแแแย แ" msgid "Buddy List Theme:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" msgid "Status Icon Theme:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแถแย แ" msgid "Sound Theme:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแกแแย แ" msgid "Smiley Theme:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแย แ" msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "แแแแผแโแแถแแโแแแแถแแ แปแ " msgid "Cl_ose conversations with the Escape key" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแโแแแแพโแแแแถแแแ แปแ โแแแ (Escape)" #. System Tray msgid "System Tray Icon" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "_Show system tray icon:" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโโแแผแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแ แ" msgid "On unread messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแแถแแแขแถแ" msgid "Conversation Window" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" msgid "_Hide new IM conversations:" msgstr "แแถแแโแแถโแแแแแแแถ IM แแแแธ แ" msgid "When away" msgstr "แแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Minimi_ze new conversation windows" msgstr "แแแแแฝแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถโแแแแธโแขแแแแแแแถ" #. All the tab options! msgid "Tabs" msgstr "แแแ" msgid "Show IMs and chats in _tabbed windows" msgstr "แแแแ แถแ IMs แแทแโแแถแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแถโแแแ" msgid "Show close b_utton on tabs" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแผแแปแโแแทแโแแ โแแพโแแแ" msgid "_Placement:" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแ แ" msgid "Top" msgstr "แแแแผแ" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "แแถแ" msgid "Left" msgstr "แแแแแ" msgid "Right" msgstr "โแแแแถแ" msgid "Left Vertical" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Right Vertical" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแถแ" msgid "N_ew conversations:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแธ แ" msgid "Show _formatting on incoming messages" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถโแแแแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแ โแแแโแแถแแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Close IMs immediately when the tab is closed" msgstr "แแทแโ IMs แแแแถแแโแแ แแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Show _detailed information" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแขแทแ" msgid "Enable buddy ic_on animation" msgstr "แแพแโแ แแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "_Notify buddies that you are typing to them" msgstr "แแผแแแแแนแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแ โแแถแแโแแฝแแแ" msgid "Highlight _misspelled words" msgstr "แแแแแทแ โแแถแแแโแแแโแแปแ" msgid "Use smooth-scrolling" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแผแโแแแผแ" msgid "F_lash window when IMs are received" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ Flash แแ แแแโแแถแแแแฝแ IMs" msgid "Minimum input area height in lines:" msgstr "แแแแแฝแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแ แผแโแแทแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Font" msgstr "แแปแแแโแขแแแแ" msgid "Use font from _theme" msgstr "แแแแพโแแปแแแแขแแแแโแแธโแแแแแ" msgid "Conversation _font:" msgstr "แแปแแแแขแแแแโแแแแแแถ แ" msgid "Default Formatting" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "" "This is how your outgoing message text will appear when you use protocols " "that support formatting." msgstr "" "แแแโแแถโแแทแแธโแแแโแขแแแแแโแแถแโแ แแโแแแแโแแนแโแแแแ แถแ แแ แแแโแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแทแแธแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแแแแแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Cannot start proxy configuration program." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Cannot start browser configuration program." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแโแแถแแแ แ" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโ" #, c-format msgid "Use _automatically detected IP address: %s" msgstr "แแแแพโแขแถแแแแแแถแ IP แแแโแแถแโแแแแพแย แ %s" msgid "ST_UN server:" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ STUNย แ" msgid "<span style=\"italic\">Example:</span>" msgstr "<span style=\"italic\">แงแแถแ แแแ แ</span>" msgid "Public _IP:" msgstr "IP แแถแแถแแแ" msgid "Ports" msgstr "แ แแแ" msgid "_Enable automatic router port forwarding" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแโแแแแแผแโแ แแแโแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท" msgid "_Manually specify range of ports to listen on:" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแฝแโแ แแแโแแแแแโแแพแแแแธแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "_Start:" msgstr "แ แถแแโแแแแพแโ แ" msgid "_End:" msgstr "แแแแ แแโย แ" #. TURN server msgid "Relay Server (TURN)" msgstr "แแแแแผแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแ (TURN)" msgid "_TURN server:" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ TURNย แ" msgid "Use_rname:" msgstr "แแแแแโโแขแแแโแแแแพย แ" msgid "Pass_word:" msgstr "แแถแแแโแแแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Seamonkey" msgstr "Seamonkey" msgid "Opera" msgstr "Opera" msgid "Netscape" msgstr "Netscape" msgid "Mozilla" msgstr "Mozilla" msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "Konqueror" msgid "Desktop Default" msgstr "แแแแแแปโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "GNOME Default" msgstr "GNOME แแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "Galeon" msgstr "Galeon" msgid "Firefox" msgstr "Firefox" msgid "Firebird" msgstr "Firebird" msgid "Epiphany" msgstr "Epiphany" msgid "Manual" msgstr "แแแแแ โแแ" msgid "Browser Selection" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ" msgid "Browser preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ แแ โแแแแปแโแ แแแผแโแ แทแแแโโแแแแ GNOME" msgid "<b>Browser configuration program was not found.</b>" msgstr "<b>แแโแแทแแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแโแแ แ</b>" msgid "Configure _Browser" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ" msgid "_Browser:" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ แ" msgid "_Open link in:" msgstr "แแพแโแแแโแแ โแแแแปแ แ" msgid "Browser default" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธแแปแแแโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "Existing window" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแขแฝแ แแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "New tab" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแแแธ" #, c-format msgid "" "_Manual:\n" "(%s for URL)" msgstr "" "แแแแแ โแแ โแ\n" "(%s แแแแแถแแ URL)" msgid "Proxy Server" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "Proxy preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" msgstr "แ แแแผแโแ แทแแแโแแแแผแแแแธโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแ แแแผแโแ แทแแแ GNOME" msgid "<b>Proxy configuration program was not found.</b>" msgstr "<b>แแโแแทแโแแพแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธ แ</b>" msgid "Configure _Proxy" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธ" #. This is a global option that affects SOCKS4 usage even with #. * account-specific proxy settings msgid "Use remote _DNS with SOCKS4 proxies" msgstr "แแแแพโ DNS แแธโแ แแแแถแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแแแผแแแแธ SOCKS4" msgid "Proxy t_ype:" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแผแแแแธย แ" msgid "No proxy" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแผแแแแธ" msgid "P_ort:" msgstr "แ แแแย แ" msgid "User_name:" msgstr "แแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแพย แ" msgid "Log _format:" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแโแ แแแป แ" msgid "Log all _instant messages" msgstr "แ แปแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Log all c_hats" msgstr "แ แปแโโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Log all _status changes to system log" msgstr "แ แปแโแแแแแโแ แแแปโแแถแโโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแ โแแแแแแ แแแปโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Sound Selection" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแโแแแกแแ" #, c-format msgid "Quietest" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแแแปแ" #, c-format msgid "Quieter" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Quiet" msgstr "แแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Loud" msgstr "แฎ" #, c-format msgid "Louder" msgstr "แฎแแแแถแแโแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Loudest" msgstr "แฎแแแแถแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "_Method:" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแแแแแ แ" msgid "Console beep" msgstr "แแแธแโแแแแแแปแโแแผแ" msgid "No sounds" msgstr "แแแแถแโแแแกแแ" #, c-format msgid "" "Sound c_ommand:\n" "(%s for filename)" msgstr "" "แแถแแแโแแแแแถโแแแกแแ แ\n" "(%s แแแแแถแแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ)" msgid "M_ute sounds" msgstr "แแแแถแแ" msgid "Sounds when conversation has _focus" msgstr "แแแกแแโแแ แแแโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "_Enable sounds:" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแแพแ แ" msgid "V_olume:" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแกแแโ แ" msgid "Play" msgstr "แ แถแแ" msgid "_Browse..." msgstr "แแแแพแ..." msgid "_Reset" msgstr "แแแแแโแกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "_Report idle time:" msgstr "แแถแแแถแแแโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแ แ" msgid "Based on keyboard or mouse use" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแถโแแแแแพแแแแถแแ แปแ แฌโแแแแแปแ" msgid "_Minutes before becoming idle:" msgstr "แแแปแแแแถแโแแถแแธโแแปแโแแนแโแแแแถแแแถโแแแแแ แ" msgid "Change to this status when _idle:" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ โแแแแถแแแถแโแแแ แแ แแแโแแแแแย แ" msgid "_Auto-reply:" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "When both away and idle" msgstr "แแ แแแโแขแแแแแถแแโแแธแโแ แถแแแแแถแ แฌโโแแแแแ" #. Signon status stuff msgid "Status at Startup" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแ" msgid "Use status from last _exit at startup" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแถแแแถแโแแธโแแถแโแ แแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแ" msgid "Status to a_pply at startup:" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแผแโโแขแแปแแแแโแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแแพแ แ" msgid "Interface" msgstr "แ แแแปแ โแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Browser" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแปแแแ" msgid "Status / Idle" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแ/แแแแแ" msgid "Themes" msgstr "แแแแแโ" msgid "Allow all users to contact me" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแโแขแแโแแถแแแแโแแแแปแ" msgid "Allow only the users on my buddy list" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแแแแปแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Allow only the users below" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแถแแแแแแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Block all users" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Block only the users below" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแถแแแแแแแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "แแถแโแฏแแแ" msgid "Changes to privacy settings take effect immediately." msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแ แแถแโแแแแแโแแถแโแฏแแแโแแนแโแแถแแแแแแทแแแแแถแโแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Set privacy for:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแฏแแแโแแแแแถแแ แ" #. Remove All button msgid "Remove Al_l" msgstr "แแโแ แแโแแถแแโแขแแ" msgid "Permit User" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแขแแแแแแแพ" msgid "Type a user you permit to contact you." msgstr "แแถแโแขแแแแแแแพ แแแโแขแแแแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแถแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to be able to contact you." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแขแแแแแแแพโ แแแโแขแแแแ แแโแฒแแแแถแแแแโแขแแแ แ" msgid "_Permit" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแแฒแแ %s แแถแแแแโแขแแแ ?" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow %s to contact you?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแขแแปแแแแถแแฒแแ %s แแถแแแแโแขแแแโแฌ ?" msgid "Block User" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Type a user to block." msgstr "แแถแโโแขแแแแแแแพแแแแผแโแแแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to block." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแแแถแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "แแแแแแแถแแ %s?" #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block %s?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแแแแแถแแโแแถโแ แแโแแแแแแแถแแ %s แฌ ?" msgid "Apply" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแ" msgid "That file already exists" msgstr "แแถแโแฏแแแถแโแแแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ" msgid "Would you like to overwrite it?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแโแ แแแแแแแโแแถแแโแแพแแถโแฌ ?" msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแแโแแพ" msgid "Choose New Name" msgstr "แแแแพแโโแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "Select Folder..." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแ แ" #. list button msgid "_Get List" msgstr "แแโแแแแแธ" #. add button msgid "_Add Chat" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแแแแแ" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected saved statuses?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโโแแปแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแแแแถแแแแแพแโแฌ ?" #. Use button msgid "_Use" msgstr "แแแแพ" msgid "Title already in use. You must choose a unique title." msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแโแแพแโแแฝแ โแ แพแ แ แขแแแโแแแแผแโแแโแแแแพแโแ แแแโแแพแโแแโแแฝแ แ" msgid "Different" msgstr "แแปแแแแแถ" msgid "_Title:" msgstr "แ แแแโแแพแ แ" msgid "_Status:" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแ แ" #. Different status message expander msgid "Use a _different status for some accounts" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแฝแโแ แแแฝแ" #. Save & Use button msgid "Sa_ve & Use" msgstr "แแแแแถแแปแโแแถแโแแแแพ" #, c-format msgid "Status for %s" msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแแถแแ %s" #, c-format msgid "" "A custom smiley for '%s' already exists. Please use a different shortcut." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแถแแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแถแแ '%s' แแฝแ โแ แพแย แ แแผแโแแแแพโแแแแผแแแถแแโแแแแแย โแ" msgid "Custom Smiley" msgstr "แแแแแถโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Duplicate Shortcut" msgstr "แแแแผแแแถแแโแแแแฝแ" msgid "Edit Smiley" msgstr "แแโแแแแแฝแโแแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Add Smiley" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "_Image:" msgstr "แแผแแแถแย แ" #. Shortcut text msgid "S_hortcut text:" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแผแแแถแแย แ" msgid "Smiley" msgstr "แแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Shortcut Text" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแผแแแถแแ" msgid "Custom Smiley Manager" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Select Buddy Icon" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for this account." msgstr "แ แปแ โแแพแแแแธโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแแ แ" msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for all accounts." msgstr "แ แปแ โแแพแแแแธโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแธโแแถแแโแขแแ แ" msgid "Waiting for network connection" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "New status..." msgstr "แแแแถแแแถแโแแแแธ..." msgid "Saved statuses..." msgstr "แแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแ..." msgid "Status Selector" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" #, c-format msgid "The following error has occurred loading %s: %s" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแแพแแกแพแโโแแแกแปแโแแแโแแแแปแ %s แ %s" msgid "Failed to load image" msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแผแแแถแ" #, c-format msgid "Cannot send folder %s." msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแ %s แแถแแแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "%s cannot transfer a folder. You will need to send the files within " "individually." msgstr "%s แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแโแแถแแแ แ แขแแแแแนแโแแแแผแโแแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแแแแแแแฝแแ แ" msgid "You have dragged an image" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแโแขแผแโแแผแแแถแ" msgid "" "You can send this image as a file transfer, embed it into this message, or " "use it as the buddy icon for this user." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแผแแแถแโแแแโแแถโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ แแแแแแโแแถโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแ แฌโแแแแพโแแถโแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแแแถแโ" "แแแแพโแแแ แ" msgid "Set as buddy icon" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Send image file" msgstr "แแแแพโแฏแแแถแโแแผแแแถแ" msgid "Insert in message" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแแปแแแถแ" msgid "Would you like to set it as the buddy icon for this user?" msgstr "แแพแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแแโแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพแแแโแแแแฌแแ ?" msgid "" "You can send this image as a file transfer, or use it as the buddy icon for " "this user." msgstr "แขแแแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแผแแแถแโแแแโแแถโแแถแโแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ แฌโแแแแพแแถโแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแ แ" msgid "" "You can insert this image into this message, or use it as the buddy icon for " "this user" msgstr "แขแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแ แผแโแแผแแแถแโแแแโโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแ แฌโแแแแพโแแถโแแถโแแผแแแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแ" #. I don't know if we really want to do anything here. Most of #. * the desktop item types are crap like "MIME Type" (I have no #. * clue how that would be a desktop item) and "Comment"... #. * nothing we can really send. The only logical one is #. * "Application," but do we really want to send a binary and #. * nothing else? Probably not. I'll just give an error and #. * return. #. The original patch sent the icon used by the launcher. That's probably wrong msgid "Cannot send launcher" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแแแแแทแแธโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแถแแแ" msgid "" "You dragged a desktop launcher. Most likely you wanted to send the target of " "this launcher instead of this launcher itself." msgstr "" "แขแแแโแแถแแขแผแโโแแแแแแทแแธโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแแแปย แ แ แถแแแแธโแแผแ โแแถโแขแแแโแ แแโแแแแพโแแแแแ โแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแ แแแแฝแโแฒแแโแแแแแแทแแธโ" "แ แถแแแแแแพแโแแแแโแแถโแแแแถแแย แ" #, c-format msgid "" "<b>File:</b> %s\n" "<b>File size:</b> %s\n" "<b>Image size:</b> %dx%d" msgstr "" "<b>แฏแแแถแ แ</b> %s\n" "<b>แแแ แโแฏแแแถแ แ</b> %s\n" "<b>แแแ แโแแผแแแถแ แ</b> %dx%d" #, c-format msgid "The file '%s' is too large for %s. Please try a smaller image.\n" msgstr "แฏแแแถแ '%s' แแแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s แ แแผแโแแแแถแแถแโแแผแแแถแโแแแโแแผแ แแถแโแแแ แ\n" msgid "Icon Error" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแผแแแแแถแ" msgid "Could not set icon" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแถแแแ" msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "แแพแโแแแ " msgid "_Copy Link Location" msgstr "แ แแแแโแแธแแถแแโแแแ" msgid "_Copy Email Address" msgstr "แ แแแแโแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแ" msgid "_Open File" msgstr "แแพแโแฏแแแถแ " msgid "Open _Containing Directory" msgstr "แแพแโแแโแแแแแถแ โโ" msgid "Save File" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแฏแแแถแ" msgid "_Play Sound" msgstr "แ แถแแโแแแกแแ " msgid "_Save File" msgstr "แแแแแถโโแแปแโโโแฏแแแถแ " msgid "Do you really want to clear?" msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแทแโแแถโแ แแโแแแแแโแฌย ?" msgid "Select color" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแ" #. Translators may want to transliterate the name. #. It is not to be translated. msgid "Pidgin" msgstr "Pidgin" msgid "_Alias" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Close _tabs" msgstr "แแทแโโแแแแถแแ" msgid "_Get Info" msgstr "แแโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "_Invite" msgstr "แขแแแแพแ" msgid "_Modify..." msgstr "แแแแแแ..." msgid "_Add..." msgstr "แแแแแแ..." msgid "_Open Mail" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแปแแแ" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "แแโแแแแแฝแ" msgid "Pidgin Tooltip" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแฝแ Pidgin" msgid "Pidgin smileys" msgstr "แแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแ Pidgin" msgid "Selecting this disables graphical emoticons." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแ แแแทแโแแแโแแทแโแแแ แ" msgid "none" msgstr "แแแแถแ" msgid "Small" msgstr "แแผแ " msgid "Smaller versions of the default smilies" msgstr "แแแแโแแผแ โแแแแโแแแแแถแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแถแแแพแ" msgid "Response Probability:" msgstr "แแแแผแแถแแแธแแธแแแแแแพแแแ แ" msgid "Statistics Configuration" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแแแทแแท" #. msg_difference spinner msgid "Maximum response timeout:" msgstr "แขแแแแแโแแแแพแแแโแขแแทแแแแถ แ" msgid "minutes" msgstr "แแถแแธ" #. last_seen spinner msgid "Maximum last-seen difference:" msgstr "แแถแโแแปแแแแแถโแแแโแแถแแแพแโแ แปแแแแแแโแขแแทแแแแถ แ" #. threshold spinner msgid "Threshold:" msgstr "แแแแแทแโแแแแแบ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Contact Availability Prediction" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Contact Availability Prediction plugin." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ แ" #. * summary msgid "Displays statistical information about your buddies' availability" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแทแแทโแขแแแธโแแถแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "Buddy is idle" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแ" msgid "Buddy is away" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แถแแแแแถแ" msgid "Buddy is \"extended\" away" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแผแแแถแ \"แแแแแถแ\" แแถแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" #. Not used yet. msgid "Buddy is mobile" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแแ" msgid "Buddy is offline" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแ แแแแแถแ" msgid "Point values to use when..." msgstr "แ แแแขแปแโแแแแแโแแแแผแโแแแแพแแ โแแแ..." msgid "" "The buddy with the <i>largest score</i> is the buddy who will have priority " "in the contact.\n" msgstr "แแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแถแ <i>แแทแแแแปแแ</i> แแบแแถโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแนแโแแถแโแขแถแแทแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแแแถแแแแแ แ\n" msgid "Use last buddy when scores are equal" msgstr "แแแแพโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ แแแโแแทแแแแปโแแแแพแแแแถ" msgid "Point values to use for account..." msgstr "แ แแแขแปแโแแแแแโแแพแแแแธแแแแพโแแแแแถแแแแแแธ..." #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Contact Priority" msgstr "แขแถแแทแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. *< summary msgid "" "Allows for controlling the values associated with different buddy states." msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแทแแแโแแแแแโแแแโแแแแถแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแแแถแแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแแ แ" #. *< description msgid "" "Allows for changing the point values of idle/away/offline states for buddies " "in contact priority computations." msgstr "" "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแ แแแขแปแโแแโแแแแถแแแถแโโแแแแแ/แ แถแแแแแถแ/แแแแ แแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแแแแถโ" "แขแถแแทแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Conversation Colors" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Customize colors in the conversation window" msgstr "แแแแผแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" msgid "Error Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแแ แปแ" msgid "Highlighted Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแทแ " msgid "System Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Sent Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแแพ" msgid "Received Messages" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแฝแ" #, c-format msgid "Select Color for %s" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "Ignore incoming format" msgstr "แแทแแขแพแแพโแแแแแแแแแถแโแ แผแ" msgid "Apply in Chats" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแแแแแ" msgid "Apply in IMs" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแโแแแแปแ IMs" #. Note to translators: The string "Enter an XMPP Server" is asking the #. user to type the name of an XMPP server which will then be queried msgid "Server name request" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโ" msgid "Enter an XMPP Server" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ XMPP" msgid "Select an XMPP server to query" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพ XMPP แแพแแแแธโแแฝแ" msgid "Find Services" msgstr "แแโแแแแถโ" msgid "Add to Buddy List" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ โแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Gateway" msgstr "แ แแแโแ แแโแ แผแ" msgid "Directory" msgstr "แแโ" msgid "PubSub Collection" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแแพแ PubSub" msgid "PubSub Leaf" msgstr "แแแแแนแ PubSub" msgid "" "\n" "<b>Description:</b> " msgstr "" "\n" "<b>แแแ แแแแธโแแทแแแแแถย แ</b> " #. Create the window. msgid "Service Discovery" msgstr "แแถแโแแโแแพแโโโแแแแถ" msgid "_Browse" msgstr "แแโแแพแ " msgid "Server does not exist" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแแแแถแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแ" msgid "Server does not support service discovery" msgstr "แแแถแแแธแโแแแแแพโแแทแแแถแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแโแแแแถโแแ" msgid "XMPP Service Discovery" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแโแแแแถโแแแแ XMPP" msgid "Allows browsing and registering services." msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแแแพแ แแทแโแ แปแแแแแแแแแแถย แ" msgid "" "This plugin is useful for registering with legacy transports or other XMPP " "services." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแถโแแฝแโแแนแโแแถแโแแนแ แแแแแผแโแ แถแแแ แฌโแแแแถ XMPP แแแแแแโแแแย แ" msgid "By conversation count" msgstr "แแถแโแ แแแฝแโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Conversation Placement" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแถแโแแแแแแถ" #. Translators: "New conversations" should match the text in the preferences dialog and "By conversation count" should be the same text used above msgid "" "Note: The preference for \"New conversations\" must be set to \"By " "conversation count\"." msgstr "แ แแแถแ แ แ แแแผแแ แทแแแโแแแแแถแแ \"แแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแธ\" แแแแผแโแแโแแถแแแแแแโแแ \"แแถแโแ แแแฝแโแแแแแแถ\" แ" msgid "Number of conversations per window" msgstr "แ แแแฝแโแแแแแแถโแแแแปแโแแฝแโแแแแขแฝแ " msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows when placing by number" msgstr "แแแแแโ IM แแทแโแแแแขแฝแ แแแแโแแ แแแโแแถแแโแแถแโแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "ExtPlacement" msgstr "ExtPlacement" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Extra conversation placement options." msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแถแแโแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแแแแแ" #. *< summary #. * description msgid "" "Restrict the number of conversations per windows, optionally separating IMs " "and Chats" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแทแโแ แแแฝแโแแแแแแถโแแแแปแโแแฝแโแแแแขแฝแ แแถโแแแแแพแโแแแแแ IMs แแทแโโแแถแโแแแแ" #. Configuration frame msgid "Mouse Gestures Configuration" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแถแแแทแแถแโแแแแแปแ" msgid "Middle mouse button" msgstr "แแแผแแปแโแแแแแปแโแแแแแถแ" msgid "Right mouse button" msgstr "แแแผแแปแโแแแแแปแโแแแแถแ" #. "Visual gesture display" checkbox msgid "_Visual gesture display" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแแแทแแถแโแแแแแพแแแพแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Mouse Gestures" msgstr "แแถแแแทแแถแโแแแแแปแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Provides support for mouse gestures" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแถแโแแถแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแแแทแแถโแแแแแแปแ" #. * description msgid "" "Allows support for mouse gestures in conversation windows. Drag the middle " "mouse button to perform certain actions:\n" " โข Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation.\n" " โข Drag up and then to the left to switch to the previous conversation.\n" " โข Drag up and then to the right to switch to the next conversation." msgstr "" "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแแถแแแแโแแถแแแทแแถแโแแแแแปแโแแ แแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ แ แขแผแโโแแแผแแปแโแแแแแปแโแแแแแถแโแแพแแแแธโแขแแปแแแแโแแแแแแแถแโโแแฝแแ แแแฝแโแแผแ โ" "แแถแแแแแแ แ\n" " โข แขแผแโแ แปแแแแแแ แ แพแโแแแแแถแแแแโแแ โแแแแถแแแพแแแแธโแแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแถ แ\n" " โข แขแผแโแกแพแโแแพ แ แพแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแแ โแแแแแโแแพแแแแธแแแแผแโแแ โแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแปแ แ\n" " โข แขแผแโแกแพแโแแพ แ แพแโแแแแแถแแโแแโแแ โแแแแถแโแแพแแแแธแแแแผแโแแ โแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ แ" msgid "Instant Messaging" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแถแแ" #. Add the label. msgid "Select a person from your address book below, or add a new person." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแปแแแโแแธโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแถแแแแแแ แฌโแแแแแแโแแแปแแแโแแแแธ แ" msgid "Group:" msgstr "แแแแปแ แ" #. "New Person" button msgid "New Person" msgstr "แแแปแแแโแแแแธ" #. "Select Buddy" button msgid "Select Buddy" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. Add the label. msgid "" "Select a person from your address book to add this buddy to, or create a new " "person." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแปแแแโแแธโแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแขแแแ แแพแแแแธแแแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แฌโแแแแแพแโแแแปแแแโแแแแธ แ" #. Add the expander msgid "User _details" msgstr "แแแ แแแแธโแแแแขแทแโแขแแแโแแแแพ" #. "Associate Buddy" button msgid "_Associate Buddy" msgstr "แแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Unable to send email" msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแขแแธแแแโแแถแแแ" msgid "The evolution executable was not found in the PATH." msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแโ evolution แแแโแขแถแ โแแแแแทแแแแแทแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแ PATH แ" msgid "An email address was not found for this buddy." msgstr "แแโแแทแแแพแแขแถแแแแแแถแโแขแแธแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแโแแ แ" msgid "Add to Address Book" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแ โแแแแแ โแขแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Send Email" msgstr "แแแแพโแขแแธแแแ" #. Configuration frame msgid "Evolution Integration Configuration" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโโแแถแโแแฝแแแแแ แผแ Evolution" #. Label msgid "Select all accounts that buddies should be auto-added to." msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแแธโแแถแแโแขแแโแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแฝแโแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Evolution Integration" msgstr "แแถแโแแฝแโแแแแ แผแ Evolution" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides integration with Evolution." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแถแโแแแแ แผแโแแถโแแฝแ Evolution แ" msgid "Please enter the person's information below." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแแถแโแแแแโแแแปแแแโแแถแโแแแแแ แ" msgid "Please enter the buddy's username and account type below." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแ แผแโแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท แแทแโแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแถโแแแแแแ แ" msgid "Account type:" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแธ แ" #. Optional Information section msgid "Optional information:" msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแแพแ แ" msgid "First name:" msgstr "แแถแแแแแฝแ แ" msgid "Last name:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแผแ แ" msgid "Email:" msgstr "แขแแธแแแ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "GTK Signals Test" msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแแโแแแแแถโ GTK" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Test to see that all ui signals are working properly." msgstr "แแถแแแแแโแแพแแแแธโแแพแโแแแแแถโแ แแแปแ โแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแถแแโแขแแโแแแโแแแแปแโแแแแพแแแถแโแแแถแโแแแแนแแแแแผแ แ" #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "<b>Buddy Note</b>: %s" msgstr "" "\n" "<b>แ แแแถแโแแทแแแแแแแแท</b> แ %s" msgid "History" msgstr "แแแแแแแแท" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Iconify on Away" msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแถแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Iconifies the buddy list and your conversations when you go away." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แแทแโแแถแโแแแแแแถโแแแแโแขแแแแแ แแแโแ แถแแแแแถแ แ" msgid "Mail Checker" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแทแแทแแแโแแแแปแแแ" msgid "Checks for new local mail." msgstr "แแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแแแปแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโแแแแธ แ" msgid "Adds a small box to the buddy list that shows if you have new mail." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแขแแโแแผแ โแแ โแแถแแแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท แแแโแแแแ แถแโแแแแแทแโแแพโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแปแแแโแแแแธ แ" msgid "Markerline" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Draw a line to indicate new messages in a conversation." msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแพแแแแธโแแแแ แถแโแแถแโแแแแธโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแถแโแแแแแแถ แ" msgid "Jump to markerline" msgstr "แแแโแแ โแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "Draw Markerline in " msgstr "แแผแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแแแปแ" msgid "_IM windows" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ IM" msgid "C_hat windows" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแถแโแแแแ" msgid "" "A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to " "accept." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแพโแแแแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแธ แ แแผแโแ แปแ โแแผแแแแแถแ MM แแพแแแแธแแแฝแโแแ แ" msgid "Music messaging session confirmed." msgstr "แแถแแขแแขแถแโแแแแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแธ แ" msgid "Music Messaging" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแธ" msgid "There was a conflict in running the command:" msgstr "แแถแโแแถโแแแแแแแแแทแ โแแแแปแแแถแโแแแโแแถแแแโแแแแแถ แ" msgid "Error Running Editor" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "The following error has occurred:" msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแผแ โแแถแแแแแแโแแถแแแพแโแกแพแ แ" #. Configuration frame msgid "Music Messaging Configuration" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแธ" msgid "Score Editor Path" msgstr "แแถแแโแแทแแแแปโแแแแผแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแฝแ" msgid "_Apply" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแแพแแถแโแแแแแแแธโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแโแแ แแถแแแ แ" #. * summary msgid "" "The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work " "on a piece of music by editing a common score in real-time." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแแแแธโแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแถโแ แแแพแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแถแโแแแแถโแแพโแแแแแโแแแแแแแธ แแแโแแแแแแแฝแโแแทแแแแแแแแแถโ" "แแ โแแแแปแ real-timeย แ" #. ---------- "Notify For" ---------- msgid "Notify For" msgstr "แแผแโแแแแนแโแแแแแถแแ" msgid "\t_Only when someone says your username" msgstr "\tแแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแขแแแแแถแแแแถแแโแแทแแถแโแขแแแธแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแโแขแแแ" msgid "_Focused windows" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแถแแแแแแโแขแถแแแแแแ" #. ---------- "Notification Methods" ---------- msgid "Notification Methods" msgstr "แแทแแธแแถแแแแแโแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "Prepend _string into window title:" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแแแขแแแแโแแ โแ แแแโแแพแโแแแแขแฝแ แ" #. Count method button msgid "Insert c_ount of new messages into window title" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแ แแแฝแโแแถแโแแแแธโแแ โแแแแปแโแ แแแโแแพแโแแแแขแฝแ " #. Count xprop method button msgid "Insert count of new message into _X property" msgstr "แแแแ แผแโแ แแแฝแแแถแโแแแแธโแแ โแแแแปแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแท X" #. Urgent method button msgid "Set window manager \"_URGENT\" hint" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแฝแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแขแฝแ \"_URGENT\"" msgid "_Flash window" msgstr "แแแแ แแแแแแแบ" #. Raise window method button msgid "R_aise conversation window" msgstr "แแพแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถโแกแพแโแแพ" #. Present conversation method button msgid "_Present conversation window" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" #. ---------- "Notification Removals" ---------- msgid "Notification Removal" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนโแโแ แแ" #. Remove on focus button msgid "Remove when conversation window _gains focus" msgstr "แแแ แแโแแ แแแโแแถแแแถแโแแแแแโแแพโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" #. Remove on click button msgid "Remove when conversation window _receives click" msgstr "แแแ แแโแแ แแแโแ แปแ โแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" #. Remove on type button msgid "Remove when _typing in conversation window" msgstr "แแแ แแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ" #. Remove on message send button msgid "Remove when a _message gets sent" msgstr "แแแ แแโแแ แแแโแแถแแแแแพแแถแ" #. Remove on conversation switch button msgid "Remove on switch to conversation ta_b" msgstr "แแแ แแโแแ แแแโแแแแผแโแแ โแแแแถแโแแแแแแถ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Message Notification" msgstr "แแถโแแแผแแแแแนแโแแถแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "Provides a variety of ways of notifying you of unread messages." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแแแทแแธแแแแแแโแแโแแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโโแขแแแโแขแแแธโแแถแโแแทแแแถแแแขแถแ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Pidgin Demonstration Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแแแแแ แถแโแแแแ Pidgin" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "An example plugin that does stuff - see the description." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธแแแแฝแโแแแแผโแแแโแแแแพแแถแ - แแผแโแแแ แแแแทแแทแแแแแถ โโโแ" #. * description msgid "" "This is a really cool plugin that does a lot of stuff:\n" "- It tells you who wrote the program when you log in\n" "- It reverses all incoming text\n" "- It sends a message to people on your list immediately when they sign on" msgstr "" "แแแโแแบแแถโแแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแแถโแแแขโแแแโแแแแพแแถแแแถโแ แแแพแ แ\n" "- แแถโแแแแถแแแขแแแโแแถแขแแแแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแแทแแธโแแ แแแโแขแแแแ แผแ\n" "- แแถโแแแแแปแโแแปแโแขแแแแแโแ แผแโแแถแแโแขแแ\n" "- แแถโแแแแพโแแถแโแแ แแแปแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแแถแแ แแ แแแโแแฝแแแโแ แผแ" msgid "Hyperlink Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแแแ" msgid "Visited Hyperlink Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแแถ" msgid "Highlighted Message Name Color" msgstr "แแแโแแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแทแ " msgid "Typing Notification Color" msgstr "แแถแโแแแโแแผแโแแแแนแ" msgid "GtkTreeView Horizontal Separation" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแโแแแแ GtkTreeView" msgid "Conversation Entry" msgstr "แแถแแปโโโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Conversation History" msgstr "แแแแแแแแทโโโโโโแแแแแแถ" msgid "Request Dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Notify Dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแผแแแแแนแ" msgid "Select Color" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแแ" #, c-format msgid "Select Interface Font" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแปแแแแขแแแแโแ แแแปแ โแแแแแถแแ" #, c-format msgid "Select Font for %s" msgstr "แแแแพแโแแปแแแแขแแแแโแแแแแถแแ %s" msgid "GTK+ Interface Font" msgstr "GTK+ แแปแแแแขแแแแโแ แแแปแ โแแแแแถแแ" msgid "GTK+ Text Shortcut Theme" msgstr "GTK+ แแแแแโแแแแผแแแถแแแขแแแแแ" msgid "Disable Typing Notification Text" msgstr "แแทแโแแถแโแแถแโแขแแแแแโแแผแโแแแแนแ" msgid "GTK+ Theme Control Settings" msgstr "GTK+ แแถโแแแแแแโแแแแแปโแแแแแถโแแแแแ" msgid "Colors" msgstr "แแแโ" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "แแปแแแโโแขแแแแ" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "แแแแแแ" msgid "Gtkrc File Tools" msgstr "แงแแแแแโแฏแแแถแ Gtkrc" #, c-format msgid "Write settings to %s%sgtkrc-2.0" msgstr "แแแแแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแ โแแถแแ %s%sgtkrc-2.0" msgid "Re-read gtkrc files" msgstr "แขแถแโแฏแแแถแ gtkrc แกแพแโแแทแ" msgid "Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ GTK+ แแถแโแแแแฝแแแทแแทแแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Provides access to commonly used gtkrc settings." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแโแแถโแแ แผแแแแแพแแแถแโแแ แแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแ gtkrc แแแแแถแโแแแแพโแแแแแแถ แ" msgid "Raw" msgstr "แแพแ" msgid "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols." msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถโแแแแแ แผแแแพแโแแ โแแถแแโโโแขแแแแแโแแแโแแถแแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแทแแธแแถแ แ" msgid "" "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC). Hit " "'Enter' in the entry box to send. Watch the debug window." msgstr "" "แขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแแแพโแแถแโแแแแ แผแแแพแโแแ โแขแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแผแแแแแถแโแแพโแแทแแธแแถแ (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC) แ แ แปแ โ" "แแแแถแแแ แปแ 'แแแแ แผแ (Enter)' แแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแแโแแถแแปโแแพแแแแธโแแแแพ แ แแพแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแถแแแแแ แปแ แ" #, c-format msgid "You can upgrade to %s %s today." msgstr "แขแแแแขแถแ โแแแแพโแฒแแโแแแแแพแโแแ %s %s แแแแโแแแ แ" msgid "New Version Available" msgstr "แแถแแแแแแแแแธ" msgid "Later" msgstr "แแแแแแแแ" msgid "Download Now" msgstr "แแถแแแโแฅแกแผแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Release Notification" msgstr "แแถแโแแผแแแแแนแโแ แแแแแแถแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Checks periodically for new releases." msgstr "แแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถแโแ แแแแแแถแโแแถแโแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแถแโแ แแแแแแถแโแแแแธ แ" #. * description msgid "" "Checks periodically for new releases and notifies the user with the " "ChangeLog." msgstr "แแทแแทแแแโแแพแโแแถโแ แแแแแแถแโโแแถแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแ แแแแแแถแโแแแแธ แแทแแแผแแแแแนแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแปแ ChangeLog แ" #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Send Button" msgstr "แแแแพโแแแผแแปแโ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Conversation Window Send Button." msgstr "แแแผแแปแโโแแแแพโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ แ" #. *< summary msgid "" "Adds a Send button to the entry area of the conversation window. Intended " "for use when no physical keyboard is present." msgstr "แแแแแแโแแแผแแปแโแแแแพแแ โแแแแโแแถแแปโแแแแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถย แ แแแแแถแแโแแแแพโ แแ แแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถแแ แปแ โแ แแแธแแแธแแย แ" msgid "Duplicate Correction" msgstr "แแแแฝแแแแแ" msgid "The specified word already exists in the correction list." msgstr "แแถแโแแถแแแแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแแแฝแ โแ แพแโแแ แแแแปแโแแแแแธโแแ แ" msgid "Text Replacements" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแแแ" msgid "You type" msgstr "แขแแแแแถแ" msgid "You send" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Whole words only" msgstr "แแโแแถแแแโแแถแแโแแผแ" msgid "Case sensitive" msgstr "แแแแแถแแโแขแแแแโแแผแ แแ" msgid "Add a new text replacement" msgstr "แแแแแแโแแถแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแแแโแแแแธ" msgid "You _type:" msgstr "แขแแแโแแถแ แ" msgid "You _send:" msgstr "แขแแแแแแแพ แ" #. Created here so it can be passed to whole_words_button_toggled. msgid "_Exact case match (uncheck for automatic case handling)" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแผแแแแโแแแแธโแแถแแแแถแแ (แแแแแธแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโแแแแแแแแแโแแแแธโแแโแโแแแแแโแแแแแแแแท)" msgid "Only replace _whole words" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแแแแฝแโแแถแแแโแแถแแโแแผแแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "General Text Replacement Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแฝแโแขแแแแแโแแผแแ " msgid "Enable replacement of last word on send" msgstr "แแพแโแแถแแแแแฝแโแแถแแแโแ แปแแแแแแโแแ แแแโแแแแพ" msgid "Text replacement" msgstr "แแถโแแแแแฝแโแขแแแแแ" msgid "Replaces text in outgoing messages according to user-defined rules." msgstr "แแแแฝแโแขแแแแแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแถแโแ แแ แแแโแแแโแแถแโแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแแโแขแแแแแแแพ แ" msgid "Just logged in" msgstr "แแพแโแแโแแถแโแ แผแโ" msgid "Just logged out" msgstr "แแพแโแแโแแถแโแ แแโ" msgid "" "Icon for Contact/\n" "Icon for Unknown person" msgstr "" "แแผแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแแถแแแแแแ/\n" "แแผแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแแปแแแโแแแโแแทแโแแแแถแแ" msgid "Icon for Chat" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแแถแโโแแแแโแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Ignored" msgstr "แแถแโแแทแโแขแพแแพ" msgid "Founder" msgstr "แขแแแโแแแแแพแโ" #. A user in a chat room who has special privileges. msgid "Operator" msgstr "แแถแแธ" #. A half operator is someone who has a subset of the privileges #. that an operator has. msgid "Half Operator" msgstr "แแถแแธโแแถแแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Authorization dialog" msgstr "แแแโแขแแแขแแปแแแแถแโ" msgid "Error dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโโแแแ แปแโ" msgid "Information dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโโแแแแแแถแ" msgid "Mail dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแแแปแแแ" msgid "Question dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโแแแแฝแโ" msgid "Warning dialog" msgstr "แแแแขแแโโโโแแแแแถแ" msgid "What kind of dialog is this?" msgstr "แแพโแแแโแแถโแแแแขแแโแขแแแธย ?" msgid "Status Icons" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแแถแ" msgid "Chatroom Emblems" msgstr "แแผแโโแแแแแแโแแแแแแแแถแแแ" msgid "Dialog Icons" msgstr "แแผแแแแแถแโแแแแขแแโ" msgid "Pidgin Icon Theme Editor" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธแแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแ Pidgin" msgid "Contact" msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแ" msgid "Pidgin Buddylist Theme Editor" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแแแโ Pidgin" msgid "Edit Buddylist Theme" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Edit Icon Theme" msgstr "แแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแผแแแแแถแโ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id #. * description msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแโแแแแแฝแโแแแแแแแแแ Pidginย แ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแฝแโแแแแแโแแแแ Pidginย โโโโโโแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Buddy Ticker" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแบโแแแกแแโแแแแโแแทแแแแแแแแท" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary #. * description msgid "A horizontal scrolling version of the buddy list." msgstr "แแแแโแแแผแโแแแแแโแแแแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ" msgid "Display Timestamps Every" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแถแแแแแแแถโแแแแแถแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "แแแแถโแแแแแแแถ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแถแแแแแแแถโแแแแ iChat-style" #. * description msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps every N minutes." msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแแแ iChat-style แแแแแถแแ N แแถแแธ แ" msgid "Timestamp Format Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแแแแถ" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "_Force timestamp format:" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแถโ แขแค- แแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "Use system default" msgstr "แแแแแแปโแแแแถแแแพแ" #, fuzzy msgid "12 hour time format" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแถโ แขแค- แแแแ" #, fuzzy msgid "24 hour time format" msgstr "แแแแแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแแแแถโ แขแค- แแแแ" msgid "Show dates in..." msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแถแแแแทแ แแแแโแแแแปแ..." msgid "Co_nversations:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแแถ แ" msgid "For delayed messages" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแ" msgid "For delayed messages and in chats" msgstr "แแแแแถแแแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแโ แแทแโแแแแปแโแแแแผแโแแถแ" msgid "_Message Logs:" msgstr "แแแแแโแ แแแปโแแถแ แ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Message Timestamp Formats" msgstr "แแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแถแ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Customizes the message timestamp formats." msgstr "แแแแผแโแแแแแแแแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแแแแถโแแแแถแแแแแแฝแ แ" #. * description msgid "" "This plugin allows the user to customize conversation and logging message " "timestamp formats." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแขแแปแแแแถแโแฒแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแแแผแโแแแแแแแแแถแโโแแถแโแแแแแแถ แแทแโแแถโแแ แปแโแแแแแแ แแแปโแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแแถโ" "แแแแถแแแแแแฝแ แ" msgid "Audio" msgstr "แขแผแแธแแแผ" msgid "Video" msgstr "แแธแแแขแผ" msgid "Output" msgstr "แ แแ" msgid "_Plugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "_Device" msgstr "แงแแแแแโ" msgid "Input" msgstr "แ แผแ" msgid "P_lugin" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแ" msgid "D_evice" msgstr "แงแแแแแโ" #. *< magic #. *< major version #. *< minor version #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Voice/Video Settings" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแแโแแแกแแโ/โแแธแแแขแผ" #. *< name #. *< version msgid "Configure your microphone and webcam." msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถแแแแแแแแโแแธแแแแผ แแทแโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแแแแแแถแย แ" #. *< summary msgid "Configure microphone and webcam settings for voice/video calls." msgstr "แแแแแโแแ แแถโแแแแแแแแโแแธแแแแผโ แแทแโแแถแโแแแแแโโโแแแถแแแธแโแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแโแแแแแถแแโแ แ โแแถโแแแกแแ/แแธแแแขแผย แ" msgid "Opacity:" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแขแถแแ แ" #. IM Convo trans options msgid "IM Conversation Windows" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ IM" msgid "_IM window transparency" msgstr "แแถแแแแแถโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแ IM" msgid "_Show slider bar in IM window" msgstr "แแแแ แถแโแแแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแทแโแแ โแแแแปแแแแแขแฝแ IM" msgid "Remove IM window transparency on focus" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแโแแแแขแฝแ IM แ แแโโแแ แแแโแแแแแ" msgid "Always on top" msgstr "แแแแแโแแ โแแพโแแถโแแทแ แแ " #. Buddy List trans options msgid "Buddy List Window" msgstr "แแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "_Buddy List window transparency" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถโแแแแแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท" msgid "Remove Buddy List window transparency on focus" msgstr "แแโแแถแโแแแแถโแแแแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโแ แแโแแ แแแโแแแแแ" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "Transparency" msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถโ" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Variable Transparency for the buddy list and conversations." msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถโแแแโแแถแโแแแแแถแแแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโ แแทแโแแถแแแแแแแถ แ" #. * description msgid "" "This plugin enables variable alpha transparency on conversation windows and " "the buddy list.\n" "\n" "* Note: This plugin requires Win2000 or greater." msgstr "" "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแพแโแแถแโแแแแถโแขแถแแแ แแแถโแแแโแขแถแ โแแแแพโแแถแโแแ โแแแแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแแถ แแทแโแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแท แ\n" "\n" "* แ แแแถแ แ แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแแแผแแแถแ Win2000 แฌโแแแแแโแแถแโแแแ แ" #. Autostart msgid "Startup" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแ" #, c-format msgid "_Start %s on Windows startup" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแโ %s แแ แแแโแแแแขแฝแ โแ แถแแแแแแพแ" msgid "Allow multiple instances" msgstr "แขแแปแแแแถแโแแถแโแ แผแโแ แแแพแโแแถแแโแแแแถแโแแแแถ" msgid "_Dockable Buddy List" msgstr "แแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแทโแแแโแขแถแ โแ แผแแแโแแถแ" #. Blist On Top msgid "_Keep Buddy List window on top:" msgstr "แแปแโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแแธแแทแแแแแแแแทโโแแ โแแแแผแ แ" #. XXX: Did this ever work? msgid "Only when docked" msgstr "แแโแแ แแแโแแถแแ แผแแแโแแแปแแแแแ" msgid "Windows Pidgin Options" msgstr "แแแแแพแโโแแแแขแฝแ โแแแแ Pidgin" msgid "Options specific to Pidgin for Windows." msgstr "แแแแแพแโแแถแแแแถแแโแแ Pidgin แแแแแถแแโแแแแขแฝแ แ" msgid "" "Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows, such as buddy list docking." msgstr "แแแแแโแแผแโแแแแแพแโแแถแแแแถแแแแแ Pidgin แแแแแถแแโแแธแแแผ แแผแ แแถโแแถแโแ แผแโแแโแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทย แ" msgid "<font color='#777777'>Logged out.</font>" msgstr "<font color='#777777'>แแถแแ แแ แ</font>" #. *< type #. *< ui_requirement #. *< flags #. *< dependencies #. *< priority #. *< id msgid "XMPP Console" msgstr "แแปแแแผแ XMPP" msgid "Account: " msgstr "แแแแธ แ" msgid "<font color='#777777'>Not connected to XMPP</font>" msgstr "<font color='#777777'>แแถแแแแแแถแแโแแ โแแถแแ XMPP</font>" #. *< name #. *< version #. * summary msgid "Send and receive raw XMPP stanzas." msgstr "แแแแพโ แแทแโแแแฝแโ XMPP stanzas แแพแ แ" #. * description #, fuzzy msgid "This plugin is useful for debugging XMPP servers or clients." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแแโแแถแแแแแแแแแโแแแแแถแแแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแโแแแถแแแธแแแแแแพ แฌโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ XMPP แ" #. $(^Name) is the current Version name (e.g. Pidgin 2.7.0). $_CLICK will become a translated version of "Click Next to continue." msgid "" "$(^Name) is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The license " "is provided here for information purposes only. $_CLICK" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "A multi-platform GUI toolkit, used by Pidgin" msgstr "" msgid "" "An instance of Pidgin is currently running. Please exit Pidgin and try " "again." msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Core Pidgin files and dlls" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for Pidgin" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Create a shortcut to Pidgin on the Desktop" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "Debug Symbols (for reporting crashes)" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Desktop" msgstr "แแแแแแปโแแแแถแแแพแ" #. $R2 will display the URL that the GTK+ Runtime failed to download from msgid "" "Error Downloading the GTK+ Runtime ($R2).$\\rThis is required for Pidgin to " "function; if retrying fails, you may need to use the 'Offline Installer' " "from ." msgstr "" #. $R2 will display the URL that the Debug Symbols failed to download from msgid "" "Error Installing Debug Symbols ($R2).$\\rIf retrying fails, you may need to " "use the 'Offline Installer' from ." msgstr "" #. $R3 will display the URL that the Dictionary failed to download from #, no-c-format msgid "" "Error Installing Spellchecking ($R3).$\\rIf retrying fails, manual " "installation instructions are at:" "%20Pidgin#manual_win32_spellcheck_installation" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "GTK+ Runtime (required if not present)" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Localizations" msgstr "แแธแแถแแ" #. "Next >" appears on a button on the License Page of the Installer msgid "Next >" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Pidgin Instant Messaging Client (required)" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแพแแถแโแขแแธแแแบแแทแโแแแแ Pidgin" msgid "" "Pidgin requires a compatible GTK+ Runtime (which doesn't appear to be " "already present).$\\rAre you sure you want to skip installing the GTK+ " "Runtime?" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Shortcuts" msgstr "แแแแผแโแแถแแ" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "Shortcuts for starting Pidgin" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text msgid "Spellchecking Support" msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "Start Menu" msgstr "แ แถแแแแแแพแ" #. Installer Subsection Detailed Description msgid "" "Support for Spellchecking. (Internet connection required for installation)" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "The installer is already running." msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ \"%s\" แแแแปแโแแแแพโแแฝแ โแ แพแย แ" msgid "" "The uninstaller could not find registry entries for Pidgin.$\\rIt is likely " "that another user installed this application." msgstr "" #. Installer Subsection Text #, fuzzy msgid "URI Handlers" msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแแแแแแ myim URL" msgid "" "Unable to uninstall the currently installed version of Pidgin. The new " "version will be installed without removing the currently installed version." msgstr "" #. Text displayed on Installer Finish Page msgid "Visit the Pidgin Web Page" msgstr "" msgid "You do not have permission to uninstall this application." msgstr "" #~ msgid "The certificate is not valid yet." #~ msgstr "โแแทแแแแถแแแแแแโแแทแโแแแแนแโแแแแผแโแแ โแกแพแแแย แ" #~ msgid "The nick name you entered is invalid." #~ msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแโ แแแโแขแแแโแแถแโแแแแ แผแแแทแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแย แ" #~ msgid "MXit Login Name" #~ msgstr "แแแแแโแ แผแโแแแแ MXit" #~ msgid "Nick Name" #~ msgstr "แแแแแแทแแถแ" #~ msgid "Your Mobile Number..." #~ msgstr "แแแโแแผแแแแแแโแ แแแโแแแแโแขแแแ..." #~ msgid "Rate to host" #~ msgstr "แแถแแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแ" #~ msgid "Rate to client" #~ msgstr "แแถแแแแแแโแแแถแแแธแโแแแแแ" #~ msgid "/Media/_Hangup" #~ msgstr "/แแแแ/แแแแ แถแ" #~ msgid "Unknown reason." #~ msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแ แแแปแแ แ" #~ msgid "Artist" #~ msgstr "แแทแแแ" #~ msgid "Album" #~ msgstr "แขแถแแแแแปแ" #~ msgid "Current Mood" #~ msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแโแแ แแ แปแแแแแแ" #~ msgid "New Mood" #~ msgstr "แขแถแแแแแแโแแแแธโ" #~ msgid "Change your Mood" #~ msgstr "แแแแถแแแแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแแแโแขแแแโ" #~ msgid "How do you feel right now?" #~ msgstr "แแพโแขแแแโแแถแโแขแถแแแแแแโแแผแ โแแแแแ โแแแโโแแแโ ?" #~ msgid "Change Mood..." #~ msgstr "แแแแผแโแขแถแแแแแแ..." #~ msgid "Pager server" #~ msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแแ" #~ msgid "Yahoo Chat server" #~ msgstr "แแแถแแแธแแแแแแพโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ" #~ msgid "Yahoo Chat port" #~ msgstr "แ แแแโแแแแโแแแถแ แแผ" #~ msgid "Orientation" #~ msgstr "แแทแ" #~ msgid "The orientation of the tray." #~ msgstr "แแทแโแแแแโแแถแ แ" #~ msgid "Error creating conference." #~ msgstr "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถโแแแแแแพแโแแแแแทแแธแ" # , c-format #~ msgid "Unable to bind socket to port: %s" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแ แโแแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแ แแแย แ %s" # , c-format #~ msgid "Unable to listen on socket: %s" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแถแแโแแ โแแพโแแแแย แ %s แแถแโแแ" #~ msgid "%s just sent you a Nudge!" #~ msgstr "%s แแแแถแแโแแโโแแถแแแแแพโแฒแแโแขแแแโแแผแโแแถโแแ แแแถแแ แแ !" #~ msgid "Friendly name changes too rapidly" #~ msgstr "แแถแโแแแแถแแแแแแผแโแแแแแแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแทแ แแแแแ" #~ msgid "This Hotmail account may not be active." #~ msgstr "แแแแธโแแแแ Hotmail แแแโแแทแโแแแแแโแแ แ" #~ msgid "Profile URL" #~ msgstr "แแแแแแ URL" #~ msgid "MSN Protocol Plugin" #~ msgstr "แแแแแแทแแธโแแแแฝแโแแทแแธแแถแโโแแแแ MSN" #~ msgid "%s is not a valid group." #~ msgstr "%s แแทแโแแแโแแถโแแแแปแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" #~ msgid "Unknown error." #~ msgstr "แแทแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ แ" #~ msgid "%s on %s (%s)" #~ msgstr "%s แแ แแพ %s (%s)" #~ msgid "Unable to add user on %s (%s)" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแพ %s (%s) แแถแแแ" #~ msgid "Unable to block user on %s (%s)" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแแแแถแแโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแพ %s (%s)" #~ msgid "Unable to permit user on %s (%s)" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ โแขแแปแแแแถแโโแขแแแแแแแพโแแ โแแพ %s (%s) แแถแแแ" #~ msgid "%s could not be added because your buddy list is full." #~ msgstr "%s แแทแแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแถแโแแแแแแโแแถแโแแ แแแโแแถแโแแโแแแแแธโโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแขแแแโแแแโแ แพแ แ" #~ msgid "%s is not a valid passport account." #~ msgstr "%s แแทแแแแโแแถโแแแแธโแแทแแทแโแแแแแแแโแแแแนแแแแแผแโแแ แ" #~ msgid "Service Temporarily Unavailable." #~ msgstr "แแแแถโแแทแแขแถแ โแแแแพแแถแแแถโแแแแแแโแขแถแแแแ แ" #~ msgid "Unable to rename group" #~ msgstr "แแทแโแขแถแ โแแแแผแโแแแแแโแแแแปแโแแถแแแ" #~ msgid "Unable to delete group" #~ msgstr "แแทแแขแถแ แแปแโแแแแปแโแแถแโแแ" #~ msgid "%s has added you to his or her buddy list." #~ msgstr "%s แแถแโแแแแแแโแขแแแโแแ โแแถแแโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแแแถแแ แ" #~ msgid "%s has removed you from his or her buddy list." #~ msgstr "%s แแถแแแโแขแแแโแ แแโแแธโแแแแแธโแแทแแแแแแแแทโแแแแโแแถแแ แ" #~ msgid "" #~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">FAQ:</FONT> <A HREF=\"" #~ "\"></A><BR/><BR/>" #~ msgstr "" #~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">FAQย แ</FONT> <A HREF=\"" #~ "FAQ\"></A><BR/><BR/>" #~ msgid "" #~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC Channel:</FONT> #pidgin on<BR><BR>" #~ msgstr "<FONT SIZE=\"4\"> แแถแแแ</FONT><BR><BR>" #~ msgid "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">XMPP MUC:</FONT><BR><BR>" #~ msgstr "<FONT SIZE=\"4\"> XMPP</FONT><BR><BR>" #~ msgid "Debugging Information" #~ msgstr "แแแแแแถแโแแแแถแแโแแแ แปแ" #~ msgid "" #~ "Unrecognized file type\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Defaulting to PNG." #~ msgstr "" #~ "แแแแแแแแถแโแแแโแแทแแแแแถแแ\n" #~ "\n" #~ "แแแแแโแแแแถแแแพแโแแ PNG แ" #~ msgid "" #~ "Error saving image\n" #~ "\n" #~ "%s" #~ msgstr "" #~ "แแแ แปแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแแถแแปแโแแผแแแถแ\n" #~ "\n" #~ "%s" #~ msgid "Failed to open file '%s': %s" #~ msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแพแโแฏแแแถแ '%s' แ %s" #~ msgid "" #~ "Failed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image file" #~ msgstr "แแถแแแแถแแแโแแแแปแแแถแโแแแแปแโแแผแแแถแ '%s' แ แแทแแแแแถแแแ แแแปแแ แแแแ แแแแถโแฏแแแถแโแแผแแแถแโแแผแ " #~ msgid "Insert an <iq/> stanza." #~ msgstr "แแแแ แผแ <iq/> stanza แ" #~ msgid "Insert a <presence/> stanza." #~ msgstr "แแแแ แผแ <presence/> stanza แ" #~ msgid "Insert a <message/> stanza." #~ msgstr "แแแแ แผแ <message/> stanza แ"