view @ 9232:7ffeabe6a09e

[gaim-migrate @ 10028] i committed his patch to make the pounce notification tell you what protocol you are seeing, so that you can tell the difference between pouncing lschiere(yahoo) and lschiere(aim) with an earlier patch accidentally. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Luke Schierer <>
date Mon, 07 Jun 2004 09:58:54 +0000
parents 66bf7ecefedd
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Original by Andy Harrison,
# Rewrite by Decklin Foster,
# Available under the GPL.

package Gaim2Blt;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw(%opts $in_group);

getopts('s:', \%opts);
die "usage: $0 -s 'screen name' gaim.buddy\n" unless $opts{s};

print <<"EOF";
Config {
  version 1
User {
  screenname "$opts{s}"
Buddy {
  list {

while (<>) {
    my ($type, $args) = split ' ', $_, 2;
    next unless $type;

    if ($type eq 'g') {
        print "    }\n" if ($in_group);
        print qq(    "$args" {\n);
        $in_group = 1;
    } elsif ($type eq 'b') {
        my ($buddy, $alias) = split /:/, $args;
        print qq(      "$buddy"\n);

print <<"EOF";