view plugins/statenotify.c @ 13118:8855973b487b

[gaim-migrate @ 15480] Due to transient (and no longer reproducible since charkins upgraded) bugs relating to 11025 Hz sounds, redpen686 has provided a set of 22050 Hz sounds. In charkins's tests before, 22050 Hz sounds were okay. If this doesn't fix it, we'll have to go back to 44100 Hz sounds. If we ever find out the real source of this bug, we can go back to the 11025 Hz sounds. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2006 05:17:46 +0000
parents e856f985a0b9
children 465c368366f8
line wrap: on
line source

#include "internal.h"

#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "signals.h"
#include "version.h"

#include "plugin.h"
#include "pluginpref.h"
#include "prefs.h"

#define STATENOTIFY_PLUGIN_ID "core-statenotify"

static void
write_status(GaimBuddy *buddy, const char *message)
	GaimConversation *conv;
	const char *who;
	char buf[256];
	char *escaped;

	conv = gaim_find_conversation_with_account(GAIM_CONV_TYPE_IM,
											   buddy->name, buddy->account);

	if (conv == NULL)

	who = gaim_buddy_get_alias(buddy);
	escaped = g_markup_escape_text(who, -1);

	g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), message, escaped);

	gaim_conversation_write(conv, NULL, buf, GAIM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, time(NULL));

static void
buddy_status_changed_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimStatus *old_status,
                        GaimStatus *status, void *data)
	gboolean available, old_available;

	available = gaim_status_is_available(status);
	old_available = gaim_status_is_available(old_status);

	if (gaim_prefs_get_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_away")) {
		if (available && !old_available)
			write_status(buddy, _("%s is no longer away."));
		else if (!available && old_available)
			write_status(buddy, _("%s has gone away."));

static void
buddy_idle_changed_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, gboolean old_idle, gboolean idle,
                      void *data)
	if (gaim_prefs_get_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_idle")) {
		if (idle) {
			write_status(buddy, _("%s has become idle."));
		} else {
			write_status(buddy, _("%s is no longer idle."));

static void
buddy_signon_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	if (gaim_prefs_get_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_signon"))
		write_status(buddy, _("%s has signed on."));

static void
buddy_signoff_cb(GaimBuddy *buddy, void *data)
	if (gaim_prefs_get_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_signon"))
		write_status(buddy, _("%s has signed off."));

static GaimPluginPrefFrame *
get_plugin_pref_frame(GaimPlugin *plugin)
	GaimPluginPrefFrame *frame;
	GaimPluginPref *ppref;

	frame = gaim_plugin_pref_frame_new();

	ppref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_label(_("Notify When"));
	gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);

	ppref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_away", _("Buddy Goes _Away"));
	gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);

	ppref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_idle", _("Buddy Goes _Idle"));
	gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);

	ppref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_signon", _("Buddy _Signs On/Off"));
	gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, ppref);

	return frame;

static gboolean
plugin_load(GaimPlugin *plugin)
	void *blist_handle = gaim_blist_get_handle();

	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-status-changed", plugin,
	                    GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_status_changed_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-idle-changed", plugin,
	                    GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_idle_changed_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-signed-on", plugin,
	                    GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_signon_cb), NULL);
	gaim_signal_connect(blist_handle, "buddy-signed-off", plugin,
	                    GAIM_CALLBACK(buddy_signoff_cb), NULL);

	return TRUE;

static GaimPluginUiInfo prefs_info =
	0,   /* page_num (Reserved) */
	NULL /* frame (Reserved) */

static GaimPluginInfo info =
	GAIM_PLUGIN_STANDARD,                             /**< type           */
	NULL,                                             /**< ui_requirement */
	0,                                                /**< flags          */
	NULL,                                             /**< dependencies   */
	GAIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,                            /**< priority       */

	STATENOTIFY_PLUGIN_ID,                            /**< id             */
	N_("Buddy State Notification"),                   /**< name           */
	VERSION,                                          /**< version        */
	                                                  /**  summary        */
	N_("Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from "
	   "away or idle."),
	                                                  /**  description    */
	N_("Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from "
	   "away or idle."),
	"Christian Hammond <>",       /**< author         */
	GAIM_WEBSITE,                                     /**< homepage       */

	plugin_load,                                      /**< load           */
	NULL,                                             /**< unload         */
	NULL,                                             /**< destroy        */

	NULL,                                             /**< ui_info        */
	NULL,                                             /**< extra_info     */
	&prefs_info,                                      /**< prefs_info     */

static void
init_plugin(GaimPlugin *plugin)
	gaim_prefs_add_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_away", TRUE);
	gaim_prefs_add_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_idle", TRUE);
	gaim_prefs_add_bool("/plugins/core/statenotify/notify_signon", TRUE);

GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(statenotify, init_plugin, info)