view doc/PERL-HOWTO.dox @ 8986:8cf32769ba1b

[gaim-migrate @ 9761] " This patch adds a Plugin Actions menu item after the Account Actions menu. The Plugin Actions menu is populated from the added 'actions' slot in GaimPluginInfo. As a demonstration, the Idle Maker plugin has been converted to no longer require GTK code and the Preferences interface just to perform its actions. Instead, it uses a Plugin Action to spawn a Fields Request. There's also a minor fix for consistency in the menu building for buddy actions. The pre-existing method for instructing a menu list to display a separator was to insert a NULL rather than a proto_buddy_menu into the GList of actions. The code for the buddy menus was instead checking for a proto_buddy_menu with a '-' label. This has been fixed, and it now correctly uses NULL to indicate a separator." "Date: 2004-05-16 02:25 Sender: taliesein Logged In: YES user_id=77326 I need to add a callback to this patch to watch for loading/unloading of plugins (to determine when to rebuild the menu). Since the appropriate way to handle Plugin Actions is still mildly up for debate, I'm holding of on correcting the patch until I know for sure whether I should fix this patch, or scrap it and write a new one using a different method." "Date: 2004-05-18 12:26 Sender: taliesein Logged In: YES user_id=77326 I've completed changes to this patch to also add plugin load and unload signals (it looks like plugin.c actually had pre-signal callbacks in place, but they were never used or converted to signals) This patch now will correctly update the Plugin Action menu as plugins load and unload." I'm not entirely sure i like the ui of a plugins actions menu, but i think that having some way for plugins to add actions on an account is a good thing, and i'm not sure that every viable action fits under the accounts actions menu. we may want to merge the two (the existing accounts actions and this plugins actions), but both times it came up in #gaim no one seemed to want to comment, and on one commented to the gaim-devel post either. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Luke Schierer <>
date Thu, 20 May 2004 05:11:44 +0000
parents 90ed8fcca27c
children 775ee46b67a2
line wrap: on
line source

/** @page perl-howto Perl Scripting HOWTO

 @section Introduction
  Perl is the first scripting language compatible with Gaim, and has been a
  valuable aid to developers wishing to write scripts to modify the behavior
  of their favorite instant messenger. A perl script acts like a normal
  plugin, and appears in the list of plugins in Gaim's preferences pane.
  Until now, they have been very basic, and consisted of only a few
  functions. However, with the latest changes to Gaim's perl API, a much
  larger part of Gaim is now open. In time, even such things as Gtk+
  preference panes for perl scripts will be possible.

 @section first-script Writing your first perl script
  Enough of that. You want to know how to write a perl script, right?

  First off, we're going to assume here that you are familiar with perl. Perl
  scripts in Gaim are just normal perl scripts, which happen to use Gaim's
  loadable perl module.

  Now, you're going to want to place your script in $HOME/.gaim/plugins/.
  That's the place where all plugins and scripts go, regardless of language.

  The first thing you're going to write in your script is the necessary code
  to actually register and initialize your script, which looks something like

use Gaim;

    perl_api_version => 2,
    name             => "Your Plugin's Name",
    version          => "0.1",
    summary          => "Brief summary of your plugin.",
    description      => "Detailed description of what your plugin does.",
    author           => "Your Name <email@address>",
    url              => "",

    load             => "plugin_load",
    unload           => "plugin_unload"

sub plugin_init {
    return %PLUGIN_INFO;

sub plugin_load {
    my $plugin = shift;

sub plugin_unload {
    my $plugin = shift;

  The first thing you see is a hash called @c @%PLUGIN_INFO. It contains
  the basic information on your plugin. In the future, additional fields
  may be allowed, such as ones to setup a Gtk+ preferences pane.

  The @c plugin_init function is required in all perl scripts. Its job
  is to return the @c @%PLUGIN_INFO hash, which Gaim will use to register
  and initialize your plugin.

  The @c plugin_load function is called when the user loads your plugin
  from the preferences, or on startup. It is passed one variable, which
  is a handle to the plugin. This must be used when registering signal
  handlers or timers.

  The @c plugin_unload function is called when the user is unloading your
  plugin. Its job is to clean up anything that must be dealt with before
  unloading, such as removing temporary files or saving configuration
  information. It does @em not have to unregister signal handlers or timers,
  as Gaim will do that for you.

  @warning Do @b NOT put any executable code outside of these functions
           or your own user-defined functions. Variable declarations are
           okay, as long as they're set to be local. Bad Things (TM) can
           happen if you don't follow this simple instruction.

 @section Timeouts
  One feature useful to many perl plugin writers are timeouts. Timeouts allow
  code to be ran after a specified number of seconds, and are rather
  simple to setup. Here's one way of registering a timeout.

sub timeout_cb {
    my $data = shift;

    Gaim::debug_info("my perl plugin",
                     "Timeout callback called! data says: $data\n");

sub plugin_load {
    my $plugin = shift;

    # Start a timeout for 5 seconds.
    Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, 5, \&timeout_cb, "Hello!");

  Here's another way of calling a timeout:

sub plugin_load {
    my $plugin = shift;

    # Start a timeout for 5 seconds.
    Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, 5,
        sub {
            my $data = shift;

            Gaim::debug_info("my perl plugin",
                             "Timeout callback called! data says: $data\n");
        }, "Hello!");

  A timeout automatically unregisters when it reaches 0 (which is also
  when the callback is called). If you want a timeout to call a function
  every specified number of seconds, just re-register the timeout
  at the end of the callback.

  The data parameter is optional. If you don't have data to pass to the
  callback, simply omit the parameter.

 @section Signals
  Signals are how gaim plugins get events. There are a number of
  @ref Signals signals available.

  A signal is registered by connecting a signal name owned by an
  instance handle to a callback on the plugin handle. This is best
  illustrated with an example.

sub signed_on_cb {
    my ($gc, $data) = @_;
    my $account = $gc->get_account();

    Gaim::debug_info("my perl plugin",
                     "Account " . $account->get_username() . " signed on.\n");

sub plugin_load {
    my $plugin = shift;
    my $data = "";

    Gaim::signal_connect(Gaim::Connections::handle, "signed-on",
                         $plugin, \&signed_on_cb, $data);

  Like timeouts, the callback can be an embedded subroutine, and also
  like timeouts, the data parameter can be omitted.

 @section Notes
  The API in perl is very similar to Gaim's C API. The functions have been
  gathered into packages, but most are the same, and the documentation can
  be a big help at times.

 @section Resources
  @see Signals
  @see Perl API Reference


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