view src/protocols/oscar/chatnav.c @ 3802:9bcb42faccc0

[gaim-migrate @ 3945] Rewrote show_im_dialog and show_info_dialog. Ported to gtkspell2. Gtkspell2 is a library available from It requires the pspell library. If you want the "highlight misspelled words" feature to work, you must have this library installed. If installed, configure will detect it and link against it. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Sean Egan <>
date Sat, 26 Oct 2002 06:41:13 +0000
parents 10a2d4d5bcf2
children 07283934dedd
line wrap: on
line source

 * Handle ChatNav.
 * [The ChatNav(igation) service does various things to keep chat
 *  alive.  It provides room information, room searching and creating, 
 *  as well as giving users the right ("permission") to use chat.]

#include <aim.h>

 * conn must be a chatnav connection!
faim_export int aim_chatnav_reqrights(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn)
	return aim_genericreq_n_snacid(sess, conn, 0x000d, 0x0002);

faim_export int aim_chatnav_createroom(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *name, fu16_t exchange)
	static const char ck[] = {"create"};
	static const char lang[] = {"en"};
	static const char charset[] = {"us-ascii"};
	aim_frame_t *fr;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl = NULL;

	if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x02, 1152)))
		return -ENOMEM;

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(sess, 0x000d, 0x0008, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	aim_putsnac(&fr->data, 0x000d, 0x0008, 0x0000, snacid);

	/* exchange */
	aimbs_put16(&fr->data, exchange);

	 * This looks to be a big hack.  You'll note that this entire
	 * SNAC is just a room info structure, but the hard room name,
	 * here, is set to "create".  
	 * Either this goes on the "list of questions concerning
	 * why-the-hell-did-you-do-that", or this value is completly
	 * ignored.  Without experimental evidence, but a good knowledge of
	 * AOL style, I'm going to guess that it is the latter, and that
	 * the value of the room name in create requests is ignored.
	aimbs_put8(&fr->data, strlen(ck));
	aimbs_putraw(&fr->data, ck, strlen(ck));

	 * instance
	 * Setting this to 0xffff apparently assigns the last instance.
	aimbs_put16(&fr->data, 0xffff);

	/* detail level */
	aimbs_put8(&fr->data, 0x01);

	aim_addtlvtochain_raw(&tl, 0x00d3, strlen(name), name);
	aim_addtlvtochain_raw(&tl, 0x00d6, strlen(charset), charset);
	aim_addtlvtochain_raw(&tl, 0x00d7, strlen(lang), lang);

	/* tlvcount */
	aimbs_put16(&fr->data, aim_counttlvchain(&tl));
	aim_writetlvchain(&fr->data, &tl);


	aim_tx_enqueue(sess, fr);

	return 0;

static int parseinfo_perms(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs, aim_snac_t *snac2)
	aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;
	int ret = 0;
	struct aim_chat_exchangeinfo *exchanges = NULL;
	int curexchange;
	aim_tlv_t *exchangetlv;
	fu8_t maxrooms = 0;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist, *innerlist;

	tlvlist = aim_readtlvchain(bs);

	 * Type 0x0002: Maximum concurrent rooms.
	if (aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x0002, 1))
		maxrooms = aim_gettlv8(tlvlist, 0x0002, 1);

	 * Type 0x0003: Exchange information
	 * There can be any number of these, each one
	 * representing another exchange.  
	for (curexchange = 0; ((exchangetlv = aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x0003, curexchange+1))); ) {
		aim_bstream_t tbs;

		aim_bstream_init(&tbs, exchangetlv->value, exchangetlv->length);


		exchanges = realloc(exchanges, curexchange * sizeof(struct aim_chat_exchangeinfo));

		/* exchange number */
		exchanges[curexchange-1].number = aimbs_get16(&tbs);
		innerlist = aim_readtlvchain(&tbs);

		 * Type 0x000a: Unknown.
		 * Usually three bytes: 0x0114 (exchange 1) or 0x010f (others).
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x000a, 1))

		 * Type 0x000d: Unknown.
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x000d, 1))

		 * Type 0x0004: Unknown
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x0004, 1))

		 * Type 0x0002: Unknown
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x0002, 1)) {
			fu16_t classperms;

			classperms = aim_gettlv16(innerlist, 0x0002, 1);
			faimdprintf(sess, 1, "faim: class permissions %x\n", classperms);

		 * Type 0x00c9: Flags
		 * 1 Evilable
		 * 2 Nav Only
		 * 4 Instancing Allowed
		 * 8 Occupant Peek Allowed
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00c9, 1))
			exchanges[curexchange-1].flags = aim_gettlv16(innerlist, 0x00c9, 1);
		 * Type 0x00ca: Creation Date 
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00ca, 1))
		 * Type 0x00d0: Mandatory Channels?
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d0, 1))

		 * Type 0x00d1: Maximum Message length
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d1, 1))

		 * Type 0x00d2: Maximum Occupancy?
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d2, 1))	

		 * Type 0x00d3: Exchange Description
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d3, 1))	
			exchanges[curexchange-1].name = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d3, 1);
			exchanges[curexchange-1].name = NULL;

		 * Type 0x00d4: Exchange Description URL
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d4, 1))	

		 * Type 0x00d5: Creation Permissions
		 * 0  Creation not allowed
		 * 1  Room creation allowed
		 * 2  Exchange creation allowed
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d5, 1)) {
			fu8_t createperms;

			createperms = aim_gettlv8(innerlist, 0x00d5, 1);

		 * Type 0x00d6: Character Set (First Time)
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d6, 1))	
			exchanges[curexchange-1].charset1 = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d6, 1);
			exchanges[curexchange-1].charset1 = NULL;
		 * Type 0x00d7: Language (First Time)
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d7, 1))	
			exchanges[curexchange-1].lang1 = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d7, 1);
			exchanges[curexchange-1].lang1 = NULL;

		 * Type 0x00d8: Character Set (Second Time)
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d8, 1))	
			exchanges[curexchange-1].charset2 = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d8, 1);
			exchanges[curexchange-1].charset2 = NULL;

		 * Type 0x00d9: Language (Second Time)
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d9, 1))	
			exchanges[curexchange-1].lang2 = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d9, 1);
			exchanges[curexchange-1].lang2 = NULL;
		 * Type 0x00da: Unknown
		if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00da, 1))	


	 * Call client.
	if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype)))
		ret = userfunc(sess, rx, snac2->type, maxrooms, curexchange, exchanges);

	for (curexchange--; curexchange >= 0; curexchange--) {

	return ret;

static int parseinfo_create(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs, aim_snac_t *snac2)
	aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist, *innerlist;
	char *ck = NULL, *fqcn = NULL, *name = NULL;
	fu16_t exchange = 0, instance = 0, unknown = 0, flags = 0, maxmsglen = 0, maxoccupancy = 0;
	fu32_t createtime = 0;
	fu8_t createperms = 0, detaillevel;
	int cklen;
	aim_tlv_t *bigblock;
	int ret = 0;
	aim_bstream_t bbbs;

	tlvlist = aim_readtlvchain(bs);

	if (!(bigblock = aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x0004, 1))) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "no bigblock in top tlv in create room response\n");
		return 0;

	aim_bstream_init(&bbbs, bigblock->value, bigblock->length);

	exchange = aimbs_get16(&bbbs);
	cklen = aimbs_get8(&bbbs);
	ck = aimbs_getstr(&bbbs, cklen);
	instance = aimbs_get16(&bbbs);
	detaillevel = aimbs_get8(&bbbs);

	if (detaillevel != 0x02) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "unknown detaillevel in create room response (0x%02x)\n", detaillevel);
		return 0;

	unknown = aimbs_get16(&bbbs);

	innerlist = aim_readtlvchain(&bbbs);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x006a, 1))
		fqcn = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x006a, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00c9, 1))
		flags = aim_gettlv16(innerlist, 0x00c9, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00ca, 1))
		createtime = aim_gettlv32(innerlist, 0x00ca, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d1, 1))
		maxmsglen = aim_gettlv16(innerlist, 0x00d1, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d2, 1))
		maxoccupancy = aim_gettlv16(innerlist, 0x00d2, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d3, 1))
		name = aim_gettlv_str(innerlist, 0x00d3, 1);

	if (aim_gettlv(innerlist, 0x00d5, 1))
		createperms = aim_gettlv8(innerlist, 0x00d5, 1);

	if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype))) {
		ret = userfunc(sess, rx, snac2->type, fqcn, instance, exchange, flags, createtime, maxmsglen, maxoccupancy, createperms, unknown, name, ck);


	return ret;

 * Since multiple things can trigger this callback, we must lookup the 
 * snacid to determine the original snac subtype that was called.
 * XXX This isn't really how this works.  But this is:  Every d/9 response
 * has a 16bit value at the beginning. That matches to:
 *    Short Desc = 1
 *    Full Desc = 2
 *    Instance Info = 4
 *    Nav Short Desc = 8
 *    Nav Instance Info = 16
 * And then everything is really asynchronous.  There is no specific 
 * attachment of a response to a create room request, for example.  Creating
 * the room yields no different a response than requesting the room's info.
static int parseinfo(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)
	aim_snac_t *snac2;
	int ret = 0;

	if (!(snac2 = aim_remsnac(sess, snac->id))) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "faim: chatnav_parse_info: received response to unknown request! (%08lx)\n", snac->id);
		return 0;

	if (snac2->family != 0x000d) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "faim: chatnav_parse_info: recieved response that maps to corrupt request! (fam=%04x)\n", snac2->family);
		return 0;

	 * We now know what the original SNAC subtype was.
	if (snac2->type == 0x0002) /* request chat rights */
		ret = parseinfo_perms(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs, snac2);
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0003) /* request exchange info */
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: resposne to exchange info\n");
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0004) /* request room info */
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: response to room info\n");
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0005) /* request more room info */
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: response to more room info\n");
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0006) /* request occupant list */
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: response to occupant info\n");
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0007) /* search for a room */
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: search results\n");
	else if (snac2->type == 0x0008) /* create room */
		ret = parseinfo_create(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs, snac2);
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "chatnav_parse_info: unknown request subtype (%04x)\n", snac2->type);

	if (snac2)

	return ret;

static int snachandler(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)

	if (snac->subtype == 0x0009)
		return parseinfo(sess, mod, rx, snac, bs);

	return 0;

faim_internal int chatnav_modfirst(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod)

	mod->family = 0x000d;
	mod->version = 0x0001;
	mod->toolid = 0x0010;
	mod->toolversion = 0x047c;
	mod->flags = 0;
	strncpy(mod->name, "chatnav", sizeof(mod->name));
	mod->snachandler = snachandler;

	return 0;