Mercurial > pidgin
view console/libgnt/gntmain.c @ 15791:9de8f4e810cb
This takes way too much memory, especially with ncursesw. I hadn't noticed, because apparently I was using ncurses.
author | Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <> |
date | Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:52:21 +0000 |
parents | 567097a973c6 |
children | 682022b8a129 |
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line source
#define _GNU_SOURCE #if defined(__APPLE__) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #endif #include "config.h" #include <gmodule.h> #include "gnt.h" #include "gntbox.h" #include "gntcolors.h" #include "gntclipboard.h" #include "gntkeys.h" #include "gntmenu.h" #include "gntstyle.h" #include "gnttree.h" #include "gntutils.h" #include "gntwm.h" #include <panel.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <locale.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> /** * Notes: Interesting functions to look at: * scr_dump, scr_init, scr_restore: for workspaces * * Need to wattrset for colors to use with PDCurses. */ static GIOChannel *channel = NULL; static gboolean ascii_only; static gboolean mouse_enabled; static void setup_io(); static gboolean refresh_screen(); GntWM *wm; static GntClipboard *clipboard; #define HOLDING_ESCAPE (escape_stuff.timer != 0) static struct { int timer; } escape_stuff; static gboolean escape_timeout(gpointer data) { gnt_wm_process_input(wm, "\033"); escape_stuff.timer = 0; return FALSE; } /** * Mouse support: * - bring a window on top if you click on its taskbar * - click on the top-bar of the active window and drag+drop to move a window * - click on a window to bring it to focus * - allow scrolling in tree/textview on wheel-scroll event * - click to activate button or select a row in tree * wishlist: * - have a little [X] on the windows, and clicking it will close that window. */ static gboolean detect_mouse_action(const char *buffer) { int x, y; static enum { MOUSE_NONE, MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE } button = MOUSE_NONE; static GntWidget *remember = NULL; static int offset = 0; GntMouseEvent event; GntWidget *widget = NULL; PANEL *p = NULL; if (!wm->ordered || buffer[0] != 27) return FALSE; buffer++; if (strlen(buffer) < 5) return FALSE; x = buffer[3]; y = buffer[4]; if (x < 0) x += 256; if (y < 0) y += 256; x -= 33; y -= 33; while ((p = panel_below(p)) != NULL) { const GntNode *node = panel_userptr(p); GntWidget *wid; if (!node) continue; wid = node->me; if (x >= wid->priv.x && x < wid->priv.x + wid->priv.width) { if (y >= wid->priv.y && y < wid->priv.y + wid->priv.height) { widget = wid; break; } } } if (strncmp(buffer, "[M ", 3) == 0) { /* left button down */ /* Bring the window you clicked on to front */ /* If you click on the topbar, then you can drag to move the window */ event = GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M\"", 3) == 0) { /* right button down */ event = GNT_RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M!", 3) == 0) { /* middle button down */ event = GNT_MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M`", 3) == 0) { /* wheel up*/ event = GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[Ma", 3) == 0) { /* wheel down */ event = GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M#", 3) == 0) { /* button up */ event = GNT_MOUSE_UP; } else return FALSE; if (gnt_wm_process_click(wm, event, x, y, widget)) return TRUE; if (event == GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN && widget && widget != wm->_list.window && !GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) { if (widget != wm->ordered->data) { gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, widget); } if (y == widget->priv.y) { offset = x - widget->priv.x; remember = widget; button = MOUSE_LEFT; } } else if (event == GNT_MOUSE_UP) { if (button == MOUSE_NONE && y == getmaxy(stdscr) - 1) { /* Clicked on the taskbar */ int n = g_list_length(wm->list); if (n) { int width = getmaxx(stdscr) / n; gnt_bindable_perform_action_named(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), "switch-window-n", x/width, NULL); } } else if (button == MOUSE_LEFT && remember) { x -= offset; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; gnt_screen_move_widget(remember, x, y); } button = MOUSE_NONE; remember = NULL; offset = 0; } gnt_widget_clicked(widget, event, x, y); return TRUE; } static gboolean io_invoke_error(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { int id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); g_source_remove(id); g_io_channel_unref(source); channel = NULL; setup_io(); return TRUE; } static gboolean io_invoke(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition cond, gpointer null) { char keys[256]; int rd = read(STDIN_FILENO, keys + HOLDING_ESCAPE, sizeof(keys) - 1 - HOLDING_ESCAPE); char *k; if (rd < 0) { int ch = getch(); /* This should return ERR, but let's see what it really returns */ endwin(); printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno)); printf("File descriptor is: %d\n\nGIOChannel is: %p\ngetch() = %d\n", STDIN_FILENO, source, ch); raise(SIGABRT); } else if (rd == 0) { endwin(); printf("EOF\n"); raise(SIGABRT); } rd += HOLDING_ESCAPE; keys[rd] = 0; if (mouse_enabled && detect_mouse_action(keys)) return TRUE; if (HOLDING_ESCAPE) keys[0] = '\033'; k = keys; while (rd) { char back; int p; if (k[0] == '\033' && rd == 1) { if (escape_stuff.timer) { gnt_wm_process_input(wm, "\033\033"); g_source_remove(escape_stuff.timer); escape_stuff.timer = 0; break; } escape_stuff.timer = g_timeout_add(250, escape_timeout, NULL); break; } gnt_keys_refine(k); p = MAX(1, gnt_keys_find_combination(k)); back = k[p]; k[p] = '\0'; gnt_wm_process_input(wm, k); /* XXX: */ k[p] = back; rd -= p; k += p; } return TRUE; } static void setup_io() { int result; channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(STDIN_FILENO); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(channel, TRUE); #if 0 g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_buffered(channel, FALSE); g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL ); #endif result = g_io_add_watch_full(channel, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, (G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_PRI), io_invoke, NULL, NULL); g_io_add_watch_full(channel, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, (G_IO_NVAL), io_invoke_error, GINT_TO_POINTER(result), NULL); g_io_channel_unref(channel); /* Apparently this caused crashes for some people. But irssi does this, so I am going to assume the crashes were caused by some other stuff. */ g_printerr("gntmain: setting up IO\n"); } static gboolean refresh_screen() { gnt_bindable_perform_action_named(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), "refresh-screen", NULL); return FALSE; } /* Xerox */ static void clean_pid(void) { int status; pid_t pid; do { pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); } while (pid != 0 && pid != (pid_t)-1); if ((pid == (pid_t) - 1) && (errno != ECHILD)) { char errmsg[BUFSIZ]; g_snprintf(errmsg, BUFSIZ, "Warning: waitpid() returned %d", pid); perror(errmsg); } } static void sighandler(int sig) { switch (sig) { #ifdef SIGWINCH case SIGWINCH: werase(stdscr); wrefresh(stdscr); g_idle_add(refresh_screen, NULL); signal(SIGWINCH, sighandler); break; #endif case SIGCHLD: clean_pid(); signal(SIGCHLD, sighandler); break; } } static void init_wm() { const char *name = gnt_style_get(GNT_STYLE_WM); gpointer handle; if (name && *name) { handle = g_module_open(name, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY); if (handle) { gboolean (*init)(GntWM **); if (g_module_symbol(handle, "gntwm_init", (gpointer)&init)) { init(&wm); } } } if (wm == NULL) wm = g_object_new(GNT_TYPE_WM, NULL); } void gnt_init() { char *filename; const char *locale; if (channel) return; locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); setup_io(); if (locale && (strstr(locale, "UTF") || strstr(locale, "utf"))) ascii_only = FALSE; else ascii_only = TRUE; initscr(); typeahead(-1); noecho(); curs_set(0); gnt_init_styles(); filename = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".gntrc", NULL); gnt_style_read_configure_file(filename); g_free(filename); gnt_init_colors(); gnt_init_keys(); wbkgdset(stdscr, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); refresh(); #ifdef ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS if ((mouse_enabled = gnt_style_get_bool(GNT_STYLE_MOUSE, FALSE))) mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION, NULL); #endif wbkgdset(stdscr, '\0' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); werase(stdscr); wrefresh(stdscr); #ifdef SIGWINCH signal(SIGWINCH, sighandler); #endif signal(SIGCHLD, sighandler); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); g_type_init(); init_wm(); clipboard = g_object_new(GNT_TYPE_CLIPBOARD, NULL); } void gnt_main() { wm->loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(wm->loop); } /********************************* * Stuff for 'window management' * *********************************/ void gnt_screen_occupy(GntWidget *widget) { gnt_wm_new_window(wm, widget); } void gnt_screen_release(GntWidget *widget) { gnt_wm_window_close(wm, widget); } void gnt_screen_update(GntWidget *widget) { gnt_wm_update_window(wm, widget); } gboolean gnt_widget_has_focus(GntWidget *widget) { GntWidget *w; if (!widget) return FALSE; if (GNT_IS_MENU(widget)) return TRUE; w = widget; while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; if (widget == wm->_list.window) return TRUE; if (wm->ordered && wm->ordered->data == widget) { if (GNT_IS_BOX(widget) && (GNT_BOX(widget)->active == w || widget == w)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void gnt_widget_set_urgent(GntWidget *widget) { while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; if (wm->ordered && wm->ordered->data == widget) return; GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(widget, GNT_WIDGET_URGENT); gnt_wm_update_window(wm, widget); } void gnt_quit() { g_hash_table_destroy(wm->nodes); /* XXX: */ update_panels(); doupdate(); gnt_uninit_colors(); gnt_uninit_styles(); endwin(); } gboolean gnt_ascii_only() { return ascii_only; } void gnt_screen_resize_widget(GntWidget *widget, int width, int height) { gnt_wm_resize_window(wm, widget, width, height); } void gnt_screen_move_widget(GntWidget *widget, int x, int y) { gnt_wm_move_window(wm, widget, x, y); } void gnt_screen_rename_widget(GntWidget *widget, const char *text) { gnt_box_set_title(GNT_BOX(widget), text); gnt_widget_draw(widget); gnt_wm_update_window(wm, widget); } void gnt_register_action(const char *label, void (*callback)()) { GntAction *action = g_new0(GntAction, 1); action->label = g_strdup(label); action->callback = callback; wm->acts = g_list_append(wm->acts, action); } static void reset_menu(GntWidget *widget, gpointer null) { wm->menu = NULL; } gboolean gnt_screen_menu_show(gpointer newmenu) { if (wm->menu) { /* For now, if a menu is being displayed, then another menu * can NOT take over. */ return FALSE; } wm->menu = newmenu; GNT_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS(GNT_WIDGET(wm->menu), GNT_WIDGET_INVISIBLE); gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(wm->menu)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(wm->menu), "hide", G_CALLBACK(reset_menu), NULL); return TRUE; } void gnt_set_clipboard_string(gchar *string) { gnt_clipboard_set_string(clipboard, string); } GntClipboard *gnt_get_clipboard() { return clipboard; } gchar *gnt_get_clipboard_string() { return gnt_clipboard_get_string(clipboard); }