Mercurial > pidgin
view src/prpl.c @ 5735:a80fcb009d81
[gaim-migrate @ 6159]
Profiles and all now load correctly.
committer: Tailor Script <>
author | Christian Hammond <> |
date | Wed, 04 Jun 2003 06:31:25 +0000 |
parents | 1d140b31d4b3 |
children | 059d95c67cda |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * gaim * * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "gaim.h" #include "gtkutils.h" #include "gtkblist.h" #include "multi.h" #include "prpl.h" #include "notify.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include "win32dep.h" #endif GtkWidget *protomenu = NULL; struct _prompt { GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *entry; void (*doit)(void *, const char *); void (*dont)(void *); void *data; }; GaimPlugin * gaim_find_prpl(GaimProtocol type) { GList *l; GaimPlugin *plugin; for (l = gaim_plugins_get_protocols(); l != NULL; l = l->next) { plugin = (GaimPlugin *)l->data; /* Just In Case (TM) */ if (GAIM_IS_PROTOCOL_PLUGIN(plugin)) { if (GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(plugin)->protocol == type) return plugin; } } return NULL; } static void proto_act(GtkObject *obj, struct proto_actions_menu *pam) { if (pam->callback && pam->gc) pam->callback(pam->gc); } void do_proto_menu() { GtkWidget *menuitem; GtkWidget *submenu; GaimPluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = NULL; GList *l; GList *c; struct proto_actions_menu *pam; GaimConnection *gc = NULL; int count = 0; char buf[256]; if (!protomenu) return; l = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(protomenu)); while (l) { menuitem = l->data; pam = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "proto_actions_menu"); if (pam) g_free(pam); gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(protomenu), GTK_WIDGET(menuitem)); l = l->next; } for (c = gaim_connections_get_all(); c != NULL; c = c->next) { gc = c->data; prpl_info = GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl); if (prpl_info->actions && gc->login_time) count++; } if (!count) { g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("No actions available")); menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(buf); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(protomenu), menuitem); gtk_widget_show(menuitem); return; } if (count == 1) { GList *act; for (c = gaim_connections_get_all(); c != NULL; c = c->next) { gc = c->data; prpl_info = GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl); if (prpl_info->actions && gc->login_time) break; } act = prpl_info->actions(gc); while (act) { if (act->data) { struct proto_actions_menu *pam = act->data; menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(pam->label); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(protomenu), menuitem); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate", G_CALLBACK(proto_act), pam); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "proto_actions_menu", pam); gtk_widget_show(menuitem); } else { gaim_separator(protomenu); } act = g_list_next(act); } } else { for (c = gaim_connections_get_all(); c != NULL; c = c->next) { GaimAccount *account; GList *act; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, *scale; GtkWidget *image; gc = c->data; prpl_info = GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl); if (!prpl_info->actions || !gc->login_time) continue; account = gaim_connection_get_account(gc); g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s (%s)", gaim_account_get_username(account), gc->prpl->info->name); menuitem = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label(buf); pixbuf = create_prpl_icon(gc->account); if(pixbuf) { scale = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(pixbuf, 16, 16, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(scale); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pixbuf)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(scale)); gtk_widget_show(image); gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menuitem), image); } gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(protomenu), menuitem); gtk_widget_show(menuitem); submenu = gtk_menu_new(); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem), submenu); gtk_widget_show(submenu); act = prpl_info->actions(gc); while (act) { if (act->data) { struct proto_actions_menu *pam = act->data; menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(pam->label); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(submenu), menuitem); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate", G_CALLBACK(proto_act), pam); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "proto_actions_menu", pam); gtk_widget_show(menuitem); } else { gaim_separator(submenu); } act = g_list_next(act); } } } } struct icon_data { GaimConnection *gc; char *who; void *data; int len; }; static GList *icons = NULL; static gint find_icon_data(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct icon_data *x = a; const struct icon_data *y = b; return ((x->gc != y->gc) || gaim_utf8_strcasecmp(x->who, y->who)); } void set_icon_data(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who, void *data, int len) { GaimConversation *conv; struct icon_data tmp; GList *l; struct icon_data *id; struct buddy *b; /* i'm going to vent here a little bit about normalize(). normalize() * uses a static buffer, so when we call functions that use normalize() from * functions that use normalize(), whose parameters are the result of running * normalize(), bad things happen. To prevent some of this, we're going * to make a copy of what we get from normalize(), so we know nothing else * touches it, and buddy icons don't go to the wrong person. Some day I * will kill normalize(), and dance on its grave. That will be a very happy * day for everyone. * --ndw */ char *realwho = g_strdup(normalize(who)); tmp.gc = gc; tmp.who = realwho;; tmp.len = 0; l = g_list_find_custom(icons, &tmp, find_icon_data); id = l ? l->data : NULL; if (id) { g_free(id->data); if (!data) { icons = g_list_remove(icons, id); g_free(id->who); g_free(id); g_free(realwho); return; } } else if (data) { id = g_new0(struct icon_data, 1); icons = g_list_append(icons, id); id->gc = gc; id->who = g_strdup(realwho); } else { g_free(realwho); return; } gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_MISC, "prpl", "Got icon for %s (length %d)\n", realwho, len); id->data = g_memdup(data, len); id->len = len; /* Update the buddy icon for this user. */ conv = gaim_find_conversation(realwho); /* XXX Buddy Icon should probalby be part of struct buddy instead of this weird global * linked list stuff. */ if ((b = gaim_find_buddy(gc->account, realwho)) != NULL) { char *random = g_strdup_printf("%x", g_random_int()); char *filename = g_build_filename(gaim_user_dir(), "icons", random, NULL); char *dirname = g_build_filename(gaim_user_dir(), "icons", NULL); char *old_icon = gaim_buddy_get_setting(b, "buddy_icon"); FILE *file = NULL; g_free(random); if(!g_file_test(dirname, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "buddy icons", "Creating icon cache directory.\n"); if(mkdir(dirname, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) < 0) gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_ERROR, "buddy icons", "Unable to create directory %s: %s\n", dirname, strerror(errno)); } g_free(dirname); file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (file) { fwrite(data, 1, len, file); fclose(file); } if(old_icon) { unlink(old_icon); g_free(old_icon); } gaim_buddy_set_setting(b, "buddy_icon", filename); gaim_blist_save(); g_free(filename); gaim_blist_update_buddy_icon(b); } if (conv != NULL && gaim_conversation_get_gc(conv) == gc) gaim_gtkconv_update_buddy_icon(conv); g_free(realwho); } void remove_icon_data(GaimConnection *gc) { GList *list = icons; struct icon_data *id; while (list) { id = list->data; if (id->gc == gc) { g_free(id->data); g_free(id->who); list = icons = g_list_remove(icons, id); g_free(id); } else list = list->next; } } void *get_icon_data(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who, int *len) { struct icon_data tmp = { gc, normalize(who), NULL, 0 }; GList *l = g_list_find_custom(icons, &tmp, find_icon_data); struct icon_data *id = l ? l->data : NULL; if (id) { *len = id->len; return id->data; } *len = 0; return NULL; } struct got_add { GaimConnection *gc; char *who; char *alias; }; static void dont_add(struct got_add *ga) { g_free(ga->who); if (ga->alias) g_free(ga->alias); g_free(ga); } static void do_add(struct got_add *ga) { if (g_list_find(gaim_connections_get_all(), ga->gc)) show_add_buddy(ga->gc, ga->who, NULL, ga->alias); dont_add(ga); } void show_got_added(GaimConnection *gc, const char *id, const char *who, const char *alias, const char *msg) { GaimAccount *account; char buf[BUF_LONG]; struct got_add *ga; struct buddy *b; account = gaim_connection_get_account(gc); b = gaim_find_buddy(gc->account, who); ga = g_new0(struct got_add, 1); ga->gc = gc; ga->who = g_strdup(who); ga->alias = (alias ? g_strdup(alias) : NULL); g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s%s"), who, alias ? " (" : "", alias ? alias : "", alias ? ")" : "", (id ? id : (gaim_connection_get_display_name(gc) ? gaim_connection_get_display_name(gc) : gaim_account_get_username(account))), msg ? ": " : ".", msg ? msg : "", b ? "" : _("\n\nDo you wish to add him or her to your buddy list?")); if (b) { gaim_notify_info(NULL, NULL, _("Gaim - Information"), buf); } else gaim_request_action(NULL, NULL, _("Add buddy to your list?"), buf, 0, ga, 2, _("Add"), G_CALLBACK(do_add), _("Cancel"), G_CALLBACK(dont_add)); } static GtkWidget *regdlg = NULL; static GtkWidget *reg_list = NULL; static GtkWidget *reg_area = NULL; static GtkWidget *reg_reg = NULL; static void delete_regdlg() { GtkWidget *tmp = regdlg; regdlg = NULL; if (tmp) gtk_widget_destroy(tmp); } static void reset_reg_dlg() { GList *P = gaim_plugins_get_protocols(); if (!regdlg) return; while (GTK_BOX(reg_list)->children) gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(reg_list), ((GtkBoxChild *)GTK_BOX(reg_list)->children->data)->widget); while (GTK_BOX(reg_area)->children) gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(reg_area), ((GtkBoxChild *)GTK_BOX(reg_area)->children->data)->widget); while (P) { GaimPlugin *p = P->data; if (GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(p)->register_user) break; P = P->next; } if (!P) { GtkWidget *no = gtk_label_new(_("You do not currently have any protocols available" " that are able to register new accounts.")); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(reg_area), no, FALSE, FALSE, 5); gtk_widget_show(no); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(reg_reg, FALSE); return; } gtk_widget_set_sensitive(reg_reg, TRUE); while (P) { /* we can safely ignore all the previous ones */ GaimPlugin *p = P->data; P = P->next; if (GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(p)->register_user) continue; /* do stuff */ } } void register_dialog() { /* this is just one big hack */ GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *frame; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *close; if (regdlg) { gdk_window_raise(regdlg->window); return; } regdlg = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(regdlg), _("Gaim - Registration")); gtk_window_set_role(GTK_WINDOW(regdlg), "register"); gtk_widget_realize(regdlg); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(regdlg), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_regdlg), NULL); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 5); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(regdlg), vbox); reg_list = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), reg_list, FALSE, FALSE, 5); frame = gtk_frame_new(_("Registration Information")); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 5); reg_area = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), reg_area); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 5); close = gaim_pixbuf_button_from_stock(_("Close"), GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GAIM_BUTTON_HORIZONTAL); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), close, FALSE, FALSE, 5); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(close), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(delete_regdlg), NULL); reg_reg = gaim_pixbuf_button_from_stock(_("Register"), GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, GAIM_BUTTON_HORIZONTAL); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), reg_reg, FALSE, FALSE, 5); /* fuck me */ reset_reg_dlg(); gtk_widget_show_all(regdlg); }