view plugins/chkmail.c @ 8212:ad164c1ca79d

[gaim-migrate @ 8935] a yahoo web auth fix from marv that i debated whether to commit or not (as he did as well apparently fromt he message he left in the patch post) ;-) also: " Here's a large zephyr fix, tested against current CVS and also 0.75. It does thie following: Support a few additional zephyr formatting "@" tags, Using the gaim_chat_set_topic function to allow the user to set the instance that a zephyr is being sent to. Listing people in chats (really, the zephyr protocol doesn't allow for this, but I faked it by seeing who has sent to a class). Added proto options allowing for: setting the zephyr exposure (currently, just by entering the correct text string), and setting whether you want gaim to export to .zephyr.subs , and .anyone (buddy list). You also can add and remove buddies from within gaim. It also fixes a minor (but annoying bug), where random buffer garbage is sent with the zephyr, as an additional zephyr field." --Arun (att) A Tharuvai committer: Tailor Script <>
author Luke Schierer <>
date Thu, 05 Feb 2004 16:28:51 +0000
parents a21cf07cd8e1
children a09ffb82aef1
line wrap: on
line source

/* This is some funky code.  It is still being developed by Rob Flynn -
 * I recommend not using this code right now. :)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "gaim.h"

char username[] = "";
char password[] = "";
char mailhost[] = "";
int mailport = 110;
int state = 0;

static void *handle = NULL;
extern GtkWidget *buddies;

int lastnum = 0;
int orig = 0;
int mytimer;

void update_mail();
void check_mail();

int num_msgs()
	struct in_addr *sin;
	char recv[1024];
	char command[256];
	int fd;
	int num = 0;
	int step = 0;
	int len;

	sin = (struct in_addr *)get_address(mailhost);
	fd = connect_address(sin->s_addr, mailport);
	while ((len = read(fd, recv, 1023))>0) {
		recv[len] = 0;
		if (!strncmp(recv, "-ERR", strlen("-ERR"))) {
			step = 4;
		} else if (!strncmp(recv, "+OK", strlen("+OK"))) {
			if (step == 3) {
				if (sscanf(recv, "+OK %d %d\n", &num, &step) != 2)
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "QUIT\n");
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				return num;

			if (step == 0) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "USER %s\n", username);
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 1;
			} else if (step == 1) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "PASS %s\n", password);
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 2;
			} else if (step == 2) {
				g_snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "STAT\n");
				write(fd, command, strlen(command));
				step = 3;

	return 0;

void destroy_mail_list()
	GList *list;
	GtkWidget *w;

	list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
	while (list) {
		w = (GtkWidget *)list->data;
		if (!strcmp(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(w)->child)->label, _("Mail Server"))) {
			gtk_tree_remove_items(GTK_TREE(buddies), list);
			list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
			if (!list)
		list = list->next;

void setup_mail_list()
	GList *list;
	GtkWidget *w;
	GtkWidget *item;
	GtkWidget *tree;
	gchar *buf;

	list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;

	while (list) {
		w = (GtkWidget *)list->data;
		if (!strcmp(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(w)->child)->label, _("Mail Server"))) {
			gtk_tree_remove_items(GTK_TREE(buddies), list);
			list = GTK_TREE(buddies)->children;
			if (!list)
		list = list->next;

	item = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label(_("Mail Server"));
	tree = gtk_tree_new();
	gtk_tree_append(GTK_TREE(buddies), item);
	gtk_tree_item_set_subtree(GTK_TREE_ITEM(item), tree);

	buf = g_malloc(BUF_LONG);

	g_snprintf(buf, BUF_LONG, _("%s (%d new/%d total)"), mailhost, lastnum - orig, lastnum);
	item = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label(buf);

	gtk_tree_append(GTK_TREE(tree), item);
void gaim_plugin_init(void *h) {
	handle = h;

	orig = num_msgs();
	lastnum = orig;

	gaim_signal_connect(handle, event_blist_update, setup_mail_list, NULL);
	mytimer = g_timeout_add(30000, check_mail, NULL);

void check_mail() {
	pthread_t mail_thread;
	pthread_attr_t attr;

	if (state == 0) {
		state = 1;
		pthread_create(&mail_thread, &attr, (void *)&update_mail, NULL);

void update_mail () {
	int newnum;


	newnum = num_msgs();

	if ((newnum >= lastnum) && (newnum > 0)) {
		newnum = newnum - lastnum;
	} else {
		newnum = 0;

	if (newnum < lastnum) {
		orig = lastnum;

	lastnum = newnum;
	mytimer = g_timeout_add(30000, check_mail, NULL);
	state = 0;

void gaim_plugin_remove() {
	while (state == 1) { }
	handle = NULL;

char *name() {
	return _("Check Mail");

char *description() {
	return _("Check email every X seconds.\n");