view src/ @ 11261:b53606580f68

[gaim-migrate @ 13439] Patch #1226486 from Levi Bard Fixes bug #1224178 If you change the topic in a chat room and that topic change is rejected, the topic field is wrong -- it shows the new topic even thought it didn't get set. This patch resets the GUI's topic immediately when you hit enter. Then, if the topic change is successful, the server will echo the topic change back to us and we'll update the GUI to the new topic. The only question is, does the server always echo the topic back to us? From the core's point of view, I'm ready to assume yes. It's the case for both IRC and Jabber*. If someone could test changing a topic in SILC or Zephyr, that'd be great. If servers using those protocols do not echo the topic back, the prpl will have to fake it as appropriate. * I didn't actually test on Jabber, but Nathan said the server will echo the topic change back. If it's broken, let me know. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Sun, 14 Aug 2005 06:55:57 +0000
parents 66f872f30e40
children 421a8523ad04
line wrap: on
line source

# This programs takes a C header file as the input and produces:
# with option --mode=xml:  xml dbus specification 
# with option --mode=c:    C wrappers 

import re
import string
import sys

# list of object types

# objecttypes = []

# for objecttype in file("dbus-auto-structs.txt"):
#     objecttypes.append(objecttype.strip())

# a dictionary of simple types
# each TYPE maps into a pair (dbus-type-name, compatible-c-type-name)
# if compatible-c-type-name is None then it is the same as TYPE

# simpletypes = {
#     "int" : ("i", None),
#     "gint" : ("i", None),
#     "guint" : ("u", None),
#     "gboolean" : ("i", "int")
#     }

simpletypes = ["int", "gint", "guint", "gboolean"]

# for enum in file("dbus-auto-enums.txt"):
#     simpletypes[enum.strip()] = ("i", "int")

# functions that shouldn't be exported 

excluded = ["gaim_accounts_load", "gaim_account_set_presence",
            "gaim_conv_placement_get_fnc_id", "gaim_conv_placement_add_fnc",

stringlists = []

pointer = "#pointer#"
myexception = "My Exception"

def ctopascal(name):
    newname = ""
    for word in name.split("_"):
        newname += word.capitalize()
    return newname

class Parameter:
    def __init__(self, type, name): = name
        self.type = type

    def fromtokens(tokens, parameternumber = -1):
        if len(tokens) == 0:
            raise myexception
        if (len(tokens) == 1) or (tokens[-1] == pointer):
            if parameternumber >= 0:
                return Parameter(tokens, "param%i" % parameternumber)
                raise myexception
            return Parameter(tokens[:-1], tokens[-1])
    fromtokens = staticmethod(fromtokens)

class Binding:
    def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
        self.function = Parameter.fromtokens(functiontext.split())

        if in excluded:
            raise myexception

        self.params = []
        for i in range(len(paramtexts)):
            self.params.append(Parameter.fromtokens(paramtexts[i].split(), i)) = "%s(%s)" % (,
                                ", ".join([ for param in self.params]))
    def process(self):
        for param in self.params:

        self.processoutput(self.function.type, "RESULT")

    def processinput(self, type, name):
        const = False
        if type[0] == "const":
            type = type[1:]
            const = True

        if len(type) == 1:
            # simple types (int, gboolean, etc.) and enums
            if (type[0] in simpletypes) or (type[0].startswith("Gaim")):
                return self.inputsimple(type, name)

            # va_list, replace by NULL
            if type[0] == "va_list":
                return self.inputvalist(type, name)

        # pointers ... 
        if (len(type) == 2) and (type[1] == pointer):
            # strings
            if type[0] == "char":
                if const:
                    return self.inputstring(type, name)
                    raise myexception

            elif type[0] == "GHashTable":
                return self.inputhash(type, name)
            # known object types are transformed to integer handles
            elif type[0].startswith("Gaim"):
                return self.inputgaimstructure(type, name)

            # unknown pointers are always replaced with NULL
                return self.inputpointer(type, name)

        raise myexception

    def processoutput(self, type, name):
        # the "void" type is simple ...
        if type == ["void"]:
            return self.outputvoid(type, name)

        const = False
        if type[0] == "const":
            type = type[1:]
            const = True

        # a string
        if type == ["char", pointer]:
            return self.outputstring(type, name, const)

        # simple types (ints, booleans, enums, ...)
        if (len(type) == 1) and \
               ((type[0] in simpletypes) or (type[0].startswith("Gaim"))):
            return self.outputsimple(type, name)

        # pointers ...
        if (len(type) == 2) and (type[1] == pointer):

            # handles
            if type[0].startswith("Gaim"):
                return self.outputgaimstructure(type, name)

            if type[0] in ["GList", "GSList"]:
                return self.outputlist(type, name)

        raise myexception

class ClientBinding (Binding):
    def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts, knowntypes, headersonly):
        Binding.__init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts)
        self.knowntypes = knowntypes
        self.headersonly = headersonly
        self.paramshdr = []
        self.decls = []
        self.inputparams = []
        self.outputparams = []
        self.returncode = []

    def flush(self):
        print "%s %s(%s)" % (self.functiontype,,
                             ", ".join(self.paramshdr)),

        if self.headersonly:
            print ";"

        print "{"

        for decl in self.decls:
            print decl

        print 'dbus_g_proxy_call(gaim_proxy, "%s", NULL,' % ctopascal(
        for type_name in self.inputparams:
            print "G_TYPE_%s, %s, " % type_name,
        print "G_TYPE_INVALID,"

        for type_name in self.outputparams:
            print "G_TYPE_%s, &%s, " % type_name,
        print "G_TYPE_INVALID);"
        for code in self.returncode:
            print code

        print "}\n"

    def definegaimstructure(self, type):
        if (self.headersonly) and (type[0] not in self.knowntypes):
            print "struct _%s;" % type[0]
            print "typedef struct _%s %s;" % (type[0], type[0])

    # fixme
    def definegaimenum(self, type):
        if (self.headersonly) and (type[0] not in self.knowntypes) \
               and (type[0] not in simpletypes):
            print "typedef int %s;" % type[0]
    def inputsimple(self, type, name):
        self.paramshdr.append("%s %s" % (type[0], name))
        self.inputparams.append(("INT", name))

    def inputvalist(self, type, name):

    def inputstring(self, type, name):
        self.paramshdr.append("const char *%s" % name)
        self.inputparams.append(("STRING", name))
    def inputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
        self.paramshdr.append("%s *%s" % (type[0], name))
        self.inputparams.append(("INT", "GPOINTER_TO_INT(%s)" % name))

    def inputpointer(self, type, name):
        self.paramshdr.append("%s *%s" % (type[0], name))
        self.inputparams.append(("INT", "0"))
    def inputhash(self, type, name):
        raise myexception

    def outputvoid(self, type, name):
        self.functiontype = "void"

    def outputstring(self, type, name, const):
        self.functiontype = "char*"
        self.decls.append("char *%s = NULL;" % name)
        self.outputparams.append(("STRING", name))
#        self.returncode.append("NULLIFY(%s);" % name)
        self.returncode.append("return %s;" % name);

    def outputsimple(self, type, name):
        self.functiontype = type[0]
        self.decls.append("%s %s = 0;" % (type[0], name))
        self.outputparams.append(("INT", name))
        self.returncode.append("return %s;" % name);

    def outputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
        name = name + "_ID"
        self.functiontype = "%s*" % type[0]
        self.decls.append("int %s = 0;" % name)
        self.outputparams.append(("INT", "%s" % name))
        self.returncode.append("return (%s*) GINT_TO_POINTER(%s);" % (type[0], name));

    def outputlist(self, type, name):
        raise myexception

class ServerBinding (Binding):
    def __init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
        Binding.__init__(self, functiontext, paramtexts)
        self.dparams = ""
        self.cparams = []
        self.cdecls  = []
        self.ccode  = []
        self.cparamsout = []
        self.ccodeout = []
        self.argfunc = "dbus_message_get_args"

    def flush(self):
        print "static DBusMessage*"
        print "%s_DBUS(DBusMessage *message_DBUS, DBusError *error_DBUS) {" % \
        print "DBusMessage *reply_DBUS;"

        for decl in self.cdecls:
            print decl

        print "%s(message_DBUS, error_DBUS, " % self.argfunc,
        for param in self.cparams:
            print "DBUS_TYPE_%s, &%s," % param,
        print "DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);"

        print "CHECK_ERROR(error_DBUS);"

        for code in self.ccode:
            print code

        print "reply_DBUS =  dbus_message_new_method_return (message_DBUS);"

        print "dbus_message_append_args(reply_DBUS, ",
        for param in self.cparamsout:
            if type(param) is str:
                print "%s, " % param
                print "DBUS_TYPE_%s, &%s, " % param,
        print "DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);"

        for code in self.ccodeout:
            print code

        print "return reply_DBUS;\n}\n"

    def addstring(self, *items):
        for item in items:
            self.dparams += item + r"\0"

    def addintype(self, type, name):
        self.addstring("in", type, name)

    def addouttype(self, type, name):
        self.addstring("out", type, name)

    # input parameters

    def inputsimple(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
        self.cparams.append(("INT32", name))
        self.addintype("i", name)

    def inputvalist(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("va_list %s;" % name);
        self.ccode.append("%s = NULL;" % name);

    def inputstring(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("const char *%s;" % name)
        self.cparams.append(("STRING", name))
        self.ccode  .append("NULLIFY(%s);" % name)
        self.addintype("s", name)

    def inputhash(self, type, name):
        self.argfunc = "gaim_dbus_message_get_args"
        self.cdecls.append("DBusMessageIter %s_ITER;" % name)
        self.cdecls.append("GHashTable *%s;" % name)
        self.cparams.append(("ARRAY", "%s_ITER" % name))
        self.ccode.append("%s = gaim_dbus_iter_hash_table(&%s_ITER, error_DBUS);" \
                     % (name, name))
        self.ccodeout.append("g_hash_table_destroy(%s);" % name)
        self.addintype("a{ss}", name)

    def inputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s_ID;" %  name)
        self.cdecls.append("%s *%s;" % (type[0], name))
        self.cparams.append(("INT32", name + "_ID"))
        self.ccode.append("GAIM_DBUS_ID_TO_POINTER(%s, %s_ID, %s, error_DBUS);"  % \
                       (name, name, type[0]))
        self.addintype("i", name)

    def inputpointer(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s_NULL;" %  name)
        self.cdecls .append("%s *%s;" % (type[0], name))
        self.cparams.append(("INT32", name + "_NULL"))
        self.ccode  .append("%s = NULL;" % name)
        self.addintype("i", name)

    # output parameters

    def outputvoid(self, type, name):
        self.ccode.append("%s;" % # just call the function

    def outputstring(self, type, name, const):
        self.cdecls.append("const char *%s;" % name)
        self.ccode.append("%s = null_to_empty(%s);" % (name,
        self.cparamsout.append(("STRING", name))
        self.addouttype("s", name)
        if not const:
            self.ccodeout.append("g_free(%s);" % name)

    def outputsimple(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
        self.ccode.append("%s = %s;" % (name,
        self.cparamsout.append(("INT32", name))
        self.addouttype("i", name)

    def outputgaimstructure(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s;" % name)
        self.ccode .append("GAIM_DBUS_POINTER_TO_ID(%s, %s, error_DBUS);" % (name,
        self.cparamsout.append(("INT32", name))
        self.addouttype("i", name)

    # GList*, GSList*, assume that list is a list of objects

    # fixme: at the moment, we do NOT free the memory occupied by
    # the list, we should free it if the list has NOT been declared const

    # fixme: we assume that this is a list of objects, not a list
    # of strings

    def outputlist(self, type, name):
        self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t %s_LEN;" % name)
        self.ccodeout.append("g_free(%s);" % name)

        if in stringlists:
            self.cdecls.append("char **%s;" % name)
            self.ccode.append("%s = gaim_%s_to_array(%s, FALSE, &%s_LEN);" % \
                         (name, type[0],, name))
            self.cparamsout.append("DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &%s, %s_LEN" \
                          % (name, name))
            self.addouttype("as", name)
            self.cdecls.append("dbus_int32_t *%s;" % name)
            self.ccode.append("%s = gaim_dbusify_%s(%s, FALSE, &%s_LEN);" % \
                         (name, type[0],, name))
            self.cparamsout.append("DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &%s, %s_LEN" \
                              % (name, name))
            self.addouttype("ai", name)

class BindingSet:
    regexp = r"^(\w[^()]*)\(([^()]*)\)\s*;\s*$";

    def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix):
        self.inputiter = iter(inputfile)
        self.functionregexp = \
             re.compile("^%s(\w[^()]*)\(([^()]*)\)\s*;\s*$" % fprefix)    

    def process(self):
        print "/* Generated by %s.  Do not edit! */" % sys.argv[0]

        for line in self.inputiter:
            words = line.split()
            if len(words) == 0:             # empty line
            if line[0] == "#":              # preprocessor directive
            if words[0] in ["typedef", "struct", "enum", "static"]:

            # accumulate lines until the parentheses are balance or an
            # empty line has been encountered
            myline = line.strip()
            while myline.count("(") > myline.count(")"):
                newline =
                if len(newline) == 0:
                myline += " " + newline

            # is this a function declaration?
            thematch = self.functionregexp.match(
                myline.replace("*", " " + pointer + " "))

            if thematch is None:

            functiontext =
            paramstext =

            if (paramstext == "void") or (paramstext == ""):
                paramtexts = []
                paramtexts = paramstext.split(",")

                self.processfunction(functiontext, paramtexts)
            except myexception:
                sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")
                sys.stderr.write(myline + "\n")


class ServerBindingSet (BindingSet):
    def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix):
        BindingSet.__init__(self, inputfile, fprefix)
        self.functions = []

    def processfunction(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
        binding = ServerBinding(functiontext, paramtexts)
        self.functions.append((, binding.dparams))
    def flush(self):
        print "static GaimDBusBinding bindings_DBUS[] = { "
        for function, params in self.functions:
            print '{"%s", "%s", %s_DBUS},' % \
                  (ctopascal(function), params, function)

        print "{NULL, NULL}"
        print "};"

        print "#define GAIM_DBUS_REGISTER_BINDINGS(handle) gaim_dbus_register_bindings(handle, bindings_DBUS)"
class ClientBindingSet (BindingSet):
    def __init__(self, inputfile, fprefix, headersonly):
        BindingSet.__init__(self, inputfile, fprefix)
        self.functions = []
        self.knowntypes = []
        self.headersonly = headersonly

    def processfunction(self, functiontext, paramtexts):
        binding = ClientBinding(functiontext, paramtexts, self.knowntypes, self.headersonly)

    def flush(self):

# Main program

options = {}

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    if arg[0:2] == "--":
        mylist = arg[2:].split("=",1)
        command = mylist[0]
        if len(mylist) > 1:
            options[command] = mylist[1]
            options[command] = None

if "export-only" in options:
    fprefix = "DBUS_EXPORT\s+"
    fprefix = ""

if "client" in options:
    bindings = ClientBindingSet(sys.stdin, fprefix,
    bindings = ServerBindingSet(sys.stdin, fprefix)