view buddytrans2 @ 780:c714def9cebb

[gaim-migrate @ 790] You may be a geek if... You've ever used a computer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend. You find yourself interrupting computer store salesman to correct something he said. The first thing you notice when walking in a business is their computer system. ...and offer advice on how you would change it. You've ever mounted a magnetic tape reel. You own any shareware. You know more IP addresses than phone numbers. You've ever accidentally dialed an IP address. Your friends use you as tech support. You've ever named a computer. You have your local computer store on speed dial. You can't carry on a conversation without talking about computers. Co-workers have to E-mail you about the fire alarm to get you out of the building. You've ever found "stray" diskettes when doing laundry. Your computer has it's own phone line - but your teenager doesn't. You check the national weather service web page for current weather conditions (rather than look out the window). You know more URLs than street addresses. Your pet has a web page. You get really excited when Yahoo adds your link. committer: Tailor Script <>
author Eric Warmenhoven <>
date Tue, 29 Aug 2000 03:59:01 +0000
parents 9ec08f6bb944
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  gaim
#  Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000, Mark Spencer <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#  ---
#  Buddy List Conversion Script Written By: John Assalone <>
#        Modifications by: Rob Flynn <IM: Rob Flynn> <>
#	 Obfuscated by: Schuyler Erle <IM: sderle> <>
#  Use this script to convert the new WinAIM buddy list format to gaim's format.
#  Syntax: ./buddytrans buddy.list gaimlist

use strict;
use 5.003;

sub translate_lst
	my $src = shift;
	my ($line, $field, $name, $out);

	$out = "m 1\n";

	for $line (grep(/\w/o, split(/[\r\n]+/o, $src))) { 
		($field, $name) = ($line =~ /^\s*(\w)\w*\s+(.+)$/go);
		$name =~ y/"//d;
		$out .= "$field $name\n" if $field and $name;


sub translate_blt
	my $src		= shift;
	my $out		= "m 1\n";
	my $grp;

	$src =~ s/^.*?Buddy\s+{.*?list\s+{//gos;

	while ( $src =~ / } | 
		(?: "([^"]+)" | (\S+) ) \s* 
		(?: {(.+?)} | ([^\n]+) ) \s*/gosx ) { 

		last unless defined( $grp = $1 || $2 );
		$out .= join( "\n", "g $grp", 
			map 	{ "b $_" } 
			grep 	{ defined($_) and /\S/o } 
			split	( /"([^"]+)"|\s+/, ($3 || $4) ) ) 
			. "\n" 


sub buddy_trans
	my ($src_file, $dest_file) = @_;

	die "Syntax: $0 buddy.lst gaimlist\n"
		unless ($src_file and $dest_file);
	open SOURCE, "<$src_file" or die "$!: $src_file\n";
	my $src = do { local $/ = undef; <SOURCE> };
	close SOURCE;

	if (-e $dest_file) {
    		print STDERR "$dest_file already exists! Continue? ";
    		unless (-t and <STDIN> =~ /^y/io) {
			print STDERR "Aborted.\n";
			exit -1

	open DEST, ">$dest_file" or die "$!: $dest_file\n";
	print DEST ($src =~ /{/os) ? translate_blt($src) : translate_lst($src);
	close DEST;


buddy_trans( @ARGV );